STS Activity 1

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Activity 1

1. How did society shape science and how did science shape Society?

 Society shaped science by its eagerness to understand the world through the use of
reason, then Science shaped society by finding solutions to society problems. They shape
each other as they continue through the cycle of creating problems and finding solutions.

2. How do social and human issues influence science?

 Social and human issues influence science in the sense that they may prompt scientific
studies aimed at solving them. For example, the recent coronavirus pandemic is a social
issue that has resulted in countless scientific efforts aimed at combating the disease.
Social and human issues also influence the social sciences, such as poverty among certain
people resulting in economic studies pertaining to their behaviors.

3. How do the political and cultural landscapes of the society affect the development of
scientific culture, science activities, and science literacy?

 Culture and politics greatly contribute on the beliefs and traditions of society. Knowing
that science culture is to provide knowledge to the people about the nature of things and
phenomena through observations, hypothesis, and research; science is accepted when it
has evidence. Unlike in culture of society, for example the religion wherein it is based by
faith without evidence. In line with this, science culture, science activities and science
literacy development depend on how the political and cultural of the society view things.
As a result, when the landscape of society is more on beliefs without evidence; science
fails. Moreover, when the society encourages facts, discoveries, and research; science

4. Considering the current state of our society, do you think science literacy among
people as contributed to the growth of our economy?

 Considering the current state of our society , I can say that there is a great difference.
Science literacy among people considerably contributed to thee growth of our economy.
Nowadays people become smarter when it come to science literacy. They think more of
smarter solutions and not Just to adapt on what the world offers. The reason why we have
these technologies, transportations, medicines, machineries, and growing cities is because
of science. In conclusion being science literate can have a great contribution to the
growth of our society and economy.

5. How can science influence government policies?

 We all know that Science and government are different in nature where in science Is a
systematic knowledge and a basis on how people view things through observations,
research and experiments while government supplies the needs of its people and serves as
a guide for its community by implementing policies. Contrary to their differences, both
science and government have the same objective; to give a peaceful, sustainable and
informed society. Science significantly influences the government since science is a
systematic knowledge, it serves as the basis on how to view things rightly through
observations and research. Therefore, policy makers that are well informed by science
values are vital in making policies for a better future of community. Example during this
time of pandemic, by understanding it thoroughly, government can help mitigate the
spread of this Covid-19 virus by implementing policies. Therefore, science greatly
compliments the government particularly in making policies.

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