NP053 Bridge Team Management Procedure - 2013.0101

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Document No. Date : 2013.01.

Bridge Team Management Procedure NP053
JX Shipping Co., Ltd.
Page 1/18 Revised No : 003

[NP053 Bridge Team Management Procedure] is established in accordance with the Safety
Management Manual, Chapter 7, “Management of Safe Ship
Planning of Navigation Duty.

T h i s p r o c e d u r e it sh er eI fSe Cr r [e Rd B 1 3 1 B r i d g e P r “B o cRe I dDuGr Ee G u

O R G A N I S A T I O N ( B r i d g e P r o c e d u r e s G u i daen S
d tehcet iN
o an u1t i) c” a l I n s t i t u t e
They shall complement the inadequate items of this procedure.

CH-001: Definition and Goals of Bridge Team Management

1.1 Definition

B r i d g e Te a m M a n a g e m e n t i s a c o n c e p t t h a t w h e n a c c e p t e d b y t h e M a r i n e r
single most important method for eliminating "one person error". The term Bridge
Team Management is not a navigational skill or management act by one person, nor
s h o u l d i t b e c o n f u s e d o r i n t e r p r e t e d a s n a v i g a t i oBnr i bdyg ec oTme m amittee.
Management is the interaction of team member s that allows the Team to adapt
t o a n d f u l f i l l Te a m r o l e s t h a t h a v e b e e n i d e n t i f i e d a n dB rai d
s gs e
i gTe
n eadm
Management is the use of all physical and personnel assets and the creation of an
environment to maximize their effectiveness.

P i l o t s a r e n o t r e c o g n i zt eh de iBnr i d g e W a t c h O r g a n i zhaotw
i oenv;e r , t h e y p l a y a
c r i t i c a l r o l e w i t h i n t h e B r i d g e T e
Bridge Team to assist the pilot to work within the Team.

1.2 Goals of Bridge Team Management

T h e p r i m a r y g o a l o f B r i d g e Te a m M a n a g e m e netl i m
s it n
heation of "one person
errors ". All members of the Bridge Team are to keep themselves aware of all vessel

The Bridge Team is expected to achieve these goals by the effective utilization of:

(1) A p p r o p r i aN
t ea v i g a t i oW
na t c h C o n d i t i o n s a n d a s s i g n m e n t o f t a s k s t o
Team members
(2) All Bridge equipment and personnel
(3) Maneuvering characteristics of the vessel
(4) Management of stress and distractions
(5) Creation of a Team environment
(6) Communications
(7) Bridge Team / Pilot Information Exchange
(8) Operational and emergency checklists
(9) Formulation, usage, and monitoring of Passage Plans

1.3 Responsibility
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Bridge Team Management Procedure NP053
JX Shipping Co., Ltd.
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(1) The Master is ultimately responsible for the safe navigation of t

responsibility cannot be delegated; however certain tasks may be delegated to the
Chief Officer and the Navigation Officer at the Master's discretion.
(2) The Officer of the Watch continues to be responsible for the safe navigation of the
vessel despite the presence of the Master on the bridge until such time as t
master informs him specifically that he has assumed that responsibility.
(3) Masters are encouraged, where practicable, to establish a regime for monitoring
the actions of the Officer of the Watch in preferen
c o in n n gh i m s e l f . T h i s p r o m o t e s p r o f e s s i o n
involvement on the part of the junior officers; also, the Master will be better able
assess the ability of the officer and correct any errors he makes.

1.4 Composition of the Navigational Watch

(1) In determining whether the composition of the navigational watch is adequate to

ensure that a proper look-out can be maintained continuously, the master should
take into account all relevant factors including the following:
 Visibility, state of weather and sea;
 Traffic density, and other activities occurring in the area in which the ship is
 The attention necessary when navigating in or near traffic separation
schemes or other routing measures, or within industrially controlled work
 The additional workload caused by the nature of the ship’s functions,
immediate operating requirements and anticipated maneuvers;
 The fitness fir duty of any crew members on call who are assigned as
members of the watch, including compliance with applicable work hour
 The configuration of the bridge, to the extent that such configuration might
inhibit a member of the watch from detecting by sight or hearing any external
 Any other relevant standard, procedure or guidance relating to
watch keeping arrangements and fitness for duty.
(2) Masters should bear in mind that fatigue is as hazardous as any other danger and
therefore excessive fatigue of the crew (Ratings and Officers) including him
should be avoided. Watches and Masters' presence on the bridge
regulated accordingly. See STCW 95 A-VIII/I.

1.5 Creating a team environment

 I t i s t h e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y o f a l l Te a m m e m b e r s
conductive to the free exchange of observations and information. Masters shall
e n su r e t ha t a l l Te a m m e m b er s p ar t i ci p at e i n B r i dg e O p er a t i o ns a nd d i sp el a n
p o s s i b l e b e l i e f o f a Te a m m e m b e r t h a t h i s / h e r i n f o r m a t i o n m a y b e i
redundant, or obvious.
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Bridge Team Management Procedure NP053
JX Shipping Co., Ltd.
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 The bridge team is established so that the most effective use can be made if
available manpower in order that established work procedures are followed, risk
is minimized and ships are navigated safely. All ship’s personnel who have bridge
navigational watch duties will be part of the bridge team.
The OOW is in charge of the bridge and the bridge team for that watch, until
It is important that the bridge team works together closely, both within a particular
watch and across watches, since divisions made on one watch may have an
impact on another watch.
The bridge team also has an important role in maintaining communications with
the engine room and other operating areas on the ship.

1.6 Bridge Equipment

It is important that the master and the watch-keeping officers are completely
familiar with all the navigational and communications equipment, charts and
publications on board.
Bridge watch-keeping officers should acquaint themselves with the contents of
operating manuals for equipment, particularly with regard to the setting up of controls
and the procedures to be followed in the event of equipment failure.
Periodical checks on the equipment should be carried out.

All Navigating Officers shall be thoroughly familiar with the operation and utilization of
all Bridge and Navigation Equipment. It is expected that all applicable equipment shall
be used during a passage and when assessing the vessel's position.
The detail should refer to [NP056 Operation and Maintenance of Bridge Equ

The AB of watch is not allow to maneuver, alter course and condition of Radar,
any navigational equipment without OOW and Master’s order.

1.7 Prohibited of all mobile phones,Laptops andPersonnel communication equipment, CD

player, radio etc from the bridge of ships when navigational requirements demand the
individual attention of all those responsible for the safe conduct of the vessel.
( Except Pilot’s laptop which to be used for ECDIS or Pilot chart system )

There is growing concern that the use of mobile phones and Laptops, Personnel
communication equipment at inappropriate times is distracting Bridge Management
Teams from their primary duties of navigating and conning their

Key Points

 Interference, in this context, relates to the distraction caused by making or receiving

mobile phone calls at inappropriate times during the conduct of the vessel’s navigation
and conning.
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JX Shipping Co., Ltd.
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 Such activity is liable to demand the attention of bridge personnel when full attention
should be devoted to the safe and efficient navigation of the vessel.

 Many individuals and organizations with business with the vessel, expect an instant
response to their phone calls without being aware of the demands this places on the
personnel responsible for the vessel’s safe navigation.

 Consideration should also be given to prohibiting all mobile phone usage when
navigational requirements demand the individual attention of all those responsible for
the safe conduct of the vessel.

 These procedure and policy apply equal to pilots who should not use mobile phones
for navigational purposes or during pilotage operations.
this could be achieved by designating pilotage, in which outgoing mobile telephone
call are prohibited, and incoming calls are diverted to a message service. Use of this
technique, or similar control measures, ensures that mobile telephone are not a
distraction for the bridge team including Pilot at time when they should be
concentrating fill on the navigation of the vessel.

 Master should inform this part of the company safety navigational procedure to pilot
while briefing the Master/Pilot exchange information and so that pilot should comply
with this procedure and policy while embarked. As a general principle, Pilots should
have their phones turned off or on salient mode when conducting pilotage. This will
minimize the potential distraction for the bridge team and the pilot.
However. In an emergency, all available means of communications, including mobile
phones, should be used.

CH-002: Bridge Watch Conditions and Navigational Situations

2.1 Navigational Situations and Bridge Team Task

It should be recognized that assigning Team members to specific tasks would create
t h e m o s t e f f e c t i v e Te a m , e s p e c i a l l y i n h i g h s t r e s s s i t u a t i o n s . A c c i d e n t s a r e
unexpected. Most accidents occur because there is no system in place to detect and
prevent one person from making a mistake - the kind of mistake all human beings are
liable to make.

2.2 Bridge Watch Conditions

2.2.1 F o l l o w i n g t h r e e t y p e s o f W a t c h C o n d i t i o n s s h a l l b e s e t a c c o r d i
navigational situations and bridge team task.
(1) Watch Type A:
 Officer of the watch, Duty AB.
(2) Watch Type B:
 Master Conning
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 Officer of the watch assisting Master

 Duty AB for steering
 Additional AB for look out in case of restricted visibility and under
master’s instruction so as to maintain safety navigation.
(3) Watch Type C:
 Master Conning
 Officer of the watch assisting Master
 Additional Officer of the watch assisting Master
 Additional AB for look out

2.2.2 C o n d i t i o n s u n d e r w h i c h t h e w a t c h t y p e s A , B a n d C s h o u l d b e s e t a r e
follows ( Table 1: BWL and Navigational Situations ):

(1) Watch Type A:

* Normal conditions such as in open waters with clear visibility
* In restricted waters with clear visibility and little or no traffic.
(2) Watch Type B:
* Entering or leaving port
* Navigating in pilotage waters
* In restricted visibility less than 3 miles
* In or near ice
* As required by Master’s specific instructions contained in either
bridge orders. When any situation exists or is anticipated that will impose
additional workload on the Officer of the Watch.
(3) Watch Type C:
* A n y c i r c u m s t a n c e s w h e n t h e r e a r e n a v i g a t i,oen.agl .r e r edquuc ier de m e n t s
v i s i b i l i tless
y than 1 mile, h i g h d e n s ittrya f f ,i co r o t h eer x c e p t i o n caol n d i t i o n s
exist hat could place an additional work load upon the watch structu
duties specified in Watch Types A and B.

Table 1: Watch Type and Navigational Situations

Visibility Weather Condition Traffic Condition Restricted Area

Watch Type Normal (More

Normal Normal Not Restricted Area
A than 3’)

Rough (Wind In Bay/Narrow

Watch Type Poor (Less than
Force over B.F Heavy Water/Shallow
B 3’)
scale 7) Water/Ice
V’Rough (Wind
Watch Type Very Poor (Less In Harbour/Traffic
Force -
C than 1’) Route
Over B.F scale 8)

2.2.3 Specified Tasks under each Watch Type are as followsTable

( 2: Watch Type
and Tasks):
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The master may assign watchmen and their tasks

flexiblyagainst this table under
the special circumstance.

(1) Watch Type A

* The Officer of the Watch is in sole charge of the navigation of the ship.

(2) Watch Type B

* The Master has the conn.

* The watch officer will assist the Master by:
 Operating ARPA or other radar(s)
Maintaining a radar or other navigation plot, mark
appropriate charts
 Operating engine/propeller control systems and monitoring correct response
 Ensuring proper execution of steering orders
 Co-ordinating bridge-to-bridge, ship -to -shore and station-to-station
 Operating the depth recording equipment
 Maintaining a log of all events
 Other duties as prescribed by the master.
* If it becomes necessary for the Master to take a rest period from duty on th
Bridge, any such rest period should be pre-planned to ensure that the Master is
present on the Bridge for the most hazardous parts of the passage.

* When the Master is required to take a rest period, then the Chief Officer should
take over charge of the Bridge and carry out the duties of Master.
(3) Watch Type C
* The Master has the conn.
* One Officeris to be primarily concerned with Radar/Collision Avoidance duties as
described below.
 O p e r a t e t h e A R PA o r o t h e r r a d a r ( s ) a n d p l o t n e a r e s t a p p r o a c h , c o u r s e a n
speed of all closing targets, or others designated by the Master. Report all
plotted information and when appropriate any significant factors in the range
or bearing of any closing target, to the Master and
acknowledges such advice. The first priority should be given to developing
maximum information on closing targets, then on more distant targets which
display constant or near constant bearings.
 Other duties as prescribed by the Master.
* The Other Officer is to be primarily concerned with Navigation and communications
duties as prescribed below:
 Continue to navigate the ship as required by navigational procedures.
 Constantly monitor the ship’s progress and report all relevant n
information to the Master, particularly in respect of any observed deviation from
the planned or intended course or unexpected changes
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immediately that they become apparent, and be certain

acknowledges such advice. Information should also be given to the Master
which will enable him/her to also monitor the ship’s track by radar.
Co-ordinate any onboard communication between th
locations on the ship, communications between the ship’s bridge
other shore or ship stations.
 Maintain a log of all events as required under the recording of navigatio
information and events.
 Any other duties as required by the Master.

* The Master will decide the officers to perform the respective roles.

* When the Master takes the conn and hands over the conn, this shall be clearly
stated to the Officer on Watch. A remark shall be made in the Deck Log Book.

Table 2: Watch Type and Tasks

Conning Communications Navigation Other Duties Helm Lookout
Conning Radar & Handle VHF for Fix ship's Telegraph Steer Keep
Ship ARPA external position ship lookout
Communication Monitor helm
and engine

Keep Logs

Make equip.
OOW (:Office of the Watch) AB
Type A
Master OOW AB1 AB2
Type B
Master OOW1 OOW2 AB1 AB2
Type C

Note: (a) The C/O may substitute for the master under special circumstances.
(b) The pilot is not to be considered part of the vessel’s complement and shall not
assume any of the Bridge Watch Organizational positions other than the

2.2.4 Sole Watch by OOW under Watch Type A in daytime

The OOW of the navigational watch may only act the Sole Watch under Watch
Type A in daylight provided that on each such occasion:
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(1) the Bridge Standing Order including the following it ems about Sole Watch
Instruction has been prepared by the Master;
- under what circumstances sole watch can commence;
- how sole watch should be supported;
- under what circumstances sole watch must be suspended.
(2) the Master should be satisfied, on each occasion, that:
- the OOW has had sufficient rest prior to commencing watch, and he has
in good mental and health condition;
- in the judgmentof the OOW, the anticipated workload is well within his
capacity to maintain a proper look-out and remain in full contr ol of the
prevailing circumstances;
- back-up assistance to the OOW has been clearly designated;
- the OOW knows who will provide that back-up assista
circumstances back-up must be call, and how to call it quickly;
- designated back-up personnel are aware response times, any limitations
on their movements, and are able to hear alarm or communication calls
from the bridge;
- a l l e s s e n t i a l e q u i p m e n t a n d a l a r m
- the OOW shall under no circumstance s take any other assignment
administrative or any other: and
- the OOW understands “Sole Watch Instruction” in Bridge Standing Order
by the Master.
(3) the situation has been carefully assessed and it has bee
without doubt that it is safe to do so;
(4) full account has been taken of all relevant factors including, but not limited to
: and
- state of weather (not over BF scale 7),
- good visibility (over 10 miles),
- open sea,
- traffic density,
- proximity of dangers to navigation, and
- the attention necessary when navigating in or near traffic s
(5) t h e d u t y A Ba s( s i s t a n c) ei s i m m e d i a t e l y a v a i l a b l e t o b e s u m m o n e d t o t h e
b r i d g e w h e n a n y c h a n g e i n t h e s i t u a t i o n s o Trhe eq udi ruet sy. A B s h a l l
h a v e tar a n s c e ti ov ecr o m m u n i c a t e w i t h t h e O O W a n d
employed for the work in the vicinityof the bridge and on immediate
(6) Th e m a s t e r s h a l l r e p o r t t h e s c h e d u l e o f“ssoulcehwaa t c”hd u r i n g
tank cleaning operation to get the company’s permission.

2.2.5 Engine Manning Level and Task

Engine Manning Level should depend on navigational situations and the request
of master.
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Under Watch Type A, C/E should take the manned watch for S/B eng if the master
U n d e r W a t c h T y p C,
e BC o/ Er s h o u l d t a k e t h e m a n n e d w a t c h f o r S
and C/E or 1/E should be attended in ER for S/B eng.

CH-003: Bridge Team Communications


(1) C l e a r a n d c o n c i s e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s a r e e s s e n t i a l t o B r i d g e Te a m M a n a g
Every member of the Bridge Team should pass information or orders in a loud and
clear voice so that all other Team members stay informed.
(2) The reasons for using proper communications are to:
* Make for a better understanding in all matters
* Promote a safer and more efficient operation
* Establish a professionally run Bridge
(3) Elements of proper communication are:
* Clarity
* Accuracy
* Brevity
* Standard Protocol
* Listening Skills
* Feedback (Avoid Disagreement)
(4) Standard Protocol for VHF Radio Use:
A l lN a v i g a t i n g o f f i c e r s s h a l l u t i l i z e t h e I M O R e c o m m e n d e d
Maritime Communications and comply with FCC regulatio
signs). See below Table 3.

Table 3: IMO Recommended Phraseology for Maritime Communications

(VHF Radio)

Radio Terminology Meaning

Calling (--------) I wish to speak to ..................... (sent first)
This is (-------) My name is …......................... (sent second).
Over I have completed my transmission and am ready to receive yours.
Out I am terminating the conversation.
Roger I h a v e r e c e i v e d y o u r l a
Unknown ship .... or affirmative
Say Again I wish to make contact with the ship described .......
Understood Repeat your message.
I r e c e i v e d t h e f o l l o w i n g i n f o rtm
h a tIi owni l l n o w r e a d b a c k t o
How do you read ? you.
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Wait How well are you receiving me ?

Stay on Wait for (minutes) and do not terminate conversation.
Do not terminate this conversation or change the subject Because
Break I have more to say.
Switch to VHF I must break into this conversation for urgent reasons
Please Acknowledge I suggest that we change to channel .............Channel
Please read back Indicate that you have received what we have just given
Correction Read back to me the information I have just given
I have just made a mistake in this transmission, tra
Sorry should be .........
Thank you
Nothing more Apology
Security I have finished my message, you are free to change subject
terminate conversation.
General Warning or security call.
(5) Standard Orders to the Helm:

One of the barriers to good communication is the use of vague or u

nomenclature. For this reason all Masters and Navigating officers shall utilize the
Standard Orders to the Helm. The helmsman is an important part of the Bridge
team. Navigating officers shall train and ensure that a
understand the Standard Orders to the Helm. It must be understood that it is the
responsibility of the Bridge Watch to assist Pilots with the use of Standard Orders
to the Helm.

Table 4 : Standard Orders to the Helm

Order Meaning and Action Required

Midships Rudder to be held in the fore and aft position

Port/Starboard five ten, 5 degrees, 10 degrees, or 20 degrees Port or Starboard rudder to
twenty be held.
Hard Starboard / Port Rudder to be held fully over Starboard or Port.
Ease to five, ten, twenty Reduce the amount of rudder to 5 degrees, 10 degrees or 20
degrees and hold.
Steady or Steady as she Steer a course on the compass heading indicated at the time of
goes the order. Helmsman is to call out the compass heading (in three
digits) upon receiving the order. When the ship is steady on that
heading the helmsman is to call out "Steady on XXX" (course in
three digits)
Shift your rudder
If the rudder is Port 20 degrees, shift to Starboard 20 degrees and
hold. If the rudder is hard Port, shift to hard Starboard and hold,
N o t h i n g t o t h e P oetc.
rt of
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XXX(course) Use appropriate rudder in either direction to keep vessel on or to

the Starboard of a given course but nothing to the Port.

When the conning officer requires a course to be steered by

direction in which he wants the wheel turned shall be stated followed by
numeral being said separately (course in three digits):

Order Course to be steered

Port, steer one eight two 182 degrees
Starboard, steer zero eight two 082 degrees
Port, steer three zero five 305 degrees

On receipt of an order to steer a course, the helmsman should repeat the order
and bring the ship around steadily to the course ordered calling out the heading
every ten degrees in the process. When the ship is steady on the course ordered,
the helmsman is to call out : "Steady on XXX" (course in three digits). The conning
o f f i c e r s h o u l d t h e n a c k n o w l e d g e t h e h e l m s m a n ' s c a l l o u t w i t h . : " Ve r y W
"182 Very Well," etc.

CH-004: Pilotage

4.1 Taking Pilot

(1) T h e M a s t e r s h a l l e n g a g e a P i l o t f o r n a v i g a t i n g Tr a f f i c R o u t e , I n n e r P a s s a
h a r b o r a n d b e r t h i n g o p e r a t i o n w h e n e v e
(2) T h e M a s t e r m a y a l s o e n g a g e a p i l o t w i t h c o n s i d e r i n g h i s h e a l t h c o n d i t i
experience if not required. The Master never hesitatesto take a pilot to enhance
navigational safety.
(3) If the Master has any reason to complain about the services provided by a pilot, he
shall report his advice to the company.
(4) The presence of a pilot does not relieve the master or the OOW of their duties and
obligations for the safety of the ship. Both should be prepared to exercise their
right not to proceed to a point where the ship would not be able to
maneuver or would be in any danger.

4.2 Navigation With The Pilot On Board

(1) Except for the Panama Canal, the pilot is subordinate to the Master who retains
full authority, control and responsibility for his vessel. In all cases of doubt as to
t he in ten ded act ion of the P il ot , th e M ast er mu st br i ng h is conc er ns to t he
attention of the Pilot.
(2) T h e p i l o t s h o u l d b e i n t e g r a t e d i n t o t h e B r i d g e T e a m a s f a r a s
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commences with the Master / Pilot Exchange (Pilot Card) and briefing of the Bridge
Te a m . T h e r e a f t e r, t h e f u n c t i o n o f t h e B r i d g e Te a m i s t o s u p p o r t t h e c o n ( i
case, the Pilot) with timely and accurate information an
n e c e s s a r y - a d vMi a ce s .t e r s a n d o f f i c e r s s h o u l d n o t h e s i t a t e t o b r i n
doubts they have to the attention of the Pilot. If duties permit it is recommended
that the Bridge Team officers are also present at the Master Pilot exchange. This
reduces the need for information to be passed on, and reduces the possibility of
(3) O b v i o u s l y , t h e B r i d g e T e a m m u s t c o n t i n u e t o m o n i t o r t h e s h
progress and also the traffic situation with the same degree of care and attention
as they would if the pilot was not on board. This is essential to be able to monitor
t h e a c t i o n s o f t h e P i l o t a n d a v o i d

(4) “Continue to monitor the ship’s position’ means not only regular fixing method as
three bearing lines but also estimated position including the parallel
indexing and clearing bearing method by GPS,ARPA and ECDIS etc so that vessel
could follow the planned track and make distance off any dangers no-go area as
well as ship should maintain good position within safety clearing bearing
(NMT/NLT) ranges.
Parallel Indexing should be considered by ARPA and ECDIS etc and the parallel
index may also be used to monitor other events, e.g.. a wheel over position. In this
case the range and bearing of the target at the wheel over point and the new track
is marked on the PI. This also allows for a distance countdown to be made and the
new track can be subsequently monitored.
Master should understand that the ship is in the planned track of safe area by
himself of OOW’s assistance continuously.

(5) The Pilot is aboard only in an advisory capacity and should the Master Judge the
Pilot's advice to inappropriate or dangerous he should diplomatica
advise the Pilot accordingly. In extreme cases, the M
personally takingover the con. Special caution should be exercised when taking
over from a Pilot when tugs are made fast: in such circumstances, th
would probably have to rely on the cooperation of the pilot for communication and
control of the tugs – a difficult situation to work wi
circumstances, the most effective way to prevent a hazardous maneuver
e s c a l a t i o n ) m i g h t b e t o i n s t r u c t t h e P i l o
if possible, conduct the ship to a safe anchorage where the matte
b r o u g h t t o t h e a t t e
(5) Similarly, where a Sea Pilot is employed and the OOW has doubts as to the Pilot's
apparent or intended action or ability, the Master must be advised immediately. If
the situation is urgent, the OOW should not hesitate to take whatever actio
deemed necessary before the master arrives on the bridge.
(6) The use of bridge navigation equipment by the pilot is to be allowed under
the duty officer’s control but limited to the use of RADAR, ARPA, Echo
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Sounder however should not be allowed to the use of electronic navigation system
such as AIS, VDR, ECDIS, GPS and Engine Telegraph.
(7) F o l l o w i n g p r o v i d e d f o r M a s t e r g u i d a n c e f o r v e s s e l m a n e u v e r i n g t o b e
tight to SPM.
a) W h e n v e s s e l d i s t a nx cLeO “A6” f r o m t h e d o l p h i n / j e t t y / S P M , a p p r o a
speed shall be less than 5 knots.
b) W h e n v e s s e l d i s t a nXc L e O“ A1” from the dolphin/jetty/SPM, approac
speed less than 1 knot.
c) E n g i n e s h a l l b e u s e f o r m a n e u v e r i n g a n d c o n t r o l l i n g v e s s e l p o s i t i o n i n g
alignment for berthing and shall not cause the ship speed to increase

4.3 Pilot Embarkation / Disembarkation

(1) T h e c r e w s h a l l b e m u s t e r e d i n g o o d t i m e t o p r e p a r e t h e p
required. Prudence dictates that ladders should be prepared on both sides in case
last-minute changes occur.
(2) P i l o t b o a r d i n g a n d d i s e m b a r k a t i o n s h a l l t a k e p l a c e u n d e r t h e s u p e r v
r e s p o n s i b l e o f f i c e r, a n d i n c o m p l i a n c e w i t h t h e I M O / I M PA " R e q u i r
Arrangements For Pilot" card – see Bridge Procedures Guide Annex A5 (or ICS
Guide to Ship/Helicopter Operations) as appropriate.
(3) Whilst pilot boarding and disembarkation must be properly supervised, it must not
distract the Bridge Team from closely monitoring the ships position with regard to
any nearby hazards, or the traffic (collision-avoidance) situation. Special care
required when navigating in the vicinity of pilot boarding and
points, and in particular it should be remembered that not all ves
s t o p p i n g ( e . g . p i l o t - e x e m p t v e s s e l s , a n d t h o s e w
elsewhere) and may pass through the area at speed.
(4) Embarkation and disembarkation of a Pilot is potentially hazardous for the Pilot.
Masters shall ensure that all appropriate safety measures are adopted. The Pilot
boarding equipment shall always be kept in good condition. P
inspected prior to deployment and any defects repaired before use.

4.4 Master/Pilot Information Exchange

(1) O n a r r i v a l o n t h e b r i d g e , t h e p i l o t s h o u l d b e a d v i s e d o f t h e s h i p s
maneuvering characteristics and navigational situation. The master and the pilot
shall exchange information regarding:
 Position, heading, speed and helm at the point of handover of the con
 Vessels draught, trim and maneuvering characteristics inclu
behavior when engine is run astern (transverse thrust)
 Traffic situation – current and expected
 Passage plan including contingency and abort scenarios
 Support required by the pilot from the Bridge Team
 M i n i m u m u n -kd ee re l c l e a r a nand
c e Squat r e q u i r e d a n d e x p e c t e d m i n i m u m
depths that may be encountered during the transit
 Local conditions (current, winds, tide, tidal streams) and forecast
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 VTS requirements and communications

 Use and readiness of anchors, standby requirements.
 Limitations relating to the maximum permissible bollard pull from tugs that
to be utilized.
(2) The mooring (or unmooring) arrangements, use of tug
requirements should be discussed and agreed. When arriving in port, this may be
deferred to a later stage of the transit, if more appropriate. On depart
should be completed before singling up commences.
(3) Provided it has been properly researched and prepared, the passage plan should
match the pilot’s intended route sufficiently closely for practical purposes. If there
are any significant differences, these should be discussed between the M
a n d P i l o t a n d r e c o n c i l e d a c c o r d i n g l y. I f s i g n i f i c a n t c h a n g e s
passage plan must be updated.
(4) If duties permit, it is recommended that the Bridge Team officers are also present
at the Master Pilot Exchange. This reduces the need for
repeated down the line and reduces the possibility of misinterpretation.
(5) The Pilot Card shall be fully completed and signed by both the Master and t
Pilot on completion.
(6) Where more than one pilot is embarked, the Bridge Team shall be aware of their
respective duties; typically, this will be a ‘charge’ pilot and an assistant or trainee.
Similarly, the pilot must be advised of the functions of the individual members of
the Bridge Team, if more than one deck officer is present.
(7) Whenever one pilot relieves another, the Master shall endeavor to ensure that a
proper exchange of information takes place between the two and that the English
language is used. He should not hesitate to interject if he considers that important
information may have been overlooked. The Master should not authorize the first
pilot to leave the bridge until he is satisfied that he has been properly relieved by
the second pilot. The second pilot shall also acknowledge by signing th

4.5 Use of Tugs

(1) The discussions between the Master and Pilot will include a detailed discussion of
the use of tugs. The discussion should include:

 Maximum loading on ship’s bitts

 B o l l a r d s p u l l o f t u g s t o b e uTsuegds. w i t h a b o l l a r d p u l l i n e x c e s s o f t h e
maximum loading of the bitts must be advised that reduced power is to
used at all times. Calculation method is following
a. Voith Schneider Propeller : 100 HP = 1 ton
b. Z-propeller : 100 HP = 1.5 tons
 Position of tugs and leads of lines
 Use of ship’s or tugs lines
 Areas of the hull where tugs should not push.
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4.6 Monitoring the pilotage.

 The safe progress of the ship as planned should be monitored closely at all
times. This will also include track monitoring and regular fixing of the position
of the ship, particularly after each course alteration, and monitoring
underkeel clearance.
 Verbal orders from the pilot also need to be checked to confirm that they have
been carried out correctly. This will include monitoring both the rudder angle
and RPM indicators when helm and engine orders are given.
 If the master leaves the bridge, the OOW should always seek clarification from
the pilot when in any doubt as to the pilot’s actions intentions. If a satisfactory
explanation is not given, the OOW should notify the master immediately,
taking whatever action is necessary before the master arrives.
Whenever there is any disagreement with decisions of the pilot, the cause of
concern should always be made clear to the pilot and an explanation sought.
 The OOW should bear in mind that, during pilotage, the ship will need to be
properly secured for sea. Excessive use if deck lighting at night may cause
visibility interference.

CH-005: Helmsman and Lookout


5.1 When in Watch Type A and B a rating

as the duty AB
should be on duty to act as
additional lookout or a helmsman.

5.2 If the OOW determines “Sole Watch by OOW under Watch Type A and during
d a y t ”i m a ec c o r d i n g t o a b o v e m e n t i o n e d p r o c e d u r e
t h ed u t y AdBo e s n o t r e q u i r e t o b e p r e s e n t o n t h e b r i d g e
but must be within the vicinity of the bridge and on immediate call.
5.3 The OOW may only act as sole lookout if it has been established, without doubt, that
the officer can act as sole lookout.
5.4 During the period from sunset to sunrise at least one lookout in addition to the
OOW shall be stationed on the bridge.
5.5 Under Watch Type B there may be circumstances requiring a rating to act only as a
look out. In these situations, a second rating should be available on the bridge to
act as Helmsman.
5.6 W h e n i n W a t c h C o n d i t i o n C , t w o r a t i n g s m u s t b e a v a i l a b l e t o a c t a s l o o k o
h e l m s m a n r e s p e c t i v e l y. T h e r a t i n g a c t i n g a s h e l m s m a n m u s t b e p r e s e n t
bridge and should be ready to steer by hand as required by the Master. The other
rating who is to act as additional lookout should perform duties in a location decided
by the Master. This may be on the Bridge but under certain circumstances may be
on the foc’sle head or other vantage point.

5.7 Where manual steering has been used during period of river transit and when
navigating through restricted waters, The OOW should record times and location of
engaging hand steering in the deck log book or bell book accordingly.
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[RR302 Deck Log Book]

CH-006: Fixing the Ship’s Position


6.1 Whenever the ship’s position is fixed, by whatever means, then the possible errors in
t he way in w hich th e p osit ion is der ive d m ust a lwa ys be bor ne in m ind . Al l Dec
Officers must be familiar with the limitations and possible errors of each p
navigation position fixing equipment.

6.2 T h e d e t a i l o f t h i s p r o c e d m
u reen ti si o n ei n
d Ch005 of [NP055 Nav igation Watc h
Procedure] and the OOW shall follow the procedure.

CH-007: Maneuvering Data and Characteristics of the Vessel


7.1 Maneuvering Data and Characteristics of the Vessel

(1) The ship’s maneuvering data and other characteristics together with guidance on
expected squat under varying conditions, shall be posted on the bridge to enable
easy reference by the Master, Officers and Pilot.
(2) In determining the figures to be used for Squat, calculation should be made using
the Tuck-Taylor ’s Method. A chart showing Squat curves calculated by the Tuck-
Taylor’s Method shall be available on the bridge.
(3) T h e f o r m a t f o r m
t haen e u v e r i n
chg a r a c t e r i s tpi co s t e r m a y br eef e r r etdo t h a t
described in the [RR131 Bridge Procedures Guide] and IMO Res.A.601(15)


[NP054 Appendix Squat Calculation Sheet]

CH-008: Master’s Navigation Self Audit and Company’s Navigation Audit


8.1 Masteror Marine superintendent will carry out navigational audits as one of the "on
b o a r d i n t e r n a l a u d i t s " w h i c h w i l l b e r e p so ar tfeedt ymi ne et thi en gasm o n gb r i d g e
t e a. m T h i s s h i p b o a r d n a v i g a t i o n[ R a lR 3a 2Navigational
u 3d i t w i lAudit l f o l l o w
Checklist] and [RR323(A) Engaged Navigating Officer’s Checklist] at every 4 months
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interval. (*An audit shall be carried out by marine superintendent within every year.)

Section 1 – Crew Qualification

Section 2 – Company navigation Policy & Procedures
Section 3 – Bridge Organization
Section 4 – Charts and Publications
Section 5 – Passage Planning
Section 6 – Bridge Watch-keeping & Navigation
Section 7 – Navigational and GMDSS Equipment
Section 8 – Officer’s Proficiency and Knowledge

T hese R R 3 2 Navigational
3 Audit Checklist] and [RR323(A) Engaged Navigating
Officer’s Checklist] shall be used by the auditor
during the company
’s Internal Audit,

8.2 Master or Marine superintendent is required to carry out evaluation of OOW who is
engaged navigating officer at interval not later than every 4 months as per [RR323(A)
Engaged navigating officers check list].
8.3 In addition master is required to check 10% of the voyage charts for each passage. He
should check the charts in use are the latest, most suitable editions and that
chart has the small corrections up to date d. The master should mark on the [RR300
Passage Plan] which charts he has checked.

8.4 T h e M a s t e r m a y c a r r y o u t t h i s c h e c k a t t h e s a m e t i m e a s h e r e v i e w s t h e p a s s


[RR323 On-board Navigation Audit Checklist]

[RR323(A) Engaged Navigating Officer’s Checklist]

CH-009: External Navigation Audit


9.1 N a v i g a t i o n A u d i t o n b o a r d r dbpya3r t y ( E x . oCn t r a c t e d

M a r i n e C o n s u l t a nw
t si t) h 1 2
month interval for one sample ship in chemical fleet, one sample ship in product fleet,
one sample ship in VLCC, one sample ship in LPG carrier will be conducte
continued by rotation bases for all fleet ship.

9.2 External Audit shall be conducted occasionally when DPA requests, too.

9.3 T h e r e s u l t o f a u d i t w i l l b e r e v i e w e d / s t u d i e d Environment,
b y D PA a nSafety
d &
Quality Department for the reference in improving navigation standard.
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[RR323 On-board Navigation Audit Checklist]

[RR323(A) Engaged Navigating Officer’s Checklist]

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