Environmental Policy

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Maliban Biscuit Manufactories (Pvt.) Ltd. is a

company engaged in manufacture of varieties
of biscuits complying with all applicable
statutory, regulatory and other requirements
of EMS. As a socially responsible corporate
citizen in the Sri Lankan Industry, we are
committed to protect the environment
including prevention of environmental pollution
through the sustainable usage of resources
while continually improve our environment
management system.

ISSUE NO: 01 ISSUE DATE: 2018.03.21 IMS-PY-16

mßir l<ukdlrK m%;sm;a;sh
ue,snka ìialÜ mqoa.,sl iud.u úúO udÈ,sfha ìialÜ
ksIamdokh lrk w;r" wdh;kfha ish¿u l%shdj,Skag
wod<j mj;sk ish¿ kS;sÍ;s j,g wkq.;j yd mßir
l<ukdlrK moaO;sfha wfkl=;a wjYH;djhkag
wkql+,j lghq;= lrkq ,efí' j.lsj hq;= Y%s ,dxlSh
iud.ula jYfhka wm wdh;kh iajNdúl iïm;a
;sridr Ndú;h ;=<ska mßir ¥IKh je<elaùug;a"
mßirh iq/lSug;a lghq;= lrk w;r wdh;kh ;=<
mj;akd mßir l<ukdlrK moaO;sh ksrka;rfhka
ÈhqKq lsÍug wem lem ù isáuq'

01 2018.03.21 IMS-PY-16

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