Unit 3 - Practice 3

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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three
in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. thoughtful B. threaten C. therefore D. thin
2. A. grease B. sympathy C. horse D. rose
3. A. others B. avoids C. always D. students
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of
the primary stress in each of the following questions.
4. A. laundry B. punish C. depend D. reason
5. A. difficulty B. community C. ability D. effectively
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
6. Despite my parents' disagreement, I'm........to drop out of university and establish my own business.
A. determined B. confident C. successful D. All are correct
7. He........me about the lecture yesterday. Otherwise, I would have missed it completely.
A. demanded B. approached C. said D. reminded
8. The government must take........action against environmental pollution.
A. important B. unstable C. decisive D. soft
9. When being assigned difficult exercises, Lan always........to complete them without any help from her
A. wants B. manages C. desires D. Finds
10. Our enterprise is seeking for candidates who are........and hard-working.
A. reliant B. reliance C. unreliable D. reliable
11.........communication skill plays an important role in career success.
A. Personal B. Individual C. Interpersonal D. Interactive
12. In spite of being the new resident in this area, he always tries to........with his neighbours.
A. catch up B. go in C. put up D. get along well
13. If you choose to study abroad, you have to live........from home.
A. on B. away C. in D. up
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s)
in each of the following questions.
14. The prom is permitted providing that everyone behaves responsibly.
A. honestly B. imperfectly C. sensitively D. sensibly
15. Don't worry! The answer to this quiz is on the back page.
A. treatment B. method C. solution D. way
16. It is lazy of him for not doing his homework every day.
A. idle B. hard C. busy D. diligent
17. The government found it very difficult to cope with the rising unemployment.
A. try B. manage C. reduce D. increase
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
18. Stop being mean to everyone or you'll have no friends.
A. unkind B. cruel C. miserable D. kind
19. My parents seemed fully satisfied with the result of my entrance exam.
A. pleased B. contented C. disappointed D. joyful
20. After a long time working incessantly, all my efforts ended in failure.
A. success B. collapse C. breakdown D. loser
21. This reference book is essential material for us to prepare for the next assignment.
A. necessary B. dispensable C. vital D. fundamental
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
22. After failing many times in........a new dish, she made a decision.........
A. creating/giving up B. to create/to give up
C. to create/give up D. creating/to give up
23. My father made a determined effort........a new company.
A. to setting up B. to set up C. setting up D. set up
24. It is........for him to enjoy the party because he's fairly busy now.
A. unlike B. likeable C. likely D. unlikely
25. I'm sorry........that your enterprise has been declared bankrupt.
A. to hear B. for hearing C. hear D. All are correct
26. I feel very proud........an important part of the English club.
A. to be B. of be C. being D. is
27. It is great that you........for my organization. I hope you'll gain more experience here.
A. to work B. working C. can work D. works
28. We appreciated more opportunities........part in the story-telling contest.
A. giving/to take B. to give/taking
C. given/to take D. being given/to take
29. Thank you for your kind offer........a dinner at your apartment. It was excellent.
A. having B. to have C. had D. Have
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
30.Lan is (A) looking forward (B) to return to her country after (C) finishing (D) four-year university in
31. They were (A) entirely (B) confident that everything (C) will go (D) as planned.
32. Having goal (A) to crowned champion, they (B) had practiced ceaselessly (C) and they (D) succeeded.
33. In the (A) peak season, you are (B) advisable (C) booking your accommodation (D) in advance.
34. It is (A) necessary for (B) you (C) to clean the floor (D) as our mother has done it already.
35. We only (A) have 5 minutes (B) left, Peter. There's (C) no need (D) dressing up.
36. (A) Unless you (B) keep a map, you're (C) sure (D) get lost in the city.
37. This (A) adventure game is not (B) suitable for children (C) not to play because they're (D) too small.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges.
38. “I'm meeting some friends for a meal in town tomorrow. Fancy joining us?” ~ “........”
A. That's fine. B. What's the time now?
C. I am not sure. What time? D. Fine. I won't!
39. "Can you give me some information about the city?” ~ “........”
A. Great. Thanks very much. B. No. I'm afraid not.
C. I can't help doing it. D. Certainly.
40. “Excuse me. I have a reservation for tonight.” ~ “........”
A. Just a moment, please, while I check. B. I liked that one, too.
C. Wonderful! I'd like to hear some of your ideas. D. What's up?
41. "Don't forget. We are invited out to dinner tonight.” ~ “........”
A. Oh, I almost forgot. B. It's so unforgettable.
C. OK, I'll try it first. D. I remember you.
42. Dr. Jonas can see you next Thursday. Do you prefer morning or afternoon?
A. That would be fine. B. Morning is best for me.
C. I am looking forward to seeing you. D. Thank you very much.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase
that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Building Confidence in Teens
Confidence is one's belief in their own ability. Confident people rationally believe they are (26) ______
of doing things well and therefore aren't afraid to do those things or even (27) ______ new things. Teens
who are confident to grow up have a good (28) ______ of self and become happy adults. Parents can help
teens (29) ______ their confidence throughout their adolescence by following these tips:
Be trustworthy. Be there when your teen needs you. Provide a safe home environment and firm but fair
discipline. This is a (30) ______ that your teen's confidence can stand on.
Give your teen choices. One of the things that confidence helps teens do is making a decision. You can
help teens make decision by (31) ______ them choices as often as possible.
(32) ______ your teen to try new things. Be available to take them where they need to go and do so
without complaining.
Become your teen’s biggest fan, (33) ______ it is in sports, or in school.
Allow your teen to fail, do not fix their problems for them. If they need you to help talk the problem
through, ask open ended questions so that they (34) ______ to their own conclusions.
Praise your teen when praise is suitable. We know that too much praise is not good (35) ______, but
suitable praise is necessary for your teen's self-confidence.
26. A. able B. capable C. suitable D. aware
27. A. try B. examine C. decide D. use
28. A. feeling B. state C. sense D. ability
29. A. create B. make C. lose D. build
30. A. foundation B. establishment C. layer D. basic
31. A. saying B. offering C. explaining D. making
32. A. Believe B. Prefer C. Like D. Encourage
33. A. either B. or C. whether D. but
34. A. come B. reach C. draw D. bring
35. A. neither B. together C. either D. whether

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of
the questions.
Improve Your Time-Managing Skills
It is common for all of us to take more tasks than our desired potential. This can often result in stress
and tiredness. Learn the art of sharing work with your partners based on their skills and abilities.
Before the start of the day, make a list of tasks that need your immediate attention as unimportant tasks
can consume much of your precious time. Some tasks need to be completed on that day only while other
unimportant tasks could be carried forward to next day. In short, prioritize your tasks to focus on those that
are more important.
Carry a planner or notebook with you and list all the tasks that come to your mind. Make a simple “To
Do” list before the start of the day, prioritize the tasks, and make sure that they are attainable. To better
manage your time-management skills, you may think of making 3 lists: work, home, and personal.
Stress often occurs when we accept more work than our ability. The result is that our body starts feeling
tired which can affect our productivity. Instead, share tasks with your partners and make sure to leave some
time for relaxation.
Most of the successful men and women have one thing in common. They start their day early as it gives
them time to sit, think, and plan their day. When you get up early, you are more calm, creative, and clear-
headed. As the day progresses, your energy levels start going down, which affects your productivity and
your performance as well.
43. Making a list of important tasks can help us ________.
A. take more tasks than our potential B. share work with our partners
C. prioritize important tasks D. complete all the tasks on that day
44. In order to improve your time-management skills, you should ________.
A. carry a planer with you all the time B. have separate lists for different categories
C. make the “To Do” list simple to do D. prioritize the tasks of time management
45. All of the following are true about the effects of stress EXCEPT that ________.
A. our body starts feeling tired B. it can affect our productivity
C. we don’t have enough time for relaxation D. we accept more work than our ability
46. Starting the day early can help you ________.
A. complete the tasks much better B. slow down your energy levels
C. perform as well as before D. make the day progress
47. The word “attainable” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to “________”.
A. being able to attend B. possible to achieve
C. impossible to achieve D. succeeding in managing something


Combine the sentences, using the to-infinitive.
1. Foreigners try and eat some homemade meals in Viet Nam. It is probably healthy.

2. You should go out of your comfort zone and meet other people. It is important to do so.

3. You should use Action Plans to break large projects down into manageable steps. It is very helpful.

4. We should focus on one task at a time to produce higher quality work. It is reasonable to do so.

5. We shouldn’t do too many tasks at the same time. It is very stressful.

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