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Apology Letter for

Absence from
School Due to
Everyone makes mistakes or gets sick unexpectedly once in a while. When
you miss school due to illness, writing an apology letter can go a long way
toward fostering goodwill with the administration and having the missed
time officially excused and forgiven. Good manners will open some
surprising doors when appropriately used. Writing a formal apology letter
shows that you are invested in education and sincerely regret the missed

It is easy to lay blame or go overboard trying to win favor from the reader.
However, it would be best if you avoid both. A good apology letter isn’t
about you. It is given to the person you have wronged or inconvenienced.
In schools, this may be an attendance secretary, teacher, or other
responsible parties who had to take time out of their schedule to account
for your whereabouts, file paperwork, or even make personal phone calls
to inquire about what happened. A well-composed apology letter often
has a pleasant side effect of improving the recipients’ opinion of you, but
that should never be the goal.

What Is an Apology Letter?

An apology letter is a formal statement accepting responsibility for a
mistake or unintentional problem, such as missing school. It should provide
a brief explanation of what happened and a sincere request for forgiveness.
You can include a reassuring statement that tells the recipient you will work
to avoid further incidents in the future and thank them for their time.
Always be straightforward, considerate, sincere, and present no other
agenda than your apology.

How to Format an Apology Letter

for Absence from School
There are many appropriate formats for an apology letter for being absent
from school. However, they all contain some variation of the same
information presented in a specific way. Below is a list of steps for how to
format an apology letter for an absence from school.

 Start with today’s date.

 Please put your name, the student’s name, and ID number below the
 Headline the letter with the name of the school.
 Include a formal introduction.
 State the issue. In this case, say that you would like to apologize for
the unplanned absence.
 Explain the reason for the absence briefly.
 Express your intent to avoid further incidences in the future.
 Thank them for their understanding.
 Close with a formal parting statement like ‘sincerely.’
 Sign underneath the parting statement.
Apology Letter for Absence from
School Due to Illness (from
Parents of minors often write them excuse letters for absences. Regardless
of what illness your child came down with, you have to inform the school.
A thoughtful way to follow up on that is to send an additional apology
letter to their teacher or teachers, briefly explaining what happened. These
letters are especially vital when the absence went unexcused for more than
a day due to extenuating circumstances or because you forgot to call the
school. The teachers are more likely to remember you and help ensure
your child catches up on their missing assignments if they feel you value
their time.


Your Name/Student’s Name and ID Number

To: Teacher’s name

I apologize for (student’s name)’s absence on (dates absent). *They had

(contagious illness), and I didn’t want to put the other students at risk.
I/student name will happily arrange to pick up any missed assignments and
complete them. Sorry for any concern this may have caused. I will keep you
informed in the future if they get sick again.

You can reach me at (phone number and a time to call) or email me at

(your email address) if you have any questions or discuss the classes my
child missed while they were ill.

Thank You For Your Time and Understanding.


Your Name Here, Parent of (student name)

*Alternate Option for This Sentence: They had severe (illness), and could
not attend.

Apology Letter for Absence from

School Due to Illness (from
Minor students cannot write their own excuse letters, but they can write an
apology. If you are emancipated or over 18, it falls to you to compose and
deliver any apology letters on your own behalf. The format below is a
quick, simple way to write an appropriate apology letter for your absence
from school. Follow up by ensuring that you make up any missed
assignments as soon as possible to show that you are sincere.


Your Name and ID Number

Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms/Mx/Professor/Doctor (teacher’s name here),

I apologize for missing class on (dates absent). Unfortunately, I was sick

with (illness) and could not make it to school on those days. I hope I didn’t
worry you or miss anything vital. If you have a free period, I would love to
discuss how to make up for the assignments I missed on that day/those
days at your earliest convenience. I don’t plan to be ill again anytime soon,
but if I get sick, I will try to let you know what is happening sooner so I can
work on my assignments at home/in the hospital.

Thanks for Your Understanding.


Your Name
Apology Letter for Being Absent
in School Due to Sickness
Apology letter for absence from school due to illness offers a written validation for your previous
absenteeism. The entire purpose is to provide a verifiable cause as to why you were absent from school.
This kind of communication shows your truthfulness towards attending the class and politeness.
Consequently, your teacher will be willing to assist you with what you missed in class when you were

Sample Apology Letters for
Being Absent in School

Absence from school due to illness

Due to family member's illness
To class teacher for fever
To school teacher for my daughter
Letter for being absent due to sickness
Letter to Excuse your Child from School
Letter to teacher from parent
Permission Letter for School Absence
Sample sick leave letter to class teacher
Sick leave application for school student
Sick leave application for school teacher

Apology Letter Format

(Parent’s name)
(Parent’s Contact Information)


(Teacher or Principals Name)

(Teacher or Principals Contact Information)


(Current Date)


(RE: Apology for Absence)


Dear (Teacher’s Name:)


This note is to inform you that my child (Child’s Name) will not be able to attend school from (Start Date) to (End
Date), due to contracting a fever. Our physician, Dr. Samuels, as decided it would be best to keep (Child’s Name)
home during this period to heal and as not risk infecting other students.

We are enclosing a copy of the doctors note for your records. We are also requesting that you present any classroom
assignments to my husband, who will be at the school on (Date) to pick them up.

Thank you for your kind consideration to the above matter.

(Parent Signature)

(Parent Name)

Sample Apology Letter for

Absence from School Due to
This first example is simple, brief and generic in nature. Here, you are simply stating that your child has
been held back from attending classes due to illness, and that you are including a doctor’s note.

Sample #1: Excuse / Apology letter from parent

(Parent’s name)

(Parent’s Contact Information)

(Teacher or Principals Name)

(Teacher or Principals Contact Information)

(Current Date)

(RE: Apology for Absence)

Dear (Teacher’s Name: ),

This note is to inform you that my daughter, Clarissa was unable to attend school on Monday due to a cold. Her
temperature has since returned to normal, and her doctor has stated she is well enough to attend classes.

I’ve attached Dr. Nelsons note for your records. Thank you.

(Parents Signature)

(Parents Name)

Sample #2: Letter to excuse child from school

(Parent’s name)


(Teacher’s name)


Date: (D/M/YYYY)

RE: Apology for my child absence from school

Dear (Teacher’s name),

My daughter, Terry was unable to attend school on Thursday and Wednesday because she was down with a cold.
Thankfully, her temperature has stabilized and coughing has subsided. Since she is feeling much better today, I
decided to send her to school so as to catch up with her schoolwork. Kindly give her any work that she missed.

Enclosed herewith find a doctor’s note for your viewing. Thank you


(Sign here)
(Parent’s name)

Sample Letter to Excuse your

Child from School
In this apology letter, you are excusing your child from attending school due to a reason other than
illness. Sometimes when there is a death in the family, or the family is going on an extended vacation for
the holidays, the child must be excused from classwork. In this case, you name the dates, the reason, and
include request classwork assignments.

Sample #1: Letter to excuse child from school for holiday

(Parent’s name)

(Parent’s Contact Information)

(Teacher or Principals Name)

(Teacher or Principals Contact Information)

(Current Date)

(RE: Apology for Absence)

Dear (Teacher’s Name: ),

This letter is to inform you that my daughter, Sarah, will not be able to attend classes on December 15, 2018. Our
family will be taking a holiday road trip to visit relatives in Scranton. Since this vacation will encompass the entire
Christmas holiday, Sarah will be returning to class on the beginning of the New Year.

We have visited website and have taken the initiative to view any assignments for December. She will complete the
assignments under our guidance, and we shall upload her completed assignments where possible.
Thank you for your kind consideration to the above matter. Feel free to contact me with any further questions or


(Parents Signature)

(Parents Name)

Sample #2: Letter to excuse child from school due to family emergency

(Parent’s name)


(Teacher’s name)


Date: (D/M/YYYY)

RE: Excuse letter of absence from school

Dear (Teacher Name),

My son, Jaylen will be unable to attend school on Friday 13th October and on Monday 16th October due to the
demise of a family member. Since we are traveling away from the city for the burial, this will cause him to miss school
for more than a day.

I would be happy if you can provide Jaylen with the class work that he will miss the two days. Kindly contact me on
(phone no) in case you need more information. Thank you.

(Sign here)

(Parent’s Name)

Excuse Letter to Teacher from

parent about Child’s Sickness
Sometimes it does not hurt to include any mention of accomplishments your child has had with their
teacher. In this note, the parent is extending gratitude for assistance in improving their child’s reading
skills, as well as including a doctor’s note and request for assignments.

Sample #1: Letter to school teacher from parent for sick leave

(Parent’s name)

(Parent’s Contact Information)

(Teacher’s Name)

(Teacher’s Contact Information)

(Current Date)

(RE: Apology for Absence)

Dear (Teacher’s Name: ),

First, let me extend my deepest appreciation to your latest efforts in assisting Emily with her reading. Her scores have
increased, and we are most grateful. However, this note concerns the fact that Emily has recently contracted a serious
flu virus. According to our physician, Dr. Renaud, she’ll be unable to attend school for at least 2 weeks.
Please feel free to contact me with regards to getting any class work to her, so she can work on it while resting. I am
enclosing both the Doctors note, as well as my contact information. Thank you


(Parents Signature)

(Parents Name)

Sample #2: Leave letter to class teacher from parents

(Parent’s name)



(Teacher’s name)


RE: (Child’s name)

(Dear, Madam/Sir)

I would like to bring to your attention that (child’s name) has been placed under strict medication. (He/ she) is having
high fever and the doctor recommended, complete bed rest. Therefore, (he/she) would not be able to attend classes
from (date) to (date).

Kindly, send all the work that could be missing so that (he/she) does not fall too much behind. For more on the
above, kindly feel free to call me (mobile number/ email address).
Yours faithful parent,


(Full Name)

Excuse and Apology Letter to

Teacher from the Student
This letter is from the student, not the parent. In this note, they are expressing their disappointment in
missing school, have included a doctor’s note and information regarding assignments missed.

Sample #1: Leave letter for school teacher from student

(Student’s Name)


(Teacher’s Name)

(RE: Apology for Absenteeism)

(Dear, Teacher’s Name: ),

I am truly sorry for missing the practical in your Biology Class, last Monday. I was recovering from a minor flu bug,
and my physician stated that she thought it best I stay home until my temperature returned to normal.

My lab partner, Stephanie, was kind enough to bring the assignment to my home, where I completed what I could. I
scanned the assignment and uploaded it to the classroom assignment log.

I am enclosing my physicians note for your records. Thank you.


(Students Signature)

(Students Name)

Sample #2: Formal letter to class teacher from student


(Teacher’s name)


(Dear, Sir/Madam)

I kindly apologize for unexpected absence on (date). I was having a bad cold and I never wanted to unnecessarily
infect the other students in classroom. I picked up the missing assignment. Sorry for unexpected absence. This will
never happen again in future. I am on bed rest from (date) to (date). Therefore, I will report back to school on (date).

If I will be having any question on the work missed, I will appropriately seek for your assistance.

Thank you for your kind consideration.

Yours sincere student,


(Full Name)
Apology Letter for Being Absent
in School/College Due to
College age students no longer need parents to compose their notes. Instead, they address their
professor directly. Take care to be as professional in your note as possible, and to show your professor
respect. Include a doctor’s note, and mention that you’ve kept up with your syllabus.

Excuse / Apology letter for being absent

(Parent’s Name)

(Parent’s Contact Information)


(Professor’s Name)

(Professor’s Contact Information)

RE: (Apology for Absenteeism)

(Dear Professor’s Name: ),

This note is in reference to my recent absence. I contracted the flu virus and was instructed by my physician to stay
home so I will not risk infecting the other students. I have kept up with the syllabus and have uploaded my written
assignments to the network.

I am enclosing my physicians note, where he states the particulars including the recommended days off and
medications. Thank you for for your understanding in this matter.

(Student Signature)

(Student Name)

Application for Being Absent

Due to Illness
Application for being absent due to illness usually begin with showing respect to your instructor, before
you announce your absence. Include dates, doctor’s notes and request for assignments missed.

Sample application letter

(Students name)

(Students Contact Information)

(Teacher’s Name)

(Teacher’s Contact Information)

(Current Date)

(RE: Apology for Absence)

Dear (Teacher’s Name: ),

With the utmost respect, I must refrain from attending classes for the next 5 days, as I have been diagnosed with a
virus and respiratory complications. My doctor has advised that I not enter public places so reduce risk of transferring
the virus to other people.

If you require any further information, please feel free to contact me, or my physician. I am enclosing both the
doctors note and contact information for your convenience.

(Student Signature)

(Student Name)

Permission Letter for School

Absence Due to Illness
Sample permission letter from parents to school.

(Parent’s Name)

(Parent’s Contact Information)


(Teacher’s Name)

(Teacher’s Contact Information)

RE: (Absence Due to Illness)

(Dear Teacher’s Name:),

Please excuse my son, Jeremy, from classes this week. He has been diagnosed with a high fever and our physician
does not wish for him to leave the house, even the bed. Our doctor has stated that he will keep Jeremy under
observation at Westwood Hospital for the next few days.

We’ve already left a message with the school regarding Jeremy’s attendance. We are enclosing a doctor’s note as well
as a request for any and all assignments due for this period. At this time, we’ve no idea when Jeremy will be able to
return to school. We will keep you informed as soon as we know, by contacting you via phone.
Thank you for everything, it is appreciated during this trying time.


(Parent Signature)

(Parent Name)

Tips for Writing an Apology

Letter for Being Absent From
Writing an apology letter for being absent from school requires
forethought and effort. You can’t put whatever thoughts cross your mind
on paper and turn it in. It’s important to remember that an apology is
something you give when you have made a mistake, and they do not owe
you a response. Stick to one issue, and don’t go off on any tangents. Here
are a few more helpful tips for writing an apology letter for being absent
from school.

 Apologize in person. When you bring in your letter, hand it directly to

the attendance clerk, secretary, or teacher, and tell them you are
sorry you or your child missed school.
 Tri-fold the paper your letter is on neatly. Never roll it or fold it in
 Don’t add unnecessary statements. Keep it brief and to the point.
 Keep it formal. Don’t tell them you are ‘so-so sorry’ when you could
say you ‘apologize sincerely’ instead.
 Be sincere. Tell the truth about what happened and express your
regret, but don’t go overboard. Your letter should not look like a
dramatic monologue.
 Never cross anything out. Turn in a clean copy on plain paper with no
stains or messy scrunched-up folds. If necessary, re-print the letter.
 If you plan to turn in a handwritten note, make sure the writing is
clear, consistent, and legible.
 Always turn in your apology letters promptly, as soon as possible
after the incident.
 Don’t forget about making up for any missed work. You don’t want
the student to fall behind.
 Use a spell check and grammar program to ensure your work looks
neat and makes sense.
 Remember that some excuses are not valid, and some absences may
not be excused.

What to Avoid Putting In Your Letter

Some things don’t belong in an apology letter. For example, you should
never ask for anything other than forgiveness, a chance to do better in the
future, or the missed assignments during the absence. An apology letter is
not the right time to ask for favors. Remember that you are not
apologizing for being human and getting sick, but rather for the
unintended absence and any difficulties it may have caused.

Use plain white paper. An apology letter to a school is a formal document.

It doesn’t belong on a greeting-style card, a postcard, or a fancy piece of
stationary. Other things that you should avoid when writing apology letters
include grammatical errors, flowery statements, fancy handwriting styles or
unusual fonts, bad spelling, stains, and unnecessary creases. Turning in a
sloppy, silly-looking, or overdramatic apology is sometimes worse than not
turning anything in at all. Also, avoid any redundancies. Once you have said
something, be done with it unless otherwise stated in the format section

Make a brief statement explaining what happened, and do not include

long-winded excuses about why and how. Avoid assigning blame to
anyone else. It is not the school administration’s fault or business if your
child caught a cold from a family member, the flu from a classmate, or got
sneezed on by a rude stranger. Save them the time and frustration of
hearing about why your apology should be coming from someone else.
Otherwise, you’ll sound insincere.

Final Thoughts
Apologizing for causing someone inconvenience or problems is a courtesy,
but it also helps them feel appreciated. Moreover, it tends to make them
think better of you. By writing an apology letter for being absent from
school, you also show that you value education, which matters significantly
to professionals in the education field, like teachers and school
administrators. Sometimes a good apology is the difference between an
excused absence with added time to finish the work you missed and a
terrible grade that can lower a student’s GPA. Follow the formats and tips
above to create the best apology letters ever.




Table of Contents
 What Is an Apology Letter?
 How to Format an Apology Letter for Absence from School
 Apology Letter for Absence from School Due to Illness (from Parent)
 Apology Letter for Absence from School Due to Illness (from Student)
 Apology Letter for Being Absent in School Due to Sickness
 Sample Apology Letters for Being Absent in School
 Sample Apology Letter for Absence from School Due to Illness
 Sample Letter to Excuse your Child from School
 Excuse Letter to Teacher from parent about Child’s Sickness
 Excuse and Apology Letter to Teacher from the Student
 Apology Letter for Being Absent in School/College Due to Sickness
 Application for Being Absent Due to Illness
 Permission Letter for School Absence Due to Illness
 Tips for Writing an Apology Letter for Being Absent From School
 Final Thoughts
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