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N Nuraidila

Fit ri

Position: Legal Intern

Company: Neril Afdi & Partners
Location: Indonesia
Experience: 6 years exp

Cont act Inf o:


Achieved 2 champion in taekwondo championship weekend city sports fields

conduct legal education to schools on traffic rules English language lessons in logo education center in 2002

Getting an award plaque from armed bataliyon since won a championship in taek Legal Writing

Microsoft Excel Microsoft Word Public Speaking

Work experience
Jan 2019 - current time Legal Intern
Neril Afdi & Partners
make a legal Opinion, Gugatan, Jawaban, Replik, Duplik, Surat Kuasa and
another draft to prepare for litigation or not litigation.
Nov 2016 - current time Supporting event organizer
Pt. Sinar dyandra abadi
I work in pt. Sinar dyandra abadi as operational staff. My job description are
make salary for a crew, purchasing, GA, transportasion and production
Mar 2013 - Jul 2013 an intern
LBH Humaniora
I as an intern to help seniors me in resolving for a number of cases we receive.
there I can learning true that clients must be substantiated and the client is
wrong not to be justified but must be sought evidence to lighten his sentence.
Mar 2013 - Jul 2013 legal aid humanities
LBH Humaniora
I interned at legal aid humanities, where there I get an insight into how to resolve
some of the cases that we received by the client. There I learned that as a lawyer
like any client we somehow or as any problem we must accept. But I also get
that learning client right must be verified and client is one not to be justified, but
whenever possible we as lawyers should be looking for evidence to lighten his
sentence. I've also done legal counseling in schools, where I explained about the
orderliness of the traffic. As we know every year many traffic accidents caused
by negligence of the driver itself. Why am I doing legal counseling in schools?
Because most vehicle users are people who are still under age, like school
children in general. Therefore, when I was doing counseling about traffic laws, I
confirm that there are certain requirements that a person may use a vehicle.
One of them we must have a driver's license. To get a driver's license there is
any one of the terms of at least 18 years of age, should not be under 18 years
of age. So there I assert that a person who is under 18 years old should not be
encouraged to drive their own vehicle. And I also explained that we should
always obey traffic rules such as obey traffic signs, if you wear a motorcycle
must wear a helmet standards, if you use a car safety belt must be put on either
the driver or passenger. So that by obeying these rules, the occurrence of traffic
accidents can be reduced. And the result after I make legal education on traffic
regulations in schools in 2014, a traffic accident that occurred in 2015 to wane.

Educat ion
2010 - 2014 Legal Studies, General
Bachelor's degree
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara

Head line
Legal Intern at Neril Afdi & Partners

I am a person who has a good analysis, good relationships, have high morale, have good communication skills,
honest, independent, energetic and responsible and be able to operate the program Microsoft Office applications
and have a high loyalty to the job. I can work with a team. With the capabilities and expertise that I have, and
motivation I believe, can develop a company that Mr / Ms have.


logo education

Project s
an intern at LBH Humaniora and aalso done legal counselling in schools about trafic lights
I interned at legal aid humanities, where there I get an insight into how to resolve some of the cases that we received
by the client. There I learned that as a lawyer like any client we somehow or as any problem we must accept. But I
also get that learning client right must be verified and client is one not to be justified, but whenever possible we as
lawyers should be looking for evidence to lighten his sentence. I've also done legal counseling in schools, where I
explained about the orderliness of the traffic. As we know every year many traffic accidents caused by negligence of
the driver itself. Why am I doing legal counseling in schools? Because most vehicle users are people who are still
under age, like school children in general. Therefore, when I was doing counseling about traffic laws, I confirm that
there are certain requirements that a person may use a vehicle. One of them we must have a driver's license. To get
a driver's license there is any one of the terms of at least 18 years of age, should not be under 18 years of age. So
there I assert that a person who is under 18 years old should not be encouraged to drive their own vehicle

Cert if icat ions

"beauty of body, mind and soul"
plaque from armed bataliyon since won a championship in taekwondo branch derby field

Organizat ions
Following the activities of the Organization Law of 82 studio and Conscience Party Students

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