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“Remember, you will be faulted not because you are ignorant against your
will, but because you neglected to seek out what makes you ignorant.”
Saint Augustine

This lesson focuses on discussing the relationship of anti-derivative of a function or

Integration from derivation and finding the integration of Algebraic function.

Time frame: Week 5 ( 8 hours)

Performance standard:

Formulate and solve accurately situational problems involving population model.

Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson the learners are expected to:

a. discuss whether a function is anti-derivative of a given function,

b. Discuss and define anti-derivative of a given function, c. determine the anti-derivative of Algebraic function.

Activity 1. The Lesson

At the start of the lesson in Calculus, it was emphasized that Differentiation and Integration are also operations only that it is done in
higher mathematics. What makes it unique is that, it is focused on
functions which implied that you are doing operations of the value of “y” given a set of
ordered pair (x,y) defined by the function. Just like your addition, the opposite is subtraction,
multiplication it is division, such that in differentiation the opposite is integration. Meaning if
you have the value after differentiation and you want to find the original problem then you
have to use the integration. Or in symbol form a function is an antiderivative of the function
“f” if and only if :

= , This is for all x in the domain of function f.

The refers to the antiderivative of the result of differentiation which gives the
original function or the given function before taking its derivative. Take note that the
use of means you are taking the Antiderivative, while the refers to differentiation. To
make it clearer let us illustrate = ) to:

[36 = (9n4 – 15n3 + 5) Taking the differentiation of at

the right side, it should yield the
function in [9 ].

= (9n4 – 15n3 + 5) Differentiating

= 36 n3 – 45n2 + 0

= 36 n3 – 45n2

Bear in mind that read as “antiderivative of the function” or “integration of”

and can written also as . Further, in taking the antiderivative of the given function,
place in your mind to add “+ C”in your result. This is because the derivative of any constant
is equal to zero (0) of (C) = 0, thus it is assume that there is a constant always when you get
the antiderivatiive of any function. Following this logic, it give us the definition of
Antiderivative in Theorem 6.1.

Theorem 6.1: Definition of Antiderivative or Integration

= + C Where C is a Constant

In , the is called the INTEGRAL sign while the x in is called the

INTEGRAND which include the “dx” - meaning with respect to x as the domain of the


Let’s begin with checking if the given problem is a correct statement or

if it follows = + C.

Determine if the following statement is true or false.

1. = To solve this get the derivative of the

right side and compare it to the integrand
use the Power Rule in Differentiation

=? Simplify


=? Simplify the negative exponent

= True statement

2. =
Use the formula in Chain in
differentiating Transcendental Function


False Statement

3. =

= Simply the derivative
=? =

False Statement

Here are now the formulas in solving the antiderivative of the function. This is
actually working backwards of differentiation. Remember these formulas and keep on

Theorem 6.2: Antiderivative or Integration of a Constant

dx = ( + C Where “a” is a Constant

To explain this, let’s take the case of dx . This is equal to 5x + C. Why?

Remember when we get the derivative define as . The computation runs like this:

=? Use the Power Rule in Differenting

= 1 (3)

= 1 (3) but


The computation implied that when the result of the derivative is a constant, it is
actually the result of the derivative of the term with a variable raise to first power, thus
dx = ( + C.
Again if given then it is equal to 6m + C. Further,
, = ,...
Moreover, if the given is a power, then use Theorem 6.3 in getting the antiderivative
or the integration.

Theorem 6.3: Integration using the Power Rule

dx = dx = ( + C, where “a” is a Numerical Coefficient

Example 1: dx = ?
dx = 12 +C

= 12 +C Simplify 12 and 3

dx =

Example 2: dn = ?

Solution: Take the antiderivative of each term using the Power Rule.

dn =

= Simplify the negative exponent

dn =

Example 3: dx = ?

Note: Before getting the antiderivative, simplify the radicals and take the
reciprocal of (so that you are not going to use the quotient before
taking the antiderivative).

dx =

= Express into similar fraction

= +C

= +C Simplify by multiplying the

numerator and denominator by its

= +C Simplify

= +C Simplify the fraction and the
negative exponent
dx = +C

Theorem 6.4:

! # #
1. ∫ " 𝑑𝑥 = ∫ 5 %"& 𝑑𝑥 = 5 ∫ %"& 𝑑𝑥 = 5 ln|𝑥|+ C


Activity 2. Let’s apply this!

Now it’s your turn to answer or apply the formulas that we have taken.
Try to solve the following problems first then compare your solution to the
solution given. Remember it is important to UNDERSTAND what you are
doing. Memorizing the solutions will NEVER help you.

Determine the Antiderivative of the following function.




$ %
5. ∫ %! 𝑥 " − !" + 3& 𝑑𝑥


7. ∫[5𝑥(−2𝑥 &' + 3𝑥 − 7)] 𝑑𝑥 =



Solution for number 1: Use the Power Formula dx = ( + C.

4 +C Note: 6 is understood
to be 6x0.

=4 +C Simplify

= +C

Solution for Number 2: Use the Power Formula dx = ( + C.

+ 6 +C Expressing 1 to

= +6 +C Simplify

= • +6 +C LCD of the fraction to eliminate the

Denominator 5 of

= +3 +C

= +3 +C

Solution for Number 3: First find the product using the distributive property. We don’t
formula for product

Use the Power Rule

= 12 +C

= 12 +C Simplify

= 12 +C

=3 +C
Solution for Number 4: Since “x” or the variable is in the denominator and having an
exponent of 1 (one) then it is probable that the formula
will be used. Factor it out.

= – 3x + C

Solution for Number 5:

! "
! #
$ % $ "" " %
∫ %! 𝑥 − !" + 3& 𝑑𝑥 = ! ∙
" ! " − ! 𝑙𝑛|𝑥| + 3𝑥 + 𝐶
" "

$ " " ∙ $ %
= ! ∙ $ − ! 𝑙𝑛|𝑥| + 3𝑥 + 𝐶
∙ $

+" " %
= '!
− ! 𝑙𝑛|𝑥| + 3𝑥 + 𝐶

Solution for Number 6: Find the product using the FOIL method then use the Power Rule

=8 – 42 + 54x + C
=8 – 42 + 54x + C Simplify

= – 42 + 54x + C

= – 21 + 54x + C

Solution for number 7: Use the distributive property first before using the Power Formula

∫[5𝑥(−2𝑥 &' + 3𝑥 − 7)] 𝑑𝑥 = ∫(−10𝑥 &# + 15𝑥 ' − 35𝑥)𝑑𝑥

" !#% " %#%

= −10 𝑙𝑛|𝑥| + 15 '(#
− 35 #(#
"" "!
= −10 𝑙𝑛|𝑥| + 15 $
− 35 '

= −10 𝑙𝑛|𝑥| + 5𝑥 $ − '
𝑥' + 𝐶

Let’s remember these (Points to remember):

Theorem 6.1: Definition of Antiderivative or Integration

∫(𝒂)𝒅𝒙 = 𝒂𝒙 + 𝑪, where “a” is a Constant

Theorem 6.2: Antiderivative or Integration of a Constant

dx = dx = ( + C, where “a” is a Numerical
Theorem 6.3: Integration using the Power Rule
dx = ( + C Where “a” is a Numerical Coefficient

Theorem 6.4:

Let’s see what you have learned (reflection):

Give at least 5 things to remember while doing computation and why?






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