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Bow down to me! I said bow down to me! Don’t you recognize me, mortals? Don’t you?! I amAres.

God o war, cruelty, hatred, ciil order, ear, courage, and bloodshed. "on o #eus and$era.I hate all o
the Gods, including my own ather #eus.. $e was negligent. %nce during myinancy I had been
abducted by two giants, &nown as the Aloadai, and they had tra''ed me in agigantic bronze (ar, neer to
be released. $era decided to moe me somewhere else saer, thusshe chose )ria'us, who trained and
raised me until I was a ully grown man. They say that I amthe least aored god among all gods
because o my brutal nature. They see me illed with rageand lust or blood. But I am not all eil. I loe
ighting or the sa&e o bloodshed, but alsoighting to sae or aenge someone.The s&y dar&ens as I
enter the battle* my merciless warrior s'irit ma&es me thirsty or blood. $oweer, Athena and I are
com'letely dierent rom each other. "he is &nown to be goodin war with her tactics and strategies,
but I strongly disagree. I am the best in the ields o battlethan my sister. I, the god o war, don’t ear
anyone. +y braery and strength will stri&e ear intothe hearts o my enemies including you, mortals.
Arriing on the battleield with a chariot 'ulled by our iery horses, thousands o mortals are
beheaded as I call or blood and death!I am &nown to be the braest among all* bloodshed runs into
my hands with rage andwrath among eeryone.nder my 'ower I command eeryone to eel the wrath
and rage o thisworld and e-tinguished eeryone with their bare hands. I loe seeing mortals &ill each
other. AmI so cruel? I doubt you don’t &now my story mortals.! Detested by all other gods?! hat
wouldyou eel when you get detested by your own 'arents? Agony is running into blood and soul as
Iaenge or mysel, slaying demons, and destroying /roisos as I gain a 'lace gien by a eryim'ortant
%lym'ian god. I guess you thin& I’m totally in loe with war? Don’t you mortals? But I had a
orbiddenloe with A'hrodite, goddess o loe and beauty, who is married to $e'haestus, my own
brother.It was long beore when A'hrodite snea& around me when $e'haestus wor&ed his orge
ma&ingwea'ons or the Gods late into night as we made loe, but one night A'hrodite too& me to her
own bed. In the dee' coer o the orest, $elios, the "un, rose the ne-t morning and 'eered
intoA'hrodite’ room and told $e'haestus what he saw. 0ull o shame in the room as we get tra''ed by my
own disabled brother who dragged usna&ed beore o all the gods laughing. I, who is considered
cunning, got tra''ed with my own brother? But once reed with the chains and shamed beore all the
gods we se'arate or a while.Ater the long wait, $e'haestus died that allowed us to ind our way bac&
to each other andcarried on an aair that gies us our ie children but we stayed together, not
husband and wie, but as riends and loers, two sides o the same coin, or the rest o time.

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