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STI Colleges
Fairview Regalado

Vectors and
Vector Operations
Mikka Ella R. Lat, & Aynona D. Naong

Grade 12 STEM-Senior High School

[Ms. May V. Santillan]
[October 24, 2022]

Vectors are used to represent physical quantities such as displacement, velocity, acceleration, etc.
In this report we are going to apply the Pythagorean Theorem to determine how perpendicular vectors
are, and to find the distance between given angles and consequent vectors each corner point. Finally,
the vectors in graph view to analyze and solve the given questions.

I. Introduction
Vectors are geometrical entities that
have magnitude and direction. A vector can be
represented by a line with an arrow pointing
towards its direction and its length represents
the magnitude of the vector. Therefore, vectors
Image 1.1 Measuring distance
are represented by arrows; they have initial
the picture shows that the student using measuring
points and terminal points. The concept of stick to measure the distance from Physics
laboratory to Elevator.
vectors was evolved over a period of 200
years. Vectors are used to represent physical
II. Objectives
quantities such as displacement, velocity,
The objective of this report is to
acceleration, etc.(Cuemath et, at., 2022)
determine and find the amount of
distance from Physics Lab (point A) to
Elevator (point B) and Physics Lab
(point A) to Lab D (point C). In
addition, to find location of the given
directions. Finally, to create vectors in
a graph to solve the problems given in
Image 1.0 Pythagorean Theorem the worksheet.

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III. Methodology
In this laboratory activity, the students
need to measure the distance between two
points. The method used by the students is the
measuring stick to measure and find the
distance, and one student listed down the total
of resultant vector with the use of Pythagorean
Theorem, And for the Vector Operations
activity. The students are going to calculate
and answer the problem in the given

Image 1.4 Graphing using “PHET”

in This picture showing that the other members of the
groups work for the graph of vector units.

Image 1.2 Measuring Distance

in This picture the students measuring the distance from
Physics Lab to Elevator.

Image 1.3 Measuring Distance

In this picture the students measuring the distance from
Physics Lab to Lab D
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IV. Results

Worksheet part A results of the activity.

|R| Θ Rx Ry
40.0 0.0 40.0 0.0

Image 2.0 Part A Worksheet Results

The result of activity part A is in right side graph.

|R| θ Rx Ry
20.0 -90.0 0.0 -20.0
Image 2.1 Part A Worksheet Results
The result of activity part A is in right side graph.

|R| θ Rx Ry
44.7 26.6 40.0 20.0
Image 2.2 Part Worksheet Results
The result of activity part B is in right side graph.

Worksheet part B results of the activity.

|R| θ Rx Ry
44.7 26.6 40.0 20.0
Image 3.0 Part Worksheet Results
The result of activity part B is in right side graph.

|R| θ Rx Ry
31.6 33.7 30.0 20.0

Image 3.1 Part Worksheet Results

The result of activity part B is in right side graph.

|R| θ Rx Ry
50.1 28.6 44.0 24.0

Image 3.2 Part Worksheet Results

The result of activity part B is in right side graph.
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Image 3.3 Part Worksheet Results

The result of activity part B is in right side graph.

Part C Worksheet Result of the Activity

|R| θ Rx Ry
31.6 18.4 30.0 10.0 Image 4.0 Part Worksheet Results
The result of activity part C is in right side graph.

Vector # Rx Ry
1 10 0
2 0 5

3 10 0

4 0 5

5 10 0
30 10

Image 4.1 Part Worksheet Results

In this picture, the results of the activity part C are
shown are the sum of the vectors in table 4.0.

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Image 5.0 Resultant Vector

This picture shows the resultant vector of
the measurement from Physics lab to Elevator.

Image 5.1 Resultant Vector

This picture shows the resultant vector of
the measurement from Physics lab to Lab D.

Image 5.2 Resultant Vector

This picture shows the resultant vector of
the measurement from the given directions
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in worksheet.

V. Discussion

Using the virtual Lab ‘Vector Operations’ from

PHET, the students were able to answer the given
worksheets by the instructor. As you can see in
part A, part B, and part C, the vector is successfully
answered with the help of the virtual lab. In
addition, we used Pythagorean Theorem to calculate
the resultant vector of the three (3) distance measurements.
Image 5.0 resultant vector, we get 28.28 meters
from physics lab to elevator. Image 5.1 resultant
vector, we get 15.65 meters from physics lab
to lab d. The last Image 5.2 resultant vector, we
get 10.05 meters South of West.

VI. Conclusion
The students successfully determine and find
the amount given worksheets by the instructor
with the help of the virtual lab which is ‘PHET’
and with the use of Pythagorean Theorem.
The worksheet of part A, part B, and part C and
the calculated resultant vector of the three
(3) Distance measurements are solved. Amount of
distance from Physics Lab to elevator is
28.28 meters, North of East, while Physics Lab
to Lab d is 15.65 meters, North of East, and
the last location of the given directions is from
Lab E to Lab F is 10.05 meters, South of West.

VII. References
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