Nobody Know Where They Were (1) .1665842406377 4

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Nobody know where they were. It was a gloomy day.

Dark, ominous clouds raced across

the sky. The lighting flashed and the thunder roared. Soon, torrential rain cascaded from the
sky. Jack, May and Mary, three young explorer had been trapped in a huge dusky forest.
All of a sudden, a roaring sound shot into their ears. As they looked behind, they could
see a gigantic starving lion was starring them. They were panic-stricken and stood rooted
onto the ground as they had no idea what should they do at the time. Unfortunately, the
lion ran frantically towards them. Without further ado, they ran separately to distract the
lion’s sight. Moments later, they were scattered with each other.
Fortunately, Jack and May were together, but Marry was away with them. She was
alone and struggling to find a mean to exit from this horror place. Later, she found an old
wooden house in the middle of the forest. Without any hesitation, she decided to stay in it
for a night. Out of the blue, a degenerate fairy name leprechaun dashed into the house and
tackled Marry as she has broken into his house. Marry begged the fairy to help her to find
where were her two friends situated as they had just scattered not long ago. The leprechaun
agreed to help Marry but he told her a condition that is to collect two bags of glowing magic
stones for him. If Marry could help him to collect those two bags of magic stones , he would
take her to find her friends.
Unexpectedly, this leprechaun was an evil spirit and in fact he wanted to use Marry to
help him to find the magic stone for making his magic power more stronger and kill marry
by the way. But marry doesn't know his conspiracy and started looking for the magic stone
desperately. After several days of hard work, Marry finished collecting all the magic stones.
When she was making her way home, she didn't notice the bag was broken into a hole and
the stones fell out one by one along the way home. When she was back from the journey,
she was locked in the cellar by the leprechaun. Marry kept calling for help and using all her
strength to open the cellar door, but all the method was in vain. Later, the leprechaun went
out on errands.
The other side, May and Jack found that there was some light in a certain direction.
Suprisingly, they realised the falling magic stones and followed the direction of the magic
stones. Therefore, they found it in the wooden house and discovered that Marry was locked
in the cellar room. Wihout thinking twice, they immediately rescued Marry before the
leprechaun came back from errands. Eventually, they escape from this horror place
succesfully. In this story, we learn that we should keep our vigilance while going for outing
at all time to prevent accident falling on our own.

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