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White Paper
NFT-Powered Cross-Chain
Launchpad Ecosystem

• The Cardano Ecosystem & a Cross-

Chain Future

• The Role of Launchpads

• The Benefits of a Decentralized


• The Need for a Full Lifecycle

Launchpad Ecosystem

• Tokenomics Designed for Long Term

Utility Growth

• Disclaimer
The Cardano Ecosystem
a Cross-Chain Future
Cardano is the next From a timing perspective, Cardano
generation smart contracts is perhaps the blockchain platform
with the most potential for explosive
blockchain that will support growth in the near future as
Decentralized applications (DApps), blockchains such as Binance Smart
much like Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and Polkadot have already
Chain, and Polkadot. Since inception, gone through their initial growth
Cardano has taken an academically phase. Cardano has yet to undergo
rigorous approach to technology its own explosion of DApps, which
development, with every critical piece we believe will likely see the largest
of technology infrastructure having number of DApps come online of any
gone through rigorous peer review in blockchain other than Ethereum. This
order to ensure that they get things is a historic opportunity for
right. While this rigorous approach blockchain developers to get in on
has caused the Cardano blockchain the ground floor and bring their
to launch later than some of its main products to a community hungry for
competitors, it is also the basis of its the latest applications.
community support, which is the
strongest and largest by some
measures, including the percentage
of tokens being staked to secure the
Cardano blockchain. .
Aside from the upcoming launch of the
Cardano blockchain, another major
development that will overhaul the
entire blockchain space is cross-chain
interoperability. In addition to
blockchains that are dedicated to
cross-chain interoperability, such as
Polkadot and Cosmos, there are many
blockchain projects that are working to
solve all of the intricate issues of true
cross-chain interoperability. We
believe that the future of blockchain is
one of a unified blockchain network Future of
with N number of blockchains all
interoperable with each other, and all blockchain is one
of this is hidden away from the end
user, who only needs to interact with of a unified
user-friendly front-end applications.
Based on this thesis, we will build our
launchpad into a cross-chain network with N
launchpad as well. In fact, we won’t be
idle waiting for Cardano smart number of
contracts to come online. During this
time, we will build the launchpad on blockchains all
Ethereum. Once Cardano smart
contracts come online, we will interoperable
integrate into the Cardano blockchain
so that we will be able to support both with each other.
Ethereum and Cardano. Further into
the future, we will look to integrate
more blockchains such as Polkadot
and Binance Smart Chain, depending
on the needs of our users.
The Role of Launchpads
Launchpads serve a critical role in
the building of a decentralized
application (DApp) ecosystem,
especially during the initial growth stage
of a new blockchain. Launchpads are
the birthground for new projects and
DApps to launch, serve as gatekeepers
for vetting quality projects, and play a
critical role in project fundraising and
helping investors find quality projects,
matching projects that need funding
with investors looking to invest their
capital. Below are the key roles of
launchpads and why they are an
integral part of the blockchain
1.Launchpads grow the DApp ecosystem:

There are many blockchains in the industry, such as Ethereum,

Cardano, Polkadot, Binance Smart Chain, Solana, Cosmos,
Zilliqa, Aeternity, and many more. By far the largest DApp
ecosystem is Ethereum, the first smart contracts blockchain.
While later blockchains might be better than Ethereum in some
technical aspects, Ethereum remains the king, in large part due
to the ecosystem that exists around Ethereum, which includes
the largest number of DApps, developers, and users. Out of the
three, arguably the most important, especially in the early stages
of a blockchain, is developers. Developers are the ones who
build the DApps which then attract users to the Dapps, and
therefore the blockchain ecosystem.
2. Launchpads solve the cold-start problem (going
from 0 to 1) for projects:

It is imperative to attract developers to build on top of the

blockchain. Developers take into account a myriad of factors
when deciding on which blockchain to build, including the
technical difficulty, the security of the blockchain, the strength of
the ecosystem, and the ease of launching projects, both for the
purposes of attracting users and securing funding to further build
their project. Launchpads are an ideal vehicle for developers to
launch their projects as they can conduct a token raise and at the
same time bring their product to market. The easier it is for
projects to do this, the more attractive it will be for developers to
want to build on a given blockchain. Thus, the quality of
launchpads in a blockchain ecosystem directly impacts the
growth of the DApp ecosystem, and therefore the success of the
3. Launchpads effectively Launchpads can also
match investors with incorporate project ratings and
projects: community feedback and
discussion in order to help users
and investors evaluate projects
In the decentralized world of
blockchain, information can and also provide valuable
often be dispersed throughout feedback to projects in their
the interwebs, in various ICO early stages, helping them
ratings platforms, telegram develop products with better
product-market fit. From the
groups, reddit pages, youtube
videos, and a host of other project/developer perspective,
sources such as blogs and even launchpads allow them to reach
word of mouth. As a result, a targeted audience who are
there is a huge information cost searching for quality projects.
That’s why we believe a critical
as it is difficult to piece together
all of the information. This feature of launchpads is to
information cost manifests itself provide projects with marketing
in lots of time spent and community management
researching, in money lost to tools so that investors and
projects can seamlessly
scams, and in missing out on
truly amazing opportunities. communicate and interact. By
Launchpads can be an effective reducing the information gap
solution to these problems by between projects and investors
serving as a vehicle that and bringing them together in
one place, launchpads can
eliminates the information gap
between projects/developers effectively match investors
and investors/users. All of the looking to invest in quality
information regarding a project projects and projects looking to
is consolidated in one place, raise capital.
alongside the official project-
related links.
As demonstrated above, launchpads are imperative to the
success of a blockchain. What is less discussed, however, is what
makes for a best-in-class launchpad platform. And perhaps even
more importantly, what type of launchpad will best serve the long
term interest of the blockchain industry and is in line with the core
values of the blockchain revolution.

In the next section, we will analyze the current launchpads that

exist in the blockchain space, their pros and cons, and why we
believe there is a better model.
The Benefits of a
Decentralized Launchpad
Taking a scan across the evaluating projects to weed out
various blockchains, there are a bad projects and list good
number of launchpads that projects, we believe this
currently exist in the centralization goes against the
marketplace, with each ethos of the blockchain
launchpad typically serving one revolution. We believe that there
blockchain ecosystem. While shouldn’t be a centralized team
these launchpads are indeed determining which projects are
serving their purposes as laid worthy of going to market and
out in the last section, there is what investors are able to invest
also room for improvement, in.
namely in the critical issue of

One of the key issues is that

they tend to be quite
centralized in their design and
operations. While there are
potential benefits of being
centralized, such as having a
supposedly professional team
Aside from the potential for
launchpads to give certain
projects preferential treatment
in exchange for certain benefits
(similar to how centralized
exchanges decide which tokens
to list based on which projects
are willing to pay exorbitant
listing fees instead of based on
project fundamentals), there is Evolution
the real issue that it is
impossible for a small group of
individuals to be able to centralization
determine which projects are
promising and which ones are to
not as this is an industry that is
evolving every single day. It is decentralizatio
for this exact reason that
Uniswap, the top decentralized
exchange, was created and that has
now used and trusted by so
many in the cryptocurrency occurred

The same evolution from

centralization to decentralization
that has occurred in
cryptocurrency exchanges will
also take place in launchpads.
While there are also issues with
decentralization where there is
no gatekeeper, such as fake
coins pretending to be their real
counterparts in the case of
decentralized exchanges, there
are solutions to these issues.
When facing these issues, we
need to think about ways to
solve them so that we can enjoy
the benefits of decentralization
we give the while avoiding its risks instead
of opting for a centralized
power to our solution that dictates what we
community can and cannot do.

members Of course, given the large size

of the market and the different
and types of users in the ecosystem,
there likely will be room for both
users. centralized and decentralized
solutions to co-exist and even
partner up. That said, we have
decided that we will take the
decentralized route so that we
give the power to our
community members and users.
One of the main benefits to a
decentralized launchpad is that
the decision power lies with the
Step 1: Project Application
community members and
platform users instead of being
with the launchpad team. We
have designed a decentralized
solution that captures the
benefits of both centralization
and decentralization. Let’s see
how our launchpad achieves Step 2: Project Promotion
this by going through the key
steps of launching a project on
our launchpad:

Step 3: Project Voting

Step 4: Token sale

Step 5: Dex listing

Step 1: Project Application awareness of their projects and
build up a social media
In this first stage, projects apply
following prior to their token
to list on the launchpad by filling
out details about the project
and an NFT is generated giving
From the perspective of
the project team ownership over
potential investors/users, this is
a listing board on the
a good opportunity to get some
launchpad. The size of the
early airdrop tokens as well as
listing board is the same for all
get a sense of the marketing
projects upon initial listing. In
capabilities of the projects that
addition, projects will need to
they are evaluating. These
lock up their tokens in a smart
project promotion tools are
contract. This serves two
integrated into the launchpad
purposes: 1. to show that the
platform in order to improve
projects are serious about the
user experience, reduce the
listing, and 2. the tokens will be
need for users to search across
distributed as rewards to
multiple sources of information,
launchpad token holders who
and better connect project
vote to support the project.
teams with investors/users.
Step 2: Project Promotion
Once the project is listed on
the launchpad, the project
team can start to run
promotion and marketing
campaigns on the launchpad.
From the perspective of the
project team, this is the perfect
channel to conduct social
media marketing campaigns,
referral invite campaigns, and a
host of other airdrop
campaigns in order to increase
Step 3: Project Voting
In this third step, launchpad
token holders can vote for the
projects that they find
promising. This is where our
launchpad differentiates itself
from existing launchpads.
Instead of a centralized team
evaluating the projects, a
decentralized community of
launchpad token holders vote
for their favorite projects. The

more votes a project receives,
the bigger its listing board will
become on the launchpad

for relative to the other listing

boards, and thus become more

visible to more investors. There
are a number of benefits in
having a decentralized

project community evaluate projects as

this offers both the benefits of
centralization (projects are
evaluated) and decentralization
(the evaluation is done by the
broader community instead of
by a centralized team). We
believe that this achieves the
right balance between a wild
west where any scam project
can garner attention and a
centralized system where a few
individuals have outsized power
on the success of projects and
the choices of investors.
As demonstrated, the concerns and risks associated with a wild
west system can be addressed by a decentralized community
instead of relying on a centralized authority. We believe that
decentralized decision making and project evaluation can provide
investors with a wider perspective on new projects, thus achieving
better evaluation and risk analysis than a centralized team. At the
same time, a wider evaluation community can potentially uncover
more hidden gems that might have been passed up by a
centralized team that have their own biases and blindsides. And of
course, this removes any perverse incentives, whether conscious
or subconscious, as well as any under the table dealmaking
between launchpads and project teams.

We have also designed the incentive system such that the

rewards for the voters are linked to the performance of the
projects that they support, thus ensuring that the incentives of the
project team, the voters, and the project investors are all aligned.
Project voters are rewarded project tokens in exchange for
evaluating and voting for projects, and the amount of rewards are
in part linked to the performance of the project tokens on the
secondary market. This means that the better the performance of
the projects that the voters vote for, the higher their rewards. As
such, voters are incentivized to vote for the projects with the
highest growth potential as that is how they will maximize their
own rewards.
Step 4: Token which token on the dex is the
sale real project token. There are
After the project has conducted
often fake tokens listed on
their marketing campaign and
decentralized exchanges
the community has conducted
pretending to be the tokens of
their due diligence and voting,
legitimate projects, and
the token sale will start. Since
investors can easily fall prey to
the token sale smart contract
such scams if they’re not
and the launchpad are
careful. The launchpad project
integrated, the token sale
listing board and the
details can be extracted from
decentralized exchange token
the smart contracts and
exchange pool are linked
displayed on the launchpad so
together and users can
that it is easy for investors to
navigate from one to the other
know the exact details of the
to verify that the tokens on the
token sale.
dex indeed match the project
Step 5: Dex listing listed on the launchpad.

The launchpad will also have a

built-in decentralized exchange
on which the project tokens can
be traded, ensuring that there
will be secondary market
liquidity. And since the
launchpad and dex are
integrated, the move from
investing to trading is smooth
and seamless. On the same
platform that you invest in a
project, you can later sell a
portion of your initial investment
or buy more to add to your
stack. Another benefit of the
integration is that there will be
no confusion about
This section laid out the Tokenomics is arguably one of
arguments and structure for a the most important innovations
new model of launchpads, a made possible by blockchain
decentralized model that aims technology aside from the
to improve upon the existing underlying blockchain
launchpad models, one that technology itself, and we have
aligns with the long term ethos spent a lot of time optimizing
of a decentralized world tokenomics to ensure long term
powered by blockchain. One of utility growth and incentive
the key pillars of this model is alignment. More details can be
that project evaluation is done found in the tokenomics
by community members rather section. Another theme
than by a centralized team. highlighted in this section is the
Moreover, the incentive system gains in user experience
and tokenomics is designed to through integration. In the next
ensure that project voters will section, we will make the
act in the best interest of argument that a launchpad
investors as doing so is how needs to be a full lifecycle
they can maximize their own ecosystem in order to deliver
gains. the most value for projects and
for investors.
The Need for a
Full Lifecycle Launchpad
What is a full lifecycle

Before diving into the need and

the benefits of a full lifecycle
launchpad, let’s first define a full
lifecycle launchpad. To start, a
single-functionality launchpad is
one that only focuses on listing
projects and nothing else,
projects simply list, raise funds,
and then are gone, to be
replaced by new projects that
list and raise funds. In other
words, there is no continuity
from before the launchpad
listing to after the token sale.
Prior to the token sale, investors
have to scour the web for
information about the project.

After the token sale, investors

have to find where the project
token is listed and make sure
they don’t buy scam tokens
pretending to be the legitimate
project token. As a result of the
limited functionality and scope
of a launchpad that is only a
launchpad, the user experience
throughout the entire lifecycle of
investing and trading is quite
painful, not to mention
dangerous and risky as funds
might get scammed.
In contrast to a single
functionality launchpad, a full
lifecycle launchpad tracks the
entire lifecycle of a project,
from before the token sale, to
the token sale event, and
continuing onto the ongoing
operations and developments
of the company. It is a one-stop
shop where investors can learn
about projects before they have
their token sale, engage with
the project team and the
community, invest in the token
sale of projects that they
believe in, trade those tokens
on the secondary market, and
follow the ongoing
developments of the project
and participate in project
campaigns and governance.

From the perspective of project

teams, it is also a one-stop
shop where they can build a
community, market their
product, raise funding, list on
the secondary market, and
continue to engage with their
users and investors and build
up a long-term reputation and
track record. In a full lifecycle
launchpad, the launchpad is
just the gateway to a whole
cross-chain ecosystem.
The ADAStarterDAO launchpad ecosystem consists of
five main pillars.
1. Project launchpad: primary market for
project listing

The project launchpad is the gateway to the

ecosystem. This is where project teams can
list their projects, and the more support their
project receives, the bigger their listing board
becomes, thus becoming more visible to
investors. Potential investors and users alike
can learn more about the project on the
launchpad, engage with the project team and
engage in discussion with each other. Those
that are convinced of the value of the
projects that they see on the launchpad can
then choose to invest in those projects.
2. Decentralized exchange: secondary market
listing of tokens

The decentralized exchange is where

investors can buy and sell project tokens
after the initial token sale. By integrating the
dex, it makes it safe and easy for investors to
either sell their tokens or buy more to add to
their stack. Those investors who missed the
initial sale can also easily find the tokens on
the decentralized exchange. Since the
launchpad and the dex is integrated, it is
easy to ensure that investors are indeed
buying the right tokens as the liquidity pool
and the launchpad page of a given project
are interlinked, meaning investors can
navigate to the dex from the launchpad page
and vice versa, making it easy to verify that
the tokens that they are buying are indeed
the tokens of
projects that they want to invest in. Likewise,
this makes it easy for projects to reach new
investors and engage with old investors as
well, and ensure that investors who believe in
their projects aren’t accidentally sending their
funds elsewhere.

3. Staking platform: stake tokens to earn

token rewards

A big part of a blockchain network and

tokenomics is the concept of staking.
Depending on the specific application and use
case, staking can help make a network more
secure, reduce the floating supply of a token,
and reward long term supporters of a project.
As such, staking is a key component of many
projects, with many investors seeking ways to
stake their tokens. We make this easy by
providing staking tools for both project teams
and investors. For projects, ADAStarterDAO
will automatically create staking pools / staking
smart contracts based on parameters that
project teams can easily specify without the
need to build the smart contract and
infrastructure themselves. For investors, the
platform will provide a dashboard to stake their
tokens and keep track of their staking rewards,
as well as provide the ability to search for
staking opportunities. By integrating a staking
platform, this further binds investors and
project teams for the long term.
4. Marketing platform: social media
marketing tools and services

As a new project ourselves, we understand

that building a community is a critical
ingredient in being successful as a
blockchain project. Yet in our research, we
didn’t find any launchpad with a well
integrated social media marketing offering.
That’s why we will be building community
building tools into the launchpad so that
project teams can run social media
campaigns such as twitter retweet
campaigns, telegram referral invite
campaigns, email list campaigns, and a host
other social media and airdrop campaigns, all
integrated into an airdrop smart contract that
handles the airdrop as well.
5. Copy-investing platform: co-invest with top

When ADAS token holders vote for projects,

their votes are captured on the blockchain.
By tracking the performance of the projects
voted by ADAS token holders, new investors
can see who has a track record of picking
winning projects. These investors can then
choose to follow these token holders and
invest in the projects that these token holders
vote for. In exchange, the new investors will
give ADAS to the people they follow. This
further incentives ADAS tokenholders to vote
for the most promising projects, as they can
start to build up a reputation for being a
trustworthy project evaluator and thus earn
even more rewards from other investors
trusting their ability to find promising new
The above section covered the
need for a full lifecycle
launchpad, the benefits that this
brings, and finally outlined the
full lifecycle launchpad
ecosystem that ADAStarterDAO
is building. What we believe is
even more important than the
ecosystem laid out above is the
vision and the commitment to
provide a one-stop shop for ADAStarterDAO
long term investor and project
engagement. This core mission aims to satisfy
will continue to push the project
forward, driving the project to all of the needs
add new features and expand
the ecosystem based on the
of project teams
needs of the project teams and
the investors. ADAStarterDAO
and investors
aims to satisfy all of the needs in the
of project teams and investors
in the blockchain space, and blockchain
will not stop until these needs
are met. Thus, you can look
forward to an ever-improving
and ever-expanding set of
products and services, many of
which we foresee will come
from the community.
Tokenomics Designed for
Long Term Utility Growth
A better tokenomics model is
We believe that tokenomics one in which holding launchpad
should be designed to drive the tokens helps investors find
mission of the project, which in quality projects while earning
the case of launchpads is to rewards and helps projects
match investors with projects. reach a wider investor base. In
This is why we do not believe in our tokenomics models,
the traditional tokenomics holders of ADAS tokens can
model of requiring investors to vote for projects that they
hold launchpad tokens in order believe in, which will increase
to invest in projects. Such a the size of that project’s listing
model increases the barrier to board, helping that project gain
investing for investors while visibility. In return, voters will
reducing the potential pool of receive an airdrop reward of
investors that projects can that project’s token.
target, both of which are against
the mission of launchpads. As ADAS tokens can only be
used to vote for one project at a
Worse yet, such tokenomics time, it is in the best interest of
models involve complicated tier voters to conduct due diligence
systems whereby an investor’s and vote for the projects they
probability of getting an find most promising. Below is a
allocation and the allocation list of 10 use cases of the ADAS
amount depends on the number token, all designed to match
of launchpad tokens one holds. investors with projects.
We understand that this is
designed to increase the
demand for the launchpad
token, but this is an artificially
engineered demand, and worse
still, it is one that generates
negative utility for the users of
the launchpad.
Token Use Cases

1. Voting Rewards:
ADAS Vote for launchpad projects with your ADAS
tokens and receive project tokens as a
reward; the more ADAS you hold, the more
airdrop tokens you will receive

1. Staking rewards:
ADAS ADAS can be staked to earn more ADAS
ADAS tokens

1. Investment Token:
ADAS ADAS can be used to invest in launchpad

1. Voting Power:
ADAS token holders can vote on proposals
to add new features and improvements to
the launchpad, as well as how the launchpad
is run

1. Liquidity Pool:
ADAS can be added to token liquidity pools
to earn transaction fees

1. Operations Tools:
ADAS can be staked by projects to run
services such as social media campaigns
and staking services
Token Use Cases

7. Marketing Services:
ADAS can be staked by projects to have
their own dedicated page for ongoing
marketing and operations

ADAS 7. Token borrowing:

Projects can lend ADAS to investors to help
promote their project

7. User Rewards:
ADAS are rewarded to users who engage
with the platform (eg. leave comments for
projects, share projects on social media, etc)

7. Copy-investing:
ADAS can be used to co-invest in projects
alongside top investors

We also understand the importance of increasing the utility of the

token for token holders so we have dedicated a lot of time to
design and engineer the tokenomics so that token holders have
incentive to hold the token long term. As the ecosystem expands,
we will continuously seek to add more use cases for the token to
increase its long term utility.



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