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Effects of sunlight on plants

1. Observe

Plants in the shade are shorter than plants in the sun. Sunlight is related to plant growth.
Sunlight allows plants to perform photosynthesis, a process which is required for plant growth and
health. Plants that are denied sufficient light will eventually lose their color and die. Plants deprived of
light will grow upward, stretching their stems more rapidly than usual, searching for light.

2. Questions

- What happens if plants do not get sunlight?

- How does sunlight affect the grow of plants?
- What could we do to give plants enough sunlight?

3. Research

Sunlight is a part of the process of photosynthesis, which is essentially how plants get the nutrients
they need in order to grow. Chlorophyll, which is in the plants’ leaves, absorbs the light, allowing the
plants to break it down and use the different components to create sugars. They feed on the sugars,
and those sugars help them to grow, just as our food does for us.

Formulate a hypothesis:

- If the amount of sunlight is increased, then the growth of plant will increase.
- If plants do not receive sunlight, they will wilt and die over time.
- If plants receive very low hours of sunlight, it can hurt some plants and stop its growth

4. Experiment

Set up several of the same kind of plants in areas that receive different amounts of light, we want to
see how effective is sunlight for the general health of a plant. When you cover the leaves with black
construction paper, leaves do not receive sunlight therefore, they can not make Chlorophyll, the
green color. As a result, the green color fades away and leave may fall off. Once you place the plant
close to window where it can get some sunlight, with little bit of water every day, it begins making the
green color and looks healthy again. Plants with most sunlight has the best leaves.
5. Collect data and Analysis

After days of growth. The “full sun” sprouts began to bloom and develop larger leaves. The “some
sun” sprouts started to grow more towards the sunlight. Seven of the sprouts started to grow larger
leaves. The “limited/no sun” sprouts grew taller (1 ¼ inches) but the leaves did not develop and the
yellow color worsened (as did the white stems).

6. Conclusion

Overall, this experiment depicts just how important the sun is to the survival of plants and also
humans (oxygen supply). Without proper sunlight, plant growth would stop due to the lack of
photosynthesis and all of the other components needed for healthy plant growth. Once again, it is
easy to see just how important the sun, a renewable resource, is to both plants and mankind.

The sun is a renewable energy source that plays a pivotal role in our everyday life, from warming the
earth to the water cycle, it is an essential part of our daily existence. The sun plays a critical role in the
growth of plants. Without the sun, plants wouldn’t get the necessary food needed to grow,
reproduce, and survive.

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