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daily lesson plan

technology and livelihood

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Bagbag Elementary School
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Daily Lesson Plan in TLE6

2. 5 manages marketing of animal/fish raised


1. Enumerate the records that serve as the basis in determining farm incomes and
2. Describe the value of accuracy and preciseness in determining farm incomes and
3. Apply mathematical computations in solving the income earned from marketed


Topic : 2.5.5 Income earned from marketed products
References : K to 12 CG pp. 36 -TLE6AG-0j-13, 2.5.5
Life Skills through TLE ph. 85-94
Learning and Living in the 21st Century ph. 120 -138

Online Resources: Please select and watch videos that discuss the prescribed topic.

Materials : USB for the PowerPoint presentation, flip chart, chart/table, flash cards,
pictures manila paper, chalk, board, pentel pen and television

Day/s: 1

Integration: Science, Values Education, Mathematics, English


A. Preliminary Activities
1. Review :
Review of the past lesson about “Markets harvested/captured animals/fish”. Tell to the
students to honestly check their assignment or reinforcement.

Ask questions to the students about the pictures and their relation to the previous lesson. How
can you determine marketability of farm products? Explain.

2. Drill : Write the appropriate Filipino virtue that describes the picture. Use these words in
sentences to form a paragraph.

3. Unlocking of Difficulties
To facilitate easy learning of the students, terms are defined below
a. Risk d. Earnings g. Grace period
b. Loan e. Net Loss h. Financial record
c. Income f. Bankrupt i. Balance Statement

Business Risk is the exposure a company or organization has to factor(s) that will
lower its profits or lead it to fail. Anything that threatens a company's ability to meet its target or
achieve its financial goals is called business risk. Widely, risks can be classified into three
types: Business Risk, Non-Business Risk, and Financial Risk. Business Risk: These types of
risks are taken by business enterprises themselves in order to maximize shareholder value
and profits. ...Non- Business Risk: These types of risks are not under the control of firms. Total
risk is an assessment that identifies all of the risk factors associated with pursuing a specific
course of action. ... The goal of examining total risk is to make a decision that leads to the best
possible outcome.
Business loan is a loan specifically intended for business purposes. As with all loans, it
involves the creation of a debt, which will be repaid with added interest. In finance, a loan is
the lending of money by one or more individuals, organizations, or other entities to other
individuals, organizations etc. The recipient (i.e., the borrower) incurs a debt and is usually

liable to pay interest on that debt until it is repaid as well as to repay the principal amount
Income is the revenue a business earns from selling its goods and services or the
money an individual receives in compensation for his or her labor, services, or investments.
Earnings refer to a company's profits in a given quarter or fiscal year. Earnings are an
important figure to use when analyzing a company's profitability. A company's earnings are
used in many common ratios.
A net loss is when expenses exceed the income or total revenue produced for a given
period of time. It is sometimes called a net operating loss (NOL). Businesses that have a net
loss don't necessarily go bankrupt because they may opt to use their retained earnings or
loans to stay afloat.
Bankruptcy is the legal proceeding involving a person or business that is unable to
repay outstanding debts. The bankruptcy process begins with a petition filed by the debtor,
which is most common, or on behalf of creditors, which is less common.
Grace period is a period immediately after the deadline for an obligation during which a
late fee, or other action that would have been taken as a result of failing to meet the deadline,
is waived provided that the obligation is satisfied during the grace period.
Financial record is the formal documents, which represents the transactions of
a business, an individual or any other organization. Financial record is being maintained
by companies including income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement, statement of
retained earnings, and tax returns.
Financial statements (or financial reports) are formal records of the financial activities
and position of a business, person, or other entity. ... A balance sheet
or statement of financial position, reports on a company's assets, liabilities, and owners equity
at a given point in time.

B. Development of the lesson

1. Motivation
Allow the students to watch any of the suggested videos.

The teacher will give guide questions to make the students acquainted with the video
leading to the lesson.

Balance Sheet/Statement
Income Statement

How would you compute and determine the profitability of a farm? What are different
books of accounts/records? Are they enough bases to determine the profitability of a
farm? Why? Why not? Explain.

C. Presentation
Watch suggested videos:

Farm record is a document (in most cases a book) that is used to keep account of
different activities, events, materials etc. regarding the farm operations. Farm records are
different from farm accounts in the sense that farm accounts deal only with the financial
aspects of all farm operations.
How is farm income calculated?
Subtract the depreciation from the net cash farm income to get the net farm
income from operations. Write any gains or losses from the year on the line under the net farm
income from operations. Add or subtract this number from the operation income. This gives
you the net farm income for the year. › how-6396340-calculate-net-farm-income

What are the importance of farm records?

Benefits of Accurate Farm Record Keeping
 Measure efficiency and progress.
 Easier to prepare accounts at year end.
 Help plan for GST/HST payments.
 Avoid over/under tax payments.
 Identify strengths and weaknesses in the farm business.
 Help manage changes and improvements in the agribusiness.
 Make productivity projections. › blog › importance-keeping-good-farm-reco...

What are the different types of farm records?
Farm record is defined as the records of transactions of farm businesses and
activities. Farm inventory, farm diary, input records, production records, scale records,
consumption records, profits and loss accounts are the types of farm records. › farm-records-definition uses-and-t.

Does farm income count as earned income?

Taxable earned income includes: Wages, salaries, tips, and other taxable employee
compensation; ... Net earnings from self-employment if: You own or operate a business or
a farm or. You are a minister or member of a religious order (see Special Rules page for more
information); › individuals › earned-income-tax-credit › e..
What are earnings in business?
The earnings of a business are the same as its net income or its profit. Either term
means the same thing. Earnings are usually calculated as all revenues (sales) minus the cost
of sales, operating expenses, and taxes, over a given period of time (usually a quarter or a
Are earnings the same as profit?
Earnings and profits are often used interchangeably. Others might make a distinction
between the two words. In the case of earnings per share, earnings means a corporation's
net income after income tax expense. ... The term gross profit means sales minus the cost of
goods sold.
How do you calculate business income?
To start your calculation follow these steps:
1. Calculate your total revenue.
2. Subtract your business's expenses and operating costs from your total revenue. This
calculates your business's earnings before tax.
3. Deduct taxes from this amount to find you business's net income. Your net income
will be your business income.
Profit describes the financial benefit realized when revenue generated from a business
activity exceeds the expenses, costs, and taxes involved in sustaining the activity in question.
Any profits earned funnel back to business owners, who choose to either pocket the cash or
reinvest it back into the business.
What is the formula for net income?
The net income formula is calculated by subtracting total expenses from total revenues.
Many different textbooks break the expenses down into subcategories like cost of goods sold,
operating expenses, interest, and taxes, but it doesn't matter. All revenues and all expenses
are used in this formula.
What is net gain or loss?
Net Gain. For calculating capital gains taxes, the net gain is the positive amount
remaining when an asset is sold or exchanged minus the net cost. If the amount is negative,
then you have a net loss.

The loss ratio formula is insurance claims paid plus adjustment expenses divided by
total earned premiums. For example, if a company pays 80M in claims for every 160M in
collected premiums, the loss ratio would be 50%.
Net loss, also called loss, refers to a company's financial position when total expenses
exceed total revenues. In other words, net loss is the amount of money the company lost
during the period. This is the negative amount of cash that is left over after all the expenses
have been paid during the period.
How do you calculate net loss?
Find Net Income or Loss

Subtract total expenses from total revenue to determine your net income or net loss. If
your result is positive, you have net income. If it is negative, you have a net loss
Return on investment, or ROI, is the ratio of a profit or loss made in a fiscal year
expressed in terms of an investment and shown as a percentage of increase or decrease in the value
of the investment during the year in question. The basic formula for ROI is: ROI = Net Profit /
Total Investment * 100.
How do you calculate investment growth?

To calculate the compound annual growth rate, divide the value of an investment at the
end of the period by its value at the beginning of that period. Take that result and raise it to the
power of one, divide it by the period length, and then subtract one from that result.
A really good return on investment for an active investor is 15% annually. It's
aggressive, but it's achievable if you put in time to look for bargains. You can double your
buying power every six years if you make an average return on investment of 12% after taxes
and inflation every year

Ordinary' investors expect an 8.5 percent return. ... Individual investors, on average,
said they would need to earn an annual return of 8.5 percent above inflation to achieve
their investment goals. And 70 percent of those investors said they can realistically reach that
level of return over the long term.

Assuming a specific percentage of investment growth over a set period of time is known
as a rate of return assumption. A reasonable rate of return assumption depends on the type of
investment, historical performance and such factors as the economic environment over the
period of the investment.

Loan is when you receive money from a friend, bank or financial institution in exchange
for future repayment of the principal and interest. They can be unsecured, like a
personal loan or cash advance loan, or they may be secured, like a mortgage or home equity

 There are 4 main types of personal loans available, each of which has their
own pros and cons.
 Unsecured Personal Loans. Unsecured personal loans are offered without any
collateral. ...
 Secured Personal Loans. Secured personal loans are backed by collateral. ...
 Fixed-Rate Loans. ...
 Variable-Rate Loans.

1. Activities – Let’s study and learn

The students will be grouped accordingly. Each group will be given a group activity about
basic computation.

A. Activity 1 (Easy) Determine the probable gross income of marketing the cattle by
filling up the table.

Cattle No. Live weight Cost per kg. – kilograms Gross Income
Example 330 kgs. Php. 180 Php. 59,400.00
1 350 kgs. Php. 150
2 230 kgs. Php. 120
3 400 kgs. Php. 110
4 410 kgs. Php. 140
5 380 kgs. Php. 130

B. Activity 2 (Average) Using the table above, determine the Net Income/Loss if the Net
Expense per head is 15% of its Gross Income.

Net Expense
Cattle Cost per kg. – Net Income /
Live weight Gross Income 15% of its Gross
No. kilograms Net Loss
Example 330 kgs. Php. 180 Php. 59,400.00 Php. 7,910.00 Php. 51,590.00
1 350 kgs. Php. 150
2 230 kgs. Php. 120
3 400 kgs. Php. 110
4 410 kgs. Php. 140
5 380 kgs. Php. 130

C. Activity 3 (Difficult) Acquire the data to be computed by the above Group B and
compute for the ROI. The basic formula for ROI is: ROI = Net Profit /
Total Investment * 100.

Cattle No. Net Income / Net Loss Total Investment Return On Investment
Example Php. 51,590.00 Php. 39,400.00
1 Php. 29,220.00
2 Php. 31,410.00
3 Php. 19,740.00
4 Php. 34,420.00
5 Php. 24,260.00

Students are given 10 minutes to tell their report about the task.

Why should farmers be familiar with the computation of farm income/profit of marketed
animals/fish? Explain? Does knowledge in mathematics is the only skills needed in
determining the success of farm operation? Explain.

2. Discussion
Do farm records related to one another? Explain. Does result of the farm record analysis be
a good basis to know whether Net Gain / Net Loss? Why? Explain.

How would you explain the diagram in connection to the lesson?

3. Abstraction/ Application
Risk is an important aspect of the farming business. The uncertainties inherent in
weather, yields, prices, Government policies, global markets, and other factors that
impact farming can cause wide swings in farm income. ... Production risk derives from the
uncertain natural growth processes of crops and livestock.

In order to reduce production risks, some of the risk management strategies

recommended are as follow:
1. Enterprise Diversification.
2. Crop Insurance.
3. Contract Production.
4. Evaluating New Technologies.

As you think about managing risk to stabilize farm income, there are five
basic sources of agricultural risk that you should address: Production, marketing, financial,
legal, and human resource risks. Various tools and strategies can be used to manage each of
these risks.

How will you compute for the income in farming? How do you determine whether farming is
Net Gain / Net Loss? Why financial reports serve a good basis for the succeeding
operations? Explain

D. Generalization

Will you immediately go into a business / investment without any knowledge on it? Explain.
Does contract growing lessen the risk in farming? How? Is there an SCAM in farming
business? How will you explain the saying “ No Pain No Gain”.


Instruction. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. The revenue a business earns from selling its goods and services
a. Loan b. Interest c. Income d. Insurance

2. Document that is used to keep account of different activities, events, materials etc. regarding
the farm operations.
a. Farm record c. Income Statement
b. Interest Rate d. Return on Investment

3. Legal proceeding involving a person or business that is unable to repay outstanding debts.
a. Bankruptcy b. Net Gain c. Gross Income d. Grace Period

4. Financial position, reports on a company's assets, liabilities, and owners equity at a given point
in time.
a. Balance Sheet c. Income Statement
b. Grace Period d. Return on Investment

5. Money from a friend, bank or financial institution in exchange for future repayment of the
principal and interest.
a. Loan b. Interest c. Income d. Insurance
Select one out of the two given diagram and explain.
1. 2.


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