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2. Blastocoel Extraembryonic mesoblast
Amniotic cavity
Implantation day 8 Implantation day 9 Primary yolk sac
Extraembryonic mesoblast
Chorionic cavity
Secondary yolk sac

Primitive streak around 18 days dorsal view

1. Syncytiotrophoblast
2. Cytotrophoblast
3. Epiblast
4. Hypoblast
5. Blastocoel
6. Maternal Blood Capillary
7. Amniotic Cavity
8. Amnioblasts
9. Fibrin Plug
10. Trophoblast Gap 1. Primitive groove
11. Proliferating Hypoblast 2. Primitive pit
Implantation 9-10th day Implantation 10-11 day 3. Primitive node
4. Oropharyngeal membrane
5. Cardial plate
6. Cut edge of amniotic membrane
7. Mesoderm
8. Endoderm
9. Future cloacal membrane
1+2+3 = primitive streak
Cross section primitive groove level

1. Proliferating hypoblast
2. Erosion of maternal capillaries
3. Extra-embryonic reticulum
4. Heuser's membrane
5. Amniotic cavity
6. Cytotrophoblast
7. Syncytiotrophoblast
8. Blood lake
Implantation day 11 Day 12 implantation

1. Primary groove
2. Epiblast
3. MEE
4. Definitive entoblast
5. Invagination of cells forming the future intraembryonic
6. Hypoblast

1. Extraembryonic mesoblast Day 21 notochordal process (stage 7)

2. Extra-embryonic reticulum
3. Primary yolk sac
4. Cytotrophoblast
5. Reticulum gap
6. Hypoblast
7. Heuser's membrane
Implantation 13-14th day Implantation 17 day

1. Notochordal process
2. Primitive node
3. Embryonic entoblast
4. Amniotic cavity
5. Embryonic pedicle
6. MEE
7. Allantoic

Day 25 Notochordal process (stage 9)

Day 28th notochordal process (stage 10)

1. Paraaxial mesoblast
2. Intermediate mesoblast
3. Lateral mesoblast
4. Notochordal process
5. Amnion
6. Intraembryonic coeloma
7. Entoblast
1. Notochord 8. Ectoblast
2. Embryonic entoblast 9. Somatopleure (mesoderm and ectoblast)
3. Amniotic cavity 10. Splanchnopleure (mesoderm and entoblast)
4. Neural groove 11. Neural groove
5. Embryonic pedicle 12. Neural plate
6. Intraembryonic mesoblast
7. Prechordal plate Evolution of the mesoblast
8. Buccopharyngeal membrane
9. Cloacal membrane
10. Aortas
11. Umbilical veins
12. Cardiac outline
13. Allantoid

Day 17 Primitive streak dorsal view Day 19

1. Para-axial mesoblast
2. Intermediate mesoblast
3. Lateral mesoblast
4. Neural groove
5. Ectoblast
6. Entoblast

Day 23rd Primitive streak dorsal view Day 25

1. Paraxial mesoderm
2. Intermediate mesoderm
3. Lateral plate mesoderm
4. Chordalprocess
1. Primitive streak
2. Prechordal plate
3. Primitive node Day 23 lateral mesoblast Day 25
4. Neural plate
5. Cloacal membrane
6. Notochordal process

Mesoblast at the end of gastrulation around day 25

1. Lateral mesoblast
2. Intermediate mesoblast
3. Para-axial mesoblast
4. Neural groove
5. Coelomic vacuoles 3. Neural groove
6. Intraembryonic coelom 4. Somites
7. Somite 5. Neural crest (orange)
8. Notochord 6. Pericardial bulge
9. Splanchnopleure and entoblast 7. Rostral neuropore
10. Somatopleure and ectoblast 8. Caudal neuropore
11. Amniotic cavity
12. Yolk sac

Day 23 coelomic vacuoles Day 25 Coelomic cavities

A. Neural platestage
B. Neural groovestage
1. Epiblast
1. Mesoblast lateral 2. Neural groove
2. Mesoblast intermediate 3. Neural crest
3. Mesoblast para-axial
4. Neural groove
5. Coelomic vacuoles
6. Intraembryonic coelom
7. Extraembryonic coelom
8. MEE
9. Notochord
10. Splanchnopleure and entoblast
11. Somatophoric and ectoblast
12. Dorsal aorta

1. Prior brain (forebrain future)

2. Notochord
3. Neural tube
4. Pericardial cavity
5. Heart tube
6. Oral pharyngeal membrane
7. MEE
8. Foregut
9. Septum transversum
Neural plaque at 23 days Neural plaque at 25 days

1. Neural plate
2. Primitive line
3. Primitive node
4. Neural groove 1. Notochord
5. Somites 2. Neural rim
6. Severed edge of amnion 3. Amniotic cavity
7. Neural fold 4. Primitive line
5. Embryonic endoblast
Neural tube 28-day Neural tube 29 days 6. Cloacal membrane
7. Allantoid
8. Embryonic pedicle

1. Fused neural
2. Neural bulge
1. Notochord
2. Neural tube
3. Amniotic cavity
5. Endoderm
6. Cloacal membrane
7. Allantoid
8. Embryonic pedicle
9. Posterior intestine
Spina bifida occulta


Sacro-coccygeal teratoma



Gambaran khas seorang anak dengan sindrom alkohol

janin (FAS, fetal alcohol syndrome), mencakup filtrum
yang tidak jelas, bibir atas yang tipis, jembatan hidung
rendah, hidung pendek, dan bagian tengah wajah datar.

Disgenesis caudal (sirenomelia)

Thorakopagus Pipopagus Kraniopagus


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