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Honestly, I have no experience in this field, the information I get comes from my friends and the
news circulating on the internet. But I have an interest in this field, especially with things related
to computers and graphic design.
To be honest, I have no experience in this field. Knowledge about this field mainly comes from
my friends and the internet. But I have an interest in this field, especially when it comes to
computers and graphic design.

I learned a little from my friends who were proficient in this field during high school. Learn about
simple things about the world of graphic design which I think is fun and requires unique ideas to
make. I feel that choosing this major also has a correlation with my ability to think with interesting

I learned a little from my friends who were proficient in this field during high school. I learned
some basic things in the world of graphic design. I think it’s fun. The nature of design is to
generate unique ideas, which has a correlation with my ability to think out of the box and always
come up with unprecedented ideas.

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