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Studying English at Work

User's Guide

01 Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.

belt / shoes / tie / wallet / umbrella / socks / earrings / gloves

handkerchief / hat / necklace / purse / cap / mask / pocket
bag / sneakers / contact lens / ring / scarf / slippers / comb

1. 2. 3.
A. F.
G. M.

B. I. N.

D. O.
遍之後,猜猜看 belt, shoes, tie, wallet 各表示何種
在單字表找到 belt, shoes, tie,
wallet 等單字的字義,看看和自
1. belt [bElt] n. 腰帶 13. cap [k{p] n. 鴨舌帽
己猜想的字義是不是一樣。如果 2. shoe(s) [Su(z)] n. 鞋子 14. mask [m{sk] n. 口罩
3. tie [taI] n. 領帶 15. pocket [1pAkIt] n. 口袋
4. wallet [1wAlIt] n. 皮夾 16. bag [b{g] n. 袋、提袋
好好地看一遍吧!如果都一樣, 5. umbrella [√m1brEl@] n. 雨傘 17. sneaker(s) [1snik_(z)] n. 運動鞋
6. sock(s) [sAk(s)] n. 襪子 18. contact lens [1kAnt{kt%lEnz]
恭禧你可以繼續步驟四了! 魔法步驟四:
7. earring(s) [1Ir,rIµ(z)] n. 耳環 n. 隱形眼鏡
8. glove(s) [gl√v(z)] n. 手套 加強記憶單字。
19. ring [rIµ] n. 戒子
9. handkerchief [1h{µk_%tSIf] n. 手帕 20. scarf [skArf] n. 圍巾
10 hat [h{t] n
21 slipper(s) [1slIp_(z)] n

User's Guide

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. Things that we wear or bring on rainy days are... (ties / sneakers / umbrellas / raincoats /
魔法步驟五: 2. Things that we wear on our ears are... (necklaces / belts / scarves / caps / earrings).
3. Things that we wear around our necks are... (contact lens / purses / scarves / ties / neck-
看圖回答問題。 laces).
4. Things that we wear on our hands and fingers are...(hat / shoes / gloves / rings / masks).
5. Things that we wear on our feet are... (slippers / sneakers / shoes / socks / scarves).
回答問題,把運輸系統的功用及 6. Things that can be put in purses are... (combs / earrings / handkerchiefs / pockets / rings).
7. Things that we usually put money in are... (contact lens / wallets / purses / masks / belts).
8. Things that we put on our heads are... (caps / gloves / hats / socks / masks / sneakers).

03 Classify the items below in the chart.

ties / handkerchiefs / socks / slippers / earrings / gloves / necklaces

hats / shoes / combs / scarves / sneakers / belts / rings

1. Wardrobe 2. Clothes Hanger

3. Shoe Rack 4. Dressing table 元又有趣味,只要一題
4. earrings, necklaces, rings, combs 2. belts, ties, scarves
3. shoes, sneakers, slippers 1. socks, gloves, handkerchiefs, hats

04 List at least three items for each answer below.

1. What kinds of clothing accessories do you wear today?

2. What kinds of clothing accessories do you wear everyday?
3. What kinds of clothing accessories don't you have?
4. What kinds of clothing accessories are gifts from friends?

4. necklaces, rings, wallets 2. shoes, socks, earrings

3. contact lens, handkerchiefs, caps 1. shoes, earrings, necklaces

2000 單字以及多元練習題精巧地收錄於一片無聲 CD 中,英語秘笈隨時輕鬆帶著

本書將基礎 2000 字的詞彙區分為兩大篇章:日常生活篇與工作休閒篇。前者單









1. 群組式學習:同時學習語意上相關聯的字群,例如: mouth, tongue, nose, eye …

等關於臉部五官的字一起學,相較依字母順序 A-Z 逐字學習要來得更容易記憶。

2. 圖片及圖表輔助:圖片或圖表往往最能呈現具體的印象,藉由視覺將物體的形

3. 慣用詞及片語學習:將部份慣用詞及片語的學習歸於單字學習的內容中,主要
例如:「turn」這個字,與其死背它的字意「轉」,還不如學 「turn on」, 「turn
off」, 「turn over」…等片語來得實用。

4. 利用語境學習:透過出現在不同文章、語句或情境來意會該單字的完整用法。

《邊上班邊學英文》精選出日常生活最常用的 2000 單字,主要以圖片和簡單的



作者序 ....................................................................................................004

Section 1 日常生活篇

Unit 1 Family Tree 族譜 ..................................................................................010

Unit 2 Family Relationships 血緣關係 ............................................................013
Unit 3 People in General 一般稱謂 ................................................................017
Unit 4 Titles and Special Titles for People 特定稱謂 ....................................020
Unit 5 People In Different Situations 不同場合適用的稱呼 ..........................024
Unit 6 Images and Special Titles 形象與特殊頭銜 ........................................028
Unit 7 Appearances 外表..................................................................................032
Unit 8 Personality 1 個性 1 ..............................................................................035
Unit 9 Personality 2 個性 2 ..............................................................................039
Unit 10 Personality 3 個性 3 ............................................................................042
Unit 11 Moods and Feelings 情緒與感受 ......................................................045
Unit 12 Cardinal Numbers 基數......................................................................049
Unit 13 Ordinal Numbers and Dates 序數與日期..........................................053
Unit 14 Months and Seasons 月份和季節......................................................057
Unit 15 Timepieces and Time of the Day 時間 ............................................060
Unit 16 Describing Time 1 描述時間 1............................................................064
Unit 17 Describing Time 2 描述時間 2............................................................068
Unit 18 Money 金錢..........................................................................................071
Unit 19 Colors, Shapes and Lines 顏色、形狀與線條 ..................................075
Unit 20 Describing Things 描述事物 ..............................................................078
Unit 21 Measurements 度量 ..........................................................................081
Unit 22 Quantity Phrases 量詞 ......................................................................084
Unit 23 Fruits 水果............................................................................................087
Unit 24 Vegetables, Meat and Seafood 蔬菜、肉類與海鮮 ..........................090
Unit 25 Deli 熟食店 ..........................................................................................093
Unit 26 Beverages and Sweets 飲料與甜點 ..................................................096
Unit 27 Seasonings and Tastes of Foods 調味料與食物的口味 ..................100

Unit 28 Ways of Cooking and Types of Meals
食物烹調方式與肉品種類 ....................................................................104
Unit 29 The Body Parts 身體部位 ..................................................................107
Unit 30 The Face and Five Senses 臉部與五官 ............................................110
Unit 31 Inside the Body and Symptoms of Illness
身體器官與疾病的症狀 ........................................................................113
Unit 32 Health Conditions and Facial Expressions
健康狀況與面部表情 ............................................................................116
Unit 33 The Body Movements 1 肢體動作 1..................................................120
Unit 34 The Body Movements 2 肢體動作 2..................................................123
Unit 35 Kinds of Clothes 衣服種類..................................................................126
Unit 36 Accessories 飾品 ................................................................................129
Unit 37 Around the House 房屋 ......................................................................132
Unit 38 Around the Apartment 公寓 ..............................................................135
Unit 39 Furniture 家具......................................................................................138
Unit 40 Things in the Kitchen and Bathroom 廚房與浴室用具 ....................141
Unit 41 The Tableware and Houseware 餐具與家庭五金用品......................144
Unit 42 Housework 家事 ..................................................................................147
Unit 43 Household Appliances 家庭用品 ......................................................150
Unit 44 Buildings 大樓......................................................................................153
Unit 45 Stores 商店 ..........................................................................................156
Unit 46 Directions 方位 ....................................................................................160
Unit 47 Locations and Home Addresses 地點與住家地址............................165
Unit 48 Kinds of the Transportation 交通工具 ..............................................168
Unit 49 Transportation Systems 運輸系統 ....................................................172
Unit 50 Traffic Condition 交通狀況 ..................................................................176
Unit 51 People at School 學校的人們 ............................................................180
Unit 52 The Campus and the Classroom 校園與教室 ..................................183
Unit 53 The Stationery 文具 ............................................................................187
Unit 54 About Studying 1 關於學習 1..............................................................190
Unit 55 About Studying 2 關於學習 2..............................................................193
Unit 56 About Studying 3 關於學習 3..............................................................197

Unit 57 About Studying 4 關於學習 4..............................................................200
Unit 58 About Studying 5 關於學習 5..............................................................203

Section 2 工作休閒篇
Unit 1 Personal Information 個人資料 ..............................................................10
Unit 2 Functions 功能 ........................................................................................13
Unit 3 About Childhood 關於童年 ....................................................................16
Unit 4 Communication 1 溝通 1 ........................................................................20
Unit 5 Communication 2 溝通 2 ........................................................................24
Unit 6 Communication 3 溝通 3 ........................................................................28
Unit 7 Personal Values 個人價值 ......................................................................32
Unit 8 Inner Thinking 內在想法 ........................................................................35
Unit 9 Attitudes 1 態度 1 ....................................................................................38
Unit 10 Attitudes 2 態度 2 ..................................................................................41
Unit 11 Terms about Computers 電腦術語 ......................................................44
Unit 12 Occupations 1 職業 1 ..........................................................................47
Unit 13 Occupations 2 職業 2 ..........................................................................51
Unit 14 Job Interview 面試 ................................................................................55
Unit 15 Business 1 談論工作 1 ..........................................................................58
Unit 16 Business 2 談論工作 2 ..........................................................................62
Unit 17 Sports 運動 ............................................................................................65
Unit 18 Hobbies 1 嗜好 1 ..................................................................................69
Unit 19 Hobbies 2 嗜好 2 ..................................................................................73
Unit 20 Free Time Activities 休閒娛樂 ..............................................................76
Unit 21 Nature and Weather 大自然與氣候......................................................80
Unit 22 Holidays 假期 ........................................................................................83
Unit 23 Places 地方............................................................................................86
Unit 24 Landscapes 風景 ..................................................................................90
Unit 25 Animals in the Zoo 動物園裡的動物 ....................................................93
Unit 26 Farm Animals and Pets 農場的動物與寵物 ........................................96
Unit 27 Wild Life and Garden Life 野生動物與植物 ......................................100
Unit 28 Home Insects and Parts of Plants and Animals

昆蟲與動植物 ......................................................................................103
Unit 29 The World 世界 ....................................................................................106
Unit 30 Places to Go 可去的地方......................................................................110
Unit 31 Natural Resources 天然資源..............................................................114
Unit 32 Environmental Problems 環境問題 ..................................................117
Unit 33 War 關於戰爭 ......................................................................................120
Unit 34 Social Issues 1 社會事件 1 ................................................................124
Unit 35 Social Issues 2 社會事件 2 ................................................................128
Unit 36 Social Issues 3 社會事件 3 ................................................................131
Unit 37 Traffic 交通 ..........................................................................................135
Unit 38 Pronouns 1 代名詞 1 ..........................................................................138
Unit 39 Pronouns 2 代名詞 2 ..........................................................................142
Unit 40 Pronouns 3 代名詞 3 ..........................................................................146
Unit 41 Determiners 1 限定詞 1 ......................................................................150
Unit 42 Determiners 2 限定詞 2 ......................................................................153
Unit 43 Determiners 3 限定詞 3 ......................................................................156
Unit 44 Verbs 動詞 ..........................................................................................160
Unit 45 Prepositions of Places 1 描述地點的介系詞 1 ..................................163
Unit 46 Prepositions of Places 2 描述地點的介系詞 2 ..................................166
Unit 47 Prepositions of Time 描述地點的介系詞 ............................................169
Unit 48 Conjunctions 連接詞 ..........................................................................172
Unit 49 Interjections 感歎詞 ............................................................................175
Unit 50 Adverbs 1 副詞 1 ................................................................................178
Unit 51 Adverbs 2 副詞 2 ................................................................................182
Unit 52 Other Adverbs and Prepositions 其他副詞與介系詞 ........................185
Unit 53 Daily Verbs 1 每日動詞 1 ....................................................................189
Unit 54 Daily Verbs 2 每日動詞 2 ....................................................................193
Unit 55 Daily Verbs 3 每日動詞 3 ....................................................................197
Unit 56 Daily Verbs 4 每日動詞 4 ....................................................................201
Unit 57 Daily Verbs 5 每日動詞 5 ....................................................................205
索引 ......................................................................................................208

Family Tree
1 族譜Family Tree
01 Look below at the family tree of the Bax's.

Lisa Bax Robert Bax

May Bax Grant Bax Larry Smith Sue Bax Scott Bax

Dora Bax John Bax David Smith Amy Smith

02 Read the sentences below to get a better understanding of the


1. Lisa is Sue's mother. 4. Scott is Sue’s brother.

2. Robert is Sue's father. 5. John is Grant’s son.
3. Sue is Scott's sister. 6. Dora is Grant’s daughter.

010 1000
Family Tree
族譜 1
7. John is Robert's grandson. 11. Grant is David’s uncle.
8. Robert is John's grandfather. 12. May is David’s aunt.
9. Dora is Lisa's granddaughter. 13. David is Grant’s nephew.
10. Lisa is Dora's grandmother. 14. Amy is Grant’s niece.

1. mother [1m√D_] n. (=mom, mommy)母親

2. father [1fAD_] n. (=dad, daddy)父親
3. sister [1sIst_] n. 姐姐或妹妹
4. brother [1br√D_] n. 哥哥或弟弟
5. son [s√n] n. 兒子
6. daughter [1dOt_] n. 女兒
7. grandson [1gr{nd%s√n] n. 孫子或外孫
8. grandfather [1gr{nd%fAD_] n. (=grandpa)祖父或外祖父
9. granddaughter [1gr{n%dOt_] n. 孫女或外孫女
10. grandmother [1gr{nd%m√D_] n. (=grandma)祖母或外祖母
11. uncle [1√µk¬] n. 舅舅或伯叔父
12. aunt [{nt] n. 嬸嬸、姑姑或舅媽
13. nephew [1nEfju] n. 姪兒或外甥
14. niece [nis] n. 姪女或外甥女

03 Read the Bax family tree on the left and fill in the blanks below.

1. is Amy's father.
2. is Amy's grandfather.
3. is Dora's mother. 12. Amy
11. David
4. is Dora's grandmother.
10. Dora
5. is Dora's brother. 9. John
6. is John's sister. 8. Sue
7. is John's uncle. 7. Scott (or Larry)
8. is John's aunt. 6. Dora
9. is Larry's nephew. 5. John
4. Lisa
10. is Larry's niece.
3. May
11. is Larry's son. 2. Robert
12. is Larry's daughter. 1. Larry

Family Tree
1 族譜
04 Read the family tree again then fill in the
blanks below.
14. nephew
13. son
1. Lisa is Grant, Sue and Scott's . (or dad or daddy)
2. Robert is Dora, John, David and Amy's . 12. father
3. May is David and Amy's . 11. brother
4. Sue is Lisa and Robert's . 10. granddaughter

5. Scott is Dora, John, David and Amy's .

(or grandma)
9. grandmother
6. Amy is May, Grant and Scott's .
8. sister
7. David is Robert and Lisa's . 7. grandson
8. Sue is Grant and Scott's . 6. niece
9. Lisa is Dora, John, David and Amy's . 5. uncle
10. Amy is Lisa and Robert's . 4. daughter

11. David is Amy's .

3. aunt
(or grandpa)
12. Robert is Sue, Grant and Scott's .
2. grandfather
13. David is Larry and Sue's . (or mom or mommy)
14. John is Larry, Sue and Scott's . 1. mother

05 Read the family tree and fill in T for True , F for False .

1. Robert is Amy's grandpa. In other words, Amy is Robert's

2. Larry is David's father. David's sister is Dora.
3. Scott is Grant's brother. Dora is Grant's daughter. Thus,
Dora is Scott's niece.
4. John is May's son. So, May is John's grandmother. 7. F
5. May is David's aunt. David is Amy's brother. So, May is 6. T
Amy's aunt, too. 5. T

6. Larry is Amy's daddy. Amy is David's sister. Thus, Larry is

4. F
3. T
David's daddy.
2. F
7. John is Sue's nephew. Dora is John's sister. Therefore, 1. F
Dora is Sue's nephew.

012 1000
Family Relationships
2 Family Relationships
2 血緣關係

01 Mr. and Mrs. Bax have three daughters: Alice, Mandy and Ann.
All of them are married and have their own family. Below are
their family trees.

■ The Knox family

Tommy Mandy
■ The Robinson family

Ray Alice

Barbara Susanna Willie

Paul Tina

Jerry Peter Molly

Family Relationships
2 血緣關係

■ The Nelson family

Dan Ann

Rose Andrew George Karen

Kenny Wilson Ruth

02 Read the sentences below to get a better understanding of the


1. Paul is Tina's husband.

2. Tina is Paul's wife.
3. Paul and Tina are a couple.
4. Jerry, Peter and Molly are Paul's children.
5. Jerry is Paul's child.
6. Paul is Jerry's parent.
7. Paul and Tina are Jerry's parents.
8. Ray is Jerry's grandparent.
9. Ray and Alice are Jerry's grandparents.

014 1000
Family Relationships
血緣關係 2
10. The Knox family ,the Nelson family and the Robinson family are all relatives.
11. Kenny, Wilson are Molly's cousins.
12. Ray, Alice, Paul, Tina, Jerry, Peter and Molly are the Robinson family.

1. husband [1h√zb@nd] n. 丈夫
2. wife [waIf] n. 太太
3. couple [1k√p¬] n. 夫婦
4. children [1tSIldr@n] n. 小孩 (指 2 個以上)
5. child [1tSaIld] n. 小孩 (指一個)
6. parent [1pEr@nt] n. 父親或母親
7. parents [1pEr@nts] n. 雙親
8. grandparent [1gr{nd%pEr@nt] n. 祖母或祖父
9. grandparents [1gr{nd%pEr@nts] n. 祖父母
10. relative [1rEl@tIv] n. 親戚
11. cousin [1k√z§] n. 表或堂兄弟姐妹
12. family [1f{m@lI] n. 家庭或家人

03 Read the family trees and fill in the blanks


1. is Tommy's wife.
12. Robinson
2. is Susanna's husband.
Barbara, Susanna,
3. and Mandy are a couple. 11. Tommy, Mandy,
4. is Barbara's parent. 10. Dan, Ann
5. and are Willie's parents. 9. Dan (or Ann)
6. is Willie's cousin. 8. Barbara, Willie

7. is Mandy's child.
7. Willie (or Barbara)
(or Rose or Karen)
8. and are Tommy's children.
6. Paul
9. is Ruth's grandparent. 5. Tommy, Mandy
10. and are Ruth's grandparents. (or Mandy)
11. , , , and 4. Tommy
are the Knox family. 3. Tommy

12. The family and the family are

2. Willie
1. Mandy
the Knox family's relatives.

Family Relationships
2 血緣關係

04 Read the family tree again then fill in the blanks below.

1. Kenny, Wilson and Ruth are Peter's .

2. Dan is Ann's .
3. Mandy is Tommy's . 12. parent
11. parents
4. Karen and Rose are Dan's .
10. family
5. Rose is Dan's . 9. couple
6. Ann is Kenny's 8. relative
7. Ann and Dan are Kenny's . 7. grandparents
8. The Knox family is Nelson's 6. grandparent
9. Dan and Ann are a . 5. child
4. children
10. Dan, Ann, Rose, Andrew, George, Karen, Kenny, Wilson and Ruth
3. wife
are the Nelson . 2. husband
11. Andrew and Rose are Wilson's . 1. cousins
12. Andrew is Wilson's .

05 Read the family trees and fill in T for True , F for False .

1. Tommy and Mandy are Barbara's parents. Barbara is

Willie's sister. So, Tommy and Mandy are also Willie's
2. Kenny is Rose's child. Kenny is Wilson's brother. Thus,
Wilson is Rose's child.
3. Ray and Alice are Jerry's grandparents. Jerry is Kenny's
cousin. So, Ray is Kenny's grandparent.
4. Barbara, Susanna, Willie, Dan and Ann are the Nelson
6. T
family. 5. T
5. George and Karen are Ruth's parents. Therefore, 4. F
George and Karen are a couple. 3. F
6. Wilson is Rose's son. Andrew is Rose's husband. Thus, 2. T

Wilson is Andrew's child. 1. T

016 1000
People in General
3 People in General 3 一般稱謂

01 Look below at the Anderson's neighbors.




Connie Rickey

Joline Gina Peter


Elain Eric

02 Read the sentences below to get a better understanding of the


1. There are eleven people in the picture. There is one person in the house.
2. There are two girls. And, there is a boy. Thus, there are 3 kids in the picture.
3. There is a man and a woman. They are married. They have a baby.
4. There are two teenagers (= teens ). One is female. The other is male. They are youths.
5. There is an elder. The elder is looking at a lady.
6. There is a gentleman. He is the lady's boss. He is single.

People in General
3 一般稱謂

1. people [1pip¬] n. 人 (指 2 個以上) 11. teenager [1tin%edZ_]

2. person [1p^s§] n. 人 (指一個) n. 13-19 歲少年
3. girl [g^l] n. 女孩 12. female [1fimel] adj. 女性的
4. boy [bOI] n. 男孩 13. male [mel] adj. 男性的
5. kid [kId] n. 小孩 14. youth [juT] n. 年輕人
6. man [m{n] n. 男人 15. elder [1Eld_] n. 年長者
7. woman [1w¨m@n] n. 女人 16. lady [1ledI] n. 女士
8. married [1m{rId] adj. 結婚的 17. gentleman [1dZEnt¬m@n] n. 男士
9. baby [1bebI] n. 嬰兒 18. single [1sIµg¬] adj. 單身的
10. teen [tin] n. 13-19 歲少年

03 Look at the picture and fill in the blanks below.

10. girl (or kid)

1. Anderson is a . 9. woman (or lady)
2. Elain is a . 8. baby
3. Eric is a . 7. man (or gentleman)
4. Peter is a . (or youth or teen)
6. teenager
5. Gina is a .
5. girl (or kid)
6. Diana is a .
4. boy (or kid)
7. Rickey is a . 3. gentleman (or man)
8. Alice is a . 2. woman (or lady)
9. Kelly is a . (or youth or teen)
10. Joline is a . 1. teenager

04 Look at the picture then answer the questions below.

1. Who are the teenagers? .

2. Who are the kids? . 7. Kelly, Elain
6. Ricky, Eric, Elvis
3. Who are the boys? .
5. Elvis
4. Who are the girls? .
4. Joline, Gina
5. Who is an elder? . 3. Peter
6. Who are the men? . 2. Joline, Gina, Peter
7. Who are the women? . 1. Anderson, Diana

018 1000
People in General
一般稱謂 3
8. Who is the baby? .
9. Who are the youths? . 9. Anderson, Simon, Diana
8. Connie

05 Look at the picture and fill in T for "True", F for "False".

1. Joline and Gina are kids.

2. Peter is a baby. 10. F
9. F
3. Eric is married.
8. T
4. Kelly is single.
7. F
5. Elvis is an elder. 6. T
6. Diana is a youth. 5. T
7. Anderson is female. 4. F
8. Diana is female. 3. F
2. F
9. Elvis is talking to a person.
1. T
10. Diana is talking to three people.

Titles and Special Titles for People
4 Titles and Special

Titles for People

01 Read the titles below for ladies and gentlemen.


■ 稱呼及使用情況 ■ 稱呼及使用情況

Miss Single or married
Single ladies female Doctors or
ladies with a Ph.D.

Ms. Madam
Single or married Single or married
ladies ladies

Married ladies

1. If Winnie is single, we can call her "Miss".

We also can call her "Ms." or "Madam".
We don't call her "Mrs." because "Mrs." is used for married ladies.
We don't call her "Dr." because we don't know if she is a doctor.

020 1000
Titles and Special Titles for People
特定稱謂 4

■ 稱呼及使用情況 ■ 稱呼及使用情況

Mr. Single or married
Single or married male Doctors or
gentlemen men with a Ph.D.

Single or married

2. If Peggy is a doctor, we can call her "Ms.", "Dr." or "Madam".

If she is married, we don't call her "Miss" because "Miss" is used for single ladies.
If she is single, we don't call her "Mrs." because "Mrs." is used for married ladies.
3. If Paul is married. John is single.
We can call Paul "Mr." or "Sir". We also can call John "Mr." or "Sir".
We don't call Paul (or John)"Dr." because we don't know if he is a doctor.

02 Read below chart to get a better understanding about names.

西式順序 中式順序
Name: Shu-ling Lai (淑玲 賴) Name: Lai , Shu-ling (賴 淑玲)
First name: Shu-ling First name: Shu-ling
Last name: Lai Last name: Lai
Sir name = Family name = Last name Sir name = Family name = Last name

Titles and Special Titles for People
4 特定稱謂

1. Miss [mIs] n. 小姐 (指未婚女士)

2. Ms. [mIz] n. 女士(未婚或已婚皆可用)
3. Mrs. [1mIsIz] n. 太太 (指已婚女士)
4. Dr. [1dAkt_] n. 醫師 或 具博士學位者
5. Madam [1m{d@m] n. (= ma'am)女士 (敬稱;同 Ms.用法)
6. Mr. [1mIst_] n. 先生(未婚或已婚皆可用)
7. Sir [s^] n. 先生(未婚或已婚皆可用)
8. name [nem] n. 姓名
9. first name [1f^st%nem] n. 名字
10. last name [1l{st%nem] n. 姓氏
11. sir name [1s^%nem] n. 姓氏
12. family name [1f{m@lI%nem] n. 姓氏

03 Read the descriptions below and answer the questions.

Miss Kelly has five friends. Her friends love different colors and live in different houses. Mr.
Chang lives in a blue house. Miss Lin lives in a green house. Mrs. Lee lives in a red house.
Dr. Huang lives in a brown house. And, Ms. Ru lives in a yellow house.

■ Use words: "is single", "is married" or "could be

single or married" to describe people in different
houses. 5. is married
" " " " " " or married
4. could be single
1. The person lives in the green house . or married
2. The person lives in the yellow house . 3. could be single
3. The person lives in the brown house . or married
4. The person lives in the blue house . 2. could be single
1. is single
5. The person lives in the red house .

022 1000
Titles and Special Titles for People
特定稱謂 4
04 Fill in the blanks below.

Name: Name: Name:

Tang , Hee-yeng Tomoko Nakayama Anita Boggio

1) Sir name: 4) Last name: 7) Family name: 9. Boggio

8. Anita
7. Boggio
6. Nakayama
2) First name: 5) First name: 8) First name: 5. Tomoko
4. Nakayama
3. Tang

3) Family name: 6) Sir name: 9) Last name: 2. Hee-yeng

1. Tang

05 Read the name list below and fill in T for "True", F for "False".

(A) Holliday , Adrian (C) Thomson , Graham (E) Paul Kusel (G) Kullman , John

(B) Stephen Bax (D) Richard Cullen (F) Hyde , Martin (H) Alan Cunningsworth

1. We can call (F) Mr. Hyde.

2. Cullen is a sir name. 10. F
3. Holliday is a first name. 9. F
4. Bax is a family name. 8. F

5. Alan is a last name.

7. F
6. F
6. Kusel is a first name.
5. F
7. John is a sir name. 4. T
8. Richard is a last name. 3. F
9. Graham is a family name. 2. T
10. We can call (G) Mr. John. 1. T

People In Different Situations
5 People In Different

01 Read below terms for the way that we address people in different

■ Situations 情境 ■ Expressions 表達

∂People sell things in stores and own the stores. We call

them owners.
∂People buy things in stores. We call them customers.
∂Customers pay money to the owners. Owners give
things to the customers.
In a store

∂Baseball can not be played alone. It is usually played

with many people.
∂Thus, a group of people can play baseball.
∂The people in the group to play the baseball that we
can call them "players".
∂The one to teach "players" to play baseball is a
∂People come in groups to watch baseball, we can say
In a baseball team
they are a crowd of people.

∂People that were born in Taiwan are called Taiwanese

or Chinese.
∂People that come from U.S.A. are called Americans.
∂To Taiwanese, Americans are foreigners. To
Americans, Taiwanese are foreigners.

In Taiwan

024 1000
People In Different Situations
不同場合適用的稱呼 5
■ Situations 情境 ■ Expressions 表達

∂People who own a house are called masters or hosts

of the house.
∂People who come to visit a house are called guests or
∂People who live next to a house are called neighbors
of the house.
∂People who steal things from a house are called
In a house thieves.

∂People in a team (any kind of team or group) are called

∂People working together in a team call each other
∂People who lead teams are called leaders.

In a team

∂If we compare people to the creatures in the universe,

there is another name that we can use: human.
∂People that you never know or meet before are
strangers to you.


1. owner [1on_] n. 物主;所有者 7. Chinese [1tSaI1niz] n. 中國人

2. customer [1k√st@m_] n. 顧客;買者 8. American [@1mErIk@n] n. 美國人
3. group [grup] n. 群體;團體 9. master [1m{st_] n. 主人;屋主
4. player [1ple_] n. 選手;競賽者 10. host [host] n. 主人;屋主
5. coach [kotS] n. 教練 11. guest [gEst] n. 客人;賓客
6. crowd [kra¨d] n. 群眾 12. visitor [1vIzIt_] n. 拜訪者;客人

People In Different Situations
5 不同場合適用的稱呼

13. neighbor [1neb_] n. 鄰居 17. leader [1lid_] n. 領導者

14. thief [Tif] n. 小偷 18. human [1hjum@n] n. 人類
15. member [1mEmb_] n. 成員;會員 19. stranger [1strendZ_] n. 陌生人
16. partner [1pArtn_] n. 伙伴;拍檔

02 Fill in the blanks below with words.

1. Linda was born in China. So, she is .

2. Christina owns a house. So, she is a .
3. Vivian is Christina's good friend. She goes to Christina's house.
Thus, she is a to Christina.
4. Cullen's family lives in 44 Cromwell Road. Hancox's family lives in
42 Cromwell Road. Therefore, Mr. Cullen is Mrs. Hancox's
5. Maggie lost her money. In fact, Tim stole it. So, Tom is a
6. John and Paul work together in a team. They are .
7. Susan buys things from Annie's store. Thus, Susan is a
to Annie. 12. group
8. Tom is a to Lee's family because they've never 11. crowd
known this person. 10. coach
9. William plays in the school's soccer team. He is a . 9. player
8. stranger
10. Jacky teaches William's soccer team. He is a .
7. customer
11. There are more than seven hundred people that join the party. In
6. partners
another word, there is a of people at the party. 5. thief
12. Carol, Anderson, Alex, Gina, Tina, Brian, Iran and Sophia usually 4. neighbor
dance together in a park on Fridays. In another word, there is a 3. guest (or visitor)
of people that usually dance in the park every 2. master (or host)
1. Chinese

026 1000
People In Different Situations
不同場合適用的稱呼 5
03 Match left terms to terms on the right.

1. owner ∂ ∂animal
6. animal
2. players ∂ ∂customer 5. a crowd of people
3. master ∂ ∂coach 4. Chinese
4. American ∂ ∂Chinese 3. guest
5. a group of people ∂ ∂a crowd of people 2. coach
6. human ∂ ∂guest
1. customer

04 Read the sentences below and fill in T for "True", F for "False".

1. Your cousin comes to your house. You are a guest. And,

your cousin is a host.
2. You live next to Maria's house. Thus, you are Maria's
5. T
3. You go to visit your friend, Sue. You are Sue's stranger. 4. T
4. In your job, you cannot work alone. You should always 3. F
work with David. Thus, David is your partner. 2. T
5. John, Alice and you paid five hundred NT dollars to be in 1. F
a dancing club. You are a member of the dancing club.

Images and Special Titles
6 Images and Special

01 Look at the pictures below and their stories.

1 2

A girl is selling matches at night. She meets a ghost ! But, she doesn't feel bad because it is
her grandmother. It is a very cold night. The girl finally died in the road. She is a good girl.
Her spirit or soul flies into the sky. In the sky, God and angels are there.

028 1000
Images and Special Titles
形象與特殊頭銜 6




A girl meets three bad guys. The bad guys want the girl's money. Fortunately, a hero comes
to help the girl. Unfortunately, the three bad guys take the money. Fortunately, a giant stops
the three bad guys. Finally, the hero and giant bring the three bad guys to see the king and
queen. Then, they find the girl is a princess. The princess marries to the hero. The hero is a
prince now!

Images and Special Titles
6 形象與特殊頭銜

1. ghost [gost] n. 鬼;幽靈 7. hero [1hIro] n. 英雄

2. spirit [1spIrIt] n. 靈魂 8. giant [1dZaI@nt] n. 巨人
3. soul [sol] n. 靈魂 9. king [kIµ] n. 國王
4. God [gAd] n. 上帝 10. queen [1kwin] n. 皇后
5. angel [1endZ¬] n. 天使 11. princess [1prInsIs] n. 公主
6. guy [gaI] n. 傢伙 12. prince [prIns] n. 王子

02 Read pictures on page 28, 29 and answer the questions below.

1. Who is (A) ?
2. Who is (B) ? 10. a hero
3. Who is (C) ? 9. a king
8. God
4. Who is (D) ?
7. a bad guy
5. Who is (E) ?
6. Who is (F)? 6. the girl's grand-
7. Who is (G)? 5. a princess
8. Who is (H)? 4. a giant
9. Who is ( I )? 3. a queen
2. an angel
10. Who is (J)?
1. a girl

03 Match the words below.

1. princess ∂ ∂ bad guys 5. God

2. king ∂ ∂ God
4. spirit
3. bad guys
3. hero ∂ ∂ queen 2. queen
4. soul ∂ ∂ spirit 1. prince
5. angel ∂ ∂ prince

030 1000
Images and Special Titles
形象與特殊頭銜 6
04 Think about the words below. Does it mean Male, Female or
Both? What do you think?

1. prince 2. hero 3. grandmother 4. ghost

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 12. Female
11. Both
5. princess 6. guy 7. soul 8. king 10. Both
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 9. Both

9. giant 10. angel 11. spirit 12. queen

8. Male
7. Both
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
6. Male
5. Female
4. Both
3. Female

2. Both
Fill in T for "True", F for "False". 1. Male

1. King's wife is called a prince.

2. Queen's daughter is called a princess. 9. F
3. Prince is a king and queen's child. 8. F
4. Giant is usually big and tall. 7. T
6. T
5. Hero usually helps bad guys.
5. F
6. Thieves are bad guys. 4. T
7. In a church, we usually see pictures of God and angels. 3. T
8. "Snow White" is a ghost story. 2. T
9. In the world, everyone is able to see the soul. 1. F

7 Appearances

01 Look at the pictures below and descriptions.


John is tall but ugly.

Peter is short but handsome. In another word,
he is nice - looking.

Anita is old but beautiful.

In another word, she is pretty and nice-looking.
Sherry is young but ugly.

Anita Sherry

Jim, Owen and Oliver are brothers

in Wang's family.
Jim is chubby.
Owen is heavy.
Oliver is overweight.
Jim Owen Oliver All of them are fat.

Lillian, Jenny, Amy and Elaine are

sisters in Robinson's family.
Lillian is skinny.
Jenny is underweight.
Amy is slim.
Elaine is slender.
Lillian Jenny Amy Elaine
All of them are thin.

032 1000
外表 7
1. tall [tOl] adj. 高的 11. heavy [1hEvI] adj. 笨重的
2. ugly [1√glI] adj. 醜的 12. overweight [1ov_%wet] adj. 過重的
3. short [SOrt] adj. 矮的 13. fat [f{t] adj. 胖的
4. handsome [1h{ns@m] adj. 帥的 14. skinny [1skInI] adj. 瘦得皮包骨的
5. nice-looking [1naIs1l¨kIµ] adj. 好看的 15. underweight [1√nd_%wet]
6. old [old] adj. 老的 adj. 重量不足的
7. beautiful [1bjut@f@l] adj. 漂亮的 16. slim [slIm] adj. 苗條的
8. pretty [1prItI] adj. 漂亮的 17. slender [1slEnd_] adj. 苗條的
9. young [j√µ] adj. 年輕的 18. thin [TIn] adj. 瘦的
10. chubby [1tS√bI] adj. 圓胖的

02 Look at the pictures on the left and fill in T for "True", F for "False".

1. Jenny is heavy.
10. F
2. Anita is old.
9. T
3. Peter is nice -looking. 8. T
4. John and Sherry are ugly. 7. F
5. Jim is fat. 6. T
6. Elaine and Amy are thin. 5. T

7. John is very short.

4. T
3. T
8. Anita is pretty.
2. T
9. Jenny is not fat. 1. F
10. Owen is not heavy.

03 Write the opposite words in the blanks

below. (or slim or slender or thin)
6. underweight
ing or beautiful or pretty)
1. fat / 5. handsome (or nice-look-
2. handsome / 4. short
3. young / 3. old
4. tall / 2. ugly
5. ugly / weight or slim or slender)
1. thin (or skinny or under-
6. overweight /

7 外表

04 Guess! Who is who?

■ Below is about Charlie's family.

Well, my sister is tall and pretty. And, my brother is really skinny and ugly. Besides, my
cousins are heavy. They are like my father. They like hamburgers. And, that's my mother she
is old but beautiful.
Uhm..., that's my girlfriend. She is slim and young!

( 1. ) ( 2. ) ( 3. )

( 4. ) ( 5. ) 6. Charlie's sister
5. Charlie's cousin
4. Charlie's girlfriend
3. Charlie's father
2. Charlie's brother
1. Charlie's mother
( 6. )

034 1000
Personality 1
8 Personality 1 個性 1 8
01 Look at the pictures below and descriptions.

John and Peter break Mr. Brown's vase. John says sorry to Mr. Brown. But, Peter doesn't.
John is polite. Peter is impolite. (impolite = rude)

Ms. Green finds John and Peter stealing apples. When, Ms. Green asks John and Peter. John
says he did. But, Peter says he didn't. John is honest. Peter is dishonest. (honest = sincere
= frank)

Personality 1
8 個性 1

Teacher Wang asks John and Peter to clean up the table. John does it right away. But, Peter
doesn't. John is diligent. Peter is lazy. (diligent = hard-working)

Poor Linda needs money for the hospital. Linda asks John and Peter for help. John gives all
his pocket money. But, Peter only gives 1 NT dollar. John is generous. Peter is stingy.

Mrs. Fay asks John and Peter to color a flower. John did the red one. Peter did the blue one.
From the picture, we can see John is careful. Peter is careless.

036 1000
Personality 1
個性 1 8
1. polite [p@1laIt] adj. 有禮貌的
2. impolite [%Imp@1laIt] adj. 沒禮貌的
3. rude [rud] adj. 粗魯、沒禮貌的
4. honest [1AnIst] adj. 誠實的
5. dishonest [dIs1AnIst] adj. 不誠實的
6. sincere [sIn1sIr] adj. 正直、誠實的
7. frank [fr{µk] adj. 坦白、誠實的
8. diligent [1dIl@dZ@nt] adj. 勤勉努力的
9. lazy [1lezI] adj. 懶惰的
10. hard-working [%hArd1w^kIµ] adj. 工作勤奮的
11. generous [1dZEn@r@s] adj. 慷慨的
12. stingy [1stIndZI] adj. 小氣的
13. careful [1kErf@l] adj. 細心的
14. careless [1kErlIs] adj. 粗心的

02 Look at the pictures on the left and fill in the blanks below.

1. is careful.
2. is stingy.
3. needs money.
4. is impolite.
5. is generous.
6. gives pictures for coloring. 6. Mrs. Fay
11. Peter 5. John
7. is hard-working.
10. John 4. Peter
8. is frank.
9. Peter 3. Linda
9. is not sincere. 8. John 2. Peter
10. is not rude. 7. John 1. John
11. is not careful.

03 According to the pictures on the left, tick the words below to

describe Peter's personality. Peter is...

( ) honest ( ) not diligent ( ) sincere not careful
( ) lazy ( ) not stingy ( ) not careful lazy
not diligent
( ) generous ( ) impolite ( ) not rude

Personality 1
8 個性 1

04 →) means opposite words. (=)

Complete the chart below. (←
means words with the same meaning.

honest ←→ 1.
2. ←→ generous
12. hard-working
3. ←→ polite 11. careless
frank ←→ 4. 10. polite
5. ←→ lazy 9. impolite
6. = sincere 8. generous

7. = hard-working
7. diligent
6. frank (or honest)
stingy ←→ 8.
5. diligent (or hard-working)
rude = 9. 4. dishonest
impolite ←→ 10. 3. impolite (or rude)
careful ←→ 11. 2. stingy
diligent = 12. 1. dishonest

05 Read the sentences below and fill in the blanks.

1. Lisa never tells the truth. Thus, Lisa is .

2. Joan always says "please" when she orders drinks. Joan is
3. David always works until mid-night. David is . 10. impolite (or rude)
9. dishonest
4. Lillian doesn't care about details. Lillian is .
8. careful
5. Gina hates to do any housework and homework. Gina is
7. generous
. 6. stingy
6. Tom never gives any money to help others. He is . 5. lazy
7. Judy buys a meal for the poor kids. Judy is . 4. careless
8. May never makes mistakes on her homework. May is (or hard-working)
3. diligent
2. polite
9. Emily tells a lie to her classmates. She is .
1. dishonest
10. Andy never says "thank you" when people help him. Andy is

038 1000
Personality 2
9 Personality 2 個性 2 9
01 Look at the pictures below and read the descriptions.

Rita and Nancy study in the same class. Both Rita and Nancy are very good at studying. Both
of them are smart ( =wise = clever = genius = intelligent ). But, they are very different. Rita
was born in a rich family. Nancy was born in a poor family. Rita is rich. And, Nancy is poor.
However, Rita is selfish and sneaky ( = evil ) and proud. She doesn't play with poor people
and never helps others. Nancy is kind ( =nice = friendly = gentle ) and humble. Nancy
helps poor people but never lets people know that she helps. Rita thinks this is stupid ( = fool
= foolish = dumb = silly ) to do good things but not let nobody know. At school, Rita is active
( =energetic ). She likes dancing. But, Nancy is shy. She loves reading and isn't very good at
giving a speech in front of people.

■Check the pictures below and find out who is Rita and who is Nancy.

1. She is . 2. She is . 3. She is .

5. Nancy
4. Rita
3. Rita
2. Nancy
1. Rita
4. She is . 5. She is .

Personality 2
9 個性 2

1. smart [smArt] adj. 聰明的 13. nice [naIs] adj. 好心的

2. wise [waIz] adj. 有智慧聰明的 14. friendly [1frEndlI] adj. 友善的
3. clever [1klEv_] adj. 聰明的 15. gentle [1dZEnt¬] adj. 溫和善良的
4. genius [1dZinj@s] adj. 有天份聰明的 16. humble [1h√mb¬] adj. 謙虛的
5. intelligent [In1tEl@dZ@nt] adj. 聰明的 17. stupid [1stjupId] adj. 愚笨的
6. rich [rItS] adj. 富裕有錢的 18. fool [ful] adj. 愚蠢的
7. poor [p¨r] adj. 貧窮困苦的 19. foolish [1fulIS] adj. 愚蠢的
8. selfish [1sElfIS] adj. 自私的 20. dumb [d√m] adj. 愚笨的
9. sneaky [1snikI] adj. 卑鄙的 21. silly [1sIlI] adj. 愚笨的
10. evil [iv¬] adj. 邪惡害人的 22. active [1{ktIv] adj. 活潑的
11. proud [pra¨d] adj. 驕傲的 23. energetic [%En_1dZEtIk] adj. 充滿活力的
12. kind [kaInd] adj. 仁慈的 24. shy [SaI] adj. 害羞的

02 Read page 39 and fill in T for "True", F for "False".

1. Rita is shy.
2. Nancy is not silly. 11. T
3. Nancy is proud. 10. F

4. Rita is not smart.

9. T
8. T
5. Rita is gentle.
7. T
6. Nancy is poor. 6. T
7. Rita is rich. 5. F
8. Nancy is not active. 4. F
9. Rita is intelligent. 3. F

10. Rita is friendly.

2. T
1. F
11. Nancy is not rich.

040 1000
1. wise (or genius or clever
or intelligent)
2. smart (or wise or clever or
genius or intelligent)
3. active (or energetic)
→ 12.
humble ←
4. stupid (or fool or foolish or
dumb) → 11.
kind ←
5. rich 10. = active
6. foolish (or fool or dumb or → 9.
evil ←
silly) foolish ←→ 8.
7. gentle (or nice or kind)
7. = friendly
8. smart (or genius or intelli-
6. = stupid
gent or wise or clever
9. kind (or nice or friendly or poor ←→ 5.
gentle) 4. = silly
10. energetic shy ←→ 3.
11. sneaky (or evil) dumb ←→ 2.
12. proud
1. = smart

words with the same meaning.
Complete below chart. (←
→) means opposite words. (=) means
I think Rita is...
smart (or wise or clever or genius
or intelligent),rich, selfish, sneaky
(or evil), proud and active(or ener-
getic) ■ I think Nancy is...
I think Nancy is...
smart (or wise or clever or genius
or intelligent),poor, kind(or nice or
friendly or gentle), humble and shy
■ I think Rita is...
Use words in unit 9.
How much do you remember about Rita and Nancy's characters.
9 個性 2
Personality 2
Personality 3
10 Personality 3
個性 3

01 Match the pictures below with the descriptions.

çToby is cruel. He loves bloody things and never

feels sorry about them.
çFred is crazy ( = mad ). He does things he
wants, never cares about others.
çVernon is greedy. He always gets things more
than he needs.

çAmy is lovely (= cute ). Mickey Mouse is her

çAndy is naughty. He is very curious about
everything. This is why he always breaks his
mom's vase.
çKim is childish (= childlike ). He likes to act
like a monkey so that people think he is funny.
But, in the class, he is very talkative. Therefore,
teacher wants him to keep quiet.

çMonica is a good nurse because she is patient,

considerate and responsible to the people in
çJulia is a famous fashion designer in New York.
→ tradi-
She is successful and fashionable (←
tional ) so that many people want to buy her
çClark is a pilot. He is confident, independent
→ humorous ), therefore,
and a bit serious (←
he can bring passengers home safely.

042 1000
Personality 3
個性 3 10
1. cruel [1kru@l] adj. 殘忍的
2. crazy [1krezI] adj. 瘋狂的
3. mad [m{d] adj. 瘋狂的
4. greedy [1gridI] adj. 貪心的
5. lovely [1l√vlI] adj. 可愛的
6. cute [kjut] adj. 可愛的
7. naughty [1nOtI] adj. 頑皮的
8. curious [1kjurI@s] adj. 好奇的
9. childish [1tSaIld%laIk] adj. 幼稚的、傻氣的
10. childlike [1tSaIldIS] adj. 幼稚的、傻氣的
11. funny [1f√nI] adj. 滑稽可笑的、有趣的
12. talkative [1tOk@tIv] adj. 愛說話的
13. patient [1peS@nt] adj. 有耐心的
14. considerate [k@n1sId@rIt] adj. 體貼的
15. responsible [rI1spAns@b¬] adj. 有責任感的
16. successful [s@k1sEsf@l] adj. 成功的
17. fashionable [1f{S@n@b¬] adj. 流行的、時髦的
18. traditional [tr@1dIS@n¬] adj. 傳統的
19. confident [1kAnf@d@nt] adj. 有自信的
20. independent [%IndI1pEnd@nt] adj. 獨立的
21. serious [sIrI@s] adj. 嚴肅的、認真的
22. humorous [1hjum@r@s] adj. 幽默的

02 Circle below words that belong to negative characters.

confident / greedy / curious / cute / patient

naughty / traditional / crazy / successful / lovely
crazy / cruel / mad
considerate / responsible / humorous / cruel / mad greedy / naughty

Personality 3
10 個性 3

03 List at least three characters that you think is important to be ...

■ Your ideal girlfriend or boyfriend

■ Your son or daughter

3. responsible, successful and serious
cute, naughty and childlike(or childish)
2. successful, confident, independent,
■ Your father 1. patient, considerate ,responsible

04 Read the descriptions below and fill in the letter.

a. cute b. traditional c. fashionable d. patient

e. greedy f. independent g. talkative h. humorous

1. ( ) You have no problem on waiting. You can wait for more than 10 minutes with no com-
plaints. So, you are...
2. ( ) You don't like to ask people to do things for you. You always do things by yourself.
Thus, you are...
3. ( ) You like talking. You just can't stop talking to people. So, you are...
4. ( ) You like new things. And, you like reading fashion magazines for the clothes you
bought. And, you are...
5. ( ) You like Hello Kitty. You want to be like a Hello Kitty so that people all like you very
much. So you are...
6. ( ) You like to have lots of things, money, food, toy, and...so on. Therefore, you are...

6. e
5. a
4. c
3. g
2. f
1. d

044 1000
Moods and Feelings
11 Moods and Feelings
11 情緒與感受

01 Read the chart below to see how Julia, Tony, Anita, Elaine, Andy
and Sherry feel today.


Tony & Anita

wonderful Elaine
= marvelous
= terrific good Andy
= fantastic
fine Sherry


= terrible

02 Read the chart above and fill in the blanks.

1. and are not fine today. 5. Julia

2. is ok today. 4. Sherry
3. Tony, Anita
3. and are good today.
2. Elaine
4. is very bad today. 1. Andy, Sherry
5. is very good today.

03 Read the chart below to learn the mood figure. Higher score
means better mood.

happy angry jealous nervous lonely afraid sorry homesick envy unhappy
= glad = sad
score 10 -8 -4 -2 6 -8 8 2 4 -10

Moods and Feelings
11 情緒與感受

04 Read chart on page 45 and answer below questions.

1. John is jealous of her brother's new toys and feels sad today.
What is his mood score?
2. Alice is angry with her sister and feels lonely now.
What is her mood score?
3. Lillian was happy for a party but nervous as she was home later.
What is her mood score?
4. Jessica feels sorry for her dead dog and quite homesick now.
What is her mood score?
5. Web is glad to have a gift and a bit afraid of his school test tomorrow. 7. 4
What is his mood score? 6.–10
6. Sofia is sad about her final grade because she has failed. 5. 2

What is her mood score?

4. 10
3. 8
7. Gina envies Tina's new car.
She wishes she could buy one soon. 1.–14
What is her mood score?

1. wonderful [1w√nd_f@l] adj. 極好的 12. angry [1{µgrI] adj. 生氣的

2. marvelous [1mArv@l@s] adj. 極棒的 13. jealous [1dZEl@s] adj. 忌妒的
3. terrific [t@1rIfIk] adj. 極佳的 14. nervous [1n^v@s] adj. 緊張的
4. fantastic [f{n1t{stIk] adj. 太棒的 15. lonely [1lonlI] adj. 寂寞的
5. good [g¨d] adj. 好的 16. afraid [@1fred] adj. 害怕的
6. fine [faIn] adj. 健康的 17. sorry [1sArI] adj. 難過遺憾的
7. bad [b{d] adj. 不好的 18. homesick [1hom%sIk] adj. 想家的
8. horrible [1hOr@b¬] adj. 糟透的 19. envy [1EnvI] adj. 羨慕
9. terrible [1tEr@b¬] adj. 極糟糕的 20. unhappy [√n1h{pI] adj. 悲慘不快樂的
10. happy [1h{pI] adj. 快樂開心的 21. sad [s{d] adj. 悲傷的
11. glad [gl{d] adj. 高興的

046 1000
Moods and Feelings
情緒與感受 11
05 Use words on page 46 to answer the questions below.

1. You are from Tokyo. But, you live in Taipei now. You miss Tokyo
very much. So, you are . or bad)

2. Your little sister broke your favorite vase. You want to punish her
unhappy or sad
(or terrible or
because you are really .
8. horrible
3. You are afraid of water. Today is your first day to learn swimming. fantastic)
You are so . or terrific or
4. You heard a terrible accident about Anderson's family. You feel very (or marvelous
when you meet them. 7. wonderful

5. You have no friends in town for Christmas. You are very

6. afraid
5. lonely
4. sorry
6. You think you would see ghost in a dark place. So you are 3. nervous
of the night. 2. angry
7. Today is the best day in your life. Thus, today is to 1. homesick
8. You lost your credit cards and money today. Therefore, today is a very day.

06 Circle the words below describing negative moods.

horrible / bad
glad / afraid / happy / jealous / terrific / wonderful unhappy / sad
good / angry / marvelous / terrible / unhappy angry / terrible
fine / horrible / nervous / sad / bad / envy afraid / jealous

07 Fill out the chart below using words with the opposite or same

6. terrible
5. happy (or glad)
glad ←→ 1.
terrible ←→ 2. 4. wonderful (or marvelous or
good ←→ 3. 3. bad
fantastic = 4. terrific or fantastic)
unhappy ←→ 5. 2. wonderful or marvelous or
horrible = 6. 1. sad (or unhappy or sorry)

Moods and Feelings
11 情緒與感受

08 Read the text below and answer the questions.

Today is Sunday. Molly has a family party. Molly heard that her cousin, Peter, had a car
accident on the way to the party. Peter's parents were very worried and went to the hospi-
tal immediately. Luckily, Peter was ok. Peter's sister, Lisa, came to the party in the after-
noon. She was very late because her car was stolen. She cried badly that morning.
Fortunately, a policeman found her car. Now, she is not so bad. Besides, she brought her
boyfriend to the party. Susan, Molly's little sister would like to have a boyfriend very much.
When she met Lisa's boyfriend at the party, she felt bad. She wishes Lisa's boyfriend could
be hers. Molly is very happy because there are many good things that happened to her
today. She passed her History exam. She will have a new office tomorrow. And, her
boyfriend tells her to marry him this evening!

How about you? How's your day today?

I had a very good day because I passed my final exam!!

■ Fill in T for "True", F for "False".

1. Today is marvelous for Molly.

2. Susan is quite homesick when she met Lisa's
boyfriend in the party.
3. Lisa was very glad this morning because she lost her 7. T
car. 6. F
4. Peter was fine in the hospital. 5. T
5. Peter's parents felt terrible when they knew Peter was 4. T

in the hospital. 3. F
2. F
6. It was terrific that Peter had a car accident.
1. T
7. Lisa was happy this afternoon.

048 1000
Cardinal Numbers
12 Cardinal Numbers 12 基數

01 Read the chart below and fill in the sum.

A B C A + B + C =Sum
0 zero 10 ten ( e.g. 0 + 10 = 10) ( ten )
1 one 11 eleven ( 1. ) ( 2. )

2 two 12 twelve 20 twenty ( 3. ) ( 4. )

3 three 13 thirteen 30 thirty ( 5. ) ( 6. )

4 four 14 fourteen 40 forty ( 7. ) ( 8. )

5 five 15 fifteen 50 fifty ( 9. ) ( 10. )

6 six 16 sixteen 60 sixty ( 11. ) ( 12. )

7 seven 17 seventeen 70 seventy ( 13. ) ( 14. )

8 eight 18 eighteen 80 eighty ( 15. ) ( 16. )

9 nine 19 nineteen 90 ninety ( 17. ) ( 18. )

02 Read the chart below and fill in the number of zero.

Arabic 10 100 1000 10,000 100,000 1000,000 1000,000,000
英文寫法 one one ten
ten hundred million billion
English hundred thousand thousand
number ( 19. ) ( 20. ) ( 21. ) ( 22. ) ( 23. ) ( 24. ) ( 25. )
of zero
拾 佰 千 萬 拾萬 百萬 十億
25. 9
24. 6
23. 5
22. 4
21. 3
20. 2
19. 1

18. one hundred

17. 118

16. one hundred

15. 106
14. ninety-four
13. 94
12. eighty-two
11. 82
10. seventy
9. 70
8. fifty-eight
7. 58
6. forty-six
5. 46
4. thirty-four
3. 34
2. twelve
1. 12
and eighteen

and six

Cardinal Numbers
12 基數
■ Read the descriptions below and fill in the blanks.

1. Teenagers (= teens) are young people between the age of thirteen and
Sandra is 10 years old. Monica is 17 years old. Joan is 21 years old.
Who is a teenager?

2. Word number 13 is thir + teen. Word number 30 is thir + ty.

Word number 14 is + teen. Word number 40 is + ty.
Word number 15 is + teen. Word number 50 is + ty. 400000 + 20 =
Word number 18 is + teen. Word number 80 is + ty. 1000000000 +

3. A thousand has 3 zeros. A million has 6 zeros. A billion has 9 zeros.

Forty -five thousand has zeros following number 45. 90000 + 836 =
Three hundred and forty - nine thousand has zeros following 700000000 +
number 349.
Seventy - three million has zeros following number 73. 32 = 90332

Six hundred and eighty - one million has zeros following

4. 90000 + 300 +
number 681.
3. 3 / 3 / 6 /
Twenty billion has zeros following number 20. eigh ; eigh
Nine hundred and twelve billion has zeros following number fif ; fif /
912. 2. four ; for /
1. Monica
4. Write the number below in their Arabic form.

Three thousand, Ninety thousand, Seven hundred mil- One billion, four
four hundred and three hundred and lion, ninety thou- hundred thousand
eighty one thirty two sand, eight hundred and twenty
and thirty six
+ 81

Answer: 3481

050 1000
30 : thirty
40 : forty
14 : fourteen
96 : ninety-six
51 : fifty-one
23 : twenty-three
48 : forty-eight
359 : three hundred and
554 : five hundred and fifty-
7600068 348500 9733 8852
811 : eight hundred and
267 : two hundred and sixty-
8852 : eight thousand, eight
hundred and fifty-two 267 811 554 359
9733 : nine thousand, seven
hundred and thirty-
348500 : three hundred, 48 23 51 96
forty-eight thou-
sand and five hun- thirteen
7600068 : seven million, six 14 40 30 13
hundred thousand
and sixty-eight
Spell out below words.
tewlve / tow /
zore / sixty - one / seventy- ninet thirty - eightty /
fiveteen / ninty /
threeteen / fourty /
thirty-eightty / fourty / twenty threeteen / / seven / ninty / four
seventy-ninet /
zore sixteen / fiveteen / / tow thirty / tewlve
Circle the misspelled words below.
12 基數
Cardinal Numbers
1000 052
65875000 : sixty-five million, eight hundred and seventy-five thousand
8900590 : eight million, nine hundred thousand, five hundred and ninety
64270000 : sixty-four million, two hundred and seventy thousand
500039600 : five hundred million, thirty-nine thousand and six hundred
3154000572 : three billion, one hundred fifty-four million, five hundred and seventy-two
7000000001 : seven billion and one
壹仟陸佰貳拾伍萬 : sixteen million, two hundred and fifty thousand
參億陸仟肆佰伍拾貳 : three hundred million, six thousand, four hundred and fifty-two
柒佰萬 : seven million
肆拾肆億捌佰萬 : four billion, four hundred and eight million
玖拾捌萬兩仟 : nine hundred and eighty-two thousand
參仟伍佰陸拾柒 : three thousand, five hundred and sixty-seven
參仟伍佰陸拾柒 玖拾捌萬兩仟 肆拾肆億捌佰萬 柒佰萬
參億陸仟肆佰伍拾貳 壹仟陸佰貳拾伍萬 7000000001 3154000572
500039600 64270000 8900590 65875000
基數 12
Cardinal Numbers
Ordinal Numbers and Dates
13 Ordinal Numbers 13 序數與日期

and Dates
01 Read the calendar below and answer the questions.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 5
first second third fourth fifth

6 7 8 9 10 11 12
sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth

13 14 15 16 17 18 19
thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth

20 21 22 23 24 25 26
twentieth twenty-first twenty-second twenty-third twenty-fourth twenty-fifth twenty-sixth

27 28 29 30 31
twenty-seventh twenty-eighth twenty-ninth thirtieth thirty-first

1. This is a calendar of July. How many days are there in July?

2. There are seven days in a week. How many weeks are there in July?
3. Monday to Friday are called weekdays. How many weekdays
are there in July?
4. Saturday and Sunday are called the weekend. How many
weekends are there in July?
5. Date: July 3 is called July third. How about July 25? We call it
. 8. Saturday
6. The first day of the week is Sunday. What are the dates of
7. twelfth / fourteenth /
Sunday in July? . twenty-seventh
7. Cardinal Number nine in Ordinal Number is the ninth. twentieth and
Cardinal Number twelve in Ordinal Number is the 6. sixth, thirteenth,
. Cardinal Number fourteen in Ordinal The twenty-fifth of July
Number is the . Cardinal Number thirty in 5. July twenty-fifth /
4. four
Ordinal Number is the .
3. twenty-three
8. The first letter of "written days" is a capital letter e.g. Monday. 2. four
Thus, the written day of "saturday" is wrong. It should be 1. thirty-one

Ordinal Numbers and Dates
13 序數與日期

1. Sunday [1s√nde] n. 星期日 21. ninth [naIT] n. 第九

2. Monday [1m√nde] n. 星期一 22. tenth [tEnT] n. 第十
3. Tuesday [1tjuzde] n. 星期二 23. eleventh [I1lEv§T] n. 第十一
4. Wednesday [1wEnzde] n. 星期三 24. twelfth [twElfT] n. 第十二
5. Thursday [1T^zde] n. 星期四 25. thirteenth [1T^tinT] n. 第十三
6. Friday [1fraI%de] n. 星期五 26. fourteenth [1for1tinT] n. 第十四
7. Saturday [1s{t_de] n. 星期六 27. fifteenth [1fif1tinT] n. 第十五
8. calendar [1k{l@nd_] n. 日曆 28. sixteenth [1sIks1tinT] n. 第十六
9. day [de] n. 日、天 29. seventeenth [%sEv§1tinT] n. 第十七
10. week [wik] n. 星期 30. eighteenth [1e1tinT] n. 第十八
11. weekend [1wik1End] n. 週末 31. nineteenth [1naIn1tinT] n. 第十九
12. weekdays [1wik%dez] n. 平日 32. twentieth [1twEntIIT] n. 第二十
13. first [f^st] n. 第一 33. twenty - first [%twEntI1f^st]
14. second [1sEk@nd] n. 第二 n. 第二十一
15. third [T^d] n. 第三 34. twenty-second [%twEntI1sEk@nd]
16. fourth [forT] n. 第四 n. 第二十二
17. fifth [fIfT] n. 第五 35. twenty-third [%twEntI1T^d]
18. sixth [sIksT] n. 第六 n. 第二十三
19. seventh [1sEv§T] n. 第七 36. thirtieth [1T^tIIT] n. 第三十
20. eighth [etT] n. 第八

02 Fill in the chart below using the sequence of the days and
ordinal numbers.

10. Monday
9. Saturday
8. Saturday
Friday → Saturday → Sunday 7. Thursday
1. → Monday → 2. 6. Friday
3. → Wednesday → 4. 5. Wednesday
5. → Thursday → 6. 4. Thursday
7. → Friday → 8. 3. Tuesday
2. Tuesday
9. → Sunday → 10.
1. Sunday

054 1000
Ordinal Numbers and Dates
序數與日期 13
twenty-eighth → twenty-ninth → thirtieth 10. thirteenth
1. → second → 2. 9. eleventh

3. → sixteenth → 4. 8. fifth
7. third
5. → twentieth → 6.
6. twenty-first
7. → fourth → 8. 5. nineteenth
9. → twelfth → 10. 4. seventeenth
3. fifteenth
2. third
1. first

03 Read the calendar below and answer the questions.

Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat.
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30

1. How many days are there in August?

2. How many weeks are there in August? seventeenth
7. sixteenth and
3. Write out dates of the weekends in August.
6. twenty-seventh
4. Fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth are the twenty-seventh
of the week. twentieth and
5. Every Wednesday, Lisa has swimming class. Please list the dates 5. sixth, thirteenth,
that she goes to swim in August. 4. weekdays
and thirty-first
fourth, thirtieth
6. Twenty-second Aug. is Lisa's birthday. Five days after her birthday third, twenty-
is her mother's birthday. What date is her mother's birthday? teenth, twenty-
teenth, seven-
7. Write out the date of the third weekend. ninth, tenth, six-
3. second, third,
2. four
1. thirty-one

1000 056
12. ninteenth →
1. calander → calendar
11. thirty-forth →
2. weakdays → weekdays
3. weekand → weekend
10. twenty-threeth →
4. wednesday → Wednesday 9. twelveth →
5. Thusday → Thursday 8. twentith →
6. Manday → Monday 7. forteenth →
7. forteenth → fourteenth 6. Manday →
8. twentith → twentieth
5. Thusday →
9. twelveth → twelfth
10. twenty-threeth → twenty-third
4. wednesday →
11. thirty-forth → thirty-fourth 3. weekand →
12. ninteenth → nineteenth 2. weakdays →
1. calander →
Correct the misspelled words below.
序數與日期 13
Ordinal Numbers and Dates
Months and Seasons
14 Months and Seasons
14 月份與季節

01 Use the words below to complete the chart.

(or freezing).
hot ( =N. heat ) / cool / cold ( = freezing ) / warm / 21. It is cold
7 - 16 degrees Centigrade ( = C.) / 29 - 39 degrees C. / April and May.
20 - 26 degrees C. / 18 - 22 degrees C. 20. They are: March,
19. It is cool.
degrees C.
Seasons Winter Winter Spring Spring 18. It is around 18-22
17. It is hot.
Months January February March April 16. January
Temperature (1. ) (2. ) (3. ) (4. ) 15. twelve
14. winter
13. four
Seasons Spring Summer Summer Summer
cold (or freezing)
Months May June July August 12. 7-16 degrees C.
Temperature (5. ) (6. ) (7. ) (8. ) 11. 18-22 degrees C
Seasons Autumn Autumn Autumn Winter 10. 18-22 degrees C
( = Fall ) (=Fall) (=Fall) cool.
9. 18-22 degrees C
Months September October November December hot
8. 29-39 degrees C.
Temperature (9. ) (10. ) (11. ) (12. )
7. 29-39 degrees C.
13. How many seasons are there in a year? 6. 29-39 degrees C.
14. What is the last season of the year in Taiwan? warm
15. How many months are there in a year? 5. 20-26 degrees C.

16. What is the first month of the year?

4. 20-26 degrees C.
17. How is it when temperature goes around 29-39 degrees C. in
Taiwan? 3. 20-26 degrees C.
18. How is the temperature of September in Taiwan? cold (or freezing)
19. How is the weather in fall in Taiwan? 2. 7-16 degrees C.
20. What are the months of spring in Taiwan? cold (or freezing)

21. How is the weather in January in Taiwan?

1. 7-16 degrees C.

Months and Seasons
14 月份與季節
22. How is it when temperature goes around 7-16 degrees C.?
don't like the heat.
23. What's the difference between the words: "hot" and "heat"? 23. The weather is hot. I
Make sentences for them. 22. It's cold (or freezing).

1. temperature [1tEmpr@tS_] n. 溫度 15. fall [fOl] n. 秋季

2. hot [hAt] adj. 熱的 16. month [m√nT] n. 月
3. heat [hit] n. 高溫、熱 17. January [1dZ{nju%ErI] n. 一月
4. cool [kul] adj. / n. 涼爽的、涼爽 18. February [1fEbr¨%ErI] n. 二月
5. cold [kold] adj. / n. 冷的、冷 19. March [mArt?] n. 三月
6. freezing [1frizIµ] adj. 嚴寒的 20. April [1epr@l] n. 四月
7. warm [wOrm] adj. / n. 溫暖的、溫暖 21. May [me] n. 五月
8. degrees [dI1gri] n. 度 22. June [dZun] n. 六月
9. Centigrade ( = C. ) [1sEnt@%gred] n. 攝氏 23. July [dZu1laI] n. 七月
10. season [1siz§] n. 季節 24. August [1Og@st] n. 八月
11. winter [1wInt_] n. 冬季 25. September [sEp1tEmb_] n. 九月
12. spring [sprIµ] n. 春季 26. October [Ak1tob_] n. 十月
13. summer [1s√m_] n. 夏季 27. November [no1vEmb_] n. 十一月
14. autumn [Ot@m] n. 秋季 28. December [dI1sEmb_] n. 十二月

16. Winter
Fill in the chart below using the sequence of 15. Summer
months and seasons. 14. March
13. January
12. Summer
Spring → Summer → Fall (or Autumn) 11. Winter
1. → May → 2. 10. May
3. → January → 4. 9. March
8. November
5. → Autumn → 6.
7. September
7. → October → 8. 6. Winter
9. → April → 10. 5. Summer
11. → Spring → 12. 4. February
13. → February → 14. 3. December
15. → Fall → 16. 2. June
1. April

058 1000
Months and Seasons
月份與季節 14
03 Fill in the opposite words below.

1. cold / 6. summer
2. warm / 5. spring
3. spring / 4. hot
3. fall
4. freezing /
2. cool
5. autumn /
1. hot
6. winter /

04 Fill in T for "True", F for "False".

1. November is after September.

2. April is before May. 8. F
3. There are four seasons in a year. 7. F
4. In Taiwan, it is cold in the fall. 6. F
5. In Taiwan, sometimes it is freezing in winter. 5. T
4. F
6. Summer comes after autumn.
3. T
7. December is the last season of the year.
2. T
8. In Taiwan, the temperature in winter is usually above 30 1. T
degrees C.

05 Match below words.

1. sea ∂ ∂ing
2. spr ∂ ∂perature 12. ecember
3. war ∂ ∂ezing 11. eptember
4. coo ∂ ∂m 10. une
5. fre ∂ ∂l 9. ugust

6. tem ∂ ∂son
8. ovember
7. arch
7. M ∂ ∂ugust 6. perature
8. N ∂ ∂une 5. ezing
9. A ∂ ∂ecember 4. l
10. J ∂ ∂arch 3. m
11. S ∂ ∂ovember 2. ing

12. D ∂ ∂eptember
1. son

Timepieces and Time of the Day
15 Timepieces and Time

of the Day
01 Look at the pictures below and answer the questions.

alarm clock clock watch stopwatch calendar

1. Which one shows the month and date?

2. Which one is used for waking people up? 5. the clock
3. Which one is used for checking seconds in running? 4. the watch
3. the stopwatch
4. Which one is worn on the wrist?
2. the alarm clock
5. Which one is usually hung on the wall?
1. the calendar

02 Look at the pictures below and fill in the blanks.

dawn morning noon

060 1000
Timepieces and Time of the Day
時間 15

afternoon evening

night midnight

1. is the time at the beginning of a morning, and the rise of the first sunlight of
the day.
2. People usually have breakfast in the .
3. When is usually the time for dinner? .
4. When is usually the time for bed? .
5. The very starting time of the afternoon is called .
The clock shows o'clock.
6. Right at the very end of the night, it's 12:00 o'clock at night and is called .

6. midnight
5. noon / twelve
4. night
3. evening
2. morning
1. Dawn

Timepieces and Time of the Day
15 時間

1. alarm clock [@1lArm1klAk] n. 鬧鐘 7. morning [1mOrnIµ] n. 上午

2. clock [klAk] n. 時鐘 8. noon [nun] n. 正午
3. watch [wAtS] n. 手錶 9. afternoon [1{ft_1nun] n. 下午
4. stopwatch [stAp%wAtS] n. 碼錶 10. evening [1ivnIµ] n. 傍晚
5. second [1sEk@nd] n. 秒 11. night [naIt] n. 晚上
6. dawn [dOn] n. 黎明破曉 12. midnight [1mId%naIt] n. 午夜

03 Circle the times that you can see the sun.

midnight / watch / stopwatch / morning

afternoon / clock / noon / night / alarm clock / noon / dawn
evening / second / dawn morning / afternoon

04 Look at the pictures below and fill in the answers.

What are these?

1. 2.

4. This is a clock.
3. This is a stop-
alarm clock.
2. This is an
1. This is a watch.
3. 4.

062 1000
Timepieces and Time of the Day
時間 15
05 Use the the words below to fill in the blanks.

afternoon / alarm clock / midnight / noon / watch / clock

Every morning, Jenny needs an 1. to wake her up

because she's always late for school. In the morning after the breakfast,
she puts her 2. on her wrist that she can check the time
anywhere. Today, it is very strange; the time on her watch is different
from the time on school's 3. . She checks again and
again. Finally, she finds the time on her watch was wrong. Now, it's
12:00 o'clock, also we also call it 4. . Jenny is really late 6. midnight
for school. Jenny's teacher asks Jenny to stand in the class all 5. afternoon
4. noon
5. . In the evening, when she walks home she feels really
3. clock
tired. She wishes to go to sleep early. However, when she goes to bed,
2. watch
it is 12:00 o'clock again but it's 6. . Jenny can never man- 1. alarm clock
age her time well!!

06 Match below words.

1. mor ∂ ∂wn
10. n
2. ala ∂ ∂ht 9. pwatch
3. nig ∂ ∂ing 8. ch
4. mid ∂ ∂night 7. ing
5. da ∂ ∂rm 6. ond

6. sec ∂ ∂pwatch 5. wn

7. even ∂ ∂ch
4. night
3. ht
8. wat ∂ ∂ning 2. rm
9. sto ∂ ∂ond 1. ning
10. noo ∂ ∂n

Describing Time 1
16 Describing Time 1
描述時間 1

01 Look at the chart below to understand how to describe time.

24 hour clock a.m. & p.m. Time Expressions

1:00 1:00 a.m. One o'clock in the morning
2:00 2:00 a.m. Two o'clock in the morning
3:00 3:00 a.m. Three o'clock in the morning
4:00 4:00 a.m. Four o'clock in the morning
5:00 5:00 a.m. Five o'clock in the morning
6:00 6:00 a.m. Six o'clock in the morning
7:00 7:00 a.m. Seven o'clock in the morning
8:00 8:00 a.m. Eight o'clock in the morning
9:00 9:00 a.m. Nine o'clock in the morning
10:00 10:00 a.m. Ten o'clock in the morning
11:00 11:00 a.m. Eleven o'clock in the morning
12:00 12:00 a.m. Twelve o'clock at noon
13:00 1:00 p.m. One o'clock in the afternoon
14:00 2:00 p.m. Two o'clock in the afternoon
15:00 3:00 p.m. Three o'clock in the afternoon
16:00 4:00 p.m. Four o'clock in the afternoon
17:00 5:00 p.m. Five o'clock in the afternoon
18:00 6:00 p.m. Six o'clock in the evening
19:00 7:00 p.m. Seven o'clock in the evening
20:00 8:00 p.m. Eight o'clock in the evening
21:00 9:00 p.m. Nine o'clock at night
22:00 10:00 p.m. Ten o'clock at night
23:00 11:00 p.m. Eleven o'clock at night
24:00 12:00 p.m. Twelve o'clock at midnight

1 Century = 100 years

1 year = 365 days
1 day = 24 hours
1 hr = 60 minutes
1 min = 60 seconds

064 1000
Describing Time 1
描述時間 1 16

∂ten past four ∂quarter past four ∂half past four

∂four ten ∂fifteen minutes past four ∂thirty minutes to five
∂four fifteen ∂four thirty

1. a.m. [1e1Em] adv. (= before noon) 上午

2. p.m. [1pi1Em] adv. (= afternoon and night) 下午,晚上
3. time [taIm] n. 時間、時
4. o'clock [@1klAk] adv. 點鐘、點整
5. century [1sEntS¨rI] n. 世紀
6. hour [a¨r] n. 小時
7. minute [1mInIt] n. 分鐘
8. past [p{st] prep. (時間) 過了、經過
9. quarter [1kwOrt_] n. (時間) = 15分鐘
10. half [h{f] n. (時間) 半;30 分鐘

02 Read the sentences below and fill in the blanks.

1. Tina's first class starts at 9:45 a.m., and her last class ends at
8:15 p.m. How long does she stay at school? hrs
and minutes. 4. one / fifty-four / forty-four
3. It is twenty-first century.
2. 988 minutes = hrs and minutes
2. sixteen / twenty-eight
3. This year is 2005. What century is it? 1. ten / thirty
4. 6884 seconds = hr, minutes and

1000 066
1. ten to one = twelve fifty
2. quarter to seven = fifteen minutes to seven = six forty-five
3. half past seven = thirty minutes to eight = seven thirty
4. twenty to three = two forty
5. half past three = thirty minutes to four = three thirty
6. ten past one = one ten
7. twenty past four = four twenty
8. six
9. twelve
Answer: Answer: Answer:
9. 8. 7.
Answer: Answer: Answer:
6. 5. 4.
Answer: Answer: Answer:
3. 2. 1.
Look at the clocks below and write the time under the clock.
描述時間 1 16
Describing Time 1
Describing Time 1
描述時間 1 16
10. 11. 12.

Answer: Answer: Answer:

12. fifteen past eight = quarter past eight = eight fifteen

11. twelve
10. ten

04 Match below words.

1. ha ∂ ∂ur 10. nutes

2. pa ∂ ∂clock 9. ntury
3. ho ∂ ∂me 8. before noon
4. ti ∂ ∂lf 7. arter

5. o' ∂ ∂st night

6. p.m. ∂ ∂arter
6. afternoon and
5. clock
7. qu ∂ ∂before noon 4. me
8. a.m. ∂ ∂ntury 3. ur
9. ce ∂ ∂afternoon and night 2. st
10. mi ∂ ∂nutes 1. lf

Describing Time 2
17 Describing Time 2
描述時間 2

01 Read the chart below and fill in the blanks.

Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat.
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
yesterday today tomorrow
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30

12 13 14
yesterday today tomorrow
morning yesterday morning this morning tomorrow morning
afternoon yesterday afternoon this afternoon tomorrow afternoon
evening yesterday evening this evening tomorrow evening
yesterday night
night tonight tomorrow night
(= last night)

1. This Friday is August fifteenth. Next Friday is August twenty-second. Last Monday is
August eleventh. What day is next Monday?

2. This week is from August twenty-fourth to August thirtieth, what about last week?

3. Circle the correct answer. Jessica's dog died three days ago. "Ago" is a word for describing
time that happens before now. For example, five minutes ago means five minutes before
now. Thus, three days ago means three days before (tomorrow / today).
And, two years ago means two years before (this year / last year).

3. today / this year

2. from seventeenth to twenty-third August
1. August eighteenth

068 1000
Describing Time 2
描述時間 2 17
02 Read the description below to understand the terms better.

1. Now (=Adj. current) is 6 p.m. A mother asks her son to get up right now (=right away =
immediately = at once). This means she wants her son to get up when she said. Then,
her son gets up very soon. This means the son doesn't get up right away, but he gets up a
very short time after his mother asks.
2. The time before now is called the past. The time after now is called the future. If now is "
3:00 p.m.", " 2:59 p.m." is the past, and " 3:01 p.m." is the future. Another example: if today
is "11th August', "7th August' is the past, and "14th August' is the future.
3. Things that happen before the time we expected happened early. Things that happen after
the time we expected happened late.

1. yesterday [1jEst_de] adv. n. 昨天 10. right now [1raIt1na¨] adv. 就是現在

2. today [t@1de] adv. n. 今天 11. right away [1raIt%@1we] adv. 立刻
3. tomorrow [t@1mOro] adv. n. 明天 12. immediately [I1midIItlI] adv. 立刻地
4. last [l{st] adv. adj. 上次、最近的 13. at once [{t1w√ns] adv. 馬上
5. tonight [t@1naIt] adv. n. 今晚 14. soon [sun] adv. 不久、很快地
6. next [nEkst] adv. adj. 下次、緊接在後 15. past [p{st] n. adj. 過去、過去的
7. ago [@1go] adv. 在…以前 16. future [fjutS_] n. adj. 未來、未來的
8. now [na¨] adv. n. 現在 17. early [1^lI] adv. adj. 早的、提早
9. current [1k^@nt] adj. 現在的、當前的 18. late [let] adv. adj. 遲的、遲到

03 Read the chart below and answer the questions.

Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat.

1. Tomorrow is October fifteenth. What date is it today? 5. October eighth

2. What day is October twenty-seventh? 4. October thirteenth
3. What day is two days before October twelfth? 3. Saturday
4. What date is yesterday? 2. Tuesday
1. October fourteenth
5. What date is last Thursday?

Describing Time 2
17 描述時間 2
6. What date is the next Tuesday?
7. October tenth is how many days ago from today? 7. four days
6. October twentieth

04 Identify the terms below as: past, now or future.

12. now
1. Three minutes ago. 7. Come to the party early 11. future
( ) tomorrow night. ( ) 10. now
2. The current time. ( ) 8. Study in U.S.A. in past three 9. now
3. The next Friday. ( ) years. ( ) 8. past
7. future
4. Yesterday morning. 9. Soon, it's midnight now.
6. past
( ) ( )
5. now
5. Pay money immediately. 10. Call the 911 at once. 4. past
( ) ( ) 3. future
6. Got to school late this morning. 11. See you tonight. ( ) 2. now
( ) 12. Call me right now. ( ) 1. past

05 Read the article below and figure out the people's visiting
sequence : who is the first visitor and who comes after... and so

At a Christmas party, we told everybody to come at 7:30 p.m. My uncle comes thirty minutes
late. His wife comes 30 minutes before the party starts. Right now, it's 9 o'clock. My sister
calls to say she will be home in 20 minutes. And, my brother has just come home. Then, I call
my father. He says he will leave immediately. But, from his office it takes 2 hrs. The one
comes next to my brother is my cousin Tina. She is here now and she says our grandparents
will come tomorrow.

aunt, uncle, btother, Tina, sister, father, grandparents

070 1000
18 Money 金錢 18
01 Look at the pictures below to identify kinds of money.



traveler's check credit card cash

1. How much money is on the traveler's check in picture A?

2. What is the bank name on the credit card in picture B?
3. How many notes (=bills) are there in picture C?
4. How many coins are there in picture C?
5. Among the coins in picture C, there are two kinds of money. One is a dollar and another
one is a cent. How many cents are there?
6. How much cash is there in picture C?

6. two hundred, twenty-four dollars and four cents

5. four cents
4. eight
3. four
2. Citibank
1. five hundred U.S. dollars

18 金錢

02 Read the descriptions below about ways we use money.

Use money to buy things in shops

Money can buy things in shops. We need money to buy things. If you want to buy
something, you need to know how much it costs. Thus, you can ask "How much does it
cost?" or "How much is it?". This will tell you the price. Once you know the price , you can
pay for it, if you have enough money. For example, you have 100 dollars and the price is
60 dollars. You give the shop owner a 100 note. Then, the owner will give you 40 dollars
back. The 40 dollars is called “change”. In other words, you spend 60 dollars and get
40 dollars in change.

Money can pay the bills (=fee)

In life, you use money not only for buying things but also for paying bills. For example, you
pay bills for gas, water, electricity and in restaurants. In another words, the gas, water,
electricity companies and restaurants charge you money for using their services. If you
earn only a little money, you may not able to pay all the fees. Then, you may borrow
some money from your friends. You can also say your friends lend you some money.

1. money [1m√nI] n. 錢 11. cost [kOst] v. 花費

2. traveler's check [1tr{vl_z1tSEk] 12. price [1praIs] n. 價格、價錢
n. 旅行支票 13. pay [pe] v. 付錢
3. credit card [1krEdIt%kArd] n. 信用卡 14. change [tSendZ] n. 找回的零錢
4. cash [k{S] n. 現金 15. spend [spEnd] v. 花費
5. note [not] n. 紙幣 16. bill [bIl] n. 帳單
6. bill [bIl] n. 紙幣 17. fee [fi] n. 費用
7. coin [koIn] n. 硬幣 18. charge [tSArdZ] v. 對…索費
8. dollar [1dAl_] n. 元 19. earn [^n] v. 賺錢
9. cent [sEnt] n. 分(100 cents =1 dollar) 20. borrow [1bAro] v. 借、借入
10. buy [baI] v. 買 21. lend [lEnd] v. 借、借給(出)

072 1000
金錢 18
03 Read the situations below and fill in the blanks.

Your July bills In a shop

Water fee: 840 dollars and 5 cents Book: 29 dollars and 15 cents
Gas fee: 553 dollars and 64 cents Vase: 43 dollars and 99 cents
Electricity fee: 1266 dollars Cake: 58 dollars and 74 cents
Credit cards bills: 24150 dollars Flowers: 39 dollars and 26 cents

How much in total do you spend on bills? You have 3000 cents in hand. You need to
buy something for your little sister's
You have only 25000 dollars in bank this
month. How much do you need to borrow What could you buy?
from your friend? How much change would you get?

Your monthly cost

Living cost: 15800 dollars 3. 15000 dollars
2. book / 85 cents
All bills: 6070 dollars
1. 26809.69 / 1809.69
You earn 20000 dollars this month.
You need to pay the bank 5000 dollars in service charges this month.
You borrow some money from your brother.
Finally, you still have to save 8130 dollars in the bank.
How much does your brother lend you?

04 Read the 10 situations below and figure out when you have to
"pay money" and when you "get money" !

1. You pay 839 credit card bills.

7. get money
2. You charge the customer 400 dollars.
6. pay money
3. You earn 6300 dollars from winning a game. 5. pay money
4. The bank lends you 39000 dollars. 4. get money
5. The restaurant charges you 20 dollars for service. 3. get money
6. Your friend borrows 309 dollars from you. 2. get money
1. pay money
7. You get 37 dollars change from the shop.

18 金錢
8. Your customer pays 800 dollars to you.
9. Your new watch costs you 7000 dollars. 12. pay money

10. James spends 500 dollars in your shop. 11 .pay money

10. get money
11. You lend 4000 dollars to Tom.
9. pay money
12. You buy a book that costs 300 dollars. 8. get money

05 Circle the words that you think doesn't belong in the group.

1. 2. traveler's check 3
coin bill charge
note cent credit card
dollar lend money

4. money 5. 6.
bill borrow
fee earn
price spend
earn gain

6. spend
5. earn
4. charge
3. borrow
2. charge
1. lend

074 1000
Colors, Shapes and Lines
19 Colors, Shapes and 顏色、形狀與線條

01 Match the terms below with the shape. Write numbers beside the

a. black circle b. dark blue dot c. brown line d. light blue rectangle
e. gray triangle f. green circle g. orange line h. pink curve
i. purple dot j. red rectangle k. white triangle l. yellow curve

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

10. b 11. l 12. f 9. g

6. i 7. c 8. k 5. d
2. a 3. e 4. h 1. j

02 Look at the pictures above and answer the questions.

1. How many colors are there? 7. Two

2. How many dots? 6. Two
3. How many lines? 5. Two
4. How many rectangles? 4. Two

5. How many triangles?

3. Two
2. Two
6. How many curves?
1. Twelve
7. How many circles?

Colors, Shapes and Lines
19 顏色、形狀與線條

1. black [bl{k] adj. / n. 黑色(的) 12. yellow [1jElo] adj. / n. 黃色(的)

2. blue [blu] adj. / n. 藍色(的) 13. light [laIt] adj. 淡的
3. brown [bra¨n] adj. / n. 咖啡色(的) 14. dark [dArk] adj. 深的
4. golden [1gold§] adj. / n. 金色(的) 15. color [1k√l_] n. 顏色
5. gray [gre] adj. / n. 灰色(的) 16. dot [dAt] n. 點
6. green [grin] adj. / n. 綠色(的) 17. line [laIn] n. 線
7. orange [1OrIndZ] adj. / n. 橘色(的) 18. rectangle [rEk1t{µg¬] n. 矩形
8. pink [pIµk] adj. / n. 粉紅色(的) 19. triangle [1traI%{µg¬] n. 三角形
9. purple [1p^p¬] adj. / n. 紫色(的) 20. curve [k^v] n. 曲線、弧線
10. red [rEd] adj. / n. 紅色(的) 21. circle [1s^k¬] n. 圈
11. white [hwaIt] adj. / n. 白色(的)

03 Follow the instructions below to draw a picture.

You have: twelve dots, seven triangles, eleven curves, fifteen lines, eight circles,
three rectangles


076 1000
Colors, Shapes and Lines
顏色、形狀與線條 19
04 Read the descriptions below and guess what color it is.

1. What color are coffee beans?

6. red
2. What color is grass?
5. white
3. What color is the moon? 4. black
4. What color is the sky at night? 3. yellow
5. What color is snow? 2. green
6. What color is blood? 1. brown

05 Write at least 2 things near you that match the colors below in
the box.

1. purple 2. pink 3. orange

4. gray 5. golden 6. blue

6. the sky, jeans 3. orange juice, oranges

5. watches, coins 2. skirts, flowers
4. grandpa's hair, hats 1. grapes, ties

Describing Things
20 Describing Things

01 Read the pictures below and fill in the blanks.

Look at the dog and the elephant. The

is big. And, the is small.
Look at the dog and the ant. The is
big. And, the is small.
Look at the ant, the dog and the elephant.
The is big. The is small.
And, the is tiny.

Look at the Clothes A, B and C.

Clothes is a small size.
Clothes is a medium size.
Clothes is a large size.

Look at the T-shirt of D Club and E Club.

The T-shirt's sleeve is long in Club.
D E The T-shirt's sleeve is short in

Look at the boy and girl's body

The 's body temperature is low.
The 's body temperature is high.

2. B / C / A 3. D / E 4. boy / girl
1. elephant / dog / dog / ant / elephant / dog / ant

078 1000
Describing Things
描述事物 20
F street Look at the F street and G street.
Tom lives in a broad(= wide) street. Thus,
he lives in the street.
Tina lives in a narrow street. Therefore,
she lives in the street.
G street

Look at the dictionary and notebook.

The is thin.
The is thick.

dictionary notebook

6. notebook / dictionary
5. G / F

1. big [bIg] adj. 大的 8. low [lo] adj. 低的

2. small [smOl] adj. 小的 9. high [haI] adj. 高的
3. tiny [taInI] adj. 極小的 10. broad [brOd] adj. 寬的、廣闊的
4. medium [1midI@m] adj. 中等的 11. wide [waId] adj. 寬闊的
5. large [lArdZ] adj. 大的 12. narrow [1n{ro] adj. 窄的
6. long [lOµ] adj. 長的 13. thin [TIn] adj. 薄的
7. short [SOrt] adj. 短的 14. thick [TIk] adj. 厚的

02 Fill in T for "True", F for "False".

1. Clothes for winter are thin, but clothes for summer are thick.
2. T
2. To a overweight person, walking through a broad alley is easier
1. F
than a narrow alley.

Describing Things
20 描述事物
3. Jenny is fat and 178 cm tall. Teresa is thin and 150 cm tall. Jenny
looks small. Teresa looks big.
4. Maggie tried a pair of large and medium size shoes. She decided
to buy the large one because the medium size is too big.
6. F
5. When a short woman wants to look tall, she needs high heel
5. T
shoes. 4. F
6. There is a kind of fashionable clothing which is called a mini- 3. F
skirt. Mini-skirts are long skirts.

03 Fill in the chart below using words with the opposite meaning or
the same meaning.

low ←→ 1.
broad ←→ 2. 6. short
small ←→ 3. 5. thick
broad = 4. 4. wide

thin ←→ 5. 3. big
2. narrow
long ←→ 6.
1. high

04 Write at least 2 things that can be described by the words below.

1. large / medium / small 2. thin / thick

3. long / short 4. narrow / broad

4. road, bridge
3. hair, skirts
2. gloves, books
1. clothes, shoes

080 1000
21 Measurements
01 Read the chart below and circle the answers.

1 kilometer = 1000 meters 1 mile = 1760 yards

1 meter = 100 centimeters 1 yard = 3 feet
1 centimeter = 0.01 meters 1 foot = 12 inches
1 inch = 2.54 centimeters
1. The above terms are the units of: 2. The above terms are the units of:
level / weight / height / liquid / distance / level / weight / height / liquid / distance
length / volume / length / volume
1 kilogram = 1000 grams
1 liter = 1000 cubic centimeters (cc.)
1 gram = 0.001 kilograms
1 cubic centimeter (c.c.) = 0.001 liters
1 pound = 453.6 grams
3. The above terms are the units of: 4. The above terms are the units of:
level / weight / height / liquid / distance level / weight / height / liquid / distance
/ length / volume / length / volume

4. liquid / volume
3. weight
2. level / height / distance / length
1. level / height / distance / length

02 Read the chart above and fill in the blanks.

Example A: 3+4=7 three plus four equals seven

Example B: 4 + 21 = 25 four plus twenty-one equals twenty-five
Example C: 39 - 5 = 34 thirty-nine minus five leaves thirty-four
Example D: 67 - 41 = 26 sixty-seven minus forty-one leaves twenty-six

21 度量

a. 3 kilograms plus 1322 grams equals grams.
b. 14 kilograms plus 3800 grams equals kilograms.
c. 5 pounds plus 558 grams equals grams. h. 2451
d. 3 miles minus 889 yards leaves yards. g. 5.885
e. 24 feet minus 119 inches leaves inches. f. 2512.7
e. 169
f. 5 inches plus 25 meters equals centimeters.
d. 4391
g. 5 liters plus 885 cubic centimeters equals liters. c. 2826
h. 3 liters minus 549 cubic centimeters leaves cubic cen- b. 17.8
timeters. a. 4322

1. kilometer [1kIl@%mit_] n. 公里 13. length [lEµT] n. 長度

2. meter [1mit_] n. 公尺 14. volume [1vAlj@m] n. 容積
3. centimeter [1sEnt@%mit_] n. 公分 15. kilogram [1kIl@%gr{m] n. 公斤
4. mile [maIl] n. 英里 (=哩) 16. gram [gr{m] n. 公克
5. yard [jArd] n. 碼 17. pound [pa¨nd] n. 磅
6. foot [fut] n. 英尺 18. liter [lit_] n. (=litre)公升
7. inch [IntS] n. 英吋 19. cubic centimeter [1kjubIk1sent@%mit_]
8. level [lEv¬] n. 高度 n. (=cc.)立方公分
9. weight [wet] n. 重量 20. plus [pl√s] v. 加
10. height [haIt] n. 高度 21. equal [1ikw@l] v. 等於
11. liquid [1lIkwId] n. 液體 22. minus [1maIn@s] v. 減
12. distance [1dIst@ns] n. 距離 23. leave [liv] v. 剩餘

03 Match the descriptions below with the related terms.


1. Jack is 175 centimeters tall. ∂length

6. level
2. Lillian is 68 kilograms.
5. length
3. The jar can hold 500 cc. water. ∂weight 4. distance
4. My house is about 2 miles away from the school. ∂height 3. volume
5. Have the sleeves 10 centimeters longer. ∂level 2. weight
6. The building is about 8850 meters. ∂distance 1. height

082 1000
度量 21
04 Read the word lists below and cross out words that do not
belong to the group.

1. foot / yard / kilometer / kilogram / height

5. yard
2. minus / plus / volume / equals / leaves
4. liter
3. inch / pound / gram / kilogram / weight 3. inch
4. length / liter / level / distance / height 2. volume
5. liquid / cubic centimeters / volume / yard / liter 1. kilogram

05 Read the questions below and fill in the blanks.

1. 23 yards = inches
2. 2.3 miles = feet 8. 5.966 kilometers
3. 3.25 feet = centimeters 7. 7700 centimeters
6. 2268 grams
4. 58400 cubic centimeters = liters
5. 8480 grams
5. 8.48 kilograms = grams 4. 58.4 liters
6. 5 pounds = grams 3. 99.06 centimeters
7. 77 meters = centimeters 2. 12144 feet
8. 5966 meters = kilometers 1. 828 inches

06 List at least two items that use the units of the measurement

1. liters 2. grams

height of mountains
3. kilometers 4. feet 4. height of men,
3. freeway, length of bridge
weight of sugar
2. weight of rice,
1. oil, milk

Quantity Phrases
22 Quantity Phrases

01 Look at the pictures below and check the correct description.

1. 2. 3.

( ) Five glasses of beer ( ) Two sets of cookies ( ) A pair of shoes

( ) Five bottles of beer ( ) Two packs of cookies ( ) A bouguet of shoes

4. 5. 6.

( ) Twelve packages of ( ) Four packages of

eggs ( ) Three loafs of bread paper
( ) One dozen of eggs ( ) Three masses of bread ( ) Four pieces of paper

7. 8. 9.

( ) A set of flowers ( ) Two glasses of coffee ( ) A glass of wine.

( ) A bouquet of flowers ( ) Two cups of coffee ( ) A cup of wine.

5. Three loafs of bread.

9. A glass of wine. 4. One dozen of eggs.
8. Two cups of coffee. 3. A pair of shoes.
7. A bouquet of flowers. 2. Two packs of cookies.
6. Four pieces of paper. 1. Five bottles of beer.

084 1000
Quantity Phrases
量詞 22
02 Match the terms below.

1. A mass of ∂ ∂wine
7. cigarettes
2. Six pieces of ∂ ∂cloud 6. furniture
3. A cup of ∂ ∂tea 5. earrings
4. Twenty bottles of ∂ ∂furniture 4. wine
5. Four pairs of ∂ ∂earrings 3. tea

6. A set of ∂ ∂glass
2. glass

7. Three packs of ∂ ∂cigarettes

1. clouds

1. a glass of [@1gl{s%@f] n. 一杯(玻璃杯)

2. a bottle of [@1bAt¬%@f] n. 一瓶
3. a set of [@1sEt%@f] n. 一組
4. a pack of [@1p{k%@f] n. 一 小包(內含相同物品的東西)
5. a pair of [@1pEr%@f] n. 一對
6. a bouquet of [@%bu1ke%@f] n. 一束(花)
7. a package of [@1p{kIdZ%@f] n. 包裹、一包(內含不同物品的東西)
8. a dozen of [@1d√z§%@f] n. 一打(=12個)
9. a loaf of [@1lof%@f] n. 一塊或一條
10. a mass of [@1m{s%@f] n. 一大片(塊、群)
11. a piece of [@1pis%@f] n. 一張(片、塊)
12. a cup of [@1k√p%@f] n. 一杯(咖啡杯)

03 Read the word lists below and cross out words that do not
belong to the group.

1. bottle / magazine / water / pineapple juice / oil

5. sugar
2. pens / eggs / a loaf of / dozen / beer 4. bouquet
3. cup / liquid / milk / vegetable / Chinese tea 3. vegetable
4. pants / wedding rings / bouquet / pair / running shoes 2. a loaf of
5. sugar / piece / loaf / cake / bread 1. magazine

Quantity Phrases
22 量詞

04 Look at the picture below and use 7 sentences to describe what

you see in the picture, see the example.

Emma went to a supermarket. She bought a lot of things today. She bought......
Example: She bought a set of cookware.

She bought a pair of sunglasses

She bought four packages of parcels. She bought six bottles of Coke.
She bought a piece of ham. She bought two packages of stationery.
She bought two loaves of bread. She bought three packs of chocolates.

086 1000
23 Fruits 水果 23
01 Check the pictures below and word lists. Find out what kinds of
fruits are missing.

Fruits at the fruit stand are:

strawberry / mango / watermel-
on / lemon / pineapple / tomato /
tangerine / pear / guava / grape /
banana / peach / apple / papaya
/ orange
What kinds of fruits are missing in
the pictures?


02 Read the charts below and answer the questions.

1. Match below fruits and their 2. Check below fruits that have
skin colors. black seeds in.

a. yellow ∂ ∂guava ( ) lemon ( ) papaya

b. red ∂ ∂banana ( ) apple ( ) mango
c. purple ∂ ∂tangerine ( ) tangerine ( ) pear
d. orange ∂ ∂tomato ( ) watermelon ( ) strawberry
e. green ∂ ∂grape ( ) pineapple ( ) peach

e. guava
pear d. tangerine
papaya c. grape
watermelon b. tomato
2. apple 1. a. banana

23 水果

1. fruit [frut] n. 水果 9. pear [pEr] n. 西洋梨

2. strawberry [1strObErI] n. 草莓 10. guava [1gwAv@] n. 芭樂
3. mango [1m{µgo] n. 芒果 11. grape [grep] n. 葡萄
4. watermelon [1wOt_%mEl@n] n. 西瓜 12. banana [b@1n{n@] n. 香蕉
5. lemon [lEm@n] n. 檸檬 13. peach [pitS] n. 桃子
6. pineapple [1paIn%{p¬] n. 鳳梨 14. apple [1{p¬] n. 蘋果
7. tomato [t@1meto] n. 蕃茄 15. papaya [p@1paI@] n. 木瓜
8. tangerine [1t{ndZ@%rin] n. 橘子 16. orange [1OrIndZ] n. 柳橙

03 Read the descriptions below about different juices and fill in the
ingredients into the right columns.

apple juice / water / sugar / grapes / orange juice / tomatoes / papayas / water-
melons / ice cubes / honey / bananas / lemons / pears / guavas / peaches / salt

Halulu Juice Munbaha Juice Jerboma Juice

This is a very healthy juice. This is a special juice for a This is a kind of juice mixed
It is made of some red fruits. lady's beauty. It's green, with three colors: purple,
This kind of fruit is round round and very sour. You yellow and green. The pur-
and often used in making could add some liquid to ple fruit is an ingredient of
spaghetti sauce. When you make it sweet. Bees pro- red wine. The yellow fruit is
blend the fruits you need duce this kind of liquid. monkey's favorite. The
some liquid which has no When you mix the juice with green one is green outside
other special flavors in. the liquid you should also but white and hard inside.
Besides, it's also good to add a cup of cool things. When you blend these
add in some seasonings that These things can make your three, you should add some
could make the juice a bit juice seem like it was stored liquid. This kind of liquid has
salty. in the refrigerator. orange flavor.
Ingredients: Ingredients: , ,
, , , , ,

grapes, bananas, guavas, orange juice

lemons, honey, ice cubes
tomatoes, water, salt

088 1000
水果 23
04 Answer the questions below. List at least two kinds of fruits for
each question.

What are your favorite fruits?

Anser: ,
What are the fruits that you have in summer?
Anser: ,
What are the fruits that you don't like? 4. grape, guava
Anser: , 3. watermelon, banana
What are the fruits that you had this week? 2. pear, mango
1.tangerine, guava
Anser: ,

05 Circle the fruits below that have a different color.

1. banana / strawberry / pineapple / mango

4. grape
2. apple / tomato / pear / strawberry 3. peach
3. peach / guava / pear / lemon 2. pear
4. orange / tangerine / grape / papaya 1. strawberry

06 Match the terms on the left to terms on the right.

1. pa ∂ ∂mato
2. ba ∂ ∂ge 10. berry
3. to ∂ ∂paya 9. va

4. pine ∂ ∂apple
8. pe
7. gerine
5. oran ∂ ∂nana
6. ch
6. pea ∂ ∂berry 5. ge
7. tan ∂ ∂ch 4. apple
8. gra ∂ ∂va 3. mato
9. gua ∂ ∂gerine 2. nana

10. straw ∂ ∂pe

1. paya

Vegetables, Meat and Seafood
24 Vegetables, Meat and

01 Read the word the list below and fill in the chart.

shrimp / pumpkin / fish / potato / onion / hot dog / peanuts / pork

lettuce / corn / ham / chicken / carrot / beef / cabbage / beans / crab

Seafood Stand Meat Stand Vegetable Stand

, , , ,
, , ,
, ,

3. beans / pumpkin / carrot / onion / potato / corn / peanuts / cabbage / lettuce

2. chicken / ham / hot dog / beef / pork
1. fish / shrimp / crab

02 Match the words below.

1. crab ∂ ∂ pork ∂ ∂ fruit 4. potato, vegetable

2. pig ∂ ∂ grapes ∂ ∂ vegetable 3. grapes, fruit

3. raisin ∂ ∂ potato ∂ ∂ fish 2. pork, meat

4. French fries ∂ ∂ seafood ∂ ∂ meat

1. seafood, fish

090 1000
Vegetables, Meat and Seafood
蔬菜、肉類與海鮮 24
1. shrimp [SrImp] n. 小蝦 11. ham [h{m] n. 火腿
2. pumpkin [1p√mpkIn] n. 南瓜 12. chicken [1tSIkIn] n. 雞肉
3. fish [fIS] n. 魚 13. carrot [1k{r@t] n. 紅蘿蔔
4. potato [p@1teto] n. 馬鈴薯 14. beef [bif] n. 牛肉
5. onion [1√nj@n] n. 洋蔥 15. cabbage [1k{bIdZ] n. 甘藍菜
6. hot dog [1hAt%dOg] n. 熱狗 16. bean [bin] n. 豆子
7. peanut [1pi%n√t] n. 花生 17. crab [kr{b] n. 蟹
8. pork [pork] n. 豬肉 18. seafood [1si%fud] n. 海鮮
9. lettuce [1lEtIs] n. 萵苣 19. meat [mit] n. 肉
10. corn [kOrn] n. 玉蜀黍 20. vegetable [1vEdZ@t@b¬] n. 蔬菜

03 Read Bertha, Shier and Mo-Mo's shopping lists; answer the

questions below.

Bertha's Shopping List Shier's Shopping List Mo-Mo's Shopping List

potato onion cabbage
cabbage pumpkin chicken
ham lettuce beef
carrot watermelon pork
fish peanuts shrimp
hot dog tangerine fish
mango beans corn

1. Who is a vegetarian?
2. Who didn't buy any fruit?
3. What kinds of fruits Shier has bought?
4. Who did not buy any seafood?
5. Who bought the same food?
What are they?
6. Who bought one kind of fruit?
7. Who bought five kinds of vegetables?

cabbage and fish 3. watermelon and tangerine

7. Shier 5. Bertha and Mo-Mo 2. Mo-Mo
6. Bertha 4. Shier 1. Shier

Vegetables, Meat and Seafood
24 蔬菜、肉類與海鮮

04 Cross out the words that do not belong to the same groups.

1. peanuts / beef / beans / pumpkin

5. ham
2. potato / hot dog / pork / chicken 4. meat
3. grapes / crab / fish / shrimp 3. grapes
4. lettuce / vegetable / beans / meat 2. potato
5. corn / cabbage / carrot / ham 1. beef

05 Answer the questions below.


1. What kind of vegetable do you like best?

2. What kind of vegetable don't you like?

This Tuesday.
5. Yes, I did.
3. Are you a vegetarian?
4. Chicken
4. What kind of meat did you have today? 3. No, I am not.
2. Pumpkin
5. Did you eat any seafood this week? 1. Potato
If yes, on what day?

06 Match the words below with their initials.

1. l ∂ ∂egetable
2. s ∂ ∂am
8. am
7. eat
3. c ∂ ∂ettuce 6. egetable
4. p ∂ ∂eanuts 5. eans
5. b ∂ ∂eat 4. eanuts
6. v ∂ ∂hrimp 3. abbage

7. m ∂ ∂abbage 2. hrimp

8. h ∂ ∂eans
1. ettuce

092 1000
25 Deli 熟食店 25
01 Read the menu below for the Lazy Bone Restaurant. Then,
answer the questions.

Lazy Bone Restaurant Menu

Meal A: Meal B:
bread +cheese +an egg burger (=hamburger) + soup
toast +cheese +an egg sandwich + soup
bun +cheese +an egg
cereal +cheese +an egg
$ 45 dollars / per set $ 120 dollars / per set
Meal C: Meal D:
pizza + salad instant noodles + tofu
steak +French fries rice + tofu
spaghetti + salad 20 dumpling

$240 dollars / per set $ 80 dollars / per set

p.s. Order meal B or meal C on every Monday and Wednesday get 15% off.

1. Johnny orders a set of meal C and meal D on Tuesday. How much does it cost in total?

2. Nina has only 100 dollars. She doesn't like any eggs. Which meal would she order?

3. Sofia is very thirsty. Which meal would she order?

5. Meal C and D
4. Shawn doesn't like fresh vegetables. He orders meal C. Which 4. Steak + French fries
set would he take? 3. Meal B
5. Vicky likes noodles very much. What meals can she choose? 2. Meal D
1. 320 dollars

02 Match the words below.

1. vegetable ∂ ∂ steak ∂ ∂ pasta 4. spaghetti, pasta

2. meat ∂ ∂ spaghetti ∂ ∂ bun 3. toast, bun
3. bread ∂ ∂ salad ∂ ∂ hamburger 2. steak, hamburger

4. instant noodles ∂ ∂ toast ∂ ∂ potato

1. salad, potato

25 熟食店

1. menu [1mEnju] n. 菜單 12. pizza [1pits@] n. 義大利脆餅

2. bread [brEd] n. 麵包 13. salad [1s{l@d] n. 沙拉
3. cheese [tSiz] n. 乳酪 14. steak [stek] n. 牛排
4. egg [Eg] n. 蛋 15. French fries [1frEntS1fraIz] n. 薯條
5. toast [tost] n. 土司 16. spaghetti [sp@1gEtI] n. 義大利麵條
6. bun [b√n] n. 圓形麵包 17. instant noodles [1Inst@nt1nud¬z]
7. cereal [sIrI@l] n. 玉蜀黍薄片 n. 速食麵
8. burger [1b^g_] n. 漢堡牛肉餅 18. tofu [1tofu] n. 豆腐
9. hamburger [1h{mb^g_] n. 漢堡 19. rice [raIs] n. 米
10. soup [sup] n. 湯 20. dumpling [1d√mplIµ] n. 水餃
11. sandwich [1s{ndwItS] n. 三明治 21. order [1Ord_] v. 訂購、叫(菜或飲料)

03 Read the descriptions below and fill in T for "True"; F for "False".

1. Cereal is made of potato.

2. Steak is made of beef. 10. F
9. F
3. French fries is a traditional food of China.
8. F
4. Spaghetti and pizza are Italian traditional foods. 7. T
5. Tofu is made of beans. 6. T
6. Cheese is a kind of milk product. 5. T
7. Another word for hamburger is burger. 4. T

8. Dumpling is made of rice. 3. F

2. T
9. Bun is a kind of liquid.
1. F
10. Sandwich is made of cereal.

04 Read the interview below and fill in the blanks using the word
list below.

instant noodle / French fries / dumpling / rice / tofu / spaghetti

steak / cereal / hamburger / sandwich / soup

Rachael: Hi, Mike. Very Welcome to our Sunday Star Show!

Mike: Yeah, thanks.

094 1000
熟食店 25
Rachael: As I know, you are a vegetarian; you don't eat 1. , right?
Mike: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm afraid the information is wrong. I like beef very much.
Rachael: Really, what a big surprise! So that, you eat 2. , right?
Mike: Yes, I like fast food very much. I usually add double cheese and egg.
Rachael: Wow, you can eat a lot!
Mike: Yes, I also like 3. very much. The potato flavor is wonderful.
Rachael: Yeah, I should try it next time. Do you like 4. ?
Mike: No, I don't like any hot liquids with my meal.
Rachael: Then, do you like 5. ?
Mike: Oh, I love Chinese food very much, especially those made of beans.
It's very healthy. 6. spaghetti
Rachael: Well, finally could you tell us what do you like about Italian food? 5. tofu
4. soup
Mike: Oh, I hate noodles. So, I don't like 6. . But, I do like
3. French fries
Italian pizza. It's one of my favorites.
2. hamburger
Rachael: All right, Mike, thank you very much for attending to our super- 1. steak
star interview!!

06 Match the words below.

1. to ∂ ∂lad
12. se
2. dump ∂ ∂der 11. nu
3. or ∂ ∂fu 10. ghetti
4. sou ∂ ∂ling 9. real
5. sa ∂ ∂k 8. ger

6. stea ∂ ∂p
7. wich

7. sand ∂ ∂se
6. k
5. lad
8. hambur ∂ ∂real 4. p
9. ce ∂ ∂wich 3. der
10. spa ∂ ∂ghetti 2. ling
11. me ∂ ∂ger 1. fu

12. chee ∂ ∂nu

Beverages and Sweets
26 Beverages and Sweets

01 Read the pictures below and fill in the blanks.


Drinks Vendor

A01 $45 A02 $30 B01 $35 B02 $15 B03 $15

C01 $25 C02 $20 D01 $10 D02 $5 D03 $25

Example: Lisa likes to have a glass of juice. What code does she choose from the chart? A02

1. Wendy likes tea with milk. What code does she choose?
How much is the milk tea?
2. Monica's aunt likes coffee with ice cubes. What code does she choose?
Uncle Jam likes a bottle of mineral water and beer. What code does he choose?
. He has $135 in his pocket. How much does he leave after buying the drinks?

3. Bonnie has a lot of drinks to buy because her six friends like soft 3. 195
drinks of any kind. She likes soda better than coke. Her two / D01 & B01 / 90
nephews like milkshakes. How much does she pay for the drinks? 2. C01 & D02
1. C02 & D03 / 25

096 1000
Beverages and Sweets
飲料與甜點 26
02 Read the word list below and fill in the chart.

popcorn / pie / ice-cream / doughnut / cookie

chocolate / candy / cake

Dessert Bar

8. cookie
7. chocolate
6. pie
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. candy
4. ice-cream
3. doughnut
2. popcorn
1. cake
5. 6. 7. 8.

1. drink [drIµk] n. 飲料 10. coke [kok] n. 可樂

2. juice [dZus] n. 果汁 11. milkshake [1mIlk1Sek] n. 奶昔
3. tea [ti] n. 茶 12. popcorn [1pAp%kOrn] n. 爆玉米花
4. coffee [1kOfI] n. 咖啡 13. pie [paI] n. 派、餡餅
5. ice cube [aIs%kjub] n. 冰塊 14. ice-cream [1aIs1krim] n. 冰淇淋
6. mineral water [1mIn@r@l1wOt_] 15. doughnut [1do%n√t] n. 甜甜圈
n. 礦泉水 16. cookie [1k¨kI] n. 甜餅乾
7. beer [bIr] n. 啤酒 17. chocolate [1tSAk@lIt] n. 巧克力
8. soft drink [1sOft1drIµk] 18. candy [1k{ndI] n. 糖果
n. 清涼不含酒精飲料 19. cake [kek] n. 蛋糕
9. soda [1sod@] n. 蘇打汽水 20. dessert [dI1z^t] n. 點心

Beverages and Sweets
26 飲料與甜點

03 Read the dialogue below and fill in the blanks.

juice / tea / water / coffee / milkshake / coke / soda / beer

Thomas: Hi, Dr. Young. Welcome to the Healthy Show today! Could you tell us what kind of
drinks can help me sleep?
Dr. Young: Actually, many drinks could help. For example: 1. . All milk prod-
ucts can help.
Thomas: Yeah... so what shouldn't we drink before going to bed?
Dr. Young: Well, that is any drink with caffeine. Such as: 2. and 3. .
Also, too much 4. is no good because alcohol can make our
stomach very uncomfortable at night.
Thomas: Yes, then, what kinds of drinks are good for our health?
Dr. Young: First, 5. is very good. It's better to drink fruit
beverage at breakfast. But, don't drink too much because it
usually contains a lot of sugar. Sugar can make people fat.
Thomas: This is new to me! How about drinks for people who work in the 6.Water

air-conditioned environment? 5. juice

4. beer
Dr. Young: 6. is important to these people. I suggest
3. coffee
them to drink more mineral water in the office. 2. tea
Thomas: Yes. Thank you very much for the great information. I'll see you 1. milkshake
next Friday!! Bye!

04 Read the questions below and choose the correct answers.

1. ( ) What do we traditionally eat for the Moon Festival? a) ice-cream b) pop-

corn c) moon cake d) candy.
2. ( ) What do people usually eat on their birthday? a) doughnut b) cake c)
moon cake d) chocolate
4. d
3. ( ) What is the typical snack that people eat in movie theaters? a) popcorn
3. a
b) pie c) cake d)candy 2. b
4. ( ) What is the traditional gift on Valentines Day? a) ice-cream b) doughnut c) 1. c
popcorn d) chocolate

098 1000
Beverages and Sweets
飲料與甜點 26
05 Read the word lists below and cross out words that do not
belong to the group.

1. Drinks without caffeine are:

tea / soda / ice coffee / milkshake / mineral water
2. Hot drinks are: beer / milkshake / tea / coffee / coke
3. Soft drinks are: ice tea / beer / juice / coke / soda
4. Drinks without alcohol are: mineral water / beer / soft drink / milkshake / juice
5. At fast food restaurants, you can order:
juice / beer / coffee / milkshake / tea
6. At a hotel bar they usually don't serve:
milkshake / tea / mineral water / coffee / beer

6. milkshake
5. juice / coffee / milkshake / tea
4. mineral water / soft drink / milkshake / juice
3. coke / soda
2. tea / coffee
1. soda / milkshake / mineral water

06 Match the letters below.

1. miner ∂ ∂ee
2. coff ∂ ∂ce 10. ssert
3. mi ∂ ∂al water 9. nut
4. so ∂ ∂da 8. late

5. jui ∂ ∂lk
7. corn
6. dy
6. can ∂ ∂late
5. ce
7. pop ∂ ∂ssert 4. da
8. choco ∂ ∂corn 3. lk
9. dough ∂ ∂dy 2. ee
10. de ∂ ∂nut 1. al water

Seasonings and Tastes of Foods
27 Seasonings and

Tastes of Foods
01 Check labels of the seasonings in Annie's cupboard. Fill out the
labels with word list below.

1. 2. vinegar 3.

4. flour 5. 6.

cream oil salt sugar

cream / ketchup / sugar / jam / honey / oil / salt

pepper / soy sauce / butter / vinegar / flour

6. soy sauce 5. jam 4. butter

3. pepper 2. honey 1. ketchup

100 1000
Seasonings and Tastes of Foods
調味料與食物的口味 27
02 Refer to above seasonings and answer the questions below.

1. What kinds of seasonings are spicy ? jam, ketchup

2. What kinds of seasonings are sour ?

3. sugar, honey,
3. What kinds of seasonings are sweet ?
2. ketchup and
1. pepper

03 Match the terms below.

1. The opposite taste of bitter is... ∂ ∂drink

2. When you are hungry, you would think of... ∂ ∂yucky 6. yucky
3. When you ate too much, you'll feel... ∂ ∂eating 5. yummy

4. When you are very thirsty, you need to ... ∂ ∂sweet 4. drink
3. very full
5. When foods are very delicious,
2. eating
you could say the foods are... ∂ ∂yummy 1. sweet
6. The opposite word of yummy is... ∂ ∂very full

1. cream [krim] n. 奶油 13. spicy [hAt] adj. 辣的

2. ketchup [1kEtS@p] n. 蕃茄醬 14. sour [1sa¨r] adj. 酸的
3. sugar [1Sug_] n. 糖 15. sweet [swit] adj. 甜的
4. jam [dZ{m] n. 果醬 16. bitter [1bIt_] adj. 苦的
5. honey [1h√nI] n. 蜂蜜 17. drink [drIµk] v. 喝
6. oil [OIl] n. 食用油 18. hungry [1h√µgrI] adj. 餓的
7. salt [sOlt] n. 鹽 19. yucky [1j√kI] adj. 難吃的、噁心的
8. pepper [1pEp_] n. 胡椒粉 20. eat [it] v. 吃
9. soy sauce [1sOI1sOs] n. 醬油 21. thirsty [1T^stI] adj. 口渴的
10. butter [1b√t_] n. 牛油 22. delicious [dI1lIS@s] adj. 美味好吃的
11. vinegar [1vInIg_] n. 醋 23. yummy [1j√mI] adj. 好吃的、美味的
12. flour [fla¨r] n. 麵粉 24. full [f¨l] adj. 吃飽的

Seasonings and Tastes of Foods
27 調味料與食物的口味

04 Read the descriptions below and fill in T for "True"; F for "False".

1. Jimmy says the chicken soup is yucky. This means he loves that
2. Teresa doesn't like black coffee. So, she usually adds milk and 7. T
sugar in her coffee. 6. F
3. Ketchup is made of potato. 5. F
4. Bread is made of flour. 4. T

5. Soy sauce and butter are milk products. 3. F

2. T
6. Jam and pepper are sweet seasonings.
1. F
7. Lemon is sour.

05 Write at least two kinds of foods that contains the seasonings in

the box below.

Cream Honey Oil Salt Vinegar / sweet and sour fish

5. sweet and sour soup
4. soup / hamburger
/ fried chicken
3. French fries
/ honey chicken
2. honey cake
1. cookies / cake

06 Read the descriptions below about David Wang's feelings of

foods. Then, guess which recipe he would take, check the answer.

David Wang has good appetite when he is hungry. Chicken is his favorite. He loves any dish
with chicken. But, only chicken with sour things he dislikes. Besides, he likes anything with
salt but 'no soy sauce' he said. This is because he isn't Chinese and isn't used to the taste of
soy sauce. Moreover, David likes any kinds of desserts. In another words, he likes sweet
things very much. Sometimes, he puts jam in his soup and honey in his spaghetti. He says
that is 'Yummy!'. Anyway, recently, David Wang is getting fat. He is trying to eat low-fat foods.
Thus, he starts eating foods without cream and butter. Hope his strategy is helpful!!

102 1000
Seasonings and Tastes of Foods
調味料與食物的口味 27
A. B. C. D.
chicken beef chicken pork
honey jam salt spaghetti
pepper flour honey sugar
cream butter lemon salt
ketchup vinegar soy sauce oil
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) D.

07 Classify the words below in the chart.

full / sweet / delicious / eat / spicy

cream / French fries / honey / soy sauce
8. honey
1. drink 2. yummy, yucky 3. flour, butter 4. pepper, salt 7. sweat, spicy
6. full
5. French fries
4. soy sauce
5. ketchup 6. hungry 7. bitter, sour 8. jam, sugar 3. cream
2. delicious
1. eat

08 Match the letters below to complete words.

1. vine ∂ ∂tter
2. yu ∂ ∂sauce 7. pper

3. bi ∂ ∂ gar
6. tchup

4. soy ∂ ∂ mmy
5. tter
4. sauce
5. bu ∂ ∂pper 3. tter
6. ke ∂ ∂ tchup 2. mmy
7. pe ∂ ∂ tter 1. gar

Ways of Cooking and Types of Meals
28 Ways of Cooking and

Types of Meals
01 Match the pictures and descriptions. Fill in the letters.

Ways of Cooking
A. B. C. D.

E. F. G. H.

I. J. K. L.

1. Cut a carrot.
2. Bathe a shrimp in water.
12. A
3. Pick a leaf of the cabbage. 11. G
4. Drop some oil into the pan. 10. H
5. Roll the pancake. 9. K
6. Burn the steak on the fire. 8. F
7. D
7. Fry chicken.
6. E
8. Steam your food with low heat.
5. B
9. Break an egg. 4. I
10. Mix the vegetables with salt. 3. C
11. Bake a cake. 2. J
12. Shake the milk powder with hot water. 1. L

104 1000
Ways of Cooking and Types of Meals
食物烹調方法與肉品種類 28
02 Match the descriptions below and words.

1. The first meal of the day (in the morning) is... ∂ ∂brunch
2. The last meal of the day (in the evening) is... ∂ ∂lunch
3. Another word which is the same as dinner is... ∂ ∂supper
4. Having breakfast and lunch together is... ∂ ∂breakfast
5. Having light foods or desserts
in between the three meals is... ∂ ∂dinner
6. Special meals for people with disease
or wanting to lose weight are... ∂ ∂fast-food
7. Meals for eating quickly e.g. hamburgers, sandwiches are... ∂ ∂snack
8. The meal between breakfast and dinner is... ∂ ∂diets

8. lunch 4. brunch
7. fast-food 3. supper
6. diets 2. dinner
5. snack 1. breakfast

1. way [we] n. 方式、方法 13. bake [bek] v. 烤

2. cook [kVk] v. 煮 14. shake [Sek] v. 搖
3. cut [k√t] v. 切 15. powder [1pa¨d_] n. 粉末
4. bathe [beD] v. 浸泡 16. meal [mil] n. 餐
5. pick [pIk] v. 拔 17. brunch [br√ntS] n. 早午餐
6. drop [drAp] v. 滴 18. lunch [l√ntS] n. 午餐
7. roll [rol] v. 捲 19. supper [1s√p_] n. 晚餐
8. burn [b^n] v. 燒 20. breakfast [1brEkf@st] n. 早餐
9. fry [fraI] v. 炸、炒 21. dinner [1dIn_] n. 晚餐
10. steam [stim] v. 蒸 22. fast-food [1f{st1fud] n. 速食
11. break [brEk] v. 打破 23. snack [sn{k] n. 點心
12. mix [mIks] v. 混合、攪 24. diet [1daI@t] n. 特殊飲食

Ways of Cooking and Types of Meals
28 食物烹調方法與肉品種類

03 Cross out the words that do not belong to the same groups.

1. cut / break / powder 4. meal

2. roll / steam / bake 3. drop
3. shake / drop / mix 2. roll
4. meal / fry / burn 1. powder

04 Read the pictures below and circle the words which describe the

1. 2. 3. 4.

4. burn
3. roll
2. steam

fry / steam / cut

1. bathe
drop / mix / bathe roll / shake / bake pick / break / burn

05 Circle the correct answers.

Today's Recipe: Fry tomatoes and eggs

Ingredients: two eggs / two tomatoes / spring onions / garlic
Seasoning: salt / black paper / soy sauce / oil / sugar
Step 1: (Pick / Roll / Break / Shake) two eggs into a bowl. And, beat it up well.
Step 2: (Steam / Cut / Bathe / Drop) spring onions and garlic into very small pieces.
Step 3: (Fry / Roll / Mix / Bathe) tomatoes in the very hot water, then peal the tomatoes' skin.
Step 4: (Break / Mix / Cut / Drop) the tomatoes into very small pieces.
Step 5: (Fry / Bathe / Drop / Break) some oil in the pan. Then, fry spring
Step8: Mix
onions and garlic together. Step7: cook
Step 6: (Mix / Pick / Cut / Shake) the spring onion, garlic and tomatoes in Step6: Mix
the pan for 10 minutes. Step5: Drop
Step 7: Pour eggs into the pan and (cut / shake / cook / pick) for 5 minutes Step4: Cut
Step3: Bathe
with the tomatoes.
Step2: Cut
Step 8: (Drop / Roll / Cut / Mix) the food with a teaspoon of salt, sugar, soy
Step1: Break
sauce and some black pepper.

106 1000
The Body Parts
29 The Body Parts 身體部位 29
01 Read the word list below and fill in the chart.

foot / wrist / back / hand / shoulder / knee / arm / neck

face / hair / finger / ankle / waist / leg / hip / chin / breast / chest

Body J.
C. Q.

D. L.




A. J.
B. K.
C. L.
D. M. R. hip L. finger F. knee
E. N. Q. back K. breast E. waist
F. O. P. shoulder J. chest D. wrist
G. P. O. foot I. face C. arm
N. leg H. chin B. neck
H. Q.
M. hand G. ankle A. hair
I. R.

The Body Parts
29 身體部位

1. foot [f¨t] n. 足 11. finger [1fIµg_] n. 手指

2. wrist [rIst] n. 手腕 12. ankle [1{µk¬] n. 腳踝
3. back [b{k] n. 背 13. waist [west] n. 腰
4. hand [h{nd] n. 手 14. leg [lEg] n. 腿
5. shoulder [1Sod_] n. 肩膀 15. hip [hIp] n. 臀部
6. knee [ni] n. 膝 16. chin [tSIn] n. 下巴
7. arm [Arm] n. 手臂 17. breast [brEst] n. 乳房
8. neck [nEk] n. 脖子 18. chest [tSEst] n. 胸
9. face [fes] n. 臉 19. head [hEd] n. 頭
10. hair [hEr] n. 頭髮 20. body [1bAdI] n. 身體

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answer.

1. Which body parts can't you see from the front?

Shoulder / Back / Hair / Wrist
2. Which body parts can't you see from the back? 5. Face
Hand / Neck / Face / Breast 4. Neck
3. Which body parts are in pairs? Hand / Chin / Wrist / Ankle Ankle
4. Which body part is connecting the head and body? 3.Hands, Wrist,
2. Face, Breast
Chin / Waist / Ankle / Neck
1. Back
5. Which body parts are not movable? Feet / Face / Finger / Arm

03 Cross out the words that do not belong to the same groups.

1. Chin / Head / Ankle / Hair / Face

4. Hair
2. Finger / Chest / Thumb / Wrist / Hand 3. Hip
3. Ankle / Wrist / Knee / Hip / Shoulder 2. Chest
4. Hair / Chest / Breast / Back / Waist 1. Ankle

108 1000
The Body Parts
身體部位 29
04 Read the descriptions below and fill in the blanks.

1. is at the top of the head.

9. chin
2. touch the ground when you walk.
8. hair
3. Fingers belong to the . 7. Neck
4. connect your hands and arms. 6. Hip
5. connect your feet and legs. 5. Ankles
6. touches the surface of the chair when you sit down. 4. Wrists
3. hands
7. connects your head and body.
2. Feet
8. You use shampoo to wash your .
1. Hair
9. When you chew, you move your .

05 Match the words below.

1. hi ∂ ∂der
2. chi ∂ ∂ee
3. kn ∂ ∂n
4. shoul ∂ ∂m
5. han ∂ ∂p
6. ar ∂ ∂ce 6. m

7. fin ∂ ∂t
11. ce 5. d

8. ne ∂ ∂d
10.g 4. der
9. t 3. ee
9. foo ∂ ∂ger 8. ck 2. n
10. le ∂ ∂g 7. ger 1. p
11. fa ∂ ∂ck

06 Choose the correct spelling for words that end in -st.

1. a) wrast b) weaist c) waist d) wiast 4. b

2. a) braest b) breaste c) breest d) breast 3. a
2. d
3. a) wrist b) wirst c) wirist d) wirist
1. c
4. a) chast b) chest c) cheast d) chaest

The Face and Five Sences
30 The Face and Five

01 Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with the words below.

The Face The Eye The mouth

G. H.
C. I.


mouth / ear / eye / nose eyelid / eyebrow / eyelashes lip / tongue / teeth

A. F.
B. G.
3. H) teeth I) tongue J) lip
C. H.
2. E) eyebrow F) eyelid G) eyelashes
D. I. 1. A) eye B) mouth C) nose D) ear
E. J.

02 Read the chart below of the five senses. Then circle the correct

The feeling parts The functions The five senses

eye see sight
nose smell smell
mouth taste taste
ear hear hearing
hand feel touch

1. What do you do with your eyes? To (see / sight) the world. 5. smell
2. John can see very well. His eye (sight / seeing) is very good. 4. touch
3. What do you do with your hands? To (feel / touch / taste) things. 3. feel(or touch)
4. Which toast is fresher? The one with soft (touch / smell / feel) is fresher. 2. sight

5. What do you do with your nose? To (taste / smell / smelling) foods.

1. see

110 1000
The Face and Five Sences
臉部跟五官 30
6. I don’t like fish because the (smelling / tooth / smell) is very bad.
7. What do you do with your ear? To (hearing / hear / feel) sounds. 10. taste
9. taste
8. Your (hearing / hear) has problems because you can’t hear what I said.
8. hearing
9. What do you do with your mouth? To drink, eat and (taste / tasting) foods.
7. hear
10. I don’t like sour (tasting / taste). So, I don’t like vinegar. 6. smell

1. mouth [ma¨T] n. 嘴巴 12. smell [smEl] v. 聞

2. ear [Ir] n. 耳朵 13. taste [test] v. 嚐
3. eye [aI] n. 眼睛 14. hear [hIr] v. 聽
4. nose [noz] n. 鼻子 15. feel [fil] v. n. 摸、觸覺
5. eyelid [1aI%lId] n. 眼瞼 16. sense [sEns] n. 感覺、感官
6. eyebrow [1aI%bra¨] n. 眉毛 17. sight [saIt] n. 視覺
7. eyelash [1aI%l{S] n. 眼睫毛 18. smell [smEl] n. 嗅覺
8. lip [lIp] n. 嘴唇 19. taste [test] n. 味覺
9. tongue [t√µ] n. 舌頭 20. hearing [1hIrIµ] n. 聽覺
10. tooth [tuT] n. 牙齒 21. touch [t√tS] v. n. 摸、觸覺
11. see [si] v. 看

03 Cross out the words that do not belong to the same groups.

1. mouth / ear / nose / hearing / eyes

5. teeth
2. see / eyes / smell / hear / feel 4. nose
3. sight / smell / hearing/ hand / touch 3. hand
4. tongue / teeth / lips / nose / mouth 2. eyes
5. teeth / eyebrow / eyelashes / eyes / eyelids 1. hearing

04 Circle the correct answers.

1. Teeth are in our (ears / mouth / tongue / eyes). 5. nose

4. eyelashes
2. (Ears / nose / lips / eyelids) are in pairs.
3. taste
3. Tongue can (feel / taste / hear / see) foods.
2. ears, lips, eyelids
4. (Eyebrow / Lips / Eyelashes / Teeth) grow on our eyelids. 1. mouth
5. Our (teeth / eyebrow / eyelids / nose) is between our eyes and mouth.

The Face and Five Sences
30 臉部跟五官
6. The dentist checks your (tongue / sight / taste / teeth).
7. When a person gets a high body temperature, you can (taste / feel /hear 7. feel
/ smell) it with your hands. 6. teeth

05 Read the descriptions below and give your own answers.

Example: What kind of smell do you like? I like the smell of flowers.
1. What kind of taste do you like?
2. What kind of sound do you dislike?
3. What kind of feel do you like?
4. What kind of smell do you dislike?

4. I dislike the smell of smoke. 2. I dislike the noise of cars.

3. I like the soft touch of cotton. 1. I like things that have sweet taste.

06 Read the dialogues and fill in the blanks with the

words below.

A: Did you Gina's boyfriend?

B: No, how does he look like? sight / hear / see / feels / looks
A: He short but handsome!

A: Did you taste anything wrong in the food?

B: No, what does it like?
smell / sound / taste / tastes / hears
A: It sour.
B: Oh, yuck...
A: Did you that?
B: What?
smell / hear / see / feel / taste
A: The shaking.
B: Oh, no...It's an earthquake.

3. feel
2. taste; tastes
1. see ; looks

112 1000
Inside the Body and Symptoms of Illness
31 Inside the Body and 身體器官與症狀

Symptoms of Illness
01 Look at the picture and fill in the blanks with the words below.




D. E.

throat / skin / heart / bone / stomach

A. D.
B. E. E. throat D. skin
C. bone B. stomach A. heart

02 Match the descriptions below and fill in the correct answers.

1. Your head is painful. Therefore, you have a ... a. sore throat

2. You feel pain in your stomach. Thus, you have a ... b. toothache
3. There is a pain in your teeth. Therefore, you are having a ... c. headache
4. Your body temperature is higher than normal. You have got a... d. cough and dizziness
5. You have got pain in your throat. In other words, you have a ... e. weak
6. The opposite word of strong is ... f. energetic
7. A similar word to strong is... g. stomachache
8. A similar word to ill is ... h. fever
9. Flu and cold have similar symptoms which are... i. sick

9. d 8. i 7. f 6. e
5. a 4. h 3. b 2. g 1. c

Inside the Body and Symptoms of Illness
31 身體器官與疾病的症狀

1. throat [Trot] n. 喉嚨 12. weak [wik] adj. 虛弱的

2. skin [skIn] n. 皮膚 13. strong [strOµ] adj. 強壯的
3. heart [hArt] n. 心臟 14. energetic [%En_1dZEtIk] adj. 有精力的
4. bone [bon] n. 骨頭 15. stomachache [1st√m@k%ek] n. 胃痛
5. stomach [1st√m@k] n. 胃 16. ill [Il] adj. 生病的
6. sore throat [1sor1Trot] n. 喉嚨痛 17. fever [1fiv_] n. 發燒
7. pain [pen] n. 痛 18. flu [flu] n. 流行性感冒
8. toothache [1tuT%ek] n. 牙齒痛 19. cold [kold] n. 傷風、感冒
9. headache [1hEd%ek] n. 頭痛 20. symptom [1sImpt@m] n. 症狀
10. cough [kOf] n. 咳嗽 21. sick [sIk] n. 有病的
11. dizziness [1dIz@nIs] n. 頭暈

03 Look at the pictures and answer the questions below .

A: What's the matter? A: What's the matter? A: What's the matter? A: What's the matter?
B: I have a . B: I have a . B: I have a . B: I have a .

4. toothache 2. stomachache
3. cough 1. sore throat

114 1000
Inside the Body and Symptoms of Illness
04 Cross out the words that do not belong to the same group.

1. headache / toothache / throat / pain / stomachache

5. energetic
2. heart / symptom / stomach / bone / throat 4. toothache
3. strong / skin / weak / energetic / ill 3. skin
4. fever / toothache / flu / cold / cough 2. symptom
5. dizziness / cough / fever / sore throat / energetic 1. throat

05 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answer.

1. The throat is inside of our (ear / eyes / nose / mouth).

2. When we are sick, we become very (strong / energetic / weak / pain).
3. Flu does not have the symptoms of a (toothache / fever / cough / sore
throat). 5. toothache
4. skin
4. A lot of people do sun bathing for making their (bone / heart / skin / throat)
3. toothache
brown. 2. weak
5. When we have a (stomachache / toothache / fever / dizzy), we should see 1. mouth
a dentist.

06 Read the descriptions below and answer the questions.

1. What would you do when you have a headache?

2. What would you do when you have a fever?

3. What would you do when you have a toothache? 5. I would take some medicine.
4. I would take a hot shower.
4. What would you do when you catch a cold? 3. I would see a dentist.
2. I would see a doctor.
1. I would take an aspirin.
5. What would you do when you have a stomachache?

Health Conditions and Facial Expressions
32 Health Conditions and

Facial Expressions
01 Read the word list below and fill in the chart.

comfortable / care / recovery / deaf / cancer / medicine

dead / wound / pale / tired / blind / healthy

1. Disability 2. Disease 3. Treatments

4. Bad Conditions 5. Very Bad Conditions 6. Good Conditions

6. healthy, comfortable, recovery 5. dead 4. wound, pale,

3. medicine, care 2. cancer 1. deaf, blind

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. Mr. Chung is a deaf man. He is not able to (see / hear / taste / smell).
2. Miss Chen is a blind lady. She is not able to (feel / see / hear / smell).
3. Ms Lee is (tired / pale / dead / healthy). You cannot see her anymore in
the world. 5. medicine
4. Mr. Wang has a good recovery from cancer. He is very (blind / healthy / 4. healthy
tired / pale) now. 3. dead

5. Mrs. Huang has flu now. She needs to take (care / medicine / wound / 2. see
1. hear
cancer) everyday after meals.

116 1000
Health Conditions and Facial Expressions
健康狀況與面部表情 32
03 Read the pictures and fill in the blanks with the words below.

smiling / crying / blowing / laughing / licking / shouting


A: What is she doing?

B: She is .


A: What is he doing?
B: He is out the


A: What is he doing?
B: He is out the
birthday candles.


A: What is she doing?

B: She is at the
funny hat.

4. laughing 2. licking
3. blowing 1. crying

Health Conditions and Facial Expressions
32 健康狀況與面部表情


A: What is she doing?

B: She is at
the boy.


A: What is he doing?
B: He is to a
pretty girl.
6. smiling
5. shouting

1. comfortable [1k√mf_t@b¬] adj. 舒適的 12. healthy [1hElTI] adj. 健康的

2. care [kEr] n. 照顧 13. disease [dI1ziz] n. 疾病
3. recovery [rI1k√v@rI] n. 復原 14. condition [k@n1dIS@n] n. 狀況
4. deaf [dEf] adj. 耳聾的 15. treatment [1tritm@nt] n. 治療
5. cancer [1k{ns_] n. 癌症 16. smile [smaIl] v. 笑
6. medicine [1mEd@s§] n. 藥物 17. cry [kraI] v. 哭
7. dead [dEd] adj. 死亡的 18. blow [blo] v. 吹
8. wound [wund] n. 傷口 19. laugh [l{f] v. 大笑
9. pale [pel] adj. 蒼白的 20. lick [lIk] v. 舔
10. tired [taIrd] adj. 累的 21. shout [Sa¨t] v. 大聲叫
11. blind [blaInd] adj. 瞎的

04 Cross out words that do not belong to the same group.

1. ill / medicine / laugh / sick / flu

5. ears
2. shout / doctor / medicine / treatment / care 4. dead
3. smile / cry / blind / blow / laugh 3. blind
4. comfortable / dead / health / strong / energetic 2. shout
5. blind / eyes / ears / eye-sight / see 1. laugh

118 1000
Health Conditions and Facial Expressions
健康狀況與面部表情 32
05 Read the story; fill in T "for True", F "for False".

Johnny is a kind person. He helps a lot of people around his neighborhood. There is an old
couple living next to his house. The old lady is deaf and the old man cannot see anything.
Johnny helps them in their house every Sunday. He usually cleans up the house. Then, he
cooks a nice lunch for them. After that, he walks with them in the park and makes them happy.
Besides, Johnny helps many sick people. On every Friday, he drives to a hospital to bring
medicine for the sick people at home. Some of the sick people have taken medicine for years.
Most of them look pale and tired. Because of Johnny's help, sick people in the neighborhood
can get a better treatment. Moreover, because of Johnny's kind help, there is a sick person
who has recovered from cancer. This is the happiest thing in Johnny's life.

1. Johnny helps deaf and blind people.

2. The old lady's ears are in a bad condition. 7. F
3. Johnny walks with healthy people in the park every Sunday. 6. T
5. F
4. Johnny is pale and tired from helping the sick people.
4. F
5. Most sick people in Johnny's help are dead. 3. F
6. Johnny makes the old couple laugh in the park. 2. T
7. Johnny makes his own house comfortable every Sunday. 1. T

06 Answer the questions below.

1. What would you do, if you are tired?

2. Who do you see if you want to get some medicine?

3. Which month of a year makes you feel the most comfortable?

4. What exercise do you do to keep healthy?

5. Where do you go when you want to cry?

5. My bedroom.
4. Jogging.
3. March.
2. A doctor.
1. I will take a shower.

The Body Movements 1
33 The Body 肢體動作 1

Movements 1
01 Look at the pictures and fill in the words below.

tear / throw / wave / rub / feed / catch / brush / hit / knock

clap / beat / lift / pull / close / open / push / carry / hold

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

15. hit 10. rub 5. throw

14. beat 9. lift 4. open
18. knock 13. feed 8. hold 3. close
17. brush 12. tear 7. carry 2. pull
16. wave 11. clap 6. catch 1. push

120 1000
The Body Movements 1
肢體動作 1 33
02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. The movement you should do with two hands is ... (lift / clap / knock / throw / push).
2. The opposite movement of close is ... (wave / tear / open / brush / hit).
3. The opposite movement of throw is... (rub / hold / carry / pull / catch).
4. Pull is the opposite movement of ... (feed / brush / push / open / catch).
5. The movement when we give food to pets is ... (tear / beat / feed / brush / knock).
6. The movement when we are cleaning is ... (brush / knock / lift / carry / open).
7. The movements when we play baseball are... (feed / throw / hit / catch / pull).
8. The movement when we move something up is... (push / pull / lift / hold / wave).
9. The movement when we move something forward is... (carry / beat / push / pull / tear)

8. lift 9. push 7. throw, hit , catch 6. brush

4. push 5. feed 2. open 3. catch 1. clap

1. tear [tEr] v. 撕 10. clap [kl{p] v. 拍手

2. throw [Tro] v. 丟 11. beat [bit] v. 敲打
3. wave [wev] v. 揮 12. lift [lIft] v. 舉起
4. rub [r√b] v. 摩擦 13. pull [pul] v. 拉
5. feed [fid] v. 餵 14. close [kloz] v. 關
6. catch [k{tS] v. 接住 15. open [1op@n] v. 開
7. brush [br√S] v. 刷 16. push [p¨S] v. 推
8. hit [hIt] v. 打 17. carry [1k{rI] v. 提
9. knock [nAk] v. 敲 18. hold [hold] v. 握

03 Refer to words above, what movements can you do with the

below things? List three answers in the boxes.

A car

A dog A book : hold, tear, open

A baseball : catch, throw, hit
A baseball A dog : feed, hit, lift

A book
A car : pull, push, brush

The Body Movements 1
33 肢體動作 1

04 List at least three things for each question below.

1. What are things that you can throw and catch?

2. What are things that you can open and close?

3. What are things that you can push and pull?

5. pens, spoons telephones

4. What are things that you can knock on?
4. doors, windows, tables
3. desks, chairs, cars
5. What are things that you can hold? 2. doors, books, windows
1. baseballs, basketballs, Frisbees

05 Read the story; fill in the blanks using the words below.

lifted / waving / pushed / fed / opened / knocked / tore

held / caught / pulled / threw / hit

Today was not my day. This morning I went out for exercise in a park. There was a baseball
that 1. my back. I was very angry and 2. the baseball in hands.
When I was ready to shout back, I saw a pretty lady 3. to me. She was Jenny,
oh... my favorite one. Then, I nicely 4. the ball back and she 5. it
right in her hands.
When I arrived home and 6. the door, I found the windows were open, too.
Then, I met a thief at my house. He 7. my arms with a big stick. Then, I
8. a chair up and beated down on his back. He fell down and 9..
me down too. At that time, I 10. him away immediately and stood up again.
Soon, he stood up and jumped out of the window. After that, I checked the house and found
my dog's leg was bleeding. I 11. a cloth and tied its leg up. Then, I
12. it some foods and took it to the hospital. Today was the unluckiest day I've
ever had in my life.

7. knocked 8. lifted 9. pulled 10. pushed 11. tore 12. fed

1. hit 2. held 3. waving 4. threw 5. caught 6. opened

122 1000
The Body Movements 2
34 The Body 肢體動作 2

Movements 2
01 Look at the picture and answer the questions.

a teacher and students Mr. and Mrs.


John's father
Gina Lisa

Peter and Camille


1. Who is hopping ?
2. What does John kick ? 11. Camille
3. Who is running ? 10. Tom
9. Gina
4. What is jumping ?
8. A teacher
5. Who is resting ? 7. Students
6. Who is lying on the grass? 6. Nancy
7. Who is sitting under the tree? 5. John's father
8. Who is standing under the tree? 4. A rabbit and a frog
9. Who has just fallen down? 3. Mr. and Mrs. Aberdeen
2. A dog
10. Who is bowing to Lisa?
1. Ada
11. Who is walking with Peter?

The Body Movements 2
34 肢體動作 2

1. hop [hAp] v. 單腳跳 7. sit [sIt] v. 坐

2. kick [kIk] v. 踢 8. stand [st{nd] v. 站
3. run [r√n] v. 跑 9. fall [fOl] v.. 跌、跌倒
4. jump [dZ√mp] v. 雙腳跳 10. bow [ba¨] v. 鞠躬
5. rest [rEst] v. 休息 11. walk [wOk] v. 走路、散步
6. lie [laI] v. 躺

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. Which movements should you do with one leg only?

(run / sit / hop / walk / kick)
2. Which movement is the opposite one of "stand"?
(bow / fall / rest / hop / sit)
3. Which movement is what people do when they were sleeping?
(lie / bow / fall / stand / kick) 5. fall, kick
4. Which movement cannot move forward? 4. rest
3. lie
(walk / run / rest / hop / jump)
2. sit
5. Which movements could hurt a person?
1. hop, kick
(bow / fall / kick / sit / lay)

03 Refer to the words above. List three answers for each question.

1. What can you do to a sofa?

, ,
2. What should a sick person do?
, , 3. bow, run, jump
3. What can your little boy do? 2. rest, lie, sit
, , 1. rest in, lie on, sit in

124 1000
The Body Movements 2
肢體動作 2 34
04 Match the words below and descriptions.

Run / Fall / Jump / Stand / Bow / Kick / Hop / Rest

1. on the chair when you are too short to see.

2. on the bed because Mom isn't home tonight. 8. Fall
7. Run
3. the door open when your hands are busy.
6. Bow
4. to home when your ankle hurts. 5. Rest
5. your arm when it is in pain. 4. Hop
6. to the Japanese when you say good-bye. 3. Kick
7. to school when you are very late. 2. Jump
8. into the river and you will die very quick. 1. Stand

05 Answer the questions below.


1. How many minutes do you walk a day?

4. Teachers
2. Do you kick things when you are angry?
3. Sofa
2. Yes, I do
3. Where do you sit on when you are tired at home? 1. About thirty minutes

4. Who do you bow to in your life?

06 Match the letters below.

1. wal ∂ ∂mp
2. ho ∂ ∂d
3. ki ∂ ∂k
4. li ∂ ∂ck
5. stan ∂ ∂e
6. ju ∂ ∂t 10. t 5. d
7. ru ∂ ∂l 9. w 4. e
8. fal ∂ ∂p 8. l 3. ck
9. bo ∂ ∂w 7. n 2. p

10. res ∂ ∂n
6. mp 1. k

Kinds of Clothes
35 Kinds of Clothes

01 What do they wear? Look at the pictures and use the words
below to answer.

pajamas / raincoat / suit / swimsuit / dress / uniforms / underwear

1. 2. 3. 4.

She wears a . He wears . He wears . She wears a .

5. 6. 7.

She wears a . They wear . He wears a .

4. dress
7. suit 3. pajamas
6. uniforms 2. underwear
5. swimsuit 1. raincoat

126 1000
Kinds of Clothes
衣服種類 35
02 Check the picture below and circle the missing items in the
word list below.

coat / jacket / jeans / pants / shorts / skirt / trousers / blouse / shirt / sweater / vest


1. pajamas [p@1dZ{m@s] n. 睡衣 11. jeans [dZinz] n. 牛仔褲

2. raincoat [1ren%kot] n. 雨衣 12. pants [p{nts] n. 長褲
3. suit [sut] n. 西裝 13. shorts [SOrts] n. 短褲
4. swimsuit [1swImsut] n. 泳衣 14. skirt [sk^t] n. 裙子
5. dress [drEs] n. 洋裝 15. trousers [1tra¨z_z] n. 休閒褲
6. uniform [1jun@%fOrm] n. 制服 16. blouse [bla¨z] n. 女用襯衫
7. underwear [1√nd_%wEr] n. 內衣褲 17. shirt [S^t] n. 襯衫
8. wear [wEr] v. 穿 18. sweater [1swEt_] n. 毛衣
9. coat [kot] n. 大衣、外套 19. vest [vEst] n. 背心
10. jacket [1dZ{kIt] n. 夾克

03 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. What do people wear when it rains?

(suits / swimsuits / raincoats / vests / jackets)
2. pajamas
2. What do people wear when they sleep?
1. raincoats
(skirts / trousers / pajamas / uniforms)

Kinds of Clothes
35 衣服種類
3. The same kinds of clothes students wear in school are...(uniforms /
jeans / shorts / pants /sweaters)
4. What do people wear when they swim? 5. sweaters
(raincoats / uniforms / swimsuits / vests / shirts) 4. swimsuits
5. People mostly don't wear (skirts / shorts / pants / sweaters / blouses) in 3. uniforms
the summer.

04 Read the interviews below of four people about what they think
of wearing skirt and their favorite clothes in their free time. Then,
answer the following questions with T for "True ; F for "False .

Lydia Thomason Robinson Julia

I love wearing skirts Oh, skirts! I would Skirts!? I think I won't Uhm... I hate skirts. I
especially in Summer like to try if I have a try it because they're don't wear skirts
because it makes chance... I think it ... lady's clothes. I after I graduated
me feel cool and must be good for like to be a gentle- from high school. I
comfortable. My men. But, my man. My favorite think jeans make me
favorite clothes at favorite clothes are clothes are suits and feel more comfort-
work are skirts and pajamas and shorts. swimsuits because I able because I do a
blouses because Because I work at have meetings lot of exercises each
they make me look home most of time. everyday and I love day. So, don't ask
professional. swimming. me to wear skirts at

1. Julia wears blouses everyday.

2. Lydia feels that wearing skirts and blouses are comfortable at work.
3. Thomason likes skirts.
4. Robinson's favorite clothes are pajamas and shorts.
5. Thomason has meetings everyday. 5. F
4. F
3. T
2. T
1. F

128 1000
36 Accessories 飾品 36
01 Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.

belt / shoes / tie / wallet / umbrella / socks / earrings / gloves

handkerchief / hat / necklace / purse / cap / mask / pocket
bag / sneakers / contact lens / ring / scarf / slippers / comb

1. 2. 3.
A. F.
G. M.

B. I. N.


D. O.



R. T. contact lens U. ring

4. Q. scarf R. comb S. slippers
O. bag P. sneakers
3. L. cap M. mask N. pocket

U. I. gloves J. handkerchief K. purse

2. F. hat G. earrings H. necklace
D. socks E. shoes
1. A. umbrella B. tie C. wallet

36 飾品

1. belt [bElt] n. 腰帶 13. cap [k{p] n. 鴨舌帽

2. shoe(s) [Su(z)] n. 鞋子 14. mask [m{sk] n. 口罩
3. tie [taI] n. 領帶 15. pocket [1pAkIt] n. 口袋
4. wallet [1wAlIt] n. 皮夾 16. bag [b{g] n. 袋、提袋
5. umbrella [√m1brEl@] n. 雨傘 17. sneaker(s) [1snik_(z)] n. 運動鞋
6. sock(s) [sAk(s)] n. 襪子 18. contact lens [1kAnt{kt%lEnz]
7. earring(s) [1Ir,rIµ(z)] n. 耳環 n. 隱形眼鏡
8. glove(s) [gl√v(z)] n. 手套 19. ring [rIµ] n. 戒子
9. handkerchief [1h{µk_%tSIf] n. 手帕 20. scarf [skArf] n. 圍巾
10. hat [h{t] n. 帽子 21. slipper(s) [1slIp_(z)] n. 拖鞋
11. necklace [1nEklIs] n. 項鍊 22. comb [kom] n. 梳子
12. purse [p^s] n. 皮包

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. Things that we wear or bring on rainy days are... (ties / sneakers / umbrellas / raincoats /
2. Things that we wear on our ears are... (necklaces / belts / scarves / caps / earrings).
3. Things that we wear around our necks are... (contact lens / purses / scarves / ties / neck-
4. Things that we wear on our hands and fingers are...(hat / shoes / gloves / rings / masks).
5. Things that we wear on our feet are... (slippers / sneakers / shoes / socks / scarves).
6. Things that can be put in purses are... (combs / earrings / handkerchiefs / pockets / rings).
7. Things that we usually put money in are... (contact lens / wallets / purses / masks / belts).
8. Things that we put on our heads are... (caps / gloves / hats / socks / masks / sneakers).

8. caps, hats 4. gloves, rings

7. wallets, purses 3. scarves, ties, necklaces
6. combs, earrings, handkerchiefs, rings 2. earrings
5. slippers, sneakers, shoes, socks 1. umbrellas, raincoats

130 1000
飾品 36
03 Classify the items below in the chart.

ties / handkerchiefs / socks / slippers / earrings / gloves / necklaces

hats / shoes / combs / scarves / sneakers / belts / rings

1. Wardrobe 2. Clothes Hanger

3. Shoe Rack 4. Dressing table

4. earrings, necklaces, rings, combs 2. belts, ties, scarves

3. shoes, sneakers, slippers 1. socks, gloves, handkerchiefs, hats

04 List at least three items for each answer below.

1. What kinds of clothing accessories do you wear today?

2. What kinds of clothing accessories do you wear everyday?
3. What kinds of clothing accessories don't you have?
4. What kinds of clothing accessories are gifts from friends?

4. necklaces, rings, wallets 2. shoes, socks, earrings

3. contact lens, handkerchiefs, caps 1. shoes, earrings, necklaces

Around the House
37 Around the House

01 Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with the words below.

living room / hall / dining room / garage / frontyard / bathroom / attic

bedroom / basement / kitchen / gate / roof / fence / study / backyard

1. Outside of the house



C. F.

2. Inside of the house

G. K.

H. L.

I. M.



L. study M. hall N. kitchen

2. G. attic H. living room I. dining room J. basement K. bathroom
1. A. garage B. front yard C. gate D. backyard E. roof F. fence

132 1000
Around the House
房屋 37
1. living room [1lIvIµ%rum] n. 客廳 10. gate [get] n. 大門
2. hall [hOl] n. 走廊 11. roof [ruf] n. 屋頂
3. dining room [1daInIµ%rum] n. 飯廳 12. fence [fEnz] n. 籬笆
4. garage [g@1rAZ] n. 車庫 13. study [1st√dI] n. 書房
5. front yard [1fr√nt%jArd] n. 前院 14. backyard [1b{kjArd] n. 後院
6. bathroom [1b{T%rum] n. 浴室 15. attic [1{tIk] n. 閣樓
7. bedroom [1bEd%rum] n. 房間 16. outside [1a¨t1saId] n. 外部
8. basement [1besm@nt] n. 地下室 17. house [ha¨s] n. 房子
9. kitchen [1kItSIn] n. 廚房 18. inside [1In1saId] n. 內部

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. The place for parking cars is the ... (attic / gate / roof / garage / kitchen).
2. The place for taking showers is the... (hall / dining room / bedroom / bathroom / study).
3. The place for having meals is the...(living room / roof / basement / dining room / bathroom).
4. The place for cooking meals is the... (dinning room / kitchen / garage / hall / attic).
5. The top of the house is the...(garage / hall / fence / roof / front yard).
6. The top room of the house is the .... (backyard / basement / attic / hall / roof).
7. The room that is underground is the ...(attic / fence / dining room / basement / kitchen).
8. The room for sleeping is the...(bathroom / bedroom / kitchen / basement / roof).
9. The area for walking from one room to another is the... (roof / fence / hall / backyard /
10. The room for watching TV is the... (bathroom / kitchen / dining room / living room / hall).
11. The room for reading books is the...(kitchen / study / hall / bathroom / gate).
12. The place inside the house is the...(basement / front yard / backyard / fence / roof).
13. The place outside the house is the...(living room / kitchen / attic / study / dining room /

8. bedroom 9. hall 10. living room 11. study 12. basement 13. fence
1. garage 2. bathroom 3. dinning room 4. kitchen 5. roof 6. attic 7. basement

Around the House
37 房屋

03 List at least three actions you usually do in the rooms below.

1. I usually ...... 2. I usually ......

...... in the living room. ...... in the bathroom.

3. I usually ...... 4. I usually ......

...... in the kitchen. ...... in the bedroom.

4.sleep / listen to the music / read books

3. cook meals / wash dishes / store dry foods
2. take a shower / brush my teeth / wash my face
1. watch TV / chat with family and friends / take a short break

04 Cross out words that do not belong to the same group.

1. garage / bathroom / bedroom / dining room / living room

5. fence
2. outside / front yard / backyard / fence / attic 4. bedroom
3. basement / attic / study / gate / kitchen 3. gate
4. gate / roof / bedroom / fence / front yard 2. attic
5. inside / attic / fence / dining room / study 1. garage

134 1000
Around the Apartment
38 Around the Apartment
38 公寓

01 Look at the picture and fill in the blanks with the words below.

balcony / ceiling / stair / wall / window / exit / entrance

Outside of an apartment

The second floor
(= the upstairs) ⇒


The first floor

(= the downstairs)

C. D.

Inside of an apartment

The second floor
(= the upstairs) ⇒

The first floor

(= the downstairs) I.

G. ceiling H. walls I. stairs

D. exit A. balcony B. window C. entrance

Around the Apartment
38 公寓

1. balcony [1b{lk@nI] n. 陽台 7. entrance [1Entr@ns] n. 入口

2. ceiling [1silIµ] n. 天花板 8. floor [flor] n. 地板、樓層
3. stair [stEr] n. 樓梯 9. upstairs [1√p1stErz] n. 樓上
4. wall [wOl] n. 牆壁 10. downstairs [1da¨n1stErz] n. 樓下
5. window [1wIndo] n. 窗 11. apartment [@1pArtm@nt] n. 公寓
6. exit [1EksIt] n. 逃生出口

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. The place where people usually hang clocks is on the ...

(window / front door / ceiling / wall / stair).
2. The place where people usually hang lights is on the ...
(fence / ceiling / window / floor / gate).
3. Entrance means access to the... (outside / upstairs / inside / down-
stairs / balcony) of the apartment.
4. Exit means access to the ...( upstairs / downstairs / balcony / out- 6. upstairs
side / inside) of the apartment. 5. downstairs
4. outside
5. Lillian walks from the third floor to the second floor.
3. inside
She walks (balcony / upstairs / downstairs / inside / outside). 2. ceiling
6. Anderson runs from the sixth floor to the eighth floor. 1. wall
He runs (gate / back door / upstairs / downstairs / ceiling).

03 Cross out the words, which does not belong to the group.

1. entrance / gate / front door / front yard / backyard

2. entrance / ceiling / front door / backdoor / exit 7. apartment
6. balcony
3. ceiling / roof / attic / basement / upstairs
5. kitchen
4. fence / wall / downstairs / floor / ceiling 4. downstairs
5. front yard / balcony / kitchen / garage / backyard 3. basement
6. apartment / house / upstairs / downstairs / balcony 2. ceiling
7. garage / front yard / house / apartment / backyard 1. backyard

136 1000
Around the Apartment
公寓 38
04 List at least three things you put or hang on the places below.

1. I put ...... 2. I hang ......

...... in the living room. ...... in the bathroom.

3. I hang ...... 4. I put ......

...... in the kitchen. ...... in the bedroom.

4. carpets / trash cans / wardrobes

3. lights / fans / droplights
2. clocks / frames / calendars
1. flower pots / hangers / a shoes rack

05 Match the words below.

1. downstairs ∂ ∂floor
7. front yard
2. exit ∂ ∂entrance 6. inside
3. ceiling ∂ ∂upstairs 5. attic
4. apartment ∂ ∂inside 4. house
5. basement ∂ ∂front yard 3. floor

6. outside ∂ ∂house
2. entrance
1. upstairs
7. backyard ∂ ∂attic

39 Furniture

01 Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with the words below.

candle / mat / blanket / armchair / bookcase / stool / bed / drawer / pcurtain

sofa / coffee table / light / carpet / hanger / pillow / sheet / dresser / desk / chair

Furniture in the living room




I I.

Furniture in the bedroom K.



M Q P.



N. carpet O. hanger P. pillow Q. sheet R. dresser S. bed

G. desk H. stool I. drawer J. curtain K. candle L. mat M. blanket
A. chair B. bookcase C. armchair D. sofa E. coffee table F. light

138 1000
家具 39
1. candle [1k{nd¬] n. 蠟燭 11. coffee table [1kOfI1teb¬] n. 大茶几
2. mat [m{t] n. 腳踏墊 12. light [laIt] n. 燈
3. blanket [1bl{µkIt] n. 毯子 13. carpet [1kArpIt] n. 地毯
4. armchair [1Arm%tSEr] n. 扶手椅 14. hanger [1h{µ_] n. 衣架
5. bookcase [1buk%kes] n. 書架 15. pillow [1pIlo] n. 枕頭
6. stool [stul] n. 凳子 16. sheet [Sit] n. 床單
7. bed [bEd] n. 床 17. dresser [1drEs_] n. 五斗櫃
8. drawer [1drO_] n. 抽屜 18. desk [dEsk] n. 書桌
9. curtain [1k^t§] n. 窗簾 19. chair [tSEr] n. 椅子
10. sofa [1sofA] n. 沙發椅 20. furniture [1f^nItS_] n. 傢具

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. Kinds of furniture that people usually sleep on are ...

(stools / pillows / beds / closets / hangers).
2. A kind of furniture that usually goes as a set with desks is ...
(mats / blankets / pillows / chairs / stools).
3. Kinds of furniture that people usually sit on are...
(sofas / sheets / chairs / armchairs / stools).
4. Kinds of furniture that people usually store clothes in are...
(dressers / drawers / lamps / closets / bookcases).
5. The kinds of furniture people usually put books in (on) are...
(desks / pillows / bookcases / tables / drawers). 7. sheets, pillows,
6. Things that can give light are... 6. lamps, candles, lights
(lamps / curtains / candles / hangers / lights). tables, drawers
7. Things that people usually use make beds are... 5. desks, bookcases,
(mats / sheets / pillows / carpets / blankets).
4. dressers, closets,
armchairs, stool
3. sofas, chairs,
2. chairs
1. stools, pillows, beds

39 家具

03 List at least three items for each question below.

1. What kinds of things do you usually put 2. What kinds of furniture do you have in
on a coffee table? your bedroom?

3. What kinds of furniture do you have in 4. What kinds of things do you put in your
your living room? drawers?

5. What kinds of things do you have on your 6. What do you usually sit on in your living
bed? room?

6. sofas, chairs, stools

5. pillows, sheets, blankets
4. books, money, pens
3. a set of sofas, an armchair, a coffee table
2. beds, closets, dressers
1. newspaper, food, glasses

04 Cross out the words which do not belong to the group.

1. mat / hanger / carpet / sheet / curtain

5. desk
2. bookcase / closet / drawer / pillow / dresser 4. candle
3. sofa / pillow / bed / sheet / blanket 3. sofa
4. furniture / candle / desk / chair / coffee table 2. pillow
5. armchair / desk / chair / stool / sofa 1. hanger

140 1000
Things in the Kitchen and Bathroom
40 Things in the Kitchen 廚房與浴室用具

and Bathroom
01 Compare pictures B and A. What is missing in picture B? Circle
the missing item from the word lists below.

pot / towel / teapot / wok / bathtub / basket / mirror / freezer

microwave / toothbrush / soap / oven / refrigerator / stove / pan
washing machine / faucet / bucket / shelf / sink / toilet / toothpaste




Things in the Kitchen and Bathroom
40 廚房與浴室用具

1. pot [pAt] n. 鍋子 13. refrigerator [rI1frIdZ@%ret_] n. 冰箱

2. towel [1ta¨@l] n. 毛巾 14. stove [stov] n. 火爐
3. teapot [1ti%pAt] n. 茶壺 15. washing machine [1wASIµ m@1Sin]
4. wok [wAk] n. 中華炒鍋 n. 洗衣機
5. bathtub [1b{T%t√b] n. 浴缸 16. faucet [1fOsIt] n. 水龍頭
6. basket [1b{skIt] n. 籃子 17. bucket [1b√kIt] n. 水桶
7. mirror [1mIr_] n. 鏡子 18. shelf [SElf] n. 架子
8. freezer [1friz_] n. 冰庫 19. sink [sIµk] n. 洗臉槽
9. microwave [1maIkro%wev] n. 微波爐 20. toilet [1tOIlIt] n. 馬桶
10. toothbrush [1tuT%br√S] n. 牙刷 21. toothpaste [1tuT%pest] n. 牙膏
11. soap [sop] n. 香皂 22. pan [p{n] n. 平底鍋
12. oven [1√v@n] n. 烤箱

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. The thing that we put on the toothbrush is ... (soap / faucet / towel / pot / toothpaste).
2. The thing that we use for drying hands is a ... (soap / oven / towel / freezer / basket).
3. The thing that we usually see in the bathroom is a ...(microwave / toilet / refrigerator /
teapot / freezer).
4. The thing that we use for washing laundry is a ...(faucet / toothpaste / washing machine /
wok / pan).
5. Things that can hold water are ...(basket / bathtub / shelf / faucet / oven).
6. The thing that can give fire is a ... (wok / pan / pot / stove / bucket).
7. The thing that can bake cakes is an ...(oven / freezer / pot / refrigerator / teapot).
8. The thing that we use to clean hands is...(towel / faucet / washing machine / soap / toilet).
9. The thing that can keep foods cool is a ...(towel / bathtub / refrigerator / sink / stove).
10. The thing that can reheat food is a ...(microwave / pan / pot / wok / bucket).
11. The thing that can store things on is...(towel / mirror / soap / shelf / stove).

9. refrigerator 6. stove 3. toilet

11. shelf 8. soap 5. bathtub 2. towel
10. microwave 7. oven 4. washing machine 1. toothpaste

142 1000
Things in the Kitchen and Bathroom
廚房與浴室用具 40
03 Classify the words below in the chart.

microwave / wok / toothbrush / fire / faucet

bathtub / towel / teapot / freezer / washing machine

1. toothpaste 6. toilet
2. cups 7. pan / pot
3. laundry / basket 8. sink / mirror
4. soap 9. oven
5. refrigerator 10. stove

9. microwave 10. fire

4. towel 5. freezer 6. bathtub 7. wok 8. faucet
1. toothbrush 2. teapot 3. washing machine

04 List at least three things for the questions below.

1. What kinds of things do you usually put in a basket?

, ,
2. What kinds of things do you usually put in your freezer?
, ,
3. What kinds of things do you usually take from your refrigerator?
, ,
4. What kinds of things do you usually put in a bucket?
, ,
5. What kinds of things do you usually put on the bathroom shelf?
, ,

5. magazine, clothes, towels

4. water, toys, clothes
3. drinks, eggs, fruits
2. fresh meat, ice-cream, ice cube
1. fruit, vegetables, trash

41 The Tableware and
01 Fill in the blanks with the words below.

fork / glass / knife / napkin / plate (= dish) / saucer

cup / spoon / straw / bowl / key / lock / chopsticks

The Tableware

C D.

J F A. E.
A B. F.
C. G.

B D H.
E I.

G J.
H K K.

K. straw J. spoon H. napkin I. saucer G. knife

E. fork F. glass D. plate B. chopsticks C. cup A. bowl

1. fork [fOrk] n. 叉子 9. spoon [spun] n. 湯匙

2. glass [gl{s] n. 玻璃杯 10. straw [strO] n. 吸管
3. knife [naIf] n. 餐刀 11. bowl [bol] n. 碗
4. napkin [1n{pkIn] n. 餐巾 12. key [ki] n. 鑰匙
5. cup [k√p] n. 杯子 13. lock [lAk] n. 鎖頭
6. plate [plet] n. 盤子 14. chopsticks [1tSAp%stIks] n. 筷子
7. dish [dIS] n. 盤子 15. tableware [ 1tebl%wEr] n. 餐具
8. saucer [1sOs_] n. 小碟子

144 1000
The Tableware and Houseware
餐具與家庭五金用品 41
02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. Things that we pour liquid into are ... (cups / straws / glasses /
2. Things that can be used for preserving foods are... (plates / bowls /
locks / dishes / saucers).
3. Things that people usually use for picking up foods are...(spoons /
keys/ forks / chopsticks / bowls). 7. teapots, saucers
6. keys
4. Things that we usually can see on doors are... (glasses / locks /
5. chopsticks
curtains / plates).
4. locks
5. The specialty of Chinese tableware is...(spoon / straw / saucer / chopsticks
fork / chopsticks). 3. spoons, forks,
6. Things that people use for unlocking locks are...(straws / keys / dishes, saucers
forks / knives). 2. plates, bowls,
1. cups, glasses
7. Things that usually go with cups are...(bowls / teapots / chopsticks
/ saucers / plates).

03 Answer the questions below.

1. What kinds of tableware do you use for your breakfast?

2. What kinds of tableware don't you use everyday?

3. What kinds of tableware do you use everyday?

4. What kinds of tableware do you usually use for eating steaks?

5. How many keys do you have?

6. How many locks do you set at your front door?

6. three 3. chopsticks, forks, bowls

5. four 2. knives, napkins
4. forks, knives, napkins 1. glasses, straws, plates

The Tableware and Houseware
41 餐具與家庭五金用品

04 Match the words below.

1. bowls ∂ ∂knives ∂ ∂teapots 4. locks, doors

2. saucers ∂ ∂rice ∂ ∂plates 3. knives, plates

3. forks ∂ ∂cups ∂ ∂doors

2. cups, teapots
1. rice, chopsticks
4. keys ∂ ∂locks ∂ ∂chopsticks

05 Answer the questions below.

straws / knives / bowls / glasses / chopsticks / napkin / lock

Mr. Brown: Do you use and forks at home?

Miss Chen: No, I'm Chinese. I use .
Mr. Brown: So, you must use for rice.
Miss Chen: No, I use plates for rice.
Mr. Brown: Do you use cups for tea?
Miss Chen: Sorry, I never like tea, I drink juice. 5. straws
Mr. Brown: Oh, then you use for the juice? 4. glasses
Miss Chen: Yes, and sometimes I use . 3. bowls
Mr. Brown: At home!? Well, it sounds cute! 2. chopsticks
1. knives
Miss Chen: Yeah, it's just for fun and you can use it to drink soup, too!

06 Fill in the blanks below.

1. sauc _ _ 5. sp _ _ n
2. _ nife 6. bo _ l
3. nap _ _ _ 7. st _ a _
4. _ _ _ _ sticks 8. lo _ k

8. lock 6. bowl 4. chopsticks 2. knife

7. straw 5. spoon 3. napkin 1. saucer

146 1000
42 Housework
01 Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with the words below.

housework / clean / fix / sweeping / wash / decorate / design

build / repair / pipes / bricks / hammer / needle

1. Although today is 2. First, I should 3. I will start with 4. After that, I will
Sunday, I have a the the bed- my
lot of clothes and room floor. Then, dog's little house.
to do. my the It has been bro-
bedroom. leaking ken for quite a
in the bathroom. long time.
Picture( ) Picture( ) Picture( ) Picture( )
5. To d o t h a t , I ' l l 6. I also need to 7. Look, this is what 8. Finally, I'll find a
go borrow a another I for the to make
, and little house for the dogs' new house. flags. And
some . doggies. the dog's house
with flags.
Picture( ) Picture( ) Picture( ) Picture( )

02 Match below pictures to above descriptions. Fill the alphabets

into the above brackets.



7. designed (H) 8. needle / decorate (C) 5. hammer / bricks (A) 6. build (E)
3. sweeping / repair / pipe (B) 4. fix (D) 1. housework (G) 2. wash / clean (F)

42 家事

1. housework [1ha¨s%w^k] n. 家事 8. build [bIld] v. 建造、建立

2. clean [klin] v. 清潔、清理 9. repair [rI1pEr] v. 修補、修理
3. fix [fIks] v. 修理、固定 10. pipe [paIp] n. 管子、輸送管
4. sweep [swip] v. 清掃(地) 11. brick [brIk] n. 磚塊
5. wash [wAS] v. 洗 12. hammer [1h{m_] n. 鐵鎚
6. decorate [1dEk@%ret] v. 裝飾 13. needle [1nid¬] n. 針
7. design [dI1zaIn] v. 設計

03 What can you do with the below actions? List at least three
things for each question.

1. I usually wash ......

, ,
2. I usually clean the ......
, ,
3. I usually decoratethe ......
, ,

3. windows, ceiling, living room

2. bedroom, kitchen, living room
1. cars, windows, dishes

04 Answer the questions below.

1. When did you last clean your room?

2. When did you last wash the dishes?
3. When did you last decorate your house?
4. When did you last sweep your bedroom floor?
5. When did you last repair your car?

3. three months ago

5. a year ago 2. yesterday
4. this morning 1. last Sunday

148 1000
家事 42
05 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. Washing clothes, sweeping floor and cleaning living room, are all...
(tableware / house ware / housework / hammers / needles).
2. The red ... (pipes / bricks / hammers / needles / woks) are good material
for making fences.
3. We put toys, gifts and candies on the Christmas tree. In other words, 5. pipes
we ...(clean / fix / build / decorate / wash) the Christmas tree. 4. needles

4. We use...(hammers / pipes / teapots / needles / bricks) to repair dam- 3. decorate

2. bricks
aged clothing.
1. housework
5. Plumbers can fix...(hammers / slippers / pipes / needles / pots) easily.

06 Cross out words that do not belong to the group.

1. fix / housework / repair / hammers / needles

5. sweep
2. wash / clean / sweep / housework / design 4. coffee table
3. wash / build / repair / bricks / roof 3. wash
4. faucets / pipes / coffee table / sinks / plumbers 2. design
5. design / sweep / blouse / suit / dress 1. housework

07 Match the letters below.

1. re ∂ ∂pe
2. pi ∂ ∂ck 10. mer
3. bui ∂ ∂pair 9. sign

4. nee ∂ ∂dle
8. p
7. x
5. bri ∂ ∂ld 6. work
6. house ∂ ∂mer 5. ck
7. fi ∂ ∂p 4. dle
8. swee ∂ ∂x 3. ld
9. de ∂ ∂work 2. pe

10. ham ∂ ∂sign

1. pair

Household Appliances
43 Household 家庭用品

01 Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with the words below.

cassette / flashlight / telephone / alarm / radio / cell phone / video tape

tape recorder / computer / television / heater / video player / hair hair dryer
photo / fan / air conditioner/ screen / cable / camera / speaker / Walkman

Shop A Shop B

A. G M

B. E. H. K.
C. F. I. L.
D. G. J. L.
Shop C R Shop D



N. P. R. T.
O. Q. S. U.

O. fan P. hair dryer Q. heater R. computer S. screen T. speakers U. cable

H. camera I. video player J. video tape K. photo L. flashlight M. television N. air conditioner
A. cassette B. Walkman C. radio D. alarm E. telephone F. cell phone G. tape recorder

150 1000
Household Appliances
家庭用品 43
1. cassette [k@1sEt] 11. heater [hit_] n. 暖氣機
n. (=audio tape)錄音帶 12. video player [1vIdI%o1ple_] n. 錄影機
2. flashlight [1fl{S%laIt] n. 閃光燈 13. hair dryer [1hEr1draI_] n. 吹風機
3. telephone [1tEl@%fon] n. 電話 14. photo [1foto] n. 照片
4. alarm [@1lArm] n. 鬧鐘 14. fan [f{n] n. 電扇
5. radio [1redI%o] n. 收音機 16. air conditioner [1Er %k@ndIS@n_]
6. cell phone [1sEl1fon] n. 手機 n. 冷氣機
7. video tape [1vIdI%o1tep] n. 錄影帶 17. screen [skrin] n. 螢幕
8. tape recorder [1tep%rI1kOrd_] n. 錄音機 18. cable [1keb¬] n. 電纜
9. computer [k@m1pjut_] n. 電腦 19. camera [1k{m@r@] n. 照相機
10. television [1tEl@%vIZ@n] n. (=TV)電 20. speaker [1spik_] n. 擴音機
視 21. Walkman [1wOkm@n] n. 隨身聽

02 Refer to the shops: A,B,C and D on page 150. Check the shopping
list below and find out which shops these people should visit.

Katherine Clark Pearl Franklin

running shoes wallet curtain cell phone
blue skirt camera fan, hair dryer computer screen
computer cable TV video tape umbrella, suit
video tape shrimp cabbage pajamas
papaya steak hammer trousers
teapot, pen cap, alarm pipe walkman
Shops: ( ) Shops: ( ) Shops: ( ) Shops: ( )

4. A, D 3. B, C 2. A, B 1. B, D

03 Refer to above shopping lists. Answer the questions below with

T for True" , F for "False .

1. Franklin goes to shop B and C. 5. F

2. Pearl and Clark both go to shop A and D. 4. F
3. Katherine doesn't need anything from shop A. 3. T
2. F
4. Clark doesn't need to visit shop A.
1. F
5. Franklin and Clark both should go to shop B.

Household Appliances
43 家庭用品

04 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. A small machine that people can listen to the radio and easy to
carry is a ...(video player / television / alarm / walkman / cassette).
2. Household appliances that can bring cool wind is an ... (fan / tape
recorder / heater / air conditioner / speaker).
3. A small machine that is usually used to wake people up is ...(a 5. cell phone, phone
walkman / a hair dryer / an alarm / a flashlight / a fan). phone, alarm
4. Machines that can make sounds are ......(radio / cassette / walk- 4. radio, walkman,
man / phone / alarm). 3. an alarm
5. Machines that can be used in communications are ... (photo / 2. fan, air conditioner
1. walkman
cable / cell phone / phone / heater).

05 Cross out the words which do not belong to the group.

1. speaker / cable / hair dryer / screen / computer

5. shorts
2. photo / speaker / radio / tape recorder / walkman 4. sweater
3. hair dryer / fan / heater / stove / air conditioner 3. stove
4. summer / air conditioner / sweater / fan / ice cube 2. photo
5. winter / shorts / heater / coat / jacket 1. hair dryer

06 Match the words below.

1. flash ∂ ∂ter
2. came ∂ ∂een
3. scr ∂ ∂light
4. hea ∂ ∂ra
5. spea ∂ ∂ker 8. ble 4. ter
6. recor ∂ ∂ble 7. deo 3. een

7. vi ∂ ∂der 6. der 2. ra

8. ca ∂ ∂deo
5. ker 1. light

152 1000
44 Buildings 大樓 44
01 Refer to the word list below. Circle the names of buildings you
can't find in the picture.

bank / church / culture center / factory / fire station / hospital / hotel / court
museum / post office / police station / restaurant / temple / tower / castle

The Koven City Map


醫院 警察局



5.castle 4. tower 3. museum 2. hotel 1. factory

44 大樓

1. bank [b{µk] n. 銀行 8. museum [mju1zI@m] n. 博物館

2. church [tS^tS] n. 教堂 9. post office [1post %OfIs] n. 郵局
3. culture center [1k√ltS_1sEnt_] 10. police station [p@1lis1steS@n] n. 警察局
n. 文化中心 11. restaurant [1rEst@r@nt] n. 餐廳
4. factory [1f{kt@rI] n. 工廠 12. temple [1tEmp¬] n. 廟
5. fire station [1faIr1steS@n] n. 消防隊 13. tower [1ta¨_] n. 高塔、塔樓
6. hospital [1hAspIt¬] n. 醫院 14. castle [1k{s¬] n. 城堡
7. hotel [ho1tEl] n. 飯店 15. court [kort] n. 法院

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. Uncle Chou works in a shop which sells Chinese food.

In other words, he works in a ... (castle / club / temple / restaurant).
2. My nephew's job is making high-heeled shoes. 8. castle

He works in a...(hospital / hotel / factory / museum). 7. fire station

6. post office
3. Teresa wants to exchange her money into US dollars.
5. church
So, she needs to go to a...(church / bank / culture center / court). 4. court
4. Tomoko saw a neighbor kill a man on the road. 3. bank
She is a witness in the...(factory / court / castle / bank). 2. factory
5. Tanya is a Christian. 1. restaurant

She goes to the ...(temple / fire station / bank / church) every Sunday.
6. Julia wants to mail her wedding photos to Sophia.
Thus, Julia needs to go to the ...(fire station / post office / police station / factory).
7. If your house catches fires, you should make a call to the ...(restaurant / police station /
post office / fire station).
8. In the olden days, the King and Queen lived in a ...(temple / court / castle / church).

03 Match the words below.

1. Tower ∂ ∂British ∂ ∂fries 4. Rome, Italy

2. Museum ∂ ∂Rome ∂ ∂chopsticks 3. Chinese, chopsticks

3. Temple ∂ ∂French ∂ ∂English

2. British, English

4. Church ∂ ∂Chinese ∂ ∂Italy

1. French, fries

154 1000
大樓 44
04 List three things that you can do at the places below.

1. At a restaurant, I can... 2. In a hospital, I can...

3. At a post office, I can... 4. In a bank, I can...

4. exchange money, open an account, borrow money

3. mail letters, buy stamps, post parcels
2. have a health check, see a doctor, get a treatment
1. eat, drink, chat with friends

05 Answer the questions below.

1. When did you last go to a restaurant?

2. In what country can you see temples (give three countries)?
3. When did you last go to a bank?
4. How long does it take you to go to a local court by bus?

4. About an hour 3. Last Friday 2. China, Thailand, India 1. Yesterday

06 Fill in the blanks below.

1. police sta _ _ _ _ 6. _ _ urch 10. bank 5. factory

2. mu _ e _ m 7. res _ _ _ _ ant 9. temple 4. court
3. ca _ _ le 8. hos _ i _ al 8. hospital 3. castle
7. restaurant 2. museum
4. c _ u r_ 9. t _ m _ le
6. church 1. police station
5. f _ _ tory 10. b _ nk

45 Stores 商店

01 Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with the words below.

bakery / bookstore / buffet / cafeteria / convenience store / mall

department store / drugstore / flower shop / market / stationery store
supermarket / fast food restaurant / nightclub / movie theater

The Serangoon Village Map







B. E. H. K.

C. F. I. L.

D. G. J. M.

I. flower shop J. drugstore K. mall L. buffet M. stationery store

E. bakery F. nightclub G. convenience store H. fast food restaurant
A. department store B. movie theater C. supermarket D. bookstore

156 1000
商店 45
1. bakery [1bek@rI] n. 麵包店
2. bookstore [1b¨k%stor] n. 書店
3. buffet [bu1fe] n. 吃到飽自助餐廳
4. cafeteria [%k{f@1tIrI@] n. 自助餐廳
5. convenience store [k@n1vinj@ns1stor] n. 便利商店
6. department store [dI1pArtm@nt1stor] n. 百貨公司
7. drugstore [1dr√g%stor] n. 西藥房
8. flower shop [1fla¨_ 1SAp] n. 花店
9. market [1mArkIt] n. 市場
10. mall [mOl] n. 大型購物中心
11. stationery store [1steS@n, ErI1stor] n. 文具店
12. supermarket [1sup_,mArkIt] n. 超級市場
13. fast-food restaurant [1f{st1fud1rEst@r@nt] n. 速食店
14. nightclub [1naIt,kl√b] n. 夜店
15. movie theater [1muvI ,TI@t_] n. 電影院

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. (Bakeries / Drugstores / Cafeterias / Flower shops) are places where we can buy roses.
2. People can buy medicine from the ...(stationery stores / drugstores / malls / nightclubs).
3. People can buy pens, paper and pencils from ...(buffets / bakeries / drugstores / stationery
4. People usually order birthday cakes from...(nightclubs / bakeries / bookstores / flower
5. People can eat food in...(fast food restaurants / bookstores / cafeterias / convenience

5. fast food restaurants, cafeterias

4. bakeries
3. stationery stores
2. drugstores
1. Flower shops

45 商店

03 List at least three answers for each question.

1. What could you do at a nightclub?

2. What could you buy at a department store?

3. What could you eat at a cafeteria?

4. What could you order from a fast food restaurant?

4. I order French fries / hamburgers / Coffee. 2. I buy shoes / clothes / cosmetics.

3. I eat fish / salad / soup. 1. I drink wine / drink beer / dance.

04 Classify the words below into the chart.

cafeteria / stationery store / supermarket / movie theater / department store / bakery

1. convenience store / mall / 4. fast food restaurant /

2. buffet / 5. bookstore /
3. nightclub / 6. market /

6. supermarket 4. bakery 2. cafeteria

5. stationery store 3. movie theater 1. department store

158 1000
商店 45
05 Read the descriptions below and fill in the blanks.

flower shop / fast food restaurant / nightclub / mall / bakery / drugstore

convenience store / buffet / movie theater

Jeannie was pretty busy today. First, she had a big hamburger in a 1. this
morning. Then, she went to a 2. . She ordered a dozen of roses from a
3. . Then, she went to a 4. for some medicine. After that, she
visited a friend at a 5. . She had a lunch in the restaurant where an unlimited
amount of food is served. After the meeting, she went to a 6. for a newspaper
and a 7. for a birthday cake. She had a very nice dinner at home with her hus-
band. Today is her husband's birthday. She planned to treat her husband to a special wine
and a movie after the meal. After the dinner, they went to the 8. for a midnight
movie. Then, they went to a 9. to drink the special wine and dance. This was
a wonderful but tiring day for Jeannie.

9. nightclub 6. convenience store 3. flower shop

8. movie theater 5. buffet 2. mall
7. bakery 4. drugstore 1. fast food restaurant

06 Match the letters below.

1. super ∂ ∂shop
2. movie ∂ ∂store 10. ookstore

3. flower ∂ ∂theater 9. tment store

4. drug ∂ ∂ry
8. tationery store
7. htclub
5. bake ∂ ∂market 6. all
6. m ∂ ∂all 5. ry
7. nig ∂ ∂ookstore 4. store
8. s ∂ ∂htclub 3. shop

9. depar ∂ ∂tationery store 2. theater

10. b ∂ ∂tment store

1. market

46 Directions

01 Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with the words below.

here / there

1. " Put the TV over , and the

radio ." Peter asked the mov-
ing workers.

side / middle

2. Look at the picture. Lauren is the

one standing in the . The one
on his left hand is his younger
sister, and his right hand is
his aunt.

right / left / straight / corner

3. Peter drives from his home to the

church. He should first go
down the street. Then, he should turn
. And then, turn at
the first .

160 1000
方位 46
north / south / east / west / center

4. Peter’s house is right at the

of his four friends’ houses. As you can
Otis Peter Jenny see, Jenny lives to the .
Otis lives to the .
Brian lives to the .
Kate lives to the .

top / bottom / ground

5. Look at these toy cars racing. Both

of them start from the . After
five minutes, the red one is up to the
of the mountain. But, the
green one is still at the of the

back / front / backward / forward

6. Lauren's car is brokes down on his
way home. His brother Neo comes to
Neo Lauren help. Lauren tries to pull the car at the
. Neo is right at the .
Although they try to push it ,
the car still looks like it is moving

6. front / back / forward / backward 3. straight / right / left / corner

5. ground / top / bottom 2. middle / side / side
4. center / east / west / south / north 1. there / here

46 方位

1. here [hIr] n./adv. 這裡 11. east [ist] n./adv. (在)東方

2. there [DEr] n./adv. 那裡 12. west [wEst] n./adv. (在)西方
3. side [saId] n./adj. 旁邊(的) 13. center [1sEnt_] n./adj. 中心(的)
4. middle [1mId¬] n./adj. 中間(的) 14. top [tAp] n./adj. 頂上(的)
5. right [raIt] n./adv. 右邊 15. bottom [1bAt@m] n./adj. 底部(的)
6. left [lEft] n./adv. 左邊 16. ground [gra¨nd] n. 地面
7. straight [stret] n./adv. 直線、挺直 17. back [b{k] n./adj. 背面、後面的
8. corner [1kOrn_] n./adj. 街角、在角落的 18. front [fr√nt] n./adj. 正面、前面的
9. north [nOrT] n./adv. (在)北方 19. backward [1b{kw_d] adv./adj. 向後的
10. south [sa¨T] n./adv. (在)南方 20. forward [1fOrw_d] adv./adj. 向前的

02 Read the descriptions below and draw the pictures.

Three flowers are in the center. There is
a star to the north. Four apples to the
east. A car to the south. And, a triangle to
the west.

1. There is a bottle. On the top of the bot-

tle there is a circle. At the bottom of the
bottle there is a rectangle.

1. 有一個瓶子,瓶子的上方有一個圓圈,瓶子的正下方有一個長方形。

162 1000
方位 46

2. There is a house. There is a car in its

front. There is a big dog in the back.

3. There is a ball moving toward to a

tree. There is a dog moving backwards
from the tree.

4. A man drops a pen and a book on the

floor. "The pen is here. The book is
there." the man said.

5. There are three cars. The biggest one

drives straight. The middle size one
drives to right. And, the smallest one
drives to the left.

46 方位

6. There is a corner right at the middle of

the street. On the two sides of the street,
there are a lot of trees.

7. There is a man upside down. His

head and hands touch on the ground.

7. 有個人倒立著,他的頭跟手都碰著地板。
6. 馬路中央有個轉角,路的兩旁有很多樹。
5. 有三輛車,最大的往前直開,第二大的朝右行駛,最小的向左行駛。

4. 有一個人把一支筆丟在這裡(靠近自己),書丟在那裡(較遠處)
3. 一顆球正滾向一棵樹。一隻狗正向那棵樹走遠。
2. 有一個房子,房子前面有輛汽車,房子後面有隻大狗。

03 Classify the words below in the chart.

top / right / there / west / front / south / forward / middle

1. north / east / center / 4. here /

2. back / backward / 5. ground / bottom /
3. left / corner / straight / 6. side /

1. west / south 2. front / forward 3. right 4. there 5. top 6. middle

164 1000
Locations and Home Addresses
47 Locations and Home 地點與住家地址

01 Read the colleges' addresses below and find out the locations of
the James College, Smith College and Kings College. Write
down the colleges' names on the map.

The schools' addresses :

James College: No. 44, Chungshan North Road, Section 2, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Smith College: Room 128, Third Floor, No. 8, Alley 4, Lane 12, Jenai Rd., Taipei, Taiwan
Kings College: No. 66, Cung-Chang Street, Panchiao City, Taipei County Taiwan, R.O.C.

Invented City Map


Ai-Yu's house
Chungshan North Road, sec.2
Wan Tho Street

Jenai Rd.


Chung-Chang Street


C. Kings College
B. Smith College
A. James College

Locations and Home Addresses
47 地點與住家地址

02 Read the map above and answer the questions below.

1. Which college is the nearest one to Ai-Yu's house?

2. Which college is at the corner of Chung-Chang Street and Wan Tho Street?
3. Which college is next to the church?
4. Which college is to the east?

4. Smith College 3. James College 2. Kings College 1. James College

1. address (=add.) [@1drEs] n. 地址 8. room [rum] n. 室

2. number (=no.) [1n√mb_] n. 號 9. floor [flor] n. (=fl.)樓
3. road (=rd.) [rod] n. 路 10. alley [1{lI] n. 弄
4. section (=sec.) [1sEkS@n] n. 段 11. lane [len] n. 巷
5. Taipei [1taI1pe] n. 台北 12. street [strit] n. 街
6. Taiwan [1taI1wan] n. 台灣 13. city [1sItI] n. 市
7. Republic of China (=R.O.C.) 14. county [1ka¨ntI] n. 縣
[rI1p√blIk%@f 1tSaIn@] n. 中華民國

03 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. R.O.C. means...(Taipei / Taiwan / China / Republic of China).

2. Yvoon's house number is 44. Next door to her house on the right is number 42. What num-
ber is next door to her house on the left? (46 / 48 / 40 / 39).
3. Yolanda lives right upstairs from Albert's house. Albert lives on the 35th floors. Which floor
does Yolanda live on? (34th / 36th / 38th / 40th).
4. Harley's address is No.39, room 3, second floor, Fu-der Rd.
Taipei. Frank lives in No. 39, room 5, second floor, Fu-der Rd.
Taipei. Harley and Frank live... (at the same address / on the lane, alley
same floor / in the same room). 5. road, street,
5. Arrange the names below by their sizes from big to small. (street, 4. on the same floor
road, lane, alley/ street, road, alley, lane / road , street, lane, alley 3. 36th
/ road, street, alley, lane). 2. 46
1. Republic of China
6. Section is a word to describe a ...(lane / county / road / floor)

166 1000
Locations and Home Addresses
地點與住家地址 47
04 Refer to website: www.post.gov.tw for the Chinese road name
translation. Then, answer below questions.

1. What's your English home address?

2. What's your office or school address in English?

3. What's your best friend's home address in English?

3. No.21, Lane 97, ShenKan Rd., Shin Kan Village, Changhwa Hsian, Taiwan, R.O.C.
2. 9th Floor, No.230, Chunghsiao East Road, Da-Ann, Taipei, Taiwan #160 R.O.C.
1. 3rd Floor, No.4, Lane 178, Renyi St., Snchung City, Taipei, Taiwan #241 R.O.C.

05 Rearrange the sequences of the addresses below into the

English address writing styles.

1. Santou Second Rd. / Taiwan/ No. 338 / R.O.C. / Kaohsiung

2. Tainan / No. 6 / Taiwan / 49-3 / Nanmen Rd.

3. R.O.C. / No. 1 / Taichung / Chungching Rd.

4. Room 4 / Lane 30 / Taipei / Alley12 / R.O.C. / 1 Floor / Chungshau East Rd. / No.99 /
Sec. 5 / Taiwan

4. Room 4, 1st Floor, No.99, Alley 12, Lane 30, Chungshau East Rd., Sec. 5, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
3. No.1, Chungching Rd., Taichung, R.O.C.
2. 49-3, No.6, Nanmen Rd., Tainan, Taiwan.
1. No.338, Santou Second Rd., Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C.

Kinds of the Transportation
48 Kinds of the

01 Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with the words below.

airplane / ambulance / bicycle / boat / bus / car / helicopter / jeep

motorcycle / scooter / ship / tank / taxi / train / truck

A. B. C.

D. E. F.

G. H. I.

J. K. L.

168 1000
Kinds of the Transportation
交通工具 48
M. N. O.

L. truck H. bicycle D. bus

O. taxi K. car G. ship C. scooter
N. airplane J. train F. motorcycle B. helicopter
M. jeep I. tank E. ambulance A. boat

1. airplane (=plane) [1Er%plen] n. 飛機 9. motorcycle [1mot_%saIk¬] n. 摩托車

2. ambulance [1{mbj@l@ns] n. 救護車 10. scooter [1skut_] n. 踏板車
3. bicycle (=bike) [1baIsIk¬] n. 腳踏車 11. ship [SIp] n. 大船
4. boat [bot] n. 小船 12. tank [t{nk] n. 坦克車
5. bus [b√s] n. 公車 13. taxi [1t{ksI] n. 計程車
6. car [kAr] n. 汽車 14. train [tren] n. 火車
7. helicopter [1hElIkApt_] n. 直升機 15. truck [tr√k] n. 卡車
8. jeep [dZip] n. 吉普車

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. The kind of transportation that takes sick people to hospital is an

...(jeep / tank / ambulance / truck).
2. The kind of transportation that can easily climb hills is a ...(taxi / jeep
/ boat / scooter).
3. The kind of transportation that can take more than 20 people at one
time is a ...(taxi / tank / scooter/ bus). 5. scooter
4. The kind of transportation that is used in war is a ...(scooter / truck / 4. tank
tank / ambulance). 3. bus

5. The kind of transportation that kids can ride on is a ...(scooter / car /

2. jeep
1. ambulance
helicopter / airplane).

Kinds of the Transportation
48 交通工具

03 Answer the questions using the words below.

scooter / motorcycle / jeep / truck / train / taxi / bus / boat

bike / helicopter / car / tank / ship / ambulance / plane

1. Methods of transportation in the air are...

2. Methods of transportation with four wheels are...
3. Methods of transportation in the sea are...
4. Methods of transportation with two wheels are...
5. Methods of transportation that have more than four wheels are...
6. Methods of public transportation are...
7. Methods of transportation that are used for taking cargos are...
8. Methods of transportation that are sold in shops are...

7. truck, ship, plane, helicopter, boat 8. motorcycle, bike, car, scooter, jeep
4. scooter, motorcycle, bike 5. train, tank 6. bus, train, taxi, plane
1. helicopter, plane 2. car, jeep, taxi, bus, ambulance, truck 3. boat, ship

04 Answer the questions below.

1. What kinds of transportation do you use?

2. What kinds of public transportation do you usually take?
3. What kinds of transportation do you dream about taking?
4. What kinds of transportation do you hate taking?
5. What kinds of transportation do you dream to have one day in the future?

5. jeep and helicopter

4. ambulance
3. helicopter and spaceship
2. bus and MRT
1. a motorcycle, a car, a bike

170 1000
Kinds of the Transportation
交通工具 48
05 Read the article below and guess what kind of transportation
she is talking about?

I hate to take that kind of transportation. You need to go and buy the ticket before you get
in. It takes a lot of time to buy the tickets. Besides, it is sometimes crowded and often has
delays. Anyway, people don't have too many choices, as it's the only transportation that
can travel a long distance. Though if you buy the ticket earlier, you may get a ticket with a
seat, if not, you will have to stand for the whole journey. It's indeed a
very tiring thing... train
Question: The lady dislikes taking the .

06 Match thw letters below.

1. tan ∂ ∂p
2. tax ∂ ∂k
10. ter
9. lance
3. trai ∂ ∂i
8. plane
4. shi ∂ ∂t 7. cycle
5. boa ∂ ∂n 6. copter
6. heli ∂ ∂ter 5. t
7. motor ∂ ∂plane 4. p

8. air ∂ ∂lance
3. n
2. i
9. ambu ∂ ∂cycle
1. k
10. scoo ∂ ∂copter

Transportation Systems
49 Transportation

01 Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with the words below.

airline terminal / airport / bridge / highway / overpass / underpass / tunnel

bus stop / sidewalk / parking lot / subway / train station / platform / railroad

A. B. C.

D. E. F.

G. H. I.

J. K. L.

172 1000
Transportation Systems
運輸系統 49
M. N.
N. tunnel G. sidewalk
M. subway F. bus stop
L. platform E. parking lot
K. railroad D. bridge
J. train station C. highway
I. underpass B. airline terminal
H. overpass A. airport

1. airline terminal [1Er%laIn1t^m@n¬] 8. bus stop [1b√s1stAp] n. 公車站

n. 航廈 9. sidewalk [1saId%wOk] n. 人行道
2. airport [1Er%port] n. 機場 10. parking lot [1pArkIµ1lAt] n. 停車場
3. bridge [brIdZ] n. 橋 11. subway (=MRT) [1s√b%we] n. 地鐵
4. highway [1haI%we] n. 高速公路 12. train station [1tren 1steS@n] n. 火車站
5. overpass [%ov_1p{s] n. 天橋 13. platform [1pl{t%fOrm] n. 月台
6. underpass [1√nd_%p{s] n. 地下道 14. railroad [1rel%rod] n. (=railway) 鐵軌
7. tunnel [1t√n¬] n. 隧道 15. airline [1Er%laIn] n. 航空公司

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. The road for people to walk on is the...(highway / tunnel / sidewalk /

parking lot).
2. The path for getting over rivers is the...(platform / railroad / under-
pass / bridge).
3. The place for waiting buses is the...(bus stop / parking lot / platform
5. platform
/ railroad). 4. tunnel
4. The path that gets through mountains is a ...(sidewalk / underpass / 3. bus stop
overpass / tunnel). 2. bridge
5. The place to wait for the train and MRT is the...(bus stop / sidewalk 1. sidewalk
/ platform / parking lot).

Transportation Systems
49 運輸系統

03 Classify the words below in the chart.

train station / bus stop / parking lot / airport / underpass

overpass / railway / platform / airplane

1. train / MRT /
2. airline terminal / helicopter /
3. bus / sidewalk /
4. highway / car /
5. bridge / tunnel /

5. underpass / overpass
4. parking lot
3. bus stop
2. airplane / airport
1. train station / railway / platform

04 Answer the questions below.

1. Where do people usually park their cars in your country?

2. Where do you check in your airline ticket in the airport?
3. How many highways do you have in your country?
4. List a name of an airline that you know about.
5. How many international airports do you have in your country?

5. three
4. China airline
3. three
2. airline terminal
1. parking lot or garages

174 1000
Transportation Systems
運輸系統 49
05 Read the interviews below about "How do they get to their com-
pany?" Circle the transportation that they take or stop by.

1. Nancy 2. Anna 3. Lucy

Well, I work in the airport. I I take public transportation I usually drive to my office.
take public transportation. that is underground. I usu- Every morning I walk to a
Of course, it's not the MRT ally walk 15 minutes from parking lot to get my car.
or train because these home to the station. It's Then, I drive through
transportations cannot go quite safe for me to walk mountains into a town.
on the highway. Early because there is a special After I park my car in the
every morning, I need to road for people to walk town, I walk for 10 minutes
stand at a place and wait only. to my office because I
for 10 minutes for the should get through many
transportation. It's quite all big roads. For safety rea-
right for me to wait sons, I walk on the paths
because it's the quickest from one side to another of
way to the airport. the road. The path goes
above the ground.

MRT / bus stop / parking train station / MRT / taxi / subway / overpass / under-
lot / train station / platform / bus / bus stop / sidewalk pass / airport / tunnel / rail-
bus road

3. tunnel, overpass
2. MRT, sidewalk
1. bus stop, bus

Traffic Condition
50 Traffic Condition

01 Read the descriptions below and fill the answers in the blanks.

traffic jam / car accident / flat tire / slow / fast / ticket / seat
passengers / wheel / car engine / horn / gas / fly
land / drive / ride / sail / arrive / cross / speed / turn

1. Lydia 2.

Tina Jeff
Car A Car B

On the way to home, Tina saw a Compare the speed of Car A and Car B.
. Jeff got a . Car A is . Car B is
Lydia met a . .

3. 4.




In the picture, I see five , Morris puts his hands on the .

four and two . Tom holds the . Lisa is pour-
ing into the tank. Gina
points at the .

176 1000
1. car accident / flat tire / traffic jam 5. flies / lands
2. fast / slow 6. drives /sails / rides
3. seats / tickets / passengers 7. crosses / turns / speeds / arrives
4. horn / wheel / gas / car engine
at a church. Car D right. Car B
on the highway. Car C a hill. Car A
car B
car D
car C
car A
a bike. A monkey
the boat. A man . Plane B
a car. A lady away. Plane A
plane B
plane A
6. 5.
50 交通狀況
Traffic Condition
Traffic Condition
50 交通狀況

1. traffic jam [1tr{fIk1dZ{m] n. 塞車 12. gas [g{s] n. 汽油

2. car accident [1kAr1{ks@d@nt] n. 車禍 13. drive [draIv] v. 駕駛
3. flat tire [1fl{t%taIr] n. 爆胎 14. fly [flaI] v. 飛
4. slow [slo] adj. 慢的 15. land [l{nd] v. 降落
5. fast [f{st] adj. 快的 16. ride [raId] v. 騎
6. ticket [1tIkIt] n. 車票 17. sail [sel] v. 航行、駕船
7. seat [sit] n. 座位 18. arrive [@1raIv] v. 抵達
8. passenger [1p{s§dZ_] n. 乘客 19. cross [krOs] v. 橫渡、越過
9. wheel [hwil] n. 輪胎 20. speed [spid] v. 超速
10. car engine [1kAr 1EndZ@n] n. 車引擎 21. turn [t^n] v. 轉
11. horn [hOrn] n. 喇叭

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. The main power that makes a car move is the car...(horn / wheel /
engine / gas).
2. Flat tire means the car's...(gas / wheels / engines / horns) have a
3. The car is speeding means this car drives...(fast / slowly / backward
/ home).
4. The car can take seven people. This means the car has
seven...(chairs / seats / sits / drivers). 7. slowly
5. People who buy tickets to take the bus are...(adults / youths / driv- 6. horn
ers / passengers). 5. passengers
4. seats
6. In a car, you can press a ...(wheel / gas / engine / horn) to get other
3. fast
people's attention. 2. wheels
7. A traffic jam means the cars move...(not slowly / quickly / slowly / 1. engine

178 1000
Traffic Condition
交通狀況 50
03 What can you do with the actions below? List three answers for

1. I can fly... 2. I can drive...

3. I can ride... 4. I can sail...

4. a boat, a ship, a yacht 2. a car, a jeep, a bus

3. a bicycle, scooter, motorcycle 1. an airplane, a helicopter, a spaceship

04 Read the descriptions and fill in the blanks with the words below.

ride (rode) / land (landed) / turn (turned) / pass (passed)

flip (flipped) / arrive (arrived) / speed (sped )

Andrew Bert Caesar

I will never forget it. One Well, my experience could You won't believe what I saw
night when I was driving on be made as a movie. There yesterday. When I
the highway. A truck on my was a day when I had just my motorcycle on the way
left suddenly home. Then, home, suddenly, a car
right into me. At that before I got out of my car, I up from behind
moment, my car was going saw an airplane me and in a cir-
very fast. I couldn't stop, over two mountains and cle through the air. Then, fell
so I up and suddenly it fast down on the ground. After
the truck before into the trees in front of my that, I saw two police cars
it hit my car. Then, the car. I was afraid and got . The policemen
truck bumped into the road out of the car immediately. pulled out the man from the
fences. It was quite a big Then, the airplane explod- car quickly. After a few min-
accident. ed and my house burned. utes, the car exploded.

Bert: arrived / passed / landed

Caesar: rode / sped / flipped / arrive Andrew: turned / sped / passed

People at School
51 People at School

01 Match the pictures below with the descriptions.


a. A principal,
∂ ∂ teachers and


b. A teacher and
∂ ∂


c. A class leader
∂ ∂ and his class-


d. A cheerleader
∂ ∂ and her team-

5. e. A girl and her

female friends
∂ ∂ are talking to a
guard at the
school gate.

5. c 4. b 3. a 2. e 1. d

180 1000
People at School
學校的人們 51
1. principal [1prIns@pl] n. 校長 6. cheerleader [1tSIr%lid_] n. 啦啦隊長
2. teacher [1titS_] n. 老師 7. teammate [1tim%met] n. 隊員
3. student [1stjud@nt] n. 學生 8. friend [frEnd] n. 朋友
4. class leader [1kl{s1lid_] n. 班長 9. guard [gArd] n. 警衛
5. classmate [1kl{s%met] n. 同班同學

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. People who teach in schools are...(classmates / principals / friends

/ teachers).
2. People who study in the same classes are...(friends / teachers /
classmates / teammates).
3. People who study in schools are...(friends / students / class lead-
ers / cheerleaders). 6. guards
4. The leader of a school is a...(class leader / cheerleader / teacher / 5. friends
4. principal
3. students
5. People who you know well and like to get along with are...(class
2. classmates
leaders / classmates / friends / teachers). 1. teachers
6. People whose job is watching the school's safety are...(principals /
cheer leaders / guards / friends).

03 Match the letters below.

1. teach ∂ ∂pal 6. nd

2. guar ∂ ∂nd
5. mate
4. leader
3. princi ∂ ∂er
3. pal
4. cheer ∂ ∂leader 2. d
5. team ∂ ∂d 1. er
6. frie ∂ ∂mate

People at School
51 學校的人們

04 Read the descriptions below and guess who they are.

Hi, I'm Gina. Here I gave interviews to Tommy's teacher, principal, friends, classmates,
cheerleader and teammates. Now, guess who was the one saying the things below.

1. I'm Tommy's 2. I'm Tommy's 3. I'm Tommy's

. . .

Oh, I know Tommy very I think Tommy is charming Tommy! Yeah, I have
well because he is a class although he doesn't know known him for a long time
leader in one of the class- me. I saw him a couple of and we are good buddies.
es. I think he is a good stu- times in the campus. He is We play together, eat
dent as his teacher often famous also in the football together but do not study
tells me he studies very team. I don't play football together. We are in the dif-
hard and is very kind to but I am in the cheer lead- ferent schools. But, I know
other students. I'll invite ing team for football. I he is quite famous in his
him for a speech to other believe Tommy also saw school beacuse a lot of
students in the school. I'm me couple of times girls like him. Well, I don't
very proud of having such because I am the leader of know if he has got one that
a good student in my the team. And, I hope he is he likes, since he hasn't
school. fond of me. said anything yet.

1. principal 2. cheerleader 3. friend

182 1000
The Campus and the Classroom
52 The Campus and the 校園與教室

01 Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with the words below.

eraser / world map / picture / classroom / teacher's office

boy's room / girl's room / principal's office / library / seesaw / slide
blackboard / poster / guardhouse / gym / playground / swing

The Campus Map B C

C. F




G. I

I. K

K. G


L. library I. seesaw F. guardhouse C. girl's room

K. swing H. playground E. principal's office B. boy's room
J. slide G. gym D. teacher's office A. classroom

The Campus and the Classroom
52 校園與教室

In the Classroom

N. Q

P. P


Q. picture P. poster O. world map N. eraser M. blackboard

1. eraser [I1res_] n. 板擦 9. library [1laI%brErI] n. 圖書館

2. world map [1w^ld1m{p] n. 世界地圖 10. seesaw [1si%sO] n. 翹翹板
3. picture [1pIktS_] n. 圖片 11. slide [slaId] n. 溜滑梯
4. classroom [1kl{s%rum] n. 教室 12. blackboard [1bl{k%bord] n. 黑板
5. teacher's office [1titS_z1OfIs] 13. poster [1post_] n. 海報
n. 老師辦公室 14. guardhouse [1gArd%ha¨s] n. 警衛室
6. boy's room [1bOIz1rum] n. 男廁 15. gym [dZIm] n. 體育館
7. girl's room [1g^lz1rum] n. 女廁 16. playground [1ple%gra¨nd] n. 操場
8. principal's office [1prIns@p¬z 1OfIs] 17. swing [swIµ] n. 盪鞦韆
n. 校長室 18. campus [1k{mp@s] n. 校園

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. Things that we write on with chalk in the classroom are ...(erasers /

pictures / blackboards / posters).
2. Things that we use for erasing written words or pictures are ...(slides /
pictures / erasers). 3. boy's room
3. The school's bathrooms for boys are the ...(guardhouse / girl's room / 2. erasers

boy's room / teacher's office). 1. blackboards

184 1000
The Campus and the Classroom
校園與教室 52
4. The place in the school that teachers rest and work together is the
...(principal's office / teacher's office / classroom / guardhouse).
5. The place in the school that the principal works and rests is the
...(boy's room / campus / principal's office / teacher's office).
6. The place in school that students can borrow books from is the 8 . guardhouse
...(gym / playground / poster / library). seesaw
7. slide, swing,
7. Things that can usually be found in the playgrounds are the ...(slide
6. library
/ swing / seesaw / chalk). 5. principal's office
8. The place in school that the school guards work and rest is the 4. teacher's office
...(principal's office / library / classroom / guardhouse).

03 Read the article below and fill in the blanks.

slide / principal's office / posters / gym / playground / pictures

blackboard / swing / teacher's office / classroom / library

The last day on campus

Yesterday was my graduation day in senior high. While I stepped onto the campus, I saw
many 1. sticking on the school gates. They were beautiful as they collected
many 2. of our school life. Then, I met my classmates in the 3. .
They told me our teacher was waiting in the 4. for me. I ran to the office but
the other teachers said my teacher was meeting with the principal in the 5. .
Then, I decided to go to the 6. to read magazine and wait. About 10 minutes
later, I walked back to the office and saw a message telling the ceremony was going to be
held in the 7. as it was raining. I went back to the classroom and wrote the
message on the 8. . After the ceremony, I walked to the 9. and sat
on the 10. . I saw kids playing around the 11. . This reminded me of
the days when I played with my good friends here. Time flies quickly and it was the last
day on campus.

8. blackboard 4. teacher's office

11. slide 7. gym 3. classroom
10. swing 6. library 2. pictures
9. playground 5. principal's office 1. posters

The Campus and the Classroom
52 校園與教室

04 Classify the words below in the chart.

slide / teacher's office / principal's office / chalk / picture

poster / eraser / seesaw / girl's room / library

1. blackboard /
2. playground / swing
3. world map /
4. boy's room /
4. guardhouse /
5. campus / gym /

6. library 3. picture/ poster

5. teacher's office/ principal office 2. seesaw / slide
4. girl's room 1. chalk / eraser

05 Match the letters below.

1. world ∂ ∂house
2. girl's ∂ ∂board 12. de
3. principal's ∂ ∂ground 11. saw
4. black ∂ ∂map 10. ser
5. play ∂ ∂room 9. m

6. guard ∂ ∂office
8. ster
7. lk
7. cha ∂ ∂ser 6. house
8. po ∂ ∂lk 5. ground
9. gy ∂ ∂saw 4. board
10. era ∂ ∂ster 3. office
11. see ∂ ∂de 2. room

12. sli ∂ ∂m
1. map

186 1000
The Stationery
53 The Stationery 文具 53
01 Below are pictures of the stationery that Alice has. Check the
pictures with her shopping list. What other stationery does she
need to buy now? Circle the answers.

The Alice's Shopping List

English textbook
English workbook
rubber band
blank paper
color paper
pencil box

color paper notebook
dictionary blank paper

The Stationery
53 文具

1. textbook [1tEkst%b¨k] 10. ink [Iµk] n. 墨水

n. (=student book)課本 11. blank paper [bl{µk] n. 空白紙
2. glue [glu] n. 膠水 12. notebook [1not%b¨k] n. 筆記本
3. tape [tep] n. 膠帶 13. diary [1daI@rI] n. 日記本
4. workbook [1w^k%b¨k] 14. dictionary [1dIkS@n%ErI] n. 字典
n. 習作 (=exercise book) 15. color paper [1k√l_1pep_] n. 彩色紙
5. crayon [1kre@n] n. 蠟筆 16. pencil box [1pEns¬1bAks]
6. marker [mArk_] n. 麥可筆 n. (=pencil case)鉛筆盒
7. rubber band [1r√b_1b{nd] n. 橡皮筋 17. pen [pEn] n. 原子筆
8. eraser [I1res_] n. 橡皮擦 18. pencil [1pEns¬] n. 鉛筆
9. paste [pest] n. 漿糊 19. ruler [1rul_] n. 尺

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. Which stationery is used for measuring length? (Pen / Ink / Paste / Ruler / Crayon).
2. Which stationeries are used for sticking things together? (Ink /
Paste / Marker / Glue).
3. Which stationeries are often used in art class? (Color paper / 5. Rubber band
Dictionary / Crayon / Diary). 4. Pencil
4. Which stationery can easily erase? (Pen / Pencil / Marker / 3. Color paper / Crayon
Crayon). 2. Paste / Glue

5. Which stationery can bundle things? (Ruler / Pencil Box / Paste 1. Ruler

/ Rubber band).

03 Answer the questions below. List three answers for each.

1. What do you usually have in your pencil case?

, , .
2. What stationeries do you use almost everyday? 4. notebooks, textbooks,
, , . shopping malls
3. Where can you buy your stationery? bookstores,
, , . 3. stationery stores,

4. What kinds of books do you often use at home? 2. pens, pencils, erasers
1. erasers, pens, rulers
, , .

188 1000
The Stationery
文具 53
04 Classify the words below in the chart.

ruler / dictionary / marker / diary / pencil / pen / notebook / workbook

blank paper / color paper / tape / paste / eraser / textbook

1. glue /
2. pencil case /
3. paper /
4. books /

4. workbook / textbook / notebook / diary

3. color paper / blank paper
2. pen / pencil
1. tape / paste

05 Read the descriptions below and answer what he is looking for.

1. I'm looking for stationery that is able to draw pictures. It usually comes in many colors and
is stored in a box. It's not made by ink. It's made of something else I am not really sure.
The answer is a ... .
2. I'm looking for a thing that is made of paper. I think students use it a lot when learning lan-
guages. It is actually for people to check unknown words. The answer is a ...
3. I'm looking for a liquid thing that is more like cream. It can stick stamps and papers. I heard
it's eatable. We usually can see it in the post office. It's free to use. The answer is...

3. paste
2. dictionary
1. crayon

About Studying 1
54 About Studying 1

01 Read the extract below of a textbook. Then, answer the ques-

tions after the extract.

Lesson Four: The Ant Eatery

Exercise 1: Pair work: ordering food from the Ant Eatery menu.
The Ant Eatery
Waiter: How can I help you?
Ant-Size Pizza
Customer: Yes, I would like a pizza with
Soup: tomato soup / potato soup
Salad: green salad / carrot salad
Waiter: What size pizza do you want?
Pizza: Small 5 inches
Customer: Large.
Medium 10 inches
Waiter: OK, anything else?
Large 15 inches
Customer: A cup of tea, please.
Extra Toppings:
Waiter: OK, just a minute.
cheese / onions / artichokes / pepperoni
Exercise 2:
coffee / tea / iced tea / soda / lemonade
1. Pair work
2. Write down the name of food with your partner.
3. Circle the strong syllable in each word.
4. Exchange works among teams. Then, check the answer.

Homework: Refer to the work that you made in the Exercise 2. Answer the question below.
1. Draw the food pictures you listed and let your partner guess. How many names can he
2. What kind of food you have had today?

1. How many examples are there in the lesson? .

2. How many exercises are there in the lesson? .
3. How many questions are there in the homework? .
4. What's the title of the lesson? .
5. Which letter is the first in the English alphabet? .
6. List the last sentence one of the conversations in the lesson. .
7. Is this lesson a story or poem?

190 1000
About Studying 1
關於學習1 54
8. Is the vocabulary in this lesson difficult to you? If yes, list the three words.
9. "What size pizza do your want?" The answer in the conversation is... .

8. Yes. Ant, Eatery and Onion. 9. Large.

6. OK, just a minute. 7. No, neither a story nor a poem.
1. one 2. two 3. two 4. The Ant Eatery 5. a

1. example [Ig1z{mp¬] n. 例子 9. sentence [1sEnt@ns] n. 句子

2. lesson [1lEs§] n. 一節課 10. conversation [%kAnv_1seS@n] n. 對話
3. exercise [1Eks_%saIz] n. 練習 11. story [1storI] n. 故事
4. question [1kwEstS@n] n. 問題 12. poem [1poIm] n. 詩
5. homework [1hom%w^k] n. 回家作業 13. vocabulary [v@1k{bj@%lErI] n. 單字集
6. title [1taIt¬] n. (=topic)標題 14. word [w^d] n. 單字
7. letter [1lEt_] n. 字母 15. answer [1{ns_] n. 回答
8. alphabet [1{lf@%bEt] n. 字母系統(表)

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. When students don't understand what their teacher says in

class, they can ask...(poems / conversations / sentences /
2. When students don't know how to do the exercise in a les-
son, they can see the...(homework / question / example /
3. The study exercises or tasks that requires students to do it 5. Answer

at home is the students'...(lesson / example / answer / 4. 26

3. homework
2. example
4. There are...(26 / 28 / 27 / 24 ) letters in the English alphabet. 1. questions
5. (Title / Answer / Exercise / Example)...is a key to a question.

About Studying 1
54 關於學習1

03 Match the descriptions with the terms below.

1. Poem ∂ ∂ a. A description of a series of real or imaginary events,

which is intended to entertain people.
2. Story ∂ ∂ b. A dialogue between two or more people.
3. Conversation ∂ ∂ c. A piece of writing, especially one that has short lines
and uses words that sound the same.

3. b 2. a 1. c

04 Answer the questions below.

1. Make a question that you use most often in class.

2. Make a conversation that you most use when shopping.

3. Write three titles of stories that you know very well.

4. Give the first letter of your full name.(Example: Shu-Ling Lai = S. L. L.)

4. T. C. H.
3. Little Women, The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter
1. Could you say it again? 2. How much is it?

05 Classify the words below.

answer / vocabulary / exercise / poem

1. conversation / story /
2. lesson / example / homework /
3. letters / words / sentences /
4. question /

4. answer 3. vocabulary 2. exercise 1. poem

192 1000
About Studying 2
55 About Studying 2 55 關於學習2

01 Read Duncan's grade below and answer the questions.

Duncan's Grade Record

Term : The second semester of the year 2005
Course designer: Paul Page

quiz mid-term test final test graduation test total score

English 55 84 74 88 301
Chinese 82 65 77 80 304
Geography 67 98 89 90 344
History 29 45 57 60 191
PE 88 95 90 95 368
Science 88 68 74 92 322
Physics 94 89 83 90 356
Social science 74 85 89 78 326
Chemistry 68 89 78 75 310
Law 70 65 68 69 272
Biology 79 80 66 70 295
Art 85 96 90 98 369
Math 49 71 88 85 293
Music 88 86 92 95 361

1. How many language courses did Duncan take?

2. Refer to below criterion, which class does Duncan belong to?
(The total score of all subjects within 5600-5040 is the first class / 5041-4480 is the second
class / 4481-3920 is the third class).

2. the third class

1. two

About Studying 2
55 關於學習2

1. grade [gred] n. 成績
2. record [1rEk_d] n. 記錄
3. term [t^m] n. 一期、一回
4. semester [s@1mEst_] n. 一學期、半學年
5. course [kors] n. 課程
6. quiz [kwIz] n. 小考
7. mid-term test [1mid%t^m1tEst] n. 期中考
8. final test [1faIn¬1tEst] n. 期末考
9. graduation exam [gr{dZ¨1eS@n] n. 畢業考
10. score [skor] n. 得分、分數
11. English [1IµglIS] n. 英語
12. Chinese [1tSaI1niz] n. 中文
13. geography [1dZI1Agr@fI] n. 地理
14. history [1hIst@rI] n. 歷史
15. physical education [1fIzIk¬%EdZ¨1keS@n] n. (=P.E.)體育
16. science [1saI@ns] n. 科學
17. physics [1fIzIks] n. 物理
18. social science [1soS@l1saI@ns] n. 社會
19. chemistry [1kEmIstrI] n. 化學
20. law [lO] n. 法律
21. biology [baI1Al@dZI] n. 生物
22. art [Art] n. 美術
23. mathematics [m{T@1m{tIks] n. (=math)數學
24. music [1mjuzIk] n. 音樂
25. language [1l{µgwIdZ] n. 語言
26. class [kl{s] n. 等級
27. subject [1s√bdZIkt] n. 科目

194 1000
About Studying 2
關於學習2 55
02 Refer to the chart on page 193. Answer below questions.

1. Which subject's average score didn't pass 60%?

2. Which subject is the best?
3. Which testing performance is the best in chemistry?
4. Which testing performance is the worst in math?
5. Which subjects' average scores are over 90%?

5. PE, art, music 4. quiz 3. mid-term test 2. Art 1. History

03 Answer the questions below.

1. The subject you like best is...

2. The subject you are very good at in junior high is...
5. mathematics and art
4. physics
5. The subject you are very bad at in junior high is...
3. chemistry
2. music
4. The subject you are most afraid of is... 1. history
5. Tests or exams that you usually perform very well are...

04 Classify the subjects below in the chart.

history / Chinese / chemistry / art / biology / geography

English / physics / law / music / math

1. The language related subjects are ... 2. The art related subjects are...

3. The science related subjects are... 4. The social science related subjects are...

4. history / geography 2. music / art

3. chemistry / biology / physics / math 1. Chinese / English

About Studying 2
55 關於學習2

05 Circle the correct answers.

1. A small test is called a... (final test / mid-term test / quiz / graduation
2. A test that happens at the end of every semester is called a... (quiz /
term / graduation exam / final test).
3. There are... (four / three / two / six) semesters in an academic year.
4. If two months are counted as a term in a school, there are... (two /
four / six / eight) terms in a year.
7. grade
5. Information that is written on paper and can be used in the future is... 6. score
(grade / score / term / record). 5. record
6. The number of points someone gets in a test is... (quiz / score / grade 4. six
/ course). 3. two

7. A number that shows how good students' work or performance is a ... 2. final test
1. quiz
(grade / score / quiz / term).

06 Match the letters below.

1. geo ∂ ∂ject
2. his ∂ ∂matics
3. bio ∂ ∂graphy 16. cience

4. mathe ∂ ∂logy
15. erm

5. langu ∂ ∂age
14. uiz
13. hinese
6. sub ∂ ∂tory 12. nglish
7. phy ∂ ∂mistry 11. aw
8. che ∂ ∂sics 10. rt
9. m ∂ ∂cience 9. usic

10. a ∂ ∂nglish
8. mistry

11. l ∂ ∂rt
7. sics
6. ject
12. E ∂ ∂uiz 5. age
13. C ∂ ∂usic 4. matics
14. q ∂ ∂erm 3. logy
15. t ∂ ∂hinese 2. tory

16. s ∂ ∂aw
1. graphy

196 1000
About Studying 3
56 About Studying 3 56 關於學習 3

01 Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with the words below.

omit / underline / check / list / point to / draw / match / copy / mark

fill in / complete / correct / count / note down / paste down / cover

A. B. C. D.

the correct
a circle. the letter T. the numbers. answer.
E. F. G. H.
I tall. I fine.
A b
I Julia. What about
B a
C c
number the letter A the word:
one to ten. twice. the letters. "am".
I. J. K. L.

(= revise) the word: How many flowers (=finish) the

the error. "am". are there? . unfinished sentence.
M. N. O. P.

a smile on the stamps the house

the blanks. the tree. on the postcard. number on your book.

O. Paste down L. Complete I. Correct F. Copy C. Underline

N. Mark K. Count H. Omit E. List B. Point to
P. Note down M. Fill in J. Cover G. Match D. Check A.Draw

About Studying 3
56 關於學習 3

1. omit [o1mIt] v. 省略 12. correct [k@1rEkt] v. 糾正

2. underline [%√nd_1laIn] v. 畫線 13. count [ka¨nt] v. 數
3. check [tSEk] v. 打勾 14. note down [%not1da¨n] v. 記下
4. list [lIst] v. 列出 15. paste down [%pest1da¨n] v. 用漿糊黏貼
5. point to [1pOInt1tu] v. 指 16. cover [1k√v_] v. 遮蓋
6. draw [drO] v. 畫 17. revise [rI1vaIz] v. 修改
7. match [m{tS] v. 配對 18. error [1Er_] n. 錯誤
8. copy [1kApI] v. 複製、抄寫 19. finish [1fInIS] v. 完成、結束
9. mark [mArk] v. 做記號 20. stamp [st{mp] n. 郵票
10. fill in [1fIl1in] v. 填寫 21. postcard [1post%kArd] n. 明信片
11. complete [k@m1plit] v. 完成、結束

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. When people meet things that they can't remember, they can...(revise / paste down / note
down / fill in).
2. When people don't know how to write it in words, they can...(copy / omit
/ check / draw).
3. When people can't remember things they want to buy in the supermar-
ket, they can...(list / underline / check / count / correct) down the items.
5. mark
4. When people apply for credit cards, they should...(omit / fill in / match /
4. fill in
draw) an application form.
3. list
5. When people want to remember the road they come from in the moun- 2. omit
tains, they can...(point to / count / correct / mark) the trees. 1. note down

03 Cross out words that are irrelevant.

1. check / mark / count / underline

5. point to
2. paste down / revise / correct / errors 4. omit
3. finish / complete / fill in / copy 3. copy
4. stamp / postcard / paste down / omit 2. paste down
5. point to / draw / list / note down 1. count

198 1000
About Studying 3
關於學習 3 56
04 List at least three items for each question below.

1. If you have to draw a picture with its topic 2. If you need to paste down things on an art-
named "Freedom", what will you draw? work with that has a topic called "kitchen",
what things will you paste down?

3. When would you use a postcard? 4. In your life, what do you usually copy?

4. books, records, friends' notebooks

3. when traveling, contacting with friends, collecting postcards
2. dishes, bowls, spoons
1. balloon, pigeons, rainbow

05 Match the words below.

1. e ∂ ∂ist
14. in

2. s ∂ ∂raw
13. down

3. c ∂ ∂tamp
12. tch

4. l ∂ ∂rror
11. ver

5. o ∂ ∂mit
10. nish

6. d ∂ ∂evise
9. card

7. r ∂ ∂orrect
8. line

8. under ∂ ∂nish
7. evise

9. post ∂ ∂line
6. raw

10. fi ∂ ∂down
5. mit

11. co ∂ ∂card
4. ist

12. ma ∂ ∂in
3. orrect

13. note ∂ ∂tch

2. tamp

14. fill ∂ ∂ver

1. rror

About Studying 4
57 About Studying 4
關於學習 4

01 Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks below.

junior high school / elementary school / kindergarten

university / senior high school / college

1. He studies in a / an 2. He studies in a / an 3. He studies in a / an

. . .
I'm Jeff. I am five. At school, I Well, the school days are I'm in primary three. Teachers
learn ABC. And, I can sing very busy. I have to study all at our school are strict. They
and jump. Teacher plays with the subjects in school. have a lot of requirements.
us in the playground. I like Physics and Chemistry are They teach us to behave
the seesaw very much. my best subjects. I hope I can ourselves. And, they ask us
pass the school entry exam to do review for the next day.
next year because my mom Besides, we are not allowed
said if I pass it I'll be able to to cheat in the exams. If we
have a girlfriend! That would do so, we'll never be allowed
be wonderful!! back to school.
4. He studies in a / an 5. He studies in a / an 6. He studies in a / an
. . .
I'm 21. My major is law. This My life everyday is just study, I'm quite happy to have cho-
is the fourth year. I live on study, study and test, test, sen my school. It's a very
campus because I'm from test! All this work is for getting good school to learn knowl-
another country. I quite enjoy into a better senior high edge and skills together. We
the campus life. We have school after I graduate. Why don't need to worry about our
parties and picnics almost doesn't the Education Ministry jobs, because we are pre-
every month. Next year, I'm sign up everybody to a good pared. We do a lot of proj-
going to graduate and need school? Why are schools dif- ects and practices in facto-
to prepare for the lawyer's ferent? I really wish the exam ries. And, if you don't under-
license exam. I hope I can can be finished earlier, then I stand what you learn in the
pass the exam, if I fail I'll go can enjoy my life in piles of factory, teachers will help you
on to study for a masters comic books. That must be individually. They are very
course. the best life in the world! nice teachers.

6. college 4. university 2. senior high school

5. junior high school 3. elementary school 1. kindergarten

200 1000
About Studying 4
關於學習 4 57
1. junior high school [1dZunj_1haI1skul] n. 初級中學
2. elementary school [%El@1mEnt@rI1skul] n. 小學
3. kindergarten [1kInd_%gArt§] n. 幼稚園
4. university [%jun@1v^s@tI] n. 大學
5. senior high school [1sinj_1haI1skul] n. 高級中學
6. college [1kAlIdZ] n. 大專
7. learn [l^n] v. 學習、得知、獲悉
8. study [1st√dI] v. 學習、研究
9. pass [p{s] v. 通過
10. teach [titS] v. 教
11. behave [bI1hev] v. 聽話、行為檢點
12. ask [{sk] v. 要求
13. review [rI1vju] v. 複習
14. cheat [tSit] v. 作弊
15. prepare [prI1pEr] v. 準備
16. fail [fel] v. 失敗
17. knowledge [1nAlIdZ] n. 知識
18. skill [skIl] n. 技術、技巧
19. project [1prAdZEkt] n. 研究專案、企劃
20. practice [1pr{ktIs] n. 實習、練習
21. understand [%√nd_1st{nd] v. 了解、知悉

02 True or False. Write T for "true"; F for "false".

1. "Behave yourself" means "to be polite and not making

troubles for others".
4. T
2. "Cheating" means "behaving". 3. F
3. "Practice" means "projects". 2. F
4. "I see" means "I understand". 1. T

About Studying 4
57 關於學習 4

03 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. You don't pass an exam means you...(cheat / prepare / fail / review) the exam.
2. Studying over again about knowledge that we learnt is ...(teach / skill /
cheat / review).
3. (Cheating / Teaching / Asking / Passing) in an exam is not honorable. 5. knowledge
4. practice
4. If you want to master a skill well, you need more (projects / practice /
3. Cheating
kindergartens / colleges). 2. review
5. If you study more, you can gain more (knowledge / universities / col- 1. fail
leges / projects).

04 Classify the words below in the chart.

junior high school / elementary school / kindergarten / university / senior high school / college

1. Age 3-6 2. Age 7-12 3. Age 13-15 4. Age 16-18 5. Age 16-20 6. Age19-22

6. university 4. senior high school 2. elementary school

5. college 3. junior high school 1. kindergarten

202 1000
About Studying 5
58 About Studying 5 58 關於學習 5

01 Read the descriptions below and fill in the blanks with the words

speaking / reading / writing / listening / repeat / pronounce

talk / spell / say / mistakes / search / false / find

1. When you learn English you need to practice the following four skills. They are...
∂ skill is the skill that helps you understand what people say.
∂ skill is the skill that makes you express yourself successfully by taiking.
∂ skill is the skill that trains you to understand articles quickly.
∂ skill is the skill that gives you abilities to express your ideas through

2. When you practice speaking skills in English, you can follow the five successful points
∂ correctly. This is very important. If you can't learn a correct sound from
the beginning, you can't make others fully understand your what you are saying.
∂ the sound many times. By doing this, you can get familiar with the sound.
∂ with your friends in English. Do more practice everyday and you'll find
your English is improved.
∂ Don't be afraid to things you want to express loudly as it can give you
∂ Don't be frustrated by the words that you can't out. Because when we
speak we don't need to out every single word.

3. Things you may experience often when you were practicing your English are...
∂ Making are the very common things that you may meet when you
speak, write, listen or read English. You don't need to worry if you find your sentence
is .
∂ Many things that you can do to correct the mistakes you made, you could
out the correct answers from the dictionary. Or, you can for
more information from the Internet.

3. mistakes / false / find / search

2. Pronounce / Repeat / Talk / say / spell / spell
1. Listening / Speaking / Reading / Writing

About Studying 5
58 關於學習 5

1. speak [spik] v. 說 9. spell [spEl] v. 拼字

2. read [rid] v. 讀 10. say [se] v. 說、唸
3. write [raIt] v. 寫 11. improve [Im1pruv] v. 增進
4. listen [1lIs§] v. 聽 12. mistake [mIs1tek] v. 錯誤
5. follow [1fAlo] v. 跟隨 13. search [s^tS] v. 搜尋
6. repeat [rI1pit] v. 重複 14. false [fOls] adj. 不正確的、錯誤的
7. pronounce [pr@1na¨ns] v. 發音 15. find [faInd] v. 找
8. talk [tOk] v. 講話、談話

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. To (talk / speak / repeat / pronounce) means saying or doing the same thing again.
2. Spelling (letters / alphabets / words / sentences) is an important skill
to enlarge your vocabulary ability.
3. To (follow / improve / find / search) means to get better or to make
5. not believable
something better.
4. next
4. See the following page means see the (last / next / above / front) 3. Imporve
page. 2. words
5. If information is false, this information is ...(believable / wonderful / 1. Repeat
terrible / not believable).

03 Examine the word pairs below. Fill in the words opposite / syn-
onymous / relative / irrelative.

1. True / False 2. Speak / Spell 3. Follow / Improve 4. Search / Find

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

5. Pronounce / Sound 6. Read / Repeat 7. Mistakes / Errors 8. Spell / Words

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

8. relative 6. irrelative 4. relative 2. relative

7. synonymous 5. relative 3. irrelative 1. opposite

204 1000
About Studying 5
關於學習 5 58
04 Answer the questions below. Give three answers for each.

1. What languages do you want to speak 2. What kind of music do you like to listen
very well? to?
I wish I could speak... I like to listen to ...

very well.

3. What do you usually read everyday? 4. What do students usually write in school?
I usually read... Students usually write...

in school.

4. diary, homework, letters

3. newspaper, novel, magazines
2. classical music, jazz, pop music
1. French, English, Japanese

05 Match the letters below.

1. pro ∂ ∂take
2. im ∂ ∂llow 12. y
3. mis ∂ ∂prove 11. e
4. re ∂ ∂ch 10. l

5. fo ∂ ∂nounce
9. d
8. n
6. sear ∂ ∂peat
7. k
7. spea ∂ ∂y 6. ch
8. liste ∂ ∂d 5. llow
9. fin ∂ ∂l 4. peat
10. spel ∂ ∂e 3. take

11. fals ∂ ∂n
2. prove
1. nounce
12. sa ∂ ∂k

AA answer 回答 ......................................191
apartment 公寓 ................................136
a bottle of 一瓶 ................................085
apple 蘋果 ........................................088
a bouquet of 一束 ............................085
April 四月 ..........................................058
a cup of 一杯 ....................................085
armchair 扶手椅 ................................139
a dozen of 一打(=12 個)....................085
arm 手臂 ..........................................108
a glass of 一杯玻璃杯 ......................085
arrive 抵達 ........................................178
a loaf of 一塊或一條 ..........................085
art 美術 ............................................194
a mass of 一大片(塊、群) ................085
ask 要求 ............................................201
a pack of 一 小包
at once 馬上 ......................................069
(內含相同物品的東西) ....................085
attic 閣樓 ..........................................133
a package of 包裹、一包
August 八月 ......................................058
(內含不同物品的東西) ....................085
aunt 嬸嬸、姑姑或舅媽 ....................011
a pair of 一對 ....................................085
autumn 秋季......................................058
a piece of 一張(片、塊) ....................085
a set of 一組......................................085
a.m. (= before noon) 上午 ................065 BB
active 活潑的 ....................................040 baby 嬰兒..........................................018
address (=add.) 地址 ........................166 back 背部、後面的............................108
afraid 害怕的 ....................................046 backward 向後的 ..............................162
afternoon 下午 ..................................062 backyard 後院 ..................................133
ago 在…. 以前 ..................................069 back 背..............................................162
air conditioner 冷氣機 ......................151 bad 不好的 ........................................046
airline terminal 航廈 ..........................173 bag 袋、提袋 ....................................130
airline 航空公司 ................................173 bake 烤 ............................................105
airplane (=plane) 飛機 ......................169 bakery 麵包店 ..................................157
airport 機場 ......................................173 balcony 陽台 ....................................136
alarm clock 鬧鐘 ..............................062 banana 香蕉......................................088
alarm 鬧鐘 ........................................151 bank 銀行..........................................154
alley 弄..............................................166 basement 地下室 ..............................133
alphabet 字母系統(表)....................191 basket 籃子 ......................................142
ambulance 救護車 ............................169 bathe 浸泡 ........................................105
American 美國人 ..............................025 bathroom 浴室 ..................................133
angel 天使 ........................................030 bathtub 浴缸......................................142
angry 生氣的 ....................................046 bean 豆子..........................................091
ankle 腳踝 ........................................108 beat 敲打 ..........................................121

206 1000
beautiful 漂亮的 ................................033 brick 磚塊 ..........................................148
bed 床 ..............................................139 bridge 橋 ..........................................173
bedroom 房間 ..................................133 broad 寬的、廣闊的 ..........................079
beef 牛肉 ..........................................091 brother 哥哥或弟弟............................011
beer 啤酒 ..........................................097 brown 咖啡色的、咖啡色 ..................076
behave 聽話、行為檢點....................201 brunch 早午餐 ..................................105
belt 腰帶............................................130 brush 刷 ............................................121
bicycle (=bike) 腳踏車 ......................169 bucket 水桶、桶子 ............................142
big 大的 ............................................079 buffet 吃到飽自助餐店 ......................157
bill 紙幣 ............................................072 build 建造、建立 ..............................144
bill 帳單 ............................................072 bun 圓形麵包 ....................................094
biology 生物 ......................................194 burger 漢堡牛肉餅 ............................094
bitter 苦的..........................................101 burn 燒 ..............................................105
black 黑色的、黑色 ..........................076 bus stop 公車站 ................................173
blackboard 黑板 ................................184 bus 公車............................................169
blanket 毯子 ......................................139 butter 牛油 ........................................101
blank paper 空白紙 ..........................188 buy 買 ..............................................072
blind 瞎的 ..........................................118
blouse 女用襯衫................................127
blow 吹 ............................................118 CC
blue 藍色的、藍色 ............................076 cabbage 甘藍菜 ................................091
boat 小船 ..........................................169 cable 電纜 ........................................151
body 身體..........................................108 cafeteria 自助餐店 ............................157
bone 骨頭..........................................114 cake 蛋糕 ..........................................097
bookcase 書架 ..................................139 calendar 日曆....................................054
bookstore 書店..................................157 camera 照相機 ..................................151
borrow 借、借入 ..............................072 campus 校園 ....................................184
bottom 底部、最底的 ........................162 cancer 癌症 ......................................118
bow 鞠躬 ..........................................124 candle 蠟燭 ......................................139
bowl 碗 ............................................144 candy 糖果 ........................................097
boy 男孩 ..........................................018 cap 鴨舌帽 ........................................130
boy's room 男生廁所 ........................184 car accident 車禍 ..............................178
bread 麵包 ........................................094 car engine 車引擎 ............................178
break 打破 ........................................105 car 汽車 ............................................169
breakfast 早餐 ..................................105 care 照顧 ..........................................118
breast 乳房........................................108 careful 細心的 ..................................037

careless 粗心的 ................................037 church 教堂 ......................................154
carpet 地毯........................................139 circle 圈 ............................................076
carrot 紅蘿蔔 ....................................091 city 市................................................166
carry 提 ............................................121 clap 拍手 ..........................................121
cash 現金 ..........................................072 class 等級 ........................................194
cassette (=audio tape) 錄音帶 ..........151 class leader 班長 ..............................139
castle 城堡 ........................................154 classmate 班上同學 ..........................139
catch 接住 ........................................121 classroom 教室 ................................184
ceiling 天花板....................................136 clean 清理、清潔 ..............................148
cell phone 手機 ................................157 clever 聰明的 ....................................040
cent 分(100 cents =1 dollar ) ............072 clock 時鐘 ........................................062
center 中心、在中心的......................162 close 關 ............................................121
Centigrade (= C.) 攝氏 ......................058 coach 教練 ........................................025
centimeter 公分 ................................082 coat 大衣、外套 ................................127
century 世紀......................................065 coffee 咖啡........................................097
cereal 玉蜀黍薄片 ............................094 coffee table 大茶几 ..........................139
chair 椅子..........................................139 coin 硬幣 ..........................................072
change 找回的零錢 ..........................072 coke 可樂 ..........................................097
charge 對…索費 ..............................072 cold 冷的、冷....................................058
cheat 作弊 ........................................201 cold 傷風、感冒 ................................114
check 打勾 ........................................198 college 大專 ......................................201
cheerleader 啦啦隊長 ......................139 color 顏色..........................................076
cheese 乳酪 ......................................094 color paper 彩色紙 ............................188
chemistry 化學 ..................................194 comb 梳子 ........................................130
chest 胸 ............................................108 comfortable 舒適的、舒服的 ............118
chicken 雞肉 ....................................091 complete 完成、結束 ........................198
child 小孩 (指一個) ............................015 computer 電腦 ..................................151
childish 幼稚的、傻氣的....................043 condition 狀況 ..................................118
childlike 幼稚的、傻氣的 ..................043 confident 有自信的............................043
children 小孩 (指 2 個以上) ..............015 considerate 體貼的 ..........................043
Chinese 中文 ....................................194 contact lens 隱形眼鏡 ......................130
Chinese 中國人 ................................025 convenience store 便利商店 ............157
chin 下巴 ..........................................108 conversation 對話 ............................191
chocolate 巧克力 ..............................097 cook 煮..............................................105
chopsticks 筷子 ................................144 cookie 甜餅乾....................................097
chubby 圓胖的 ..................................033 cool 涼爽的、涼爽 ............................058

208 1000
copy 複製、抄寫 ..............................198 daughter 女兒....................................011
corn 玉蜀黍 ......................................091 dawn 黎明破曉..................................062
corner 街角、在角落的 ....................162 day 日、天 ........................................054
correct 糾正 ......................................198 dead 死亡的 ......................................118
cost 花費 ..........................................072 deaf 耳聾的 ......................................118
cough 咳嗽 ........................................114 December 十二月 ............................058
count 數 ............................................198 decorate 裝飾....................................148
county 縣 ..........................................166 degrees 度 ........................................058
couple 夫婦 ......................................015 delicious 美味好吃的 ........................101
course 課程 ......................................194 department store 百貨公司 ..............157
court 法院..........................................154 design 設計 ......................................148
cousin 表或堂兄弟姐妹 ....................015 desk 書桌 ..........................................139
cover 遮蓋 ........................................198 dessert 點心......................................097
crab 蟹 ..............................................091 diary 日記本 ......................................188
crayon 蠟筆 ......................................188 dictionary 字典 ..................................188
crazy 瘋狂的 ....................................043 diet 特殊飲食 ....................................105
cream 奶油........................................101 diligent 勤勉努力的 ..........................037
credit card 信用卡 ............................072 dining room 飯廳 ..............................133
cross 越過、橫渡 ..............................178 dinner 晚餐........................................105
crowd 群眾 ........................................025 disease 疾病 ....................................118
cruel 殘忍的 ......................................043 dish 盤子 ..........................................144
cry 哭 ................................................118 dishonest 不誠實的 ..........................037
cubic centimeter (=cc.) 立方公分 ......082 distance 距離 ....................................082
culture center 文化中心 ....................154 dizziness 頭暈 ..................................144
cup 杯子............................................144 dollar 元 ............................................072
curious 好奇的 ..................................043 dot 點 ................................................076
current 現在的、當前的 ....................069 doughnut 甜甜圈 ..............................097
curtain 窗簾 ......................................139 downstairs 樓下 ................................136
curve 曲線、弧線 ..............................076 Dr. 醫師 或 具博士學位者..................022
customer 顧客;買者 ........................025 draw 畫 ............................................198
cut 切 ................................................105 drawer 抽屜 ......................................139
cute 可愛的 ......................................043 dress 洋裝 ........................................127
dresser 五斗櫃 ..................................139
drink 飲料..........................................097
D.D drink 喝 ............................................101
dark 深的 ..........................................076 drive 駕駛..........................................178

drop 滴 ..............................................105 eyelid 眼瞼 ........................................111
drugstore 西藥房 ..............................157
dumb 愚笨的 ....................................040
dumpling 水餃 ..................................094 F.F
face 臉 ..............................................108
factory 工廠 ......................................105
E.E fail 失敗 ............................................201
ear 耳朵 ............................................111 fall 跌、跌倒......................................124
early 早的、提早 ..............................069 fall 秋季 ............................................058
earn 賺錢 ..........................................072 false 不正確的、錯誤的 ....................204
earring(s) 耳環 ..................................130 family 家庭或家人 ............................015
east 東方、在東方向 ........................162 family name 姓氏 ..............................022
eat 吃 ................................................101 fan 電扇 ............................................151
egg 蛋 ..............................................094 fantastic 太棒的 ................................046
eighteenth 第十八 ............................054 fashionable 流行的、時髦的 ............043
eighth 第八........................................054 fast food restaurant 速食餐館 ..........157
elder 年長者 ......................................018 fast 快的............................................178
elementary school 小學 ....................201 fast-food 速食....................................105
eleventh 第十一 ................................054 fat 胖的..............................................033
energetic 充滿活力的 ........................040 father (dad, daddy) 父親 ..................011
energetic 有精力的............................114 faucet 水龍頭 ....................................142
English 英語......................................194 February 二月 ..................................058
entrance 入口....................................136 fee 費用 ............................................072
envy 羨慕 ..........................................046 feed 餵 ..............................................121
equal 等於 ........................................082 feel 摸、觸覺 ....................................111
eraser 板擦 ......................................184 female 女性的 ................................018
eraser 橡皮擦....................................188 fence 籬笆 ........................................133
error 錯誤 ..........................................198 fever 發燒..........................................114
evening 傍晚 ....................................062 fifteenth 第十五 ................................054
evil 邪惡害人的 ................................040 fifth 第五............................................054
example 例子 ....................................191 fill in 填寫 ..........................................198
exercise 練習 ....................................191 final test 期末考 ................................194
exit 逃生出口 ....................................136 find 找 ..............................................204
eye 眼睛 ............................................111 fine 健康的 ........................................046
eyebrow 眉毛 ....................................111 finger 手指 ........................................108
eyelash 眼睫毛 ..................................111 finish 完成、結束 ..............................198

210 1000
fire station 消防隊 ............................154 future 未來、未來的 ..........................069
first 第一............................................054
first name 名字..................................022
fish 魚................................................091 G.G
fix 修理、固定 ..................................148 garage 停車庫 ..................................133
flashlight 閃光燈................................151 gas 汽油............................................178
flat tire 爆胎 ......................................178 gate 大門 ..........................................133
floor (fl.) 樓 ........................................166 generous 慷慨的 ..............................037
floor 地板、樓層................................136 genius 有天份聰明的 ........................040
flour 麵粉 ..........................................101 gentle 溫和善良的 ............................040
flower shop 花店 ..............................157 gentleman 男士 ................................018
flu 流行性感冒 ..................................114 geography 地理 ................................194
fly 飛..................................................178 ghost 鬼、幽靈..................................030
follow 跟隨 ........................................204 giant 巨人..........................................030
fool 愚蠢的 ........................................040 girl 女孩 ............................................018
foolish 愚蠢的....................................040 girl's room 女生廁所 ..........................184
foot 英尺............................................082 glad 高興的 ......................................046
foot 足 ..............................................108 glass 玻璃杯......................................144
fork 叉子............................................144 glove 手套 ........................................130
forward 向前的 ..................................162 glue 膠水 ..........................................188
fourteenth 第十四..............................054 God 上帝 ..........................................030
fourth 第四 ........................................054 golden 金黃色的、金黃色 ................076
frank 坦白、誠實的 ..........................037 good 好的..........................................046
freezer 冰庫 ....................................142 grade 成績 ........................................194
freezing 嚴寒的 ................................058 graduation exam 畢業考 ..................194
French fries 薯條 ..............................094 gram 公克 ........................................082
Friday 星期五 ....................................054 granddaughter 孫女或外孫女 ............011
friend 朋友 ........................................139 grandfather (grandpa) 祖父或外祖父
friendly 友善的 ..................................040 ..........................................................011
front 正面、前面的 ............................162 grandmother (grandma) 祖母或外祖母
front yard 前院 ..................................133 ..........................................................011
fruit 水果............................................088 grandparent 祖母或祖父 ..................015
fry 炸、炒 ..........................................105 grandparents 祖父母 ........................015
full 吃飽的 ........................................101 grandson 孫子或外孫 ........................011
funny 滑稽可笑的、有趣的................043 grape 葡萄 ........................................088
furniture 家俱 ....................................139 gray 灰色的、灰色 ............................076

greedy 貪心的 ..................................043 height 高度........................................082
green 綠色的、綠色 ..........................076 helicopter 直升機 ..............................169
ground 地面 ......................................162 here 這裡 ..........................................162
group 群體;團體..............................025 hero 英雄 ..........................................030
guard 警衛 ........................................139 high 高的 ..........................................079
guardhouse 警衛室 ..........................184 highway 高速公路 ............................173
guava 芭樂........................................088 hip 臀部 ............................................108
guest 客人、賓客 ..............................025 history 歷史 ......................................194
guy 傢伙............................................030 hit 打 ................................................121
gym 體育館 ......................................184 hold 握 ..............................................121
homesick 想家的 ..............................046
homework 回家作業..........................191
H.H honest 誠實的 ..................................037
hair 頭髮............................................108 honey 蜂蜜........................................101
hairdryer 吹風機................................151 hop 單腳跳 ........................................124
half (時間)半、 30 分鐘 ....................065 horn 喇叭 ..........................................178
hall 走廊 ............................................133 horrible 糟透的 ..................................046
ham 火腿 ..........................................091 hospital 醫院 ....................................154
hamburger 漢堡 ................................094 host 主人、屋主 ................................025
hammer 鐵鎚 ....................................144 hot 熱的 ............................................058
hand 手 ............................................108 hot dog 熱狗......................................091
handkerchief 手帕 ............................130 hotel 飯店..........................................154
handsome 帥的 ................................033 hour 小時 ..........................................065
hanger 衣架 ......................................139 house 房子........................................133
happy 快樂開心的 ............................046 housework 家事 ................................144
hard-working 工作勤奮的 ..................037 human 人類 ......................................026
hat 帽子 ............................................130 humble 謙虛的 ..................................040
head 頭 ............................................108 humorous 幽默的 ..............................043
headache 頭痛 ..................................114 hungry 餓的 ......................................101
healthy 健康的 ..................................118 husband 丈夫....................................015
hear 聽 ..............................................111
hearing 聽覺 ......................................111
heart 心臟..........................................114 I. I
heat 高溫、熱 ..................................058 ice-cream 冰淇淋 ..............................097
heater 暖氣機....................................151 ice cube 冰塊 ....................................097
heavy 笨重的 ....................................033 ill 生病的............................................114

212 1000
immediately 立刻地 ..........................069 knee 膝 ............................................108
impolite 沒禮貌的 ..............................037 knife 餐刀 ..........................................144
improve 增進 ....................................204 knock 敲............................................121
inch 英吋 ..........................................082 knowledge 知識 ................................201
independent 獨立的 ..........................043
ink 墨水 ............................................188
inside 內部 ........................................133 L.L
instant noodles 速食麵......................094 lady 女士 ..........................................018
intelligent 聰明的 ..............................040 land 降落 ..........................................178
lane 巷 ..............................................166
language 語言 ..................................194
J.J large 大的..........................................079
jacket 夾克 ........................................127 last 上次、最近的..............................069
jam 果醬............................................101 last name 姓氏 ..................................022
January 一月 ....................................058 late 遲的、遲到 ................................069
jealous 忌妒的 ..................................046 laugh 大笑 ........................................118
jeans 牛仔褲 ....................................127 law 法律 ............................................194
jeep 吉普車 ......................................169 lazy 懶惰的........................................037
juice 果汁 ..........................................097 leader 領導者 ....................................026
July 七月 ..........................................058 learn 學習、得知、獲悉 ....................201
jump 雙腳跳 ......................................124 leave 剩餘 ........................................082
June 六月..........................................058 left 左邊 ............................................062
junior high school 初級中學 ..............201 leg 腿 ................................................108
lemon 檸檬........................................088
lend 借、借給(出)..............................072
K.K length 長度........................................082
ketchup 蕃茄醬 ................................101 lesson 一節課....................................191
key 鑰匙 ............................................144 letter 字母..........................................191
kick 踢 ..............................................124 lettuce 萵苣 ......................................091
kid 小孩 ............................................018 level 高度 ..........................................082
kilogram 公斤 ....................................082 library 圖書館 ....................................184
kilometer 公里 ..................................082 lick 舔 ................................................118
kind 仁慈的 ......................................040 lie 躺..................................................124
kindergarten 幼稚園 ..........................201 lift 舉起 ..............................................121
king 國王 ..........................................030 light 淡的 ..........................................076
kitchen 廚房 ......................................133 light 燈 ..............................................139

line 線................................................076 meat 肉 ............................................091
lip 嘴唇 ..............................................111 medicine 藥物 ..................................118
liquid 液體 ........................................082 medium 中等的 ................................079
list 清單 ............................................198 member 成員、會員..........................026
listen 聽 ............................................204 menu 菜單 ........................................094
liter 公升 (=litre) ................................082 meter 公尺 ........................................082
living room 客廳 ................................133 microwave 微波爐 ............................142
lock 鎖頭 ..........................................144 middle 中間、中間的 ........................162
lonely 寂寞的 ....................................046 midnight 午夜 ....................................062
long 長的 ..........................................079 mid-term test 期中考 ........................194
lovely 可愛的 ....................................043 mile 英里 (= 哩) ................................082
low 低的 ............................................079 milkshake 奶昔..................................097
lunch 午餐 ........................................105 mineral water 礦泉水 ........................097
minus 減............................................082
minutes 分鐘 ....................................065
M.M mirror 鏡子 ........................................142
mad 瘋狂的 ......................................043 Miss 小姐 (指未婚女士) ....................022
Madam= ma'am 女士 mistake 錯誤 ....................................204
(敬稱;同 Ms.用法) ......................022 mix 混合、攪 ....................................105
male 男性的 ......................................018 Monday 星期一 ................................054
mall 大型購物中心 ............................157 money 錢 ..........................................072
man 男人 ..........................................018 month 月 ..........................................058
mango 芒果 ......................................088 morning 上午 ....................................062
March 三月........................................058 mother (mom, mommy) 母親 ............011
mark 作記號、作符號........................198 motorcycle 摩托車 ............................169
marker 馬克筆 ..................................188 mouth 嘴巴 ........................................111
market 市場 ......................................157 movie theater 電影院 ........................157
married 結婚的..................................018 Mr. 先生(未婚或已婚皆可用) ............022
marvelous 極棒的 ............................046 Mrs. 太太 (指已婚女士) ....................022
mask 口罩 ........................................130 Ms. 女士(未婚或已婚皆可用) ............022
master 主人、屋主............................025 museum 博物館 ................................154
mat 腳踏墊 ........................................139 music 音樂 ........................................194
match 配對........................................198
mathematic (=math) 數學 ................194
May 五月 ..........................................058 N.N
meal 餐 ............................................105 name 姓名 ........................................022

214 1000
napkin 餐巾 ......................................144 orange 柳橙 ......................................088
narrow 窄的 ......................................079 orange 橘色的、橘色 ........................076
naughty 頑皮的 ................................043 order 訂購、叫(菜或飲料) ................094
neck 脖子 ..........................................108 outside 外部 ......................................133
necklace 項鍊 ..................................130 oven 烤箱..........................................142
needle 針 ..........................................148 overpass 天橋 ..................................173
neighbor 鄰居....................................026 overweight 過重的 ............................033
nephew 姪兒或外甥 ......................011 owner 物主;所有者 ........................025
nervous 緊張的 ..............................046
next 下次、緊接在後的 ....................069
nice 好心的 ......................................040 P.P
nice-looking 好看的 ..........................033 p.m. (= afternoon and night) 下午,晚上
niece 姪女或外甥女 ..........................011 ..........................................................065
night 晚上..........................................062 pain 痛 ..............................................114
nightclub 夜店 ..................................157 pajamas 睡衣 ....................................127
nineteenth 第十九 ............................054 pale 蒼白的 ......................................118
ninth 第九..........................................054 pan 平底鍋 ........................................142
noon 正午..........................................062 pants 長褲 ........................................127
north 北方、在北方向 ......................162 papaya 木瓜......................................088
nose 鼻子 ..........................................111 parent 父親或母親 ............................015
note 紙幣 ..........................................072 parents 雙親......................................015
notebook 筆記本 ..............................188 parking lot 停車場 ............................173
note down 記下 ................................198 partner 伙伴、拍檔 ..........................026
November 十一月 ............................058 pass 通過 ..........................................201
now 現在 ..........................................069 passenger 乘客 ................................178
number (=no.) 號 ..............................166 past 過去、過去的 ..........................069
past (時間) 過了、經過 ....................065
paste 漿糊 ........................................188
O.O paste down 用漿糊黏貼 ....................198
o'clock …點鐘、點整 ......................065 patient 有耐心的................................043
October 十月 ....................................058 pay 付錢............................................072
oil 食用油 ..........................................101 peach 桃子........................................088
old 老的 ............................................033 peanut 花生 ......................................091
omit 省略 ..........................................198 pear 西洋梨 ......................................088
onion 洋蔥 ........................................091 pen 原子筆 ........................................188
open 開 ............................................121 pencil 鉛筆 ........................................188

pencil box (=pencil case) 鉛筆盒 ......188 prepare 準備 ....................................201
people 人 (指 2 個以上) ....................018 pretty 漂亮的 ....................................033
pepper 胡椒粉 ..................................101 price 價格、價錢 ............................072
person 人 (指一個) ............................018 prince 王子........................................030
photo 照片 ........................................151 princess 公主 ....................................030
physical education(=P.E.) 體育 ........194 principal 校長 ....................................139
physics 物理......................................194 principal's office 校長室 ....................184
pick 拔 ..............................................105 project 研究專案、企劃 ....................201
picture 圖片 ......................................184 pronounce 發音 ................................204
pie 派、餡餅......................................097 proud 驕傲的 ....................................040
pillow 枕頭 ........................................139 pull 拉................................................121
pineapple 鳳梨 ..................................088 pumpkin 南瓜 ....................................091
pink 粉紅色的、粉紅色 ....................076 purple 紫色的、紫色 ........................076
pipe 管子、輸送管 ............................148 purse 皮包 ........................................130
pizza 義大利脆餅 ..............................094 push 推 ............................................121
plate 盤子..........................................144
platform 月台 ....................................173
player 選手、競賽者 ........................025 Q.Q
playground 操場................................184 quarter (時間) = 15 分鐘....................065
plus 加 ..............................................082 queen 皇后........................................030
pocket 口袋 ......................................130 question 問題 ....................................191
poem 詩 ............................................191 quiz 小考 ..........................................194
point to 指 ........................................198
police station 警察局 ........................154
polite 有禮貌的..................................037
poor 貧窮困苦的................................040 radio 收音機 ......................................151
popcorn 爆玉米花 ............................097 railroad (=railway) 鐵軌 ....................173
pork 豬肉 ..........................................091 raincoat 雨衣 ....................................127
postcard 明信片 ................................198 read 讀 ..............................................204
poster 海報........................................184 record 記錄 ......................................194
post office 郵局 ................................154 recovery 復元 ....................................118
pot 鍋子 ............................................142 rectangle 矩形 ..................................076
potato 馬鈴薯 ....................................091 red 紅色的、紅色 ..............................076
pound 磅 ..........................................082 refrigerator 冰箱 ................................142
powder 粉末......................................105 relative 親戚 ......................................015
practice 實習、練習 ..........................201 repair 修補、修理..............................148

216 1000
repeat 重複 ......................................204 science 科學 ....................................194
Republic of China (=R.O.C.) 中華民國 scooter 踏板車 ..................................169
..........................................................166 score 得分、分數 ..............................194
responsible 有責任感的 ....................043 screen 螢幕 ......................................151
rest 休息............................................124 seafood 海鮮 ....................................091
restaurant 餐廳 ................................154 search 搜查 ......................................204
review 複習 ......................................201 season 季節 ......................................058
revise 修改 ........................................198 seat 座位 ..........................................178
rice 米 ..............................................094 second 第二 ......................................054
rich 富裕有錢的 ................................040 second 秒..........................................062
ride 騎 ..............................................178 section (=sec.) 段..............................166
right 右邊 ..........................................162 see 看 ................................................111
right away 立刻 ................................069 seesaw 蹺蹺板..................................184
right now 就是現在............................069 selfish 自私的....................................040
ring 戒子............................................130 semester 一學期、半學年 ................194
road (=rd.) 路 ....................................166 senior high school 高級中學 ............201
roll 捲 ................................................105 sense 感覺、感官..............................111
roof 屋頂 ..........................................133 sentence 句子 ..................................191
room 室 ............................................166 September 九月 ................................058
rub 磨擦 ............................................121 serious 嚴肅的、認真的 ....................043
rubber band 橡皮筋 ..........................188 seventeenth 第十七 ..........................054
rude 粗魯、沒理貌的 ........................037 seventh 第七 ....................................054
ruler 尺 ..............................................188 shake 搖............................................105
run 跑 ................................................124 sheet 床單 ........................................139
shelf 架子 ..........................................142
ship 大船 ..........................................169
S.S shirt 襯衫 ..........................................127
sad 悲傷的 ........................................046 shoe(s) 鞋子......................................130
sail 航行、駕船 ................................178 short 矮的..........................................033
salad 沙拉 ........................................094 short 短的..........................................079
salt 鹽................................................101 shorts 短褲........................................127
sandwich 三明治 ..............................094 shoulder 肩膀....................................108
Saturday 星期六................................054 shout 大聲叫、喊叫 ..........................118
saucer 小碟子 ..................................144 shrimp 小蝦 ......................................091
say 說、唸 ........................................204 shy 害羞的 ........................................040
scarf 圍巾..........................................130 sick 有病的 ........................................114

side 旁邊、旁邊的 ............................162 soon 不久、很快地 ..........................069
sidewalk 人行道 ................................173 sore throat 喉嚨痛 ............................114
sight 視覺 ..........................................111 sorry 難過遺憾的 ..............................046
silly 愚笨的 ......................................040 soul 靈魂 ........................................030
sincere 正直、誠實的........................037 soup 湯 ............................................094
single 單身的 ....................................018 sour 酸的 ..........................................101
sink 洗臉槽........................................142 south 南方、在南方向 ......................162
Sir 先生(未婚或已婚皆可用) ..............022 soy sauce 醬油 ................................101
sir name 姓氏....................................022 spaghetti 義大利麵條 ........................094
sister 姐姐或妹妹 ..............................011 speak 說............................................204
sit 坐..................................................124 speaker 擴音機 ................................151
sixteenth 第十六................................054 speed 超速........................................178
sixth 第六 ..........................................054 spell 拼字 ..........................................204
skill 技術、技巧 ................................201 spend 花費........................................072
skin 皮膚 ..........................................114 spicy 辣的 ....................................101
skinny 瘦得皮包骨的 ........................033 spirit 靈魂 ......................................030
skirt 裙子 ..........................................127 spoon 湯匙........................................144
slender 苗條的 ..................................033 spring 春季........................................058
slide 溜滑梯 ......................................184 stair 樓梯 ..........................................136
slim 苗條的........................................033 stamp 郵票........................................198
slipper(s) 拖鞋 ..................................130 stand 站 ............................................124
slow 慢的 ..........................................178 stationery store 文具店 ....................157
small 小的 ........................................079 steak 牛排 ........................................094
smart 聰明的 ....................................040 steam 蒸 ..........................................105
smell 嗅覺..........................................111 stingy 小氣的 ....................................037
smile 笑 ............................................118 stomach 胃........................................114
snack 點心 ........................................105 stomachache 胃痛 ............................114
sneaker(s) 運動鞋 ............................130 stool 凳子 ......................................139
sneaky 卑鄙的 ................................040 stopwatch 碼錶 ................................062
soap 香皂 ..........................................142 story 故事..........................................191
social science 社會 ..........................194 stove 火爐 ........................................142
sock(s) 襪子 ......................................130 straight 直線、挺直 ..........................162
soda 蘇打汽水 ..................................097 stranger 陌生人 ................................026
sofa 沙發椅 ......................................139 straw 吸管 ........................................144
soft drink 清涼不含酒精飲料 ............097 strawberry 草莓 ................................088
son 兒子 ............................................011 street 街 ............................................166

218 1000
strong 強壯的 ....................................114 tea 茶 ................................................097
student 學生......................................139 teach 教 ............................................201
study 書房 ........................................133 teacher 老師......................................139
study 學習、研究 ..............................201 teacher's office 老師辦公室 ..............184
stupid 愚笨的 ....................................040 teammate 隊員..................................139
subject 科目 ......................................194 teapot 茶壺........................................142
subway (=MRT) 地鐵 ........................173 tear 撕 ..............................................121
successful 成功的 ............................043 teen 13-19 歲少年 ..........................018
sugar 糖 ............................................101 teenager 13-19 歲少年 ....................018
suit 西裝 ............................................127 telephone (=phone) 電話 ..................151
summer 夏季 ....................................058 television (=TV) 電視 ........................151
Sunday 星期日..................................054 temperature 溫度 ..............................058
supermarket 超級市場 ......................157 temple 廟 ..........................................154
supper 晚餐 ......................................105 tenth 第十..........................................054
sweater 毛衣 ....................................127 term 一期、一回................................194
sweep 掃、清掃(地) ..........................148 terrible 極糟糕的 ..............................046
sweet 甜的 ........................................101 terrific 極佳的 ....................................046
swimsuit 泳衣....................................127 textbook (=students' book) 課本 ......188
swing 盪鞦韆 ....................................184 there 那裡 ........................................162
symptom 症狀 ..................................114 thick 厚的 ..........................................079
thief 小偷 ..........................................026
thin 瘦的............................................033
T.T thin 薄的............................................079
tableware 餐具 ..................................144 third 第三 ..........................................054
Taipei 台北 ........................................166 thirsty 口渴的 ....................................101
Taiwan 台灣 ......................................166 thirteenth 第十三 ..............................054
talk 講話 、談話 ..............................204 thirtieth 第三十 ..................................054
talkative 愛說話的 ............................043 throat 喉嚨 ........................................114
tall 高的 ............................................033 throw 丟 ............................................121
tangerine 橘子 ..................................088 Thursday 星期四 ..............................054
tank 坦克、戰車 ................................169 ticket 車票 ........................................178
tape 膠帶 ..........................................184 tie 領帶..............................................130
tape recorder 卡帶式錄音機..............151 time 時間、時....................................065
taste 味覺 ..........................................111 tiny 極小的 ......................................079
taste 嚐 ..............................................111 tired 累的 ..........................................118
taxi 計程車 ........................................169 title (=topic) 標題 ..............................191

toast 土司..........................................094 ugly 醜的 ..........................................033
today 今天 ........................................069 umbrella 雨傘....................................130
tofu 豆腐............................................094 uncle 舅舅或伯叔父 ..........................011
toilet 馬桶 ..........................................142 underline 劃線 ..................................198
tomato 蕃茄 ......................................088 underpass 地下道 ............................173
tomorrow 明天 ..................................069 understand 了解................................201
tongue 舌頭 ......................................111 underwear 內褲內衣 ........................127
tonight 今晚 ......................................069 underweight 重量不足的 ..................033
tooth 牙齒 ..........................................111 unhappy 悲慘不快樂的 ....................046
toothache 牙齒痛 ..............................114 uniform 制服......................................127
toothbrush 牙刷 ................................142 university 大學 ..................................201
toothpaste 牙膏 ................................142 upstairs 樓上 ....................................136
top 山頂、頂上的 ..............................162
touch 摸、觸覺 ..................................111
towel 毛巾 ........................................142 V.V
tower 高塔、塔樓 ..............................154 vegetable 蔬菜 ..................................091
traditional 傳統的 ..............................043 vest 背心 ..........................................127
traffic jam 塞車 ..................................178 video player 錄影機 ..........................151
train 火車 ..........................................169 video tape 錄影帶 ............................151
train station 火車站 ..........................173 vinegar 醋 ........................................101
traveler's check 旅行支票 ................072 visitor 拜訪者、客人..........................025
treatment 治療 ..................................118 vocabulary 字彙、單字集..................191
triangle 三角形 ..................................076 volume 容積 ....................................082
trousers 休閒褲 ................................127
truck 卡車..........................................169
Tuesday 星期二 ................................054
tunnel 隧道........................................173 waist 腰 ............................................108
turn 轉 ..............................................178 walk 走路、散步................................124
twelfth 第十二....................................054 Walkman 隨身聽 ..............................151
twentieth 第二十................................054 wall 牆壁 ..........................................136
twenty-first 第二十一 ........................054 wallet 皮夾 ........................................130
twenty-second 第二十二 ..................054 warm 溫暖的、溫暖 ..........................058
twenty-third 第二十三 ......................054 wash 洗 ............................................148
washing machine 洗衣機 ..................142
watch 手錶 ........................................062
V.UU. watermelon 西瓜 ..............................088

220 1000
wave 揮 ............................................121
way 方法、方式 ................................105
weak 虛弱的......................................114
wear 穿 ............................................127
Wednesday 星期三 ..........................054
week 星期 ........................................054
weekdays 平日 (週末以外的日子) ....054
weekend 週末 (星期六、日)..............054
weight 重量 ......................................082
west 西方、在西方向 ........................162
wheel 輪胎 ........................................178
white 白色的、白色 ..........................076
wide 寬闊的 ......................................079
wife 太太 ..........................................011
window 窗 ........................................136
winter 冬季 ........................................058
wise 有智慧聰明的 ............................040
wok 中國炒菜鍋 ................................142
woman 女人 ......................................018
wonderful 極好的 ..............................046
word 單字..........................................191
workbook (=exercise book) 習作 ......188
world map 世界地圖..........................184
wound 傷口 ......................................118
wrist 腕關節 ......................................108
write 寫..............................................204

yard 碼 ..............................................082
yellow 黃色的、黃色 ........................076
yesterday 昨天 ..................................069
young 年青的 ....................................033
youth 年輕人 ....................................018
yucky 難吃的、噁心的 ......................101
yummy 好吃的、美味的 ....................101

1 Personal Information
01 Below are David and Julie's self-introduction drafts. Read and
figure out what information they give. Use below words to com-

appearance / address / nationality / birthday

hobbies / education / personality / work experience / age

David's Self-introduction Julie's Self-introduction

I'm David. I was born on March 29th Hi, my name is Julie Toyoda. I'm a
1974. My address is No. 132 Ming-Choan Japanese. I live in 33-5 Namashi ho
Rd. Taipei. I just graduated from Sam Tokyo. I'm 25 years old. I'm tall and thin. I
Yang College. My major in school is graduated from University of London in
"mathematics". I'm very easy-going and England. I was a clerk in Takashimaya
talkative. I like mountain climbing, fishing Department Store. I have worked there
and camping. I believe I'll be a very good for 3 years. I hope I can get the position
salesman. of marketing assistant in your depart-

1. He has mentioned about... 2. She has mentioned about...

2. nationality, address, age, education, work experience, appearance

1. birthday, address, education, personality, hobbies

02 Write your personal information in the chart below.

Full name :
Occupation: student
Address :
E-mail address: htc0804@hotmail.com
Telephone number: 02-20944800
Telephone number : San-Chuang City, Taipie, Taiwan R.O.C.
E-mail address : Address: 3Fl. No4. Lane 178, Renyi St.
Occupation : Full name: Tz-chen Huang

010 1000
Personal Information
個人資料 1
1. appearance [@1pIr@ns] n. 外貌 10. self-introduction [1sElf%Intr@1d√kS@n]
2. address [@1drEs] n. 地址 n. 自我介紹
3. nationality [%n{S@1n{l@tI] n. 國籍 11. bear [bEr] v. 出生(過去分詞born)
4. birthday [1b^T%de] n. 生日 12. graduate [1gr{dZ¨%et] v. 畢業
5. hobby [1hAbI] n. 嗜好 13. major [1medZ_] n. 主修
6. education [%EdZ¨1keS@n] n. 教育 14. live [lIv] v. 居住
7. personality [%p^s§1{l@tI] n. 個性、性格 15. full name [1f¨l%nem] n. 全名
8. work experience [1w^k Ik1spIrI@ns] 16. number [1n√mb_] n. 號碼
n. 工作經驗 17. e-mail [i1mel] n. 電子郵件
9. age [edZ] n. 年齡 18. occupation [%Akj@1peS@n] n. 職業

03 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. Personal details that have mentioned a number

are...(name / address / birthday / personality / age).
2. Personal details that are known when a person is born
are...(birthday / major / address / nationality / hobby). 5. birthday, age, full name
cell phone number
3. Personal details that are related to school or study are...
e-mail address,
(appearance / graduation / major / education / full name). 4. home address,
4. Personal details that you could give to a friend are... education
(hobby / age / home address / e-mail address / cell phone 3. graduation, major,
number). nationality

5. Personal details that will never change are...(birthday / 2. birthday, address,

1. address, birthday, age
occupation / e-mail address / age / full name).

04 Answer the questions below.

1. If you were an interviewer, what personal details that you think

are very important for a job interview? (List three things)
2. What are the first three personal details that you most want to 2. name, address,

know when you first meet a stranger?

personality, age
1. work experience,

Personal Information
1 個人資料
3. What are the first three personal details that you remember at the
earliest time in your life?
4. phone number
4. What personal details that you may not like to tell when you first phone number
meet a stranger? 3. age, name,

05 Are the following statements true or false? If false, correct them.

1. Personal information that mentions the place you live is your e-mail address.

2. Fat, ugly and short are words to describe people's appearance.

3. Smart, easy-going and serious are words to describe people's appearance.

4. I'm twenty-three years old. So, you know my birthday.

5. John has just graduated from school. He never had a job before. In other words, he
doesn't have any education.
6. "Hee Yeng Tan", his full name is "Tan".

6. F / family name 3. F / personality

5. F / work experience 2. T
4. F / age 1. F / address

06 Match the words below.

1. appea ∂ ∂ ality
7. ress
2. per ∂ ∂ rance 6. day
3. nation ∂ ∂ day 5. pation
4. edu ∂ ∂ ress 4. cation
5. occu ∂ ∂ sonality 3. ality

6. birth ∂ ∂ pation 2. sonality

7. add ∂ ∂ cation
1. rance

012 1000
2 Functions 功能 2
01 Match the pictures below with the message. Fill in the blanks
with the words below.

birthday party / wedding ceremony / graduation ceremony / farewell party / funeral

1. A.
A. Dear John
I’m going to marry Mark next month.
∂ ∂ Here is my wedding invitation card.
Read the details and I hope to see you
at the ceremony.

2. A.
B. Dear Anderson
I’m leaving this Sunday to go back to
Japan. This Saturday, my housemates are
∂ ∂
going to hold a party for me. I would like to
invite you to the party. I’ll stay in CoCo cafe
till 11:30 p.m.. Hope to see you around.

3. C. Dear Thomas
Congratulations! Your wife gave birth
to twins this morning. They are boys!
∂ ∂
When you come back, do bring gifts
(=presents) for your babies and wife
as we will arrange a party for them.

4. D. Dear Vivian
I heard you’re going to graduate this
July. Could you let me know the date?
∂ ∂
Besides, we plan to have a drink on
that night. You are very welcome to
join us.

5. E.
A. Dear Mina
Could you call little John for me? His
∂ ∂ father died in a car accident yester-
day. I don’t know how to tell him.
Please help, thanks.

4. birthday party (C) 2. funeral (E)

5. farewell party (B) 3. wedding ceremony (A) 1. graduation ceremony (D)
2 功能

1. birthday party [1b^T%de1pArtI] n. phrase 生日派對

2. wedding ceremony [1wedIµ1sEr@%monI] n. phrase 婚禮
3. graduation ceremony [%gr{dZ¨1eS@n 1sEr@%monI] n. phrase 畢業典禮
4. farewell party [1fErwEl1pArtI] n. phrase 歡送會
5. funeral [1fjun@r@l] n. 喪禮
6. marry to [1m{rI%tu] v. phrase 和...結婚
7. invitation card [%Inv@1teS@n1kArd] n. phrase 邀請卡
8. leave [liv] v. 離開
9. invite [In1vaIt] v. 邀請
10. stay [ste] v. 停留
11. give birth to [%gIv1b^T1tu] v. phrase 生(孩子)
12. gift [gIft] n. 禮品
13. present [1prEz§t] n. 禮物
14. arrange [@1rendZ] v. 安排
15. date [det] n. 日期
16. welcome [1wElk@m] adj. 受歡迎的
17. join [dZOIn] v. 參加
18. die [daI] v. 死

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. "Farewell Party" is a party to say...(happy new year / happy birth-

day / merry Christmas / good-bye).
2. "Funeral" is a ceremony for...(married / single / dead / elder) peo-
3. "Wedding ceremony" means someone...(marries to somebody / 6. happy
gives birth to babies / joins to parties / just died). 5. funeral
4. "October 3rd 2003" is a (an)...(number / month / date / address). 4. date
5. People don't give presens at a...(birthday party / funeral / wed- somebody

ding ceremony / farewell party). 3. marries to

2. dead
6. You are welcome to join us means we are...(happy / unhappy /
1. good-bye
sad / tired) to see you join us.

014 1000
功能 2
03 Fill in the chart below. Use your dictionary and find out the
correct form of the verbs and nouns for the words below.

Verbs(動詞) Nouns(名詞) Verbs(動詞) Nouns(名詞)

leave 1. 2. death

invite 3. arrange 4.

5. marriage 6. graduation

6. graduate 4. arrangement 2. die

5. marry 3. invitation 1. leave

04 True or False. Check the use of nouns and verbs in below sen-
tences. If the answer is false, write down the correct answers.

1. I'm very sorry for his die.

2. I'm leaving this house now!
6. F / graduate
3. I don't accept your invite.
5. F / arrangement
4. Sorry, I don't want to talk about "marriage" tonight.
4. T
3. F / invitation
5. You've done a very good arrange for John's birthday 2. T
party. 1. F / death
6. I'm going to graduation this summer.

05 Answer the questions below.

1. List three gifts that you have received on your birthday.

2. How many children did your mother give birth to?

3. Where is your dream place to hold a wedding ceremony?

4. Except an invitation card, what other kinds of cards have you received?

3. In a church 4. Birthday cards

1. Books / CDs / A radio 2. Three

About Childhood
3 About Childhood

01 You and I have many sweet and bitter memories about child-
hood. Sometimes it's crazy and sometimes it's miserable. Below
are pictures that people in the world did in their childhood. Look
at the picture and fill in the words below into the blanks.

adventure / plant / gather / collect / grow

1. 2.

We everybody's treasure We watered it everyday. I wished we

and them under a tree. could see it .

3. 4.

Unfortunately, it never grew. We started To get more treasure, we planed to have

to treasures from the back- an in neighbors' backyards.

016 1000
About Childhood
關於童年 3
imagine / create / monster / dragon / shoot / punishes / universe / planets

5. 6.

We we lived in the . We a new shooter. We called

Trees were the . The neighbor it a flying . We wanted to
was a . know how good it was.

7. 8.

However, our neighbor was never stupid.

We tried it on our neighbors, we
They complained to Mom. And, Mom surely
them and ran away immediately.
would us hard with a big stick.

7. shooted 8. punish
6. created, dragon
5. imagined, universe, planets, monster
3. collect 4. adventure
1. gathered, planted 2. grow

About Childhood
3 關於童年

1. adventure [@d1vEntS_] n. 探險 8. create [krI1et] v. 發明

2. plant [pl{nt] v. 種植 9. monster [1mAnst_] n. 怪獸
3. gather [1g{D_] v. 聚集 10. dragon [1dr{g@n] n. 龍
4. collect [k@1lEkt] v. 收集 11. shoot [Sut] v. 射
5. grow [gro] v. 生長 12. punish [1p√nIS] v. 處罰
6. treasure [1trEZ_] n. 寶物 13. universe [1jun@%v^s] n. 宇宙
7. imagine [I1m{dZIn] v. 想像 14. planet [1pl{nIt] n. 星球

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. People can plant...(dragons / rice / trees / vegetables / monsters).

2. (Sun / Moon / Treasure / Earth / Universe)...are planets.
3. Adventures are usually...(dangerous / exciting / safe / interesting /
4. Dragons are...(created / gathered / imagined / planted / collected). 5. Universe
5. The (trains / computers / bikes / machines / universe) ... is (are) not 4. created, imagined
created. interesting
3. dangerous, exciting,
2. Moon, Earth

1. rice, trees, vegetables
Fill in the chart below. Use your dictionary and
find out the
correct form of the verbs and nouns for the words below.

Verbs(動詞) Nouns(名詞) Verbs(動詞) Nouns(名詞)

1. punishment 2. collection

create 3. plant 4.

imagine 5. 6. growth

6. grow 4. plant 2. collect

5. imagination 3. creation 1. punish

018 1000
About Childhood
關於童年 3
04 True or False. Check the use of nouns and verbs in the sentences
below. If the answer is false, write down the correct answer.

1. The growth of a tree can teach us a lot of things about nature.

2. Julia is a famous artist. You should go to see her art collect.
3. There are a hundred kinds of plants in the botanical garden.
4. You won't be punished because you are on time.
5. Scientists have the talents of create.
6. Don't lose your imagination when you grow up.

6. T 5. F / creation 4. T 3. T 2. F / collection 1. T

05 Answer the questions below.

1. Where do you think is a good place to have adventure?

2. List three things you have that you think are your treasure.

3. What would you gather from your neighbors if you Pictures of cartoon characters

wanted to help the hungers of Africa? 4. Train tickets, Name Cards

3. Clothes, Money, Blankets
My little Snoopy dolls
4. List three things that you or your friends usually collect My friends' letters,
for hobbies? 2. My family pictures,
1. in the forest

06 Match the words below.

1. puni ∂ ∂ ster
2. trea ∂ ∂ gine 6. ster
3. ima ∂ ∂ sh 5. gon
4. adven ∂ ∂ gon 4. ture
5. dra ∂ ∂ sure 3. gine

6. mon ∂ ∂ ture
2. sure
1. sh

Communication 1
4 Communication 1
溝通 1

01 Read the descriptions below and fill in the words into the chart below.

discussion / speech / mail / joke / debate / presentation / broadcast / comment

This is the final call for Flight BA739 Sorry, ladies! I have to interrupt you
to London! Customer "Chen Ming- for 1 minute. Could you discuss
Jean", please move quickly to gate question 5 first as we are going to
118. end the meeting in ten minutes?

A. It's a B. It's a

I think what "Team A" just empha- I want to insist that people around
sized is not right. Many research fig- the world should protect their environ-
ures indicate that women at home do ment. As Dr. Lee describes in his
more work than men in Chinese article...

C. It's a D. It's a

Dear Mona Lisa Ladies and Gentlemen

What you expresed on the phone is I would like to show a chart of our
not very clear. Could you introduce year-end finance report. Besides, I'll
your company's products again in a present a diagram to let you under-
letter to me by this weekend? stand more how our company ran this
Yours truly,Vincent Van year.

E. It's a F. It's a

020 1000
Communication 1
溝通 1 4
Hi, Mark! What you presented in the A monkey can talk. He stated it was
meeting is impressive. Here are just a secret for him to change into a
two points that I would like to suggest. monkey. Everybody wanted to know
1. Check your presentation tools who he was. The monkey did not like
before you do it. to answer as he added : "a smart
2. Before you continue to the next monkey would never let people know
page, make sure your audiences are how a turtle changed into a monkey."
following well what you tell them.

G. It's a H. It's a

H. joke D. speech
G. comment C. debate
F. presentation B. discussion
E. mail A. broadcast

1. discussion [dI1sk√S@n] n. 討論 13. indicate [1Ind@%ket] v. 指出

2. speech [spitS] n. 演講 14. insist [In1sIst] v. 強調
3. mail [mel] n. 郵件 15. describe [dI1skraIb] v. 描述
4. joke [dZok] n. 玩笑 16. express [Ik1sprEs] v. 表達
5. debate [dI1bet] n. 辯論 17. introduce [%Intr@1djus] v. 介紹
6. presentation [prizEn1teS@n] n. 報告 18. suggest [s@1dZEst] v. 建議
7. broadcast [1brOd%k{st] n. 廣播 19. continue [k@n1tInju] v. 繼續
8. comment [1kAmEnt] n. 評論 20. tell [tEl] v. 告訴
9. call [kOl] v. 呼叫 21. show [So] v. 展示
10. interrupt [%Int@1r√pt] v. 打斷、中斷 22. present [prI1zEnt] v. 呈現
11. discuss [dIs1k√s] v. 討論 23. state [stet] v. 聲明
12. emphasize [1Emf@%saIz] v. 強調 24. add [{d] v. 補充

Communication 1
4 溝通 1

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. It is usually fun when people...(give a speech / tell a joke / give suggestions / do a presen-
2. When you are telling something very important you should...(insist / broadcast / emphasize
/ interrupt / indicate) the points.
3. When you are ...(discussions / speeches / listening to broadcasts / debates / reading
mails), you don't usually see the speakers.
4. When a customer comes into a shop for the first time, the owner usually...(introduces / adds
/ shows / presents / jokes) things that the shop sells.
5. When you have an idea in your mind, you can use language to...(express / tell / call /
describe / continue) your idea.

3. listening to broadcasts / reading mails

5. express / tell / describe 2. insist / emphasize / indicate
4. introduces / shows / presents 1. tell a joke

03 Fill in the chart below . Use your dictionary and find out the cor-
rect form of the verbs and nouns for the words below.

Verbs(動詞) Nouns(名詞) Verbs(動詞) Nouns(名詞)

discuss 1. 2. statement

3. introduction comment 4.

suggest 5. speak 6.

express 7. 8. interruption

9. presentation indicate 10.

describe 11. 12. insistence

12. insist 9. present 6. speech 3. introduce

11. description 8. interrupt 5. suggestion 2. state
10. indication 7. expression 4. comment 1. discussion

022 1000
Communication 1
溝通 1 4
04 True or False. Check the use of nouns and verbs in the sentences
below. If false, correct them.

1. Please don't interruption my speech.

2. May I introduce my husband to you?
3. He doesn't accept anyone's suggest.
4. My English is not good. I don't know how to expression what I think.
5. Could you description the situation to me again?
6. Your indication is not clear. Could you write it down?
7. "No smoking in the office" this is what she insistence.

7. F / insists 6. T 5. F / describe
4. F / express 3. F / suggestion 2. T 1. F / interrupt

05 Answer the questions below.

1. If your good friend is going to meet his future parents-in-law, what suggestions would you
give him?

2. What kinds of situations may make you very angry in an important discussion?

2. When people leave without gaving a reason in the middle of the discussion.
1. Keep smiling

06 Match the words below.

1. presen ∂ ∂ size
5. cate

2. broad ∂ ∂ cast
4. size
3. cussion
3. dis ∂ ∂ cate 2. cast
4. empha ∂ ∂ tation 1. tation
5. indi ∂ ∂ cussion

Communication 2
5 Communication 2
溝通 2

01 Read the sentences below and identify what they try to express.
Fill in the chart with the words below.

blames / reminds / argues / apologizes / lied / praises / thank

complains / appreciates / rejects / pardon / promises / advises
agrees / allows / decides / chooses / inspires / explains / accepts

1. A: Would you come to my party? B: Yes.

>Person B person A's invitation.
2. Sorry, say again please!
>He wants to say " me".
3. Sir, I've been waiting for an hour!!
>He to the man.
4. Sorry, we don't take credit cards.
>He the customer's credit card.
5. Which color should I take, blue or red?
>He the color.
6. I'll love you forever.
>He to his wife.
7. A: May I come in? B: Yes.
>Person B person A to come in.
8. Sorry, I'm late because of the traffic jam on Min Rd.
>He the reason why he is late.
9. A: Let's go shopping. B: Sure, let's go.
>Person to person A's suggestion.
10. Doctor, without your help I wouldn’t be alive now!
> He the doctor's treatment.
11. Sorry, I made a mistake.
> He for the mistake.
12. I won't trust you again!
> He found the man to him.

024 1000
Communication 2
溝通 2 5
13. Don't forget your umbrella!
> He me to take my umbrella.
14. You had better to take a taxi.
> He me to take a taxi.
15. A: So, tell me your answer now. B: OK, take a bus.
> Person B to take a bus.
16. Ok, I don't want to say it again. You aren't listening!
> He with another person.
17. It’s all your fault! My flowers are all dead now!!
> He the one who made a mistake.
18. You are so kind to send me such a lovely toy!!
> He tries to her for the gift.
19. God is the King of all on the earth.
> He God's greatness.
20. Close your eyes. Think of you flying in the sky
> He people to use their imaginations.

20. inspires 16. argues 12. lied 8. explains 4. rejects

19. praises 15. decides 11. apologizes 7. allows 3. complains
18. thank 14. advises 10. appreciates 6. promises 2. pardon
17. blames 13. reminds 9. agrees 5. chooses 1. accepts

1. blame [blem] v. 責罵 11. pardon [1pArd§] v. 原諒

2. remind [rI1maInd] v. 提醒 12. promise [1prAmIs] v. 發誓
3. argue [1Argju] v. 爭吵 13. advise [@d1vaIz] v. 建議
4. apologize [@1pAl@%dZaIz] v. 道歉 14. agree [@1gri] v. 同意
5. lie [laI] v. 說謊 15. allow [@1la¨] v. 允許
6. praise [prez] v. 稱讚 16. decide [dI1saId] v. 決定
7. thank [T{µk] v. 感謝 17. choose [tSuz] v. 選擇
8. complain [k@m1plen] v. 抱怨 18. inspire [In1spaIr] v. 激發、鼓舞
9. appreciate [@1priSI%et] v. 感激 19. explain [Ik1splen] v. 解釋
10. reject [rI1dZEkt] v. 拒絕 20. accept [@k1sEpt] v. 接受

Communication 2
5 溝通 2

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. When people make mistakes, they may want to...(apologize / thank / lie / explain / praise).
2. If your good friend gives you a good suggestion, you would...(thank / inspire / accept /
appreciate / allow) him.
3. When someone says "yes", this could mean that
he...(allows / agrees / accepts / argues / rejects).
5. reject / accept
4. People usually aren't in a good mood when they
4. blamed / complained
are...(inspired / blamed / complained / promised / 3. allows / agrees / accepts
allowed). 2. thank / appreciate
5. If someone begs your forgiveness, you could...(reject / lie 1. apologize / lie / explain
/ thank / accept / appreciate).

03 Fill in the chart below. Use your dictionary and find out the cor-
rect form of the verbs and nouns for the words below.

Verbs(動詞) Nouns(名詞) Verbs(動詞) Nouns(名詞)

1. acceptance advise 2.

explain 3. agree 4.

choose 5. 6. rejection

7. decision inspire 8.

9. allowance 10. complaint

10. complain 8. inspiration 6. reject 4. agreement 2. advisement

9. allow 7. decide 5. choice 3. explanation 1. accept

04 True or False. Check the use of nouns and verbs in the sentences
below. If the answer is false, write down the correct answers.

1. Your explanation sounds like an excuse.

2. I don't agree with you!
3. His complaint is not important.

026 1000
Communication 2
溝通 2 5
4. He rejection my invitation.
5. He is not allowed to stay outside.
6. I have no choose.

6. F / choice 5. T 4. F / rejects 3. T 2. T 1. T

05 Answer the questions below.

1. If you are an artist, what could you do to inspire your imagination?

2. If you found out that your best friend lied to you, what would you do?

2. I would ask him to tell the truth.

1. I would listen to the jazz music.

06 Match the words below.

1. in ∂ ∂ vise
2. ex ∂ ∂ ree
3. de ∂ ∂ spire
4. ac ∂ ∂ gue
5. ag ∂ ∂ plain
6. ad ∂ ∂ ject
7. re ∂ ∂ cide
8. ar ∂ ∂ cept
9. apo ∂ ∂ ow 16. se 8. gue
10. bl ∂ ∂ logize 15. nk 7. ject
11. appre ∂ ∂ se 14. ow 6. vise

12. par ∂ ∂ lame

13. mise 5. ree

13. pro ∂ ∂ don

12. don 4. cept
11. ciate 3. cide
14. all ∂ ∂ nk 10. ame 2. plain
15. tha ∂ ∂ ciate 9. logize 1. spire
16. prai ∂ ∂ mise

6 Communication 3
01 Read the sentences below and identify what they are trying to
express. Fill in the chart using the words below.

message / introduction / opinion (= idea) / matter / event / meaning / excuse

truth (=fact) / result / advice / choices / decision / reason / information

1. Hi, Mark. Call me back if you hear this. My number is 2231-5569.

>This is a .
2. I didn't lie. I don't want to hurt her feelings. So, I will tell her I'm going to Japan an business.
>He gives her an .
3. So, your trip to Japan is not for the business. It's for the girl, Machiko!
>She found out the .
4. Julia, what's your sir name? How old are you? Where do you live?
>He is asking for Julia's personal .
5. You see I cut my fingers yesterday. This is why I couldn't finish my work.
>He explains the why the work was delayed.
6. Turn right or turn left?
>You have two .
7. OK, I think we should turn right.
>He has made a .
8. The day you were born is your "birthdate".
>He explains the of birthdate.
9. Don't be late for tomorrow. Our boss will be there.
>He is very kind to give him .
10. Oh, my god! I forgot to hand in my assignment!
> This is really a big to the student.
11. We'll attend the dragon boat race this year!
> Dragon boat race is a big this year.
12. I think your plan may cause a big loss next year.
> This is my to your plan.

028 1000
Communication 3
溝通 3 6
13. This company started in 1973. It was in Taipei. At the beginning, it produced tableware
> He gives an about the company.
14. If you smoke in this building, the guard will come immediately.
> He tells the if I smoked here.

12. opinion 9. advice 6. choices 3. truth

14. result 11. event 8. meaning 5. reason 2. excuse
13. introduction 10. matter 7. decision 4. information 1. message

1. message [1mEsIdZ] n. 信息、留言 10. fact [f{kt] n. 真相

2. introduction [1Intr@1d√kS@n] n. 介紹 11. result [rI1z√lt] n. 結果
3. opinion [@1pInj@n] n. 見解 12. advice [@d1vaIz] n. 忠告
4. idea [aI1di@] n. 意見、想法 13. choice [tSOIs] n. 選擇
5. matter [1m{t_] n. 問題、麻煩 14. decision [dI1sIZ@n] n. 決定
6. event [I1vEnt] n. 事件 15. reason [1riz§] n. 原因
7. meaning [1minIµ] n. 意思 16. information [%Inf_1meS@n] n. 資料、
8. excuse [Ik1skjuz] n. 藉口 消息
9. truth [truT] n. 事實

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. People usually can believe...(lies / facts / excuses / truths / reasons).

2. People usually dislike...(lies / advice / messages / good news / information).
3. If you want to understand what a person is thinking, you
should listen to his...(excuses / lies / opinions / ideas/
4. If you meet someone for the first time, you could ask him 5. facts / truths
4. information / introduction
for personal...(information / choice / event / introduction /
3. opinions / ideas
meaning). 2. lies / advice
5. People usually lie to cover...(jokes / facts / truth / excuses / 1. facts / truths

Communication 3
6 溝通 3

03 Fill in the chart below. Use your dictionary and find out the cor-
rect form of the verbs and nouns for the words below.

Verbs(動詞) Nouns(名詞) Verbs(動詞) Nouns(名詞)

decide 1. introduce 2.
3. choice 4. advice

message 5. mean 6.

6. meaning 4. advise 2. introduction

5. message 3. choose 1. decision

04 Answer the questions below.

1. What would your parents do if they found out that you lied to them?

2. List three excuses that people usually give when they are late for a meeting.

3. If in three minutes of talking to someone you need to decide whether you want them as
your boyfriend or girlfriend, what kinds of questions would you ask? (List three questions)

3. How tall are you? / How old are you? / What is your occupation?
2. Stuck in a traffic jam / Didn't feel well / The bus was late
1. They would blame me.

030 1000
Communication 3
溝通 3 6
05 True or False. Check the use of nouns and verbs in the sentences
below. If the answer is false, write down the correct answers.

1. Please message me on Monday morning.

2. I didn’t choice you!
3. I mean that you can go home now! 6. F / advice
4. You should decide what you like! 5. F / introduce
5. Please introduction yourself! 3. T 4. T
1. T 2. F / choose
6. Sorry, I don’t like your advise.

06 Match the words below.

1. tru ∂ ∂ son
2. re ∂ ∂ ce
3. ad ∂ ∂ th
4. rea ∂ ∂ sult
5. cho ∂ ∂ vice
6. opinio ∂ ∂r
10. r 5. ice
9. a 4. son
7. messag ∂ ∂n 8. t 3. vice
8. even ∂ ∂t 7. e 2. sult
9. ide ∂ ∂e 6. n 1. th
10. matte ∂ ∂a

Personal Values
7 Personal Values

01 Read the statements and fill in your answers for the questions.

1. You work for JJ company. But, you really dislike working for that company. One day, you are
laid off. To you, is this a matter of bad luck or a chance to do something better?
2. Chinese believe that wearing red clothes during the Chinese New Year can bring good
luck. To you, is it a tradition or superstition?
3. Do you think that people who require you to do a survey in a street is a bother ?

4. Do you think diving down in the ocean needs more skill or courage?
5. One day, you have a chance to be famous but you have to give up studying at the uni-
versity, would you take the chance?
6. If your friend takes you to a direct sales meeting without telling you beforehand, would
you think it is a trick?
7. Do you think giving money to the homeless people in the street is a behavior of good-
8. Effort and talent, if you have to choose one of them, which one do you think can make
a success in your business?
9. Do you think it is trouble for your mom to ask you to buy a bottle of soy sauce on the
way home?
10. When you call your friend, your friend says he is busy watching TV. Do you think he is
really busy or it is just an excuse?
11. Do you want "easy-going" to be one of your characters?
12. "Please come to the showroom." In this sentence, which word is the point to you?

13. One day, a stranger comes to tell you "I think your skin's condition is very bad. You
should use..." Would this influence your opinion of your skin care?

8. Effort 9. No 10. He is really busy. 11. Yes 12. come to 13. No

1. chance 2. A superstition 3. Yes 4. Courage 5. Yes 6. No 7. No

032 1000
Personal Values
個人價值 7
1. chance [tS{ns] n. 機會 9. effort [1Ef_t] n. 努力
2. tradition [tr@1dIS@n] n. 傳統 10. talent [1t{l@nt] n. 天才、天資
3. superstition [%sup_1stIS@n] n. 迷信 11. success [s@k1sEs] n. 成功
4. bother [1bAD_] n. 打擾 12. trouble [1tr√b¬] n. 麻煩
5. courage [%k^IdZ] n. 膽量 13. busy [1bIzI] adj. 忙碌
6. famous [1fem@s] adj. 出名的 14. character [1k{rIkt_] n. 特性、特色
7. trick [ trIk] n. 花招、騙局 15. point [pOInt] n. 重點
8. goodness [1g¨dnIs] n. 善良、美德 16. influence [1Infl¨@ns] n. 影響

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. Most people do not like...(tricks / success / trouble / famous / talent).

2. It's positive for students to learn...(traditions / superstitions / goodness / tricks / efforts).
3. Success usually comes to a person who has...(talents/ a lazy life / paid efforts / courage / a
poor father).
4. Real goodness is not afraid of...(paying efforts / characters / trouble / bother / points).
5. Making...(an effort / tricks / trouble / a courage / a famous name) are negative behavior.

3. talents / paid efforts / courage

5. tricks / trouble 2. traditions / goodness / efforts
4. paying efforts / trouble / bother 1. tricks / trouble

03 True or False. Check the use of nouns and verbs in the sentences
below. If the answer is false, write down the correct answers.

1. He was courage to fight in World War Two.

5. F / tradition 6. T
2. To have a superstitious is not very smart.
3. T 4. F / talent
3. She is very successful at selling flowers! 2. F / superstition
4. She is the one who has musical talented! 1. F / courageous
5. My grandmother told us a lot of Chinese traditional.
6. Students are easily influenced by their classmates.

Personal Values
7 個人價值

04 Fill in the chart below. Use your dictionary and find out the cor-
rect form of the verbs and nouns for the words below.

Adjectives(形容詞) Nouns(名詞) Adjectives(形容詞) Nouns(名詞)

traditional 1. successful 2.

3. superstition talented 4.

influential 5. courageous 6.

6. courage 4. talent 2. success

5. influence 3. superstitious 1. tradition

05 Fill in the blanks with the words below.

point / courage / busy / chance / famous / superstition / bother / tradition

1. Nina has no free time in July. She is 5. I don't have time to listen. Please tell me
in July. what your is.
2. Everybody knows about Nina. She is 6. Don't me! I'm seeing a
. movie!
3. Justin has many . He 7. Eating moon cakes for the Moon Festival
believes using a broken mirror could is Chinese .
bring bad luck.
4.To jump from a mountain into the sea you 8. This is the last for you to
need . do it right.

6. bother 3. superstitions
8. chance 5. point 2. famous
7. tradition 4. courage 1. busy

034 1000
Inner Thinking
8 Inner Thinking 內在想法 8
01 Read the descriptions below and fill in the blanks.

emotion / feeling / value / thought / desire / secret / mind / dream

manner / life / role / step / style / goal / purpose / concern

1. I come here to meet up with an old friend. 2. A: What is your opinion? B: This plan is
>Meeting an old friend is the man's dangerous.
. >Person B tells his .
3. My wife gives birth to a girl. I am a father 4. Our company has to earn 3 billion dollars
now! in 2006.
>Being a father is a new to >3 billion dollars is the company's
this man. in 2006.
5. Time is money. This is what I believe! 6. I wish one day I can live in a castle.
>He talks about his personal . >Living in a castle is his .
7. First, cut the tomato in half. Second, put
8. I want a nice car, a big house with a
them in a hot water. Third, cook with wine
swimming pool and a very rich husband.
>What she said are all her .
>He tells about the cooking .
9. Nobody knows I come from a royal family. 10. It's still very hot indoors.
>She was telling a . > This is her .
11. Sorry, who is Mark? I know nothing 12. John left yesterday. I miss him very
about him! much.
> She feels no toward him. > John is always in her .
13. I don't like any colors. Everything I use 14. I work from Monday to Saturday seven
is just black and white. a.m. to nine p.m. I do exercise every
> Black and white is this man's Sunday with friends.
. > He describes his .
15. Hi, John! Check this out. Someone tells 16. I don't mind spending a lot of money
me that the staff, Jennifer, treats an old here. I do care about the time I spend
lady very badly! on it!
> John should check Jennifer's > This man is about time
. he spent on it.

12. mind 13. style 14. life 15. manners 16. concerned 11. emotion 10. feeling
3. role 4. goal 5. value 6. dream 7. steps 8. desires 9. secret 2. thoughts 1. purpose

Inner Thinking
8 內在想法

1. emotion [I1moS@n] n. 感情 9. manner [1m{n_] n. 態度

2. feeling [1filIµ] n. 感覺 10. life [laIf] n. 生活
3. value [1v{lju] n. 價值觀 11. role [rol] n. 角色
4. thought [TOt] n. 想法 12. step [stEp] n. 步驟
5. desire [dI1zaIr] n. 渴望的人或物 13. style [staIl] n. 風格
6. secret [1sikrIt] n. 祕密 14. goal [gol] n. 目標
7. mind [maInd] n. 心思 15. purpose [1p^p@s] n. 目的
8. dream [drim] n. 夢想 16. concern [k@n1s^n] n. 關心

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. "Hot" and "cold" are people's ...(secrets / feelings / manners / emo-

2. "Love" and "hate" are people's ...(styles/ lives / dreams / emotions).
3. "Father", "wife", "grandmother" and "uncle" are people's...(steps /
roles / goals / values). 5. goal / purpose
4. dream / desire
4. "I want to be a rich man!" This sentence has told us the
3. roles
man's...(dream / role / desire / manner). 2. emotions
5. "Everyday I don't know what to do!!" said John. John has no...(style 1. feelings
/ goal / secret / purpose) for his everyday life.

03 Fill in the chart below. Use your dictionary and find out the cor-
rect form of the adjectives and nouns for the words below.

Adjectives(形容詞) Nouns(名詞) Adjectives(形容詞) Nouns(名詞)

1. thought emotional 2.

stylish 3. 4. value

dreaming 5. concerned 6.

6. concern 4. valuable 2. emotion

5. dream 3. style 1. thoughtful

036 1000
Inner Thinking
內在想法 8
04 True or False. Check the use of nouns and adjectives in the sen-
tences below. If the answer is false, write down the correct

1. Diamond is a valuable stone.

2. She is a fashion designer. Her clothes are style.

3. In five minutes, she can change from laughing to crying. 6. F / concerned

She is very emotion. 5. F / dreaming

4. Thank you for preparing so many things for me, you are a 4. T
3. F / emotional
thoughtful person.
2. F / stylish
5. She wishes she could travel around the world one day. She 1. T
is always dream.
6. You don't care whether you'll be late or not. You are not
really concern about time.

05 Answer the questions below.

1. What are the things you desire to do the most within

the coming three years? (List three)
4. For getting a better job.
3. My mother. / My sister. / My brother.
2. What are the roles you play in your life? 2. A student. / A sister. / A daughter.
To be a teacher.
To travel around the world.
3. Who are the people you are really concerned about
1. To start up a small business.
in your life?

4. What's your purpose for learning English?

7. sire

06 Match the words below. 6. lue

5. al
4. le
1. se ∂ ∂ lue 3. ind
2. ma ∂ ∂ al 2. nner

3. m ∂ ∂ cret 1. cret

4. ro ∂ ∂ sire

Attitudes 1
9 Attitudes 1
態度 1

01 Read the descriptions below and match the related sentences.

1. I believe him because a. I forgot I have it in my

∂ ∂
he is my brother. office.

2. I guess there is nothing b. I really enjoy working

∂ ∂
in the box. with you.

3. I do not notice that she c. I'm not certain which

∂ ∂
was crying. answer is correct.

4. Go ahead! Do what you

d. You are considered the
want! We will support ∂ ∂
one we are looking for.

5. When the wolf jumped up, ∂ e. I don’t love you!

it frightened me!
f. Your family never makes
6. I am confused,I don’t ∂
you worry!
know which one is the ∂
correct answer!
g. When I see her face, I

realized she is upset.
7. I remember you have

an umbrella in your office.
h. I assume you can’t find

anything in it.
8. I think you are the one

we want.
i. You can trust him. I know

him well.
9. I hate you! ∂

j. I fear the wolf might eat

10. I like working here! ∂ ∂

10. b 9. e 8. d 7. a 6. c 5. j 4. f 3. g 2. h 1. i

038 1000
Attitudes 1
態度 1 9
1. believe [bI1liv] v. 相信 11. confuse [k@n1fjuz] v. 混淆、混亂
2. forget [f_1gEt] v. 忘記 12. worry [1w^I] v. 擔心
3. guess [gEs] v. 猜 13. remember [rI1mEmb_] v. 記得
4. enjoy [In1dZOI] v. 喜愛 14. realize [1rI@%laIz] v. 了解、領悟到
5. notice [1notIs] v. 注意 15. think [TIµk] v. 認為
6. certain [1s^t@n] adj. 確定的 16. assume [@1sjum] v. 假想、猜測
7. support [s@1port] v. 支持 17. hate [het] v. 恨
8. consider [k@n1sId_] v. 考慮 18. trust [tr√st] v. 信任
9. frighten [fraIt§] v. 使驚嚇 19. like [laIk] v. 喜歡
10. love [l√v] v. 愛 20. fear [fIr] v. 害怕

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. "I don't remember the answers" said Tina. In other words Tina may...(forget / trust / be con-
fused about / not be certain about) the answers.
2. My parents support what I am doing. This means my par-
ents...(hate / trust / believe / fear) the things I do. considers
3. If you don't trust a person, you may...(guess / not believe / 5. notices / realizes
enjoy / assume) what he says to you. fear
4. "Gina was frightened by the earthquake." In other words 4. worry about / not like /

Gina may...(love / worry about / not like / fear) the earth-

3. not believe
2. trust / believe
5. When he drives, he is always concerned about safety. In not be certain about
other words that he...(notices / confuses /realizes / consid- 1. forget / be confuse about
ers) the importance of driving safety.

03 True or False. Check the use of verbs and adjectives in the sen-
tences below. If the answer is false, write down the correct

3. T
1. He can’t be trust because he has lied to many people. 2. F / worried
2. I am worry that he may not come tonight. 1. F / trusted
3. Sorry, I've confused who is the first one.

Attitudes 1
9 態度 1
4. This message is believable because it is from the government.
5. My brothers give me a lot of advice. They are support.
6. I'm frightened. I've never see people die in front of me.
7. I assumed he has gone back to China.
8. I think I'll give up the test. This decision was considered.

8. T 7. T 6. F/ seen 5. F / supportive 4. T

04 Fill in the chart below. Use your dictionary and find out the correct
form of the verbs and adjectives for the words below.

Adjectives(形容詞) Verbs(動詞) Adjectives(形容詞) Verbs(動詞)

confused 1. assumed 2.

3. worry 4. trust

considered 5. 6. frighten

believable 7. supportive 8.

8. support 6. frightened 4. trusty 2. assume

7. believe 5. consider 3. worried 1. confuse

05 Answer the questions below.

1. List three things or events that may frighten you.

2. What do you need to consider when you are planning a wedding? (List three things)

2. Venue of the ceremony / Date of the ceremony / The invitation cards

1. Ghost stories / Horrors movies / Bugs

040 1000
Attitudes 2
10 Attitudes 2 態度 2 10
01 Read the descriptions below and match the related stentences.

1. I wish one day I can

∂ ∂ a. She prays for Mike.
teach science.

2. I wish I didn't lie to my

∂ ∂ b. She forgives him!

3. I wish I saw the sen-

tence so I won't fail the ∂ c. Her decision will depend

exam. on the expense.

4. I wish I didn't wear high- d. The fall embarrasses

heel shoes so I won't fall ∂
∂ her.
down in front of Mike. Mike
is my new boyfriend!
e. He ignored a sentence

5. Do you want to read my in the exam.
comics? They are very ∂
interesting! f. He would like to share

his books!
6. I've forgotten what he
did to me although I ∂
don't like him. g. He hopes he can be a

7. God, please help him.

Don't let Mike die.
h. She doubts if he lives in

8. I still don't believe he that place.

lives in Taipei.
i. He expects to meet her
9. I can't decide now unless ∂
∂ at the party.
you tell me the price.

10. I will attend your birthday j. He regrets what he said

∂ ∂
party! See you soon! to his mother.

10. i 9. c 8. h 7. a 6. b 5. f 4. d 3. e 2. j 1. g

Attitudes 2
10 態度 2

1. wish [wIS] v. 希望 6. want [wAnt] v. 想要

2. pray [pre] v. 禱告、祈求 7. ignore [Ig1nor] v. 忽略
3. forgive [f_1gIv] v. 原諒 8. hope [hop] v. 希望
4. depend on [dI1pEnd1An] v. phrase 9. doubt [da¨t] v. 懷疑
視...而定 10. expect [Ik1spEkt] v. 期望
5. embarrass [Im1b{r@s] v. 使窘困 11. regret [rI1grEt] v. 後悔

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. People have many wishes in their life; therefore, they...(hope / pray / expect / doubt) one
day that all their wishes will come true.
2. When people make mistakes, they usually wish what they did
can be...(forgiven / wanted / prayed / expected).
3. When people face danger, they usually...(regret / wish / hope / ignore

pray) that God can help. 5. embarrass / doubt

4. believe / trust
4. If you doubt what I said, that means you don't...(believe /
3. wish / hope / pray
embarrass / trust / guess) me. 2. forgiven
5. People usually don’t like others to...(embarrass / forgive / doubt 1. hope / pray / expect
/ ignore) them.

03 Fill in the chart below. Use your dictionary and find out the correct
form of the verbs, nouns and adjectives for the words below.

Adjectives(形容詞) Verbs(動詞) Nouns(名詞) Verbs(動詞)

wanted 1. Ignorance 2.

3. expect 4. embarrass
doubtful 5. 6. hope

7. regret forgiveness 8.

8. forgive 6. hope 4. embarrassment 2. ignore

7. regretful 5. doubt 3. expectative 1. want

042 1000
Attitudes 2
態度 2 10
04 True or False. Check the use of nouns and verbs in the sentences
below. If the answer is false, write down the correct answer.

1. Don't expectation that I will buy a cup of tea for you!

2. This is a letter of forgive.
3. What gift do you want the most for your birthday.
4. I'm regret for what I have done to the car.
5. No one can save me. I don't have hopeful.
6. You have to pay for your ignore.
7. I don't trust him. What he said is doubtful.

1. F / expect 2. F / forgiveness 3. T 4. F / regretful 5. F / hope 6. F / ignorance 7. T

05 Answer the questions below.

1. What do people usually pray for in the churches or temples? (List three things)

2. What do you usually depend on when you are

Whether the parking fee is too high?
considering whether to buy a car? (List three)
Whether I can afford?
2. Whether I really need a car?
1. Love / Health / Wealth

06 Match the words below.

1. ex ∂ ∂ gret
2. ig ∂ ∂ pect
3. re ∂ ∂ pend
4. de ∂ ∂ nore
5. wa ∂ ∂ nt 5. nt
6. em ∂ ∂ bt 9. sh 4. pend

7. dou ∂ ∂ sh
8. pe 3. gret
7. bt 2. nore
8. ho ∂ ∂ pe 6. barrass 1. pect
9. wi ∂ ∂ barrass

11 Terms about
01 Match the words below with the sentences.

a. If a computer is locked, you need a

1. delete ∂ ∂
to get through.

b. When you press the key on the

2. print ∂ ∂ computer's keyboard, the indication mark
will go to the last letter of the line.

c. If you want the computer to read your com-

3. space ∂
∂ mands, you need to press the

4. PIN ∂ d. If you want to read your file again next

∂ time, you should your file on the
5. link ∂
e. When you type the word "good morning",
∂ you should leave a between the
words "good" and "morning".
6. End ∂
f. If you want to erase the word you typed in,

you can just the word.
7. save ∂
∂ g. Computer is a kind of .

h. If you want to use the Internet, you need to

8. Enter ∂ ∂
your system to the website.

i. If you want to present your computer files

9. machine ∂ ∂ on the paper, you could your
documents from the printer.

9. g 8. c 7. d 6. b 5. h 4. a 3. e 2. i 1. f

044 1000
Terms about Computers
電腦術語 11
1. delete [dI1lit] v. 刪除 9. link [lIµk] v. 連結
2. lock [lAk] v. 鎖 10. type [taIp] v. 打字
3. print [prInt] v. 列印 11. end [End] n. 末尾
4. keyboard [1ki%bord] n. 鍵盤 12. save [sev] v. 存檔
5. space [spes] n. 空白 13. enter [1ent_] n. 輸入
6. key [ki] n. 按鍵 14. system [1sIst@m] n. 系統
7. PIN [pIn] n. 密碼 15. machine [m@1Sin] n. 機械
(Personal Identification Number) 16. document [1dAkj@m@nt] n. 文件
8. file [faIl] n. 檔案

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. (End / Key / Space / Document)... means an empty area.

2. (Enter / Save / Delete / Space / File)... means to remove some-
thing you don't want.
3. Buttons on the keyboard are called...(files / systems / keys / docu- 5. link
ments). 4. locks
4. To fasten something with keys is called...(saves / prints / ends / 3. keys
locks). 2. Delete
5. The connection between two things, people or systems is 1. Space
a...(print / link / key / machine).

03 Fill in the chart below. Use your dictionary and find out the correct
form of the verbs and nouns for the words below.

Verbs(動詞) Nouns(名詞) Verbs(動詞) Nouns(名詞)

lock 1. link 2.

3. end 4. enter

file 5. print 6.

6. print 5. file 4. enter 3. end 2. link 1. lock

Terms about Computers
11 電腦術語

04 Answer the questions below.

1. Do you have a PIN? If yes, when do you need to use the PIN?

2. In your life, what do you usually lock up? (List three things)

3. List three different kinds of machines that you have in your home.

4. List three things that use the word "save", e.g. save files, save water...

5. The opposite word of end is .

6. If you want to unlock something you need a .
7. The machine that prints documents is a .
8. List three words that end with -board.

8. Billboard / Keyboard / Skateboard 4. Save electricity / Save energy / Save money

7. printer 3. A laptop / A digital camera / A radio
6. PIN (or key). 2. Doors / Windows / Cars
5. start 1. Yes, I need the PIN to access my computer.

05 True or False. Check the use of nouns and verbs in the sentences
below. If the answer is false, write down the correct answers.

1. Please file all the data.

2. I think the story has end. 6. T
3. These two systems cannot be linked together. 5. F / printing
3. T 4. T
4. Enter your PIN first.
2. F / ended
5. I am print my photos. 1. T
6. Give me the door lock! I'll lock the dog in.

046 1000
Occupations 1
12 Occupations 1 職業 1 12
01 Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with the words below.

Art Related : actor / actress / artist / musician / magician / singer / model

A. B. C. D.

G. artist
F. magician
E. actress
D. singer
C. musician
B. actor
A. model
E. F. G.

House Related : babysitter / housewife / servant

J. servant
I. babysitter
H. housewife
H. I. J.

Occupations 1
12 職業 1

Literature Related : journalist / writer / reporter / lawyer / priest

K. L. M.

N. O.

Labor Related : taxi driver / movre / waiter / waitress / painter

Q. R. S. T.

Labor Related : P. taxi driver Q. painter R. waitress S. waiter T. mover

Literature Related : K. Lawyer L. journalist M. reporter N. writer O. priest

048 1000
Occupations 1
職業 1 12
1. actor [1{kt_] n. 男演員 12. writer [1raIt_] n. 作家
2. actress [1{ktrIs] n. 女演員 13. reporter [rI1port_] n. 新聞播報員
3. artist [1ArtIst] n. 藝術家 14. lawyer [1lOj_] n. 律師
4. musician [mju1zIS@n] n. 音樂家 15. priest [prist] n. 神父
5. magician [m@1dZIS@n] n. 魔術師 16. taxi driver [1t{ksI 1draIv_] n. 計程車
6. singer [1sIµ_] n. 歌手 司機
7. model [1mAd¬] n. 模特兒 17. moving worker [1muvIµ 1w^k_]
8. babysitter [1bebIsIt_] n. 保姆 n. 搬運工
9. housewife [1ha¨s%waIf] n. 家庭主婦 18. waiter [1wet_] n. 餐廳男侍
10. servant [1s^v@nt] n. 傭人 19. waitress [1wetrIs] n. 餐廳女侍
11. journalist [1dZ^n@lIst] n. 新聞記者 20. painter [1pent_] n. 油漆工

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. Professions that are good at music are...(models / musicians /

singers / magicians).
2. Professions that work in restaurants are...(actresses / waiters /
actors / waitresses).
3. If you want someone to take care of your three-year-old child, 5. lawyer
you should find a ...(lawyer / priest / babysitter / housewife). 4. servant
4. If you are rich and tired of doing housework, you can call for a 3. babysitter
... (babysitter / housewife / servant / writer). 2. waiters / waitresses
5. If a married couple wants to divorce, they need a...(reporter / 1. musicians / singers

journalist / priest / lawyer).

03 Read the descriptions below and list three answers for each.

1. Three famous actors in your country are...

2. Three famous actresses in your country are...

Occupations 1
12 職業 1
3. Three singers that you like very much are...

4. Three kinds of housework that you most want a servant to do for you are...

5. Three kinds of news titles that journalists can write about are...

6. Three occasions that people can see a magicians’ show are...

6. TV, Video, Circus 3. Enya, Sarah Brightman, Celine Dion

5. Sports, Travel, Politics 3. Chi Sue, Amy Lin, Christina Young
4. Cooking, Washing dishes, Cleaning floors 1. Jackie Chen, Andy Lou, Jackie Chang

04 Match the terms below.

1. novel ∂ ∂ model ∂ ∂ housework

2. sweeping floor ∂ ∂ priest ∂ ∂ book
3. marriage ∂ ∂ writer ∂ ∂ furniture
4. driver’s license ∂ ∂ taxi driver ∂ ∂ clothes
5. new house ∂ ∂ housewife ∂ ∂ church
6. slim body ∂ ∂ mover ∂ ∂ cars

6. model, clothes 3. priest, church

5. mover, furniture 2. housewife, housework
4. taxi driver, cars 1. writer, book

050 1000
Occupations 2
13 Occupations 2 職業 2 13
01 Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with the words below.

Science Related : dentist / doctor / engineer / mechanic / nurse / scientist

A. B. C. D.

E. F.

G. H.

I. J. K. L.

Government Related : diplomat / mailman / police officer / president / soldier / judge

1000 052
Science related:
A. scientist B. doctor C. nurse
D. engineer E. mechanic F. dentist
Government related:
G. mailman H. diplomat I. police officer U. T.
J. soldier K. judge L. president
Skill Related:
M. cook N. hair dresser O. barber
Nature related:
P. tour guide Q. farmer R. sailor
S. cowboy T. fisherman U. hunter
S. R. Q. P.
Nature Related : cowboy / farmer / hunter / fisherman / sailor / tour guide
O. N. M.
hair dresser / cook / Skill Related : barber
職業 2 13
Occupations 2
Occupations 2
職業 2 13
1. dentist [1dEntIst] n. 牙醫 12. judge [dZ√dZ] n. 法官
2. doctor [1dAkt_] n. 醫生 13. barber [1bArb_] n. 理髮師
3. engineer [%EndZ@1nIr] n. 工程師 14. cook [k¨k] n. 廚師
4. mechanic [m@1k{nIk] n. 機械師 15. hair dresser [1hEr 1drEs_] n. 髮型設
5. nurse [n^s] n. 護士 計師
6. scientist [1saI@ntIst] n. 科學家 16. cowboy [1ka¨bOI] n. 牛仔
7. diplomat [1dIpl@m{t] n. 外交官 17. farmer [1fArm_] n. 農夫
8. mailman [1mel%m{n] n. 郵差 18. hunter [1h√nt_] n. 獵人
9. police officer [p@1lis 1Of@s_] n. 警察 19. fisherman [1fIS_m@n] n. 漁夫
10. president [1prEz@d@nt] n. 總統 20. sailor [1sel_] n. 航海員
11. soldier [1soldZ_] n. 軍人 21. tour guide [1t¨r%gaId] n. phrase 導遊

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. Professions that work in hospitals are...(hunters / nurses / judges

/ doctors / dentists).
2. When you want a haircut you need to go to the...(cooks / soldiers
/ barbers / hair dressers / tour guides).
3. Professions that you can see in courts are...(judges / lawyers /
cowboy / mailmen / diplomats).
4. If you open a restaurant, you need...(diplomats / farmers /
7. soldiers
6. tour guide
hunters / cooks / sailors).
5. farmers
5. If you want to learn how to grow rice, you can learn from...(cow- 4. cooks
boys / farmers / hunters / fishermen / nurse). 3. judges, lawyers
6. If you join a tour to Europe, there is usually a...(sailor / solider / hair dressers
president / tour guide / cook) to show the tourist around. 2. barbers,

7. If a war starts in a country, the...(judges / police officers / soldiers

1. nurses, doctors,
/ engineers / barbers) have duties to protect the country.

Occupations 2
13 職業 2

03 Cross out words that do not belong to the groups.

1. boat / seafood / hunter / sailor / fisherman

2. country / countryside / president / soldier / diplomat 7.diplomat

3. cook / teeth / toothpaste / dentist / toothbrush

6. scientist
5. magician
4. scientist / stamp / mail carrier / post card / envelop
4. scientist
5. mechanic / magician / car engine / flat tire / repair 3. cook
6. science / social science / scientist / physics / chemistry 2. countryside
7. diplomat / engineer / science / math / computer 1. hunter

04 Answer the questions below.

1. How often do you see a dentist?

2. Who helps doctors in hospitals?
3. When did you last go to a barber or hair dresser?
4. Where does a cook work?
5. What subjects should a tour guide be good at? (List three subjects)

6. Who is the president in your country?

6. Chen, Shui-Bian
4. A t a restaurant 5. Geography, Languages, History
1. Once a year 2. Nurses 3. About seven months ago

05 Match the words below.

1. bar ∂ ∂ man
2. fisher ∂ ∂ dresser 6. guide
3. diplo ∂ ∂ guide 5. dresser

4. police ∂ ∂ mat 4. officer

5. hair ∂ ∂ ber
3. mat
2. man
6. tour ∂ ∂ officer 1. ber

054 1000
Job Interview
14 Job Interview 面試 14
01 Read the extract of recruitment advertisements below. Then,
answer the following questions.

Recruitment Advertisements

Smart Department Store Duwei World Shipping Company

(Work at our Singapore Branch)
Smart invites applications for
∂ Part time clerk If you have one year experience on positions
∂ Sales manager below, please contact with Lisa Wang

Details check the www.smart.com.tw Tel.: 2284-8084

∂ Account Assistant
E-mail resume to Ms Lee ∂ Secretary
E-mail: smart_lee@hotmail.com Salary: start from NT50000
Interview date: January 7th, 2004 Resume to: No. 8 Ling-Ming Rd. Taipei, Taiwan

■ Read the descriptions below and Fill in T for "true", F for "false".

1. Duwei can give NT5000 guaranteed income.

2. Lisa is the interviewer of the Smart Department Store.
3. Duwei in Singapore do not have any offices.
4. Duwei requires interviewees to send resumes to smart_lee@hotmail.com
5. Smart Department Store wants to hire employees for the positions of clerk and
6. If John Lin is Lisa Wang's employer, John Lin is Lisa Wang's boss.
7. Andy quitted his job from Duwei that means he had been employed by Duwei.
8. These two advertisements look for jobs.

8. F 7. T 6. T 5. T 4. F 3. F 2. F 1. F

Job Interview
14 面試

1. advertisement [%{dv_1taIzm@nt] 11. salary [1s{l@rI] n. 薪水

n. 廣告 12. income [1In%k√m] n. 收入
2. clerk [kl^k] n. 店員 13. interviewer [1Int_vju_] n. 主面試者
3. manager [1m{nIdZ_] n. 經理 14. office [1OfIs] n. 辦公室
4. resume [1rEs@me] n. 履歷表 15. interviewee [%Int_vju1i] n. 被面試者
5. interview [1Int_%vju] n. 面試 16. employee [%EmplOI1i] n. 被僱員工
6. company [1k√mp@nI] n. 公司 17. employer [Im1plOI_] n. 雇主
7. branch [br{ntS] n. 分公司 18. boss [bOs] n. 老闆
8. position [p@1zIS@n] n. 職位 19. quit [kwIt] v. 辭職
9. assistant [@1sIst@nt] n. 助理 20. employ [Im1plOI] v. 雇用
10. secretary [1sEkr@%tErI] n. 秘書 21. job [dZAb] n. 工作

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. If you want to apply for a job, you need to send your...(resume / inter-
view / salary / interviewer).
2. The one who interviews to the candidates is the...(interviewee / inter-
viewer / employee / assistant).
3. Money that the employers pay monthly to the employees is the
employees'... (job / position / salary / employer). 6. leave
4. The person who assigns works to the employees is the ...(income / 5. employer
salary / assistant / manager). 4. manager
3. salary
5. The one has the right to hire people to work in the company is an ...
2. interviewer
(employee / employer / interviewee / diplomat).
1. resume
6. To quit a job means to ...(get / interview / leave / find) a job.

03 Cross out the words that do not belong to the group.

1. branch / company / office / advertisement

4. branch
2. manager / employ / assistant / secretary
3. quit
3. quit / interview / interviewer / interviewee 2. employ
4. branch / employ / employer / employee 1. advertisement

056 1000
Job Interview
面試 14
04 Classify the words below in the chart.

employer / employee / quit / interviewer

1. employ ←→ 3. interviewee ←→
2. employer ←→ 4. boss =

4. employer 3. interviewer 2. employee 1. quit

05 Answer the questions below.

1. What questions would you ask if you were an interviewer in a job interview.

2. What information can you usuall get from a resume. (List three answers)

3. What questions would you ask if you were an interviewee in a job interview.

4. Where can you see advertisements for jobs? (List three answers)

4. Newspapers, Websites, School's Bulletin Boards

3. What is the main duty of this position?
2. Education Background, Working Experience, Name
1. Why do you leave the previous job?

Business 1
15 Business 1談論工作 1

01 Match the pictures and the titles below.

A. B. C.

∂ ∂ ∂

∂ ∂ ∂

a. vendor b. shopkeeper c. salesman

C. c B. a A. b

■ Fill the words below into the blanks.

reputations / services / brands / business / products / businessmen

The pictures above are the people doing the 1. . They are 2. .
Business basically serves two kinds of things. One is 3. . Another one is
4. . Providing services after sale is very important to a successful business.
As we all know, it affects the 5. of the products and the company's
6. . Once a company has a good name in the market, it would get a lot of
contracts. Contracts to business are therefore the meaning of money.

1. business 2. businessmen 3. products 4. services 5. brands 6. reputations

058 1000
Business 1
談論工作 1 15
02 Read the year sales plan below and check the correct chart
according to the figures.

2006 Sales Plan

Aim: Reach the year sales amount to 40 millions NT dollars.
Aim: Reach the net profit up to 20 millions NT dollars.
Plan: Invest one million NT dollars on advertisements.
Plan: Increase products sales lines. Decrease shipping cost.

A. Aim of 2006 ( ) B. Plan of 2006 ( )

40 millions
NT dollars Units 700

Units 500
20 millions
NT dollars

Aims Year
Sales Amount Net Profit 2005 2006
Slaes Line

C. Plan of 2006 ( )

NT dollars

NT dollars

Year Shipping Cost

2005 2006 A, C

Business 1
15 談論工作 1

1. vendor [ 1vEnd_] n. 小販老闆 12. contract [1kAntr{kt] n. 合約

2. shopkeeper [1SAp%kip_] n. 商店店主 13. aim [em] n. 目標
3. salesman [1selzm@n] n. 推銷員 14. reach [ritS] v. 達到
4. reputation [%rEpj@1teS@n] n. 聲譽 15. profit [1prAfIt] n. 利潤
5. service [1s^vIs] v. 服務 16. plan [pl{n] n. 計劃
6. brand [br{nd] n. 商標、品牌 17. invest [In1vEst] v. 投資
7. business [1bIznIs] n. 生意 18. increase [In1kris] v. 增加
8. product [1prAd@kt] n. 產品 19. sales [selz] n. 銷售
9. businessman [1bIznIsm@n] n. 生意人 20. decrease [dI1kris] v. 減少
10. serve [s^v] v. 供應 21. cost [kOst] n. 成本
11. provide [pr@1vaId] v. 提供

03 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. Profit simply means...(cost plus sales / sales minus cost /

cost minus sales / cost plus cost).
2. The sales of GBB cell phone decreased last year that means
the sales went...(down / up / even / the same).
3. The cost of making a set of bedroom furniture last year was
about NT28000. This year the cost increases. So, how much
would the cost be this year. NT...(4000 / 28000 / 32000 / 6. shopkeeper
27000). 5. brands
4. To (reach / invest / provide / serve) means that to give money 4. invest
to banks or business for the reason of getting a good profit. 3. 32000
2. down
5. Siemens, Motorola, Yamaha, Nokia are the electronic prod-
1. sales minus cost
ucts'...(salesmen / reputations / brands / contracts).
6. (Sales / Shopkeeper / Salesman / Manager)... is someone
who owns a shop.

060 1000
Business 1
談論工作 1 15
04 Answer the questions below. List three answers for each.

1. If you were a businessman, what would 2. If you have a lot of money, what would
you think that is important to your busi- you invest in?

3. List three aims that you want to reach 4. If you were a businessman, what kinds
this year. of business would you do?

4. A coffee shop, A book store, A pet hospital

3. Go abroad for a vacation, Enter an university, Earn a lot of money
2. Stocks, Funds, Properties
1. Profits, Cost, Management

05 Cross out the words that do not belong to the group.

1. businessmen / interviewee / vendor / shopkeeper

5. quit
2. clerk / salesman / shopkeeper / sailor
4. increase
3. serve / decrease / provide / service 3. decrease
4. decrease / down / increase / minus / negative 2. sailor
5. reputation / quit / brand / advertisement 1. interviewee

Business 2
16 Business 2
談論工作 2

01 Rearrange the sequence of the business letters from 1-6.

The MBI Trading Company

A. Dear Sir ( 1 ) B. Dear Mina ( )
I'm very interested in your products with Regarding to the order of number 423, I'm
reference number 110, 499 and 423. very sorry you have refused to take our
Could you send the product samples and suggestions. Here we decide to give you
ordering form to me? Thanks and look- 10% discount on your order of num-
ing forward to your reply. ber110.
Regards, Best wishes,
Mina Chen Juliana

C. Dear Mina ( ) D. Dear Mina ( )

Thank you for your orders. I'm pleased to receive your inquiring. I
Regarding to your order of number 423, send you the product samples of number
we require customers to take at least 10 110 and 423. Number 499 has been
dozens for each item. This is the compa- stopped selling. Besides, we have a pro-
ny's order limit that is regarding to the motion on number 115, here you can take
shipping cost. Hope you can understand it. a look. Finally, wish you satisfy with our

Yours truly, Thanks and Best regards,

Juliana Juliana Hu

E. Dear Juliana ( ) F. Dear Juliana ( )

Regarding to the order of number 423, we Thank you for providing those product
would like to cancel. Please deliver num- samples. We would like to order 12
ber 110 as soon as possible by the coming dozens of number 110. And, 4 dozens of
December. number 423. Details please see the
Thanks. attachments. Thanks.
Yours faithfully, Sincerely,
Mina Mina Chen

F. 3 E. 5 D. 2 C. 4 B. 6 A. 1

062 1000
Business 2
談論工作 2 16
1. trade [tred] v. 貿易 10. pleased [plizd] adj. 高興的
2. send [sEnd] v. 寄 11. receive [rI1siv] v. 收到
3. sample [1s{mp¬] n. 樣品 12. inquire [In1kwaIr] v. 詢問
4. order [1Ord_] v. 訂購 13. sell [sEl] v. 賣
5. form [fOrm] n. 表格 14. promotion [pr@1moS@n] n. 促銷
6. reply [rI1plaI] v. 回覆 15. satisfy [1s{tIs%faI] v. 滿意
7. refuse [rI1fjuz] v. 拒絕 16. deliver [dI1lIv_] v. 運送
8. discount [1dIska¨nt] n. 打折、折扣 17. detail [1ditel] n. 細節
9. limit [1lImIt] n. 限制 18. attachment [@1t{tSm@nt] n. 附錄、附檔

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. "I'm pleased to see you" means that I'm...(happy / sad / thin / cloudy) to see you.
2. The action that you write back for a mail is...(receive / inquire / reply / order).
3. The opposite meaning of acceptance is...(receive / inquire / reply / refuse).
4. The action that you pass things through cars, ships or air flights is...(inquire / sell / deliver /
5. Statement that addresses what you can't do or shouldn't do is 7. discount
6. trade
called ...(samples / forms / limits / details).
5. limits
6. Doing business between countries is what we call the ...(trade /
4. deliver
detail / promotion / discount). 3. refuse
7. Asking for a cheaper price means wishing to get a (an)...(sample / 2. reply
form / discount / attachment). 1. happy

03 Cross out the words that do not belong to the same group.

1. stationary / trade / business / sale

2. inquire / answer / reply / promotion
5. reputation
4. jealous
3. discount / deliver / send / receive
3. discount
4. happy / glad / pleased / jealous 2. promotion
5. e-mail / reputation / mail / send 1. stationary

Business 2
16 談論工作 2

04 Answer the questions below.

1. When do the department stores usually have promotions?

2. What kinds of books that usually have the attachment?

3. If you were going to have a birthday party, what information should you put in your invitation

4. In what occasions do people need to fill forms? (List three situations)

4. apply for jobs, open a bank account, enroll a course

3. time, venue, purpose
2. travel magazines, dictionaries, kids' books
1. New Year, Christmas

05 Match the letters below.

1. d ∂ ∂ imit
2. t ∂ ∂ ple
3. i ∂ ∂ rade 14. fy
4. l ∂ ∂ orm 13. ply
5. o ∂ ∂ rder 12. ple
6. se ∂ ∂ ply 11. ment

7. f ∂ ∂ nd
10. count

8. pro ∂ ∂ fy
9. tail
8. motion
9. de ∂ ∂ tail 7. orm
10. dis ∂ ∂ ment 6. nd
11. attach ∂ ∂ motion 5. rder
12. sam ∂ ∂ eliver 4. imit

13. re ∂ ∂ count
3. nquire

14. satis ∂ ∂ nquire

2. rade
1. eliver

064 1000
17 Sports 運動 17
01 Classify sports below in the chart.

football / dodge ball / tennis / baseball / golf / volleyball

softball / soccer / basketball / badminton / table tennis

A. Sports you play in a team B. Sports you play against another


B. tennis, golf, badminton, table tennis

A. football, dodge ball, baseball, volleyball, softball, soccer, basketball

02 Look at the pictures below and guess what sports they are.

A. B. C. D.

E. F. G. H.

H. table tennis E. basketball F. tennis G. soccer

D. baseball A. football B. golf C. badminton

17 運動

03 Read the descriptions below and fill in the blanks with the words below.

prize / loses / loser / wins / winner / fans

Both Banana team and Tomato team are very famous in the world soccer games. They have
a lot 1. love to watching their games. Today, the score of team Banana to
Tomato are 10 to 5 at the final. Thus, the Banana team
2. . And, the Tomato team 3. . In other 6. prize 3. loses
words, Banana team is the 4. . And, Tomato team 5. loser 2. wins
is the 5. . The winner usually gets a golden cup as 4. winner 1. fans
a 6. .

1. football [1f¨t%bOl] 10. badminton [1b{dmInt@n] n. 羽毛球

n. (=American football U.K.) 美式橄欖球 11. table tennis [1teb¬1tEnIs] n. 乒乓球
2. dodge ball [1dAdZ%bOl] n. 躲避球 12. team [tim] n. 隊
3. tennis [1tEnIs] n. 網球 13. prize [praIz] n. 獎賞、獎品
4. baseball [bes%bOl] n. 棒球 14. lose [luz] v. 輸
5. golf [gAlf] n. 高爾夫球 15. loser [1luz_] n. 失敗者
6. volleyball [1vAlI%bOl] n. 排球 16. win [wIn] v. 贏
7. softball [1sOft%bOl] n. 壘球 17. winner [1wIn_] n. 獲勝者
8. soccer [1sAk_] n. (=football U.K.)足球 18. fan [f{n] n. 狂熱愛好者、迷
9. basketball [1b{skIt%bOl] n. 籃球

04 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. People who lose games are the...(fans / winners/ losers / team members).
2. Sports that play with feet are the...(badminton / table tennis / soccer / football).
3. Sports that people can play indoors are the...(tennis / soccer / volleyball / dodge ball).
4. Sports that play without sticks are the...(softball / volleyball / dodge ball / tennis).
5. Sports that play with sticks are the...(baseball / basketball / badminton / golf).

4. volleyball, dodge ball 5. baseball, badminton, golf

1. losers 2. soccer, football 3. tennis, volleyball, dodge ball

066 1000
運動 17
05 Answer the questions below.

1. If you were a sport fan, what kind of 2. Which international sport teams do you
sport would you be a fan for? know about? (List two teams)

3. What kind of sport do/did you play at 4. What kind of prize can a sport winner get
school? (List three sports) from a game?

4. a car / a boat / money 2. New York Yankees / L.A. Lakers

3. dodge ball, volleyball, badminton 1. basketball

06 Read the descriptions below and guess who the "loser", "win-
ner" or "fan" is.

1. He is a ... ( ) 2. He is a ... ( ) 3. He is a ... ( )

Oh, God! I have never Yeah, it was quite bad at Well, it was a hard game.
missed it. This is too bad the beginning of the game. We play very hard at the
that I arrive home late. The We almost lost 20 points. beginning. We actually got
game is over. And, my We thought we were over. more score than another
team lost it. How is it possi- But, we then got the luck to team at the beginning of
ble?! My team has never get an even at the final the game. However, one of
lost any games. I will ring game. Then, we got one our best players hurt his
my friends to learn what more game to beat the arm. Then, it was really
has happened!! team hard. We got 10 hard for us to get any score
points more than another at the second round.
team to end the game.

3. loser 2. winner 1. fan

17 運動

07 Compare the sports below. Fill in words of similar / very different

to show the games' relations.

1. baseball / basketball 2. softball / baseball 3. football / soccer

( ) ( ) ( )
4. tennis / badminton 5. dodge ball / golf 6. volleyball / table tennis
( ) ( ) ( )

6. very different 4. similar 2. similar

5. very different 3. similar 1. very different

08 Match the terms below.

1. basket ∂ ∂ner
2. bad ∂ ∂ccer
3. so ∂ ∂tennis
4. table ∂ ∂ball
5. win ∂ ∂minton
6. do ∂ ∂lleyball
7. vo ∂ ∂lf
8. go ∂ ∂tball
9. sof ∂ ∂dge ball
10. lo ∂ ∂ser

8. lf 4. tennis
7. lleyball 3. ccer
10. ser 6. dge ball 2. minton
9. tball 5. ner 1. ball

068 1000
Hobbies 1
18 Hobbies 1 嗜好 1 18
01 Classify the hobbies below into the chart.

cooking / painting / drawing / singing

playing instruments / watching TV / reading / playing computer games
listening to music / playing with toys / going to the movies

1. Hobbies you do with your ears 2. Hobbies you do with your eyes

3. Hobbies you do with your hands 4. Hobbies you do with your mouth

4. singing
3. cooking / drawing / playing instruments / playing computer games / playing with toys / painting
2. going to the movies / watching TV / reading
1. listening to music

02 Look at the pictures below and guess what hobbies they are.

A. B. C.

Hobbies 1
18 嗜好 1

D. E. F.

G. H.
toys D. painting
H. playing with C. cooking
G. drawing music
F. singing B. listening to
E. reading A. watching TV

03 What do people usually do with the actions below? List at least

three answers for each question.

1. People usually play ... 2. People usually listen to ... 3. People usually watch ...

4. People usually sing ... 5. People usually read ... 6. People usually cook ...

6. rice, noodles, steaks 3. movies, videos, cartoons

5. stories, comics, novels 2. speech, music, lecture
4. English songs, opera, pop songs 1. toys, instruments, games

070 1000
Hobbies 1
嗜好 1 18
1. cooking [1k¨kIµ] n. 烹飪、煮飯 8. reading [1ridIµ] n. 閱讀
2. painting [1pentIµ] n. 水彩繪畫、油畫 9. game [gem] n. 遊戲
3. drawing [1drOIµ] n. 素描 10. listen to [1lIs§%tu] v. 聽
4. singing [1sIµIµ] n. 唱歌 11. music [1mjuzIk] n. 音樂
5. play [ple] v. 玩 12. toy [tOI] n. 玩具
6. instrument [1Instr@m@nt] n. 樂器 13. go to the movies [go tu1skul]
7. watch [wAtS] v. 看 v. phrase 看電影

04 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. The hobby that uses a wok, stove, pan and so on is...(singing / draw-
ing / cooking / painting).
2. What do people usually do to music? People usually (read / watch / lis- 5. watch
ten to / draw) music. 4. singing

3. Artists are usually good at...(writing / cooking / reading / painting).

3. painting
2. listen to
4. Julia loves KTV. This means she likes...(painting / playing games /
1. cooking
playing instruments / singing).
5. Mark loves TV programs. He must (read / watch / sing / play) TV

05 Answer the questions below.

1. What is your favorite hobby?

2. Who is your partner when you’re doing your favorite hobby?

4. I wish I can ski.
3. What kinds of hobbies do you dislike? 3. drawing
2. Winnie Huang
1. climbing mountains
4. What hobby do you wish you can do? e.g. I wish I can take a hot-
air balloon ride.

Hobbies 1
18 嗜好 1

06 Match the words below.

1. painting∂ ∂songs∂ ∂musician 5. library, books

2. cooking∂ ∂artist∂ ∂books 4. playground, children
3. singing∂ ∂kitchen∂ ∂poster 3. songs, musician
4. games∂ ∂library∂ ∂children 2. kitchen, cook
5. reading∂ ∂playground∂ ∂cook 1. artist, poster

07 Read the descriptions below and guess what hobbies they are
talking about.

1. His hobby is 2. His hobby is 3. His hobby is 4. His hobby is

. . . .

I’m blind. I can only I have a big stom- I can say I have a I’ve paid thousands
use my ears to enjoy ach. And, I enjoy very good sense of of dollars learning it,
my hobby. tasting food. So, I color. Particularly, I as studying music is
can stay in the am able to mix col- always expensive.
kitchen for 12 hrs. ors in a very elegant Anyway, I had great
It’s like heaven. I style. Look at these time learning it. And,
enjoy it very much. walls. These are my listen! This is one of
works of art. my songs on the

4. singing 3. painting 2. cooking 1. listening to music

08 Match the letters below.

1. instru∂ ∂me 6. d∂ ∂rawing

∂y ∂inging
10. eading 5. tch
2. li∂ 7.c∂
9. inging 4. me
3. to∂ ∂tch 8. p∂ ∂ooking 8. ainting 3. y
4. ga∂ ∂ment 9. s∂ ∂eading 7. ooking 2. sten
5. wa∂ ∂sten 10. r∂ ∂ainting 6. rawing 1. ment

072 1000
1. cartoons, drama, films 4. comics, newspapers, magazines, novels
2. cards, computer games, chess 5. jazz music, pop songs, light music, classical music
3. drums, violin, flute, trumpet, guitar, piano 6. dolls, robots, blocks, puzzles
6. Kinds of toys
5. Kinds of music
4. Kinds of reading materials
3. Kinds of the instruments
2. Kinds of games
1. Kinds of TV channels
Classify the phrases above into the chart below.
1. read the comics 10. read the newspapers 19. watch drama
2. play with the cards, 11. read the magazines 20. play the guitar
3. listen to jazz music 12. play the violin 21. listen to classical music
4. play the drums 13. listen to pop songs 22. play chess
5. watch cartoons 14. play with the puzzles 23. read novels
6. play with the dolls 15. play the computer games 24. watch films
7. play with the blocks 16. play the flute 25. play the piano
8. play with the robots 17. Listen to light music
9. listen to the news 18. play the trumpet
18. trumpet 9. news
17. light music 8. robots
25. piano 16. flute 7. blocks
24. films 15. computer games 6. dolls
23. novels 14. puzzles 5. cartoons
22. chess 13. pop songs 4. drums
21. classical music 12. violin 3. jazz music
20. guitar 11. magazines 2. cards
19. drama 10. newspapers 1. comics
listen to the / read the / watch / listen to.
Fill in the blanks below with the words: play the / play with the /
19 嗜好 1 19 Hobbies 2
Hobbies 1
Hobbies 2
19 嗜好 2

1. comic [1kAmIk] n. 連環漫畫冊 15. computer game [k@m1pjut_1gem]

2. cards [kArdz] n. 紙牌遊戲 n. phrase 電腦遊戲
3. jazz music [1dZ{z1mjuzIk] n. phrase 爵 16. flute [flut] n. 長笛
士樂 17. light music [1laIt1mjuzIk]
4. drum [dr√m] n. 鼓 n. phrase 輕音樂
5. cartoon [kAr1tun] n. 卡通影片 18. trumpet [1tr√mpIt] n. 喇叭
6. doll [dAl] n. 洋娃娃 19. drama [1drAm@] n. 戲劇
7. block [blAk] n. 積木 20. guitar [gI1tAr] n. 吉他
8. robot [1rob@t] n. 機器人 21. classical music [1kl{sIk¬1mjuzIk]
9. news [njuz] n. 新聞 v. 古典音樂
10. newspaper [1njuz%pep_] n. 報紙 22. chess [tSEs] n. 西洋棋
11. magazine [%m{g@1zin] n. 雜誌 23. novel [1nAv¬] n. 小說
12. violin [%vaI@1lIn] n. 小提琴 24. film [fIlm] n. 電影
13. pop song [1pAp1sOµ] n. phrase 流行歌 25. piano [pI1{no] n. 鋼琴
曲 26. kind of [1kaId%@f] n. phrase 種類
14. puzzle [1p√z¬] n. 拼圖遊戲 27. channel [1tS{n¬] n. 頻道

03 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. The instrument that people play with their mouth and fingers
are...(piano / violin / flute / trumpet).
2. Instruments that people play mainly with their fingers
are...(guitar / drum / piano / trumpet). 6. films, novels
3. The game that is played on a board is...(dolls / chess / robots 5. cartoons, comics, films
/ cards). 4. cards
3. chess
4. The game that should be played with other people is...(cards
2. guitar, piano
/ dolls / blocks / puzzles).
1. flute, trumpet
5. Things that have pictures are...(drums / cartoons / comics /
6. Things that have stories are...(films / novels / drums / chess).

074 1000
Hobbies 2
嗜好 2 19
04 Answer the questions below.

1. What kind of music do you like best?

2. If you are a musician, what kind of instrument would you like to play?

3. What kinds of games or toys did you play with in your to Say
childhood? (List three answers) 6. What My Heart Wants
5. comics

4. What kinds of TV programs do you often watch? What movie (channel 32)
4. drama (channel 55),
Channels are they on? (List two answers)
3. dolls, blocks, cards
2. piano
5. What kind of reading material do you like best? 1. classical music

6. What is the most popular English pop song this week in your country?

05 Match the letters below.

1. computer∂ ∂toon
2. classical∂ ∂music 7. pet
3. pop∂ ∂game 6. toon

4. news∂ ∂pet 5. zine

4. paper
5. maga∂
3. song
6. car∂ ∂paper 2. music
7. trum∂ ∂zine 1. game

Free Time Activities
20 Free Time Activities

01 Classify the activities below into the chart.

barbecue / dancing / jogging / camping / climbing / fishing

running / hiking / picnic / skating / roller-skating / sailing
skiing / doing exercise / surfing / swimming / bowling
flying kites / ballooning / playing Frisbee

1. Activities you can only do out- 2. Activities you can do indoors and
doors. outdoors.

doing exercise, bowling, playing Frisbee

2. barbecue, dancing, jogging, climbing, running, skating, roller-skating, swimming,
skiing, ballooning, hiking, surfing, fishing
1. camping, picnic, flying kites, sailing,

02 Look at the pictures below and guess what activities they are.

A. B. C.

076 1000
Free Time Activities
休閒娛樂 20
D. E. F.

G. H.
E. fishing
H. picnic D. swimming
G. sailing C. flying kites
Frisbee B. ballooning
F. playing A. dancing

1. barbecue [1bArbIkju] n. 烤肉 12. sailing [1selIµ] n. 駕駛帆船

2. dancing [1d{nsIµ] n. 跳舞 13. skiing [1skiIµ] n. 滑雪
3. jogging [1dZAgIµ] n. 慢跑 14. doing exercise [1duIµ1Eks_%saIz]
4. camping [1k{mpIµ] n. 露營 n. phrase 做運動
5. climbing [1klaImIµ] n. 爬山 15. surfing [1s^fIµ] n. 滑浪
6. fishing [1fISIµ] n. 釣魚 16. swimming [1swImIµ] n. 游泳
7. running [1r√nIµ] n. 跑步 17. bowling [1bolIµ] n. 打保齡球
8. hiking [haIkIµ] n. 登山 18. flying kites [1flaIIµ1kaIts] n. 放風箏
9. picnic [1pIknIk] n. 野餐 19. ballooning [b@1lunIµ] n. 乘汽球
10. skating [1sketIµ] n. 溜冰 20. playing Frisbee [1pleIµ1frIzbi]
11. roller-skating [1rol_%sketIµ] n. 滾輪 n. phrase 玩飛盤

03 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. The activity that makes people fly in the air is...(skating / hiking / ballooning / flying kites).
2. If a person likes mountains, he could go...(swimming / hiking / bowling / surfing).

Free Time Activities
20 休閒娛樂
3. Activities that people need to be trained to do are...(sailing
/ running / skiing / doing exercises).
4. Activity that people throw and catch things in hands
5. dancing, running,
is...(flying kites / roller-skating / picnic / playing Frisbee). 4. playing Frisbee
5. Activities that people can do without any tools are...(danc- 3. sailing, skiing
ing / running / jogging/ fishing). 2. hiking
1. ballooning

04 Classify the activities below into the chart.

dancing / barbecue / climbing / skating / jogging / surfing

1. hiking / skiing / 2. swimming / 3. music /

4. picnic / 5. running / 6. roller-skating /

6. skating 5. jogging 4. barbecue 3. dancing 2. surfing 1. climbing

05 Answer the questions below.

1. The best place to have a picnic in your country is...

2. To you, a good time for jogging is...

6. the afternoon
3. The best season for swimming is... 5. Japan
4. fish
3. summer
4. Your favorite food for barbecue is...
2. the morning
1. Pinglin
5. A good country for skiing is...

6. A good time for you to do exercise is ...

078 1000
Free Time Activities
休閒娛樂 20
06 Read the description below and guess what activities they like.

泝 She likes . 沴 She likes .

My activity is the most adventurous one in This activity is wonderful. You have to
the world, because you need to be very believe it. It can keep you slim. It’s very
brave. To do this activity you need to bal- convenient for me as there is a pool down-
ance your body with the waves. All you stairs in front of our apartment. You can do
need to do it is a board. You stand on it and it for 30 minutes a day and it will give you
make yourself balance on the top of the enough energy for the day. But, you might
waves. It’s truly exciting. need two swimsuits if you do it everyday.
沊 She likes . 沝 She likes .

Oh, I love walking, especially walking quick. Yeah, I like eating. But, I hate cooking. So,
It makes me sweat. And, that’s just what I the best thing for me to do is to eat with my
need, because I work in an office all day. friends in the park. We like hamburgers and
The office always uses air conditioning. I sandwiches. We don’t buy them from the
think I might get sick one day. So, I find fast food restaurant. We usually go to the
walking quickly can help. Well, sometimes supermarket to buy ham, cheese, toast and
people would say it is running. But, I know so on. The food we made is truly delicious.
it’s not.

1. surfing 2. swimming 3. jogging 4. picnic

07 Match the letters below.

1. jog ∂ ∂ning
2. dan ∂ ∂ting
7. fing
6. ting
3. run ∂ ∂bing
5. ling
4. clim ∂ ∂ging 4. bing
5. sai ∂ ∂fing 3. ning
6. ska ∂ ∂cing 2. cing
7. sur ∂ ∂ling 1. ging

Nature and Weather
21 Nature and Weather

01 Read the chart below about nature and weather.

Nature The Weather Rainbow Typhoon Thunder The opposite words

& Lightning
sun sunny 冑 ←→ rainy
rain rainy 冑 冑 ←→ sunny
wind windy 冑
cloud cloudy 冑 ←→ clear
fog foggy ←→ clear
storm stormy 冑 冑
snow snowy
air humid ←→ dry
earth wet ←→ dry
sky clear ←→ foggy or or cloudy
(at night: can see the
moon and stars)
shower 冑 冑

02 Read the chart avove and choose the correct answers for the
questions below.

1. ( ) What can you see when it is sunny? (1) rain (2) the sun (3) fog (4) snow
2. ( ) What is not in the sky? (1) the sun (2) the moon (3) the stars (4) rain
3. ( ) When you see a rainbow, the weather could be? (1) rainy (2) stormy (3) foggy (4)
4. ( ) The opposite word of humid is (1) wet (2) clear (3) cloudy (4) dry.
5. ( ) When it is stormy, it is impossible to see (1) lightning (2) rain (3) the moon (4) typhoon.
6. ( ) When the typhoon comes, it is impossible to be (1) cloudy (2) windy (3) snowy (4)

6. (3) 5. (3) 4. (4) 3. (1) 2. (4) 1. (2)

080 1000
Nature and Weather
大自然與氣候 21
1. nature [1netS_] n. 自然 16. foggy [1fAgI] adj. 有霧的
2. weather [1wED_] n. 天氣 17. storm [stOrm] n. 暴風雨
3. rainbow [1ren%bo] n. 彩虹 18. stormy [1stOrmI] adj. 暴風雨的
4. typhoon [taI1fun] n. 颱風 19. snow [sno] n. 雪
5. lightning [1laItnIµ] n. 閃電 20. snowy [snoI] adj. 下雪的
6. thunder [1T√nd_] n. 雷、雷聲 21. air [Er] n. 空氣
7. sun [s√n] n. 太陽 22. humid [1hjumId] adj. 潮濕的
8. sunny [1s√nI] adj. 出太陽的 23. dry [draI] adj. 乾燥的
9. rain [ren] n. 雨 24. earth [^T] n. 地面、地上、土地
10. rainy [1renI] adj. 下雨的 25. wet [wEt] adj. (地面)濕的、雨天的
11. wind [wInd] n. 風 26. sky [skaI] n. 天空
12. windy [1wIndI] adj. 颳風的 27. clear [klIr] adj. 晴朗的
13. cloud [kla¨d] n. 雲 28. moon [mun] n. 月亮
14. cloudy [1kla¨dI] adj. 多雲的 29. star [stAr] n. 星星
15. fog [fAg] n. 霧 30. shower [1Sa¨_] n. 陣雨

03 Look at the weather report and answer the questions.

Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat.
1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27

28 29 30

Nature and Weather
21 大自然與氣候
1. How’s the weather on Sep. fourteenth, fifteenth and
2. Joan and her aunts are going to have a picnic on a 5. It is cloudy
4. It is sunny
weekend. What day is good to go?
second Sep.
3. What dates have showers? 3. twelfth, thirteenth and twenty-
4. How’s the weather on Sep. 1st? 2. twentieth and twenty first.
5. How’s the weather on Sep. 30th? 1. typhoon

04 Read the descriptions below and circle the answers.

∂What do you see in the sky when it is clear?

earth / stars / shower / moon / sun
cloud / fog / rain / rainbow stormy / typhoon
∂How’s the weather when the typhoon comes? 3. rainy / snowy / foggy
sunny / foggy / snowy / stormy / windy cloudy
2. stormy / windy / rainy / humid /
rainy / dry / humid / cloudy
1. stars / moon / sun
∂What kind of weather would make you get wet?
rainy / sunny / snowy / foggy / windy
stormy / cloudy / clear / typhoon

05 Match the words below.

∂ ∂htning
6. id
1. nat
5. hoon
2. thu ∂ ∂nbow
4. htning
3. rai ∂ ∂hoon 3. nbow
4. lig ∂ ∂id 2. nder
5. typ ∂ ∂nder 1. ure
6. hum ∂ ∂ure

082 1000
22 Holidays 假期 22
01 Read the chart below about Eastern festivals and Western

Western Festivals Eastern Festivals

New Year's Day January 1 New Year's Eve The last day of the twelfth
lunar month
Valentine's Day February 14th Chinese New Year The first day of the
first lunar month
Easter The special Sunday of Lantern Festival The fifteenth day of
March or April the first lunar month
Halloween October 31st Dragon-boat Festival The fifth day of the
fifth lunar month
Thanksgiving The forth Thursday of Moon Festival The fifteenth day of
November the eighth lunar month
Christmas December 25th
The Taiwanese Holidays
Double Tenth Day Tenth October
Teacher’s Day Twenty-eighth September
Mother’s Day The second Sunday of May
Father’s Day Eighth August

02 Look at the chart above and the questions below.

1. Which holiday is celebrated in May?

2. Which holiday is celebrated in December?
3. Which festival gives Eastern people a long vacation in winter?

6. Eastern culture
4. Which holiday gives Western people a long vacation in winter?
5. Western custom
4. Christmas
5. Eating turkey is a Western custom or Eastern custom? Year
3. Chinese New
6. Using lunar calendar is Western culture or Eastern culture? 2. Christmas
1. Mother’s Day

22 假期

1. western [1wEst_n] adj. 西方的 13. Dragon-boat Festival

2. festival [1fEst@v¬] n. 節日、慶典 [1dr{g@n1bot1fEst@v¬] n. 端午節
3. New Year’s Day [1nju1jIrz1de] n. 新年 14. Moon Festival [1mun1fEst@v¬]
4. Valentine’s Day [1v{l@ntaInz1de] n. 情 n. 中秋節
人節 15. lunar month [1lun_1m√nT]
5. Easter [1ist_] n. 復活節 n. 陰曆月份
6. Halloween [%h{lo1in] n. 萬聖節前夕 16. holiday [1hAl@%de] n. 節日、假日
7. Thanksgiving [%T{µks1gIvIµ] 17. Double Tenth day [1d√b¬1tEn†1de]
n. 感恩節 n. 雙十節
8. Christmas [1krIsm@s] n. 聖誕節 18. Teacher’s Day [1titS_z1de] n. 教師節
9. eastern [1ist_n] adj. 東方的 19. Mother’s Day [1m√D_z1de] n. 母親節
10. New Year’s Eve [1nju1jIrz1iv] n. 除夕 20. Father’s Day [1fAD_z1de] n. 父親節
11. Chinese New Year [1tSaI1niz1nju1jIr] 21. celebrate [1sEl@%bret] v. 慶祝
n. 中國新年 22. vacation [ve1keS@n] n. 休假、假期
12. Lantern Festival [1l{nt_n1fEst@v¬] 23. custom [1k√st@m] n. 習俗、慣例
n. 元宵節 24. culture [1k√ltS_] n. 文化

03 Match the festivals below with the terms.

1. Chinese New Year ∂ ∂Santa Claus

2. Valentine’s Day ∂ ∂eggs 7. lanterns
3. Moon Festival ∂ ∂boat races 6. Santa Claus
4. Easter ∂ ∂red envelops 5. boat races
5. Dragon-boat Festival ∂ ∂moon cakes 4. eggs

∂ ∂lovers
3. moon cakes
6. Christmas
2. lovers
7. Lantern Festival ∂ ∂lanterns 1. red envelops

04 Match the festivals below with the seasons.

Christmas / Lantern Festival / Moon Festival / Dragon-boat Festival /

Easter / Thanksgiving

084 1000
假期 22
泝 Spring 沴 Summer 沊 Fall 沝 Winter
4. Christmas, Lantern Festival,
3. Moon Festival
2. Dragon-boat Festival

1. Easter
Fill in T for “True”, F for “False”.

1. Thanksgiving comes before Halloween.

2. Double Tenth Day is the national birthday of Taiwan. 10. T
3. Father’s Day is celebrated in every August in Taiwan. 9. F
4. Lantern Festival comes before the Chinese New Year. 8. F
5. Christmas is a Western culture. 7. T

6. New Year’s Eve comes after the Chinese New Year.

6. F
5. T
7. Christmas is the last festival of the Western calendar.
4. F
8. New Year’s Eve is the first festival in every lunar year. 3. T
9. Teacher’s Day, Father’s Day and Double Tenth Day are all holi- 2. T
days that celebrate people. 1. F
10. Eating moon cakes is an Eastern custom.

06 Match the words below.

∂ ∂alentine’s Day
14. tival
1. N
∂ ∂aster
13. ar month
2. D
12. iday
3. T ∂ ∂ew Year’s Day 11. ebrate
4. M ∂ ∂ragon-boat Festival 10. tom
5. C ∂ ∂hinese New Year 9. ation
6. V ∂ ∂hanksgiving 8. ture

∂ ∂other’s Day
7. aster
7. E
∂ ∂ar month
6. alentine's Day
8. cul
9. vac ∂ ∂iday 5. hinese New
10. cus ∂ ∂ation 4. other's Day
11. cel ∂ ∂ture 3. hanksgiving
12. hol ∂ ∂tival Festival

13. lun ∂ ∂tom

2. ragon-boat

14. fes ∂ ∂ebrate

1. ew Year's Day

23 Places 地方

01 Read the descriptions below and fill in the blanks.

city / village / kingdom / town / country / local / downtown /

international / country side

086 1000
地方 23
1. is a country with a king or queen.
2. is an area of land that has its own government, army, etc.
3. is a word to describe things that are relating to two or more countries.
4. is a word to describe things that are relating to an area near you.
5. is a place outside of cities and has rivers, fields, farms...so on.
6. is a place where people live and work, usually larger than a village but smaller
than a city.
7. is a place where people live in the countryside that includes houses, shops and
schools but which is smaller than a town.
8. is the central part or main business area of a city .
9. is a large town.

6. town 7. village 8. downtown 9. city

1. kingdom 2. country 3. international 4. local 5. countryside

1. country [1k√ntrI] n. 國家 7. town [ta¨n] n. 鎮、市鎮

2. kingdom [1kIµd@m] n. 王國 8. village [1vIlIdZ] n. 村莊
3. local [1lok¬] adj. 當地的 9. downtown [%da¨n1ta¨n]
4. international [%Int_1n{S@n¬] adj. 國際的 n. 城市的商業區
5. countryside [1k√ntrI%saId] n. 鄉村 10. farm [fArm] n. 農場、農田
6. city [1sItI] n. 城市 11. place [ples] n. 地方

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. Mai-Lin lives in Italy. Pizza, spaghetti are ...(international / local / city

/ farm) foods to her.
2. Roberto lives in Japan. Pizza, spaghetti and Chinese fried rice are 7. farm
...(local / kingdom / town / international) foods to him. 6. city
5. kingdom
3. The largest place among town, city and village is a...(town / city /
4. village
3. city
4. The smallest place among town, city and village is a...(town / city / 2. international
village). 1. local
5. A place that belongs to a king is called a... (countryside / farm /

23 地方
kingdom / downtown).
6. Downtown can only be seen in a ...(village / farm / city / kingdom).
7. A (city / country / kingdom/ farm)... is a part of the countryside.

03 Match the words below.

1. downtown ∂ ∂countryside ∂ ∂England

2. kingdom ∂ ∂city ∂ ∂business
3. trees and birds ∂ ∂king and queen ∂ ∂farm

3. countryside, farm 2. king and gueen, England 1. city, business

04 List at least three answers for each question.

1. What are your local foods?

2. What can you do in the city?

3. What are the international foods do you like?

4. What can you see in the countryside?

birds 3. pizzas, hamburgers, steaks 4. farms, trees,

2. do business, shop in big malls, eat in luxury restaurants
1. rice, spring rolls, moon cakes

088 1000
地方 23
05 Fill in T for “True”, F for “False”.

1. America is a kingdom.
2. City is downtown. 5. F
3. Country is the place outside of cities and towns. 4. T

4. A town is smaller than a city.

3. F
2. F
5. Farm is the busiest place of a city.
1. F

06 Match the words below.

1. country ∂ ∂national
2. king ∂ ∂ge 10. own
3. inter ∂ ∂town 9. ity
4. villa ∂ ∂dom 8. lace
5. down ∂ ∂side 7. ocal

∂ ∂ity
6. arm
6. f
5. town
7. l ∂ ∂lace
4. ge
8. p ∂ ∂own 3. national
9. c ∂ ∂ocal 2. dom
10. t ∂ ∂arm 1. side

24 Landscapes

01 Classify the words below into the chart.

waterfalls / island / stream / hot spring / hill / shore

valley / river / plain / forest (= wood) / pond / ocean (= sea)
lake / beach / mountain / desert

1. body of water 2. hilly parts 3. a kind of land

3. shore, plain, desert, beach, forest, wood, island

2. hill, mountain, valley
1. waterfalls, hot spring, river, pond, ocean, sea, lake, stream

02 Look at the pictures below and guess what

kind of landscapes they are.

L. river

C E K. forest
J. beach
F I. sea
H. island
G. waterfalls
H K F. pond
G E. desert
L D. valley
C. mountain
A. B. C. D. E. F. B. shore
A. lake
G. H. I. J. K. L.

090 1000
風景 24
1. waterfalls [1wOt_%fOl] n. 瀑布 10. forest [1fOrIst] n. 森林
2. island [1aIl@nd] n. 島嶼 11. woods [w¨dz] n. 森林
3. stream [strim] n. 溪流 12. pond [pAnd] n. 池塘
4. hot spring [1hAt1sprIµ] n. 溫泉 13. ocean [1oS@n] n. 海洋
5. hill [hIl] n. 山丘 14. sea [si] n. 海洋
6. shore [Sor] n. 岸 15. lake [lek] n. 湖
7. valley [1v{lI] n. 山谷 16. beach [bi] n. 海灘
8. river [1rIv_] n. 河流 17. mountain [1ma¨nt§] n. 高山
9. plain [plen] n. 平原 18. desert [1dEz_t] n. 沙漠

03 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. People can fish in the...(deserts / lakes / oceans / streams /

2. People can swim in the...(forests / rivers / hot springs / ponds / 7. country / island
seas). shores
3. People usually ski in / on the...(beaches / mountains / woods / 6. valleys / woods /
shores / rivers). 5. seas / oceans / lakes

4. People can play Frisbee on the...(plains / beaches / shores / shores / deserts

4. plains / beaches /
waterfalls / deserts).
3. mountains
5. People can go sailing on the...(seas / oceans / hills / beaches / ponds / seas
lakes). 2. rivers / hot springs /
6. People usually go camping in / on the...(valleys / woods / streams
shores / streams / ponds). 1. lakes / oceans /

7. Taiwan is a...(kingdom / countryside / country / island / city).

04 Answer the questions below.

where I live.
1. Where do you live? What kinds of landscapes can you see
streams, plains and rivers
there? 1. I live in Taipei. I can see

24 風景
2. What is the best landscape to live in/on? Why?
Oceans / Mountains
3. What kinds of landscape do you think is the worse place 4. Hot spring / Waterfalls /

to live? Why? weather is too hot.

3. Desert. Because the
4. What kinds of landscapes have you visited in the past and take a hot bath
year? spring. Because I can go
2. Somewhere near a hot

05 Are the following statements true or

false? If false, correct them.

1. An island is the landscape that is surrounded with water.

2. A hot spring is formed by streams of water that fall from high 5. T
places to low places. 4. T
3. A pond is an area next to the sea. 3. F / beach

4. A valley is an area of low land between mountains.

2. F / waterfall
1. T
5. The shore is the area of land along the edge of lakes.

06 List two things or animals that people usually can see in the
landscapes below.

1. Whenever I go to the beach, I usually can see the...

2. Whenever I go to the mountain, I usually can see the...

3. Whenever I go to the forest, I usually can see the... 4. frogs, grasses

3. snakes, trees
2. monkeys, eagles
4. Whenever I go to the river, I usually can see the... 1. sand, shells

07 Match the letters below.

1. moun ∂ ∂land 5. sert

2. water ∂ ∂sert 4. land
3. hot ∂ ∂tain 3. spring
4. is ∂ ∂falls 2. falls
5. de ∂ ∂spring 1. tain

092 1000
Animals in the Zoo
25 Animals in the Zoo 25 動物園裡的動物

01 Look at the pictures below and answer the questions.

The Taipei City Zoo

M4391 T343

H231 Z514


J728 Y911 A999

D335 N268

Find out below animals' cage number from the pictures above.

1. bear 2. elephant 3. kangaroo 4. monkey 5. tiger

Its cage number is Its cage number is Its cage number is Its cage number is Its cage number is
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

6. wolf 7. fox 8. kola 9. zebra 10. eagle

Its cage number is Its cage number is Its cage number is Its cage number is Its cage number is
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

11. swan 12. hippo 13. lion 14. panda 15. giraffe
Its cage number is Its cage number is Its cage number is Its cage number is Its cage number is
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

15. G541 12. Z514 9. Y911 6. J728 3. N268

14. O686 11. M4391 8. C331 5. H231 2. W391
13. A001 10. T343 7. S439 4. D335 1. A999

Animals in the Zoo
25 動物園裡的動物

1. zoo [zu] n. 動物園 10. fox [fAks] n. 狐狸

2. animal [1{n@m¬] n. 動物 11. koala [ko1Al@] n. 無尾熊
3. cage [kedZ] n. 籠子 12. zebra [1zibr@] n. 斑馬
4. bear [bEr] n. 熊 13. eagle [1ig¬] n. 老鷹
5. elephant [1El@f@nt] n. 大象 14. swan [swAn] n. 天鵝
6. kangaroo [%k{µg@1ru] n. 袋鼠 15. hippo (=hippopotamus) [1hIpo] n. 河馬
7. monkey [1m√µkI] n. 猴子 16. lion [laI@n] n. 獅子
8. tiger [1taIg_] n. 老虎 17. panda [1p{nd@] n. 大熊貓
9. wolf [w¨lf] n. 狼 18. giraffe [dZ@1r{f] n. 鹿

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. Animals that have tails are...(tigers / eagles / wolfs / koalas).

2. Animals that are vegetarians are...(elephants / tigers / wolfs /
lions / pandas). pandas
3. Animals that have wings are...(swans / hippos / zebras / kanga- 5. monkeys, koalas,
roos / eagles). 4. swans, hippos
3. swans, eagles
4. Animals that can swim are...(koalas / swans / eagles / foxes / hip-
2. elephants, pandas
5. Animals that can climb trees are...(monkeys / zebras / koalas / 1. tigers, eagles,
pandas / kangaroos).

03 Are the following statements true or false? If false, correct them.

1. A cage is a place where wild animals are kept and people

can come and look at them.
2. Koala is a large Australian animal that moves by jumping
on its back legs.
3. Swan is a large, white bird with a long neck that lives in 5. T
4. F / zebras
lakes and rivers.
3. T
4. Panda is an animal like a horse with black and white stripes.
2. F / Kangaroo
5. Hippo is a very large animal with a thick skin that lives 1. T
near water.

094 1000
Animals in the Zoo
動物園裡的動物 25
04 Answer the questions below.

1. If you can be an animal for a day, what kind of animals would you
like to be? Why?

2. If you lived alone on an island, what kind of animals would you 4. Koalas / Bears /
like to keep you company? Why? 3. Hippos
are friendly.
3. What kinds of animals you have never met in your life? I think monkeys
2. Monkey. Because
birds can fly.
4. List the first three kinds of animals that you wish to see when you
a bird because
go to a zoo. 1. I would like to be

05 What can the animals do? Complete the following sentences.

1. An eagle can...
2. A tiger can...
3. A monkey can...
6. jump 3. climb trees
4. A hippo can... 5. move its trunt 2. run very fast
5. An elephant can... 4. swim 1. fly
6. A kangaroo can...

06 Match the letters below.

1. monke ∂ ∂f
2. hipp ∂ ∂e 7. f
3. swa ∂ ∂x 6. x

∂ ∂n
5. a
4. cag
4. e
5. zebr ∂ ∂y 3. n
6. fo ∂ ∂a 2. o
7. wol ∂ ∂o 1. y

Farm Animals and Pets
26 Farm Animals and Pets

01 Look at the pictures below and fill in the blanks.

goat / cow / hen / cat / sheep / donkey / dog /

horse / pig / kitten / mouse / duck / rat /
goose / lamb / puppy / ox / rabbit /
turkey / pigeon / parrot / chicken / rooster

Farm Animals

A. B. C. D. E.

F. G. H. I. J.

K. L. M. N.

L. goose I. duck F. horse C. goat

N. ox K. chicken H. pig E. donkey B. cow
M. lamb J. hen G. rooster D. sheep A. turkey

096 1000
Farm Animals and Pets
農場的動物與寵物 26

O. P. Q. R. S.

T. U. V. W.

W. rat T. rabbit Q. puppy

V. pigeon S. dog P. parrot
U. mouse R. kitten O. cat

1. goat [got] n. 山羊 13. rat [r{t] n. 大老鼠

2. cow [ka¨] n. 母牛 14. goose [gus] n. 鵝
3. hen [hEn] n. 母雞 15. lamb [l{m] n. 小羊
4. cat [k{t] n. 貓 16. puppy [1p√pI] n. 小狗
5. sheep [Sip] n. 綿羊 17. ox [Aks] n. 公牛
6. donkey [1dAµki] n. 驢 18. rabbit [1r{bIt] n. 兔子
7. dog [dOg] n. 狗 19. turkey [1t^kI] n. 火雞
8. horse [hOrs] n. 馬 20. pigeon [1pIdZIn] n. 鴿子
9. pig [pIg] n. 豬 21. parrot [1p{r@t] n. 鸚鵡
10. kitten [1kIt§] n. 小貓 22. chicken [1tSIkIn] n. 小雞
11. mouse [ma¨s] n. 老鼠 23. rooster [1rust_] n. 公雞
12. duck [d√k] n. 鴨 24. pet [pEt] n. 寵物

Farm Animals and Pets
26 農場的動物與寵物

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. Animals that people usually eat are...(rats / rabbits / pigs /

parrots/ turkeys).
2. Animals that walk with two feet are...(hens / cows / roosters /
pigeons / lambs).
3. Animals that people can ride on are...(ox / ducks / horses /
chickens / kittens). 5. hoses, lambs, sheep

4. Animals that have horns are...(goats / cats / ox / rabbit / don-

4. goats, ox
3. ox, horses
2. hens, roosters, pigeons
5. Animals that eat grass are...(puppies / horses / lambs / 1. pigs, turkeys
sheep / kittens).

03 Answer the questions below.

1. If you can have three pets at home, what kinds of pets would you like to have?

2. If you are short in money and you have to sell your farm animals, what are the first three ani-

mals you would like to sell? Why?

3. What kinds of pets did you or friends feed at home?

4. What kinds of farm animals that you have eaten in your life?

4. chickens, turkeys, goats, pigs, ducks

3. dogs, kittens, pigeons
they usually can be sold for good prices.
2. I would first sell pigs, hens and cows. It’s because
1. parrots, chickens, puppies

098 1000
Farm Animals and Pets
農場的動物與寵物 26
04 Classify the words below into the chart.

pig / kitten / goat / rat / sheep / rabbit /

hen / puppy / turkey / rooster / cow

1. dog / 2. cat/ 3. lamb / 4. carrots /

5. mouse / 6. ox /. 7. chicken / 8. pork /

6. cow 3. goat / sheep

8. pig 5. rat 2. kitten
7. hen / rooster 4. rabbit 1. puppy

05 Are the following statements true or false? If

false, correct them.

1. People can get milk from an ox. 5. Puppy

2. Goose is a male chicken.

4. Farm animals
3. Goose
3. Pigeon is a bird that lives in or near water.
2. Hen
4. Pets are animals that people keep in farms. 1. cow
5. Kitten means young dog.

06 Match the letters below.

1. roo ∂ ∂geon 6. geon

2. ra ∂ ∂key 5. rrot
3. pu ∂ ∂ster 4. key

4. don ∂ ∂bbit
3. ppy
2. bbit
5. pa ∂ ∂ppy 1. ster
6. pi ∂ ∂rrot

Wild Life and Garden Life
27 Wild Life and Garden Life

01 Match below pictures and their names.

泝 沊 沀

dolphin snake shark whale bat turtle

6. dolphin 5. snake 4. whale 3. turtle 2. bat 1. shark

02 Look at the pictures below and fill in the blanks.

flowers / bee / frog / tree / grass / ladybug /

butterflies / snail / spider / caterpillar

Garden Life

A. B. C. D. E.

F. G. H. I. J.

J. flower H. tree F. ladybug D. bee B. grass

I. spider G. snail E. frog C. butterflies A. caterpillar

100 1000
Wild Life and Garden Life
野生的動物與植物 27
1. dolphin [1dAlfIn] n. 海豚 10. tree [tri] n. 樹
2. snake [snek] n. 蛇 11. grass [gr{s] n. 草
3. shark [1SArk] n. 鯊魚 12. ladybug [1ledI%b√g] n. 瓢蟲
4. whale [hwel] n. 鯨魚 13. butterfly [1b√t_%flaI] n. 蝴蝶
5. bat [b{t] n. 蝙蝠 14. snail [snel] n. 蝸牛
6. turtle [1t^t¬] n. 烏龜 15. spider [1spaId_] n. 蜘蛛
7. flower [1fla¨_] n. 花 16. caterpillar [1k{t_%pIl_] n. 毛毛蟲
8. bee [bi] n. 蜜蜂 17. garden [1gArd§] n. 花園
9. frog [frAg] n. 青蛙 18. life [laIf] n. 生物

03 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. Animals that live in the water are...(sharks / bats / whales /

dolphins / turtles).
2. Creatures that can fly are...(frogs / bees / caterpillars / but-
6. snakes, snails
terflies / ladybugs). spiders, ladybugs
3. Creatures that can be eaten by people are...(bees / frogs / 5. caterpillars, butterflies,
snails / snakes / sharks). 4. bats, caterpillars
4. Living things that can move by themselves are...(bats / trees sharks
/ grass / flowers / caterpillars). 3. frogs, snails, snakes,
5. Creatures that have more than two legs are...(caterpillars /
2. bees, butterflies, lady-
snails / butterflies / spiders / ladybugs). phins, turtles
6. Creatures that move without legs are...(snakes / snails / 1. sharks, whales, dol-
bees / turtles / frogs).

04 Match the words below.

1. bee∂ ∂web∂ ∂grass 4. web, internet

2. garden∂ ∂tree∂ ∂fish 3. sea, fish
3. shark∂ ∂honey∂ ∂Internet 2. tree, grass
4. spider∂ ∂sea∂ ∂flower 1. honey, flower

Wild Life and Garden Life
27 野生的動物與植物

05 Answer the questions below.

1. If you can keep three kinds of insects in your garden, what

insects would you choose?

2. If you lived in the ocean alone, what kind of sea creatures

would you like to keep you company?

3. If all kinds of insects are eatable, what kinds of insects would

you like to try first?
4. snakes, sharks / Yes.
3. bees
2. dolphins
4. Circle the animals that you have eaten. Are they delicious? ( ladybugs
turtles / dolphins / snakes / sharks / whales / frogs / snails) 1. butterflies, spiders,

06 Are the following statements true or false? If false, correct them.

1. Caterpillars are young ladybugs.

2. Frogs are green animals that with long back legs for jump-
3. Spiders are small flying insects that are usually red with
black spots. 5. T
4. F / snails
4. Snakes are the creatures with no feet, a soft body and
3. F / ladybugs
round shells. 2. T
5. Whales are animals living in the ocean and breathing 1. F / butterflies
through a hole at the top of their heads.

07 Match the letters below.

1. dol ∂ ∂den
2. gar ∂ ∂fly 1. phin
2. den
3. cater ∂ ∂bug
3. pillar
4. butter ∂ ∂phin
4. fly
5. spi ∂ ∂er 5. der
6. lady ∂ ∂pillar 6. bug
7. flow ∂ ∂der 7. er

102 1000
Home Insects and Parts of Plants and
28 Home Insects and Parts28 Animals

of Plants and Animals

01 Match the pictures below with their names.

泝 沴 沊 沝 沀

∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂

∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
ant cockroach mosquito fly flea

5. ant 4. flea 3. cockroach 2. fly 1. mosquito

02 Label the pictures using the words below.

branch / seed / leaf / tail / beak / wing /

hoof / trunk / stem / root / petal / feather /
paw / horn / claw / fur / bulb

Parts of a Bird(23) Parts of a tree


E. H. leaf
G. branch
C. F. root
E. trunk
A. D. beak
F. C. feather
B. wing
A. claw

Home Insects and Parts of Plants and Animals
28 昆蟲與動植物

Parts of the animals Parts of a flower

K. M.


Q. bulb
P. seed
O. leaf
N. stem
P. M. petal
L. fur
K. horn
I. J. hoof
J. I. tail

1. ant [{nt] n. 螞蟻 12. hoof [huf] n. 蹄

2. cockroach [1kAk%rotS] n. 蟑螂 13. trunk [tr√µk] n. 樹幹
3. mosquito [m@s1kito] n. 蚊子 14. stem [stEm] n. 莖
4. fly [flaI] n. 蒼蠅 15. root [rut] n. 根
5. flea [fli] n. 跳蚤 16. petal [1pEt¬] n. 花瓣
6. branch [br{ntS] n. 樹枝 17. feather [1fED_] n. 羽毛
7. seed [sid] n. 種子 18. horn [hOrn] n. 角
8. leaf [lif] n. 葉子 19. claw [klO] n. 鳥爪
9. tail [tel] n. 尾巴 20. fur [f^] n. 毛
10. beak [1bik] n. 鳥嘴 21. bulb [b√lb] n. 莖球
11. wing [wIµ] n. 翅膀 22. bird [b^d] n. 鳥

104 1000
Home Insects and Parts of Plants and Animals
昆蟲與動植物 28
03 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. Insects that eat food are...(ladybugs / mosquitoes / ants / spi-

ders / cockroaches). 8. fur
branches, trunks
2. Insects that with six legs are...(flies / spiders / bees / ants / mos-
7. roots, leaves,
6. horns, roots
3. Insects that with wings are...(cockroaches / flies / ants / mosqui- 5. bulbs
toes / caterpillars). ducks, pigeons
4. Animals that with feathers are...(geese / swans / kittens / ducks 4. geese, swans,
/ pigeons). mosquitoes
3. cockroaches, flies,
5. Birds do not have...(wings / feathers / bulbs / claws / beaks).
6. Monkeys do not have...(horns / fur / roots / tails).
2. flies, bees, ants,
7. Trees should have...(roots / fleas / leaves / branches / trunks). 1. ants, cockroaches
8. Flowers do not have...(fur / leaves / petals / roots / stems).

04 Answer the questions below.

1. What kinds of home insects do you wish will disappear from the


2. What kinds of home insects have you seen in your home? hoofs
3. chicken legs, pig
2. fleas
3. List the parts of birds or animals that people in your country
and cockroaches
usually eat. (Example: chicken wing) 1. flies, mosquitoes

05 Are following statements true or false? If false, correct them.

1. Beak is a bird's mouth.

6. F / sheep’s
2. Fly is a kind of bird. 5. F / hoofs
3. Lion's legs have hoofs. 4. T
4. Ants do not have tails. 3. F / paws
5. Hippo is an animal with thick fur. 2. F / insect

6. Goats' fur can make clothes. 1. T

The World
29 The World世界

01 Look at the pictures below and fill in he blanks.

Africa / South America / Asia / North America / Australia / Europe / Antarctica

The World Map



A. B. C. D.

E. F.

D. South America
C. North America
F. Europe B. Asia
E. Africa A. Australia

106 1000
The World
世界 29
02 Classify the countries below in the chart.

Taiwan R.O.C. / Italy / Japan / France / Singapore / China / New Zealand

Brazil / Argentina / Korea / Australia / America / England

1. The countries which 2. The countries which 3. The countries which belong to
belong to Europe are... belong to Asia are... South America are...

4. The countries which 5. The country which belongs 6. The country which is near by
belong to Oceania are... to North America is... Australia is...

3. Brazil, Argentina 6. New Zealand

2. Taiwan R.O.C., Japan, Singapore, China, Korea 5. America
1. Italy, France, England 4. Australia, New Zealand

1. Africa [1{frIk@] n. 非洲 11. Japan [dZ@1p{n] n. 日本

2. South America [1sa¨T%@1mErIk@] 12. France [fr{ns] n. 法國
n. 南美洲 13. Singapore [1sIµg@%por] n. 新加坡
3. Asia [1eS@] n. 亞洲 14. China [1tSaIn@] n. 中國
4. North America [1nOrT%@1mErIk@] 15. New Zealand [1nju1zil@nd] n. 紐西蘭
n. 北美洲 16. Brazil [br@1zil] n. 巴西
5. Oceania [%oSI1{nI@] n. 大洋洲 17. Argentina [%ArdZ@n1tin@] n. 阿根廷
6. Europe [1jur@p] n. 歐洲 18. Korea [ko1ri@] n. 韓國
7. Antarctica [{n1tArktIk@] n. 南極洲 19. Australia [O1strelj@] n. 澳大利亞
8. world [w^ld] n. 世界 20. America =U.S.A. [@1mErIk@] n. 美國
9. Taiwan R.O.C. [1taIw√n1Ar1o1si] n. 台 =United States of America.
灣 R.O.C. =Republic of China. 21. England =U.K. [1Iµgl@nd] n. 英國
10. Italy [1It¬I] n. 義大利

The World
29 世界

03 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. Countries that speak English as their first language

are...(New Zealand / Italy / U.S.A. / Japan / England).
2. Countries that speak Chinese as their first language Zealand, Taiwan
5. England, Japan, New
are...(Korea / China / Brazil / Taiwan / France).
4. Australia, South Africa
3. Countries which belong to the Southern hemisphere Australia, Brazil
are...(Argentina / New Zealand / Singapore / Australia / 3. Argentina, New Zealand,
Brazil). 2. China, Taiwan
4. The names that represent countries are...(Europe / England

Australia / Antarctica / South Africa / North America). 1. New Zealand, U.S.A,

5. These countries are islands...(England / Japan / Korea /

New Zealand / Taiwan).

04 Answer the questions.

1. Which continent does your country belong to?

2. If you have a free ticket to travel around the world, what

4. Japan, China, U.S.A.
would be the first three countries you would visit?
been to Italy.
3. I am from Taiwan. I have
3. Where are you from? What countries have you been to 2. Australia, Italy, Japan
before? 1. Asia

4. List three countries that you like their food very much!

05 Are following statements true or false? If false, correct them.

1. Australia is right on the South Pole.

5. T
2. Singapore is in Australia. 4. T
3. U.S.A. is in South America. 3. F / North America
4. Antarctica is not a country. 2. F / Asia
5. Singapore is also a name of a city. 1. F / Antarctica

108 1000
The World
世界 29
06 Check your dictionary to complete the chart below.

Countries Nationalities Foods Countries Nationalities Foods

America American American Food Taiwan R.O.C. Taiwanese 1.

2. Australian 3. Singapore 4. 5.

6. Korean 7. France 8. French Food

Argentina 9. 10. 11. Japanese 12.

Brazil 13. 14. Italy 15. Italian Food

New Zealand 16. 17. China Chinese 18.

England 19. 20.

20. English food 15. Italian 10. Argentinean food 5. Singaporean food
19. English 14. Brazilian food 9. Argentinean 4. Singaporean
18. Chinese food 13. Brazilian 8. French 3. Australian food
17. New Zealander’s food 12. Japanese food 7. Korean food 2. Australia
16. New Zealander 11. Japan 6. Korea 1. Taiwanese Food

07 Match the letters below.

1. Singa ∂ ∂zil
2. Austra ∂ ∂pore
3. Argen ∂ ∂tina 8. pe 4. zil
4. Bra ∂ ∂lia 7. tica 3. tina
5. New ∂ ∂tica 6. America 2. lia
6. South ∂ ∂America 5. Zealand 1. pore

7. Antarc ∂ ∂Zealand
8. Euro ∂ ∂pe

Places to Go
30 Places to Go

01 Look at the pictures below and fill in the blanks.

swimming pool / national park / botanical garden / amusement park

flea market / stadium / county fair / gallery

A. B. C.

D. E. F.

G. H.

H. national park D. gallery

G. swimming pool C. stadium
F. botanical garden B. amusement park
E. flea market A. county fair

110 1000
Places to Go
可去的地方 30
02 Match the words below with the pictures.

∂roller coaster
1. 6.


2. ∂painting


3. ∂tents 8.


4. ∂greenhouse 9.


∂bench 10.

∂Ferris wheel

8. path 4. tents
7. bench 3. sunglasses
10. sculpture 6. roller coaster 2. greenhouse
9. painting 5. Ferris wheel 1. plant

Places to Go
30 可去的地方

1. swimming pool [1swImIµ1pul] n. 游泳池 9. roller coaster [1rol_1kost_]

2. national park [1n{S@n¬1pArk] n. 雲霄飛車
n. 國家公園 10. path [p{T] n. 小徑
3. botanical gardens [bo1t{nIk¬1gArd§z] 11. sunglasses [1s√n%gl{sIz] n. 太陽眼鏡
n. 植物園 12. tent [tEnt] n. 帳篷
4. amusement park [@1mjuzm@nt1pArk] 13. plant [pl{nt] n. 植物
n. 遊樂園 14. greenhouse [1grin%ha¨s] n. 溫室
5. flea market [1fli1mArkIt] n. 跳蚤市場 15. sculpture [1sk√lptS_] n. 雕像
6. stadium [1stedI@m] n. 體育場 16. bench [bEntS] n. 長板凳
7. county fair [1ka¨ntI1fEr] n. 市集 17. Ferris wheel [1fErIs1hwil] n. 摩天輪
8. gallery [1g{l@rI] n. 美術館

03 Read the descriptions below and circle

the correct answers.

1. Places where people can do shopping are...(stadium / flea coaster

market / county fair / gallery / swimming pool). 5. Ferris wheel, roller
2. Places where people can do exercises are...(greenhouse /
national park, green-
stadium / swimming pool / national park / botanical gardens). 4. botanical gardens,
3. Places where people usually need to pay to enter are... swimming pool, gallery
(amusement park / flea market / swimming pool / county fair / 3. amusement park,
gallery). botanical gardens
4. Places where people can see many different kinds of plants pool, national park,
2. stadium, swimming
are...(botanical gardens / swimming pool / county fair /
1. flea market, county fair
national park / greenhouse).
5. Things for entertainment are...(bench / sculpture / Ferris
wheel / roller coaster / path).
6. roller coaster

04 Answer the questions below. 5. benches, trees, ponds

graduation ceremony
nis competitions, hold
1 .List two cities or countries that have famous amusement parks. 4. play basketball, hold ten-
3. teapots, books, chairs
National Park
2. How many national parks do you have in your country?
Name the one you like best.
2. Six national parks,
1. Tokyo, California

112 1000
Places to Go
可去的地方 30
3. What can you buy in a flea market? (List three things.)

4. What can people do in a stadium? (List three activities that people usually do in a stadium).

5. List three things that people usually see in a park.

6. What is your favorite ride in an amusement park?

05 Are the following statements true or false? If false, correct them.

1. Tents are the dark glasses that you wear to protect

your eyes from the sun.
2. Greenhouse is a building made of glass for growing 5. T
plants in. 4. F / chair
3. F / Sculpture
3. Stadium is a piece of artwork that is made from
2. T
stone, wood or clay. 1. F / sunglasses
4. Bench is a kind of table.
5. Path is a long, narrow area of ground for people to
walk along.

06 Match the letters below.

1. national ∂ ∂pool 15. dium

2. county ∂ ∂market 14. lant

3. swimming ∂ ∂house
13. llery
12. th
4. botanical ∂ ∂park 11. t
5. roller ∂ ∂fair 10. pture
6. flea ∂ ∂wheel 9. ch
7. Ferris ∂ ∂garden 8. house

8. green ∂ ∂coaster 7. wheel

∂ ∂t
6. market
9. ben
5. coaster
10. scul ∂ ∂ch 4. garden
11. ten ∂ ∂llery 3. pool
12. pa ∂ ∂pture 2. fair
13. ga ∂ ∂th 1. park

14. p ∂ ∂lant
15. sta ∂ ∂dium

Natural Resources
31 Natural Resources

01 Classify the words below into the chart.

wood / diamond / gold / cotton / rock / stone

iron / silver / coal / soil / mud / sand
solar energy / natural gas

1. Resources that are a type of 2. Resources that were taken from

metal are... mines are...

3. Resources that can be transferred 4. Resources that can be seen

to energy are... above ground are...

4. wood, cotton, rock, stone, soil, mud, sand

3. wood, coal, solar energy, natural gas
2. coal, iron, gold, diamond, silver
1. gold, iron, silver

02 Are these statements true or false? If false, correct them.

1. Solar energy comes from the moon light.

2. Coal grows on trees.
3. Gold is a kind of substance that can be used to make rings.
4. Cotton is found below ground.
5. Silver is a kind of metal.

114 1000
Natural Resources
天然資源 31
6. Stone means small rock.
7. Sand is a thick liquid mixture of soil and
13. F / gold 6. T
8. People usually can see and play with iron 12. T 5. T
on the beach. 11. F / metal trees.
9. Natural gas is found below ground. 10. T 4. F / from
10. Diamonds are taken from mines. 9. T 3. T
8. F / sand 2. F / cottons
11. Silver is a kind of energy.
7. F / mud 1. F / sun
12. Cotton can be used as a kind of clothing
13. Iron is usually more expensive than silver.

1. wood [w¨d] n. 木頭、木材 11. mud [m√d] n. 泥

2. diamond [1daI@m@nd] n. 鑽石 12. sand [s{nd] n. 沙
3. gold [gold] n. 黃金 13. solar energy [1sol_1En_dZI]
4. cotton [1kAt§] n. 棉花 n. phrase 太陽能
5. rock [rAk] n. 岩石 14. natural gas [1n{tS@r@l1g{s]
6. stone [ston] n. 石頭、石塊 n. phrase 天然氣
7. iron [1aI_n] n. 鐵 15. resource [rI1sors] n. 資源
8. silver [1sIlv_] n. 銀 16. metal [1mEt¬] n. 金屬
9. coal [kol] n. 煤 17. mine [maIn] n. 礦井
10. soil [sOIl] n. 土壤 18. energy [1En_dZI] n. 能量

03 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. Resources that can be used for growing plants are...(natural gas / soil / stone / sand / iron).
2. Resources that are expensive to buy in the market are...(coal / iron / silver / gold / diamond).
3. Resources that can catch fire are...(wood / natural gas /
iron / coal / silver). 5. soil, coal, diamond, gold
4. Resources that come from plants are...(soil / coal / cotton 4. wood, cotton
/ gold / wood). 3. wood, natural gas, coal
5. Resources that you can buy from shops or markets 2. silver, gold, diamond
1. soil, stone, sand
are...(solar energy / soil / coal / diamond / gold).

Natural Resources
31 天然資源

04 Answer the questions below.

1. What kind of things are usually made of metal? (List three

2. If you have money for digging mines, what kinds of mines 4. T-shirt, table clothes,
would you like to have?(List one) 3. chairs, tables, doors
3. What are the items that are made of wood, which you can 2. diamond
find in your house? (List three items) 1. ring, teapot, pan
4. What kinds of things can be made of cotton? (List three
items that you know)

05 List two words that are related to the words below.

1. energy:
6. resource paper, water
2. iron:
5. solar energy-car, calculator
3. diamond: 4. mine-coal, iron
4. mine: 3. diamond- expensive, rings
5. solar energy: 2. iron- pot, spoon
6. resource: 1. energy- gas, oil

06 Fill in the blanks with the words below.

cotton / stone / gold / solar energy

rock / mud / mine / natural gas

It was a rainy day. I went fishing near the sea. I stood on a 泝 .

I thought it was safe. However, I suddenly slipped in some 沴
and I slid into the sea. Luckily, I am very good at swimming. When I 4. gold
swam back to the shore, I touched a very hard stone with my hands. I 3. rock
picked it up and found it was a very big 沊 . I broke it and there 2. mud

was 沝
1. stone
inside the rock. I think I’m the luckiest man in the

116 1000
Environmental Problems
32 Environmental 環境問題 32
01 Look at the pictures below and fill in the blanks.

radiation / smoke / garbage / acid rain / smog

A. B. C.

D. E.
e. garbage
d. acid rain
c. smog
b. radiation
a. smoke

02 Read the statements below. Do they mention about "conserva-

tion" or "waste"? Write your answers.

1. Recycle paper.
11. conservation
2. Open windows in an air-conditioned environment.
10. conservation
3. Use disposable tableware.
9. conservation
4. Use plastic bag. 8. conservation
5. Reuse plastic bags. 7. waste
6. Take showers. 6. conservation
7. Take a bath. 5. conservation
4. waste
8. Recycle waste.
3. waste
9. Use secondhand furniture.
2. waste
10. Pack unfinished food. 1. conservation
11. Donate used things to charity.

Environmental Problems
32 環境問題

1. smog [smAg] n. 廢氣 11. plastic bag [1pl{stIk1b{g] n. 塑膠袋

2. radiation [%redI1eS@n] n. 放射線 12. reuse [%ri1juz] v. 重複使用
3. smoke [smok] n. 煙 13. take showers [1tek1Sa¨_z]
4. garbage [1gArbIdZ] n. 垃圾 v. phrase 沖澡、淋浴
5. acid rain [1{sId1ren] n. 酸雨 14. take a bath [1tek%@1b{T]
6. cause [kOz] n. 原因 v. phrase 泡澡
7. pollution [p@1luS@n] n. 污染 15. waste [west] n. 廢棄物
8. recycle [ri1saIk¬] n. 回收 16. secondhand [1sEk@ndh{nd]
9. environment [In1vaIr@nm@nt] n. 環境 adj. 用過的、二手的
10. disposable [dI1spoz@b¬] adj. 一次性 17. pack [p{k] v. 打包
使用的 18. donate [1donet] v. 捐贈

03 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. Substances that can cause air pollution are...(garbage /

smog / radiation / smoke / acid rain).
2. Substances that can cause water pollution are...(acid rain / 5. radiation, smoke
garbage / waste / smoke / smog). ing secondhand clothes
3. Words that mean to use again are...(reuse / disposable / picking up garbage, donat-

recycle / secondhand / donate). 4. using recycle plastic bag,

4. Actions that are good to the environment are...(using recycled
3. reuse, recycle, second-
plastic bags / picking up garbage / using disposable batteries / 2. acid rain, garbage, waste
donating secondhand clothes / throwing waste into the river). 1. smog, smoke
5. Substances that can't be reused are...(radiation / smoke /
garbage / waste / plastic bag).

04 Answer the questions below.

4. books, shoes, furniture

1. List three things that can be recycled in your country. 3. sofa, tables, shoes
2. Smog is usually produced by... (List three sources) cycles
3. If you have a chance to sell your things to a secondhand 2. factories / cars / motor-

store, what are the first three things you would sell? bags
1. paper / cans / plastic
4. What are the most common things that people in your coun-
try donate? (List three things)

118 1000
Environmental Problems
環境問題 32
05 Are the following statements true or false? If false, correct them.

1. ‘Pack’ means to give money or goods to the people

or organizations that need help.
2. ‘Taking a bath’ means you wash your whole body
5. T
while standing under a flow of water. 4. T
3. ‘Disposable’ is a reason that something happened. 3. F / cause
4. ‘Smog’ is a kind of smoke. 2. F / Taking a shower
5. Both ‘waste’ and ‘garbage’ mean things that are not 1. F / Donate

useful and can be thrown away.

06 Fill in the blanks with the words below.

environment / smog / recycle / pollution

acid rain / cause / donate / garbage

The air 1) began hundreds years ago on earth. People

started making a lot 2) from factories, cars and motorcy- 6. recycled
cles. Just about thirty years ago, the weather changed and we 5. environment
started to have 3) . The 4) of this damage is all 4. cause
because of many different kinds of smoke. Nowadays, protecting 3. acid rain
our 5) has become a more and more important issue in 2. smog
1. pollution
the world. As a result, people have learnt the importance of using
6) paper, plastic bags and bottles to save the earth.

07 Match the letters below.

1. second ∂ ∂bag
2. environ ∂ ∂bage 7. bag
3. radi ∂ ∂hand 6. tion

∂ ∂ment
5. bage
4. acid
∂ ∂ation
4. rain
5. gar
3. ation
6. pollu ∂ ∂rain 2. ment
7. plastic ∂ ∂tion 1. hand

33 War 關於戰爭

01 What do people often see in a war? Fill in the blanks with the
words below.

In a war: army / flag / gun / trap

captain / bomb / base

A. B. C.

D. E. F. G.

D. base
G. captain C. trap
F. flag B. army
E. gun A. bomb

120 1000
關於戰爭 33
02 Match the sentences with the words below.

The ...of a country means the amount of

泝 people living in the country. ∂ ∂ dangerous

沴 The opposite word of ’safe’ is... ∂ ∂ bloody

People come from the same country means

沊 ∂ ∂ government
they belong to the same...

沝 Flag is the... of a nation. ∂ ∂ races

沀 The organization that rules the nation is the ... ∂ ∂ enemy

In the USA, you can see Indian and Chinese

泞 people. They are American but they belong ∂ ∂ population
to the different...

People die everywhere. In the town, you see

泀 hands, legs here and there. This picture is ∂ ∂ nation

洰 In a war, you only point your gun at your... ∂ ∂ symbol

7. bloody 8. enemy 6. races 5. government

3.nation 4.symbol 2.dangerous 1. population

1. army [1ArmI] n. 軍隊 9. dangerous [1dendZ@r@s] adj. 危險的

2. flag [fl{g] n. 國旗 10. bloody [1bl√dI] adj. 血腥的
3. gun [g√n] n. 槍 11. government [1g√v_nm@nt] n. 政府
4. trap [tr{p] n. 陷阱 12. race [res] n. 種族
5. captain [1k{ptIn] n. 上尉 13. enemy [1En@mI] n. 敵人
6. bomb [bAm] n. 炸彈 14. population [%pApj@1leS@n] n. 人口
7. base [bes] n. 基地 15. nation [1neS@n] n. 國家
8. war [wOr] n. 戰爭 16. symbol [1sImb¬] n. 象徵

33 關於戰爭

03 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. (Race / Bomb / Flag / Trap / Gun) ...are all very dangerous.

2. Chinese is a...(government / race / nation / captain / base) 5. army, government, flag
of people. 4. army

3. Japan is...(an enemy / an army / a nation / a race / a 3. a nation

2. race
1. Bomb, Trap, Gun
4. A captain gives commands to the...(enemy / government /
nation / army / base).
5. A nation should have its own...(army / trap / government /
flag / war).

04 Fill in the chart below. Use your dictionary and find out the cor-
rect form of the adjectives and nouns for the words below.

Adjectives Nouns Adjectives Nouns

dangerous (1) national (2) (4)government
(3) blood governmental (4) (3)bloody

(5) symbol (6) race


05 True or False. Check the use of adjectives and nouns in the

sentences below. If the answer is false, write down the correct

1. It is a dangerous to step on a trap. 6. F / governmental

2. Many racial problems cause wars. 5. T

3. If you cut your fingers, you’ll see bloody. 4. F / national

3. F / blood
4. The nation library has many good books.
2. T
5. A Red rose is the symbol of love. 1. F / danger
6. Don’t talk about any government issues in public.

122 1000
關於戰爭 33
06 Answer the questions below.

1. How many races are there in your country? What are they?

2. List three dangerous actions that kids shouldn’t do at home.

3. What would you say if you found a bomb in a box?

4. What colors are there on the American flag?

4. Red / Blue / White

3. Oh! My goodness, there is a bomb!!
2. Playing with knives. / Playing with fire. / Jumping on beds.
1. There are two main races in my country. / Taiwanese and aborigines

07 Match the letters below.

1. popu ∂ ∂my
2. govern ∂ ∂tain 12. nemy

∂ ∂ous
11. ce
3. cap
10. lag
4. danger ∂ ∂lation 9. rap
5. sym ∂ ∂bol 8. un
6. ar ∂ ∂ment 7. omb
7. b ∂ ∂nemy 6. my
8. g ∂ ∂un 5. bol

∂ ∂omb
4. ous
9. t
3. tain
10. f ∂ ∂ce 2. ment
11. ra ∂ ∂lag 1. lation
12. e ∂ ∂rap

Social Issues 1
34 Social Issues 1
社會事件 1

01 Match the statements with the words below.

泝 Please remember that eating This is a report.

and drinking are not allowed on ∂ ∂
the MRT.
沴 Ladies and Gentlemen, the 9:30 This is a guidance.
train to Taipe will be late by 30 ∂ ∂
沊 Move these tables and chairs to This is a rule.
∂ ∂
the third floor right now!!
沝 Twenty million dollars is the This is the direction.
sales amount we have to reach ∂ ∂
this year.
沀 The house is on the top of the This is a duties.
∂ ∂
northeast mountain.
泞 OK, you should cut the fruit first, This is an objective.
then, cook it in the chicken ∂ ∂
泀 Today I should do my homework This is a command.
∂ ∂
and pay the bills.

7. This is a duty.
6. This is a guidance.
5. This is a direction
4. This is an objective.
3. This is a command.
2. This is a report.
1. This is a rule.

124 1000
Social Issues 1
社會事件 1 34
02 What are they complaining about? Fill in the chart with the
words below.

freedom / peace / safety / respect / control / power

It’s not very good to live in this country. Because you don’t have the right to vote for your
president. You don’t have the right to suggest what is inconvenient. Yeah, and you don’t
even have the right to complain why you’re unhappy about the country!!
A. This man thinks he has no in the country.

Oh, this is a nice country. Because there are no burglaries ever happened in my town.
Neighbors never lock their doors in the daytime. And the public transportation is very con-
venient, no traffic accidents ever happened in the street.
B. This lady thinks is very important to have a nice country.

Did you hear that? He didn’t call me Daddy. He called me by my sir name! I’m his father.
I’m the one who gives him food, a house, clothes and money. What does he give me? I’m
very angry about it!
C. This man thinks his son does not show any to him.

This is like living in a prison. Mom doesn’t allow me to watch TV, play computer games or
go out to see friends. I only have books and I am locked in a small room. Look, even the
birds are freer than I am...
D. This boy wants very much.

There is never a quiet day in this town. My neighbors fight everyday. Sometimes they
break windows and chairs. Some other times, their children fight in the streets. Today, it is
even worse; the children are throwing rocks at the police car!!
E. The man thinks there is no in his town.

Sorry, I can’t stand to live with you. I’ve taken too much pressure from you. I have to tell
you where I am from morning to night. And, you always check again and again what I have
been doing. You don’t need to look after me like a father!!
F. She feels the man tries to her life.

F. control E. peace D. freedom C. respect B. safety A. power

Social Issues 1
34 社會事件 1

1. report [rI1port] n. 報告 8. freedom [1frid@m] n. 自由

2. guidance [1gaId§s] n. 指導 9. peace [pis] n. 和平
3. rule [rul] n. 規定 10. safety [1seftI] n. 安全
4. direction [d@1rEkS@n] n. 方位 11. respect [rIs1pEkt] n. 尊敬
5. duty [1djutI] n. 責任 12. control [k@n1trol] n. 控制
6. objective [@b1dZEktIv] n. 目標 13. power [1pa¨_] n. 權力
7. command [k@1m{nd] n. 命令

03 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. Telling where you are that means telling the...(rules / power /

duty / direction).
2. A country that has war means that place doesn’t have...
5. guidance
(respect / peace / safety / guidance).
4. respects
3. Someone that gives commands means he or she 3. power
has...(power / freedom / objective / control). 2. peace, safety
4. People don’t like to be looked down on means that people 1. direction
want...(duties / directions / guidance /respects).
5. If you want to know what to do, you need...(power / direction /
guidance / control).

04 Fill in the chart below. Use your dictionary and find out the
correct form of the verbs and nouns for the words below.

Verbs(動詞) Nouns(名詞) Verbs(動詞) Nouns(名詞)

1. guidance 2. command
respect 3. direct 4.
5. freedom rule 6.
control 7. 8. report

8. report 7. control 6. rule 5. free

4. direction 3. respect 2. command 1. guide

126 1000
Social Issues 1
社會事件 1 34
05 True or False. Check the use of nouns and verbs in the sentences
below. If the answer is false, write down the correct answer.

1. I command you to get out of the car right now!

2. There are no rules on playing this game. 6. T

3. Please direction me where to go!

5. F / free
4. T
4. This is too bad. There is no guidance in the book.
3. F / direct
5. Freedom her, she is innocent. 2. T
6. Hand in your report right away. 1. T

06 Answer the questions below.

1. In your family, who has power to give commands?

2. Freedom, peace and power, which one do you think exam.

is the most important to your life? 4. To pass the national accounting
3. Being a good student and a good
3. Write two kinds of duties that you carry in your life. 2. Freedom
1. My mother
4. Write an objective that you wish to reach this year.

07 Match the letters below.

1. free ∂ ∂ance
2. con ∂ ∂tion 12. jective
3. com ∂ ∂dom 11. ce
4. direc ∂ ∂pect 10. er
5. guid ∂ ∂trol 9. le
6. res ∂ ∂mand 8. ty

∂ ∂jective
7. port
7. re
6. pect
8. du ∂ ∂er 5. ance
9. ru ∂ ∂le 4. tion
10. pow ∂ ∂port 3. mand
11. pea ∂ ∂ty 2.trol
12. ob ∂ ∂ce 1. dom

Social Issues 2
35 Social Issues 2
社會事件 2

01 Match the statements below.

1. The man has died! ∂ ∂ a. The army is ready!

2. Poison the food. ∂ ∂ b. All the money is gone!
3. They robbed the bank! ∂ ∂ c. They’ll die after the meal.
4. Fire the gun! ∂ ∂ d. If we strike at dawn.
5. No one will survive. ∂ ∂ e. You killed the man!
6. I don’t fight with him! ∂ ∂ f. The enemy is in front of us!
7. The oil tank burst! ∂ ∂ g. It can protect your family.
8. The war ruined my town! ∂ ∂ h. It damaged the car!
9. Dig a hole in the mountain. ∂ ∂ i. I have nowhere to go!
10. Attack the town tonight! ∂ ∂ j. Because he is my brother!

10. a 9. g 8. i 7. h 6. j 5. d 4. f 3. b 2. c 1. e

02 What they are talking about? Match the letters: a - e to the


a) The man complains about the fairness of the election.

b) The man complains about crime.
c) The man tells a special case.
d) The man doesn’t want to vote for the government. 4. a 3. d 2. e 1. b
e) The man won a great victory in the election.

1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( )
The killing, robberies I would like to thank my I think the government is This is not fair! 200
and stealing are in the supporting team for not reliable. They lied hundred people voted
newspaper everyday. I this great honor. about what they did. for my party. And, the
don’t know what on Without their efforts, I They stole people’s committee did not
earth the government would not have won money for their party. count them in as they
is doing? The prob- the election. This They have made the think the print was not
lems haven’t been achievement belongs economy worse than clear. What is the defi-
solved for many years! to my great team!! ever. I don’t want them nition of not clear?!
to rule the country again.

128 1000
Social Issues 2
社會事件 2 35
1. poison [1pOIz§] v. 下毒 10. strike [straIk] v. 攻擊
2. rob [rAb] v. 搶劫 11. kill [kIl] v. 殺
3. fire [faIr] v. 開(槍、砲) 12. protect [pr@1tEkt] v. 保護
4. survive [s_1vaIv] v. 倖存 13. damage [1d{mIdZ] v. 損壞
5. fight [faIt] v. 打鬥 14. election [I1lEkS@n] n. 選舉
6. burst [b^st] v. 爆炸 15. crime [kraIm] n. 犯罪
7. ruin [1r¨In] v. 毀壞 16. case [kes] n. 案例
8. dig [dIg] v. 挖(洞、溝) 17. vote [vot] v. 投票、選舉
9. attack [@1t{k] v. 襲擊 18. victory [1vIkt@rI] n. 勝利

03 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. To (Poison / Burst / Rob / Survive) is to use violence to steal things

from someone.
2. To (Damage / Protect / Fight / Vote) is to make your choice in an
5. protect
4. Case
3. A (Victory / Crime / Dig / Election) means success in a competition
3. Victory
or fight. 2. Vote
4. (Crime / Case / Victory / Fire)... is a particular example of some- 1. Rob
5. To keep someone or something safe from danger is to...(ruin / attack
/ protect / damage) it.

04 Fill in the chart below. Use your dictionary and find out the cor-
rect form of the verbs and nouns for the words below.

Verbs(動詞) Nouns(名詞) Verbs(動詞) Nouns(名詞) 6. dig

1. survivor elect 2. 5. protect
4. vote
rob 3. 4. voting
3. robbery
5. protection 6. diggings 2. election
1. survive

Social Issues 2
35 社會事件 2

05 True or False. Check the use of nouns and verbs in the sentences
below. If the answer is false, write down the correct answers.

1. Please look after these diggings. They are valuable.

2. You won’t have any problems if you are under the gov-
ernment’s protect. 6. T
5. F / vote
3. He is the last survive of the earthquake.
4. T
4. We elect Johnson to be the class leader. 3. F / survivor
5. Jenny does not voting for Johnson as she belongs to 2. F / protection
another group. 1. T
6. I saw a robbery in the bank.

06 Answer the questions below.

1. List three things in the world that you think need protection?
Mayors / Senators
4. President /
2. List three things that can burst. Schools / Hospitals
Great-Wall /
3. List three kinds of buildings or things that you think shouldn’t be 3. The Chinese
/ Gas tanks
ruined in a war.
2. Bombs / Oil tanks
Children / Animals
4. List three governmental titles that people can vote for in the USA. 1. Poor people /

07 Match the letters below.

1. pro ∂ ∂mage
9. ll
2. sur ∂ ∂tory 8. ke
3. elec ∂ ∂son 7. ck
4. vic ∂ ∂tect 6. son
5. da ∂ ∂ke 5. mage

6. poi ∂ ∂vive 4. tory

∂ ∂tion
3. tion
7. atta
2. vive
8. stri ∂ ∂ck 1. tect
9. ca ∂ ∂ll

130 1000
Social Issues 3
36 Social Issues 3 社會事件 3 36
01 Match the statements below to those in the chart.

a) He solves his family’s safety problems.

b) He can’t deal with racial problems.
c) He handles the case of robbery.
d) The crime happened 10 years ago.
e) She’s under a lot pressure from the election.
f) She lacks money to fix the damaged house.

(1. ) (2. ) (3. )

So, the little girl killed her Well, I dug a hole that’s just Yesterday around five p.m., a
neighbor when she was 10. nearby my house. The hole is girl came to report that a man
Now she is 20 years old. And, big enough to cover my wife carried a gun and went to the
no one knows about the and three children from any bank. Anita and I have made
story! bomb attacks. a quick note.
(4. ) (5. ) (6. )
John, I need your help! Read Yeah, the roof, windows and To help in the election, I’ve
this case. A shop owner toilets need to be fixed... But, visited three thousand fami-
doesn’t want to hire a man who will pay for them to be lies and given more than 30
because the man is an repaired? speeches in a month.

6. e
5. f
4. b
3. c
2. a
1. d

Social Issues 3
36 社會事件 3

02 Match the sentences below and fill in the blanks with the words

detect / trace / discover / focus / compare

hunt / avoid / calm / ease

Problems Methods of Solving Problems

1. I lost my watch on the a. You should
∂ ∂
way home. eating too many sweet things.
2. I want to lose some b. OH... your leg
∂ ∂
weight. What can I do? lightly on the floor.
3. I don’t know which one c. You must your
∂ ∂
to buy? steps along the road you walked.
4. I’m so hungry! What can d. No problem, I’ll
∂ ∂
we eat in this forest? it when I clean the pond.
e. Please down.
5. Gee, I broke my leg! ∂ ∂
Tell me more what he said.
6. I can’t shoot down the f. Let’s that bird.
∂ ∂
target. We can roast it!
7. My diamond is lost in g. OK, I’ll the
∂ ∂
your pond. problem in five minutes!
8. Today’s income balance h. You just need to
∂ ∂
is wrong! on the red dot.
9. Oh, no... Peter says he i. You can just
∂ ∂
won’t come back again! their prices.

9. e, calm
8. g, detect 7. d, discover 6. h, focus 5. b, Ease
4. f, hunt 3. i, compare 2. a, avoid 1. c, trace

132 1000
Social Issues 3
社會事件 3 36
1. solve [sAlv] v. 解決 9. discover [dIs1k√v_] v. 發現
2. deal with [1dil1wID] v. phrase 處理 10. focus [1fok@s] v. 專注
3. handle [h{nd¬] v. 處理 11. compare [k@m1pEr] v. 比較
4. happen [1h{p@n] v. 發生 12. hunt [h√nt] v. 獵取
5. pressure [1prES_] n. 壓力 13. avoid [@1vOId] v. 避免
6. lack [l{k] v. 缺少 14. calm [kAm] v. 鎮定下來
7. detect [dI1tEkt] v. 查出 15. ease [iz] v. 放鬆、小心移動
8. trace [tres] v. 追蹤

03 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. To stay away from a situation, person, place etc. means to...(hunt /

solve / discover / avoid).
2. To check the difference or similarity of two people or things is
5. focus
to...(compare / trace / focus / ease).
4. hunt
3. To not have enough of something means...(discover / detect / lack / 3. lack
deal with). 2. compare
4. To chase and kill wild animals is to...(happen / avoid / hunt / calm). 1. avoid
5. To give a lot of attention to one particular subject means to...(com-
pare / detect / solve / focus).

04 Fill in the chart below. Use your dictionary and find out the cor-
rect form of the verbs and nouns for below words.

Verbs(動詞) Nouns(名詞) Verbs(動詞) Nouns(名詞) 6. avoid

5. compare
1. solution press 2.
4. discovery
detect 3. discover 4. 3. detection
5. comparison 6. avoidance 2. pressure
1. solve

Social Issues 3
36 社會事件 3

05 True or False. Check the use of nouns and verbs in the sentences
below. If the answer is false, write down the correct answers.

1. The way to make yourself happy is doing the things

you want.
2. Avoiding talking to any strangers can keep you safe.
3. He works from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. I think his job gives
6. F / discovered
him too much press.
5. T
4. The compare of the products’ price could give you an 4. F / comparison
idea of what is good to buy. 3. F / pressure
5. The detection of crime is a very complex process. 2. T
6. John discovery the treasure box in his backyard. 1. T

06 Answer the questions below.

1. List three things that people usually compare to when

they talk about beauty.
exercise / To listen to music
2. List three things that people need to avoid when they 4. «To take a day off / To do
are in the movie theater. 3. Deer / Sheep / Horse
in the middle of the show
cell phones / To stand up
3. List three kinds of animals that tigers usually hunt for.
2. To talk loudly / To speak on
4. What would you suggest if your friend gets too much 1. Hair styles / Clothes /
pressure from his job?

07 Match the letters below.

1. com ∂ ∂tect 7. id
2. press ∂ ∂with 6. with

3. dis ∂ ∂pare 5. le

∂ ∂le
4. tect
4. de
3. cover
5. hand ∂ ∂id 2. ure
6. deal ∂ ∂ure 1. pare
7. avo ∂ ∂cover

134 1000
37 Traffic 交通 37
01 Look at the pictures and statements below. Circle the correct answers.

1. edge 2. 3. 4.


1. a) Edge is the sides of the area. 3. a) He takes a trip to America.

b) Area is the sides of the edge. b) He travels to Japan.
2. a) This is a traffic jam. 4. a) This is a scene of a city.
b) This is a traffic light. b) This is a scene of a countryside.

4. b 3.a 2. b 1. a

02 Match the sentences below and fill in the words into the chart

single / return / rush hour / delayed / missed / hurry / on time

1. The train has already gone an hour ago! ∂ ∂ a. He the work.

2. Oh, I’m already late. ∂ ∂ b. He bought a ticket to Taipei.
3. I won’t come back! ∂ ∂ c. He the train.
4. Give me a one-way ticket to Taipei. ∂ ∂ d. He must now.
5. Good, you arrived at our promised e. Seven to ten is the .
time. ∂ ∂
6. You should have given me the work f. He is .
∂ ∂
7. Seven to ten a.m. is when there is a g. He will not to the place!.
∂ ∂
traffic jam.

7. e, rush hour 6. a, delayed 5. f, on time 4. b, single 3. g, return 2. d, hurry 1. c, missed

37 交通

1. edge [EdZ] n. 邊緣 8. return [rI1t^n] v. 返回

2. area [1ErI@] n. 區域 9. rush hour [1r√S1a¨r] n. phrase 交通尖鋒
3. traffic [1tr{fIk] n. 交通 時間
4. trip [trIp] n. 旅行 10. delay [dI1le] v. 拖延
5. travel [1tr{v¬] v. 旅行 11. miss [mIs] v. 錯過
6. scene [sin] n. 景色 12. hurry [1h^I] v. 趕緊
7. single [1sIµg¬] n. 單程 13. on time [An1taIm] adj. phrase 準時的

03 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. To go and come back to the same place is to...(travel / miss / return /

delay) to the place.
2. To arrive too late to get the bus is to...(hurry / delay / travel / miss) the
3. A view or a picture of a place is called ...(a scene / an edge / a trip / a 5. rush hour
traffic). 4. a trip
4. A journey in which you visit for a short time and return again is...(a traf- 3. a scene
fic / a single / a scene / a trip). 2. miss

5. The time that a lot of people travel to or from work is...(on time / trip /
1. return

edge / rush hour).

04 Guess out the below words’ synonym. Fill the answer in the chart.

1. one-way 2. scenery
3. peak hour 4. traveling
5. postpone 6. go and come back
7. rush 8. border

8. edge 7. hurry 6. return 5. delay 4. trip 3. rush hour 2. scene 1. single

136 1000
交通 37
05 Answer the questions below with "yes". Write your answers in
complete sentences above the lines.

1. Will the meeting be postponed?

2. Is the scenery beautiful?

6. Yes, it is a one way ticket.
3. Will you go and come back to the town? the peak hour.
5. Yes, I take MRT during
4. Do you like traveling? 4. Yes, I like traveling.
3. Yes, I’ll come back to the
5. Do you take MRT during the peak hour? 2. Yes, it is beautiful.
1. Yes, it will be postponed.
6. Is this a one-way ticket?

06 Answer the questions below.

1. What time is the rush hour in your city? 4. Italy / Japan /

2. List three occasions that you think are necessary to be on time. 3. Snow drops from
Meetings /
3. Describe a scene that you like best when you take a trip. 2. Dates /
4. List three cities that you wish most to travel around. 1. It is from 7:30 to

07 Match the letters below.

1. rush∂ ∂gle
2. tra ∂ ∂rry
6. gle
5. lay
3. on ∂ ∂lay
4. rry
4. hu ∂ ∂hour 3. time
5. de ∂ ∂time 2. ffic
6. sin ∂ ∂ffic 1. hour

Pronouns 1
38 Pronouns 1
代名詞 1

01 Personal Pronouns.

I / you / he / she / it / we / they

Who are the below highlighted pronouns referring to? Read the dia-
logues and answer with their names in the parentheses.

Mary: Hi, how are you? (e.g. you = Peter)

Peter: I’m fine. It’s very good to see you. (泝 I = / It = / you = )

Mary: Me too. I would like to introduce my family to you. (沴 I = / you = )

Peter: Oh, lovely.

Mary: This is my brother, Johnny and his wife, Sharon.

Peter: Hi, Johnny! Hi, Sharon! Nice to meet you! (沊 you = )

Johnny and Sharon: Nice to meet you too! (沝 you = )

Mary: They are Jenny and Maggie. We are living together. So... (沀 they = /
We = )

Peter: Yeah, they are your housemates, right!? (泞 they = )

Mary: Yes, and they bring their little dog ’Lucky’ here, as well. ( 泀 they = )

Peter: Oh, I love dogs! It is so cute!! Please come in! (洰 It = )

8. Lucky 4. Peter
7. Jenny and Maggie 3. Johnny and Sharon
6. Jenny and Maggie 2. Mary / Peter
Jenny and Maggie Mary
5. Jenny and Maggie / Mary, 1. Peter / Seeing Mary /

138 1000
Pronouns 1
代名詞 1 38
02 Reflexive Pronouns.

myself / yourself / himself / herself / itself /

ourselves / yourselves / themselves

Who are the below highlighted pronouns referring to? Read the dia-
logues and answer with their names in the parentheses.

Nina: Julie, Look! I made this cake myself. (泝 myself = )

Julie: Wow, really!? Do you learn it by yourself? (沴 yourself = )

Nina: Hum...No, it was my brother. He taught me.

Julie: Your brother?! Did your brother learn it by himself? (沊 himself = )

Nina: Well... Not really. He learnt it from his girlfriend, Mina.

Julie: So, did Mina learn it by herself? (沝 herself = )

Nina: Yeah, I think Mina and her housemates learnt it by themselves from a book.
(沀 themselves = )

Julie: Oh, is the book called SuSuNa Recipe?

Nina: Yes! Do you and your housemates want to learn it by yourselves, too?
(泞 yourselves = )

Julie: No, we wrote the SuSuNa Recipe ourselves. And, the idea itself come from me.
(泀 ourselves = / itself= )

SuSuNa recipe 4. Mina

7. Julie and her housemates / 3. Nina’s brother
6. Julie and her housemates 2. Nina
5. Mina and her housemates. 1. Nina

Pronouns 1
38 代名詞 1

1. I [aI] pron. 我 9. yourself [j¨r1sElf] pron. 你自己

2. you [ju] pron. 你、你們 10. himself [hIm1sElf] pron. 他自己
3. he [hi] pron. 他 11. herself [h_1sElf] pron. 她自己
4. she [Si] pron. 她 12. itself [It1sElf] pron. 它自己
5. it [It] pron. 它 13. ourselves [%a¨r1sElvz] pron. 我們自己
6. we [wi] pron. 我們 14. yourselves [j¨r1sElvz] pron. 你們自己
7. they [De] pron. 他們 15. themselves [D@m1sElvz] pron. 他們自
8. myself [maI1sElf] pron. 我自己 己

03 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. (I / He / She / They)... are my friends.

2. (She / We / It / I / He)... is a girl.
3. (We / You / I / She / It)... am your teacher.
4. (We / They / He / I)... are our family.
10. themselves
5. (It / She / They / He / I)... is my dog.
9. himself
6. (They / I / She / He / It)... is Uncle Lee. 8. themselves
7. (You / She / We / They / I)... is their sister. 7. She
8. My grandparents build the house by...(itself/ ourselves / yourselves / 6. He
themselves / myself). 5. It
9. The king paints the wall by...(yourself / herself / himself / itself / 4. They
3. I
2. She
10. Students never believe...(themselves / himself / yourself / itself / 1. They

04 Match the words below.

7. myself, am
1. she∂ ∂myself∂
∂am 6. ourselves, are
2. they∂ ∂ourselves∂ 5. himself, is
3. you∂ ∂itself∂ 4. itself, is
4. it∂ ∂themselves∂ ∂are yourself, are

3. yourselves and
5. he∂
2. themselves, are
6. we∂ ∂himself∂
∂is 1. herself, is
7. I∂ ∂yourselves and yourself∂

140 1000
Pronouns 1
代名詞 1 38
05 Answer the questions below.

1. List three things that you usually do by yourself.

2. List three things that students should do by themselves. 4. A dog / A book / A computer
3. Mary, Jenny and Maggie
3. Who is a she in your life? (List three people)
2. Homework / Test / Go to
Watching TV
4. What can be an it in your life? (List three things) 1. Cooking / Reading /

06 Read the statements below and fill in the blanks with the
following words.

I / he / she / they / we / it / you

1. Here is our dog. eats meat.

2. Susan, should do your homework.
3. These are my books. are expensive. 6. you 3. They
4. Good-bye, students. can get on the bus now. 5. We 2. you
5. Johnny and I often go to school together. are good friends. 4. You 1. It

6. Lisa, Jim and Amelia, should go to bed now.

myself / ourselves / itself / themselves / herself / himself / yourselves

1. Our cat washes after meals.

2. Your kids are too young to take care of .
3. Lisa, find a seat for . 6. themselves 3. yourself
4. Steven and I cooked the meal by . 5. himself 2. themselves
5. Her father builds the house by . 4. ourselves 1. itself

6. His dogs are playing by .

Pronouns 2
39 Pronouns 2
代名詞 2

01 Possessive Pronouns.

mine / yours / his / hers / ours / theirs

Who are the below highlighted pronouns referring to? Read the dia-
logues and answer with their names in the parentheses.

Mr. Wang: Jack, is this mine? (泝 "mine" means the thing belongs to... )

Jack: Oh, yes, this is yours. (沴 "yours" means the thing belongs to... )

Mr. Wang: No, but it says Mrs. Wang.

Jack: Oh, really! Then it should be hers, Vivian Wang. (沊 "hers" means the thing belongs
to... )

Mr. Wang: Wait...it says to the department of Mrs. Wang.

Jack: Yeah? So, it’s theirs, the department of Finance. (沝 "theirs" means the thing
belongs to... )

Mr. Wang: Robinson is in charge of the department of Finance, right?

Jack: Yes. Then...it is his. (沀 "his" means the thing belongs to... )

Mr. Wang: Oh, no... it’s ours! Robinson is on a business trip and we are doing his job this
month. (泞 "ours" means the thing belongs to... )

6. Mr. Wang and Jack 3. Vivian Wang

5. Robinson 2. Mr. Wang
4. the department of finance 1. Mr. Wang

142 1000
Pronouns 2
代名詞 2 39
02 Demonstrative Pronouns.

this / that / these / those

Amanda visits Doris’s house. According to the location that has shown
in the picture below. Guess what kind of pronouns they may use in their
dialogues. Fill with the pronouns: "these", "that", "this" and "those".


Amanda: What is ?
Doris: A hand-made clock.
Amanda: What is on your shoes?
4. These
Doris: Oh, a bell. It rings when you walk. 3. those
Amanda: Then, what are on your back? 2. that
Amanda: are bags. I made them by myself. 1. this
Doris: You are really talented!

1. mine [maIn] pron. 我的 6. theirs [DErz] pron. 他們的

2. yours [j¨rz] pron. 你的、你們的 7. this [DIs] pron. 這、這個(人、事、物)
3. his [hIz] pron. 他的 8. that [D{t] pron. 那、那個(人、事、物)
4. hers [h^z] pron. 她的 9. these [Diz] pron. 這些(人、事、物)
5. ours [1a¨rz] pron. 我們的 10. those [Doz] pron. 那些(人、事、物)

Pronouns 2
39 代名詞 2

03 Replace the underlined words with the words: yours / ours/ mine
/ theirs / hers / its / his.

E.g. His cat is black. 4. Their class is new.

(Hers) Her cat is brown. ( ) Our class is old.

1. Can I use your computer? 5. My dog is fat.

( ) My computer doesn’t work. ( ) His dog is thin.

2. My brother is tall. 6. Antonio’s jeans are blue.

( ) your brother is tall? ( ) Jennifer’s jeans are red.

3. My parents’ house is small. 7. Susana’s umbrella is long.

( ) Mr. and Mrs. Chen’s house is big. ( ) Peter’s umbrella is short.

7. His 6. Hers 5. His 4. Ours 3. Theirs 2. yours 1. Mine

04 Match the words below.

1. He∂ ∂Ours∂ ∂You 7. It, Its

2. My∂ ∂Mine∂ ∂I 6. Theirs, Their
3. Yours∂ ∂Hers∂ ∂Our 5. Hers, She
4. We∂ ∂His∂ ∂Its 4. Ours, Our

∂Theirs∂ ∂She
3. Your, You
5. Her∂
2. Mine, I
6. They ∂ ∂It∂ ∂Their
1. His, His
7. Its∂ ∂Your∂ ∂His

05 Identify the subjects of the sentences below and write whether it

is "near" or "far" from the speaker.

E.g. Is that school big? ( far ) 4. Bring me that chair. ( )

1. Are these books? ( ) 5. This telephone is new. ( ) 4. far

7. far 3. near
2. Those are my bags. ( ) 6. Are those cars old? ( ) 6. far 2. far

3. Is this your pencil? ( ) 7. Is that your watch? ( ) 5. near 1. near

144 1000
Pronouns 2
代名詞 2 39
06 Unscramble the words below into sentences.

E.g. Her hair is short. (is / his / long / But) But his is long.
1. Their class is boring. (interesting / ours / is)

2. My parents always watch TV. (TV / Do / always / yours /

watch) ?
3. My friend comes from Italy. (America / Does / come / yours /
6. Does yours have one?
from) ? 5. Is yours in August?
4. I am like my father. (yours / like / Are / you ) 4. Are you like yours?
? America?
5. My birthday is in December. (August / yours / Is / in) 3. Does yours come from

? TV?
2. Do yours always watch
6. My house has two bedrooms. (have / Does / yours / one)
1. Ours is interesting.

07 Answer the questions below.

1. List three things that are yours in your bathroom.

2. My house has got three bedrooms, two bathrooms, one living room, one dining room and
one kitchen. How about yours?

2. My house has got three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and one living room.
1. A red toothbrush / A yellow towel / A black comb

Pronouns 3
40 Pronouns 3代名詞 3

01 Indefinite Pronouns

somebody / nothing / anybody / everyone / nobody /

everybody anything / no-one / something / anyone /
everything / someone

Fill in above indefinite pronouns into the chart below.

one body thing

every (=each) e.g. everyone 1. 2.

any 3. 4. 5.

no (=none) 6. 7. 8.

some 9. 10. 11.

9. someone 6. no one 3. anyone

11. something 8. nothing 5. anything 2. everything
10. somebody 7. nobody 4. anybody 1. everybody

02 Circle out the correct answer through examining the examples

below in the chart.

Examples: Examples:
Where is everybody? Does everyone remember their first teacher?
Someone is singing. Somebody is cooking; they cook for them-
No-one knows about the news. selves.
Is anyone home? Nobody answers the phone, don’t they ?
1. Circle the correct answer: I don’t like anybody; I don’t talk to them .
The indefinite pronouns are (singular / plural). 2. Circle the correct answer:
You (cannot / can) use the plural pronouns e.g.
they, them, their...etc. to refer to the indefinite

146 1000
Pronouns 3
代名詞 3 40
Example: Example:
Is anyone there? (Don’t use: Is someone Q: Is there anybody in the cafe?
there?) A1: Yes, there is somebody in the cafe.
(Don’t use: Yes, there is anybody in the cafe.)
Is anything wrong? A2: No, there is not anybody in the cafe.
(Don’t use: Is something wrong?) (Don’t use: No, there is not somebody in the
cafe .)
3. Circle the correct answer: 4. Circle the correct answer:
In (question / affirmative) sentences, it is better to When sentences with ‘not’, it is (not better / bet-
use ‘anyone, anybody and anything’ than ter) to use ‘anybody, anyone and anything’
‘someone, somebody and something’. than ‘someone, somebody and something’.

4. better 3. question 2. can 1. singular

1. somebody [1s√m%bAdI] pron. 某人 10. anyone [1EnI%w√n] pron. 任何人

2. nothing [1n√TIµ] pron. 沒什麼 11. everything [1EvrI%TIµ] pron. 每件事
3. anybody [1EnI%bAdI] pron. 任何人 12. someone [1s√m%w√n] pron. 某人
4. everyone [1EvrI%w√n] pron. 每個人 13. every [1EvrI] adj. 每一個的
5. nobody [1nobAdI] pron. 沒有人 14. each [itS] pron. 每個
6. everybody [1EvrI%bAdI] pron. 每個人 15. any [1EnI] pron. 任何一個
7. anything [1EnI%TIµ] pron. 任何東西 16. none [n√n] pron. 一點也沒有
8. no one [1no1w√n] pron. 沒有人 17. some [s√m] pron. 一些
9. something [1s√mTIµ] pron. 某些東西 18. one [w√n] pron. 一個、一人

03 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. (Somebody / Everything / Nothing / Everybody)...complains

about their company.
2. There is...(any / nothing / nobody / anything) wrong in the
3. anyone
case study.
2. nothing
3. You shouldn’t tell...(everything / every / someone / anyone) 1. Somebody / Everybody
about your plan.

Pronouns 3
40 代名詞 3
4. (Some / Everyone / Everything / Everybody)... needs family.
5. (None / Any / One / Something)... of these answers is cor- 9. anything
rect. Nobody

6. Did you buy...(something / anyone / somebody / anything) 8. No-one / Someone /

7. anyone / anything
from the shop?
6. anything
7. Don’t leave...(something / someone / anyone / anything) in 5. None / One
the car. 4. Everyone / Everybody
8. (No-one / Someone / Anything / Nobody) answer the phone.
9. Did you do...(something / every / nobody / anything)?

04 Unscramble the words below into sentences.

1. (is / for / ready / Everything / meal / the) .

2. (friends / has / my / One / house / a / of) . 6. Has anyone seen the
. news.
3. (one / you / do / Which / like) ? 5. No one knows about the
? selves in the mirror?
4. (in / mirrors / Can / see / the / everyone / themselves) ? 4. Can everyone see them-
3. Which one do you like?
5. (knows / the / news / No one / about) . 2. One of my friends has a
. the meal
6. (tiger / the / anyone / Has / seen) ? 1. Everything is ready for

05 Answer the questions below.

1. Use "some" to describe things you have at home. (List

three answers)
I don’t wear any skirts.
. I don’t drink any milk.
2. Use "any" to describe things you don’t like or don’t like to 2. I don’t eat any fish.
do. (List three answers) vegetables at home.
. clothes, useful books and
1. I have some beautiful

148 1000
Pronouns 3
代名詞 3 40
06 Replace the underlined words with the words: one / any / some.

E.g. I have a dog. 3. I don’t like pets.

Do you have a dog (one)? Do you like pets ( )?

1. I got some money. 4. I have a girlfriend.

Do you have some money ( )? Do you have a girlfriend ( )?

2. I have some rice. 5. I have a part-time job.

He has some rice ( ), too. She has ( ), too.

5. one 4. one 3. any 2. some 1. any

07 Match the words below.

1. every∂ ∂nobody
2. nothing∂ ∂each
3. anybody∂ ∂anyone
4. everyone∂ ∂none
5. no one∂ ∂everybody
6. That student is∂ ∂the one I live in.
7. There is∂ ∂someone famous in the pub.
8. I don’t eat∂ ∂each student.
9. That house is∂ ∂any fruit.
10. Give the apples to∂ ∂none left.

10. each student. 9. the one I live.

8. any fruit. 7. none left.
6. someone famous in the pub. 5. nobody
4. everybody 3. anyone
2. none 1. each

Determiners 1
41 Determiners 1
限定詞 1

01 The Article.

a / an / the

Answer the questions below.

(1) Circle the correct use of a and an. (圈出正確的a和an用法)

a bird / an umbrella / a water / a dog / a rice / an apple / an ink / a house / an air / a cat / a

Circle the correct answer:

We use a and an with singular (uncountable nouns / countable nouns).
(2) Fill a or an into below blanks. (請填入a或an在下列空格)
elephant/ picture/ ant/ uniform/ magazine/
Indian/ wife/ egg/ old man

Fill the correct answer:

We use an before countable nouns that begin with the first letter in , ,
, , . (They are vowels.)
(3) Circle the correct use of the. (圈出正確的the用法)

the nurse / the sofa / the a dog / the an egg / the beach / the street

Circle the correct answer:

We (don’t / do) use a or an with the together before a noun.
(4) Read the below dialogue and answer the questions. (讀下列對話並回答問題)

Helen: Who killed the bird?

Tom: A cat.
Jack: The cat.

Circle the correct answer:

ç(Helen, Tom and Jack) does not know which cat.
çYou use the before a noun when you and the listeners (don’t know / know) which one you

150 1000
Determiners 1
限定詞 1 41
(5) Circle the correct use of the. (圈出正確的the用法)

The John / The Eiffel Tower / The Taipei / The Pacific Ocean / The Alps Mountain / The Nile

Circle the correct answer:

ç(Use / Don’t use) the with the names of people, streets or places.
ç(Use / Don’t use) the with the name of rivers, oceans, mountain and buildings.

5. the Eiffel Tower, the Pacific Ocean, the Alps Mountain, the Nile River / Don’t use / Use.
4. Tom / know.
3. the nurse, the sofa, the beach, the street / don’t.
2. an, a, an, an, a, an, a, an, an / a, e, i, o, u.
1. a bird, an umbrella, a dog, an apple, a house, a cat / countable nouns.

1. a [@] art. 一、一個 3. the [D@] art. 這(個)、那(個)

2. an [{n] art. 一、一個

02 Read the descriptions below and fill in the words "a", "an" or
"the" in the blanks.

One night, 1) man with one arm kills 2) doctor’s wife in 3) hotel.
4) one-arm man ran right away after he killed 5) lady.
However, in 6) hotel, no one saw 7) one-arm man.
Only 8) doctor himself saw 9) man use 10) umbrella to kill his wife.
11) doctor tells 12) story to the policemen.
However, no one believes 13) doctor.
14) policemen believes 15) lady was killed by 16) doctor.
This is 17) unbelievable answer to 18) doctor.
19) doctor has 20) old friend in the police office.
This friend is 21) detective. He decided to let 22) doctor run away.

13. the 14.The 15. the 16. the 17. an 18. the 19. The 20. an 21. a 22. the
1. a 2. a 3. a 4. The 5. the 6. the 7. the 8. the 9. the 10. an 11. The 12. the

Determiners 1
41 限定詞 1

03 Unscramble the words below into sentences.

1. (many / are / There / problems / the / in / world).

2. (bright / moon / very / not / The / is / tonight).
. 5. My birthday is on the
3. (fly / in / I / sky / can / the). 4. An ant eats a cat’s food.
. 3. I can fly in the sky.
4. (food / ant / eats / a / cat’s / An). tonight.
2. The moon is not very bright
in the world.
5. (twentieth / the / birthday / My / on / is).
1. There are many problems

04 Answer the questions below.

1. List three nouns that should always go with ‘the’ by

grammar rules.
2. water, juice, air
. U.S.A.
2. List three nouns that can not be used with ‘a’ or ‘an’. 1. The sun / The moon / The

05 Write the singular and plural forms of the words below.

Singular(單數) Plural (複數) Singular(單數) Plural(複數)

1. owls a zoo 2.

a taxi 3. 4. potatoes
12. offices 6. video
an eye 5. 6. videos 11. an university 5. eyes
7. roses a box 8. 10. an hour 4. a potato
9. an engineer 3. taxies
9. engineers 10. hours 8. boxes 2. zoos
7. a rose 1. an owls
11. universities an office 12.

152 1000
Determiners 2
42 Determiners 2 限定詞 2 42
01 Quantifying Determiners.

most / few / several / a little / much / both /

a lot of / a few / many / lots of / more / little /
less / all / another / fewer

Read the examples below and classify the words above into the chart below.

I have read several books.

I’ve got less hair than you.
+ countable nouns
Both of my housemates are tall. (+可數的名詞)
A few students sing the songs.
You should try a little rice.
This year, school has fewer students than last year.
I don’t drink much tea. + uncountable nouns
There was little water left. (+不可數的名詞)
There are many apples on the tree.
Few girls want to buy robots.

Lots of children like you.

Lots of milk in the cup. 3
+ countable or
There is another apple for you. uncountable nouns
All cars should be cleaned. (+可數的或不可數
I drank all of the water. 的名詞)

A lot of cats don’t have food.

A lot of oil is gone.
I got more pictures than you. 4
+ singular countable
Give me more jam. nouns
Most friends like flowers. (+單數可數的名詞)
Most of powder is white.

4. another 2. less, a little, much, little

3. lots of, more, all, most, a lot of 1. several, both, a few, fewer many, few

Determiners 2
42 限定詞 2

1. most [most] pron. adj. 大多數(的) 8. a few [@1fju] pron. adj. 少少的幾個(的)
2. few [fju] pron. adj. 很少、幾乎沒有 9. many [mEnI] pron. adj. 許多(的)
(的) 10. lots of [1lAts%@f] adj. phrase 很多(的)
3. several [1sEv@r@l] pron. adj. 數個(的) 11. more [mor] pron. adj. 更多(的)
4. a little [@1lIt¬] pron. adj. 少量的一些(的) 12. little [lIt¬] pron. adj. 少、不多(的)
5. much [m√tS] pron. adj. 許多(的) 13. less [lEs] adj. 較少(的)
6. both [boT] pron. adj. 雙方(都)、兩者 14. all [Ol] pron. adj. 所有(的)
…都 15. another [@1n√D_] pron. adj. 另一個(的)
7. a lot of [@1lAt%@f] pron. adj. 許多(的) 16. fewer [fju_] adj. 較少(的)

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. (All / A few / More / Both / Another)...means "two".

2. (A lot of / More / A few / A little / All)... is the opposite word of "many". 6. More
3. (Another / Lots of / Less / A little / Much)... refers to "one". 5. Several
4. Much
4. (Both / Many / Much / All / A few)... is the opposite word of "a little".
3. Another
5. (Lots of / All / Several / Most / A lots of)... means not many. 2. A few
6. (Much / More / Another / Many / Most)... is the opposite word of "less". 1. Both

03 Match the words below.

1. are∂ ∂Much
∂A few
∂A little 3. Lots of, A lot of, All
2. is∂ ∂Both 2. Much, A little

1. Many, A few, Both, Several

∂Lots of
3. are / is∂ ∂A lot of

154 1000
Determiners 2
限定詞 2 42
04 Unscramble the words below into sentences.

1. (computers / students / use / Most / can).

2. (speak / can / A lot of / parents / English).
. 6. Both parents like shopping.
3. (has / John / all / fish / of / eaten / the). 5. Several books are missing.
. 4. A few girls like swimming.
4. (like / swimming / A few / girls). fish.
3. John has eaten all of the
5. (books / are / Several / missing).
2. A lot of parents can speak
. computers.
6. (parents / like / Both / shopping). 1. Most students can use

Determiners 3
43 Determiners 3
限定詞 3

01 Possessive Determiners.

my / your / his / her / its / our / their

Who are the highlighted words below referring to? Read the context
and give your answer in the parentheses.

Jeff: Is this your picture? (e.g. your = John’s)

John: Yes. This is my family. (my = 1. )

My parents are here. (My = 2. )
This is our dog, Lesley. (our = 3. )
Look! This is its little house which I made.(its = 4. )
And, she is my sister, Jennifer. (my = 5. )
Her son stands on the left. (Her = 6. )
And, this tall man is my little brother, William. (my = 7. )
This young lady is his wife. (his = 8. )
This is their new house. (their = 9. )
We were there for Christmas!

5. John’s
9. William and his wife’s 4. Lesley’s
8. William’s 3. John’s family
7. John’s 2. John’s
6. Jennifer’s 1. John’s

156 1000
Determiners 3
限定詞 3 43
02 Below Possessive Determiners refer to the plural nouns, singu-
lar nouns or both? Check the correct answers.

plural(複數的) singular(單數的) both(兩者都是)

1. their

2. my

3. its

4. our

5. her

6. your

7. his

6. your—both 4. our—plural 2. my—singular

5. her—singular 7. his—singular 3. its—singular 1. their—plural

1. my [maI] pron. 我的 5. its [Its] pron. 它的

2. your [ju_] pron. 你的、你們的 6. our [1a¨r] pron. 我們的
3. his [hIz] pron. 他的 7. their [DEr] pron. 他們的
4. her [h^] pron. 她的

03 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. (My / I) never go to school with (I / my) friends.

6. She, her
2. (He / His) father lets (I / my) son drive the car.
5. you, their
3. (You / Your) should go now, (their / they) bus would not wait for you. 4. It, our
4. (It / Its) looks like (we / our) house. 3. You, their
5. Will (you / your) buy gifts for (they / their) children? 2. His, my
6. (She / Her) carried (her / she) cat to a pet shop. 1. I, my

Determiners 3
43 限定詞 3

04 Match the words below.

1. Hisç çSheç 7. Their, They, Were

2. Yourç çTheyç çWas 6. My, I, Was

5. Its, It, Was
3. Herç
4. Our. We, Were
4. Ourç
3. Her, She, Was
5. Itsç çHeç 2. Your, You, Were
6. Myç çWeç çWere 1. His, He, Was
7. Theirç çIç

05 Replace the underlined words with the words: your / our/ my /

their / her / its / his.

E.g. Teresa likes her brother’s toy.

Teresa likes ( his ) toy.
1. Frank is holding the waitress’s hands.
Frank is holding ( ) hands.
2. The dog runs into my grandparents’ house.
The dog runs into ( ) house.
3. Please don’t tell this to your niece .
Please don’t tell this to ( ). 5. your

4. Please write down your and my name.

4. our
3. her
Please write down ( ) name.
2. their
5. Lillian! These are you and John’s gifts. 1. her
Lillian! These are ( ) gifts.

06 Unscramble the words below into sentences.

1. (name / don’t / I / your/ know).

2. (brother / I / movies / tonight / and / My / will / the / go / to). 3. The dog eats his toys.
to the movies tonight.
2. My brother and I will go
3. (toys / his / eats / dog / The).
1. I don’t know your name.

158 1000
Determiners 3
限定詞 3 43
4. (money / want / her / she / Doesn’t / back)?

cars everyday.
5. (ago / died / cat / Our / has / years).
8. Some people wash their
ary everyday?
6. (watch / is / Where / my)? 7. Do you use your diction-
6. Where is my watch?
7. (use / everyday / dictionary / Do / your / you)? ago.
5. Our cat has died years
money back?
8. (their / everyday / wash / people / Some / cars).
4. Doesn’t she want her

07 Answer the questions below.

1. Describe your house with three sentences.

and a big dog.

car, three lovely children
2. Describe your neighbors with three sentences. 2. My neighbor has a nice
and a mini living room.
kitchen, three bedrooms
1. My house has a clean

44 Verbs

01 Classify verbs below into the chart.

should / may / can / am / shall / do / was

have / is / will / must / were / are / could
would / did / does / had / might / done / has

1. Be Verbs (Be動詞) 2. Auxiliary Verbs(助動詞)

2. should, may, can, shall, do, have, will, must, could, would, did, does, had, might, done, has
1. was, is, were, are, am

160 1000
動詞 44
02 Fill correct forms in the chart below.

Present Tense Past Tense Past Participial Present Tense Past Tense Past Participial
(現在式) (過去式) (過去完成式) (現在式) (過去式) (過去完成式)

am 1. been have 2. had

3. were 4. 5. would

is 6. been shall 7.

do 8. done 9. might

does did 10. can 11.

has had 12.

12. had 10. done 8. did 6. was 4.been 2. had

11. could 9. may 7. should 5. will 3. are 1. was

1. should [S¨d] v. 應該(shall的過去式) 12. were [w^] v. 是(are的過去式)

2. may [me] v. 可能 13. are [Ar] v. 是
3. can [k{n] v. 可以 14. could [k¨d] v. 可以(can的過去式)
4. am [{m] v. 是(第一人稱單數現在式) 15. would [w¨d] v. 將(will的過去式)
5. shall [S{l] v. 應該 16. did [dId] v. 做(do的過去式)
6. do [du] v. 做 17. does [d√z] v. 做(第三人稱單數現在
7. was [wAz] v. 是(is的過去式) 式)
8. have [h{v] v. 有 18. had [h{d] v. 有(have的過去式)
9. is [Iz] v. 是(第三人稱單數現在式) 19. might [maIt] v. 可能(may的過去式)
10. will [wIl] v. 將 20. done [d√n] v. 做(do的過去分詞)
11. must [m√st] v. 必須 21. has [h{z] v. 有(第三人稱單數現在式)

44 動詞

03 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. Are you five? Yes, I (am / do / have / was).

2. Do you walk to school? Yes, I (am / have / do / was).
3. Can you speak Japanese? Yes, I (do / would / could / can).
4. Shall we go? Yes, we (should / might / shall / do).
5. Would he like a gift? Yes, he (does / is / will / would).
6. Will they come again? Yes, they (would / do / are / will). 10. mustn’t 5. would

7. She is a movie star, (is / isn’t / doesn’t / don’t) she?

9. has 4. shall
8. are 3. can
8. Am I your friend? Yes, you (am / is / was / are).
7. isn’t 2. do
9. Has he won a lottery? Yes, he (does / is / has / have). 6.will 1. am
10. I must go now, (won’t / must / mustn’t / shouldn’t) I?

04 Read the sentences below and correct the underlined parts.

1. She would likes to talk to you? 8. go

2. Don’t your father angry? 7. swim
3. I were in London last night. 6. sleep
4. We couldn’t saying anything more. 5. Do

5. Are they drive to school?

4. say
3. was
6. Shall the cat sleeps now?
2. Isn’t
7. You can swimming very well. 1. like
8. My brother will not goes to school today.

05 Unscramble the words below into sentences.

1. (pop / your / songs / sister / listen / to / Does)?

2. (out / woman / go / Should / to / a / work)?

3. (tomorrow / we / you / Will / see / again)? 5. No one can dance like you.
4. Could he stay home all day?
3. Will we see you again tomorrow?
4. (day / home / stay / he / all / Could)?
2. Should a woman go out to work?
5. (you / can / No one / dance / like). 1. Does your sister listen to pop

162 1000
Prepositions of Places 1
45 Prepositions of Places45
1 描述地點的介系詞 1

01 Look at the picture below and fill in the following prepositions

into the blanks.

bird / window / dog / ball / car / cat / grass

baby / stones / rabbit / tree / girl / water

1. A man is sitting inside the car.

2. A is sitting beside the man in the
3. A is sitting in front of the car.
4. The man is looking at the cat through the
car .
5. A dog is sitting at the back of the .
6. There is a tree behind the .
7. The dog is in between the and car.
8. Under the tree there are some .
9. Above the tree there is a flying.

10. Below the car there is a .

11. Around the ball there is some .
12. There is a flower and next to the
13. There is a eating, among the
14. A is standing outside the car.
15. She is lying against the car.

13. rabbit 10. ball 7. tree 4. window

12. grass 9. bird 6. dog 3. cat
14. girl 11. water 8. stones 5. car 2. baby

Prepositions of Places 1
45 描述地點的介系詞 1

1. inside [1In1saId] prep. 在...的裡面 8. under [1√nd_] prep. 在...的下面

2. beside [bI1saId] prep. 在...的旁邊 9. above [@1b√v] prep. 在...的上面
3. in front of [%In1fr√nt%@f] prep. 10. below [b@1lo] prep. 在...下面
在...的前面 11. around [@1ra¨nd] prep. 在...周圍
4. through [Tru] prep. 透過... 12. next to [1nEkst1tu] prep. 在...的旁邊
5. at the back of [%{t1D@1b{k%@f] prep. 13. among [@1m√µ] prep. 在...之中
在...的後面 14. outside [1aut1saId] prep. 在...的外面
6. behind [bI1haInd] prep. 在...的背後 15. against [@1gEnst] prep. 倚靠
7. between [bI1twin] prep. 在...之間

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. The opposite word of "under" is...(behind / above / inside / against).

2. The opposite word of "outside" is...(indoor / inside / next to / below).
3. The opposite word of "at the back of" is...(between / beside / in 5. between
front of / around). 4. at the back of
4. A synonym to the word "behind" is...(at the back of / in the front / 3. in front of

through / under).
2. inside
1. above
5. A synonym to the word "among" is...(next to / between / behind /

03 Read the descriptions below and draw what they describe.

1. A tree lies against a 3. A ball rolls through a tun- 5. A circle is inside a trian-
house. nel. gle.

2. A butterfly flies among 4. Number 44 is between 6. Alphabet F is next to the

flowers. number 43 and 45. alphabet G.

164 1000
Prepositions of Places 1
描述地點的介系詞 1 45
04 Answer the questions below with at least one preposition you
learn in this unit.

1. Where is your television?

2. Where is your bed?

4. My bathroom mirror is above the sink.

3. Where are your books?
3. My books are behind the computer.
2. My bed is next to my dresser.
4. Where is your bathroom mirror? 1. My television is in front of a sofa.

05 Unscramble the words below into sentences.

1. (at / house / Your car / of / back / the / is / the).

2. (There / grass / among / a / is / bee / the).

3. (front / You / not / stand / of / bus / should / in / the). 5. She sits next to a tree.
4. Don’t lie against the door.
4. (Don’t / door / against / the / lie). 3. You should not stand in front of the
2. There is a bee among the grass.
5. (to / tree / next / she / a / sits). 1. Your car is at the back of the house.

Prepositions of Places 2
46 Prepositions of Places 2
描述地點的介系詞 2

01 Look at the picture below and fill in the following words into the

postman / old lady / cap / children / police / old man / bus

student / girl / bank / man / boy / lady / car / dogs

1. A is walking across the road.

2. A is running along the road.
3. A is standing at the roadside.
4. There are many walking on
the road.
5. There is a going off the
6. There is a parked by the
7. There is an getting out from
the car.
8. The parked car is near a .
9. An is walking out from the
10. A and a dog are walking into
the bank.
11. There are two in the bank.
12. A is walking to the post office.
13. A is walking towards to the student.
14. A is coming out of the post office.
15. The postman’s is blown over the postbox.

15. cap 12. student 9. old lady 6. car 3. lady

14. postman 11. dogs 8. bank 5. bus 2. boy
13. police officer / police man 10. girl 7. old man 4. children 1. man

166 1000
Prepositions of Places 2
描述地點的介系詞 2 46
1. across [@1krOs] prep. 橫越、穿過 9. from [frAm] prep. 從
2. along [@1lOµ] prep. 沿著 10. into [1Intu] prep. 進入
3. at [{t] prep. 在…地點 11. in [In] prep. 在…裡面
4. on [An] prep. 在…上 12. to [tu] prep. 向、往
5. off [Of] prep. 從…分岔 13. towards [t@1wOrdz] prep. 朝向
6. by [baI] prep. 在…旁邊 14. out of [1a¨t%@f] prep. 自…離開
7. out [a¨t] prep. 出…在外 15. over [1ov_] prep. 越過
8. near [nIr] prep. 靠近

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. Where is the cat? It is...(along / on / in / off / across) the kitchen. 5. along

2. Where are you from? I’m...(towards / to / into / from / at) Tokyo. 4. near
3. Where are you going? I’m going...(into / from / to / along / in) Singapore. 3. to
4. Where is the bank? It is... (to / near / towards / across / into) the hospital. 2. from
1. in
5. How do you find my house? I walk...(on / at / along / from / into) the river.

03 Read the descriptions below and draw what they describe.

1. A chair is on a table. 2. An airplane flies towards 3. A fish is in a fish tank.

a mountain.

3. 魚缸裡有一隻魚。
2. 一架飛機飛向一座山。
1. 茶几上有一張椅子。

Prepositions of Places 2
46 描述地點的介系詞 2

04 Unscramble the words below into sentences.

1. (tomorrow / meet / you / I / park / at / will / the).

5. Don’t go off the road.
2. (stand / Please / me / so / cold / by / I / feel). boxes?
4. Can you jump over three
3. (from / man / is / rich / The / a / young / family). rich family.
3. The young man is from a
so cold.
4. (jump / boxes / Can / over / you / three)?
2. Please stand by me. I feel
5. (go / off / road / the / Don’t). 1. I will meet you at the park

05 Answer the questions below.

1. List three things or people that are near you now.

2. List three things that people can sit on.

4. school, house, bus
3. List three things in the world that people can walk along. 3. rivers, tunnels, roads
2. chairs, stones, sofas
brother, a computer
4. List three things that you can be inside of. 1. a pencil box, my

06 Fill the words below into the blanks.

at / off / by / into / out / across / along

Bell: Excuse me! How to get to the Conference Hall?

Waiter: Well, first you should walk 1) of this room from the door on
the right. Then, walk 2) a garden fence. 3) the bottom 7. across
of the road, you will see a small path 4) the road. After that, 6. into
walk on the path until you see a fountain 5) a church. The 5. by
4. off
Conference Hall is right at the back of the church. So, you should
3. At
walk 6) the church and find the door to the backyard. When 2. along
you get into the backyard, you should walk 7) a river. Finally, 1. out
you’ll see the Conference Hall in front of you.

168 1000
Prepositions of Time
47 Prepositions of Time
47 描述時間的介系詞

01 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

John usually gets up at 5:00a.m.

1. You can also say that John gets up...

(around 5:00a.m. / by 4:30a.m. / after 5:30a.m. / before 5:30a.m.).

John usually works from 8:00a.m. to 5:00p.m.

2. You can also say that John works...

(until 5:00p.m. / for 10 hours / since 8:00a.m. / during 8:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. /
till 8:00a.m.).

Jessica practices music from 9:00a.m. in the morning to noon

3. You can also say that Jessica practices the music...

(in the morning / at the noon / in the afternoon / about mid-night / by the 12:00
a.m. / before the morning / since the noon).

Julia doesn't work on Saturday or Sunday

4. You can also say that Julia works...

(from Saturday to Sunday / on the weekdays / during the weekends / between
Monday to Friday / for five days.).

Julia was born on December 25th 1970

5. You can also say that Julia's birthday is...

(on Christmas / in December / in October 1970 / between November to January
/ during the winter / after the December 1st / in 1970 / before the December 1st).

the winter / after the December 1st / in 1970

5. on Christmas / in December / between November to January / during
4. on the weekdays / between Monday to Friday / for five days
3. in the morning / by the 12:00 a.m.
2. until 5:00p.m. / since 8:00a.m. / during 8:00a.m. to 5:00p.m.
1. around 5:00a.m. / before 5:30a.m.

Prepositions of Time
47 描述時間的介系詞

1. at [{t] prep. 在…的時刻 9. for [fOr] prep. 長達…時間

2. around [@1ra¨nd] prep. 大約 10. since [sIns] prep. 從那時到現在
3. by [baI] prep. 不遲於 11. during [1djurIµ] prep. 在…期間
4. after [1{ft_] prep. 在…之後 12. till [tIl] prep. 直到…為止
5. before [bI1for] prep. 在…之前 13. in [In] prep. 在…(月、年)
6. from [frAm] prep. 從…起 14. about [@1ba¨t] prep. 大約
7. to [tu] prep. 直到…之前 15. on [An] prep. 在…(日)
8. until [@n1tIl] prep. 直到…為止 16. between [bI1twin] prep. 在…之間

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. I will graduate...(on / at / from / in / until) 2006.

2. It rains a lot...(to / on / during / for / in) May.
th 3. on
3. Our meeting is...(between / on / in / for / till) March 25 2004.
5. at 2. in
4. See you...(at / for / in / on / from) Sunday. 4. on 1. in
5. Let’s meet...(on / in / at / for / during) 3:30 p.m.

03 Answer the questions below.

1. When do you usually have dinner?

4. It is on October 10th.
2. How long have you been living in your house? November, December and January.
3. In my country, it is cold in October,
3. When is it cold in your country?
2. I’ve been living in my house about a
4. When is the national birthday of your country? 1. I usually have my dinner around 6

04 Unscramble the words below into sentences.

1. (to / movie / from / nine p.m. / starts / The / seven p.m.). seven p.m. to nine p.m.
1. The movie starts from

170 1000
Prepositions of Time
描述時間的介系詞 47
2. (car / 2004 / buy / a / in / I / to / want).

3. (usually / church / Sundays / on / to / People / go). ing the summer vacation.

5. I don’t have any class dur-
4. (eight / usually / The / starts / class / at).
4. The class usually starts at
on Sundays.
5. (summer / I / any / the / class / vacation / have / don’t / 3. People usually go to church
during). 2. I want to buy a car in 2004.

05 Match the words on the left column and circle the correct answer
on the right column.

1. holidayç ça. night 9. (on / at) night

16. on 8. b
2. hoursç çb. Monday 10. (in / on) Monday 15. in 7. f
3. dateç çc. winter 11. (on / in) winter 14. in 6. a
4. seasonç çd. seven o'clock 12. (at / in) seven o’clock 13. on 5. g
5. monthç çe. Christmas 13. (on / in) Christmas 12. at 4. c

6. time of a dayç çf. 1995 14. (on / in) 1995 11. in 3. h

çg. December
10. on 2. d
7. yearç 15. (in / on) December
9. at 1. e
8. day of a weekç çh. April third 16. (on / in ) April third

06 Write sentences to describe the schedule below.

7:00a.m. breakfast I...

7:30a.m. arrive at the bus stop
7:45a.m. get on the bus
8:30a.m. start the first class
4:30p.m. end school's classes
5:00p.m. - 6:30p.m. study in the library
7:30p.m. should arrive home
8:00p.m. dinner
10:30p.m. go to bed

and have my dinner at 8:00 p.m.. I usually go to bed around 10:30p.m..

usually study in the library from 5:00 until 6.30p.m.. Then, I usually arrive home about 7:30p.m.
bus around 7: 45a.m.. After that, I study at school from 8:30a.m. to 4:30p.m.. After school, I
I usually have my breakfast at 7:00a.m.. Then, I arrive at the bus stop at 7:30a.m. and get on a

48 Conjunctions

01 Read the descriptions below and classify the highlighted words

into the chart.

Helen: It’s not urgent for you to find a job, because your family is so rich and successful.

Steven: Although my family is rich, the money does not belong to me.

Helen: Do you say you need a job in order to get money for living?

Steven: No. My parents do give me enough money, but getting a job means a lot to me.

Helen: Except for making money what other reasons do you have?

Steven: A lot. If I have a job, I can gain more experience. Also, I can have more friends.
Therefore, my life would not be that boring.

Helen: Yeah, I agree with you as long as you find a job, your life could change soon.

Steven: In my family, unless I have a job, I will be treated like a child forever.

Helen: So that you want to be independent like an adult!

Steven: Yes. As finding a job is not difficult for me, I want to get one as soon as possible.

Helen: Yeah, it shouldn’t be difficult since you are so talented. So, any ideal jobs in mind

Steven: Yes. I want to play piano in a band or a night club.

Helen: It sounds interesting! Would your family agree with you?

Steven: Well, the work itself is very ideal for me however it may not sound very good to
my parents.

1. Conjunctions of reasons 2. Conjunctions of continuance

表達原因的連接詞 單純使語句繼續的連接詞

172 1000
連接詞 48
3. Conjunctions of contrast 4. Conjunctions of conditions
表達對照或反義連接詞 指出條件的連接詞

5. Conjunctions of purpose 6. Others

指出目的的連接詞 其它

6. or, except, therefore, so 4. if, unless, as long as 2. and, also

5. in order to, so that 3. although, but, however 1. because, as, since

1. because [bI1kOz] conj. 因為 10. as long as [%{z1lOµ%{z] conj. 只要…

2. and [{nd] conj. 和 11. unless [√n1lEs] conj. 除非
3. although [Ol1Do] conj. 雖然…但是 12. so that [%so1D{t] conj. 為了如此…
4. in order to [%In1Ord_%tu] conj. 為了 以至於
5. but [b√t] conj. 但是 13. as [{z] conj. 因為
6. except [Ik1sEpt] conj. 除了…之外 14. since [sIns] conj. 因為
7. if [If] conj. 如果 15. so [so] conj. 因此
8. also [1Olso] conj. 並且 16. or [Or] conj. 或是
9. therefore [1DEr%for] conj. 因此(adv.) 17. however [ha¨1Ev_] conj. 然而

48 連接詞

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. Julia is tall...(and / but) beautiful.

2. The weather is sunny...(and / but / or) cold. 7. as long as
6. in order to
3. Choose one of them, the tall one ... (or / and / but) the short one.
5. if
4. I am late...(as long as / because / unless) I hit a traffic jam.
4. because
5. (However / So / Also / If) you like the flower, you can take it. 3. or
6. I work very hard...(although / in order to / except) earn more money. 2. but
7. I can help your company...(in order to / as long as) you pay me more 1. and

03 Answer the questions below.

1. What will you do if you win the first prize in the Lottery?
in my pocket.
although I have no money
2. Why do you study English? 4. I like to go shopping
materials everyday.
3. What is the best way of learning English in your mind? 3. To read and listen English
future job.
2. Because it is useful in my
4. Give one sentence to describe your life with the word of
poor people
"although". 1. I will give the prize out to

04 Match the phrases below.

1. She did the work againç ça. unless you study tonight.
2. Please say it loudlyç çb. I won’t see you tomorrow.
3. You won’t pass the examç çc. as she made a mistake.
4. I would love to visit any countryç çd. except for India.
5. She keeps on walkingç çe. so that I can hear you.
6. If it rainsç çf. although she feels very tired

6. b 5. f 4. d 3. a 2. e 1. c

174 1000
49 Interjections 感歎詞 49
01 Read the dialogues below and classify the highlighted words
into the chart.

Mr. Lee: Morning, sir. Waiter: Have a nice day!

Lydia: Good morning, Lydia. Morris: Thanks!
Susan: Happy Birthday! Andy: Merry Christmas!
Annie: Thank you! Teresa: You, too.
Ms. Ling: Could you wait a minute. Kelly: Do you want to see my parents?
Mr. Lee: No problem. John: Why not?
Lydia: Want some coffee? Ms. Lai: See you soon.
James: Sure! Thanks! Mary: Bye-bye!
Mina: Hey, Congratulations! Jack: Hi, Tommy.
Julia: Thanks. Tommy: Hello, Jack.
Mr. Wang: Good-bye! Lisa: How are you, Angela.
Mrs. Chen: Yeah, see you. Angela: Fine, thanks.
Mico: Let’s go to see the movies. Sharon: Good night!
Johnson: OK. Sunny: Have a sweet dream!

1. Greetings 2. Saying Goodbye

3. Blessing 4. Expressions of agreement

5. No problem / Sure / OK / Why not? 3. Good morning / Happy birthday / Have a nice
4. Have a sweet dream / Good night 2. Good-bye / By-bye / See you
day / Congratulations / Merry Christmas / 1. Hey / Hello / Hi / How are you?

49 感歎詞

1. good morning [%g¨d1mOrnIµ] int. 早安 10. Merry Christmas [1mErI1krIsm@s]

2. happy birthday [1h{pI1b^T%de] phrase phrase 聖誕快樂
生日快樂 11. why not [1hwaI1nAt] phrase 好
3. no problem [1no1prAbl@m] phrase 12. see you [1si1ju] phrase 再見
沒問題 13. bye-bye [1baI%baI] int. 拜拜、再見
4. sure [S¨r] adv. 當然 14. hi [haI] int. 嗨
5. hey [he] int. 嘿 15. hello [h@1lo] int. 喂
6. congratulations [k@n%gr{tS@1leS@nz] 16. how are you [%ha¨1Ar%ju] phrase
n. 恭喜 你好嗎
7. good-bye [%g¨d1baI] int. 再見 17. good night [%g¨d1naIt] int. 晚安
8. OK [1o1ke] int. 好 18. have a sweet dream [1h{v%@1swit
9. have a nice day [1h{v%@1naIs1de] 1drim] phrase 祝福有好夢
phrase 祝福今天愉快

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. When you are leaving, you could say...(good morning/ good-

bye / ok / see you) to others.
2. When your friend passes an exam, you could say...(hi / happy
birthday / congratulations / hey) to him.
3. When you meet your neighbors in the street, you could
say...(no problem / why not / hi / bye-bye) to them.
4. We usually say...(hello / hi / hey / sure) when we picked up the
phone. 7. no problem / why not
6. good morning
5. We usually say...(Merry Christmas / good night / see you /
5. good night
have a nice day) to people before we go to bed.
4. hello
6. When you meet people in the morning, you can say...(good 3. hi
night / good morning / have a sweet dream). 2. congratulations
7. When we accept people’s request, we could reply with...(no 1. good-bye, see you
problem / how are you / hi / why not).

176 1000
感歎詞 49
03 Answer the questions below.

1. List three occasions that you usually say "congratulations" to people.

2. What would you answer if someone asks you to take a

picture for them?
4. You too!
Year! / Merry Christmas!
3. List three greetings that people usually use for special
3. Happy Birthday! / Happy New
days. 2. Sure! No problem!!
baby’s house
4. What would you answer if someone says: ‘Have a ceremony / in a new born
sweet dream!’ to you? 1. in a wedding / in a graduation

04 Match the dialogues below.

1. Happy Birthday!ç ça. Yes. A cup of coffee, please!ç ç(1)Thank you!

2. How are you?ç çb. Hello, may I speak to John?ç ç(2)I’m fine, thanks.
3. Good night!ç çc. Congratulations!!ç ç(3)Bye-Bye!
4. May I help you?ç çd. Thank you!!ç ç(4)You too.
5. Hello!?ç çe. Yes. See you!ç ç(5)Yes. Speaking.
6. See you on Friday.ç çf. Have a sweet dream.ç ç(6)Sure!
7. I’m going to get married! ç çg. Fine, thanks. And you?ç ç(7)This gift is for you!

7.c, (1) 6. e, (3) 5. b, (5) 4. a, (6) 3.f, (4) 2. g, (2) 1. d, (7)

05 Correct the sentences below.

1. Have an good day → 6. See you

2. Goodmorning → 5. Hello

3. Congradulattions →
4. Merry Christmas!
3. Congratulations
4. Mary Christmas! →
2. Good morning
5. Hollo → 1. Have a good day
6. Sea you →

Adverbs 1
50 Adverbs 1 副詞 1

01 Adverbs of Frequency

ever / always / sometimes / seldom / hardly / often / usually / never

■ Fill in T for "True" or F for "False".

John goes to school from Monday to Friday every week. He goes to the bank once a
month. He goes to a local library every Monday and Thursday evening. He goes to the
supermarket once or twice a month and his mom goes there during the weekends. He
goes to the movies with his friends almost every Friday evening. He goes to swim once
or twice a year. He doesn’t like swimming. He likes mountain climbing. He goes to climb
mountain every holiday. He has been to the city zoo once when he was seven. But, after
that, he didn’t like to go there anymore. He hasn’t been overseas so far in his life. He
would like to go to Japan one day in the future. He wishes one day he could get out of
his student life and be a businessman overseas.

1. John seldom goes to the movies.

2. John usually goes mountain climbing on his holidays.
3. John never goes to the city zoo.
4. John never goes abroad.
5. John wishes one day he can go abroad often.
6. John hardly goes to swim.
7. John has been to Japan once when he was seven.
8. John sometimes goes to the supermarket with his mother.
9. John always goes to the library on Monday and Friday evenings.
10. John often goes to the movies with his mother.

10. F 8. T 6. T 4. T 2. T
9. F 7. F 5. T 3. F 1. F

178 1000
Adverbs 1
副詞 1 50
02 Interrogative Adverbs: Fill in the words below into the chart.

how / what / which / who / whose / when / where / why / whether

1. Q: is your teacher? 2. Q: is it?

A: Angela is my teacher. A: It’s a dog.
3. Q: didn’t you go to party? 4. Q: did you arrive home?
A: Because I was ill. A: Around seven thirty.
5. Q: book is yours? 6. Q: is your mother?
A: The one with red cover. A: She is in the kitchen.
7. Q: you like to go shopping? 8. Q: is your father?
A: Yes, I like shopping. A: He is still very weak today.
9. Q: cat is it?
A: It’s Rita’s cat.

9. Whose 6. Where 3. Why

8. How 5. Which 2. What
7. Whether 4. When 1. Who

1. ever [1Ev_] adv. 曾經 10. what [hwAt] adv. 什麼

2. always [1Olwez] adv. 總是 11. which [hwItS] adv. 那以個
3. sometimes [1s√m%taImz] adv. 有時候 12. who [hu] adv. 誰
4. seldom [1sEld@m] adv. 很少 13. whose [huz] adv. 誰的
5. hardly [1hArdlI] adv. 幾乎不 14. when [hwEn] adv. 何時
6. often [1Of@n] adv. 經常 15. where [hwEr] adv. 那裡
7. usually [1juZ¨@lI] adv. 通常 16. why [hwaI] adv. 為什麼
8. never [1nEv_] adv. 從來沒有過 17. whether [1hwED_] adv. 是否
9. how [ha¨] adv. 如何

Adverbs 1
50 副詞 1

03 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. When you want to ask about reasons, you could ask...(when / whose / why / which).
2. When you want to ask about the time something happened, you could ask...(where / how /
what / when).
3. When you want to ask about the owner of something, you could
ask...(why / whether / whose / which). 5. where
4. how
4. When you want to ask about the way to do something, you could
3. whose
ask...(what / how / whose / when). 2. when
5. When you want to ask about the place that someone is going to, you 1. why
could ask...(how / why / where / who).

04 Compare below adverbs of frequency. Circle the frequent one in


1. usually / never 2. sometimes / always 8. always 4. hardly

3. hardly / often 4. never / hardly 7. sometimes 3. often
6. ever 2. always
5. hardly / seldom 6. never / ever
5. seldom 1. usually
7. seldom / sometimes 8. often / always

05 Unscramble the words below into sentences.

1. (weather / good / The / always / is).

2. (you / Have / dogs / ever / eaten)? by taxi.

5. I don’t usually go to school

3. (go / sometimes / bus / school / We / to / by). library?

4. Does he often walk to the
by bus.
4. (walk / he / library / Does / to / the / often)? 3. We sometimes go to school
2. Have you ever eaten dogs?
5. (to / by / usually / I / don’t / school / go / taxi). 1. The weather is always good.

06 Answer the questions below.

1. How often do you get a hair cut? 1. twice or three times a month

180 1000
Adverbs 1
副詞 1 50
2. How often do you go to see the movies?
important life objective to me.
3. Where do you usually visit in your free time? 4. To keep learning is the most
my free time.
3. I usually visit local libraries in
4. What is the most important objective in your life?
2. about once a month

07 Match the phrases below.

1. Whyç çyes / no
2. Whoç çthe blue one 9. good

8. in Taipei
3. Whichç
7. this Thursday
4. Whatç çTom 6. mine
5. Whetherç ça car 5. yes / no
6. Whoseç çthis Thursday 4. a car
7. Whenç çmine 3. the blue one
8. Whereç çgood 2. Tom

çin Taipei
1. because
9. Howç

08 Place the frequency words in the sentences below.

1. The bank is closed on Sundays. (always)

2. I don’t go to the sea. (often)

7. Were they ever friends?

3. Do you eat out? (seldom)
6. He is sometimes late for
4. She goes shopping alone. (never) homework.
5. My parents hardly check my
5. My parents check my homework. (hardly) alone.
4. She never goes shopping
3. Do you seldom eat out?
6. He is late for class. (sometimes)
2. I don’t often go to the sea.
on Sundays.
7. Were they friends? (ever) 1. The bank is always closed

Adverbs 2
51 Adverbs 2 副詞 2

01 Emphasizing Adverbs.
Match the sentences below which have the similar meanings.

1. The weather is especially a. He nearly sheds a tear when

cold today. he saw it.
b. The art work is rather beauti-
2. Wow, this is very beautiful.
ful I think.
c. Maybe you’ll see the guy
3. I finally finish my homework.
4. You are too stupid to make d. Today’s temperature is quite
up stories. low.
5. Probably he has a new girl- e. Actually I’ve just finish my
friend now. writing.
6. He almost cries when he f. Maybe he is in love with other
found the dog. girls.
7. Perhaps you’ll meet him g. You aren’t really smart on
tomorrow. telling lies.

7. c 6. a 5. f 4. g 3. e 2. b 1. d

02 Adverbs of Places.

abroad / ahead / everywhere / anywhere

somewhere / beyond / nowhere

■ Fill above words into the blanks below.

Bob: I’m tired of living in the city I need to go 1. .

1. somewhere
Bill: Where do you want to go?

182 1000
Adverbs 2
副詞 2 51
Bob: 2. that can make me relax.
Bill: I think there is 3. you can go because 4. in 7. Beyond
this country is crowded. 6. ahead

Bob: If so, I should go 5. . 5. abroad

4. everywhere
Bill: It sounds like a good idea. You should just go 6. .
3. nowhere
Bob: Yeah, let me make a plan. 7. that I should finish my 2. Anywhere
homework first.

1. especially [@1spES@lI] adv. 特別地 11. quite [kwaIt] adv. 相當

2. very [1vErI] adv. 非常地 12. actually [1{ktS¨@lI] adv. 事實上
3. finally [1faIn¬I] adv. 總算、終於 13. really [1rI@lI] adv. 真實地
4. too [tu] adv. 太... 14. abroad [@1brOd] adv. 國外
5. probably [1prAb@blI] adv. 很可能地 15. ahead [@1hEd] adv. 向前
6. almost [1Ol%most] adv. 幾乎 16. everywhere [1EvrI%hwEr] adv. 每個地方
7. perhaps [p_1h{ps] adv. 可能地 17. anywhere [1EnI%hwEr] adv. 任何地方
8. nearly [1nIrlI] adv. 幾乎 18. somewhere [1s√m%hwEr] adv. 一些地方
9. rather...than [1r{D_1D{n] adv. 比、比較 19. beyond [bI1jAnd] adv. 此外
10. maybe [1mebI] adv. 也許 20. nowhere [1no%hwEr] adv. 沒有任何地方

03 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. When you are not very sure, you would say...(abroad / maybe /
finally / perhaps).
2. When you are surprised about the news you heard, you may
say...(nearly / probably / really / very).
3. When you want to explain more details about something, you could
say...(too / almost / quite / actually). 6. ahead
4. A synonym for the word ‘very’ is...(maybe / rather...than / quite / 5. almost
almost). 4. quite
5. A synonym for the word ‘nearly’ is...(almost / finally / beyond / 3. actually
2. really
1. maybe, perhaps
6. Go forward means...go (home / to bed / ahead / back).

Adverbs 2
51 副詞 2

04 Match the words below.

1. probablyç ça. the truth isç ç(1)mainly

5. a, (2)
2. nearlyç çb. particularlyç ç(2)actually
4. b, (1)
3. quiteç çc. close toç ç(3)very 3. d, (3)
4. especiallyç çd. tooç ç(4)almost 2 c, (4)
5. in factç çe. maybeç ç(5)perhaps 1. e, (5)

05 Answer the questions below.

1. What would you say if you get on a train at the last minute?
2. Jack usually goes somewhere to buy shampoo. (Guess! The and carpet.
4. It could be my bed, desk
"somewhere" could be...?!! Give three answers)
3. You live in Japan. You are going somewhere out of Japan
3. I am going to Taiwan
tomorrow. What would you tell your friends if they ask ment store.
"where are you going"? drug store. / A depart-
4. Clean everywhere in your bedroom. (List three places of 2. A supermarket. / A
your bedroom that the "everywhere" could be...) 1. I almost miss the train!

06 Unscramble the words below into sentences.

1. (seen / anywhere / John / you / Have) .

2. (You / everywhere / cats / can / see) .

3. (is / nowhere / There / interesting) .

4. (dog / smart / especially / His / is) . 7. Our rabbit is somewhere in the
stop you.
6. Go ahead because no one will
5. (class / the / almost / I / asleep / in) .
5. I almost asleep in the class.
4. His dog is especially smart.
6. (ahead / stop / because / no one / Go / you / will) . 3. There is nowhere interesting.
2. You can see cats everywhere.
7. (rabbit / Our / garden / the / is / somewhere / in) . where?
1. Have you seen John any-

184 1000
Other Adverbs and Prepositions
52 Other Adverbs and Prepositions
52 其他副詞與介系詞

01 Other Adverbs.

yet / then / still / later / quickly

together / altogether / away / aloud / again

■ Read the statements below and fill in the blanks with the words above.

Diana: Honey, I think we should go 1. to Bali for a vacation.

David: To Bali 2. ! I’ve been there twice.

Diana: Well, so, let’s try Thailand this time.

David: No, I’m going 3. to Thailand for a business trip next week.

Diana: How about Japan? You haven’t been to Japan 4. .

David: I love Japan but it is 5. too cold now. Let’s go there 6. .

Diana: 7. ...?!

David: Then...Let me think about it for a while.


David: Ssh... don’t say it 9. . Do you want the children to go 10. .

Diana: Yes. They are waiting for your answers outside the room!

David: Gee...

10. altogether 5. still

9. aloud 4. yet
8. QUICKLY 3. away
7. Then 2. again
6. later 1. together

Other Adverbs and Prepositions
52 其他副詞與介系詞

02 Other Prepositions

by / with / without / like

■ Match the descriptions below that have a similar meaning.

1. I think his help is very impor- a. doing things carefully,

tant. We might fail if he does he achieves the great success.
not give us the money! b. The company’s great success is
2. He has done a great job for all because the man could work
us. This honor should belong them.
to him. Thanks for his efforts. c. No matter what he does, he is
3. His father is his idol. He has just his father.
his father’s characters. d. the man’s financial
4. He focuses on the details support, the company won’t be
that’s why he is so successful. successful.

4. a, By 2. b, with
3. c, like 1. d, Without

1. yet [jEt] adv. 還(沒) 8. away [@1we] adv. 離開

2. then [DEn] adv. 然後 9. aloud [@1la¨d] adv. 大聲地
3. still [stIl] adv. 仍然 10. again [@1gEn] adv. 在一次
4. later [1let_] adv. 晚一些時候、稍後 11. by [baI] prep. 靠、經由
5. quickly [1kwIklI] adv. 迅速地 12. with [wID] prep. 和
6. together [t@1gED_] adv. 一起 13. without [wI1Da¨t] prep. 沒有
7. altogether [%Olt@1gED_] adv. 全部一起 14. like [laIk] prep. 像

186 1000
Other Adverbs and Prepositions
其他副詞與介系詞 52
03 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. (Yet / Together / Away / Still) is usually used with "not".

2. (Then / Later / With / Again) means "and".
3. (Aloud / Like / Again / By) means "do it one more time".
4. (With / Without / Altogether / Like) means "there is not".
4. Without
7. Later 3. Again
5. (By / Later / Quickly / Still) means "through".
6. Away 2. With
6. (Together / Yet / Away / Like) means "leave". 5. By 1. Yet
7. (Altogether / Together / Later / By) means "sometime afterwards".

04 Answer the questions below.

1. In a restaurant, if you are not ready to order food, what

would you say to the waiter?

2. If you speak to someone whose voice is too weak to be

heard clearly, what would you ask him to do? biscuit.
4. A wheel. / An umbrella. / A
3. Who do you live with? brothers.
3. I live with my parents and two
4. Imagine it, what object looks like a circle? (List three 2. I would ask him to speak more
things) 1. Later, please.

05 Unscramble the words below into sentences.

1. (alive / is / He / still) .

2. (coffee / I / live / drinking / can’t / without) .

4. She is away.
3. (businessman / becomes / successful / a / He / apples / by /
businessman by selling
selling) . 3. He becomes a successful
4. (away / is / She) . 2. I can’t live without drinking
1. He is still alive.

Other Adverbs and Prepositions
52 其他副詞與介系詞
5. (like / cat / a / look / doesn’t / It) .
7. Let’s take a taxi altogether.
6. (it / cooked / have / not / I / yet) . 6. I have not cooked it yet.
5. It doesn’t look like a cat.

7. (altogether / take / a / Let’s / taxi) .

06 Complete the chart below. (←→) means opposite words. (=)

means words with the same meaning.

slowly =1. through =2. stay ←→3.

with =4. once more =5. alone ←→6.

not now=7. without ←→8. quiet ←→9.

9. aloud 6. together 3. away

8. with 5. again 2. by
7. later 4. and 1. quickly

07 Match the words below.

1. toç ça. together

6. d
2. alç çb. ter 5. b
3. thç çc. ill 4. c
4. stç çd. ickly 3. f
5. laç çe. gether 2. a
6. quç çf. en 1. e

188 1000
Daily Verbs 1
53 Daily Verbs 1 每日動詞 1 53
01 Match the phrases below.


1. I’m sleepy.ç ça. Go home to get it.

2. I don’t want to stay inside.ç çb. Go on. I’m listening.
3. I left my homework at home!ç çc. You should go to bed.
4. Sorry, I must leave now.ç çd. Go to see a doctor.
5. I don’t feel well.ç çe. No problem. Go ahead!
6. Do you want to listen to my reasons?ç çf. Then, you can go out.
7. Oh, I’m afraid of dogs.ç çg. Go away, dogs!

7. g 6. b 5. d 4. e 3. a 2. f 1. c


1. You are not allowed to play games!ç ça. Yes.

2. When does John come home?ç çb. Lisa! The moon has come out!
3. Call me if you see the moon.ç çc. Five thirty.
4. May I come in?ç çd. Come on! Just five minutes.

4. a 3. b 2. c 1. d


1. I’m very nervous!ç ça. Take off your sweater.

2. I don’t want to walk!ç çb. Then, take a taxi!
3. I feel headache!ç çc. Take it easy!
4. I’m very tired!ç çd. You should take a break!
5. I feel so hot!ç çe. You could take medicine!

5. a 4. d 3. e 2. b 1. c

Daily Verbs 1
53 每日動詞 1

1. go [go] v. 去 11. come in [1k√m1In] v. phrase 進來

2. go home [1go1hom] v. phrase 12. come out [1k√m1a¨t] v. phrase
回(去)家 出來、出現
3. go on [1go1An] v. phrase 繼續 13. come on [1k√m1An] v. phrase 拜託
4. go to bed [1go%tu1bEd] v. phrase 上床 14. take [tek] v. 拿
睡覺 15. take off [1tek1Of] v. phrase 脫下
5. go to see a doctor [1go%tu1si%@1dAkt_] 16. take a taxi [1tek%@1t{ksI] v. phrase
v. phrase 看醫生 搭計乘車
6. go ahead [1go%@1hEd] v. phrase 先走 17. take it easy [1tek1It1izI] v. phrase
7. go out [1go1a¨t] v. phrase 外出 放輕鬆
8. go away [1go%@1we] v. phrase 離開 18. take a break [1tek%@1brek] v. phrase
9. come [k√m] v. 來 休息一下
10. come home [1k√m1hom] v. phrase 回 19. take medicine [1tek1mEd@s§] v.
(來)家 phrase 吃藥

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. When you ask someone or something to leave, you could say...(go on /

go ahead / go away / take).
2. When you want someone to continue, you could say...(go out / go on /
go home / go to see a doctor). 7. Take it easy
3. "Come on" means...(please / take / come / go). 6. Go ahead
4. "Undress" means...(take easy / take a break / take medicine / take off) 5. Come out
4. take off
the clothes.
3. please
5. (Come out / Come in / Come on / Come)... means "appear". 2. go on
6. (Go / Go ahead / Go away / Go home)...means "leave first". 1. go away
7. (Take a break / Take off / Take it easy / Take a taxi)...means "don’t be

190 1000
Daily Verbs 1
每日動詞 1 53
03 Answer the questions below.

1. What do you usually do if you don’t feel well?

2. How often do you take a taxi? 4. a plate / a seat / money

times a week.
3. About three or four
3. How often do you go out for meals?
2. Once a month.
4. List three things that you can ‘take’. 1. I usually go to see a

04 Complete the chart below. (←→) means opposite words. (=)

means words with the same meaning.

go←→1. stay inside←→2. stay here←→3.

get out←→4. put on←→5. go in←→6.

6. come out 3. go away

5. take off 2. go outside
4. come in 1. come

05 Unscramble the words below into sentences.

1. (coming / rainbow / is / There / a / out).

5. You must take your hat
2. (to / in / allowed / are / in / not / You / come). speech.
4. Please go on with your
3. (should / medicine / some / You / take). medicine.
3. You should take some
come in.
4. (go / speech / on / Please / your / with).
2. You are not allowed to
coming out.
5. (must / off / hat / take / You / your). 1. There is a rainbow

Daily Verbs 1
53 每日動詞 1
6. (from / I / come / New York).

7. I am going out tonight.

7. (out / going / tonight / am / I). 6. I come from New York.

06 Make questions for the sentences below.

1. Q:
A: I am going to see a doctor.
2. Q:
A: I take a taxi to the bank.
3. Q: 8. May I go ahead?
A: I’ll come home around 7:00p.m.
7. Where do you come
4. Q: take?
A: I usually go to bed at 11:30p.m. 6. Which one will you
5. Q: 5. May I come in?
A: Come in, please! ally go to bed?

6. Q: 4. What time do you usu-

A: I’ll take the blue one!
3. When will you come
7. Q: bank?
A: I come from Taiwan. 2. How do you go to the
8. Q: 1. Where are you going?
A: Yes. You may go ahead.

192 1000
Daily Verbs 2
54 Daily Verbs 2 每日動詞 2 54
01 Match the phrases below.


1. Mom, the little brother is in the tree.ç ça. Ok, let’s get off the bus and run!
2. I want to go to the party with you!ç çb. Yes. Let’s get up!
çc. Fish. Get away from the fire,
3. The taxi is ready, sir!ç
4. This bus is too slow. We’ll be late.ç
çd. Get him down!
5. What do you cook, Mom?ç çe. All right, let’s get into the car.
6. Is it seven o’clock?ç çf. Then, get dressed first.

6. b 5. c 4. a 3. e 2. f 1. d


1. Which way to go?ç ça. You should make some friends!

2. Look, a shooting star!ç çb. You should make up your mind!
çc. Let’s make a wish!
3. My father doesn’t give me money.ç
çd. You can make money by yourself.
4. It’s time for break!ç çe. Let’s make some coffee!
5. I am very lonely here!ç

5. a 4. e 3. d 2. c 1. b

Daily Verbs 2
54 每日動詞 2


1. Where is your toy?ç ça. Look at your desk. You’ll see it!
2. Did you see my book?ç çb. Look out ladies!
3. Don’t go, Mom!ç
çc. Don’t worry! The nurse will look
4. What do you think about these two ç
after you.
5. Tell them there is a big car coming ç çd. They look alike.
from the front! çe. I’m looking for it.

5. b 4. d 3. c 2. a 1. e

1. get [gEt] v. 得到 11. make a wish [1mek%@1wIS] v. phrase

2. get off [1gEt1Of] v. phrase 下(車) 許願
3. get up [1gEt1√p] v. phrase 起床 12. make money [1mek1m√nI] v. phrase
4. get away [1gEt%@1we] v. phrase 賺錢
遠離、離開 13. make coffee [1mek1kOfI] v. phrase
5. get down [1gEt1da¨n] v. phrase 下來 泡咖啡
6. get into [1gEt1Intu] v. phrase 進入 14. look [l¨k] v. 看
7. get dressed [1gEt1drEst] v. phrase 15. look at [1l¨k%{t] v. phrase 看著
穿好衣服 16. look out [1l¨k1a¨t] v. phrase
8. make [mek] v. 做 小心、注意
9. make friends [1mek1frEndz] v. phrase 17. look after [1l¨k1{ft_] v. phrase 照顧
交朋友 18. look alike [1l¨k%@1laIk] v. phrase
10. make up mind [1mek%√p1maInd] 看起來像
v. phrase 拿定主意 19. look for [1l¨k1fOr] v. phrase 尋找

194 1000
Daily Verbs 2
每日動詞 2 54
02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1.(Look alike / Look for / Look at / Look after)...means "take care".

2. The opposite meaning of "go to bed" is...(get off / get up / get away /
get into).
6. get dressed
3. (Look / Look out / Look alike / Look for)...means "look similar". 5. get away
4. (Look out / Look at / Look for / Look after)...means "watch out". 4. Look out
5. When a place is dangerous, you would ask people to...(get up / get 3. Look alike
away / get dressed / get into). 2. get up

6. Before you go to a party, you should...(get up / get off / get dressed /

1. Look after

get down).

03 Answer the questions below.

1. Who looked after you when you were five years old?

2. What would you say to your friend if a car is going to hit him /
4. I wish to earn a lot of
3. What kind of things can people get into? (List three things)
3. Cars / Buses / Taxies
2. Watch out!
4. Make yourself a wish for this year. 1. My mother

04 Make questions for the sentences below.

1. Q:
A: I make money by driving the taxi. the kids?
2. Q: 3. Would you look after
A: Yes. I can make coffee. 2. Can you make coffee?
3. Q: money?
1. How do you make
A: Yes. I would look after the kids.

Daily Verbs 2
54 每日動詞 2
4. Q:
A: I’m looking for my guitar. up this morning?
5. Q: 8. What time did you get
A: Yes. I wish for world peace. down?
6. Q: 7. How do you get
6. Can we be friends?
A: Yes. We can be friends.
7. Q:
5. Do you wish for world
A: I get down by using a ladder. for?
8. Q: 4. What are you looking
A: I got up at 7:30 this morning.

05 Unscramble the words below into sentences.

1. (to / hard / It / mind / make / is / up /my).

2. (I / make / of / wish / money / a / lot / I / could ).

the next bus stop.
6. We should get off at
3. (car / get / Let’s / into / the). alike.
5. The two girls look
4. (me / at / Don’t / look). 4. Don’t look at me.
3. Let’s get into the car.
lot of money.
5. (girls / alike / The / look / two).
2. I wish I could make a
my mind.
6. (at / should / We / next / off / the / get / bus / stop). 1. It is hard to make up

196 1000
Daily Verbs 3
55 Daily Verbs 3 每日動詞 3 55
01 Match the phrases below.


1. Teacher, Frank brings a gun to school!ç ça. Then, give them away.
2. Do you want to try again?ç çb. I’ve already given it back last Monday!!
3. I don’t need these pencils.ç çc. No. I want to give up .
4. You owe me fifty dollars. ç çd. Frank, give me the gun now!

4. b 3. a 2. c 1. d


1. The radio is too loud!ç ça. Ok, I’ll turn off the air conditioner.
2. It’s too cold inside.ç çb. Ok, turn round and let me see!
3. Mom, look at my new dress!ç çc. Ok, I’ll turn on the light.
4. It’s very dark!ç çd. Ok, I’ll turn down the radio.

4. c 3. b 2. a 1. d


1. You shouldn’t forget it again!ç ça. You should keep up with our
2. I can’t swim!ç
çb. Ok, I’ll keep it in mind.
3. You will come on Monday, right?ç
çc. So, keep away from the water.
4. My work has been delayed.ç çd. Yes. I’ll keep my promise.

4. a 3. d 2. c 1. b

Daily Verbs 3
55 每日動詞 3

put / shut / hang / wake

1. Get up!ç ça. Shut up!

2. Don’t say anything!ç çb. Hang on!
3. Gain weight!ç çc. Wake up!
4. Hold on!ç çd. Put on weight!

4. b 3. d 2. a 1. c

1. give [gIv] v. 給 13. keep away [1kip%@1we] v. phrase

2. give away [1gIv%@1we] v. phrase 分送 不接近
3. give back [1gIv1b{k] v. phrase 給回 14. keep promise [1kip1prAmIs] v. phrase
4. give up [1gIv1√p] v. phrase 放棄 守信用
5. give out [1gIv1a¨t] v. phrase 分發 15. put [p¨t] v. 放
6. turn off [1t^n1Of] v. phrase 關 16. shut [S√t] v. 關上
7. turn around [1t^n%@1ra¨nd] v. phrase 17. hang [h{µ] v. 吊
轉圈 18. wake [wek] v. 醒
8. turn on [1t^n1An] v. phrase 開 19. shut up [1S√t1√p] v. phrase 閉嘴
9. turn down [1t^n1da¨n] v. phrase 轉小 20. hang on [1h{µ1An] v. phrase
10. keep [kip] v. 保持 握住不放、不掛斷
11. keep up with [1kip1√p%wiD] v. phrase 21. wake up [1wek1√p] v. phrase
跟上 醒一醒、起床
12. keep in mind [1kip%In1maInd] 22. put on weight [1p¨t%An1wet] v. phrase
v. phrase 記得 體重增加

02 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. (Hang on / Give up / Put on weight / Turn on)...means "become

2. Shut up
2. (Give up / Keep up with / Keep in mind / Shut up)...means "be 1. Put on weight

198 1000
Daily Verbs 3
每日動詞 3 55
3. (Keep away / Keep in mind / Give back / Keep promise)...means
4. (Wake up / Hang on / Turn down / Give up)... means "awake".
7. give back
6. Shut
5. (Give up / Turn on / Keep up with / Shut)... means "follow up".
5. keep up with
6. (Hang / Put / Shut / Give)...means "close". 4. Wake up
7. If you borrow money from your friends, you should...(give out / give 3. Keep in mind
back / give away / give up) the money.

03 Answer the questions below.

1. List three things that can be "turned on" and "turned off".
Picture frames
2. If you could go and help the poor people, what kind of 4. Clocks / Mirrors /
things would you give away? (List three) talking to me for an hour.
3. When someone keeps
3. In what situation, you would say: "Shut up!"?
2. Clothes / Money /
4. List three things that can be hung. 1. Radios / Lights /

04 Complete the chart below. (←→) means opposite words. (=)

means words with the same meaning.

forget←→1. return =2. get away = 3.

turn off←→4. lose weight ←→5. be quiet =6.

6. shut up 3. give out

5. put on weight 2. give back
4. turn on 1. keep in mind

Daily Verbs 3
55 每日動詞 3

05 Unscramble the words below into sentences.

1. (you / off / the / when / Turn / to / light / sleep / go).

2. (away / my / I / give / could / candies).

7. Don’t give up easily.
3. (around / three / turn / You / times / should).
6. Don’t wake up our
5. I want to put on weight.
4. (never / promises / keeps / He / any). promises.
4. He never keeps any
5. (weight / I / want / put / on / to). three times.
3. You should turn around
6. (up / mother / wake / your / Don’t).
2. I could give away my
you go to sleep.
7. (easily / up / Don’t / give). 1. Turn the light off when

06 Match the words below.

1. keep awayç ça. your speed

çb. your mouth
10. g
2. keep promiseç
9. i
3. keep in mindç çc. from danger 8. j
4. keep up withç çd. the radio 7. h
5. turn downç çe. your words 6. b
6. shut upç çf. a secret 5. d
7. wake upç çg. used clothes 4. a

çh. in the morning

3. e
8. hang onç
2. f
9. give upç çi. your dream 1. c
10. give awayç çj. the phone

200 1000
Daily Verbs 4
56 Daily Verbs 4 每日動詞 4 56
01 Match the pictures below with the sentences.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂

∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂
a. The man b. The man c. The man d. The man e. The man’s car
stops his car. parks his car. meets another starts his car. waits in a
car in the queue.

5. c 4. b 3. a 2. e 1. d

02 Read the dialogues below and fill in the following words into the blanks.

know / become / treat / let / use / help / seem

offer / mind / need / bring / gain

In a Pet’s Shop
Clerk: May I 1. you?
Customer: Yes. Do you 2. one night-stay service?
Clerk: Yes. Did you 3. your cat’s ID? 7. gain
6. treat
Customer: Uhm... No. Do you 4. Internet ID?
5. need
Clerk: Yes. Then, I 5. your PIN number. 4. use
Customer: Do you 6. cats with fresh fish? 3. bring
Clerk: Yes. That’s why we 7. the name of top-ten pet shops 2. offer
in town. 1. help

Daily Verbs 4
56 每日動詞 4

About a Piece of News

Kelly: Do you 1. Kent is in the newspaper!
Kate: Really!? 2. me see!
5. become
Kelly: It 3. his company owes a lot of money from the bank. 4. mind
Kate: Yeah, I’ve discussed it with him months ago. But, he just didn’t 4. 3. seems
2. Let
Kelly: Too bad! That’s why his case has 5. worse. 1. know

1. stop [stAp] v. 停 10. use [juz] v. 使用

2. park [pArk] v. 停車 11. help [hElp] v. 幫忙
3. meet [mit] v. 交會 12. seem [sim] v. 似乎
4. start [stArt] v. 起動 13. offer [1Of_] v. 提供
5. wait [wet] v. 等 14. mind [maInd] v. 介意、在乎
6. know [no] v. 知道 15. need [nid] v. 須要
7. become [bI1k√m] v. 變成 16. bring [brIµ] v. 帶來
8. treat [trit] v. 款待 17. gain [gen] v. 獲得
9. let [lEt] v. 讓…

03 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct answers.

1. (Meet / Start / Stop / Know)...means "don’t move".

2. When a guest visits you, you usually...(treat / let / know/ gain) him to a nice meal.
3. You don’t...(wait / start / mind / park) means you don’t "care".
4. When you guess something, you may say it...(lets / uses / helps / seems).
5. When you see something changed, you could say the thing has...(used / become / waited /
met) different.

5. become 4. seems 3. mind 2. treat 1. Stop

202 1000
Daily Verbs 4
每日動詞 4 56
04 Answer the questions below.

1. List three things that people need when they swim.

2. List three seasonings that people often use when they cook.

3. What kind of housework do you usually do at home?

4. List three things that you may gain by speaking good English.

4. An overseas job. / Friendship with foreigners. / Knowledge from all over the world.
3. Washing dishes / Doing laundries / Cooking
2. Salt / Sugar / Soy sauce
1. Towels / Swimming suits / Swimming caps

05 Unscramble the words below into sentences.

1. (in / Park / car / the / your / yard).

2. (dollars / our / company / million / John / twenty / offered / to).

3. (lobby / in / the / will / I / for / wait / you).

4. (car / the / supermarket / by / Stop / the).

5. (water / let / Don’t / kids / the / play / in).

6. (you / five / meet / minutes / I / will / in).

6. I will meet you in five minutes. 3. I’ll wait for you in the lobby.
water. our company.
5. Don’t let the kids play in the 2. John offered 20 million dollars to
4. Stop the car by the supermarket. 1. Park your car in the yard.

Daily Verbs 4
56 每日動詞 4

06 Make questions for the sentences below.

1. Q:
A: No. I don’t mind if you smoke here.
2. Q:
A: I knew the news when I read the newspaper.
3. Q:
A: You just need to press the ‘start’ button.
4. Q:
A: I park my car in the basement.
5. Q:
A: I started my business two years ago.
6. Q:
A: The shop offers hamburger, lemon tea and ice cream!

4. Where do you park your car?

6. What does the shop offer? 3. How do I start it?
ness? 2. When did you know the news?
5. When do you start your busi- 1. Do you mind if I smoke here?

204 1000
Daily Verbs 5
57 Daily Verbs 5 每日動詞 5 57
. Look at the pictures below. Fill the following words into the blanks.

moves / greets / sings / kisses / raises / nods / smokes / sleeps

The man 1. a The man 2. The man 3.

pipe. songs to a child. the child.

The child 4. in The man 5. the The man 6. the

the chair. child. child.

8. kisses
7. sleeps
6. moves
5. raises
4. nods
3. greets
The child 7. in The man 8. the 2. sings
the bed. child. 1. smokes

Daily Verbs 5
57 每日動詞 5

02 Match below statements and the pictures!

a. d.
1. A mouse steals
the cheese.

2. A cat chases
the mouse.

b. 3. The mouse e.
hurts the dog.

4. The dog barks

at the cat.

5. The dog bites

c. the cat. f.

6. The mouse
swallows the

6. f 4.e 2. c
5. b 3. a 1. d

1. move [muv] v. 移動 8. sleep [slip] v. 睡

2. greet [grit] v. 打招呼 9. chase [tSes] v. 追
3. sing [sIµ] v. 唱歌 10. bite [baIt] v. 咬
4. kiss [kIs] v. 親吻 11. steal [stil] v. 偷
5. raise [rez] v. 舉起、抬起 12. bark [bArk] v.(狗)吠叫
6. nod [nAd] v. 點頭、打瞌睡 13. hurt [h^t] v. 傷、弄痛
7. smoke [%smok] v. 抽煙 14. swallow [1swAlo] v. 吞

206 1000
Daily Verbs 5
每日動詞 5 57
03 Read the descriptions below and circle the correct

1. You may get hurt if a dog...(barks at / kisses / sings to / bites) you.

2. (Greet / Swallow / Raise / Steal)...means "lift". 5. chase
3. You will...(move / nod / hurt / chase), when you’re sleepy. 4. Steal

4. (Steal / Sleep / Sing / Smoke)...means "taking things without telling

3. nod
2. Raise
the things’ owner".
1. bites
5. People don’t use their mouth when they...(kiss / sing / smoke /

04 Answer the questions below.

1. List three kinds of insects that may hurt people.

2. List three kinds of animals that could bite people. 4. Trucks / Houses /
3. Bedroom / Sofa /
3. List three places that people can sleep on / in.
2. Tigers / Lions / Dogs
Mosquitoes / Bees
4. List three things that you think are impossible to be raised. 1. Cockroaches /

05 Make questions for the sentences below.

1. Q:
A: The cat hurt me!
2. Q:
A: A tiger is chasing the horse. sofa?
3. Q: 5. Who is nodding in the
A: She kissed me in the park. 4. What are you moving?
3. What did she do to you?
4. Q:
A: I am moving my television.
2. What is chasing the
5. Q: 1. What’s wrong?
A: Vincent is nodding in the sofa.

also 並且 ..........................................173
A although 雖然...但是..........................173
a 一、一個 ........................................151 altogether 全部一起 ..........................186
about 大約 ........................................170 always 總是 ......................................179
above 在...的上面..............................164 am 是(第一人稱單數現在式)..........161
abroad 國外 ......................................183 America(=U.S.A.)美國(=United
accept 接受 ......................................025 States of America)............................107
acid rain 酸雨 ....................................118 among 在...之中 ................................164
across 橫越、穿過 ............................167 amusement park 遊樂園 ..................112
actor 男演員 ......................................049 and 和 ..............................................173
actress 女演員 ..................................049 animal 動物 ......................................094
actually 事實上..................................183 another 另一個(的)........................154
add 補充............................................021 ant 螞蟻 ............................................104
address 地址 ....................................011 Antarctica 南極洲 ..............................107
adventure 探險..................................018 any 任何一個 ....................................174
advertisement 廣告 ..........................056 anybody 任何人 ................................174
advice 忠告 ......................................029 anyone 任何人 ..................................174
advise 建議 ......................................025 anything 任何東西 ............................174
a few 少少的幾個(的)....................154 anywhere 任何地方 ..........................183
Africa 非洲 ........................................107 an 一、一個 ......................................151
after 在...之後....................................170 apologize 道歉 ..................................025
again 在一次 ....................................186 appearance 外表、外貌 ....................011
against 倚靠 ......................................164 appreciate 感激 ................................025
age 年齡............................................011 are 是 ................................................161
agree 同意 ........................................025 area 區域 ..........................................136
ahead 向前........................................183 Argentina 阿根廷 ..............................107
aim 目標............................................060 argue 爭吵 ........................................025
air 空氣..............................................081 army 軍隊..........................................121
a little 少量的一些(的)....................154 around 大約 ......................................170
all 所有(的)....................................154 around 在...周圍 ................................164
allow 允許 ........................................025 arrange 安排 ....................................014
almost 幾乎 ......................................183 artist 藝術家 ......................................049
along 沿著 ........................................167 as long as 只要 ................................173
a lot of 許多(的)..............................154 as 因為..............................................173
aloud 大聲地 ....................................186 Asia 亞洲 ..........................................107

208 1000
assistant 助理 ..................................056 beside 在...的旁邊 ............................164
assume 假想、猜測 ..........................039 between 在...之間 ............................170
at back of 在...的後面........................164 between 在...之間 ............................164
at 在...地點 ........................................167 beyond 此外......................................183
at 在...的時刻 ....................................170 bird 鳥 ..............................................104
attachment 附錄................................063 birthday party 生日派對 ....................014
attack 襲擊 ........................................129 birthday 生日 ....................................011
Australia 澳大利亞 ............................107 bite 咬 ..............................................206
Australia 澳大利亞洲 ........................107 blame 責罵........................................025
avoid 避免 ........................................133 block 積木 ........................................074
away 離開 ........................................186 bloody 血腥的 ..................................121
bomb 炸彈 ........................................121
B born 出生 ..........................................011
babysitter 褓姆、代人臨時看顧小孩 boss 老闆 ..........................................056
的人 ..................................................049 botanical gardens 植物園 ..................112
badminton 羽毛球 ............................066 both 雙方(都)、兩者...都 ................154
ballooning 乘汽球..............................077 bother 打擾 ......................................033
barbecue 烤肉 ..................................077 bowling 打保齡球 ..............................077
barber 理髮師....................................053 branch 分公司 ..................................056
bark(狗)吠叫 ................................206 branch 樹枝 ......................................104
base 基地 ........................................121 brand 商標、品牌..............................060
baseball 棒球 ....................................066 Brazil 巴西 ........................................107
basketball 籃球 ................................066 bring 帶來..........................................202
bat 蝙蝠 ............................................101 broadcast 廣播..................................021
beach 海灘........................................091 bulb 莖球 ..........................................104
beak 鳥嘴..........................................104 burst 爆炸..........................................129
bear 熊 ..............................................094 business 生意 ..................................060
because 因為 ....................................173 businessman 生意人 ........................060
become 變成 ....................................202 busy 忙碌 ..........................................033
bee 蜜蜂............................................101 but 但是 ............................................173
before 在...之前 ................................170 butterfly 蝴蝶 ....................................101
behind 在...的背後 ............................164 by 不遲於 ..........................................170
believe 相信 ......................................039 by 在...旁邊 ......................................167
below 在...下面..................................164 by 靠、經由 ......................................186
bench 長板凳 ....................................112 bye-bye 拜拜、再見 ..........................176

coal 煤 ..............................................115
C cockroach 蟑螂 ................................104
cage 籠子..........................................094 collect 收集 ......................................018
call 呼叫 ............................................021 come home 回(來)家 ....................190
calm 鎮定下來 ..................................133 come in 進來 ....................................190
camping 露營 ....................................077 come on 拜託....................................190
can 可以............................................161 come out 出來、出現 ........................190
captain 上尉 ......................................121 come 來 ............................................190
cards 紙牌遊戲..................................074 comic 連環漫畫冊 ............................074
cartoon 卡通影片 ..............................074 command 命令..................................126
case 案例 ..........................................129 comment 評論 ..................................021
cat 貓 ................................................097 company 公司 ..................................056
caterpillar 毛毛蟲 ..............................101 compare 比較....................................133
cause 原因 ......................................118 complain 抱怨 ..................................025
celebrate 慶祝 ..................................084 computer game 電腦遊戲 ................074
certain 確定的 ..................................039 concern 關心 ....................................036
chance 機會 ......................................033 confuse 混搖、混亂 ..........................039
channel 頻道 ....................................074 congratulations 恭喜 ........................176
character 特性、特色........................033 consider 考慮 ....................................039
chase 追............................................206 continue 繼續 ....................................021
chess 西洋棋 ....................................074 contract 合約 ....................................060
chicken 小雞 ....................................097 control 控制 ......................................126
China 中國 ........................................107 cook 廚師 ..........................................053
Chinese New Year 中國新年 ............084 cooking 烹飪、煮飯 ..........................071
choice 選擇 ......................................029 cost 成本 ..........................................060
choose 選擇 ......................................025 cotton 綿花 ......................................115
Christmas 聖誕節..............................084 could 可以(can 的過去式)..............161
city 城市 ............................................087 country 國家......................................087
classical music 古典音樂 ..................074 countryside 鄉村 ..............................087
claw 鳥爪 ..........................................104 county fair 市集 ................................112
clear 晴朗的 ......................................081 courage 膽量 ....................................033
clerk 店員 ..........................................056 cow 母牛 ..........................................097
climbing 爬山 ....................................077 cowboy 牛仔 ....................................053
cloudy 多雲的....................................081 create 發明........................................018
cloud 雲 ............................................081 crime 犯罪 ........................................129

210 1000
culture 文化 ......................................084 do 做 ................................................161
custom 習俗、慣例 ..........................084 doctor 醫生........................................053
document 文件..................................045
D dodge ball 躲避球 ............................066
damage 損壞 ....................................129 does 做(第三人稱單數現在式)........161
dancing 跳舞 ....................................077 dog 狗 ..............................................097
dangerous 危險的 ............................121 doing exercises 做運動 ....................077
date 日期 ..........................................014 doll 洋娃娃 ......................................074
deal with 處理 ..................................133 dolphin 海豚 ......................................101
debate 辯論 ......................................021 donate 捐贈 ......................................118
decide 決定 ......................................025 done 做(do 的過去分詞)................161
decision 決定 ....................................029 donkey 驢..........................................097
decrease 減少 ..................................060 Double Tenth day 雙十節 ..................084
deer 鹿 ..............................................094 doubt 懷疑 ........................................042
delay 拖延 ........................................136 downtown 城市的商業區 ..................087
delete 刪除........................................045 dragon 龍 ..........................................018
deliver 運送 ......................................063 Dragon-boat Festival 端午節 ............084
dentist 牙醫 ......................................053 drama 戲劇 ......................................074
depend on 視...而定 ..........................042 drawing 素描 ....................................071
describe 描述 ....................................021 dream 夢想 ......................................036
desert 沙漠........................................091 drum 鼓 ............................................074
desire 渴望的東西或人......................036 dry 乾燥的 ........................................081
detail 細節 ........................................063 duck 鴨..............................................097
detect 查出........................................133 during 在...期間 ................................170
diamond 鑽石 ....................................115 duty 責任 ..........................................126
did 做(do 的過去式)........................161
die 死 ................................................014 E
dig 挖(洞、溝)................................129 each 每個..........................................174
diplomat 外交官 ................................053 eagle 老鷹 ........................................094
direction 方位 ....................................126 earth 地面、地上、土地....................081
discount 打折、折扣 ........................063 ease 放鬆、小心移動........................133
discover 發現 ....................................133 eastern 東方的 ..................................084
discuss 討論......................................021 Easter 復活節....................................084
discussion 討論 ................................021 edge 邊緣 ........................................0 37
disposable 一次性使用的 ..................118 education 教育 ..................................011

effort 努力 ........................................033 famous 出名的 ..................................033
election 選舉 ....................................129 fan 狂熱愛好者、迷 ..........................066
elephant 大象....................................094 farewell party 歡送會 ........................014
e-mail 電子郵件 ................................011 farm 農場、農田................................087
embarrass 使窘困 ............................042 farmer 農夫 ......................................053
emotion 感情 ....................................036 Father’s Day 父親節..........................084
emphasize 強調 ................................021 fear 害怕 ..........................................039
employ 雇用 ......................................056 feather 羽毛 ......................................104
employee 被雇員工 ..........................056 feeling 感覺 ......................................036
employer 雇主 ..................................056 Ferris wheel 摩天輪 ..........................112
end 末尾............................................045 festival 節日、慶典............................084
enemy 敵人 ......................................121 few 很少、幾乎沒有(的)................154
energy 能量 ......................................115 fewer 較少(的)................................154
engineer 工程師 ................................053 fight 打鬥 ..........................................129
England(=U.K.)英國 ....................107 file 檔案 ............................................045
enjoy 喜愛 ........................................039 film 電影 ............................................074
enter 輸入 ........................................045 finally 總算、終於..............................183
environment 環境 ..............................118 fire 開(槍、砲)................................129
especially 特別地 ..............................183 fisherman 漁夫..................................053
Europe 歐洲 ......................................107 fishing 釣魚 ......................................077
event 大事、事件 ..............................029 flag 國旗............................................121
ever 曾經 ..........................................179 flea market 跳蚤市場 ........................112
every 每一個的..................................174 flea 跳蚤............................................104
everybody 每個人 ............................174 flower 花............................................101
everyone 每個人 ..............................174 flute 長笛 ..........................................074
everything 每件事 ............................174 flying kites 放風箏 ............................077
everywhere 每個地方........................183 fly 蒼蠅 ..............................................104
except 除了...之外 ............................173 focus 專注 ........................................133
excuse 借口 ......................................029 foggy 有霧的 ....................................081
expect 期望 ......................................042 fog 霧 ................................................081
explain 解釋 ......................................025 football(=American football U.K.)
express 表達 ....................................021 美式橄欖球........................................066
for 長達...時間 ..................................170
F forest 森林 ........................................091
fact 真相............................................029 forget 忘記 ........................................039

212 1000
forgive 原諒 ......................................042 go away 離開 ....................................190
form 表格 ..........................................063 go home 回(去)家 ........................190
fox 狐狸 ............................................094 go on 繼續 ........................................190
France 法國 ......................................107 go out 外出........................................190
freedom 自由 ....................................126 go to bed 上床睡覺 ..........................190
frighten 使驚嚇 ..................................039 go to see a doctor 看醫生 ................190
frog 青蛙 ..........................................101 go to the movies 看電影....................071
from 從 ..............................................167 go 去 ................................................190
from 從...起 ......................................170 goal 目標 ..........................................036
full name 全名 ..................................011 goat 山羊 ..........................................097
funeral 喪禮 ......................................014 gold 黃金 ..........................................115
fur 毛 ................................................104 golf 高爾夫球 ....................................066
good morning 早安............................176
G good night 晚安 ................................176
gain 獲得 ..........................................202 good-bye 再見 ..................................176
gallery 美術館....................................112 goodness 善良、美德 ......................033
game 遊戲 ........................................071 goose 鵝 ..........................................097
garbage 垃圾 ....................................118 government 政府 ..............................121
garden 花園 ......................................101 graduate 畢業....................................011
gather 聚集 ......................................018 graduation ceremony 畢業典禮 ........014
get away 遠離、離開 ........................194 grass 草 ............................................101
get down 下來 ..................................194 greenhouse 溫室 ..............................112
get dressed 穿好衣服........................194 greet 打招呼......................................206
get into 進入......................................194 grow 生長..........................................018
get off 下(車)..................................194 guess 猜............................................039
get up 起床........................................194 guidance 指導 ..................................126
get 得到 ............................................194 guitar 吉他 ........................................074
gift 禮品 ............................................014 gun 槍 ..............................................121
give away 分送..................................198
give back 給回 ..................................198 H
give birth to 生(孩子)......................014 had 有(have 的過去式)..................161
give out 分發 ....................................198 hair dresser 髮型設計師....................053
give up 放棄 ......................................198 Halloween 萬聖節前夕 ......................084
give 給 ..............................................198 handle 處理 ......................................133
go ahead 先走 ..................................190 hang on 握住不放、不掛斷 ..............198

hang 吊 ............................................198 humid 潮濕的 ..................................081
happen 發生......................................133 hunt 獵取 ..........................................133
happy birthday 生日快樂 ..................176 hunter 獵人 ......................................053
hardly 幾乎不 ....................................179 hurry 趕緊 ........................................136
has 有(第三人稱單數現在式)..........161 hurt 傷、弄痛 ....................................206
hate 恨 ..............................................039
have a nice day 祝福今天愉快 ..........176 I
have a sweet dream 祝福有好夢 ......176 I 我 ....................................................140
have 有 ............................................161 idea 意見、想法 ................................029
he 他 ................................................140 if 如果................................................173
hello 喂..............................................176 ignore 忽略........................................042
help 幫忙 ..........................................202 imagine 想像 ....................................018
hen 母雞............................................097 in front of 在...的前面 ........................164
her 她的 ............................................157 in order to 為了 ................................173
hers 她的 ..........................................143 in 在...(月、年)..............................170
herself 她自己 ..................................140 in 在...裡面 ........................................167
hey 嘿 ..............................................176 income 收入 ....................................056
hi 嗨 ..................................................176 increase 增加 ....................................060
hiking 登山 ........................................077 indicate 指出 ....................................021
hill 山丘 ............................................091 influence 影響 ..................................033
himself 他自己 ..................................140 information 資料、消息 ....................029
hippo(=hippopotamus)河馬 ..........094 inquire 詢問 ......................................063
his 他的 ............................................157 inside 在...的裡面 ..............................164
his 他的 ............................................143 insist 強調 ........................................021
hobby 嗜好 ........................................011 inspire 激發、鼓舞 ............................025
holiday 節日、假日 ..........................084 instrument 樂器 ................................071
hoof 蹄 ..............................................104 international 國際的 ..........................087
hope 希望..........................................042 interrupt 打斷、中斷..........................021
horn 角 ..............................................104 interview 面試 ..................................056
horse 馬 ............................................097 interviewee 被面試者 ........................056
hot spring 溫泉..................................091 interviewer 主面試者 ........................056
housewife 家庭主婦 ..........................049 into 進入 ............................................167
how are you 你好嗎 ..........................176 introduce 介紹 ..................................021
how 如何 ..........................................179 introduction 介紹 ..............................029
however 然而 ..................................173 invest 投資 ........................................060

214 1000
invitation card 邀請卡........................014 koala 無尾熊 ....................................094
invite 邀請 ........................................014 Korea 韓國 ........................................107
iron 鐵 ..............................................115
is 是(第三人稱單數現在式)............161 L
island 島嶼 ........................................091 lack 缺少 ..........................................133
it 它 ..................................................140 ladybug 瓢蟲 ....................................101
Italy 義大利 ......................................107 lake 湖 ..............................................091
its 它的 ..............................................157 lamb 小羊..........................................097
itself 它自己 ......................................140 Lantern Festival 元宵節 ....................084
later 晚一些時候、稍後 ....................186
J lawyer 律師 ......................................049
Japan 日本........................................107 leaf 葉子............................................104
jazz music 爵士樂 ............................074 leave 離開 ........................................014
job 工作 ............................................056 less 較少(的)..................................154
jogging 慢跑 ......................................077 let 讓 ................................................202
join 參加 ............................................014 lie 說謊 ..............................................025
joke 玩笑 ..........................................021 life 生物 ............................................101
journalist 新聞採訪者 ........................049 life 生活 ............................................036
judge 法官 ........................................053 light music 輕音樂 ............................074
lightning 閃電 ....................................081
K like 喜歡 ............................................039
kangaroo 袋鼠 ..................................094 like 像................................................186
keep away 不接近 ............................198 limit 限制 ..........................................063
keep in mind 記得 ............................198 link 連結 ............................................045
keep promise 守信用 ........................198 lion 獅子 ............................................094
keep up with 跟上 ............................198 listen to 聽 ........................................071
keep 保持..........................................198 little 少、不多(的)..........................154
key 按鍵 ............................................045 live 住 ................................................011
keyboard 鍵盤 ..................................045 local 當地的 ......................................087
kill 殺 ................................................129 lock 鎖 ..............................................045
kind of 種類 ......................................074 look after 照顧 ..................................194
kingdom 王國 ....................................087 look alike 看起來像 ..........................194
kiss 親吻 ..........................................206 look at 看著 ......................................194
kitten 小貓 ........................................097 look for 尋找......................................194
know 知道 ........................................202 look out 小心、注意 ..........................194

look 看 ..............................................194 mind 心思..........................................036
lose 輸 ..............................................066 mine 礦井 ..........................................115
loser 失敗者 ......................................066 mine 我的 ..........................................143
lots of 很多(的)..............................154 miss 錯過 ..........................................136
love 愛 ..............................................039 model 模特兒 ....................................049
lunar month 陰曆月份 ......................084 monkey 猴子 ....................................094
monster 怪獸 ....................................018
M Moon Festival 中秋節........................084
machine 機械 ....................................045 moon 月亮 ........................................081
magazine 雜誌 ..................................074 more 更多(的)................................154
magician 魔術師................................049 mosquito 蚊子 ..................................104
mail 郵件 ..........................................021 most 大多數(的)............................154
mailman(=mail carrier)郵差 ..........053 Mother’s Day 母親節 ........................084
major 主修 ........................................011 mountain 高山 ..................................091
make a wish 許願..............................194 mouse 老鼠 ......................................097
make coffee 泡咖啡 ..........................194 move 移動 ........................................206
make friends 交朋友 ........................194 moving worker 搬運工人 ..................049
make money 賺錢 ............................194 much 許多(的)................................154
make up mind 拿定主意....................194 mud 泥 ..............................................115
make 做 ............................................194 music 音樂 ........................................071
manager 經理 ..................................056 musician 音樂家................................049
manner 態度 ....................................036 must 必須..........................................161
many 許多(的)................................154 my 我的 ............................................157
marry to 和...結婚..............................014 myself 我自己....................................140
matter 問題、麻煩 ............................029
may 可能 ..........................................161 N
maybe 也許 ......................................183 nation 國家........................................121
meaning 意思....................................029 national park 國家公園 ......................112
mechanic 機械師 ..............................053 nationality 國籍..................................011
meet 交會..........................................202 natural gas 天然氣 ............................115
Merry Christmas 聖誕快樂 ................176 nature 自然 ......................................081
message 信息、留言 ........................029 nearly 幾乎........................................183
metal 金屬 ........................................115 near 靠近 ..........................................167
might 可能(may 的過去式)............161 need 需要..........................................202
mind 介意、在乎 ..............................202 never 從來沒有過..............................179

216 1000
New Year’s Day 新年 ........................084 our 我們的 ........................................157
New Year’s Eve 除夕 ........................084 ours 我們的 ......................................143
New Zealand 紐西蘭 ........................107 ourselves 我們自己 ..........................140
news 新聞 ........................................074 out of 自...離開 ................................167
newspaper 報紙 ................................074 outside 在...的外面............................164
next to 在...的旁邊 ............................164 out 出...在外 ......................................167
no problem 沒問題 ............................176 over 越過 ..........................................167
nobody 沒有人 ..................................174 ox 公牛..............................................097
nod 點頭 、打瞌睡 ............................206
none 一點也沒有 ..............................174 P
no-one 沒有人 ..................................174 pack 打包 ..........................................118
North America 北美洲 ......................107 painter 油漆工 ..................................049
nothing 沒什麼 ..................................174 painting 水彩繪畫、油畫 ..................071
notice 注意 ........................................039 panda 大熊貓 ....................................094
novel 小說 ........................................074 pardon 原諒 ......................................025
nowhere 沒有任何地方 ....................183 park 停車 ..........................................202
number 號碼......................................011 parrot 鸚鵡 ........................................097
nurse 護士 ........................................053 path 小徑 ..........................................112
paw 腳爪 ..........................................104
O peace 和平........................................126
objective 目標 ..................................126 perhaps 可能地 ................................183
occupation 職業 ................................011 personality 個性、性格......................011
ocean 海洋........................................091 pet 寵物 ............................................097
off 從...分岔 ......................................167 petal 花瓣..........................................104
offer 提供 ..........................................202 piano 鋼琴 ........................................074
office 辦公室 ....................................056 picnic 野餐 ........................................077
often 經常..........................................179 pig 豬 ................................................097
ok 好 ................................................176 pigeon 鴿子 ......................................097
on time 準時的 ..................................136 PIN 密碼(Personal Identification
on 在...(日)....................................170 Number)..........................................045
on 在...上 ..........................................167 place 地方 ........................................087
one 一個、一人 ................................174 plain 平原 ..........................................091
opinion 見解 ......................................029 plan 計劃 ..........................................060
or 或是 ..............................................173 planet 星球........................................018
order 訂購 ........................................063 plant 種植..........................................018

plant 植物 ..........................................112 put 放 ................................................198
plastic bag 塑膠袋 ............................118 puzzle 拼圖遊戲 ................................074
play 玩 ..............................................071
playing Frisbee 玩飛盤......................077 Q
pleased 高興的 ................................063 quickly 迅速地 ..................................186
point 重點..........................................033 quit 辭職............................................056
poison 下毒 ......................................129 quite 相當..........................................183
police officer 警察 ............................053
pollution 污染 ....................................118 R
pond 池塘..........................................091 rabbit 兔子 ........................................097
pop song 流行歌曲............................074 race 種族 ..........................................121
population 人口 ................................121 radiation 放射線 ................................118
position 職位 ....................................056 rainbow 彩虹 ....................................081
power 權力........................................126 rainy 下雨的 ......................................081
praise .稱讚 ......................................025 rain 雨 ..............................................081
pray 禱告、祈求................................042 raise 舉起、抬起 ..............................206
present 呈現......................................021 rat 大老鼠..........................................097
present 禮物......................................014 rather...than 比、比較 ......................183
presentation 報告..............................021 reach 達到 ........................................060
president 總統 ..................................053 reading 閱讀......................................071
pressure 壓力....................................133 realize 了解到、領悟到 ....................039
priest 神父 ........................................049 really 真實地 ....................................183
print 印 ..............................................045 reason 原因 ......................................029
prize 獎賞、獎品 ..............................066 receive 收到 ....................................0426
probably 很可能地 ............................183 recycle 回收 ......................................118
product 產品......................................060 refuse 拒絕........................................063
profit 利潤..........................................060 regret 後悔 ........................................042
promise 發誓 ....................................025 reject 拒絕 ........................................025
promotion 促銷..................................063 remember 記得 ................................039
protect 保護 ......................................129 remind 提醒 ......................................025
provide 提供 ......................................060 reply 回覆..........................................063
punish 處罰 ......................................018 report 報告 ........................................126
puppy 小狗........................................097 reporter 新聞播報者 ..........................049
purpose 目的 ....................................036 reputation 聲譽..................................060
put on weight 體重增加 ....................198 resource 資源....................................115

218 1000
respect 尊敬......................................126 secret 秘密........................................036
result 結果 ........................................029 secretary 秘書 ..................................056
resume 履歷表 ..................................056 see you 再見 ....................................176
return 返回 ........................................136 seed 種子..........................................104
reuse 重複使用..................................118 seem 似乎 ........................................202
river 河流 ..........................................091 seldom 很少 ......................................179
rob 搶劫 ............................................129 self-introduction 自我介紹 ................011
robot 機器人......................................074 sell 賣................................................063
rock 岩石 ..........................................115 send 寄 ............................................063
role 角色............................................036 servant 傭人......................................049
roller coaster 雲霄飛車......................112 serve 供應 ........................................060
roller-skating 滾輪式溜冰 ..................077 service 服務 ......................................060
rooster 公雞 ......................................097 several 數個(的)............................154
root 根 ..............................................104 shall 應該 ..........................................161
ruin 毀壞............................................129 shark 鯊魚 ........................................101
rule 規定............................................126 she 她 ..............................................140
running 跑步......................................077 sheep 綿羊........................................097
rush hour 交通尖鋒時間 ....................136 shoot 射 ............................................018
shopkeeper 商店店主........................060
S shore 岸 ............................................091
safety 安全 ........................................126 should 應該(shall 的過去式)..........161
sailing 駕駛帆船 ................................077 show 展示 ........................................021
sailor 航海員 ....................................053 shower 陣雨 ......................................081
salary 薪水 ........................................056 shut up 閉嘴......................................198
sales 銷售 ........................................060 shut 關上 ..........................................198
salesman 推銷員 ..............................060 silver 銀 ............................................115
sample 樣品 ......................................063 since 因為 ........................................173
sand 沙..............................................115 since 從那時到現在 ..........................170
satisfy 滿意 ......................................063 sing 唱歌 ..........................................206
save 存..............................................045 Singapore 新加坡..............................107
scene 景色 ........................................136 singer 歌手........................................049
scientist 科學家 ................................053 singing 唱歌 ......................................071
sculpture 雕像 ..................................112 single 單程 ........................................136
sea 海洋............................................091 skating 溜冰 ......................................077
secondhand 用過的、二手的 ............118 skiing 滑雪 ........................................077

sky 天空 ............................................081 still 仍然 ............................................186
sleep 睡 ............................................206 stone 石頭、石塊 ..............................115
smog 廢氣 ........................................118 stop 停 ..............................................202
smoke 抽煙 ......................................206 stormy 暴風雨的................................081
smoke 煙 ..........................................118 storm 暴風雨 ....................................081
snail 蝸牛 ..........................................101 stream 溪流 ......................................091
snake 蛇............................................101 strike 攻擊 ........................................129
snowy 下雪的 ..................................081 style 風格 ..........................................036
snow 雪 ............................................081 success 成功 ....................................033
so that 為了如此...以至於..................173 suggest 建議 ....................................021
so 因此..............................................173 sunglasses 太陽眼鏡 ........................112
soccer(=football U.K.)足球 ..........066 sunny 出太陽的 ................................081
softball 壘球 ......................................066 sun 太陽............................................081
soil 土壤 ............................................115 superstition 迷信 ..............................033
solar energy 太陽能 ..........................115 support 支持......................................039
soldier 軍人 ......................................053 sure 當然 ..........................................176
solve 解決 ........................................133 surfing 滑浪 ......................................077
some 一些 ........................................174 survive 倖存 ......................................129
somebody 某人 ................................174 swallow 吞 ........................................206
someone 某人 ..................................174 swan 天鵝 ........................................094
something 某些東西..........................174 swimming pool 游泳池 ......................112
sometimes 有時候 ............................179 swimming 游泳..................................077
somewhere 一些地方........................183 symbol 象徵 ......................................121
South America 南美洲 ......................107 system 系統 ......................................045
space 空白 ........................................045
speech 演講 ......................................021 T
spider 蜘蛛........................................101 table tennis 乒乓球............................066
stadium 體育場..................................112 tail 尾巴 ............................................104
start 起動 ..........................................202 Taiwan R.O.C. 台灣(R.O.C. =
star 星星............................................081 Republic of China)............................107
state 聲明..........................................021 take a bath 泡澡 ................................118
stay 停留 ..........................................014 take a break 休息一下 ......................190
steal 偷..............................................206 take a taxi 搭計乘車 ..........................190
stem 莖 ............................................104 take it easy 放輕鬆............................190
step 步驟 ..........................................036 take medicine 吃藥 ..........................190

220 1000
take off 脫下......................................190 town 鎮、市鎮 ..................................087
take showers 沖澡、淋浴..................118 toy 玩具 ............................................071
take 拿 ..............................................190 trace 追蹤..........................................133
talent 天才、天資 ..............................033 trade 貿易 ........................................063
taxi driver 計程車司機 ......................049 tradition 傳統 ....................................033
Teacher’s Day 教師節 ......................084 traffic 交通 ........................................136
team 隊 ............................................066 trap 陷阱 ..........................................121
tell 告訴 ............................................021 travel 旅行 ........................................136
tennis 網球 ........................................066 treasure 寶物 ....................................018
tent 帳篷............................................112 treat 款待 ..........................................202
thank 感謝 ........................................025 tree 樹 ..............................................101
Thanksgiving 感恩節 ........................084 trick 花招、騙局 ................................033
that 那、那個(人、事、物)............143 trip 旅行 ............................................136
the 這(個)、那(個)......................151 trouble 麻煩 ......................................033
their 他們的 ......................................157 trumpet 喇叭 ....................................074
theirs 他們的 ....................................143 trunk 樹幹..........................................104
themselves 他們自己 ........................140 trust 信任 ..........................................039
then 然後 ..........................................186 truth 事實 ..........................................029
therefore 因此 ..................................173 turkey 火雞........................................097
these 這些(人、事、物)................143 turn around 轉圈 ..............................198
they 他們 ..........................................140 turn down 轉小..................................198
think 認為 ..........................................039 turn off 關 ..........................................198
this 這、這個(人、事、物)............143 turn on 開 ..........................................198
those 那些(人、事、物) ..............143 turtle 烏龜..........................................101
thought 想法......................................036 type 打字 ..........................................045
through 透過 ....................................164 typhoon 颱風 ....................................081
thunder 雷、雷聲 ..............................081
tiger 老虎 ..........................................094 U
till 直到...為止 ....................................170 under 在...的下面 ..............................164
to 向、往 ..........................................167 universe 宇宙 ....................................018
to 直到...之前 ....................................170 unless 除非 ......................................173
together 一起 ....................................186 until 直到...為止 ................................170
too 太 ................................................183 use 使用............................................202
tour guide 導遊..................................053 usually 通常 ......................................179
towards 朝向 ....................................167

where 那裡........................................179
V whether 是否 ....................................179
vacation 休假、假期 ........................084 which 那以個 ....................................179
Valentine’s Day 情人節 ....................084 who 誰 ..............................................179
valley 山谷 ........................................091 whose 誰的 ......................................179
value 價值觀 ....................................036 why not 好 ........................................176
vendor 小販老板 ..............................060 why 為什麼........................................179
very 非常地 ......................................183 will 將 ................................................161
victory 勝利 ......................................129 win 贏................................................066
village 村莊 ......................................087 windy 颳風的 ....................................081
violin 小提琴......................................074 wind 風..............................................081
volleyball 排球 ..................................066 wing 翅膀 ..........................................104
vote 投票、選舉 ................................129 winner 獲勝者 ..................................066
wish 希望 ..........................................042
W with 和 ..............................................186
wait 等 ..............................................202 without 沒有 ......................................186
waiter 餐廳男伺者 ............................049 wolf 狼 ..............................................094
waitress 餐廳女伺者..........................049 wood 木頭、木材 ..............................115
wake up 醒一醒、起床......................198 woods 森林 ......................................091
wake 醒 ............................................198 work experience 工作經驗 ................011
want 想要 ..........................................042 world 世界 ........................................107
war 戰爭............................................121 worry 擔心 ........................................039
was 是(is 的過去式)......................161 would 將(will 的過去式)..................161
waste 廢棄物 ....................................118 writer 寫作家 ....................................049
watch 看............................................071
waterfalls 瀑布 ..................................091 Y
we 我們 ............................................140 yet 還(沒)......................................186
weather 天氣 ....................................081 you 你、你們 ....................................140
wedding ceremony 婚禮 ..................014 your 你的、你們的 ............................157
welcome 受歡迎的 ............................014 yours 你的、你們的 ..........................143
were 是(are 的過去式)..................161 yourself 你自己 ................................140
western 西方的 ................................084 yourselves 你們自己 ........................140
wet (地面)濕的、雨天的 ..............081
whale 鯨魚 ........................................101 Z
what 什麼 ..........................................179 zebra 斑馬 ........................................094
when 何時 ........................................179 zoo 動物園 ........................................094

222 1000
邊上班邊學英文 / 賴淑玲著.
-- 初版. -- 台北市 : 我識, 2006﹝民 95﹞
面; 公分

ISBN 978 986 7346 79 7(平裝)

1. 英國語言 — 詞彙

805. 12 94012649

書名 邊上班邊學英文
作者 賴淑玲
發行人 蔣敬祖
總編輯 王毓芳
執行主編 賴冠嬴•王啟榆
執行編輯 葛庭甄•陳弘毅•廖晏婕•林玉潔•陳雅儀
美術編輯 麵包
法律顧問 北辰著作權事務所 蕭雄淋律師
印製 凱立國際資訊股份有限公司
初版 2006 年 12 月
出版 我識出版社有限公司
電話 (02)2578-8578 • 2577-7136
傳真 (02)2578-8286
郵政劃撥 19793190
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地址 台北市光復南路 32 巷 16 弄 4 號 1 樓
網址 www.17buy.com.tw
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特價 349 元

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