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An Exploratory Study on Digital Advertisement as an Aspect for Business Success in

the Midst of Pandemic

A Research Paper
Submitted to the Faculty of the
Department of General Education – English Unit
STI College Rosario
Rosario, Cavite

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements in
GEDC1016: Purposive Communication

Lovely Serinio
Angel Mae Cutillas
Sheila Mae Valdez
Emil Sumilong
Sheila Mel Atacador
Mac Jhofer Bolante

June 24, 2022


Business owners are accustomed to making compromises and overcoming problems on

a regular basis, but we can all agree that COVID-19 pandemic has created new problems.

People all throughout the world are learning to adapt to a new way of life as COVID-19

spreads around the globe. Digital advertising refers to marketing using online channels such

as websites, streaming material, and more. Text, images, audio, and video are all examples of

digital advertising forms. They can assist you in achieving a range of marketing funnel

business goals, including brand awareness, customer engagement, product launches, and

repeat purchases. Users can get promotional information via a variety of online and digital

platforms with digital advertising. To reach audiences, digital advertising uses social media,

email, search engines, mobile apps, affiliate networks, and websites. Today's digital

advertising is data-driven and can offer you with minute details about your campaigns and

results. Digital advertising is a crucial tool for businesses to engage with their audience

because it has user data and rich targeting possibilities. It's important to remember that in

today's connected world, there are numerous ways to reach and communicate with clients.

Few global crisis have had the same devastation on businesses as the recent pandemic.

Unprecedented locks and safety measures at a distance from other people harm enterprises of

all sizes and types, regardless of domain or industry. In the most severe situations, though,

there is often a silver lining. Recent events have expedited the business world's transition to

the digital age. In the last year, digital innovation initiatives have more than doubled. Many

small and medium-sized businesses are eager to take on the task of digitizing their marketing

campaigns. In the midst of the global economic collapse, the digital advertising business has

been essential in fostering these positive improvements. Many businesses have been able to
counteract some of the financial consequences of the pandemic by investing in digital

advertising campaigns.

Objectives of the Study

Specifically, this study aimed to answer these following questions:

1. To enumerate and describe the factors and significant contribution of digital

advertising in a business during the pandemic.

2. To know how effective digital advertising can be in terms of a business success

during the pandemic.

3. To identify the negative and positive impacts of digital advertising in a business.

Significance of the Study

Through the analysis presented in this study, this research aims to provide insights into the

effectiveness of digital advertising to a business success in the midst of pandemic.

Students. To provide knowledge on how digital marketing affects and helps in a business

growth during pandemic.

Teachers/Instructors. This research will benefit the teachers/instructors, especially those

who's profession is aligned to marketing. This research will give them more insights on how

digital advertising works on a business success.

Business Owners. This research will provide prior knowledge on how digital advertising is

somehow one of the key instruments on how a business grasp its success especially during

this pandemic.
Future researchers. This research will serve as their guide, a background study and a

preference in conducting a research related to this study.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study is focusing on how digital advertisement is an aspect in terms of achieving

a business success in the midst of pandemic. This study will be conducted by having business

owners as the respondents and will be only conducted around Rosario, Cavite, 18 to 30 years


Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored on Busca, L., & Bertrandias, L. (2020), A Framework for Digital

Marketing. This theory explains that information and telecommunications technologies such as

the Internet, mobile phones, and digital television have opened new channels of marketing.

These become the current series of channels wherein mass media on advertising will

continuously be dominant. Consumers are increasingly using these technologies to access

companies. It became more convenient to access and evaluate products and services as

presented in media advertisements. Aside from its capabilities, the increased affordability of

these technologies allows small to large-scale business owners to promote their companies

and products through innovative means using digital media technology. Fundamental theories

of marketing need reinterpretation in the light of the new technologies. It relays on the

competitiveness and effectiveness of digital advertising that reflects business success to its

consistency over the future challenges in business marketing in the future.

In the present study, this theory finds its relevance in the recent uprising of the digital

advertising industry, thus, analyzing the changes and the impact that it will bring in the future-

facing different challenges on businesses. This will also present the relevance of how the

consumer will also adapt to the changes, and align reactions and awareness on the increasing

numbers of innovations in digital marketing and its relative economic business success amidst

the pandemic.

Conceptual Framework

The Conceptual Framework depicts the beginning and conclusion of learning. The first input is

the respondents, who are people aged 18 to 30 who own a business that uses digital

advertising and consumers who have encountered digital advertising businesses and what

their monthly income was during the pandemic; they are among those who will benefit from the

study that the researchers are conducting. The research "An Exploratory Study on Digital

Advertisement as An Aspect for Business Success in the Midst of Pandemic" looked at digital

advertising and if it is the primary cause and predictor of marketing and modernization. The
survey questioners were utilized by the researchers to perform the study, and then the

researchers interpreted the gathered data. The final outcome of the study is to assess the

changes in company performance by running a digital advertisement in the midst of pandemic.

Definition of Terms

A worldwide phenomenon – are significant natural or human phenomena. Occurrences or

upactivities that have the potential to have business impact substantial portions of society, and

necessitate more than a local or national level response. Reaction on business. On a scale, it

would usually influence in the majority.

Business world – is where they are the strongest. We will cut off all business links, all

revenues of Gulen-linked business. We are not going to show anyone any mercy.

Economy – the wealth and resources of a country or region, especially in terms of the

production and consumption of goods and services

Manpower – is the total number of people available to work on a project. The amount of

manpower you have will determine how quickly you clean your house after a huge party.

Pandemic – occurring over a wide geographic area (such as multiple countries or continents)

and typically affecting a significant proportion of the population

Infrastructures – the basic equipment and structures that are needed for a country, or

environment organization to function properly.

Trade – is a basic economic concept involving the buying and selling of goods and services,

with compensation paid by a buyer to a seller, or the exchange of goods or services between


Local Studies and Literature

Government agencies are closely monitoring any unfair and manipulative

business practices to defend vulnerable customers and monitor aggressive marketing activities

as firms adjust and find out how to advertise products and services in the midst of the COVID-

19 issue. This will very certainly change the way firms function in the future. This change will

affect not just how organizations function, but also how they maintain and expand their brand

and consumer base. This topic revolves around how businesses attract clients and market

their products and services. Advertising, marketing activities and promotional strategies will all

play a part in a company's success. The quarantine has been in place for more than two

months, and the impacts of COVID-19 on companies in the Philippines are already being felt.

The Philippines economy might be on the point of collapse if the epidemic is not contained,

with numerous enterprises having to close. Here are a few examples of how COVID-19 has

benefited the Philippine advertising business. Certain vital enterprises have been permitted to

continue operating with a few guidelines in place to preserve safety precautions.

Companies have been struggling to keep up with the new set of demands and procedures

since the establishment of the ECQ. However, if the epidemic continues for an extended length

of time, it will not sufficient. Many businesses are rethinking their marketing and media

budgets, refocusing their advertising, marketing, and promotional efforts in order to produce a

consistent stream of customer attention and spending while retaining adequate media returns.

Whether or not to create new items that reflect the "new reality." Many advertising teams will

rise to the occasion, devising imaginative and inventive advertising tactics and techniques to

help the company navigate this new normal. For example, 45 percent of worldwide consumers
are spending more time on social media advertising, and internet video streaming is on the

rise. To better satisfy customers' growing media consumption while working from home, some

firms have shifted their spending to purpose-driven marketing, mission-based marketing, and

cause-related advertising. For the year 2020, the coronavirus may result in a more depressed

commercial economy in the Philippines. However, maintaining the import-export system may

be beneficial to our economy's survival.

During this quickly changing advertising and marketing environment, the FTC is focused on

modifications to the FTC Guides Regulations on the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in

Advertising (Guides), which provide guidelines for online testimonials and influencer marketing.

The Guides are designed to ensure that endorsements are accurate and not misleading, with a

particular focus on the propriety of existing endorser declarations on social media platforms,

whether minors can understand social media disclosures, and how affiliate ties should be


The Philippines' overall investment climate has improved over the last decade, which is

a good thing. Despite the local and global uncertainty brought on by the COVID-19 epidemic,

many believe the Philippines will maintain solid development. They also predicted that

economic development will reach unprecedented heights in the following years. You are

making the proper option if you wish to refocus your marketing strategies and go digital. In this

post, we'll go over seven techniques to effectively promote your business, as well as some

pointers on how to make the most of your efforts despite the economic slump and a lack of

face-to-face encounters. One of the reasons why advertising businesses are successful in the

face of a pandemic is that they employ an excellent website. You should pick a domain

extension and select a design that will appeal to your target audience. You should then
populate the website with high-quality content. Because of the Philippines we have are two

official languages, it is usually best for businesses to publish information in both languages.

However, if you're targeting a very particular audience who only speaks one language,

it's pointless to devote time and resources on content translation. Another excellent approach

for promoting your business in the Philippines is email marketing. You may send emails to your

consumers to let them know about forthcoming promotions, special offers, new items, and

more. You may also utilize advertising on television, YouTube, or other social media platform

to support your items, educate your target audience, and boost product awareness. If your

company provides unique solutions, it's probable that your clients won't realize what you're

selling at first. You may explain to your audience what unique benefits your product has and

how it works by producing explanatory letters and providing how-to videos. It will assist you in

persuading potential consumers to make the initial purchase and begin sales.

Foreign Studies and Literature

According to the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), online advertising spends in the United

States exceeded $36 billion in 2012—a 15-percent increase over the prior year that

represented a growth rate five times faster than all other media combined. Similar growth

trends also were seen in Canada (up 16 percent in 2011) and Europe (up 15 percent in 2011).

This strong migration of advertising spend-ing to digital across the globe is likely the result of

increased confidence in the medium, which has been enabled by technological advancements

that make the buying and selling of online media more efficient, and measurement tools that

reveal the effectiveness of digital advertising.

Today, it is largely accepted that digital is an effective advertising medium for both direct

response and branding advertising and that it can lift both online and in-store sales. Still, given

the complex nature of the online advertising ecosystem, questions remain about potential

sources of online advertising waste and opportunities to lev-enrage digital in an even more

efficient manner by improving the accuracy of ad delivery. Until these questions are

addressed, it is likely that digital will not be able to achieve its full potential as an advertising

medium. To better understand issues associated with digital-advertising delivery and to

uncover opportunities for improvement, comScore has conducted research in the United

States, Europe, and Canada. The current study dis-cusses empirical generalizations drawn

from the research involving dozens of the world’s leading marketers.

Social restrictions during the pandemic Covid-19 have direct impacts on the survival of

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), since every citizen limits his/her activities, schools,

campuses are closed, and residents are advised to remain silent and do work from home. The

purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the effect of social capital, business strategies,

and innovation capabilities on business success. The support of parents, family members and

business partners raise the confidence of entrepreneurs to achieve business success.

Business strategy has a positive and significant effect on innovation capability and has no

direct effect on success. The findings show that business strategy influences business success

through innovation capabilities. At the time of the Covid-19 pandemic the business strategies

developed and implemented by SMEs entrepreneurs in the city of Bali, Indonesia was not able

to directly increase business success, but when they developed innovative business

strategies, they were able to create something or a new system, unique and accepted by

consumers, SMEs entrepreneurs’ success increases business.

This paper has a pandemic has significantly affected international business

particularly in terms of free movement across countries so taking an entrepreneurial

ecosystem approach is useful. Regional trading blocs including the European Union, which

were based on the idea of free movement between countries has changed due to individual

countries closing their borders. Most notably countries like Spain have banned travel between

their neighboring countries while at the same time maintaining European Union membership.

Due to increased levels of internationalization because of both work, family and lifestyle

reasons, the impact of these closed borders has been significant. Global society has become

used to frequent international travel and interaction, so border closures have been a surprising

development. As a result, international institutions have had to deal with the pandemic at a

country, regional, and international manner.

As international business and travel have been assumed to continue regardless of

social change, the health pandemic has surprised many people. Social interaction in a physical

format is important for building a more cohesive international society. Thus, the limitations

placed on travel because of the virus have led to a de‐internationalization strategy for many

countries. In addition to the large decrease in international travel has been the associated

economic and political effects. Blame is being placed on governments for how they have dealt

with the crises, which is further fueling international tensions. Due to the infectious nature of

the disease, there has been a ban in many countries on mass gatherings. As global society is

largely networked, there has been further effects on business activity. The sport industry is one

of the most effected by the restrictions put in place because of the virus. Almost all

professional sport events including the Olympics were cancelled due to the virus.

Research Design

This study aimed to conduct a research about the effectiveness/impact of using digital

advertising in promoting a business amidst the current pandemic. This study will use

descriptive analysis using mixed quantitative and qualitative methods in order to accomplish its

goal. The research questionnaires will consist of the knowledge of the participants, specifically

respondents who have encounter digital advertising used by a certain business and those

business owners who uses digital advertising as their marketing strategy.

Sources of Data (The Participants)

The researchers used primary and secondary data to gather information in this study.

Primary data were taken from the response of business owners and those who have encounter

seeing digital advertisement made by different business. The sources were gathered from

journals, books, articles, online and other sources of literature. Purposive sampling was used

in this study.

Research Instrument

The questionnaires was made by the researchers themselves. The questionnaires is

divided into three parts. Part 1 is consist of demographic information of the chosen

respondents. Part II is consist of questions that determine how Digital Advertisement is an

aspect in terms of achieving a business success. Part III is consist of partially close-ended

questions that aims to determine how digital advertising affect consumers choices.
Data Gathering

The researcher must I obtain permission from the authors of the instruments used in the

investigation. Before conducting the survey, I obtained informed consent signed by the


Analysis and Interpretation of Data

After identifying a research topic, the production of background research literature, the

establishment of conceptual frameworks and problem focus, the selection of an appropriate

research paradigm and methodology for a specific purpose, the design of the research plan,

and the collection of sufficient data, the next step in the research process is analysis and

interpretation of data, which comes before research reporting. As a result, data analysis is a

process that comprises collecting, evaluating, and structuring data in order to identify relevant

information, draw or suggest conclusions, and aid decision-making to solve an issue. In the

research this includes analyzing data to answer research questions and preparing research

findings for publication. Data analysis can also be used as a guide for future data collecting

and research projects.

Statistical Tools

A study was conducted on a group of business owners about the factors and significant

contribution of digital advertising in a business during the pandemic, where the questions had

"check all that apply" responses. The study’s research question asked, "What are the different

experience of business owners that do use digital advertisements?" Descriptive statistics

would be the appropriate analysis to address the research question. Frequencies and
percentages could be conducted on the questionnaires listed that respondents took or

registered for.


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Dear Participants,


We, a first-year student of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration major in Operation

management is conducting a research study entitled "An Exploratory Study on Digital

Advertisement as an Aspect for Business Success in the Midst of Pandemic would like to ask

for your cooperation and help answer the attach questionnaire to help us gather our data for

our research study.

Thank you for giving us your knowledge and time.

BSBAOM Student

STI Rosario Campus


Part I: Demographic Information

Name (Surname, First Name, Middle Initial, Suffix):

Gender: Male ( ) Female ( )


18 - 23 ( )

24 - 28 ( )

29 - above ( )

Part II: The questions that follows constitute the knowledge on how business owners’ views

digital advertisement as an aspect in terms of business success amidst the pandemic;

I. Are you a business owner?

Yes ( ) No ( )

II. Do you use digital advertising to promote your business?

Yes ( ) No ( )

A. What's your main purpose of using social media?

B. What type of business do you represent? What is your role?

C. How effective digital advertising to your business during the pandemic?

D. Do you see any changes in profit the same with the engagements you get in the advertising

that you posted or made through social media?

Part III: Digital Advertisement as an Aspect for Business Success Amidst the Pandemic

1. What social media do you usually use when advertising digitally?

a. Facebook

b. Instagram

c. Twitter

d. TikTok

2. Which digital marketing strategy is the most effective?

a. It provides a wealth of free and useful information.

b. To gather as much information as you can.

c. To promote the goods your business sells.

d. All the above

3. Which is the most effective method for earning money digitally?

a. Including goods on your website

b. Dreaming of clever marketing strategies

c. Selling goods

d. Has a night shift job

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