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Character Formation 1 (Nationalism and Patriotism) (CF 101)

NATIONALISM AND PATRIOTISM example, if you are a citizen of the US, you
Basic Concepts of Nationalism and Patriotism are considered as an American. In theory, a
What is Nationalism? civic nation or state does not aim to promote
 It is an idea/ideology and movement defined one culture over another.
by promoting the interest of a particular nation,
in particular with the aim of acquiring and 3. EXPANSIONIST NATIONALISM – a radical
maintaining the nation’s sovereignty over its form of imperialism that includes independent,
country of origin (Smith, 2019). patriotic feelings with faith in expansionism,
 It claims that each nation should regulate generally through military aggression.
itself, free from outside intervention, that a  Expansionist nationalism is an aggressive
nation is a natural and ideal political basis, and radical form of nationalism that
and that the nation is the only legitimate incorporates autonomous, patriotic
source of political authority (Finlayson, 2014). sentiments with a belief in expansionism.
What is Nationalism?
 It aims to build and maintain single identity 4. ROMANTIC NATIONALISM - known as organic
(Yack, 2012). nationalism and identity nationalism.
 It seeks to preserve and encourage a nation’s  It is based on the presence of a historical
traditional culture, and cultural revivals have ethnic culture that meets romantic deal.
been connected to nationalist movements.  Historical ethnic cultures that meet the
 Nationalism is often paired with other Romantic Ideal was emphasized by romantic
ideologies, for instance conservatism or nationalism; folklore evolved as romantic
socialism (Finlayson, 2014). nationalist notion.
 Conservatism – a set of political beliefs  The state gains political authority as a natural
based on preservation of customs and outcome of the union of individuals it presides
traditions that define the character of a over.
society.  This includes, relating to the exacting method
 Socialism – a set of political beliefs of use, the idiom, heritage, ethnicity, faith, and
emphasizing community and social traditions
5. CULTURAL NATIONALISM - described by
Types of Nationalism shared culture, not solely civic or ethnic. However,
1. ETHNIC NATIONALISM – (ethnonationalism) a traditional culture can be more readily integrated
involves the concept of a shared culture among into the lives of any person, particularly if the
group members, and generally a shared language. person can obtain his or her abilities at an early
 The state derives political legitimacy from its point of his or her own lives.
status as the ethnic groups, as a group to
promote its family and social life. 6. THIRD WORLD NATIONALISM – outcome to
 It is a form of nationalism wherein the nation colonial rule to survive and maintain a domestic
and nationality are defined in terms of identity. (Third World nationalism attempts to
ethnicity, with emphasis on ethnocentric ensure that the identities of Third World peoples
approach to various political issues related to are authored primarily by themselves, not colonial
national affirmation of a particular ethnic powers.)
7. LIBERAL NATIONALISM – lately defended by
2. CIVIC NATIONALISM (Civil Nationalism) – lies political philosophers who think that a non-
within traditions of rationalism and liberalism, but it xenophobic form of nationalism compatible with
is contrasted with ethnic nationalism as type of liberal values of liberty, tolerance, equality and
nationalism. individual rights can exist.
 it means that the country is a community of  It is asserted that in order to lead a
those who contribute to the state’s meaningful, independent life, people need a
maintenance and strength, and that there is national identity and those liberal democracies
the person to contribute to that objective. need domestic identity to work correctly.
 Membership in the civic nation is open to  It is sustaining a process of nation building
every citizen, regardless of culture or ethnicity, that extols the necessity of liberty and equality
who shares those values. In short, for an and yet at the same time having the capability
Character Formation 1 (Nationalism and Patriotism) (CF 101)

to maintain a state or nation with a people Lebanese in the Americas and Africa, or
united with a sense of nationalism that allows Armenians in Europe and the United States.
them to move forward in unity.
11. STATELESS NATIONALISM – On nationalist
8. RELIGIOUS NATIONALISM – connection to a basis an ethnic or cultural minority within a nation-
specific religious faith, church, or affiliation. state aims independence.
 It can be shared religion contributes to a
sense of domestic unity and a mutual bond 12.NATIONAL CONSERVATISM – a political term,
between the nation’s people and it will mainly used in Europe, to describe a version of
divide into two dimensions, such as, conservatism that focuses more on domestic
religion’s politicization and religion’s interest than conventional conservatism, while not
converse effects on politics. being unduly nationalist or pursuing a far-right
 In religion’s politicization, it can be seen that agenda.
a shared religion contributes to a sense of
domestic unity; a common bond between 13.REVOLUTIONARY NATIONALISM – is an
the nation’s people. ideological theory that calls for domestic group
united by a shared sense of intent and destiny, also
9. PAN-NATIONALISM – Ethnic or cultural known as radical nationalism. Developed by Benito
nationalism refers to a country that is itself a cluster Mussolini. This intellectual synthesis of “radical
of associated ethnic and cultural communities. nationalism and dissident society’’ was created.
 It is a specific term, used mainly in social
sciences as a designation for those forms of 14.LEFT-WING NATIONALISM - also sometimes
nationalism that are trying to transcend referred to as socialist nationalism, relates to any
(overcome) traditional boundaries of basic political movement combining left-wing or socialism
national identities, in order to create a "higher" with nationalism.
pan-national (all-inclusive) identity, based on
various common denominators. What is PATRIOTISM (NATIONAL PRIDE)
 Pan-nationalism can occur as a specific  is a sense of love, dedication and attachment
variant of all common forms of nationalism. In to a country and an alliance with other people
relation to classical state nationalism, pan- who share the same impression. This
nationalism manifests itself through various attachment can be mixture of many distinct
political movements that are advocating the emotions, including ethnic, cultural, political or
creation of "higher" (pan-national) forms of historical elements, related to one’s own
political identity, based on a regional or country. It is a predominant virtue linked to a
continental grouping of national states (for nation’s love, with greater emphasis on values
examples: Pan-Americanism, Pan-Africanism, and beliefs.
Pan-Arabism, Pan-Iranism).  One who is patriotic will be willing to offer any
 In terms of ethnic nationalism, pan-nationalism sacrifice to his nation. He’ll never live alone
can also manifest itself through specific ethnic egotistically.
movements that are advocating the creation of  For no other reason than being a citizen of the
"higher" (pan-national) forms of common nation, patriotism is a dedication to one’s
identity that is based on ethnic grouping (for nation. In essence, patriotism is a sense of
example: (Pan-Germanism or Pan-Slavism). attachment and dedication to a country,
nation, political community or just country
10. DIASPORA NATIONALISM – is an ethnic love.
population residing outside their traditional
homelands. In this type of nationalism, there is a KINDS OF PATRIOTISM.
nationalist sense. (Jews in the United States)  Patriotism of Duty - fidelity to one’s nation
 Diaspora nationalism, or as Benedict through material acts. This is military service
Anderson terms it, "long-distance patriotism and other selfless sacrifice types.
nationalism", generally refers to nationalist This is where patriotism becomes embodied
feeling among a diaspora such as the Irish in and its ideals take praiseworthy particular
the United States, Jews around the world after actions.
the expulsion from Jerusalem (586 BCE), the  Patriotism of Affection – this is a kind of
patriotism by the heart. It is about one’s internal
Character Formation 1 (Nationalism and Patriotism) (CF 101)

desire for his country well-being. The patriotism nationalist is proud of his nation whatever it
of affection can be seen in the patriotism of does
duty, but it does not necessarily result in it; one
can truly love his country and yet be coward, Filipino Nationalism
just as one can theoretically fulfill a patriotic  Filipino nationalism started in the Philippines in
duty and yet feel apathetic about the country the 1800s with an upsurge of patriotic feelings
welfare. and nationalistic ideals resulting from more than
 Patriotism of Manners – this is customs two decades of Spanish rule.
patriotism, written and unwritten. It can be  This served as the backbone of, and continues
performed by anyone without actually needing to this day, the first nationalist revolution in
affection or duty patriotism and this will be Asia, the Philippine Revolution of 1896 ( Joaqs,
established by a set of protocol. 1990).
 These nationalistic feelings have resulted to a
TYPES OF PATRIOTISM comprehensive campaign in the Philippines for
1. Personal Patriotism – emotional and voluntary. political, social and economic liberty.
It adheres to certain patriotic values, such
as respect for the flag or honoring of veterans and HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF FILIPINO
among others. NATIONALISM
2. Official Patriotism – promoted by the  The Philippines had been split into various
government which has a high symbolic and principalities known as " Barangays" in the
ceremonial content. It is a logical consequence of years before the 11th century, a name
the state itself, which derives legitimacy from being originating from Malayan ships called "
the expression of the common good of the political Balangays." Datus. Rajahs or sultans governed
community, e.g. national monument and these tiny political units (Halili, 2004). In 1565,
commemoration ceremonies. It relies on the when Spanish explorer Miguel Lopez de
symbolic act. Legazpi arrived from Mexico and established
3. Symbolic Patriotism – in wartime is intended to the first European colonies in Cebu, European
raise morale, in turn contributing to the war effort. colonization started in earnest.
4. Peacetime Patriotism – cannot be so easily  Starting with only five ships and five hundred
linked to a measurable gain for the state, but the men accompanied by Augustinian monks and
patriot does not see it as inferior. further strengthened by two hundred soldiers in
1567, he was able to repel competing
WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN Portuguese colonizers and lay the foundation
PATRIOTISM AND NATIONALISM? for the Spanish colonization of the archipelago.
 In patriotism feelings are based on the The Beginning of Filipino Nationalism
country’s positive values—like liberty, justice  The Spanish occupied the kingdoms of Maynila
and equality. and tondo in 1571 and founded manila as the
 The patriot thinks that both their country’s capital of the Spanish east indies ( kolinsky,
state system and individuals are inherently 1999). This Spanish colonization united the
good and working together to achieve a better archipelago of the Philippines into one political
quality of life. unit.
 On the other hand, nationalism emotions are  Originally, the word " Filipino" referred to the
based on the belief that one’s nation is Philippines " Spanish Criollos." The Spanish
superior to all others. It also holds a leaders described the natives as Indians during
connotation of the other countries “distrust or their 333-year rule over the Philippines (royeca,
disapproval, leading to the premise that other 2012).
states are competitors.
 While the patriots do no degrade other  The Spaniards born in the Philippines. More
countries automatically, nationalist do, known as Insulars, criollos, or creoles, were
sometimes to the point of calling for the global also called " Filipinos" during the colonial era as
dominance of their country. Nationalism is the well. Spanish born Spaniards or Philippine-
polar opposite of globalism by its protectionist based continental Spaniards were referred to as
beliefs. peninsulars.
 According to Sydney J. Harris, the patriot is  Those of blended heritage have been called
proud of his nation for what it does, while the mestizos. Despite being considered inferior by
Character Formation 1 (Nationalism and Patriotism) (CF 101)

the peninsulars, the creoles had enjoyed c. “PAGKABAYANI” - (national unity, national
numerous roles of state and church, and consensus and discipline),
composed most of the bureaucracy of d. “PAKIKITUNGO”- (consideration)
government. e. “PAKIKIPAGKAPWA-TAO” - (human
solidarity based first of all on developing our
 The feeling of domestic awareness originated nation)
from the creoles, who now consider themselves f. “PAGKAKAPANTAY-PANTAY” - (equality
" Filipino." and equity).
 Three significant factors, economy,
education, and parish secularization brought it DIFFERENT WAYS TO SHOW
To show your sense of Filipino nationalism,
everyone must:
 Nationalism is the secular identification and  Act
engagement of our people with the Filipino  Participate
nation and domestic community, the Philippines  Respect
as our country and homeland.  Stand Proud
 It goes beyond our Family, Clan, Tribe, Village,  Love
City, Province, Region, Local culture and
Religion. First and foremost, it is being pro- 1. Respect the Philippine flag and value Filipino
Filipino; believing that we belong to one body, identity
mind, soul and spirit. I  Being Filipinos, we should respect our
 It's a pride to be a Filipino; self-respect as a Philippine flag, and its purpose.
Filipino; pride in our national cultural heritage  The history and value of this flag are
and manner of life, with their constraints being connected to the freedom we have today.
realized.  Encourage our fellowmen to participate and
 It involves pride in our heroes, pride in our flags, respect our flags and its anthem and even our
national anthem and other symbols of our different symbols.
nationhood; national pride and dignity inspired  They provide us our identity as Filipinos or
by willingness to serve our nation alone and citizens of the beautiful republic of the
with dedication, and to sacrifice for it, if Philippines.
necessary, with our own lives. 2. Be productive
 It is a tool of change and reform; it aims our  Do not rely on everything and then blame
moral and spiritual regeneration, our liberation our government, but instead make yourself
from ignorance, bigotry ( intolerance towards productive and helpful to the nation.
those who hold distinct views of themselves), Because some of the Filipinos are blaming
parochialism ( narrow- mindedness), feudalism the government for any adverse things our
( a system in which higher-ranking individuals nation would strike.
gave land and protection and worked and  True, there are some corrupt political
fought for them in exchange); colonial mentality position holders. But they're are not all. The
( the internalized attitude of people's racial or only issue here is that we rely too much on
cultural inferiority as a consequence of our government then blame them afterwards
colonization), bribery and distorted elitism ( an  We should learn to stand on our own feet
elite's advocacy or presence as a dominant and be productive and helpful not only for
component in a scheme or community). ourselves, but also for everyone.
3. Be aware of the issues in our country
 In other words, as Filipinos, it has a powerful
 We must be aware and updated on the
national identity send and a high-minded intent.
significant issues happening in the country.
FILIPINO NATIONAL IDENTITY BASED IN PART Extend help to the needy fellowmen,
ON OUR INDIGENOUS VALUES: especially the victims of disasters like
a. “PAGSASARILI” - (self-reliance) typhoons, flooding, and the like.
b. “PAKIKISAMA” - (equitable sharing and  Naturally, all of us media in our daily life.
partnership) We could already demonstrate our
nationalism to our nation by using this
Character Formation 1 (Nationalism and Patriotism) (CF 101)

media. Some of our fellow Filipinos used the times, many Filipinos show and value their
authority of the press to extend their noble norms and traditions.
assistance to others in the past calamities  Although Filipinos overseas have held
that hit our nation. The published some data themselves as the peak of their interest in the
about how other individuals might be able to prism of their domestic uniqueness with a
assist disaster affected individuals. passionate approach to political, social and
4. Stand proud for every achievement economic liberty. Filipinos may have plurality
 Filipinos are competitive in many ways in terms of divided islands, language, religion,
around the world. and ethnicity, but they share a common
 They are proud to be Philippines and to be country love and vision for a better
brought to the nation for the awards. For Philippines.
their accomplishment they unite every 8. Speak out our own language
Filipino.  Using our own language is manifesting and
5. Patronize and support our own products preserving our national identity.
 The Philippines has rich resources to create  It is our unique means of communicating and
quality goods and the products. The interacting with our fellowmen.
manpower services we provide are also  Our language is an important tool to achieve
globally competitive. Our economy will further unity and national development.
improve more if we ourselves patronize our 9. Remember and commemorate our heroes'
own products which characterize our sacrifices for our country
creativity, resourcefulness, and industry.  There were many Filipinos who died for our
 In spite of Filipino migration all over the democracy, freedom, and independence.
globe, nationalism is also self-evident. Some fought using their pens and tongues,
Millions of Filipinos now support goods and while some used the power of their arms and
products made by the Philippines outside weapons.
the Philippines. Everything is feasible with  Each had their own way of showing their love
the emergence of a world economy based and respect to our country. In today's
on information driven by free trade, market generation, let us value and treasured our
economy, and open capital markets. heroes sacrifices and devotion for our country.
 The Philippine products live up to the 10. Love our family, our neighbors, and our
standard of quality in all modesty. countrymen
6. Preserve the Filipino culture  The essence of life for most Filipinos is to
 Philippines is rich in various colorful cultural create their family and nation a part of their
elements. They are our identity. Be proud enduring engagement.
and preserve the culture we have for they  They many even express their dedication to
are our treasure. We have to keep them for unpopular choices born to the advantage of
the future generation. the majority.
 Migrants Filipinos who have practically  We are strongly committed to our
grown most of their life overseas almost obligations. Filipinos create an all-out effort
always return to the Philippines to explore to work and make private sacrifices around
our lovely beaches and the feature the clock over the weekend hard work.
attractions a nation with 7,107 islands offers.  These values, combined with an abundant
Filipinos maintain a periodic TFC (The reservoir of patience, have been inculcated
Filipino Channel) subscription to get in by our beloved parents to our youthful
contact with every Filipino, forget about minds.
homesickness while overseas, and instill the  Bravery of Filipino workers abroad is ideal
Filipino values that we see on their evidence of human sacrifice for family love
television. and nation love.
7. Respect everyone and value our traditions  Being away from home and dealing with the
 Filipinos are very courteous and respectful. problems of life in a nation you knew no one
You will acknowledge a Filipino individual and risking yourself into many foreboding
everywhere you go because he or she has dangers are exemplary, particularly when
always been respectful of the elders and serving a well-formulated task of supporting
others using the common but certainly classic our family's necessities back home by
" ho," "oho," " po" and "opo." Even in modern sending remittances that, in turn, would help
Character Formation 1 (Nationalism and Patriotism) (CF 101)

increase the economy of the nation and IMPORTANT DATES, EVENTS AND PERSONS
make it more financially stable through IN THE RISE OF FILIPINO NATIONALISM
monetary asset.
The Opening of the Philippines to World
SENSE OF NATIONALISM  On 1834, manila was officially part of the
1. The Philippine Flag with red, white, and blue world commerce after reviewing different
colors and a yellow sun representing the economic policies 1834-1873.
provinces of the country.  This is the period of the development of
2. Coat Of Arms of The Philippines also agriculture in the country because foreigners
featuring the yellow sun with 8 ray's depicting shared their agricultural ideas. Various ports
the original provinces in the Philippines. opened in 1855 in Sual, Pangasinan, Iloilo and
3. Lupang Hinirang (chosen land)- the Zamboanga, in 1860 in Cebu and in1873 in
Philippine national anthem Tacloban.
4. Sampaguita (jasminum sambac)- the  Consequently, strong financial activity in the
national floAwer of the Philippines; colony was stimulated that made the lives of
symbolizing purity and simplicity, the flower is the Filipinos prosperous. Modern farming
small, white, and pleasantly fragrant. techniques were introduced and the means of
5. Narra (pterocarpus) - the national tree of the transportation and communication were the
Philippines; also known as rosewood, it is boost financial advancement, boost tobacco,
strong, sturdy and durable- a common sugar and abaca manufacturing.
rainforest tree.
6. Dr. Jose P. Rizal - the national hero of the How Some Filipino Become Illustrados?
Philippines.  The middle class or the "illustrados" were the
7. Cariñosa or Tinkling - the Philippine national educated Filipinos who, by writing essays,
dance. Gracefulness is symbolized by this articles, novels or publication in news journal
dance. called " La solidaridad," campaigned for reform
8. Carabao (water buffalo) - A Philippine in the colony in a peaceful way.
national animal. It symbolizes industriousness  They were made up of the " Principalia" or
and hard work due to its use on many farms in those belonging to the Spanish or Chinese
the country. mestizos indigenous to Filipino or upper class.
9. Bangus (milk fish) - the Philippines' national Their families were "inquilinos" who leased
fish. It symbolizes versality, because of the property to the friars. Agricultural production
many ways in which it can be cooked. evolved during Philippine's opening to world
10. Mango - The national fruit Philippine mangoes trade, which led them to become rich.
are considered the sweetest fruit in the world.  They were able to improve their social status
11. Barong - The Philippine national costume or and send their children to European schools.
clothing style for men -(untucked shirt of thin They later clamored for reforms and equality,
fabric displaying Chinese, IndoMalayan and their children became propaganda
tropical and Hindu influences) for women: movement members.
Baro’t Saya (skirt and blouse with no collar).
12. "Bayan ko" and “Pilipinas Kong mahal” are Influx of Liberal Ideas
the Philippine national songs.  Suez canal’s opening shortened the distance
13. Arnis - the Philippine national sport (stick between the Philippines and Spain. This paved
fighting). the way for liberalism to enter the nation.
14. Anahaw (livistona rotundifolia)- the Philippine Europe brought liberal concepts such as
national plant. This plant is often used as hat, equality, freedom and brotherhood and the
umbrella, or fan symbolizing the Filipino's establishment of the Spanish republic; more
resourcefulness. Spaniards came to our nation and imparted
15. Nipa hut - the Philippine national house; liberal thoughts to the Philippines.
typically, a small bamboo house with attached  They carried liberal books and the magazines
roof. with them. Not only in manila, but also in the
provinces that occupied positions municipal
government, the amount of Spaniards is
increasing. With only a concern to improve
Character Formation 1 (Nationalism and Patriotism) (CF 101)

material wealth and gain social prestige by  A Chinese-Filipino, born in Cavite who held
gaining authority in society, more friars are the most senior position of the three as
increasing. Colonizers keep the Filipinos tightly archbishop's vicar in Cavite. He was truly
protected. nationalistic and accepted the death penalty
calmly as though it were his presence for
Secularization Movement being pro- Filipinos.
There Are Two Types of Priests:
1. Regular priest or friar curates - they belong to Father Jose Burgos
specific religious orders like Dominicans, Jesuits,  Is a Spanish descent, born in the Philippines.
Augustinians, Franciscans, and recollects. Only He was a parish priest of the manila
Spanish priests could be regular priests. cathedral and had been known to be close to
2. Secular priests or parish priests - these the liberal governor general de la Torre.
priests were not religious orders and were under  He was 35 years old at the time and was
the archbishop’s oversight. active and outspoken in advocating the
Filipinization of the clergy. He wrote to
1565 defend the seculars and was known to weep
 Religious order took control of the parishes like a child.
in the Philippines these are the Augustinians,
recollects, Dominican, and Franciscan. Father Jacinto Zamora
 Was also a Spanish, born in the Philippines.
Council of Trent  He was the parish priests of Marikina and
 It was stated that secular priests should was known to be unfriendly to and would not
control the parishes relates deacons and countenance any arrogance or authoritative
priests who are not monastics or members behavior from Spaniards coming from Spain.
of a religious institute. But few secular  He once snubbed a Spanish governor who
priests are accessible because some of came to visit Marikina.
them have been sent to America.
Issues On the Three Priests
Father Pedro Pelaez (1862) 1. Father Gomez - Participated in
 Exposes the discrimination of the Filipino secularization but no longer active in 1872
clergys and the racial and national conflict and he was already more than 80 years old.
with the friars. 2. Father Burgos - Involved in the issue of
January 20, 1872 3. Father Zamora - Victim of mistaken identity
 Two hundred Filipino troops and employees, since the warrant of arrest was addressed
led by Sgt. Fernando la Madrid, who took to a certain Jose Zamora, a known critic of
control of the Spanish arsenal in Cavite, Spanish government at that time.
mutinied against Spaniards.
 Gov. Laquierdo sent troops forthwith to GomBurZa Execution
quench the rebellion. The ring leaders were  The parishes were assigned to regular
murdered and persecuted by la Madrid, priests because of the death of secular
accusing the GOMBURZA as the rebellion's priests in the 19th century. The Spaniards
mastermind. wanted the secular priests to be silenced.
Thus, father Jose Burgos, Mariano Gomez,
Francisco Zaldua – A Bicolano soldier who Jacinto Zamora- were executed in February
testified against the GOMBURZA. 17, 1872 by garrote after being implicated as
master minds in Cavite mutiny.
February 17, 1872 - The day of execution of the 3  At the death of the three priests the crowd
priests at Luneta (Bagumbayan). paid respect when they removed their hats
and knelt down. The bells rang all over the
GOMBURZA - Refers to the three martyrs: Gomez, city upon the order of archbishop Melito
Burgos, and Zamora. Martinez.

Father Mariano Gomez\ Garrote

Character Formation 1 (Nationalism and Patriotism) (CF 101)

 Is an execution technique previously revolution rather they campaign for reform or

practiced in Spain where a tightened iron change by way of writing.
collar is used to strangle or break a  They advocated reform by writing books,
convicted person's neck. pamphlet and newspapers. They were
 It is said to be the form of execution popularly known as Illustrados (intellectuals) in
performed to the three priests. Spain, England and France.

The importance of 1872, GomBurZa Execution THREE LEADING REFORMISTS IN 19TH

 It is considered as the beginning of the CENTURY
Filipino nationalism in the Philippine history 1. Dr. Jose P. Rizal
because the three priests were innocent yet 2. Graciano Lopez Jeana
accepted the brutal punishment for the 3. Marcelo H. Del Pilar
Propaganda Movement or Reform Movement  Regarded as the conscience of the
 Also known as Junta de propaganda, movement and the most prolific writer
Cuerpo de Compromisarios and La among the propagandists.
solidaridad, was founded in 19th century by  His pen names are Dimasalang and Laong
the Illustrados, to improve the lives of low Laan commonly known and acclaimed as
indios thru reforms or changes implemented the "Father of Philippine Nationalism" due
in the colony. to his intellectual and idealistic support for
 The founders were Dr. Pedro Paterno and Philippine independence.
Gregorio Sanciangco, Doctors of law who  For him Spanish colonial system itself
laid the foundation of the movement in should be blamed for the unfortunate state
Madrid. of the Filipinos and the colony.
 Dr. Jose P. Rizal- was born on June 19,
Propaganda 1861 in Calamba Laguna. At the age of 3,
 Refers to the systematic efforts to spread he learned his alphabet, at the age of 8, he
opinion and beliefs by means of pen and wrote a poem entitled " SA AKING MGA
tongue; literally means the propagation of a KABABATA" ( to my fellow children) a poem
given opinion. that talks about love for one language. At
The Goals of Propaganda Movement the age of 9, he was sent to private tutor
1. To make the Philippines the province of Spain Don Justiniano Aquino Cruz. In 1872,
2. Filipino representation in the Spanish Cortes changed his family name from mercado to
(Legislative branch in Spanish government). Rizal because mercado was closely
3. Equality between Spaniards and Filipino identified to fr. Burgos who was executed by
4. Secularization or granting Filipino priest the Spanish authorities. In
right to hold parishes  1877, he graduated bachelor of arts in
5. Gaining freedom of speech, expression and Ateneo, Municipa. He enrolled in university
assembly of Sto. Tomas, took up medicine while
taking up Agrimensura (surveying) in
Major Causes for the Establishment of the Ateneo.
Propaganda Movement  Rizal's poem A LA JUVENTUS FILIPINA (to
1. Emergence of middle class the Filipino youth) won the first prize in
2. The liberal administration of gov. General literacy contest sponsored by LICERO
Carlos Maria de la Torre y Nava Cerrada- LITERARIO- ARTISTICIO.
3. Execution of GOMBURZA
4. Resulted to the deportation of patriotic MARCELO H. DEL PILAR
Filipinos  MARCELO H. Del Pilar Was regarded as
the greatest journalist of reform movement.
Propagandists or Reformist Born on august 30, 1850 in San Nicolas,
 These were the Filipino reformers who fled the Bulacan. He used his grandmother's
country to escape persecution in 1872. They surname based on gov. General Narcos
didn't have the intention of achieving social Claverias decree in 1849- "Filipinos should
changes through armed struggle and not adopt a Spanish surname."
Character Formation 1 (Nationalism and Patriotism) (CF 101)

 He studied Latin in manila, and successfully Iloilo. The poor people of Iloilo consulted him
obtained the degree in bachelor of arts at for medical problems.
colegio de san Jose. He took up law at  He started the campaign for freedom in 1874
university of Sto. Tomas but unable to by writing "FRAY BOTOD" ( la guns de fraile)
Finishbit because he was suspended when means " big - bellied friar." In his work he
he inquired the increase in baptismal fee. revealed the gluttony, indolence and
He was also imprisoned for 30 days for this greediness of friars as represented by fray
offense. Botod.
 He married his second cousin Marciano del  He went to negros occidental to avoid arrest
pilar where they have 7children but only 2 in 1880, and then he went to Valencia Spain
survived, Sofia and Anita. He was and continues his medical degree but later
passionate in his campaign against shifted to journalism in Madrid. Graciano was
Frailocracy. a former staff of LOS DOS MUNDO - news
 He delivered speechless in baptismal, organ in Iloilo and was acclaimed as the
fiestas and even in cockpit arenas to "PRINCE OF THE FILIPINO ORATORS”
exposed the abuses of the friars and the  The great orators of the reform movement.
injustices his family experienced from them. His pen name was Diego Laura and he
 Marcelo H. Del pilar was a journalist who founded the La Solidaridad (solidarity) which
mastered the use of satire (the use of becomes the mouthpiece of the propaganda.
humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to In Madrid, he wrote articles campaigning for
expose and criticize people's stupidity or reforms in the Philippines. He became a
vices, particularly in the context of member of the freemasonry and founded
contemporary politics and other topical masonic lodge for Filipinos in 1889.
issues).  For him and Marcelo H. Del pilar, frailocracy
 He was the co-founder of the first bilingual or monastic supremacy was the root cause
newspaper in the Philippines “Diariong of impoverishment of the Filipinos under
Tagalog" where he published his Spanish colonialism. He has a habit of eating
nationalistic article including the Tagalog sardines straight from the can, wiping his
translation of Jose P. Rizal's "EL AMOR hands at his coat and still wear it the next
PATRIO." His other writings were: day without being laundry.
A.Caingat Cayo - he defended here the noli
me tangere of Jose P. Rizal. OTHER FILIPINO REFORMISTS
B.Dasalan At Toksohan - collection of
revised catholic prayers where he exposed the DR. PEDRO PATERNO - A doctor of law who
true nature of the friars. wrote the novel entitled “Ninay" the 1st Filipino
C. He change ama natin to Amain namun, novel that shows the Filipino's developed culture.
aba Ginoong maria into aba Ginoong barya,
D. Damping utos ng diyos to sampung utos ANTONIO LUNA - Some of his works are Noche
ng prayle. Buena, a biographical sketch that depicts the actual
E. Pasiong Dapat Ipag-alab nang piso ng life in the Philippines. La Maestra de mi pueblo
taking nabasa describes defects of the educational system for
F. La soberania monacal en filipinas women. His pen name was Taga-ilog.
(monastic supremacy in the Philippines)
G. La frailocracia filipina (the frailocracy in the ANDRES BONIFACIO
philippines) Known to be "SUPREMO OF KATIPUNAN”
was one of the founders of Katipunan. He wrote a
GRACIANO LOPEZ JAENA poem, letters, essays and dialogue while his writing
 He was born in Jaro, Iloilo on December 18, are:
1856. His parents encourage him to become  Pag-ibig Sa Tinubuang Lupa- wherein he
a priest. However, Graciano wanted to discussed the importance of loving
become a doctor. He left the seminary and motherland.
enrolled in the school of medicine in  Katapusang Hibik Ng Pilipinas Sa Inang
university of sto. Tomas but due to financial Espanya.
difficulties he wasn't able to finish his
medical degree and forced to go back in
Character Formation 1 (Nationalism and Patriotism) (CF 101)

 Ang dagat mabatid ng tagalog-explained every member should recruit two new members
how Philippines entered an era of darkness who would only know each other after passing the
under the Spaniards. initiation rites.
 He explained in essay the meaning of word
tagalog- it did not refer to particular ethnic FILIPINO CORE VALUES
group but to all inhabitants who lived near
bodies of water (tags-ilog). Everybody Basic Concept of Values
should be rightfully called tagalog.  Core values are a person’s or organization’s
 His pseudonym was Agapito Bagumbayan. fundamental beliefs.
 He prepared a Dacalogue to serve as guide  These guiding principles dictates conduct
for katipuneros " Katungkulang Gagawin Ng and can assist individuals to know the
Mga Anak Ng Bayan" but later adopted the distinction between right and wrong.
"kartilla ng Katipunan" of Emilio Jacinto.  It also assists organizations by establishing
an unwavering guide to determine if they
EMILIO JACINTO are on the correct track and fulfill their
 Regarded as the " BRAIN OF THE objectives.
KATIPUNAN." Born on dec. 15, 1875 in
Trozo, manila. Filipino Values System
 He took up bachelor of arts from Colegio de  The Filipinos are product of the blending
San Juan de Letran. He took up law from race and culture of the eastern and western
university of Sto. Tomas but he was not able inhabitants.
to finish it because of revolution. He joined  They can be said as people of eastern race
Katipunan in 1894 under the name of with western culture or as brown Americans,
PINGKIAN. in this sense and by blood.
 He wrote KARTILLA NG KATIPUNAN that  They possess multi-layered influences of
served as moral and ethical guide for Indian, Malay Chinese, Spanish, Japanese
KATIPUNEROS. His other works are liwanag and Americans.
at dilim and la patria.  F. Landa Jocano (2001 and 2002) pointed
 He became an editor in chief of KALAYAAN, out that these colonizers had developed
an official newspaper of Katipunan. some dimensions in Filipino culture in terms
 He assigned to rescue Rizal- while waiting the of religious, social, economic and political
ship going to Cuba but Rizal refused to be systems.
rescued. He fought with CAZADEROS or  Values are basic and fundamental beliefs
Spanish Rifflemen in Maimpis, Magdalena that guide or motivate attitudes or actions.
laguna, where he was wounded on the knee. Values describe the personal qualities we
 He died due to malaria on April 6, 1899 in sta. choose to embody to guide our actions; the
Cruz laguna. sort of person we want to be; the manner in
which we treat ourselves and others, and
THE FOUNDING AND RELEVANCE OF our interaction with the world around us.
KATIPUNAN  Filipino values are ambivalent, meaning it
 KKK (Kataas-taasan, Kagalang-galang na can be either good or bad and thus color the
Katipunan Ng mga Anak ng bayan or uniqueness of every individual. In a general
Katipunan). This was founded on july 7, 1892, perspective, these can be considered as
same day that news about Rizal's exile to guide towards the betterment of life
Dapitan. Deodato arellano was the first because without proper values, a person
president of Katipunero followed by roman- will never achieve what one aspires for.
basa then by Andres Bonifacio.  The Filipino value system or Filipino
 The KKK members were divided when it values refers to the set of values or
increased more than one hundred katipon, the value system that a majority of the
Kasal, Bayani. Each category has its own Filipino have historically held important in
password and members undergo blood their lives.
compact.  This Philippine value system includes their
own unique assemblage of
Katipuneros - Refers to the sons of the people, consistent ideologies, moral codes, ethical
used triangle method to recruit members, where practices, etiquette, and cultural and
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Character Formation 1 (Nationalism and Patriotism) (CF 101)

personal values that are promoted by their  One can note

society. how Hiya, Pakikisama, and Utang na loob,
FELIPE LANDA JOCANO are merely Surface Values—readily seen
and observed values exhibited and
 He was a Filipino anthropologist and esteemed by many Filipinos. These three
educator. values are considered branches from a
 He says that “there are no negative Filipino single origin—the actual Core Value of the
values, only the wrong use of values”. Filipino Personality—Kapwa.
 He identified the two models of Filipino  It means 'togetherness', and refers to
Value System. community, or not doing things alone. 
1. Exogenous Model or Foreign Model  The values of Filipinos specifically uphold
2. Indigenous Model or Traditional the following items: solidarity of the family
unit, security of the Philippine economy,
Models of the Filipino Values orientation to small-groups, personalism,
EXOGENOUS MODEL OR FOREIGN MODEL the concepts of “loob" or “kalooban"
 The foreign model is described to be a (meaning "what’s inside the self", the "inner-
"legal and formal" model. self", or the "actual personal feelings of the
 The foreign model was inherited by Filipinos self"), existence and maintenance of
from Western cultures, particularly from the smooth interpersonal relationships, and the
Spaniards and the Americans. sensing of the feelings or needs of others
 An example of a foreign or exogenous (known as pakikiramdam).
influence is bureaucracy exhibited in  In a larger picture, these values are grouped
the government of the Philippines. into general clusters or "macroclusters":
 Another example also includes Catholicism. namely, the relationship cluster, the
The Catholic church still remains a very social cluster, the livelihood cluster, the
powerful force in the Philippines. inwardness cluster, and the optimism
 For example, divorce is illegal because of cluster
the Catholic church’s influence in the
government and law-making. The “Five Core Filipino Values”


MODEL  This is based on Filipinos’ aspiration for
 The indigenous model is described as a “Pamumuhay” (Life) and “Pananalig sa
"traditional and nonformal" model or guide Diyos at Kapwa” (Faith in God and people).
but is deeply embedded in the  Filipinos know how to enjoy life. This is
subconscious of the Filipinos. because we always look at the bright side of
 Examples include Bayanihan System or life.
Spirit of Kinship and Camaraderie,
Hospitality, Matiyaga, Magalang, Matatag
Pakikisama, Utang na Loob, Ningas Cogon,  Being in a country prone to natural
Crab Mentality, Respect for Elders, disasters, Filipinos have adapted and
Mapagbigay, Celebration of “Fiesta”, learned to be strong in times of need and in
Pamamanhikan, Damayan, atbp. hard situations life throws at us.
 This strength is drawn from our love for our
Structures and Elements of Filipino Values family and to the higher being we believe in.
 Based on studies, surveys, opinions,  In fact, Filipinos’ common expression is
anecdotes, and other literature made by “Ayos Na”. When we are able to get through
experts and researchers concerning Filipino difficulties, we say “Ayos Na”.
social values or Filipino core values, along
with the Filipino character or Filipino identity Masigasig
of a person or an individual known as the  When Filipinos dream of something, we do
Filipino. everything possible to get it.
 The Filipino value system is found to  We do it for our families and loved ones.
possess inherent key elements.

11 | P a g e
Character Formation 1 (Nationalism and Patriotism) (CF 101)

 This is based on Filipinos’ aspiration for is to serve the public with due diligence and
“Kasaganaan” (Abundance) and “Ginhawa” always bearing in mind that they are
(Relief). accountable and duty bound to promote the
public interest.
Mapagmalasakit Valuing people and respect for human rights
 It is because of our love for the family  Police always maintain their fellow human
extended to friends, neighbors and other being’s dignity whenever they cater their
people that make Filipinos naturally needs and are delicate and cautious in
compassionate. serving and protecting them with
 This compassion enables us to help other compassion and utmost regard for their
people without asking for anything in return. human rights.
 This is based on Filipinos’ aspiration for Integrity
“Loob at Damdamin” and “Kapwa” (Other  Police take an uncompromising and
People). coherent position in the fulfilment of their
obligation to live an honest, upright and
Magalang dignified life according to the highest ethical
 The use of po, opo, and pagmamano and moral norms where their advocacy,
(kissing of the hand) are distinct Filipino values and convictions are compatible with
ways of respect. We say these words and their words and actions.
use this gesture to show our respect and Courage
love for the elderly.  From their moral strength police draw their
 The Filipinos’ respect is not just limited to collective and individual power of approach
the elderly but also to other people’s to always accept difficult duties, and they
properties, emotions, and ideas. We are courageous enough to speak out against
polite people temptation, anomalies, corruption and
exploitation and stand firm.
The Philippine National Police Core Values Empowerment
The PNP members must conform to and Police reach out and create bridges of
internalize the key principles of: collaboration, nurture volunteerism and operate in
 Love of God harmony with their clientele by training individuals
 Respect for Authority for a better and safer society in the process.
 Respect for Women
 Respect for sanctity of Marriage
 Stewardship over material things
 Responsible dominion
 Truthfulness
The Police service in the Philippines
Servant hood
 As police affirm its unconditional service
and love for the nation and individuals.
 Police value a supportive and professional
role to serves and protects its clientele and
community with honesty, utmost devotion
and commitment above private concern.
 Police are committed in doing and making
things occur effectively and efficiently in all
of their efforts as they strive to accomplish
more consistently and outstandingly with
tangible outcomes and far beyond their
Responsibility with Accountability
 Police carry out and execute their
responsibilities and tasks as their moral duty
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