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I. List and Fill

1. List the weaknesses of the Filipino character. Explain each in a sentence. (2 points each)
Weaknesses Explain each in a sentence
1. Extreme family centeredness Excessive concern for the family creates an in-group
to which the Filipino is fiercely loyal to the detriment
of concern for the larger community or for the
common good.
2. Extreme personalism Filipino view the world in terms of personal
relationships, and the extent to which one can
personally relate to things and the people
determines the recognition of their existence and the
value given to them.
3. Lack of discipline The Filipino’s lack of discipline encompasses several
related characteristics, we have a causal and relaxed
attitude towards time and space which manifests
itself in lack of precision and compulsiveness, in poor
time management and in procrastination.
4. Passivity and lack of initiative Filipinos are generally passive and lacking in
initiative, Filipinos have a need for a strong authority
figure and feel safer and more secure in the presence
of such an authority.
5. Colonial mentality Filipinos have a colonial mentality which is made up
of two dimensions the first is lack of patriotism or an
active awareness, appreciation, and love of the
Philippines; the second is an actual preference for
foreign things.

6. Kanya-kanya syndrome, talangka Filipinos have a selfish, self-serving attitude that

mentality generates a feeling of envy and competitiveness
towards others, particularly one’s peers who seem to
have gained some status or prestige.
7. Lack of self-analysis and self- There is a tendency in the Filipino to be superficial
reflection and even somewhat flighty, in the face of serious
problems, both personal and social, there is lack of
analysis or reflection.
8. Emphasis on porma rather than We Filipino emphasize form rather than substance
substance because we are just looking at the outer point of
someone or something rather than looking at the inner
point of someone.
2. Use the table below to list the strengths of the Filipino. Next, in a phrase or clause, explain when
that strength becomes a weakness. (2 points each)

Strength It becomes a weakness when

1. Pakikipagkapwa-tao/ a fellow human When you start to be envious of other people's
being accomplishments, pakikipag kapwa-tao becomes
a weakness. When someone believes, "If I can't
have it, neither can you," they are completely
against the idea of pakikipagkapwa-tao.
2. Family orientation/ Reunions Being very family-oriented can be detrimental to
the most successful family member, who is
expected to shoulder all the financial
responsibilities, even those of their extended
families. It may also prevent a person from living
his life to the fullest. It may encourage the rest of
the family to work less or to stop working
3. Joy and Humor We all know that Filipinos are jolly persons when it
comes to jokes. The common mistakes sometimes
are unstoppable such as we make fun of all things we
see. We sometimes forget when to be serious and
when to be not that's why people who do not know
us personally wouldn't know if you are telling the
truth or telling a lie. This will lead to accidents
sometimes. When everyone thinks you were only
making fun, but the truth is you're already in great
danger. This sometimes leads to serious injury or in
worst, death. This makes sense that joy and humor
sometimes become weaknesses of Filipinos.

4. Flexibility, adaptability, and creativity We possess a tolerance for ambiguity that enable
us to remain unfazed by uncertainty or lack of
information. We are creative, resourceful, quick
learners, and have the ability to improvise and
make use of whatever is on hand in order to
create and produce.
5. Hard work and industry When Filipinos become more hardworking and
are recognized or appreciated by others, they
push even harder and remain unaware of
6. Faith and religiosity In my own perspective, it becomes a weakness
when families are used religions for their own
sake and reason that "It is God's will."

7. Ability to survive Filipinos have many ideas on how to survive in a

crisis, but this becomes a weakness when they
don't care about other people and become selfish
because Filipino knows us being generous and
ready to help.

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