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reaches 2334 ft.

The broad streets of the city intersect at right

Schwab, and Ling--to death, and one--Neebe--to imprisonment

in Bantam, and he wrote asking for help. In 1613 Captain

of the Aedui in Caesar's time was called Vergobretus

latitude. From the international point of view the British

TABLE XXI.--Outbreaks of Sheep-Scab in Great Britain,

ceremony was attached until modern times to the making of

in 1887 (F. Barnabei, Notizie degli Scavi, 1887, 181).

streams, large and small, which it receives en route, its

developments and reactions of the movement in Europe is far more

Franklin, Livingston and Sherman to draft a Declaration of

In 1714 the king granted them the royal confirmation and

was herself created Baroness Stratheden (Lady Stratheden and

of names: -- trapefa, the principal name in the Greek

pile. From their first appearance these new hairs are white

The history of the Brami alphabet is more difficult. In

ABRAUM SALTS (from the German Abraum-salze, salts

terminated. The northern frontier marched with the southern

way into the Boyana channel; the result has been a rise in

hurt. The balloon and car were then brought to England,

Laboratory and Testing Room, vol. i. p. 341 (1901),

was executed, failed, through want of support, to secure a

of exposed advertisements, and would at once extinguish

Italy and the north-eastern portions of the empire. After

until it eventually became an appanage of the crown Of Delhi in

uncommon. The kings of Spain had obtained from the popes

saying: ``The president has recommended the measure on his high

offices. A considerable portion of this house was erected on

civilization. The hegemony of the Aztecs, who dominated

as a physician presumably a man of culture. The medical cast

and the wages of labour, compared with the price of corn,

obsolete, and the French system does not now materially differ

Butler, Mem. of Life of H. F. d'Aguesseau, &c. (1830).

same kind Ambrose was again employed; and although he was

basic character. They combine readily with the alkyl iodides

These two towns, taken by the Turks in 1708 and retaken

The substance is best prepared by drying ethyl acetate over

travels. Under the name of Ali Bey el Abbassi, and in Mussulman

elongated compound bullet, with a leaden core in a copper

treatment of the Phoenician signs in Greek hands), so that

quantities, the sulphites have decided physiological activity

objects. This is clearly a step away from Plato's doctrine

a positive quantity, which was previously denoted by plus,

Amicitiae (1839), whose art exhibitions are of a high order.

See J. C. Dent, Canadian Portrait Gallery (1881).

magnitude of these imposts may be readily understood when one

one gateway remains, and there are also traces of town walls

the oligarchies or tyrants friendly to Persia fell, and

his error by a signal victory. This promise he brilliantly

would be found to be quite hardy. As soon as these produced

In the German Evangelical church the title of abbess (Aebtissin)

rewarded by the appointment of physician to the queen.

his aged mother turned into the street and numbers of other

of transport is very heavy, the exportation of grapes is a

m. E. of Tours by the Orleans railway. Pop. (1906)

Barrow and the Exiled Church of Amsterdam (1900), J. H.

to which he appears to lean in some dialogues. He tends

1903-1906 no less than 203,300 tons annually, and the total

left it of marble (``marmoream se relinquere, quam latericiam

S.W. of the lake at a place called Geesh (4th of November

acid, HO.CH2.CH(NH2).COOH, aspartic acid or aminosuccinic

AMAL, the name of the noblest family among the Ostrogoths,

hedge-sparrow (Accentor modularis), really a member of

Owing to the mildness of its climate Algiers has become a

disubstituted formamides (dissolved in anhydrous ether) to

object being reproduced with different magnifications; for

parts, and in comic opera, and it was not until 1827, two

(a state institution established in 1890), a public park, the

till August, and sometimes throughout the year. The summer

6th, and the third group to the 7th century A.D. Most of

Fuorcla Zadrell or Vernela Pass (Klosters to Lavin), snow. . . . . . . . .9,033

great raid of 1125, when he carried away a large part of the

did not take the flesh from his mother, but either brought his

word Alps as referring to the great mountain-chain of central

tribes. The same is true in a limited sense of Matto Grosso.

collections of the ``Challenger'' exploring expedition, and

resemblance of his style to that of Albrecht Durer he has

of the year was spent by both sides in preparing for the

In central Alberta coarse grains---oats and barley----and some

Pell in his Algebra. A solution was also given by Fermat

S. Sacrum, Scriptus, Semis, Senatus, Sepultus, Servius,

and inscriptions (see PALAEOGRAPHY and DIPLOMATIC), and

history of the word that Cicero gave the name to his villa near

Every regiment and fighting unit has posted to it, on

by three parallel steps with level ground between them. The

perforated by upwards of sixty pairs of elongated slits, the

prevailed. He also translated into Hebrew the two writings

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