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I. Supply the correct word for the blank in each sentence.

The first letter

is given to help you.
1. There are three boys sitting on that b_____.
2. This story is not the same of the o_____ one.
3. The opposite of 'happy' is s_____.
4. Thiha and Thura became more t_____ and lived together happily.
5. The villagers killed the d_____ snake.
6. Seleting the right kind of music for a television show is one of the tasks
of c_____.
7. The big room or hall where the performers act and the camera the
shooting is called s_____.
8. A man performer is called an a_____.
9. Our teacher wants our performance to be p_____ or flawless.
10.The s______ writer writes out the lines for the performers.
11.U Ba has a house, a car and lots of money. He is a r_____ man.
12.A wise person knows what is right and what is w_____.
13.When our enemies a_____ us, we must fight back.
14.He is a clerk. He is not a t_____.
15.Edison worked as a n_____ boy when he was thirteen.
16.The guitar is a s_____ instrument.
17.We can make music by p______ musical instruments.
18.The h_____ is very strong during summer.
19.We cannot see the sun because the sky is c_____.
20.The t_____ gives us the exact temperature.
21.Will the w______ be fine tomorrow?
22.If we run for six hours, we will be e_____.
23.Another word for perfect is f_____.
24.The Olympic Games are the best known sporting e_____ in the world.
25.High jump and pole vaults are j_____ events.
26.A cat and a dog are not the s_____. They are different.
27.It is d_____ to play with matches.
28.The child was lying a_____ under the table. He was not awake.
II. Supply the correct form of the words given in brackets.
1. My car is missing and the police are still (look) for it.
2. There are many (bench) in this park.
3. Tun Tun is very (proud) of his new toy.
4. Many of Edison's (invent) are used today.
5. It is (danger) to play with matches.
6. Edison was the world's (great) inventor.
7. Edison's (invent) are used today.
8. U Thu Kha is a famous director. He (direct) very well.
9. She want to be an (act) when she grows up.
10.Tun Tun has already been (select) to play the leading role.
11.Exam is the (important) part of the student's life.
12.A horse can run much (fast) than a cow.
13.Their father was a (wealth) man.
14.We had a (wonder) time at our uncle's house.
15.The Pacific is the (deep) ocean in the world.
16.When our (enemy) attack us, we must fight back.
17.The examination is drawing near. So they are (work) hard,
18.Aye Mg hopes to become a successful (physici).
19.It is not easy to (produce) a good television show.
20.A person who plays the violin is called a (vilion).
21.My brother is a good (piano).
22.Thermometer tells us the (temperate).
23.It is very cold on a (wind) day.
24.Do you know the (mean) of this word?
25.Remember that (relax) is very important.
26.She (begin) dressing for school at 8 o'clock every morning.
27.The children walk very (quick).
28.She was not taught to write neatly from the (begin).
29.The students can slove the sums (easy).
30.Edison studied as (serious) as others.
31.A (harp) is a person who plays the harp.
32.The children sleep (seperate).
33.My friend won the first prize in (swim).
34.The (distant) between Yangon and Pyay is about 180 miles.
35.Mu Mu won the first prize in the swimming (compete).
36.It begin to rain (sudden).
37.The Prince travelled for several days on a (hunt) trip.
38.We use an insect (kill) to fight mosquitoes.
39.The roads are (dust) in the hot season.
40.She always speaks (kind) to me.
41.Min Thu is a famous (poem).
42.Violet is one of the (colour) in a rainbow.
V. Supply the correct form of the verbs given in the brackets.
1. If you (help) me, I would have helped you.
2. This book was (borrow) from the library.
3. Have you (see) the latest television production on television?
4. Edison (die) in 1931.
5. He (work) in this factory since 1990.
6. The telephone (invent) in 1876.
7. Mg Mg (win) the first prize two days ago.
8. Look! They (sing) on the stage.
9. The soldiers (march). Can you hear the trump.
10.U Ba gave the children everything they (want).
11.After (eat) too much, the man fell ill.
12.The film wasn't very good. I (not enjoy) it every much.
13.The wealthy man (leave) the strange will.
14.I (live) in Pyay since 2000.
15.I (walk) all morning.
16.If you work hard, you (succeed) in your life.
17.We can (make) music by playing musical instruments.
18.Look! The students (play) the flutes.
19.He (cry) wiith pain when he fell from the tree.
20.Please (press) any key to restart your computer.
21.While she (cook), the phone rang.
22.The cornet (make) of brass.
23.A cake (bake) in the even.
24.The young boy (howl) with pain when the dog bit him.
25.Mg Mg (strum) the guitar and singing.
26.We (wait) for the last bus for two hours.
27.I think the weather (be) fine tomorrow.
28.The flowers (water) this evening.
29.The workers (build) a new hotel now.
30.We can (take) photograph of our earth from high above.
31.I (study) the lessons the whole day.
32.We (try) to phone her this morning.
33.Su Su (go) to her grandparents once a month.
34.She is a slow learner and (forget) easily too.
35.Start to (study) only when you are fresh.
36.Who (invent) dynamite?
37.If you (ask) me, I would have helped you anyway.
38.Our school (hold) the School Family Day every year.
39.The First Olympic Games (hold) in Greece long, long ago.
40.He cried with the pain when he (fall) from the tree.
41.We work in the day time and (sleep) at night.
42.The villagers (kill) the deadly snake.
43.Blood (gush) out when I cut my finger.
44.The prinve built a tomb over the place where his brave dog (bury).
45.Some animals run away when a lion (roar).
46.The population of the world (rise) very fast.

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