A Dictionary of Calico Printing and Dyeing

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This work is intended by the Author to form a practical hand-book

of reference upon all the chemical substances and processes in use
among dyers and calico printers.
While written from a practical point of view, it takes a middle

course between the generalities of high science and the technicalities

of pure practice. Avoiding, on the one hand, the applications of
chemical principles which are not yet clearly perceived, and, on the
other, a detailed description of processes which would be either
unintelligible or unnecessary, the Author hopes he has produced
a book which may be profitably consulted by all who are either

interested or practically engaged in printing and dyeing.

The claims which the Author has to be heard upon these subjects

rest upon his familiar acquaintance with calico printing, acquired

by nine years' service upon a very extensive establishment, and upon
a further professional experience of •three years, which has brought
him into contact with nearly all styles of dyeing.

This work is founded upon the Author's "Chemistry of Calico

Printing," which was published only two years ago, but which has
been for some time out of print. The substance of that book has
been re-cast in a more popular form, all scientific formulae and
laboratory processes omitted, with the addition of a large amount of
matter bearing upon practical operations. Though appearing in a
condensed form, this book contains considerably more matter than
the Author's previous production.
In the course of the publication in parts, this book has expe-
rienced a most favourable reception ; and the Author is obliged to
many writers for their kind recommendation of it. From many

quarters lie lias been solicited to extend his plan, and make a more
complete treatise ; bat lie lias felt obliged to decline these suggestions,

and to adhere strictly to the course originally laid out, and finish the
work within the space at first specified. Nothing would have been
easier than to have doubled the size of the work ; if there is credit

in its compilation, it lies in rejecting what was not necessary to the

plan. For each receipt given at least five have been withheld, as

merely occupying space without presenting any instructive differences

in their composition ; in articles upon rare or little known colouring

matters, the researches and descriptions occupying whole pages of

original memoirs have been compressed into as many lines. Never-

theless, there is nothing omitted, and nothing unduly abridged, which
is of real interest in practice.
The Author informed his friends, some time ago, that he was
engaged upon an Encyclopaedia of Dyeing and Printing, which he
intended for a great comprehensive work upon the subject ; but little

progress had been made when it became evident that he could not
reasonably hope to accomplish this favourite project ; it would require
more time than he could spare from the practice of his profession,

and it has, in consequence, been indefinitely postponed.

No separate work upon calico printing, by any one practically

acquainted with it, had appeared in England for a period of seventy

years before the Author's book upon the subject ; the dyers have been
more fortunate in original and translated works; but it is a matter
for regret that out of so many calico printers around Manchester
and Glasgow, eminent alike for scientific attainments and practical
skill, not one has found leisure to write a treatise upon this im-
portant branch of British manufactures. While the Author maintains
the correctness of what he has written, no one can be more sensible
of the superior advantages possessed by a writer who could have
brought to the task that breadth of knowledge and maturity of
judgment which is only acquired by the accumulated observations of
a long life of practice.

The absence of a good work upon this subject has encouraged

an idea among colour mixers and foremen that they were the de-
positaries of a secret art, and they have exercised a jealous guard

over their processes, which has operated to shut out improvement,

and perpetuate a succession of absurd and empirical processes.

The Author will be glad if the circulation of this work among

the responsible servants of dyers and printers causes them to trust
less for success to supposed secrets, of doubtful value, and to * rely

more upon an intelligent comprehension of the nature and uses of

the materials at their command. Many conspicuous improvements
have originated in the colour-shop and the dyehouse ; and, though,

the laboratory has carried off the honours and the profit of recent
discoveries, there is much yet remaining to be found out by practical

workers, if they will study the operations they are engaged upon in
the light of true science.
With regard to the receipts scattered throughout the body of
the work, the Author can only say he knows them to be genuine^
either from his own experience or from friends in whom he has
confidence. This will not, however, be inconsistent with them
proving failures in other hands ; each dyer and colour mixer has
his own peculiar methods of working, and it frequently happens
that the drugs and proportions which work well with one man will

not answer with another. The chief value of these receipts will

consist in their illustrating various actual and possible means of

attaining certain ends, and suggesting probable improvements or

modifications upon existing processes.


92, Ch'osvenor Street, Manchester^

November 1 1862.



During the preparation of this book the author has had the undermentioned works upon
his table, and has frequently referred to them, to supplement his own practical knowledge:

Philosophy of Permanent Colours, by Edward Bancroft, M.D. London, 1794.

Elements de 1' art de la teinture, par C. L. et A. B. Berthollet. Paris, An. xiii. (1804)

Experimental Eesearches, etc,, on Permanent Colours, by E. Bancroft, M.D, London, 1813.

Manuel du fabricant d' e*toffes imprime"es, etc, par L. S. le Normand. Paris, 1830.

Manuel du fabricant d' indiennes, par L. J. S. Thillaye. Paris, 1834.

Elements of the Art of Dyeing, by Berthollet. Translated by Dr. Ure. London, 1824.
Lecons de chimie appliquee a la teinture, par M. E. Chevreul. Paris, 1829.

Manuel du teinturier, etc., par A. D. Vergnaud. Paris, 1832.

Traite" theorique et pratique de 1' impression des tissus, par J. Persoz. Paris, 1846.

Precis de 1' art de la teinture, par M. Dumas. Paris, 1846.

Hulfsbiich fur den gewerblichen chemiker von M. Gerstenhofer. Leipzig, 1851.

A Manual of the Art of Dyeing, by James Napier. Glasgow, 1853.

A Manual of Dyeing Eeceipts for General Use, by Jas. Napier. Lond. & Glasgow, 1858.
Abridgments of Specifications of Patents relating to Dyeing and Printing. London, 1859.
Practical Treatise on Dyeing and Calico Printing. Anonymous. New York, 1860.

Lecons de chimie elementaire appliquee aux arts industriels, par M. J .Girardin. Pam,1860.
Le teinturier au xixe sieole, par The*ophile Grison. Pouen, 1860.
A Manual of Botany, by Eobert Lindley, F.L.S. London, 1861.
Chemical Gazette. 17 vols., from 1842 to 1859.
Eepertoire de chimie pure et appliquee. Paris. Now publishing.

Le Technologists Paris, Now publishing monthly.

The Chemical News. London. Now publishing weekly.
Handworterbuch der reinen und angewandten chemie. Braunschweig. Now publishing.
Bulletin de la societe industrielle de Mulhouse. Now publishing.

Page 19, second column, 6 lines from bottom, for " black," read "bark. 5 '

Page 36, second column, 18 lines from bottom, for " yellow," read " orange."
Page 42, first column, 14 lines from top, for " block," read " flock."
Page 43, first column, 23 lines from top, for " catechus," read " catechu."
Page 82, second column, 14 lines from top, for " porasity," read " porosity."
Page 84, second column, 20 lines from top, for " it must not be," read " must it not be."
Page 84, second column, 23 lines from top, for "I," read "?."
Page 108, second column, 2 lines from bottom, for " Temturier," read " Teinturier."
Page 118, first column, 4 lines from top, for " as," read " is."
Page 132, first column, 28 lines from top, for " Lac-dge," read " Lac-dye."
Page 166, second column, 18 lines from top, for " red," read " yellow."
Page 180, second column, 33 lines from top, for " rasing," read " raising."
Page 201, second column, 19 lines from bottom, for u Tumeric," read " Turmeric"



ABSOEBANT.— term borrowed from the of the metal remaining behind ; this is what
French. It signifies a composition for discharg- takes place when red liquor, or iron liquor,
ing mordants after padding or printing and be- which are respectively acetates of alumina and
fore dyeing; but like the English word Dis- iron, are printed on cloth, and the cloth dried,
charge, to which it is nearly equivalent, it often the acid flies away and the alumina and iron
signifies a discharge in the widest meaning of are left adhering to the cloth. Sometimes a
the word. It is also used, but less frequently, small portion of the acetic acid remains com-
to indicate a simple resist. — (See Discharge, bined with the metallic oxide, forming what is
Eesist.) called a sub-salt or a basic acetate, and this
ACETATE.— All compounds of acetic acid form of acetate is generally insoluble in pure
with metals or oxides are called Acetates. They water.
form a very important class of salts, and are —
Preparation of Acetates. Acetates are made
extensively used in dyeing and calico printing. in two general ways firstly, the direct method,

The more important acetates are those of Alu- by taking acetic acid and mixing it with the
mina, Copper, Iron, Lead, and Soda, which are substance to be acted upon ; thus, to make ace-
treated upon under the head of Acetate. tate of soda, take any quantity of commercial
General Properties of Acetates. — All acetates acetic acid and dissolve in it soda crystals or
are soluble in water ; the acetates of soda, pot- soda ash until the sourness of the acid is neu-
ash, magnesia, zinc, and though reckoned
lead, tralised; a solution of acetate of soda is pro-
neutral salts in chemistry, have an alkaline re- duced, which, by boiling down or mixing with
action, that is, turn red litmus paper blue, and water, can be brought to any required strength;
in other ways act as alkalies for example, if
; ground chalk or slacked lime thus mixed and
acetate of potash be mixed with a solution of dissolved in acetic acid would give acetate of
a per-salt of iron, a salt of the green oxide of lime; litharge or oxide of lead thus dissolved
chromium, or with bi-chloride of tin, it causes, would give acetate or sugar of lead. The
upon boiling, a precipitate of the oxide of the second, or indirect method, consists in taking
metal, or a basic salt, much the same as would an acetate ready formed, so as to produce
be produced by weak caustic potash or crystals another by the process of "double decomposi-
of soda. When sulphuric acid, hydrochloric tion," so called because two salts are decom-
acid, and other strong acids, are mixed with an posed or destroyed at the same time, giving rise
acetate, the acetic acid is set free, and may be to two new ones. To illustrate this by a prac-
expelled by heat, because it is a weaker acid tical example, suppose it is required to make
and volatilises or passes off in vapour. The some acetate of alumina or red liquor now the :

affinity of acetic acid for metals is weak, and first method is not applicable, simply because

consequently many of the acetates are decom- the alumina which would be required is not
posed spontaneously, the metallic oxide sepa- a commercial article but sulphate of alumina

rating from the acetic acid thus, acetate of per-

; and acetate of lead are readily procurable, and
oxide of iron, of chromium, of tin, and of by dissolving them in water and mixing them,
alumina, are decomposable by simply drying the dos*»2e decomposition spoken of takes place,
in the air, the acid passing away and the oxide $M tinjre is formation of acetate of alumina and
; —

sulphate of lead ; this last not being soluble in called Bed Idquor or Bed Mordant, some-
water settles down as a white sediment. Sul- times also Acetite of Alumina and Pyrolignite
phate of iron and acetate of lead mixed together of Alumina.
give rise to acetate of iron and sulphate of lead Acetate of alumina first began to be used as a
sulphate of manganese and acetate of lead give mordant towards the end of the last century;
rise to acetate of manganese and sulphate of long previously, perhaps even by the Hindoos,
lead, and so on. When an acetate is mixed at the time of Alexander the Great, a more or
with any oluble sulphate, nitrate, or chloride, less impure acetate, mixed with other ingredi-
there will be production of acetate of that sul- ents, was employed in calico printing, without
phate, nitrate, or chloride, although no visible any suspicion that the acetate was the really
decomposition may take place ; thus, if acetate useful part of the mixture called red mordant.
of soda be mixed with bi-chloride of mercury Preparation. —The direct production of ace-
or corrosive sublimate, no visible change takes tate of alumina from acetic acid and alumina
place, but there is no doubt that acetate of yields the pure salt ; the commercial acetate of
mercury is produced; so also a red liquor may alumina, which will hereafter be called Bed
be made by mixing acetate of soda and sulphate Liquor, is always made by the process of
of alumina, but it would be less regular in its double decomposition. I give the proportions
results, because containing other salts, as sul- for producing red liquor of various qualities :

phate of soda.

Analysis of Acetates. The value of commer-
cial acetates always depends upon the acetic acid 1 2 3 4 5

present, and the quantity of this acid can only Water gals. 45 45 45 45 45 45
be ascertained by laboratory methods. I use Alum lbs. 100 100 200 190 190 129
Acetate of Lead. .lbs. 100 129 200 190 129 100
two processes: first I liberate the acetic acid Crystals of Soda.. lbs. 10 10 10 19 —
from a weighed quantity of the acetate to be
The above red liquors were a short time ago
examined, by acting upon it with sulphuric acid
used in Mulhouse, in France, by one of the
over all
in a deep-bellied retort, heat to drive
most successful houses there; they are upon the
the acetic acid which condensed in a well
plan laid down by M. Daniel Koechlin, in his
cooled receiver; near the end of the process I
celebrated paper on the Red Mordant, in the
drive a current of steam through the retort to
Bulletin of the Industrial Society of Mulhouse,
remove the last traces of acetic acid. The dis-
1827. The alum, in a crushed state, is dissolved
then tested with a standard solution
tilled acid is
in the heated to 140°; the crystals
of caustic soda as explained in AcimMETRY,and
of soda are next dissolved with stirring, and
the quantity of acetic acid calculated.
then the acetate of lead, in coarse powder, added,
The second method consists in turning the
and the whole well stirred for a considerable
acetate under examination into acetate of soda,
time, and afterwards at intervals during two or
and then changing this by a red heat into car-
three days. Mr. Koechlin states that if the
bonate of soda, the quantity of which is accu-
crystals of soda are added afcer the sugar of
rately ascertained by the test acid and process
lead, the liquors are neither so strong nor so
described in Alkalimetry, and from that the
good. Nos. 1 and 2 are common reds for calico,
quantity of acetic acid calculated. Thus, in
No. 2 being better adapted for a gum colour
testing acetate of lime, take 100 grains, dissolve
and for blocking than No. 1; Nos. 3 and 4,
in water, add solution of sulphate of soda until
strong mordants, suitable for muslin or light
no more precipitate of sulphate of lime takes
goods Nos. 5 and 6 will do for garancine, and
place, then add one-fourth of the bulk of liquor
are suitable for mixing with crystals or muriate
of methylated spirit, leave for a time, filter and
of tin for forming a resist red.
wash the precipitate, evaporate the clear in a
platinum vessel to dryness, raise the heat to RED LIQUORS FROM ACETATE OF LIME.
a good red, stirring the mass until no more 7 8
vapours are evolved, cool, warm with water, 50 90
and test with the standard acid. The first pro- 200
cess is very good in its results, but on account 12 34
of a little sulphuric acid finding its way into
the receiver the acetate appears better than it On account of the cheapness of acetate of lime,
is ; the second plan 1 have also found good, and it is more used than acetate of lead. The above
its results are usually on the other side, or two red liquors are put together by first heating
against the acetate. the acetate of lime liquor in a copper boiler,
ACETATE OF ALUMINA, commonly to a temperature of 140°, then adding the
alum or sulphate of alumina, and stirring until No. 17 is a red liquor for garancines; it will
all the lumps have disappeared and, lastly, the ; stand from 8 to 12 ounces of crystals of tin pei*
chalk is added by small portions at a time, to gallon, and works well for a resist red.
avoid loss by the effervescence which would be Remarks on making Red Liquors. Red liquor —
caused if all were put in at once. The whole is isnever a pure acetate of alumina it is found by:

then well stirred up until nearly cold, allowed experience that if the quantity of acetate of lead
to settle, the clear drawn off, and the bottoms or lime required by theory to form a pure acetate
drained upon a woollen filter and washed with of alumina be employed, the resulting liquor is
water until the washings fall as low as 2° Tw., no better for giving colours than if about two-
when they are not worth washing any more. thirds of that quantity were used, while it is

The red liquor, No. 7, used at 20° Tw., gives the worse for keeping and more irregular in its re-
darkest red obtainable on calico for madder and sults. Theory indicates that for every 10 lbs of
garancine the No. 8 liquor, at 16° Tw., is used
potash alum, 121bs. of white acetate of lead are
for resist red and for mixing with iron liquor, required to change all the alumina into acetate;
to produce chocolates for garancine work, and for ammonia alum 12 \ lbs. are required; and for

also reduced for light reds. These two liquors sulphate of alumina, or patent alum, about 17 lbs.
are quite sufficient for the ordinary run of mad- would be required. (See Equivalents.) Prac-
der and garancine work. I give receipts for ticehas shewn that if three-fourths only of these
several other red liquors, all of which have been amounts be taken, the best results are produced.
in use to my own knowledge either in England The use of ground chalk or crystals of soda con-
or France. sists of neutralising a portion of free acid and
RED LIQUORS FOR MADDER PINK. strengthening the mordant. I prefer chalk to
the crystals, using about an ounce of it for every
Nos. 10 11 12 13
pound of alum; it has the effect of withdrawing
Water galls. 41 60
Alum lbs. 16 125 a portion of sulphuric acid from the liquor as
Acetate of Lead . . . , lbs. 12 100 insoluble sulphate of lime, and apparently, but
Acetate of Lime (dry) lbs.
Ground Chalk .lbs. not actually, decreasing the strength of the mor-
(Jommon Salt
Nitrate of Zinc, 15° Tw — lbs.
dant; crystals of soda neutralise the acid but
leave the sulphate of soda in the liquor, making
it seemingly stronger. I do not think that there
No. 9 dark and No. 10 for light pink, being
is for
is any difference between using potash or ammo-
reduced, when
used, with three parts water to
niacal alum, if both are of equal purity; sulphate
one of liquor; No. 11 has done good work, the
of alumina requires special care, because it is
common salt having an attraction for moisture,
usually more acid than alum, and cannot be so
has a tendency to make the colour age well ; the
easily made into a first-class red liquor. Brown
nitrate of zinc, in No. 12, has a still stronger
sugar of lead gives as good results as the white,
attraction for water, it is usually only added to
and acetate of lime, if the right proportions are
the colour after thickening, as it has a tendency
to make starch and flour run thin if boiled with
known, will yield excellent red liquors.
them. No. 13 is only for reducing for light Properties of Red Liquor. — The commercial
pinks; it will not give a good dark pink. acetate of alumina or red liquor is of a tawny or
brown colour, smells of wood tar or pyroligneous
acid, has a taste of alum when heated to about

Nos 14 15 16 17 160° it coagulates, becoming nearly solid; it

.galls. 3 3* 2i 1 liquifies again upon cooling; thus reds often go
..lbs. 30 5 10 5
. .lbs. 29 5 n thick in boiling and thin upon cooling. It parts
.galls. — n 2h
alumina readily to cloth, and more espe«
..lbs. — 1 i with its
— — 12i — cially when the acetic acid is at liberty to escape
as upon printed goods. The affinity of the
it is

These are all of French origin. No. 14 is an acid and alumina is not strong, so that if a quan-
excessively concentrated liquor, used for print- tity of red liquor be boiled to dryness most of
ing very small objects required to be well de- the acid would leave the alumina, which would
fined in making it the drugs are finely ground
not dissolve again in fresh water. Red liquor
and mixed up without heat. No. 15 is intended sometimes loses alumina by standing. The
for pinks and light reds the water is partly re- ;
quality of red liquor for a mordant can only be
placed by vinegar, with doubtful advantage. satisfactorily tested in the practical way, by
No. 16 is intended for light reds; neither theory making colours from it. By chemical analysis,
nor practice, so far as experiments in England the amounts of acetic acid, alumina, sulphuric
go, indicate any use for the acetate of copper. acid, and other bodies can be accurately ascer-

tained when necessary; but this information receipts by English refined neutral extract.
would give no indication of the value of the (See Indigo.)
liquor as a mordant, without actual trial. ACETATE OF IRON, commonly called
Applications of Bed Liquor. — Eed liquor is Iron Liquor, also Black Liquor, Pyrolignite of
used in madder and garancine dyeing as a mor- Iron, Tar Iron Liquor; French, Bain noir and
dant for red and pink; mixed with iron liquor —
Bain defer. This liquid, so extensively used
it is a mordant for shades of chocolate ; in log- in dyeing and printing, is of very ancient origin
wood dyeing, combined wirh iron liquor, it gives but under its present form it has only been in
blacks. It is used in a few steam colours, and use about eighty years. It is made by steeping
also in silk and cotton piece dyeing. old iron of all sorts, such as hoops, worn-out
ACETATE OF COPPER, known also as tin plate, etc., in warm wood acid or pyroligneous
Verdigris. — The common verdigris of commerce acid, which an impure kind of acetic acid.

is a basic acetate of copper which requires an By continually moving the acid, and keeping
additional quantity of acetic acid to make it solu- up a moderate heat, the acid saturates itself with
ble in water. Crystalised acetate of copper is iron in a few days; if not strong enough it is
all soluble in water. For calico printing pur- concentrated. Formerly the process was worked
poses acetate of copper always used in the
is cold in very large vats, and lasted forty days
liquid state, and is prepared by the method of or more. Some colour mixers consider that cold
double decomposition from a mixture of sulphate made iron liquor is best. I have found no reason
of copper and acetate of lead. The following to think so. The iron liquor is sent out at various
receipt gives a liquid acetate of copper suitable strengths, from 18° to 28° Tw.; it is a black
for catechu browns :
fluid by reflected light, but in narrow bottles it
1 gallon of water at 160° F., has a greenish olive colour; a peculiar smell,
4 lbs. white acetate of lead, chiefly due to tarry matters in it, and an inky
4 lbs. sulphate of copper. taste. Iron liquor can also be made, by the pro-
The whole is stirred until all lumps have dis- cess of double decomposition, from sulphate of
solved; the clear liquor only is used. Another iron, or green copperas, and the crude acetate of
practical receipt gives only 2 lbs. acetate of lead lime. As the acetate of lime is a drug of uncer-
to 4 lbs. sulphate of copper. Theoretically, 4 lbs. tain strength, it will require some trials to find
common sulphate of copper or blue vitriol re- out the best proportions to use. Here are two
quire about 6 lbs. sugar of lead ; so it is evident receipts for preparing iron liquor in this manner.
thatwhat is called acetate of copper in a print- The first taken from Muspratt's Chemistry (i.

works is really a mixture of sulphate and acetate 42) is as follows :

of copper. 400 lbs. copperas dissolved in

Applications, — This used in cate-
salt is chiefly 100 gallons hot water, then add
chu colours, in some indigo blue resists, and in a 75 gallons acetate lime liquor at 16° Tw.
few steam colours where it appears to exercise an The second, used by myself with good results,
oxidising action. It was used in the black dye is as follows :

for silk, forms the basis for the Schweinfurt
it 20 gallons acetate lime liquor at 24° Tw.,
or Scheeles' green, and is sometimes prescribed 65 lbs. green copperas,
in iron and red liquors, where its utility seems 2J gallons wood acid, at 7° Tw.
doubtful. The acetate of lime liquor is heated to 140° in a
ACETATE OF INDIGO.— Under this name copper, the green copperas in coarse powder
a purified extract of indigo is spoken of in some added and stirred till dissolved, and then the
dyeing treatises. It is prepared by taking com- wood acid; these quantities yield 16 gallons iron
mon sulphate of indigo, dissolving in water, fil- liquor at 24°. There is no economy in making
tering,and adding acetate of potash to the filtered iron liquor in this way, but it is frequently ad-
liquid a precipitate takes place, which is called
; vantageous to be able to make various qualities.
the acetate of indigo; it is in reality a com- The acetate of iron made from copperas and
bination of potash with an indigo acid, called white acetate of lead is not so well adapted as a
sulphindylic acid by Dumas. This precipitate is mordant for dyeing as that made from impure
collected on a filter; and, if required very pure, acetates containing tarry matters. The tarry
may be a second time precipitated from a watery matters appear useful by impeding the action of
solution. Other salts less expensive than acetate the air upon the iron, and so enabling it to form
of potash give similar results, such as common a close combination with the cloth before the
salt and sulphate of soda. The name of car- oxygen of the air changes its nature. (See —
mine of indigo is also given to these purified Ageing and Buff Liquor.)
extracts. They may be replaced in foreign There is another acetate of iron called the per

acetate of iron, but it has not yet received any lead mordant. An analysis of two average sam-
applications. The essential salt in iron liquor is ples gave me the following results:
the proto-acetate of iron. White Acetate. Brown Acetate
Applications. — Iron liquor serves as a mor- Acetic acid - - - 27.6 21.8
dant for madder, garancine, logwood and other Oxide of lead - - 58.4 59.9
colouring matters ; its chief consumption is in Water 14.0 15.5
madder and garancine dyeing. Iron liquor at Insoluble matter- - 0.0 2.8
about 6° Tw. gives a black with madder; from
4° to 100.0 100.0
a very diluted state it gives various
shades of purple, lilac, or violet ; mixed with For the general use of acetates their value is in
red liquor it gives chocolates. In piece dyeing ratio of the quantity of acetic acid present ; the

iron liquor is not much used; it serves, how- white acetate analysed would consequently be
ever, for all purposes in which green copperas worth much more than the brown. Sugar of
is used, and will generally give better and lead may be contaminated with copper and iron,
quicker results. the latter metal being a dangerous impurity when
Iron liquor is best tested in the practical way. the acetateis used for red liquor mordants. Im-
Chemical analysis can determine exactly the pure white sugar of lead will have a reddish hue
quantity of acetic acid, iron, water, and other if it contains iron, and a bluish if it contains

matters in it, but cannot tell whether it will give copper; the best method of testing consists in
g^od shades or not. adding sulphuric acid to throw down all the lead,
Iron Liquor Improvers. — There are generally and then applying the characteristic tests for the
some substances in the market purporting other metals, which are given in their proper
to enable iron liquor to give better results places. Sugar of lead in the English market is

when mixed with them. I have made a generally free from these metals.
very great number of experiments upon this Applications. — The chief use of acetate of lead
point, and have tried all the substances recom- is in making acetates of alumina, iron, copper,

mended, but I never found that really good and manganese, by the way of double decom-
iron liquor was improved by any additions. position. On account of the cheapness of acetate

Arsenic, under various forms, and copper salts of lime, which acts quite as well, it is not so

are strongly recommended by French authori- much used as formerly. It is used as a mordant
ties; but upon good Lancashire iron liquor they for chrome orange and in several indigo resists.

do more harm than good. M. Henri Schlum- Basic Acetate of Lead. — When acetate of lead
berger, in an elaborate paper in the Bulletin of is shaken up with powdered litharge (oxide of
Mulliouse (xiii. p. 399), gives the results of his ex- lead) it dissolves a portion of it, forming what is

periments upon the addition of various chemical called basic or sub-acetate of lead ; if boiled

substances to iron liquor. The only decisively together a still greater portion of lead is dis-

advantageous results were with the addition of solved. This compound has been employed
copper salts, and these only when gum Senegal both as a mordant and as a resist but it has so ;

was used as the thickeuing; their effect being powerful an action in coagulating all kinds of
apparently to prevent a coagulation to which thickenings that it cannot be generally used.
gum Senegal of certain quality is liable. Only the darkest kind of calcined farina or
ACETATE OP LEAD, commonly called sugar can thicken it without curdling.
Sugar of Lead, also Salt of Saturn. — There are ACETATE OF LIME, known also as the Py-
two kinds of sugar of lead in trade, called white rolignite of Lime. — This compound is sold either

sugar of lead and brown sugar of lead. The as a solid or liquid. In the solid state there are

white is in soft crystalline lumps, easily crushed three varieties, called respectively white, grey,
and very soluble in water. The brown is usually and black acetate. I analysed samples of each,
in fused lumps, much more compact than the and found in one hundred parts of the solid 82,
white, of a deep mahogany colour, does not dis- 71 and 69 parts of pure acetate of lime respec-
solve so readily in water, and generally leaves tively, which was about the ratio of the prices.

a residue not dissolved. The difference between The liquid acetate of lime seems to be of no
the two acetates consists in a portion of tarry particular quality, I have found it of all degrees
matter from the wood acid being left in the of purity, and containing muriate of lime or
brown beyond this there is no essential differ-
; common salt, evidently to make it stand higher
ence. The brown is, however, poorer in acetic on Twaddle. Both in the solid and liquid state

acid than the white, and somewhat richer in had; acetate of lime can only be accurately valued by
so that as a matter of choice the white should be chemical analysis. The only use of acetate of
used for making acetates, and the brown for a lime is in making mordants, for which purpose

itanswers quite as well as the more expensive adulteration has been practised. The only reli-

acetate of lead. If any sulphate, such as sul- able method of valuing acetic acid consists in
phate of iron, be mixed with acetate of lime, the ascertaining how much caustic soda a given
lime takes the sulphuric acid, while the acetic weight will neutralise (see Acidimetry), and
acid goes to the iron or other metal previously testing for mineral acids. Nitrate of silver gives
combined with the sulphuric acid. The sulphate a precipitate, not dissolved by nitric acid, if
of lime being insoluble in water settles down as any muriatic acid is present; and chloride of
a pasty mass, while the acetate remains clear barium gives a similar precipitate if sulphuric
above. acid is present. Average qualities of acetic acid
ACETATE OF MANGANESE.— This com- contain from 18 to 22 per cent of dry acetic acid,
pound has been used to a small extent for bronze sometimes going as high as 24. Crude pyro-
colours and for producing some shades in com- ligneous acid or wood acid, sometimes used in
bination with catechu. It can be made from printing, contains only a small per centage of
sulphate of manganese or from bronze liquor, acid and a large quantity of organic matter of a
(the chloride of manganese) by mixing with ace- tarry nature.
tate of lead. Applications. — Acetic acid is not largely used
ACETATE OF SODA. — This compound in the dyeing arts, and its uses seem all to
can be prepared by neutralising acetic acid depend upon its power of keeping bodies in
with crystals of soda or caustic soda, it is a solution ; and, by volatilising, leaving them to
commercial article, being sold in small crystals. their own affinities. Thus, in many steam
It is very little used ; for some applications of colours acetic acid is evidently used to restrain
it, see Murexide and Shaded Styles. the colouring matter and metallic oxide present
ACETATE OF TIN.— This compound has from forming an insoluble compound before the
been slightly used in calico printing. It may be colour gets on the cloth if the colour was not

formed by first making a pulp of tin with a in solution it would be merely deposited on the
mixture of muriate of tin and carbonate of soda, fibre, and not in it, as it should be. In many
draining the pulp and leaving acetic acid upon colours acetic acid prevents coagulation and
it for twenty-four hours. Or it may be made by enables a colour to work smooth in the machine
dissolving 2 lbs. crystals of tin in a gallon of cold which would otherwise go rough and curdy. It
water, and mixing 2 lbs. acetate of soda and stir- serves to form acetates by direct combination
ring, using all the mixture ; another way is to with metals and^.oxides.
use acetate of lead instead of acetate of soda and ACER RUBRUM,or Scarlet Flowering Maple
strain off from the bottoms. —
of North America. According to Bancroft, the
Application. —
Only used in producing an orange bark of this maple produces with an aluminous
colour in garancine work. (See Orange.) — mordant a lasting cinnamon colour both on wool
ACETIC ACID, known also Vinegar, Wood and cotton with iron mordants, he says, it

acid, Pyroligneous acid, Tar acid, Acetous acid, gives a more intense pure and perfect black
etc. — Commercial acetic acid is made by dis- than even galls or any other vegetable matter
tilling wood in close retorts ; in its first stage it within his knowledge, and does not stain whites.
is a crude black tarry looking liquid, which is It is not mentioned in more recent works upon
called wood acid or pyroligneous acid ; by several dyeing, and has probably never been put to use.
complicated processes the tarry matters or other ACETOMETER. — An instrument con-
impurities are removed and the acid left toler- structed like a hydrometer, but graduated for
ably pure. Acetic acid should be as clear and acetic acid only. On account of peculiarities
colourless as water, should leave no residue alluded to as attending the relation between the
when a portion is boiled away, should not blacken density and per centage of acid in acetic acid,
a piece of calico dipped in it when the calico is the indications of such an instrument are not
dried and made pretty warm by holding before trustworthy.
a fire, neither should the calico be tendered ; if ACID. — An acid in chemistry originally
either blackened or tendered, mineral acids as signified anything of a sour acid taste; it has a
vitriol or spirits of salts are present. It should wider meaning now, not easy to give an exact
have an agreeable smell a particular mawkish
, definition of; but an acid may be characterised
odour shows some fault in rectification; but, as a body capable of forming combinations with
notwithstanding this, the acid may be still good metals and bases, which combinations are called
for manufacturing purposes. It stands at from salts. Many of the acids in chemistry are in-
6° to 9° Twaddle; but owing to a strange soluble in water and have no taste, but all the
peculiarity about acetic acid, its value cannot common acids are sour to the taste. A com-
be ascertained by the hydrometer, even if no pound is said to be acid or to have an acid re-
action when blue litmus paper dipped into it is is ascertained. The stronger the acid the more
turned red. Acidity is neutralised or destroyed soda crystals are required, and the weaker the
by the alkalies as potash, soda or ammonia, or less ; so that without any further reference it is

by lime or chalk. An acid in printing is some easy to tell which of two acids is the strongest,

composition for resisting or discharging mor- and how much one is stronger than the other.
dants or colours, most of which are strongly I have compiled a table which includes the chief
acid, -but some are compounded of salts and acids in use, and by referring to which, it will
acids, and some are not acid at all; the latter be easy to calculate the per centage of any of
are, however, generally distinguished as " neutral the acids tested. The figures show the decimal
pastes," "mild paste," etc. For an account of parts of a grain of pure acid which is neutralised
the different acids in practical use, see their dis- by a single grain of crystals of soda, so many
tinctive names as Qjtric Acid, Sulphuric grains of crystals that 100 grains of the sample
Acid, etc. under examination has taken so many times this
ACIDIMETRY, or the testing and valuation decimal quantity is its per centage of real acid.

of acids. The hydrometer of Twaddle, though One grain of crystals of soda neutralise —
a most valuable instrument, sometimes leads to 0-36 gr. of Acetic acid dry and pure.
wrong conclusions upon the strength of liquids. 0*38 „ Citric acid ,, „
The instrument will only show the density; and 0*26 „ Muriatic acid „ „
though there is in general a direct relation 0*38 „ Nitric acid „ „
between the density of a liquid and the quantity 0*25 „ Oxalic acid „ „
of solid matter it contains, it is evident that no 0*28 „ Sulphuric acid „ „
instrument can be expected to show what kind 0*46 „ Tartaric acid „ „
of matter it is that gives the density. Thus If, for example, 100 grains of a sample of spirits
take acetic acid at 8° Tw. and mix it with an of salts or muriatic acid had required 120 grains
equal bulk of water, it will only mark 4°; but of crystals to neutralise them, the per centage
by adding common salt to this weak acid, it will of pure muriatic acid would be found by multi-
be brought to mark 8° again, and as far as the plying 0-26 by 120, the result being 31*2; and
hydrometer shows, it is as strong an acid as so on with the other acids. The per centage is

before. The practical method of testing acids for the pure dry, or as it is called in scientific
is to ascertain how much carbonate of soda or books, anhydrous acid.
caustic soda a given weight of acid can neutra- For most purposes of acidimetry a solution
lise, and the process may be conducted as fol- of caustic soda, as a test alkali, is preferable to
lows : —
Take good crystals of soda neither damp the powdered crystals of soda, and more espe-

nor white from dryness the points of the large cially with acetic acid ; but the preparation of
crystals are very likely to be quite pure and an accurate test liquor of caustic soda requires
should be selected in preference — crush them great care and many precautions, for which I
into coarse powder and keep in a closely corked refer to works on analytical chemistry. The
or stoppered bottle ; this forms an alkaline test method detailed above is perfectly practicable,
powder of a constant and definite strength. Sup- and gives results close enough for most practical
pose the object is to test the strength of a sample purposes.
of nitric acid, a certain quantity, say 100 grains, ADJECTIVE COLOURS.— A term used
isaccurately weighed out and transferred into a by Bancroft, and after him by other writers upon
porcelain capsule and mixed with a couple of dyeing. It signifies colours which can only be
ounces of water, a few drops of solution of blue fixed by means of a mordant, in contradistinction
litmus are added to give the liquor a red tinge to other colouring matters which are fixed with-
next a quantity of the crushed crystals of soda is out mordants, and which he called substantive
weighed, such a quantity is taken as is assumed colours. Madder is an adjective colour, and in-
to be more than the acid experimented upon will digo and safflower are substantive colours.
require, say 300 grains, and without removing ADRIANOPLE RED.— The same as Tur-
the bulk from the dish or watch glass in which key Red, which see.
it was weighed, small portions are taken off with —
AERUGO. An old name for Verdigris,
a knife and put into the acid until the red colour found in some old receipts. Thomson says it
begins to change towards blue; for greater exact- signifies carbonate of copper.
ness it is desirable to have the liquor hot and —
AGARIC. A kind of fungus or mushroom
towards the end boiling, for then the change of growing on putrefying rank vegetation; gives a
colour is more satisfactorily seen by weighing ; black dye with copperas.
what is left of the soda crystals and deducting AGEING; known also as Stoving or Hanging.
it from the original quantity, the amount used The operation of exposing printed or mordanted

goods to the action of the air. Formerly the acetic acid, when set free from the iron, takes
ageing or hanging rooms were kept hot by flues the vaporous form, it escapes from the cloth
or steam pipes, whence called stoves, a name and is carried away by the currents of air.
which they still retain in some places, though If the printed cloth be packed so close that the
heat may not be used. Stoves proper are for air cannot circulate freely between the pieces,
simply drying heavy piece goods which retain then the acetic acid cannot escape, and bad un-
too much water to be well dried over the ordinary even work is produced. If the acetic acid escapes
steam drying tins. Ageing is mainly intended at one part it is retained at another, and the
for moistening printed or padded goods which vapour of that which does escape will some-
have been dried over the steam chests of the times condense on other parts, removing some
printing machine. The necessity for ageing can
mordant and producing uneven colours. In
be proved by a simple experiment take a fent : light colours, as madder lilacs and pale reds, the
printed in dark red, black, and a light shade of greatest portion of acetic acid escapes on the
purple, straight from the drying steam tins or steam chests just after the piece has left the
chests of the printing machine, and having printing machine, because there is but little to
divided it into two equal parts, hang one up in a escape ; but in blacks, dark reds, and chocolates,
cool airy place, and the other one dung and dye especially in heavy blotch colours, there is a
in the usual manner after three days, dung and
; great deal of acetic acid still in the colour on the
dye the first portion in a similar way; the differ- piece which must escape in order to yield a good
ence of appearance will be considerably in favour mordant. Hence these colours require a longer
of the aged or exposed part, the unexposed fent ageing than lighter colours they require more

will have light uneven reds, the blacks will be room, a freer circulation of air, and, if passed
rusty and dull, while the light purple, though through the ageing machine, should not be after-
inferior, will show the least difference in the two wards laid in folds but hung up freely to the air.
fents. The exposure to air has the effect of Another chemical action accompanies ageing,
fixing more mordant upon the cloth, and fix- and this is oxidation. It only affects mordants
ing it more regularly. If we inquire what of iron, and those in a very insignificant degree,
the nature of this action of the air is, we so that experiments made by ageing iron mor-
shall find that it is for the most part danted cloth in gases containing no oxygen shew
attributable to the vapour or steam of water as good results as those aged in air or pure
which naturally exists in air, and that the effect oxygen; that iron mordants do absorb oxygen
of this vapour is to soften the dry colour or mor- there is no doubt, but this appears the least
dant, to make it moist, and thus to come into important result of ageing. Some colours re-
closer contact with the fibre of the cloth and quire the absorption of oxygen to make them
enter into combination with it. That it is the yield their best shades; catechu colours, as
moisture of the air more than anything else printed for dyeing in garancine and madder,
which acts in ageing, is proved by the fact that imperatively demand oxygen, and their ageing
in dry air ageing never takes place perfectly ; in cannot be forced with safety steam blues have

a long frost the air gets very dry, all the water a very light shade when just steamed, and take
is frozen out of it, and then there is a complete twenty-four hours hanging to give them their
stop to ageing ; on the other hand, steam care- best colour; this is a result of oxidation, but ^
fully admitted to the hanging rooms hastens the oxidation in this case generally forced by

ageing very much. The quick system of ageing passing the pieces through bichromate of potash
introduced within these three years, simply con- or other oxydising solutions. Indigo blue dipping
sists in passing the pieces through §, machine full is an example of the action of the oxygen of air

of warm and very moist air, so that the mordant upon colours; as the piece rises from the vat it
receives all the moisture it possibly can in two is yellowish, the moment it touches the air it

or three minutes. If the pieces are folded up in becomes green, and in a short time blue; the

this soft state the ageing goes on rapidly without intermediate green shade is due to the admixture
exposing to air, proving, that all that'is actually of the original yellew and the newly formed blue.
requisite is a thorough moistening .of the colour l^GEING LI(^JORf— Under the name of
and a soaking of it into the cloth. ^Ikiring the ageing liquor several compounds have been
penetration of the colour some ehMi^t Giraffes have ifeen wasjbfiaposed of
sottf> the best that I

take place : the fibre does not combine with all chlorate of* polfsn^and arsenite-*f^slda. ft
the mordant as it is printed on, but only with a may be prepared in the following quantities :-
portion of it ; thus, acetate of iron is printed on 20 lbs. caustic soda, at 60° Tw.,

for blacks and purples, the cloth only combines 20 lbs. white arsenic, in powder.
with the iron, not with the acetic acid ; and as Boil until all the arsenic has dissolved; this

forms the arsenite of soda liquor. Make a long been known as albumen, and from time
solution of chlorate of potash, by dissolving immemorial has been applied as a vehicle of
3 lbs. of it in 4 galls, water, and add arsenite of colours and a varnish in the fine arts, but only
soda liquor to it until it stands at 28° Tw. This applied to calico printing within the last twenty-
takes about three pints. One gallon of this five years. Besides eggs, a kind of albumen is

liquor added to 16 gallons of garancine chocolate obtainable from blood, and also from the roe or
will enable the iron to fix with a few hours age, eggs of fishes. The character which distinguishes
instead of three or four days ; but experience albumen from all other animal matters is its pro-
shows that it is not regular in its results, and perty of coagulating by heat. If fluid white of
not to be depended upon. It is no assistance to egg be heated it begins to set at about 140° F.,
blacks or reds in ageing. and at the boiling point of water it becomes

AIR. — The common air is mainly composed solid. This coagulum does not become fluid
of two gases, which have very different pro- upon cooling, nor is it capable of being dissolved
perties. If a piece of phosphorus be fixed by water; only strong acids and alkalies can
with a wire at the bottom of a bottle and the again reduce it to the fluid condition, and that
bottle be turned upside down, with its neck only by altering or destroying its principal pro-
standing in water, it will be found in 24 hours perties. Commercial egg albumen is simply the
that a portion of the air has been absorbed by white of eggs dried by a slow heat; in dissolving
the phosphorus, and water has been drawn up it for use the water should be cold or not warmer

in corresponding quantity. Out of every 100 than 90° or 100° F., if hotter the albumen will
parts of air, 21 parts will have disappeared, be coagulated and injured. Albumen is used in
neither more nor now, upon examining the
less ; calico printing for two purposes: first, as a
air left in tne bottle it is found to be quite dif- vehicle for printing and fixing pigment colours,
ferent to the original air; if a lighted candle be such as ultramarine blue; and secondly, as a
lowered be extinguished,
in the bottle it will mordant some few colours like the mauve or
and if a mouse or bird were put in it they would aniline purple. For the pigment colours it is
die almost immediately. The 79 per cent of the coagulable power alone of albumen which is
noxious air left behind is called nitrogen, and valuable when steamed the albumen is coagu-

the 21 per cent of vital air absorbed by the lated, becomes solid and insoluble in water,
phosphorus is called oxygen. Whenever the grasping the fibre with a closeness and tenacity
air acts chemically upon matters it is the oxygen which fastens all colours it is mixed with, and
which acts, and a body so acted upon is said to closely resembles an actual combination. As a
be oxydised, it having absorbed or combined mordant, albumen has but few applications;
with oxygen. Nitrogen seems to have no when coagulated it shows an affinity for all
chemically active properties. There is also in colouring matters, but with most gives only dull
the air a small quantity of carbonic acid gas, and worthless shades. Alkalies injure or pre-
the actions of which in dyeing or printing are vent the coagulation of albumen acids and me- ;

too small to be reckoned of any value. In tallic salts cause it io coagulate in the cold;
towns, other gases are found in the air resulting and phosphoric acid are exceptions.
acetic acid
from the combustion of fuel, the putrefaction of In using albumen it is frequently mixed with
animal remains, &c. and although these things
; gum water; up to a certain extent it will stand
spoil the air so greatly for respiration, they this, but there are bounds which if passed cause
never form so much as one part in a hundred of pigment colours so applied to wash out. Ammo-
it. Water, in a state of vapour, is constantly nia, oil, and turpentine may be used in modera-
present in the air, but in variable proportion tion to enable the albumen to work smooth and
generallymore in summer than in winter, and keep longer. The salt called sulphite of soda
more with westerly winds than with winds from added to dissolved albumen will keep it sweet for
the east; the vapour of water does not in the a much longer time than without this addition.
least interfere with the clearness of the atmos- About four pounds of egg albumen to a gallon
phere, and there is frequently more in the clear of water, brought to a suitable consistency with
air of a summer day than in a winter fog. Its gum, will give good results for pigment colours.
actionupon mordants has been explained in Blood albumen of good quality works even bet-
Ageing, and further information will be found ter than egg albumen but it is more liable to

under Hygrometer. For bleaching power irregularity in quality, often containing a con-
possessed by air, reference must be made to siderable portion of insoluble matter. — (See
Bleaching, Oxygen, and Ozone. further,Animalisation, Pigment Colours,
ALBUMEN, or White of Egg; also Fish and and Lactarine.)
Blood Albumen. — The glairy white of eggs has ALCOHOL, commonly called Spirits of Wine,
Methylated Spirits. — The low price of methy- soluble and non-colouring principles, and then
lated spirits, which is alcohol mixed with 10 exposing it to the action of high-pressure steam
per cent of wood naptha, renders it probable for a certain period. The product dyes up first
that several uses will be found for it in dyeing class purples, dye up blacks very
does not
?md printing. It is already much used for dis- well without assistance from garancine or log-
solving the colouring matters from aniline. wood, is not well adapted for pinks or reds, it
Generally speaking colouring matters are more hardly stains the whites, and pieces can be very
soluble in alcohol than in water, and several well cleared without soap. The name of alizarine
dissolve easily in which cannot be touched by
it is now
frequently given in the market to qualities
water. It dissolves resinous bodies and partially of garancine fitted to dye purples sometimes ;

greasy and fatty bodies solution of shellac in

: the so-called alizarine simply garancine mixed

methylated spirits is used in finishing velvets with ground chalk, but generally it is garancine
and velveteens, in some colours for printing the finished off in a peculiar manner. After washing
spirit is also used. It is very inflammable, both from the acid the garancine is boiled in very
itself and its vapour. dilute caustic soda for some time, and then a
ALDER BARK (Betula Alnus).— This bark quantity of muriate of lime added this has the ;

isused in several parts of the world as one of effect of precipitating a quantity of lime in a
the materials for dyeing black along with cop- very minute state of division all through the
peras or iron liquor;
it serves to economise galls, garancine. In France, I believe, garancines
and seems to yield satisfactory results. With intended for purples are neutralised before taking
tin and aluminous mordants it gives brownish from the washer by means of milk of lime. The
yellow or orange shades of no particular value. presence of lime in some form or other appears
It is used in combination with sumac, logwood, beneficial to purple dyeing.
and fustic, in some receipts for brown fixed with ALKALI. —An alkali is the opposite to an
copperas. acid, which can neutralise or kill; alkalies

ALLOXAN and ALLOXANTINE are turn red litmus blue, and yellow turmeric
chemical compounds produced during the manu- brown. Potash, soda, ammonia, and lime are
facture of murexide or Roman purple. They are alkalies.
both colourless, but on exposure to air and am- ALKALIMETRY. -This term signifies the
moniacal vapours they assume a fine red colour. measuring or testing of alkalies, such as potash,
Woollen cloth dipped in solution of either of soda ash, soda crystals, etc. Very complete
these bodies becomes coloured of a deep and and accurate methods are to be found in good
beautiful purplish red by hanging in air con- chemical treatises; but as a method suitable for
taining ammonia, or by passing over a heated practical men, the following will be found to
iron; it is not a very durable colour. (See — —
answer: Procure a quantity of pure oxalic acid,
MUBEXIDE.) a fair quality of commercial acid is usually pure
ALGAROBA. — A colouring matter yielding enough, if not moist powder it and keep it in a

brown and other dark colours, apparently of an well corked bottle. When going to test a sample
astringent nature is described under this name. of soda ash or other alkali, weigh out first LOO
It obtained from Buenos Ayres, and is called
is grains of the alkaline substance and dissolve
after the name of the tree from which it is it in water, then weigh out 100 grains of the

obtained. According to the description of the powdered oxalic acid in a watch glass or little
imported product, it resembles catechu in ap- dish, and with a knife blade or thin strip of metal
pearance. keep putting portions of the acid to the alkali
ALIZARINE.— Alizarine is the name of the until it is neutralised, which can be ascertained
pure colouring matter of madder. It can be by test paper or by solution of litmus. Now
obtained in beautiful needle-shaped crystals of weigh the oxalic acid that is left, and note how

an orange red colour. These crystals when much it has taken to neutralise the sample of
properly dissolved are capable of dyeing up alkali. The more acid it takes the stronger the
all the colours which madder root itself ash, and the less acid it takes the weaker it is.
dyes, and it is consequently considered that The comparative value of any two samples of
alizarine is the real colouring principle of mad- potash, soda ash, ammonia, etc. can be pretty
der. Pure alizarine is not yet an article of closely ascertained by this method. By con-
commerce. sulting the following table the actual per centage
Commercial Alizarine is a concentrated pre- of soda, potash, ammonia in a sample of alkali
paration of madder, first prepared by Messrs. may be found from the quantity of oxalic acid
Pincoffs and Schunck. Their patented process it has taken to neutralise the alkali because the ,

consists in washing madder so as to free it from oxalic acid is of constant composition, and will
— :

always neutralise just the same amount of an British gum or calcined farina, will yield full
alkali. dark pinks when properly fixed and dyed.
One grain of oxalic acid neutralises — Alkaline Mordant for Light Pinks.
0'75 grain pure caustic potash, 50 gallons caustic potash at 41°,
0*50 „ pure caustic soda, 180 lbs. potash alum.
027 „ pure ammonia, Dissolved in the same manner; liquor should
0*84 pure carbonate of soda, stand at about 30° Tw., to be reduced according

1'10 ,, pure carbonate of potash. to shade. The chief bulk of common alum is
ammoniacal, and will not do for making this
If 100 grains of a sample of soda ash had taken
mordant. This mordant does not fasten upon
96 grains of oxalic acid, the per centage of
the cloth without some fixing agent the fixing
caustic soda would be obtained by multiplying

matter is usually mixed with the dung in dung-

this figure by 0*5, showing 48 per cent; by
ing ; sal ammoniac is the most certain material
multiplying the same figure by 0*84, we obtain
80-6 as the per centage of carbonate of soda, and
to use, muriate of zinc has also been used. (See —
so on, using the other figures in case of testing
potash or ammonia.
ALKANET, Alkana; orcanette. — This is a

ALKALINE— Having the properties of an

root growing in warm climates; it contains a
considerable quantity of colouring matter of a
alkali, of caustic soda for example, though these
resinous nature which not dissolved by water,
properties may be very weak. A
substance is

but is readily extracted by oil, turpentine, bisul-

said to have an alkaline reaction when it turns
phide of carbon, alcohol, and similar solvents.
red litmus paper blue. If caustic soda be poured
It was used by the*ancients for dyeing wool
into lime juice, the first portions are neutralised
by the acid, and the liquor tastes acid and red-
its principal consumption now is in tinting oils

of a pinkish lilac colour.Dissolved in alcohol

dens blue litmus paper. A stage is reached
and mixed with water it dyes cotton mordanted
when all the acid properties of the juice are
with alumina of an agreeable bluish lilac ; with
hidden and also the alkaline properties of the
iron mordants it gives darker shades. It is not
soda; the liquor is then neutral, neither acid
a fast colour, and is only a little used for dyeing
nor alkaline the addition of a further quantity

sewing thread and cotton. Its pure colouring

of soda makes the liquid alkaline, it now tastes
matter is called Anchusine.
like weak soda and turns red litmus blue.
Borax, phosphate of soda, silicate of soda, and ALOETIC ACID.— An acid derived from

of an
aloes, and which seems capable of yielding some
numerous other salts are said to be salts
good colours, but not yet applied.
alkaline reaction, because their solutions turn
red litmus blue.

ALOES. The aloes which are used in medi-
cine when treated with nitric acid undergo some
— This mordant a solution
Aluminate of Potash, is
change, and communicate a purple colour to silk
and woollen cloth, which appears to have a fair
of alumina in caustic potash. If a strong clear
solution of alum be put in a glass and strong amount of fastness. A process for obtaining this
caustic potash added by degrees, the first result colour was patented January 26, 1847, but lam
will be the precipitation of the aluminous basis not aware that has ever been practically ap-

in the form of a pulp by addition of a further plied.— (See Chrysammic Acid.)

ALLOY. — The

quantity of potash this pulp dissolves up to a mixture of two metals is

clear fluid,which may be called aluminate of when mercury or quick-

called an alloy, except

potash, being actually a solution of the alumina silver is one, when the compound is called an

in the excess of potash used. On the large scale amalgam. The alloy used for block work is
thismordant is prepared by taking strong caustic usually made by melting together equal weights

potash, making it hot in a copper or iron boiler, of bismuth, tin, and lead ; it melts at a low tem-
and adding to it crushed alum or sulphate of perature, and when cold resists pressure tolerably
alumina, stirring well. The following propor-
tions will be found to yield good results :
ALTERANT.— Term invented by Bancroft,
to designate any substance employed to modify
Alkaline Mordant for Dark Pink.
or change the hue of a dyed colour; as for ex-
40 gallons caustic potash at 54° Tw., ample, cotton mordanted in tin and dyed in log-
140 lbs. sulphate oi alumina. wood acquires a very dull colour, but if passed
The sulphate of alumina added by portions, and through weak chloride of tin it assumes its
finally thewhole boiled for twenty minutes. It proper violet colour; the chloride of tin last
should yield about 45 gallons of liquor, at from used would be called an alttrant. Alum, acids,
32° to 36° Tw., which thickened with dark soda, ammonia, and other bodies may thus at
; ;

times become alterants by altering or changing which was formerly given to particular species
shades already produced. The term "raising," of alum, as the Roman alum, is proved to have
very frequently used in dyehouses, sometimes arisen from the processes of manufacture favour-
expresses the use of alterants, but has more ing the production of a more neutral or basic
frequently a wider signification. compound.

ALUM. There are two kinds of alum besides ALUMINA.— This is the earthy base of alum
the patent alum, which is more correctly called and of all It can be made
the salts of alumina.
sulphate of alumina. The old kind of alum, by dissolving alumhot water and adding soda
called potash alum, is a double salt, compounded crystals; so long as they give any pulpy pre-
of sulphate of alumina and sulphate of potash cipitate, the alumina pulp can be drained on a
it is frequently called rock or roach alum and filtering blanket and washed with water. It
Roman alum. The other kind of alum is called may be used to make oxalate, tartrate, and
ammonia alum, and is compounded of sulphate nitrate of alumina from by dissolving as much
of alumina and sulphate of ammonia. There is of it in these acids as they can take up it dis- ;

no di stinguishing between these two kinds of alum solves in caustic potash forming the alkaline
by their external appearances; they have the pink mordant. It has been used as the basis of
same shape of crystal, the same taste and solu- coloured lakes for calico printing if a certain ;

bility but they can be easily tested by means of

; quantity of this pulp be diffused through water,
caustic soda or potash, for when the ammonia and logwood liquor mixed with it and heated,
alum mixed with caustic it gives off a strong
is the pulp will abstract all the colour from the
smell of ammonia, while the potash alum gives no liquor and form a coloured pulp or lake, which
smell, except sometimes when a little ammonia mixed with acids, etc., can be printed as a steam
is accidentally contained in and then it gives
it, colour.
a faint smell. These two alums are as nearly ALUMINA NITRATE.— This salt is pre-
as possible of the same strength, and, for nine pared by mixing nitrate of lead and alum, sul-
cases out of ten, it does not signify which is phate of alumina may be used instead of alum.
used. For making alkaline mordant, ammonia The following proportions yield a nitrate of
alum very unsuitable; in two or three other
is alumina well adapted for indigo chromed styles,
ca-es preference is to be given to the potash that is for converting the chrome orange into
alum, very littlb of which, however, is to be yellow wherever printed on — :

found in trade. The only dangerous impurity 71bs. alum,

in alum and this will show of itself, if
is iron, 4^ gallons water at 140°, dissolve and add
the alum be old, by a reddish or yellowish tinge. 81bs. nitrate of lead
The taste of the alum containing iron is quite take the clear only. Nitrate of alumina is but
different from good alum, and it may be tested little used in general printing; in some few cases
by prussiate of potash if it gives a blue instantly
; of delaine and woollen colours it is employed,
it is bad. In fresh alum crystals iron can exist when it appears to have an oxidising action
without showing itself; it must then be tested owing to the nitric acid it contains.
for by decoction of galls, which will cause it to ALUMINA OXALATE — This salt may be
turn black or bluish black; and by logwood prepared by dissolving the moist gelatinous
liquor, which will shew a distinctly different alumina in warm solution of oxalic acid until
hue with good and bad alum. A mixture of red saturated. It has been used in some steam reds
and yellow prussiate is also a good test; but from peachwood, along with chlorate of potash
even good alum will show blue after an hour or as an oxidising agent.
two but if a blue be produced instantly upon
; ALUMINA SULPHATE, or Patent Alum.—
mixing there can be no doubt of iron being This salt is of comparatively recent
all the
present. Alum sold in the state of flour or in the manufacturing arts, it contains
small crystals may contain too much water by essential principles for which alum is valued,

* five or ten per cent. Alum by itself is only a differing only by the absence of the
from it

sulphate of potash or sulphate of

weak mordant; it has a strong acid reaction,
an invariable constituent of alum. It
and parts with very little of its base, unless which is

is not possible, however,

to use sulphate of
something be added to neutralise the acid in
part. Soda in the state of crystals is mostly alumina in every case where alum has been em-
ployed ; probably because the commercial
used for this purpose but it is found in practice

that the acetate of alumina is by far the best has not yet been produced of a
decree of purity and saturation probably
mordant where deep shades are required, so that ;

because the neutral sulphate in alum

now alum is only used for light shades or in
combination with copperas. The pieference some modifying action in its application.


in a great many cases a good quality of sulphate —
AMELINE. The name given to a dyeing
of alumina can be advantageously used in place matter of the aniline species very lately intro-
of alum; it is more liable to contain impurities duced. It is a pansy colour, or a blue mauve,
than alum, it is more irregular in its composi- manner upon delaines.
applied in the usual Its
tion, not crystalising like alum in clear well method of manufacture is kept secret.
defined crystals, but being boiled down until it AMMONIA, Ammonia Liquor, Volatile
solidifies into a white opaque cake. The ordi- Alkali. — Ammonia liquor is a solution of the
nary good qualities contain more alumina by gas ammonia in water, the stronger the liquor
one third than alum crystals, and are conse- is of this gas the lighter it is, bulk for bulk,
quently stronger as mordants; but the amount contrary to the usual law of density; so if a
of water and acid it contains are subject to Twaddle instrument constructed for liquids
fluctuations, which have frequently produced lighter than water be used to test it, the lower
great losses and irregularities in printing and it sinks in the ammonia the better it is. The
dyeing. Chemical analysis is necessary to show Twaddle good one for ammonia liquor,
test is a

the amounts of acid, water, and alumina a sample as I am not aware of anything it is adulterated
may contain. with in the direction of making it lighter than

ALUMEN USTUM, or Burnt Alum.— This water. can also be tested in the same way
substance is mentioned in some old receipts ; it as soda ash as given in alkalimetry the more ;

appears to be alum which has been heated in oxalic acid agiven quantity neutralises the better
earthen vessels until it has become dry and it is. Ammonia possesses the same powers ol
white. Modern chemistry does not show that neutralising acids as potash or soda, and gene -
it could possess any special properties. rally has similar properties to them. Ammonia
AMBER COLOURS. — Certain shades of is called the volatile alkali, because it flies oft

yellow having some resemblance to the hue of as gas exposed in an open vessel, or
if left

amber are so called. On dyed goods they are more quickly heated it is a very good solvent
if ;

all derived from a lead basis raised or dyed in of several colouring matters, especially cochineal.
chrome. The amber shades may be looked The gas or vapour from ammonia has been some-
upon as yellows slightly tinged with red. On times used to fasten colours or mordants ; it was
woollen the shades are obtained by modifying a used in some processes of the murexide colour,
fustic yellow with cochineal (see Orange) ; on and has been proposed as a substitute for ageing.
calico the following processes may be followed In such cases the gas is best produced by letting
for 100 lbs. cloth :— 10 lbs. acetate and 10 lbs. the strong ammonia liquor drop in regulated
nitrate of lead dissolved in a sufficient quantify quantity upon a hot steam pipe; it may likewise
of cold water, work the goods in for thirty be produced by heating a mixture of slacked
minutes, and then in warm water containing lime and sal ammoniac.
8 lbs. for twenty minutes, pass
of chrome, AMYLACEOUS MATTERS.— All species
finallythrough the lead wash, and dry. By of starches are thus designated ; or substances
another process the goods are mordanted in a containing or yielding starch, as flour, meal, etc.
plombate of soda bath formed by adding caustic —
ANCHUSINE. This is the name of the
potash or soda to solution of acetate of lead until pure colouring matter of alkanet root, so called
the white pulp at first formed is dissolved up from the botanical name of the plant, Anchusa
clear, having a care not to add more caustic Tinctoria.
than is just necessary after the goods have been
; ANILINE COLOURS.— Aniline itself is a
worked in this they are worked in warm chrome colourless or slightly yellow oily body, made by
liquor. Napier states that sulphate of zinc added complicated processes from coal naptha. When
to the chrome improves the effect (see further acted upon by powerful chemical agents it yields
Chrome Colours). Amber on silk may be several colours, the most valuable of which are
obtained from annotta modified by other colour- the mauve or mallow, and the magenta or red
ing matters. a blue colouring matter is also produced. The
The following receipt is a specimen of what patented processes for making and applying these
may be used in printing to obtain amber colouring matters have been so numerous these
shades :— last four years that it is impossible to give any
Steam Amber or Gold, account of them here ; the inquirer is referred
7 quarts berry liquor at 6°, to the specifications of patents, or to the pages
1 quart cochineal liquor at 4°, of the Cliemical News, where an abstract of
3 lbs. starch boil, and
; when nearly cold add them may be found.
6 oz. crystals of tin, Aniline Mauve or Lilac, is sold either in the
2 oz. oxalic acid. fluid or pasty state. For silk dyeing and woollen
dyeing no mordant is required, the proper pro- first in at the second addition. Notwithstanding
portion of clear liquor mixed with water
is these precautions, the ends of the piece are mostly
slightly warm, any scum that may form is fuller in colour than the body. In most of the
cleared off, and the goods entered and worked pasty kinds of mauve or magenta, there is a
until the required shade has been obtained; a quantity of tarry matter, which being dissolved
small quantity of acetic or tartaric acid is re- by the methylated spirits, has a bad effect on the
commended to be used in some cases. Pasty shade; in such a case the spirits should be
mauve is dissolved in methylated spirits before diluted with water as much as possible, because
must be taken to prevent
using, and great care there is generally a strength of spirit which dis-
from the tarry scuqa which fre-
irregularities solves the colouring matter without touching the
quently forms when the liquor is mixed with brown tarry matters ; if practicable, water would
water. For printing on calico, one process con- dissolve the colouring matter, but as a very
sists in fixing the colouring matter with albu- large quantity of water is required this plan
men or lactarine, the mauve is mixed with cannot be often adopted. Aniline colours on
solution of albumen or lactarine, printed and silk are modified by sulphate of indigo to blue
steamed; or, the albumen alone is printed, the mauve, and anotta to give orange or capucin
steamed to fix it, and then dyed in a beck with shades with the magenta.

the colouring matter a quantity of soap being ANIMALISATION,— In the older theories
dissolved in the beck to prevent the whites of dyeing, it was held that the animal tissues of
being too much damaged. The chief processes, wool and silk absorbed and retained colours
however, of fixing the aniline colours are with more readily than the vegetable tissues of cotton
tannic acid and a metallic salt, and there are and linen, by virtue of some peculiar animal
various methods of applying the materials. The substance they contained. As a consequence of
cloth may be prepared with tin as for steam this theory, attempts to communicate
were made
colours, and a mixture of the colouring matter some animal principles to vegetable fabrics,
and tannic acid printed on and steamed with or with a view to improving their powers of re-
without albumen or lactarine or as in the anti-
; ceiving colours. The use of cow dung in dyeing
mony process the colouring matter mixed with madder goods the use of sheeps' dung and bul-

tannic acid is printed, steamed, and then fixed locks' blood,and urine in Turkey-red dyeing,
by running in a solution of tartarised antimony. were explained, upon the supposition that they
Many other processes have been proposed, but animalised the fabric in some way or other.
these include all that have answered satisfac- The present view of animalisation is, that it is

torily. For dyeing on cotton, the cloth or yarn not possible to animalise a fabric in any other
Is steeped in sumac or tannic acid, dyed in the way than by actually depositing upon it the
colour, and then may be fixed by tin, or the animal matter in question, and that any increased
cloth may be sumaced and mordanted as usual facility for taking colours thus communicated,
with tin and then dyed. For magenta red pre- is effected by the animal matter itself held on

cisely the same processes may be used as for the the fabric, and not by any new property of the
mauve. The blue is dyed in the same manner. fabric itself. Thus, if a piece of calico is steeped
Cloth prepared with oil preparations takes up in a solution of albumen, dried, and then steamed
the aniline blue for printing on calico it does
; or plunged into boiling water, the albumen is

not seem to be so applicable, and must be fixed fastened upon the cloth, and such cloth is then
by albumen or lactarine. The affinity of these capable of receiving colours from picric acid,
new colouring matters for silk and woollen is sulphate of indigo, magenta, archil, and other
very great, so that in piece dyeing precautions colouring matters, which previously had no
have to be taken to prevent irregularities arising affinity for the cloth.But it is impossible to
from this cause. For example: in dyeing a look upon the albumen in any other light than
piece of union velvet a full magenta shade, if as a kind of mordant acting as an intermediary
the common "jigger" be used and the whole of between the colour and the calico, differing,
the magenta liquor added at once, the first two however, from ordinary mordants in some
yards will be darker than the rest, and one half essential particulars. Besides albumen, the
of the piece of a decidedly deeper hue than the animal matters called caseine and lactarine,
other half, that is the half piece first in the possess similar properties, and have been tried
liquor will be darkest
; it is consequently neces- on a large scale, but without any marked suc-
sary to add the requisite amount of colouring cess as mordants or bases for some of the
matter at two or three intervals, and in such a colours, which are not attracted by the ordinary
manner with regard to the entry of the piece metallic mordants. The increased affinity for
that the end last in at the first addition will be colours given to calico by oil, could not cor-
— ;


rectly,under any view, be called animalisation, lime, used in bleaching rags for paper, and re-
but in fact
since the oils are all vegetable oils ; commended in linen bleaching, after chloride of
there appears to be a considerable analogy lime treatment.
between this case of mordanting and that by —
ANTIMONY. Antimony is a metal whose
coagulable animal matters. chemical properties more nearly resemble those
ANOTTA; also Annotto, Annatto, Arnotto, of tin than any of the other common metals it ;

etc. — This colouring matter is a pulp prepared is sufficientlyabundant to receive extended ap-
from the seeds of a South American shrub. It plication, but up to this time has not been much
is generally sold as a thick paste of the con- used. An orange colour from the sulphide of
sistence of putty, but is also prepared in hard antimony was first made, I believe, by Mr. Mer-
dry cakes by some London houses. In the pasty cer the common black sulphide of antimony,

state it has a very disagreeable animal odour in powder, was boiled with caustic soda, and
it is of a reddish brown colour, does not dissolve sulphur, until it was dissolved the liquor had

in water, but is easily dissolved by alkalies and a foetid, remembered by old

sickly smell, well
alkaline salts; soft soap is frequently used to printers. A better preparation was made by
dissolve it. For printing purposes anotta is used calcining the antimony with charcoal and sul-
for a shade of buff orange, sometimes called phate of soda The result in both cases was a
salmon or nankeen colour. Half a pound of double compound of sulphur with soda and anti-
good anotta dissolved with heat in a gallon of mony this was thickened and printed contain-
; ;

pearl ash liquor, and half a pound of soft soap ing very much
sulphur it blackened the copper
and 4 oz. borax added, thickened with tragacanth, rollers immediately; after drying and a short
is an old receipt giving a good result. Other age it was passed in sours for the orange by ;

receipts are similar to the following running it afterwards in a beck containing

Gallon of caustic potash at 14°, blue copperas, it changed to a dark olive; by
2 lbs. anotta ; dissolve and add passing in sugar of lead, a wood brown was pro-
2 oz. tartaric acid, duced. This colour would stand washing and
8 oz. alum thicken with gum water.
; soaping well enough, but faded on exposure to
Tin crystals are also used to modify the shade. air. The antimony orange is hardly ever made
For light shades neither alum nor tin are re- now. Tartarised antimony or tartar emetic is
quired, for anotta is one of those colouring mat- used in one of the processes for fixing the aniline
ters which have an them-
affinity for cotton of colours ; antimony as a prepare for steam colours
selves. Dark anotta colours are not pretty on is very inferior to tin.
cotton on account of the strongly alkaline
; APOCRENIC ACID.— This is a vegetable
nature of the colour it may be used as a buff substance, found in water, and forms one of
discharge or resist for Prussian blues. For several bodies existing in certain qualities of
dyeing on cotton the anotta is dissolved in alkali, water, usually designated under the head of
md the goods simply passed through the solu- organic matter. For the tests for it and its

tion. For silk dyeing anotta is largely used, supposed action in dyeing, see Water.
yielding bright lustrous shades; by aluming the APRICOT COLOUR.— This is a shade of
silk is considered to take the dye better as silk : buff, a little redder and browner than an iron
is easily acted upon by alkalies, the solution buff. Common buff liquor is mixed with some
should be as little alkaline as possible. Acids muriate of iron and a small quantity of nitrate
and acid salts redden the shades from anotta. or sugar of lead ; and after the buff has been
As solution of anotta is injured by keeping, no raised in the usual way, it is rinced in warm
more should be made than is likely to be used and very weak chloride of lime; the lead is
in a couple of days or so. The pure colouring oxidised and gives a brownish hue to the buff,
matter of anotta is called bixine ; another which somewhat resembles the ordinary shade
colouring principle, named orelline, is supposed of an apricot. Though the name is chiefly con-
to exist in it. Orelline is a yellow principle, fined to the shade so produced, a similar shade
and bixine a red. By influence of air, moisture, can, of course, be obtained in steam and spirit
and ammonia, these principles appear conver- colours, and especially from catechu. (See —
tible. The great bulk of the anotta imported Catechu and Orange.)
is consumed in colouring butter and cheese. —
AQUA REGrlA. A mixture of nitric acid
Anotta is liable to be adulterated with colcothar, and muriatic acid undergoes some chemical
brickdust, and red ochre. (See Bixine.) — change, producing a liquid which possesses pro-
ANTI-CHLORE. — Some body capable of perties different from either acid separately. It
destroying and arresting the action of chlorine. received its name from its power of dissolving
The chief substance employed is sulphite of gold, the king of metals.
AQUA FORTIS.— An old and still common prussiate to blue archil is said to give it all

name for Nitric Acid, which see. the properties of red archil.
AKABINE. -The name of a principle ex- ARECA NUTS.— An Asiatic product, said
tracted from gum arabic, and supposed to exist to be capable of fixing colours by some aggluti-
in all similar gums. nating property.
ARCHIL Orchil— This colouring matter is
; ARGOLS.— The crude cream of tartar goes
a preparation from a kind of moss or dry leaf, by this name. There are red argols and grey
growing on rocks and stones, called a lichen. argols used in woollen dyeing ; the only valu-
The lichens, of which there are many varieties, able properties they possess are due to the
have no colour themselves; but, by a kind of bitartrate of potash they contain.— (See Tar-
fermentation and treatment with lime and stale taric Acid and Tartar, Cream of.)
urine, the colouring matter is developed. There ARSENATES, or Arseniates, are compounds
are two kinds of archil, that in paste and that of arsenic acid with bases ; they are made by
in liquor; and there are besides two colours of neutralising arsenic acid with the base required.
it called red and blue archil. Archil has a par- The arsenate of potash was formerly used as a
ticular smell easily recognised; it mixes with resist in combination with pipeclay the arsenate ;

water; it is turned bluer with alkalies and redder of soda has been largely used as a dung substi-
with acids. As a colouring matter it has affinity tute ; it is prepared from arsenious acid or white
for silk and woollen, with or without mordant, arsenic and nitrate of soda, heated together in a
but none for cotton, It is seldom used by itself reverberatory furnace, and the product neutra-
for dyeing, but usually to help or top other lised with soda.— (See Dung Substitutes.)
colours when used alone it can give very agree-
; ARSENIC, Arsenious Acid, or White Arsenic.
able shades of violet, peach, and lilac, which The common white arsenic is a feeble acid and
colours are very loose in air, fading almost called arsenious acid in chemistry; it is a deadly
visibly in sunlight ; in combination with other poison, and should be shunned as much as pos-
colouring matters it usually darkens them giving sible; inhaling the dust created by moving it
chocolate coloured shades but archil is chiefly
should be avoided. Its chief uses in connection
valued for a peculiar softness and velvet bloom with printing and dyeing are derived first from
it communicates to colours. Archil is used in its weak acid properties, modifying, without
woollen and delaine printing, chiefly for rich neutralising completely, the alkalies, soda, and
chocolate shades, and in combination with other potash; secondly, its deoxidising powers have
colouring matters for shades of buff, chamois, been used in one or two cases, as in the chrome
wood, tan, &c. Three or four years ago a new greens; and, thirdly, it forms some coloured
preparation of archil, giving much faster colours, compounds with the metals, the only ones used
was invented and put into use. It was supplied being the green, from copper and chromium.
in hard dry cakes, of a purplish colour; the Arsenic is used in a good many receipts, where
method of its preparation is not clearly described, its action cannot be explained, and where most

but there is no doubt that a considerable im- probably it has no useful action at all. White
provement in fastness was obtained. It was arsenic does not dissolve to any considerable
used in calico printing to a considerable extent, extent in cold water, but in hot water it is more
until the more pleasant aniline mauve displaced soluble ; by prolonged boiling, water dissolves
it. It could only be fastened by means of albu- a considerable portion of arsenic; it dissolves
men. It was misrepresented as being as fast as to an almost unlimited extent in caustic potash
madder, while, in reality, only a loose colour, and soda, forming the arsenites of those bases
so that considerable loss and disappointment When white arsenic is heated with nitric acid,
was occasioned; it is very little used now. it combines with more oxygen, forming arsenic

Cudbear and litmus are very similar to archil, acid; this acid is very soluble in water, and
as colouring matters. Archil may be adul- has strongly acid characters it has been tried ;

terated with extracts of logwood or peach- as a substitute for tartaric acid, but did not suc-

wood, a careful comparison of shades produced ceed. The substance called red arsenic is a
by dyeing silk or woollen in pure, and sus- compound of metallic arsenic, with sulphur,- it
pected archil would indicate the adulteration. is known Orpiment, which see.
also as
Pure archil gives no colour to mordanted ARSENITES are compounds of arsenious
calico, but an adulterated archil will; pure acid with bases and metals.
archil mixed with water and muriate of tin ARTICHOKE GREEN. -A patent for ob-
and heated is nearly decolourised, if logwood taining a green colouring matter from arti-

or other extracts be present different shades chokes and was taken out June 3rd,

will be produced. The addition of a little red J

1856, but not completed.— (See Chlorophyll.)

ASTRINGENTS. — The vegetable astrin- little atoms, and each of these atoms has a regu-
gents used in dyeing and printing are represented lar weight of its own that is, an atom of iron

by sumac, catechu, and one or two

gall nuts, weighs so much, and an atom of lead so much
other substances. Tannic acid may be con- more, the atom of lead being about four times
sidered as the real astringent, it possessing the as heavy as the and so on. The
atom of iron,
astringent properties in the highest degree. It relative weights of these atoms have been very
is a property of astringents to have a direct carefully ascertained by chemists, and the whole
affinity for vegetable fibre, so that cotton soaked science of modern chemistry is built upon the
in a hot decoction of galls or sumac acquires knowledge of the laws of combination between
the astringent principle, and retains it so strongly atoms. Many chemists and philosophers do not
that it is difficult to remove it; it is also a pretty believe in the existence of atoms at all, but
general character of astringents to strike a black allow that matter of various kinds enters into
with green copperas and other salts of iron, but combination in certain definite proportions, which
this is not an essential character. In the older are always the same for the same substance
theories of dyeing much stress was laid upon This is now the prevailing theory, being most
the astringent principle as an important element in accordance with the discoveries of late years
of all colours, being that portion which con- and what were called atomic weights, are now
tributed to the closeness of the adhesion of the called Equivalent Weights, which see.
colour to the fabric. But many of the fastest AWL ROOT.— An East Indian product said to
colouring matters, such as indigo madder and possess some of the valuable properties of madder.
cochineal, do not contain any astringent matter AZ ALE INE. — Red colouring matter obtain ed
at all, in the ordinary meaning of the term from aniline by the action of certain metallic
astringent; and the supposed necessity of an of mercury. The shade of
salts, chiefly nitrate
astringent principle is therefore disproved. At colour not being so good as that obtained by
the same time, the true astringents, as tannic other patented processes, azaleine has not been
acid, galls, sumac, etc., do not only themselves much used in dyeing.
form very stable and intimate combinations AZOTE. — The old name of nitrogen.
with vegetable fibre, but also appear to confer AZULINE. — This name is given to a blue
stability to loose colours. In the great majority colouring matter supposed to be derived from
of cases of cotton dyeing, galls or sumac are aniline. It is chiefly used in silk dyeing, yield-
used, and usually are the first substances em- a very fine blue colour it requires the presence

ployed ; the astringent principle, or tannic acid, of a rather considerable amount of free sul-
of the galls and sumac at once forms a fast and phuric acid in the dyeing to secure good shades.
perfect combination with the fibre, and appears On this account it has not yet been successfully
to enable the fibre to combine more easily and applied in calico printing. There is more than
permanently with all mordants and colours than one kind of blue colouring matter sold under
if the astringent
matters were absent. The old this name, and they are not all of equal stability.
doctrine of the importance of an astringent Their discovery is so recent that no really trust-
principle is at least partially true and worthy worthy information upon their manufacture can
of attention. The method of applying the new be given.
aniline colours by means of tannic acid and salts AZURE, —A blue powder consisting of a glass
of tin and antimony is a point in illustration, coloured with oxide of cobalt is sold under this
though it is not actually known what part the name, also called smalts and zaffre. It has been
astringent acts in these cases.— (See further, used in finishing yarns, etc. Being quite in-
Galls, Sumac, etc.) soluble in water, must be suspended in some
ATOMIC WEIGHT.-According to the ato- mucilaginous liquid as starch, size, or soap, and
mic theory every substance is made up of very requires considerable care to prevent unevenness.

BABLAH, Babulak, or Nehnab.— This
is the of the rinds of the fruit, and found the Senegal
name of a fruit imported from Senegal and the bablah to yield 57 per cent of soluble matters,
East Indies. Upon its first introduction into and the East Indian 49 per cent, while the best
Europe it was said to be endowed with the most quality of gall nuts give 87 per cent. Bablah
valuable properties as an astringent, communicat- contains a considerable proportion of tannic and
ing permanency to dyed colours. This was not
all gallic acids,and a reddish colouring matter in
however found to be the case, and bablah fell small quantity. With iron and alumina mor-
into disrepute, so that dyers would not buy it at dants it gives drab and fawn colours, and may
any price. M. Chevreul made an examination be used as a substitute for sumac ; but, where
; ;

eumac gives a yellowish shade, bablah gives a of a few other trees are or have been used in
reddish hue. Most authorities speak only of dyeing, such as alder bark, oak bark, pomegra-
the rind of the fruit as being used in dyeing nate bark, pine bark, willow bark, etc., for an
others include the hard kernel as well. account of which see Alder, etc.
BANDANNA.— A style of work so called. It BARWOOD.— This is a dyewood obtained
consists of a white discharge upon Turkey red from Angola in Africa and neighbouring places.
the name appears to be confined to goods pro- It is one of the red woods, and closely resembles
duced by means of perforated lead plates, sandal wood in its properties; it is compact,
between which the Turkey red cloth in several taking a good polish of an orange red colour.
thicknesses was tightly pressed, and the perfora- Its colouring matter is not easily extracted by
tions being so adapted as to correspond to one water, for boiling water only dissolves a small
another, a discharging fluid, either solution of quantity of it, and this precipitates in great part
chlorine gas in water or a mixture of bleaching as the water cools ; there is, therefore, no bar-
liquor and acid, was run upon the upper plate wood liquor or extract, and in dyeing with it the
and gradually soaked through : the great pres- rasped or ground wood has to be used just as
sure upon the cloth prevented the liquor from madder is used in madder dyeing. The goods
spreading beyond the pattern. This is a case of take the colour from the water as fast as it takes
Discharging, which see. itfrom the wood; the colouring matter is gra-
BAEASAT VERTE, or Green Indigo.- A dually transferred until the desired shade is
substance under this name was examined by Dr. obtained or the wood spent. The colours it
Bancroft, who reported it to be simply blue gives upon the aluminous mordants are reds of
indigo contaminated with vegetable extractive a yellowish brown shade according to Bancroft
matter of an useless nature which made it appear when these are saddened by green copperas
green. It did not yield any green colours upon they produce a good imitation of the bandanna
wool or cotton which could withstand the action red. The same author states that the red from
of soap. —
(See Chinese Green and Indigo.) it was used as a bottom for dark indigo blues,

BARBARY BERRIES, or Seeds, contain a saving indigo. At present barwood is chiefly

colouring matter, which, according to Bancroft's used in yarn dyeing to produce an imitation
experiments, in some respects resembles saf- Turkey red. It is also used for a red lake or
flower when applied upon silk. No definite pigment employed by the paper printers. The
information upon these seeds was communicated pure colouring matter of this wood is considered
to Bancroft and he could not identify them. to be identical with santaline extracted from
BARBARY GUM.—A natural gum, similar sandal wood.
to Senegal gum and gum arabic. It is liable to Barwood red is obtained by first steeping the
contain more or a species of gum which
less of yarn or cloth for several hours in a decoction
does not dissolve in cold water, only swelling up of sumac with a little vitriol, about four pounds
and making the solution of gum water pasty a ; sumac to every twenty pounds cotton. After
gum containing this kind of inferior gum does the sumac has had time to form an intimate
not work or keep well, and is not easy to wash combination with the cotton, the yarn is next
off soft. By leaving a sample of gum in lumps wrought in a solution of nitro-muriate of tin,
for 48 hours in cold water, it will be easily or barwood spirits standing at 3° Tw. the tin

ascertained whether there are any lumps of this combines plentifully with the astringent prin-
fictitious gum or not, and what is their relative ciple of the sumac and constitutes the mordant;
proportion to the bulk. the goods are now transferred to the boiler or

BARILLA. This is a very impure kind of beck, where about their own weight of barwood
soda ash imported from Spain, Sicily, and other finely rasped is added, the water being nearly
places. It is produced by burning sea weeds boiling, and the goods worked about until the
and collecting and preparing the ashes. It was required shade is obtained. The red so pro-
formerly the chief source of soda, but it is now duced is more permanent than any of the other
only used in some exceptional cases. In old wood reds, and stands next, but still considerably
works upon bleaching and printing, wherever inferior, to madder red. The practical dyers say
mentioned or prescribed, soda ash in
barilla is that it is more difficult to get regular and good
perhaps one-fourth of the quantity would be results from barwood than from any other wood,
found to have an equivalent effect. and that a great many fail to obtain the best
BARK. — The contracted term "bark" is red.
generally used amongst the dyers and printers Barwood is said not to work well with other
of Lancashire, to designate the quercitron bark, dyewoods, any combinations or modifications

extensively used in garancine dyeing. The barks are required by the assistance of other woods


they have to be applied after the barwood by a spond, nor is there any simple relation between

separate operation. them but as a guide for the translation of re-


BARYTA, or Barytes. — There is a very ceipts, it may be considered that each degree of

rare metal called barium, its oxide is called Beaume" is equal to \\ of Twaddle, as far as the
baryta, and has properties nearly like quick thirtieth degree of Twaddle thus 10° Beaume" ;

lime. The very common mineral substance, is equal to 14 J° or 15° Twaddle; 20° Beaume is

which is sold under the names of barytes, equal to between 30° and 31° Tw.; past the 30°
mineral white, ground heavy spar, etc., is a of Beaume, the difference is greater, equal to
sulphate of baryta, prepared by finely grinding about If of Twaddle for each degree Beaume"
the native heavy spar. used for " weight-
It is at 50° Beaume, each degree is equal to 2°

ing;" that is, for giving weight

and apparent Twaddle, and so on. A
table is given in my
" Chemistry of Calico Printing," of the exact
body and firmness to inferior goods; it is not
the only, and probably not the best substance correspondence between the degrees of these
for this purpose. China clay, pipeclay, flour, instruments.
and aluminous shale are used also in this species BERRIES.— The only berries commonly used
of falsification. this use of the sulphate, in dyeing or printing are used for the sake of their
the compounds of baryta have not yet been em- yellow colouring matter. There are as many
ployed in printing and dyeing on a large scale. as seven or eight different qualities, but all ap-

BASE. In chemistry, a base is some body pear to be derived from the same kind of shrub,
which neutralises an acid, generally forming which in France is called the dyer's buckthorn
crystalline compounds with it, which are called (the botanical name being rhamnus infectorius),

salts. Thus, lime neutralises acids, and is a and which, besides growing extensively there,
base litharge or oxide of lead, which is quite
; flourishes in the island of Candia, in Wallachia,
tasteless, would be found upon trial to com- and in Asia Minor. The French berries are of
pletely neutralise acetic or nitric acids, pro- small size they are generally known under the

ducing a third body, which is a salt, either name of Avignon berries the berries coming

acetate or nitrate of lead oxide of lead is there-

; from Turkey are called Turkey berries, and
fore a base. Nearly all the metals are bases, also Persian berries. It is the Persian berry
and form with acids and when we speak
salts ; which is most generally consumed in England
of sulphate of iron, nitrate of copper, and other it is larger than the Avignon berry, and con-

similar salts, we understand that the bases iron, tains, weight for weight, a larger amount of
copper, etc., have neutralised the acidity of sul- colouring matter. Its colouring principle is

phuric, nitric, and other acids. Besides mineral easily soluble in hot water, and may be con-
bases, there are others of purely vegetable centrated to a strength of 20° or 30° Twaddle;
origin, and some derived from the animal king- during boiling the berries give off a peculiar
dom. They are all distinguished by neutralising sweetish odour; the "berry liquor," if long
or depriving acids of their acid characters. kept, deposits a pale yellow starchy-looking
BASIC SALT. —A salt containing more than sediment, which appears to be nearly pure
the usual quantity of base, as basic acetate of colouring matter. With alumina and tin mor-
lead. dants berries yield a very pure and agreeable
BASSORA. — The name of a kind of gum, yellow, which, however, is deficient in stability,
which is like tragacanth it swells up in water
; not resisting well either soap or exposure to
and forms a kind of paste, but does not really air; on this account, and because quercitron
dissolve. It contains a principle called bassorine, bark, fustic, and chrome oranges and yellows,
which exists also in tragacanth and salep. It are cheap and manageable, Persian berries are
seems probable that a good deal of this kind of hardly ever used in piece dyeing, their applica-
gum comes mixed with Senegal and Barbary tion being confined almost exclusively to print-
gum, from which it cannot be easily distin- ing. In woollen or calico printing the berry
guished. It is not a good gum for calico print- liquor is scarcely ever used for producing a

ing, because it does not wash off well, and leaves yellow, though with crystals of tin a good yel-
a harshness upon the cloth. low can be* obtained.. The chief consumption of
BEAR-BERRY (arbutus uva ur$i).—A sub- berries is as the yellow part for greens ; it yields
stance employed in dyeing black. brighter and livelier greens than either black
BEAUME'.— This is the name of the hydro- liquor or fustic. It is used also for olives and
meter which most generally in use on the
is in chocolates > added to cochineal red in small
continent, and fulfils the same purposes that quantity, it brightens the colour, turning it to-

Twaddle's hydrometer does in England. The wards the orange or Scarlet; it seams to be used
degrees of the two instruments do not corre- by the French as a sightening for alumina mor-
dants, but I it so employed in
have never seen olive ; and with alumina mordants would give
Lancashire. Persian berries have been slightly- inferior yellows.
used in garancine dyeing to produce an orange BISMUTH.— Bismuth is a metal somewhat
upon an acetate of tin mordant. The yellow lake resembling lead. In a patent granted to Emile
extensively used by artists and in paper hang- Kopp, July 10th, 1855, a claim is made, amongst
ings, called " stil de grain" and manufactured in others, for the use of aceto-nitrate of bismuth as
Holland, made by preparing a decoction of a mordant for garancine. Prior to this date I

it by white
berries in alum, and precipitating had tried various salts of bismuth as mordants,
and pure chalk. In preparing berry liquor for but without obtaining any good result. The
yellows upon silk or wool it is desirable not to specification claims the production of bright
boil too long, nor to exhaust the berry; the crimson shades by means of the aceto-nitrate of
colouring matter which dissolves first is purest, bismuth mordant, and dark crimson and purple
and should be taken off for yellows ; the liquor crimson shades when it is used in combination
obtained from the second and third boilings with a nitric solution of arseniate of iron. By
answers very well for greens, olives, and choco- following the directions given I did not succeed
lates. The pure colouring matter of berries is in obtaining anything commercially valuable,
called rhamnine, but Kane distinguishes two and when I had an opportunity of seeing the
colouring matters, which he calls respectively results obtained by the patentee I found them
chrysorhamnine and xantlwrhamnine. no better than those I had produced although :

BICHROME, Chrome.— An abbreviation

or highly ingenious, and somewhat novel, as the

of bichromate of potash. (See Chromate op combinations were, for practical purposes they
Potash.) are of but little value.
BILE, Ox- Gall, Gall, Biliary Fluid.— The BIXA ORELANNA.— The botanical name
under the name of gall,
biliary fluid of oxen, of the plant from which anotta is obtained.
has been employed from the earliest times as a From the first part of the name comes the word
suitable material for cleaning coloured fabrics. bixine, the name of the supposed red colouring
Looking at its chemical constitution, which is matter ; and from the second part is derived orel-
nearly the same as soap, we are not at a loss to line, the name of the yellow-coloured principle

explain what its properties are owing to. It of anotta.

actually operates as a very mild kind of soap, BIXINE.— Name given to the supposed pure
dissolving and oily matters without
grease colouring matter of anotta : also the name given
injuring even the most delicate shades of colour. to an improved preparation of the seeds of the
It can be dried and preserved for an indefinite bixa orellanna, by which a much more powerful
length of time, and dissolved in water as re- colouring matter is produced, devoid of the re-
quired. The uses which ox-gall receives in the pulsive animal smell of the crude product, and
fine arts may possibly be extended to dyeing giving equally good or better shades of colour.
and printing; they are certainly deserving the A sample of the commercial bixine I examined
attention of the experimentalist. Some beauti- was about three times as powerful as average
ful,but evanescent, shades of colour are pro- qualities of anotta.
duced by the action of sulphuric acid and sugar BLACK. — This is probably the most im-
upon ox-gall. portant of all dyed colours, whether viewed with
Cow dung contains, besides the colouring regard to the universal use of it, or the peculiar
matter of the very frequently the biliary
bile, difficulties attending its production. In a philo-
fluid itself. Some attempts were made to show sophical point of view black not a colour. Itis

that it had something to do with animalising is the absence of colour, or the extinction or

mordants, but that theory has been relinquished. absorption of all the coloured rays of light,
According to an anonymous writer in the which produces black. There is no purely black
Bulletin of Mulhouse, ox-gall has a slight dete- body such a body would be perfectly invisible,

riorating effect when mixed with the water used since it would neither emit nor reflect any rays
in madder dyeing. of light by which it could be seen. The best
BIRCH.— The bark of the birch, or the blacks have always some shade of colour discer-
birch broom, has been employed in dyeing, but nible to the practised eye ; hence we distinguish
principally by the peasantry. I have no exact jet blacks, brown blacks, blue blacks, purplish
information upon the nature of the colouring blacks, red blacks, etc. it is these shades which

matter, but probable that these substances

it is make black Black results from a mix-
were valued on account of a small amount of ture of all the elementary colours; thus the
astringent or tannic matter, which, with cop- artist by mixing red, blue, and yellow pigments
peras, would strike shades of drab, grey, or produces the neutral shades, which when weak
give grey, and when concentrated give black: in logwood, to which as much white soap has
the same mixture, when made so as to reflect been added as will make a lather no copperas ;

light well, produces not black but white. The must be added.
famous family of the Gobelins, whose success —
Black on Blue Ground. Dye a Prussian blue,
in dyeing was imputed to supernatural assist- mordant in iron, raise in logwood with copperas
ance, produced their best blacks by a mixture at the end.

of the elementary colours red, blue, and yellow. Deep Hat Black. —Work five pounds of silk in
The cloth was dyed red with madder, then dipped a decoction of
in the indigo vat for blue, and lastly finished in 2 lbs. fustic chips,
weld to give the yellow shade the whole pro-
; lib. quercitron bark ; lift, and add
ducing a very perfect and durable but expensive 6 oz. verdigris,
black. The earliest blacks we have account of 6 oz. copperas ; work for fifteen minutes, and
in England were the so-called " mathered blacks," leave overhead all night; wash and dye in a
being a madder red dyed upon a dip blue ground; decoction of 5 lbs. logwood, with as much white
but this was very expensive, and could only exist soap as will make a lather— (Napier).
by legal enactments, which forbade the use of Union Velvets—& mixed fabric in which the
logwood in dyeing black. This law was either pile is silk and the back cotton; they are ex-
repealed or neglected towards the end of the last tensively dyed in the neighbourhood of Man-
century, since which period the chief ingredients chester by one or other of the above processes.
in black are galls, sumac, logwood, and salts of The cotton back is a very light colour compared
iron. I will first give the methods of obtaining with the silk face, showing the different affinities
blacks in silk by dyeing and printing; then of the two materials no single process at pre- ;

blacks on woollen and mixed fabrics; and lastly, sent known will enable the cotton to take the
blacks by dyeing and printing on cotton goods. same shade as the silk.

Black Dye on /Silk. The common cheap silks Blacks on Silk with Galls.— The silk having
are dyed with logwood and fustic for colour- been scoured is steeped in a decoction of galls
ing matters, and some iron salt as mordant the made from bruised galls by boiling; for 2 lbs. of

better class of silks are dyed with galls; the silk 1 lb. of galls is taken, after twenty-four hours
use or non-use of galls in dyeing black on silk the silk is rinced in water and dipped and worked
divides the colours into two classes. The log- in solution of copperas, afterwards it is worked
wood blacks are all distinguished by turning in warm decoction of logwood, then again in the
immediately a bright red when a drop of spirits iron, washed out, and if the shade is not deep
of salts is put in contact with them; the galled enough, the same process repeated as often as
blacks, even when topped with logwood, do not necessary. This is essentially the old process
give a red immediately, and then it is of a dull by which silk was dyed, and it is the existing
purplish colour. process, except that galls are replaced by other
Blacks on Silk without Galls. — The silk pro- cheaper astringent matters. la France, chestnut
perly scoured is worked for a greater or less time wood and bark is extensively used in black dye-
in some iron salt. I believe the common nitrate ing. An infusion of the wood and bark is pre-
of iron is as good as any of the many mordants in pared, the silk is steeped in it for three or four
use, sometimes ordinary green copperas is used, hours, during which time the astringent com-
but that will not yield a deep black a per-sul-
; bines with the silk, and the latter acquires a
phate of iron is also employed, and also a mix- yellow nankeen shade; it is well washed and
ture of sulphate and nitrate the acetate of iron
; steeped in the iron bath which is kept at near
or common calico printers' iron liquor is also in the boil. The iron bath is composed of green
use and answers very well ; each dyer has his copperas or iron liquor with some metallic iron
favourite mordant which he consider the best intended to keep down the acidity and supply iron
for the peculiar shade of black he wants. An to the bath as the silk withdraws it; a certain
hour is generally sufficient in the iron, the quantity of gum is dissolved in this bath, also
goods washed well in cold water to remove the with the intention of making it somewhat
unattached iron, and then worked in the logwood mucilaginous, so that the black particles of tan-
at a very moderate heat. To obtain a jet or nate of iron may be held suspended in the
brownish black there should be about one pound liquor : a little sulphate of copper is also added

of fustic for every five pounds of logwood. It by some dyers. The silk as it comes out of the
is customary to add a little copperas to the dye bath is reddish, but speedily goes black on ex-
vat to raise the colour just before finishing, the posure to the air. It requires four or six treat-
goods being previously lifted. ments to obtain a good black (Dumas). The —

Blue Black. Mordant in nitrate of iron, raise Lyons dyers are stated to find an economy of 50

per cent by using chesnut extract instead of Gall Black for Silk.
galls,and to obtain better results. \\ gallon logwood liquor at 5£°
The Genoese dyers were formerly celebrated 5oz. powdered gall nuts; boil until reduced to
for the goodness and fastness of the black colours
they produced. They used immense dye vats, 1 gallon mixed logwood and gall liquor,
which were never emptied, composed of water, l^lbs. starch; boil, and when cool add
vinegar, sour beer or cider, oatmeal, alder bark, l^oz. alum,
sumac, oak bark, gall nuts, and metallic iron, 5 oz. sulphate of copper,
along with various other substances, the use or l^oz. sulphate of iron,
application of which modern chemistry does not 3|oz. nitrate of iron at 80°,
explain. Bancroft examined a sample of Grenoa 4oz. melted suet or lard.
black velvet, and found no blue basis as was Other receipts only vary in quantities or by
supposed. These black vats, or tonnes au noir, additions of a little oxalic or tartaric acids ; it is

were being continually replenished, and the not necessary to multiply examples.
sediment occasionally cleared out, Black upon Wool by dyeing. — For the best
By galling, silk increases in weight, so that quality of woollen goods the process consists in,
by repeating several times the steeping in galls first,giving a dark blue by means of the indigo
a very considerable increase of weight can be vat, and then, after the cloth has been well
communicated to silk, so much so, that it has washed, it is passed for an hour in a boiling
become a species of falsification, and not only is decoction of sumac and logwood, using about
the twenty-five per cent of gum which silk 41bs. of sumac to 1 lb. logwood the strength of

naturally loses in scouring made up, but some- the decoction depends upon the weight of the
times another twenty-five per cent in weight or cloth. At the expiration of an hour the cloth is
more is added to it. The deposition of so much lifted, and aired both to cool it and let the oxygen

foreign matter in the fibre of the silk injures its of the air act upon it ; in the meantime green
wearing qualities. copperas is added to the dye vat, about one
The use
of logwood in conjunction with galls pound to three yards of cloth ; the vat is cooled
iscondemned, for though it gives a fuller and down hand can be held in, and the
until the
more blooming colour it speedily becomes brown cloth entered again and worked for an hour, the
by wear. heat being kept just below the scald. These
According to Dumas, the practice of giving a operations are repeated three times, or until the
dip blue bottom to black is nearly abandoned. cloth is saturated; it is then well washed and

Prussian blue is sometimes used but logwood ; finished. Blacks so dyed are very stable, and
and copperas, with some sulphate of copper, are said to have, a very characteristic greenish
are chiefly employed to give a blue shade to hue, communicated by the blue bottom and the
blacks. yellow of the sumac. This plan of dyeing is

Black for Printing on Silk. These colours are too expensive for the lower qualities of woollen
comparatively simple, being derived essentially cloth, which are dyed as follows: — For about
from logwood or galls as colouring matter, and 70 lbs. of woollen cloth
some salt of iron as mordant. The other ingre- 141bs. of logwood,
dients assist to develop or modify the shade. 41bs. galls in powder,
Black for Silk. —Blotch. 2 lbs. fustic;
1 gallon logwood liquor at 7° Tw. Boiled together for half an hour, the vat cooled
10 oz. acetate of copper at 40° Tw. down, the cloth entered and moved about for
16 oz. red liquor at 18° which time the vat is brought
four hours, during
18 oz. starch; boil, and when cold, add as near the boil as possible. The cloth is then
7 oz. nitrate of iron at 80°. liftedand aired; 4 lbs. green copperas are dis-
For blocking, size or Carragheen moss is a solved in the hot liquor, which is cooled down,
suitable thickening. and the piece entered again for an hour this ;

Black for /Silk.—Boiler or Block. —(Pexsoz.) process is repeated until a satisfactory colour is

1 gallon logwood liquor at 14°, obtained. A variation of the above consists in

lOoz. starch, adding sulphate of copper or blue copperas along
A lib. 10 oz. British gum; boil, and with the green copperas; it produces a more lus
when cool add trous black, which is, however, easily faded on
10 oz. crystals of nitrate copper, exposure to air and light ; acetate of copper or
8 oz. proto-per nitrate of iron. verdigris answers the same purpose, and is open
This colour should age some time before to the same objection. In other processes no
steaming. gall nuts are used, but sumac instead.
Geneva Black,— M. Dumas, in detailing this " woaded " cloth that I have tested do not indi-
process, says that this black is very fine, does cate any blue basis, it must be presumed the term
not injure the wool, possesses a brilliancy which "woaded" has received some new and conven-
no other has, and can have a lively blue tint. tionalmeaning. Genuine woaded black does not
For a piece of cloth of about 40 yards, weigh- turn red when a drop of muriatic acid touches
ing 70 lbs.— it; after a time it becomes purplish, because
6 lbs. green copperas, more or less logwood is always used: a common
6 lbs. tartar, logwood black acquires a bright red colour in-
lib. sulphate copper, stantaneously by contact with a drop of acid.
2 lbs. fustic, Black for Printing on Woollen Goods. Log- —
2 lbs. logwood. wood is the basis of all black colours for printing

These materials are boiled a short time, and on wool, iron is the chief fixing agent, nitrate
the cloth entered and worked at the boil for of copper is the oxidising agent, alumina is cm-
three hours, then washed; afterwards entered ployed to modify the shade, extracts of other
into a fresh vat, in which 11 lbs. of logwood dyewoods are added occasionally, with a view to
have been boiled, and boiled for an hour taken ; increase the intensity of the black, or give it

out, and again entered in the same vat for half a shade favourable to the contiguous colours.
an hour, and finished. It is impossible to see Here is a selection of receipts, with remarks :—
anything either in the materials or management Black for all Wool.— Block.
which would make this black superior to the 8 lbs. calcined farina,
others. Tartar may be useful in preventing the 4J quarts logwood liquor at 20°,
wool becoming harsh, and it may modify the 12 quarts water,
colour; but it is not likely to assist the fixing of 1 pint sapan liquor at 20°,
the iron, nor contribute to the general stability 4 quarts red liquor at 10°,
of the colour. 3 lbs. crystals nitrate of copper,
Napier gives the following for 10 lbs. of wool- 2 quarts nitrate of iron at 80°,
len cloth:work for one hour in a bath, with 8oz. 1 quart acetate of iron at 14°.
bichromate potash, 6oz. alum, 4oz. fustic; wash By altering the thickening this colour would
well, and then work for one hour in another serve for roller ; instead of 8 lbs. calcined farina,
bath, with 41b. logwood, 4oz. barwood, 4oz. 6 lbs. starch should be taken ; the three last in-
fustic; and add 4oz. solution of copperas,
lift, gredients to be added only when the colour is

work half an hour in this, wash and dry. cold.

Richardson's patented process, May 16th, 1855, Blotch Black for all Wool.
consists in boiling the woollen cloth in a mixture 4J quarts logwood liquor at 6°,
of bichromate of potash, tartar and sulphuric 4| quarts peachwood liquor at 6°,
acid for an hour, this forming the mordant; then 18 oz. starch'; boil, and whilst warm add
entering it in a vessel containing chiefly log- 6 oz. sulphate of copper,
wood, with a little camwood, fustic, sulphate of 4 oz. sulphate of iron,
indigo, and sulphuric acid. The use of bichro- 6 oz. pasty extract of indigo ; and when cold add
mate of potash in woollen dyeing has become 12 oz. nitrate of iron at 80°.
very general within a few years, though its ac- This is also a block colour, and would be found
tion is not clearly understood. Grumel's patent, too thin for machine.
April 8th, 1859, is for a black obtained by means Black for Merinoes, all Wool.
of chromates and logwood. 6J quarts logwood liquor at 9°,
Another receipt from Napier, gives 8oz. cam- 2 quarts blue archil at 10°,
wood, work in twenty minutes, lift and add 8 oz. 36 oz. starch,
sulphate of iron, leave the goods in all night | pint gall liquor at 19° ; boil, and add
wash out and raise in a bath containing 5 lbs. 2 oz. copperas,
logwood and one pint chamber lye for an hour, 2 oz. sulphate of copper,
lift and add 4oz. copperas, work in this half an 12 oz. pasty sulp. of indigo; and when cold
hour longer ; wash and dry. 15 oz. nitrate of iron at 80°.
Black dyed broad cloth is nearly all sold as A variety of blacks can be made by modification
"woaded," an expression which originally indi- of the above receipts ; the addition of ammo-
cated that the black had a fast blue basis derived niacal cochineal is recommended in some, oxalic
from woad, a variety of iudigo afterwards the
; acid in small quantities is prescribed in others,
indigo vat foundation, having precisely the same some contain alum. I translate some receipts
value as woad for practical purposes, was substi- from Persoz, Dumas, and Thillaye. In French
tuted; but, as the majority of the samples of receipts it will be noticed that the logwood and
other liquors are at a strength never seen in consists in steeping in sumac for twelve hours,
England but as water frequently enters into the
; then working through lime water, and exposing
receipt, a compensation can be made by leaving to the air until the light green colour at first
out the whole 01 part of the water, to suit the produced passes to a dull heavy shade; the
strength of liquor obtainable. goods are then passed through solution of green
Black for Objects. — Wool or Mixed Silk and copperas, and exposed to the air until they ap-
Wool. pear black while in the wet state if dried, they ;

1 gallon boiling water, would be found to be only grey or slate colour.

\ gallon peachwood liquor at 22°, To fill up the colour the goods are passed into
1 gallon logwood liquor at 48°; add gradually the logwood bath (some authorities say it is
\ gallon water, in which has been dissolved advisable to pass them through lime water first)
f lb. bichromate of potash ; thicken with for a sufficient time; lifted, some copperas added
3£ lbs. starch, and the goods raised in it for light goods this

4 lbs. gum substitute; and while hot add suffices to produce a black, heavier goods require
l^lbs. sal ammoniac, a repetition of the processes . A rapid continuous
2jlbs. acetate of cop. when cooled a little add
; method of dyeing black on light goods is prac-
l|lbs. oxalic acid; then mix very well with tised in Lancashire the goods are passed through

\ pint turpentine and when quite cold add

; a decoction of catechu, then immediately into a
3| lbs. nitrate of iron at 90°, solution of bichromate of potash, next into decoc-

3J lbs. refined extract of indigo. tion of logwood, then into green copperas, and
The use of bichromate of potash will be found lastly through a decoction of some red wood, as
to present great difficulties in practice very few; camwood or Brazil wood. The order of these
colour mixers can manage to obtain a workable liquids may be changed within certain limits.
colour by this receipt. A simpler method of dyeing by means of bichro-
Black for Blotch and Objects. —All Wool. mates is also given, which consists in steeping
1 gallon logwood liquor at 5°, the goods in logwood, exposing them to the air
1 lb. starch; boil, and when cold add and drying, then passing them into bichromate
1 lb. nitrate of iron at 80°, of potash neutralised by crystals of soda, by
4 oz. nitrate of copper at 80°, which the logwood is "struck" of an intense
Pint of gall liquor at 5°. black andnxed. Velveteens are dyed black by
Another. reiterated passages in logwood and green cop-
1 gallon logwood liquor at peras until a dark brown is produced, then passed
1 quart gall liquor 8°, in sumac and sulphate of copper, with sometimes
1 pint archil liquor, addition of peachwood or Brazil wood. Fustic
ljlbs. starch ; and add while warm
boil, is an ingredient in all dyes where a brownish or

10 oz. extract of indigo when cold add

; jet black is desired.

30 oz. nitrate of iron, which has been, neu- Black is one of the most difficult colours to
tralised by addition of acetate of lead. dye, and no one but a practical man understands
Black upon Cotton by Dyeing. The old fast — the difficulties of obtaining regular and good
black upon cotton was obtained by giving a blue results, especially when first-class colours are
ground with indigo, then galling and working in aimed at. It is useless to give weights and
sulphate of iron, sometimes with addition of log- quantities when these are really only inferior
wood; alder bark, and other similar substances elements of success; a slight change in the
were also employed; and the geods usually quality of the sumac, something different in the
finished in an emulsion of oil, to take off the "ageing" or " mastering" of the logwood, some
harshness which iron mordants so generally and pres-
slight modification in the temperature

communicate. Later on, what was called the sure of the " which the liquors are
stills " in
Manchester black, was obtained by first steeping made, and other causes not more conspicuous,
in galls or sumac, then working in the copperas have frequently in my experience put a works
vat, and afterwards in logwood containing some almost to a standstill. And when I have been
verdigris, and repeating these operations until called in for advice, it has been evident that
the desired shade was obtained. Galls are how chemistry could only give conjectures as to what
scarcely ever used; sumao, which is cheaper, was wrong. These failures in producing satis-
being employed in substitution; and the pro- factory colours would not be apparent to an
cesses, though almost infinite in details, consist unpractised eye the defects would only consist

essentially of steeping in sumac, then working in those hues and reflections of shade being
in an iron bath, and afterwards raising in log- wanting which were most esteemed and usually
wood. One method said to give good results, produced. Though it is exceedingly difficult in
most cases to trace the actual cause of inferior The following black contains a large quantity
results, there have been in my practice very of fatty matter ; this is added for the purpose of
evident occasions in which a most trivial and enabling it to temporarily resist the penetration of
apparently unimportant cause has produced very chemical agents which would injure or destroy
embarrassing effects the closest attention on the
; it, but which are necessary to the development
part of a foreman or most essential
manager is of some other colours printed along with it for ;

in order that these things may be avoided, or if example, used in conjunction with fast blue
it is

they occur that their cause may be discovered. to be raised in soda; it is used on Turkey reds
Black on Cotton by Printing. — The oldest black which have to pass through strong solution of
applied topically on cotton goods, was that called chloride of lime to produce a white, etc. The
"chemical black," made from gall liquor and black is for a time waterproof. The prussiate
nitrate of iron. I have a receipt for chemical may be left out at discretion, but it is used for
black dated 1804, with a patch annexed; the giving a blue black.
colour has considerably faded, but not so much Soda Black or Spermaceti Black.
as a logwood black would have done. The receipt 2% gallons logwood liquor at 12°,
runs as follows:— 1 gallon red liquor at 16°,
Chemical Black, 1804. 1 „ acetic acid at 8°,
28 lbs. gall nuts, 8 oz. yellow prussiate,
16 galls, tar acid (pyroligneous acid), boil for 4 lbs. starch if for blocking; 6 lbs. if for ma-
six hours and strain the clear liquor, make up chine ; boil well and add a warm mix-
to 16 galls, and thicken with 26 lbs. of good flour, ture of
add 14 gills aquafortis killed with iron nails (ni- l^lbs. spermaceti,
trate of iron), " then boil it well and get it out, or 10 oz. gallipolli oil,
else it will go thin, cool it and it is fit for work." 10 oz. turpentine ; and when cold, add
Other receipts are very similar, but generally 1 quart nitrate of iron.
pure water is used to make the gall liquor, some- Black colours for delaines are similar to those
times vinegar is prescribed; the nitrate of iron for wool logwood and nitrate of iron being the

isusually added after the gall liquor has been chief ingredients, with sulphate of indigo for a
boiled with the thickening, and that is undoubt- blue material, and red woods for browning the
edly the preferable way. This black withstands shade. Receipts for black on delaine frequently
a good deal of rough treatment in the way of assume an extreme degree of complexity, and at
dunging, dipping, and dyeing afterwards, and other times are nothing but logwood and nitrate
was much used in styles that had to be dipped of iron. Out of a great number of receipts, I
and dyed after printing, as indigo blues, madder give two as illustrations.
reds, weld yellows, etc. Black for Delaines.
All the modern steam blacks on cotton may 3 gallons logwood liquor at 12°,
be reduced to logwood liquor, thickening matter 3 lbs. starch; boil well, and when cooled to
and a salt of iron other wood extracts and drugs
; 90° F. add
may fulfill useful purposes with regard to the 1 quart nitrate of iron at 84°.
shade of black, contiguous colours, facility of Another.
printing, washing but the only essen-
off, etc.; 1 gallon logwood liquor at 8°,
tials are the three materials mentioned. 1 pint wood acid at 7°,
Steam Black for Calico. 1^ pints of bark liquor at 10°,
1 gallon logwood liquor at 6°, 1\ oz. extract of indigo,
l^lbs. starch boil, and while hot add
\ oz. bichromate of potash,
5 oz. green copperas, stir well and when nearly 2 lbs. flour,
cold add 8oz. British gum; boil, and when nearly cool
2 oz. olive or gallipolli oil, add
10 oz. nitrate of iron, well saturated with iron, 4 oz. sal ammoniac,
or neutralised by addition of one-third its weight \ pint of muriate oi iron at 80°,
of acetate of lead.
\ pint of nitrate of iron at 80°.
Another Black. For madder black, see Madder.
3 gallons logwood liquor at 12°, Recapitulation. — Blacks may be divided into
1 gallon red liquor „ 16°, the following classes :

1 „ iron liquor „ 28°, 1 . Compound Blacks, produced by mixture of

1 „ acetic acid „ 8°, separate elementary colours, or the extreme
1\ lbs. flour, condensation of one or two colours. This in-
3 lbs. British gum; boil for half an hour. cludes the ancient Gobelin black, the old English

"mathered blacks," and the blacks of all kinds posure to the air it was a very slow process.

dyed on a blue basis. They are generally very Towards the end of the last century, a French
fast and permanent colours, but for no other chemist, Berthollet, discovered that the gas
reason than that the separate colours from which called chlorine, then
but recently dis-

they are produced are each the fastest and best covered, was capable of destroying vegetable
of their kind. Indigo, madder, and weld give colouring matter without injuring vegetable
respectively the fastest blues, reds, and yellows, fibre, and in a short time it was practically ap-

their combination gives, consequently, the fastest plied. The present process of bleaching calico
black so madder and indigo without weld give
; consists in, first, removing from it all greasy
an extremely permanent brownish black; and matters, dust, etc., which it has acquired in
all goods dyed black with an indigo ground and transit or manufacture, and then submitting it
gall and logwood top are fast in proportion to to the bleaching action of chlorine combined
the depth of that blue ground. Prussian blue is with lime. Cotton being so nearly white in
sometimes used as a basis for black, and peach- itself requires but little chlorine to bleach it.

wood and Brazil wood for the red part these are
; The most important steps in the bleaching pro-
true compound blacks, but as the elements have cess are those which are undertaken to remove
no great stability, so the compound colour itself the greasy substances and mechanically adher-
is not a permanent one. ing dirt not actually belonging to cotton in its

2. Astringent Blades, derived from gall nuts, natural state.

sumac, chesnut wood, and similar bodies. These Bleaching for Madder Dyeing. The method —
blacks owe their colour to the formation of a now generally used for the best bleaching for
dark coloured compound produced by the combi- madder and garancine dyeing consists of the
nation of tannic or some similar acid with oxide following operations :

of iron. They are very stable, resisting ex- 1. Singeing, followed by " rot steep " or " wet-
tremely well ordinary wear and exposure; but ting out steep."
on account of the low covering power of this 2. Liming —
boiling with milk of lime and
tannate of iron, and the consequent necessity of water from twelve to sixteen hours.
the accumulation of large masses of it upon 3. Washing out the lime and passing in
fibrous material in order to produce a good muriatic acid sours, or weak vitriol.
black, it is rarely used except in combination 4. Bowking in soda ash and prepared resin,
with logwood. ten to sixteen hours.
3. Logivood Blacks. —
The black pigment, pro- 5. Washing out of the bowk.
duced by combination of the colouring matter of 6. Passing through solution of chloride of
logwood and oxide of iron, has great depth and lime.
lustre. It fades, however, very rapidly upon 7. Passingthrough weak sours chiefly muriatic
exposure to light and air, going brown and rusty, acid.
and if there be not some more permanent black 8. Washing, squeezing, and drying.
in combination with it, or a fast blue basis, cloth The singeing is not a part of the bleaching
dyed with such a black is speedily injured. The properly considered, it is merely to remove the
comparative cheapness of logwood continually loosely adhering filaments and so improve the
incites the black dyers to use too much of it in cloth in appearance and for printing.
proportion to galls and sumac. The " rot steep " (so called because the flour
4. Cliromate Blacks. — Neutral chromate of pot- or size with which the goods were impregnated
ash gives a deep black precipitate with logwood were formerly allowed to enter into fermenta-
liquor, and several methods have been devised tion and putrefaction) is intended to thoroughly
of forming the black compound on cloth; but it wet the cloth this takes some time on account

does not appear that this combination of colour- of its throwing off water in places owing to
ing matter and oxide of chromium possesses any greasy matters in it; if the cloth be not tho-
greater stability or powers of resisting atmos- roughly moistened there is risk of irregularity
pheric influences than the corresponding iron in the after processes, and attention must be
compounds. paid to this point.
BLEACHING. — The word "bleach" is The liming takes place in large kiers or kettles
derived from a French word, which means " to capable of holding from 500 to 1,500 pieces of
whiten," and the rough meaning of bleaching is cloth; the lime is very carefully slacked some
therefore whitening, in the sense of taking away days previous to being used, and brought to a
the substances which colour the material being smooth milk of lime, being sieved so that no
bleached. The old method of bleaching consisted small lumps of quick lime should get into tha
in washing with water, soap, and soda, and ex- kier it is equally distributed upon the cloth as
it is pressed overhead
enters the kiers, the cloth Bleaching for dyeing self colours need not be
in the liquor, and the boiling commenced and pushed to the extent of bleaching for madder
continued for a period of from twelve to sixteen work, and where the colours to be dyed are dark
hours. At the end of that time the lime liquor shades, such as blue, black, or brown, it is not
is run off and clear water run in to cool the necessary to have the cloth white; all that is
pieces, which are then taken out and washed. required is to cleanse it well from foreign
The liming is usually performed at a low pres- matters which would tend to make the dye
sure but a patent process where a pressure of
; uneven or irregular.
40 lbs. or more is used seems to answer very On the other hand, goods sent into the market
well and to save time. The apparent utility of as white goods must be of a pure colour, and
liming consists in its acting upon the greasy there is no necessity for that searching treat-
matters, forming a kind of insoluble soap with ment to which madder goods are subjected; the
them which is easily taken out by the subse- shortest and least expensive means of making
quent processes. them white are adopted if, however, the goods

The souring after liming removes all excess are not " well bottomed," they will not remain
of lime and breaks up the insoluble lime soap white long when brought into domestic use.
referred to in the previous paragraph, still leaves The proportions and strengths of the substances
the grease upon the cloth, but in such an altered used in bleaching are not of much value, since
state as tobe easily dissolved in the bowking circumstances must influence them very con-
which follows. Muriatic acid sours are some- siderably; however, as a kind of guide, I may

times used in this souring; but it is my opinion give the proportions used in one or two cases
that common vitriol sours may be safely used, coming under my observation. For 14,000 yards
for any sulphate of lime which might remain in of nine-eighth printing cloth 66 reed, there was
the cloth would be converted into carbonate by used 250 lbs. of quick lime in the liming ; the
the soda ash. same quantity required 110 lbs. muriatic acid
The bowking or boiling with alkali and soap for the first souring. The bowking was done
has for its object the removal of the greasy with 140 lbs. of soda ash at 48 per cent alkali
matters ; it dissolves them, and all the dirt held and 80 lbs. of prepared resin (see Resin). The
by them now comes out of the cloth leaving the last souring was vitriol sours at 3°; the quantity
cotton nearly pure. The kind of alkali used is of bleaching powder used was not ascertained,
soda ash, the soap is made from resin and called but the solution stood at 1° Tw. French A
prepared resin. The boiling in this case need not process communicated by a friend gives only
last so long as the liming, but depends in great 150 lbs. of lime to 66,000 yards of calico weigh-
measure upon the size of the kier and the number ing about 13,000 lbs., the liming lasted eighteen
of pieces. hours; 400 to 500 lbs. muriatic acid was used
The last process of passing through clear solu- in the souring, and the bowking was continued
tion of bleaching powder is to destroy the slight for the long space of thirty-six hours.
tinge of colour of a buff or cream shade still . On the continent, caustic soda is frequently
adhering to the cotton; the bleaching powder used in bowking, perhaps generally; it requires
solution is very weak, so that probably a piece much care to prevent damage to the fibre:
of calico of the ordinary size does not take up sometimes the sours are used warm.
more than the soluble matter from a quarter of Linen is not so easily bleached as cotton, and
an ounce of bleaching powder. The goods are it appears to suffer considerably by boiling with
allowed to rest some time with the chloride of lime, and by contact with chloride of lime; it
lime in them, and then passed through sours for is mainly bleached by continual boilings with
the final operation. The acid has the effect of alkali and a few sourings, with a chloride of
setting the chlorine free from the bleaching lime treatment ; or, as lime appears injurious,
powder and completing the destruction of the the chloride of potash or soda is frequently
colour at the same time it removes the lime and
; used instead.
acts upon any traces of iron that may be on the Bleaching of Woollen. — Woollen goods are
cloth. I think there is no doubt that muriatic bleached by treating with very mild alkaline
acid makes the best sour for the last souring, liquors, which remove the fatty matters; putre-
both because obviates the danger of the spar-
it fied urine and soap, with crystals of soda, being
ingly soluble sulphate of lime being fixed in the the only substances usually employed. Sul-
fibre and giving bad whites in dyeing, and also phurous acid, or vapours of burning sulphur,
because it leaves the goods softer and more are used to finish wool, giving it whiteness and
effectually removes any iron rust that may be The following is one of the processes
on the cloth. given by Persoz, as followed in France for
bleaching woollen for printing. It is for 40 good for a considerable period in a damp place

pieces, each 50 yards long : it absorbs moisture, becomes pasty, gives off
1. Passed three times through a solution of chlorine gas, and loses strength: it is not en-
25 lbs. carbonate of soda and 7 lbs. of soap, tirely soluble in water, always leaving a sedi-
at a temperature of 100° F. : freshen up ment. The clear solution, when in quantity, has
with § lb. soap every four pieces. a greenish colour; slowly injured by air,
it is

2. Wash twice in warm water. heat, and light, and should consequently be
3. Passed three times through a solution of kept in a cool, shady place, and covered up.
25 lbs. crystals of soda, at a temperature Testing of Bleaching Powder. — The precise
of 120°: freshen up with § lb. crystals for quality and value of a sample of bleaching
every four pieces. powder cannot be ascertained without chemical
4. Sulphured in a room for twelve hours, testing; and as it is a substance liable to great
using 25 lbs. sulphur for the 40 pieces. variations,it is very desirable to have some

5. Passed three times through crystals of soda means of ascertaining its value. The processes
as in No. 3. given in chemical works are quite satisfactory,
6. Sulphured again as in No. 4. but require several apparatuses only found in a
7. Crystals of soda again as in No. 3. laboratory. I give here a process suited to a
8. Washed twice through warm water. colour-shop, which will enable a practical man
9.Sulphured a third time as in No. 4. to tell whether the bleaching powder is below a
10. Washed twice in warm and then in cold certain standard or not. The materials required
water. are fresh crystals of tin, spirits of salts, and a weak
11. Blued with extract of indigo according to solution of extract of indigo, with jugs to mix
taste. them in. Weigh two ounces of fresh crystals of
According as the goods are meant for dark or tin,and mix them with half a pint of water and
blotch styles, or for fancy styles, so the process a glassfull of spirits of salts, and stir till dis-
may be shortened or must be adhered to. solved. Weigh out two ounces of the sample
Bleaching of Delaines. —
This is carried on of bleaching powder and mix it with a half pint
upon precisely the same principles as bleaching of water, crushing all the lumps; when pro-
wool, but does not require so many operations perly mixed pour it slowly into the tin solution,
two passages through soap and soda crystals, stirring very well until it is all added blow off ;

washing in warm
water and repeating the soap- the gas from the top of the liquor, and if it now
ing, then sulphuring by Thorn's patent for smells very strong of chemic, and bleaches some
twenty minutes twice over, is usually sufficient of the extract of indigo liquor dropped in, it is a
for all styles. sign that the sample is not, at least, very bad;

Bleaching of Silk. Nothing but soap and sul- but if it does not smell of chemic, and does not
phur are used in silk bleaching, excepting a bleach the blue extract, it is a sign that it is
slight amount of soda crystals, which helps to weak. Two ounces of a first-rate bl aching
save soap. Alkalies destroy or injure the fibre powder will stand mixing with two ounces and
of silk very much, and must be either avoided a quarter of crystals of tin and still smell strong
or applied with extreme care. Bran is some- of chemic, and bleach extract of indigo liquor.
times used along with soap in order to neutra- Testing of Bleaching Liquors in the course of
lise any excess of alkali which
might contain,
it use. — It is frequently required to know how
and the process terminated by passing in an much strong liquor should be added to a partly
extremely diluted sour, so weak as scarcely to spent solution of chemic to bring it up to proper
be acid to the taste. Sulphuring is not neces- strength again. The method in use in Lanca-
sary when the silk is to be printed or dyed dark shire consists in ascertaining how much of a
colours, and in any case must be cautiously and certain solution of sulphate of indigo a given
sparingly applied. quantity of the liquor can bleach; and as the
BLEACHING POWDER, or Chloride of quantity of the original stock which can bleach
Lime, Chemic; sometimes also Oxygen, Hypochlo- itis known, a tolerably correct idea of how
rite of Lime. — Ordinary bleaching powder is much strong liquor is to be added is arrived at.
made by slacking lime to a fine powder, and Mr. Crum devised a simple practical method,
exposing it to chlorine gas in properly con- depending upon the colour which chloride of
structed chambers; absorbs the chlorine in
it lime communicates to a mixture of muriate of
large quantity, and gives it up again when treated iron and acetic acid. Twelve white glass phials
with acids which seize the lime. Good chloride of equal size are obtained, and a mixture of
of lime dry and dusty, very white, and does
is equal measures of muriate of iron at 40° and
not smell very strong: in a dry place it keeps acetic acid at 8° being prepared, an equal mea-


sure of it is put into each phial ; if the phial be require blocking twice or three times to apply
four and a half inches high, the mixture should sufficient colour to give rich dark shades.
stand only half an inch, that is one-ninth of BLOOD.—-The blood of oxen has been used
the height. There are now prepared twelve Turkey reds. It seems
for a long time in dyeing
Strengths of bleaching liquor, beginning with as if was expected that some of the red colour

the full strength used in bleaching, and going of the blood would be absorbed by the cloth,
down, by regular weakening with water, to the enhancing its shade but there is not the slightest

weakest strength the liquor is likely to be ground for such a belief. If blood be really of
brought to in use, and the bottles are filled any use in the dye, it will be probably owing to
up with these liquors, corked, numbered, and the presence of the serum and fibrine, substances
preserved as standards for comparison. The coagulable under certain conditions, and pos-
colour of the liquor in the bottles is propor- sessing characters somewhat resembling albu-
tioned to the strength of the bleaching liquor, men. In the old hanging stoves of the calico

and by taking a similar phial, putting in the printers, the hangers frequently tore their fingers

same amount of aceto-muriate of iron, and with the hooks, and blood would get on the pieces
filling up with a sample of bleaching liquor of and would dye up in madder of a dull brownish
unknown strength, a shade of colour will be red colour, showing that blood acted as a mor-
produced which must be like one of the twelve dant. In the old receipts for Turkey red about
standards the strength of the liquor examined
; as much ox blood as madder is directed to be
will then be the same as that with which the used, and in some cases the weight of blood
bottle was made up. —
(See Chlorine.) would be double the weight of madder ; there
BLEACHING LIQUOE. This fluid is — can be no doubt that this quantity of blood
essentially thesame as a solution of bleaching would have an influence of some kind, although
powder, though made somewhat differently. In- it is not exactly known in what it consists.
stead of passing chlorine gas over dry slacked A species of albumen called blood albumen is
lime, it is made to traverse cisterns filled with prepared from blood, and answers most of the
a mixture of lime and water. It has pre- purposes of the egg albumen.
cisely the same properties as the solid powder, BLUE COLOURS.— Under this head I bring
although some persons seem to think it pre- together the various processes in use for pro-
ferable. Its value cannot be correctly ascer- ducing blue colours upon silk, wool, and cotton
tained by the hydrometer, because common salt where the explanations of the chemical actions
is frequently mixed with it to make it stand do not seem sufficient, reference must be made
high on the glass. to the drugs used, where their properties are
BLOCK PRINTING.— The difference be- more fully described.
tween block printing and cylinder printing —
Blues upon Silk by Dyeing. The earliest dyed
resides in the fact, that while the block not only blues on silk were from the indigo vat, these
deposits the colour upon the cloth, but to a are probably never produced now they fell at ;

greater or lesser extent forces it in, the cloth in once into disuse upon the discovery of the
cylinder printing has to absorb the colour mainly method of fixing Prussian blue upon silk, which
by capillary attraction, since the wrapping on the was the next blue in chronological order.
bowl does not generally suffice to press the cloth Saxony blue or sulphate of indigo blue was
completely into the engraving of the roller. The within these two
early in use for light shades ;

same colours will not answer indifferently for or three years artificial blue colours prepared
block and roller. Block colours can usually be from aniline or similar bodies have been largely
worked much thinner than machine colours, and used.
it is possible to apply colours by block that it is For dark Prussian blues the silk is mordanted
very difficult to work in a machine, such as con- in a per-salt of iron and a salt of tin. In Eng-
tain insoluble matters like pipe clay, sulphate of land, nitrate of iron is generally used as the iron
lead, etc. For dark shades upon woollen cloth mordant. In France, a species of persulphate
the block has an undoubted advantage over the of iron made by dissolving green copperas in
cylinder, because not only does wool demand nitric acid is used, it is known under the name
much more colouring matter than cotton to pro- of " Raymond's solution." In England, the tin
duce a similar shade, but it does not draw it up salt employed is usually the common crystals of

so quickly ; its fibres are not wetted so soon as tin, but it is found useful to have the tin present

those of cotton, and consequently it does not take as sulphate in order to allow of the tin combining
up the colour from the engraving in sufficient easily withthesilk; forthispurposesulphuricacid
quantity. Dark blues, chocolates, greens, etc., or sulphate of soda must be used in combination
on the finest class of French woollen cloth, with the tin. A method yielding excellent results
consists in taking the quantity of crystals of tin some shades of blue are produced by logwood
to be used, and pouring upon them their own and copper salts.
weight of strong vitriol and stirring up and then Logwood and Extract Blue for Sillc.
dissolving the pasty mass in water this may be ; 1 gallon logwood liquor at 16° Tw.,
considered as a solution of sulphate of tin in 1 gallon red liquor at 16°,
muriatic acid. The nitrate of iron may be mixed 10 lbs. ground gum ; stir till all dissolved,
with this or may be added separately to the dye- and add
ing vessel. The silk is worked in the mixture 10 oz. tartaric acid,
of tin and iron in the cold, and then passed 10 oz. nitrate of copper,
through clear water to remove all loose mor- 1 gallon extract of indigo.

dant. The colour is raised in another vat which This produces a violet blue on account of the
contains yellow prussiate of potash and made red liquor and logwood modifying the extract.
sharply acid by addition of either vitriol or Extract Blue.
spirits of salts ; the silk is worked here until it 1 gallon water, hot,

has taken all the colour it can, then rinced in 3£lbs., more or less, according to strength,
water and put through the same process again, extract of indigo,
even three or four times for the fullest shades. £lb. alum,
A final passage in alum and a little vitriol is 1 lb. tartaric acid,

thought to brighten the shade. It is necessary 6 lbs. gum, or less, according to thickness
to wash the silk rather roughly, or else a quantity required.
of loose uncombined Prussian blue will be dried Prussiate Blue.
up which will make the silk feel
in the fibres, 3 lbs. yellow prussiate potash,
harsh and cause it to be dusty, besides injuring 1 gallon warm water, dissolve, and add
the colour. Washing between the mordant and ljlbs. tartaric acid; cool, and thicken the
prussiate is recommended for obtaining regu- clear liquor with
larity of shade and keeping the lustre and soft- 7 lbs. gum in powder, and add
ness of the silk in its best condition. Some 2 J lbs. bichloride of tin at 80°.
dyers, however, do not think this necessary, and The steam blues given for woollens and delaines
merely drain the goods between the different will be found applicable to silk, but will stand
processes. When a large quantity of tin is bringing down with gum water.
employed, the blue acquires a reddish shade, Blue Colours by Dyeing upon Wool. —Wool is
if the tin is deficient it has a greenish shade. dyed blue: (1)by the indigo vat (2) by sulphate

Some blues are produced from red prussiate of of indigo; (3) by prussiate; (4) by logwood
potash, these require the protonitrate of iron for (5)by the new blue colours azuline, cyanine,
mordant. etc. The first method, which gives the fast and
Light sky blues are obtained by refined ex- permanent but rather dull blues used in the army
tract of indigo, with a little alum and sulphuric and navy, presents no other difficulties than occur
acid. in setting the indigo vats, for which reference
Aniline Blues. — The new blue colouring must be made to Indigo. The yarn or cloth
matters which yield magnificent shades are properly cleansed and wetted out is dipped in
produced by working the silk, without any the vat, left in for not more than an hour, and
mordant, in the colouring matter. Most of then lifted and aired, to be dipped again if deeper
the blues at present in use require raising shades are required. The wool takes up a con-
in warm vitriol sours to take off a reddish hue siderable quantity of indigo, which being a very
which exists on them after dyeing; in some expensive material, has induced many parties
cases the vitriol may be added to the dye, and to try and save by only half dyeing with indigo
the operation completed at once. The best and then finishing or topping with logwood.
Prussian blues cannot compete with the azuline This species of adulteration is detected by put-
blue in softness and brilliancy they are tolera-
; ting a drop of strong acid upon the cloth if ail :

bly stable, and leave nothing to desire but a indigo, no change takes place; if logwood is
reduction in price. present, a violet, purplish, or reddish colour is
Bilberries, elderberries, mulberries, whinber- immediately produced. Indigo blues are also
ries, and privetberries have been used to give topped with archil, which gives them an agree-
blue shades on silk, and are still employed on able bloom, but which fades directly in air and
a small scale. light, and is immediately washed off by soap.
Blues upon Silk by Printing. — The blues ob- The sulphate of indigo blues are of very simple
tained by printing on silk are derived from sul- application ; the extract is mixed or dissolved in
phate of indigo chiefly, dark blues from prussiate, the water, to which is added some alum and some
; ;

aeid, sometimes tartaric acid or cream of tartar, a costly process, but it is difficult otherwise to
and sometimes sulphuric acid occasionally also,
; , obtain regular, even, light shades of blue. I
oxalic acid is used. Only light shades of blue found that by first preparing the wool with stan-
can be thus dyed, and they have a greenish shade nate of soda, very good blues could be obtained
when compared with Prussian or azuline blue. by this process, with much less time than given
Logwood is frequently combined with this kind in the above directions.
of blue, and yields dull greyish blues. Logwood blues are so loose and deceptive as
The prussiate blues upon wool are very good to have been at various times prohibited by law
colours, and when properly done possess a fair they can be made to imitate indigo tolerably
amount of stability there are several methods
; well, and are sometimes sold as indigo blues. I
of producing them, all of which will be included believe a law passed in the twenty-third of
under one or other of the following processes. George III., imposing a fine of £20 per piece
The ordinary method consisted in working the for dyeing blue from logwood and copper salts
wool in nitrate of iron, and then in yellow prus- is still unrepealed ; but, of course, not enforced.
siate of potash, acidified with sulphuric acid The process of obtaining this blue consists in
the shades thus produced are remarkably im- aluming with tartar and alum, and then dyeing
proved by adding a salt of tin to the iron in ; in logwood to which sulphate of copper is added;
fact, nc* really good and dark blues can be ob- or mordanting in alum, tartar and sulphate of
tained without a considerable portion of tin copper, adding logwood and dyeing, finally rais-
being fixed upon the wool. The salt of tin and ing with sulphate of copper. A good many
nitrate of iron are mixed, and the cloth worked blues on woollen consist of this logwood blue
in for half an hour or more, and then taken to dyed on a light indigo blue ground.
the prussiate bath, which is worked hot ; if the —
Aniline Blues. Aniline blues are extremely
shade is not deep enough the process is repeated. simple to work: the colouring matter is pro-
Very fine royal blues are obtained from first perly diffused in water with addition of acid,
working in a mixture of muriate of iron and and the goods worked in until the colour is
muriate of tin, and then in red prussiate of pot- exhausted afterwards they are passed in warm

ash liquor ; repeating the processes until the dilute sulphuric acid to improve the shade.
required depth of shade is obtained. Dumas Blue Colours by Printing on Wool. Sulphate —
recommends in all cases a little red prussiate to of indigo is the chief colouring matter employed

be used with the yellow, added towards the end for printing blues, alum, and acids being used in
it strikes a blue with iron which has been de- combination when it is desired to have the blue

oxydised by the wool, and thus takes off the of a reddish hue, ammoniacal cochineal is added.
greenish shade of blues dyed with yellow prus- For deep royal blues, prussiate of potash in com-
siates only. Another process of obtaining blue bination with acids and tin salts is employed ; for
consists in doing without iron salts altogether, these blues, the cloth should be previously pre-
and resembles almost exactly the prussiate steam pared with some preparation of tin. (See Pre- —
blue for woollen and delaine, and depends upon paration.;
the decomposition of the prussiate itself under the Deep Blue for all Wool.
combined influence of acids, heat, and air. For 2 quarts water,
a piece of thin woollen cloth, seventy yards 6 oz. starch; boil, and while warm incorporate
long, the following materials are employed ac- 12 oz. pasty extract of indigo,
cording to M. Dumas:— 5 oz. alum,
12 oz. yellow prussiate of potash, 2 oz. tartaric acid,
12 oz. sulphuric acid, 3 oz. oxalic acid.
17 oz. alum. Since the quality of extract or sulphate of
The whole dissolved hot in a sufficient quantity indigo extremely variable, it is evident that

of water to turn the piece through in an appa- receipts inwhich it is a chief or important in-
ratus like a "jigger," from twelve to twenty gredient must be of a rather vague character,
gallons; the piece is worked in at a temperature and merely approximative in the quantities
of 100° F. for the first hour, at 140° for the given.
second hour, and raised to the boil during the Ordinary Dark Blue.
third hour; about half way in the last hour the 1 gallon gum water,
piece is lifted in order to add about half an ounce 6 oz- extract of indigo,
of crystals of tin, and then entered again. The 8oz. alum,
piece is then washed, and afterwards turned for 3 oz. oxalic acid,
an hour through a cold mixture of alum, sulphu- | pint cochineal liquor.
ric acid, and crystals of tin. This is evidently Any further receipts for this kind of blue -would

only differ from these two in the thickening Light Blue—Block Delaine.
or the quantities of material used, which are 3 quarts water,
partly influenced by the shade to be produced \ lb. starch,
and partly by caprice. The red part, however, | lbs. tragacanth gum water; boil, and when
may be increased to a considerably higher pro- cold add
portion than given in the receipt above with 1 quart red prussiate liquor at 30°,
advantage for certain shades of colour. 2 oz. tartaric acid,
Dark Eoyal Blue —All Wool, Block. 3 \ oz. bichloride of tin at 100°,
1 gallon water, 1 lb. prussiate of tin pulp.
13 oz. alum, It is hardly necessary to say that these are all
16 oz. oxalic acid, dissolve and thicken to steam colours, and require raising either in bi-
style with, say chrome or chemic before washing off.
7£ lbs. gum ; when cold, add Blue Colours by Dyeing upon Cotton.—The
£lb. bichloride of tin, chief blue upon cotton by dyeing is from indigo
2 J lbs. red prussiate of potash, fixed by the vat the skill in dyeing these colours

13 oz. per-nitrate of iron at 80°. rests principally in the preparation of the solu-
There are many modifications of this receipt, tion of indigo, which each dyer has to make for
but as the steam blues given below for delaine himself. The production of the indigo styles
may be all applied upon wool, it is not necessary forms, therefore, a separate subject which will
to detail them here. be treated under Indigo.
Steam Blues for Delaine, applicable also to Wool* Prussiate colours upon cotton goods are ob-
Dark Blotch Blue. tained by nearly the same process as upon silks
4 lbs. starch, more or less according to require- for dark shades the cloth should be prepared by
ments, steeping in stannate of soda at 14° Tw., wringing
3| gallons water, out and passing in vitriol sours at 4° Tw.; this
1£ gallon red prussiate liquor at 30°, gives a good basis of tin and shortens the time
3 pints tragacanth gum water mix, ; boil, and of dyeing considerably. Next the cloth is worked
while hot add in nitrate of iron of a strength proportioned to

1J gallon prussiate of tin (tin pulp), the shade required, about thirty minutes will
4 lbs. tartaric acid, suffice to fix iron enough for a medium shade
6 oz. oxalic acid ; and when cold add the clear the goods are rinced and the colour raised in
liquor from yellow prussiate, sharpened with vitriol or spirits
8 lbs. prussiate of potash, of salts if the shade is not deep enough, the pro-

8 lbs. tartaric acid, cess must be repeated (but not the preparation),

2^ gallons hot water. and crystals or muriate of tin may be mixed with
Another. the nitrate of iron bath.For sky blues no tin
1 gallon water, is but for deep blues it is necessary
required ;

2 lbs. starch boil well, and add while hot

; either in the preparation or mixed with the
10^ oz. muriate of ammonia, nitrate of iron. It is generally considered that
21b. 10 oz. yellow prussiate of potash, the blues are brighter and softer when they are
1 lb. 5 oz. red prussiate of potash ; when cold, finished off in weak clear alum water than when
add simply washed off in common water.
3 lbs. tartaric acid, Napier gives the following as a logwood blue
1 gallon prussiate of tin pulp. upon cotton, the materials being for 10 lbs.
Another Dark Blue. cotton :

A light but fast blue is first dyed in
Precisely the same as the last, except the the vat from indigo, the goods are put in a
addition of 5£oz. of oxalic acid after the tar- decoction of 2 lbs. sumac for several hours, and
taric. then worked for fifteen minutes through water
Dark Boyal Blue—Delaines. containing one pint red liquor and one pint iron
5 lbs. starch, liquor ; wash from this in two tubs full of hot
2 gallons water, water, then work twenty minutes in a decoction
2 gallons chloro-prussiate liquor at 30°, of 2 lbs. logwood, lift and raise with half pint
1 quart tragacanth gum water; boil, and add red liquor, work ten minutes longer, wash and
6 quarts prussiate of tin, dry. Since part of the blue colour here is
2J lbs. tartaric acid, derived from indigo which is quite fast, and
6 oz. oxalic acid ; when cold, add another part from sumac which is tolerably fast,
8 lbs. yellow prussiate of potash, this blue will be of moderate stability, but of a
10 lbs. tartaric acid. heavy dull shade compared with Prussian blue.
Girardin gives a process used in France for ob- Common Steam Blue.
taining a blue on cotton as follows :For 100 lbs. — 2 quarts gum water,
cotton take 5 gallons logwood liquor at 4°, 2 1 quart blue standard,
ounces of bichromate of potash, and 5 ounces of Extract of indigo to sighten.
muriatic acid the cotton is entered cold and
; All receipts for blue will resemble one or other
gradually brought to the boil. It is not clear of the receipts given in this article the processes ;

whether this is actually to dye cotton or merely may be much varied in detail, but the usual
the finishing of a dye began with acetate of method of mixing the colour for machine con-
copper and logwood liquor. sists in boiling the water and starch, and, while
Blue Colours upon Calico by Printing. Ex- — quite hot, stirring in the powdered prussiate and
cluding those blues which are derived from sal ammoniac then, when the colour has some-

indigo, and which be found under Indigo

will ;
what cooled, stirring in the ground tartaric acid
the only common blues are derived from the (or the bisulphate) and when almost cold, the

prussiates, and the receipts given for delaines oxalic acid is added and last of all the prussiate

will answer perfectly well for calicoes. In order of' tin pulp is well incorporated. There is al-
to obtain good blues the cloth must be well pre- ways formation of bitartrate of potash in the
pared with tin in some form or other (see Pre- best steam blues, which is disseminated through
paration and Stannate) for light blues this is
; the mass in small crystals but if the colour is ;

not so essential. I give here a few receipts for pretty hot when the tartaric acid and prussiate
blues on calico not applicable to delaines. of potash are mixed together, the crystals are
Steam Blue for Calico. apt to be of some considerable size unless the
3 gallons water, colour is well stirred until nearly cold ; this is
4 lbs. starch; and add
boil, objectionable for many reasons, and should be
1 lb. muriate of ammonia, obviated by so managing the mixtures that the
6 lbs. crystals bisulphate of potash, Stirringis continued until the colour is cold;

4 lbs. tartaric acid, the crystals are then so small that they are not
4 lbs. yellow prussiate potash, observable. The prussiate of tin pulp being
8 oz. oxalic acid, added last, and cooling down the colour will

1 gallon prussiate of tin. — (See Tin.) usually prevent large crystals forming but if ;

This blue reduced with gum

water of suit- once formed they are difficult to strain out, and
able thickness yields the light shades required. the colour should bewarmed up to about 120° F.,
Whenever sulphuric acid or bisulphate of potash and cooled quickly, with constant stirring. See
are used in blues, considerable care is required Potash Prussiate, etc., for explanation of the
to prevent corrosion or burning of the cloth ; the chemical changes involved in the production of
mixing must be scrupulously attended to, for these colours.
if any of this acid be left free it is sure to injure BLUE AZULINE.— (See Azuline.)
or rot the cloth. For the cheaper styles of work BLUE AZURE, smalts, zaffre.— (See Azure.)
Bulphuric acid may be used with economy in- BLUE CHEMIC— Name frequently given
stead of tartaric acid, but the mixing of the to sulphate of indigo or extract of indigo.— (See
colours must be carefully watched. Indigo Sulphate.)
Another Blue for Calico. BLUE, CHINA.— A style of blue obtained
1 gallon water, from Indigo, which see.

\\ lb. starch ; boil, and add BLUE, CHINESE.-A variety of Prussian

3| lbs. tartaric acid, blue is sold under this name which is soluble
10 oz. oxalic acid, in oxalic acid, and which has been largely used
3J lbs. yellow prussiate ; and when cold in finishing printed calicoes. (See Blue Prus- —
\ lb. oil of vitriol, sian.)
1 pint prussiate of tin pulp. BLUE, CYANINE.— The same as Quino-
Spirit Blue for washing off simply. leine Blue, which see.
1 gallon water. BLUE, DIP. — The name of dip blue is given
1J lbs. starch ; boil, and cool to 110° F., to the variety of styles produced by dipping
1 qrt. Prussian blue pulp, (see Blue Prussian), cotton goods into indigo properly dissolved by
| pint oxymuriate of tin. means of lime and copperas.— (See Indigo.)
Common Blue, Standard. BLUE, DISTILLED.— This curious name
2 gallons water, is given to a purified solution of sulphate of in-
4 lbs. yellow prussiate of potash, digo, obtained as follows :— Crude sulphate of
12 oz. alum, indigo is dissolved in water nearly boiling, and a

24 oz. oil of vitriol at" 169°. quantity of old but clean white flannel or other
woollen articles worked in it until saturated cess was published in 1861 by Messrs. Persoz,
with colour, then washed well in cold and after- de Luynes, and Salvetat.
wards in warm water until the colour begins to BLUE, PASTE.— This name is usually in-
"bleed," that is until the washing water begins tended for sulphate of indigo, it may sometimes
to remove the blue and become tinged' with it, mean Prussian blue in a pasty state, the context
the woollen rags or flannel are then washed will show which blue is intended.
sufficiently they are then treated with hot water
; BLUE, PENCIL.— A particular kind of blue
containing a feeble proportion of carbonate of obtained from indigo, and so called because for-
soda, about half a pound of crystals to 10 gallons merly applied by means of a modification of an
of water; this removes the blue colour very artist's pencil. — (See Indigo.)
rapidly from the woollen rags, leaving them of BLUE, PRUSSIAN.— This colour, which was
a dull brown colour. The blue thus dissolved one of the earliest contributions of chemistry to
is considered as being purified on the one hand the list of artificial colouring matters, was ob-
from hurtful substances soluble in water, which tained by accident in the capital of Prussia in
are removed by washing the wool, and from a 1710 but it was nearly one hundred years after-

reddish colouring matter which is retained by wards before any good process was discovered
the wool and its shade improved. A little for fixing it upon textile fabrics and it is hardly ;

acid being added to the extracted blue enables twenty years since the present means of fixing
it to dye up a good clear blue upon silk or it as a steam colour was discovered and put into

woollen.— (See Indigo Sulphate.) practice. Accepting prussiate of potash as the

BLUE, FAST —The conventional name for correct name for the salt so known, then Prus-
one of the loosest colours obtained from Indigo, sian blue is a prussiate of iron, and the readiest
which see. way of producing it is to mix together a solution
BLUE, FINISHING.— The use of blue in of iron and prussiate of potash, when it forms as
cream colour which
finishing is to counteract the an insoluble pulp which can be drained, washed,
most bleached goods possess this cream colour
; and dried. There is more than one kind of
may be considered as a very pale orange, and Prussian blue, and there are several methods of
compounded of red and yellow the addition of
; preparing it. I give receipts of some methods
blue,-with a strong reflecting white surface used on print and dye works when Prussian
beneath, neutralises the shade and produces blue is required to be made either for finishing
what passes for white. But this point is practi- or colour mixing.
cally impossible to hit, and all blued goods have Prussian Blue for Finishing.
always an excess of blue. Each market has its 6 lbs. green copperas,
own peculiar prejudice as to shade, and so in \\ gallons. water, dissolve;
accordance various finishing blues have to be 6 lbs. yellow prussiate of potash,
used. This apparently trivial matter is fre- \\ gallons water; dissolve separately and mix
quently a source of the greatest perplexity to with agitation, add to the whole
the bleacher and finisher, so that a great num- 1 lb. oil of vitriol,
ber of blues for finishing are in the market. 24 lbs. spirits of salts, stir up well and let
These consist chiefly of indigo in paste, being stand some hours ; the sediment will have a very
simply indigo very finely ground; sulphate pale blue colour, to bring it up to full shade it
of indigo in a more or less imperfect state, must be oxidised, which is most conveniently
various kinds of Prussian blue in solution or accomplished by clear solution of bleaching
suspension, and also preparations of smalts and powder or chemic. Take a rather weak solution
ultramarine. of chemic and add it gradually to the liquor,
BLUE, OPALINE.— A new product of stirring all the time until itbegins to smell
chemical art has been so called from its yielding decidedly of chlorine; it is then time to stop
a shade of colour like the blue opal. Its colour putting in the chemic. The blue which is now
upon delaine is of nearly the same shade as of an intense dark colour is left to settle; the
China blue upon calico, but infinitely more cleardrawn off and fresh water poured upon the
lustrous and beautiful. The process of obtain- blue to wash it this repeated several times

ing this colouring matter is kept secret, but until all the acid is removed, leaves the blue fit
there is no doubt that it is obtained from aniline for use. If warmed with a small quantity of
or some similar body. oxalic acid it partially dissolves and forms a
BLUE, PARISIAN, or Bleu de Paris.— clearer colour.
Name given to a blue compound produced by Prussian Blue for Spirit Colours.
the action of bichloride of tin upon aniline at a 4 lbs. prussiate of potash,
high temperature and under pressure. The pro- 1 gal. water ; dissolve, and separately dissolve
8 lbs. green copperas in modified Prussian blue. Dry Prussian blue
1 gal. water; mix the two solutions, and add treated for forty-eight hours with strong mineral
1 quart nitric acid. acids and then washed, is said to lose iron and
Leave some hours, then wash three times by dissolve easily upon addition of a minute quantity
decantation, and drain on a filter to a paste. of oxalic acid.
The nitric acid here acts the same part that the BLUESTONE.— Common name for sulphate
bleaching powder did in the previous receipt. of copper, called also blue vitriol and blue cop-
Prussian blues are made immediately by mixing peras.— (See Copper Sulphate.)
per-nitrate of ironand yellow prussiate, but the BLUE, ULTRAMARINE. — (See Ultra-
product does not answer so well because it does marine and Pigment Colours.)
not dissolve in oxalic acid or tin salts so easily —
BORAX. This substance is a salt composed
as that prepared by one of the above methods. of boracic acid and soda, and because boracic
The reason of the methods of dyeing blue with acid is a very feeble acid, the soda retains some
pernitrate of iron and yellow prussiate will be salt. Borax can
of its alkaline properties in this
now intelligible ; the cloth takes iron from the be used as a weak alkali it is milder than

nitrate,and then when brought to the prussiate crystals of soda, it has cleansing or detergent
it acts upon it, producing the blue but this
; properties, it dissolves resin, shellac, anotta,
would not take place unless the prussiate was and some other colouring matters: it is but
acid, because then the iron and it would never littleused at present in printing or dyeing.
come into actual contact. The insoluble blue BO WRING —
or Bucking. One of the opeva-
powder being formed in the pores of the cloth tions in Bleaching, which see.
is fast, but if the cloth had been worked in the —
BRAN. Bran has some detergent powers,
blue ready formed, the colour would only have and is frequently recommended to clean fabrics
been on the surface and easily washed off. of very delicate colours. It is now sparingly
Eed prussiate of potash and green copperas used to clear some styles of goods, as logwood
give at once a fine dark blue red prussiate and
; blacks, garancine pinks, etc. ; it was formerly
per-nitrate of iron give a dark olive colour, very much used in calico printing and dyeing.
which becomes a splendid blue upon addition Before soap was applied to clearing the whites
of muriate of tin. of printed goods, boiling in bran and exposure
The mere exposure of prussiate of potash, to air were the only means used. Bran added
mixed with an acid, to heat and air produces a to a dye has the effect of causing lighter and
kind of Prussian blue, without addition of any clearer shades to be produced. Growses' pink
iron, and it is from this reaction that our finest was produced by mixing madder with a largp.
blues are obtained. The chemical changes which excess of scalded bran and dyeing mordanted
take place are not clearly understood but it is
; cloth in the mixture it is long since abandoned

known that prussic acid is evolved, and probably in favour of better methods, but is an illustra-
iome of the iron which naturally exists in prus- tion of the effects of bran upon dyeing matters.
siate of potash forms the basis for the blue. BRAUNA WOOD.— This wood is mentioned
BLUE, QUINOLINE, or Cyanine.— This in a patent dated April 25th, 1857 ; it is said to
was an artificial blue colour, discovered by grow in the Brazils, and its colouring matter to
Greville Williams, made from a refuse product have great affinity for cotton, with or without
obtained in the manufacture of quinine ; its pro- mordants, producing shades of brown, drab,
duction was the result of exquisite chemical slate, fawn, and black.
knowledge, it yielded very fine colours on silk BRAZIL WOOD, or Brasil Wood.— This is
but they were so susceptible to the action of one of the class of red woods whose colouring
strong light as to be entirely useless. I have matter is largely soluble in water. It is from
seen a magnificent blue velvet become a plain the same kind of tree and nearly identical with
drab colour in less than four hours' exposure in peachwood, Lima wood, and sapan wood. The
a window. richest variety is from Pernambuco, and is some-
BLUE, ROYAL.— That shade of Prussian times called Fernambuc wood. The real Brazil
blue which has a reddish or purplish reflection ;
wood is said to be one half less rich than the Fer-
the existence of tin seems absolutely necessary nambuc variety, while peach, sapan, and Lima
for the production of this shade. — (See Blue woods are still more inferior. They all, how-
Colours.) ever, contain the same kind of colouring matter,
BLUE, SAXONY.— Old name for sulphate and present the same chemical reactions. Brazil
of indigo.— (See Indigo.) wood when freshly rasped communicates a bright
BLUE, SOLUBLE.— Also a name for sul- red colour to water in a few minutes by this ;

phate of indigo, but lately also applied to a test it can be distinguished from logwood, which
does not sensibly colour the water, while inferior —
Manganese Bronze. This colour was at one
qualities of red wood give a reddish brown time very popular, but is now scarcely ever
colour. Santal wood and barwood do not, required. It can be produced of various shades,
under similar circumstances, colour water. De- from a brown so dark as to appear black, down
coction of Brazil wood gives a bright red with to a light nut shade, according to the strength
alum and crystals of tin, which distinguish it of liquor used. The bronze liquor was generally
from logwood, which gives purplish precipitates. muriate of manganese, but sometimes also
Brazil wood is usually keptsome weeks after sulphate or acetate this was simply thickened

rasping in a moist state before being made into according to the style, printed and aged for a
liquor. Though this does not appear so neces- short time, preferably in a hot stove, then raised
sary for Brazil wood as for logwood, it is very in a hot solution of caustic soda,
and winced in
generally thought to be beneficial. It is con- clear water until the shade was developed. For
sidered that a decoction of Brazil wood improves dark grounds the pieces were finally winced in
greatly by age, both with regard to the depth weak solution of bleaching powder, to raise the
and purity of the colours it gives, so that it is full shade of colour.
frequently kept several months in vats a fer- ; The bulk of manganese bronzes or browns are
mentation appears to go on, and tarry and other self colours, and produced by padding the cloth

matters are deposited, the absence of which in bronze liquor at about 28°, slightly thickened
improve the shade. Several methods of im- with gum, drying, and raising or fixing in a hot
proving Brazil wood liquors have also been and strong solution of caustic soda, the caustic
given, but they seem rather impracticable. One standing as high as 30° for the darkest shades.
method consists in adding skimmed milk to The oxidation is finished by a passage in weak
the liquor, and raising to the boil; the caseine chloride of lime. Designs can be produced upon
of the milk coagulates, and carries with it these grounds by printing a discharge of crystals
some substances injurious to the colour. —
of tin. (See Discharge.) The colour is due
Another consists in sprinkling the wood, be- to the deposition of oxide of manganese upon
fore extracting, with water containing a small the cloth, which is oxidised by exposure to air,
quantity of glue or bone size, and leaving it and by the chloride of lime into the peroxide of
for a few days. —
manganese .(See Manganese.)
Applications. —Brazil wood used in dyeing
is Bronze upon Wool.
for common qualities of reds and crimsons, and 100 lbs. wool,
as a constituent in other shadeswhere a red 10 lbs. fustic,
element is required. In calico printing it is 20 lbs. alum,
also used for the cheaper kinds of reds and 5 lbs. tartar;
crimsons, and as a component of many of the boiled for three hours in this mixture with suffi-
more complex shades, as brown and chocolate. cient water, then boiled with 20 lbs. madder,
The pure colouring matter of Brazil wood is and afterwards dipped in the blue vat until the
called Bresiline. As fixed upon textile fabrics required shade is obtained. —
(Dumas.) The
one of the loose fugitive colours, and only
it is bronze in this case is a mixed colour produced
acquires a moderate degree of permanency when from yellow, red, and blue, in which the yellow
combined with relatively large amounts of as- predominates, or it is a green browned by yellow.
tringent matter. Another cheaper bronze on wool is given as
BRAZILETTO or Brasiletto.— An inferior follows :

kind of Brazil wood, said to come from Jamaica, 60 lbs. fustic,

and sometimes called Jamaica red wood. 40 lbs. quercitron bark,
(See Gum Substitutes.) 5 lbs. logwood, are boiled together for an
BROMINE.— The name of one of the ele- hour then is added

mentary bodies. Excepting mercury, it is the 24 lbs. alum,

only one existing in a liquid state at natural 4 lbs. madder, and the cloth entered and boiled
temperatures it is comparatively rare, and has
; for four hours. The cloth lifted, 2 lbs. green
received no application as yet. copperas added, and the cloth worked in again
BRONZE COLOURS.— A bronze colour is hot. A greenish bronze is also obtained by
a kind of brown, usually with a greenish re- boiling the wool for an hour in a mixture of
flection, or, perhaps, rather with some kind of a 2 J lbs. bichromate potash and 1 \ lbs. tartar, then
shade which reminds the observer of a metallic dyeing in a mixture of 20 lbs. fustic, 3 lbs. log-
reflection. There are many shades of bronze. wood, 3 lbs. santal wood, 6 lbs. madder, 2 lbs.
I select a few examples of methods for pro- turmeric, and 1 J lbs. alum.
ducing what are called bronze shades. A bronze brown upon silk maybe obtained
by working for half an hour in fustic and archil light browns. Sumac and gall nuts are blue
and raising in copperas. and darkening in their action. Catechu and
See further Brown Colours, of which bronze other substances give a brown without any
is actually one. combination. These simple natural browns will
BROOM.— A kind of broom, called " Dyer's be treated of under the head of their colouring
broom" (genista locally used to
tinctoria), is matter.
obtain inferior yellow colours upon woollen, Brown on JSUJs by Dyeing. The largest class —
by means of an alum and tartar mordant. of browns on silk are obtainable by first dyeing
BROWN COLOURS.— Brown is produced an orange or yellow ground with anotta, and
by the reflection of mixed rays of red, blue, and then superadding a blue or black pigment as in
yellow in unequal proportions when reflected the following illustrations

in equal or chromatic proportions they produce —

Bed Brown. Dye the silk first in anotta, and
so-called blacks or whites, and when the reflec- then work it in a mixture of logwood and nitro-
tion is imperfect the class of grey colours result. muriate of tin or plum spirits. (See Spirits.) —
It is the predominance of the orange over the Here the lilac of the plum spirits, composed of
blue which characterises brown and there are blue and red, adding itself to the yellowish

an infinite number of shades of it. Instead of orange of the anotta gives a light shade of
attempting to collect under this head the methods brown.
and processes employed for all kinds of brown —
Dark Broion. Dye a deep orange in anotta,
colours, it will be found more advantageous to work in copperas liquor, wash and work in fus-
confine the remarks to general principles, with tic, logwood, and archil, or peach wood may be

a few processes of a characteristic nature to •substituted for archil finish in alum water.

illustrate them and to refer to the body of the

; Quantities. —
10 lbs. silk dyed with anotta,
book for most special shades of brown. The 1 lb. green copperas, 20 minutes 6 lbs. fustic, ;

popular names of the brown colours assist this 1 lb. logwood, 1 quart archil, or 1 lb. peachwood,
arrangement and permit them to be described 30 minutes; 1 pint of alum liquor, 15 minutes.
under distinctive heads, such as Bronze, Fawn, There is no limit to the depth and quality of
Chocolate, Nut, Wood, &c. shade to be obtained by varying the quantity of
If we consider chestnut brown as the middle woods ; the archil contributes greatly to the ful-
type of a brown colour, the gradations of the ness and richness of the colour, but may, never-
shade darker and lighter may be considered as theless, be replaced by the red woods. The
due in the first case to the increase of the blue production of brown from the above materials
element, and in the latter to the increase of may be explained by the basis containing yellow
yellow or red parts. Thus, if blue be added to and red a further amount of red and yellow is

chestnut brown it becomes a chocolate ; if mixed added by the fustic and archil or peachwood,
yellow and red be added it becomes nut colour the logwood adds the blue, the alum forming a
if an excessive amount of blue is added the basis for the woods. The copperas darkens the
brown passes into black, or an extremely dark whole by its forming the black-blue colour with
chocolate; and, on the other hand, if a large logwood.
quantity of orange is added it passes to fawn and Other Browns. — Anotta, though yielding the
buff. As the greatest number of brown shades brightest browns, is not necessary as a basis;
are produced directly by combining yellow, red, for a variety of browns are obtained by first
and blue woods or dyes, should be a
this hint aluming the silk and tSfen working it in a decoc-
sufficient guide as to how the shades may be tion of logwood for the blue part, peachwood or
modified at will. The only difficulty consists brasil wood for the red part, and fustic for the
in the want of a distinct comprehension as to yellow part.
what colours certain ingredients contribute to a Deep Chocolate Brown Quantities.—10 lbs. —
mixture about indigo, weld, and madder, with
; silk, steep 60 minutes in alum at lib. to the
alum mordant, there is no difficulty, because it gallon wash, 6 lbs. peachwood, 2 lbs. logwood,

is known they are distinctly, blue, yellow, and 8 oz. fustic, 30 minutes ; 1 quart alum solution,
red. But logwood does not yield a pure ele- 15 minutes.
mentary colour; with alum it gives a colour Brown on Silk by Printing. —The same general
which is a mixture of blue and red, the blue principles apply as in silk dyeing, and nearly
predominating with iron it gives a blue so dark
; the same materials are employed, as will be seen
and absorbent as to appear black or grey it may — in the receipts following :

be considered as a blue part in brown colours. Chestnut Brown on SVh.

Anotta gives a colour which is a mixture of red 1 lb. logwood liquor at 3°,
and yellow, and only requires blue to produce 1 pint berry liquor at 6°,
3 quarts Brazil or sapan wood liquor at 3°, tities of those woods must depend upon the
1 lb. starch, or 2 lbs. gum if for block, shade desired.
8 oz. alum, Brown on Wool, No. 2. — Work the wool in a
4 oz. nitrate of copper at 80°, decoction of fustic, madder, peachwood, and log
8 oz. oxymuriate of tin at 80°. wood, and raise in copperas.
Exactly the same ingredients, but in different Brown on Wool, No. 3. The wool is boiled —
relative quantities, may be used for obtaining a in a mixed decoction of galls, santal wood, mad-
dark chocolate or a light nut brown. For choco- der, brasil wood, and fustic; then raised in a
lates the logwood or blue part must be in greater mixture of logwood and green copperas.
quantity; for the nut shades the berries or yellow Quantities. —
These quantities are only sug-
part must be increased. gestive, and admit of great latitude. For 100 lbs.
Another Chestnut Brown on Silk. wool, first receipt, 3 lbs. bichromate, 3 lbs. alum,
1 gallon berry liquor at 11°, 3 lbs. tartar, 20 lbs. fustic, 10 lbs. madder, 5 lbs.
3 quarts brasil wood or peach wood liquor at 7°, peachwood, 3 lbs. logwood.
3 pints logwood liquor at 7°, No. 2 Brown —
100 lbs. wool, 20 lbs. fustic,
1J lbs. alum, 20 lbs madder, 10 lbs. peachwood, 2 \ lbs. log-
10 oz. sulphate of copper, thickened with wood, 1 \ lbs. copperas.
8 lbs. gum, more or less, to pattern. No. 3 Brown— 100 lbs. wool, 6 lbs. gall nuts,
In a few receipts the red part consists of ammo- 12 lbs. santal wood, 6 lbs. madder, 4 lbs. brasil
niacal cochineal, but it is questionable whether wood, 5 \ lbs. fustic, three hours; 3 lbs. logwood,
this expensive liquor is any better than a decoc- 2 lbs. green copperas, 45 minutes.
tion of one of the red woods in such a colour. Brown on Wool by Printing. The following —
In all the cases where copper salts are used with receipts for brown will serve to show the
woods the addition of muriate of ammonia will method of obtaining this colour on wool by
be found beneficial. printing :

Brown on Wool by Dyeing. The following is Chestnut Brown— all Wool.
an example of a fast and durable, but expensive 4 pints bark liquor at 18°,
brown :
4 pints cochineal liquor at 4J°,
Chestnut Brown. — The wool is first dyed yel- 2 lbs. gum,
low in a decoction of weld and fustic, or else in 8 oz. oxalic acid,
quercitron bark and fustic; alumed and dyed in 6 oz. alum,
madder, then dipped in an indigo vat until the \ pint bichloride of tin at 100°,
right shade is obtained. 3 oz. extract of indigo.
Quantities. — 100 lbs. of wool, 50 lbs. yellow Archil enters largely into all the dark or
woods, 60 minutes at boil; 25 lbs. alum and 5 lbs. chocolate shades of and may
brown for wool,
tartar, boil for three hours; three days, 60 lbs. be used, but with less advantage, for the more
madder ; two hours, indigo vat at discretion. yellow shades, as in the following receipt :

In this illustration the fastest known yellow, Wood Brown — all Wool, Block.
red, and blue elements are combined, and the 7 quarts bark liquor at 18°,
product is a fast colour. This example serves 3 quarts archil liquor at 10°,
very well to shew the effects of the mixture of 7 quarts cochineal liquor at 6°,
the elementary colours, the disappearance of each 3 lbs. starch ; boil, and add
particular shade, and the blending of the whole 9 oz. alum,
in a complex hue. For cheaper woollen cloths 6 oz. oxalic acid,
cheaper dyeing materials are used for example, ;
§ pint bichloride of tin at 100°,
instead of dipping in indigo, the blue part is 3 oz. extract of indigo.
given by sumac, logwood, and copperas, or by Or, as again, in the following receipt for a simi-
sumac and copperas without logwood. The fast lar shade of colour, obtained by rather different
but expensive red from madder is substituted means :

by a similar colour from santal wood or brasil 1 gallon berry liquor at 18°,
wood, and the yellow obtained from fustic. 1 gallon archil at 18°,
There are many methods of combining the ele- 2 lbs. starch : boil, and add
mentary colours on wool to obtain brown, a 1 lb. alum,
few examples of which will suffice. \ lb. tartaric acid,

Brown on Wool, No. 1. Mordant in bichro- \ lb. green copperas.
mate of potash and alum for half an hour, wash Brown on Calico by Dyeing.—The following
and work in a decoction of fustic, madder, cud- methods will serve to illustrate the compound
bear, logwood, and cream of tartar. The quan- brown on calico :
Spirit Brown. — Dye first a yellow from 12 lbs. British gum ; boil, and add
bark, by mordanting with sumac and tin (see — 12 oz. alum,

Yellow) then pass into peachwood or brasil 8 oz. sal ammoniac,
wood mixed with logwood for half an hour, lift, 8 oz. sulphate of copper,
and add alum water to raise the colours. The J pint nitrate of copper at 80°,
peachwood here gives the red, and the logwood 3 quarts of lilac standard. (See below.)
the blue or purple constituent. The shades Lilac Standard for Brown.
may be modified to wish, by altering the 1 gallon logwood liquor at 6°, heat to 180°,
quantities of the materials. and dissolve in it

Quantities. — 10 lbs. cotton dyed yellow, 2 lbs. 4 lbs. gum Senegal,

peachwood, lib. logwood, 3oz. alum; time, half 8 oz. red prussiate of potash,
an hour. 12 oz. alum,
Brown with a Chrome Yellow Basis. The cloth — 1 oz. oxalic acid,
or yarn is dyed chrome yellow. {See Chrome— 2 oz. binoxalate of potash.
Colours.) The remaining process is exactly Wood Brown on Calico.
the same as the above. 1 gallon berry liquor at 3°,
Brown with Anotta Basis. —
Dye in anotta 2 quarts peachwood liquor at 8°,
liquor (anotta dissolved in pearlash), wash out, J pint logwood liquor at 8°,
and work in decoction of fustic and sumac lift, ; 1\ lbs. crystals nitrate of copper,
and add green copperas liquor, and work ia ljlbs. alum ; thicken with gum water,
again wash, and work for twenty minutes in a
; according to shade required.
mixture of red wood, fustic, and logwood lift, ; Browns on Delaine by Printing. — These are
and again raise with alum. This produces a nearly the same as upon wool. I give one or
fawn, or yellowish brown, on account of an two examples :

excess of yellow. The anotta colour may be Dark Brown for Delaines.
considered as yellow with a little red, and then 5 pints berry liquor at 8°,
fustic being again twice used, the yellow ac- 12 oz. alum,
cumulates and gives a tone to the brown. The 1 pint of archil at 8°,
sumac darkens the colour. \ pint sapan liquor at 8°,
Quantities. —
10 lbs. of cotton dyed with anotta, \ pint logwood liquor at 11%
2 lbs. fustic, and lib. sumac, twenty minutes; 1 lb. starch; boil, and add
3oz. copperas, twenty minutes; Jib. logwood, 2oz. oxalic acid.
Jib. each of fustic and peachwood, twenty Wood Brown for Delaines.
minutes 1 oz. alum, ten minutes.
; 1 gallon peachwood liquor at 9°,
The great majority of brown colours upon 1 gallon berry liquor at 18°,
cotton are obtained from catechu, which is a 2 quarts archil (strong)
distinct brown colouring matter In itself. 2 lbs. starch ; boil, and add
calico printing many shades of brown and 1 \ lbs. alum,
chocolate are obtained from madder and garan- 4 oz. sal ammoniac,
cine with mixed mordants. For information 2 oz. acetate of copper.
upon those colours the articles Catechu, Gar- The absence of logwood or sulphate of indigo
ancine, and Madder may be consulted. in the latter receipt would cause a yellowish or
Brown Colours on Calico by Printing.— Catechu buff brown ; when the blue part predominates,
cannot be used to advantage in steam browns, as before stated, the brown passes into chocolate.
and the mixture of elementary colours is neces- For delaines, sulphate of indigo may be used as
sary. Steam brown on calico is very seldom the blue part, but not exclusively, since only
required; it differs from chocolate by containing the wool takes blue from this colouring matter.
more red and yellow and less blue. Frequently (See Chocolate, Catechu, etc.)
the colour is obtained by mixing steam orange BROWNING.— Neutral colours of the grey
and steam lilac together,
the blue part of the and dove species upon cotton goods are darkened
latter turning the orange to brown, I give a by passing them through a weak solution of green
couple of receipts as sufficiently indicating the copperas alone, or mixed with a small portion of
nature of the mixture used for brown. logwood liquor or decoction of galls. This pro-
Steam Brown for Calico. cess is the one sometimes called "browning," but
3 quarts bark liquor at 12°, in Lancashire the more usual term is "sadden-
2 quarts sapan liquor at 10°, ing,"and colours so modified are known as " sad-
3 quarts berry liquor at 12°, dened " colours. All the wood colours are turned
2 quarts logwood liquor at 12°, darker by copperas and even red colours, from
— — ;


garancine and madder, are turned to a chocolate ^Another Buff Liquor.
shade. 10 gallons water,
BUCCINUM LAPILLUS.— species of A 48 lbs. green copperas,
shellfish or whelk, obtainable on the English 20 lbs. brown sugar of lead.
coast, which contains a viscid white matter that Both these are proto-acetates of iron with un-
acquires a purple colour when applied on calico. decomposed sulphate. The following liquor
It passes through several shades before it is contains an excess of lead, found to work well
wholly changed into purple; becoming, first, with chromed styles, or where a somewhat
pale yellowish green ; secondly, an emerald yellower or softer buff was required.
green; thirdly, a dark bluish green; fourthly, a Lead Buff Liquor.
blue beginning to purple; and, finally, a purple. 10 gallons water,
In strong sunshine these changes take place in 25 lbs. acetate of lead,
less than five minutes ; in the dark the colour 20 lbs. green copperas,
does not get beyond the second or emerald green £ gallon acetic acid.
stage. This peculiar and interesting liquid is In all cases the sulphate of lead is allowed to
mentioned by the most ancient writers, as Aris- precipitate,and the clear fluid only used. It is
totle and Pliny; and there seems to be no doubt thickened either with gum, flour, or starch.
that the colouring matter was formerly employed Old receipts give nitrate of potash along with
for dyeing. There is also strong reason for sup- the other ingredients, and direct the liquor to
posing that the famous Tyrian purple of the be kept for six months before using. Modern
ancients was derived from this or some similar French receipts give the nitro-sulphate of iron
shellfish. as a buff liquor but for printing on ealico there

BUBULINE.—A supposed constituent of can be no question of the superiority of simple

cow dung, to which some chemists desired to acetate of iron. The addition of white arsenic
attribute its useful actions in dyeing and print- and salts of copper, found in some receipts, seems
ing.— (See Cow Dung-.) more likely to injure than assist the colour.
BUCKTHORN, DYERS'.— A plant called The aged for a
buff colour being printed, is
u nerprun" in French seems the same as the night, and then fixed or raised inan alkaline
dyers' buckthorn. Some attempts were made re- bath, consisting of well slacked lime with a
it by M, Michel,
cently to obtain green dyes from small quantity of soda ash. The pieces are
who was led to the experiment from ascertaining entered carefully, and, when evenly wetted, are
that the Chinese extracted a green colour winced in the lime for ten or twenty minutes,
the same species of plant [Ehamnus then winced in clear water until the shade is
J5. chloroform.) The results so far prove that raised, which may take half an hour or more
there exists a colourless substance in the French washed, dried, and finished.
indigenous buckthorns, which upon exposure to The lime and soda take the acetic acid or sul-
light becomes green; but it has not yet been phuric acid from the oxide of iron which is then
extensively used, probably because the colour retained by the fibres; but it is in the state of
is neither pretty, durable, nor cheap.— (See Ar- protoxide, and has a greenish colour. By winc-
tichoke, Chinese Green.) ing in water the iron absorbs oxygen and be-
BUFF COLOUR.— A colour so named comes peroxide, which is the colouring body.
because resembling the shade of leather prepared To obtain regular and even shades requires a
from the buffalo skin, called buff or buffalo good deal of care and attention, The cloth must
leather. The continental colourists, probably be well bottomed in the bleaching; the gum
more familiar with the dressed skin of the used for thickening must be one that washes off
chamois than of the buffalo, gave the name well and easily and in the raising it is highly ;

" chamois " to this colour. It is yellow mixed important that the pieces be kept moving— any
with a little red, or, according to Chevreul's stopping in the process is injurious.
nomenclature, yellow with some orange of a Steam Buff for Calico.
low tone. 3 gallons madder liquor,
The chief buff colour, or the one distinc- 1 gallon bark liquor at 10°,
tively so called, is from iron, and prepared as 2 gallons red liquor at 14°,
follows: 7 lbs. starch ; boil, and add
Buff Liquor, Ordinary. 2 oz. crystals of tin.

4 gallons water, Steam Bufffor Wool*

20 lbs. sulphate of iron (green copperas), 1 quart bark liquor 4%
5 lbs. brown sugar of lead, 1 pint archil at 40° 8

2| lbs. white sugar of lead. 6 oa. alum

1 \ oz. tartaric acid, accounts of the missionaries in India, at the end
1 gallon gum water. of the last century, buffaloes' milk was rather
Steam Buff or Chamois on Delaine. largely used by the natives in dyeing fast
5 quarts catechu liquor, at \ lb. to the gallon, madder colours. was applied at the same
8 oz. alum dissolved in time as the astringent matters, and appeared to
1 quart hot water, partly answer the same purpose that oil does in
3 oz. acetate of copper, Turkey-red dyeing.
10 oz. nitrate of copper, BUTTEENUT TREE The common name
6 quarts thick gum water. for a tree growing in the New England States—
The above buff is but those
a simple colour; a species of walnut tree (Juglans oblonga Alba),
most in use are compounded of red and yellow. so called because the fruit it yields is very oily.
Anotta gives a species of buff on calico. On The bark is stated to be capable of communicat-
silk and woollen the yellow part from Persian ing a lasting black colour to fibrous matters
berries, and the red part from cochineal, yield prepared with iron mordants; with alumina
all shades required.

(See Nankeen, Eed, and mordants it gives a tobacco brown colour. The
Yellow.) rinds of the nut have also the same dyeing
BUFFALOES' MILK.-According to the powers as the bark of the tree.— (See Walnut.)

CACTIN-— Vogel extracted a carmine red which it was combined if the alum was also ;

colouring matter from the blossoms of the cactus of a very acid nature, some of the excess of acid
speciosus; the leaves yielded also a quantity of a would also be removed and its quality im-
scarlet red substance, soluble in water. It proved.
would be interesting to know whether these CALCINED COPPERAS.— When sulphate
coloured matters were similar in their composi- of iron, or green copperas,
is raised to a low, red

tion to the colours from cochineal for this plant heat, in an earthenware or iron basin, it loses
is one of the species of shrubs upon which the water and some acid, and gains a little oxygen.
cochineal feeds. Wittstein examined the sap of Provided the heat be not forced too high, there
the branches, and the ripe fruit of another species is no doubt that copperas thus treated is im-

of cactus (c. ojpuntiaj, but was of opinion that proved for several of its applications in dyeing
the colouring matter of the cochineal did not and colour mixing but the goodness and variety

and that what was extractable

exist in the tree, of the iron mordants, at present obtainable in
by solvents was something different, and quite trade, obviate the necessity of such treatments
useless in the arts. to obtain suitable solutions of iron.
tanical name of the tree or shrub upon which ing matter largely used in calico printing, and
the cochineal insect is nourished
; it is a native made by exposing the starch or farina of potatoes
of America, and there are several species of it, to a roasting heat : it is one of the Cum Substi-
producing fruits of various colours, as yellow, tutes, which see.
red, violet, etc. It is observed that the crimson CALCIUM.— This is the name of the metal
coloured fruit contains a mucilaginous juice, which exists in lime, chalk, etc., and from which
which strongly colours the urine of those who a good many chemical names are derived thus, ;

eat it. It seems probable, that if the cochineal in strict chemical nomenclature, lime is the
insect is merely an extracter of the colouring oxide of calcium, chalk is the carbonate of
matter of the plant, that the fruit, etc., might be calcium, muriate of lime is the chloride of
more directly and economically applied as a ;

calcium, and so on
dyeing substance, than as food for insects. CAMWOOD.— This is one of the red woods
CALCINED ALUM, Alumen Ustum.—hx obtained from the Gaboon, in Africa, and from
some old receipts alum is directed to be dried in Sierra Leone, where it is called by the natives
an earthern pot, and made red hot before being Kambe, whence, by abbreviation, Kam or Cam.
applied in dyeing. Although good modern alum It has the same properties as brasil wood, but
cannot be improved or changed beneficially by dyers are not agreed as to their relative value.
such a process, it is quite possible that inferior Some say it is inferior both in richness and
and impure alum would be better for a moderate durability to Brazil wood, whilst the contrary is
calcination. The heat would have a tendency also maintained. It appears to yield more scarlet
to render the iron in an impure alum insoluble shades than peachwood, having some portion ot
in water by expelling a portion of the acid with yellow in its composition, and may generally be
—3 — —

employed in all cases where peachwood, sapan neutralising the alkalies. It exists in small
wood, or brasil wood are prescribed. It is quantities in the air, is the cause of exposed
evident, from the contradictory nature of the lime water being covered with a skin of solid
statements made with regard to this wood, that matter, but has no direct influence in printing
either very variable in quality or that the
it is or dyeing.
methods of its application are not generally CARMELITE COLOUR.— The colour so
understood. mixed with brown,
called is a yellowish orange
CAOUTCHOUC or India Bubber.— Attempts darker than the colours called wood colours.
have at various times been made to use a solution In Chevreul's nomenclature 3 orange, 15 tone.—
of Indian rubber as a vehicle for pigment colours, The following receipt is given by Dumas :

but, so far as is known, without success. In a Carmelite,

few cases solution of Indian rubber has been 1 quart sapan wood liquor at 6°,
applied to fabrics by block, as a means of fixing 1 pint berry liquor at 6°,
block and metallic designs, but it is unsuitable 1 pint logwood liquor at 6°,
to mix with pigments. It is soluble in coal 10 oz. starch ; boil, and add -

naptha, turpentine, oils, and bisulphide of 12 oz. oxymuriate of tin.

carbon. In woollen dyeing and in cotton dyeing carmelite

CAPUCINE COLOUE. — The colour is obtained by saddening orange or using log-
called capucine is a deep-toned reddish orange. wood to brown it.

In Chevreul's nomenclature, it is called 3 red Carmelite shades are also obtained upon calico
orange of 11 or 12 tone it has some resemblance
; by printing or padding in a mixture of equal
to a deep chrome orange on cotton. Upon wool parts of bronze liquor and buff liquor, and rais-
and silk it is obtained by a proper mixture or ing in lime.
combination of red and yellow, having the red CARMINE. — This name is understood in
in excess, as in the following receipt for dyeing England as indicating a red pigment used by
50 lbs. of wool: artists, prepared from madder or cochineal by

Yellow Fart. — \ lbs. fustic, secret processes. French writers, and from them
3 lbs. oxymuriate of tin, English, however, speak of carmine of " indigo"
1 lb. cream of tartar. meaning a refined sulphate of indigo; also
Bed Part. — 2 lbs. oxymuriate of tin, "purple carmine" or " carmin de pourpre," mean-
f lb. cochineal. ing murexide, using this term generally for
The yellow dyed, and then the cochineal
is first some preparation yielding fine colours without
and tin added. In printing it suffices to mix at regard to what kind of colour. This term fre-
once a little made scarlet colour with orange, quently occurs in specifications of patents and
as for example : translations from French.
Capucine for Wool and Sliaiols. CARRAGHEEN MOSS, Iceland moss, Irish
4 quarts orange for wool, moss. —
This substance has been frequently pro-
4 pints scarlet for wool. posed as a suitable thickening agent for colours,
CARBAZOTIC ACID.— The same as and was probably the first gum substitute tried
Picric Acid, which see. in this country. Towards the end of the last
CARBONATE.— In chemical language a century it was put into use, but has never made
carbonate is a compound of carbonic acid with any progress; the mucilaginous jelly it yields
a base. The carbonates are all insoluble in is deficient in nearly every quality of a good

water, except those of potash, soda, and am- thickening it is watery, has no solidity, and is

monia. The soluble ones have all an alkaline glairy. It is a little employed in block printing
reaction, and can neutralise acids. All car- on silk and in finishing.
bonates are known by giving off the carbonic CARTAMUS, Carthamus (?)—An empirical
acid as a gas when a strong acid is poured over mixture of cochineal, tin salts, and safflower,
them thus, when muriatic acid is poured on
; was patented under this name, January 22nd,
chalk, which is a carbonate, a strong efferves- 1853, for dyeing tissues or stuffs of silk and
cence or bubbling takes place, owing to the cotton.
carbonic acid gas forcing its way out of the C ARTHAMINE. — The name of a pure
liquor, being set free by the muriatic acid colouring matter extracted from safflower, so
taking the lime or calcium which previously calledfrom the botanical name of the plant
held the gas in a solid state. Carthamus tinctorius.
CARBONIC ACID. This acid is a gas — CASEINE.— The name is given in chemistry
under ordinary circumstances, it is one of the to the pure curd of milk, obtained by acting
weakest acids in chemistry, never completely upon milk with weak acids and purifying the
curdy precipitate from fatty matters attached scope of design and variety of colouring which
to it. It is the same substance which is exten- has done much to extend the use of printed
sively used in this country under the name of goods. In dyeing, it is largely used to give
Lactarine, which see. various shades of brown, and the lighter colours
CATECHU, Terra japo7iica, Cachou, Casliew. which spring from it.
Catechu is the dried up juice of certain trees, Catechu is one of the astringent or tannic
from which it is obtained either by natural substances, but not of the same kind as gall
exudation or through cuts made for the pur- nuts. Its acid is called japonic acid, and pos-
pose. It is a resinous looking body, dark on the sesses different properties and characteristics
exterior of the lumps, but light coloured within. from the tannic acid. The method of application
Its quality varies very much? not only from of catechu in calico printing shows it to be very
differences in its origin and method of collec- different from most other colouring matters.
tion and drying, but also because it is suscep- For the purpose of obtaining browns in print-
tible of alteration by age, and especially by ing it is mixed with sal ammoniac and nitrate of
moisture. Soft and uniformly dark coloured copper, sometimes the acetate being used instead.
catechu is reckoned inferior it should be; From this it would appear that copper is its
brittle enough to break upon the stroke of a proper mordant but the copper is not so much

hammer, and the interior should not be pitchy an actual mordant as it is an agent for effecting
coloured or soft, but rather of a buff or a cream a chemical change in the oatechu. The copper
colour, somewhat fibrous, and capable of being salts by themselves are oxidisers of colouring
scraped into powder with a knife, without matters, and when mixed with sal ammoniac
adhering to it. Though these are the external powers are greatly strengthened,
their oxidising
characters of a good quality of catechus, there beyond the amount
in a proportion, indeed, far
are good samples which vary in appearance of oxygen which is present in the whole of
from this ; the colour may be darker, and the the copper salt used. It acts as a medium for
consistency of the mass less brittle, so that a obtaining oxygen from the and transferring

knife does not scrape it. That depends upon it to the catechu, which of itself absorbs oxygen

several circumstances of the carriage and stor- in a very slow manner. The effect of this oxi-
ing of this drug, and must be decided upon dising upon catechu is to change its properties,
according to the judgment and knowledge of to give it a great hold and affinity for the fibre
the examiner. The chemical characteristics of of the cloth, and to render it insoluble and un-
a good catechu are, unfortunately, not very acted upon by water. Some of the copper
well defined. It ought to be all soluble in hot remains combined with the colour; but the
water, and then have a brown, not blackish greater part is removable without injuring the
colour: it ought not to be all soluble in cold fastness or shade of the catechu brown— a fact
water, for that an indication of heating and
is which seems to point out that catechu can fix
partial decomposition of the catechu; and the itself without a mordant. Such is really the
hot water solution should, upon cooling, deposit case,but the length of age necessary is exces-
a portion of the catechu in a fine granular state. sive and impracticable. Even with copper salts,
The only actual and reliable test for the quality when it is desired to get dark shades, several
of catechu is to make some colour from it, or days' ageing is required. Lighter shades take
to dye up samples from it, in comparison with a less time.
known quality. Iron and alumina mordants do not give agree-
This substance was formerly supposed to be able colours with catechu in printing ; but several
of mineral origin, and went under the name of shades can be obtained by dyeing a mixture o?
Japan earth. was long known in medicine
It such mordants and catechu in madder and garan-
before it became cheap enough to be applied in being a mixture of the
cine, the resulting colour
dyeing and printing. Its first successful applica- catechu shade and that which has been
tions in calico printingwere about 1830 it was ; produced by the mordant and dyeing material
used in combination with madder colours, and used.
as its application was kept secret for a while by Muriate of iron and catechu give shades of
the one or two houses who used it, much skill drab, stone,and^rey, when dyed up in garan-
and ingenuity were wasted by others in en- cine. Acetate of alumina, red liquor, and
deavouring to discover the new mordant, which catechu give shades of red brown, varying, for
it was thought had been used to obtain this the different amounts of red liquor, in a certain
brown shade from madder. Its applications in quantity of colour. Mixtures of catechu with
madder and garancine styles have been of the salts of manganese, and other mineral matters,
greatest service to the trade ; it has allowed a are in use.

In dyeing with catechu alum mordants are are still limited, and its chemical properties but
mostly employed iron and tin salts can be used
; little known. It offers a good field for the
to obtain various shades copper being but — exertions of those who have leisure and know-
little used in these cases. The bichromate of ledge of colouring matters, for it is doubtless
potash has a powerful oxidising action upon capable of many more valuable applications than
catechu. It cannot be applied mixed with it, it has yet received.
because it combines with the catechu, render- CatecJiu Colours. —
The following receipts and
ing it insoluble and curdy; but a solution of remarks will sufficiently illustrate the various
bichrome can be used to pass catechu colours in. methods adopted for using this colouring
It fixes them and makes them darker. Soda matter :

and potash are also used to raise catechu colours Catechu Colours on Woollen. I am not aware —
in dyeing; their action seems to be an oxidising that catechu is employed in woollen dyeing in
one —enabling the catechu to absorb oxygen any other way than as an assistant in some
with so much the greater rapidity from the air, kinds of black dyeing ; the browns which it

and become fixed upon the cloth. The affinity yields are not so desirable as those which can
of catechu, in its altered or oxidised state, for be obtained from a mixture of colouring mat-
the fibre of cotton is very great. It is one of ters and mordants. For obtaining dark shades
the most difficult of all colours to discharge of drab, of a red or brownish tinge, it is largely
from the cloth. It is valuable in calico printing used in woollen printing, in combination with
because enough to stand the dunging
it is fast other colouring matters, to modify the shade.
and dye beck, and all the subsequent clearing Tea-Drab Colour — all Wool,
operations. It suffers, of course, in passing 1 gallon catechu liquor at 24°,
through all the various operations, but still 2 quarts sapan wood at 11°,
sufficient is left to form good colours. It is 4oz. extract of indigo,
usual to add a little bichrome to the dunging to 1 pint cochineal crimson,
help the catechu ; but this is rather dangerous 6 oz. alum,
for the other colours, and should not be used 6 oz. oxalic acid,
except the circumstances have compelled the 4 lbs. gum if for block ; 8 lbs. if for machine.
goods to go to the dye with a deficient age. If Drab — all Wool.
time enough can be given to catechu colours 1 gallon catechu liquor at 24°,
the addition of bichrome to the dunging is not 3 oz. extract of indigo,
necessary; but in case of heavy browns, which J pint cochineal crimson,
have only had two or or three days' age, it may 2 lbs. gum, more or less at descretion,
be used with advantage. These shades of drab, 8 oz. oxalic acid,
etc., in which the proportion of catechu to A great variety of shades are obtained by vary-
a gallon of water is only small, require no ing the strength of the catechu and the quan-
longer age than the other colours they go with, tities of the red and blue parts. The cochineal
and no chrome in the dung. Bleaching powder crimson is ammoniacal cochineal with alum.
solution should be very sparingly and cautiously Wood Ground for Delaine,
applied to catechu styles — it soon takes the " top" 1 gallon of water,
or bloom of the colour. 2 oz. catechu ; dissolve, strain, and add
The use of large quantities of nitrate of 2 quarts substitute gum water,
copper in colours very disadvantageous in
is 1 J oz. green copperas,
printing, and much
to be desired that some
it is ljoz. acetate of copper crystals.
milder oxidising agent could be discovered for Catechu Fawn, on Cotton. — Work the goods
catechu. It compels the use of composition to be dyed in catechu liquor containing a little
doctors, and even acts upon them. A resist sulphate or nitrate of copper wring from this, ;

brown, containing lime juice or citric acid, is and work in a weak solution of bichromate of
very difficult to work on account of its corrosive potash. The fixing by bichromate is not neces-
action upon the doctor, and consequent scratch- sary; modified shades can be obtained by passing
ing of the roller. Without any acid, the regular the goods which have been worked in catechu
brown will resist light covers, but not heavier into caustic soda or into lime water, or into
ones ; affid I believe the difficulties in the way of water in which green copperas has been dis-
printing such an acid mixture have caused the solved. By using other dyewoods after the
abandonment of this style almost altogether. I catechu a vast variety of shades may be ob-
have tried many chemical mixtures instead of tained.— (See Drab, Stone, etc.)
copper, but none of them gave any results Catechu Fawn or Brown.
worth following up. The applications of catechu 1 gallon water,
— — ;


2§lbs. catechu, Acetate of Lime Liquor,
1 pint acetic acid ; dissolve hot, and add 2 \ lbs. lime, slacked,
3 lbs. gum Senegal, 3 quarts acetic acid; use the clear.
10 oz. nitrate of copper. The acetate of lime would undoubtedly resolve
This colour was for raising in lime or soda, in itself by contact with the nitrate of copper into
conjunction with fast blue (incligo) it required ; nitrate of lime and acetate of copper, as far as

at least three days' ageing, and was found to age the quantities would permit ; the nitrate of lime
best in a cool, moist place. being a deliquescent salt, would tend to keep
Catechu Brown for Garancine. the colour soft, and so help its ageing. — (See
6 lbs. catechu,
further, Drab, Fawn, Madder Colours," etc.)

1 gallon water,
CHAMOIS COLOUR.— This colour is as
nearly as possible the same as buff. a It is
IJlb. sal ammoniac; boil, strain, and add
mixture of yellow and red of a low tone. In
2 gallons gum water,
80°, the systematic nomenclature of Chevreul, it is
2J pints nitrate of copper at
1J pints acetate of copper (p. 4.)
2 orange, from 2 to 6 tone. (See Colours.)—
The word chamois is very little used among
By adding red liquor to this colour the resulting
British colourists as yet. Analogous colours
brown is modified towards the red side. This
colour must be aged for not less than three days
are Straw, Salmon, Flesh, Nankeen, etc.,

which see,
dyed in garancine as usual.
Catechu Brown for Madder.
CHARCOAL. — The charcoal or carbon
obtained from the imperfect combustion of
4 lbs. catechu,
vegetable substances constitutes the basis of all
2 quarts ordinary vinegar,
printing inks, but up to the present time it has
2 quarts acetic acid at 8°,
not been used in calico printing for a black.
1 lb. sal ammoniac,
For a shade of grey obtainable from a species
1 quart acetate of copper.
of charcoal see Lamp Black. Very finely
The clear liquor from the above only was used, ground charcoal has been successfully employed
and served as a standard or stock liquor. To
as a sightening in block printing.
make a dark brown take as follows :

CHAYAVER, or Chayroot. — An East Indian

Dark Brown for Madder. product, belonging to the same natural order
1 gallon catechu liquor above, of plants as madder, and capable of dyeing
4 oz. sal ammoniac, good and permanent reds. It is said to be the
\ pint acetate of copper,
only colouring matter used by the natives of
1 and strain.
7 oz. starch ; boil
Malabar, and the Coromandel coast, in pro-
This colour must be aged as long as possible ducing the well-known durable red colours of
before dunging; by mixture with red liquor those localities.The accounts and descriptions
red browns are obtained. of which I have been enabled to consult are
Catechu Brown, not clear or satisfactory, but it appears to be
9 gallons water, similar to' the Munjeet, employed to some
15 lbs. powdered catechu ; boil and dissolve, extent in Lancashire.
take the clear liquor only, and add CHEMIC. — Name commonly given to bleach-
11 lbs. flour, ing powder or bleaching liquor in Lancashire.
lib. gum tragacanth; mix, and boil well; Chemic blue is the vulgar name for sulphate or
when cold, add extract of indigo.
3 gallons caustic soda at 6°. CHESTNUT BARK AND WOOD.— As
After printing, steam then pass, for a minute
; stated under Black, the bark and wood of the
or two only, in chrome liquor, neutralised with chestnut tree are successfully employed in
carbonate of soda, and heated up to 170° F. France as cheap and effective substitutes for
The following receipt is only inserted to show gall nutsand sumac. I am not informed as
the possible modifications of this colour :
to their being generally used in this country.
Catechu Brown for Madder (French). The right to use it in Great Britain was secured
1| gallon water, by a patent dated Nov. 8, 1825, in which it was
1 pint acetic acid at 8°, proposed to form a solid extract from it by de-
2f lbs. catechu; boil, dissolve, and add coction. This extract received the uncouth
3Jlbs. sal ammoniac, name of " Damajavag."
1 pint acetate of lime liquor (see below), CHESTNUT COLOURS. — These are
7 lbs. gum Senegal ; when cold, add browns, and treated of under that head. Marron
10 oz. nitrate of copper at 90°. is the French word equivalent, which, under


the English form "Maroon, "expresses the same at 7°
ground up with it, and mixed with a pint
meaning. In Chevreuls nomenclature chestnut alum solution, the mixture stirred
of the same
is 4 orange, of 16, 17, or 18 tone, which is frequently; the liquor becomes dark green,
equivalent to saying black lightened down
it is almost black it is made up to a quart by water,

by a mixture of rather yellowish orange. the sediment is kept for a fresh treatment ; the
CHIC A, Crqjura or Oarajura. pigment —A quart of liquor is mixed with five gallons water,
used by the Indians, in Central America, for preferably a hard spring water, and 1 lb. of silk,
ornamenting their persons, applied by means of previously bleached and wetted out. is entered
the fat of the cayman or alligator. It has also and worked in it for thirty minutes to obtain :

been used in painting to a limited extent, but dark shades, four or five such treatments are
not, that I can ascertain, in dyeing or printing. necessary. It would appear that the presence
It is extracted, by maceration and heat, from of lime in the water facilitates the fixing of the
the leaves of the bignonia chica, a plant growing colour, and lime is considered as being its appro-
in equinoctial America. A sample, which I ex- priate mordant. The colour so produced is an
amined some years ago, to ascertain its value as agreeable green, whose most esteemed property
a dyestuff, is in fragments and powder of a bright is that of keeping all its lustre, and nearly the

red raddle appearance. The lumps are softer same shade, by gas or candle light as in day
than starch, and acquire a metallic appearance light. It is tolerably stable for a fancy colour.

when rubbed by the thumb nail or any polished The Chinese dye common cotton cloths from a
body. It is scarcely soluble in water, alcohol, similar green colouring matter, and obtain a
or ether. It does not dye cotton mordanted deep, but somewhat dull, grass green. It ap-
with iron or alumina, nor communicate any- pears that the green dye sent to Europe, and
thing beyond a faint colour to wool or silk. which sells at an enormous price, is obtained by
This inertness I found was owing to the colour- extracting the excess of colour from pieces
ing matter being in combination with some originally dyed by a process that very much
earthy base, for, upon treating the chica with resembles indigo dipping. It is evident, there-
acid, or with muriate of tin, I found I could fore, that thegreen colour used in Europe is a
dye up very deep colours upon wool and by ; kind of lake, and that the Chinese retain them-
treating with acid, and washing the free acid
it selves the original materials for dyeing a cheap
away, I succeeded in dyeing up full and deep green. M. Michel has shown that certain plants,
eolours upon mordanted calico. The colours it indigenous to France, contain a colourable mat-
yields with the alumina and tin mordants are ter, which, upon exposure to air and light, give

very similar to those yielded by lac dye ; they a green similar to the Chinese green (see Buck-
are not nearly so bright as cochineal, but they thorn), and has endeavoured to apply them
appear more permanent, resisting washing and practically as dyeing materials but it does not ;

exposure somewhat better. I have no doubt appear that these natural self-coloured greens
that, if the product was imported at a reason- have as pleasing an effect as the greens com-
able price, it would find a permanent place in pounded by blue and yellow.
the dyeing arts. Chinese green is interesting, as being the first
CHICORY. — According to a statement in known green not compounded of blue and yellow.
the specification of a patent dated Nov. 21, 1844, The chemists and colourists who examined the
the leaves of the chicory plant ar©, being treated samples of green-dyed cloth, obtained by the
as the leaves of the woad plaat are usually agents of the French Government, were sur-
treated, capable of dyeing blue and other col- prised at not being able to split the colour into
ours. itssupposed elements, and were forced to con-
CHINA BLUE, CrocJceryivare Blue, Bleu de it was a natural simple green
clude that further :

Faience. — One of the colours obtained by a inquiry showed their surmises to be correct.
peculiar method of fixing indigo upon calico. Since that period (1851) many attempts have
(See Indigo.) been made to extract and apply the green colour
CHINESE GREEN, Chinese Green Indigo.— of grass and leaves, but, up to this time, with no
This isa colouring matter introduced into particular success.
Europe about 1857 from China. It is in thin CHLORATE OF POTASH.— This salt is
scaly pieces, of an olive green colour, scarcely used in calico printing as an oxidising agent, or,
soluble in water or alcohol, but brought into perhaps, as a chloridising material, for it is

solution, or a fine state of suspension, by means difficult to see how it can directly yield oxygen
of alkalies. It is applied to dyeing silk, as in any of the forms in which it is applied. It is
follows:— 80 grains of the colour (lo-kao) is found in receipts for sapan wood reds, for choco-
steeped three days in 500 grains of alum liquor lates, for greens and olives, and as a prepare for


hastening the ageing of madder and garaneine material, it being set free by the chlorine
mordants. Its purity is ascertained by testing removing its hydrogen. Either hypothesis
it with nitrate of silver and chloride of barium presumes that a colouring matter is such on
with neither of which should it yield any pre- account of a nicely-balanced arrangement of
cipitate. If the crystals are large and clear, the atoms of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen
they may be depended upon as pure. composing it, and if this arrangement be dis-
CHLORIDES.— The class of bodies called turbed by the removal of a portion of the
chlorides are so called because they contain the hydrogen a new arrangement ensues. There is
element chlorine, in combination with some metal nothing which would enable us to predicate of
or basic substance. They can, for the most part, this new arrangement that it must produce a
be produced directly from chlorine gas and the colourless body; but in the vast majority of
metal, but are more usually prepared from hydro- cases this is evidently the fact. But it is an
chloric acid and the metal. Thus, hydrochloric accidental fact; and it would be incorrect to
acid, which is a compound of hydrogen and chlo- assume tln> as an essential property of chlorine.
rine, when put into contact with zinc dissolves There are some substances at least to which
it with effervescence and escape of a gas. The chlorine communicates a colour, such as colour-
gas is hydrogen, and the chemical action con- less solution of aniline, which it turns purple,
sists in the metal zinc taking the place of the or white silk or woollen, which it turns yellow.
gas hydrogen, and the result is chloride of zinc. Chlorine acts upon cotton in a very energetic
The term muriate, frequently used in this book, manner when warm and concentrated, and it
and in general use in trade, is equivalent to acts injuriously even in the cold and dilute if
chloride. Thus muriate of manganese and contact be prolonged. Care must be taken,
chloride are the same. So also muriate and therefore, in all chlorine treatments, to get the
chloride of iron, etc. The chlorides have few chlorine well out of the cloth as soon as it has
general propertiesas a class, each one owes its performed its part.

charactermore to the base than to the chlorine. CHLOROPHYLL.— This is the name given
All the chlorides are soluble in water, except to the green colouring matter of leaves, grass,
those of lead, mercury, and silver ; and all the etc. Until the introduction of the Chinese
soluble ones are sufficiently characterised by green colour, no idea was entertained of apply-
giving a white precipitate with nitrate of silver, ing this colouring principle to dyeing but since ;

which is not dissolved by pure nitric acid. The that time several attempts have been made to
individual chlorides or muriates are described extract it in a state fit to dye with, but, as far
under the head of their metallic base. as my information extends, with but little prac-

CHLORINE This is the element spoken of tical effect. By treating common grass with
in the above article. It is a gas of a yellowish boiling water, so as to remove all soluble
green colour, and has a most suffocating and principles, and then digesting it in carbonate
when inspired. It is produced
irritating effect of soda, at 4° Tw., the green colouring matter

when bleaching powder and vitriol are mixed will be dissolvfi%in a tolerable state of purity.
together, and is the real bleaching agent in all The chlorophyll being of a resinous or waxy
cases where chloride of lime or bleaching powder nature, not sensibly acted upon by water only,

is employed in conjunction with an acid. When but yields to alkaline solutions; this property
chlorine gas was first proposed as a bleaching enables us to separate the various soluble matters
agent, by the celebrated Berthollet, it was used in grass from it. By neutralising the alkaline
much in the same way as sulphur is now in solution with muriatic acid the colouring matter
bleaching woollen goods ; afterwards a solution is then thrown down in an insoluble flocculent
of this gas in water was employed, but the final precipitate. This precipitate being washed a
improvement was Tennant's patent, of combi- little, dissolved in an alkaline solution, thickened

ning the gas with lime, to form chloride of lime. and mixed with salt of tin, yields green colours
In more recent times it has been proposed to upon wool and silk by printing. Upon tin
return to the older methods, but it is difficult to mordanted cloth the shades can be obtained by
see where the advantage lies. dyeing. It is not probable that chlorophyll
Theory of Chlorine Bleaching. —
Chlorine is will ever be an important dyeing material, on
supposed to destroy colours, by combining with account both of its instability, its cost, and the

the hydrogen of them to form hydrochloric or comparative dulness of the shades it yields.
muriatic acid. But as dry colours are not de- CHOCOLATE COLOURS.— A chocolate is
stroyed by dry chlorine, some theorists consider a dark brown, in which the blue part over-
that water acts an essential part, and that the balances the red and yellow. There are many
oxyg n of the water is the real bleaching shades of chocolate, such as red chocolate, black
cnocolate, purple chocolate, green chocolate, etc. 2% lbs. starch,
In M. Chevreul's nomenclature the colour of 41bs. gum substitute; boil, and while warm
chocolate in cakes is defined as 5 orange 18£ add
tone but puce and grenat, which are French
; l£lbs. alum; when cold,
equivalents for some of our shades of chocolate, 10 oz. sulphate of copper.

are classed very differently, puce being 4 blue In this colour the three elementary colours are
violet 13 tone,and grenat 3 violet red 16 tone. present, and the quality of the chocolate may
I give some receipts for chocolate colours, with be varied at will by increasing the strength or
observations how to proceed in modifying the quantity of the red, yellow, or blue part. The
shade. alum is the real mordant ; the sulphate of copper
Chocolate Colours by Dyeing.—There is little is useful in developing the colours. As with
to add on this head to the information given other copper salts, its action is supposed to be
under browns. The general rule is to increase of an oxidising nature.
the blue or violet part of the brown, to produce Dark Chocolate for SUk.
the chocolate shade. As an illustration, let us 1 gallon sapan or peachwood at 20°,
take a catechu brown upon cotton, dyed by 5 quarts berry liquor at 17°,
immersion in catechu, and fixed in bichromate 7 pints logwood liquor at 20°,
of potash. To convert this into a chocolate, work 15 lbs. gum in powder,
the cotton in logwood, and raise in alum. This 2| lbs. alum,
adds blue to the neutral or rather yellowish 8 oz. sal ammoniac,
brown, and converts it into a chocolate, the 14 oz. acetate of copper.
shade and depth of which depend upon the pro- Archil Chocolate for Wool.
portions of materials used, and may be varied 1 gallon archil liquor at 17%
at will. 1 gallon gum water,
In the cases of brown dyeing where the red, 2 oz. sulphate of indigo.
yellow, and blue parts are distinctly defined, it Dark
Archil Chocolate for Wool.
is entirely a question of quantity of blue as to 5 quarts blue archil at 17°,
what shade of chocolate is produced. For 10 oz. alum,
example, several kinds of browns are obtained 1J oz. sal ammoniac,
by first dyeing a yellow with tin mordant and 1J oxalic acid, agitate until the effervescence
bark, and then dyeing again in a mixture of has subsided, then thicken with
some red wood (like peachwood) and logwood. 14 oz. starch, and
If now, the peachwood be left out altogether, 14 oz. calcined farina, and add
and alum and logwood alone used, the resulting 5 oz. sulphate of indigo.
colour will be a chocolate instead of a brown, In order to make this chocolate darker it may
because the logwood dyes a blue with little red be mixed with a small quantity of black colour
in it, which, mixing with the yellow already for wool. —
(See Black.) To obtain a redder
formed, gives the chocolate shade. chocolate cochineal liquor is the best addition,
Chocolate Colours by Printing. —
The colours and the ammoniacal cochineal is to be preferred.
for silk, wool, and delaine are very similar, so Bed Chocolate on Wool from Archil and
that what answers for one will frequently answer Cochineal.
for the other. 1 gallon archil liquor at 17°,
Chocolate for Silk. 7 oz. of prepared ammoniacal cochineal,
1 gallon sapan wood liquor at 20°, 4oz. alum,
1 quart logwood liquor at 20°, 1 oz. oxalic acid,
10 oz. alum, 4 oz. sal ammoniac ; stir until the effervescence
2 oz. sal ammoniac, has subsided, strain, and thicken with
8 oz. acetate of copper, 1 lb. starch, and then add
5 lbs. gum. 3 oz. sulphate of indigo.
In this colour we have only the red and blue The colours from archil have a peculiar softness
elementary colours, but the blue is of a very and lustre upon wool, which causes it to be
dark nature, and the mixture will produce a largely used ; but, as this colouring matter has
bluish or purplish chocolate; the want of a no affinity for cotton, it cannot be employed
yellow makes it heavy and dark. upon cotton goods, and only sparingly upon
Chocolate for Silk. delaines, where, in fact, it is useful for the

1 gallon peachwood or sapan wood liquor at 5°, woollen part of the fabric only. Chocolates
1 quart berry liquor at 11°, may be also obtained upon wool by tie process
1 gallon logwood liquor at 5°, given below for dekiuc*
— —


Dark Chocolate for Delaine. pale colours from woods, but it is not to be
1 gallon sapan wood liquor at 11°, feared in conjunction with masses of blue, green,
1 pint bark liquor at 14°, or olive.
1| pint logwood liquor at 14°, Gum Chocolate for Delaines.
6 lbs. gum, 1 gallon sapan wood liquor at 20°,
lijlb. alum, 1 gallon nitrate of alumina,
1 lb. muriate of copper crystals, 1 quart bark liquor at 30°,
5 oz. sal ammoniac. 3 pints logwood liquor at 30°,
Dissolve the last three ingredients in one gallon 14 lbs. gum in powder,
warm gum water, and mix all together. 10 oz. chlorate of potash, dissolved in
3 quarts of boiling water ; and, lastly,
Another Dark Chocolate for Delaines.
3 oz. sulphate of copper.
2£ gallons sapan liquor at 8°,
The nitrate of alumina for the above chocolate
3 quarts red liquor at 16°, is obtained as follows :

3 quarts nitrate of alumina, 2 gallons hot water,

1 gallon logwood liquor at 10°,
10 lbs. alum,
3 pints bark liquor at 18°, 13 lbs. nitrate of lead.
1\ lbs. starch ; boil, and when nearly cool add The nitrate ofalumina supplies alumina as a
4 oz. red prussiate of potash,
mordant, and at the same time nitric acid as
8 oz. yellow prussiate of potash, an oxidising agent. I conclude the chocolate
8 oz. chlorate of potash. receipts on delaine by one on which a portion
The blue part in this chocolate is partly com- of the blue is, as in a previous case, composed
posed of Prussian blue. This colour can be of Prussian blue, derived from an impure solu-
made darker by addition of a small quantity of tion of red prussiate of potash, called chloro-
black colour, of the following or similar com- prussiate liquor.
position :

Chocolate for Delaine.

Black for Darkening Chocolate.
1 gallon sapan wood liquor at 16°,
\\ gallon logwood liquor at 12°,
3 lbs. starch ; beat up, and add
1 quart iron liquor at 24°,
3 quarts red liquor at 16°,
1 quart red liquor at 16°,
2 quarts logwood liquor at 12° ; boil, and add
2 lbs. starch.
3 oz. tartaric acid,
Another Chocolate for Delaines.
6 oz. sal ammoniac,
1 gallon sapan wood liquor at 30°,
5 pints chloro-prussiate liquor at 30°,
1 gallon red liquor at 24°,
\ pint oil.
\ pint vinegar, The chocolate colours for calico have a great
3 lbs. starch,
resemblance to those for delaines, but are less
4 lbs. gum substitute; boil, and add concentrated, on account of the lesser capacity
\ lb. alum, dissolved in of pure cotton for absorbing colouring matters.
\\ pint logwood liquor at 30°, and One or two examples will suffice as specimens,
1 pint bark liquor at 30°, then add although the modifications are numberless
1 lb. chlorate of potash, dissolved in
Paste Brown Chocolate for Calico.
3 quarts of tragacanth gum water, and
9 quarts sapan wood liquor at 8°,
8 oz. muriate of ammonia,
9 quarts water,
3 oz. sulphate of copper.
6 quarts logwood liquor at 12°,
This is a French receipt. The liquors being
3 quarts red liquor at 16°,
very concentrated, it would yield a good choco-
12 oz. muriate of ammonia,
late for small objects. As a blotch it is too
12 oz. sulphate of copper,
strong, and this would be found upon washing
12 oz. alum,
off,on account of the large amount of colour
which would come out. It might be worked 13J lbs. flour,
3g lbs. British gum.
with rollers engraved for calico. In the above
and following receipts, the oxidising powers of
The liquors are thickened, and the salts stirred
in as usual.
chlorate of potash are employed, and the quantity
of copper salts greatly reduced. This is an ad- Spirit Chocolate for Calico.

vantage in some respects, as, for example, in 3 quarts sapan wood liquor at 8°,
the printing it cleans better, because the doctor 2 quarts logwood liquor at 10°,
is not so liable to corrosion ; but in steaming 1 quart bark liquor at 14°,
the colour is liable to evolve chlorine, and attack 2 lbs. starch; boil, cool to 110°, and add
1 pint oxymuriate of tin, about one pound of bichromate; in hot water it

£ pint nitrate of copper, is much more soluble, but the excess over one
1 pint oil. pound crystallises out on cooling.
To be aged three days in a cool place, and —
Yellow Chromate of Potash. This salt is rarely
washed off. met with in trade ; it can be prepared by adding
Bed Chocolate for Calico. caustic potash to solution of red chromate until
3 gallons sapan wood liquor at 9°, itbecomes slightly alkaline ; the red chromate
3 quarts nitrate of alumina, (see below) and becomes of
loses its characteristic colour,

1£ gallon logwood liquor at 12°, an intense yellow. In practical receipts it is

6 oz. yellow prussiate, sometimes directed to neutralise bichromate
6 oz. red prussiate, with soda crystals ; this is practically making
6 oz. chlorate of potash, neutral or yellow chromate. The yellow chro-
9 lbs. starch. To be boiled well. mate is much more soluble in water than the
Nitrate of Alumina for Bed Chocolate* bichromate, and is often used in printing or
1 gallon boiling water, padding on that account.
3 lbs. nitrate of lead, Chromate of Soda or Chrome Salts. The sam- —
3 lbs. alum ; dissolve, and add ples of yellow chrome salts that I have had
3 oz. crystals soda. Use the clear only. occasion to test or examine have varied so much
Another Chocolate for Calico. in quality and actual value, and are so easily
5 quarts sapan wood at 8°, adulterated, that I would advise having nothing
3 pints red liquor at 16°, to do with them unless their quality can be
3 pints nitrate of alumina, satisfactorily ascertained. If they contain a pro-
4 pints logwood liquor at 18°, portionate quantity of chromic acid, they can
1J pint bark liquor at 18°, bf>, applied to all the purposes of bichromate of

4 lbs. starch boil, and, when

; cool, add potash with equal results.
2 oz. red prussiate of potash, Chromate and Bichromate of Lead. These —
4 oz. yellow prussiate of potash, substances are trade pigments, but not applied
4 oz. chlorate of potash. in printing or dyeing. They form the yellow
For the chocolate colours produced in madder and orange chrome colours on cotton but as ;

and garancine styles see Garancine and Madder they are produced by a dyeing process in the
respectively, fibres of the cloth they are considered under
CHROMATES.— The chromates are a class Chrome Colours.
of salts formedby the union of chromic acid The yellow chromate of lead is sometimes
with a metal or base. They are all coloured, employed in' printing as a sightening for chrome
without exception ; but the dyer has only been mordants. It is prepared by mixing nitrate of
able to avail himself of two of them as colouring lead and bichromate of potash, both in solution,
matters, viz., the red and yellow chromates of washing the precipitate and draining to a pulp.
lead. —
Applications of the Chromates. Bichromate of
The only commercial chromates are those of potash is applied in printing and dyeing in a
potash and soda, and there are two of each. great variety of ways, the whole of which may
The bichromate, or red chromate of potash, is a be classified in three divisions. (1) Cases where
salt containing two atoms of chromic acid to one the chromic acid acts as a colouring matter : these
of potash ; the yellow chromate of potash con- are all included in the article on Chrome Col-
tains but one atom of chromic acid to one of ours. (2) Cases in which the chromic acid acts
potash, and is, consequently, less rich in chromic as an oxidising agent. (3) Cases in which the
acid. There is a corresponding bichromate and application depends upon the oxide of chromium;
chromate of soda, but they are not commercial the third class of cases are included in the
articles. The salt sold as chromate of soda is of article on Chromium Colours. It only re-
variable composition, and cannot be correctly mains, therefore 9 to indicate here the cases in
represented by any chemical name or formula. which the oxidising powers of bichromate are
Bichromate of Potash, Bichrome, Bed Chrome, brought into play. The raising or development

etc. This is the chief and only trustworthy of the steam blue, green, and olive colours,
chromate for the use of the dyer and printer. If depends upon the oxidating effect of bichro-
it be in clean, well-defined crystals, and of a uni- mate of potash so also the fixing of catechu

form colour, without admixture of white or yel- colours, and those few cases in which bichro-
low crystals, it may be considered as pure. It mate of potash is used in colour mixing. The
does not lose weight by drying, being an anhy- chromate discharge upon indigo blue is another
drous salt. A gallon of cold water will dissolve illustration of its oxidising powers, in this case
; —


exerted, no<- to develop, but to destroy a colour. In dyeing chrome colours the cloth is first
(See Discharge.) "Whether the use of bichro- mordanted in a salt of lead, and then passed
mate in woollen dyeing belongs to the second into bichromate. The insoluble chromate of
or third class of applications is a point upon lead is formed by double decomposition in the
which there appears to be no satisfactory in- fibre, where it is retained. This is the yellow
formation. Some experimenters incline to be- salt. It is converted into the orange by alkalies.
lieve that the salt, as a whole, is taken up by The following practical process will illustrate
the wool, and that when worked in the dye- the various methods of proceeding to obtain the
wood it is deoxidised by the organic matters, yellow and orange shades :
reduced to the state of green oxide of chromium, Chrome Yellow and Orange by Printing. The —
in which condition it acts as a mordant. It mordant very simple, either acetate of lead
seems proved that nearly the same colours are or nitrate of lead, or a mixture of the two salts.
obtained whether the chromed wool enter the
Dark Paste Orange.
dye in its yellow state, or whether
be brought it
2 lbs. brown sugar of lead,
to the green state by deoxidising agents, but that
the colour is more quickly dyed when it is in 1 gallon water ; dissolve, thicken with

the yellow state. Other experimenters think 1 J lb. flour

its principal action is in oxidising the wool. In sighten with precipitated chromate of lead pulp.

cases where the wool has been sulphured before The amount of sugar of lead may be increased
dyeing, I should attribute part of the useful to as high as 8 lbs. to a gallon of water when
action to the oxidation of the sulphurous acid dark shades are wanted, or when the design
retained in the wool. includes small objects.

In steam blues, and catechu colours, raised Pah Paste Orange.

by means of bichromate of potash, a small quan- 1 gallon water,
tity of chromium remains attached to the cloth | lb. nitrate of lead,
or colour: this has been looked upon as con- li lb. of flour.
stituting an essential part of the colour; but, as There is apparently some advantage in employ-
it is very evident, that other oxidising agents ing nitrate of lead for the paler shades, but the
can produce the same effect, and it is at least acetate could be equally as well used. After
probable, that in the very act of oxidation, printing, the goods are aged to soften them, and
some oxide of chromium falls on the fibre and then passed in warm dilute sulphuric acid or
is retained, it is more reasonable to look upon sulphate of soda. This fixes the lead upon the
the presence of chromium as accidental rather cloth as sulphate. The cloth is washed to re-
than as essential to the colour. move any loosely adhering lead salts, and then
CHROME COLOURS As before men- entered into the bichromate. From two ounces
tioned, the only chromates which
coloured to half a pound of bichromate are added to a
adapt themselves to the wants of the dyer beck of warm water for each piece of calico,
and printer are those of lead, and the chrome and the goods run in for about ten minutes,
colours are consequently limited to the orange when they will have acquired a full yellow,
and yellow shades yielded by the lead basis. and, if to remain yellow, must be taken out
The chromate of lead, which contains single then. To convert them into orange, the readiest
atoms of the acid and base, is yellow ; it is pro- method is to lift the pieces when they have
duced by simply mixing solution of bichromate acquired a full yellow, and add half a pint oi
and any salt of lead. The orange-coloured caustic soda, at 30° Tw., for every five pounds of
chromate of lead is produced by acting upon bichromate employed stir up well, and run the

the yellow with dilute alkalies, such as lime pieces again for ten minutes. If the full orange
water or weak caustic soda. The alkali ab- shade is not developed, a little more soda may
stracts one half of the chromic acid from the be cautiously added, taking care to stop the
yellow chromate of lead, leaving a compound pieces, and turn them into clear water, upon
which contains two atoms of lead to one of the slightest appearance of their losing colour.
chromic acid, and which has a deep orange Another process consists in taking the pieces at
colour. If the alkali is strong, or its action the yellow and wincing them in water, and then
long continued, it abstracts the whole of the raising the orange by means of boiling lime
chromic acid from the lead, leaving it colour- water, or very weak caustic liquor. Or, again,
less, and ends by dissolving up the lead and all. instead of passing the pieces in bichromate,
Hence, in turning the chrome yellow into they may be passed into neutral chromate, made
orange, much caution has to be exercised not by adding crystals of soda, or caustic soda, to
to pass the right point. bichromate. The method given first leaves
nothing to desire if carried out with care and working the yellow in boiling lime water, or
intelligence. weak caustic, as in calico printing.
Sulphate of lead, though an insoluble salt, Sub-acetate of Lead Orange.— A sub-acetate of
when printed upon calico and dipped in lime lead prepared by boiling 20 lbs. brown sugar

forms an intimate combination with the fibre, of lead and 10 lbs. litharge in a sufficient quantity
and may serve very well as a mordant for of rain water, working the goods in this solu-
chrome orange. One method of applying it tion, which yields up its lead more easily than
consists in melting brown acetate of lead, and common acetate, and fixing in lime water. As
adding to it strong sulphuric acid a great ; it is necessary to have a considerable quantity

portion of the acetic acid is expelled, and the of lead on the cotton for deep orange, thi3
lead wholly or partially converted into sulphate. process must be repeated two or three times,
This, slightly thickened, printed, dipped in lime, then worked in the chrome 10 lbs., and the
and raised in chrome as above, gives very good orange colour raised by boiling lime water.
oranges. This method of obtaining the chrome —
Sulphate of Lead Orange-. By working the
orange is subject to irregularities, and is not to cotton in acetate of lead, wringing, and passing
be recommended. in sulphuric acid sours, at 4° Tw., then washing,
The yellow from chrome is scarcely ever pro- and passing in warm bichrome and boiling lime
duced in printing. The orange is very often water, a full deep orange can be obtained with-
worked in combination with iron buff. When out any repetitions, and with great certainty
orange alone is produced sulphuric acid is the and regularity.
best fixing agent, but if accompanied by buff, Plombate of Lime Orange. —
Similar to the
sulphate of soda must be used, and, if necessary, plombate of soda yellow, only that lime water
some carbonate of soda added to it. is employed, instead of soda, in excess, to dis-

Chrome Colours by Dyeing on Calico. —The solve the oxide of lead precipitated in the first
colours produced by the chromates of lead upon instance. It requires three or four repetitions

calico by dyeing receive various names, accord- to obtain the darkest shade of orange.

ing to their depth. A very light shade, obtained The chromate of lead colours have a moderate

by using from 2 lbs. to 3 lbs. of acetate of lead degree of stability ; they are weakened by soap
for 100 lbs. of cotton, and raising in 2 lbs. bi- and friction, and also by washing soda. Like
chromate, may be called straw colour. The all colours containing lead, they are blackened
process consists in working the goods for twenty by sulphuretted hydrogen, sothat they are en-
minutes through the acetate of lead liquor; drain, hangings for dwelling-houses,
tirely unfitted for

and work through the chrome ten minutes, and where sulphurous emanations are always more
finish iu the lead. The shades are sometimes or less present.
modified by using anotta along with the chrome. Chrome yellow forms the yellow basis of

Lemon Yellow. 10 lbs. sugar of lead, 4 lbs.
some green styles in which indigo is the blue,
and of some shades of brown and chocolate.
bichromate of potash, 100 lbs. cotton. Work
(See Brown and Green.)
as in the previous case.
CHROMIUM.— Chromium is the name of
By increasing the weight of drugs, or by re-
the metallic basis of the chromates combines; it
peating the dips, any desired depth of yellow
with oxygen in two proportions, the one com-
can be obtained. Nitrate of lead may be used
pound being called oxide of chromium, or green
instead of the acetate.
oxide of chromium, and the other chromic acid.
Plombate of Soda Yellow. In this method — The pure metal chromium is almost unknown,
advantage is taken of the power which alkalies and the oxide is always obtained from the
possess of dissolving hydrated oxide of lead in chromic acid compounds or chromates by one
the following manner :
— For 100 lbs. of cotton, of the methods given below. A
class of colours
5 lbs. bichromate and 10 lbs. of acetate of lead is obtained from the oxide of chromium, which
are taken. The acetate of lead is dissolved in may be distinguished as Chromium Colours.
water, and strong caustic soda gradually is A pigment green, which is an oxide of chromium,
added ; it produces a bulky white precipitate prepared by a peculiar process, has been used in
at first, but continued addition of the soda dis- calico printing, fixed by means of albumen or
solves this precipitate. In order not to have lactarine. This preparation, known as Guignets'
an excess present, it is well to leave a little green, is obtained by making an intimate mix-
of the precipitate undissolved. The goods are ture of about three parts of boracic acid with
worked in the clear liquor, and then passed into one part of bichromate, and calcining it, at a
the chromate as before. low temperature, in a reverberatory furnace the ;

Chrome Crange. — The orange is obtained by chromic acid loses oxygen, and becomes changed

into green oxide of chromium. There are many takes place, and a precipitate forms, which is
ways of preparing the green oxide different ft om collected upon a filter and drained to a pulp;
this, but that which is produced by this particu- the pulp is scraped into a mug and mixed with
lar method has a beauty of colour entirely pecu- 3 quarts of nitric acid,
liar to itself. It is sold in the pasty state, at a and kept at a boiling heat until the pulp is dis-

price about equivalent to 10s. per lb. of the dry solved, or nearly so; when cold, mixed with
oxide ; this high price has considerably limited 3 quarts of acetic acid at 8°.
its applications in printing. The clear liquor should stand at from 80° to 90°
CHROMIUM COLOURS.— The chromium Tw., and may be thickened with tragacanth
colours are those which have oxide of chromium gum water.
as a basis. The first process is to make some A much simpler receipt is as follows :

salt of chromium, which is printed, and then 1 gallon of water,

raised or fixed in lime or soda, precisely the 5 lbs. bichromate of potash,
same as an iron buff. 7 lbs. white arsenic,
/Sulphate of CJiromium Standard. 10 lbs. muriatic acid
1 gallon of boiling water, heat until the bichromate is entirely deoxidised
4 lbs. bichromate of potash, if the acid is not sufficient, a little more must be

2 J lbs. sulphuric acid, added ; but, in order to avoid an excess of acid,

. 1 lb. brown sugar it is well to boil the liquor down to 90° or 100°

dissolve the bichromate in the water, add the acid Tw., by which the free acid is mostly expelled.
with care, and then the sugar, by small portions. In both these processes the white arsenic, or
A violent action follows each addition of sugar, arsenious acid, takes oxygen from the chromic
accompanied by escape of gas and swelling of acid, and becomes arsenic acid, which combines
the liquid; in order to prevent loss, it is neces- with the oxide of chromium produced to form
sary, therefore, to have large vessels, and to arseniate of chromium, which is kept in solu-
add the sugar with care. tion or dissolved by excess of acid.
Muriate of Chrome Standard. Raised in lime, these liquors produce the
2 quarts boiling water, same greyish-green shades as the sulphate and
2 lbs. bichromate potash, chloride of chromium.
4 lbs. muriatic acid, By passing the chromium green shades
14 oz. sugar through weak solution of blue copperas, a
proceed as in the making of sulphate of chro- somewhat livelier tint is obtained.
mium, observing the same precautions. Modifications of the Chromium Shades. By —
The chromium is the more fre-
sulphate of mixing other mineral colours, or vegetable ex-
quently employed of these two solutions when : tracts, with the chromium standards, a variety
properly prepared, it is a viscous dark green of shades, all of a dull character, may be pro-
fluid ; sometimes, owing to a deficiency of acid, duced. Thus, buff liquor, bronze liquor, etc.,
or the heat not being high enough, it sets into a may be mixed with them. A shade of colour of
jelly, or is full of curdy lumps. Such a colour a soft grey or drab may be produced as follows
will be very unsafe; it should be made quite Green Dove Colour.
by heating it, or if
fluid either that is not suffi- 1 gallon of red liquor at 8°,
cient, by adding more acid. It should stand lib. of ground madder;
about 90° Tw. It is difficult to thicken pro- steep 24 hours, and strain
perly, having a great tendency to coagulate 2 quarts of the above,
starch and bad gums. Three quarts of the 3 pints of sulphate of chromium ;

standard to one quart of thick tragacanth gum thicken with soluble gum Raised in
water will usually work well sometimes the ; lime or weak soda, it gives a pleasant greenish
liquid has a sufficient amount of thickness to dove colour.
work without thickening. Oxide of chromium appears to be of no use as
When raised in lime and soda it produces a a mordant; it has but a very slight affinity for
greyish green, of a shade similar to green tea colouring matters, and the shades it gives are
leaves, hence sometimes called tea colour; it dull and dry.
has also been called Victoria green. Chrome Alum is a double sulphate of chromium
Arseniate of Chromium Standard. and potash, and may be used for the same pur-
9 gallons of hot water, poses as sulphate of chromium. It is employed
9 lbs. bichromate of potash, on the continent, but is not, as far as I am
11 lbs. white arsenic; aware, an article of commerce in this country.
boil this mixture for fifteen minutes ; an action CHRYSAMMIC ACID.— A golden yellow-


coloured substance, obtained by the action of yellow to a small quantity of blue, and conse-
upon aloes. It gives highly coloured
nitric acid quently yields an orange-coloured brown, tend-
salts, and hopes were entertained of making it ing to the yellow side. Cinnamon colours upon
applicable to dyeing, but so far it has not been calico can be obtained by modifying the receipts
practically applied. given under Brown.
CINNAMON COLOUR, CanneUe. — The CITRIC ACID.— This acid is obtained from
colour of cinnamon, as exposed for sale in this the juice of lemons, limes, and similar fruit.
country, may
be defined as a yellowish brown, When pure, it is in colourless crystals, of a
of a rather low tone. Chevreul defines it as a strong, pleasant acid taste, dissolving easily in
yellowish orange of a deep tone, or orange hot or cold water. The pure acid is not much
darkened with black : he gives it two formulae, used either in dyeing or printing, on account of
3 orange 14 tone, and 2 orange -3% black of 9 to its high price ; but in some places it is employed
12 tone. In dyeing, it may be considered as a as a resist on madder work, and for throwing
yellow brown, and its production depends upon down the colouring matter of safflower after it
the excess of the yellow in the composite has been dissolved by alkali but for either of

colour. these purposes ordinary lime juice of good qua-

Madder and bark cinnamon shades are pro- lity will answer nearly if not quite as well.
duced by mordanting calico in red liquor, dye- Citric acid is occasionally adulterated by admix-
ing in bark first, and then in madder, until the ture with tartaric acid, which, besides being a
desired shade is obtained. The bark and mad- fraud, is liable to cause much injury to the
der may be mixed in the dye-beck, but the printer. It is possible to discover five per cent
shade is more under control when they are used of tartaric acid, and any greater quantity in
separately, because the madder is a stronger dye citric acid, by means of caustic potash in the
stuff than the bark, and the brownish red of the following manner: dissolve a couple of ounces
madder can displace or drive outmore or less of of the acid to be tested in as little water as pos-
the bark yellow. For producing rather darker sible,from three to four ounces at the most,
shades of cinnamon, small quantities of iron then take one half of the solution in a glass
liquor may be mixed with the red ; but, if the tumbler, and add strong caustic potash (soda
proportions amount to more than one part of will not do) drop by drop until the acid is neu-
iron liquor to ten parts red liquor, the colour tralised, then mix with it the other half of the
becomes nearer a chocolate than cinnamon. dissolved acid, and stir well up together. If a
For common calico shades, the processes for heavy white crystalline powder falls to the bot-
brown may be followed, increasing the red tom of the glass, it indicates tartaric acid ; if

wood and decreasing the logwood; the yellow the quantity of tartaric acid is small, it will not
part being preserved of the same intensity. appear directly, and the glass should be left for

Calico mordanted in copper and raised in about six hours in a cool place, when, if the
prussiate of potash, as in dyeing Prussian blues, liquor is quite clear, or only a little gelatinous
gives a cinnamon shade. substance in the citric acid may be considered

Upon woollen, cinnamon shades are obtained as being free from tartaric.
by aluming as usual, and then dyeing in a mix- Citric acid, whether in pure crystals or in lime
ture of madder and some yellow dye stuff, which juice, is the best resistant for iron and alumina
may be either weld, bark, or fustic. In low mordants. Its power does not rest simply in
class work the cheaper red woods may be used its acidity, although that is very great, being

instead of madder, but, in that case, a little iron able to neutralise or dissolve nearly as much of
will have to be employed to sadden down the an oxide as an equal weight of oil of vitriol,
shade. but partly in a power, like that of tartaric acid,
The class of cinnamon colours obtained by of masking the usual properties of metals, and
printing are illustrated by the following re- putting them beyond the action of the agents
ceipts : usually influencing them. That it is not simply
Cinnamon for Wool or Delaine. Block. the acid is evident from the fact that when the
2 gallons of bark liquor at 18°, acid is quite neutralised with either potash or

2Jlbs. of ground cochineal; keep hot for some soda, the citrate of potash or soda is, for the

time, then pass through a straining cloth, quantity of citric acid present in any given bulk,
and thicken with nearly as good as before for resisting, though it
7 lbs. gum Senegal, and add cannot act as a discharge. When an iron mor-
6 oz. sulphate of indigo, dant printed over a citric acid resist, citrate of

18 oz. crystals of tin. iron formed, which, unlike the majority of the

This colour contains a large quantity of red and salts of iron, does not oxidise on the cloth, even


when exposed for a very long time to the air, mass of other matters. It may be generally
and which can he removed from it by simply observed that as lime juice becomes dearer, its

washing in water the usual fixing agents having

; quality deteriorates: as becomes cheaper, it

no action upon the salt. "When citrate of potash gets clearer, less sediment in the cask, and
employed, its first action is mechanical, to re-
is sharper and more agreeable to the taste. The
ceive the superimposed mordant, and then to strength of lime juice cannot be well ascertained
effect a decomposition by which citrate of iron by Twaddle ; the real test is to ascertain how
is formed, and so kept from fixing itself upon much alkali it will neutralise, and that no cheap
the fibre of the cloth. That citric acid has the acid has been added to make it apparently
power of changing the bearings of metals to strong. I have found lime juice adulterated
other bodies, is capable of being proved easily with potashes, which raises the density without
if causticpotash be added to a weak solution of (for a certain quantity) materially injuring its

copperas, it precipitates all the iron as oxide; resisting power; for citrate of potash itself is
but if a sufficient quantity of be mixedcitric acid known to resist tolerably well, and especially
with copperas, and then potash added in any when mixed with free citric acid. This adulte-
quantity, there will be no precipitate formed, ration can be detected by mixing very strong
owing to some agency of the citric acid ; the solution of tartaric acid with the suspected lime
same or a similar agency keeping the iron or juice: if potash be present there will be formed
alumina of the mordant from precipitating upon in a short time a crystalline deposit of bitartrate
the cloth whenever it meets the citric acid. of potash at the bottom and on the sides of the
The combinations which citric acid makes vessel. must be observed that some potash
with the alkalies and metals are not employed in is naturally present in lime juice, and care
dyeing or printing, except the citrate of soda, be made to distinguish between what may be
mentioned above, which is used to resist catechu allowed and what is evidently a falsification.
brown, and in one or two other cases. Citric acid is made from lime juiee by adding
Lime Juice, or Lemon Juice. — The acidity of ground chalk to the acid mixed in water, wash-
this juice is owing to citric acid, and its value ing the citrate of lime from the impurities which
depends upon the quantity of this acid which is are dissolved in the water, and afterwards de-
present in it. Lime very variable as to
juice is composing it with sulphuric acid if the citric ;

quality, depending upon the method of extrac- acid is not white enough animal black is used to
tion, the quality of the fruit, and the honesty decolorise it. It is possible for the calico printer

of the shipper. The best kind in the English thus to purify his lime juice, and to bring it into
market, for the use of printers, is a dark citric acid if he thinks proper.
treacly-looking fluid, marking from 48° to 54° Analysis. — Citric acid or lime juice may be
Twaddle, and containing from 30 to 36 per tested in just thesame manner as acetic acid
cent of pure citric acid. There are many in- and other acids.— (See Acidemetky.) I have
ferior qualities which, though standing nearly found citric acid to contain as much as ten per
as high on the hydrometer, contain not more cent of tartaric ; this was in a sample of brown
than two-thirds or one-half of that quantity of acid sent as of the first crystallisation without —
real acid. The sellers in this country charge doubt it was purposely adulterated. I have
the acid somuch per gallon per degree, as indi- never found the finished white crystals adul-
cated by an arbitrarily graduated instrument, terated.
supposed to show the percentage of pure citric Lime juice is only valuable on account of the
acid in the lime juice, but which gives very un- citric acid which it contains, and which varies

reliable results. At certain times all lime juice considerably. A good quality of lime juice,
is bad, containing a great deal of sediment and marking from 46° to 50° Tw., will neutralise
some peculiar substance which prevents it giv- from 70 to 76 grains of pure crystallised carbo-
ing good whites as a resist for madder and garan- nate of soda. For commercial purposes each
cine work. This is understood to be owing to grain of carbonate neutralised may represent a
a bad harvest of limes the quantity of fruit
; half grain of crystallised citric acid (equal to
being much less than usual, the manufacturers 0-38 grain of dry acid), and the value of the
abroad appear to press more completely to
it lime juice be calculated in proportion. Upon
make up the quantity, besides using damaged evaporation and calcination at a red heat the
fruit and substances, whose only resemblance citrate of soda will be converted into carbonate,
to limes or lemons consists in their giving and being tested by the alkalimeter should indi-
some kind of juice ; but the citric acid — the cate the same amount of was at first
alkali as
element of lime juice is not there
real, active — added; sometimes it will be found to indicate
in the proper quantity, or is injured by a more, which arises from potash present in the
lime juico; to correct this a quantity of the to fix itself upon any part of the fabric. Such
lime juice should be evaporated and incinerated a fluid was found in a mixture of hot water

separately. I have had occasion to test samples and cow-dung; but now various manufactured
of lime juice not containing more than 18 per substances are successfully used for the purpose.
cent of citric acid although marking full strength Although cow-dung left nothing to desire as far
on the hydrometer; they were overloaded with as the cleansing was concerned, the supply was
vegetable extractive matter. not regular— in certain localities it was scarce

CITRON, or Lemon Colour. The lemon yel- and the animals have had to be kept near to the
low or citron colour may be considered as pure printworks, actually for the sake of their dung.
yellow with a little red or orange in its compo- In other places the supply fails in the summer
sition; in Chevreul's nomenclature 4 yellow months, when the cows are grazing, and their
orange 6 tone. The chrome yellows upon dung is spread over the pastures ; add to this
cotton, and picric acid yellows upon wool and the unpleasantness of working in such a material,
silk, may be called lemon yellows. "Weld and and it will be easily understood why substitutes
alum give very pure lemon yellows. The fol- have been called for, and are now very exten-
lowing receipt is for a lemon yellow upon wool sively adopted.
or delaine : The term "dunging" was naturally enough
1 gallon berry liquor at 4^° Tw. applied to this process, because nothing but the
3 lbs. gum, excrement of cows was formerly used for the
8 oz. alum, purpose; but now that it seems probable that
1 \ oz. oxalic acid, the use of cow-dung will be given up, the con-
8 oz. oxymuriate of tin. tinuance of the name is neither desirable nor

By mixing with a small quantity of red or exact. The process is frequently called " cleans-
scarlet the shade can be modified, as in the fol- ing," which an appropriate name, since the

lowing receipt for machine : is to elean the cloth from

real use of the process
1 gallon berry liquor at 7°, loose matters which would interfere with the
lib. starch; boil, and when cooled add dyeing. This name is sufficiently distinct from
8 oz. oxalic acid, "clearing," by which is understood processes
10 oz. bichloride of tin, at 100°, subsequent to the dyeing. M. Persoz proposes
\ pint cochineal scarlet. to change the name of dunging into " fixing of

CLEANSING-. In the process of calico print- mordants;" this, besides being a somewhat
ing, after the thickened mordants have been ap- clumsy expression, is expressive of a theory
plied to the cloth, and exposed a sufficient length which may not be true, since the fixing of the
of time, the goods are ready for dyeing, in so far mordants takes place before dunging, if not
as the mordant has become fixed, and not remov- wholly, at least in great part. I shall adopt the
able by water. But there has been in all cases word " cleansing," as sufficiently characteristic,
a great deal of mordant applied, which either and on the whole preferable to the term dunging,
never comes into actual contact with the cloth, which is in many eases obviously incorrect at
or is more than it can absorb and retain. This this day.
is removable by water, and, if the pieces were The analysis of cow-dung does not point out
to be placed in the dye vessel, would dissolve, any particular principle in it which can be said
and seriously interfere with the dyeing. If the to be the active agent in cleansing. Its power
pieces were washed in water simply before dye- has been at various times attributed to each of
ing, the object would be partially attained, that is, several substances it contains: its albumen, and
the loose mordant would be removed ; but ano- its peculiar animal matters, were supposed at

ther difficulty would occur, the excess of mordant onetime to be the active elements; again, the
liberated at one point would be absorbed by the mineral matters it contained were said to be the
cloth at another where the design required a real principles which were useful in it, and so
white or colourless part ; or, in case of different on in turn every single element has been at some
mordants being on the same piece of cloth, they time or by some person considered the essential
would intermix and spoil one another; the red matter in it. That cow-dung does not possess
would turn the purple into chocolate, and the any principle peculiar to itself, which enables it
blacks would give a purplish colour to the reds. to be used for cleansing, is plainly evident from
It was necessary for the calico printers to find the fact of the successful employment of substi-
some fluid in which the pieces could be washed tutes which have no resemblance to it in any
from the excess of mordant, and the now useless way. But that it possesses some principles that
thickening matter, which at the same time should fit it for such a duty is evident ; but it does not
prevent the loose mordant from being at liberty seem necessary to fix upon any single one as the

essential one, but rather to view the action matter from the cow-dung ; and the better
exercised as one resulting from the combined colours produced upon dyeing, and the shorter
influence of two or more of its constituents. time required, must be attributed to some action
My observations and experiments have led me of the cow-dung— not necessarily to the colour-
to conclude that cow-dung owes its efficacy to ing matter, but the weight of probability is in
two things, namely, the finely ground up or favour of it. Some actual chemical change in
chewed organic matter, the remains of the hay, the mordant is possible ; if any, it must be in the
grass, or other food of the animal,- and to a way of deoxidation. I have found a decoction
species of greenish olive colouring matter which of cow-dung to act powerfully as a deoxidising
is present. The effect of a passage in dung agent.
appears to me in great part to be mechanical, It may not, perhaps, be accepted as a fact that

and to be an illustration of the power of surface the presence of colouring matter of the cow-dung
in attracting chemical matters. The undigested would have any useful action in dyeing, but I
fibrous parts in the dung fix upon themselves am convinced it has, and especially in madder
the excess of mordant as soon as it leaves the colours. Experience proves that, in the case

piece, and so prevent it spreading either on the of the best dung substitutes, or cleansing com-
whiter or the neighbouring colours. There is pounds, a final wince in cow-dung before dyeing
no difficulty in considering that this would be' a isadvantageous. It is better for the mordanting
sufficient. explanation if it were allowed that the oxide that it should go into the beck in a partly
insoluble parts of the cow-dung could exercise saturated state than in a state of the highest
this affinity for the mordant which is set at activity. In a majority of cases the colours will
liberty by the liquor. When it is considered be more solid, brighter, and faster when the com-
that the chemical composition of the fibrous bination between the mordant and the colouring
matter of cow-dung, and its physical constitution matter is slow and gradual, than when, on the
also, resemble very closely that of cotton fibre, contrary, it is rapid and completely effected in a
it is not difficult to imagine it as having at least short time. In the case of madder, this might
as great an affinity for the mordant which is be explained upon the assumption of a variable
loosened as the surrounding cotton fibres them- displacing power of the true and false colouring
selves; but, because is in a finer state of
it principles present in it. It may be supposed

division, and in contactwith the actual particles that the dun colouring principle cannot displace
of mordant, it has an advantage over the cotton the colouring matter of the cow-dung, but that
fibres which are at some distance, and could only the alizarine can do so, and does so by degrees
receive the excess of mordant through the me- in the course of the dyeing; and it may be sup-
dium of the bath; consequently, the superfluous posed that, by this means, a pure colour is pro-
mordant is retained by the insoluble floating duced, which suffers less in the clearing opera-
particles of the cow dung. This action of the tions than if the mordant was partly filled with
cow dung I consider all that is essential to it the easily removable secondary colouring matters
ithas other actions upon the mordant and cloth, of the madder. In other colouring matters it
but they are either of no importance in their may be considered that they cannot combine so
result or only of secondary importance. The rapidly with the mordant, because it is partly
colouring matter referred to seems to act an combined already; but this combination is a
useful part, but it is not clear what it is. The weak one, and gives way to the power of a
mordants take it up and retain it through the stronger agent, and, being formed slowly, seems
washings; but in the dyeing it is driven out by to be more stable; just as in painting, a thick
the stronger colouring matter of the madder or layer of paint, equal to the whole quantity
garancine. If a fent, mordanted for black and required, might be applied at once, but it would
purple, be dipped in hot caustic soda, at one or not be so good as if applied in twr o or three
two degrees of Twaddle, it will come out with separate coats.
the mordants of a light buff shade; in this state The dung substitutes at present in use are
they do not dye well in madder the colours — chiefly the arsenite and arseniate of soda, the
produced are poor, and it takes a longer time silicate of soda, mixtures of the two, phosphate
and higher temperature to dye them. If the of lime, and variouscompounds containing other
fent be taken from the caustic soda to a regular substances in addition to those named, but whose
passage in dung, it soon changes its colour, com- utility is ofa very questionable nature. As
ing to nearly the same shade as if it had been mentioned just now, caustic soda would act as a
at once passed into dung; in this state it dyes dung substitute for black and purple mordants,
up well and quickly. The change of colour but not for red mordants, because the alumina
may be attributed to the absorption of colouring forming a soluble combination with the alkali
; ;

would be entirely removed. The silicate, arse- cines the temperature must be high, but need
nate, and arseniate of soda may be looked upon not exceed 180° P. in the first cleansing. For
as caustic soda, the more energetic properties of light redsand purples, especially for the former,
which are modified by the arsenical and silicious a low temperature is necessary to success. In
acids.The alkalinity is modified, not destroyed. styles which contain much acid, as also in those

The same may be said of the carbonates, bi-car- which have a large quantity of red in them con-
bonates, and phosphates of the alkalies, which taining crystals of tin, the addition of chalk to
have been sparingly used as dung substitutes. the cleansing dolly is very useful, and in fact
The chemical action of these substitutes differs necessary. The cleansing is usually divided
from that of cow-dung for, while I do not look
into two parts; the open passage of the pieces
upon cow-dung as possessing any notable fixing by means of rollers through the " dolly," and the
powers, it is certain that the arsenites and sili- fly wincing afterwards. About two minutes is
cates do enjoy such a power. They actually all the time necessary in the first liquor; that is

neutralise the acid remaining in the mordant, mordant, and to loosen,

sufficient to fix the loose

and precipitate the oxide upon the cloth in but not to remove, the thickening. The second
greater quantity than dung, and under different cleansing requires a longer time and a rougher
circumstances. At the strength at which the motion of the pieces, in order to remove all the
substitutes are employed in the cleansing appa- thickening matter from the cloth it may take ;

ratus, very little of this precipitation of oxide from fifteen to twenty minutes, or even longer,
upon the cloth actually takes place ; the action if the nature of the thickening is opposed to easy

of the substitute is confined to rendering the solution. There must be no stinting of time; the

loosened mordant insoluble at the moment it cloth must be well cleansed or there will be nothing

quits the cloth, and so preventing its combining but confusion in the dyeing. The pasty thicken-
with other parts of the fabric. But, if the ings sometimes get into a state very difficult to

strength be increased, the precipitation upon the deal with they swell out but do not dissolve

cloth takes place, and darker colours are pro- from the fibre, adhering to it like a jelly rapid ;

duced—of course at the expense of the dyeing motion is necessary to detach them, or some
material, and frequently also at the expense of mechanical appliance. The clear substitute
goodness of shade. It is not well that the liquors do not act so effectively in this case as

cleansing liquor should be also a fixing liquor; cow-dung, its insoluble matter acting mecha-
in ordinary cases of calico dyeing the two pro- nically upon the cloth, scours it by attrition
probably if some light substances like sawdust
cesses should be distinct.
Dunging or cleansing is one of the most im- were added to the substitutes their energy would

portant parts in dyeing for calico printing; it be increased* It is not usual to wash the pieces
deserves the utmost attention of the superinten- between the cleansings, except by simply passing
dent, for upon it depends, in a remarkable them through clear water it is very necessary

manner, the success of the dyeing. The heat of that they should receive a perfect washing after

the cleansing liquor and its strength must vai'y the last cleansing —
about fifteen minutes in a
with the styles, and be skilfully adapted to them. dashwheel, or three to six passages through a
The rule is to use such a temperature and washing machine, depending upon the style and
strength as will cleanse effectually, and not to nature of the thickening. I have tried the effect
go beyond that strength and temperature. The of a brush revolving against the open piece in
nature of the thickening must be attended to; the first cleansing to help in detaching the paste
if it is a gum thickening, and one which is easily thickening it acted very well, and if applied

soluble in water, the temperature may be kept near the end of the dolly cannot do any harm.
low, but the strength must be rather greater This or some similar mechanical appliance may
than for paste thickenings; if a mixture of paste be beneficially used when the thickening does
and gum thickenings, the heat must be higher not come off well ; but under ordinary circum-
and the strength medium if all paste, the heat
; stances it is not necessary, the motion of the
must be high and the strength of the liquor pieces in the beck, and a good washing with
entirely in proportion to the kind of printing— plenty of water, will generally suffice to remove
being the strongest for blotch and heavy<covered alladventitious matter, and leave the cloth clean
patterns, and weaker in proportion as the pattern for dyeing. — (See Cow-Dung, Dung Substi-.
is lighter. As a general rule the heat should be tutes, and Phosphates.)
kept at the lowest point, this may be as low as CLEARING. — By this term calico printers
100° P. for light plate patterns without black understand the operations of obtaining the un-
for black and acids for madder work a tempera- dyed parts of their work of a pure clear white.
ture of from 140° to 160° id the best; for garan- In all kinds of dyeing upon mordanted cloth,
where a portion of the fabric is left unmordanted, they remain two or three minutes exposed to
or from which the mordant has been removed low pressure steam, and from this pass through
previous to dyeing for the purpose of leaving three or four boxes of water to wash them.
some parts white, the process of clearing is The only delicate point in clearing is to hit such
necessary in order to give those whites their a strength of clearing liquor as shall effectually
highest degree of purity. Thus in madder clear the whites without acting too much upon
dyeing, in logwood dyeing, or in garancine the colours. In dark work there is a con-
dyeing, though the colouring matters employed siderable margin, because the heavy colours do
are said to have no affinity for calico unless this not show a little punishment by excess of
is mordanted, yet it is always found that the clearing, but in light colours the point is not
unmordaated parts are stained and discoloured easy to hit ; and, in fact, it is preferable to clear
to a degree which would much injure the ap- them in the beck, where they can be watched.
pearance of the print if finished in that state. It appears from my experiments that nearly
It is necessary, therefore, to treat the cloth in all dyed colours can better withstand the action
such a manner as to bleach these parts, at the of strong clearing solution for a short time than
same time having due regard to the integrity of of weak clearing solution for a longer time, and
the coloured parts. The oldest method of clear- that, in consequence, it is better to clear quickly
ing was a modification of the old method of with strong liquors than slowly with weak
bleaching, namely, exposure of the printed liquors. In madder and garancine styles, where
goods to the action of the air and moisture upon the dyeing material is in very fine powder, the
grass; this was done at night to avoid the clearing will not be satisfactory unless preceded
injurious influence of strong daylight or sun- by a very good washing, to expel the mecha-
shine. Although this is spoken of as an obselete nically enclosed particles of spent dyewood.
method it is yet practised where there is con- (For the use of soap in clearing, see Soap and
venience for it. Madder.)
Bran is sparingly used for clearing some COCCUS POLONICUS, Polish Berries, or
qualities of logwood blacks and
dyed goods, as European Cochineal.— This is a small insect very
garancine reds; the bran is scalded, mixed with similar to Kermes, used in Southern Russia,
water, and the goods passed through at about Turkey, and Armenia, as a red dye stuff. It
140° F. seems to belong to the same kind of insect as
Cow-dung has been used in clearing garan- cochineal, and before the introduction of the
cines, but its employment for this purpose is not rich American cochineal into Europe, it was
to be recommended. one of the chief dyeing materials for producing
Chloride of lime or bleaching powder is the crimson colours upon silk and wool. It is now
lost generally used clearing agent ; it is applied only employed locally in remote districts of the
several ways. For clearing madders, the tract of country where it flourishes.
joods are run through a very dilute hot solution COCOA NUT TREE.— It is stated that the
)f the bleaching powder, until the dyer or whole of the cocoa nut tree, but more especially
Blearer considers the whites sufficiently clear; the husk which encloses the nut, and the foot
for garancines, the same process may be adopted, stalks of the leaves, may be used as a dyeing
)ut experience has shown that the higher tem- material. From the claims made in a patent,
perature employed in garancine dyeing tinges bearing date March 29, 1825, it would appear
the whites more deeply than madder, while the to have astringent properties, but I am not
less stability of the colours produced render it aware that it has ever been practically applied.
dangerous to let the pieces run long enough to COCHINEAL.— This important dyeing ma-
2lear the whites. In consequence, two other terial consists of an insect, feeding on a species
lethods of clearing garancines are adopted ; the of cactus called Nopal by the Mexicans. It
irst consists in padding the piece to be cleared was formerly considered to be a berry, and even
)lution of bleaching
powder, standing at 1£° years after travellers had brought home true
)r 2° Tw.: the padding is done by an engraved accounts of the real nature and origin of cochi-
roller, and so arranged that only a small quantity neal, European observers of some eminence
)f the bleaching liquor is transferred to the persisted in the belief of its vegetable nature,
piece, the piece is then passed over the steam not being able to detect the usual external marks
shest or drums and either washed off or finished of an insect. It is, however, an insect having
without washing. The other and better method six legs, no wings, and a very small head ; the
consists in padding the pieces in a bleaching legs are disproportionately small when com-
solution not quite so strong as the last, and pared with the body of the insect ; they, in
then passing them through a &teaui box in which fact, appear only to be used by the insect in its
upon the
earliest state, for after it has settled certain weight of cochineal with strong ammonia.
branch of a nopal it employs them no more, The dyeing test is the only really trustworthy
and they are not developed like the rest of the test, and when applied with due care gives very

bndy this refers to the female insect, the male

; exact results..

insects having better defined limbs, but there is Cochineal is a very rich colouring substance,
only one male to about two hundred females. yielding about half its weight of real colouring
The females remain fixed to the branch like matter. This colouring matter is very soluble,
berries, feeding upon the sap until they are and easily extracted from the insect by boiling
brushed off and killed. The method of killing it in water. The extract contains, besides pure
the insect practised by the extensive cultivators colour, a quantity of animal matter, and it is
consists in putting a basket full of them into liable to putrefy in the concentrated state when
a hot stove; the smaller cultivators kill them kept in warm places. It acquires a very dis-

by immersing the baskets in hot water. Cochi- agreeable smell, but even then does not appear
neal insects killed by the latter process are said to be much injured in its powers of dyeing or
to be mostly burst open and acquire a reddish yielding colours in printing, though it would

or foxy appearance, and to be somewhat inferior, not be safe to allow this putrefaction to continue
while those killed by the stoving process are to any considerable degree. The extract ot
grey and most esteemed. cochineal may be boiled down to a syrupy con-
There are two kinds of cochineal, known sistence,but for general purposes it is not used
commercially as silver and black. The silver stronger than about 9° Tw., and is reduced from
cochineal is said to be the impregnated female that for most shades. The pure colouring mat-
just before laying eggs, while the black cochi- ter of cochineal has received the name of car-
neal is the female after laying and hatching the mine; it is red, soluble in alcohol and water,
eggs. The black cochineal appears to be the and besides being itself of a magnificent colour,
most valuable, but the bulk of that imported is readily yields all those shades which the cochi-
the silver, the black only being what has been neal itself does to mordanted cloth.
kept for breeding purposes. Formerly there The colours which are derived from cochineal
was a kind of cochineal called " English black are red, and its modifications of pink, scarlet,
cochineal," which was the Mexican silver grain, and crimson. The alumina mordants give the
dyed by immersion in decoction of cochineal. crimson colours they are very fine, deep, and

The value of cochineal can be very closely solid shades, but have not any great brilliancy
ascertained by the simple inspection of a prac- to distinguish them. The scarlet is obtained by
tised observer being one of the most expensive
; means of a tin mordant, and no colour can com-
dye drugs, there are considerable inducements pare with a good cochineal scarlet for brilliancy,
to fraud, and some kinds of cochineal are actually fastness, and fire. The pink is obtained from a
known in the market as " doctored cochineal." modification of the cochineal colour, obtained by
The usual adulteration consists in adding some boiling the insect with ammonia and watsr in-
powdery matter to the cochineal, to increase its stead of water alone. Alumina is the proper
weight. French chalk, white lead, and ground mordant for it. It is a difficult colour to obtain
talc are said to be chiefly used, and as much as in its best state, and as a pink has not so much
ten per cent of this mineral matter may be beauty as safflower pink, but is very much more
added without the appearance of the cochineal stable. Other shades besides these can be ob-
attracting the attention of an inexpert observer. tained from cochineal, but they are seldom
A fine metallic powder is also used to weight worked, being expensive and capable of close
cochineal, and it is said that as much as 30 per imitationhj cheaper colouring matters. The
cent of weight can be thus added to it. These greatest affinity of cochineal is for wool; with it
adulterations are easily detected upon analysis, it yields its deepest, brightest, and fastest colours.
for by calcining the mixture at a red heat, the It is applicableon silk and cotton, but the same
true matter of the cochineal is burned away, depth of shade cannot be obtained. The greatest
leaving the added mineral adulteration, the consumption of cochineal is in dyeing woollen
quantity and nature of which can be then ascer- cloth scarlet, but large quantities are also used
tained. Practical methods of testing cochineal in calico and delaine printing, for obtaining
consist in dyeing and woollen in com-
up silk reds of the scarlet nature, and also pinks and
parison with a known good quality, also in crimsons.
ascertaining how much chlorine is required to COCHINEAL COLOURS.— Scarlet on
bleach the decoction from a known weight of Wool. — The principal colour for which cochineal
the insects, and lastly by comparing the intensity is employed in dyeing is that of scarlet upon
of a coloured solution obtained by treating a wool. The process consists in first mordanting


the woollen cloth in solution of tin, and then at the boil for about half an hour, or until the
dyeing in the cochineal, with a further addition cochineal is spent and the dyq liquor nearly
of tin solution. The dyers generally prepare colourless. In some cases tartar is used in the
their own solution of tin ; and most dyers con- dyeing as well as in the mordanting, its effect
sider that their own method has some advantages being to give a more fiery or orange scarlet.
over that of others, and guard their processes as Bancroft appears to have been the first to
secret, There can be no doubt that very much draw attention to the fact that scarlet differed
depends upon the tin solution ; but, at the same from crimson by the addition of a yellow part
time, it is certain that almost any tin solution derived from some source but where cochineal

fairly prepared could be made to yield good alone used as the colouring matter it is evi-

colours. The explanation of many differences dent that the yellow could only be derived from
among dyers upon this matter would be found to the change of its red colouring matter. This
consist in points of practical detailfor example, : change was considered at that time as being
one solution of tin yields the metal quickly at a accomplished by means of the tartar used in
low temperature another yields it but slowly
; mordanting and dyeing, and the more yellow
or not at all at a low temperature, but well or fiery the scarlet was desired the more tartar
enough at the boil. It is easy to see that in was employed. I consider that it was the ni-
the case of such differences of composition, dif- trous acid or hyponitric acid contained in the
ferences of subsequent treatment are essential. which produced this effect; but how-
tin solution
The solution in use is generally a mixture of per ever produced, it was evident that red colour

and proto chloride of prepared by dissolving

tin, was destroyed, and Bancroft had the idea of
mixed with common salt
the metal in nitric acid economising cochineal by first dyeing a yellow
or muriate of ammonia. It appears from prac- basis upon the woollen cloth. He made many
tical authorities thatthe solution is best when experiments with quercitron bark, but the re-
made when the solution of the tin is
slowly, and sults do not appear to have pleased the dyers,
not accompanied by evolution of gas, or with the shades being deficient in brilliancy, since
but little evolution ; such a state of affairs indi- quercitron yellow does not withstand very well
cates the formation of ammonia in the solution, the strongly acid solutions used in dyeing scar-
and seems to point to the production of some let. At this day the yellow colours derived
doublesalt of tin. The proportions used in one from fustic and turmeric are employed to econo-
case are mise cochineal in obtaining the yellower kind
10 lbs. nitric acid (aqua fortis), of scarlets, but the best scarlets are still obtained
5 lbs. water, from cochineal alone as colouring matter, and
10 to 20 oz. common salt, these alone resist wear and exposure, and are
20 oz. feathered tin. not stained by liquids or dirt as the compound
The tin is added bit by bit, waiting for one por- scarlets are.
tion to dissolve before another is added, until The quality of the water has a great influence
the whole is dissolved. Whatever the compo- in scarlet dyeing ; it should be as pure as can
sition of the tin solution may be, and
a variety be possibly obtained: all earthy matters con-
of receipts will be found under the article Tin, the tained in it either tend to dull the colour or to

woollen cloth, well wetted, is boiled with it. In bring towards the rose or crimson shade,

the above tin solution there will be rather more which is fatal to a bright scarlet. Additions
than an ounce of the metal in each pound of the are frequently made to the water with a view of
liquid ;and for a quantity of woollen cloth correcting impurities. Sometimes bran, flour,
weighing 100 lbs., and intended to be dyed a full or starch are added and in France it is cus-

scarlet, about 20 lbs. of the composition are tomary to boil some coarse wool in the solution
taken and divided into two portions of 13 and of tin and tartar before entering the cloth to be
7 lbs. respectively. The cloth is boiled in water, dyed; this is supposed to attract the dreaded
to which the larger portion has been added, along impurities, and so remove them from the dye-
with 8 lbs. of crude tartar; a little cochineal, bath. To obtain the very finest shade of scarlet
about 6 oz., is also added to tint the cloth and requires great experience and a multitude of
serves to indicate the progress of the mordanting. precautions, which can only be learned by assi-
The whole is kept at the boil for about two duous attention to practical operations.
hours, and then winced in clean water; it is One ounce of cochineal is generally reckoned
next entered into the dyeing vessel, either copper as sufficient for one pound of wool inferior :

or tin, or part tin and part copper, with from five colours are obtained by diminishing the quan-
to six pounds of finely ground cochineal, and the tity.
remainder of the tin solution; the whole Kept The cochineal crimson on wool is obtained by
mordanting in alum, tin, and tartar, and dyeing for crimson and pink colours upon woollen and
in cochineal, mixed with ammoniacal cochineal. delaine :

It is not much in request. Ammoniacal Cochineal, Persoz gives — as fol-

Crimson upon Silk. This colour is ohtained lows for the dry preparation :

by working the silk in a warm, weak bichloride 10 lbs. ground cochineal,

of tin for a sufficient length of time, then dyeing 30 lbs. ammonia,
in cochineal and water. 4 lbs. gelatinous alumina.
Gochineat Pink on Silk. —
This colour is ob- The is placed in a stoppered bottle or
tained by the use of the prepared or ammoniacal carboy, and mixed well with the ammonia; the
solution of cochineal (the process of which is whole is left closely corked for a month, then
given further on) upon a tin mordant. By mixed with the alumina, prepared, I presume,
simply diminishing the quantity of cochineal by precipitating alum with crystals of soda, put
used in dyeing crimson a pink can be obtained, into a tinned copper and kept hot until the
but not of a good shade. The cochineal pink is ammonia is dissipated ; when the paste has
not so much vogue as that from safflower.
in acquired a sufficient consistence it is spread
A scarlet is obtained upon silk by first giving it upon a cloth, and the drying completed in a stove.
a yellow or orange ground with anotta. and then A pasty ammoniacal cochineal is prepared by
passing it through the process for crimson. digesting equal weights of ground cochineal and
The cochineal dyed styles upon calico or cot- ammonia for a week, and dissipating the am-
ton goods are quite unimportant. If calico, monia by evaporation.
printed with the usual mordants for madder, be In England the compound is mostly prepared
dyed in cochineal, it will be found that the dark by putting the unground cochineal into a close
red takes a violet-hued crimson, the light reds tin or tinned-copper boiler, mixing with the
dye up blueish pinks, the light iron mordants ammonia, and keeping at the boiling point for
dye up shades of violet grey, and the strong eight or ten hours straining and keeping the

iron mordants dye up a sreyish black. There liquor hot in an open vessel until the ammonia
is a style of work occasionally produced from is dissipated. If steam, at eight or ten pounds
cochineal by printing a red liquor mordant, pressure, can be used in the operation it appears
dunging or fixing as usual, and dyeing in coch- advantageous.
ineal, or a mixture of cochineal and gall nuts. Dumas gives directions as follows :— 15 lbs.
On account of some peculiar action which spent of ground cochineal are mixed with 17£ lbs. of
cochineal liquor has upon alumina mordants, ammonia in a close vessel, and left to digest
injuring the colours as if it were acid, it is cold for six or eight days, then heated gently
found desirable to divide the dyeing into two for about eleven hours, with constant stirring,
portions, so as not to have the liquor too con- until the smell of ammonia has disappeared:
centrated. this leaves about 27 or 28 lbs. For dark colours
Cochineal Colours in Printing. — For
the ap- this answers, he says, very well ; but for light
plications of cochineal in printing, the colouring and delicate shades, a dry cochineal lake is pre-
matter may be applied in three states: The — pared by mixing the gelatinous alumina obtained
firstbeing the insect, ground as fine as possible, from 1 \ lb. of alum with the paste produced as
and simply mixed up with the thickening and above, and washing the lake several times upon
salts employed. This method may probably a filter, then drying until the product weighs
ensure the extraction of the largest amount of only 16 or 17 lbs.
colouring matter, but it is evidently unfitted for I am of opinion that the method of simply
any kind of good printing. The second, and keeping the ammonia and cochineal together in
most usual condition, is a solution of cochineal, a heated state for some hours, gives the best and
or cochineal liquor, made by boiling the insect most economical preparation. It is true that
with water until exhausted as much as possible the whole of the colouring matter is not ex-
of colouring matter, and then concentrating the hausted, but the residuum may be extracted
solutions to a strength of 10° or 12° of the and used for darker and scarlet shades.
hydrometer. The third state of cochineal is It will be observed that the ammonia is driven
where the solution of colouring matter is made away before the solution is used in colour mix-
by means of ammonia, and the preparation is ing, therefore any action it has had upon the
frequently spoken of as ammoniacal cochineal, cochineal must have taken place during the
and cochineal in cake or paste- The following steeping, and remained permanent; in fact, the
are some of the methods followed in obtaining investigations of chemists seem to prove that
this preparation, which is, without doubt, the the ammonia, or some of its elements, have
best form in which cochineal can be employed entered into intimate combination with the
: —


colouring matter of the cochineal, and then potash, then boil the whole down to fifteen gal-
modified its properties. lons. The liquor stands at about 8°, and is
The following receipts for printing, in which somewhat pulpy or gelatinous.
cochineal is the only or predominating colouring 1 gallon of above liquor,
matter, are selected as characteristic specimens IJlb. starch,
from a vast number in the author's possession 6 oz. crystals of tin ; when cold, add
Deep Scarlet on Silk or Wool. 6 oz. oxalic acid,

3J gallons cochineal liquor, containing —

\ pint of orange colour. (See Okange.)
l£lb. cochineal per gallon, The above receipts are sufficiently illustrative
36 oz. starch boil, and add
of the scarlet red shades from cochineal. To
obtain the crimson and pink shades the ammo-
\ pint mixed berry and fustic liquor at 15°,
1 lb. binoxalate of potash,
niacal cochineal is employed, and it will be
3 oz. crystals of tin,
noticed that, while tin is the mordant for the

12 oz. bichloride of tin at 100°. scarlet reds, alumina is the mordant for the
The berry and fustic liquor in this receipt,
crimson and pink shades. The fact that tin
giving a portion of yellow, more mordants gave a shade more inclining to the
make the shade
orange, and alum mordants one inclining to the
lively, turning
towards a flame colour: the

binoxalate or, as it is sometimes called, the purple, has been long known, but the modifica-

superoxalate of potash is useful as a foil upon tion of the hue by the action of ammonia is of
which the excess of acid in the comparatively recent discovery. Although alum
tin solution may
spend itself, liberating oxalic acid, the presence
and the ammoniacal cochineal usually go to-
of which is favourable in cochineal colours. gether, yet some receipts will be found in which
tin salts are used in conjunction with this pre-
Crimson or Mallows red. Silk and CTialis.
paration of cochineal; the result is then a dark
lib. ammoniacal cochineal, dry,
red, which holds a position intermediate between
2 quarts water, boiled and strained, For this shade of
the scarlet and the crimson.
1 lb. gum, in powder, red, seldom used in the designs of this country,
1 oz. alum,
no yellow part is admissible, it is consequently a
1 oz. acetate of lead,
somewhat dull though a rich and solid colour.
J oz. tartaric acid,
The following receipt illustrates one of these
2oz. oxymuriate of tin.
colours :

This colour is for block ; if required for machine Amaranth Bed for Delaine.
the thickening must be altered. I have not
1\ lbs. of dry ammoniacal cochineal,
tried this receipt, but I think the amount of
2 gallons hot water,
alum is decidedly too small.
1 pint acetic acid,
Blotch Bed for Delaine. \ lb. alum,
6 gallons cochineal liquor, at 6°, 9 lbs. gum; dissolve, and add
1 gallon berry liquor, at 10°, 1 pint white muriatic acid,
10 lbs. starch; boil, and add 2 oz. bichloride of tin, at 100°.
2^ lbs. oxalic acid, There a free amount of acid employed in this
2| lbs. crystals of tin. colour, partly for the purpose of neutralising any
A strong red for objects may be made exactly ammonia left in the cochineal, partly to dissolve
as above, but the cochineal liquor must be the alumina used in preparing the cochineal, and
stronger, and may go as high as 12° with advan- partly to facilitate the fixing of the colour on the
tage, especially upon the poorer qualities of wool. The quantity of acid which can be advan-
delaine. tageously used, depends upon the alkalinity ot
Another Bed for Delaines. the ammoniacal cochineal. If the colour be not
In this receipt the cochineal liquor is prepared distinctly acid the wool does not take the colour;
in a peculiar manner, caustic potash being used if it be excessively acid the cotton does not take
with a view to extract the colouring matter. It colour; and, in either case, "threadiness" ensues.
has yielded good colours in my hands, but I do If the utmost amount of acid be employed that
not think there is much advantage in using can be safely used, the effect is to produce a
potash for extracting the colouring matter. simple red; but, as the object is usually to
30 lbs. cochineal, obtain a crimson on the purplish side, the colour
25 gallons water, isworked as neutral as possible, and generally
1 gallon caustic potash, at 9°, with a faint excess of ammonia.
leave in contact twelve hours; boil, strain, and Crimson for Delaine.
treat the residue twice over with water and 10 lbs. cochineal,
20 lbs. strong ammonia ; steeped for 24 hours, cases we find that colour must be traced directly
then boiled and strained, to some particular action of light.
1 lb. cream of tartar Sir Isaac Newton caused a ray of sunlight to
the whole kept hot until the smell of ammonia pass through a three-cornered glass prism in
is only faint; thickened with powdered gum such a way that the ray was twice bent from its

Senegal, and while warm a half pound of alum direct path before it emerged into the air again.

per gallon of colour is dissolved in. Just before Instead of coming out as it entered the gla^s,
the colour going to be worked, it is considered
is this great philosopherfound the light entirely
advisable to add a small quantity of ammonia to changed; the one united ray of natural light
it, until it acquires the purplish shade which was broken up into several rays of coloured
indicates a slight excess. If, however, any light, which diverged from the prism like a
considerable excess of ammonia is present, vertical fan, in the following order :

tartaric acid or cream of tartar must be ,


added. Higher or more refrangible rays.

Pink colours are obtained by reducing crim- Violet.
son or amaranth with gum water ; or by direct Indigo.
preparation from a weaker solution of ammo- Blue.
niacal cochineal. Green.
There are peculiar difficulties in obtaining the Yellow.
best crimsons and pinks on wool and delaine, Orange.
which are only to be mastered by a very close Red.
attention to the colours. It is considered by Lower and less refrangible rays.
some printers that the contact of copper is pre- ' ,

judicial to this class of colours, and they are From this experiment, and others, Newton came
particular to avoid copper vessels, and have the to the conclusion that the pure light of heaven
colour worked out of wooden boxes. It is true was not a simple body but actually a compound
ammonia acts upon copper, but it is doubtful if of the seven colours given above, and that
copper is injurious to the colour, and certainly ordinary eyes were not conscious of this fact,
the finished colour should not contain any such because the colours were so balanced in the
excess of ammonia as would be likely to act mixture that their individuality was lost in pro-
rapidly upon metallic copper. ducing the general effect. Many experiments
African Cochineal. —A
substance so called is might be cited to prove the reasonableness of
imported in small quantities from Algeria: it this opinion, but they do not properly come
yields red colours with alumina mordants, but within the scope of this work, and must be
possesses scarcely any other of the properties sought for in the elementary treatises on natural
of the cochineal insect. It is not employed in philosophy. In the meantime the reader may
Europe. accept this as a fact, and then the theory of
COLOURS.— Under this head I bring to- colours will be comprehensible.
gether several items of a general character, A body is said to be white when it receives
bearing upon all colours as such. the white rays of light and reflects them with
Nature of Colour. — At first sight we conclude moderate strength, and unaltered as to quality,
that colours are properties of bodies of the same to the eye of the observer. Thus, a sheet of
nature as weight, size, hardness, etc. ; but a con- white paper or white calico possesses moderate
sideration of even ordinary phenomena would reflecting power, and sends off the light which
lead to doubt upon this point. We
find colours falls from it without decomposing it, and pro-
of natural objects varying at different times, and duces the effect of whiteness, or distinct vision,
even showing different shades according as we with absence of colour.
look at them from one or another point of view. A
body is said to be black when it absorbs
In soap bubbles, and thin films of tar upon and quenches all the rays of white light falling
water, we perceive the most beautiful colours, upon it. There is no substance, at least we do
although certain that there is no colouring not know any substance, which has this perfect
matter in them. In common spectacles and blackness ; for the consequence of a perfect
telescopes we find that the glasses have a absorption of light would be the invisibility of
tendency to give a coloured fringe, like a rain- the object, and its form could only be perceived
bow, to objects seen through them; fine spray by its intercepting the reflected rays from con-
of water, as in a waterfall, gives a rainbow tiguous bodies. In a dim light there are, however,
exactly like the great natural rainbow, with all many substances so black as to be quite invisible
its gorgeous colours; and in numerous other against a dark ground.
Black and white, not being produced by the and colourists. It is true, that a change of
decomposition or splitting up of light, are, there- colour, or production of colour, is accompanied
fore, commonly said notto be colours; however, by a change of chemical composition in the
for the printer and dyer, they are the most im- majority of cases known ; but, there are well-

portant colours, and have as much right to the known instances of change of colour without
name as red or blue. change of composition, and of the same chemical
Colours proper may be conceived to be actually body having several different colours.

due to light, upon the following suppositions: Upon metals, bone, glass, and other surfaces,
First, that it is possible to separate a portion of the mere ruling or impressing of very fine lines
the seven coloured rays from the rest ; secondly, close together gives the surface the property of
that it is possible to so prepare a surface that reflecting coloured light ; and this is actually a

one portion of the rays shall be quenched or regular and well-understood method of obtain-
destroyed, and the others left to reflect or shine ing coloured effects, as in Barton's buttons,
out ; and thirdly, that the undestroyed rays will Nobert's bands, and De La Rue's prismatic
shine or reflect with their own colour or colours. films.

Suppose a surface of wood, calico, or silk, so Names of Colours. — One of the greatest diffi-

prepared that the coloured rays, except the

all culties which a writer upon colours experiences
red, are absorbed or quenched by it, it will then resides in the fact, that there is no generally
appear to the eye just as if no light but red light accepted and well-defined language in which he
illuminated it, that is, it will be red; again, can express or indicate the shades of colour he
suppose the surface to be of such a nature as to may be treating of. A practised eye can dis-
absorb all the coloured rays except blue, then tinguish say ten thousand shades of colour but ;

the colour of the surface will be blue. The it is a question whether there are fifty names of

surface may be of such a nature that it will colours which would convey the same idea of
absorb five of the coloured rays and reflect two, shade to any ten colourists in the world: the
then the colour of the body will be that pro- consequent hindrance to the communication of
duced by the mixture of the rays so reflected; knowledge can be easily conceived. The natural
in like manner four rays may be reflected and and sensible plan of comparing a colour to some
three absorbed, or even six rays reflected and common substance, flower, plant, animal, or
only one absorbed, thus producing all the mixed mineral, of similar sbade, has been of, great
and compound shades. service, and, with a few exceptions, constitutes
If this theory be correct, all the operations our nomenclature up to this date. Of the seven
of dyeing and printing are merely directed to prismatic colours of Newton, the violet, indigo,
deposit such substances on the fibre as shall and orange are named from the vegetable
possess the properties of decomposing the light world the other four names require some

falling on the fibre, or, rather, of intercepting it, etymological research to find their originals,
and causing one portion to be quenched and if even they can be found; for, being simple
another to be reflected. colours, their names must be of great antiquity.
The natural colouring matters, such as indigo, Of the other more common colours, pink, lilac,

cochineal, anotta, etc., are themselves capable of peach, mallow, chestnut, cherry, etc, are from
so decomposing light, and when deposited upon fruits and flowers; -flesh, fawn, salmon, buff,
cloth, even in very thin layers, produce the chamois, etc., are from animals; stone, amber,

effect of colouring the cloth, so called ; in fact, emerald, aventurine, etc., are from minerals.
intercepting, more or less, the proper reflection These, the least exceptionable names of colours,
of the cloth, and substituting their own. This are far from being satisfactory they acquire a ;

theoretical view, which seems something super- conventional meaning in certain countries and
fluous with the ordinary vegetable dyeing mat- districts which is not the same in others. Who,
ters (which are themselves erroneously looked for example, can dogmatically define the colour
upon as not only coloured but colouring sub- of a cherry ? Who is to know that flesh colour
stances), may be more acceptable as explaining does not mean the colour of muscle but the
the production of strong and well-defined shades colour of skin, and what is the colour of skin
from substances in themselves nearly, or alto- throughout the world? Salmon colour does not
gether, colourless. Such cases are Prussian mean the colour of the fish as caught, but of its
blue from iron and yellow prussiate; chrome flesh, and generally in the cooked state. Again,
orange from chrome yellow by means of lime what is stone colour? But, beside these, there
water; the scarlet iodide of mercury from bi- are a number of names of colours so unfit, or so
chloride of mercury and iodide of potassium; absurd, as to show but little taste or little
and numerous other cases familiar to chemists invention on the part of their originators and
— — — ;

adopters. Capucin, or Capuchin, and Carmelite, them in a circle, like the spokes of a carriage
are from the dresses worn by the religious wheel. Commencing with
red, and going to the
orders so called; but in Protestant countries right, the next spoke is orange, then yellow;
this indicates very little since the orders are after yellow comes green, which passes into
not in existence. Puce colour has been boldly blue, and then violet, which is upon the left
adopted by some English writers as flea colour, hand of the red. There is thus produced a
and there cannot be much doubt that this un- wheel of six spokes, at equal distances from
pleasant insect is the cause and origin of the one another, in the following order :
name. But for a specimen of the resources to Red,
which colourists have been put for names, take Orange,
that of Isabelle, which is a kind of buff orange. Yellow,
Claire Eugenie Isabelle was daughter of Philip Green,
II. of Spain, and wife to the Archduke Albert. Blue,
She was present when her husband was be- Violet.
sieging Ostend, and made a vow, most piously It may be observed that in such a wheel or cir-
intended, not to change her linen until the town cle, the secondary colours are placed between
was taken. The siege was protracted for up- the primaries which compose them; and that
wards of three years. The consequences to the the colours which are lineable on each side of
Archduchess's linen may be easily imagined; the centre are complementaries. Another spoke
but the ladies of her court applied to art to is placed between each of the six already in
effect for them what natural causes had done for position, and a circle of twelve colours pro-
their mistress and the colour so produced was
; duced, which are as follows :
thenceforward known as Isabelle. Chromatic Circle of Twelve Colours*
If we take any single colour, such as blue, Red,
we become immediately cognisant of our defec- Red-orange,
tive nomenclature; for we find in French and Orange,
English books a vast number of names which Yellow-orange,
can have no meaning without the eye has ac- Yellow,
tually seen the colour. For example, there is Yellow-green,
Chinese blue, Prussian blue, French blue, Hay- Green,
tian blue, China blue, and Saxony blue; again, Blue-green,
there is king's blue, queen's blue, prince's Blue,
blue, and royal blue ; towards the sky we have Blue-violet,
celestial blue, cerulean blue, sky blue, azure Violet,
blue; and in the opposite direction, bleu oVenfer, Red-violet.
which name is not yet translated into English. These colours gradually blend one into another
There is also torquoise blue, ultramarine blue, but even an ordinary eye can perceive that be-
and opal blue, from the mineral kingdom we ; tween the red and the red orange there is room
find also bluebottle blue, pigeon blue, damson for four or five shades of colour; and so also

blue, chemic blue, cassimer blue, and a num- between each of the other couples. These are
of others, omitting all those which are charac- then placed in, and the circle or wheel may now
terised by the name of the dyestuff from which be considered as filled up without interstice j
they are derived. and the colours present a gradual passing or
In the midst of this confusion of names any shading into one another; the red becoming
system which promises to bring some degree of yellower until it is an orange, and this still yel-
order or regularity in the naming of colours lower until it is pure yellow. This yellow
Such a system,
deserves respectful attention. meets the blue until the middle point of green
moreover, coming stamped with the name of so is reached, when it passes into pure blue, which

eminent an authority as M. E. Chevreul, and in its turn passes through violet until it meets
the result of many
years of patient investiga- the red. A circle of seventy-two colours was
tion on his part, needs no apology for the space thus constructed by M. Chevreul, assisted by
I devote to a very brief but sufficient abstract persons skilled in discerning between slight dif-

of his ponderous memoir in the 33rd volume of ferences of shade. This constitutes his com-
the " Memoires de l'Academie." plete chromatic circle, and the colours are named
ChevreuVs system of Warning Colours. M. — as follows :

Chevreul has only six fundamental names of co- Complete Chromatic Circle of Seventy-two
lours, which are the three elementary colours, Colours.
Red, Yellow, and Blue and the three secondary
; Red, six shades, called — Red, 1 red, 2 red, 3
colours, Orange, Green and Violet. He arranges red, 4 red, 5 red.
Bea-orange, six shades, called — Eed-orange, Darlcenedor Broken Shades. — The 1,440 shades,
1 red-orange, 2 red-orange, 3 red-orange, 4 red- defined above, are so many modifications of six
orange, 5 red-orange. colours, mixed two and two, of different depths.
Orange, six shades, called — Orange, 1 orange, When these colours are mixed with grey or black
2 orange, 3 orange, 4 orange, 5 orange. they are modified, being darkened or broken.
Yellow-orange, six shades, called — Yellow- Between the lightest grey and the deepest black
orange, 1 yellow -orange, 2 yellow -orange, 3 Chevreul counts twenty equal tints, as of each
yellow-orange, 4 yellow orange, 5 yellow-orange. of the shades in the circle. He conceives that
Yellow, six shades, called — Yellow, 1 yellow, each of the 1,440 colours may yield nine distinct
2 yellow, 3 yellow, 4 yellow, 5 yellow. shades by mixing with black, and these are called
Yellow-green, six shades, called —Yellow-green, the broken shades. The first broken shade of
1 yellow-green, 2 yellow-green, 3 yellow-green, any of the 72 colours contains TV of black to
4 yellow-green, 5 yellow-green. •5% colour, and the last T o of black to -fa colour;

Green, six shades, called Green, 1 green, 2 the first yields colours only a little darker than
green, 3 green, 4 green, 5 green. the normals, the latter yields shades hardly
Blue-green, six shades, called — Blue-green, distinguishable from black Multiplying the
] blue-green, 2 blue-green, 3 blue-green, 4 blue- 1,440 by 9, we have 12,960 broken shades,
green, 5 blue-green. to which adding the 1,440 pure shades we
Blue, six shades, called —Blue, 1 blue, 2 blue, have a total of 14,400 colours all named
3 blue, 4 blue, 5 blue. and defined, besides twenty shades of grey.
Blue-violet, six shades, called — Blue-violet, The blackening of a colour is represented,
1 blue-violet, 2 blue-violet, 3 blue-violet, 4 blue- in M. Chevreul 's nomenclature, by a fraction
violet, 5 blue-violet. following the name and preceding the tint, as,
Violet, six shades, called— Violet, 1 violet, 2 for example, slate colour is 1 blue ~$, 10 tint,
violet, 3 violet, 4 violet, 5 violet. which reads, number one blue, darkened with
Bed-violet, six shades, called — Eed-violet, 1 nine-tenths black, the mixture being of the tenth
red-violet, 2 red-violet, 3 red-violet, 4 red-violet, tint.

5 red-violet. It does not appear that M. Chevreul has

This chromatic circle not imaginary, but
is constructed, or that there exists anywhere a
actually exists, composed of dyed wools, while complete series of these 14,400 shades. In the
a good many copies, executed in chromo-litho- plates to his memoir there are circles printed in
graphy, are published, more or less correct. colour, which represent the 72 pure shades of a
Light and Deep /Shades.— So far as the seventy- medium tint, and these broken down by mixture

two shades or hues of colour go the circle is with black in nine different circles, making in
complete, but it is necessary to indicate the tone all 720 shades; the twenty different tints of each
or depth of a colour, or, in other words, the shade are not represented in the plates proba- ;

lightness or darkness of it. To define this M. bly the present state of chromo-lithography does
Chevreul constructed a circle, in which each of not permit of it being done with sufficient
the seventy-two shades was dyed of twenty exactness. The learned author of this system
different degrees of depth, from the lightest has projected the idea of a chromatic hemisphere,
which could be discerned from pure white to to be made of pieces of porcelain tinted by firing
the most intense depth, approaching to brown to serve as an unalterable standard of colour ; it
and black. These he calls tones and the lowest ; is to be feared that the realisation of this idea is

or lightest tones are near the centre of the circle, very far distant, and as all dyed colours change
and the higher or darker tones near the outside by age the circles of M. Chevreul, constructed
or circumference. This circle, then, has seventy- with so much labour and skill, will perish, and
two colours, each of twenty tones, or tints, as his labours remain a splendid but nearly useless
I prefer to call them, making a totarof 1,440 monument of ingenuity.
jhades. To express which tint of a colour is In order to illustrate the applicability of this
meant the number is written after, as, for system to actual colours, I give a list of several
example, 3 blue-violet 13 tint. As the num- colours and coloured bodies which are pretty
ber of shades and tints above are by no means well defined in common language with the
so numerous as the colours of all natural or names of the colours in Chevreul's system —
artificial substances, it will frequently happen =
Amber in mass 2 orange 12 tone or tint.
that the colour of a substance does not coincide Amber in a thin slice = 2 yellow-orange 11
exactly with any of the 1,440 shades, but falls tone.
between two of them, and not equally distant Amaranth = red-violet 12 tone.
from each ; this relation is expressed by fractions. Amethyst = 5 blue-violet from 3 to 16 tone.
colours. 68 COLOURS.
Apricot == orange 6 tone. Rose =5 red-violet, and 1 red-violet
Aventurine = 1 orange 14 tone. 3 to 7 tones.
Blood, ox = 1 red 13 and 14 tones. Ruby = red 11 tone.
Blue, indigo on wool = 3 blue 14 tone. Sapphire = 5 blue 11 tone.
Blue, pigeon = 3 violet 10 tone. Scarlet, common = red 12 to 14 tones.
Blue, royal = 3 blue 12 and 13 tones. Scarlet, flame-coloured = 3 red 10 tone.
Butter = yellow-orange 2 to 3 tones. Slate = 1 blue & 10 tone. -

Brick colour = 3 red-orange T 12 tone. s

Straw = 2 and 3 yellow-orange 3 to 5 tones.
Bronze = 3 yellow 20 tone. Tobacco = 3 orange 15 tone.
Brown = any one of the 72 colours when at Vermillion = 3 red 15 tone.
18, 19, and 20 tones are browns. Wood colour = 1 yellow-orange 15 tone.
Coffee roasted == 3 orange 18 and 19 tones. Yellow, canary = 1 yellow 6 tone.
Cinnamon == 3 orange 14 tone, and 2 orange M. Chevreul has compared the colours of
-j^ 9 to 12 tones. many thousands of natural objects with his
Capucin =3 red -orange, 10, 11, and 12 scale, and defined them in his memoir. If this
tones. system has a radical defect which will prevent
Carmelite == 3 orange 15 tone. its becoming generally used, I am convinced it

Carrot == orange 7 tone. resides in the fact that the author has only com-
Cherry =
red 9 and 10 tones. bined the six colours in two and two to produce
Chamois =
2 orange 2 to 6 tones. his gamme or scale of 72 colours hence the

Chestnut (the fruit) =2 orange 16, 17, and 18 necessity of complicating the system by the
tones. broken or rabattue colours obtained by mixing
Chocolate in cake =
5 orange 18 tone. black with the shades. M. Chevreul must know
Cigar colour —
2 orange -^ 11 tone. that in practical dyeing and printing, as well as
Citron= 4 yellow-orange 6 tone. by the indications of theory, blue serves to
Crimson = 3 red-violet 10 tone. darken colours; and, I believe, there was no
Emerald = 2 green 11 tone. need to introduce the black element as a separate
Gold lace = 4 yellow-orange 9 tone. one, but that green, blue, and violet would have
Green, cabbage = 3 yellow-green 6 tone. done all that was required. But in adopting a
Green, turf = yellow-green ^ 10 tone.
1 single circle it was impossible to make the
Green, myrtle = 3 yellow-green 12 tone. colours combine three and three, which, if it

Green, apple == 4 yellow-green 8 tone. could have been done, would have, doubtless,
Green, grass = 5 yellow-green 9 tone. produced every imaginable shade.
Grey, = 3 orange v
silver -~
Influence of Colours upon one another. It is —
Grey, blue = 5 blue T F 10 tone. 9
very well known that certain colours agree
Grey, brown = normal grey 12 to 15 tones. with one another, producing a pleasant effect in
Grey, = red-orange /^
flesh 1 combination, and that there are also colours
Grey, iron = 3 blue T% 10 tone. which in the common phrase do not go well
Grey, lavender =
2 blue-violet T3^ 6 tone. together. When a person has a good eye for
Grey, pearl = 2 blue-violet T7o 2 and 3 tones. colours (and this is quite as rare as a good ear
Grey, tan =5 yellow-orange 10 tone. ^ for music), he will naturally make harmonious
Isabelle == 1 yellow-orange. combinations in his dress or furniture, which
Lavender flowers = 3 blue-violet 7, 8, and 9 combinations will be recognised as good and
tones. agreeable by all cultivated or naturally good
Leather = 1 orange -^ to -
x % 7 tone. eyes. These colours can only be varied in
Lilac flowers = 1 blue-violet and 2 tones. 1 quality or in depth to a small extent without
Lilac on stuffs — violet 7 tone.
1 departing from the limits of excellence ; so that
Maize =
1 yellow-orange 7 tone, and 3 yellow- it would appear that this agreeable or disagree-
orange 6 tone. able impression of certain associated shades
Malachite =
3 green 6 to 8 tones. upon the eye is in accordance with some law of
Mauve = 3 violet 8 tone. nature.
Myrtle = 3 yellow-green 11 and 12 tones. The research of many scientific observers has
Nankeen = 1 orange 3 tone. -5% succeeded in discovering and defining this law
Nut colour = yellow-orange 16 tone. with a considerable degree of exactness, and
Olive = 3 yellow •& 10 and 11 tones. there can be no doubt that a study of these
Pink = rose. researches will be of benefit to all who are con-
Puce = 4 blue-violet 13 tone. nected with the arrangement of coloured objects;
Bed lead = yellow-orange 20 tone. they are also of high interest to the colour mixer.
— ; — :

who, though he has not to judge of the harmony colours can be experimentally produced besides
of colours, is expected to produce colours which the one given above ; one of the best and
shall be harmonious in the design, and which, simplest is the following: — Take two white and
being once produced, are not generally alterable. them together, punch ou«
thin cards and, placing
For example, suppose we have a delaine pattern squares so as to leave a kind of lattice work;
with a blotch ground, and a narrow trail or then take coloured tissue paper and put it
stripe of another colour running up the piece, between the cards and hold up to a strong light,
and that there are fifty pieces to be printed all the real colour will be seen in the squares, while
with a chocolate blotch, but the trail or stripe the bars of the lattice will appear of the acci-
is to be changed every ten pieces say ten — dental colour.
pieces with scarlet, ten with orange, ten with Sir D. Brewster explains this phenomenon as
blue, ten with green, and ten with lilac or follows language being purposely modified)
purple. If exactly the same chocolate colour The eye being strongly excited by gazing on a
be used for the whole fifty pieces, every expe- coloured body, as a red wafer, becomes partially
rienced colour mixer knows that when finished paralysed and insensible to the rays of light
it will appear, upon inspection of the pieces, as carrying that tint, and when the colour is sud-
if there were five different chocolate blotches denly removed, the white spot reflects white
and, in consequence, such modifications are light into the eye; but the red constituents of
made in the colour mixing as experience has the white light fail to produce their usual effect
pointed out to be necessary. I think it likely on the dead so to speak, and the other
retina, fall
that attention to a few points below will be of rays being active produce the coloured appear-
service in understanding the reasons for this ance. From this we deduce the important con-
change, and give something like a scientific clusion that the accidental colour created by a real
accuracy to the modes of effecting it. colour is that colour which would be produced by
Accidental Colours. — If a red wafer be loosely compounding together all the elementary colours
placed on a white spot of the same size in the excepting the real colour. Or, taking for granted
centre of a sheet of black paper so as to cover the statement made page 64, that the whole of
and then intently looked at for a few moments
it, the elementary colours when combined produce
with one eye, the other being closed, and then the white, the law may be expressed as follows:
wafer suddenly removed, the eye, gazing still on The accidental colour of a real colour is that which

the same spot, will perceive not a white but a de- being added to the real colour would produce white.
cided greenish circle. Thisimpressionwilllastfor From this fact these colours are frequently
a few moments. The experiment may be varied called complementary colours, since they each
by taking a smaller red wafer and placing it on make up the complement of the other colour.
tiiewhite spot, so as to leave a circle of white Now, to apply these facts in explanation of
all round the wafer, and then again looking effects observed in printing, it is sufficient to

closely with one eye at the spot, in the course know that in all cases real colours always pro-
of a few moments the white circle will appear duce their accidental colours, and throw the
green. The colour so perceived is called an hue of them more or less over the surrounding
accidental colour, to distinguish it from the colours. Thus a bold scarlet stripe in a choco-
real colour. late blotch throws on each side a bluish green

By using wafers of different colours a variety accidental colour; and if the balance of colours
of accidental colours are obtained, always the in the chocolate is pretty even, it will give a

same greenish shade to it. If the stripe be orange, the

for the same real or exciting colour. The
experiments of Sir D. Brewster, confirmed by accidental colour is blue, which throws a blu-
other observers, give the following as the chief ish hue over it ; and so on with other colours.
cases of colour so produced : Now, in order to preserve the chocolate at the
Colour of Wafer. Accidental Colour. same shade in each lot of colourings, it is neces-
Red Bluish-green. sary that it should be able to absorb and neu-
Orange Blue. tralise the accidental colour. Thus, suppose a
Yellow Indigo. standard chocolate uninfluenced by any conti-
Green Eed-violet. guous colour as a sample: to work it with a
Blue Red-orange. scarlet stripe, and to obtain the same shade, it
Indigo yellow-orange,* must be made a little redder this red will ab- ;

Violet Yellow-green. sorb the green accidental colour and neutralise

Black White. it,while at the same time it will enrich it,
White Black. giving depth and lustre. To work with an
There are a great many ways in which these orange trail, the chocolate must be made a little

yellower or browner; to work with blue, it a penalty, the dyer of the " bon teint " to have in
must be a little more purplish to work with a ; his premises the drugs which were used in the
lilac, it must be made a little bluer, and so on. "petit teint" and vice versa. This was a very
The fact that some colours do not agree toge- fallacious system of testing the colours, most
ther so well as others is accounted for on the ineffective in its results, and speedily fell into
same general principles of accidental or comple- disuse. Soap is considered now as the test for
mentary colours being created, and interfering fastness in colours but that is only a degree

with the shades, besides which a great deal lies less absurd than alum and vinegar, though it
in the depth of tone of the contiguous colours. gives a somewhat better idea of the nature of
Many colours which have a bad effect together, the colours. A fast colour may be defined as one
when of equal depth of shade, agree very well which will resist of the
the destructive agencies
when a difference is made in this respect; so position in which it is "What
intended to be placed.
that when it is stated, for example, that blue and is a loose colour on a print for a dress, may be

violet are colours that go badly together, it is fast for hangings or curtains; what would be in-
not meant to intimate that they will not form an admissible on calico which has to be washed
agreeable contrast under any circumstance, but frequently, would be a fast and good colour on
that usually they do not agree. The art of the silk velvet, which is not expected to be washed
designer and colourist consists in so adapting at all a colour which would be loose for a silken

shades as to produce new and agreeable effects banner, exposed to sun, and air, and rain, would
and the contrivances for accomplishing this do excellently as an article of furniture, or even
end are so numerous that it is impossible to as a pocket handkerchief and a colour which is ;

describe them in detail. The general maxim well adapted to resist all the silent influences of
is this : Colours looh vest when near their comple- air, damp, light, and heat, may totally disappear

mentary colours; or, in other words, comple- in the wash tub. If a colour is to be used upon
mentary colours are those which agree best an article of dress, its fastness should be tested
together, as (for example) red with green, blue by the way in which it will resist the agents to
which will be inevitably exposed. If a cheap
with orange, etc. The reason for this appears it

to be, that the accidental colour created by each calico dress pattern, it will have to resist much
of the real colours is the same as the contiguous friction, and the detergent action of soda and
colour upon which, the accidental falls, thus adding soap; if a superior kind of calico or muslin, it
to its depth. But this very limited explanation will not be always necessary for it to resist the

will not suffice for all the agreeable contrasts action of soap in a perfect manner, but it is

which are obtainable in the complex shades it, :

expected that it will not fade upon exposure to

however, throws a general light on the prin- good bright daylight, that it will not spot or
ciples governing the effects of colours in juxta- stain with pure water, and that the colour will

position, and may serve as a starting point for not be detached by simple friction either dry or
the colourist. in water. There would soon be an end to calico
The limits of this book forbid going into fur- printing and dyeing if coloured muslins and
ther details upon a subject which, though pos- calicoes were to be washed as sheets and blankets

sessing the highest interest for designers and are washed, or expected to go through the same
treatment uninjured. It would doubtless be
"getters-up" of styles, touches but remotely
the really practical dyer or colour mixer. desirable that colours should be produced of that

The Stability or Fastness of Colours. The — degree of fastness ; but there is no hope of such
term " fast colour " has a very wide and some- a result at present. All printed and dyed goods
what indefinite signification. Under the old which are intended as wearing apparel should,
regime the French Government attempted to as a primary point, be required to withstand the

define what was a fast and what a loose colour, action of air and water ; but that is not required

enacted laws bearing upon the matter, and pre- in an equal degree for all kinds of dresses.
scribed tests to distinguish between one and the Promenade robes must be of more stable colours
other. They prescribed a boiling in alum and than is necessary for evening or home dress;
water, then a treatment with weak vinegar and many colours which will be faded in two or
an exposure to the air, along with some other three days' exposure to air will be good for
tests. If the dyed colour did not satisfactorily weeks in the diffused light of a house, or by gas
resist these tests it was condemned. Dyers or candle light and for this kind of wear it is

were compelled to confine themselves to either possible to produce rich and delicate shades
fast or loose colours; the Government deter- which would be inapplicable for other purposes.
mined for the trade what drugs gave fast and There is no abstract fast or loose colour they ;

what gave loose colours and prohibited, under are all comparative, and all have their proper


place. Turkey red and indigo blue are the destroys the colour. It is for this reason that

fastest of all dyed colours— that is, when ex- the iron buff, which an oxide of iron; the

posed along with other colours to the action of manganese brown, which is a peroxide of man-
water, friction, air, and light, they will remain ganese and the lead puce, also a peroxide, can-

uninjured, or hut little injured, when the other not be applied on silk and wool with any good
colours are faded or completely discharged. The effect. It is the same with other mineral colours,

fastness of a colour does not depend altoge- which are not so simple in their composition as
ther upon the colouring principle, for it is found the chrome yellow and orange. Other mineral
that the same colour has very different hold colours are inapplicable on wool, because of the
upon different materials : a cochineal colour is sulphur it contains acting upon them and injur-
faster upon wool than upon silk, and faster upon ing them. It seems probable that these proper-
silk than upon cotton; and this is generally the ties of the different fibres may explain various

arrangement of the relative durability of the behaviours of the different colouring matters,
same vegetable or animal colouring matters, both as affecting the union of them with the
viz.— more stable on wool than on silk, more fibre and their degree of permanency when

stable on silk than on cotton. There are excep- there.

tions to this rule depending upon the action of There is no general principle to guide the
the animal matters in silk and wool upon certain inquirer as to how a fast colour is to be pro-
colours: for example, Chevreul found that duced. We know too little of the nature
indigo upon cotton was capable of resisting of the union between the mordant and the
higher temperatures than upon either wool or colouring matter, and between either, or both
silk, and the same with safflower. But it re- of these, and the fibre, to enter into anything
quires no scientific test to know that some of better than metaphysical or hypothetical expla-
the colouring matters will not fix upon some nations upon this part of the matter. No in-
fabrics, and that if fixed upon others they are formation has been obtained in that direction
very loose. The archil colours enjoy a fair except what practice reveals, viz., that some
amount of stability upon woollen, on silk less, compounds are less stable than others, but
upon cotton none at all. Silks dyed shades of without any information as to why. There is a

violet-blue with orchil and cudbear are bleached reason for this without doubt, and, when it shall
by exposure to strong sunshine ; but the colour have been discovered, it is not unlikely it may
is not always destroyed — it can be revived again, lead to some improvements in the application of
or it revives spontaneously if kept in a dark place colours which shall make all fast alike, or at
for some days. The silk, under the influence of least add to the stability of those which are now

heat and light seems to exert some chemical deficient in this respect.

action upon the colouring matter, similar to the COPPER.— This metal is the best of all the
lime and copperas action upon indigo and pro- ; common metals for small vessels employed in
bably it is a real deoxidation which takes place. holding or measuring chemical substances ; it

Upon cotton, colours seem to be affected in an is less upon by acids than iron;
easily acted

opposite direction, and appear to be destroyed it is harder and stronger than tin, and more

by oxidation. It is the nature of silk and economical, because requiring less weight and
woollen, by virtue of their higher organisation, enduring longer. Pure clean copper is not acted
to exert under the influence of chemical agents upon in the cold by muriatic or sulphuric acids
an attraction for oxygen ; this property which if the copper is tarnished, either of these act
is common to all organic substances, is possessed upon it in so far as to dissolve the oxide which
in only a feeble degree by cotton, and its organic tarnishes the metal, but they do not touch the
nature does not, under general circumstances, metal itself. If exposed to the action of the
present an obstruction to the oxidation which is air and acids simultaneously, the copper is

always going on in nature. Mineral colours, rapidly corroded. Copper pans or boilers which
for the most part, are oxidised bodies, and owe are accustomed to hold acid liquors are more
their colour to the particular balance of the strongly corroded above the water mark than
metal and oxygen in them ; upon cotton fabrics below it, and, if the level of the contained
this remains undisturbed, as far as the cotton is liquor is pretty constant, the corrosion is most
concerned, and it is only external influences active at or slightly above the water mark-
which can change them ; but, on animal tissues, This is owing to a natural chemical law, that a
the fabric itself is a quasi chemical agent, which, metal must be oxidised before it can dissolve in
having an affinity for oxygen, generally takes it an acid some metals take oxygen from the acids

from any oxidised mineral substance, and thus themselves, or from the water in them, but this
altering the relative proportions of the elements is not the case with copper and the two acids
mentioned. It must obtain the oxygen from j
of the oxygen in its oxide, and the sub-oxide
some other source, and that source is the air. formed absorbs oxygen from the air, transferring
Copper is not hurtful to most colours, as iron it to the oxidisable substance ad infinitum. It is

is; many colours are improved by it, and but as oxidising agents that copper salts are used in

few really injured. Notwithstanding this, it is most cases of dyeing and printing, as in catechu
not wise to leave colours in copper vessels longer and steam colours.
than necessary, especially steam and spirit Sulphate of Copper, Blue Vitriol, Blue Stone. —
colours, which contain acid salts; the copper This is a compound of vitriol, the black oxide
dissolved, though little, alters dalicate shades, of copper, and water. It is used to make the
and frequently puzzles the colour mixer. acetate and nitrate of copper from, by means of
Nitric acid, or aquafortis, acts rapidly on cop- the acetate and nitrate of lead; it is employed

per, hot or cold, itself supplying the oxygen in a few cases of colour mixing and dyeing, but
necessary to the solution of the metal. Liquid altogether only a small quantity is consumed in
ammonia in contact with the air acts on copper, these arts, as the acetate and nitrate of copper

dissolving and becoming blue; it should not,

it are mostly purchased from the manufacturers.
therefore, be kept, or even measured in copper The greatest quantity is used by the indigo
vessels. Colours which are alkaline with am- dyers as a resist, in combination with other

monia should not be allowed to remain in copper matters.

vessels, nor be worked in the printing machine Chloride of Copper, Muriate of Copper. —This
out of copper boxes. Liquids which contain salt, although much used on the continent in
sulphur in alkaline solution also act upon copper, colour mixing, is almost unknown in this coun-
turning it quite black, and corroding it, although try. It isused in nearly all cases where English
not to a very perceptible extent the black body ;
receipts give some other copper salt, as the

produced is a sulphide of copper, and if kept sulphate and nitrate in combination with sal
exposed to the air and moisture it eventually ammoniac although I believe sal ammoniac is

changes into sulphate of copper, or bluestone. necessary even with the muriate of copper, but
But, in dry situations, the sulphide remains smaller quantities suffice. It is made by dis-

unaltered for a long time for example, copper

solving oxide of copper in muriatic acid, and

rollers blackened in the machine by using pencil concentrating until it crystallises ; liquid mu-

blue or impure alkaline pink. riate of copper may be made from muriate of
Copper combines with oxygen in two pro- lime and sulphate of copper.
portions, forming the red or sub-oxide, that is, Nitrate of Copper.— This is mostly sold as

an oxide with less than an equal atom of oxygen, a concentrated liquid; its principal use is in
and the black oxide, which contains an atom of calico printing, where it is employed as an oxi-

oxygen for an atom of copper. Neither oxides dising agent, as in the case of catechu browns,

are ordinary commercial articles, nor used in some steam colours containing logwood, chiefly
dyeing or printing ; but the sub-oxide yields a browns and chocolates, and in several spirit
colour which may be produced by printing colours. Nitrate of copper enters into the com-
acetate of copper,%aising in lime or soda, and position of a resist for China blue. The value

then boiling in a strong caustic ash, mixed with of nitrate of copper is usually judged of from
sugar, treacle, or calcined farina, until it has the strength indicated by the hydrometer: un-
changed into a yellowish orange. The sub-oxide less purposely falsified by other substances, this
in this state can aet as a mordant, but it does test is satisfactory ; if adulterated, only regular
not give bright or fast colcurs with any of the analysis can give its value. It is sometimes
dyewoods I tried. The production of the sub- sent out too acid —not
properly killed, as it is
oxide above from the black oxide is owing to expressed. It is always acid, but there should
the reducing or deoxidising power of the alkali not be any great excess present. practical A
and organic matter. The black oxide is used to test of the comparative acidity of different sam-
make the salts of copper from. The salts of ples consists in trying how much weak caustic
this oxide have all a green or blue colour in the must be put in a gill of nitrate of copper, before
hydrated state, but when deprived of water are it begins to give a precipitate which does not
often colourless. They have a feeble oxidising dissolve on stirring : the more that is required,
power, which acts under favourable circum- the more acid the liquor, and vice versa.
stancesupon many organic substances. It would Acetate of Copper, Verdigris. (See Acetate.) —
appear that a given portion of copper salt is Ammoniuret of Copper. When liquid ammo-—
able to oxidise an infinite amount of some nia is mixed with a solution of a salt of oopper
organic substances under favourable conditions it gives at first a pale blue precipitate, but a
it is supposed to act first by giving up the half little more ammonia causes this to dissolve, pro-*
during a rich purple colour. This solution, CORK-TREE BARK. — According to an
which may be called an ammoniuret of copper, expired patent, the bark of the cork tree may
has been employed to give a light shade of be used as a dyewood for dyeing nankeen shades
green, by simply padding in it, drying, and on cotton, wool, and other articles. There is
washing off. Ammoniuret of copper has the nothing special in the method of its application,
peculiar property of dissolving cotton, reducing excepting that the colour is directed to be
it first and then clearly dissolving it.
into a pulp, finished off in soap and warm water or harts-
This but recently discovered, may possibly
fact, horn and warm water. The patent is dated
be applied to some useful purpose hereafter. Feb. 18, 1823. The material is not now" found
Arsenite of Copper, or Scheeles Green.— Arse- in the list of our dyeing drugs.
nious acid can, by proper management, be made COTTON.— This valuable fibrous material
to form a with oxide of copper, which has a
salt consists of small filaments about \\ inch long
pleasing green colour; it is extensively used for for the long-staple cotton, and about \% of an
printing paper hangings, and as an oil colour. inch for short-staple (East Indian) cotton. The-
It can be produced upon cloth, but not with the diameter of the filaments of the finer cotton is

same brilliancy as the dry powder. The method very small, not exceeding ^-^ of an inch; the
of dyeing this colour pad in a salt of copper,
is to coarser kinds are thicker, Surats varying from
dry, and fix the copper by passing in a caustic e hs to tthjtt °f an inch. Under the microscope,
bath, then pass into a beck containing the white cotton filaments look like flattened cylinders, or
arsenic dissolved, and keep in until the desired hollow tubes which have collapsed by drying,
shade is obtained. Another method consists in so that the sides adhere together. There is
padding in arseniate of soda, drying, then pad- —
some reason to think though it is a disputed
ding in nitrate of copper, washing off, and finish- question— that in the operations of dyeing and
ing with a short passage in weak acetic or nitric printing, the colouring matter finds its way be-
acid. This colour is very worked now on
little tween the walls or sides of the tube, filling up
calico or other fabrics. the vessels by which the cotton drew nourish-
Fatty Compounds of Copper. Green colours — ment during its growth. Some qualities of
have been used made from the fatty compound cotton do not take colouring matters as well as
of copper, which is produced when blue vitriol others; for instance, it will sometimes be ob-
is mixed with a hot and strong solution of soap. served in looking over printed goods that here
A soap of copper is produced which is not soluble and there a single thread, or two or three
in water, but which can be dissolved in turpen- threads together, have not taken colour, though
tine, and so printed or padded hung up in a ; from their position they must have had every
hot stove the turpentine volatilises, and leaves chance of doing so. This cotton, upon exami-
the green copper compound upon the cloth. nation, appeal's different from the ordinary
The colours thus produced are not remarkable qualities it has been called dead cotton from a

for either brilliancy or fastness, and are now belief that it is cotton which has not arrived at
hardly ever made. Some samples in my posses- maturity in the pod, but through some cause or
sion have gone much yellower by age, though other has died while still in an undeveloped
they have stood better than most metallic condition. The inner tube is defective, or partly
colours in the same conditions. filled with some substance, and so seems to pre-

Copper is particularly injurious in madder vent the admission of the dye.

dyeing in several states, and in very small As the civil war in America seems likely to
quantities. One per cent of the hydrated oxide, cut off our usual supplies of cotton for an indefi-
or carbonate of copper, is sufficient to destroy nite period, it is a matter of interest for the
the tinctorial power of madder altogether, under printer to know whether cotton from other
ordinary circumstances. The soluble salts act quarters of the globe will absorb the dyes
juite as injuriously. equally well with American cotton. A large
COPPERAS. — This is a generic name in quantity of cotton cloths made exclusively from
sommon use for the metallic sulphates. When East Indian cotton have been printed and dyed
ised without a qualifying adjective, it means with tolerably satisfactory results but the com-;

term green copperas

the sulphate of iron, but the parative merits of the various supplies do not
is frequently employed to prevent misunder- appear to have been strictly tested yet. Amongst
standings the numerous interesting objects in printing and
Blue Copperas is sulphate of copper.— (See dyeing contained in the International Exhibi-
Copper.) tion,now open. (1862), there is a case of prints,
White Copperas is sulphate of zinc — (See exhibited by the Cotton Supply Association, to
Zinc.) show that Surat cotton is well adapted for print-


ing on, but there is no American cotton to steep ten hours tin solution at 2°, 45 minutes,

compare with. In the Swiss court there is ex- 30 lbs. red woods, 10 lbs. logwood, 30 minute*
hibited a small but interesting series of trials tin spirits to raise, 15 minutes.

in Turkey red dyeing, which the American,

in When the colouring matter of safflower is
East Indian, and Egyptian cottons are con- deposited in considerable quantity it produces a

trasted from these experiments it appears that

crimson shade. —
(See Safflower.)
American cotton takes decidedly the best colour, There are no wood reds for calico printing
East Indian cotton is but little inferior, while which can properly be called crimson. The
the Egyptian appears considerably below either whole of this class of reds are given under Red.
This is
in its affinity for colouring matters. A crimson on delaine, or mixed cotton and
only a single experiment, and too much im- wool, is obtained by passing the goods for two
portance must not be attached to it. For the hours in the cold in a bath of oxymuriate of
behaviour of cotton to chemical agents, see tin, at 6° Tw., and leaving them a reasonable
Fibrous Matters. time to allow the tin to fix. They are then
DUNG. Excrementious matters have dyed in one of the red woods, chiefly peach-
from time immemorial been employed in various wood, at a temperature of 150°, for 45 minutes.
operations in dyeing and printing. Their pre- If the wool is dyeing faster than the cotton, the
cise action not generally understood but
is ; temperature must be lowered; if the cotton
it must be admitted that the operations in dyes faster than the wool the temperature must
which they were employed were essential to be raised,,
the successful carrying out of the end aimed The crimson shades obtainable on silk by
at. The progress of chemistry has enabled means of the woods have but little beauty, and
us to find substitutes for most of these sub- are so fugitive as to be rarely dyed.
stances, but not to dispense with the operations. CROCINE.— Name given by Rochleder to
Cow dung is now but little used compared the colouring matter from gardenia grandiflora,
with former times; the introduction of substi- being identical with the colouring matter exist-
tutes acting quite as well, which are easily ing in the crocus. By the action of strong acids
stored,always obtainable, and scarcely dearer, crocetine is formed, which dyes a dark and
have tended to make the operation of Dunging bright yellow upon silk with salts of tin. Said
properly so called nearly obsolete. The expla- to be used by the Chinese for dyeing the yellow
nations of the uses of cowdung have been given mandarin robes.
in the article on Cleansing. CRYSTALS OF SODA.— This is the
CEEAM OF TARTAR. -This is the com- common name for crystallised carbonate of soda,
mon name given to the acid combination of tar- as crystals of tin is the common name for crys-
taric acid and potash, known in scientific works tallised protochloride of tin. Pink crystals are
as bitartrate of potash.— (See Tartaric Acid.) the double chloride of tin and ammonium, so
CRIMSON COLOUR.— This is a red colour called because used in preparing pink colours;
with a tendency towards purple or blue, just as they are hardly at all used in England.
scarlet has the contrary tendency towards orange CUDBEAR.— This tinctorial substance is a
or yellow. The chief and most valuable crimson modified extract of colourable lichens, similar
colours are obtained from cochineal, and have in its behaviour to archil. It is sold in a state
been treated under that head; it only remains of fine powder, of a reddish colour, and peculiar
here to add some of the crimson shades obtained odour, easily remembered. Its use is confined
from woods. to a few cases of silk dyeing, where it is em-
A common crimson may be dyed upon cotton ployed to yield shades of ruby and maroon
by steeping in sumac for some hours, and then upon wool it gives deep red shades. The colours
working in tin spirits, at 2° Twaddle, in the produced by it are very fugitive.
manner common to so many shades then wash- ; CURCUMINE The name of the pure
ing out and working in a decoction of three colouring matter of turmeric, from the desig-
parts of peach orLima wood and one part of nation of the plant curcuma longa, from which
logwood, at a heat of about 120°, and then it is obtained.
raising with tin spirits (oxymuriate of tin). CYANOGEN.— This is a chemical compound
Here the pure red, or rather scarlet, which of carbon and nitrogen, which enters into com-
would be produced by the red wood alone, is binations with metals, forming salts called
modified by the purple of the logwood, and cyanides. Neither cyanogen nor the simple
made into crimson. By varying the proportions cyanides are yet employed in the tinctorial arts,
of the woods the shades may be modified at will. but the double cyanides, under the names of red
Quantities. — 100 lbs. cotton, 30 lbs. sumac, and yellow prussiates, are extensively used.



DAHLIA COLOUE.— The shade of colour Dark Lild£.

which in common language is called dahlia is a 6 lbs. ground logwood,
reddish lilac rather low toned: it is produced 1 gallon red liquor at 18°,
by combining a blue or purple colour with red 1 oz. oxalic acid,
when a compound colour is used upon woollen ; 1 oz. binoxalate of potash.
and silk it can be obtained directly by means of Steep all night; strain off, and make up to 3
archil or cudbear either alone or blued by a quarts with water ; thicken with gum substitute,
small quantity of sulphate of indigo ; upon cotton at 2 or 31bs. per gallon.
goods indifferent shades of dahlia are obtained Medium Dahlia for Delaine.
by macerating in sumac liquor, working in tin 1 gallon dark purple,
solution, and dyeing in logwood mixed with 1 gallon crimson standard,
some red wood. In printing, the shades are 3 lbs. gum Senegal.
obtained by simply mixing red and purple The colours which compose this mixture are
colours previously prepared, as in the following prepared as follows :

examples upon cotton and delaine:—

Crimson Standard for Dahlia.
Dark Dahlia for Calico. 10 lbs. cochineal,
6 quarts pink standard, cream of tartar,
1 \ lb.

1 quart pale purple standard, 4J gallons water,

5 lbs. of gum substitute; boil well. 7 quarts of strong ammonia.

Light Dahlia for Calico.

Keep hot for 40 minutes, and strain ; use the
clear liquor.
6 quarts pink standard,
Dark Purple for Dahlia.
2 quarts light purple standard,
1 gallon logwood liquor at 18° ;
6 quarts gum water.
1 gallon red liquor at 18°,
The pink and purple standards referred to are
8 oz. red prussiate of potash,
made as follows:
4 oz. soda crystals,
Pink Standard.
12 oz. oxalic acid,
1 gallon cochineal liquor at 6°; heat to 6 lbs. gum Senegal; mix well.
170° F., and add The use of soda crystals here is only an indirect
6 oz. alum, method of adding the binoxalate of soda to the
3 oz. cream of tartar, colour ; experience shows that the binoxalate
J oz. oxalic acid dissolve the
; salts. in small quantity is useful in logwood and alu-
Pale Purple Standard. mina colours. Instead of this dark purple the

1 gallon logwood liquor dark lilac given above would answer, or some
at 6°; heat to
180° F. and add of the other purples given under that head.

4 lbs gum Senegal,

DELAINE : Muslin de Laine, Moussdine de

8 oz. red prussiate of potash, Laine. —Although these words in French dis-

12 oz. alum, tinctly indicate a fabric made of wool, they are

1 oz. oxalic acid, employed in English to indicate a material of

2 oz. oxalate potash. which the weft only is wool, the warp being
The dahlia colour for delaines does not differ cotton. In French, this fabric is called chaine
coton, that is "cotton warp," and sometimes
greatly from the above, but still sufficiently so
mi-laine, that is " half wool." It has been
to make the receipts interesting.
extensively used as a fabric for printing upon,
Dark Dahlia for Delaine.
and also for dyeing. Since the two materials,
3 quarts dark lilac,
cotton and wool, present a very different affinity
3 quarts pink standard
for colouring matters, there is some little diffi-
2 lbs. gum substitute.
culty in obtaining the two threads of an exactly
The colours referred to in this receipt are made similar shade; this difficulty, however, has
as follows :—
been overcome by a multitude of ingenious
Pink Standard for Dahlia. devices, the chief of which depend upon the fact
5 lbs. cochineal, that cotton is best mordanted and best dyed
10 quarts water; boil 30 minutes and at a moderately low temperature, and in neutral
strain •
the clear liquor is the standard. liquids and wool is best dyed at a temperature


close upon the boiling point, and in acidulated it may be desired to
to a fabric, as for example,
liquids. In delaine priming the affinities of produce a design consisting of white figures
the different fibres have been tolerably well upon a coloured ground. In many cases the
equalised by depositing in their pores a con- best way of attaining this object is to dye the
siderable quantity of oxide of tin, and compensa- whole fabric of an uniform colour, and then print
tion is made in mixing colours for the different the design of the white spots with a discharging
properties of the wool and cotton; one ingredient substance which, removing the colour at the
is added because it goes to the wool, another parts where it was applied, lays bare the white
because it goes to the cotton ; as in colours of the fabric and makes the design. The com-
where blue enters as an ingredient, extract of position of the discharge, and the processes
indigo fixes upon the wool but not at all upon which follow its application, must evidently
the cotton, therefore the elements of Prussian depend upon the nature of the colour which has
blue are added, which give the blue part to the to be discharged. I give a number of examples
cotton. When delaine colours are unskilfully with explanations of the reactions which ensue.
mixed, the tint of the cotton and wool is very Discharge upon Indigo Blue. — The process
different, producing the effect called " threadi- generally in use was invented by Mr. Thomp-
ness." The colours suitable for delaines are son,- of Clitheroe. It consists in padding the
generally given distinctly in this book; but when indigo pieces in solution of bichromate of potash,
not given it may be understood that the colours drying, and then printing on a highly acid paste,
given for wool or cotton are equally applicable which liberates chromic acid from the potash.
to delaine. This is an acid of great energy, and highly
DELPH or Delft Colour; Crockeryware Blue ; destructive of colouring matters. As soon as
Bleu de Faience. — The shade of blue which is liberated it acts upon the indigo and de-
common upon the ordinary kind of pottery ware, stroys it by oxidising it. The bichromate of
more generally known in England as China potash without acid does not destroy indigo
blue.— (See Indigo.) colours, and, consequently-, the parts not touched
DELIQUESCENT.— Having the property by the acid composition retain their colour. But
of attracting moisture from the air and becoming it is found that the bichromate is capable of
damp or running to a liquid. The most familiar injuring the blue if the piece is exposed to a
example of a deliquescent body in a print or strong light, as sun light it is necessary, there-

dye works is American potash. Deliquescent fore, to provide some place for hanging the
bodies of a neutral nature are very numerous, pieces, where the light is not too direct or too
and sometimes employed in colour mixing in brilliant. After the contact of the acid and
order to make the colour keep soft or attract cloth is judged to have been sufficiently pro-
moisture when it is on the fabric. The most longed to destroy all the colour, the pieces are
common deliquescent salts are muriate of lime, washed off in warm chalk and water, the chalk
nitrate of lime, chloride of zinc, nitrate of zinc, being necessary to neutralise the still acid cha-
acetate of potash, and common salt. racter of the discharge. The following receipts
DEXTEINE.— The name given to a species will sufficiently illustrate the methods of pre-
of gum substitute made by the action of diastase paring the colours or resists.

or an acid upon starch or farina. — (See Gum.) Pad the pieces to be discharged in a solution
DIASTASE. —A peculiar substance con- of bichromate, made by dissolving half a pound
tained in malted grain which has the property of the salt in each gallon of water, the solution
of converting starch into gum it is used for ; standing between 5° and 6° Tw. ; dry quickly.
thispurpose in some printing establishments. White Discharge on Indigo Blue.
(See Gum Substitutes.) 1 gallon boiling water,
DIP BLUE A style of calico printing 2 lbs. oxalic acid,
obtained by dipping pieces into a solution of 10 lbs. sulphate of lead pulp,
indigo properly prepared. — (See Indigo.) l|lb. oil of vitriol,
an astringent substance
is 8 lbs. calcined farina.
possessing some of the properties of sumac; The oxalic acid in this proportion will crystallise
attempts were made to extend its use in dyeing, out if the colour be allowed to get too cold in
but not with much success; it is used by the the working. The practical difficulty in this
tanners, but scarcely, if at all, by the dyers or style is to obtain an acid sufficiently energetic
printers. to accomplish the object without endangering
DISCHAEGE.— The name is given to a the cloth; oxalic would be the best acid, but it
composition which has the power of bleaching is only little soluble in cold water, and it has,
or discharging the colour already communicated therefore, to be combined with other acids.
— ;

The sulphate of lead is added to give more body I omit the discharges to be printed on mordants
to the colour, and to allow a greater quantity before dyeing, since that style is hardly ever

to be deposited by the machine for the same ; practised, not giving so good results as resisting,
purpose the rollers for printing this style must and being more difficult in its application. The
jbe deeply engraved. bichromate process of discharging blue is appli-
A process lately in use in Manchester was as cable to madder colours, but not being nearly

follows: — Two parts of bichromate and one so good as the chlorine process, is never used.
part of pearlash were dissolved in water to mark The process generally known as Monteith's,
about 6° the cloth padded in this solution, dried,
; consists in the direct application of solution of
and printed with a colour made with one gallon chlorine to the dyed fabric. The Turkey red
of starch thickening and 2 lbs. oxalic acid, cloth, in folds properly smoothed and arranged,
worked warm, hung up all night, and passed isplaced between two thick cast lead plates,
through warm and very weak caustic soda, and which are both perforated with the design to be
then finished in weak sours. This would not produced, the perforations exactly correspond-
give good whites on the darkest styles, being ing; the cloth is then pressed between these
deficient in power. plates with considerable force, and the plates
Another Discharge for Indigo Blue. secured. This mechanical contrivance
is a
1 gallon of water, which effectually prevents the wetting of the
2 lbs. oxalic acid, parts of the cloth tightly nipped between the
1 lb. tartaric acid, unperforated parts, while any liquid poured on
3 lbs. gum, the upper plate will gradually filter through the
6 lbs. pipeclay, cloth from the perforation on one plate to the
8 oz. muriatic acid. corresponding one on the other. The passage of
This prescription differs from the first by the the discharging liquor, chloride of lime with an
addition of tartaric acid, and the substitution of excess of free acid, is assisted by currents of
pipeclay for sulphate of lead, and muriatic for air. "When the colour is discharged clear water
sulphuric acid it is more suitable for blocking
is passed through, and the pieces then washed

than for machine. By

using weaker acid solu- and finished. As might be expected from the
tions the discharge would be imperfect, only nature of the process, the edges of the design
reducing the colour; this is sometimes aimed at, are not sharp and clear; notwithstanding any
as in the following receipt : practical amount of pressure the capillary at-

Half Discharge for Indigo Blue. traction will assert itself to a greater or less

1 gallon lime juice at 30°, degree, and the designs have, consequently,
10 lbs. bisulphate of potash. ragged edges. The imitation bandanna hand-
10 lbs. calcined farina. kerchiefs are produced by this system, which
Mr. Mercer discovered that a mixture of red admits of the discharging of large masses of
prussiate of potash and caustic potash would white.
discbarge indigo blue in a very perfect manner The discovery of the other process is claimed
but on account of difficulties in the application for both M. D. Koechlin and Mr. Thompson,
and the greater expense of this process over the and is in frequent use. It consists of printing
chrome discharge it has not been much applied. a highly acid colour upon the cloth to be dis-
If the materials be mixed and printed on a blue, charged, and then plunging it into a mixture of
the colour is at once discharged and only bleaching powder and water. The acid acts
requires washing off; but the mixture has a upon the bleaching powder causing a disengage-
very energetic action upon all thickening mat- ment of chlorine, which destroys the colour
ters, and is very irregular in its results. upon the spot where the acid is printed. The
The discharge upon indigo blue can be made difficulty in this process consists in confining
to act as mordants or colours to produce a the discharging to the points printed on, for it

coloured design instead of a white one; for is not possible to hit on the quantity of chlorine
example, if acetate of alumina be mixed with just necessary to discharge the colour, and any
the discharge, and the alumina fixed in the excess generated spends itself upon the colour
washing off, it may be dyed up in madder, in the neighbourhood, unless some precautions
garancine, etc., to produce a coloured instead of are taken. By
having a considerable excess of
a white discharge. lime in the bleaching powder, and by not leaving
Discharge upon Madder Colours. — The chief the pieces in any longer than is absolutely re-
Case in which these discharges are employed is quired, and seeing that they are in a proper
upon Turkey red, but they are also applicable, state of dryness when entered, very regular
if required, upon lilac and other madder colours. results can be obtained. Besides obtaining a
: — :

white object, there are discharges which, at the into the yellow chromate, which, combined with
same time that they destroy the red colour, the blue, forms the green. The yellow dis-

leave another in its place, or the basis for pro- charge consists of the acid necessary to pro-
ducing another, as explained in the following duce the white with nitrate of lead, to deposit
the lead basis, which is afterwards converted
White Discharge on Turkey Bed. into yellow by chroming.
1 gallon of water, Yellow Discharge for Turkey Red.
10 lbs. tartaric acid, 1 gallon water,
7 J lbs. pipeclay or China clay, 15 lbs. tartaric acid,
1 pint gum water, 14 lbs. pipeclay,
1J lb. bichloride of tin. 1 gallon water, in which dissolve
The pipeclay is the chief thickening matter in 7 lbs. nitrate of lead, and add
this receipt, and it will be found difficult to 1 gallon thick gum water.
work by machine. It is highly important for Another Yellow Discharge.
these discharge colours that the thickening 1 gallon lime juice 18°.
should be of a porous and easily penetrable 4 lbs. nitrate of lead.
nature; if, on the contrary, it is dense and com- 2 \ lbs. tartaric acid.
pact, it resists, for a considerable period, the 3 lbs. gum substitute.
entrance of the bleaching liquor, and subjects This last receipt is workable by machine, as is
the body of the cloth to injury from a too pro- the following also :

longed immersion in the decolourising vat.

Yellow Discharge for Turkey Bed.
Another White Discharge on Turkey Bed,
1 gallon water,
1 gallon hot water,
IJlb. starch boil, and add

9 lbs. tartaric acid,

2 \ lbs. nitrate of lead,
10 lbs. pipeclay,
7 \ lbs. tartaric acid.
3 quarts gum Senegal water.
The green discharge is obtained by mixing
These colours can only be well applied by block. and yellow dis-
suitable quantities of the blue
The following discbarge for working by machine
may do for light work
The blacks which are called discharge blacks
White Discharge on Turkey Bed.
are in reality only topical blacks without any
1 gallon water,
discharging quality, for the red does not inter-
6 lbs. tartaric acid,
fere with the shade of the black except to make
1 \ lb. starch.
it a more intense. In order to complete
The following are compositions for discharging
the series, however, I give here receipts for the
the red and producing some other colour on the
blacks which are used in conjunction with the
discharged spot:
above discharges, and commonly called discharge
Blue Discharge for Turkey Bed.
2 gallons muriate of tin,
Discharge Black for Turkey Bed.
1 gallon Prussian blue pulp,
1 gallon logwood liquor at 4°,
1 gallon water,
2 lbs. yellow prussiate of potash,
5 lbs. tartaric acid dissolve ;

1 quart thick gum tragacanth,

2 gallons thick tragacanth gum water.
2 lbs. flour ; boil, and add
2 quarts iron liquor at 30°, and when cool
9 lbs. tartaric acid,
\ pint nitrate of iron at 80°.
1 lb. oxalic acid,
The receipt for soda black or spermaceti black,
41bs. yellow prussiate of potasb,
on page 25, is suitable for this style of work.
4oz. green copperas,
The yellow prussiate is added to give a blue
6 quarts water,
shade to the black, as well as to correct any
2 lbs. starch,
tendency to brownness which the red might
4oz„ gum tragacanth.
have on the logwood colour. The following
The excess of acid in both these receipts causes
black for the same purpose is composed partly
the discharging of the red colour, while the
of galls and partly of logwood, and, though
blue part, not being acted upon by the chlorine,
remains. Green discharges are composed the somewhat more expensive, is also more durable
same as the blue, with addition of a salt of lead. Blue-Hack Discharge for Turkey Bed.
After going through the dipping in the de- 3 gallons log woe d liquor at 8°,
colourising vat, and washing, the pieces are 7 gallons gall liquor at 9°,
worked in chrome, which converts the lead 20 lbs. starch ; boil, and while hot add
; : ; ; ;


21 lbs. yellow prussiate of potash, and when ing, and sometimes a prolonged steeping in

cool, spirits of salts. Chrome colours are discharged

3 quarts muriate of iron at 60°, by passing in warm muriatic sours, washing,
3 quarts nitrate of iron at 80°. and then steeping in dilute caustic soda. Indigo
It has been proposed to substitute arsenic acid blues are discharged by bowking under pressure
and sulphate of zinc for the more expensive with soap and soda, then souring and chemick-
above receipts ; but the sub-
tartaric acid in the ing. Iron buffs and manganese browns are
stitution has not been general. discharged by warm muriatic sours. Dyed
Discharge upon Manganese Bronze., — The pro- madder colours can be discharged by a good
per discharge for this colour is muriate or warm souring and then bowking. In all cases
crystals of tin, either with or without addition the goods must receive a slight chemicking or
of acid: for the darkest shades the discharge bleaching steep, to take off a yellowness which
must be rather strong, containing from six to they unavoidably acquire in the treatment.
eight pounds of crystals per gallon, and may be DRAB COLOUR.— Drab is a kind of grey
mixed with either muriatic acid or oil of vitriol. it is generally said to be the colour of fullers'
After printing, the pieces may be hung up for earth. I give some receipts for producing
a few hours and then washed off in chalk and shades known as drabs. Further information
water. may be found under Grey.
Discharge upon Iron Buff. — The same dis- Drab Colours on Cotton —
charge as for manganese brown, the strength to Catechu Drab for Madder or Qarancine,
be proportioned to the darkness of the colour •,
3 gallons water,
if only a light shade of buff, muriate of tin is not 10 lbs. muriate of ammonia,
necessary, a mixture of oxalic, tartaric, and 10 lbs. catechu ; boil, dissolve, and strain
muriatic acids will suffice. 1 gallon acetic acid,
The difficulties attending the successful dis- \ gallon acetate of copper, p. 4.
charging of these two colours reside in having The above would only yield a brown •,but by
the discharge strong enough, and not too strong; the addition of muriate of iron it is turned to a
if deficient in strength, the whites are of course drab, the shade of which varies according to the
bad ; if too strong, the discharge will run and proportion of catechu and iron salt. The follow-
give a bad impression. The iron buff does not ing proportions give a light drab :—
give way very readily, and the pieces must be 2 gallons gum water,
hung up in a cool place for some hours if the ; 5 quarts of above standard,
room is too dry the action of the discharge is 1 quart muriate of iron, at 10° Tw.
suspended, if too moist the colour deliquesces The muriate of iron being increased the drab
and marks off. becomes darker; there maybe six or eight well-
Discharge upon Prussian Blue. — This discharge defined shades between the above and the darkest
is simply caustic potash thickened with gum shade, besides two or three yet lighter. The co-
substitute; the potash must be about 20° Tw. lour is treated exactly as a madder or garancine
After printing, the pieces are washed in clear colour, and is worked with red, chocolate, etc.
water, and though the blue is removed there is Dark Drab for Calico. — Steam,
a buff left of oxide of iron which is cleared by a 1 gallon berry liquor at 12°,
passage in warm sours. 7 lbs. gum substitute ; boil and cool
Discharged whites are usually inferior to ljlb. alum,
resisted whites, excepting in the case of indigo 1 lb. green copperas,
blue where the contrary is the case conse- ; 1 quart logwood liquor at 2 ,

quently, most whites are now obtained by resist- 1 quart cochineal liquor at 3°.
ing, unless the ground colour is one which can In this receipt all the elementary colours are
be better obtained by dyeing than by printing. present, with the iron salt for a darkening
Discharging or Bleaching Printed Pieces. This — agent; the coalescence of the whole destroys
is frequently done upon a print works with the particular shade of each, making a grey-
spoiled pieces, etc., before dyeing. Iron and brown. This colour being reduced by gum
alumina mordants are easily discharged by a water yields the lighter shades of drab.
passage in warm sulphuric acid at about 5° Tw. Another Drab for Calico. — Steam*
Beds which have tin in are extremely difficult 3 quarts hot water,
to discharge, especially if three or four days old \\ pint lilac standard,
they are best soured and then bowked as in | pint bark liquor at 30°,
bleaching. Catechu brown requires a very loz. yellow prussiate of potash, dissolved in
strong solution of bleaching powder after sour- 1 pint hot water ; thickened with gum.
Lilac Standard for above. modified to a slate-coloured drab by addition of
2 gallons logwood liquor at 12°, sulphate of indigo.
2 gallons red liquor at 18°, Another drab, nearly similar in shade, is

lib. oxalic acid, obtained by taking the following, for about

1 J lb. muriate of ammonia,
12 lbs. of wool: —Mordant first in 2 lbs. alum
10 oz. acetate of copper crystals. and lib. tartar, then add 2 lbs. fustic, 6oz.
In this receipt, which is of French origin, the extract of indigo, and 8oz. archil liquor, or in
blue part partly owing to Prussian blue, and
is proportions thereabouts, and work at the boil
partly to the violet of the logwood, the bark for an hour.
liquor giving the yellow part, the red part of Another drab is as follows, for 10 lbs. of
course exists in the violet. wool: —
2oz. ground madder, loz. peach wood,
6oz. fustic; work in hot for half an hour, then
Dark Drab for Delaine.
lift and add 3oz. copperas dissolved in water;
3 quarts purple standard, made from work for another half hour.
41bs. ground logwood,
by varying the proportions
It is evident that
1 gallon red liquor, steeped all night,
of woods any number of shades of drab can be
2 quarts blue standard,
readily produced by an experienced hand.
3 pints berry liquor at 6°,
gum substitute.
Drab Colours upon Silk by Dyeing. The —
basis of drab upon silk is sumac and fustic fixed
The blue standard, named above, is composed by copperas by using other colouring matters

as follows :
in conjunction the shade may be varied to any
7 lbs. yellow prussiate of potash,
degree. For 10 lbs. of silk the following pro-
2 lbs. alum,
portions may be taken :— 1 lb. sumac, 1 lb. fustic,
12 oz. oxalic acid,
Jib. copperas, afterwards 1 pint archil. If sul-
2 gallons hot water,
phate of indigo be used the drab will become
J pint muriate of tin. greenish, especially if a greater quantity of
To be well stirred before mixing. fustic be employed.
Another Doric Drab for Delaine. DRYING. — Great care is necessary in drying
1 gallon gall liquor at 12°, coloured fabrics so that they may retain their
1 quart berry liquor at 10°, highest bloom. The consideration of the ma-
1 pint cochineal liquor at 6°, chines used for drying does not enter into the
1 pint iron liquor at 24°, plan of this part of the book ; but a few general
6 quarts thick gum water. observations present themselves worthy of atten-
Drab Colours upon Cotton by Dyeing. Drab — tion. In drying mordants before dyeing, a dis-
dyed upon cotton is obtained in a variety of tinction should be made as to whether thickened
ways, some of which are here given. or not; thickened mordants will bear harder

Iron and Cateclxu Drab. Pad in buff liquor drying than mordants not thickened ; if the
and raise, then dye in beck taking four pieces mordant be but slightly thickened, as for pad-
and using one quart of solution of catechu, made ding, it stands in a medium position. As a
by dissolving l|lb. catechu in one quart of acetic general rule, mordanted goods should be dried
acid and one quart water. Keep the pieces well soft, in a stove or by passing before, and not in

open or they -will be irregular. contact with, moderately heated iron plates. It

Another Drab. Steep in sumac, add some is found that if mordanted goods, or steam

copperas, and work for fifteen minutes ? wash colours, be dried hard or be allowed to come in
out, and then work in a mixture of fustic, log- direct contact with heated metallic surfaces,
wood, and peach wood, and raise with alum. until all the moisture is expelled, the resulting
The shade can be varied at will by varying the colours are imperfect and irregular. If the
proportions of the woods. steam colour be a dark one and strongly

Catechu Drab. Work the cotton goods in thickened with flour or starch, it will stand a
weak catechu liquor for some time, then add a much harder drying than if a light colour and
little copperas and work until the desired shade lightly thickened. The very few colours or
is obtained. By afterwards working in the mordants which do not contain a volatilisable
woods and raising with alum, an endless number element are those least affected by the drying.
of shades may be obtained. For example, acetate of alumina mordant if
Drab Colours upon Wool by Dyeing. By boil- — hard dried gives bad colours in dyeing; the
ing the wool in bichromate of potash and then aluminate of potash employed for exactly the
adding a small quantity of logwood, an agreeable same colours is little influenced by any kind of
soft shade of grey drab can be obtained. It is drying; the former contains acetic acid which
; ;

Js volatile and becomes expelled suddenly and DUNG SUBSTITUTES.— This name refers
too quickly by hard drying, the latter contains to substances introduced as substitutes for cow
no volatile element and suffers no decomposition dung, the chief of them and their appliances
by the heat of drying. The same in the case will be found under Cleansing.
of lead mordants for yellow and orange. The DUNGING.— The operation of subjecting
reasons of this are very evident to the chemist, mordanted goods to the action of a mixture of
and the facts are quite familiar to the practical
man. In drying finished colours much care is

cow dung and hot water (See Cleansing.)
DYEING.— The verb "to dye" appears to
also necessary : in the case of fugitive shades mean strictly the tinging or colouring of ab-
the hot vapour may act chemically, injuring the sorbant substances by impregnating them with
colour very considerably, especially in drying solutions of colouring matters. It is thus
over steam cylinders when the machine is opposed to painting, which consists in laying a
stopped with the goods on. Even in drying fast colour upon the surface coloured and is distinct ;

colours, such as Turkey red and indigo blue, from inlaying, embroidery, etc., which consist
the tone and brightness may be very much in working coloured substances mechanically
changed by too hasty and careless drying. The into another substance; and from staining of
effect is partly chemical, and also probably glass and porcelain, which is the effect of dry
partly mechanical; it is likely that when the heat upon the colouring particles. Nearly all
water contained in the threads is suddenly con- vegetable and animal substances are porous and
verted into steam by running on a hot cylinder, absorbant, and can be dyed also some minerals,

a bursting or blowing-up of the fibres takes as marble and stone. Metals are not perceptibly
place, by which the uncoloured or but slightly porous, nor glass, and such substances cannot
coloured filaments of the interior are brought to be dyed.
the surface, and so mix with and injure the true The practical operations of dyeing are given
surface colour. in detail in these pages, and the general prin-
It is well understood that all colours look best ciples upon which the operations depend are
and brightest when moist, some dyed goods specified for each colour or dyewood.* The art
(navy blues) are actually sent wet into the mar- of dyeing, though one of the most ancient in
ket ; Turkey reds are also loaded with oil partly the world, has not been successfully studied by
to increase their lustre and partly to increase scientific men, and its principles are not reduced
their weight. All coloured goods should have to anything like scientific accuracy.
an opportunity of absorbing their proper hygro- The nature of the combination which takes
metric moisture, which may amount to 7| or 10 place between colouring matters, mordants, and
per cent of the weight of the dry cloth ; for this fibrous substances, has been the subject of con-
purpose goods are hung up in cool places after siderable difference of opinion among writers
drying, or taken damp from the drying machine upon this subject. In the last century, Hellot
and hung up to part with superfluous moisture, and Le Pileur dAlpigny enunciated an opinion
or else damped by mechanical contrivances in which may be called the mechanical theory
connection with the finishing machine. Although they were opposed by Bergman and Macquer,
this damped state is favourable to the hue of the who sustained a chemical theory. The ideas of
colours, it is by no means favourable to their the first two authors, as translated into current
preservation if at all loose or fugitive ; there- chemical language, are of such a nature as to
fore, fancy styles, spirit colours, and dyed goods command every respect. They do not admit of
for shipping should be dry, and especially if to any chemical affinity on the part of the fibre,
be packed in air tight tin packages. but rest their arguments upon an assumed
DUNG.— There is hardly any animal whose porousness of all fibres, and, further, that the
dung has not been used in some way or other pores of one fibre are of a different size to the
in dyeing. Cow dung, sheep dung, and dog pores of another of a different origin, and that
dung are at present used in various ways ser- ; the number of pores is greater in some cases
pents' dung was the first and best source of the than others. Wool was
held to have pores of
murexide colours, but gave way to fowl dung greatest diameter, and in a given space the
(guano) which was more plentiful and accessible. greatest number of them, and silk those of least
No satisfactory explanation has ever been given diameter. These pores, which they supposed
with regard to most of the uses of excrement were the recipients
to pierce the fibres laterally,
and there seems no doubt that a little enlightened of the coloured particles; they were expanded
inquiry would show that they might be substi- by heat, and various chemical agents, in such
tuted by cheaper and less objectionable chemical a way as to admit the particles of colouring
preparations. matter, and then, being closed by cooling or
other chemical agents, were enabled to retain in either vegetable or animal fibres. But, apart
them securely. They of course allowed the from microscopic evidence, or rather the want
influence of mordants as changing the shades of of it, there is every reason to deduce from ana-
colour, and as forming insoluble lakes with the logy that the walls of the fibres are permeable
colouring matter. To explain why dyes would to fluids, and, therefore, contain some kind of
not enter into combination with all fibres equally passages or pores. No real ground of objection
the theory of different sized pores was invented, can be taken on the score of want of microscopic
and then different sizes attributed to the particles confirmation; the microscope is a progressive
of colouring matters. instrument, and can only be of value so far as it
These assumptions serve to explain most approaches to perfection in its powers, and it is
phenomena in dyeing, and after the following far short of that. From mathematical and phy-
manner :— Wool has the greatest number of pores sical grounds, if not from our knowledge oi

and of the largest size, therefore it stands at the organised structures in general, there is reason
head of all fibrous substance in its affinity for to predicate the porasity of fibrous matters.
colours; silk has pores much smaller, and is The further development of the theory, which
more difficult to dye, and never attracts so asserts the size and number of these pores to be
much colouring matter as to yield the dark different in different fibres, is in like manner
shades obtainable on wool cotton holds an
; supported by analogical reasoning. The naked
intermediate place. But there are colouring eye discovers in the fibre of wood, sections of
matters which do not dye wool so well as they vegetables and fruits ; and in some minerals a
dye silk and cotton fibre. This is explained by —
regular difference of structure a coarseness or
saying that those colouring matters do truly a fineness, which is always the same for the
enter into the pores of the wool, but they are of same substance. In amylaceous matters the
too fine a nature to be retained there, they swim microscope shows a regular difference in the
out again upon washing ; they are deficient also relative sizes of the largest granules of any two
in some astringent principle, which in other qualities of different origin; the globules of
colours contracts or shuts up the pores ; when potato starch are invariably larger than those of
they are applied to silk or cotton they meet wheaten starch, and these are larger than the
pores of a narrowness suitable for them, and globules of other kinds of starch. It is not,
are retained. The difference between
and fast therefore, exceeding the bounds of fair analogy
loose colours is in connection with the above to suppose that the pores of fibres of a different
phenomena: a fast colour is one in which the origin may be different in size. The further
size of the coloured particles is adapted to the assumption that the pores of wool are greater
size of the pores of the material on which it is in size than those of silk or any other fibrous
applied, and in which the colouring particles matter, does not rest upon such general prin-
either contain in themselves, or in the mordant, ciples; it is deduced from the behaviour of
some astringent, or binding substance, which fibrous substances towards colouring matters,
shall cause the contraction of the pores ; a loose which behaviour might be explained in other
colour arises from an unfitness between the size ways.
of the pores and the colouring particles, and an The chemical theory, supported by Berthollet
absence of the astringent principle ; the particles and chemists generally, considers the fibre as
are either too small, and pass too readily in and having an attraction of a chemical nature for
out of the pores, or they are too large, and only the colouring matter, or for the mordant ; that
partly enter them, and the astringent principle a real intimate union of atom to atom takes
is either absent or too weak to close up the place ; it throws aside the question of porasity

pores in a firm and enduring manner. Hellot as not necessary to the explanation ; and looks

insisted a good deal upon the astringent prin- upon the dyeing as an union upon the surface of
ciple, and considered that the essential difference the fibre between it and the colouring principle
between dyewoods lay in their astringent power, with or without a mordant. The various con-
saying that if this principle could be communi- ditions of the fixing of a colouring matter, the
cated to those which were deficient in it all different mordants and treatments necessary, are
colours would be alike fast colours. looked upon as arising from the different chemi-
The theory of Hellot rests entirely upon the cal properties of the respective fibrous and
supposition of the actual existence of pores in colouring matters. This theory has been the
fibrous substances. It has been objected that one accepted by the majority of writers upon
this is gratuitous assumption, for the most per- dyeing ; but, as these writers are for the most
fect microscopes of the present day show no part chemists, it is not, perhaps, surprising that
lateral pores, but only a central tubular structure they should have adopted a chemical explana-
tion,and made a free use of such terms as left in contact with cotton fibre loses alumina
affinity,attraction, and combination terms — and becomes converted into ordinary alum, and
which are, for the most part, very loosely used, that acetate of alumina is much more completely
and include too much to mean anything precise. decomposed upon cotton cloth than when it is
Mr. Crum published a paper a few years ago exposed spread over a similar surface of glass,
Upon this question, and supported, with great mica, or platinum, which are chemically inactive.
ability, thenon-chemical theory as far as the He rejects the idea of colouring matters being
fibre was concerned, admitting of course a che- held by cells, pores, or bags, chiefly on the
mical action between the chemical materials ground that colours when deposited on cloth
used but, looking upon the fibre as a neutral
; are as easily acted upon as in any other con-
ground upon which the colouring matter was dition; that if there were such cavities they
formed, but retained there by purely physical would be filled up in many cases by the materials
means. He rejects the idea of any deposition used preparatory to the application of the actual
of permanent colouring matter upon the surface colour, as by the oil and astringents in Turkey
of the fibre To be able to resist washing, the red, by the oxide of tin in steam colours, and by
colour must be, he says, actually inclosed by the the oxide of manganese in indigo dyeing. He
fibre asby a bag or fine net work, the colouring states that upon a careful examination of dyed
particles must be in the cells or pores of the or printed colours, it may be seen that the
tissue. In madder dyed goods there is a chemi- colour is upon the surface and in relief if it were

cal compound of an oxide with the colouring otherwise, he demands, how could thickened
matter, but there is no chemical union of either discharges perform their office, and how would
of them with the cotton fibre. There can be the slightest washings suffice to remove colours
no chemical combination, he considers, with the so made soluble? He considers that there is a
fibre, for, " if we only consider that chemical chemical combination between the colouring
attraction necessarily involves combination, matter and the cloth, even in such a case as
atom to atom, and consequently disorganisation indigo dyeing, and evidently considers the fact
of all vegetable structure; that cotton wool may of the fibre being unchanged or uninjured as
be dyed without injury to its fibre, and that that forming no argument against the supposition of
fibre remains entire, when, by chemical means, chemical and atomic combination. He proceeds
its colour has again been removed, we shall find at great length to prove that the adhesion of
that the union of cotton with its colouring matter colours to fibres is simply due to attraction ; but
must be accounted for otherwise than by chemi- it is not very clear what Mr. Persoz means by

cal affinity." He admits a power of attraction attraction in this particular case. Upon intel-
on the part of cotton fibre, and a capability of ligible definitions of those two words " catalysis"
its withdrawing chemical or colouring substances and "attraction" used respectively by Crum
from solutions of them. But in this force he and Persoz, the whole discussion rests.
only recognises that same action, whatever it The difference between the ideas of Persoz
may be, which enables charcoal to absorb gases, and Crum are very distinct upon the matter of
and remove colouring matters and some salts and pores; one thinks them all-essential, the other
metallic oxides from solutions. The blue vat, either considers them not to exist, or, if existing,

the plombate of lime for chrome oranges, the to be of no Hellot uses the ex-
essential use.
nitrate of iron and muriate of tin passages so — pression that colours are held by the pores of
familiar to dyers— are examples adduced; but the fibre as a diamond is by its setting. In
they are not examples of chemical attraction, Persoz's theory the diamond is held without any
but of catalyctic force. setting, it adheres where applied, as two true
it is

Mr. Crum's theory has been controverted by surfaces to each other, or two edges of freshly-
Mr. Persoz at some length in the second volume cut caoutchouc ; for he does not assume that it
of his work upon calico printing; but in my is by virtue of those forces commonly known
opinion he does not meet Mr. Crum's arguments as chemical, but, by some congruity of physical
upon the exact ground of the experiments and form, that the mordant, or colouring matter,
deductions of the latter; and most of his illus- attaches itself to the external wall of the fibre.
trations from calico printing and dyeing are Both Crum and Persoz admit the existence of
directed against ideaswhich do not appear to be a positive attraction on the part of fibre for
contained in Mr. Crum's paper, and which are colouring matters and mordants ; but neither
not fairly deducible from what it does contain. of them consider this attraction to be that of
Mr. Persoz considers that cotton fibre, and other simple chemical combination, such as takes
fibres, have an actual influence of a chemical place between an oxide and an acid.
nature upon salts ; he states that cubical alum Upon a full consideration of all the circum-
stances of absorption of colour by fibre known of chemical action, and other bodies, which are
to me, I conclude that the idea of the fibre at the best indifferent to it in their ordinary
taking a chemical part is the one which agrees combinations ?
the best with all the phenomena. The great Mr. Crum merely says that dyed cotton fibre
difficulty appears to be in that objection of Mr. remains entire when its supposed chemical com-
Crum's, that if there was chemical combination bination is destroyed that is so without doubt,

there should be disorganisation of the fibrous but I am strongly convinced that its integrity
structure when this compound is destroyed by isinjured; in numerous instances of discharging
the removal of one of its components, the oxide dyed goods I believe to have found a diminished
or the colouring matter ; whereas, on the con- strength in the cloth— it was thinner and softer
trary, it is not found that the fibre is altered or to the feel seeming to have lost body and this —
injured, in a conspicuous manner, by several was not owing to the discharging process as I
such successive combinations and decomposi- have tested by sending white cloth through the
tions. I venture to think this objection is not same process. It is well known that it is dange-
of so great a weight as to decide the question. rous to discharge heavy printed goods twice
Admitting that chemical combination alters the over, the greatest care will hardly succeed in
physical characters of a body, I think it may turning them out fit to be printed a third time

be supported that there are several cases known as sound goods. But if all the phenomena of
to chemists in which the alteration is of such a dyeing can be included or explained under a
nature as not to be observable without special single theory, it must not be the theory of Hellot
precautions. I may cite gun cotton for instance, and d'Alpigny, with their various sized pores,
which hands of most persons would pass
in the their plasters and cements, and their astringent
for simple cotton and, if chemical combination
; substances tying up the pores This theory ! t

be anything but a word to play with, it surely seems grossly mechanical, but if granted it will
exists here. In the case of the fatty bodies, after include all cases that I know, and certainly no
saponification and decomposition by acids, we other theory will. Picric acid dyes wool and
are certain that the fatty acids are not the same silk, but not cotton, sulphate of indigo the same;

as the original but our senses would scarcely

fat, they are probably both contained in the unde-
have given us the information— it required the composed state in those fibres— the picric acid
genius of Scheele and Chevreul to show what can be tasted, and the indigo compound easily
the difference was. In organic chemistry we extracted. Do they combine chemically ? Ti.at
have numerous instances of feebly acid bodies seems very unlikely and if so, why not with

forming combinations not greatly differing in cotton ? If it is a catalytic attraction of surface,

physical aspect from the acid itself. Mr. Crum why does not cotton exert it here as elsewhere?
seems to assume that the whole matter of the If a different chemical composition of these
fibre must enter into combination with the fibres is adduced as the explanation, the pure
colouring matter or mordant, just as Persoz chemical theory is at once granted ; if a distinct

assumes that the imagined pores are entirely physical structure is suggested as the explana-
every case of dyeing ; but this never is
filled in tion, Hellot's theory is adopted. The colouring
the case in calico printing or dyeing, only a matter of saffiower is thrown into the insoluble
small portion of the cotton or other fibre is state in order to dye with, and the operation is
supposed to be in actual combination, and if all performed cold. What kind of chemical com-
this part was to be detached in dust upon the bination can take place under these circum-
removal of the mordant or colouring matter stances, and how are the coloured particles to
with which it is combined, the fabric would get into Mr. Crum's sacks and be secured there?
probably be only weakened, not destroyed. Hellot's pores are always gaping for them like
Fibre is insoluble in all the menstrua used in an open trap, but he admits not always shutting
dyeing; such chemical affinities as it possesses up when the object enters. Freshly precipitated
are very weak, and it is next to impossible that chromate and sulphate of lead, when thickened
an atom to atom combination of the whole fibre and printed, contract at once an intimate con-
ever should be accomplished. When sulphuric nection with the fibre and are not to be removed
acid actsupon carbonate of baryta, or lime, in from it by a simple washing; yet these are
mass, the actionis soon suspended, though sul- insoluble salts and not known to undergo any
phuric acid is one of the strongest and most decomposition or form any compound with the
soluble of acids;how much sooner should the fibre. Turmeric and anotta are also difficulties
chemical action come to an end between bodies hard to reconcile to any theory, but suggesting
one of which is always insoluble, and of a an active affinity on the part of the fibre.
texture peculiarly opposed to the continuation Besides the theorists already named, Messrs.
A; ;


Dumas and Chevreul have also emitted theories some exact data, would only result in unsatis-
upon dyeing, which may be called physico- factory hypothesis, I commenced a series of

chemical theories endeavouring to show that experiments to determine the quantity of mor-
the affinities exerted between tissues and mor- dant colouring matter and fibre which went to
dants, though not precisely the same as those build up dyed materials. After numerous and
between the chemical elements, are not greatly unsatisfactory experiments, I was compelled to
different from them. In fact, we must confess, abandon, for the present at least, the hope of
tbat not only is there no theory of dyeing which obtaining exact quantitative data ; the difficul-

has a respectable claim to consideration, but ties are very considerable, and it would require
there is also an entire absence of exact data the devotion of uninterrupted attention for a
upon which to build a rational theory. Before considerable period of time to obtain the results
using chemical terms for dyeing phenomena, I aimed at.

we should be assured that we are describing DYERS' SPIRITS. — Solutions of tin in

chemical operations ; but no one can point to muriatic acid and nitric acid, or in nitric acid
anything like a satisfactory quantitative experi- and some muriate or chloride, as sal ammoniac
ment upon this subject. There is an absence or common salt; or, sometimes, but rarely,
of definite forms and crystallisation about the in muriate acid and sulphuric acid. — (See Tin.)
combinations of fibres, mordants, and colour- The name, rather curious in appearance, is
ing principles, which discourages analysis, so derived from the solvents used; muriatic acid
that we have no information as to whether is yet commonly known as spirits of salts, and

there is any atomic combination between the sometimes as spirits of nitre. These
nitric acid
mordanting oxides and cotton, wool, or silk were said to be killed by dissolving tin in

or, on the other hand, whether the pure colour- them and as they were used by the dyers, and

ing matters, most of which have been carefully made either by or for them exclusively, they
analysed, combine with these mordants in equi- were called dyers' spirits, a name they still
valents or not; that is, whether there is any retain.
real chemical combination, or whether the DYERS' WEED.—
Probably more than one
union is simply mechanical a species of ab-— substance used in dyeing receives this name, but
sorption or adherence by cohesion. Convinced it is generally applied to Weld, the source of a

that all attempts at general theorising, without yellow colouring matter, which see.


EBONY WOOD, Green Ebony Wood. — inwhich the distinctive properties of both bodies
wood, known in England as green ebony wood, merged in the production of the com-
are lost or
is used by the dyers as a yellow colouring mat- pound called oxalate of soda. The proportion
ter, principally in dyeing greens and other com- of oxalic acid to soda is fixed and unalterable
pound shades. in like manner other acids —as sulphuric, muri-
EFFLORESCE NC E.—The spontaneous atic, nitric, tartaric, and citric — form compounds
drying of crystals when exposed to the air and with soda, and there is a fixed proportion of each
falling into white powder. Crystals of soda in dry acid to soda in the compound, but different for
air, give a good example of an efflorescent salt. each one of these compounds: supposing the
EMERALDINE.— This name was given to soda to remain constant, and taking its equiva-
a green colour obtained by the direct applica- lent as 31, we should .find sulphuric acid 40,
tion of a salt of aniline to calico prepared by muriatic acid 36J, nitric acid 54, oxalic acid
steeping in chlorate of potash ; was the sub-
it crystals 63, and so on. Now, these weights of
ject of a patent granted to Calvert and others, the different acids are their equivalent weights,
but has not been successfully applied as yet that is, they have an equal value or an equal
upon the large scale. power when used in these weights. Of sul-
EPSOM SALTS.— The common name for phuric acid, in the dry are equal to
state, 40 lbs.
sulphate of magnesia. — (See Magnesia Sul- accomplishing what 63 lbs. of oxalic acid cry-
phate.) stals can do ; and of muriatic acid, in the dry
EQUIVALENT WEIGHTS, Atomic state, 36|lbs. are capable of performing what
Weights. —
One of the fundamental principles of 54 lbs. of nitric acid, equally dry, would be
chemical science is that chemical substances required to do. Further than this brief expla-
combine with one another in certain weights nation of what is meant by equivalent weights

fixed by nature for example, oxalic acid com-

; I deem unnecessary to proceed for, although
it ;

bines with crystals of soda to form a compound the applications of a complete knowledge of
; —


these weightsupon a print works would often of dyeing a yellow colour upon woollen, the
lead toeconomy and regularity, it is a point same as dyers' broom; but it is very poor in
in which more harm than good will be done colouring matter, and never used when the
unless the applier is perfectly master of both richer tinctorial substances, as fustic, bark, etd
the theory and practice of what he is about. can be obtained.
The equivalents given in chemical treatises are EUXANTHIC ACID, Purreic Add.—
for perfectly pure substances, which are never yellow-coloured acid which, in combination with
found in trade, and are, consequently, not ap- alumina and magnesia, constitutes the pigment
plicable tothem without a compensation made called Indian yellow. It is capable of dyeing

for the impurity present. This compensation yellow colours, but has not yet been applied for
can only be made after careful analysis, which that purpose.
presupposes chemical skill of a high order, and EXTRACT OP INDIGO.— A common
access to the standard works of chemistry. name for sulphate of indigo.— (See Indigo.)
ERICA ; or Heath.— British heath is capable


FARINA, Potato Flour.— This term is usu- to continental authorities it is the richest variety
ally applied in trade to the starch obtained from of the red woods. — (See Brazil Wood.)
potatoes, often called potato starch. It has FERRIDCYANIDE OF POTASSIUM.—
most of the properties of flour starch in a che- This is the present scientific name for the red
mical point of view but on account of a want
; prussiate of potash.— (See Prussiate.)
of tenacity in the paste, which it gives when FERROCYANIDE OF POTASSIUM.—
boiled with water, it cannot be well used as a Scientific name for yellow prussiate of potash.
thickening material. It is used in combination (See Prussiate.)
with other substances for finishing or stiffening FIBROUS SUBSTANCES.-The only fibr-
printed goods. Its tendency is to give a hard ous matters necessary to be noticed in connec-
finish. When roasted, it produces the well- tion with our subject are cotton, silk, and wool:
known thickening matter or gum substitute the few other substances that come under the
called calcined farina. — (See Gum Substitutes.) dyers hands, are either so rare, or so similar to
FAWN COLOUR.— The colour of the fawn one of these three, as not to call for a distinct
a yellowish brown, rather light-coloured. The article. It is convenient here to bring together
colour upon dyed cotton goods, distinctively the most conspicuous or important relations of
known as fawn, is dyed with catechu by very the fibrous matters with the chemical agents
simple operations. The cotton goods are worked they are constantly brought into contact with
for twenty minutes or so in a hot solution of in printing and dyeing. In the article upon
catechu containing a little nitrate or sulphate Dyeing we have seen that there is a great
of copper, and then worked in water containing difference of opinion among chemists as to
a small quantity of bichromate of potash, which whether the fibrous matters act chemically at
fixes and raises the colours. For some light all upon the mordants or colours used to dye

shades of fawn, bichromate is dispensed with; them but that there is an action of some kind

and in some cases, to obtain modified shades, it no one can deny, because the evidences are
is replaced by acetate of lead or sulphate of plain. Without, then, entering into the disputed
iron. A final rinse in soap is sometimes used question as to what the actions should be called,
to soften the colour. Fawn colours can also be we will proceed to describe what they visibly
obtained in the same way as browns, from anotta are.
and the dyewoods, keeping an excess of yellow. Chemists recognise under the name of Lignine
The term fawn is not usually applied to any a matter which is looked upon as the basis of all
of the colours used in calico printing : similar fibrous substance of a vegetable nature. It can
shades are tan, snuff, nut, etc. be obtained from wood by treating it succes-
FENUGREEK.— The seeds of a plant: they sively with ether, alcohol, water, acids, and alka-
are of a mucilaginous and bitter nature, and lies, in order to remove all soluble substances.
were formerly supposed to have a beneficial remains as a white substance of regular
It finally
influence in madder dyeing. Not at all used in composition, which is the pure fibre of wood,
dyeing at present. and stands as the type and representative of all
FERNAMBUC WOOD.-One of the vari- other vegetable fibres. composed of car-
It is
wood, so called because imported
eties of Brazil bon, oxygen, and hydrogen, in proportions which
from Pernambuco or Fernambuca. According ]

give little clue to its internal composition ; and



its behaviour with chemical bodies is so feebly with rods, all the cotton flies off as dust, being
marked by the expression of affinity in any corroded and disorganised by the acid, while the
direction, that it can only be put down as an woollen threads are not considerably injured in
indifferent substance, forming very few combi- strength. It does not appear that dilute acids,

nations with other chemical bodies. Lignine though they may destroy the structure, alter the
is of no importance except in a scientific or chemical composition of vegetable fibres ; the
theoretical point of view, as showing that in all powder to which the fibre is reduced being cot-
vegetable matter there is a substance of a fibrous ton just as much as it was before. The action
nature, and that it has everywhere nearly the must be of a purely physical or mechanical na-
same chemical composition and properties. Flax ture. It is as easy to suppose a single fibre of
and cotton, along with, a great number of other cotton as consisting of a vast number of small
substances of less repute extracted from vege- particles, held together by some kind of mecha-
tables, are of the same chemical composition as nical adhesion, as by fitting into one another, as
lignine, when, like it, they are purified from the it by power of contact.
were, or holding together
resinous and colouring matters which naturally The acids may interfere in some unknown man-
adhere to them. In our remarks upon fibrous ner to loosen this adhesion, when the particles
substances, cotton will be taken as representing will fall asunder, still remaining the same in

all the vegetable fibres, being by far the most chemical nature, but wanting the bond which
important of them, and all the others possessing made them into a fibre as a machine may all

nearly the same properties and characteristics. fall to pieces by the loosening of a screw, and

The animal fibrous substances, of which the —

become a heap of iron still iron, but no longer
principal are wool and silk, do not appear to a machine.
have any common origin of the nature of lig- Of the principal acids in use among bleachers
nine. They are very complex in their chemical and others the muriatic acid, or spirits of salts,
composition and besides the carbon, hydrogen,
; seems to be the most energetic for its strength or
and oxygen contained in vegetable substances, degree of acidity in disorganising fibres. In cases
they have also nitrogen, and some of them sul- where it is employed special care should be taken
phur, apparently as an integral portion of their that pieces are not exposed to chances of drying
structure. in places where they are laid before washing off.
Action of Acids upon, Fibrous Substances. — Action of Strong Acids upon Fibre. Cotton —
Weak acids have no special action upon cotton. can be dissolved in strong oil of vitriol, if added
If cotton be steeped in sulphuric acid, or any in small portions at a time, being dried pre-
other acid weakened by water until it does not viously: forms a gummy solution, not going

act injuriously at once, it may remain in contact black. When

water is mixed with it, the cotton
with it for almost any length of time without falls out as a white powder, which appears to
being injured. If the cotton cloth which has contain some of the sulphuric acid in combina-
been steeped in a dilute mineral acid, be placed tion with it. If heat be applied to the gummy
in any situation where it will become dry, in solution, or if the liquor should beeome hot by
proportion as the water leaves it the acid gets mixing too much cotton at once, it will go
more concentrated, until it becomes strong black and give off fumes of sulphurous acid,
enough to act upon the cloth and rot it. The changing the cotton into a black charcoal. If
same remarks are applicable to wool and silk. cotton be put in a mixture of equal parts of
Heated dilute acids act differently than when in vitriol and water, it can be dissolved, and in
the cold state being, as is usually the case with
; this case it is changed into grape sugar. If
hot liquids, more powerful than cold, and a cotton cloth be quickly passed through a cold
strength is soon arrived at where acids do act mixture of oil of vitriol and water at about
destructively upon fibres. But it is not the 140° Twaddle, it is not injured, but somewhat
same for each of the fibrous substances treated strengthened. This was one of the processes
of. Cotton is the soonest affected, and wool the for Mercerising cloth.
last, silk holding an intermediate state. An acid Muriatic acid destroys the fibre of cotton
liquor which would rot cotton in a short time without blackening it. There are cases in which
will not injure wool, nor act much upon silk it does blacken it, but that is only when a high

the animal fibres not being so soon broken up by temperature has been employed, or when the
acids as the vegetable. This property is taken acid is impure. This acid, it will be remem-
advantage of in separating wool from cotton in bered, only a mixture of an acid gas with

worn mixed fabrics. The whole fabric is steeped water, and it cannot be made above a certain

in dilute acid, wrung out, and dried in a hot strength; that is, in the strongest liquid acid,
stove ; after a certain length of time it is beaten there is only one part of acid, by weight, to two
parts of water. It has not, therefore, the strong or are so constituted that the acid become?
action of sulphuric acid upon cotton ; and a drop easily separated from the base, and acts with
of the strongest spirits of salts may be applied destructive energy. In all these cases wool
to calico, or calico may be steeped in spirits of resists better than cotton and many a colour,

salts for some time, without being destroyed, safe and good, applied upon wool, will destroy
but it must not be exposed to the air. calico, if applied to it. Silk holds an interme-
The action of nitric acid is different in kind diate position, nearer to cotton than to wool.
to that of the other two acids- The very Chlorine acts upon fibres when in a strong
strongest acid, standing at about 100 Tw., con- state,but it is a question whether it acts as such,
verts cotton into an inflammable substance (gun or by forming muriatic acid with the hydrogen
cotton) without much injuring its strength as a of a portion of the material acted upon ; it
fibre, and not at all affecting its appearance ; it colours silk and woollen yellow, which muriatic
acts in the same manner mixed with about an
if acid does not, but its action upon cotton fibre

equal part of strong vitriol. Such a liquid act- is very similar to the action of muriatic acid.
ing upon paper converts it into a tough, horny It is not likely that under ordinary circum-
substance, parchment, which, in
resembling stances it will ever be required to use chlorine
some respects very much stronger
at least, is in that state of purity where its action becomes
than the original paper. In the case of gun destructive. Chlorine as developed from chloride
cotton, the cotton itself is no longer simply the of lime and sours, acts beneficially upon wool
vegetable substance which it was before the for receiving colours; but whether it is upon
action of the nitric acid : when analysed, it is the pure fibre of the wool, or only upon the tin
found to contain nitric acid, or the elements of prepare, is not clear. The action of chlorine
nitric acid, in some peculiar form of combina- upon cotton turns practically upon the action
tion with the vegetable matter, the weight being of bleaching powder upon it. This is known
increased 30 or 40 per cent by the steeping in to be destructive in some cases, as where it is
the acid. Mr. Kuhlmann, of Lille, in the course exposed to the air in contact with it, or kept hot
of some experiments he made, found that cotton in strong chemic solutions, etc. ; it acts chemic-
treated with nitric and sulphuric acids (pyroxi- ally, and, according to the observations of some

iised cotton) did not show as much affinity for chemists, a kind of combustion goes on, the
colouring matters as ordinary cotton ; but that fibre is oxidised, and carbonic acid gas given off,
cotton so treated, when kept for some time, Under all ordinary circumstances of bleaching,
underwent a spontaneous decomposition, evolv- raising colours, clearing, etc., the chloride of
ing nitrous gases, and that, when then tried, lime has no action at all upon the fibre, but

it showed a considerably increased affinity for only upon foreign substances in or upon it, or if
colouring matters. But it is a question only it has an action it is too obscure to be perceived.

interesting in a scientific or theoretical point of Action of the Alkalies upon Fibrous Substances*
view the dearness of the acids, and the injury
; The alkaline substances with which fibrous
to the cloth, both with regard to strength and matters are likely to be placed in contact in
being made more combustible by the treatment, ordinary circumstances are soda, as soda ash or
put it entirely out of the possibility of practical carbonate, and also in the caustic state; potash
application. When nitric acid acts both strong same conditions ammonia or carbonate of
in the ;

and hot upon vegetable or animal fibre it con- ammonia as in putrid urine; lime as in bleaching,
verts it into oxalic acid, Strong cold nitric both in the state of clear lime water and as
acid tinges wool and silk of a durable yellow milk of lime containing solid lime diffused
colour. Upon silk it has been applied practi- through water ; also some kinds of soap, which
cally as a dye, but 1 believe it is little used now: are very alkaline.
the silk must not stop more than a few moments Action of Potash and Soda upon Cotton Fibre
in contact with the acid or it will be destroyed. Potash and soda, in their natural state o
What is said of acids is true with respect to carbonates, before being made caustic with
acid salts, in proportion as the salts contain free lime,have no particular action under ordinary
acid, or as they may give it off in a free state circumstances upon cotton fibre, that is, whether
under the processes to which they are sub- weak or strong, hot or cold. American potashes
mitted upon, or in contact with the cloth. Such often contain some portion of caustic potash,
salts as bisulphate of potash, sulphate of copper, whose action is more energetic than the car-''
muriate of tin, nitrate of iron, nitrate of alu- bonate, and may produce more marked
mina and alum, under certain circum-
are, effects. Soda and potash, in the caustic state,
stances, likely to rot the fabrics they are ap- do act upon cotton, and differently as they
plied to, because they either contain free acid, are hot or cold, strong or weak. Weak cold
caustic, say as high as 10° Twaddle, will not white light, but has a translucent appearance
act injuriously upon cotton steeped in it for a the threads appear rounder, firmer, and closer
considerable length of time ; if the cotton be together. The contraction in breadth, upon good
repeatedly exposed to the air while it is wet with printing cloth, would be about one-fifteenth, and
the caustic it is be affected, but not
liable to the same in length, which accounts for the closer
strikingly so ; if the same strength be made texture. Analysis shows that some soda remains
hot it will injure the fibre very much, and in no combined with the cotton however well washed,
long time make it as tender as wet paper. What and thus points to a chemical combination
the chemical change is which takes place under between the alkali and the fibre. The souring
these circumstances, if indeed any such change takes this soda out. Cloth thus treated shows a
takes place, is not known. Some chemists sup- superior affinity for some colours, especially the
pose an oxidation, but that is not satisfactorily indigo blue ; it takes as deep a shade of blue in one
demonstrated and some cases which have oc-
; dip as common cloth takes in six, and, generally
curred under my observation where oxidation speaking, colours look better on this than on
could not take place (because there were de- untreated cloth. The strength of the fibre is
oxidising agents in the caustic, as grape sugar), improved, bat not more, I believe, than could
make me doubt if the oxidation has anything to be explained by the contraction of it. The
do with it. Some cotton fibres resis tlonger than expense of the soda, a large quantity being
others, the disintegrating action of caustic solu- required, mainly caused the abandonment of
tions producing results of a very anomalous this plan of treatment ; and, besides this, the
nature on various kinds of cloth; sometimes advantages were not of that distinct nature
pieces are rotted in alkaline solutions which do which would justify anything beyond a very
not mark more than two degrees on the glass, small expenditure in the treatment. The con-
while other pieces are not affected at four times traction of the fibre was
an objection, for
that strength. Cloth which has been subjected though it made the cloth look finer and closer,
to several treatments —
as in dyeing, to the action that is an effect which can be more surely and
of acids, soap, lime, chloride of lime, etc. seems — economically produced by the loom.
to be more upon than cloth which
easily acted Action of Lime upon Cotton. Lime has no —
has not been through so many operations. Very injurious action upon cotton in any moderate
strong caustic has a peculiar effect upon cotton quantity, or applied under any ordinary cir-
fibre in causing it to contract or shrink up if : cumstances. Injuries to cotton by lime will
a few drops of caustic soda, at 50 degrees be found to exist generally where the cloth
Twaddle, be dropped in the centre of a bit of has been exposed to the action of the air and
calico it will be seen that it causes a puckering, lime at the same time, in conjunction with
owing to the fibres touched
by the alkali con- heat. It is not known that the air acts chemic-
tracting in length and pulling the others up. ally in assisting the lime to injure the cloth I :

This effect remains upon washing, and is not think it only dries up the water, and brings the
removed if the calico be steeped in sours. This lime more closely in contact with the fibre.
action was known long ago, but no notice was Some degree of heat higher than the natural
taken of it until Mercer, to whom calico printing temperature seems to be necessary to the de-
and dyeing owes several happy discoveries, an- structive action of the lime. As a general
nounced that the action of strong alkalies was instruction,it may be said that it is injurious to

to make cotton fibres stronger than they were expose pieces in contact with lime to the action
before, and to endow them with a superior of the air. It sometimes happens in bleaching
attraction for most colours. He patented the calicoes that the kier is run off and the pieces
process, which seemed to promise great results, left some time before running up with water on

but, unfortunately, it has not turned out so being taken out. This is a condition very likely
valuable or useful as was expected. Upon to injure the cloth, especially those parts which
passing the pieces in caustic soda, at from 40° are in contact with the hot sides of the kier, for
to 50° Twaddle, they appear to become trans- there is lime on the pieces, the air penetrates
parent and gelatinous, at the same time con- as the liquor runs off, and the hot iron gives the

tracting both in width and length. They are heat ; the vacant spaces caused by the folds of
not allowed to rest in the caustic more than a the pieces being for the most part filled with
few minutes, and then washed off in water, and steam from the hot liquor still remaining, often
the last remains of the alkali removed by a saves them, when otherwise they would be
weak sour. When dry, the cloth has a rather tender.
different aspect with regard to colour than Action of Potash and Soda upon Wool and Silk.
before treating, it does not reflect so much Potash and soda, whether carbonated or caus-
tic, act destructively upon both silk and woollen, being dissolvable in water are retained by it.
and must be employed in contact with them Other insoluble salts, which can be formed in
only in very weak states and with much care. the same way, have not the same hold upon the
Tolerably strong ash dissolves woollen cloth up fibre, and can be removed by brisk washing and
altogether; and when weak it is apt to injure agitation. What the difference of adhesion may
the texture and properties of silk and woollen be owing to is not well known.
Woollen fibre
long before it arrives at the disintegrating point. is able to retain some salts in it- which are
Even lime is injurious in this way. The caustic soluble in water, for example, alum if wool be ;

alkalies make a kind of soap when boiled on boiled with a weak alum water it takes up some
wool. The addition
of acids throws down a of it, which cannot be removed by washing, and
white pulp, and a disagreeable sulphurous smell is said by some chemists to be there in the state

comes from the mixture, owing to the sulphur of alum, the same as common alum. Cotton
naturally existing in wool taking the form of can attract to itself some insoluble or slightly
gas. Soap of a slightly alkaline nature, and soluble salts, and retain them with considerable
solutions of crystals of soda, rather weak, are tenacity, such as the sulphate of lead, newly
the strongest alkaline substances which should precipitated, and the chromate of lead in the
be permitted long in contact with wool. Am- same condition; when once these have been
monia in its strong state has an injurious action printed on calico, and left for a short time, they
upon wool: when mixed with water it is not have become fast, and cannot be washed off.
injurious, if it is not kept too long in contact But altogether the cases in which complete
with it. Fermented or putrid urine, which is salts, both acid and base, are retained by the

used in bleaching wool, is alkaline, owing to the fibre are few, and form only an unimportaut
carbonate of ammonia contained in it. This series.
does not appear to exercise any injurious action Several Salts are Decomposed under the In-
upon the woollen fibre, while at the same time fluence of Fibrous Substances alone. —This case
it acts upon the grease in it. Ammonia is rather frequently happens with all three kinds of fibre,
hurtful to silk in the strong state; but mode- and is much taken advantage of for mordanting
rately diluted, it may be used for any purpose them. Calico, passed through a clear solution
for which it is adapted without inflicting injury of nitrate of iron, decomposes it by taking np
upon it. As a general rule it should be under- some of the oxide to itself. It holds firmly to
stood that woollen is injured by alkalies, and this, no washing in water will remove it, and it

not by acids ; on the contrary, cotton fibre is may even be passed in dilute acids without
not affected by weak alkalies, but injured by losing its iron silk does the same.
; If calico
acids sooner than wool. be passed through hot alum liquor, it does not
Action of Salts upon Fibrous Substances. — The take up any of it that cannot be removed by
phenomena of the decomposition of metallic simply washing. Wool, as just stated, does
salts by fibrous matter, or in presence of fibrous take up some of it, but not much for, unless ;

matters, form one of the most interesting and assisted by some other agent, it cannot remove
difficult branches of the chemistry of dyeing either the alum from the water, or take the
and calico printing. The chief cases as pre- aluminous base from the strong sulphuric acid
sented in practice are given here, and some in any useful quantity. Substances are there-
further information may be found under Mor- fore added which will fill up the acidity of the
dants. salt caused by the abstraction of the base when ;

A Salt may be Entirely Absorbed or Retained thus assisted, wool can withdraw a considerable
by the Fibre. —This case is only common when amount of the aluminous base from the alum,
the salt is insoluble in water. To be considered but in what precise state it exists in the wool
as absorbed or combined with the fibre it is is not known. The salts of tin are easily de-
necessary that the fibre should retain the salt, composed, and portions of them retained in the
or a portion of it, when washed in water. The fibre, by simply passing the fibrous substance
cases in which a whole salt, in all its parts, is through solutions of them. Many other metallic
retained upon the fibre are few, not considering salts are acted upon in the same way, and the
at present that the colouring matters form salts. fibrous matters are able to take the metal of
The chrome yellow and orange, being respec- the salt easier and in greater quantity, as the
tively the chromate and sub-chromate of lead, combinations between the acids and oxides are
are salts ; Prussian blue is the ferrocyanide of feebler. Many nice chemical affinities and
iron, and a These two bodies being in-
salt. balancing of attractions are shown by the
soluble salts, and produced from two soluble behaviour of fibrous substances with solutions.
salts, are formed as it were in the fibre, and not The aim to be kept in view in depositing


metallic oxides in this manner is generally to chemists, the solicitations of the cloth are
render the metallic salt itself unstable, to sub- powerless to overcome the resistance of the
stitute weak acids for strong acids, and to sulphuric acid, just as the solicitations of gravity
induce, as far as possible, the formation of that on a weight are overcome by the string which
class of oxides which have the smallest force suspends it. But the addition of the acetate
of attraction for the acid. When a fibrous sub- of potash changes the internal structure of the
stance takes up metal from a solution, it may alum ; the sulphuric acid goes to the potash in
be looked upon as an acid body entering into part to form sulphate of potash. It cannot
competition with the acid already existing in do this without leaving the alumina in j)art,
the salt, for a portion of the metallic oxide and as soon as it does so the cloth acts upon
combined with it. If its attraction was very it and seizes it the acetic acid, which has

superior, it might take all the metal from the been driven out of the acetate of potash by
acid, but this never occurs so long as there is
; the more powerful sulphuric acid, escapes in
acid present it will retain a portion, and the vapour, having nothing to detain it; the decom-
largest portion, of metal. If the excess of acid position proceeds until eventually all the alu-
is kept neutralised by any means, it, of course, mina is fixed by the cloth, and there remains
is continually putting the fibre into a condition only sulphate of potash upon it in a loose state,
to remove more and more of the oxide, and this all the acetic acid having gone in vapour. away
is what is practically done when tartar, chalk, Other acetates act in the same manner, and other
and carbonate of soda are added to mordants, metallic salts the same as alumina.
and also when acetates are mixed with them. Decomposition of Salts, the Fibre being present.,
The acid of the acetates is a comparatively A number of important decompositions of metal-
weak acid, besides being easily volatilised ; this lic salts more direct and less com-
take place in a
volatility only takes place when it is dry and plicatedmanner than when the acetates are used.
in absence of water, or when only very little These are cases where the salt which is wished to
water is present it is, therefore, not much used
; be decomposed is at once placed in contact with
in mordanting in liquids, but it is of essential substances which have a stronger affinity for its
use in cases where the cloth is dried with the acid than the oxide it contains can exert, when,
mordant in it, as in calico printing, and in some of course, the acid leaves the one oxide to go to
cases of dyeing. the other, and the oxide which is left without
Some Salts are Decomposed by the Fibre, with acid remains attached to the fibre. Lime is the
assistance —
of Chemical Additions. This, as partly oxide most frequently employed, because it is

explained in the last section, is the most ordi- cheap, and its affinities are very powerful ; but
nary method by which salts are sought to be potash and soda act more powerfully still, and
decomposed for practical purposes on cotton, their greater or lesser use for this purpose, as
wool, and silk. The chemical additions are compared with lime, depends not so much upon
usually of such a nature as to weaken the chemical as upon economical considerations-
existing affinities between the acid and base, Cases in point here are the chrome green shades,
and then the fibre steps in and helps the decom- iron buff, manganese brown, and the puce from
position, attracting to itself the insoluble, or lead salts. Suppose the chromium salt which
slightly soluble, substances produced. For ex- has been printed on the calico is the sulphate
ample, if clear alum liquor, as strong as it when it is passed in lime there is formed sul-
can be made, were thickened and printed upon phate of lime, by all the sulphuric acid going to
calico, it might be aged any length of time, but the lime in preference to remaining with the
would all wash no mordant
off in water, leaving oxide of chomium; in consequence, the oxide
attached to the cloth. But if a certain amount of chromium is left to itself, insoluble in water,
of acetate of potash was to be dissolved in the and adhering to the tissue. It withstands wash-
same alum liquor, and then thickened, printed, ing, which the sulphate would not. I know it is
and aged, it would be found that a good deal of a common error to consider that lime fastens
mordant was attached to the cloth, and that it this class of colours, by combining with them
would dye good colours. The chemical effects in some manner; but it is not so. The lime
of this acetate may be stated as follows, as- performs all its office in the raising beck, and
suming for the sake of facility of illustration, when the piece is washed, there is none left on
that the cotton fibre has a tendency to attract it In the case of acetate of manganese, or
at all.
the aluminous base, and is continually soliciting acetate of iron, it is acetate of lime which forms
itfrom the alum. Alum is a sulphate of alumina, it is the acetic acid which
in the raising, because
and every particle of alumina being combined was combined with the metallic oxide.
with one of the strongest acids known to Heat has a great influence in changing the
and composition of salts, especially in
affinities that succeeds with wool would give only very
mixtures of them. It is for the purpose of indifferent results, principally because its affinity
effecting such changes that steaming is em- is less powerful, and because as explained before,
ployed upon topical colours, and hot stoves, or it does not stand contact with acids so well as
baths, on dyed colours. The easy destructibility wool. It has to be done, then, in another man-
of animal and vegetable fibre by heat pre-
all ner, and the alkaline salt, composed of tin and
vents the development upon it of several mineral soda, and called stannate of soda, is employed
colours, which can only be accomplished by high instead. This salt differs from ordinary tin
temperatures, such as red lead, vermillion, ultra- salts, for it has the tin dissolved by alkali, while
marine blue, etc. they have it in solution by reason of strong acids.
Wool does not behave, with regard to metallic A different method of fixing is then required,
bodies, in the same way as cotton. Generally depending upon the difference of chemical con-
speaking, metallic colours are not good upon stitution. The cloth is impregnated with a solu-
wool; seems to be owing to its chemical
this tion of the stannate of soda, and then passed
properties, which show themselves mostly by through dilute sulphuric acid. The action is
deoxidising substances placed on it. It is not —
simple the soda goes to the acid, and the tin,
possible, for example, to get any good shade of being set free, combines with the fibre of the
buff on wool from the oxide of iron, neither a cloth. The cotton fibre would have no power
good brown from manganese, for either the na- of itself to withdraw tin from the stannate,
ture of the wool never permits a full oxidation especially in the very alkaline condition of the
of these metallic colours, or else it speedily commercial article.
deoxidises and deteriorates them. The same The great majority of salts known to chemists,
remarks are true concerning silk. In mordant- as well as those which are employed in manu-
ing wool, either with aluminous or tin salts, the factures, have no action at all upon fibrous sub-
use of tartar appears necessary. Tartar is the stances ;this is the case with nearly every
compound of potash with tartaric acid; and tar- neutral saline compound. It is only in the
taric acid belongs to the same class of acid bodies cases of oxides of aluminum, iron, and tin, that
as acetic acid, and with regard to the strong fibres appear to exert a decidedly attractive
mineral acids has about the same relations, ex- influence ; it is difficult to leave either vegetable

cepting that it is a fixed acid. When tartar is or animal fibre in contact with salts of these
mixed with alum, and in contact with woollen metals without their taking up and fixing more
fibre, there seems no good reason to doubt that or less of them. The most powerful affinity is
it acts much in the same manner as acetate of for tin; it is absorbed under circumstances
potash would do ; that is, part of the sulphuric where the other oxides are not, and it retains
acid of the alum goes to the potash of the tartar, its hold upon the fibre under influences which
leaving the alumina in a weaker state of combi- readily remove the other metals. There are
nation, so that the wool can exert its attractive cases where the combination of the tin with the
force for this body with less resistance and fibre is so intimate that nothing short of the
greater effect; for supposing a tartrate of alu- complete disorganisation of it will enable the
mina to be formed by the exchange of acids tin to be completely separated from it. Further
between the alum and the tartar, the tartaric observations connected with these matters will
acid, being a so much weaker acid than the sul- be found under the head of Mordants.
phuric, could not restrain the alumina from Solubility of Fibrous Matters. — The case of
entering into combination with the wool. But disintegration of fibre is common enough under
it isnot probable that a tartrate of alumina is the influence of acids and alkalies but a case of

ever actually formed, the decomposition is not real solution of it was not known until quite
pushed so far only so much tartar is required
recently, and has occurred in connection with
as will be equivalent to taking away a small a chemical mixture where a priori this action
portion of the sulphuric acid from the alum; for would never have been suspected. The oxide
when alum is robbed of a little of its acid, it of copper is soluble in ammonia, and the solu-
becomes easily acted upon by substances which tion thus produced may
be called the ammoni-
have an affinity for the alumina, a compound uret of copper. be best prepared by dis-
It can
being produced called cubical alum, or basic solving sulphate of copper, at the rate of one
alum. The same explanation may be accepted pound per gallon, in cold water, and adding
in the case of tin mordants; the acid being weak caustic soda until all the copper is thrown
partly killed, lets its tin go to the wool with so down; the pale blue sediment should be thrown
much the greater ease. upon a filter, washed, and drained; it will be
In mordanting cotton with tin, the process [ soluble in strong ammonia liquor, with produc-
tion of a magnificent purplish, blue colour. This bination they form with the fibre ; but it is one
solution should be kept in a bottle or covered of a very intimate nature, and its permanency
vessel, because it is injured by the air. This resembles the combinations which are formed
liquor is the solvent for cotton : upon
it acts also by mineral matters with it. The combination,
silk, but not so strongly ; and upon wool, but or, more properly speaking, the adhesion of
still less so. There are other solutions of certain other substances, such as albumens,
metals in ammonia better adapted for dissolving oils, caseine, etc., is not of a chemical nature.
silk and wool, as those of cobalt and nickel. If They adhere by virtue of becoming entangled
a piece of calico be placed in the ammoniuret of by coagulation with the net work of fibre,, or
copper it is soon acted upon, becomes gelatinous, they adhere by their closeness of contact, like
is brought into a pulpy state, and finally, if not paint to a wall.
in too large a quantity, is dissolved. If this FLAVINE A preparation from quercitron
solution is mixed with acids the cotton is thrown bark, which may be
used as a substitute for
down as a white powder, and, according to the bark in printing and dyeing. The agent for
statements of the chemist who discovered this Sanford's American Flavine gives the following
solvent, it remains of the same chemical com- examples of the quantities in which it is applied
position as before, but all traces of fibre are in practice. I give the words of his circular
entirely gone. Before the discovery of this so far as regards the process, which are, no
curious fact, cotton was considered as insoluble doubt, applicable to other preparations of bark.
in all liquids. What practical results may flow —
To Dissolve Flavine. Put in a tin or stone
from the knowledge of this solvent, or what dish, pour a little hot water on it, and stir it
insight it may give us into the nature and well with a stick, it will then get into a paste

chemical bearings of cotton itself, cannot yet keep adding a little water till it becomes thin : it
be said. is then ready to be mixed with the whole quan-

Affinity of Fibrous Substances for Vegetable tity of water in the kettle or pan, and boiled up
Substances and Colouring Matters.
All the — with the mordants, using the same as for bark.
fibrous substances receive colouring matters Or another way —
mixing it instead of water,
under some conditions, which vary for the take a solution of and stir it the same way.

particular fibre and the special colouring mat- For Printing Cotton and Delaines (as used
ter. As a general rule it may be laid down that when first introduced).— One pound of flavine,
the animal fibres have a stronger attraction for mixed to a paste, in a basin, by adding hot
colouring matters than the vegetable fibres; water and stirring with a stick; then add 3joz.
they not only imbibe them more easily, and (measure) of ammonia, sp. gr. 894 (more or less,
with less preparation, but they hold them more according to strength) stir it well up, and mix

firmly and protect them better from the destruc- with one gallon of boiling water, and boil for
tive influences of air and light. There are some twenty minutes, it will then be in solution and
colours which cannot be fixed at all upon the quite clear.
vegetable fibrous substances, but which give A standard yellow was made as follows :

good shades upon wool and silk ;

picric acid is a 1 gallon of 1 lb. flavine liquor,
notable example. Others fixed upon cotton are 4 lbs. of gum substitute,

weak and unstable, easily destroyed by natural 2 oz. of tin crystals,

agencies, while the same colouring matter upon £ lb. of alum,

wool and silk enjoys a fair degree of per- 4oz. of acetic acid ;

manency —the case of archil is an illustration. steamed with six inches (pressure) of steam for
There on the other hand, some colours
are, one half hour, then washed in water.
which fix on wool
better on cotton than —
Another Method. If used to make an orange,
principally the metallic colours and some — proceed as follows :— Take 8 or 9 oz. flavine,
which are not good on wool, because of its too and mix 24 oz. dry starch ; measure 4 quarts of
great affinity for colouring matters, as in the water, and add gradually to the mixture of
case of madder the wool does not permit the
; flavine and starch, making a perfect paste;
removal of the brown matters, which deterio- then add water according to judgment, and boil.
rate the madder red. Some vegetable sub- When boiled, add to half a pint of boiling
stances, not colouring matters, have a strong water loz. of turpentine. When dissolved and
affinity in certain cases for fibrous matter- thoroughly mixed, add half a pint of oxide of
such, for example, as the tannin matter of gall tin, and a quarter of a pint of acetic acid at

nuts, sumac, &c. It may be observed that 4° Tw. ; mix them together, and add to the

these substances are all what are called astrin- flavine. Mix well, and add 4 oz. of tin crystals,

gents, and it is not known what kind of com- boil until it is of a rich golden orange colour;
strain it, and it is ready for printing. Use the being equal, it is the amount of starch that
best starch, the amount of starch is very impor- renders it more or less valuable. The gluten
tant, as if not properly thickened it will stick in has no sensible thickening power of itself, but
the engraving. it certainly influences the starch in its manner
Flavine Green upon Woollen, No. 1. — For of thickening colours. A given quantity of
sixty pounds of woollen yarn: flour thickens much better than the amount of
2 lbs. flavine, starch which can be obtained from it : thus, the
6 lbs. alum, thickening power of a flour, though in relation
1 lb. tin crystals. to the starch it contains, is as a rule greater
Dissolve in boiling water. Then dissolve than that would account for, and leads to the
separately four ounces red prussiate of potash, belief of the existence in the flour of some form
and add it to the above. Then add 4J lbs. of starch decomposable by weak chemical or
extract of indigo, and 12 oz. oxalic acid. Dye mechanical agency, and from which the sub-
in the usual way. This makes a full green. stance called gluten is formed. The very best
It is perhaps better to prepare the yarn by kinds of flour are weaker for thickening than
steeping it first for half an hour in boiling common kinds, requiring from half a pound to
water, in which is dissolved one half of the more to the gallon of water, but
three quarters
above quantities of alum and oxalic acid, and they have an advantage in the fineness and
putting the remaining half in the vat. smoothness of the paste they give, and their
No. 2. —A very good green can also be made consequent better working in the machine. A
by using part of this is doubtless owing to the greater
3 lbs. flavine, quantity of gluten they contain, which I con-
12 lbs. alum, sider is the substance, giving toughness and
12 oz. oxalic acid, tenacity to paste colours; something is owing
4Jlbs. extract of indigo. to the absence of inactive matters of a cellulose
No. 3.-3 lbs. flavine, insoluble nature present in inferior flour, and a
12 lbs. alum, good deal to the fine dressing which such first

1 lb. cream of tartar, quality of flour receives. As a chemical matter,

4J lbs. extract of indigo. flour has no particular affinities or actions ; it is

Light greens may be dyed in the same vats not affected so easily as starch by acids or other
after the darker ones without renewing them, chemical bodies.
as is customary in using fustic. Flouris occasionally troublesome through
For very dark greens a prussiate blue may be grit or sand being present, which it is im-
made first, and it may be dyed afterwards with possible wholly to remove by straining. The
flavine, using alum or tin crystals, or tin spirits coarser or worst parts of the grit may be thrown
for mordants. out by a little careful management before boiling,
FLESH COLOUR.— A light pink with a as it settles down rather quickly in the thin
little yellow constitutes the colour known as mixture of flour and water, or flour and red
flesh. The term flesh colour is more properly liquor. If a quantity be mixed in a tub, of a
rendered skin colour, since it is evidently in- churn shape, wider at bottom than top, and the
tended to indicate the colour of healthy skin, mixture be kept quietly revolving, just so much
or the colour of muscle as seen through skin. as to prevent the mass of flour sinking, the
In dyeing it is obtained from safflower, used in greatest part of the grit may be brought towards
small quantities, from a spent scarlet bath, in the bottom. The top part can then be drawn off
which cochineal and tin have been used; and by a spigot, placed about six inches above the
from anotta, reddened by soaping and a little bottom of the vessel. This plan requires a
alum. These are sufficient indications for a little address to make it answer, but it will

shade of colour which varies very considerably sometimes remove all real causes of complaint.
in different dyehouses, and has usually to be The portion at the bottom can be used up for
dyed to pattern. designs or patterns that are open, and do not

FLOUR. Wheaten flour forms a very useful show the action of the grit so much. Flour,
thickening in colour mixing, and on account of starch, and gum always contain some grit, but
its cheapness is extensively used. Flour, as a the amount varies very much; if it comes to
chemical body, may be looked upon as a mixture one per cent it is very bad. At five grains to a
of starch and a peculiar substance called gluten. thousand it is still bad ; but at two grains to a
It is in proportion to the amount of gluten thousand I think it cannot be avoided by any
contained in flour that valuable as an article
it is care on the part of the miller. It is impossible
of food j but for the colour mixer, other things to remove grit by straining. Sand and bran
will come out
in a fine strainer, or a fine printing FUCHSINE.— This was the name at first
fent, but not that which is called grit. It can given to the red colouring matter obtained from
be separated by chemical means, and shown aniline, by means of bi-chloride of tin; although
separately; it is a fine powder, that looks and it was a very beautiful colour, the more superior
feels in the fingers like dust; but under the colour called magenta, obtained by Medlock's
microscope, and between the teeth, which are patent (arsenic acid), has completely driven it

the best practical detectors of grit, it can be from the market.

proved to be hard crystalline sand, scratching FUSTIC ; Old Fustic.— The
Yellow Wood,
copper and steel, and taking the polish or the face wood by the botanists Morus
of a tree called
off a roller like fine emery or glass paper. In tinctoria, and formerly known as Dyers' Mul-
the article upon Gums some more particulars berry. This wood is very extensively used in
may be found upon the matter. Flour some- dyeing, appearing to be the most suitable yellow
much trouble through some stringy,
times gives colouring matter for working with other colours,
fibrous, tenacious substance,which forms in the in compound shades, preferable in this respect
paste. Only damaged flours do this, and I to weld and quercitron bark. It is not in
attribute it to some altered state of the gluten. general use in printing. With alumina mor-
The matter I speak of collects under the doctor, dant it gives yellow of an orange shade; with
and drags out the colour from the engraving. iron it gives drabs, greys, and olives ; as a
It is found, on taking off the doctor, as round yellow colouring matter it is considered to
flattened globules (the shape, I believe, being be only about one fourth as strong as an equal
given by the revolution of the roller), about the weight of quercitron bark, and considerably
size of a pellet, or larger. They have an india- it in purity of colour ; but it has the
inferior to
rubber elasticity and feel a straining takes them
: valuable property of withstanding the action
out; very often they form again on working. of acids and acid salts more perfectly than
This substance appears under certain conditions bark, and on that account is used in greens,
in the cooled colours before going to the machine. blacks, and all mixed colours where the yellow
If a hot paste colour be strained it seems free part is required, as can be seen by referring to
from them, and in twelve hours a pint or so the receipts for these colours. The colours it
may be obtained from three or four gallons by gives are not very stable; they stain easily, fade
a fresh straining. The shape and marks of this by exposure to air and light,and do not very
substance lead to the belief that it existed in well resist the action of soap. Like logwood,
the hot colour in some soft plastic state, and and other hard woods, it is thought to be greatly
was forced through the strainer by considerable improved by ageing or mastering in a damped
pressure never forming an integral part of the
; state for several weeks before it is used in
mass of the paste, but upon cooling getting hard dyeing, or before it is boiled with water to ex-
and tough, and able to resist pressure on the tract its colouring matter. The pure colouring
strainer, while the real paste goes through. principle of fustic is called Morine.
There seems to be no cure for this but changing Young Fustic, French Fustet. — This is quite a
the supply of flour; the mischief is done in the different substance from the above, much more re-
flour, and cannot be undone. sembling sumac than the yellow wood in its origin.
The best and only test of any practical value It is an European shrub, and obtained its prefix
for flour is to make a trial of it in thickening, "young" on account of the smallness of its
observing how much it takes to give a good branches compared with that of the yellow wood,
consistent paste. About twenty-four ounces to which was distinguished as old fustic. It contains
a gallon of water should make colours thick a considerable proportion of yellow colouring
enough for all usual purposes ; it should remain matter, and may be used for the same purposes
firm when cold, and not show any tendency to as the yellow wood, but its colours are usually
break or become watery. considered more fugitive. It is not applied in
FLOWERS OF MADDER; Fleur de calico printing, and very little if at all in cotton
6arance.—A preparation of madder, by pro- dyeing. The plant which yields it is known to
cesses which remove from it a considerable botanists as rhus coti?ius, and is sometimes called
portion of useless matters, and concentrate the called Venice sumac.
colouring matter.— (See Madder.)

GALL NUTS, Galls.— This valuable dyeing the puncture of a little insect on the leaves or
material is an excresence from certain trees small branches of the tree, in order to deposit
similar to the oak j it is caused originally by its egg in the cavity formed. The juices of the
tree collect round the egg, and hardening, form French writers advise to use as little water as
the gall nut. In favourable circumstances, the making the
possible in extract, because then the
egg comes to maturity, and the insect born from tannic acid is dissolved, and the fermenting
it eats its way out of the nut in order to take its matter left behind. M. Persoz states that if the
flight. The gall nuts, however, are as much as gall liquor be raised to the boil, and kept in well
possible collected before the insect has arrived closed bottles, quite full of liquor, it will not be
at maturity, though smaller, they are
for, injured in the course of three years. Galls
heavier and better. The galls, in which the any
cannot, in strictness, be said to contain
insect has been developed, are hollow, and have colouring matter; more properly a colouring
it is

a small round hole about x\ of an inch in principle which, in contact with certain mor-
diameter, from the exterior to the centre. The dants, produces the colour for which it is used.
galls, which have been collected before the Thus, the solution of galls has only a dull yellow
escape of the insect, are frequently known as colour, and the tannic acid to which its active
black galls, or blue galls, also as true galls; properties are due is nearly colourless. With
while the other are called white galls or false alumina mordants it only gives faint shades of
galls. The former, as their names would in grey it is with the iron mordants that it gives

timate, are deemed preferable and

to the latter, fast and durable blacks. The tannic acid ap-
command a higher price; but in the English pears to have a direct affinity of itself for fibrous
market both kinds are frequently found mixed matters, and to be able to accumulate upon
together in the same parcel. The galls called them to a considerable extent, increasing the
Aleppo are considered the best; those from Morea weight and altering the physical properties
and Smyrna next, while the galls obtained in of the fibre. It appears also to form com-
more northern climates are so much inferior binations with colouring matters, and to ful-
as to be scarcely useable in dyeing. Galls con- fil the place of a mordant. Where galls
tain from 50 to 70 per cent of tannic acid, and and similar substances can be used with ad-
it appears that the whole of their valuable vantage in dyeing, their action seems to
properties are attributable to the tannic acid extend beyond the share they have in contri-
present. The quantity of this acid present in buting to the depth of colour, and to consist also
any sample of galls may
be ascertained with in causing the fibre to take up more colour, and
considerable accuracy by chemical analysis but ; to form a more intimate combination with it,
for a practical test of the quality of this article, and one more capable of resisting the action of
it is usual to make a decoction with a known soap and atmospheric influences. It is on ac-
weight, and compound from this solution some count of this property that galls and sumac are
black or grey colour, comparing the shades employed on Turkey red dyeing, and on other
with those produced by a known quality. cases of madder and garancine dyeing.
Galls are but little used in calico printing, —
GALLIC ACID. An acid which exists in
their application being confined to a few grey very small quantity in good galls, but which is
and black colours. In dyeing they are some- produced from the tannic acid of galls when the
what more employed, but not nearly to the ex- latter are left exposed to air and moisture. It is
tent they were before the introduction of sumac nearly worthless as a dyeing material, and care
as an astringent material, or the general substi- should be taken that it is not formed in the case
tution of logwood in dyeing black colours. In of decoctions of galls and sumac kept for a long
the better class of blacks upon silks, galls are time in open vessels.
still much used ; they give a very durable but GALLIPOLT OIL.— An impure sort of
somewhat greyish shade of colour, and possess olive oil in considerable use in calico printing
a property, very much esteemed in certain and Turkey red dyeing. (See Oil.) —
trades, of weighting, i. e., accumulating on the GARANCINE.— This name is applied to a
fibre in such quantity as to add very materially preparation of madder obtained by heating it
to the weight of the silk. with sulphuric acid and water; it is derived
The colouring principle of galls is dissolved from the French garance for madder. The dis-
largely by hot water, and the solution may be covery of this article appears to be due to
concentrated without deposition or crystallising. Messrs. Eobiquet and Colin, and dates from
A weak power by
infusion of galls soon loses 1827, but it did not come into extensive use for
undergoing a kind of fermentation, which facili- several years afterwards. These chemists found
tates the conversion of the tannic acid into gallic that strong sulphuric acid converted ground
acid; strong gall liquor does not change so madder into a black mass like charcoal, but
rapidly. In making extracts of galls which that, curiously enough and quite unexpectedly,
have to be kept for any length of time, the the colouring matter was not injured by the

and when the excess of acid was removed
acid, The washing may take six to eight waters, and
by washing, the charcoal-like powder was as occupy from two to six days, according to the
capahle of dyeing as the madder itself, and in nature of the madder operated upon. The wet
some respects superior to it. The product, at garancine is then subjected to pressure to expel
first called charbon sulfurique, was prepared on the water, the drying completed in stoves, and
the large scale and offered in the trade as a then ground and sieved. During the grinding it
substitute for madder: whether owing to actual is Usually mixed with carbonate of soda, to neu-

defects in the manufacture of the article, and tralise a remaining trace of acid, the presence

inexperience in its application, or whether, as of which in a free state would be injurious to the
seems most probable, it claimed more than it dyeing.
could perform, it was for a time a failure. In a The madder in being thus treated loses from
little time powers and values were better
its one-half to two-thirds of its weight, and as the
known— a style of work was created for it— it same amount of colouring matter is present in

became very extensively used, and its discovery the smaller weight as existed in the larger,
ranks as one of the great eras in the history of garancine is much stronger than madder, weight
dyeing and printing. The method of making a for weight. But this loss of weight is not con-
kind of garancine from spent madder was stant; some kinds of madder contain more of
patented in England by Steiner, in 1843 but ;
the solid, woody fibre, and less of the soft,
five or six years afterwards, in a trial in the law soluble principle than others do. In such cases
courts for an infringement of the patent, it was the loss is less, and the garancine being en-
upset as not being novel, on the ground of a cumbered with useless woody matter is not so
previous publication in a French work known strong. The kind of madder called munjeet is
in England. Since this trial it has been open one that contains a very small portion of soluble
for any one to convert the spent madder into matters ; it scarcely loses weight in making into
who consume
garancine, and most calico printers garancine, and, not containing any chlorogenine,
largely of this dyeing matter, and who dye does not change colour in a notable degree. It
garancine styles, do themselves make it again produces a very weak garancine, and is employed
available for dyeing. The French writers call to mix with others to reduce their strength, or
the material made from spent madder by the to increase their weight. What the real and
name of garanceux, to distinguish it from the essential action of the acids is in producing
product of the fresh madder ; and, as the articles garancine is not known. It has been imagined
have a very different value in trade and different that they acted by breaking up the woody fibre,
properties in dyeing, I adopt and recommend tearing it were, and letting the
asunder, as it

the name of garanceux in default of an English water get access to the colouring particles pre-
word of the same meaning. viously enclosed, and so transferring them to
Malting of Garancine. —
The madder is put the dyeing bath. But the weakness of the acids
into a wooden, stone, or leaden cistern, mixed which can be successfully employed, throws
with a sufficient quantity of water to give it the doubt upon this explanation. It was supposed
consistence of a thin paste, and the acid added again that the colouring matter was in a state of
as much as 40 lbs. of brown vitriol may be used combination with some earthy base, as lime and
for every hundred weight of madder, and a con- magnesia that it could not dye while so com-

siderably smaller quantity may also be used bined and that the acids liberated it by them-

with safety; but, as vitriol is cheap, and the selves taking the lime and magnesia. But
larger quantity is not injurious, it is frequently this is not supported by any appeal to facts
employed in order to be on the safe side. In or experiments which bear directly upon the
my experiments I have found that a very small question; it may be the explanation, but it is
amount of acid is sufficient to make madder into not proved. It seems probable that some
garancine, but there are advantages in working chemical affinities of a more refined and subtle
which make it desirable to use a much larger nature are brought into play it is likely that ;

quantity than is actually necessary. The mixture the acid employed forms a combination with
being made, the cistern is covered, a jet of steam the colouring matter, which is itself easily de-
introduced, and the whole mass raised to the composed, even by water. It would not be in
boiling point, and kept boiling for two or three accordance with analogy to suppose any forma-
hours or even longer. The mass is then run tion or creation of colouring matter, but simply
upon properly constructed filters, the great to suppose that a portion of the colouring matter
excess of acid drained off, and clear water was present in some form or other in which it
frequently passed through the acid mixture, so was not soluble in water, but by some agency
that the whole of the acid may be washed away. not known it becomes soluble and capable of
combining with mordants.
The blackening of madder, when made into upon making garancine at low temperatures,
garancine by the ordinary methods of a mixture and have found that madder can be changed, at
of acid and water, is due to the presence of a a temperature not exceeding 160° F., to garan-
peculiar matter in which is called chloro-
it, cine of the best quality, and with trifling quan-
genine; a substance which can become green tities In using sulphuric acid, muriatic
of acid.
by the action of several reagents, and especially acid, and nitric acid, I have obtained results not
by the action of acids. The intensely dark, distinguishable from each other. Other things
almost black, colour which some samples of being equal, muriatic acid gives the darkest
garancine have in the damp state is due to the coloured product, and nitric acid the least
dark green substance thus produced; the true coloured. In the use of nitric acid there is

shade can only be seen when it is dry, hy not a very wide margin between the strength
transmitted light. If a clear solution of mad- at which it acts, in the same manner as sul-
der be placed in a deep glass, and strong sul- phuric acid or muriatic acid, and the strength
phuric acid poured on it without mixing, this at which its oxidising properties come into play,
latter will sink to the bottom; but at the line of and totally destroy all the colouring matter. If
junction of the two liquids a green colour will about half an ounce of good commercial nitric
be perceptible, which grows in extent and depth, acid be mixed with 20 oz. water, and 2 oz. mad-
becoming nearly black. If the liquor which der be mixed up with it, and the whole gradually
filters from steeped madder be boiled in a glass heated up in a water bath, with regular stirring,
flask with acid, it changes colour, and the dark the madder looks unacted upon at first but ;

green substance alluded to settles down as a when the temperature approaches 150° it under
powder: it is so dark, that it is only when it goes a remarkable change —
it becomes of a

has been washed and dried that it is plainly brownish colour, and contracts into a very
seen to be green and not black. In the state in much less space than it previously occupied.
which it exists in the madder root it is soluble If the temperature be pushed a little higher,
in water, but when it has been changed by hot there is formation of the green substance spoken

acids it is insoluble, settles down upon the of,which floats in the liquor, and which, if not
woody fibre, and remains with it. The reason poured off, will settle upon the madder and
why garancine made from washed madder, and adhere to it. If the heat be withdrawn, the
garanceux also, are not dark coloured is because mixture cooled, washed until all the acid is
their chlorogenine has been washed away ; and removed, and dried, it will be found that the
the reason why some kinks of garancine are madder has lost more than one-half its weight,
darker coloured than others is because the and the product is found to dye up like good
originalmadder contained more chlorogenine. garancine. The same effects are produced by
The quality of a madder does not, as far as I using sulphuric and muriatic acids. These ex-
am aware, bear any relation to the amount of periments are interesting, as showing at what
chlorogenine in it, and, therefore, the quality of temperature the conversion into garancine takes
a garancine cannot be correctly judged of by place. By using a little more acid in the case
its shade of colour. The formation of this dark of muriatic acid, a product can be obtained
green substance goes on step by step with the which is perfectly black when moist, and of a
action of the acid in making garancine, but not dull dark green when dried. It is, therefore,
apparently connected with it it serves as a test
: apparent that garancine can be produced with-
to show the completeness of the action of the out the dark coloured body which generally
acid, for the change of the chlorogenine does accompanies it when made from unwashed
not take place unless the garancine be made; madder.
but it is possible to make the garancine without A quality of garancine more especially in-
using so much acid, or employing a temperature tended for dyeing purples is made, it is fre-
high enough to convert this principle into the quently sold as commercial alizarine. (See —
green state. Alizarine.)
With regard to the length of time during —
Garanceux. The manufacture of garanceux
wh'ch the madder and acid must be kept from spent madder is essentially the same as
boiling, it appears, from laboratory experi- that of garancine, and the same general explana-
ments, that five minutes boiling is quite as tions apply to one equally as to the other. The
good as twelve hours; but large masses take between garancine and garanceux is
much time to get thoroughly heated, and the not of a radical nature, and may be explained in a
risk in diminishing the period of heating would great measure by the different amount of colour-
be that some parts would not be raised to the ing matter present in proportion to the amount
boiling point. I made a series of experiments of woody fibre and mineral matter, both of which

plete it should be pressed again; it might be
are to a certain extent obstructives to the free
solution of the colouring matter, and may pro- used in a simply drained state, but it is better
duce those which distinguish these two
effects to have it regularly pressed, so as to know
preparations. The method of making garanceux how much is being used, as well as for facility
is simple and well understood, and requires of storing. "Well pressed garanceux contains

nothing but care and attention to obtain regular between a third and a fourth of its weight of
results. The spent madder from the dyebecks dry matter, the remainder being water. The
and wince pits is collected in a sufficiently large strength of garanceux, in proportion to garancine
receptacle, and allowed to settle, with the addition of first quality, will vary according to the nature
of a little weakwhich both stops any
vitriol, of the madder, and to the proportion in which it

inclination to fermentation and throws down a has been spent in the Garanceux
first dyeing.

fine powder, which otherwise floats in the liquor. from mixed Turkey and French madder is equal,
The wet mass should be well pressed until it as it comes from the press, to from one-sixth to

does not contain more than two-thirds of its one-ninth of its weight of real good garancine,
weight of water, and then broken up and mixed or,when dried, it is equal to about one-third.
with the acid about a dozen pounds of brown
If the madder has been well managed in the
vitriol to the hundred weight is a good pro- dyehouse, making it go as far as possible, and
portion, mixed with about three gallons of water that is evidently the interest of the dyer, it

previously to degging the spent madder with it. will take nine parts of the pressed garanceux
It an essential point that the acid touch all
from it to be equal to one part of best garancine,
the particles of madder, and therefore such a and less as it has been used in excess of the
system of turning over, sieving, etc., as will requirements of the dyeing to begin with. It
ensure a perfect mixture of the acid must be is a point of the utmost importance to see that

strictly attended to.It is good to leave the garanceux is properly neutralised, either in the
degged madder for some days before steaming dyebeck or before it goes in an error on either ;

many weeks or months of storing does the side —

that is, an insufficient or an excessive

mixture no harm, and allows the acid to quantity of the alkaline matter — is equally in-
thoroughly penetrate it. The steaming must jurious. I have seen excellent garanceux con-
be watched to see that all the madder gets a demned as worthless, and even sentenced to be
fair proportion of steam if the spent madder ;
thrown away, because too little carbonate of
be too moist it sets in the steaming cistern, and soda was used with it. The most useful matter
forms chinks, through which the steam blows to neutralise garanceux in the becks is the

without permeating the whole mass. It should bicarbonate of soda, it is very regular in its

be so moist as to give water upon pressure composition and of a mild nature no fixed pro- ;

portion can be prescribed, because the acidity is

between the fingers, but not wet enough to
adhere in a lump when pressed in the hand. various the highest amount that should be

Garanceux can also be made equally well by required is about one pound to seventy of the

boiling with acid, but the steaming process garanceux; if the acidity passes this, good results
appears to be preferable. The washing of —
will not be obtained it should be washed over

the acid stuff is important, and demands the again. The lowest amount will be about one

greatest attention. On account of its loose pound to a hundred and fifty pounds of garan-
texture, garanceux washes much faster and ceux, taking this last in the wet state, and
easier than garancine — the waters can be run containing about one-third of dry matter and
off more quickly so — that two working days two-thirds of water. The injurious effects of

are enough to wash it in. The washing is too muchsoda are perhaps even more marked
known to be accomplished by the liquor not than a slight deficiency; the colours are dull
tasting acid, and by the springing out of a fine and cloudy, without brilliancy or solidity. A
slimy powder, which never appears till the deficient quantity of soda is shown by a redness
washing is almost completed. It is not to be of the chocolates, greyness of the purples,
recommended that any alkali should be used to poorness in the blacks, and the general bareness
neutralise the remainder of the acid as a usual and poverty of the whole of the colours.
thing ; but it is sometimes done, and then crystals The colours which garancine and garanceux

of soda or milk of lime may be added in proper give to mordanted cloth are the same in kind
quantity. The garancine keeps better when as those from madder, but not exactly of the
left a little acid, especially if it is to be kept in same quality : the whites are purer, on account
a moist state, as will be usually the case on of the absence of the soluble matters which
printworks ; it can be neutralised in the dye- stain them in madder dyeing. They will not

beck with safety. "When the washing is com- stand a severe soaping, and cannot be brought
: —


to the same degree of brightness as madder acetate of alumina— sometimes with addition of
colours. These products are not much em- tin crystals.
ployed in dyeing by themselves, but generally in Black Colours are produced from iron liquor
combination with some of the cheaper dyewoods, or acetate of iron, at a strength from 8° to 12° Tw.
as peachwood, sumac, and bark. Garaneine Purple Colours or Lilac are produced from
dyeing cannot be understood until the action iron liquor, at a strength of from 1° Tw. to
and nature of these woods are ascertained, since 4°Tw.
the simple garaneine colours are modified and Chocolate Colours are produced by a mixture
changed in a remarkable manner by the colours of iron and red liquor —the darkest shades being
produced by these woods. Garaneine is not made with, say, equal parts of iron liquor and
simply a concentrated madder, to perform in less red liquor at 12°. If a chocolate is desired of a
bulk what madder does or can do iii larger bulk redder shade, the proportion of red liquor to
it yields colours which cannot be obtained from iron liquor is increased ; when required of a
madder. The existing garaneine styles could lighter shade, the strength of both liquors is
never have been produced with madder, however reduced.
much was employed in the dyeing. It is well Brown Colours are obtained by means of
known that a large quantity of madder must be catechu. Red Browns are obtained by mix-
used to obtain a chocolate, so much so that tures of catechu colours and red liquor.
chocolates on account of their expense are Drab or Qrey Shades are obtained from catechu
nearly excluded from madder styles, and the colours, mixed with an iron salt.
best chocolate that can be obtained is of a In illustration of the proportions in which the
chestnut colour, and not of that deep brown various mordants are mixed I give a number of
shade which is required in the market. The receipts for each colour :

colouring matter of madder is surrounded with Black Mordant for Garaneine.

so much foreign substance as to hinder its 1 gallon iron liquor at 12°,
the strongest mordants, and producing the
filling 1 gallon water,
heaviest shades which the pure colouring matter 2& lbs. flour,
can do. Garaneine, being free from all these \ pint logwood liquor for sightening.
soluble matters, has a free power of combina- The flour in this receipt may be replaced by
tion to the utmost extent of its affinity and starch or gum by the
; but, if latter, the iron
saturating power; and can produce those deep liquor should be used somewhat stronger. Gal-
chocolates which no amount of madder could lipolli oil, in the proportion of one-eighth of a pint
yield. It has the valuable property also of per gallon of colour, may be added to prevent
working well with other colouring matters, frothing, etc.
and admitting them to share in producing its Red Mordant for Garaneine.
effects; this madder does not do in the same 1 gallon red liquor, at 16° (p. 2),
manner, it is itself too powerful, and requires l^lb. starch,
such energetic treatments to restore the whites \ pint peachwood liquor, for sightening.
to a good shade, that the weaker dyewoods, Another Red for Garaneine.
which may be used in combination with it, 1 gallon red liquor, at 18°,
suffer to a great degree in themselves, and tend 1^ lb. starch,
to deteriorate, to what seems a disproportionate J pint peachwood; boil, and then add
extent, the shades which owe their chief part 2 oz. crystals of tin.

to madder. This last red is capable of resisting light covers

GARANCINE COLOURS. — The chief of chocolate; for resisting heavier covers the
colours for which garaneine employed in
is quantitymay be increased to 8 oz» per gallon of
calico printing are black, red, chocolate, and mordant, or a proportionate quantity of liquid
brown; the latter being partly derived from muriate of tin (about double the weight) may be
catechu. Purples are also obtained from cer- employed instead. The addition of solution of
tain qualities of garaneine; but what is called and somewhat lighter red.
tin gives a clearer
the garaneine style or brunette, consists of deep Light red shades are seldom required in garan-
colours of the chocolate, brown, and black eine styles ; if wanted, they are made by reducing
species. The mordants used for obtaining the the strength of red liquor.
colours from garaneine and garanceux are iron Chocolate Mordant for Garaneine.
liquor, red liquor, and mixtures of the two. 8 gallons red liquor, at 18°,
Garaneine does not dye colours without mor- 5 gallons iron liquor, at 8°,

dants. 20 lbs. flour,

Red Colours are produced from red liquor or 1 quart logwood liquor; boil well.
— — — ; — —


This gives a dark chocolate of a medium shade, Basle Catechu Drab for Garancine.
that is between red and black ; by altering the 2^ lbs. catechu,

proportions of red and iron liquor, about 30 well 1\ lbs. sal ammoniac,
defined shades may be produced. For example, 3 quarts water ; boil, strain, and add
to produce a black chocolate the iron and red 1 quart acetic acid,
liquor may
be in equal quantities and of equal 1 pint acetate of copper.
strengths on the hydrometer ; and, by main- The solution thus produced serves as a stock or
taining the red liquor at one uniform strength standard liquor, from which the actual drab
and gradually decreasing the iron, the chocolates colour is made as follows:
become less dark, and pass into the chestnut and No. 1, or Darkest Drab.
red chocolate shades. The lowest chocolate 7 pints of the standard,
that is, the one containing the least amount of 1 \ lb. of starch boil, and add

iron —usually worked containsaboutone measure 1J pint of muriate of iron, at 8° Tw.;

of iron liquor at 24°, to 30 measures of red Diluted with water or gum water, and a varia-
liquor at 18°. tion of the quantity of muriate of iron, produces
Some of the brown colours applicable to garan- the numerous modifications of this colour which
cine styles have been given under Catechu; a enter into garancine styles.
further selection is given here : An orange colour for garancine styles may be
produced by printing on a mordant of acetate of
Dark Brown for Garancine.
tin, as follows :

18 lbs. catechu,
Orange Mordant for Garancine.
2| lbs. sal ammoniac,
2 lbs. white acetate of lime,
2 gallons water; boil, strain, and add
3 lbs crystals of tin,
3 gallons gum water,
1 gallon of water,
2 quarts nitrate of copper, at 84°,
1 \ lb. of starch.
2 quarts acetate of copper.
The garancine used to dye styles containing
This brown may serve as a standard from which this colour must be mixed with a considerable
to obtain the lighter shades by reduction with proportion of Persian berries or quercitron bark,
gum water ; thus, instead of 3 gallons gum water, to yield the yellow portion of the orange. The
4, 4J, 5, or 6 gallons may be
employed. To colour thus obtained is so excessively fugitive
modify the shade and to produce red browns, that it has ceased to be produced as a regular
more correctly cinnamon shades of brown, a shade in garancines. Another method of obtain-
quantity of red liquor is added in proportion to ing the same end consists in making a spirit yel-
the shade required. The above dark brown is low from bark liquor and muriate of tin, printing
converted into a red brown by addition of one it with the usual colours, and dyeing in a mix-
quart of strong red liquor to 2| gallons of colour ture of garancine and quercitron bark.
a greater quantity of red liquor would make the Dyeing of Garancine Colours. After being —
brown too red, The proportion
reduced for is
sufficiently aged, thegoods are cleansed from
the lowest red shades to one part of red liquor excess of mordant and thickening matter, either
to 30 parts of dark brown, as above. in cow-dung or one of the dung substitutes at a
Medium Brown for Garancine. high temperature. The washing after dunging
12 lbs. catechu, must be of a very perfect nature, in order to re-
2J lbs. sal ammoniac, move every particle of uncombined mordantfrom
2 gallons water; boil, strain, and add the cloth. Great attention must be paid to this
4 gallons gum water, point, because the mordants are very concen-
3 quarts nitrate of copper, at 90°, trated and usually thickened with paste, which
3 pints acetate of copper. prevents their readily washing off. If anylooso
This colour serves to illustrate the reduction to mordant gets into the dye beck it is impossible
lighter shades, for it is essentially the same as to produce good work, because the particles ex-
the dark brown, only with less catechu and more haust the colouring matter and fix upon the
gum water. From it the still lighter shades of whites completely, and beyond the power of cure,
brown may be produced by increasing the pro- injuring the general appearance of the work.
portion of gum water. The dyeing may be commenced at a temperature
The drab and grey shades are produced from of 100°, carried to 150° in 30 minutes, to 170° in
catechu brown, modified by containing some 60 minutes, to 180° in 90 minutes, to 200° ill
iron salt. An example is given (p. 79) which 120 minutes, and then boiled for 20 minutes to
may serve for all the drab colours in these finish the whole time occupied being 2 hours

styles ; the following is a modification : and 20 minutes. The clearing generally con-


sists of a good washing and a passage through the bark the chocolate is deficient in brightness;
chloride of lime and steam. Clearing.) — (See ithas a purplish cast, and looks heavy and flat;
The quantity of garancine or garanceux to be the reds also want more fire and brilliancy. If
employed in the dye is of course variable, ac- a double quantity of bark be employed, the
cording to the design, nature of the colours, and chocolate turns to the yellowish clayey shade
quality of the garancine. No guide can be given and the reds look weak. All this time the black
upon that a matter for trial.
point, it being is not much affected, the garancine itself ap-
On account of the very deep shades required pearing to have a strong possession of that
in the brunette styles, it has been found necessary colour.
to combine the use of garancine with some of Sumac the general darkener of all the

the cheaper dyewoods to up the colour. The

fill colours. improves the reds, chocolates, and
woods so used are peachwood, quercitron bark, blacks; but destroys lilac3 or purples if they
and sumac. If these substances be used in should happen to be in the piece. Without
moderate proportions with regard to the garan- sumac, and with peachwood and bark, the reds
cine, the stability of the colours produced is not would be dull and heavy and the chocolates not
much affected but in some instances they have
; dark enough. It practically fills the place of
been used in great excess, and the colours so bark by its yellow colouring matter; but that
dyed readily fade and wash out. It is difficult is insignificant when compared with its action
to say what proportion is allowable, but probably upon the iron mordants, to which it communi-
for best garancine, of three times the strength cates dark shades, giving depth and apparent
of madder, an equal weight or one and a half solidity to the whole. Upon the red it has not
times the weight of woods may be used with much influence ; it turns it a little towards the
advantage ; that is pound of the
to say, for each orange, and thus brightens it.
strongest garancine half pound each of peach- Size or glue is a very general addition in
wood, bark, and sumac. For dry garanceux garancine dyeing. Its chief use is in preserving
made from spent madder, which is from one- the whites, which it effects by forming an in-
fourth to one-third of the strength of good garan- solublecompound with the tannin matter of the
cine, not more than half its weight of woods sumac, and thus preventing its fixing upon the
should be used. The woods used in this quan- unmordanted parts of the cloth and constituting
tity have a great influence upon the shade, and itself a species of mordant for the other colours.
care should be taken to have them of regular The compound produced, which we may call
quality. From a number of experiments I made the tannate ofgelatine, is, however, decomposable
to ascertain the influence of the woods upon the in the presence of mordants at a high tempera-
colours produced, I made the following conclu- ture; the tannin matter combines with them
sions : and the gelatine or glue becomes free again.
Peacliwood darkens the chocolates, making Garancine is employed in dyeing Turkey reds
them fuller ; heightens the red, and, if purples and in imitation madder purples it is also used

be present, fills them up. The chocolate ob- as an ingredient in some other styles, but not to
tained with garancine alone is red; the addition any considerable extent.
of peachwood makes it fuller and heavier. When —
GARDENIA. A genus of plants and trees,
bark and sumac are used without peachwood the of which some species appear to be capable of
reds suffer in brightness, and the chocolate tends yielding valuable colouring matters. Bancroft
towards a cold clayey aspect, or cinnamon shade. and others have drawn attention to Gardenia
If bark and sumac are used with a double por- aculeata, or indigo berry, which is said to stain
tion of peachwood the chocolate is darker but paper and linen of a fine fixed blue colour it is —
suffers in brightness, the reds remaining about found in Jamaica; the Gardenia florida, which
the same. The chief action of peachwood is, is said to be used by the Chinese for dyeing
therefore, to fill up the garancine shades ; the scarlet, under the name of unJci; and the Gar-
colours it yields not being much different from denia genipa, the fruit of which contains a colour-
the garancine colours themselves. less juice, which goes blue immediately that it
Quercitron Bark itself gives yellow colour is exposed to the air. "It is universally em-
with alumina mordants, drab with weak iron, ployed," says Bancroft, "by the savage tribes
and greenish olive with chocolate mordants. of Guiana and Brazil, to stain their skins with a
Garancine and it together differ from garancine variety of spots, lines, and figures, for the pur-
alone by a yellowish shade over the chocolate, pose of ornament at their feasts and dances, as
taking it to the clayey side; the reds are made well as to render themselves terrible to their
decidedly orange, and the purples turned greyish. enemies when going to war; as the isatis or
When peachwood and sumac are used without woad was employed by the Britons in Caesar's
— —


time." This blue colouring matter, though it gallon of liquor. This can be partly estimated
attaches itself to the skin very permanently, by its strength, as shown on the
glass ; but more
does not appear to be useful in dyeing; it is cer- correctly by evaporating a known weight down
tainly quite different to indigo, which, in some to dryness, and weighing the solid matter. At
particulars, it appeared at first to have a resem- the same time it should be examined for mineral
blance to. matters, of which only a small amount are
GLAUBERS' SALTS.— A name for sul- naturally present, but which might be added as
phate of soda.— (See Soda.) an adulteration to deceive with regard to appear-
GLUCOSE. — This name is given to a ance of strength. I have found the following
sweetish matter, obtained by boiling starch from results :
any source with acids, until it is decomposed WATER. DRY GLUE.
and no longer colours iodine blue. The acid No. 10 sample contained 68 32
No. 22 sample contained 70 30
being neutralised, the solution is found to have
may be boiled down to a
No. 8 sample contained 65 35
a faint sweetness. It
syrup, when, after standing a few days, it sets Lightfoot patented a method of using glue for
into a granular honey-like mass. As a chemical fixing colours ; the colouring matter mixed with
body it is distinguished by possessing high the glue was printed, aged, and, if necessary,
powers of deoxidation, especially in combination steamed, then passed into a solution of some
with alkalies. It has been applied to the reduc- metallic salt, forming an insoluble compound
tion of indigo in one or two cases, which will be with the glue— salts of mercury were preferred.
mentioned under Indigo. This substance is I understand that the deficiency of brilliancy in
sometimes called starch sugar, grape sugar, and colours so fixed is a radical objection to the
though this latter incorrectly dextrine. — process. In Germany, some of the printers fix
GLUE, Gelatine, Size. — Glue, or size, is pigment colours by means of glue the process ;

made from refuse animal matters, as bones, consists in mixing the ultramarine, or other
skins, etc. It is employed in printing and pigment, with glue, printing, and then passing
dyeing to a limited extent, but largely in into hot solution of alum, which, forming a
finishing. used as a thickener
In printing it is coagulum with the glue, fixed the colour. I
in some few cases, and enters into the composi- obtained very poor results by this method but ;

tion of some resists. In dyeing it is employed I was told that a peculiar quality of glue, only
in conjunction with what are called astringent made in one manufactory, and that in Germany,
substances, or substances that are in part, but was suitable however, upon procuring samples

not essentially, composed of astringent matter. of colours so fixed, or supposed to be fixed, it

It serves to protect the white and assist in the was evident that there was nothing in the pro-
regularity of the dyeing. Size is used in cases cess worth following.
where there is no astringent or tanning substance To prevent and other goods finished
present, but in such cases I think it is unneces- with bone from becoming mildewed, the

sary. It is an useful or essential ingredient best addition appears to be purified coal tar
where sumac or galls are used, as in ordinary creosote, which is now an article of commerce,
garancine dyeing; but when garancine is used under the names of carbolic acid and phenyline.
without sumac I do not think that size is of any A comparatively small quantity suffices to pre-
u«e. Such was the conclusion made from care- vent mildew under ordinary circumstances.
ful experiments to ascertain if its addition im- GLUTEN.— Gluten is the nitrogenous con-
proved the result or not. Glue is sometimes stituent of wheat flour, and appears to have
used on print works in the solid state, and dis- some properties which bring it in relation to
solved as it is wanted; but generally it is used albumen and caseine or lactarine. It is easily
in the state of size or liquid glue, as being obtained by mixing good floor to stiff dough,
cheaper and more convenient. Of solid glues and kneading this under a slender stream ot
there are different qualities with regard to their water: the starch is washed away, while the
power of dissolving in water and keeping in a tenacious gluten collects into an india-rubber-
fluid state. Some kinds, when dissolved at the likemass in the hands. In 1850 I made experi-
rate of one pound per gallon of hot water, go ments upon this substance as a substitute for
firm and solid on cooling; others may be dis- albumen, and obtained it easily though, per-—
solved at the rate of three pounds per gallon of haps, wastefully— by inclosing parcels of stiff
water, and be only thick gummy fluids on cool- dough in small coarse bags, and putting them
ing: the commercial size is of this nature. The into a dashwheel, and so washing away the
best way to test the value of a liquid glue is to starch and soluble matters. This substance is
tscertain how much solid matter there is in a soluble in weak alkalies, and has been proposed


as a fixing vehicle for pigment colours ; some- stuff is thenhung up in a damp, cool place, until
times tolemby successful, at others an entire it isdeemed in proper conditon to receive the
failure under unknown conditions, it is too gold leaf, which is applied in designs, by
irregular to be trusted. Recently, efforts have the gold leaf loosely on the stuff, and
been made to use it as an animalising agent for stamping them with blocks upon which the
the preparation of vegetable fibres to receive design U cut. The gold leaf is prevented
colours, such as aniline and archil shades. Mr. adhering to the blocks by the repeated
Crum's patent claims the disintegration of tion of talc, or French chalk, in fine
gluten by allowing go into incipient putre-
it to The third process is applicable to moderately
faction, then dissolving it in dilute alkalies, and open fabrics like muslin a skin is stretched

impregnating cloth with it. I am not aware tight upon a table, lightly rubbed with
tallow or
that this substance has yet been largely em- suet, by means of a linen ball saturated
ployed in this way. either of these fatty matters ; the leaves
of gold
GLYCERINE, Sieeet Principle of Oils.— This are then placed upon the skin in such positions
substance, which has of late years become an as the design requires, and the muslin is then
article of extensive commerce, has been pro- gently placed over without disturbing the gold.
posed for use both in colour mixing and finish- The design is now*printed upon the block with
ing on account of its never perfectly drying, a hot solution of Flanders glue, containing one
and so keeping substances moist and soft. The eighth part of gum galbanum, or else with a
advantages of its use are not, however, very very strong flour paste. After a sufficient time
apparent, while it is a comparatively expensive has been allowed for drying, the piece is removed
substance. It has some peculiar solvent powers, with the gold leaves adhering, and by a gentle
which may, probably, come in useful for colour- brushing the gold not fixed by the paste or glue
ing matters under some conditions. is removed, and the design becomes apparent.
GOLD, Gilding of Thread and Cloth.— The A fourth process, for very open fabrics, as
application of gold and silver to textile materials lace, crape, etc., is carried out as follows :— The
is of the most ancient origin ; and though the stuff is stretched, by means of pins, upon a well
civilised taste of Europe does not admit of the waxed cloth, thick flour paste is first printed
gorgeous combinations of the Eastern peoples, and allowed to dry, and then paste coloured with
there is still a regular, though small, demand yellow ochre is applied ; this paste, to make it
for gilded fabrics; and no doubt it would be adhesive and moist, is mixed with sugar ; several
greaterif the processes could be simplified and applicationsmust be made with the block, the
brought more in unison with the machinery first must be with pressure to force the
and methods employed in fixing general colours paste into the meshes of the stuff, the second
and pigments. The following are some of the somewhat more lightly, and the latter ones with-
methods said to be employed for fixing gold or out pressure, just allowing the paste to flow
silver leaf upon fabrics In the first method,
— from the block. When the colour has acquired
the fabric is prepared with a solution of fish glue a proper consistency the leaves of gold are
(isinglass) or gum tragacanth, and then the design applied and the fabric dried, removed from the
printed on with an oil mordant ; and when this waxed cloth, which it leaves easily, and the
has arrived at a proper state of dryness, the gold superfluous gold brushed away. The first
leaves are applied, and pressed down with a method is the only one which will resist
leather cushion, the fabric exposed some time washing in water ; it has the inconvenience of
to the air, and then washed to remove the gum retaining the smell of the oil for a considerable
or glue prepare. The
oil mordant is prepared as period.
follows :
— One pound of oil, which has been con- Other methods of applying gold and silver
verted into drying oil by the usual processes, is them to a very fine powder,
consist in reducing
mixed with two ounces of finely ground litharge mixing with some vehicle, as gum, and printing.
and half an ounce of prepared acetate of lead The metallic lustre is obtained by burnishing
that is acetate of lead which has been dried and with a stone, or passing between heavy metallic
heated until it has been for sometime in igneous cal lenders.
fusion— the whole ingredients are very well Many attempts have been made to deposit
ground together, and thinned with turpentine, gold from its solutions upon fibrous matters,
if necessary. but with very little success. One of the most
A second method consists in giving the stuff promising methods consisted in saturating the
to be gilded several coats of fish glue, until fibre with solution of chloride of gold, and then
sufficient has been added to cause a moist hand bringing it into an atmosphere of phosphuretted
to adhere rather strongly to the surface. The hydrogen gas, by which the metallic lustre was
developed ; but the result is too irregular, and there is of the red part; the prussiate, with the

quite impracticable. excess of acid contained in the lilac colour, gives

GOLDEN EOD. — An American plant, the blue, and the bark liquor gives the yellow.
solidago canadensis, which, according to several For all light shades it is customary, in colour
good yellows upon silk, wool,
authorities, yields mixing, to employ standards which contain the
and cotton, with aluminous mordants. The elements of the colour in a concentrated form.
attempts which have been made to introduce This is the case for several reasons the colours :

it into trade have not met with success. The are less bulky— can be mixed with greater cer-
shades of colour it yields are similar to those tainty strong than weak — and, because these .

obtained from weld. colours are mostly precipitates, do not print

G-EEY COLOUES.— Grey is a mixture of well or fix well if formed in dilute liquids, being
black and white it also results from a mixture
apparently too irregularly diffused. This will
of the three elementary colours, red, yellow, explain the frequent reference to standards,
and blue, in which the blue preponderates to a which, though unsatisfactory in appearance, is
greater or less extent. There are an almost the actual practical method of compounding
infinite number of grey shades, some named these shades. For example, in making a stone
from fancied resemblances to natural objects, grey, as in the following receipt, there are three
others with purely arbitrary names. In giving standards employed :

a selection of receipts and processes for this 2 quarts pale purple standard (p. 75),

colour, I shall rather aim at laying down the 1 quart common blue standard (p. 33),

principles upon which the results are obtained 1 quart pink standard (see below).
than pretend to include all possible modifications Pink Standard.
of it.
1 gallon cochineal liquor, at 6°,

Greys upon Cotton. — These are practically 6oz. alum,

dilute blacks; that is, the same materials are 3 oz. cream of tartar,
employed as for black, but in smaller quantity. \ oz. oxalic acid.
The goods are worked in sumac and then raised The result of this receipt is itself a standard,

with copperas this gives a rather bluish grey,

from which the actual colours are made by dilu-
something like diluted ink to modify it to any ;
tion with gum water. Again, if we require a

particular hue, it is only necessary to add the slate grey standard, we should find such a receipt

colouring matter producing that shade. To as this :

make it more yellowish, a small amount of fustic Standard for Slate Colour.
and alum are employed to make it fuller, peach-
; 2 quarts pale purple standard,
wood and limawood with alum are used. Most 3 pints common steam blue (p. 33).
of the colours called drab, the methods of pro- The colours are produced by diluting this com-
ducing which are given on page 80, are shades position with gum water. The following greys
of grey, which, by varying the proportions of are based upon the lilac standard, given in the
dyewood, may be made to assume various hues. first column of page 80; they are actually* for

Catechu is the basis of a great number of greys delaines, but applicable also to calico and to
upon cotton goods, and is modified by logwood wool :

and copperas towards the stone greys, and by Dark Grey for Grounds Delaine. —
logwood and alum towards the slate greys. For 4 quarts gum water,
the greenish or olive greys, logwood gives the 2 quarts lilac standard fp. 80),
blue part, and fustic the yellow, with alum for 14 oz. yellow prussiate of potash,
the mordant. Galls and copperas are sometimes 1 quart hot water,
used as the basis of grey, but not often, on 1| pint extract of indigo.
account of the expense of the galls. This grey, containing a considerable quantity of
The grey colours obtained by printing on blue and no yellow, would be a dark mourning
calico are generally compounded of the ele- grey. can be diluted by mixing with gum
mentary colours— red, yellow and blue —as in water. For calico, of course the extract of in-
the following receipt :
digo would be left out, and, if the blue was defi-
Fearl Grey. cient, the yellow prussiate would be increased.
3 J gallons gum water, Dark Pearl Grey —Delaine.
10 oz. yellow prussiate, 3 \ quarts gum water,
2 quarts of lilac standard 80),
(p. 1 pint lilac standard,
1 quart of bark liquor, at 20°. 2J oz. yellow prussiate,
The lilac standard quoted above iscomposed of J pint of bark liquor, at 20°,
logwood and red liquor chiefly, and yields what •fe pint extract of indigo.
— ; ; —


By varying the proportions here given, the One-half those quantities yield a lighter shade
grey may be modified to produce other shades, and even one-fourth give a good colour.
called silver grey, lavender grey, etc. —
Brown Grey. For the same quantity of wool
Grey from Oalls — Calico. mordanted as before, take 2 lbs. archil, 6oz. ex-
22 lbs. gall nuts, tract of indigo, \ lb. fustic— the archil or fustic
11 lbs. sulphate of iron, as before being added in the state of clear liquor.

10 gallons common vinegar, This shade can be reduced again by taking one-
10 gallons water; steeped for 15 days, half, one-third, or one-fourth of these quantities.
And the clear liquor strained
Yellow Greys. — For the same quantity of wool,
and mordanted as before, take 2 lbs. of fustic,
2 gallons gum water,
§ lb. of archil, and 3 oz. of extract of indigo,
1 quart of gall and copperas liquor,
and dye as before. These quantities can also
1 quart acetic acid.
be reduced one-half and one-quarter for lighter
A lilacgrey colour can also be obtained from
logwood and mixed iron and red liquors, in the
In complex shades of this kind the lighter
following proportion:
styles are bestdyed first, and the darkest colours
Grey from Logwood, dyed in the spent liquors, properly freshened up
1 quart logwood liquor, at 8°, with colouring matters and mordant.
1 quart red liquor, at 14°, Besides archil, the red part of these shades can
1 pint iron liquor, at 21°, be given by cochineal, which, however, is ex-
2 gallons gum water. pensive, or by madder and the common red
Some agreeable grey colours have been obtained woods. In some very few cases, where great
on calicoby combining the chromium shades stability is required, the wool receives its blue
with red colouring matters; an example of which part by a dip in the indigo vat.
is given under Chromium. Another method of obtaining several shades
Grey Colours upon Woollen. For the light — of grey, on woollen cloth of a heavier kind, is
shade of mourning grey the colouring matters performed by boiling the piece first in a small
consist of blue in excess, modified by a slight quantity of galls and sumac, and then passing in
quantity of red. The blue part is sulphate of a dilute solution of green copperas, just warm;
indigo, and the red preferably ammoniacal cochi- this gives a blue grey, which is afterwards con-
neal ; the mordants being alum or sulphate of verted to any desired hue by a fresh dyeing in
alumina and cream of tartar. For 10 lbs. of a small quantity of madder, and with sulphate
merino, or similar fabric, mordant as usual in of indigo and decoction of fustic in quantities
l^lb. alum and lib. white tartar; then take depending upon the shade required. Or the
\\ lb. of alum and 1 lb. of white tartar, dissolve, dyeing is performed at one operation, by taking,
and add the sulphate of indigo and cochineal say for 100 lbs. of heavy woollen cloth:
according to the shade required; about 45 1J lb. fustic,
minutes, at a temperature of 160°, is sufficient Jib. logwood,
to dye. To obtain clear light shades the heat Jib. sumac,
must not be pushed too high, nor the time pro- J lb. alum
tracted ; the quality of the sulphate of indigo boil these for half an hour— or, wnat is better,

will also considerably influence the nature of the using decoctions representing these quantities of
shades produced. For the more neutral greys dry woods— then adding Jib. of madder and the
the three primary colours are blended; theyellow woollen cloth, and boiling for thirty minutes.
being chiefly derived from fustic, the blue from When the dye has well penetrated, the colour
sulphate of indigo, and the red from archil or is saddened by copperas and extract of indigo

cudbear, alum and tartar being as before the to the degree required.
mordanting agents. According to the relative A cheaper dye for merinoes than that given
proportions of these colouring matters, the shade above consists in mordanting in alum and
varies in an almost infinite variety of hues and bichromate of potash and tartar, and then dye-
tones, so that the quantities given below are ing in a mixture of woods proportioned to the
merely suggestive. shade required; as, for example, for 10 lbs. wool,
Bark Chestnut Grey. — For 10 lbs. of woollen 1 oz. bichromate of potash, J oz. alum, ^ oz.
cloth mordant with 1 lb. of sulphate of alumina tartar ; boil thirty minutes, and dye in a mixture
(or instead 2 lbs. of alum) and 1 lb. of tartar, and of fustic, peachwood, and logwood, saddening
dye with Jib. of extract of indigo, 1 lb. of archil, if necessary with copperas; or leave out the

and \ lb. of fustic the two latter being in the logwood, and use sulphate of indigo for giving
state of d ecoction work for an hour at the boil.
; the blue, and copperas to sadden. Madder
— — ;


frequently enters into these colours as a red likes becausehe can manage best. The receipts
constituent. and processes here given will, however, serve
Grey colours for printing on wool are the to extend and generalise the knowledge upon
same as those given for delaine, with some these shades of colour.
additional ones not applicable to delaine, as GEEEN COLOUES.— All the green colours
follows: —with the practically unimportant excep-
in use
Mourning Grey Wool. — tions of Chinese greenand oxide of chromium
1 gallon crimson (p. 63), green— are compounded of blue and yellow;
4 oz. sulphate of indigo, and though there is a considerable variety of
3 pints berry liquor, at 7°, processes, and some little choice of blue and
8 oz. alum ; thickened according to yellow elements, the principles of the combi-
requirement. nation are very simple, and require no elucida-
This is a dark colour, which may be reduced by tion. It only remains, therefore, to give such a
gum water, and addition of oxalic and tartaric selection from receipts and processes as will
acid. illustrate the method of obtaining the chief
Silver Grey for Wool. greens at present in use upon cotton, wool, and
3 oz. sulphate indigo, silk.

1^ gallon hot water, Green Colours on Cotton. —The blue is generally

8 oz. tartaric acid, dyed first for the faster kind of greens, and the
8 oz. alum, yellow dyed upon it.
6 oz. ammoniacal cochineal, —
Vat Blue and Chrome Yellow. Dye the cotton
2 gallons thick gum water, of a sky blue in the indigo vat, then work it iu
6 oz. bichloride of tin. any of the lead preparations given for chrome
Another Mourning Grey — Wool. colours (p. 52), and raise in bichromate. It
1 gallon logwood liquor, at 5°, requires some experience, and a good eye, to
10 oz. nitrate of iron, at 80°, ascertain the right shade of blue for a given
1 gallon gum water. pattern of green. When the point has been

This colour— rather deep can be reduced by missed, it is frequently compensated by sulphate
gum water to any desired depth of shade. of indigo; but, as this has not the slightest

Grey Colours on Silh. Logwood and tin salts affinity for cotton, it washes out on the first

give a lavender grey; archil, dissolved in a soap contact with water, besides fading rapidly in
lather, gives also shades of lavender grey for ; light and air.
the warmer greys a basis of anotta is dyed, and Vat Blue and Bark Yellow. —
Dye a sky blue
then the shade saddened by means of sumac and in the indigo vat, and then work the cloth or
fustic with copperas and alum. Archil, cochineal, yarn in red liquor at 8° for a sufficient time
and sulphate of indigo also enter into the com- wash out, and dye with bark liquor, raising with
position of these shades ; in fact, any of the alum or solution of tin.
red, and blue colouring matters in
yellow, Vat Blue and Fustic Yellow.— Precisely as the
combination yield greys, and, on account of last receipt, only substituting the yellow colour-
their number, the methods of obtaining grey ing matter of fustic for that of quercitron bark.
are so numerous as to render classification im- —
Bark and Extract of Indigo. This is a shame-
possible. fully loose colour, and quite unworthy of a
The colours for printing on silk are mostly record if it was not for the fact that a con-
compound colours, obtained by mixing red, siderable quantity of cloth so dyed is regularly
yellow, and blue standards, as in the case of shipped abroad. The cottonworked in red

calicoes. The following is from logwood : liquor at 6° Tw., then dyed yellow with bark,

»2 Mourning Grey Silk.

quarts logwood,

2 oz. nitrate of iron, at 80°,
\ oz. tartaric acid,
and the blue part obtained by working in extract
of indigo and drying without the usual washing,
which would, in this case, remove all the blue.
The yellow may be obtained by fustic instead
2 lbs. ground gum. of bark.
There are no colours so difficult to describe Prussian Blue and Fustic. — Dye a light Prus-
as those produced by a mixture of several dye- sian blue as given on page 32, then mordant by
woods, and none in which the excellence of the working in red liquor at 8°, and dye in fustic
results depends so greatly upon the care and tact liquor, raising with alum. Bark can replace
of the colourist. There are many means of fustic in this receipt.
arriving at the same end, so that each dyer and Greens Used in Calico Printing. — The best
colour mixer has his own pet method, which he colours have Prussian blue for a basis, and
either bark or berry liquor for the yellow part. in lead saltand dyeing in chrome this gave an ;

Besides the receipts here given for steam greens uniform green, upon which one of the strong
most of those given for delaines are also ap- acid discharges of page 76 being printed, pro-
plicable to calico. duced a white, provided that the blue was not
Common Steam Green — Calico. too strong for the quantity of chromic acid pre-
6 oz. starch, sent to discharge.
2 pints berry liquor at 6°, Another green was obtained by combining
8 oz. yellow prussiate, lead salts with pencil blue and raising the
4oz. alum, colour in chrome.
J pint acetic acid, Indigo and Bark Greens. — These greens were
1 oz. oxalic acid, adapted to the calico printers' purposes by
4oz. muriate of tin at 120°-, Thompson of Clitheroe, and met with great suc-
The following is a higher class of green: cess about thirty years ago. A blue ground of
Green for Calico Steam. — the requisite depth was first dyed in the indigo
IJlb. starch, vat, and the piece padded in red liquor con-
1 gallon bark liquor at 16° ; boil, and add taining a sufficient quantity of bichrome to dis-
6 oz. alum, charge the blue. When dried, a white discharge
1 oz. oxalic acid, (page 77) was printed on, which not only de-
2 oz. tin crystals ; when nearly cool, add stroyed the blue but also cut out the alumina:
ljlb. tartaric acid, the pieces were now dunged and dyed in bark,
2^ lbs. yellow prussiate of potash, the yellow of which combining with the indigo
1 pint prussiate of tin pulp. blue produced the green. There have been
It is hardly necessary to indicate the rationale other methods of combining mordants with
of these colours ; but I may state that the bark China blue, etc., but the styles are now so sel-
or berry along with the alum, and partly also dom called for as not to require further notice.
with the tin, if any be used, forms the yellow Greens on Wool. —For all light woollen goods,
colour; and the prussiate, acted upon by the merinoes, etc., the blue part is sulphate of
free acid of tin salt, as well as by the tartaric indigo, and the yellow chiefly fustic but tur- ;

and oxalic acids added, yields the blue part. meric largely used; weld and quercitron bark

Green for Calico Blotch. — are also employed. In using turmeric, which is
2 gallons bark liquor at 10°, a very loose colour, care must be taken not to
3 lbs. starch boil, and add
; dye at too high a temperature. To preserve the
IJlb. alum, and, when cool, best colour the turmeric is not added with the
3 lbs. yellow prussiate of potash, other ingredients —
the extract of indigo and

1 J lb. tartaric acid, fustic —

but towards the end of the dye. The
6 oz. oxalic acid, wool is mordanted in alum and tartar as usual,
£ pint prussiate of tin. lifted out, and the quantity of dyeing matter
Turpentine or gallipoli oil may be added in added. I give some examples showing the
small quantities to assist in the working. Steam quantities used :

greens require raising in bichromate on account Bark Green. — Decoction of 2 \ lbs. of best
of the blue part. fustic, ljlb. extract of indigo, to 10 or 12 lbs. of
Indigo and Chrome Greens. — These greens wool temperature not to exceed 170° nor time

have nearly disappeared since the discovery of 60 minutes. If the exact shade is not hit, of
steam blue has enabled the printer to obtain course the quantities of blue and yellow part
more beautiful and regular results, and I must be altered.
shall only give a brief indication of the By diminishing these quantities of colour-
methods which were followed in obtaining ing matters by one-quarter, one-half, and three-
them. For white objects on a green ground, quarters, various depths are obtained ; by main-
a resist was printed similar to the resists used taining the strength of yellow and diminishing
in indigo dipping, the pieces dipped for five the blue, the greens are more yellow ; by taking
minutes in a plombate of lime vat (see page 52), the contrary course, the greens are bluer.
a quantity of lead would thus fix upon all the The best greens are dyed at twice, that is, the
unresisted parts the pieces then dipped in clear
; wool is mordanted separately but most greens ;

water, and then in an indigo vat until the desired are dyed at one operation by adding the alum,
blue shade was obtained. The yellow was then tartar, fustic, turmeric, and extract of indigo,
raised by passing in chromate. all together.

The discharge white on these styles was ob- M. Theophile Grison, to whose "Temturier
tained by first dipping a sky blue, then padding an xixe Siecle" I have frequently referred for
— — )


information upon woollen dyeing, proposes a Deep Green — WooL
modification of sulphate of indigo, discovered 1 gallon bark liquor at 15°,
by himself, for obtaining bright light shades of 12 oz. sulphate of indigo,
green. He dissolves one part of purified ex- 8 oz. alum,
tract of indigo (carmin d'indigo) in four parts 3 lbs. gum in powder ; heat, and then add
of ammonia, strains through a calico fent, and 4oz. tartaric acid, and, when cold,
leaves in covered stoneware jars from six to 1 oz. oxalic acid,
twenty days ; end of six days the green
at the 4oz. bichloride of tin at 100°.
obtainable is of a bluish kind, and at twenty In the following green, which is of a lighter
days it is very yellow. When the contact is kind, fustic liquor is employed as the yellow
judged to be sufficiently prolonged, the ammonia part :

is neutralised by sulphuric acid. The green Another Green for Wool.

precipitate thus produced is drained on a filter 2 quarts fustic liquor at 1 2°,

and pressed to remove the greater quantity of 4oz. sulphate of indigo,

water ; it is then washed with a dilute solution 14 oz. alum,
of carbonate of soda, and is ready for use. To 3 oz. tartaric acid,
apply it, it is dissolved in water, containing its 1J oz. oxalic acid,
own weight of alum, and the solution employed 1 gallon gum
fresh, without keeping. Acetate of alumina is 4oz. bichloride of tin at 100°.
the most suitable mordant for it, and a tempera- In some receipts for green a small quantity of
ture of 140° answers best in dyeing. cochineal redis added to correct a greyness due

A fast green is obtained by dyeing a blue in to the sulphate of indigo. Out of at least fifty
the indigo vat and then mordanting in alum, receipts for green on wool under my eyes I
and adding fustic for the yellow part. Logwood think it quite unnecessary to give any more,
is sometimes used, in the duller and more olive since the above are sufficiently representative
greens, as the blue part. for the purposes in view*Greens upon delaine,
Picric acid has been proposed as the yellow however, are somewhat different, and I give a
part, but it is deficient in depth. Bark and few examples to illustrate them. It will be
weld are too much acted upon by the acidity of observed that, upon wool, the blue from the
the bath to yield good colours fustic, although
; prussiates is not required, the extract of indigo
it has the inconvenience of making the stuffs fulfilling the blue part ; but upon a fabric con-
rather harsh, is the only yellow colour which taining cotton the extract of indigo blue will
works well with sulphate of indigo. not fix, so that the presence of the elements of
Greens on Wool by Printing. —
These greens Prussian blue is a necessity. Much care is re-

are chiefly sulphate of indigo for the blue part, quired in delaine colours to obtain the wool and
and bark or berries for the yellow part. Fustic cotton threads of a similar shade, they will be
is seldom used, because the advantages it pos- usually found quite different. This is owing to
sesses in dyeing are not so conspicuous in print- want of care in the apportioning of the blue parts.
ing, and it is much less rich in colouring matter Dark Green— Delaine.
than either bark or berries, and consequently 6 pints berry liquor at 15°,
more difficult to extract, nevertheless it is some- 4 pints red liquor at 20°,
times used. \\ lb. starch ; boil, and add
Dark Green, All Wool— Blotch. 14 oz. extract of indigo,
3 gallons bark liquor at 16°, 8 oz. alum,
6 lbs. sulphate of indigo, 2^ lbs. yellow prussiate of potash,
6 oz. sal ammoniac, lib. tartaric acid,
3 lb. sulphate of alumina, ">
4 oz. oxalic acid.
3 pints water, j Another Dark Green Delaine. —
1 \ lb. tartaric acid, 8 gallons bark liquor, at 16°,
14 oz. oxalic acid and when quite
; cold, 13 lbs. starch,
20 oz. bichloride of tin, 4 lbs. gum substitute ; boil, and add
8 oz. yellow prussiate of potash, 5 lbs. alum,
lickened with gum substitute according to the 1 lb. crystals of tin,
pattern. For bright light greens Persian berries 14 lbs. tartaric acid,
appear the most suitable yellow part, turmeric 14 lbs. prussiate of potash,
next, but more fugitive, and bark last. The 1 lb. oxalic acid, \

following dark green is somewhat different from 1 quart hot water,

the above
£ gallon extract of indigo.
— — —


These dark greens may be
reduced by starch or of the greater intensity of its shade. —(See also
gum I give
water to yield the lighter shades. Chinese Green.)
three more receipts for green, which in them- GUM.— Gum is a substance of the greatest
selves would suffice for almost any number of importance to the printer, although hardly ever
shades. The No. 1 green is dark, the No. 2 is used by the simple dyer. Its study, therefore,
medium and blue, No. 3 is lighter or yellow. deserves great attention, for success in obtaining
By combination of one with another, and by good colours and good printing depend in a
reduction with gum water, the shades and hues remarkable degree upon the nature of the gum
can be modified at will: or other thickening material employed.
No. 1 Green, for Delaine —Darle, The name of gum is given to any substance
3 quarts bark liquor, at 12°, exuding from trees and vegetables, and drying
lib. starch; boil, and add up in the semi-transparent, globular-shaped
6oz. alum; when cool, add masses we are accustomed to see in gum arabic.
14 oz. yellow prussiate, But another distinction must be made some of :

7 oz. tartaric acid, these substances are of a resinous nature, and

1| oz. oxalic acid, not acted upon by water. Gums may, there-
5 oz. extract of indigo, fore, be divided into gums proper and gum

\ pint prussiate of tin. resins; the first being those soluble in water,

No. 2 Green, for Delaine Blue Shade.— the second including such substances as copal,
animi, etc., which are called gums by the
1 gallon bark liquor, at 6°,
varnish makers, but which possess none of the
1J lb. starch; boil, and add
4oz. alum; when cool, add
properties which characterise gum arabic, the

9 oz. yellow prussiate of potash,

type and model of gums. A good gum is

recognised by dissolving easily in water, to

3 oz. oxalic acid,
which it communicates a thickness or viscosity
10 oz. extract of indigo,
of a different nature to that given by flour or
J pint prussiate of tin.
starch the solution being fluid, easily poured
No. 3 Green, for Delaine — Yellowish. ;

from vessel to vessel, flowing with a long un-

1 gallon gum water, broken stream when poured from a height, and
2 quarts berry liquor, at 12°, not going thicker by keeping, provided evapora-
1 pint red liquor, at 15°, tion does not take place. The chemical com-
4 oz. alum, dissolved in position of natural gums is nearly the same as
3 pints hot water, that of starch, and their chemical relations to
6 oz. yellow prussiate, other bodies much of the same nature, that is
2 oz. oxalic acid, to say very feeble and insignificant. It is this
4oz. extract of indigo, indifference which makes gum so valuable an
2 oz. prussiate of tin.
agent in thickening colours; it does not interfere
Green Colours on Silk. — These colours, whether in the reaction of the various drugs upon one
dyed or printed, are very similar in their pro- another, and interposes no obstruction to their
duction and composition to greens on wool. The combinations with the tissue, except such as are
silk for dyeing is well alumed, and the yellow of a physical nature and inseparable from matter
dyed first in fustic; then that purified kind of in its most inert form. There are only three or
sulphate of indigo which has been described as four compounds which cannot be thickened with
Distilled Blue is added, and the dyeing con- gum in all the range of ordinary colour mixing,
tinued until the desired shade is obtained. Be- and they are not often employed. There is
sides fustic, turmeric, weld, and bark are em- the sulphate of chromium, which frequently
ployed as the yellow part. Ebony wood chips coagulates the gum water but not always I ;

are sometimes employed for the yellow ; addition consider it is a deficiency of acid which causes
of logwood gives shades of olive green. The it to coagulate the basic acetate of lead forms

following is a dark green colour for printing on a combination with gum of a curdy nature,
silk :
quite unfit for printing, and the solution of
2 quarts berry liquor, at 15°, protoxide of tin in soda the same. These, and
1 lb. gum; dissolve, and add one or two other mixtures must be thickened
4oz, extract of indigo, when required, either with sugar or some of the
2 oz. tartaric acid, at 40°, artificial gum substitutes to be mentioned after-

1 oz. nitro muriate of tin, at 80°. wards. The principal natural gums in use among
If turmeric be used as the yellow part, a smaller printers are as follows:
quantity will suffice than of berries, on account Gum Arabic. — This is the most expensive and


finestkind of gum, seldom used in print works, but, unfortunately for the colour mixer, so
but may be taken as the sample of what a
it expensive that he can only employ it in very
gum ought to be— in colour, solubility, and in limited quantity. The amount of water that it
keeping its fluid condition without any tendency can thicken is very remarkable. At one pound
to go sour. What is frequently sold as gum per gallon it forms a mass which, in small
arabic is only picked gum Senegal. It is em- vessels, may be inverted without running out,
ployed principally in the fine arts, and for and at this thickness it can be used. It is dis-
finishing crapes, silks, and similar goods. solved by steeping it for several hours in luke-

Gum Senegal. This is next in quality to warm water, with occasional stirring. In some
gum arabic, and for all ordinary purposes, and cases it is recommended to add nitric acid to
certainly for calico printing purposes, it answers the water, in small proportion, to be neutral-
as well. It is a coarser looking gum, and when ised afterwards by crystals of soda; but I do
unpicked consists of masses of various sizes and not understand the benefit of it, and I question
colours. A portion is quite transparent and if it does not all reside in the nitrate of soda
clear; this is usually picked out and sold at a formed being slightly hygrometrie, and keeping
higher price, on account of its yielding a colour- the colour moister upon the cloth.
less solution applicable to many purposes where Any other gums which may be found in com-
colour is objectionable. Other pieces are coloured merce will be similar to those mentioned, perhaps
in various degrees, from slight yellow to deep better than them, more likely worse. The only
brownish-red, the whole intermixed with va- reliable test for the quality of gum is in making
riable quantities of straw, bark, chips, sand, trial of it, dissolving it, seeing how it keeps,
and gravel, depending upon the care used in making colour from it, noting the results, and
gathering it. It dissolves easily in warm water, observing if it washes off easily, leaving the
and gives a good strong gum water at about cloth soft and fine. It is said that natural gums
eight pounds to the gallon. It has a tendency have been mixed with artificial gum's ingeniously
to go sour upon standing, which may be partially brought to resemble the lumps. I have never
corrected by the addition of crystals of soda found anything of this kind, and doubt if it would
but this acidity is not, under most circumstances, pay to carry it out at the prices gum has com-*
objectionable. manded these few years past. For some of the
East India Gum, Turkey Gum.— Other quali- properties of gum not mentioned here, reference
ties of gum are in the market under the above must be made to the article treating on thick-
and other titles. They are inferior to good gum ening matters generally.
Senegal, but they are not constant or regular in GUM SUBSTITUTES.— Towards the end
their quality. Some samples which I have seen of the last century the natural gums, used by
have scarcely been fitted at all for making gum calico printers, became so dear as to seriously
water. Instead of dissolving easily in warm injure the trade* Many
attempts were made to
water, they swell into jelly, which ropey and is obtain some but with little success,
gluey, not flowing smooth, something like the the investigators chiefly looking to the gelatinous
white of egg before it is beaten up. It is matters of linseed and mosses as the most prob-
possible to use this gum, for it has been used in able sources of a substitute. The fact that heat
large quantity, but it is not to be recommended converted starch into a gummy substance seems
for finer kinds of work. It does not give as to have been accidentally discovered in the
good shades, and it does not wash off soft. This early part of the present century, but to whom
inferior quality is best recognised by steeping the merit of this great boon to calico printing
the lumps in cold water, and observing if they belongs is not generally known. There seems
melt away into the liquor or swell up into to be no doubt that it was a discovery belonging
toughish lumps, after some hours' standing. If to these islands, and one which has done much
they dissolve into clear gum water they may be to put calico printing in its present flourishing
accounted good; if not they may be useable, position. Foreign gums are now only excep-
but certainly they are not worth so much as tionally employed for purposes of thickening
the other kinds. colours., The artificial gums have replaced them
Gum Tragacanth. — If gum arabic is a gum it in the great majority of cases, for they can in
is hard to know upon what kind of analogy general be better adapted to the requirements
tragacanth can be called a gum. It more re- of any given colour than the natural gums. I
sembles solidified paste, which resumes its bulk have had experience in the making and using of
when it is wetted, but must be called a gum for artificial gums, and believe that they can be
want of a better name. It is an excellent gum made to answer every purpose of thickening as
for many purposes— smooth, firm, and solid well and generally better than the natural gums;
; ;


economy will in all usual circumstances be employed. Its colour is usually much darker
greatly in favour of the artificial gums. There than is necessary; calcined farina of a light buff
are very few print works in Great Britain colour dissolves as well and makes a better gum
making gums; those who do, findan advantage water than the very dark brown kind, but this
from it in several ways. In the United States latter is preferred more from prejudice than
nearly all printers make their own gums; but, reason. There is a probabil ity of a light-col oured
for the successful carrying out of this and other calcined farina going pasty on standing ; in so
chemical manufactures, more knowledge of far as this goes a dark-coloured one is preferable,
chemistry is necessary than is usually found on but to become pasty is a sign of carelessness of
an English print works. manufacture. If a light-coloured calcined farina
The general principle in gum making is to is quite soluble and remains gummy, I consider
subject every particle of the starchy matter, it preferable to a dark-coloured one ; it is more
whether wheaten starch, potato flour or farina, solid in the gum water, more tenacious, and
or sago flour, to the action of a high tempera- gives a better mark and better shade of colour,
ture. The effect of the heat is to cause a change especially with iron mordants. There is less

in the structure of the farinaceous globules, so risk of burned particles, which remain ill sus-
that, when put and dis-
into water, they burst pension in the gum water, and cause annoyance
solve, while previously they were unacted upon in the printing.Calcined farina thickens at from
by it. Whether the change is chemical or seven to ten pounds per gallon of water ; some
physical is not well known. Under the micro- kinds are as thick at seven as others at nine
scope the globules seem unaltered except in when ten pounds are required for ordinary
size. They are become much smaller in roasting, thickness, the calcined farina is said to be weak.
but the envelope does not seem broken; the con- What this weakness consists in, or is owing to,
tact of water ruptures it directly, and all dis- is not satisfactorily known; it is not in the
solves into a clear liquid of a pale yellow colour. calcining but in the raw farina, and may be
This yellow or brown colour is an inevitable attributable to the quality of the potatoes, or to
result of the heat used, and in some cases it is the methods of extracting the farina from them.
objectionable. A French chemist, M.-Payen, There are weak and strong farinas in the
found that if the starch or farina was mixed market, which yield gums of the same kind,
thoroughly with weak acids, it required a lower and the gum maker is only indirectly respon-
heat to make it into gum, and the product could sible for the difference in product. The objec-
be obtained nearly white. I found that if cer- tion to calcined farina is its expense, requiring,
tain acid gases and vapours were passed over as it does, so great a quantity to thicken a gal-
hot starch and farina, they were changed into lon of water. It is a common custom to mix
gum at a comparatively low temperature without thicker gums with it, and sometimes to mix
changing the colour of the farina in a perceptible flour with but it is not easy in this manner

degree. These light-coloured gums are em- to produce a good gum water.
ployed in many steam colours, and for finishing A method of testing a small sample of cal-
goods. The gums which are to be found in cined farina is to mix it thoroughly with cold
trade are very various in their properties; the water, and place the liquid in a glass tube kept
quantity required to thicken a gallon of water upright. In the course of a few hours all the
and the names which they bear. Each manu- insoluble or imperfectly calcined and raw par-
facturer has his own process of mixture and ticles fall towards the bottom of the glass, and
preparation, and has a reputation for producing from their bulk the quality of the sample is
a particular kind of gum, to which he usually judged. When there is a sufficient quantity,
gives any name that he likes. Of special trade the best test is to make a gallon or two of gum
gums I cannot here take full notice, but an water from and examine when cold as to

account will be given of what may be called thickness, solidity, smoothness, and tendency to
simple gums, that is, gums which are genuine pastiness. For grit, pour off the top and feel
results of roasting the pure starches. But, it the bottoms, if there are any, testing them be-
must be borne in mind that most of the gums tween the teeth or between the point of a knife
used by calico printers are mixtures made to and a piece of glass; not all that seems to be grit
suit the particular requirements of the style of is so. If the lumps yield to the teeth they will
work or the prejudices of the establishment. most probably be charred particles of the farina.
Calcined Farina. — This is what its name indi- It is one of the most valuable properties of cal-
cates, farina or potato starch roasted or calcined cined farina that when hot it is so thin that all
to the required shade. It is the oldest form of the grit can sink through it to the bottom;
artificial gum, and perhaps the most generally other gums that are thick when boiled keep the
grit in suspension, and it cannot be removed nature that it can easily include any kind of gum,
from them, causing much trouble in the print- and does actually serve for many varieties.
ing. Good calcined farina keeps fluid for many- Soluble Gum.— The gum sold as soluble gum,
weeks only ; go thick within
inferior qualities and known also as patent light gum, delaine
a month, but it is not unusual to have samples gum, etc., is of a light colour, and, as its name
that set so hard and firm in about two days, that indicates, should be easily and largely soluble in
in colour-shop phrase, "you might stand upon cold water. It is made by the use of acids, and

them" a metaphorical expresson for the most requiring more time and more care than most of
part, but sometimes literally true. There is the other gums, is more expensive. It should
something really remarkable in seeing a hot thicken at about five pounds to the gallon, but
solution of bad gum as thin as water setting to it isvariable, and sometimes requires as much

a hard solid mass when cold, which can be as eight pounds to give good gum water. The
broken in pieces and crumbled in the hand. solution should be clear and but lightly coloured.

Some farinas do not go hard, but thicken a It is not so solid or adhesive a gum water as
little ; these generally work thick in the colour that made from natural gums at the same weight,
boxes ; they are actually a mixture of real cal- nor would it answer well if it was.
cined farina and raw farina, or farina in an Dextrine Gum.— In some establishments a
intermediate state of conversion. They are only species of gum is prepared in the fluid state by
mechanically intermixed, and the thin part ap- acting upon starch or farina, by means of the
pears to leave the colour faster than the thick diastase or ground malt. It is said to possess
in the machine; the mass gets thicker and some valuable properties for delaine colours in
thicker until becomes impossible to work it.
it washing out but has the defect of irregu-

It must then be either warmed up, mixed with larity in body and proneness to fermentation.

thin, or, as frequently happens, thrown away. Generalities wpon Gums. The good-
Artificial —
Dark British Gum. This name was originally — ness or badness of a gum
cannot be tested upon
given to pure wheaten starch, roasted to a dark small quantities with any trustworthy results,
brown colour. Many gum makers sell a com- nor can it be predicated from the appearance
pound gum under this designation, containing of the gum water, except by one accustomed to
only a small quantity of wheaten starch, or none judge of it ; for the most part the quality of
at all. Others still furnish calcined starch un- gum can only be decided upon after it has done
der its old name ; it will be taken here as fiftyor sixty pieces. A
good gum will print
made entirely from
a stronger starch. It is that number without requiring to be emptied
gum than calcined farina, thickening at about out of the box, and without being thicker at
six pounds to the gallon of water ; it works the end than at first. Sixty pieces should be
and keeps very well when properly made it is ; reckoned a sufficient test for any gum, and a
better adapted for alkaline colours than calcined gum deserves to be condemned that will not
farina, and generally with the same strength of print more than thirty without changing. A
mordant gives deeper and fuller shades. Owing first-rate gum for madder purples will keep fluid
to the costliness of wheaten starch, it is the most for a month in the colour-house tubs, and, if
expensive of the artificial gums. For the same going pasty then, will only require mixing with
reason there is a great inducement to the maker some hot gum water, or warming up by itself
to substitute cheaper original matters in its pre- to be right again. Inferior gums go pasty in
paration, and sometimes to dispense with wheaten from three to seven days. It is a very bad gum
starch altogether. that will not stand good for three days when ;

Light British Gum. —This was originally pure gums go thick, the only remedy is to warm them
wheaten starch, which had received a very slight up again and get them used without having to
roasting. It had in consequence a light colour, stand long. Such gums are wasteful, and should
and, from not being wholly converted into gum, not be tolerated, for colours made with them be-
had a pastier nature than the dark British it is ; come thick and unfit for working, and the frequent
suitable for steam colours. It should thicken warming is injurious, so that a good deal is spoiled
at from three and a half to four and a half pounds altogether and thrown away. Some gums froth
per gallon, and should keep in working order mUch more than others in working, and in con-
for ten days at least. Light British gum, like sequence give bad work. I could never satisfy
dark British, is now seldom made from starch myself as to what this froth-producing property
alone, but is a compound gum, containing two could be attributed to with justice. It was
or more different gums. always worse in gums made from inferior farina,
Gum Substitute. — This is usually the same as that is, farina not perfectly freed from the pulpy
light British ; but it is a name of so indefinite a matter of the tuber; but it existed in gums made

;; — ,


from very good materials. A dose of linseed which teaches how to arrive at conclusions by a
on in the gum being boiled up is
water as it is kind of instinct, or at least intuition, which
the best preventative of frothing, but it does seems to have no steps. Artificial gums are
not always stop it. Some colours are more sometimes overloaded with grit as mentioned ;

liable to frothing than others— notably, buffs under calcined farina, it falls to the bottom when
from acetate of iron, alkaline pinks, and light thegums are thin on boiling, but in gums thick-
shades of madder purple. If a moderate quan- ening at five and six pounds to the gallon, and
tity of oil does not prevent it I know no other possessing some degree of thickness when boil-
remedy. When the frothy colour is left to ing, the grit remains in suspension throughout
stand, the froth collects on the top, and good the mass of gum water. To ascertain whether
colour, which can be used again, settles down a certain gum contains grit, and how much it
but the time it requires to settle, and the contains, the following plan may be adopted :

quantity that will not settle at all, depends upon Take any convenient quantity of the gum (for a
the kind of gum, and how much it has been colour-shop experiment about five pounds will
worked. A Twaddle is sometimes employed to be required), mix this quantity with a gallon of
test gum water, but it is of very little good if ; water, in a clean copper pan, and add a gill of
the gum is fluid* enough to let it sink as far as it vitriol and a gill of spirits of salts ; raise to the
will, it marks higher in proportion as there is boil, and boil half an hour ; the acids take all
more gum to the gallon of water ; thus calcined the thickness out of the gum, making it ae thin
farina at eight pounds will mark more than dark as water let it stand for half an hour and draw

British at six pounds, although this latter may off all but. the bottoms ; wash the bottoms two or
be for all useful purposes a thicker gum than three times with warm water, letting them settle
the former. What the hydrometer shows is properly before drawing off the liquor, then dry
density, not thickness ; and it will be found to in the pan and take out the dry bottoms for
mark higher on a solution of common salt, at examination. If there be grit in the gum it
three pounds per gallon, than on any gum water, will show
here, and can be felt by the
at the same quantity of gum per gallon, though teeth. Besides grit, there will be mostly a
one is as thin as water and the other of some quantity of vegetable matter present, rather
thickness- An instrument has been devised, disguising the appearance of it : to get rid
called a viscometer, for indicating the compara- of this the whole must be made red hot on
tive thickness of gum waters. It consists of a a clean slip of metal; the organic substances
tin tube, about an inch and a half in diameter, will burn away, leaving the grit behind, which
open at the top, and pierced with a hole about may be now more satisfactorily examined and
one-twelfth inch in diameter at the bottom end, its quantity weighed. It will be found exceed-
which is closed with the exception of this hole ingly fine, passing readily through the finest
it is loaded with lead at the bottom. The man- sieve, actually running through dressing silk as
ner of applying it is to place it gently on the rapidly as if it were quicksilver. At first it
surface of the gum water, and note how many does not seem as if this were the grit which

seconds it takes to sink to a certain mark ; the destroyed the face of the roller, necessitating
time depends upon the viscocity of the gum, frequent polishings in order to get clean work,
measured by the rapidity with which it enters the and roughening the doctor edge but if it be ;

small hole at the bottom. In water the viscometer tried upon a polished plate of copper it soon
sinks in a couple of seconds ; in thick gum water shows how quickly it will roughen the surface.
it may take seventy or eighty seconds to sink I have never found gum totally free from grit ;

under the surface. Another plan was to mea- the very best I have ever tested contained about
sure the time a gum water took to ascend a strip one grain to a thousand of gum, and this quan-
of bibulous paper, like blotting paper, or chemi- tity never gave rise to any complaints on the
cal filtering paper, and judge of its thickness by part of the printers. The worst I ever tested
its resistance to capillary attraction. These, contained about sixteen grains to the thousand
and other plans, will not give much assistance of gum, and was very bad indeed, spoiling the
in forming a correct idea of the qualities of a roller beforetwenty pieces were printed. This
gum water. An experienced machine printer grit existed in the farina and sago flour from
or colour mixer will inform himself of the value which the gum was made, and whatever blame
of the gum water he is working with, more effec- there was really rested upon the maker of the
tively and truly, by simply putting his hand in farina. Upon analysing the grit, I found it to
the gum water or colour, than by any elaborate be similar in composition to the stone from
scientific tests or apparatus yet invented. This which mill stones are usually made, and sus-
is the result of long working among such things, pected it came from the stones used in grinding


the potato pulp. Subsequent inquiry supported sugar is mentioned in particular, it must be
this assumption ; but some is derived from other understood as including other substances, not
sources. The amount of grit which is una- correctly coming under this designation, but

voidable, I estimate at two parts in one thou- producing the same effect, and having nearly
sand, or one five-hundredth. Even the largest
the same composition; compounds possibly in-

usual amount of grit found does not seem-much termediate between gum and sugar, possibly

in itself, about sixteen pounds weight in half a

produced by the decomposition of the sugar
gum water itself into some more developed compound.
ton of gum ; but if it is reckoned for
itarises to a serious amount. Suppose calcined The existence of something similar to caramel,
farina at ten pounds per gallon, there is two and
or burnt sugar, in calcined farina and dark
gums, may be easily conjectured from its colour
a half ounces of grit in every gallon or five
quarts of gum water ; and in gum at five pounds
and taste. Gums which enter into fermenta-
per gallon there will be an ounce and a quarter. tion in warm weather generally contain saccha-
In the case of a gum containing five grains per rine matters, and are also generally made from
thousand, a gallon of ten pound farina water inferior material. That fermentation can reach
would contain nearly an ounce of grit. In open an extent capable of injuring the gum is very
probable, but a slight fermentation does not do
patterns the grit passes with the colour on to
so. In fermenting, the sugar is destroyed and
the piece; it is in closer styles that it is trouble-
There no method of removing the acid produced ; the acid is the acetic acid, which
some. is
gum ; the most care- is not injurious, in moderate quantities, to mor-
grit when it is once in the
ful straining has very little influence in taking dants or the majority of colours. According to

it out.
my observation, a little alcohol exists at the

A good gum has a very indifferent or neutral same time as the acid, but it appears to soon
chemical character, having little or no affinity pass away, and be changed to acid if alcohol ;

for the various chemical substances employed was present, even in larger quantities than is
in printing. It is observed that different gums possible, it would do no harm.

give different shades of colours when the drugs A gum will either dissolve totally in cold

are quite the same ; this is usually owing to the water or only dissolve in part. The first class

physical, and not the chemical, nature of the is distinguished by becoming thin on boiling,

gum. The shade of colour from two different the second by going thick. A
soluble gum has
qualities of gum is usually in relation to the some advantages, and some defects, as a working
quantity of gum required to thicken a gallon gum, and can only be advantageously applied to
the less gum the darker shade— and also it is certain classes of work. Dissolving off the cloth
influenced by the structure of the gum when easily, it should be used for steam and spirit
dried if the gum dries hard and flinty, the'
colours; and generally, in all cases where the
colours are not usually so good as when it dries pieces are washed off cold, less washing is
porous and soft. It is for this reason that com- required to take the gum out, and the colour
pound or mixed gums are in many cases pre- is, of course, less injured. Beyond these cases,
ferable to pure ones ; a pure gum, like calcined I do not see any advantage in having a gum
farina, is too dense or close in its texture, when perfectly soluble; it ought not to be a required
dried it is too much like varnish. A good gum condition in a gum which is employed, or in-
will partly partake of the properties of paste, tended to be applied, in making colours for
drying up porous, not so close and hard as a dyeing. The hot dunging or cleansing liquor
naturalgum. A
gum may contain sugar, or clears off a thickening equally well, whether it

saccharine matters, which will interfere with be paste or gum ; and though a gum thickening
the fixing of the colour and mordant, obstruct- will be more speedily cleansed than a paste
ing the deposition of mineral matter upon the thickening, and, consequently, a soluble gum
fibre, and injuriously affecting the shade of more quickly than one only partly soluble, the

colour produced, especially in the case of iron time required in the hot dunging liquors is

mordants. The gums most likely to be bad greatly in excess of that required to take off
from this cause are the soluble gums, which are the most resistant of ordinary gum thicken-
made by means of acids, and the light gum sub- ings.
stitutes, which often contain soluble gum. As GUM —
THUS. A resinous substance which
before stated, acids have a tendency to convert is employed in bleaching, in the same way as
starch or farina into sugar; and it frequently Resin. Its properties are very similar to those
happens that in the making of these light gums of common pine resin, and it is preferred to it
sugar is formed from the raw material. Its by some bleachers. I had an opportunity of
presence can be detected by the taste. Though testing the relative merits of gum thus and resin
; ;


upon the large scale, but I could not perceive pared, Gum thus is usually higher priced than
any difference when both were equally well pre- resin.

HACHROUT. — The Hindoo name for a as mtfriatic acid or spirits of salt, is a compound
plant yielding the same colours as madder of chlorine with hydrogen; it is a gas, and the
only known in Europe from the accounts of liquid commercial acid is a solution of it in
travellers. water, the strongest acid containing about one
HARM ALINE.— This name is properly third part of its weight of dry acid gas. The
given to the red colouring principle of the seeds strength of muriatic acid can be very well ascer-
of peganum harmala ; but this is not a commer- tained by means of the hydrometer; it is too
cial article, and the name has been improperly cheap to make it worth while to adulterate it;
used to distinguish some qualities of the aniline such impurities as it contains are what it takes
colours. The seeds containing the real harma- up in the course of its manufacture, these are
line have been tried for dyeing, but the results principally iron, to which the yellow colour of
were not encouraging. the acid is owing, and sulphurous acid, or some
HARTSHORN, Spirits of Hartshorn.— An sulphuretted compound derived from the oil of
old name, and still in common use, for ammonia. vitriol, used in the manufacture of it; some other
HELLEBORE.— It is said that the Canadian substances are likely to be contained in it, in
Indians made use of the three leaved hellebore small quantity, but don't interfere with its use.
(nelleborus trifolius) for communicating a fine There are two kinds of acid known in commerce,
yellow colour to skins and wool. the one called "cylinder salts," because it is de-
HEMATINE, Hemateine. — Names of the rived from the manufacture of salt cake in cylin-
pure colouring principle of Logwood, which see. ders, the other called "tower salts," because
HEMATOSIN, Hcematosine.— The colouring made by the method known as the tower method;
matter of blood. In the cases in which blood is preference is usually given by the consumers to
used in dyeing operations, it is supposed by the former, and a slightly higher price can be
some authorities that its colouring matter fixes commanded ; but in what the difference consists,
upon the fabric. For a method of preparing and or if there is any real difference in them, the
preserving blood for dyeing purposes, reference author is not informed. Spirits of salt is used
may be made to a patent granted to James Pil- for several purposes in the arts; in bleaching it
lans, December 29th, 1854. is often used instead of vitriol to make the sours
HEMATOXYLINE.— The more appropriate which follow the chemic or bleaching powder
name for the pure colouring matter of logwood. solution, and it is thought to give better results
(See Logwood.) than vitriol, especially for calico intended for
HEMLOCK SPRUCE— The bark of this garancine work; it is the best acid for taking
tree (pinus abies Americana) is employed in iron mould spots out of the cloth, applied at the
America for tanning, and, like most other barks, full strength and washed as soon as it is seen to
gives some colours to mordanted goods, but have dissolved the iron mould. It does not
nothing worthy of special notice. destroy cloth immediately as strong vitriol does,
HICCORY, — Bancroft patented the applica- in fact calico will stand the strong acid for a
tion of the bark and fruit of the American hic- long time, provided it be quite immersed in it

cory, or walnut tree, as a dyeing material for but if calico is dipped in even very weak spirits
producing yellow and green colours. It was of salt, and left in the air so as to get dry, it will
not found practically economical. become quite tender; if a piece of calico quite

HYDRATE. In chemistry, this name indi- dry be passed up into a jar of the dry acid gas
cates a compound of a substance with water. no immediate effect is visible, but if before pass-
Thus lime, in the freshly burnt state, is dry or ing it into the gas it be breathed upon or held
anhydrous, but, if left in a damp place, it tails over boiling water, the gas is immediately ab-
to powder, at the same time absorbing water. sorbed and the fibrous texture destroyed, as
The powder, though dry to the touch, contains much, probably, by the effect of the heat devel-
about one fourth ot its weight of water, and is oped as by the greater concentration of the
the hydrate of lime. If this hydrate of lime be liquid acid formed. The usual commercial
heated red hot the water is expelled, and the has a specific gravity of 1*170 or
spirits of salt
lime is said to be dehydrated. 34° Tw., and contains from 30° to 33° per cent
HYDROCHLORIC ACID, Muriatic Acid, of the dry acid. The amount of real acid can
Spirits of Salts. — This acid, commonly known be ascertained by the quantity of alkali which it
can neutralise, as ascertained by the method a double stannate of soda, much stronger than
given p. 7. ordinary, for he stated "if a pound of ordinary
The following table shows the amount of real stannate of soda be dissolved in a gallon of water
acid in 100 parts of the liquid acid, at the it will onlymark 12°, but a pound of mine will
strengths set down: mark 16°;" and such was the fact, but, never-
theless, it was not worth afraction more than
Twaddle. $ Cent. Twaddle. $ Cent. Twaddle. $Cent. the common Ordinary stannate con-
tains about one-fourth its weight of water, the
40 40-77 26 26-50 12 12-23
38-4 double stannate simply consisted of ordinary
38 24 24*48 10 10-19
36 36-30 22 22-42 8 8-15 stannate, from which the water had been ex-
34 34-2 20 20-28 6 6-11 pelled, and common salt put in to make up the
32 32-2 18 18-34 4 4-07 weight. If manufacturing chemists were honest,
30 30-17 16 16-31 2 2-03
and all the larger ones, at any rate, I find to be
28 28-30 14 14-27 1 1-00
so, the hydrometer would serve most of the pur-

HYDROMETER, Twaddle.— Hydrometer is poses of analytic chemistry on a works ; in such

the scientific name for an instrument for readily liquids for example as muriate of iron, muriate
ascertaining the density or specific gravity of of tin, nitrate of iron, nitric acid, etc., there
solutions. The hydrometer in use in this coun- should not be any other test required but, un- ;

try was Originally graduated by a manufacturer fortunately, there are unprincipled traders who,
named Twaddle, and bore his name; hence the under cover of the hydrometer, perpetrate the
instrument itself is called a Twaddle. The con- most impudent frauds upon purchasers— frauds
struction of the hydrometer is too familiar to all which can only be detected by chemical analysis.
who use it to need any description, and its appli- An hydrometer is most delicate when the bulb
cation is so simple as to be acquired without any is large and the stem out of water thin.

trouble or instruction; a few general hints how- The degrees of Twaddle's hydrometer are
ever may be useful. easily turned into specific gravity numbers —
The twaddle should not be used in warm quality which makes it preferable to any other
liquids; for, besides the risk of breakage, it will hydrometer in use. The rule is to multiply the
not show the same degree upon the same liquor indicated degree by 5, and add 1,000 to the pro-
when hot and when cold. In warm liquors the duct; for example, 9° Tw. equals specific gravity
twaddle sinks lower than in cold, to the extent 1,045; 25° Tw. equals specific gravity 1,125;
of one or two degrees. In testing liquids, there- 100° Tw.
equals specific gravity 1,500; and so
fore, care should be taken to have them at on. Tobring specific gravity numbers to de-
nearly one uniform temperature. grees of Twaddle, subtract 1,000, and divide the
The twaddle shows the weight or density of remainder by 5; for example, specific gravity
liquids, and nothing else. It does not show the 1,100 equals 20° Tw.
thickness for example, and can only be a falla- An instrument so much
in use should be cor-
cious guide in testing gum waters. Neither rect in its indications, but there are some very
does show the purity of any liquid, though its
it false ones offered for sale, and purchasers should
indicationsupon this point are frequently ac- only trust to an instrument made by some well
cepted without question. It is quite common, known and established house.
for example, to strengthen liquors with common HYGROMETER.— This is an instrument for
salt, as in the case of bleaching liquor, which indicating the degree of moisture in the air; its
cannot very well be made stronger than 7° or 8° use on a print works is to enable the stoves to
on Twaddle, yet it is frequently found marking be kept at a regular degree of moistness, for, if
24° or 28°. The ill-informed bleacher would it begins to indicate too much moisture, the
not be satisfied with a liquor at 7° or 8°, and the steam is cut off, if it indicates too little moisture
manufacturer is in a manner compelled to bring more steam is admitted, and so on. The form
up the density by adding common salt, which of of the instrument generally used is the modifi-
course contributes nothing to the bleaching cation called Mason's hygrometer. It consists
power of the though it causes it to mark
liquid, of two exactly similar thermometers fixed to a
15° or 16° higher on the hydrometer. Thus a stand; the bulb of one thermometer is kept con-
philosophical instrument, in ignorant hands, be- stantly wet, by a thread communicating with a
comes a delusion instead of a protection. An reservoir of water, while the bul b of the other
instance came under my notice, when a cunning is freely exposed to the air. Mason's hygro-
manufacturer attempted to take an advantage of meter is from this fact frequently called the wet
the half knowledge of the hydrometer possessed and dry bulb hygrometer. The dry bulb always
by some purchasers. He offered what he called indicates a little higher temperature than the
— — ;


wet bulb, because the evaporation of water from 1 Jib. starch ; boil, and when cool, add
the wet bulb absorbs heat from the mercury and 2 lbs. hyposulphite of soda.
glass ; but the difference between the two bulbs
Stir well and sighten, preferably, with ground
as in ratio with the dryness of the air, the dryer
indigo. For light reds or pinks a slightly modi-
the air the more rapid the evaporation, and the fied process was followed :

lower the temperature of the wet bulb, and the

Hypo Standard for Pink or Light Red.
greater difference between it and the dry bulb.
2 gallons hot water,
Moisture in the air prevents rapid evaporation
5 lbs. alum,
from the wet bulb, and there is a less difference
8 oz. ground chalk dissolve, and add
between the two thermometers. If the air is
2 quarts of muriate of lime at 34°.
perfectly full of moisture there will be no evapo-
The colour for printing was prepared as follows:
rationfrom the wet bulb, consequently no cooling,
and the temperature of the two thermometers Hypo Pink or Light Ped.
will be equal. Such an event rarely occurs in 3 quarts water,
the open air or in rooms, but is not uncommon 1 quart of standard above,

in close dyehouses or in stoves containing damp l^lb. starch,

goods. \ lb. of gum substitute ; boil, cool, and add

HYPOCHLORITE OP LIME.— A name 4oz. hyposulphite of soda.

sometimes applied in scientific works to bleaching The muriate of alumina presents some difficul-

powder, or chloride of lime, or rather to that ties in thickening, on account of its acidity ; and
part of common bleaching powder in which, it is imperative that the hyposulphite should be
according to theory, all its active properties added to the already thickened and cold colour.
reside. I have seen a good deal of this style worked
HYPOSULPHITES.— A series of salts so but it was subject to irregularity, and did not
called, the only one of which in common occur- present any conspicuous advantages over com-
rence is the hyposulphite of soda. This salt mon red liquor mordants. The property of the
has received some applications, and, from its hyposulphites, which is taken advantage of in
peculiar properties, it is anticipated it may yet this application, is that of their ready decompo-
be largely employed. It is used as an anti- sition in the presence of acid salts, and heat.
chlore, or substance for neutralising any ex- As soon as the hyposulphite of alumina (formed
cess of chlorine which may be left in fabrics by interchange of acid and base between the
after bleaching. Another application was in- salts) was drawn over the hot tins or steam

vented by Kopp, who found that the hyposul- chests it was decomposed, sulphurous acid was
phite of alumina produceable by its means given off, sulphur deposited and the alumina

deposited its alumina by simply drying, and free from acid remained attached to the cloth.
constituted a red mordant, which did not require The hyposulphite was applied in a nearly
any ageing. The patent in which this novelty similar manner to iron or tin mordants.
is included bears date July 10, 1855. The fol- Another application has been made of the
lowing are some working receipts in which the hyposulphite, in which the atom of sulphur it
hyposulphite red was applied. The first step is holds in loose combination has been taken ad-
to prepare a muriate of alumina liquor as fol- vantage of to produce metallic sulphides upon
lows: fabrics. This application was patented 1855,
Muriate of Alumina Standard, Nov. 20, and consists 'essentially in steeping
6 lbs. alum, dyed fabrics, to which the metallic lustre is to
3 quarts hot water, be imparted, in solution of sulphate of copper,
10 oz. ground chalk ; disssolve, and add and then in a strong solution of the hyposul-
5 pints muriate of lime at 35° Tw. phite ; a precipitate of the sulphide of the metal
These ingredients were well stirred, an abun- takes place, which, having a metallic reflection,
dant deposit of sulphate of lime formed, and the produces the intended effect. A
similar effect
impure solution of muriate of alumina strained was previously obtained by Schischkarand Cal-
off. The colour (mordant) was prepared as vert, by submitting goods impregnated with
follows;— metallic solutions to the combined action of
Dark Hypo Red. steam and sulphuretted hydrogen gas. See pa-
3 quarts standard above, tent, dated 1854, January 5.
;; ;


INDIGO.— This most important dyeing ma- through calico; mix this with three quarts of
terial is contained as a colourless juice in a genus water in a narrow-necked bottle, which it will
of plants, to which the general name of indigo- nearly fill, and add 400 grains of quick lime which
fera is applied. The method of extracting it has been slacked as perfectly as possible shake ;

consists in steeping the plant in water ; it enters well up, and add 1000 grains measure of solution
into a state of fermentation, and the colouring green copperas at 30° ; cork the bottle closely,
matter dissolves in the water in the yellow state and leave it for three days, frequently shaking
the water is drawn off, and by agitating it so as it in the interval. The indigo will be dissolved
to bring it freely into contact with the air, the by this time one quart of the clear solution is

indigo acquires the blue state, and settles down drawn off, shaken up in a bottle to oxidise it,
as a blue precipitate, which is drained, pressed, aeidified with acetic acid, and the pure indigo
and dried into the form under which it is sold to collected upon a filter, dried, and weighed.
the consumers. India, and the islands of the Four times the weight of the pure indigo is

Indian Archipelago, produce nearly four-fifths the per centage of indigo in the sample. This
of all the indigo consumed in the civilised method is tedious, requires great skill and
world ; of the remainder, Central America fur- extreme care, and even then is liable to failure
nishes the greater portion the quantities re- from several causes; for it is based upon the

ceived from Egypt and other African countries assumptions that all the indigo is dissolved by
is very small. the lime and copperas, and that nothing but
There is a considerable difference in the value pure indigo is precipitated from the solution
of different sorts of indigo, the best quality com- when oxidised and treated with acetic acid.
manding from three to four times the price of Very careful experiments throw doubt upon
the lowest quality, there being many inter- the truth of either of these hypotheses, and
mediate qualities and prices. The brokers of tend to prove that samples of different origin
indigo believe that they are enabled to fix behave quite differently in the deoxidising fluid.
the true value of a sample by its external Another method, recommended by a great num-
characters alone, and I am inclined to think ber of experimenters, is more remarkable for its
they are seldom far from the truth ; neverthe- simplicity than for the accuracy of its indica-
less, it would be extremely desirable that their tions. A
weighed sample is converted into
judgment should be controlled by chemical sulphate of indigo, which is dissolved in water
analysis; but at the present time this is not and decolourised by solution of bleaching pow-
possible for two reasons —first, the method of der, chlorine, or chlorate of potash ; according
selling indigo does not permit of any testing to the quantity of decolourising solution required
and, secondly, there is no
really trustworthy so is There are some
the quality of the indigo.
method of analysing it. Gross frauds, which method which render it un-
difficulties in this

are said to be sometimes attempted by the trustworthy, for no two experimenters can ob-
indigo makers, could be easily detected by tain accordant results by it; the process may
chemical analysis, such as the admixture of probably be available for the comparison of two
ground slate, black sand, plumbago, lead powder, or more qualities of indigo by one operator, but
starch, etc. It is stated that indigo is some- it will not answer for general application.
times adulterated with alumina coloured with Of the indigo sold in the English market fine
logwood. It is doubtful whether such adultera- violet paste Bengal commands the highest price
tions are frequent, and whether they could de- Kishnighur ranks next good qualities Kurpah

ceive an experienced purchaser ; on the other and Madras Bimlipotam afterwards while lower ;

hand, it is extremely doubtful if any method qualities of Madras, fig indigo, and sweepings
of chemical analysis as yet known can be occupy the lowest place. For silk and fine
depended upon to give results true to five per woollen dyeing, the best qualities are taken
cent of the pure indigo in the sample. The for calico dyeing, medium qualities are the most
best method I know of testing indigo is by economical; while the lower qualities answer
making an imitation blue vat, which may be for coarse woollens.
done with the following quantities: Take a — Eefined indigo, obtained by dissolving ordi-
fair sample of the indigo, and, having ground nary indigo with lime and copperas, and then
it very finely, weigh 75 grains, and in order precipitating by acid, is used for blueing finished
still further to soften and disintegrate it, boil it goods; it may be considered as nearly pure
for a short time with weak caustic soda, and indigo.
then, if there be any soft lumps or clots, strain Indigotine is chemically pure indigo, obtained
by applying heat to refined indigo; a purple in which woollen or cotton goods are dyed by
vapour rises which partly condenses into needle- simply immersing them in the solution of white
like crystals ot indigotine. indigo. The same vat is not equally adapted
Commercial indigo yields from 10 to 80 per for wool and calico, and, as will be seen in the
cent of pure indigotine, the remainder being following details, there is a wide difference in
earthy matter or vegetable impurities either their composition:
purposely added or resulting from defective Blue Vat for Wool.— According to the general
processes of manufacture. accounts, the lime and copperas vat is not well
Pure indigo is not soluble in water, nor in adapted for woollen goods; yet, in the most
weak acids or alkalies; it dissolves to a very recent French treatiseon woollen dyeing
small extent in alcohol and turpentine, to a (Grison's) there is no mention of any other kind
somewhat larger extent in aniline ; but for prac- of vat. He gives the following proportions
tical purposes blue indigo is insoluble in all and directions for setting a vat for dark
liquids. It is dissolved by oil of vitriol, but blue :—
becomes radically changed during its solution, 1,200 gallons water,
and cannot be brought back to its primitive 34 lbs. quick lime,
state. This is not, therefore, properly speaking, 22 lbs. green copperas,
a case of solution. It is also dissolved by alka- 12 lbs. ground indigo,
lies, when these are mixed with copperas, tin, 4 quarts caustic potash at 34°.
sugar, and other substances, which exert a par- The indigo is in every case ground excessively
ticular chemical action upon the indigo, depriv- fine by trituration in properly constructed
ing it of its blue colour and a portion of its mills for several days; this is a point of the
oxygen. From this state of solution the indigo utmost importance. In the above receipt the
can recover both its oxygen and its colour by potash is mixed with five gallons of water in an
exposure to air ; and it is entirely through the iron pan, and the indigo added: the mixture is
agency of alkalies and these substances that gradually heated to ebullition, and kept boiling
indigo is applied as a dyeing matter. for two hours, with uninterrupted stirring
Chemists distinguish two kinds of indigo, this softens and prepares the indigo for dis-
called, respectively, blue indigo and white solving. The limeis very well slacked, so as
indigo. The white indigo is obtained from the to have it very fine, and passed through a sieve
blue by depriving it of an atom of oxygen ; it in the liquid state; it is then mixed with the
is insoluble in pure water, but soluble in lime indigo and potash ; the copperas, previously
water and alkaline liquids generally. If it dissolved, is added to the vat, and well stirred
comes into contact with air or oxygen gas, it then the mixture of lime, potash, and indigo,
absorbs the latter and becomes converted into and the whole well stirred for half an hour if :

blue indigo again. The yellow coloured fluid, the proportions have been well kept, the vat
which forms an indigo vat, contains this white will be fit for working in twelve hours. If,

indigo, dissolved by means of lime, soda, pot- however, it looks blue under the scum, it is a
ash, or ammonia; the blue scum on the surface sign that the indigo is not wholly dissolved, and
is blue indigo, which has been formed by con- more lime and copperas must be added, and the
tact with the air. The change from blue to vat left for another twelve hours. It is worked
white, and back again to blue, appears capable at a temperature of from 70° to 80°. This is
of being made any number of times without the common composition of a vat for dyeing
destroying the indigo. cotton, but I have never seen it before pre-

The multifarious processes for applying indigo, scribed for woollen.

should, from the foregoing explanations, be ren- The usual blue vats for wool contain neither
dered intelligible. Indigo cannot enter into the copperas nor lime, or but little of the latter, as
fibre until it is dissolved : it cannot be dissolved seen in the following examples :

so long as it is in the blue state ; when reduced 500 gallons water,

by deoxidation to the white state, it is easily 20 lbs. indigo,
dissolved, and can enter the pores: upon ex- 30 lbs. potash,
posure to air it returns to the blue state, and, 9 lbs. bran,
being insoluble, cannot again be washed away 9 lbs. madder.
from the fabric. This is the general theory of The water is heated to just below the boil; the
fixing indigo, and applicable to all the parti- potash, bran, and madder first introduced, and
cular cases given below, as used in practice. then the indigo, previously very finely ground.
Applications of Indigo. —
The greatest con- Cold water is added to bring the heat down
sumption of indigo is for forming the blue vats, to about 90°, and kept at that temperature all
— —


through ; the ingredients are very well stirred can perceive any, rests upon the fact that fer-
every twelve hours, and the vat should be mentation is in many cases accompanied by the
ready for use in forty-eight hours after setting. formation of nascent hydrogen, which either
This vat does not work more than a month, and hydrogenises the indigo, as M. Dumas has it, or
is somewhat expensive on account of the loss deoxidises it, according to the most usual view.
of potash. Another vat, called in France the Bran is one of the agents which is most active
German vat, is much more manageable, and in setting up this species of fermentation, but it

may be worked for two years without empty- takes place in other substances as well, especially
ing, being freshened up as required. It is put nitrogenised substances. In the case of madder,
together as follows :—2,000 gallons of water are sugar, and molasses, the reducing action is no

heated to 130° F., 20 lbs. of crystals of soda, 2J doubt on similar principles to that which is taken
pecks of bran, and 12 lbs. of ground indigo are advantage of in some cases of calico printing,
then added, and well raked up. In twelve hours where glucose or grape sugar is employed as the
a fermentation sets in, bubbles of gas arise, the reducing agent.
liquid has a sweetish smell, and has become The method of dyeing is very simple. The
greenish; 2 lbs. slacked lime are now added, wool, thoroughly wetted out, suspended on

well stirred, the vat heated again, and covered frames and dipped in the vat for an hour and a
up for twelve hours, when a similar quantity of half or two hours, being agitated all the time to
bran, indigo, and soda, along with a little lime, insure regularity. The pieces are then carried
is again added.In about forty-eight hours from to water and washed, and then treated with weak
the setting it may be worked
; but as the reduc- muriatic or sulphuric acid sours to remove the
ing powers of the bran are somewhat feeble, an alkali retained by them.
addition of six pounds of molasses is made. If —
Blue Vat for Cotton Dyeing. In some excep-
the fermentation becomes too active, it is re- tional cases the same kind of vat described as
pressed by addition of lime ; if too sluggish, it the German vat is used for cotton piece dyeing,
is stimulated by addition of bran and molasses. that is the one containing carbonate of soda,
Like all the other blue vats for wool, it is bran, and indigo, sometimes with madder and
worked hot. molasses. This is principally for thick and
In the following vat, which may be called a heavy goods, into which the cold lime and cop-
woad vat, because a considerable quantity of peras vat would not penetrate sufficiently well.
that plant is employed, there is also a large pro- But, generally speaking, all calicoes are dyed
portion of madder; whether the madder is useful blue by means of the cold lime and copperas
on account of its colouring principles, or whether vat, especially those in which any design enters
it is the saccharine and fermentable portion of by way of resist. The materials used are lime,
it which is useful is not clearly known. It is green copperas or sulphate of iron, ground indi-
thought to produce darker colours, and to give go, and water. The chemical action consists in
them a violet tint; but this may be only fancy, the formation of sulphate of lime and protoxide
for it seems very improbable that there can be of iron in the first instance —the latter body,
any notable quantity of its colouring matter having a considerable affinity for oxygen, re-
fixed under the conditions of indigo dyeing in moves an atom of it from the blue indigo, con-
the hot vat. The proportions employed in one verting it into white, which dissolves in the
case are: excess of lime and is ready for dyeing. The
1 lb. ground indigo, proportions are about as follows:
4 lbs. madder, Strong Vat.
7 lbs. slacked lime, 900 gallons water,
Boiled together with water, and poured upon the 60 lbs. green copperas,
woad in the vat; after a few hours fermentation 36 lbs. ground indigo,
sets in, and fresh indigo is added according to 80 to 90 lbs. dry slacked lime,
the depth of colour required to be dyed. Stirred up every half hour for three or four
The pastel vat is set with a variety of woad, hours, then left twelve hours to settle; well
which grows in France, and which is richer in raked up again and as soon as settled it is ready
colouring matter than the plant commonly called for dyeing in. It is usual to work vats in sets
woad. no doubt adds to
Its colouring matter of 8 or 10; in such a set this vat would be the
the effect, butprobably only used as the
it is best or strongest, and the pieces would get their
remnant of a prejudice and because it furnishes last dip init after one day's use it would become

fermentescible matters useful in promoting the —

the second best another one being freshly set
solution of the indigo. as best vat; in two days it would be third best,
The rationale of these vats, so far as chemistry and so on until it became the eighth or tenth, at


which stage it is supposed to have lost 34 out of firstweak vat or into water, or, if the cloth
the 36 lbs. of indigo with which it was set, onlj contain strong resists, into lime water, to fix
retaining two pounds, and only capable of dyeing them. The piece is gently moved to detach
up very light shades, little more in fact than air bubbles, and left in about seven minutes and
wetting out the pieces; after a day or two's use a half,then the frame raised, and the pieces
it is run off, and, being again fresh set, becomes left exposed to the air for the same length of
once more the best vat. It is recommended to time, to take the green off them, that is, to
add the copperas first in a dissolved state, then oxidise the white indigo into blue; then plunged
the indigo, and lastly the lime but the order of
; in again, but this time into the next stronger
adding the materials is not absolute and is fre- vat, for seven minutes and a half, oxidised for
quently varied, neither are the qualities fixed another seven minutes and a half, and so on
but actually differ very much in different works, until the eighth vat, requiring two hours, of
and as an illustration I give four other receipts : which one hour has been spent in the dye, and
No.l No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 the other hour in the air. This length of time
Water, gallons... 1,000.. .1,000.. .1,000.. .1,000 is sufficient to give the darkest shades. "When
Indigo lb 45... 34... 12... 2§ lighter shades are required less time suffices,
Green copperas, lb 38... 80... 22... 7 or the process called "skying" is had recourse

Quicklime ......fl> 45... 90..! 34... 12 to. This term, from "sky blue,"
Nos. 1 and 2 are for dyeing dark blues, No. 3 expresses a method of dyeing somewhat different
medium, and No. 4 only for light grounds. The from dipping. The indigo is dissolved by means
proportions of ingredients it will be seen are of the same ingredients, but in a vat povided
without any rule but, unless we knew the per
; with a double system of rollers, by which a
centage of pure indigo in the samples, we could piece of cloth is made to traverse through the
not tell with what reason these differences had in liquid, nearly the same as in the cleansing dolly
their origin. The high price of indigo will, of of a madder dyehouse. It acquires sufficient
course, stimulate watchfulness thatnone is lost, indigo in its passage to be dyed a light sky
and each dyer or manager flatters himself that blue.
he is working closest and exhausting his vats The pieces, after the last dip, are washed
best but I have known instances of extraordi-
; over rollers, by the process known as "bowl-
nary loss of indigo through want of skill and ing," then passed into weak sours, and finally
knowledge. As far as the effect of the vat upon washed by the fly wince.
the whole body of the indigo is concerned, it By preparing the pieces before dyeing with
appears that if the quality in use contained 50 sulphate of copper the time of dyeing is lessened
per cent of pure colour, the whole of it should and a higher colour is obtained, along, it is sup-
be dissolved, except a portion retained by some posed, with some slight economy of indigo, but
kind of attraction by the bottoms, that out of the this is very doubtful. This preparation may be
remaining 50 per cent of impurity scarcely a made as follows :

trace is dissolved— in ordinary qualities it re- 10 gallons water,

maining with the bottoms, so that an impure ljlb. sulphate copper,
indigo dyes up as pure shades as pure indigo 3 lbs. starch, boiled well, and mixed with
would. In certain contingencies, which are but 1 gallon of glue size.
imperfectly understood, there is formation of an The piece is padded in this, dried, and dipped
insoluble compound of white indigo and lime, in lime before dyeing. Very little, if any, ad-
which goes with the bottoms, and is lost to the vantage attends the use of this prepare, and it
dyer; it is important to prevent this ; all that is is seldom employed. Sulphate of manganese
known, however, is that the formation of this has the same effect.
compound appears to be owing to the presence The bottoms of spent vats still contain some
of too much lime. indigo, which, in well-conducted establishments,
Dyeing Dip Blue or Navy Blue^— The method is extracted. The lime water is neutralised so
of dyeing is simple; the only skill required as to precipitate any indigo in solution, the
being in the management of the vats, which bottoms collected and treated with caustic soda
sometimes get out of order, and require additions and orpiment, which dissolves out the indigo;
of lime or copperas, or both. Practical men the solution is mixed with water, and allowed
can discern the state of a vat by its external to precipitate in large sunk cisterns, which will
appearance, or experience has taught them, in hold a week's collection, from which it is col-
the majority of cases, how to apply the proper lected and used over again.
remedy. The pieces to be dyed are stretched Dip Blue Styles.— I give here some receipts,
on frames, and either at once plunged into the etc., used in comhiiation with the vat dyeing,
with brief accounts of the processes in use in the orange colour is chromate of lead, the lead
obtaining some of the styles of work prepared basis being printed on with the white resist, and
for the market. going through all the dyeing, and afterwards
Liglit Resist for Azure Style. raised in chrome. It is evident that in this style
3 gallons water, there must be no lead in the white resist, or it
16 lbs. British gum, will become yellow or orange when passed in
41bs. soft soap, chrome. The following are receipts suitable for
10 lbs. sulphate of zinc, this style of work :

\\ pint nitrate of copper. Orange Paste.

The white design being printed with this resist, 6 gallons water,
the colour is obtained by the "sky vat," the rate 21 lbs. flour,
of passing through is regulated by the shade 3 lbs. calcined farina,
required: after skying, the pieces are winced 50 lbs. sulphate lead pulp,
or bowled, then soured and washed off. The 28 lbs. nitrate of lead,
principal difficulty in this style results from a 30 lbs. sulphate of copper.
dragging of the resist from the design on to the This is a very strong colour, and requires great
cloth, disfiguringthe pattern; this accident is care in printing and drying, on account of its
known technically as " tailing," and is owing to dusty and friable nature. The copper is put in
the piece being too tight on the rol'ers, and the to help it as a resist. It is evident that the
rollers not moving with equal velocity. whole of the lead of the nitrate of lead is con-
Strong Resist for Navy Blue. verted into sulphate, so that there is no soluble
10 gallons water, lead salt in the resist ; by the dipping in lime,
38 lbs. flour, which precedes the dyeing of this style of work,
3 lbs. British gum, the sulphate of lead is enabled to adhere to the
36 lbs. sulphate of copper, fibre in some curious way.
8 lbs. brown sugar of lead. White Resist for Chrome Styles.
This is a very thick, rough paste, and must be 3 gallons of water,
printed with deeply engraved rollers. It will 11 lbs. flour,
stand an hour's dipping, or sufficient to dye up 2 lbs. British gum,
the darkest usual colours, but is only safe for 13 lbs. sulphate of copper,
rather small masses of white. The following 2 lbs. sulphate of zinc,
stronger resist is adapted for bold designs :
1 lb. acetate of copper,
Strong Resist for Strides, etc. 1 pint nitrate of copper, at 80°.
8 gallons water, This not a very strong resist, on account of

21 lbs. flour, the absence of solid mechanical matter like pipe-

7 lbs. calcined farina, clay, but it resists well enough for the depth of
32 lbs. sulphate of copper, colour required.
7 lbs. brown sugar of lead, After the pieces have been dipped in the usual
10 lbs. sulphate of lead pulp. way they are winced and soured as usual, then
Both these resists contain sulphate of lead and well washed, and the orange colour raised in
mixed acetate and sulphur of copper ; the resist neutral chromate of potash mixed with lime
acts partly chemically and partly mechanically; and kept at the boil. It would not answer to
the copper salts oxidise the indigo and prevent use bichromate of potash, on account of the
its deposition on the fibre, and the sulphate of injurious action of this salt upon the indigo blue
lead and paste form a ground to receive any consequently, the orange is raised at one opera-
indigo which is not rendered inactive by the tion. A standardchrome liquor may be made
copper. For excessively large designs the by taking 90 lbs. of chromate of soda or chrome
pieces are dipped first in lime to fix the lead and salts, dissolving them in 50 gallons of water,

copper ; but usually an extra dip in the entering and adding 30 lbs. of slacked lime: the raising
vat suffices, especially if the vats are strong in vat is made to stand at 4° Tw., and freshened
lime, or, as the dyers technically term it, " very up every six pieces.
hard." If the chrome liquor be only neutral, and
Besides mentioned in the
the ingredients not alkaline, a yellow is produced instead of
above receipts we find and pipeclay as
lard, oil, orange ;but the preferable way of obtain-
being occasionally used. The receipts admit of ing a pure yellow is to first raise the orange
trifling modifications, but do not depart widely and then cut it down to yellow with a wince
from the above examples. in weak nitric acid sours ; the acid and the
Blue, Orange, and White Styles.— IntYiis style liberated chromic acid act upon any blue which


may be mixed with the orange and destroy it, solved in order to contract an intimate union
so purifying the hue of the resulting yellow. with the fibre ; for this purpose it undergoes a
Two Blues and Green. — Dye by
a light blue treatment somewhat analagous to that employed
skying, print on a white resist for pale blue and in dyeing from the same colouring matter.
an orange resist for green; dye up as usual; After printing and ageing, to bring the colour
wash sour and chrome, then pass through very is first dipped
into a proper condition, the piece
weak nitric acid. The white resist keeps the in clear limewater this serves to wet it out

sky blue from becoming any darker ; the orange and to form an insoluble or difficultly soluble
paste gives the lead basis from the chrome yel- compound of the gum, paste, or starch of the
low, which, upon the blue ground, shows as thickening with the lime. Since my experi-
green. Unless the nitric acid be very dilute ments have convinced me of the existence of
there will be a risk of discharging the blue and such a compound, the researches of M. Kuhl-
obtaining only a yellow. mann, of Lille, have demonstrated that such
Besides the styles indicated above a variety compounds are always formed under proper
of others are in existence, produced by modified circumstances between starch and the similarly
treatments and by combination of other colours formed bodies and the alkaline earths. It is to
with the blue. Besides the colours which may the existence of this coating, pervious to water,
be blocked in, mordants for madder, garancine, but holding like a fine net the indigo particles
and other dye woods may be blocked or ma- in their place, that the first portion of the
chined indigo being almost the only colouring
fixation of the China blue is owing. The piece
matter which will stand a madder dye. is next placed in the copperas vat for ten
All the styles of work produced by dipping minutes the lime water which adheres to the

are cheap and low class; the blue thus fixed cloth precipitates a little oxide of iron over its
possesses extraordinary stability, but very lit- whole surface, but it does not appear that the
tle brilliancy ; its chief consumption is conse- slightest dissolution or deoxidation takes place.
quently among the poorer classes, and it never The piece is now moved to the lime vat which
enters into high class work. Some of the in digo has been raked up, and being plunged in is

colours in the following processes have a lighter moved about with a gentle motion. What takes
and more pleasant appearance but it is remark-
; place here is at first a precipitation of all the

able that no attempts to communicate brightness oxide of iron of the copperas upon the cloth,
to indigo colours have yet been successful : along with sulphate of lime, together forming a
Methods of Fixing Indigo by Printing. There — thicker coat of slime as soon as the whole

are several very ingenious methods of preparing of the iron is precipitated, the excess of lime
indigo, by which it can be printed in designs begins to act (in conjunction with the protoxide
upon white calico without the necessity of hav- of iron) to deoxidise and dissolve the indigo.
ing recourse to the expensive and clumsy system The dissolved indigo has no tendency to spread
of resists, which is, in fact, only tolerated in any beyond the design, for the reason that it is
want of a method of directly
style because of the surrounded with fibres saturated with water,
applying indigo which will yield the deepest containing also a species of coagulum of gum
shades. The chief methods of printing indigo and lime, and everywhere filled up with the
are here enumerated. slime of gypsum and oxide no distant
of iron —

China Blue. This blue derives its name from capillary motion is and it is absorbed
having a resemblance to the shade of colour by the fibres in close contact with it another ;

upon old China ware. It is produced by a pro- reason is that an excess of lime prevents the
cess which is so extraordinary in its results that solubility of the indigo to a great extent, and
it isimpossible to conceive how it originated. as an excess is present, the dissolved indigo
The indigo in its natural state is very finely cannot pass away from the spot where it was
ground, and mixed with deoxidising bodies, such formed in addition to this, there is the positive

as sulphate of iron, acetate of iron, orpiment, attraction of the vegetable fibre, which is strong
and protochloride of tin. In old receipts a great enough to take away indigo from lime, and keep
number of apparently useless substances are it intact even in the presence of the agents

prescribed. Good results can be obtained by which could dissolve free indigo if presented to
the addition of sulphate of iron alone to the them. These considerations are, I believe,
indigo. As thus applied to the cloth, the indigo amply sufficient to account for the retention of
could be removed by washing, because the de- the dissolved indigo on the spot where the un-
oxidising agents are in the inactive state, and dissolved blue indigo was placed in the printing.
the indigo is not brought into solution. It is To complete the process, the piece is again dipped
necessary that it should be deoxidised or dis- into the copperas, and again into the lime several


times, the number of dips depending upon the every piece or two pieces dipped. For light
depth of the colour, the last dip is a long one in is the time and order of
patterns the following
the lime. The pieces at the end of the process are the dippings:
covered with slime to the thickness of nearly half First dip in clear lime water 15 min.
an inch; this is partly removed by a wincing Second dip in copperas vat 15 „
in water, and then the pieces are turned over Third dip in clear lime water 10 „
into sours,and left for several hours, so that all Fourth dip in copperas vat 5 „
the iron may be removed from the cloth they ; Fifth dip in lime vat, well raked up ... 10 „
are then washed and cleared in weak soap and Sixth dip in copperas vat 5 „
warm sours. Seventh dip in lime vat, well raked up 10 '

Very dark shades cannot be obtained by the Eighth dip in copperas vat 10 „
China blue process. It is a fast colour, but Final dip in lime vat, well raked up ... „ 25
expensive on account of the time and labour it Dark patterns require about twice the time in
requires. In the old process of dipping on each vat. A resist for China blue can be ob-
frames, which gives the best results, it takes tained by thickening a mixture of sulphate of
about two hours to accomplish the dipping for copper, acetate of lead, and nitrate of copper,
the light shades, and twice that time for the and adding lime juice. The following propor-
darker colours. One man can only dip two long tionsmay be employed: —
pieces at a time, or four short ones, so that it Besistfor China Blue*
is one of the most tedious and costly processes 1 gallon water,
in use. Amore modern method of raising is 2 lbs. sulphate copper,
carried out in many places, in which the lime 2 lbs. sugar lead,
and copperas vats are supplied with rollers and 2| lbs, flour ; doii, and when nearly cool, add
the pieces passed through quickly; time is 5 lbs. nitrate copper crystals,
saved, but it is at the expense of quality. 1 quart strong lime iuice.
A good quality of indigo should be used for a Pencil Blue. —
This blue receives its name
China blue, because in inferior qualities the from the manner in which it was formerly ap-
resinous matters interfere with the regularity plied to the cloth, viz., by means of a fibrous
of the shade, but it is not necessary to have a matter like an artist's pencil. It is a tolerably
first-rate quality. old colour, and no improvements have been
Bark China Blue Colour*. made upon its preparation since the earliest
24 lbs. indigo, accounts we possess of it ; it is subject to the
5 gallons iron liquor, same difficulties in the application and requires
24 lbs. green copperas, the same precautions. Pencil blue consists of
6 lbs orpiment. indigo in the deoxidised and dissolved state. It
The indigo and iron liquor are ground together is made by heating a mixture of finely ground
for three days in an indigo mill, and then the indigo, orpiment, and potash. The orpiment
copperas and orpiment added and the grinding and potash together form a powerful deoxidising
continued for three days more, and then three mixture, which speedily reduces and dissolves
gallons of gum water added and the grinding the indigo. In a short time after mixing, the
continued until perfect mixture is accomplished. blue of the indigo will have disappeared, and
This gives the dark colour the lighter shades
; given way to a yellow colour, except at the sur-
are obtainedby reducing with gum water. face, where the oxygen of the air continually
Another China Blue Bark. — revives the indigo, and causes it to assume a
2 quarts water, coppery blue colour. The avidity of this mix-
2 quarts honey, ture for oxygen, which restores the indigo to its
4 lbs. green copperas, blue insoluble state, is so great that it cannot
2 lbs. starch. be exposed a moment to the air without being
Other receipts include nothing but muriate of covered with a scum or pellicle of blue indigo.
iron, indigo, and gum water. Protoxide of iron It is this property which makes it so difficult to
appears to be the only really necessary agent in apply pencil blue in a regular and satisfactory
addition to the indigo ; but the other substances manner. As soon as the block or roller leaves
used may be usetul under particular circum- the colour and enters the air the surface of the
stances. The copperas vat is made to stand colour is covered with a scum of indigo, which,
between and 2° Tw., and is freshened up with
1 being insoluble itself, cannot enter into the fibre
5 lbs. copperas after every piece dipped the lime ; of the cloth, and, being on the top of the soluble
vat is set with about 2cwt. of lime, and freshened colour, is a hindrance to its entering into the
up with a gallon or two of thick milk of lime fibre. Peculiar arrangements have to De made


in applying thi ; colour to prevent contact with the liquor drawn off from the sediment and
the air ; they are all more or less defective, and thickened with gum.
the results are seldom regular. In the old me- Another Pencil Blue.
thod of applying it with a pencil the pressure 1 lb. ground indigo,
upon the fibres of the pencil containing the blue 2 lbs. granulated tin,
could drive the film of the indigo aside at the 1 gallon caustic potash at 30° ; boil for
very moment when the pure colour beneath two hours, strain, and add
could enter into the cloth and unite with the 2 \ lbs. gum.
fibre ; but, in either block or roller printing the Another Pencil Blue.
cloth and design are perpendicular to each other, 1 lb. grape sugar or glucose,
and the oxidised face of the colour comes in 1 lb. ground indigo,
flat contact with the cloth; the insoluble par- 1 gallon caustic potash at 26°.
ticles being deposited first hinder and prevent Heat to 120°, and allow it to stand for a few
the fixation of the others. Many ingenious con- days in a warm place until ready, then thicken
structions of reservoirs and sieves for block with 2J lbs. gum.
printing have been made specially for this co- —
Gas Blue. The economical advantages of
lour, and, with the exercise of great care, it has being able to apply a good dark blue by the
been possible to print with some of them and roller are so apparent, that it is not surprising
obtain tolerable uniform results; but they have that many efforts have been made to overcome
not admitted of general application. The diffi- the difficulties and obstacles in the way of the
culties in the way of roller printing are greater pencil blue. One of the most ingenious was
and, though it is possible to print it like any made by Woodcroft, and patented in 1846
other colour, and obtain fast blues, it can only (June 22) acting under the knowledge that it

serve for styles of work where there is no parti- was the oxygen of the air which, both on the
cular demand for uniformity of shade. It is not roller and on the colour, was the obstacle to its
possible to print five pieces of one shade in such neat and proper printing, he proposed to con-
a manner ; and generally a single piece will be struct covered apparatus to surround the colour
found to have two or three shades in it an irre- — box and and to receive the piece when
gularity which would utterly condemn it for printed and in all these spaces where the air

trade purposes. was in contact with the colour, he proposed to

The following receipts are adapted for pencil expel it by introducing common coal gas from
blue, for roller or block :— the gaspipe —this
gas, not containing any oxy-
Dark Pencil Blue. gen, could not act upon the colour, which it was
2 lbs. ground indigo, supposed would then have a fair chance of
2 lbs. orpiment, entering the cloth. The idea was good, but, as
1 gallon caustic potash at 36° Tw., maybe imagined, the application was difficult
2 lbs. gum Senegal. in the extreme. Large sums of money were
The orpiment, indigo, and potash, are boiled expended in giving it a trial, and all the
together in an iron pan (a copper pan would be resources of an extensive concern, combined
rapidly destroyed by the sulphur), until the blue with the best chemical information, brought to
of the indigo has entirely disappeared, the gum bear upon it, but without avail. The exact
is then added. point where it failed is not known, but it was
Light Pencil Blue, deficient in many respects. It necessitated ex-
1 lb. indigo, pensive alterations, and prevented the machine
1 lb. orpiment, printer having that constant eye upon the
1 gallon caustic potash at 26° Tw., colour, roller, and cloth, so necessary to success;
2| lbs. gum Senegal, a large escape of gas into the machine room was
Treated as above. Lighter shades can be ob- unavoidable, it annoyed the workmen, and ren»
tained by diluting with gum water mixed with dered them either unable or unwilling to pay
caustic potash. close attention to the printing ; it was necessary
Another Dark Pencil Blue. to wind the pieces on a roll soon after leaving
8 gallons water, the roller, and in a vessel filled with gas. It
6 lbs. carbonate of potash, was extremely difficult to prevent them marking
5 lbs. quick lime, offupon one another. Beyond these difficulties,
5 lbs. indigo, which seem only to be of a practical nature
6 lbs. orpiment. and surmountable by perseverance, there were
This mixture kept hot two hours until all the others which were more discouraging because
blue colour has gone, then allowed to settle, they were unaccountable. The shades given by
the same colour at the same printing were crystals of tin and soda in the same manne?
irregular one piece would be several shades
; until it is all dissolved. When all dissolved, ifc

lighter than another, and the same piece a good is precipitated by the addition of an acid or a
colour at one end and bad at the other ; there ; the white indigo settles down, mixed
salt of tin

were streaks and cloudy work from bad cleaning with oxide of tin, as a greyish pulp. This is
of the roller by the doctor, and so many mis- thickened and printed. The pieces are then
haps, that it was dropped in despair, and has passed through ash (either potash or soda) ; it
never since been worked. requires the ash vat to be strong in order to
Glucose Blue. -A new method of applying get good results. The alkali of the ash vat
indigo was patented, December 8, 1857, by renders the white indigo momentarily soluble,
Ward. The idea, in this method, is to accom- in which state it is absorbed by the fibre, and
plish a kind of China blue dyeing without the constitutes the blue colour when oxidised by
vats. The indigo in the blue insoluble state is wincing in clear water. Although custom has
mixed with a deoxidising matter (preferably, given the title of fast to this colour, it is really
the substance known to chemists as grape sugar the loosest of all the indigo colours. This may
or glucose) and alkali, as soda and lime. Here be owing to the shortness of time given to it to
are all the elements necessary to the deoxidation enter the fibre, and the excessive alkalinity of
and solution of the indigo, but heat is required the fluid, in presence of which the indigo be-
to bring them into operation. The colour is comes soluble, and has to contract its adhesion
applied cold to the cloth, and as soon as the to the fibre. The depth of colour which can
piece leaves the printing machine, and without be applied in this way is limited. It is prin-
drying, it is passed into steam for about a cipally used in chintzes and furnitures as an
minute. The heat of the steam causes the addition to the other colours. If the other
chemical reaction to take place ; the indigo is colours are liable to be affected by the alkaline
deoxidised and dissolved, and enters the fibre of nature of the vat they have to be protected by
the cloth. It then requires washing and oxi- a paste but, as the fast blue is most'y used as a

dising to bring up the blue colour. The plan cover, the same paste which resists the blue
has been put in practice in two or three print will resist for a sufficiently long time the action
works, but it has not been successful. The of the alkaline raising vat.
only use to which it can be advantageously The following receipts illustrate this appli-
applied is when it is desired to combine madder, cation of indigo in printing;
or other dye colours, with the blue. It might Precipitate or Fast Blue.
enter into competition with the dip blue in 1 gallon caustic potash at 20°,
resist styles, having a possible advantage in ljlb. of indigo,
saving the cost of the resist and the printing. l^lb. crystals of tin,
I have seen dark blues from this process, but \ gallon water ; boil down to one gallo
they are of a rather coarse nature, resembling and add
dip blue more than any other style. I am 2 gallons thick gum water,
informed that there are great practical diffi- \ gallon muriate of tin at 120°,
culties in the way of applying other colours 1 quart muriatic acid.
and mordants at the same time as the blue, and Another Method.
the steaming of the pieces before they are dry 41bs. ground indigo.
leavesthem open to many and serious accidents. 8 lbs. copperas,
The published process will have to be much 12 lbs. lime,
modified before it can be expected to take its 30 gallons water.
place as a regular plan in calico printing. These materials are put together as a blue vat,
Fast Blue or Precipitated Blue. Under the — stirred every half hour for twelve hours, then
name of fast blue, a colour is obtained from allowed to settle for twelve hours. Fifteen
indigo on principles differing from any of the gallons of the clear liquor are drawn off and
previously given processes. The indigo is precipitated by addition of two quarts of mu-
applied upon the cloth in the white deoxidised riate of tin at 120°, the precipitate drained to a
state, but not in the soluble state. It differs pulp, one part of this mixed with two parts of
from China blue by the indigo being deoxi- thick gum water, and 2oz. of crystals of tin per
dised, and from pencil blue by its being in- gallon added.
soluble. It is prepared in several manners Pencil blue, if precipitated by muriate of tin,

indigo, soda, and granulated tin are boiled to- will also answer for this style.
gether until all the blue of the indigo has INDIGO SULPHATE, Extract of Indigo,
disappeared ; or ground indigo is mixed up with Saxony Blue, Soluble Indigo, &c. —This substance
— ;


is obtained by treating ground indigo with methods employed but the differences are more

strong sulphuric acid a chemical action takes

; apparent than real. The following methol, con-
place which entirely alters the constitution of sidered as yielding a very suitable extract for
the indigo, but without destroying its colour; combining with the bark or weld yellow to pro-
the sulphuric acid or some of
its elements, or duce a green, is taken from Persoz lii, 395, and
them, combine with the indigo and form com- has some peculiarities. One pound of Nord-
pounds, which are soluble in water. The colour- hausen or smoking oil of vitriol is placed in an
ing matter so produced has affinity for woollen earthenware pot and heated by being placed in
and silk, with or without mordant, but none for boiling water tor twenty minutes half a pound ;

cotton ; it is chiefly used in woollen dyeing and of finely ground indigo is then mixed with it
printing as the most convenient blue part for all and carefully stirred tor ten minutes, so as to
compound shades. It does not produce fast thoroughly incorporate it ; then three quarts of
colours like indigo; in fact, though directly boiling water are carefully added in small por-
derived from indigo, it is as different from it as tions, the stirring being continued, and lastly

any other colouring matter can be, nor can it by three pounds of acetate of lead are added, by
any known means be restored to its original which sulphate of lead is formed and the product,
state of indigo. There are many modifications called acetate of indigo, remains in solution.
in the method of preparing it, but the following Within a short time Bolley has proposed the
receipts will be sufficiently illustrative : manufacture of a species of sulphate of indigo,
Extract of Indigo. by fusing bisulphate of soda with ground indigo
10 lbs. of rectified oil of vitriol, instead of using sulphuric acid, and patented the
2 lbs. of ground indigo. process. From some specimens I have seen, it
Place the oil of vitriol, which must be the very appears very well adapted for woollens.
strongest, in a mug provided with a close cover, —
IODINE. This is one of the chemical ele-
and add the indigo about two ounces at a time, ments which, though capable of producing
stirring well up at every addition until the whole several coloured compounds, has not received
is added, then put the mug in a warm place if ; any application in printing or dyeing on account
the heat is about 80° it will require 48 hours or of the excessive sensibility of its combinations
thereabouts to effect the action, but if kept at to the action of air and light.
150° it will be accomplished in 12 hours. Prac- IRON. — Iron is extensively employed in
tically, the completion of the operation is ascer- printing and dyeing for purposes in which it

tained by rubbing a little of the paste upon a comes into contact with many chemical sub-
piece of glass and viewing it by transmitted stances. The pure metal has no action upon
light; if all is dissolved and the colour is trans- most ordinary materials, but it is easily oxi-
parent, the action is over and the solution made. dised, and then it becomes chemically active,
The liquid or paste thus produced is intensely producing well-marked phenomena. The use
acid, and not generally applicable in dyeing until of iron vessels for dyeing was long considered
the excess of acid is removed this is best done ; impossible, but it is now known to be the best
for common purposes by diluting with three or material in all cases where no acid liquors are
four gallons of water and adding common salt employed. Alkaline fluids have no action upon
the blue at first dissolved is precipitated by the clean iron, but acids, even in a very diluted
salt, the whole thrown upon a woollen filter and state, attack and dissolve it. It is evident,
drained to a paste ; if again dissolved, and again therefore, that iron vessels cannot be safely em-
precipitated and filtered, it is obtained still more ployed in any operation which requires the use
neutral. To purify it still further it is customary of acids, or acid salts, which term may be taken
to filter it before adding the salt, by which the as including all the salts of the metals proper.
impurities contained in the indigo are removed. Iron vessels cannot be safely used in colour
In woollen dyeing excessively acid liquors are mixing, or for storing colours, not even iron
sometimes used, and but little attention paid to mordants ; but iron pans can be employed for
purifying the preparation ; but for printing and alkaline colours, such as pencil blue or alumi-
the fine-dyed colours a more careful preparation nate of potash. Wrought
iron is with diffi-
is required, which is called refined extract, culty kept from on account of its
neutral extract, or carmine of indigo. This can lamellar structure cast iron is easily kept from

be prepared by the method given under Acetate rusting because of its homogeneity, and is to
of Indigo, and the solution can be still further be preferred for the making of dye-becks and
refined by the process given under Blue, dis- similar vessels. But cast iron soon rusts in the
tilled. The preparation of the sulphateof indigo state in which it leaves the foundry. To pre-
admits of many variations in the quantities and pare it for the purposes of the dyer the surface
must be covered with some kind of protective the cloth has only a greenish colour, but by
coating. Ordinary paint would not answer exposing to the air, or acting upon it with oxi-
well. Experience has shown that the best dising agents, it absorbs oxygen, and becomes
method of giving this protective coat is to boil the buff peroxide. The protosalts have a con-
water, containing some organic substance, in the tinual tendency to pass into the state of persalts,
iron vessels. Cow dung is most generally em- absorbing the necessary oxygen from the air or
ployed. Madder, logwood, and other colouring other substances; and there are cases, on the
matters answer the same purpose. The effect other hand, where the persalts pass, by losing
seems to be that a combination between the oxygen, into the state of protosalts, but this is
firmly attached oxide and some of the principles less usual than the contrary. The use of sul-
of the organic substance employed is formed, phate of iron in indigo dipping, and in China
which effectually cuts off any further action of blues, depends upon the affinity of its oxide for
the oxygen of the air, and of course any possi- more oxygen ; it deprives the indigo of oxygen,
bility of rusting. When, through long disuse, thus altering it, and putting it into a state favour
an iron beck has become rusty, it is necessary able for solution. M. Kuhlmann has drawn
to scrape it well, and boil it for some time with attention to some cases of what he considers the
cow dung or madder; by so doing any free oxidising effects of the peroxide upon calico.
oxide is combined, and prevented from acting A rust spot is generally observed, upon dissolv-
injuriously upon the subsequent materials used. ing the iron out, to be greatly weaker and
Cast-iron vessels used in bleaching are not con- thinner than the rest of the cloth. Calico
sidered safe unless the metal is covered with a strongly impregnated with buff upon the is,

film of lime or carbonate of lime ; this is readily oxide of iron being removed, found to be more
accomplished, in most cases, by scraping the tender than is usual. These effects are attri-
metal and painting it over with milk of lime. buted to an oxidation or slow combustion of the
The contact of cotton goods with rusting iron cloth, the oxide of iron acting as a carrier of
causes iron moulds, or stains, resulting from the oxygen to the organic matter. These points
partial fixing of the oxide of iron. drop of A are of much importance in dyeing and printing,
strong hydro-chloric acid suffices to remove a and deserve every attention.
single spot of iron mould, and may be applied to —
Sulphate of Iron. This salt has been used in
the cloth without injury to its strength. dyeing from very early times, under the names
Iron combines with oxygen in two proportions of vitriol, green vitriol, and green copperas* It
to form salifiable oxides; the one called pro- is a plentiful secondary product in some chemi-

toxide, the other peroxide of iron. There are, cal manufactories it is cheap, and not liable to

consequently, two series of salts of iron, which be adulterated. It may contain salts of alumina
differ from each other so much in their pro- and salts of copper to a limited extent, which
perties that they might be salts of different would probably be prejudicial in some of its
metals. For the sake of brevity, the salts are applications. A simple inspection is usually
called respectively proto and persalts of iron. sufficient to know if a sample is good or not.
Sulphate of iron, or green copperas, is a proto- It should not be wet or dirty: if dry, and with
salt; and commercial nitrate of iron is a per- signs of rust, it is usually
esteemed good,
salt , by using dilute solutions of these
two because such appearances indicate an old-made
salts the most conspicuous characters of the two and well saturated copperas, but it is also
classes of iron compounds may be studied. possible for that character to be fraudulently
Yellow prussiate gives a light blue precipitate given to it. Practical dyers form opinions
with the sulphate of iron, but a dark blue with from other appearances of the fitness 'of cop-
the nitrate ; the red prussiate of potash gives a peras for their uses, but it is doubtful if they
dark blue precipitate with the sulphate, but are of any value. The
points to be attended to
no precipitate with the nitrate. Caustic soda in a chemical analysis are the acidity, which
produces a greenish olive precipitate with the may be too great; the amount of water which
sulphate, but a red precipitate with the nitrate. it contains; and the absence or otherwise of
These are the respective oxides of iron. alumina salts, which are liable to injure certain
But the protoxide, when precipitated under colours for which copperas Copperas
is used.
favourable circumstances, is white; it readily is much used and China blue
in the dip blue
combines with more oxygen, changing to green, styles, in dyeing black on cotton goods, and for
olive,and eventually to the well known rust- numerous shades of grey, drab, and olive upon
coloured oxide. When the buff colour from heavy cotton goods. It may be used for the
acetate or sulphate of iron is being raised preparation of acetate of iron by double decom-
in lime the protoxide is precipitated, and position. In calico printing it is very little


used. Some receipts prescribed " calcined cop- All samples that I have tested contain some
peras," that is, sulphate of iron dried in an iron chloride, but not more than five per cent of the
pan,^ and jetted pretty strongly, with occasional iron in sol ution should be alio wed to be in this state.
stirring ofth£ mass. If sulphate of iron he The perchloride of iron is not decomposable by
calcified ^at a w<§ry strong heat, only peroxide of fibrous matters to nearly the same extent as the
iron^ remains. A gallon of cold water can dis- pernitrate, and is consequently not worth so much.
solve about foui»pounds of sulphate of iron, and Alkaline Solutions of Iron. —
There are some
it is much more*feoluble in boiling water. compounds of iron soluble in alkalies; they
Muriate of Iron. — A solution of iron in muri- have been proposed as mordants and said to
atic acid, marking about 80°, is sold under this answer that purpose. 1 have tried them all, but
name. It can^e made, by dissolving iron in found no good practical result. I believe they
hydrochloric acid in a mug, or similar vessel, are not in use. The pyrophosphate of iron,
having an exces&of the metal present. When formed by mixing a very neutral persalt of iron
the solution is "concentrated by boiling, it depo- with pyrophosphate of soda, is a white powder,
sits crystals of chloride of iron, resembling insoluble in water but soluble in ammonia, form-
the sulphate in appearance, but much more ing a feeble mordant. M. Persoz states that this
oxidisable. The crystals are sometimes pre- mordant will dye up colours in a bath of madder
ferred to the solution, they are likely to be spent to ordinary mordants. I did not succeed
purer and more neutral. Muriate of iron is only in obtaining so desirable a result. Some arsen-
sparingly used in^rinting and dyeing ; it serves ates of iron are soluble in alkalies, but do not
to obtain some-shades *o£ slate and drab by yield anything of value as a mordant. Concen-
means of catechu madder and garancine dye-
for trated solutions of commercial nitrate of iron
ing, and is used tn a few combinations with salts and carbonate of potash, when mixed, give a
of manganese. precipitate which re-dissolves in excess of the

Nitrate of Iron. There is a nitrate of the alkali, forming a clear dark red solution. This
protoxide of iron, but the commercial nitrate of property of nitrate of iron was known to Scheele,
iron is always a persalt. It is made by dis- and has been used in medicine, but not yet ap-
solving old iron hoops, or smithy scales, in plied to dyeing or printing; it is a curious and
moderately strong nitric acid. It requires some unexplained reaction.
experience to make nitrate of iron successfully Ferric Acid. — Under certain circumstances
if too much iron be added at once, if the liquid iron assumes a superior degree of oxidation, and
becomes heated, the acid be too strong or not
if seems to act the part of an acid, forming highly-
Strong enough, there are a number of bye pro- coloured compounds with alkalies. Ferric acid
ducts formed, and sometimes the whole spoiled. has not yet been isolated; it is easily decom-
The chief points are gradual addition of the posed, and does not seem likely to have any
metal in tolerably sized pieces, not to work upon application at present.
more than a carboy of acid at once, and to have Iron Liquor. — See Acetate op Iron.
it so situated as to keep cool. Nitrate of iron is ISATIS TINCTORIA.— The botanical
a dark red liquid, marking about 90° Tw. When name of the woad plant.— (See Woad.)
diluted with water, it should remain clear with- ISOPURPURIC ACID.— An interesting re-
out any addition, and should not give a blue sult of the action of cyanide of potassium upon
precipitate with red prussiate of potash if the ; picric acid, by which a brown or chocolate
nitrate of iron is over saturated it becomes tur- colouring matter produced of considerable

bid upon dilution, some oxide or basic nitrate tinctorial power — dyeing wool
and silk in deep
falling out, which may cause irregularity in rich colours without the aid of any mordant.
dyeing; if, on the contrary, it is too acid, it does The colours are, however very fugitive, and do
not yield up its base in sufficient quantity or not resist the action of steam. They have not
sufficiently rapid; the addition of a little acid to yet been applied.
the water in the first case, and some alkali in IVORY BLACK, Bone Black, Animal Char-
the second, will prove of advantage. Nitrate of coal. —This substance is distinguished by its
iron is extensively used in dyeing and printing powers of withdrawing colouring matter from
in the former it is the preferable iron mordant solutions and though not directly used in dyeing,

and is used as
for all varieties of Prussian blue, it receives some applications in the arts which

the basis for black and grey. In calico and may probably be capable of extension.
delaine printing it is used in a few steam and JAMAICA WOOD.— A name for logwood,
spirit colours. The only adulteration in nitrate a portion of which comes, or did at one time
of iron likely to occur is the substitution of j
come, from Jamaica.
hydrochloric acid for a portion of nitric acid. JUICE, LIME— See Citric Acid, page 55.

KERMES. — This ancient colouring matter colours. From the ancient Greek and Latin
is so little known at present in England that versions of the New Testament, it appears
when some parcels of it were received in Lon- evident that the robe in which the soldiers
a short time ago, not one of the brokers recog- clothed and mocked our Lord was one dyed
nised it. more
interesting, therefore, in an
It is with kermes. Kermes, like cochineal, were
historical than in a practical point of view; supposed to be berries or grains, and colours
although it appears to be much more exten- dyed with them were said to be grained, or
sively used in France than was supposed, since engrained; and, as the kermes colours were
in 1856 about twenty tons of it were imported. fast and durable colours, the term grained ex-

Its colouring matter is similar, if not identical, panded in its signification, and meant a fast
with that of the cochineal insect ; but it is colour whether dyed with kermes or not, and
poorer in tinctorial power, requiring twelve is even used in that signification to this day.

times as much to produce shades of equal ful- But kermes are insects, and the word is Arabic,
ness. Its principal employment appears to be signifying "little worm;" and in the middle
in dyeing the turbans or fez of the Persians, ages they were called vermiculi, and the cloth
and other oriental people ; it produces a crim- dyed with them, vermiculata, whence, through
son, with a rich purplish hue, very much ad- the French, we have vermilion, which is now
mired : the colour is more stable than that employed as the name for one of the compounds
obtained from cochineal, not being so readily of sulphur and mercury. The term crimson is
stained or faded. also derived from kermes, through the Italian
No colouring substance, or other material and French.
used in dyeing, possesses so great an antiquity, or KNOPPERN, Valonia Nuts? An. excre- —
has so many scriptural, classical, and historical sence upon the oak, something similar to gall
associations as kermes. It is proved to have nuts, but more irregular in shape. They are
been known in the time of Moses, and men- used in Germany as a substitute for galls and
tioned by its Hebrew name of tola in the sumac in saddened colours: they have also
Pentateuch : its name, coccus, frequently occurs been tried in England, but have not met with
in the Greek and Latin writers ; and from the general approval. They contain some astrin-
use of this material in dyeing the imperial pur- gent matter, but appear more suitable for tan-
ple, the adjective coccinus, or coccineus, arose, ning than for dyeing purposes.
applied to those who were entitled to wear such

LAC-DYE, Lac-Lake, Lac— This is an East tion—the continental consumers believe that
Indian product, prepared from a resinous sub- the medium and lower priced sorts are for their
stance, which covers the branches of certain prices more economical in use.
treesand shrubs. It is derived from a variety Lac-dye is only employed in woollen and silk
of the cochineal insect, which settles upon the dyeing ; it yields the same colours as cochineal,
branches in such numbers as to entirely cover for its pure colouring matter is chemically
them ; a resinous exudation from the tree identical with that of cochineal ; but on account
is excited by their punctures of the bark, and of the various processes to which it is subjected
cements them to the branch and to one another, in extraction, the colours it gives are not quite
when having performed the functions of their so brilliant as cochineal, but, on the other hand,
existence, they die, and become so incorporated they appear somewhat more durable and better
with the resin, that it is difficult, if not impossi- fitted for rough usage. Its tinctorial power is

ble, to distinguish the insect. This resinous variable, according to quality, but the better
substance is called stick-lac, and it is from stick- qualities are from one-half
to one-third as strong
lac that the lac-lake is obtained by dissolving as cochineal. On
account of the colouring
out the colouring matter with water and alum, matter being in a state of combination with
and precipitating it by alkalies. There appears alumina in the lac-dye, it is not available for
to be a considerable difference in the value of dyeing without some preparation, which essen-
lac-dye as imported, some qualities being worth tially consists in acting upon it by an acid or a
at least twice as much as others; the higher strongly acid salt, which attacks the alumina,
priced varieties are taken for home consump- and thus isolates the colouring matter, and


renders it capable of combining with the mor- —
LACT ARINE. This is the name employed in
danted goods. Sulphuric acid is used for this England to designate the curd of milk prepared
purpose, but more generally muriate of tin, in the dry state for the use of the calico printer.
containing an excess of acid, is employed. It was introduced by Pattison, and patented
The method of applying lac-dye in practice November 2nd, 1848, and is now extensively
is as follows : used for fixing pigment and aniline colours, as a
Preparation of the Lac. —
It is ground in a substitute for albumen. Lactarine is dissolved
coffee mill or pounded in a mortar, and passed by means of ammonia or other weak alkalies,
through a fine sieve ; then for every 10 lbs. of it but preferably ammonia; the colouring matter
one gallon of water, and one gallon of oxymu- or pigment is mixed with it, printed, and fixed
riate of tin are added, and the whole carefully by steaming. There are some points in the
and completely incorporated into a homogenous application of lactarine which do not appear
mass. The mixture should stand not less than to be very well understood, so that most contra-
24 hours, but preferably should remain for a dictory reports of its fitness as a vehicle have
week before using, and should not be kept been made. It does not appear to be equal to
longer than a fortnight. Instead of the above albumen under the best circumstances, and is
process, about a gallon and a half of water and when dissolved,
particularly liable to coagulation
half a gallon of sulphuric acid may be employed; by which the colour made with it is rendered
or muriatic acid may be employed at full completely useless. For fixing the new aniline
strength. The only object of this treatment is, colours it appears to be not only cheaper but
as before stated, to liberate the colouring matter better than albumen, working more easily, and
from combination with alumina, and though
its finishing off softer, but not fastening them so
tin salts are chiefly in use, the simple acids are completely. In order to preserve the dissolved
quite sufficient for the purpose. After a suffi- lactarine fit for use it should be kept as cool as

ciently long digestion the pasty mass is mixed possible, the mug containing it being placed in
with hot water, and the clear liquor used in cold water. A friend of mine, employed on a
dyeing. print works in a warm climate, was much em-
Dyeing with Lac-dye. — The mordanting is barrassed by the spontaneous coagulation of his
exactly the same as for cochineal scarlet, taking when standing in the colour
lactarine solution
for a piece of merino of 10 lbs. about If lb. of shop, but completely remedied this defect by
tartar and If lb. of oxymuriate of tin or lac keeping it in a box packed with ice. However,
spirits the piece is worked in this for half an
; even with this assistance, it is not advisable to
hour, and then a quantity of prepared lac liquor, dissolve more at once than is required for the
equivalent to 1 \ lb. of lac-dye, added to the dye, day.
the piece again entered and kept near the boil Cheese which does not contain much fat,
for three-quarters of an hour. The cloth is when digested with ammonia, produces a solu-
afterwards carefully treated with warm water tion capable of replacing lactarine, and is em-
to remove from it any adhering particles of ployed in some print works as a substitute.
resin. LAKE. — A lake is a coloured body pro-
Practically, lac-dye is ever used
scarcely duced by the combination of a colouring mat-
singly for bright colours, but generally in com- ter with an earthy or metallic basis. The
bination with cochineal. The cloth, after being only ordinary bases of lakes are alumina and
dyed as above in lac, is "topped " with cochineal, tin; but some lakes have an iron basis, and
by giving it a few minutes in a fresh beck, or others may have the oxides of lead, zinc,
by adding cochineal to the same dye beck, antimony, etc., as bases. Although nearly
Scarlets, scarcely inferior to those obtained all steam and spirit colours actually consist of

from pure cochineal, may be thus obtained at a lakes of tin and alumina diffused, suspended, or
reduced expenditure. temporarily dissolved in the thickened colour,
Although some attempts have been made to the separate manufacture of lakes for calico-
prepare lac in a condition suitable for the use printing purposes has not yet met with much
of the printer, I am not aware that they have success. For paper hangings, where penetration
been successful; some of these preparations, of the colour is not an object, prepared lakes are
under the name of "cochineal substitutes," extensively employed but for printing fabrics,

have been examined by me. I found them where the colouring body must be in so finely
unfit for the best work, the shade being con- a divided state as to easily penetrate the fibres,
siderably inferior to cochineal, and not present- the application of ready-made lakes presents
ing any considerable advantage in cost for lower considerable difficulty, on account of the im-
styles. possibility of diffusing them with sufficient
— ;


uniformity through the thickening. When tin Logwood Lake.
crystals or alum are stirred into a thickened 10 gallons logwood liquor at 9°,
extract of logwood, cochineal, or other colouring ljlb. sulphate of copper ^
matter, the tin or alumina do undoubtedly form 1 gallon hot water, j
a lake with the colouring matter, but of such £lb. bichromate of potash, -\

excessive tenuity or fineness as to differ very fib. crystals of soda, >

from a solution, and the coloured com-
little 1 gallon water, )
pound is readily absorbed by the fibres of the Mixed and the resulting pulp drained
cloth. Coe'z obtained a patent, March 23, 1854, until it measured four gallons. This was used
for the preparation of lakes for the use of as an ingredient in preparing a black colour for
printers. His process of manufacture is under- delaine.
stood to consist in adding alumina in the gela- Fustic Lake for Brown.
tinous state to a decoction of the dyewood, and 56 lbs. fustic made into decoction,
keeping warm until a combination has taken 2Jlbs. alum,
place between the colouring matter and alumina lib. acetate of lead.
the lake produced, settling out, drained, and The alum dissolved first, then the acetate of
kept in a state of pulp. For use as colours lead added and heated, the pulp drained and
these lakes simply required mixing with gum kept for use.
water and tartaric acid, oxalic acid, or crystals LAMP BLACK.—This pigment is the soot
of tin, the object of these additions being to obtained from the imperfect combustion of resin-
act upon the alumina and partly dissolve it, so ous or oily bodies ; finer qualities are obtained
as to facilitate the further division or perhaps by burning turpentine, and it is said that the
solution of the lake ; for the rest, the colours black used in the preparation of artists' Indian
were treated just as ordinary steam colours. ink is derived from the combustion of camphor.
I have seen and employed the prepared lakes Spanish black, drop black, and some other kinds
of M. Coe'z, and obtained fair results, but nothing used as pigments, are obtained by burning pecu-
that seemed to render them preferable to the liar substances, not for the smoke, but for the
ordinary methods of colour mixing, while they charcoal they leave. Lamp black intended for
were not so regular, nor so much under control, printing purposes requires a preparatory treat-
as colours prepared on the spot. It is very ment to remove certain gritty particles it con-
doubtful if, under ordinary circumstances of tains, and which would produce abrasions of
care and skill in the colour house of a print the doctor and scratches on the roller. In the
works, there would be any pecuniary advantage first place, it must be calcined at a moderate
in the use of prepared lakes ; it should be red heat in close vessels, to destroy any volatile
always cheaper to employ the raw material at matter present. When cool, it is mixed with
first hand. strong sulphuric acid till it forms a thin paste,
The most ordinary method of preparing lakes left in contact with the acid for twenty-four
consists in adding alum to the solution of colour- hours or longer, then mixed with water, and
ing matter, and then adding crystals of soda is removed. This
well washed until all the acid
and heating; the alumina is precipitated and treatment leaves the black soft and fine ; it
combines with the colouring matter. By boiling gives a good black colour with drying oils;
a decoction of colouring matter with acetate but in calico printing it is used with albumen
of alumina a lake is also produced. The tin for shades of grey and drab, which are very
lakes are prepared by using tin salts instead of pretty in combination with other pigment
alumina or the gelatinous oxide of tin. Some colours. It is best adapted for furniture styles,
of the lakes I have had occasion to employ in hangings, etc. ; it does not resist washing very
my experience are the following : well, but never fades in the light, a desirable
quality for certain classes of colours.
Sapan Wood Lake or Pulp.
LAWSONIA INERMIS.— The botanical
56 lbs. rasped sapan wood,
name which have been
for a plant, the leaves of
10 gallons water boiled three times,
used from the most ancient times amongst the
2^ lbs. alum,
oriental nations for the purpose of dyeing the
lib. sulphate of copper.
finger nails of a reddish colour : it is the Henna
The clear decoction of sapan wood bein^ mixed of the Arabians. A French chemist has recently
with the salts and heated, precipitated a lake taken out a patent for the application of this
which contained both copper and alumina. It substance in dyeing blacks ; but, from all the
was used in the preparation of a brown colour experiments with which I am acquainted, it is
for delaine. not likely to be much used for that purpose on


account of its price, and from the want of any are used, and from buff liquor in the same way
distinct advantage in the colour it produces. It is because the sulphate of lead is insoluble in
The Turks have long employed this substance water that sulphuric acid is used to pass pieces
for dyeing horse hair and leather. in, which are mordanted for chrome orange;

LAVENDER COLOURS. The colour of — the lead does not then wash off, and the pieces
the flowers of the lavender plant a bluish — can be entered clean and free from gum, etc.,
lilac. This shade is obtained on cotton goods into the chrome liquor. Sulphate of soda is
by mixing blue with the lilac colour from log- sometimes used, but this is when there is some
wood. On silk, lavender shades are obtained other colour on the cloth that the acidity of the
from archil and cudbear, as well as from log- vitriol would injure; the effect produced is the

wood. By dyeing a safflower pink on the top same, viz., the formation of a sulphate of lead.
of a Prussian blue, very agreeable lilac and Although sulphate of lead is insoluble in water,

lavender shades are obtainable the hue depend- it is a remarkable fact that, if the pulp be ap-

ing upon the relative depths of the blue and red plied to calico, it enters into an intimate con-
employed. The lilac, or light purple colours, nection with the fibre, and after drying and
are taken as standards from which to obtain hanging some time it cannot be removed by
lavender colours. washing in water. Good solid chrome oranges

LEAD. Lead, as a metal, is more indifferent can be raised in such a manner. It is used ex-
to the action of chemical materials than copper tensively as a resist in indigo dipping.
but, owing to its softness, it cannot be applied —
Chromates of Lead. There are two chromates
well except as a stationary fixed apparatus. It of lead —
the dichromate, or basic chromate,
is well adapted for hot acids, holding tight, and which is of an orange red, and the mono-chro-
lasting for years, where wood and stone have mate, which is yellow. The latter can be trans-
both yielded. It must be well supported on formed into the former by heating it with an
account of its softness, and, of course, without alkali, when it loses chromic acid. It is worthy
solder, the different joints being made by fusion, of note that that chromate of lead which is the
or burning, as it is technically termed. It does most highly coloured contains the least amount
not withstand the action of aquafortis, but both of the colouring acid, and that the nature of the
vitriol and spirits of salts are without action shades are exactly opposed to those of the chro-
upon it. mates of potash. Both salts are in extensive
Lead has three combinations with oxygen, use as pigments; the red chromate is a good
but only one of these forms salts, and this is the deal used as a dye, while the yellow has not
protoxide, composed of single atoms of lead and much use, but is frequently required, especially
oxygen. When pure, it is white; with some in printed indigo styles. In dyeing chrome
little impurity, it exists in litharge, as a com- orange the yellow chromate is generally pro-
mercial article. Litharge has some few appli- duced first, by passing the mordanted cloth
cations in dyeing and printing. In dyeing it is through bichromate, until it has well taken up
used for obtaining chrome oranges in printing, : the chromic acid ; it is then changed into orange,
it serves to purify caustic potash from sulphur, by adding a proper amount of caustic soda to the
and to prepare basic acetate of lead. liquor, and keeping in the pieces till they have
Nitrate of Lead is made by dissolving lith- taken the right shade. The orange could be as
arge in hot aquafortis to saturation: it is not easily produced at once, and very frequently it
easily prepared, except on a large scale, in a is done so, by using yellow chrome salts, or

state of purity. It forms white crystals, very converting the red chromate into the yellow, by
soluble in water, in which they should dissolve adding a sufficient amount of caustic alkali. Or
without leaving any residue. They are very pure the yellow chromate of lead, instead of being
as sold by respectable drysalters, and, not as far changed into the orange in the same beck it is
as I am aware, subject to an\ regular adultera- dyed in, is taken out, washed, and passed into
tion. Nitrate of lead is employed as a mordant boiling lime water, which changes it. In the
for chrome yellow and orange ; for the purpose case of employing caustic, care must be taken
of preparing a number of soluble nitrates from that no excess is used, for if there is more than
their sulphates, and in mixing of the murexide necessary it robs the colour, and if the excess is
purple, etc. considerable it discharges the colour altogether.
Sulphate of Lead is an insoluble salt, and pre- The action of the lime water and soda are
cipitateswhenever nitrate of lead or sugar of similar ;they deprive the yellow chromate
lead is mixed with any liquor containing sul- of lead of part of the chromic acid, reducing it
phuric acid. It forms the bottoms from the to a compound containing less chromic acid in
making of red liquor when the acetates of lead proportion to the lead; and if the action is car-


ried too far the alkali will remove the whole of the greater portion of those used in England are
the chromic acid, leaving upon the cloth only- Canary Islands, on the shores of
collected in the
oxide of lead, which is white. It depends upon the Mediterranean, or in the mountainous dis-
practical considerations whether it is better to tricts of Spain and France. Until within the
use the one or the other method of obtaining last few years the methods of obtaining colour

the chrome orange whether the orange should from them were rude and but little under-
be obtained at once or by conversion of the yel- stood; already some successful attempts have
low; in piece dyeing the former is the usual been made to improve both the hue and fastness
plan, while in calico printing the latter is the of the colours yielded by lichens, and it may be
method usually followed. hoped that, with the aid of science, some con-
Bed Lead is a mixed oxide of lead. Though siderable improvements will yet be made. It is
a bright-looking colour, it is not fit for printing remarkable that there is no colouring matter
on cloth probably, if there was any means of
; ready formed in the lichens, but it is produced
forming or producing it on the fibre of the cloth by the combined action of air and ammonia upon
it might be valuable, but at present the only some colourless principles contained in them.
method known of making is to roast the litharge Archil, cudbear, and litmus, are the colouring
at high temperatures ; it cannot be made in the substances obtained from the lichens.
wet way. LIGHT.— Light seems to be a chemically
The Peroxide of Lead has a deep puce or choco- active agent, inducing decompositions and
late colour, and can be fixed on cotton fibre. changes in salts and neutral substances. It
The process consists in mordanting in acetate of either acts itself, or its presence is the cause of
lead, fixing in lime water, and then passing in action innumerous cases interesting to the dyer.
chloride of lime or soda until the colour is raised. I do not know what credit should be given to
This colour never worked now, because simi-
is the assumed importance of bright light in dyeing .
lar shades are more easily and economically colours of the finest quality. It is pretended \
obtained by garancine. that if all other things are equal, the brightness
Lead Acetate. — See Acetate of Lead. or dulness of the daylight influences the pro-
The oxides of lead have at various times been duct of the dyeing. It is well known that plants
tried as mordants, but they appear unfitted for which grow in dark places are pale coloured,
the purpose. Messrs. Perkin and Gray patented, and that the most sunny climates produce the
May 21, 1859, a process for fixing the aniline brightest colours in the vegetable and animal
purple upon a lead mordant, obtained by printing kingdom. But there is nothing in the case of a
acetate of lead, and fixing in a mixture of soda growing plant or animal comparable to dyeing.
crystals and ammonia; the shades obtained are In the one oase the colour is being formed, in
good, but the process as a whole was not success- the other it is only being transferred. It is
ful. All colours which contain lead as a con- within the bounds of possibility that a forma-
stituent part are liable to injury from sulphurous tion of colouring matter may take place some-
gases in the air; the browning or blackening of times in dyeing, but I know of no case where
chrome yellows and oranges at the edges of the this is effected by light. In nearly all colouring
piece is due to this cause; the whites of indigo matters used in the arts, the colour is fully
from which the lead has not been wholly
styles, developed before the dyer uses it, and it is
removed, are frequently discoloured from the interesting to consider in how many cases with-
same cause, which operates continually against out the access of light; the heart of logwood
the use of lead in printing. cannot be supposed to have been influenced
LEIOCOME— A species of gum substitute of directly by the rays of light we know that the

French origin. It is analogous to the soluble colour of indigo is only developed after the death
gum of the British printers, being made by the of the plant; and in madder root the colouring
action of heat and acids upon farinaceous mat- matter must have been formed in perfect dark-
ters. ness. Yet practical dyers insist that the finest
LEMON JUICE, Lime Juice.— The uses of colours can only be produced in good clear
depend upon the citric acid which it
this article weather; the most beautiful dyed silks and
contains.— (See Citric Acid, page 55.) velvets of France are, I am told, produced by
LIBI-DAVI, Livi-DM, Divi-Davi. An as- — small dyers, who perform the final operations in
tringent substance, suggested as a substitute for clear bright weather and out of doors, turning
6umac and but found to be
gall nuts in dyeing, the goods over and over in the dye, lifting them
too poor in tannic acid. used in tanning.
It is to meet the sun's rays, and, regardless of pre-
LICHENS.— The tinctorial lichens are very scribed times and quantities of material, hand-
widely diffused over the surface of the globe ling them till they find them finished.
Whatever doubts may be entertained upon vised. This is a line of research very difficult,
the beneficial effect of light in certain circum- no doubt, but in which there is both hope of
stances, there can be none as to its destructive success and rich reward.
action upon colouring matters, under almost Photography has not yet any application in
any circumstances, when prolonged beyond a calico printing; but it may be interesting to
short time. In most cases of rapidly fading know, that it is possible to print pictures by
colours, such as safflower pink on cotton, or photography and dye them up in madder and
archil and cudbear shades upon silk, it is the other dyewoods. I have done this several times
light and not the air which destroys them, or at and in several ways with iron salts. Calico may
least the light is the more rapidly destructive of be prepared with the ammonia-citrate of iron,
the two ; the direct rays of the sun, being the dried in the shade, and then covered with the
most concentrated form of light, are the most object or picture, and exposed to the rays of the
active, but a bright diffused light is very ener- sun in a photographer's copying press ; the iron
getic. A safflower pink on muslin may become is partially fixed upon those parts exposed to
nearly white in three or four hours' sunshine, light, the calico may be then passed in yellow
and a peach-coloured silk ribbon, dyed with prussiate, which forms Prussian blue with the
archil, is destroyed in
about the same length of iron fixed this can be decomposed by dilute

time. That it is is demonstrated by

the light, caustic alkali, leaving the oxide of iron, which,
the preservation of the colour in the folds, or by boiling in cow dung, becomes fit for taking
protected parts of knots and bows formed by up dyes, and with madder gives a lilac or purple.
the material the air could have access to these
; The bichromate of potash is decomposed by
almost as readily as to the exterior portions, light in contact with calico, washing in water
but they are nearly uninjured. Light is an removes the unchanged bichromate, the re-
imponderable body, and as such, leaves no marks mainder may be fixed by dilute alkali, and
behind it detectable by the balance. It is not forms a weak mordant for several dyewoods.
clearwhether these transformations are simply Indigo blues, padded in bichromate of potash
a change in the chemical or molecular structure for discharging with acid, must be kept from
of the colouring matter, or whether the light strong direct light, on account of its decom-
induces an oxidation or deoxidation of the posing action upon the bichromate.
colouring principles. The first view seems the LILAC COLOUR.— The colour of the flower
most probable, from the knowledge we have of of the purple lilac; lilac is understood in print-

the action of light upon chemical substances, ing and dyeing as being a low-toned purple;
though the second is not without probability. violet is nearly if not quite synonymous, but
The upon substances in general
action of light scarcely ever used in the English trade.
may be profitably studied by the colourist it ; The lilac generally employed in delaine and
seems probable that some means of protecting calico printing is the one given p. 75 as a con-
the easily alterable colours may be devised stituent of dahlia colour,and consists essentially
from a knowledge of the laws and properties of of a solution of the colouring matter of logwood
light. The action of light upon the salts of in red liquor made by digesting rasped logwood
gold and silver is the foundation of photo- for 24 hours in that liquid in the cold. Other
graphical art; and many curious particulars receipts are as follows :—
have been discovered in it with regard to sen- Dark Lilac Delaine,
sitivising, and, if the expression is allowable, 4 gallons logwood liquor at 11°,
desensitivising, the layer of silver salt. The 3§lbs. alum,
deposited iodide or chloride of silver is so easily 12 lbs. gum.
acted upon by light, as to necessitate the greatest This colour is reduced by addition of gum water.
precautions in keeping out a single ray from the Lilac for Wool.
closet in which the processes are conducted; 1 quart ammomacal cochineal liquor,
but if the light be made to pass through a yellow 1 quart vinegar,
medium, such as stained glass, it loses all its 5 oz. alum,
active chemical properties, and the prepared 4 oz. oxalic acid,
plates may be exposed to it and handled with 1 lb. bichloride of tin,
the greatest ease and safety. There are other 3 oz. extract of indigo,
cases in which an additional film of another 1 gallon of gum water.
material renders the sensitive one insensible to This lilac is a direct mixture of the red and blue
the action of light. It is possible that the very parts represented in this case by sulphate of
delicate and fugitive vegetable colours may, by indigo and cochineal.
some practical process, be similarly desensiti- In woollen dyeing various shades of lilac are


obtained by first mordanting in alum and tartar, and soda, being present and being all dissolved
and then dyeing in logwood, with addition of at once the second and third waters from the

sulphate of indigo. Logwood alone gives a lime are pure lime water It is a question how
reddish lilac, which can be brought to the blue many waters can be obtained from lime bottoms.
shade, in any required degree, by properly That depends upon the quality of the water used.
apportioning the sulphate of indigo. Pure water would continue to dissolve lime and
Lilacs on wool are also obtained by dyeing in yield good lime water many times but water ;

a mixture of ammoniacal cochineal and sulphate containing bicarbonate of lime will not yield
of indigo. above three or four good lime waters, and that
Archil, in combination with sulphate of indigo, only with active stirring and raking up of the
also yields rich shades of lilac. The mauve lime bottoms. Water containing organic mat-
colour from aniline is also a species of lilac. ters does not yield many lime waters ; in both
Alkanet, with alumina mordants, gives lilac cases the lime is coated with a pellicle of insolu-
colours; they are difficult to work and very ble precipitated matters which prevent the access
fugitive. of the water to it. The fact that cold water is a
For madder Maddee.
lilac, see better solvent of lime than boiling water has
LIMA WOOD.— One of the woods yielding induced some scientific men to advise that it

red colours;—similar, or identical with Brazil should be always used cold, as then a greater
Wood, which see. quantity of the active material is in solution.
LIME. — Quick lime, prepared by expelling But this advice is not founded on scientific prin-
the carbonic acid from the carbonate of lime, is ciples, for it is well known that heat gives an
the oxide of the metal calcium. Its uses in energy to the action of chemical substances, the
bleaching and dyeing are dependent upon its absence of which could not be compensated for
alkaline properties. Presenting some analogy by the use of a tenfold quantity of the material.
with potash and soda, it differs from them in In the general applications of lime in dyeing
being much less soluble in water, and conse- and bleaching, it is used in the milky state, that
quently in many cases much less energetic in its is, containing undissolved lime , and though it is

action; but there are conditions under which it contrary to theory to suppose that the undis-
may act with even greater power than the more solved lime is chemically active, there can be no

soluble alkalies. doubt that, besides acting as a reserve for main-

Slacked lime is a combination of water with taining the water saturated with lime, the finely
lime ; very considerable heat is evolved in the divided particles have an action which is at
combining of water with lime. Two cases have present not to be distinguished from what is
come under my notice where the accidental considered purely chemical. It is known that
admission of water to lime in wooden vessels lime can disorganise vegetable textures, and that
has caused sufficient heat to set fire to the wood. some cases of tender cloth in bleaching are
Lime is often kept in old hogsheads on print and milk of lime, while
attributable to the action of
dye works, and care should be taken of the possi- itcannot be shown that clear lime water pro-
ble occurrence of such an accident. Lime, duces such effects. Lime combines with all
mixed with an additional quantity of water, acids, neutralising them and forming salts of
forms what is known as milk of lime it consists ; lime or calcium ; the film or crust which forms
of particles of hydrate of lime suspended in lime upon lime water exposed to the air is carbonate
water. When milk of lime is allowed to stand of lime, the carbonic acid being derived from
quietly, the particles of lime subside, and a clear the air. Lime is a powerful base, and can dis-
liquid is left, which is Lime water
lime water. place the oxides of the metals proper from their
has alkaline characters, but very weak on account combinations, itself combining with their acids.
of the small quantity of lime it contains: a gal- Upon this property depend the uses of lime in
lon of lime water will not contain more than a raising colours, in indigo dyeing, or other cases.
quarter of an ounce of lime, nor can the strength In raising or fixing the buff from salts of iron,
be increased by concentration of the liquid. for example, the cloth containing acetate or sul-
Hot water dissolves less lime than cold water, phate of oxide of iron in its pores is passed into
which is contrary to the usual law of solution milk of lime, the lime combines with the acid,
the most reliable experiments show that it would forming acetate or sulphate of lime, while the
require a gallon and a half of boiling water to oxide of iron, deprived of the acids which made
dissolve as much lime as a gallon of cold water. it soluble in water, rests upon the fibre. The
The first water obtained from lime is usually action of lime in bleaching depends also upon
stronger than the subsequent ones ; this arises its powerful basic properties.

from a minute quantity of the alkalies, potash Carbonate of Lime.—The only form of car-


bonate of lime familiar to the dyer and printer mixed with making of
acetate of lime in the
is chalk, which, being ground, used in some is red liquor. sometimes used in finishing to
It is
few cases as an anti-acid. It is very suitable give the appearance of body to inferior qualities
for this purpose, especially when an excess of of calico.
alkali would be injurious. Chalk does not com- The Nitrate and Muriate of Lime are not
pletely neutralise diluted acid liquors. A beck generally known in trade. They are both de-
or cistern of dye liquor can have an acid reaction liquescent salts, and have been sometimes used
to test paper, though an excess of chalk be in colour mixing on account of that property.
present; and this acidity, though small, would
be too much for some styles. In such cases

Phosphate of Lime. It was long ago known
that the bones of animals which ate madder
carbonate, or bicarbonate of soda, may be em-
were tinged red the conclusion that it was the

ployed, or even lime water, if cautiously used.

phosphate of lime which attracted the colour
Ground chalk, though cheap, is liable to adul- was too hasty; it now seems probable that some
teration with sand I have found ten per cent of
of the animal matters also present in the bones
coarse sand in ground chalk; it could not be
had more to do with it than the mineral matter.
observed by inspection, but was easily shown
Nevertheless, phosphate of lime has some at-
by treating the chalk with muriatic acid, which
traction for colouring matters. If an excess of
left the sand undissolved. The quality of chalk
ivory black or calcined bones be digested with
is liable to variation, and all kinds are not
phosphate of lime is dissolved, which
citric acid,
equally suitable for the calico printer's use
being properly applied to calico, can be shown
some varieties, contain magnesian salts, others
to form an intimate connection with it, and to
a good deal of silicates. Chalk is frequently
have also an affinity for colouring matters. It
used in madder dyeing, and care should be taken
does not attract so much colouring matter as to
that it is tolerably pure. The lighter variety
be of value as a mordant, for the shades it
appears better adapted for general use than that
yields are poor in depth and of a dry absorbent
which is dense and heavy; good qualities do
character. In repeating this experiment care
not contain more than five per cent of moisture.
must be taken that there is no iron dissolved by
Carbonate of lime is insoluble in water, but
the acid, or this will entirely change the nature
forms a soluble combination with another atom
of the colours produced; if iron exists in the
of carbonic acid, which exists in many natural
liquor, it can only be precipitated by the prussi-
waters. The extra atom of carbonic acid is so
ate of potash.
loosely held, that it escapes by simple agitation
of the liquid, or exposure to the air, leaving The best test for lime in solution is oxalate of

the ordinary carbonate of lime in the insoluble ammonia, which gives a white precipitate pro-
form. Some spring waters are so saturated vided the solution be neutral; in moderately
with this solution of carbonate of lime, and let strong solutions sulphuric aoid gives a bulky
it fall out so easily, that it collects in stony
precipitate of sulphate of lime.

masses about the source, deposits in boilers fed LITMUS.— This is a colouring matter similar
with it, forming incrustations, and is productive to archil and cudbear, and capable of yielding
of many inconveniences in application. Some blue and violet colours uponsilks, but the colours

idea of the amount of carbonate of lime dis- are so excessively fugitive that they are never
solved in water may be formed from the state- employed except in the extreme fancy styles.
ment of Bischof, that a single small stream in LITRE.— The standard French liquid
Germany carries away each year as much of measure; it is equal to a kilogramme of water,
this salt as would be equal to a cube of building that is nearly 1\ lbs. English. An English im-
limestone of one hundred feet, in lateral dimen- perial quart contains 2 \ lbs. of water, and is

sions. therefore nearly equivalent to a litre. The two

Sulphate of Lime. —This salt is an abundant measures may consequently in many cases be
natural product. It is known as gypsum, and reckoned as equal, but in particular cases the
when deprived of its water by roasting or cal- difference would lead to considerable errors; for
cining, forms plaster of Paris. It exists in most the exact relation of the litre and parts of a litre
spring and river waters, and affects the dyeing (taken in decimal parts) the following table may
of certain colours,, as alluded to. It is only be consulted. The equivalents are given in
slightly soluble in water; it is produced when ounces of water, and as colour mixers are pro-
sulphuric acid and a soluble salt of lime are vided with ounce measures, they will be enabled
mixed together, and is the precipitate which to follow as closely as necessary the receipts
forms when sulphate of alumina or alum is given by French authorities.


Table showing the Value of a Litre and Decimal process ; or that ten parts of it thus treated are
Parts of a Litre, in measure ounces. (Pint equal to fifteen taken in the dry state from the
equals 20 ounces.) rasping mill. It has been attempted to prove
Litre. Ounces. Litre. Ounces. that some chemical change takes place in the
] 35 0-1 3£ colouring matter of the logwood; that the
0-9 31£ 009 3 colourless principle, supposed to exist in. the
08 28 0-08 2| wood, absorbs oxygen and ammonia, and be-
0-7 0-07 2£ comes coloured, and thus its dyeing power is
0-6 21 0-06 2 increased. I consider that there i3 no real
0-5 17J 0-05 1| foundation for this belief, and that the action of
0-4 14 0-04 c.
1J steeping and ageing logwood may be simply and
0-3 10J 0-03 1 sufficiently explained on physical grounds. The
0-2 7 0-02 I water may be supposed to soak gradually into
The weights are within a quarter of an ounce the hard fibres, swell them out, soften the mass,
of the exact equivalent, which could not he and render the colouring particles accessible to
given without employing larger fractions. As the action of liquids, and so readily soluble
a good many colour mixers are not familiar with in them. The change of colour from the dusty
decimals, I may explain that such a figure as yellow rasped wood to the reddish hue of damped
0*9 is the same in meaning as -3%, and indicates wood may be due to the simple effect of water
nine tenths of a litre, 0*5 equals five-tenths, 0-09 dissolving the colouring matter, and covering
isthe same as T § n , and means nine-hundredths the fibrous part with it ; but water always
of a litre, and so on with the remainder. heightens the hue of colouring matters. The
LOGrWOOD, Oampeachy — Logwood is the use of urine— if it has really any use upon the
wood of a tree flourishing chiefly in Mexico and wood beyond that of increasing its depth of
the adjacent parts of America. It arrives in colour— may be looked for in the action of the
Europe in large pieces, and is rasped by machi- ammonia it contains upon the resinous matters
nery into small fragments fit for dyeing or ex- of the wood: it would dissolve them in part,
tracting the colour from. The colouring matter and set at liberty the colouring matters which it
requires a large quantity of water to dissolve it, may be supposed they would otherwise prevent
but when dissolved, can be concentrated or from coming into contact with the water. Solu-
boiled down to any degree of concentration. tion of logwood has an inclination to form blue
During the boiling down of logwood extracts, compounds with mineral substances, such as
and especially during the cooling, a considerable lime, baryta, copper, alumina, iron, etc., but if
quantity of tarry matter is deposited, the nature in large quantity the blue becomes so intense as
of which is not well known —probably it is to be considered a black. No good blues can be
similar to the resinous substances which exist obtained from logwood, the best of them are
in many species of woods. A weak solution of dull and absorbent, and inclined to go brown or
logwood pure water has a yellow colour
in black it is principally employed in dark colours,

when strong it has a reddish colour, a sweetish black, chocolate, etc. The pure colouring mat-
astringent taste, and a peculiar odour. Chemists ters which may be extracted from it have re-
consider it contains either two colouring mat- ceived the names of hematoxyline, hematine, and
ters, or one colouring matter in two distinct hemateine.
states of oxidation. Like indigo, it is supposed Logwood is very extensively used in the
to contain a colourless body which, by the black dye for silk, woollen, and calico ; its cost
absorption of air or ammonia, becomes coloured comes considerably under that of galls, which
but this statement is by no means so well proved give the best and firmest colours. Upon calico
as to be taken for a fact. The wood is very the mordant may be either alumina alone — but
hard and dense, and as before stated does not that gives a black too much on the purplish
yield its colour quickly to water. The rasped side— or iron alone, but the black from this will
logwood is usually damped and kept in that be too brown and dull. Perhaps the best mor-
state for some weeks before it is used, being dant is a mixture of the two, in which the
turned over when it shows any inclination to alumina predominates; other dyewoods are used
heat. Instead of degging it with pure water, to modify the shade of the black, according to
sometimes lant or stale urine is usecl, either the requirements of trad p. Wool is dyed black
alone or mixed with water or lime, and some- in various ways, mostly with a blue foundation,
times soda is dissolved in the water. It is con- which, for fast colours, is from the hot vat, but
sidered that logwood is improved in dyeing more frequently from the sulphate of indigo.
power to the extent of fifty per cent by this Logwood black withstands washings pretty well,


ana is not much injured by a moderate soaping; firmness. Chemistry does not at present give
it does not withstand the action of the air and why one colour-
the slightest clue to the reason
light, but soon loses its lustre, becoming brown ing matter is fast and another fugitive, why
and faded. This change takes place more quickly one can resist the detergent action of soap and
upon cotton than upon silk, and sooner upon the other cannot, why one is not particularly
silk than upon wool. A logwood black can be affected by exposure to the air and another is
discovered by the action of weak spirits of salts almost destroyed. There is, doubtless, some
upon it a drop turns it to a bright red. If the
; general law governing these things. It may
black be from galls, it changes the colour, but reasonably be expected that, when the prin-
does not give a red. The substitution of log- ciples of the fixation of colouring matters are
wood for the astringent substances in dyeing better understood, something may be done to
black has been injurious to the general character communicate to the fugitive colouring matters
of the black dye. For printing blacks on calico some of that permanency which distinguishes
or wool the logwood is mixed with nitrate of the majority of the substances employed by the
iron. Logwood liquor is much employed in dyer and printer. Logwood seems to be one of
steam and spirit colours, for other colours those substances most likely to reward the
besides black. With tin mordants it yields labour which may be spent upon it in the
shades of purple, lilac, and violet ; mixed with endeavour to improve its permanency.
other coloured extracts it helps to produce The colouring matter of logwood is dis-
chocolates and similar colours. Logwood pro- tinguished from that of the red woods of the
duces an intense black with chromate of potash caesalpinia tribe by giving blue-coloured pre-
under certain circumstances, and this salt is oc- cipitates with the alkaline earths and several
casionally employed in logwood colours, but it metallic solutions, while the red woods give
has several difficulties attending it. It coagu- precipitates of a crimson hue. The fixed
lates the solution, and then it is impossible to alkalies, in contact with air, appear to have
work it the only way in which, at present, it
; the power of developing a red colour from the
can be used is to pass the pieces printed with yellow hematoxyline ; this property is pos-
logwood colour through it. It gives a harsh- sessed by lime water, and also by bicarbonate
ness to the pieces, and is seldom employed; but of lime.
itdeserves the attention of dyers, because the LUSTRES. —This is a trade term which was
blacks thus made seem faster than blacks pro- applied a few years ago to a style of delaine
duced from iron and alumina mordants. work in which the delaine was dyed before
Logwood is a very rich colouring matter, and printing, but so dyed that the woollen threads
under chemical treatment can be made to assume were of a different colour from the cotton threads,
several different and valuable shades of colour an effect being produced something like that seen
but they are very unstable, and peculiarly sus- in shot silks.— (See Mixed Fabrics.)
ceptible to the destructive action of air and light, LUTEOLINE.— The chemical name of the
while they withstand washing with tolerable pure colouring matter of weld, or dyers' weed.

MADDER. —The madder plant grows in for another, while some are not so rich in
many parts of the world, and seems to yield a colouring matter as others. The market price
nearly equal product in very various climates isa correct evidence of the goodness of a known
and situations. It is not cultivated for com- kind of madder ; the tests of its quality being
mercial purposes in this country, but is largely perfectly practical in their nature, are for exist-
grown whence the bulk
in France and Holland, ing methods of using this colouring matter un-
of that used in England is obtained. Madder mistakable, and the true commercial value of
roots in the unground state are imported from a madder is soon ascertained. The French
the Levant, and called Turkey roots small ; madders are in a state of very fine powder,
quantities are obtained from other countries in packed tight in large casks, where, owing to a
Europe, and some from the East Indies, gener- gelatinous or gummy substance which all madder
ally known as Bombay roots. The madders contains, the whole powder is sometimes firmly
from these places are very similar in chemical cemented together, requiring to be cut with a
and tinctorial characters — their differences do pickaxe ; when placed in water the gummy
not appear to be of an essential nature. Some matter immediately dissolves, and the madder
are preferred for one style of work and some falls to powder. The roots which are imported
are generally ground by the consumer. I have view of extracting its colouring matter more
made many experiments as to the fineness to quicklv or in greater quantity. This method,
which madder should be ground, so as to give though found useful with regard to many dye-
out all its available colour and working upon
; woods, is no good in the case of madder. I
Turkey roots, I have found, as a general result, have tried it under many different circumstances.
that there is no advantage in bringing it to an If madder be exposed to a thoroughly moist
excessively fine powder if it passes through a
; atmosphere it will absorb about twenty per #
sieve of about twelve wires to the inch, it is cent more water than it usually contains ; this
fine enough. The French cask madder, when will make it feel damp, it will adhere together
dry, will pass through a sieve of eighty wires when pressed, and its colour is heightened. If
to the inch. That degree of fineness is perhaps d egged with water its gummy character makes
necessary to make it a commercially saleable it adhere in lumps, and it cannot be turned over
article but for a manufacturer to grind his own
; and exposed to the air in the same way that log-
roots so fine would be a great loss of labour wood or tustic can. Either of these treatments
without any corresponding advantage. The leaves the madder about the same for dyeing;
reason for this lies in the texture of madder there no perceptible improvement in it.

it isnot like a hard wood, enclosing its colour- Action of Solvents upon Madder. If ground —
ing particles in walls of insoluble ligneous fibre, madder is stirred up with a large quantity of
which must be torn up by mechanical force, in cold water, and strained off clear, without stand-
order to set them at liberty in the dye beck it ; ing more than an hour, a good deal of the
is, on the contrary, soft, it contains one half its colouring matter will be removed by the water.
weight of gum, sugar, salts, and other soluble But it is not possible in this manner to extract
matters, which the water speedily dissolves, all the colouring matter from madder, and the
and reduces the remainder into a porous, spongy portion extracted is mixed up with so much
state, so that water has easy access to the colour- sugary and gummy matters that it is inapplica-
ing matter.The fin er particles which all groun d ble as an extract of colouring matter. If the
madder contains, if separated by a sieve from madder be left to stand for twenty-four hours
the coarse parts, will be found to be no better before straining, it will be found to have assumed
for dyeing, but frequently rather worse, because a gelatinous state, more or less apparent accord-
they generally contain the sand, stones, and ing to the quantity of water used, and if the
dirt, which grind to dust sooner than the tough liquor be pressed out it will be found not to
fibre of the root. contain any appreciable quantity of the colouring
It is a general opinion that madder, when matter of the root. This is a very curious pro-
well kept, improves for some years after it has perty of the colouring matter of madder it will :

been gathered. A
kind of slow fermentation dissolve if it does not stand if it stands it be-

appears to go on, the madder swells, often bulg- comes insoluble, and only the soluble and useless
ing out the casks, and even bursting them. I part of the root is washed away. In this manner
consider that the question of the improvement madder is often treated. It loses nearly one
of madder by age is not a general one, it is con- half its weight ; when dry has a peculiar smell,
fined to peculiar qualities ; the contradictory somewhat resembling sour milk ; it is lighter
results of many experiments, and conflicting coloured than before the treatment, and does
statements of thosewho have compared fresh not injure the whites so much in dyeing. It is
and old madders, can only be explained or re- called in trade " Fleur de garance," or, in Eng-
conciled by this supposition. With regard to lish, " Flowers of madder." It is suitable for
Turkey roots, I feel certain they are old enough some styles of work, but it presents no advan-
when they arrive in England for all useful pur- tage on the score of economy; it goes about
poses. Madder, under ordinary circumstances, twice as far as madder, and is about twice as
is not deteriorated by age, nor even sensibly dear ; not tinging the whites so much as mad-
altered, if it has been kept dry and out of der, it saves soap, and can even be cleared
strong light. I have had an opportunity of without soap, but in such case the colours are
trying madder forty years old, which was very dull.
little different in its behaviour from fresh mad- Hot water, upon madder and strained
if poured
der of the same kind. Its solution in the beck off, dissolves some colouring matter, but less
was blacker and of a different taste to new than cold water; if left to stand until cold, it
madder, but the colours it yielded were as good acts nearly the same as cold water. Both hot
in every respect. It has been proposed to and cold water, when not left standing on mad-
moisten madder with water, or expose it to a der, injure the undissolved residue to an extent
damp atmosphere to absorb moisture, with a which seems disproportioned to the amount of
colouring matter to be found dissolved by the The jellifying of the madder has probably no
water. necessary connection with this alteration of the
The other liquids which are generally used as colouring matter, for the gelatinous substance
solvents for colouring matters do not make any can be separated, and is found to possess no dye-
satisfactory extraction of this root. The colour- ing properties at all. What the water takes
ing principle of madder is an anomaly in its away is vegetable extractive matter, partly of a
%ehaviour to different substances. In some gummy, partly of a saccharine nature, and some
respects one of the strongest of colours, it is at earthy matters which are soluble in water; what
other times injured or destroyed by the slightest itleaves behind is woody fibre, earthy matter,
chemical action. It appears to be at the same this peculiar jelly-like matter, called by the

time soluble and insoluble in water. How are chemists pectine and pectic acid, and also the
these conflicting phenomena to be explained? alizarine.
Either by supposing that there is more than one A question of the highest importance is yet
colouring matter in the root, or that, if it is a pending with regard to the colouring matter of
simple principle which yields all the shades, it madder ; to extract it in a pure state from the
must be capable of assuming different forms and other matters that are along with it in the root,
properties, passing from one condition to another, or if not in a pure state, yet sufficiently strong
as from a soluble to an insoluble one, and so on. and pure to resemble other extracts, as log-
Indeed, it seems probable that madder does not wood liquor, sapan liquor, etc. If this could be
contain a really isolable colouring matter, but it accomplished, it seems probable that it would
contains something, or perhaps several things, be more economical to use it as a steam colour
which, under the influence of water, air, warmth, than to dye with; it is likely it would yield
etc., become colours. By several complicated better shades and more regular and be
chemical processes a substance can be obtained in many cases extremely preferable to the
from madder, in small quantity, which is crystal- ture of a small amount of pure colouring matter
lised in beautiful orange red coloured needles; and large amount of useless encumbering mat-
it is named alizarine, and is the reputed pure ter which constitutes madder. The Industrial
colouring principle of madder. There can be no Society of Mullhouse has at various times
doubt that it is so in a most important manner, offered large premiums and honours to any one
since all the colours which madder gives can be who should resolve this question in a satisfactory
obtained from these crystals, by simply dyeing manner, having regard to commercial require-
mordanted cloth in them. But it may not be ments. These inducements, and the certainty
the only colouring principle in the root, or it of otherwise making large profits, have led some
may not be in the root at all, but produced by of the ablest colourists in France and England
the chemical operations performed upon it. to turn their attention to this topic, but without
That is of no practical consequence; it is either the slightest success so far. Nothing, perhaps,
in the root, or something else which forms it is could so well illustrate the immense difficulty
there. It does not appear necessary to look for of dealing with this matter than the failure of so
other colouring matters while this one is capable many attempts to accomplish something, so well
of yielding all the shades which madder itself defined as a solution of the colouring matter of
gives. There may be, indeed, a separate prin- this root. Solutions and extracts have been
ciple for the red colour, and one for the purple, made, but they did not fulfil the required con-
and, if so, also one for the black and chocolate; ditions: they were either too impure and con-
but it is apparent, if this be the case, that they taminated with foreign matters, or else were too
are respectively convertible, under the influence expensive on account of the use of spirits of
of mordants, one into the other; and for all wine, or such solvents, in extracting the colour.
practical comprehension of the properties of Some of these extracts have been employed on
madder, the assumption that there is only one a small scale, and pieces done with them which,
colouring principle, and that one alizarine, may if not perfect, at any rate seemed to indicate the

be held as true. The peculiar behaviour of strong probability of success awaiting continued
water upon madder may
be considered as attri- efforts in the same direction. To judge by the
butable to the alizarine existing partly formed numerous patents taken out in this country and
and partly unformed; the completely formed in France with reference to this subject, one
portion not being sensibly acted upon by cold would be led to conclude that not only was the
water, and very little by hot, while the unformed matter not difficult to accomplish, but that ac-
alizarine is dissoluble by water, but has a con- tually a great number of persons had succeeded
stant tendency to pass into its complete state of in accomplishing it. There could not be a
alizarine, in which it is not dissolved by water. greater mistake; either the enrolled specifica.
tions of those patents are fraudulently deceptive extent, but not in its integrity. They cause it

in concealing the real method of accomplishing to undergo some change, which either injures
the end, or else the patentees are most lament- or destroys it, and this is more especially the
ably ignorant of what has been done and case when they are left in contact for any length
attempted to be done in the same direction. of time. Even the milder forms of alkali, as the
Processes are patented which are perfectly im- carbonates, bicarbonates, and the borates, injure
possible, and one might imagine that the parties it very much indeed if left in contact with it.

did not actually know what madder was, or had Action of Heat upon Madder. Madder is so —
never worked upon it for an hour in their lives. complex a substance that the influence of any
Much information upon the behaviour of madder, chemical agent upon it resolves itself into the
under various circumstances and with various action of the agent Upon several matters mixed
chemical re-agents, has been acquired, but together, and produces results which defy all
nothing of any practical utility has yet resulted attempts to say where the principal action has
from experiments to concentrate it by extrac- been exerted, and how far secondary actions
tion. It is a subject yet inviting to research, have influenced the final result. So it is with
and seems to promise great things to the dis- heat. Madder is injured by heating; if steamed
coverer. A necessary condition in preparing an it is much deteriorated, and more by low pres-

extract of madder is, that it must not, at least, sure than by high pressure steam. Dry heat
give inferior results to those at present obtain- above the boiling point of water does not injure
able by dyeing. No facilities of application itnearly so much as moist heat. Madder may
would compensate and no
for inferior results, be exposed to a temperature of 300° F. without
extract can hope to meet with extended employ- being much injured, but if the temperature be
ment which does not enable the printer or dyer pushed a little higher it begins to be seriously
to produce as good or better results than he can injured, and at a roasting point it is destroyed.
now obtain. There is a sufficient margin in the The pure alizarine can be sublimed by heat in
amount of colouring matter, which is never crystals; it is not destroyed by it, but, as it
obtained from the roots, to make an effective exists in madder, mixed with many other sub-
extraction pay for its expenses, if these are not stances, it does not sublime but is destroyed.
very heavy, by the use of solvents, which are M. Camille Koechlin, and others more recently,
dear in themselves, or get lost in the process of have proposed a plan for extracting the colouring
extraction. matter from madder by heat and currents of
Madder does not give up all its colouring gases, but it could not be practically applied.
matter to water, however long it be boiledmay Messrs. Pincoffs and Schunck have patented a
with even in the presence of mordants, which
it, process for submitting washed madder to the
remove it from solution as fast as it is dissolved. action of high pressure steam in the production
This may not be true when very large quantities of a species of garancine, sold under the name
of water are used for comparatively small of alizarine. If an acid mixture of madder and
amounts of madder, but in all practical dyeing sulphuric acid be gently dried, and then exposed
operations it is the case. The spent madder on an iron plate to a heat about sufficient to
contains nearly as much colouring matter as has brown flour, there will be formed in a little time
been extracted from it, but it must be in some on the surface a number of small crystals of a
different form, or else it would come out upon brilliant orange red colour— these are alizarine,
treating with fresh water. The only way in pure so far as they can be obtained without
which it can be obtained is by treating the spent being soiled with the residue to which they are
madder with acids; the acids liberate the colour- attached. Much alizarine is destroyed compared
ing matter, and, when they are washed away with what is obtained by this method; but modi-
again, the spent madder is able to dye up almost fications of this plan might be devised by which
as before.—-(See Gakancine.) the colouring matter could be sublimed away
The colouring matter of madder is dissolved from the worthless residue.
in alcohol in larger quantity than by water, but M. Schluinberger estimated the amount of
it does not extractfrom the root in a state of
it pure colouring matter, or alizarine, in good
purity, but mixed with several other substances. qualities of madder at about four per cent ; in-
It is soluble also in acids, when heated, and ferior qualities only yielded him from two to
generally falls out again when cold. Boiling two and a half per cent. I have found good
alum water dissolves it in comparatively large qualities of Turkey madder to contain about sixty
quantity, and lets it settle out upon cooling as a per cent of extractive matters, which term
yellow-coloured sediment. The caustic alkalies, includes everything removable by water and
ammonia, potash, and soda, dissolve it to a large dilute alkalies ; the woody fibre was therefore
— —


about forty per cent. I never could pretend to afterwards proved to be identical with the
say either by direct or indirect means how much phthalic acid, which Laurent had obtained by
real available colouring matter there was in a the oxidation of chloro-napthalic acid by nitric
given quantity of madder. French madder, acid. Because upon two sepa-
nitric acid acting
upon an average, contains also about forty per same acid,
rate substances has given rise to the
cent of ligneous matter. The amount of mineral Strecker and other chemists have been led to
matter in madder is tolerably constant at about believe a similarity in composition of the original
ten per cent ; that is, for ground madder which bodies; nothing, however, proves this, and the
contains the attached mineral matters of the hopes which have been raised of producing
roots besides the contained mineral salts. Mad- alizarine from any of the compounds of naph-
der root cleansed from all adhering soil and sand thaline seem delusive. A French chemist, M.
will give from six to eight per cent of residue Boussin, actually announced to the world, about
upon calcination. a year ago, that he had obtained alizarine by
There is no method known by which the acting upon a napthaline compound with sul-
value of a sample of madder can be determined phuric acid and zinc; a little examination proved
in a direct manner from the amount of colouring that he had allowed himself to be deceived upon
matter which it contains. The only reliable very insufficient grounds.
test is that of dyeing either pieces or fents with BuUacine is a yellow colouring matter, crys-
the sample in question. A
quantity of madder tallising in greenish yellow needles of much
as small as twenty grains will suffice for a labora- lustre it is believed not to be the only yellow

tory experiment, from which an experienced colouring matter in madder when treated with

manipulator can obtain tolerably reliable results. perchloride of iron it is oxidised, and forms an
But it requires very great care in placing all the acid Bubiacic acid, which yields crystalline
samples under examination in perfectly equal compounds. Chlorogenine or rubichloric acid is
circumstances; the precautions can only be a substance which, under the influence of strong
by experience.
learned acids, is converted into a dark green powder —
Madder is said to be adulterated with mineral whence its name it is supposed to be this

matters and valueless vegetable substances. As principle which stains the unmordanted parts of
madder admits of no additions of this kind, calico in the dye bath, and which, being partially
without an immediate injury to its dyeing pro- removed and destroyed in garancine making,
perties, the dyeing test will suffice to point out permits this latter to dye without staining the
the presence of such foreign matter. Various whites so much. Pectic acid or pectine, sugar,
qualities of madder may be mixed together, or and gum are also found in madder. Mr.
even dried spent madder may be ground up with Schunck points out the existence of a ferment
the roots. These falsifications will all show in in madder, which he calls erythrozym, and
the dyebeck. The admixture of other dyewoods which, in confirmation of Higgins, he looks
with madder for adulterating purposes would upon as capable of transforming some of the
for the most part destroy their object, by so uncoloured principles into alizarine. He goes
injuring the madder as to render it quite unfit further, and says that fresh madder root contains
for its usual applications. The same is true of no red colouring matter at all, only a yellowish
garancine; although very few articles are more colour, which is of no technical value, but
subject to falsification, it is entirely in the addi- it contains this ferment, which changes the
tion of neutral and inert matters which increase yellow into alizarine. The principle from which
the weight. That such an adulteration should all the colour is supposed to spring is called
be possible for lengthened periods can only be rubian. Schunck claims to have isolated this
owing to gross ignorance on the side of the pur- principle in a pure state, and to have satisfied
chaser, or a guilty collusion on the part of his himself that it is capable of producing alizarine
servants. by the action of the pure ferment in madder,
With regard to the scientific investigation of and also by the influence of acids and alkalies.
madder I shall confine myself to the published Here is a list of some of the bodies which
accounts of Dr. Edward Schunck, who may be are found to result from the decomposition of
considered the best authority upon all that con- rubian by ferments or acids :

cerns the chemical principles of this root. He Bubiretine,

considers alizarine to be actually contained in Verantine,
madder, since it can be obtained from it without Bubianine,
having recourse to sublimation. When acted Bubiadine,
upon by nitric acid it gives a peculiar acid, Bubiafine,
which was at first announced as a new acid, but Bubiagine.


would be useless to enter into details upon
It not known in Europe, but all belonging to tbo
the manner in which the discoverer connects same botanical class as madder and MM.;

these bodies with one another and the original Persoz and E. Schwartz declare them all to
rubian. He does not look upon them as neces- contain colouring principles identical with the
sary to the reaction, and the probability is that colouring principles of European madder, and
they are accidental and indefinite mixtures of that with using proper precaution in the -dye-
secondary products. Rubian should yield about ing they can be made to yield good colours.
80 per cent of its weight of alizarine, but, owing Among others of this class of plants, roots, or
to the formation of bye-products, not more than products, occur the names of nona, chayaver,
from ten to twenty per cent can be obtained. ouonkoudou, and hachrout. Some of these are
Besides the above-mentioned compounds, Mr. probably synonymes, and there may not be
Schunck describes the following, of which only that number of separate red dyeing materials
the names are here given : of the madder kind which would appear from
Rubianic acid, the list of names. None of them seem to be so
Chlororubian, good as our own madders ; but the native
Chlororubiadine, Hindoos can produce dyes from them which
Perchlororubian, are declared superior in stability and brilliancy
Purpurine. to those produced in Europe. But their pro-

The latter named substance he looks upon cesses are long, tedious, and expensive, and in-

as a species of colouring matter, distinct from, applicable to general calico printing and dyeing.

and inferior to, alizarine, which fixes upon mor- MADDER COLOURS.— The chief colours

removed in the subsequent treat-

dants, but is obtained from madder are the madder purple
ments to which the better class of madder and pink. Turkey red may also be considered
colours are subjected.. here as a madder colour. Madder yields also a
Colouring Matters similar to Madder. —Besides dark purplish black, strong reds, and, with cate-
the various qualities of madder received from chu, various shades of brown. Madder choco-
different parts of the world, and possessing late, obtained from a mixture of alumina and
general characters of resemblance, although iron mordants, is not much used.

not identical, there are dyeing matters which —

Madder Purple or Lilac. This is probably
come from plants of a similar nature, and the most important colour produced by the art
possess some of the characters of madder, of calico printing, always beautiful, and the
while they are deficient in others. Several very type of a fast and permanent dye ; it with-
of these are known to be in use in Hindostan, stands all the accidents of wear without fading,
and two or three of them have been imported and permits the fabric to be washed an almost
in rather large quantities into this country. unlimited number of times without deteriorat-
Perhaps the chief of them is the substance ing in shade, provided ordinary care is em-
known as munjeet. If looked upon as a species ployed. The madder styles are produced in
of madder, it must be considered a very inferior great perfection by many printers in Lanca-
one, producing the same colours but requiring shire, and especially by Messrs. Thomas Hoyle

much larger quantities, and not giving them so and Sons, who have for two or three genera-
bright or so fast. The soluble parts of madder tions been looked upon as the leading house for
are nearly absent in munjeet. It is a dry, these particular colours. For some years that
dusty, reedy substance, very different in the author was engaged in that establishment
general taste, and character to
appearance, he had excellent opportunities of studying this
madder. been used in Lancashire by
It has style of work. There is nothing easier than
some printers, and I suppose that it may be the production of second-class madders ; but
assumed it was found as cheap as madder the very highest-class work requires an infinite
although much poorer in colouring matter. It number of precautions in every step, from the
seems to answer best when made into a kind singeing or shearing to the starch used in finish-
of garancine; on account of its woody nature it ing, and success entirely depends upon the close
does not lose much weight in this process, for attention and intelligent observation which is

while six hundredweight of French madder bestowed upon each of the processes. If any
only gives about seven hundredweight of one or two of the processes can be named as
pressed garancine, the same weight of mun- those upon which success more particularly
jeet gives about nine hundredweight. A depends, perhaps the thickening of the mor-
French writer, who resided some time in dants, and the soaping after dyeing, might be
India, M. Gonfreville, states that the dyers selected as the most important, or rather those
there produce very fine reds from some roots in which the use of inferior articles, or neglect
in manipulation, would operate most strongly tioned as exactly as possible to the demands of
agaiuav obtaining the best result. But, in fact, the design ; but, if it were not
an excess so,
the whole of the processes hang together like a could not be used without injury to the dyed
chain, in which if there is one faulty link the colours and to the whites. To the colours,
whole is bad. because the brown or dun-coloured matter, dis-
The mordants used are very simple, consisting solving more readily than the alizarine, would
of nothing but commercial iron liquor, suitably fillup the mordants, and dispute the entrance
thickened. Many additions have been proposed of the true colouring matter and to the whites,

to improve the iron liquor, and are used in because the free alizarine would partially fix
several places; but, if the iron liquor be of upon them, and would be difficult to remove.
good quality, and such as is easily obtained in The alizarine dissolves only slowly, and in
trade, no addition that I know of will improve small quantity, in water, so that madder dyeing
it in the slightest degree. It is customary in occupies a greater length of time than other
some establishments to prepare the cloth with styles. About two hours is required to obtain
chlorate of potash before printing. I presume the best results ; a less time than an hour and a
the printers who use the process find some half would waste madder ; if continued longer
advantage in it or they would not make the than two hours, at the usual temperature, the
expenditure but as work quite as excellent
; colours are liable to be injured without any
can be produced without this preparation, either corresponding economy of madder. The mor-
there is some difference in the conditions not dants commence taking the colour at a tem-
generally known, or else the use of such pre- perature of from 100° to 120°, but only slowly
pares is simply a loss. at 140° the dyeing proceeds rapidly, and could
The thickening matter varies according to be wholly accomplished, but would not exhaust
styles, etc. : flour is a good deal used ; an arti- the madder; at 160° the colours become nearly
ficial gum thickening at from 4 to 5 lbs. per saturated, and 180° is as high as it is advisable
gallon, and known as "purple gum," is also to carry the heat for the best colours. By
used very extensively; other gum substitutes raising the temperature to ebullition, a little
and calcined farina are also in use. It is im- less madder will suffice, but neither colours nor
possible to say what thickening is best without whites are at their best. As
the dyeing does
being actually on the spot, and though it is so not commence until a temperature of 100° is
important a part no written directions can be attained, the goods and madder may be entered
expected to meet particular cases. in water at that heat; in thirty minutes the
The proportions of iron liquor to thicken- temperature may be raised, in a gradual and
ing must also depend in some degree upon the regular manner, to 140°, and to 180° in another
kind of thickening. One part of iron liquor at hour, keeping the temperature at that point
28° to four parts water, thickened with flour, until finished. Irregular heating is prejudicial
gives the black ; one part iron liquor to eight to madder dyeing; if the steam should be cut
parts of five-pound gum water gives about the off,and the dye fall twenty or thirty degrees in
darkest purple or lilac in use; one part iron the course of the round, it would injure the
gum water gives light shades
liquor to 40 parts colours very much. In France there is a
but mordants so weak as one to 60, and one to system of dyeing madder colours at twice,
100, are sometimes employed for covers. The dividing the quantity of madder into two un-
most usual colours are made with from 14, 18, equal portions, dyeing with the lesser quantity
and 20 parts gum water to one part iron liquor. at a low temperature, and then in fresh water
After printing, the pieces are aged and dyeing with the remainder, using more elevated
dunged, and then entered into the dye. From temperatures. I have tested this plan with good
causes already stated the madder is used in its qualities of French and Turkey madder, but
entirety, because no extract or decoction of its found no advantage in colour, while there is
colouring matter can be made. It is bulky and greatly increased risk of accident, besides labour
gelatinous in water, so that a considerable pro- and expense it might be useful in poor qualities

portion of this fluid has to be employed. But it of madder. The exposure to the air during dye-
is important to use no more water than is abso- ing is by some authorities considered of essential
lutely necessary for the easy running of the benefit to the colours ; my experiments do not
pieces :an excessive quantity of water be
if support this view, I only found that the more
employed, a large portion of the colouring mat- the piece was exposed to the air the more diffi-
ter does not fix, and is either wholly lost or cult it became to clear the whites ; for all that
returns upon the spent madder. The amount of the air resists, the dyeing might take place in
madder will be, for economical reasons appor- vacuum.


The costliness of madder, and the certainty them too many of the names celebrated in the
that none of the dyeing processes extract all annals of French dyeing, to be without some
its colouring matter, have led to the trial of foundation in fact ; but I can say, without fear
numerous additions to it in dyeing, with a view of contradiction, that the Turkey roots and
of making it go further. The substances added French madders, used through a series of years
have been mostly of the mineral nature, and in the neighbourhood of Manchester, were never
have been used often at random without any improved by the addition of chalk, even when
particular aim; at other times they were em- distilled water was used for dyeing. Lime in
ployed with some specific intention, as, for some form is present in most samples of madder,
example, to neutralise some supposed acid in and in France it is known that some madders
the madder, to counteract the effects of lime in are not only not improved but injured by adding .

the water, to prevent the fixation of the brown chalk to them. The madder called Paluds, from
colouring matter of the root, to make the real the district which it grows in, containing a large
colouring matter more soluble and so on. The amount of chalk derived from the soil, requires
advantages which are said to have been derived no addition the Avignon madder is said to

from the use of such additions to the dye-beck require some chalk added, and the Dutch and
are more imaginary than actual. In the publi- Alsatian madders imperatively demand it in
cations of the Industrial Society of Mulhouse rather large quantity. Such is the general state-
may be found several essays upon this subject, ment made by French writers. M. Persoz men-
some by anonymous authors, others with well tions a case in which he found a sample of Alsa-
known and respectable names attached to them tian madder to dye up perfectly well without any
but the results are for the most part quite at addition of chalk ; it had been kept for a consi-
variance with what can be obtained in England, derable length of time in a bottle, and he assumes
working upon good French madder or Turkey that it had undergone some change by lapse of
roots. The most careful experiments that I time. An anonymous writer, quoted also by Per-
could make in the same direction failed to give soz, puts down all the alkalies and alkaline earths
me the same results ; the madder which yielded and carbonates, including chalk, as injurious to
such symptoms of being improved by certain ad- madder dyeing. This is in contradiction to the
ditions could not have been like the madder sup- current statements throughout his work, and
plied by respectable import houses in Manches- especially to the statements of that eminent
ter. The " Bulletin de la Society Industrielle practical authority, M. Daniel Koechlin. The
de Mulhouse" is not easily accessible to English statements of M. Koechlin prove too much to
readers, but a full resume of these papers may sustain the lime theory, for he states that alkalies
be found in Persoz, " Traite de 1' impression des in general serve the same purpose, and prescribes
tissus," ii. 504-510. The first point is the ad- the exact quantity of carbonate of potash and soda
dition of ground chalk in madder dyeing. No one which are to replace the ground chalk. M. Persoz
familiai*with the literature of dyeing and print- states that good madder colours contain a definite
ing can be ignorant of the letter M. Hausmann amount of lime, and looks upon it as an essential
wrote to M. Berthollet, detailing that he, having constituent of the finished colour. I have an-
removed from Rouen to Logelbach, found that alysed madder colours, but have not found lime
he could not dye up the same colours as those as a regular constituent, and generally only
which he had obtained at Rouen how at length,
; found such traces as were due to the cloth itself.
by analytical examination, he found that the I cannot, therefore, concur in this theory of lime
water at Logelbach was too pure, that the being necessary in madder dyeing as a general
Rouen water differed from it by containing a rule. Chalk is used to some extent in madder
quantity of lime salt ; and how he had the happy dyeing in many places. I do not know if it is
idea of adding carbonate of lime or ground general in England. To the extent of one pound
chalk to his madder, when all the dyes came up in a hundred of madder it does no harm, if it
well again, and produced colours as fast and does no good but some houses use at the rate

brilliant as ever. Since the publication of this of five per cent of ground chalk, and even more
letter, French writers hold it absolutely neces- for pinks, but this I think is quite unnecessary,
sary that chalk should be in the water, either and even hurtful. I have proved the presence
naturally or artificially, to produce good fast of undecomposed carbonate of lime in spent
colours, and they consider that lime becomes an madder when chalk has been used, at the same
essential part of the colour as fixed upon the time the liquors have had an acid reaction to
cloth. The statements concerning this necessity test paper.
for lime are by far too general, extend over too Besides chalk, no other substance has been
long a series of years, and have attached to recommended for general use in madder dyeing,
but exceptional cases are not wanting in which did not injure it in any perceptible degree. The

additions of various articles to the dye have deterioration by sulphate of soda was more likely
been thought beneficial or necessary. Bran, for to be true than the improvement by sulphate of
example, was long employed with madder in potash ; and, in a repetition of the experiment,
producing the old London pink. Size or glue I provided an impure sulphate of soda, contain-
has been and is yet used in some places, under ing sulphate of iron, just as it came from the
the impression that it gives better results, and makers, and by useing a quantity of this, some-
enables the madder to dye further. Small thing greater than that prescribed, I obtained a
quantities of potash and soda, as also oxalic deteriorated result, which could be carried to a
acid, and cream of tartar are used, and may be perfect suspension of all dyeing powers in the
beneficial owing to peculiar waters. The use of madder, by increasing the proportions. But it
galls, sumac, and other astringent substances do is evident that in this case it was the iron salt
not come under consideration, as these must be and not the soda salt, which was injurious.
looked upon as real colouring matters them- Something of this nature might explain the
selves, and as such adding to the result pro- minus result, but the plus, twenty-five per cent
duced by madder, which addition may produce of the sulphate of potash, is inexplicable. Other
a simple exaltation of the colour, or an entirely substances which are placed in the same list as
different shade, according to the mordant in use. injurious are for the most part really so, but
With regard to these substances which are used those which are marked as beneficial, and im-
in madder dyeing without ill effects, those who proving the results of dyeing, sometimes to a very
employ them should be the best judges of their may be placed in the same
considerable extent,
utility, and their opinion is worth more than category as sulphate of potash. I have tried
that of a person at a distance and unacquainted them almost every one, viewing the results
with the special and, perhaps, exceptional con- practically and commercially in comparison with
ditions under which they work. Nevertheless, pure madder colours, and I have not found any
a general opinion may be expressed, founded improvement in any case, but generally a de-
upon very numerous experiments, made under terioration. There is hardly a chemical salt,
a variety of circumstances, that with a fair in either practical or laboratory use, which I
quality of water and good madder no addition is have not made trial of as an addition to the
necessary, no addition is beneficial, and those madder dye for lilacs, reds, and blacks, and
additions which do not injure the madder only there is not one which gave an improved
leave it where it was as regards its dyeing result which was of the value of the salt em-
powers, and the quality of the colours it pro- ployed, and nine out of ten acted prejudicially,
duces. In the second volume of Persoz's work, altering the shades, robbing the madder, staining
already cited, copied also in Muspratt's Practical the whites, or stopping the dyeing altogether.
Chemistry, are a list of substances tried as ad- After the pieces have been well washed out of
ditions to madder, and before them figures which the dye they are boiled with soap. The use of
pretend to indicate their beneficial or injurious soap for clearing madder colours appears to have
action in dyeing. These figures (taken from originated with the Turkey red dyers : its object
authors who have anonymous essays)
written in prints is two fold — first, to clear the colours

are simply delusory, and bear upon the face of from a dingy red colouring matter which spoils
them evidences of their unreliable character. their shade, and secondly, to make the white
In the list will be found a statement, among parts of the design bright by removing any
others, that the addition of g^th of sulphate colour which is attached to them. It is con-
of potash to madder causes an increase in sidered least injurious to enter the pieces into
tinctorial power equal to twenty-five per cent, the soap solution at a boiling temperature, or at
and, further down 3 that the addition of the the highest temperature which it is intended to
same quantity of sulphate of soda diminishes employ: two or three soapings are necessary
the tinctorial power of the madder by twenty- for the best quality of colours. A good deal of

one per cent, making a difference between colouring matter is lost by soaping ; I have
the two of forty-six per cent, or equivalent to made many attempts to clear and brighten

half the quantity of madder used. This hardly colours without removing a portion of the
needed the test of experiment to be condemned. colouring matter, but with very little success.
I need scarcely say that no madder obtainable Some eminent French authorities consider that
in Manchester was improved even one per cent the fatty acid of the soap enters into combina-
by the addition of sulphate of potash and I ; tion with the oxide of the mordant, and con-
am certain, on the other hand, that pure sul- tributes to its stability and beauty. There is

phate of soda, used in the quantity laid down, reason to doubt this statement in the ordinary


cases of madder dyeing : beyond the difficulty trace of iron, for example, be in the water, it is

of imagining such a combination as taking all with wonderful rapidity, upon the
place under the circumstances, there is the alumina, and spoils the colours far more than it
certainty, that in many analyses no fatty mat- would those from red liquor : if the water also
ter is detected, and that purples are produced, should contain any vegetable matters, they are
of great beauty and stability, from commercial attracted by the alumina, and the colour injured
alizarine without the use of soap or fatty mat- and if left several hours between
the pieces are
ters- No detergent answers as well as soap fixing and dyeing they are subject to irregu-
to remove the injurious brown colouring mat- larities. The care required is consequently very

ters. The alkalies, caustic or carbonated, the great, and many printers have not been suc-
borates, phosphates, and silicates, are all inju- cessful in using the alkaline mordant.
rious to the colours. A final clearing is given by Whether the alkaline or red-liquor mordant
padding in solution of bleaching powder and be employed the dyeing and subsequent treat-
steaming, or in the beck. In French processes, ments are the same. The temperature must
a passage in weak between the soapings,
sours, not be pushed so high as for purples ; should
is often prescribed; this gives a weaker purple, not, in fact, pass 160° or 170°. The madder
with less of the red tinge, and would be pre- must be of good and more finely ground
ferred in some markets. Madder purples are than is necessary for purples on account of the
distinguished from all others by the magnificent low temperature: the time of dyeing is from
purple colour they produce when treated, first two to three hours. After washing from the
by sulphuric acid, at sp. gr. 1*4, and after wash- dye, the first step is to soap, and this must be
ing, plunging in lime water. —
done at quite a low temperature not higher
Madder Pink. — The mordant may be either than 140° F. and last for twenty minutes ;

red liquor or the alkaline aluminate of potash. washed out from this, the colours are cut or
I believe the very best pinks are obtained by reduced by passing the pieces in warm water
means of the alkaline or ash pink mordant; containing very acid oxymuriate of tin. This
but, nevertheless, acetate of alumina is the is a most important operation in obtaining good
mordant most commonly used, and excellent pinks, and requires some attention and tact upon
pinks may be obtained by it. The advantage the part of the dyer. The object to be attained
of the alkaline pink is, that it will stand a hard is to reduce the dull red colour to a bright
drying; but a red-liquor pink must be very orange red, and as the colours are not always
carefully and softly dried on the machine. The equally affected, the proportions of the cutting
difficulty of working the alkaline pink on the agent are not always the same, nor the time in
other hand consists in evenly fixing the mordant, which the cutting is effected. If the pieces are
and then cleansing it from the thickening, To kept too long in the acid liquor the colour be-
necessary to permit the pieces to
effect this it is comes impoverished and bare ; if not long
hang in a moist place long enough to thoroughly enough, they will not soap down to a soft toned
soften the colours ; stoves, with steam escaping pink. It appears better to have the cutting
in, or the ageing machine, are best adapted for solution strong, and perform the operation
this purpose. After a sufficient penetration of quickly, than, on the contrary, to have it weak,
the mordant has taken place, it is fixed by and prolong the time of immersion. The pink
passing through a hot solution of muriate of colour is brought up by one or two subsequent
ammonia or sal ammoniac, and then well soapings, which may be worked at the boil. The
washed. Dung is frequently used along with hue of colour is improved by stewing the pieces
the sal ammoniac ; but, though it may serve to in a pan for an hour or two with soap liquor.
scour the thickening off the cloth, it is not Oxymuriate of tin is sometimes replaced by
really essential, and better omitted if the
is sulphuric or nitric acid, as the cutting agent,
thickening is of a soluble nature. Besides sal but the result of general experience is in favour
ammoniac, muriate or sulphate of zinc may be of the oxymuriate.
used as the fixing agent, but preference is It appears to be common amongst the French
usually given to the former. It appears, from printers to add tin crystals to the final soapings
my experience, that the alumina mordant thus and stewings of the pinks, and they appear to
deposited more susceptible to deleterious in-
is consider that a tin soap is produced which takes
fluences than the mordant obtained from red some part in the colour. I would not recom-
liquor, and is much more easily injured. Thus, mend any such addition to good soap; it may
an inferiority in the water, which would not be useful to a bad or alkaline soap, but how it
tell upon a red-liquor mordant will greatly could do anything but injure a good quality of
injure an alkaline mordant. If the smallest soap is not easily understood.
— ;


The chief essentials to success in madder In other processes sheep's dung and cow dung
pinks are plenty of madder, a low temperature are mixed with the oil, and other minor modi-

in dyeing,and plenty of good soap. fications introduced.

Madder Bed. The ordinary madder red is Garancine is now largely employed in Turkey
dyed upon a strong acetate of alumina mordant, red dyeing, and the operations of clearing and
generally with addition of some tin crystals to brightening much shortened.
give brightness to the colour, and throw off Many attempts have been made to shorten
any iron that might come into contact with it. the processes in the preparation for Turkey red,
Blotch reds are now nearly all confined to but it does not appear with much success ; or if
garancine styles, on account of the greater any considerable change has taken place it is

certainty and less cost with which they can kept secret by the discoverers.
he ohtained. The use of the oil in Turkey reds is, as
Turkey Bed.—-This beautiful and remarkable before stated, enveloped in obscurity. Some
colour differs from a common madder red by chemists consider that the oil forms a true
containing a considerable proportion of some mordant, and have gone to the length of assert-
oily compound in its composition, the nature of ing that alumina is not at all necessary. What
which is not at all understood by chemists. grounds there exist for so strange a statement
The methods of obtaining this red are very are, as far as I know, utterly insufficient for this
complicated, and differ very much in different conclusion, and the result of my own numerous
establishments. The following process oneis experiments are quite opposed to it.t That oil
followed by a house producing very good work, does form a species of mordant is certain, but it
and may serve as a general illustration : is of so weak a nature as never to dye up more

The pieces are not bleached white as for than a simple stain. The probability is that the
printing only, being well bottomed by liming oil, or whatever the oil is changed into, forms

and bowking. The dry pieces are padded in a an excellent basis for the alumina and colouring
mixture of Gallipoli oil and pearl ash, contain- matter, besides which the semi-transparency
ing about 200 lbs. oil, 40 lbs. pearl ash, and 100 communicated to the cloth by the oil is of
gallons water. This quantity is about sufficient value in increasing the lustre of the colour, and
for 4,000 yards of calico. The pieces are ex- adding to its stability.
posed to the air in summer, and to the heat of The use of galls or sumac appears evidently
a stove in cold weather, for twenty-four hours to be due to the increased affinity they give the

then padded again in a mixture of oil, ash, and cloth for the aluminous mordant. It appears,
water, and again dried and exposed ; and so on from the statements of several good authorities,
for as many as eight different treatments for that these astringent substances may be dis-
dark colours. The excess of oil, or that oil pensed with, provided that, instead of using
which has not changed its character by oxida- alum with a little alkali or acetate of lead, the
tion and alkali, is now removed by steeping, ordinary acetate of alumina be employed.
and the pieces well washed. This completes —
Madder Browns. The browns worked with
the oiling, the utility of which is unquestion- madder colours are all derived from catechu,
able, but the principles upon which its efficacy and very similar to those given for Garancine,
depends are at present hidden. page 101, and under Catechu, page 45. The
The next process is the galling and aluming, following two receipts will consequently suffice
which are sometimes separate treatments, but to complete the illustration : —

in this process go together: 60 lbs. of ground Madder Brown.

gall nuts are dissolved in hot water, and 120 lbs. 70 gallons water,
of alum, and 10 lbs. of sugar of lead added to 350 lbs. catechu ; boil ten hours, and add
the liquor, which is made up into 120 gallons. 100 lbs. sal ammoniac,
The pieces are padded in this liquor, dried, and 9 gallons acetic acid thicken with ground

aged three days, then fixed by passing in warm gum Senegal. The colour is made from the
water containing ground chalk; being washed above standard by taking
out of this they are ready for dyeing. The 2 gallons above,
dyeing is in madder, mixed with a little sumac 1 pint acetic acid,
and with blood. For dark colours the pieces 2 pints acetate of copper (page 4).
undergo another galling and aluming after dye- Medium Madder Brown.
ing, aged, fixed, and dyed a second time. They ljlb. catechu,
are now of a very heavy brownish red colour, 3 oz. sal ammoniac,
and are brightened by two or three soapings, 1 pint water ; boil and dissolve, and add
or a passage in acid. 6 oz. nitrate of copper at 80°,
— ; ;


4oz. acetate of copper, the manner described; a water containing mag-
1 quart gum water. nesia may be corrected by the addition of a
This colour will resist light covers of purple. minute quantity of oxalic acid or a larger quan
The following will resist heavier covers, but tity of sal ammoniac.

it does not work well even with composition Sulphate of Magnesia, or Epsom /Salts, is used
doctors : in calico printing to fix the leadmordant on
Resist Madder Brown. chrome orange styles where colours are worked
1 lb. catechu, in combination, which would be injured by sul-
8 oz. sal ammoniac, phuric acid. Sulphate of soda, being cheaper,
1 quart of lime juice at 8°, is generally used instead of Epsom salts. The
5 oz. nitrate of copper at 80°, remaining salts of magnesia are of no interest in
3 oz. acetate of copper, a practical point of view»
2 lbs. gum Senegal. MAHOGANY TREE BARK.-This bark
MAGENTA.— This is the name given to a contains colouring matters which are capable
red colour obtained from aniline. There are of being communicated to mordanted cloth, but
several methods of obtaining it, but the best they are of so dull a nature, and present in so
product appears to be obtained by means of small a quantity, as to render this bark much
Medlock's patent, that is boiling the aniline inferior to other dyeing matters ; it is conse-
with arsenic acid. It is supplied to consumers quently not in use among British dyers.
in the liquid state. The method of its applica MAHOGANY COLOUR.—A reddish-brown
tion to silk and woollen dyeing is very simple. colour. The colour distinctively called maho-
See Aniline, page 14. The most usual method gany or acajou is produced upon calico by mor-
of applying it in calico and delaine printing is danting in a mixture of red and iron liquors
by means of laetarine for the light or pink ageing, dunging, and dyeing in a mixture of
shades, and mixed laetarine and tannic acid for equal weights of madder and quercitron bark,
the crimson shades. For various methods ot with addition of bone size.
fixing see Aniline Colours. It is a very MAIZE COLOUR.— A low toned yellow
fugitive colour upon cotton. orange. The method of obtaining this colour
MAGNESIA.—Magnesia has an alkaline requires no particular description, being the
reaction, but feebler than lime ; it is very spar- same as for orange. On wool, cochineal and
ingly soluble in water; it is expensive, and but fustic are used.
little used in calico printing. Such uses as have MALLOW, or Mallows Colour. —A plant,
been found for it depend upon its power of same as the French Mauve, yielding a bluish
neutralising acids, and exerting a slight alkaline purple flower, gives the name of this colour.
reaction. It has been used with archil in Bro- There are, however, different coloured mallow
quette's patented method ; in the mixing of the flowers, some of which are reddish
purple, hence
colour from the modified archil colours of Guinon, the name not very precise in signification.

and as forming a discharge for indigo colours in The ordinary "mallows red" is exactly the same
combination with red prussiate of potash. as dark crimson.
Caustic magnesia has a powerfully injurious MANGANESE.— The metal manganese is
action upon dyed colours. If pieces of various obtained with difficulty, and is little known.
colours from madder, indigo, logwood, or garan- In the state of black oxide of manganese it is
cine, be boiled in water containing magnesia in an abundant natural product. There are two
suspension, they are in a short time surprisingly principal oxides of manganese, but only one of
deteriorated and permanently injured. The them forms compounds with acids in the general
cause of this action not clear; probably the
is way, and that is the protoxide, formed of single
magnesia may displace some of the mordant of atoms of the metal manganese and oxygen. It
the colours, and not being itself able to yield is this oxide which exists in all the commercial

bright lakes with colouring matters spoils the salts of manganese, and which is produced when
shades. Magnesia added to dyewoods, or to the caustic alkali is added to solutions of them. It
water used in dyeing, is extremely detrimental is white at first, but soon undergoes a change
one per cent of the weight added to a madder from the absorption of oxygen; it assumes a
dye will entirely stop the dyeing, and a less reddish colour, which finally passes into brown,
quantity is very injurious. Magnesian salts are and in that no longer protoxide, but
state it is
present in many waters, and may be the cause either peroxide or a mixture of both oxides.
of failures in dyeing. The neutral salts of mag- The other oxide of manganese is the one found
nesia are not injurious to dyeing, it is only cal- native, and which is extensively employed by
cined magnesia and the carbonate which act in chemical manufacturers in the preparation of
bleaching powder it is never employed in dye-
; them. A piece of calico dipped in a clear solu-
ing or printing, and does not call for any further tion of permanganate of potash soon decolorises
special notice. it, while it gets permanently impregnated with

Sulphate of Manganese. — This substance can the oxide of manganese. Deep and full shades
be prepared by heating the natural peroxide of brown may be thus obtained, and are actually
along with strong sulphuric acid. On the large so produced upon silk and woollen; but, as
done in reverberatory furnaces ; on
scale this is these fabrics must be oxidised in the process, it
the small scale, it can be done in any vessel would be interesting to know whether there is
that will stand the heat and the acid. It re- not a deterioration of their strength. The per-
quires a subsequent purification to free it from manganate of potash has been employed to
earthy matters and iron. It is not much used mark calico, but it will not resist acid treat-
in dyeing or printing at present, although proved ments. Since the permanganate is reduced by
capable of several applications. It serves to pre- all the vegetable thickenings, it can only be ap-

pare the other salts of manganese from, as the plied as a topical colour by being thickened
acetate, muriate, and nitrate. be used as
It can with pipeclay, or some similar non-oxidisable
the bronze liquor, for producing manganese substance.
browns, but it is generally the muriate of man- MANGROVE TREE.— The bark of this
ganese which serves for this purpose ; it receives tree is capable of yielding several of the sad-
an application, in some places, for preparing dened shades to cotton cloth mordanted in alum.
cloth for indigo dipping, by which darker It was formerly employed for dyeing in Man-
colours are obtained in shorter time than with- chester, but, presenting no very desirable results,
out. It has been recently patented as a sub- it has gradually disappeared from the market as

stitute for sulphate of copper or blue stone, for a regular dyestuff.

resisting the indigo vat; but, I am informed, —
MAUVE. As seen above, this is a French
there are great difficulties in the way of its ap- word, equivalent to the English mallows, but,
and it is not in use at present.
plication, on account of the extraordinary popularity of
Muriate of Manganese (Bronze Liquor). This — the aniline colour called mauve, the term has
compound is a secondary product in the manu- become Anglicised, and means a violet or purple
facture of bleaching powder. It is produced in colour. The mauve, distinctively so called, is
very large quantities, so much greater than the product of the action of oxidising agents
there is any demand for that it becomes a diffi- upon salts of aniline, and is nearly all made
culty with some manufacturers how to dispose under Perkins' patent, of August 26, 1856, that
of it but if a recent plan for converting it into
; is,by means of bichromate of potash and sulphate
the peroxide is commercially successful, this of aniline. Its application in dyeing and print-
will no longer be the case. It can be made ing are given under Aniline Colours, page 13.
tolerably pure from the sulphate of manganese, The colour upon woollen and silk is sufficiently
by mean? of muriate of lime. As usually sold stable, but upon calico it is very fugitive how-
it is in a liquid of a slightly pink colour, not ever applied, neither resisting the action of light
likely to contain impurities, nor require any or detergent agents. Its consumption for calico
other test than the hydrometer. It is used for printing has, in consequence, become consider-
obtaining the manganese brown or bronze, by ably diminished.
impregnating the cloth with it at a certain The mauve noire, or purple mallows, contains
strength, and then passing in lime or ash. Like in its flowers a colouring matter apparently
the iron buff, it must be well exposed to the air, similar in some respects to indigo, but whether
in order to raise the colour, or else to some oxi- capable of application or not is unknown. Con-
dising agent, as the chloride of lime. The first siderable quantities of these flowers are con-
action is that the lime throws down the pro- sumed on the continent, and it is suspected that,
toxide upon the cloth, and the second, that this besides their uses in medicine and in doctoring
absorbs oxygen from the air, changes its colour, wine, they are employed in some branch of
until it has absorbed all the oxygen it can, when dyeing.
it is in the state of peroxide, or thereabouts. MAZARINE BLUE.— A deep purplish blue
When the oxides of manganese are heated colour upon stuffsis sometimes called Mazarine;

with alkalies in a manner favourable to oxida- simply dark Prussian blue, sometimes topped
it is

tion, they absorb more oxygen, and form com- with archil.
pounds with them, called manganates and per- MERCERISED C L O T H.— The process
manganates. These compounds have rich co- called mercerising is named from the veteran
lours, which, however, are easily destroyed by calico printer, Mr. John Mercer, who patented
any substance which can take oxygen from several processes of treating cotton cloth, Oct*


24, 1850. The cloth was subjected to the action atmospheric influences, and also to light, undes
of caustic soda, at a strength of from 40° to the combined action of which the compounds of
70° Tw. ; or sulphuric acid, at a strength of 150° mercury are unstable.
Tw. or a solution of chloride of zinc, at 145°
; Acetate of Mercury. —This salt can be produced
Tw., heated to 150° or 160°. These processes, in a pure state by dissolving the red oxide of
which were expected to improve the cloth for mercury in acetic acid. It crystallises in pearly
receiving colour, have not been successful. For scales. For practical uses the acetate is made
an account of the action of caustic soda upon by adding acetate of soda to a solution of the
cotton, see page 89. bichloride.
MERCURY, Quicksilver.— This metal, whose Vermillion. — This is a compound of mercury
physical properties are well known, takes no and sulphur; its brilliant colour is familiar, but
part in either dyeing or printing ; it is only seen it does not suit fibrous material ; its great den-
in the shape of mercury gauges attached to sity also is an objection. Like red lead, this
steam thermometers, and generally
boilers, in colour can be only obtained in the dry way by
as the weight with which hydrometers are means of heat; it cannot be precipitated or thrown
loaded. '
It is about thirteen times heavier than down by mixing compounds of mercury and
water, tarnishes when exposed to the action of sulphur.
heat and moisture, and forms a black substance is, perhaps, even a more
Iodide of Mercury
which an oxide of the metal. Mercury has a
is than vermillion, but it is very
brilliant colour
tendency to amalgamate with most of the metals unstable, and changes even when kept in a
as soon as it is brought into contact with them corked bottle. It has been applied to calico,
it penetrates and deprives them of all their ordi- but it could never be any good. The process of
nary properties, making them powdery and soft fixing consisted in adding solution of iodide of
therefore this metal, and all its salts, must be potassium to bichloride or nitrate of mercury,
kept out of contact with copper, tin, lead, or until the precipitate at first formed was re-
silver vessels; iron is not acted upon by the dissolved ; this was thickened and printed, and
metal, but is attacked by the soluble salts of then passed in weak solution of the mercury
mercury. The compounds which mercury forms salt to raise the colour.
with metals are called amalgams, and are so METALLIC COLOURS.—Up to this time
distinguished from the compounds of all the the application of metals, either in leaf or in
other metals amongst themselves which are powder, to textile fabrics has not met with any
alloys. wide success; but there is reason to believe that
The only compounds of mercury which have if there were any cheap and regular methods
been much used are the bichloride of mercury, of obtaining metallic effects there would be a
or corrosive sublimate, and the acetate of mer- demand for such a style. The chief methods
cury; the iodide of mercury has been a little which have been employed to fix metals are
employed. given under Gold and Hyposulphites.
Bichloride of Mercury is a heavy dense crystal- METHYLATED SPIRITS.-Thisisa
line salt, requiring much water to dissolve it, of mixture of crude distilled spirit with a small
most disagreeable taste, and is a virulent poison. quantity of naptha, which the Government per-
Its principal employment has been for the pur- mits to be sold at a merely nominal di>ty for
plish red colour from murexide, the amaranth trade purposes. It answers nearly all the uses

or Roman purple and for use in this it is for which spirits of wine were formerly con-
generally mixed with acetate of soda to convert sumed, and has been much employed in con-
it, wholly or partially, into acetate. Its chemical nection with dyeing and printing, as a solvent
action in this case is to combine with the of the new colouring matter from aniline.
murexide, to form a salt of mercury, the com- MIXED FABRICS, DYEING OF. — Of
position of which is not well known, and which late years this has become a distinct branch of
possesses the beautiful colour which distinguishes dyeing, and is very much required, principally
this amaranth. As a rule, any colour of which formixed woollen and cotton goods. There are
mercury, or a salt of mercury, forms an essential two kinds of dyeing, called double and single
constituent, will be a loose colour, for, although dyeing ; in the first, or double dyeing, the
some compounds of mercury may be used in woollen threads have a different colour from the
oil painting without fading, it must be considered cotton threads, in the second both are to be of
that they are not exposed to the action of the the same shade, or as nearly as possible. I give
air— the oil forms a varnish over them and some brief hints of the methods employed in
protects them, but colours on calico and other obtaining these results.
fibres are exposed in a peculiar manner to the Double Dyeing. — The Wool Light Blue and the


Cotton Pink. — Dye the wool first with sulphate of minutes. If the process has been well carried
indigo, in a bath made sour with vitriol, working on, there will be sufficient tin adhering to the
at about 140°, when the shade is produced wash cotton to enable it to dye up a lilac, while the

out, and dye up the cotton a safflower pink. low temperature at which it is worked prevents
(See Safflower.) the wool from being affected. If, however, the
The Wool Crimson and the Cotton Blue. — colour does not come up deep enough, it must
Treat the piece as if all wool for crimson, the be washed out of the logwood, winced in weak
cotton will not take the mordant, and, conse- bichloride of tin for ten minutes or a quarter of
quently, not dye up; wash out clear, and dye an hour, washed, and again entered into the log-
the cotton Prussian blue, by first mordanting wood.
cold in a mixture of nitrate of iron, muriate of The Wool Lilac and the Cotton Crimson. —
tin, and a little tartaric acid, rince out well, and Dye the wool blue with sulphate of indigo, in
dye in prussiate of potash sharpened with vitriol. an acidulated bath, until dark enough; then
If the crimson found to be dulled by the iron,
is drain and work in bichloride of tin at 4° for
a passage in spirits of salts, with some
weak twenty-five minutes, and turn over into peach-
crystals of tin added, will revive it. wood liquor, mixed with bichloride or tin quite
The Wool Yellow and the Cotton Blue. Treat — clear, and work in or pass through a jigger until
the piece as if all wool for yellow, the cotton the required shade is obtained. If the cloth
will not dye ; wash, and dye the blue as in the dyed blue be previously passed in sumac for
preceding case. half an hour before going into the tin, more of
The Wool Orange and the Cotton Blue. Treat — this metal will be fixed, and darker and more
the pieces as if all wool for cotton, i.e. mordant- purplish crimson produced.
ing in tin and tartar, and dyeing in cochineal The Wool Green and the Cotton Chocolate. —
and fustic; the cotton is thereby only faintly Treat the piece as all wool for the green part
tinged. Dye a Prussian blue on the cotton as (p. 108), then work in sumac liquor for half an

before. hour and pass in a mixture of logwood, cochineal,

The Wool Green and the Cotton Pink.—The and bichloride of tin, proportioned according to
wool is dyed green by aluming and dyeing in the shade of chocolate required. If a chestnut
fustic and sulphate of indigo, or by a mixture or yellow chocolate be required, some fustic
of picric acid and sulphate of indigo. The liquor may be added.
cotton is dyed pink by safflower. The Wool Black and the Cotton Crimson. — The
The Wool Purple and the Cotton Blue. The — cloth is boiled for half an hour in bichromate of
purple colour is produced by working the wool potash, acidulated with sulphuric acid, say 6 oz.
for forty minutes in archil ; the blue is obtained bichromate and 4 oz. sulphuric acid to 40 yards
as before. of delaine; but this will of coarse depend upon
The Wool Chocolate and the Cotton Yellow at the weight of cloth. Wash out, then dye in

One Operation. The piece is dyed with archil logwood, to which a minute quantity of sul-
and turmeric, the bath being kept feebly alka- phuric acid has been added —not more than just
line. The result is that the archil goes to the out of the logwood
suffices to take the purple —
wool, giving a lilac, and the turmeric to the then work at the boil for about an hour, lift, and
cotton, giving a yellow. The pieces are then wash. To brighten the colour, and to clear the
raised,and passed in a feebly acid bath with cotton, work for a few minutes in clearing
sulphate of indigo; the blue going to the wool liquor, made from bleaching powder and crystals
converts it into chocolate, while the cotton is of soda, then wash and dye the cotton crimson
not affected. by the method given previously.
The Wool Grey and the Cotton Pink.—Treat The Wool Royal Blue and the Cotton Pink, —
the piece with alum and tartar, and dye up the The wool dyed Prussian blue by one of the

grey as for all wool with cochineal and sulphate processes given page 31, preferrably to the pro.
of indigo afterwards dye the cotton in safflower
; cess of working in a nearly boiling mixture of

for the pink. yellow prussiate, acid, and tin salt. The pink is
The Wool Orange and the Cotton Purple. The — given by working in bichloride of tin, and then
cloth is mordanted in tin and tartar, and the in peach wood or the safflower pink may be

colour dyed with cochineal and fustic, at nearly employed.

the boiling point. To dye the cotton purple or By these processes, and others which will
lilac, a bath is prepared with clear water and readily suggest themselves, almost any two
the smallest quantity of logwood liquor that will colours may be dyed upon delain or other fabric
effect the dyeing; the piece being cooled, is in which the warp or weft are of different fibres.
worked in this quite cold for fifteen or twenty Only wool and cotton have been mentioned, be-
cause they are practically the only ones which made by a boiling solution of carbonate of soda
usuallycome under the dyers' hands. Silk very the cotton takes up the colouring matter of the
rarely occurs, hut it can he done in the same turmeric rapidly when it is saturated the piece

manner, hut less successfully than wool. is rinced and again worked in the bichloride of
Single Colour upon a Mixed Fabric. — Some- tin, and left to drain. The dyeing is completed
times the colour can he dyed by one process, by preparing a bath of peachwood, with a small
and sometimes two different processes have to quantity of logwood, in which is dissolved a
be used, as will be seen in the following ex- quantity of alum and tartar ; the piece/is en-
amples : tered at 140°, and the heat increased to the boil,
Grey, by One Operation. —
Work hot in decoc- and taken out when the cotton and wool are
tion of logwood for half an hour, then lift and perceived to have the same shade. If the
add copperas to the bath, when dissolved work colours are not equal, other ingredients must
in for another half hour. If the greys are re- be added to remedy this defect. If the wool,
quired reddish, some peachwood must be added for example, is redder than the cotton, a little
if yellowish, some fustic. extract of indigo added soon changes it ; if, on
Royal Blue, by One Operation. Mordant in — the other hand, the cotton is redder than the
a rather strong mixture of nitrate of iron and wool, the addition of some more logwood will
crystals of tin, with a little tartaric acid pass ;
equalise the shade ; if the wool is too purplish,
the cloth through several times, and leave some a little archil corrects it ; if the cotton is too
hours before washing out. Prepare a mixture purplish, more of the red wood must be added.
of two parts red and three parts yellow prussiate, The dyeing of this colour presents great prac-
five parts sal ammoniac, and three parts oil of tical difficulties and requires much experience.
vitriol, dissolved in as little water as it is pos- Chestnut on both Wool and Cotton. Proceed —
sible to run the cloth in; heat up to 90°, and as in the last case, as far as giving the tumerie
work the cloth very well, gradually raising the ground, then pass in a strong catechu bath, and
heat up to the boil in an hour then lift, and
; raise in bichromate of potash. As the cotton
add four parts of oil of vitriol and a small quan- takes up more colour than the wool by this
tity of crystals of tin, enter again, and work at treatment, the shade is equalised by turning the
the boil until the colour is well developped. cloth, for half an hour, in a boiling bath of
The high temperature is necessary to get the turmeric and archil. The shades can be cor-
wool well dyed, but it is unfavourable to the rected, if at variance, by the same means as for
cotton, which will be frequently found less deep chocolate.
than the wool this can be remedied by after-
; Black on both Wool and Cotton. The wool is —
wards treating the cloth as if for dyeing blue firstmordanted by boiling the cloth in bichro-
on cotton, quite cold. mate of potash acidulated with sulphuric acid,
Green, by Two Operations. —
The cotton is dyed afterwards the cloth is passed, for half an hour,
firsta yellow, with turmeric kept slightly alka- in a decoction of sumac, at 150° F., lifted and
line, then passed in nitrate of iron and tin drained then passed in nitrate of iron, at 6°

crystals as for dying blue,washed and raised in Tw., for twenty minutes, and rinced. The
yellow prussiate. The wool is dyed by mor- dyeing is completed in logwood and fustic, with
danting in alum and tartar, adding at the same the addition of a little tartar.

time fustic and sulphate of indigo the cloth is; —

Another Method. Steep all night in decoction
worked hot until the shade on the wool is of sumac, and work for an hour in a mixture of
similar to that of the cotton. green copperas, blue copperas, and tartar, wash,

Pink, by Two Operations. The wool is mor- and dye in a decoction of logwood hot, raising
danted in tin and tarter, and dyed up with with copperas.
cochineal to the shade. The pink on the cotton In all these processes much care and address is
is obtained from safflower. required to produce good and regular work ; there
Light Blue, by —
Two Operations. Dye the cot- is not much choice of materials, and most of the
ton first by mordanting in nitrate of iron and colours are fugitive. Although the wool and
tin crystals,and raising in yellow prussiate ; cotton may be
very nearly the same in shade
then dye the wool by working the piece warm they do not long remain so in wear, the cotton
in sulphate of indigo, acidulated with oil of fading much more rapidly than the wool under
vitriol. the same treatment or exposure. — (See also
Dark Chocolate.— The, cloth is boiled in alum Delaine.)
for about an hour, then worked cold for another MORDANTS A mordant is a substance
hour in bichloride of tin at about 7°, and then which can exert an affinity for the fibrous mate-
dipped in a strong clear solution of turmeric, rial to which it is applied, and which possesses
at the same time an attraction for colouring indigo, which enjoys peculiar properties, unlike
matters. It is necessary that it should possess any other colouring matter, all these are loose,
these double properties, or it cannot be consi- unstable colours. They cannot be combined
dered as a mordant. There are substances with mordants under any of the usual conditions
which combine with fibrous materials without of such combinations, and are obliged to stand

showing any affinity for colours, and there are alone.

others which have an affinity for colours but There are certain conditions necessary to a
which cannot contract any adhesion to the fibre. mordant which should be always borne in mind,
Neither of these can be called mordants. Mor- for, unless they are fulfilled, the mordanting

dants are not very numerous, and may be divided will altogether fail or be deficient to a greater
into mordants proper and mordants of a dubious or less degree. Solubility is the first essential

nature; the first class consisting of those metallic in a mordant; unless the metallic oxide, which
saltswhose oxides seem to effect an intimate is to act as a mordant, can penetrate into the

chemical union with the fibre and colouring very heart of the fibres it will not be able to
matter, and the second consisting of a number of resist washings, and it can only find such entrance
substances which, possessing some affinities for by being in a state of clear solution. A capa-
colouring matter, do not appear to combine with bility of becoming insoluble is the second essen-
the cloth in a chemical but rather to adhere in a tial in a mordant. It is apparent that if the
mechanical manner. Belonging to the first are solution of a mordant could carry it into the
the mineral mordants, salts of iron, zinc, alumina, fibre, the same solubility would carry it back

tin, and copper; to the second belong vegetable again, unless means were taken to fix it perma-
and animal matters, as galls, oils, albumen, nently upon the spot to which it had penetrated.
caseine, and two or three others similar in This condition of becoming insoluble is effected
nature. In wool, silk, and other animal fabrics, in a variety of ways. The metallic oxide is
there naturally exists an affinity for colouring combined with a volatile acid, like the acetic,
matters, but not to an extent sufficient to yield which flies off and leaves it insoluble in the
general good results. fibre; —
this is the most common and generally
From the above definition of a mordant, it is —
employed method; or it is combined with any
evident that it is an intermediary agent, uniting other non-volatile acid, and methods taken to
two substances which of themselves have no remove the acid by chemical means, such as
special affinity. Its powers extend on both passing in alkaline baths, exposing to vapour of
sides, and must be equally effective on each; on ammonia, and the like; or, as in the case of
the one to hold firmly to the cloth, on the other nitrate of iron, a salt is chosen which holds one
to retain the colouring matter in a close state of part of oxide in a comparatively loose state,

combination. There are very few colours which and, whendiluted with water, allows the feeble
can combine with either vegetable or animal affinity of the fibre to take it from the acid.

tissues without the aid of a mordant, and, of This is the case also with alum, when a portion
several which can do so, the majority are much of the acid has been removed by the addition of
improved, both in brilliancy and fastness, by the alkaline salts. The vegetable and animal mor-
presence of a mordant. The colouring matters dants are different in their method of adhering
of madder, logwood, fustic, etc., are only able to to the fibre. Oil, as used in Turkey red dyeing,
give a feeble stain to unmordanted calico, but, undergoes a change by exposure to the air, which
by the assistance of mordants, they communicate renders it insoluble and irremovable by ordinary
fast, full, and brilliant colours; on woollen, also, agents. Albumen and similar substances possess
though several of the colouring matters can give a mechanical affinity for the cloth; they are
a shade to the cloth, without a mordant it is applied in the soluble state, and become insoluble
poor and feeble in most cases, short of lustre, by heat, or some other agent, which coagulates
and possessing a very inferior degree of stability. them they embrace the fabric in a reticulation

On calico there are a few colouring matters of fibres, and maybe considered rather as holding
whose peculiar natures allow them to contract to the surface than as retained in the interior of
an adhesion to the cloth without any mordant, the fibre. This leads to the question, which
and it cannot be said that the presence of a may be what is the nature of
naturally asked,
mordant adds in any way to the depth or sta- the combination which takes place between the
bility of the colours which they can produce. mordant and the fibre? Unfortunately there
These colouring matters are indigo, safflower, cannot be any direct positive answer given to
and anotta. On woollen the number may be this question ; it is involved in doubt and con-

extended to a few more, as picric acid, archil, troversy, and the evidence on the various views
and aniline colours. With the exception of is so inconclusive that no satisfactory result has


been arrived at. The insoluble particles of the A
mordant may be applied to a cloth in three
mordant may be retained in a simply mechanical ways, with regard to the colouring matter. (1)
manner by the fibre, which is supposed to be It may be applied before it ; this is the usual

hollow, and to act the part of a trap. The fibres case in calico printing, for dyed goods, and fre-
may be porous, and the acid solutions, penetrating quently in piece dyeing. (2) It may be applied
the pores, leave their oxides in contact with the after the colouring matter ; this is perhaps the
walls of the pores, from which they cannot most usual case in piece dyeing, where the
escape, either by reason of the narrowness of pieces are first passed through the extract of
the pores or some supposed angularity of the the colouring matter and then through the me-
metallic oxides. The mordants may form a tallic mordant or (3) it may be applied at the

chemical combination with the matter of the same time as the colouring matter this is the ;

fibre, and so hold on to each other until separated case with many colours in dyeing, and with all
by more powerful chemical agents, or destruction steam and spirit colours in calico printing. The
by time or the fibre may possess some active
; first case, vi2., that of applying the mordant

power of adhesion on its exterior walls, for before the colouring matter, is a necessity in
metallic oxides, and they may be held together printing designs upon the fabric to be dyed ; it

by virtue of the power of contact. All these is necessary also that should be fixed upon

theories are held, and the evidences which can the cloth in a very perfect manner before going
be drawn from chemical or microscopical obser- into the dye; because a design requires that
vations do not actually tell more on one side there should be at least two shades of colour,
than on the other. In the absence of any satis- one of which may be the white of the cloth
factory scientific account, we may take the and it is easily seen that if the mordant were
practical supposition that the particles of mor- loose, or floating about in the dye beck, it

dants are held by the fibres in a state of chemical would attach itself indiscriminately to all parts,
freedom, capable of exerting all their affinities, and destroy the design. This fixing of the mor-
and drawing to themselves those substances for dant necessitates several processes unknown in
which they have an attraction. piece dyeing. The second applying
case, that of

The affinity which the mordants have for the the colouring matter before the mordant, can
colouring matters is undoubtedly of a chemical only be used in self-coloured fabrics, and has
nature; a given quantity or strength of mordant arisen from motives of convenience and economy.
can combine with only a certain amount of It usually happens that the mordant is much

colouring matter to produce a certain shade, cheaper than the colouring matter in regard to
and, as is the case in most chemical combinations, the quantities which have to be used, and the
the colour of the resulting compound bears no colouring matter can be more completely used
necessary resemblance to that of the constituents. up and less wasted by employing an excess of
The shades of colour which any dyewood can mordant than in the contrary case. The method
give each mordant, and for various
differ for of using the mordant and colouring matter
strengths same mordant; the same
of the together is one of limited application, because
colouring matter yielding shades which appear in the generality of cases insoluble lakes are
quite opposite in their nature, as, for example, formed which are not well adapted for giving
madder, which with weak alumina mordants good and fast colours, but in several cases of
gives pink; with strong, red; with weak iron dyeing such a mixture is used. In calico
mordants, lilac or violet; and with strong, black printing it is possible to use the colouring

colours ; while a mixture of iron and alumina matter in a concentrated state, and in combi-
mordants yields various shades of chocolates. nation with acids and other matters, which keep
And these colours are undoubtedly derived or it and the mordant in a state of solution, for a

derivable from one single colouring matter. time at least, until the affinities of the cloth
The power of the mordant is therefore very come into play, assisted by extraneous agents,
great in influencing the shade. such as steaming, passing in alkalies, and the
A given mordant has not the same properties like, which cause the formation of an insoluble

upon all kinds of fibre. The tin mordant, so compound of the mordant and colouring prin-
extensively employed in woollen dyeing, and ciple, which then adheres to the cloth. For the

yielding fast colours, is a very feeble mordant chief mordants see Acetates, Alum, Ieon, and
on cotton, and never gives colours comparable Tin.
for fastness with those of alumina or iron. On MOEINE and MOEEINE.— The names of
the contrary, iron mordants are very difficult to pure colourable principles extracted from fustic.
employ on woollen, for reasons which have been MORINDA CITEIFOLIA, Sboranjee.—A
previously stated. species of East Indian madder, said to dye up
very durable, but somewhat dull colours. It is cated a paper to the " Societe Industrielle de
used by the natives to produce a species of Mulhouse," accompanied by specimens of colour
Turkey red dye. According to Dr. Anderson, upon woollen cloth. There was not much in
who made experiments with a substance sup- their communication that was really an advance
posed to be roots of morinda citrifolia, it gives upon the statement in Leuch, as far as regards
no colours to ordinary mordanted cloth, but, the colouring of woollen cloth by alloxan, but
curiously enough, dyes up full colours with there were many useful suggestions and state-
cloth prepared for Turkey red dyeing. Ban- ments, the results of an advanced chemical
croft, and others, who have examined a sub- knowledge upon the subject of uric acid and its
stance under the same name, found no difficulty transformations. The authors attributed the
in dyeing common mordanted cloth with it. production of the colour by the heated iron to

MOSSES. The Ghondrus crispus, commonly the transformation of the alloxan into murexide,
called carrageen or Irish moss, yields a muci- or purpuric acid ; but the idea does not seem to
lage, which has been used as a substitute for have occurred to them to make murexide itself
size in finishing. It has also been employed as and try it as a colour, and they state definitely
a substitute for gum in block printing its that they cannot obtain any colour on cotton

thickening powers are, however, inferior. cloth to withstand cold water. The sanguine
Some mosses contain colouring matter: the authors of this communication hardly dared to

bryum steUare gives a coloured juice brown at look upon this subject as one which came within
first, which soon changes into green, and finally the limits of practical application, but rather as
acquires a blue-green colour. The lichens, an interesting experiment which must be con-
which are nearly similar to the mosses, yield fined to the laboratory on account of its diffi-
several colours. culty and the costliness of the materials used.
MUNGEET, Manjit, etc.— This is a kind of The making of murexide itself, and the possible
madder imported from the East Indies. It does application of it as a colouring matter, would
not contain much colouring matter, and appears even at that time be considered as imprac-
to be rather the reedy stem than the root of a ticable; ,for even as a laboratory product it
plant, as our European madders are. It is used was a rarity, and beyond the supposed difficulty
for making low qualities of garancine it can be
; of its preparation was the belief that its solu-
employed, but with doubtful advantage, as a bility and the absence of any coloured combina-
substitute for madder in some classes of work tions of it with metals would prevent its being of
it does not stain the whites so much as madder. any use as a colouring matter. Some time after-
MUREXIDE.— The red colour obtained wards a French chemical manufacturer secured
from this substance has created a great deal of a patent (English patent, dated Feb. 3, 1857),
interest amongst printers and dyers since its in- and sent abundance of murexide into the market,
troduction, about five years ago. For purity along with a process of applying it on calico.
and brilliancy of shade it was not excelled by The first murexide sent into the market was a
any other colour, and, though expensive, it was reddish purple powder, dissolving in water with
easy and certain in its application. Its fugitive a fine purple colour, leaving a little residue un-
nature has for the present limited its employ- dissolved. Improvements were soon made in
ment very much, but it is to be hoped that its manufacture, and there has been sent into
something may yet be done which will make the market murexide in crystals almost chemi-
this magnificent colour better able to stand the cally pure, and with that green metallic reflec-
effects of light and air, when it cannot fail to be tion peculiar to this body and the wings of cer-
frequently and regularly employed in certain tain insects. There are two principal methods
styles. by which it can be prepared, but the details
It was known, upwards of thirty years ago, would be too long and inapplicable here, be-
that when the uric acid, obtained from guano, cause it is a pure manufacturing process, and
or other sources, was treated with nitric acid, it not as such specially connected with printing
yielded a white crystalline substance, called or dyeing.
alloxan, which stained the fingers and nails red, The composition of murexide is not known
and a method is given, in Leuch's treatise upon with any degree of certainty it may be looked

colouring matters, by which woollen cloth may upon as an acid body, or containing an acid,
foe dyed purple by steeping it in solution of called from its colour the purpuric acid; and
alloxan, drying, and then passing a heated iron the purplish-red colour it produces with oxide
over it. Not much more notice was taken of of mercury, or a salt of mercury, may be called
this matter until the year 1853, when Sacc and the purpurate of mercury. The method of ob-
Schluniberger revived the idea, and communi- taining the colour from murexide can be modi-
fied in several ways ; but it is usual to make a The same thing happens again, to a still greater
strong solution of nitrate of lead, from three to extent, the worn dress losing much more
five pounds per gallon of water, thicken, and than the unworn patch, until at a third wash-
while at blood heat dissolve in it the required ing the dress will have lost all its brightness
quantity of the murexide, from four to eight and become yellow. This seems to be owing
ounces per gallon, stirring it well. This colour to the movement of the fibres one upon the
is printed, aged a short time, exposed to the other, inducing a change in the form of the
vapours of ammonia for a few minutes, passed mercurial pigment for it may be observed that

through cold water, and then into a raising pit the parts most subject to rough movement, as
containing bichloride of mercury, or corrosive the lower flounces which touch the floor, are
sublimate, at the rate of about two ounces to a most and soonest injured. It is probable that
gallon of water, and usually mixed with a small the precipitated purpurate of mercury is crys-
quantity of acetate of soda and acetic acid. The talline in form, and not amorphous ; at any rate

colour may be considered as finished, or it may its behaviour suggests something of that nature,

be again exposed to ammoniacal vapours to give and the taste of mercury which can be per-
it a modified shade, or passed in dilute acetic ceived upon masticating a little calico coloured
acid. The exposure to ammonia in the first with it, seems also to point out a degree of
instance sometimes dispensed with, but I do
is solubility in the compound, or else a power on
not think so good or full a shade can be ob- the part of the saliva to decompose the coloured
tained without it. By using acetate of zinc in- salt and appreciate the mercury. The red colour

stead of the bichloride of mercury an agreeable is easily injured or destroyed by heat, it will not
shade of yellow is produced, but not so much sustain the action of steam, and though a little
esteemed as the red. This colour stands wash- soap does not much injure it, and may in fact
ing well in water, and is not injured by weak be employed when cold to produce a modified
soaping ; it two
retains its brilliancy for at least shade, a boiling in soap is almost destructive to
years, when kept from and light ; but, un-
air it. No attempts to fasten this colour have been
fortunately, a short exposure to a good light successful thus far, and though represented by
is enough to spoil it, and it must be classed some houses as a fast colour, and sold as such,
amongst the fugitive colours. It is quite pos- it is only in the name ; there is actually no

sible that some modification of this colouring difference in the stability of the colour thus
matter may be found to give more permanent guaranteed and that ordinarily produced.
colours, but it is contrary to all analogy to Woollen does not take colour well from mu-
expect that a mercurial mordant will ever do rexide : it can be dyed with it, but it does not
it. All the salts of mercury are subject to receive full and deep shades. The best colour
decompositions in a more remarkable degree from the uric acid products for wool is derived
than the other salts of metals used in printing directly from alloxan, which is a colourless
and dyeing, and even among metals of the same body in itself ; but being dissolved in water and
chemical class they are distinguishable by their applied to woollen cloth, and the material hung
inferior stability. This is the case with mineral up in a room with ammoniacal vapours circu-
acids, and is more remarkable still with organic lating in the atmosphere, it takes a deep reddish
acidst It would be a matter for surprise if a purple or amaranth colour. This change can
compound of mercury, with a highly organised be effected more rapidly by heating the woollen,
body like murexide, should not be alterable but not so regularly. The cofour thus produced
under the agencies of heat, light, and air. The resists washing in water and weak soap, and is
murexide red undergoes some molecular change not particularly acted upon by atmospheric
on the cloth not accompanied by a change of agency. The comparative expense of the
colour, but connected with some change of form alloxan, and the possibility of obtaining shades
which renders it less adherent to the fabric. If nearly similar with cheaper substances, will
a murexide coloured dress be worn a few times prevent this colour from being used to any
under favourable circumstances, it will not great extent.
differ much in shade from a piece of it which Silk receives a fine red colour from murexide.
has been exposed to the same atmospheric in- It may be communicated by passing the silk
fluences but kept quiet. If the dress and the first in a bath of the bichloride of mercury,
piece kept be subjected to washing together in and then adding the murexide to the liquor ; or,
cold water, the dress will be found to lose colour having two liquors, the mercury and murexide,
to a perceptible extent, the water becoming separate, and passing from one to the other
coloured at the same time ; the piece not worn until the required shade has been obtained.
does not suffer to nearly the same degree. The kind of red thus produced is not one in


demand, and I believe is never made now. It hardly distinguishable shade can be obtained
is subject to the same influences and changes as in several ways preferable on the score of
the colour upon calico, fading and washing out economy and stability of colour. It is not
like it after an exposure of a few days to the used.
air and light. MYRABOLANS.— An East Indian product,
The orange-yellow colour which can be pro- which contains a kind of tannin matter. It has
duced from mnrexide, by means of the salts of been slightly used by the dyers of this country,
zinc being used instead of mercury, is a pleasant as a substitute for galls and sumac.
colour, but not remarkable. similar andA
NANKEEN COLOUR.— This name is NITRIC ACID, Aquafortis.— Nitric acid is a
usually given to the shade of buff obtained from compound of nitrogen and oxygen; it is entirely
iron salts. In piece dyeing the cloth is run a manufactured article, never being found free
through copperas liquor, and then through lime in nature; it is all obtained from either saltpetre,
water. For lighter shades nitrate of iron is pre- which is a nitrate of potash, or from nitrate of
ferable.The colour may be softened both in ap- soda, the Chilian saltpetre. It is a strong acid,
pearance and to the feel, by finally working in and possesses powerful oxidising properties. It
warm soap suds. Anotta gives rather yellow is not used in bleaching, and very little in either

nankeen shades, which may be combined with dyeing or calico printing, but it is employed in
the chrome yellow. As nankeen is compounded considerable quantities by the manufacturing
of yellow and red, it may be produced by em- chemists who make drugs for dyers and printers.
ploying red and yellow dyeing materials in It is used for making nitrate of iron, nitrate of
conjunction. lead, oxymuriate of tin, and several of those
NAPTHALINE.— This is the name of a solutions of tin known as dyer's spirits; it is

solid greasy substance which is obtained in large used for a few colours in calico printing, and
quantities from coal tar. It enters into an sometimes to cut madder pinks, that is, to reduce
infinite number of combinations with the chemi- the red to a softer shade. It is occasionally
cal elements, some of which approach so near in employed to give silk a fast yellow colour, by
composition to natural colouring matters that passing it through tolerably strong acid, and
strong hopes have been entertained of being washing directly. It has the property of tinging
able to produce them from it. Up to tbe present all or most animal substances of a yellow colour

time, however, it is not known that any available it is used for etching rollers and deepening en-

colour has been obtained from this source. gravings, and in several other trifling cases.
NENUPHAR, Nymphoea Alba, White Water The strength of nitric acid is usually determined
Lily. —This plant contains an astringent matter, by the hydrometer, which is a good enough test
which enables it answer the same purposes as
to between honest people, but it is possible to make
galls and sumac. widely used in the eastern
It is it seem strong by putting vitriol in, and one or

parts of the continent in garancine dyeing, but two other substances. Commercial nitric acid
I am not aware of its having been applied in is occasionally contaminated with large quantities

England. of spirits of salts or muriatic acid. It is the

NICARAGUA WOOD.— One of the red most expensive of the acids used in large quan-
woods, similar to peachwood and sapan wood; tities, and there are inducements to mix cheaper

the same apparently as Santa Martha wood. acids or salts with it. The test for muriatic

Its quality is variable, sometimes not worth one acid is nitrate of silver; for sulphuric acid, or
sixth of the price of Brazil wood, sometimes vitriol, nitrate of baryta, diluting the aquafortis
worth as much as one half. to be tested with pure water, so as to allow the
NICKEL. —A comparatively rare metal, dis- tests to show properly. If any solid substance
tinguished by yielding salts of an apple green is present it is detected upon boiling down a
colour. It has
been tried both as a substantive little of the acid to dryness, in a proper vessel.
colour and as a mordant, but did not give any If the acid be unadulterated its strength will be
promising results. With dyewoods generally in proportion to the figure it stands at upon the
it gives the same kind of colours as iron. Twaddle. The very strongest nitric acid that
Cobalt is a metal usually associated with can be made contains some water, so that com-
nickel, and nearly resembling it in chemical mercial nitric acid is a mixture of a certain
character. It acts as a mordant, but does not quantity of real supposed dry nitric acid and
yield any specially interesting colours. water, and by consulting the following table the
quantity of real acid in commercial aquafortis, of madder reds, produced its effects by some nitroua
any given strength, can be ascertained. The acid, or hyponitrous, contained in it, I tried the
table is adapted from Dr. Ure's determinations. effect of the bi-oxide of nitrogen mixed with air

Table showing the Quantity of Anhydrous Nitric upon madder red previously damped.
strips of

Acid in One Hundred Parts of Liquid Acid, at The was prompt and energetic,
action of the gas

various Densities. the whole colour was changed to a yellowish

shade; upon soaping, it developed into a fine
Dry Acid Dry Acid i
Dry Acid Dry Acid
Tw. in 100 Tw. in 100 Tw. in 100 Tw. in 100 pink. If the gas was too strong, or the fents
Parts. Parts. Parts. Parts.
left in too long, the change to yellow became

100 79-70 65 44-50 46 31-20 28 19-90 permanent, and soaping only developed a cinna-
96 73-32 62 42-20 44 30-00 26 18-50 mon shade, which appeared to be quite as stable
92 68-54 60 40-60 42 28-80 24 17-20 as other madder colours, resisting the action ot
88 64-50 58 39-10 40 27-60 22 15-90
soap, acids, and chloride of lime. This experi-
84 59-77 56 37-80 38 26-40 20 14-40
80 56-58 54 36-60 36 25 00 15 1100 ment only proves that the nitrous acid generated
76 52-60 52 3510 34 23-90 10 7-50 by the mixture of the gas with the air could
72 49-41 50 34-00 32 2250 5 3-50 produce the same effects as the oxymuriate.
68 47-00 48 32-60 30 21*40
Nitrous Acid.— This acid is formed when the
The best method of ascertaining the actual bi-oxide mixes with air, and is the ruddy
value of nitric acid is to determine the amount coloured gas which is produced in several cases
of other acids present, and deduct them from the of the action of nitric acid upon metals, when
gross acidity of the sample under examination. the operation is carried on in contact with the
The hydro-chloric acid is determined as chloride air. To procure it in its pure state, nitrate of

of silver, and the sulphuric acid as sulphate of lead is heated in a retort, when it distils over.
baryta. The whole may be tested
acidity of the It has a suffocating effect when inhaled, supports
by ascertaining how much pure carbonate of combustion, and is readily decomposed. No
soda a given quantity can neutralise. Pure applications, at present : the remarks under the
nitric acid for laboratory or special purposes is bi-oxide are applicable here as well.
obtained by precipitating the hydro-chloric acid NITRO-CUMINIC ACID — This acid is

from ordinary acid by nitrate of silver, and then interesting on account of the colours which it

distilling. If there is no other impurity but yields. According to M. Jules Persoz, calico
hydro-chloric acid present, it may be expelled dipped in it made hot, and exposed to the sun,
by keeping the acid at near its boiling point, on acquires a scarlet red colour, which, by various
a sand bath, for several hours. treatments, is converted into a pure and bright
Nitric Oxide. —
It is a gas, colourless, mixes pink.
with air or oxygen, and forms red or orange NITROGENOUS MATTERS.— This term,
coloured vapours, such as are produced in frequently found in treatises upon dyeing, indi-
making nitrate of iron, or several kinds of dyer's cates a class of organic substances which contain
spirits. oxygen is very great; it
Its affinity for nitrogen. Most animal matters, such as flesh,
is best prepared by acting upon nitric acid, with urine, dung, milk, etc., are nitrogenous sub-
copper turnings; the copper withdraws oxygen stances. The use of animal substances in cotton
from the nitric acid to form nitrate of oxide of dyeing is thought to be connected in some way
copper, and the gas is evolved. with the communication of a nitrogenised prin-
No applications; but is, I think, capable of ciple to the fibre, but the efforts of chemists to
receiving some. It is a carrier of oxygen, and investigate this point have not yet succeeded in
may, perhaps, be usefully employed as such; it penetrating the obscurity which surrounds it.

is not applicable as an oxidiser for on colours, NONA. — An East Indian root, apparently of
account of the formation of the nitrous acid and the same kind as madder, being used to obtain
its apparent conversion into nitric acid. Acting the same colours. It is not imported, or at least
under the impression that the oxymuriate of is not known in England under this name.
tin, used for cutting or altering the shade of


OAK BARK.— This bark has been slightly of which is not so suitable for the dyer as for
used in dyeing to produce shades of drab, grey, the tanner.
etc. Its value lies altogether in the astringent OILS AND FATTY MATTERS.— Oils of
matter which it contains, the quality and quantity various kinds are used in printing and dyeing
; — ;


to a considerable extent, but in only one or two the oils are exposed to the air in thin films, as
cases as directly connected with the production on paper soaked in them, or painted on wood, or
of colours ; but these oils are so important in as lubricants on machinery. The drying oils
many respects as subsidiary agents, that a are suitable for painting and varnish making,
knowledge of the properties of the principal and quite unfit for machinery, while, on the
of them is necessary. Oils are divided into contrary, the rancid oils are adapted for all
two classes, namely, fat oils and essential oils; a lubricating purposes, and quite unfit for paint-

fat oil being what is popularly understood un- ing, never becoming dry. The chief fatty
der the name of oil, its distinguishing character matters in use on a print or dye works are as

being to give a greasy spot on paper which follows :

does not disappear by warming; the essential Tallow.— This is the melted fat of animals,
oils resemble turpentine, most of them have
and one of the most valuable of all fats; it
well defined smells, they are thin and volatile, undergoes very little change on exposure to
and a stain made by a drop upon paper dis- the air, and is solid at the temperature of this
appears when strongly warmed. They are none country. It is used as a grease for machinery,
either alone or in combination with other fats
of them employed in printing or dyeing, except
the oil of turpentine. The fat oils (and by this or substances ; principally, however, on account

is meant to include those solid fats like tallow, of its not being fluid, it is employed in warm

which do not take an oily consistency in this places, or warm bearings, or on large wheels.
It never goes acid when good. The best kind
climate) are again divided into two classes, called
rancid oils and drying oils, from the manner of soap is made from tallow, but on account of

in which they behave when exposed for long

the comparative dearness of this fat it is seldom

periods to the action of the air. An oil which used alone in soap making, but mixed with other
dries up or forms a skin over the surface, or that oils of less value. The soap sold as white curd
shows any inclination to thicken into a resinous soap should be a pure tallow soap.

or gummy substance upon long exposure to the —

Sperm Oil. This is an animal oil, and the
finest and best of all oils for lubricating ma-
air, is called a drying oil ; linseed oil is the best
common example of this class of oils. When, chinery; it is very thin, and seems to resist the

on the other hand, an oil shows no inclination action of the air for any length of time. It is

to skin over or dry up, but sometimes to become the most expensive of all the common oils, and
is only used for particular purposes in lubri-
more fluid, and at the same time gives off a sour
smell, and has that appearance and taste known cating and for burning.

as rancidity, it is among the rancid oils

classed Olive Oil (Qallvpoli OH). —This is perhaps the
some of these grow firmer on standing, but
oils most important of all the vegetable oils, from
they never go tough or form skins. The animal the quantity which is produced in Europe, and
fats, as tallow and sperm oil, are good instances the many useful purposes to which it is ap-
of this class. The term " rancid oil " is not a plicable. It is extracted from the fruit of the

good one, for some fats of this class do not go olive, the commercial quality being about the

sensibly rancid by very prolonged exposure to third pressing of the fruit, after two pressings
the air, and probably never would become have taken out the finer qualities used for
rancid; it actually means an oil which does not domestic purposes. Besides the pure oil, it

go which does.
thick, in contradistinction to one contains a quantity of vegetable matter of an

The drying up of an oil on the one hand, and albuminous nature, which makes it thicker and
its rancidity on the other, are owing to the same
more ropy in appearance. This oil should
chemical cause, which is the absorption of the be sweet to the taste and clear to the eye, of a
oxygen from the air, and the production of some dull yellow colour, and an odour free from ran-

essential modifications in the internal composi- cidity. It is often adulterated with cheaper oils

tion of the oil. Exposure to the air is essential and it is a matter of the greatest difficulty to
to this change, for in quite close vessels the ascertain if this is the case by chemical means,

oils remain thin and the rancid oils still more so to judge of the nature of the adul-
sweet; but as, practically, all common vessels terating oil and its proportion to the rest. Prac-

contain and admit of a circulation of air within tical testing and comparing of qualities on the

them, so these effects of drying and rancidity do large scale are the only reliable means by which
make their appearance even in corked-up phials, the value of a sample can be estimated; long

but of course only when so kept for great lengths experience enables a person to judge at once by
of time; so much the more do their characters the taste and smell what kind of an article is

appear in oil casks and in oil reservoirs; but offered to him.

they are in their greatest state of activity when Gallipoli oil is equally fitted for lubricating


machinery and making soap. It is not often the transparency of the vehicle, nor interfere
used for this latter purpose in England, but the with the hue of the colours to be employed.
best known soaps of the continent, the southern Boiled oil is inadmissible on account of its
countries especially, are all made from this oil. colour, especially for all light or bright col&ured

Gallipoli oil is employed by the Turkey red pigments. By repeatedly boiling oil in con-
dyers as a preparation for the dyeing ; for their junction with earthy matters, can be made it

use it must possess some peculiar properties not into a kind of tough varnish, capable of being
necessary to its goodness for general purposes. thinned down with turpentine, and when printed
It must mix up thoroughly with a weak solu- on calico not spreading beyond its proper limits.
milky fluid, which
tion of pearl ash, forming a But this injures the colour of the oil for all ex-

must not break or throw up any oily globules cept the darkest colours, and the use of much
for a period of at least twenty-four hours. Not turpentine is open to objection. Liebig pub-
all the oil in commerce possesses this property lished a method of converting linseed
oil into a

there are means of making it suitable when it is very drying without injuring its colour.

not but I believe the bulk of common Galli-

so, The process consists in shaking the raw oil up
poli oilanswers without any preparation. This in a bottle, with a basic acetate of lead and
property of forming what is called an emulsion powdered litharge, along with water, until it
is possessed by several vegetable oils, but by had been acted upon and taken up a quantity of
none in so perfect a manner as by this oil. the lead in solution. It could then be washed
Pure olive oil does not form a perfect emulsion, by shaking with water, and the lead contained
and it is supposed that the ordinary oil owes its removed by agitating with weak oil of
in the oil
qualities in this respect to the impurities it con- vitriol. By this process a drying oil can be
tains. An oil which will not mix with weak obtained, which is all that can be desired, as far
alkaline solutions by itself, will do so very as colour is concerned, but is deficient in other
readily if beaten up with the yolk of an egg, respects; it is as thin as the original oil, is quite
which seems to prove that there is something of greasy, and though it dries up pretty fast, it

an albuminous nature in the regular oil. It is will run very much. The published processes
quite plain, therefore, that an oil very good for take no account of an alteration of the properties
one purpose, would be either inferior or bad for of the oil caused by removing the lead which is
another use. Gallipoli oil is in regular use in held in solution by it. The presence of the lead
colour shops for mixing with colours, especially is changes colour on
objectionable because it

paste colours, to give them smoothness and the cloth, becoming brown, probably owing to
enable them to work better ; in gum colours it the sulphurous vapours in the air, probably
is used to prevent frothing. from absorbing some oxygen, and becoming

Linseed OIL Linseed oil is of two kinds, the changed into the higher oxide ; but its re-
raw natural and the boiled oil. The boiled
oil moval destroys the drying property of the
oil is only used in painting, and for a few other oil. Without the lead it is little or no better
purposes where it is required to dry up into a than raw oil. To obtain a product having
kind of varnish. The raw oil is of a drying greater consistency, I boiled some of the oil
nature, but not so strongly marked in this re- made by Liebig's process without removing the
spect as the boiled —the boiling being for no lead; it became coloured immediately and went
other purpose than to heighten its properties worse as the heat was increased, until it was
as a dryer, and to give a little more consis-
it quite unserviceable. Oil from which the lead
tency. Linseed oil is used in colours, the same had been removed by acid behaved much as raw
as Gallipoli. It is usually lower in price, and oil would do under the same circumstances,

there is an economy in employing it; for keep- becoming coloured to an objectionable degree
ing down froth I believe it is rather better than as it boiled and became thicker. All the efforts
Gallipoli. Linseed oil does not make good soap. I made oil, which
to get a consistent colourless
Drying linseed oil is the basis of all paints, and would print without spreading and dry up
also of most of the attempts made to produce quickly, were of no avail. Some results I
oil colours for printing on calico. The chief obtained of a promising nature by attempts to
difficulty in making an oil colour fit to print on thicken the with various substances, as
the machine seems to lie in depriving the oil of amber, rosin, and the like, and I was convinced
its flowing character or its greasiness ; that pro- that, sooner or later, the difficulties which
perty which causes it to spread beyond the seemed insuperable would be overcome, and
an unpresentable
limits of the design, and give oil printing become a regular and valued branch
appearance to the whole cloth. At the same of calico printing. It resulted from my ex-
time, nothing must bo done which will injure periments that fast colours of great brilliancy


and beauty could be obtained, and I did obtain left in contact for some hours,
it causes a change

them, but by processes too delicate and too which can then be dis-
to take place in the oil,
costly to be practicable. I was of opinion that solved in water. This method of treating oils,
the cloth, in its state of looseness of texture, for applying them to dyeing, has been patented
was not well adapted to receive oil colours, and by more than one party, the patents of the dates
that it would have to be prepared the inter- — June 22, 1846, to Mercer and Greenwood; and
stices being filled up with some thickening sub- to the same parties on March 15, 1852, may be
stance, and the whole fabric made smooth and consulted upon this matter. The object of the

absorbent not for a permanent state, but for inventors has been mostly to shorten the Turkey
the application of the colour, and while it was red process, but what degree of success they
being fixed, to be washed off afterwards. have met with I do not know.
Other drying oils are poppy oil and nut oil; Oil as a Mordant. — The use of oils as assisting
they are more expensive than linseed oil, but cloth to absorb and retain colouring matters is
not too much so to be capable of being used of very ancient origin. It is used chiefly in
in calico printing if their properties were par- Turkey red dyeing, and appears to be an intro-
ticularly valuable. They are used by artists as duction from the East, improved as to the man-
drying oils. ner of its application by the science of our own
Palm Oil. — This valuable product comes from time and country. It plays a part similar to that
the African coast; it has received its name from ascribed to the astringent principles, capable
the tree whose fruit yields it. It is called an oil indeed of acting as a mordant by itself, but pro-
because it is fluid in the tropical climate where ducing thus only dull and feeble colours but, ;

it is extracted. It is not used to any consider- combining with other mordants, elevating their
able extent by dyers or printers unless they affinities and communicating stability to the

make their own soap, and for this purpose it colours produced by them. It seems necessary
answers better than any other fatty substance. that the oil should undergo some chemical
It is easily saponified, and suits very well all change upon the cloth before it is fitted for
the needs of the printer and dyer of calicoes use as an assistant mordant ; this change is
and woollens. It has a strong yellow colour, most probably an oxidation. The oil which
of which it can be deprived by many processes, has been exposed upon the cloth for some
and brought into a white state, when of course hours or days is evidently altered in its pro-
soap made from it is white, while the soap made perties in some way or other ; it is not re-
from unbleached oil is yellow. movable by the same agents which act upon
Cheaper fish oils, as cod oil and whale oil, are quite fresh oil that though the oil most proper

not much in favour on account of their odour, for this purpose never passes to the resinous
which is very persistent, adhering to cloth state of the drying oils, it loses a great deal of
through all kinds of processes, and making it- its greasiness, and may
be supposed either to
Self sensible to the smell in a disagreeable have partially dried up or
to have formed some
manner. They are employed in making soft saponaceous combination with the mordant, by
soap, whence the odour of that substance is which its oily nature is disguised. We have
derived. no satisfactory information as to the rationale
Spermaceti. — This is an animal fatty matter, of the Turkey red process ; it is a series of
obtained from a species of whale. It is not empirical treatments perfected by practice and
exactly an oil, although possessing many pro- long years of experience, which science is as
perties of oil ; it mixes with oils and turpen- unable to improve as to explain. The Indus-
tine. used in colour mixing for
It is sparingly trial Society of Mulhouse offer a prize, and have
some colours, especially for a black which has a done for many years, to any person who can
logwood basis. It gives brilliancy to colours, give a satisfactory scientific explanation and
and is rather more manageable than other fatty justification of the Turkey red processes, but
bodies when mixed in colours. the prize remains unclaimed or unawarded —
Bees' Wax, which was formerly used as a sufficient proof of the little knowledge possessed
resist, is now seldom employed. On specimens by chemists upon the matter. What can be said
of calico printing which come from India the is, that the oil enables the cloth to take the
wax resist may be seen yet. It acts as a resist, mordant more readily and in greater quantity.
and effectually so, in all cases where the liquors If one end of a strip of calico be dipped in the
are not hot or strongly alkaline ; it is a resist of emulsion of oil and ash used by the Turkey red
the mechanical sort. dyers, and placed for a few hours in a warm
Action of Sulphuric Acid upon Oils. —When place, the fatty matter will be found to have
Strong oil of vitriol is mixed with a fat oil, and contracted a permanent adhesion to the cloth,
and put into a madder dye it will be stained
if before I fixed upon the oil, which was used in

of a dull red, not possible to clear off by the the colour, as the cause of the mischief, but I
usual clearing processes. If this strip, one end proved it very satisfactorily by various experi-
of which has not been in the oil, be boiled in a ments. Only about a half noggin was used to a
weak solution of alum for some minutes be- gallon of colour, yet it had fixed upon the cloth,
fore dyeing in madder, a more striking difference and had gone through the hot sours, washing
is seen. The oiled part dyes up a red of no and chemicking, to re-appear as a mordant
great depth, but in great contrast with the several weeks afterwards. It was easy to pre-
other end, which remains colourless. These vent the repetition of this accident when once
two experiments indicate clearly, firstly :— that itscause was discovered. It is probable that the
oil itself can attract colouring matters; and chemicking, and the time which elapsed between
secondly, that it possesses some power of with- the discharging and subsequent dyeing, enabled
drawing the alumina from alum which is not the oil tobecome oxidised and quite fast. If the
possessed by the fibre. This is nearly all that pieces had been reprinted, and dyed soon after
is clearly known of the properties and uses of discharging, I think the colour, attracted by the
oil besides assisting in the attraction of the
; oil, would have disappeared in the soaping. Not
colouring matter, it communicates to it a per- all oil produces this effect, it is only an excep-

manence when fixed. This can be readily un- tional case I believe, for evidently the acidity of
derstood upon general principles as attributable the mordant is not favourable to the
forming oil

to the presence of the oily matter, covering and an intimate union with the on the fibre; it is,

shielding the changeable colouring principle contrary, in- the presence of alkalies that it com-
from the action of the destructive natural bines most effectually with the material of the
agents to which it is exposed an effect which; cloth.
is partially supplied by the use of soap in other Cloth is oiled, in Europe, by means of an emul-
cases. An illustration of the affinity of oil for sion made with pearl ash; but in the East, where
calico and colours occurred to me in an unex- the natives still produce the finest and fastest reds
pected and puzzling manner, and its recital may known, it is applied in many various ways ; but
be of some use perhaps to others. A number of it appears that the best informed of them adopt
pieces having been printed in wrong mordants a plan similar to the method in use with us,
formadder dyeing were discharged, after about a that is, diluting the fatty matter by some liquid
week's age, and before dyeing. The colours which brings not into solution, at least
it, if

were for black, chocolate, and purple the dis- ; into a state of very fine suspension and division.
charge was simply a warm souring and slight Many of them, however, plunge the material to
chemicking to take the yellow off the cloth. be dyed into the neat oil, and work it there,
The pieces were printed again with various wringing it out, and exposing it to the air.
others some weeks afterwards, and dyed as Many kinds of oil are used; in Europe it is

usual, but they showed the old pattern through generally an inferior quality of olive oil, but in
the back of the piece, and though not strong, Asia, fish oil, lard, and other fatty matters are
it was sufficient to spoil the colour on the face successfully employed.
and job the pieces. At first I suspected the I would notice here an impression held by
pieces had been originally printed in red with some chemists that oil alone if properly modified
crystals of tin in the red liquor, and it is well would form a sufficient mordant for madder red.
known that the tin cannot be removed without I can find no ground for this idea, except in a
a bowking or strong spirits of salts treatment, very briefly reported and unconfirmed experi-
and pieces for discharging containing that colour ment of a pupil of M. Persoz, to the effect that
were kept separate. By testing the unprinted prepared Turkey red cloth when treated by
tab ends I was certain there was no iron left on acetone yields an oily matter, which, being
the cloth, but neither could tin be detected. As transferred to fresh untreated cloth, mordants it

tin is not easily found by chemical tests when in in an effective manner ; and a further statement
very small quantities, the non-detection of it that M. Chevreul had tested a certain Turkey
did not prevent me still attributing the re- red colour which contained very little alumina.
appearance of the pattern to it until, upon ex- I do not share in the opinion of the sufficiency
amination, it was found that those patterns had of the oleaginous body as an actual mordant,
never been printed in red, and they were traced because the experiments quoted are not suffi-

to the precise lot spoken of as being printed in ciently clear, and because I have made many
black, chocolate, and purple, and it was evidently experiments without obtaining anything beyond
the black outline which showed through the a mere stain in the madder dye. It was stated
other colours to their injury. It was some time in 1846 that M. Chevreul, who has made himself
— ;


famous by his successful labours upon fats and tained by combining yellow and red elements
was trying to elucidate this matter ; but,
oils, on woollen, the cloth is mordanted in bichloride
from the absence of any published account of of tin and tartar, and then dyed in a mixture of
his experiments, we may presume that he has cochineal and fustic, proportioned according to
not solved the question, which still remains a the shade required.
difficulty in dyeing chemistry« Upon silk, shades which may be called orange
Drying oils have been used as vehicles for are obtained directly from anotta, this dye stuff
pigments, but they are difficult of application being dissolved in soft soap, and the silk worked
and require special arrangements and skill to in until the right shade is obtained. An orange
make them any good for this reason, oil colours
; colour from anotta for printing on silk is com-
are scarcely ever found on calico. In some posed as follows:—
very superior qualities of continental work they Anotta Orange for Silk.
may be seen producing very striking effects ; but 6 gallons water,
it isevident that they are applied by block upon 10 lbs. pearl ash,
carefully prepared grounds, and must, including 4 lbs. anotta, boil down to one half:
the labour, be very expensive. I believe that 1 gallon of the above and
in the course of time oil will be extensively used 1 gallon gum water.
as a vehicle for colours in calico printing; but ORPIMENT, Bed Sulphuret of Arsenic
several improvements or alterations in the ma- Orpiment is a compound of sulphur and metallic
chinery will be necessary, and some more com- arsenic; it has a good yellow colour, and has
plete and effective means of taking the quality been used to some extent as a colouring matter.
of greasiness out of drying oils discovered. It was applied to cloth by dissolving it in am-
OLIVE COLOURS.— The colour of the monia padding the cloth in this clear liquor,

olive may
be defined as a dark dull green, such and then hanging up till the ammonia evaporated
a colour as would be optically produced by and left the orpiment fixed to the fibre. Its
mixing a pure dark green with black or brown, principal use in calico printing is as a reducing
or what comes to the same thing, mixing some agent ; for, when mixed with caustic soda, or
red with it or again, as in some practical re-
; potash, it has a strong affinity for oxygen, and
ceipts, mixing purple and green colours toge- will take it from many substances among —
ther. Thus au olive colour for delaine is mixed others from indigo. It is used in this way in
by taking :
preparing the blue long known as pencil-blue,
2 gallons dark green colour, and which, in later days, was tried to be applied
1 gallon dark purple (see Dahlia). as " gas blue," but without success. Orpiment
In France, and in some parts of Great Britain, is a component in many of the receipts for
olive colour means a kind of brown. China blue, and it appears to fulfil some useful
ORANGE COLOURS.— Orange is a mix- part in it, although China blue can be obtained
ture of yellow and red, and with the exception without it.
of the chrome oranges (see p. 52), these Orpiment
colours, is poisonous, but not to the same
in bath dyeing and printing, are
produced by extent as white arsenic, or arsenic acid.
the combination of red and yellow parts,
as in OXALIC ACID. — Oxalic acid exists
the following examples:— naturally in the juice of some plants in a
Orange for Delaine. state of combination and for
with potash,
1 gallon water, many years there was no other method known
2 gallons bark liquor at 18°, by which it could be obtained than from the
5 lbs. starch boil, and add
; plant. At length it was found that when
1 pint cochineal liquor at 8°, nitric acid acted upon sugar and some other
21 lbs. crystals of tin. vegetable matters of the same or similar com-
This rather a red orange, a smaller amount of
is position, it produced oxalic acid, and until very
cochineal would be better ; for a bright yellow lately all oxalic acid was thus produced. Messrs.
orange, the cochineal liquor may be left out Roberts, Dale, and another have recently pa-
altogether. tented quite a new method of making it from
Orange for all Wool. sawdust, and instead of an acid using alkalies.
6 quarts bark liquor at 18°, Oxalic acid is sold in a crystalline state, the
3 quarts cochineal liquor at 3°, crystals are small and soft ; it is very acid
5 lbs. gum, to the and does not dissolve to any
8 oz. oxalic acid, great extent in cold water. It is a powerful
1 lb. bichloride of tin. and energetic acid, and, as proved by Dr.
In dyeing, orange colours are likewise ob- Calvert, has a destructive action upon fibrous
substances when heated to a high temperature and other matters. Either the gas is in some
with them, but at the ordinary temperatures of physically different state at the moment of its
drying and steaming the pure acid has no in- liberation, or it has a chemical activity unknown
jurious action, and may be safely used without the latter seems most probable
to its free state ;

fear. It is not very much employed in either from the discovery of the body called ozone.
printing or dyeing it serves for a discharge in
: Oxygen, existing in the air, and being in fact
some cases used to a small extent in several
; the only active element in it, is the origin of
steam colours to form oxalate of alumina; oc- most of the changes which take place in a spon-
casionally employed as a mordant, and to form taneous manner in nature. The gradual de-
an acid oxalate of soda ; used as a half resist struction ana disappearance of organic matter
on steam work. can be all traced to the action of oxygen the :

Oxalate of potash is usually found in print- carbon is converted into carbonic acid, the
works, where it enters into the composition of hydrogen becomes water, and the nitrogen
some colours, and may be viewed as a milder passes eventually into nitric acid. There is no
form of oxalic acid. element in nature with which oxygen cannot
The degree of purity of oxalic acid can be enter into combination, and so alter its appear-
practically ascertained by heating a small quan- ance and properties to a most remarkable degree.
tity in a hollow metal cup if pure it will pass : Fluorine is said to be an exception, not forming
away in vapour, and leave no residue of any a compound with oxygen, but too little is known
kind if it only leaves a film, it is not to be
; of this element to justify the statement. The
accounted bad ; but if it leaves a considerable action of oxygen upon other matters is more or
quantity, which does not disappear at red heat, less energetic as the temperature is higher or
it is an indication of some impurity or adultera- lower; seems probable that at sufficiently

tion. low temperatures it has no action, while at high

In receipts containing oxalic acid it will be temperatures it produces the most surprising
observed that the directions are uniformly to effects. The fading of colours as well as bleach-
add it to the other ingredients when they are ing, which only a case of colour fading, may

cold. This is on account of the action of oxalic be attributable in most cases to the action of
acid upon the thickening, which it breaks up oxygen, light assisting ; colours upon fabrics
and makes watery if mixed with it when very cannot be preserved from the action of oxygen
hot. But at a temperature of blood heat there in any way except that of covering them with
need be no fear of the oxalic acid thinning the a varnish. Vegetable colours remain good and
colour, and it is better to stir it in then than bright for centuries, when protected with oil or
wait until the colour is quite cold, because oxalic varnish, while the same would fade in a short
acid is only sparingly soluble in the cold, and time if deposited as an ordinary dye.
it requires a great deal of stirring to get it OZONE. — Ozone is thename given to a body
dissolved. whose actual existence and composition remain
OXYGEN. — This is the active element in in question. It is perhaps a molecular modifica-
common air ; in older chemical works it is some- tion of oxygen, it is not quite certain whether
times called vital air. it contains hydrogen or not. Air and oxygen
Oxygen possesses active and powerful affinities can be ozonised by electricity or by phosphorus,
which are assisted by heat. It combines with and the oxygen is then found to have an amount
the metals, depriving them of all their metallic of chemical activity which it never possesses
properties, making them into powders of an alone; it bleaches, it liberates iodine from iodide
earthy appearance: these are oxides. It com- of potassium, oxidises sulphurous into sulphuric
bines with the non-metals, producing acids. acid, and performs other oxidising actions all
It is a producer and destroyer of colour. It consistent with the supposition that it is pure
changes indigo- white into blue, and indigo blue oxygen, but with the certainty that it is in a
it destroys, changing it into some colourless very different state from common oxygen gas.
substance. The most powerful actions of oxygen The subject of ozone
is highly interesting in

do not take place with the pure gas; it is in a practical point of view, tor if ever oxygen is
the status nascendi, the nascent state, the moment to be applied to the performance of those re-
of being liberated from its compounds, it
its actions which are indirectly attributable to it,

exerts its most remarkable oxidising actions. such as bleaching or elevating colours, it must
Such is the case of bleaching or discharging with be through the medium of this ozone or some
acids and bichromate of potash, with alkalies, similar body. Common oxygen is to ozonised
and the red prussiate, with the peroxide of lead oxygen what a rod of iron is to a sharp sword,
both of the same substance but in different states chemists will be able to effect those oxidations
of activity and of very different powers. There directly which are now accomplished in cir-
is reason to hope that if ever the oxygen of the cuitous and expensive manners.
air can be ozonised in a practical manner,

PASTEL.— This plant, formerly most exten- for lactarine,and in colour mixing for printing
sively employed for blue dyeing, is, the same or upon sulphate or citrate of iron mordants, when,
similar to woad ; its botanical name is isatis by its alkaline nature, it caused the precipita-
tinctoria, and its colouring matter appears to be tion of more iron than would otherwise have
chemically identical with indigo. been fixed, giving rise to double shades.
PEACHWOOD.-This wood is one of the PICRIC ACID This is only lately intro-
red woods similar in all its characters to Brazil duced \s a dyeing material for silks and
wood, altough held to be poorer in colouring woollens : it has no affinity for cotton. It is
matter. made in various ways, but always through the
PEARL ASH. — A common name for a agency of nitric acid upon some organic matter.
partly purified variety of carbonate of potash. The cheapest source appears to be one of the
(See Potash.) oils separable from coal tar, called carbolic acid,
PHOSPHORUS. — This interesting ele- but many
other substances can yield it. It is a
ment has not yet received any application in yellow crystalline powder, of an intensely bitter
dyeing or printing. In its ordinary state it is taste, It is very com-
not acid to the tongue.
dangerous to handle on account of its easy in- bustible, and the compounds which it forms
flammability; but there is a modified state in with potash and other bases burn like gun-
which it is much less combustible, that is, the powder. It dissolves in warm water, communi-
amorphous condition into which it is brought by cating a fine yellow colour to it, and dyes wool
long continued heat or the action of iodine. I and silk of a beautiful canary yellow without
tried many experiments with the amorphous any mordant being required. It has been
phosphorus, but did not succeed in making any largely used in Lyons for silk dyeing ; upon
useful application of it it has powerful reduc-
; woollen its colour is too weak and transparent.
ing properties, can readily bring indigo into the It is a powerful colouring matter ; one part
white state, and permit it to be fixed upon giving a yellow tinge to more than one hundred
calico; but it was difficult to manage, alkalies times its weight of wool or silk. Silk dyed
seemed to bring it back to the active condition, with picric acid can be detected by masticating
and the unoxidised phosphorus adhered to the it, when the peculiar bitter taste of this acid
cloth with pertinacity, and gradually seemed to can be perceived. It does not work well with
burn the indigo with which it was in contact. other colours, overpowering them and destroy-
Vapour of phosphorus has been used to produce ing them. Besides the name of picric acid it is

a metallic dye upon some fibrous matters, by known in chemistry as carbazotic acid and nitro-
previously steeping them in solutions of silver, gicric acid.
lead, or copper. Phosphorus is easily soluble in PIGMENT COLOURS.— This name has
bisulphuret of carbon, and can be reduced to a been given to those colours which are in the
by melting it in urine, and
fine state of division state of powder, and insoluble in the vehicle
keeping it well agitated as it solidifies. Phos- by which they are applied to the fabric. The
phorus forms several acids with oxygen, the principal colours of this class in use are the ultra-
chief of which* is phosphoric acid, naturally marine blue, zinc white, carbon grey, and one
existing in bones and other substances. It has or two other mixed shades. From the fact of
not received any applications in its free state, these colours being insoluble in water, it is
although attempts have been made to use it for evident they cannot obtain an entrance into the
a discharge ; it is a mild, non-corrosive, but yet pores of the fibre, and that they are never more
strong acid ; it differs from all the previously men- than superficially attached to the goods upon
tioned acids by being fixed in fire, not distilling which they are printed. Hence arises the neces-
or rising in vapour. It forms salts Avith the sity of employing some thickening or vehicle
oxides, which are as yet but little used. The which will fasten the coloured powder upon the
phosphate of soda has been slightly used in cloth; and if the colour is to be fast in water
calico printing it acts the part of a mild alkali,
; it is further necessary that the thickening should
partially neutralising acids and acid salts. It not be dissolved by water. Suppose ultramarine
has been used in dung substitute, as a solvent blue is to be applied to calico, if thickened with

- - ~
— —


gum or starch it can be printed, and when dry in calico printing, the pink from safflower is

it will adhere to the cloth in a more or less extensively used, and will be described under
perfect manner; hut if the calico so printed that head. The remaining pink colours, not
was dipped in water the thickening would dis- before mentioned, are as follows :

solve, and the ultramarine blue, having no Brazil Wood Pink— Silk.
power of itself to adhere to the fibre, would 2 quarts Brazil wood liquor (sapan or -

float away in the water, leaving only a few peachwood) at 6°,

particles entangled in the threads. The most l^lb. ground gum,
useful materials which are used for fixing this 2|oz. oxymuriate of tin.
class of colours, namely, albumen and lactarine, Sapan Wood Pink Steam. —
have been treated of. It is owing to the fact 1 gallon sapan wood liquor at 3°,
that these substances undergo a change by lib. pink salt,
steaming, which makes them insoluble in water, 8 oz. sal ammoniac,
that they differ from the ordinary thickenings loz. oxalic acid,
in not permitting the escape of the pigment 1 oz. sulphate of copper,
when treated by water. Many have been
trials 1 gallon thick gum water.
made to fix pigment colours by means of The pink salt, now very seldom employed,
is a

varnish, solutions of the gum resins in volatile double chloride of tin and ammonia. It is
fluids, or by drying oils, but up to this time necessary to remark that all these wood pinks
there is no really practical method of using are of a low class, and very much inferior to
these materials. It is true that pigment colours the cochineal pink, both in beauty and per-
can be and are so applied, but the difficulties manency.
are very considerable, and the styles conse- Spirit Pink —
quently limited in production. 2 quarts sapan wood liquor at 14°,
The application of pigment colours in a perfect 4oz. sal ammoniac,
manner one of the most im-
to calico printing is 2 quarts gum water,
portant objects which can be aimed at by an oxymuriate of tin at 120°,
1 pint
inventor. The methods at present are so de- to be reduced with gum water according to
fective, the vehicles so expensive, and even so shade not to be steamed, but washed off after

uncertain in the fastness they communicate to three days' hanging in a cool place.
the colours, that nearly everything remains to Another Spirit Pink,
be done in this direction. It is, perhaps, too 1 gallon sapan wood liquor at 8°,
much to expect that any powder or substance l£lb. starch; boil, and cool to 100°
applied merely upon the fibre should have the f pint oxymuriate of tin at 120°,
same degree of fastness as colouring matters £ pint acetate of copper.
which appear to be seated in the very interior It will be observed that in the pinks from the
of the fibre, and it is to be feared that any sapan wood there is usually some copper salt,
species of protecting varnish would have an this is for the purpose of oxidating the colour-
than that of the fibre, and would,
elasticity less ing matter. In many cases chlorate of potash
consequently, crack by the ordinary wear of may be advantageously substituted, as in the
the material. But the really surprising manner
. following receipt:
in which albumen fastens a harsh gritty powder Pink for Calico— Steam.
like ultramarine, gives encouragement to the 2£ gallons sapan wood at 8°,
hope that even more suitable vehicles can be J gallon cochineal liquor at 8°,
procured. The advantages which pigment 1 quart nitrate of alumina,
colours have in bloom and freshness, and the l^lb. alum,
opportunities they present to an extended scope loz. oxalic acid,
of design, are so considerable that I have no 4oz. chlorate of potash.
doubt they will before long receive the attention These ingredients mixed together warm, and
they deserve. then added to
PINK COLOUR, Rose Colour.-Pink is a 6 gallons gum water.
diluted crimson, and seems to differ from red A greater or smaller quantity of gum water
of the same tone by the addition of a faint may be used according to the shade required.
amount of blue or violet. The chief pink Common Cochineal Pink.
colours in calico printing are derived from 1 gallon cochineal liquor at 6°,
madder and cochineal, and the methods of heat to 170°, and dissolve in it
obtaining them are given in the articles upon 6 oz. alum,
these colouring matters, but some additional 3 oz. cream of tartar,
receipts will be found here. In dyeing, but not £ oz. oxalic acid.


This standard, reduced with two parts of gum wood pinks; but it is now very seldom met
water to one part standard, will give the most with in commerce, and is replaced by using
commonly required shade. The best cochineal both muriate of tin and sal ammoniac in the
pinks are from the ammoniacal cochineal (p. 62), colours.
the following receipts will illustrate their com- PIPECLAY.— This substance, or the very
position. The preceding cochineal pink is no similar, china clay, is employed in calico print-
more than a light red, while a good pink has a It is a
ing, as a constituent, in certain resists.
delicate hue entirely different, and can only be resist of themechanical sort, as distinguished
obtained from the ammoniacal cochineal. from chemical resists, which act by producing
Pirikfor all Wool. chemical changes in the mordants and colours.
1 gallon water, The clay, being tenacious, covers the fibre and
8 oz. solid ammoniacal cochineal, receives the superimposed mordant or colour
8 oz. ground cochineal ; boil to 3 quarts, which does not consequently reach the fibre
1 gallon gum water. upon washing, the clay is detached, carrying
3 oz. oxalic acid, with it the mordant or colour. It is employed
6 oz. bichloride of tin. in resists for indigo styles, arid frequently in
On woollen, the pink from ammoniacal cochineal fancy styles to reserve colours from the action
alone would be too blue, therefore a quantity of of the cover or ground colour.
ordinary cochineal is added. Instead of making PLUM COLOUR, Plum Spirits.— The term
the decoction as above, liquors of corresponding plum, is used amongst dyers to describe a reddish
strength could be employed. purple colour, not unlike the dahlia shade of
Pirikfor Silk. the printers. It is obtained from logwood, as a
1 gallon ammoniacal cochineal, colouring matter, and tin as a mordant, and is
6 oz. binoxalate of potash, generally obtained from a mixture called z.plum
3 oz. oxymuriate of tin, tub, made by mixing a decoction of logwood
1 gallon gum water. with a solution oftin, called plum spirits. As
Another Pink for Silk. there are several plum shades, so there are
1 gallon ammoniacal cochineal at 6° several ways of mixing a plum tub, and besides
4 oz. alum, the method above given, alum and logwood are
\ oz. oxalic acid, employed, and for a red plum, peachwood and
3 lbs. ground gum. tin salts are used.— (See Spirit Colours.)
Cochineal Pink for Delaine. POLY CO NUM.—A species of plants of
1 gallon ammoniacal cochineal at 10° which the P. tinctorium has attracted much
2 oz. cream of tartar, attention, because it produces a blue colouring
8 oz. alum, matter similar or identical with indigo. The
4 lbs. ground gum. Chinese are said to obtain blue and green
See the article on cochineal for the precautions colours from species of the polygonum.
necessary to be employed in using the ammo- POMEGRANATE BARK. This bark is —
niacal cochineal. used in dyeing to a small extent ; it yields
The pink colours obtained from the aniline colours analagous to those obtained from quer-
products are applied by means of lactarine and citron bark, and has been chiefly used for
tannic acid, as before described. shades of drab and grey.
Pink Colours by Dyeing. — Silk is dyed pink POTASH.— This alkali is the most powerful
by mordanting in bichloride of tin, and dyeing of all the bases known to chemists, and was
in decoction ofammoniacal cochineal. Common formerly much employed in bleaching, but on
shades are obtained by using peachwood instead account of the cheaper price at which soda is
of cochineal. now obtainable potash is seldom used. The
Wool dyed in precisely the same manner
is chief compounds of potash interesting to the
as for crimson, mordanted in a mixture of oxy- dyer and printer are caustic potash and car-
muriate of tin, tartar, and alum, and dyed up bonate of potash, in its impure forms of Ameri-
the required shade in cochineal liquor, or for can potash or pearl ash. Other salts of potash,
the best colours in ammoniacal cochineal. the chemical action of which are more refer-
Common pinks on cotton cloth are merely rable to their acid than to the base, are not
weak reds, the safflower pink is the one gene- treated of here, but may be found under appro-
rally employed for fancy shades. priate headings — as Oxalate, Tartrate,
PINK SALTS.— A name given to the double Prussiate, etc.
chloride of tin and ammonia. It was formerly Caustic Potash. — Caustic potash is usually
employed instead of the other salts of tin, in the sold as a liquid, which is a variable mixture of


real potash and water when the liquid is boiled

Table showing the amount of Dry Potash in one
down a mass is obtained, becoming
hundred parts of Liquid Caustic at various
solid when cool, which is still a mixture of dry
potash and water. The solid caustic potash of
the druggists' shops contains usually about 20
Liquid caustic potash is pre- Degree Tw. Potash. Degree Tw. Potash.
per cent of water.
pared from commercial carbonate of potash, 66 28 40 19
sold under the names of potash, American, 63 27 34 16}
Canadian, or Russian potash, or, when refined, 60 26 29 14
as pearl ash. The difference between caustic 56 25 24 12
53 24 19 10
potash and carbonate of potash is, that the
50 22| 14 7
former is free from carbonic acid, with which 45 21 10 5
the latter is combined. The operation of mak-
ing ordinary potashes caustic consists in ab- —
Carbonate of Potash. Pure carbonate of pot
stracting the carbonic acid from them ; this is ash is a white crystalline salt, commonly known
done by means of quick lime, in the following as salt of tartar. Pearl ash and American pot-
manner:— The commercial potash is dissolved ash consist of carbonate of potash mixed with
in water until the solution marks about 20° Tw.; impurities, that is, other salts of little or no
the solution heated up to the boiling point, in value. There are no external characteristics
an iron boiler, quick lime is added by degrees by which the value of commercial potashes can
until about one-half of the weight of the potash be estimated in a satisfactory manner. Car-
has been added: the boiling is continued, with bonate of potash is not largely employed in
uninterrupted stirring, until a portion of clear printing or dyeing. Pearl ash is used in
liquor, taken from the boiler and mixed with Turkey red dyeing for the emulsion of oil ; it
dilute muriatic acid, gives no effervescence ; isused as a solvent for anotta and safflower,
the heat is then withdrawn, the clear liquor and in a few cases of bleaching and scouring.
syphoned off, and boiled down in another pan
to any required degree of concentration. The
Bisulphate of Potash. — This is a very acid
salt, and is employed in low class steam work
bottoms consist of carbonate of lime which,
as a substitute for tartaric acid. It contains
retaining some of the caustic potash, are usually
two atoms of sulphuric acid to one of potash
washed once or twice with water before being one atom of sulphuric acid is in so feeble a state
thrown away. Caustic soda is made in pre-
of combination that it acts nearly as strong as
cisely the same manner, substituting soda ash
vitriol itself, and consequently there is always a
for potash.
risk of corroding the fibre if the least excess be
Caustic potash and soda are more energetic
in their actions than their carbonates this can

be attributed to their being free from the neu-


Nitrate of Potash or Saltpetre. —

This salt is
The com- very seldom used in printing; in some cases
tralising power of the carbonic acid.
where it is prescribed it may have an oxidising
mon idea that the lime communicates some
action, but usually its beneficial effect, if it have
caustic principle to the potash or soda is er-
any, may be traced to its hygroscopic character.
roneous ; the lime communicates nothing, but
on the contrary, removes something, which is PREPARIN G-.— The series of operations

carbonic acid. technically called preparing are employed for

The caustic alkalies have many applications the purpose of giving to the fabric a uniform
in the arts which are referred to throughout coat of the higher oxide of tin, in order that it
this work, but caustic potash is not nearly may receive the class of colours known as steam
so much employed as caustic soda. It has, colours. By whatever sequence of treatments
however, advantages in the preparation of this is effected, and there are many different

the alkaline pink mordant, in making soft ways of performing it, the object is simply to
soaps, in dissolving anotta, and generally get a sufficient quantity of tin into the cloth to
in all cases where it has to go upon the serve as a kind of basis for the colours after-
fibre,because it produces the deliquescent, wards applied. The utility of this preparation

while soda gives the efflorescent, carbonate. is unquestionable, for the colours which are
The following table Avill give an idea of the obtained from a well prepared cloth are incom-
relative proportion of alkali and water in liquid parably superior to the same colours printed
caustic potash of various strengths. For exact on an unprepared or badly prepared cloth. The
determination of the value of caustic solutions nature of the action of the deposited tin upon
the chemical test given in the article Alka- the colours does not seem difficult to explain;
limetry must be employed ;— in the first place it is a mordant, and so combines


with a portion of the colouring matter, but this partly saturated by the oxide of tin, sulphate of
isprobably the least useful action of the tin ; in tin produced, and a basic alum, both of which
the second place, it serves to saturate the neces- form lakes with the colouring matter. A still
sary acidity of the majority of steam colours, closer and more extended consideration would
or to act upon the salts contained in them, serve to show how the same prepare is not
favouring the production of basic compounds, equally suited to all styles, nor answers the
which are the real foundation of all coloured same under different conditions, as to steaming,
To illustrate this explanation, let a colour
lakes. kind of cloth, etc. but here it would be necessary

be made of weak cochineal liquor, without to go into minute details, which are different for
any addition but the thickening, and printed every works, and for almost every colour. Nor
upon the prepared cloth and steamed; the result, would be possible, even on these grounds, to

upon washing, will be merely a dull stain, explain the preference which is here given to

because the tin which is upon the cloth cannot, one method of preparation, and there to a very
in its existing state, combine with the colouring different one nor give a satisfactory reason how

matter of the cochineal beyond a very small it is one manager can prepare at one operation

extent. Now make the same cochineal colour with stannate, and another, doing the same class
slightly acid with oxalic acid, print upon the of work, must combine stannate and oxymuriate
same prepared cloth, and also upon unprepared in a complicated process. Yet such is the state
cloth, steam and wash off. The prepared cloth of affairs, and each one believes that he has the
will this time show the pattern in a light pink, only good and real method of preparing for his
well defined though faint ; the unprepared cloth particular styles, and considers success a suf-
will hardly show a These two
trace of colour. ficient justification for a number of unnecessary
trialsprove that the acid has acted upon the tin ifnot hurtful treatments of the cloth.
in such a manner as to allow it to combine with Preparation by Alkaline Stannate. In the pre- —
the colouring matter of the cochineal, has in paring salts, or stannate of soda, the tin is held
fact brought it out of the cloth into atomic in solution by the soda, which, if neutralised by
contact with the colour, forming an insoluble an acid, loses hold on the tin and parts with

lake, which remains adhering to the cloth. The it. The process of preparing is based upon this
unprepared cloth having taken no colour shows fact the cloth is padded in a clear solution of

that the acid alone does not fix the cochineal. the stannate until thoroughly saturated, it is
To pursue the subject further, prepare, say then passed into weak vitriol sours and washed.
a weak cochineal red with crystals of tin, The process may be repeated two or three times
and gum water, and print a
cochineal liquor, it isvery simple, requires very few precautions,
prepared and unprepared fent with the colour, and is, in my opinion, capable of preparing any
steam and wash off; it will be found that kind of cloth for any kind of work but herein, ;

the prepared cloth has a fuller, deeper, and I am aware, a great many will not agree with
richer colour than the unprepared cloth. The me. The only points likely to be missed in
theoretical explanation is as follows:— The tin preparing with stannate, are, having too much
crystals during steaming give up oxide of tin liquor in the cloth and letting the acid get too
and liberate the muriatic acid
to the cochineal, weak. In the first case, the tin is not soundly
previously combined with the oxide of tin; deposited, probably, because the stannate is not
after this has proceeded a certain distance the promptly decomposed by the acid, a good deal
amount of muriatic acid liberated becomes so of tin gets into the sours, which is a bad sign.
great as to put a stop to the further decomposi- In the second case, there is a danger of all the
sition in the case of unprepared cloth, and the stannate washing off. Nothing would appear
formation of the coloured lake is at an end; simpler than keeping the sours well up, and yet
but in the case of the prepared cloth the muri- I know that a great deal of bad and uneven
atic acid falls upon the tin of the prepare, and work is due to nothing else but deficient souring;
forms muriate of tin with it, and brings it into in one case, where there was a great deal of
contact with the colour, at once permitting a trouble on account of irregular work, I found
further decomposition, and at the same time a the supposed sours quite alkaline! Since the
further and more deep seated deposition of the alkalinity of the stannate varies, and the quan-
coloured compound of tin and cochineal. Not tity of it takenup by the cloth is irregular,
only does the tin in the cloth act as a mordaut this pointmust be well looked to. The sours
itself, but it so acts upon the tin in the colour as should always be very sour, and the cloth not
to greatly increase its mordanting powers. In hurried through too quickly.
the case of alum mordants a very similar expla- The strength of stannate to be used depends
nation may be given ; the acid of the alum is upon its degree of purity, that is, the percentage
—: ; — ; ;


of tin which it contains. For a quality con- wash very well. For green, pale blue, and reds,
taining about 20 per cent of tin, a strength of the same prepare may be used, but must be
24° Tw., is about as high as can be safely or finished in chemic.
profitably used ; two treatments of this strength Another Delaine Prepare for Blue.
are sufficient for the darkest styles. The sours 6 gallons bichloride of tin,

should be about 6° Tw. The order of operations 10 lbs. crystals of tin,")

may be put down as follows : 1 gallon water J
Preparing for Baric Steams —
Calico or Delaine. mix, and then add caustic soda at 20° until the
1. in stannate at 24° Tw.
Pass precipitate at first produced is re-dissolved; an
Leave wet two hours, or more.
2. excess of soda is to be avoided. Reduce to
3. Sour with vitriol sours at 6°. 15° Tw., pass the cloth in twice, and leave on
4. Wash and whizz. the rolls for three hours, then pass for ten
5. Pad in stannate at 24°, a second time. minutes in an acid mixture composed as fol-
6. Leave two hours, or more. lows:
7. Sour with vitriol sours at 6°. 100 gallons water,
8. Wash and dry. 4 lbs. muriate of ammonia,
For light shades, the same operations, but only 14 lbs. sulphuric acid
half the strength of stannate. For delaines, the then wash off, and chemic as before.
same treatment, up to No. 7, when the cloth Although I am of opinion that the stannate
must pass into a rather strong solution of would answer all purposes of prepare for calico
bleaching powder, and afterwards into sours. and delaines, it is a more general opinion that
I give some other processes which have come the wool will not take tin enough from the
within my observation, and which answer, more alkaline solution, and the usual practice is to
or less perfectly, the requirements of the various give a first passage in the stannate for the
styles. cotton, and a final passage in an acid solution
Delaine Prepare for Blue,—Make a mixture for the purpose of filling the wool. Although
of equal parts of bichloride of tin at 120° Tw. prepared cloth remains good for a considerable
and muriate of tin at 120°, and set the preparing time, it is not advisable to prepare beyond the
box or cistern with this mixture until it stands immediate prospects of printing, for there have
at 10° Tw.Pass the delaines four separate been known cases in which delaines seem to have
times through this solution, and then through undergone some change by long standing in the
sours at 4° Tw., and then through chemic and prepared state : freshly prepared cloth is the
sours. best. The cloth should be dried soft and cool : if

Double Prepare for Delaine — Chocolate and dried on should be taken off damp and
the. tins, it

Dark Greens. — Pad four times in stannate of hung up to finish the drying. If circumstances
soda at 12° Tw., and let rest on the rolls for four permit, the delaines should be well whizzed and
hours, at least, and twenty-four hours, at most; allowed to dry spontaneously, especially if they
sour at 5° Tw. twice over, and pass through are for wood colours, as chocolate, lilac, etc. By
clear water and squeeze open. Next pass four a dry heat, it appears as if the oxide of tin was
times in the mixture of muriate and bichloride put into some allatropic condition, in which its
at 10°, same as above, and sour immediately in affinity for colouringmatters is very much re-
vitriol sours at 4°, and then through chemic duced, and this seems to be the case more fre-
and sour, wash and dry. quently with the stannate than with the acid
Preparations for All Wool — prepares.
For Dark Blue. PRIVET BERRIES.— The ripe berries of
50 gallons water, the ligustrum vulgare, similar, or identical with
30 lbs. crystals of tin, the privet hedges of England, are capable of
1 lb. sulphuric acid communicating green colours to cotton, with an
pass through this solution twice, and leave it in aluminous mordant, and dark colours to alumed
for some hours then wash out very well, and
; wool. They are said to be employed on a small
wince in weak chemic for twenty minutes ;
scale, in Italy, for dyeing silk of a bluish green
finish with a weak sour, wash very well, and colour.
dry cool. PROTEINE. — This name was given in trade
For Lilac, Chocolate, and Wood Colours. to some kind of a nitrogenous substance, in-
5) gallons water, tended as a substitute for albumen and lactarine
12 lbs. crystals of tin, in fixing pigment colours; it was only partially
8 lbs. sulphuric acid; successful, and has, I believe, ceased to be
pass through twice, leave for some hours, and offered.


PRUSSIA TE OF POTASH.— Yellow Prus- thicken the mixture of caustic and red prussiate;
siate, Ferrocyanide of Potassium. This useful — all the ordinary thickenings were more or less
salt is made by fusing animal substances, as oxidised and destroyed: at the same time the
guano, hoofs of cattle, etc., with potash and iron. mixture lost its discharging power. It has been
Its chemical components are carbon, nitrogen, proposed to use calcined magnesia instead of
oxygen, potassium, and iron ; the iron which it potash to mix with the red prussiate. No
contains is in a peculiar state of combination action takes place until the cloth is steamed or
and does not show like iron in its usual state otherwise heated, then the blue is discharged.
in salts; but the action of acids upon it is to I have made trial of this plan, but I do not
decompose it and make this iron apparent, think that it is likely to be employed, for it is
turning it then into Prussian blue by combining even more expensive than using potash and
it with another part of the same salt. Yellow quite as uncertain.
prussiate, as generally sold, is in a nearly pure Red prussiate is used by dyers for obtaining
state. If a simple examination of it leaves its peculiar shades of blue. If cotton cloth be
quality doubtful, there is no other way of trying passed in the usual way through nitrate of iron
its goodness than either regular chemical ana- and rinsed, it will make no blue when put into
lysis, or making colours from it in comparison red prussiate, but if it is afterwards passed into
with prussiate of a known quality. It is used • muriate of tin liquor it strikes a blue directly,
in dyeing for making various shades of blue, by which has a good shade. The shades of blue pro-
passing the goods alternately in some iron bath duced by the yellow and red prussiates are not
and then into the prussiate made slightly acid precisely the same, one being preferred in one
in printing no iron can be used, and the blue is place and another in another, according to the
made from the prussiate's own iron. It is not peculiar demands of trade by mixing the two ;

used except as a producer of blue, although it would be possible to modify the reflection and

many of the metals give particular coloured hue of the colour produced. Red prussiate is not
precipitates with it, none of them have been much used in printing; it is found in some
found of any practical value except the Prussian receipts for dark steam blues, and for a few other
blue, which is a prussiate of iron. It is used to colours, as myrtles and chocolates.
make the Prussian and Chinese blues used in A liquid is sold as a substitute for red prus-
finishing and spirit colours ; from it red prus- siate under the names of chloro-prussiate liquor,
siate is made and it serves to prepare prussiate
; red prussiate liquor, etc. It is the mother colour
of tin, or tin pulp, for steam blues. from which red prussiate crystals have been
Prussiate of Potash, Chloro-prussiate. — obtained, and contains all the chloride of pot-
This salt is made from the yellow prussiate, by assium produced in making the yellow prussiate
passing chlorine gas over or through it. Its into red, besides any impurities which may be
properties aresomewhat different from those of formed in the process it is not a safe substitute,

yellow prussiate, though of the same general nor is it always a cheap one compared with the
class ; it is easily distinguished, by not giving pure crystals.
any blue colour with a persalt of iron, which The chemical name for red prussiate is fer-

the yellow prussiate does. Mr. Mercer found ridcyanide of potassium. The best criterion of
that a mixture of red prussiate and caustic its purity is the size, colour, and clearness of the
potash possesses peculiar powers of oxidation, crystals ; may be applied to see if
the iron test
the most interesting of which, to the calico- it contains any yellow prussiate unchanged. It
printer, is its discharging effect upon indigo should lose no weight upon drying, and should
blue. If a piece of dip blue be soaked in solu- dissolve completely in water without residue.
tion of red prussiate and dried, and then dipped Prussian Blue. —
This is a prussiate of iron,
in moderately strong caustic, it will be entirely and it may
be either a ferrocyanide or a ferrid-
bleached; the same thing happens if it be cyanide of iron, as it is made from yellow or
dipped at once into a mixture of red prussiate red prussiate. It is insoluble in water, destroyed
and alkali. This interesting reaction has not by which forms one of the alkaline
been taken much advantage of on account of prussiates from it, and leaves the red oxide of
some practical difficulties and the comparative iron some varieties dissolve in oxalic acid, and

expensiveness of the process. The discharging others do not. Muriate of tin and oxymuriate
of the indigo blue is owing to its oxidation, and bring it into a kind of solution, and in this state
in so far resembles the regular process in which it is applied as a spirit colour. Dissolved in
bichromate of potash is used. The difficulty oxalic acid it forms a good blue liquor for
in applying this discharge to calico lay in its finishing, correcting the yellowish tone of garan-
acting too quickly, and its being difficult to cine whites, when these are not well cleared.
— — ; ; —


Not much is known of the actual composition the brown or chocolate, whieh may be obtained
of the various Prussian blues. from the lead salts by fixing the oxide in lime
Prussiate of Tin, or tin pulp, is used only as to the state of peroxide by means
and raising it
an ingredient in the making of steam blues of warm chloride of lime. (See Brown and —
on calico and delaines. It is made by mixing Chocolate for the shades of this class.)
proper quantities of muriate of tin and yellow PUEPLE COLOUES. Purple is eom- —
prussiate the more water employed in mixing pounded of red and blue in the common idea
; ;

them the finer will the pulp be and the better to of what is purple, the red predominates over
work. If practicable, the prussiate should be the blue but there are, of course, a vast number ;

dissolved separately in one half the water, and of hues and shades of purple not to be defined
the muriate mixed with the other half, and both by language. The terms, red purple, or blue
then poured together into the vessel in which purple, serve to indicate the colour which pre-
the pulp is to settle. Another pulp is made from dominates. For the bluer and lower tones of
the bichloride or perchloride of tin instead of purple, the words violet or lilac are more gene-
the muriate; but I am not sure that there is rally employed, while by common consent
any advantage in using it instead of the pre- purple is confined to express deep and full
ceding: some very fine blues have been produced shades of colour.
by using a mixture of the two pulps. For the purple from madder, see page 145;
The following receipts for making tin pulp for the most usual steam purple obtained from
for steam blues have been in use in different logwood, see Dahlia, page 75.
places : Common Steam Purple Calico. —
Ordinary White Tin Pulp. 3 gallons logwood liquor at 10°,
No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. 3 gallons red liquor at 18°, \
Prassiate of potash 4 lbs. ... 8 lbs. ... 9 lbs. 12 oz. crystals of soda, J
Muriate of tin at 120°... 2 qts. ... 5 qts. ... 6qts. lt| lb. oxalic acid ; dissolve, and add
Water 6 gal. ...lOgal. ...lOgal. 18 lbs. ground gum Senegal.
Yield of pulp 2gal„ ... 4gal. ... 6gal. The purple yielded by logwood and red liquor,
The prussiate is first dissolved in one half of or alum, is rather red, and never very deep ; in
the water, the muriate of tin then mixed with order to strengthen and make it more blue,

the remainder of the water, the two solutions the prussiates are combined as in the following
are then mixed together and well stirred to receipt :

break up the precipitate into a fine pulp, thrown Dark Purple Calico. —
upon a filter, or else washed by decantation, and 3 quarts logwood liquor at 16°,
then drained down to the given bulk. 3 quarts red liquor at 20°,
Blue Tin Pulp. 3 oz. crystals of soda,
9 lbs. prussiate of potash, 6 oz. red prussiate of potash,
5 gallons hot water, 6 oz. oxalic acid.
3 quarts bichloride of tin at 100°, 5 lbs. gum Senegal.
5 gallons cold water. The purple just now in vogue for delaines and
The two solutions are mixed, stirred up well calico, is the aniline mauve, thickened with lac-
with about a dozen gallons of water, and then tarine, and containing tannic acid, it does not
drained down to six gallons. call for any receipts I give one or two of the
In mixing dark steam blues it frequently old purples for delaines.
happens that large quantities of prussic acid are Purple for Delaines —Standard.
developed from the hot colours, and sometimes 1 gallon red liquor at 18°,
men working over the pans or mugs are stupified 6 lbs. ground logwood
or sickened by the smell. There should always steep hot for several hours, and add
be good ventilation, but in default of that some 2 oz. binoxalate of potash,
ammonia liquor sprinkled about will relieve the 2 oz. oxalic acid
place a good deal ; or inspiring its vapour, not leave for twenty-four hours, then strain, and
too strong, is perhaps the best restorative for use the clear as a standard ; a blue liquor for
men affected by these exhalations, combined in mixing with this standard is made as follows:
severe cases with dashing cold water on the Blue Liquor for Purple.
face. 3 pints red liquor at 18°,
PUCE COLOUE.—A colour resembling that 1 pint neutral extract of indigo,
of the flea (from the French puce, a flea) a kind well stirred until dissolved. The colour is
of chocolate with a purplish hue. The colour prepared by mixing the standard with this blue
which is known in calico printing as puce, is part.
—— ;


Purple Colour. the colour intended. Old vats dye best; a
2 quarts standard, purple vat will last a month, and the older it is

£ pint blue liquor, the better it Purples are also obtained

2 lbs. British gum. from cochineal for the red part, and sulphate of
The blue is mainly for the
liquor in this receipt indigo for the blue; the cloth mordanted in
benefit of the wool, which under the same con- tartar, alum, and oxymuriate of and dyed in
ditions takes a redder tint than the cotton from a mixture of ammoniacal cochineal and sulphate
logwood. The dark purple given, page 75, is of indigo. Purples are also obtained from archil
stronger and bluer than this one, since it contains as the red part, and extract of indigo for the
prussiate of potash. blue, leaving out the tin in mordanting. Purple
The purple colours upon all wool are obtained shades are also dyed with aniline purple, made
by combining the red of cochineal with the blue blue, if required, by a passage in an acid bath
of sulphate of indigo. The receipt for lilac, of sulphate of indigo.
p. 136, may serve as a model for purple on wool. Purple colours upon cotton are derived from
The purple for printing on silk is somewhat logwood with a tin basis the goods are first

different, and nearly approaches that for calico, grounded in sumac, by leaving them in a hot
here is a receipt :
decoction of it for several hours, then wrung
Purple for Silk. out, and passed in oxymuriate of tin at 2° for
2 quarts logwood liquor at 3°, half an hour, then dyed up in logwood, and
2 quarts peachwood liquor at 3°, raised with oxymuriate. This class of colours
2 lbs. alum, are loose and fugitive, soon fading upon wear
1^ lb. sugar of lead and exposure.
warm and stir well, leave for several hours, Silk is dyed purple for common styles by
then take mordanting in tin, and then dyeing in a mixture
1 quart clear liquor, of logwood liquor and sulphate of indigo.
1 quart gum water, Aniline purple colours are extensively em-
3 oz. oxymuriate of tin, ployed upon silk, and beautiful shades are
2oz. nitric acid at 20°. obtained from archil and cudbear.
The nitric acid might be advantageously re- PURPLE, FRENCH.— A preparation of
placed by nitrate of alumina and oxalic acid. archil, by Guinon, Marnas, and Co., of Lyons,
The aniline purples are also successfully introduced into trade a few years ago. By
printed on silk. some changes made in the method of extracting
Purple Colours by Dyeing. —For the ecclesi- the archil from the lichens, an improved product
astical purples on wool a fast colour is required, is obtained, which yields much faster colours
which is obtained by
dyeing a blue in the
first than any previously known to dyers from the
indigo vat, and then dyeing a cochineal or lac same material.
scarlet upon the top. The colour though not PURPLE HEART, Purple Wood of Guiana,
very very durable.
brilliant is The common The wood very hard
of the copiaba pubiflora,
class of purples upon wool are from logwood and dense, principally used for making ram-
and extract of indigo, mordanted in alum, tin, rods, contains also a colourable principle which
and tartar. The following process may be taken assumes a purple colour when exposed to light.
as an illustration :
It is capable of communicating colours to fabrics,
125 lbs. wool (merino), but I am not aware of its being employed for
18 lbs. white tartar, dyeing.
12 lbs. sulphate of alumina, PYROXILISED COTTON.— Cotton which
41bs. oxymuriate of tin; has been treated with concentrated nitric acid,
dissolve the salts in the water, enter the stuff, or a mixture of strong nitric and sulphuric acid.
and work for three hours at the boil take out, ; (See page 88.)
and leave for a day before washing. Prepare a PYROLIGNEOUS A C I D.— Crude and
boiler with 2 lbs. of white tartar, 3 lbs. of sul- impure acetic acid when obtained from the dis-

phate of alumina, and as much logwood liquor tillation of wood. — (See Acetic Acid, page 6.)

and extract of indigo as is required to produce

QUERCITRON BARK.— This dyeing i growing in several parts of America. It was
matter, as its name indicates, is the inner bark introduced into England at the close of the last
of a tree; the Quercus tinctoria, or black oak, | century, by Dr. Bancroft, well known for his


treatise on " Permanent Colours." It soon bine well, and modify the shades produced by
came into use, as being cheaperand stronger other dyewoods. The ground bark is liable to
than the yellow colouring matters then known adulteration with mineral matters and worthless
in the trade. It is sold in the ground state, has vegetable substances, the manner of detecting
a yellow colour, a bitter taste, and a peculiar which are the same for all colouring matters,
smell. It dyes up good yellows upon wool and and have been before alluded to. Bark is much

cotton on the first with a tin mordant, and used in garancine dyeing. When quercitron
upon the second with an alumina mordant. The bark is mixed with sulphuric acid and water,
colouring matter is very soluble in water, and then steamed, as in the making of garancine, a
is much used for steam colours, under the name product is obtained which has somewhat higher
of bark liquor ; its principal use in this respect powers of dyeing than the original bark. This
being for compound shades, from dark chocolate method of treating bark has been followed in
down to the lightest drabs, greys, etc. Its some places, but is of no real advantage, and is
yellow, either by itself or with blue in forming now quite abandoned.
a green, is not liked so much as that which can An extract of bark is sold under the name
be obtained from other sources. With iron of Flanive (see page 93) :other preparations
mordants it gives shades of grey, olive, and which contain the colouring matter in a con-
black, not good in themselves, but which com- centrated state are also found in trade.

REALGAR, Red Arsenic. — This is one of the and a corresponding amount of alum used, the
sulphides of arsenic, similar in its composition chlorate may be increased to six ounces. Atten-
to orpiment. Its only use in printing or dyeing tion has been several times drawn to the fact
is as a reducing agent for bringing indigo into that the wood reds are not good without
solution. chlorate of potash or some oxidising agent it ;

RED COLOURS. — The chief red colours was formerly the custom to pass the reds in
are derived from cochineal, lac dye, madder, and chrome, but this was bad for the other colours.
garancine, and the methods for obtaining them The use of chlorate of potash for wood reds is
have been given when treating of those sub- due to a Lancashire colour mixer, and has been
stances. A less important but still largely used of great service in the lower class of chintz styles.
class of red colours are obtained from the red The wood reds are inadmissible upon delaines,
woods which Brazil wood is the
so-called, of being so much inferior to cochineal, but are
chief type; the barwood red dye is described, —
sometimes used upon silk. (See Pink.)
page 18, and I give here a few receipts showing In dyeing common reds upon calico the cloth
the methods of applying the colouring matters is well mordanted by steeping in hot sumac
of sapan wood, peach wood, etc. liquor for several hours, and then worked in
Steam Bed, for Calico. oxymuriate of tin (red spirits) for a sufficient
3 gallons sapan wood liquor at 10°, length of time to enable it to take up as much
2 lbs. alum, tin as possible, then washed and dyed in a
1 quart bark liquor at 18°, mixture of peachwood and fustic, taking about
1 quart red liquor at 20°, 3 lbs. of the red to 1 lb. of the yellow wood, and
10 oz. crystals muriate of copper. finally raising by adding a quantity of the red
The oxidising agent here is the muriate of spirits to the dye. The use of fustic in dyeing,
copper, which may be replaced by a mixture and bark in printing, is in order that the yellow
of nitrate of copper and sal ammoniac, or else they communicate may brighten the otherwise
by chlorate of potash, which is more usual in crimson of the red woods into a scarlet shade.
England, as in the following receipt: If, consequently, a crimson red be aimed at, the
/Steam Bed, for Calico. yellow wood must be left out, and if a bluer
6 quarts sapan liquor at 8°, crimson is required a small proportion of log-
1 quart bark liquor at 12°, wood may be added. The wood red upon silk
1 quart nitrate of alumina, is dyed the same as calico, but the sumac
1 lb. alum, treatment may be omitted.
3 lbs. starch, Inferior reds upon wool may be obtained by
2 oz. chlorate of potash. mordanting in a mixture of equal parts of alum
The nitrate of alumina must also act in this and bichromate, and then dyeing up in peach
colour as an oxidising agent ; if it be omitted, wood and raising with alum.
; ;


EED LIQUOR. — (See Acetate of Resist for OatecJm Colours.— The best resist
Alumina.) for this purpose appears to be citrate of soda
RED WOODS.— The woods known by this thickened with calcined farina. It may be made
name are those which give a red or crimson by taking lime juice at 30°, and adding caustic
colour to yarn or cloth mordanted with either soda at 58° until the lime juice is quite neu-
tin or alumina. The chief varieties in use are tralised, or made a little This resist
sapan wood, Brazil wood, peach wood, Lima will also throw and purples,
off light chocolates
wood, and barwood. Brazil wood may be taken but is rather defective in cutting power, and
as the type of the red woods, which differ from will not resist dark paste chocolates.
one another rather in the quantity than the Citrate of soda, or potash, forms also a good
quality of the colouring matter contained in neutral resist, but is seldom employed without
them. being strengthened with pipeclay, or some of
RESISTS, Reserves. —A resist in calico the other mechanically resisting substances.
printing is some composition applied to parts of Reserves, or Protecting Resists. These are —
a fabric in order to prevent the deposition of mostly applied by the block, and are in great
colour or mordant upon those parts. The parts part mechanical, as will be seen in the illus-
thus protected may be the uncoloured fibre trations.
alone, which it is intended to keep white, or Resist Paste for Cliintz.
it may be some coloured part which is required 6 gallons water,
to be preserved unaltered while the remainder 15 lbs. arsenate of potash neutral,
of the cloth covered with some coloured
is 40 lbs. pipeclay,
design. Resist compositions intended for this 30 lbs. calcined farina.
latter purpose are usually called pastes, and If the arsenate of potash (the arsenate of soda
the colour so preserved is said to be "pasted." will also answer very well) be acid it must be
Resists may be either chemical or mechanical, neutralised with caustic. The arsenate of pot-
or both combined, according to the nature of ash has some resisting powers of itself, but its
the colour or mordant to be resisted, and the use in combination with pipeclay is owing to
manner in which it has to be applied. its drying up in a dense and somewhat gummy

Resists for Iron and Red Liquor Mordants. — mass which gives solidity to the pipeclay, and
The best and only safe resist for these mordants makes it more capable of withstanding the effects
is lime juice ; if of a fair quality, and employed of friction.
at the proper strength, it leaves nothing to Another neutral paste is made from citrate of
desire. Good lime juice, at 15° Tw., thickened soda mixed with pipeclay and calcined farina
with calcined farina, will resist all the iron and it is well adapted for styles which are to be

alumina mordants in use for madder work, at covered with iron buff or chrome green.
30° Tw. it is strong enough as a resist for —
Indigo Resists. These have been given in
garancine styles. the article on indigo so far as regards the white
Muriate of tin is used in conjunction with and chrome yellow resists. I append here two
red liquor, in order to give the latter a power or three resists for a style to be dipped in indigo
of resisting weak iron mordants. It would not and dyed in madder, the active agent in which
answer as a white resist, because some of the is a compound of copper with fat, obtained by
oxide of tin would become attached to the cloth, mixing nitrate of copper and soda together.
and dye up a red stain. Copper Soap Resist.
Oxalic acid, tartaric acid, and the acid sul- 10 gallons water,
phate of potash will act as resists, but are very 50 lbs. gum Senegal,
inferior to lime juice or citric acid. These 100 lbs. pipeclay,
substances will resist for a day or two, and may well incorporated together ; then add a hot
be used when only a short period elapses between solution composed of
the printing and dyeing ; but after a few hours 50 lbs. of soap,
the oxalate, tartrate, or sulphate of iron, or 5 gallons water
alumina, begins to suffer decomposition, and and then mix very gradually, and with constant
deposit oxide upon the fibre, which attracts stirring,
sufficient of the colouring matter to make the 501bs. nitrate of copper at 80°.
whites bad. Citric acid does not act so, for I This mixture, which should be perfectly smooth
have kept lime juice resists five years between and homogeneous, constitutes the resist, and it
printing and dunging, and the whites were as can be combined with mordants which will fix
perfectly clear then as three days after printine". upon the fabric, while the fatty salt resists the
(See Citric Acid, page 54.) indigo.


Bed far Indigo Dipping.
Besist weak caustic; and thirdly, by boiling it with
1\ gallon red liquor at 20°, strong caustic soda. "Whichever way it is made
2 lbs. starch, it ought to dissolve well in water, without
6 oz. crystals of tin, leaving any sediment. It is very variable in
3 quarts of copper soap resist. its quality, containing an irregular amount of
A chocolate and a black can be prepared in the water, and sometimes a deficient quantity of
same manner. The pieces are dipped as usual, alkali. Its appearance cannot always be de-
cleaned as perfectly as possible from the copper, pended upon as an indication of its quality, and
and dyed in madder. nothing but chemical analysis will point out if
Eesists for special colours, not included in this there is the due proportion of rosin and soda
article, will be found under the head of the with regard to water. It is not difficult to
colours, or by reference to the index. make ; some bleachers make their own, and
ROSIN.— Common rosin has become an im- more might do so with advantage, both in a
portant substance in bleaching cotton goods; pecuniary point of view, and as having a more
its effects are remarkable, and could scarcely regular and reliable product. In making the
have been anticipated. It is the residue of the prepared rosin by means of soda ash, the ash
heating of the juice which flows from certain must be weak to begin with, and the pounded
trees —
the pine species in particular. It varies rosin added by degrees, as it dissolves in the
considerably in quality, and consequently in boiling liquor. The quantity which ash can
'price; some kinds contain a sufficient quantity dissolve depends upon its strength, which is
of turpentine, when arrived in this country, to variable, but a little practice soon shows when
make it worth while to distil them over again, it has dissolved as much as it can properly;
to extract what the unskilfulness of the foreign when this point is arrived at a little more ash is
distiller has left in. The quality of rosin can be added, and the boiling continued until all the
generally estimated by a simple inspection of it. soap separates from the liquor, and rises to the
It should be clear and transparent. Its colour top as a pasty mass. When it has cooled a
does not matter much for bleaching purposes, if little it is scooped off and is fit for use— the
it is otherwise good, but its transparency seems bottom liquor being mixed with water for the
to be an important matter ; if milky-looking it beginning of another operation. In making it
usually contains water, and is weak. It should from weak caustic the same method is followed
not be dirty— containing bits of chips, gravel, if it does not rise to the surface some soda ash
sand, etc, for of course these deteriorate its or common salt put in will compel it to do so.
value, however good the pure portion may be. The method of making it from strong caustic

Practical dealers lay some stress upon the is only applicable to small quantities. The
absence of small specks upon the rosin, which following proportions and method may be
can be observed, if present, upon holding small —
adopted: Six gallons of caustic soda, contain-
pieces to the light. When held in the flame of ing 14 per cent of real alkali (marking, if pretty
a gas light or candle, the rosin ought to melt pure, 44° Tw.), is heated in an iron boiler until
without spitting or sputtering. it gets near the boil, then 112 pounds of crushed
EOSIN SOAP, Prepared Bosirtfor Bleachers. rosin added by degrees, with constant
Eosin combines with potash or soda to make a and the heat continued until perfect
kind of soap ; but it is not a real soap, according combination has taken place, which can be
to the chemical definition of that substance; but ascertained by taking a little of the stuff out
the alkali causes the rosin to become soluble in and observing if it is all of one consistency,
water, and that solution possesses properties of containing no visible particles of rosin, and,
the same nature as soap. The prepared rosin is when put into hot water, dissolving with only
mostly sent to the bleachers ready made ; but I a little milkiness. This process gives very
understand some bleachers add the pounded good results when the proportion of alkali is
rosin to the soda in the kier, and boil it until right, and the boiling has been continued long
dissolved, and then enter the pieces. The enough it requires some care in the making,

results of many experiments

I have made upon principally to prevent the rosin burning at the
this point seem to show a decided advantage in bottom of the pan. Larger quantities than 112
having the combination made separately, chiefly pounds of rosin can be prepared at once, but
because they can be better made, and with less the difficulties increase, and the danger of
loss of time than dissolving it in the kiers. It is burning is greater;- but, as the whole process
made in two or three different ways Firstly, :
— does not take more than an hour and a half, it
by boiling crushed rosin with soda ash and is quite easy, even with a small pan, to keep a

water; secondly, by boiling the rosin with large bleaching works supplied with prepared


rosin. If the prepared rosin is short of soda, or have had experience of were much softer than
ifthe combination between the rosin and soda rosin and contained volatile oil, and, besides,
has not taken place in a perfect manner, the were greatly contaminated with leaves, twigs,
rosin is liable to be thrown out upon the pieces dirt, etc.

during the bowking in such a manner that it ROSE ANILINE, Roseine.— This is the name
will not wash off. The sours fix it still more, given to the base which constitutes the Magenta
and it remains upon the cloth to its injury, colour as manufactured by Simpson, Maule, and
especially when the cloth is intended for Nicholson, upon Medlock's patent. As sent
dyeing. dryed over tins the
If the pieces are into the market, it is in the state of acetate of
rosin will sometimes collect on the skrimp rail aniline, dissolved in some menstruum, the
in considerable quanties. I have known several nature of which is not generally known.
ounces of a mixture of rosin and cotton fibre ROSOLIC ACID.— An acid body obtained
thus collected, and seen pieces of sound calico from coal-tar, so called, because it gives pink-
torn across by the half-melted rosin on the bar, coloured salts with some bases. Hopes were
holding them against the pulling of the tins. entertained of isolating the colouring matter
This can always be avoided by increasing the and applying it as a tinctorial substance ; but
amount of soda to the rosin, and attending to recent investigations have shewn that there is

the heating of them together. The action of no prospect of any useful colour being derived
the prepared rosin in bleaching is that of a soap, from it.
dissolving the natural and added resinous mat- RUBY COLOUR.— A colour of a deep rose
ters contained in the fibre, and so loosening the red; the only dyed colour, distinctively so
dirt which these kept as it were fastened to the called, is that obtained upon silk by means of
cloth. cudbear. To produce it the cudbear is boiled
Gum Thus. — This resinous body is the exuda- in water and and the silk, without
tion of a different tree from that which yields mordant or preparation, worked in the clear
common rosin. It is employed by some bleach- liquor until the required shade is obtained.
ers who conceive that it gives better results The addition of ammonia at the end of the dye-
than ordinary pine rosin. For bleaching for ing, or working the silk separately in ammo-
calico printing, I believe that it is no better niacal water, gives a bluish hue to the ruby;
than the cheaper common rosin, if this latter is on the other hand, very weak sours, or tin salts,
well prepared; but gum thus seems more readily convert into a reddish hue.
and perfectly soluble in carbonated alkalies, By combining fustic and logwood with the
which will be an advantage in some methods of cudbear, and rasing in tin, a variety of hues and
bleaching. Such qualities of gum thus that I shades can be produced.


SAFFLOWER.— This substance, called also straining cloth, by pouring water upon it until
cartTiamus, is the flower of a plant growing in it ceases to pass through yellow. Care must
the north of Africa, and in some other warm be taken that no portions of the safflower escape
climates. It contains two colours a yellow — washing, or only inferior shades of colour will
which is loose and valueless, and a red which is be produced. The red colouring matter is
very beautiful. The yellow dissolves in cold soluble in weak alkalies, and crystals of soda or
water, but the red is insoluble; and as the pearl ash are usually employed to dissolve it
yellow would injure the red if the whole saf- heat is not necessary and is even injurious, the
flower were to be used together in dyeing, it is operations succeeding best at the natural tem-
always washed in cold water to remove the perature. When the solution of the colouring
former colouring matter. The method of wash- matter is made, it is set free again by neutralis-
ing consists in putting the safflower loosely into ing the alkali with some acidulous body: lemon
bags, and leaving these in a slight stream of juice, citric acid, tartaric acid, and vitriol are
pure water until, upon pressure, it is found that used by different dyers ; it does not seem that
the water runs away nearly colourless. Another it is of any importance which acid is used, not-

way is to put several bags into a large vat or withstanding all the minute directions which
cistern with water and trampling the bags with have formerly been given in this way, and the
the feet ; but this seems to cause a loss of colour. great importance which seemed to be attached
Where pure running water is not available, the to it. No time should be lost after the addition
best process is to wash the safflower upon a fine of the acid in placing in the articles to be dyed,
for it appears that the affinity of the coloured will die it a full crimson. In order to take
particles for the fibre diminishes in proportion up this quantity the cotton must be several
to the time of their precipitation or liberation times dyed in fresh solutions of the colouring
from the alkali. The stuff to be dyed is then matter.
worked in the liquid until the colour is ex- No mordanting is used for safflower colours
hausted or the desired shade obtained. It yields since none of the mordants known .either
shades of red from the finest light pink to a increase the affinity of the cloth for the colour-
flame-coloured poppy red. Its shades can be ing madder or give it any greater stability
heightened and assisted by other colours for the In fancy cotton dyeing safflower is used to
darker shades ; as for example by anotta, tur- top many dyed colours combined with Prussian

meric, etc. but these are not admissible for the

; blue, it gives lavender oi lilac shades, with
lighter and brighter shades. anotta it yields scarlets.
A method of obtaining finer colours is some- The quantity of safflower required to dye
times used the red colouring matter is taken
: silk is nearly the same as for cotton, and the
up by finely-carded cotton wool from the dye process and colours precisely similar.
tub ; this is gently washed in clear water, and There is one peculiarity about the dyeing
then the colour taken from it by crystals of with safflower which is worthy of consideration:
soda, and the stuffs dyed init after the addition in all other cases the dyer is generally careful
of lime juice. It is said to give better results, to have his dye stuffs in a perfectly soluble
but it is questionable whether it is worth the state for dyeing, but here the exceptional
trouble. Inferior qualities of safflower might method of precipitating the colouring matter
require some such treatment to give good from its solution before the goods are entered
colours, but good qualities do not. for dyeing is practised. It is curious to
SAFFLOWER COLOURS. — Although speculate how the coloured particles can be so
safflower yields the most delicate shades of rapidly and so completely attracted by the fibre
colour which the art of the dyer can produce, it as is found to be the case in practice.
has the disadvantage of being one of the most —
SAFFRON. Saffron cannot be said to be a
unstable of all colouring matters; being ex- regular colouring matter, being mostly used for
cessively susceptible to the action of light and other purposes, but it contains an intensely
alkalies, it can neither stand exposure nor yellow principle, not soluble in water, but
washing. Its chief consumption is in silk soluble in spirits, oils, etc. It is used to colour
dyeing, and in light fancy articles of cotton not confectionery and varnishes, and is sparingly
intended to be washed. used in topping thread dyed yellow with chrome
Few dyers now wash or extract the colouring and lead. It is not a fast colour, but used in
matter of the safflower themselves, preferring to this last way it communicates a very desirable
purchase an extract ready made which contains shade to thread for fancy articles.
the colouring matter in a concentrated state The pure yellow colouring matrer of saffron
and by means of which they are enabled to has not been separated in a sufficiently pure
obtain more regular
results. The process of state to be analysed. It has received the name
dyeing simple in the extreme; a sufficient
is of Polychroite.
quantity of the extract is added to as small a SAL AMMONIAC, Muriate of Ammonia. —
quantity of water as the goods can be worked in This is the only salt of ammonia in regular use
and well mixed up. The goods being ready for for the purposes of the calico printer. It is
the dye, a small quantity of acid is mixed with —
found in two different states in large lumps of
the liquor, citric acid seems to be generally a fibrous structure, and in small crystals. The
preferred, but weak vitriol, acetic or tartaric former variety has been sublimed, the latter has
acid can be used; the goods are entered cold been crystallised from an aqueous solution.
and worked about until all the colouring matter Preference is given to the sublimed sal am-
is absorbed, or until the desired shade is moniac as being the purest. I have found
obtained. As a finish, the goods are passed samples of the crystallised sal ammoniac very
through water made very slightly acid with pure, but often also contaminated with metallic
tartaric or citric acid. Some dyers work the salts, as chloride of zinc and chloride of lead.
goods in the safflower before adding acid, lifting The chloride of lead is objectionable, but the
them out and adding the acid, and then entering chloride of zinc would not be injurious in small
and working again. quantities. With
the exception of a trace of
About four ounces of safflower will dye a iron, and that in an insoluble state, I have not
pound of cotton cloth light pink, eight ounces found any impurity in good qualities of sublimed
will dye a full rose pink, and from 12 oz. to 1 lb. sal ammoniac.
— ; — ;


The uses of sal ammoniac in colour mixing SAW WORT.— This plant the serratula
seem to be referable to its power of forming tinctoria of Linnaeus, according to Bancroft,
double salts with metals, and thus in some affords a good substitute for weld, dyeing up a
unknown way regulating their action upon the bright lemon yellow colour, of considerable
colouring matters. It is especially useful in durability.
conjunction with copper salts, when the nature SCARLET COLOUR.— Scarlet may be
of the colour requires their presence; it has considered as red with the addition of a little
been satisfactorily proved by experiment that yellow. The processes for producing this colour
without sal ammoniac a much larger quantity are given in the articles on Cochineal and Red
of copper would be required to produce the Colours.
same effect, even if any practical quantity could SHADED STYLES.— By this term I
effect the results attained by a combination of intimate a style of work produced by printing
the two salts. colours which fall upon one another, and at the
SALMON COLOUR.— This colour may
be point of contact produce a shade different from
defined as a kind of buff, somewhat redder and the body of the piece. There are several
warmer than the common iron buff. The methods by which this may be accomplished;
colour yielded to cotton and silk by anotta is one or two illustrations will suffice.
frequently called a salmon colour to obtain the
; Two Shades of Bed for Madder. A red liquor —
shade by means of the compound colours it is of such strength as will produce the lightest
only necessary to mix the red and yellow shade is taken and mixed with nitrate of
colours in the proper proportions. alumina, equivalent in strength to four pounds
SAPAN WOOD.— One of the red woods, of alum per gallon, thickened, and printed in
the concentrated decoction of which is largely say a stripe, a pad, or a Bengal pin, and dried
used in calico printing, as the most economical up. The nitrate of alumina cannot act as a
red part for compound colours. In chemical mordant, and the colour, if now dunged and
and other properties it is identical with Brazil dyed, would only produce a shade corresponding
wood. with the strength of red liquor ; but if some
SANTA MARTHA WOOD.-One of the colour which will precipitate the alumina of
red woods, which appears to be the same as the the nitrate of alumina be printed upon the first
wood more frequently called peach wood, similar pattern, it will then cause a deposition of
or identical in its properties to Brazil wood. alumina in those places, which will, conse-
S ANTAL WOOD, Sandal Wood, Bed Saunders quently, dye up a dark red. Acetate of soda,

Wood. This wood is very similar to barwood, properly thickened, is suitable for this purpose
it contains a red colouring matter which is very wherever it falls upon the nitrate of alumina it
little soluble in water. The wood is extremely effects a double decomposition, producing acetate
hard, and can only be employed in bulk when of alumina and nitrate of soda ; the acetate oi
ground excessively fine it is said to com-
; alumina, by ageing, deposits its alumina, and
municate a harsh feeling to wool dyed with it, forms a dark red mordant.
probably on account of hard resinous matter Two Shades of Purple Madder. —
present in the wood. With aluminous and tin 1 \ gallon of 16 lilac,
mordants santal wood dyes brownish red colours that is, gum water, which contains one-sixteenth
of considerable depth. It appears to be very of strong iron liquor ; dissolve in it

largely used in France as a constituent in dyeing ljlb. green copperas

woollen of a dark blue colour, for soldiers' uni- Print and dry. Then for the precipitating eolour
form. This colour is obtained as follows : take 1 gallon water,

French National Blue. The wool is first dyed 2 \ lbs. acetate of soda,
a strong blue in the indigo vat, and then (for 5 lbs. gum;
every 100 lbs. wool) boiled for one hour with a And dung, and dye, as usual. The
print, age,
mixture of 30 lbs. sandal wood, chemical action here is the same as in the pre-
ljlb. logwood, ceding case, acetate of iron is produced, the
2 J lbs. archil, metal of which is taken up by the cloth which
l|lb. gall nuts. cannot take it up from the sulphate.
At the expiration of an hour, 2jlb8. green Instead of acetate of soda, a solution of neutral
copperas are added, and the wool further worked arsenate of soda may be employed, standing at
until the colour is deemed to be sufficiently about 14° Tw.
raised. The use of sandal wood in this case is Another method is carried out as follows :

only to fill up the blue, and give it a brown or Chocolate for Shades — Madder.
bronze shade. 8 gallons red liquor at 18°,


5 gallons own liquor at 8% of the ordinary acids to a solution of the silicate
20 lbs. flour ; boil, and add of soda effects the decomposition of the salt,
1 gallon lime juice at 40°. the silicic acid being displaced in a gelatinous
Purple for Shades —Madder, state ; if the solution be concentrated it becomes
8 gallons water, semi-solid by the free silicic acid in suspension.
1 gallon iron liquor at 24°, Silicic acid, thus liberated from its compounds,
13J lbs. flour ; boil, and add may enter into a solution to a considerable
7 pints lime juice. extent in water and dilute acids ; it is rendered
In these receipts it will be observed that the insoluble by boiling or evaporation to dryness.
mordants are, when thickened, strong mordants Solution of silicate of soda is decomposed by
and calculated to yield dark shades; but the the carbonic acid of the atmosphere ; a strong
addition of citric acid converts a quantity of the and nearly neutral solution, when exposed in an
iron into citrate, which cannot fix, and the open vessel to the air for a few days, becomes
shades produced are only such as would be due solid this may form a test of the alkalinity of

to the iron still left as acetate; but by printing a sample. Silicate of soda for dung substitute
a composition of arsenate or phosphate of soda should be as neutral as possible, but it is neces-
across the aceto-citrate mordant the iron is pre- sarily alkaline, and is not well fitted for cleans-
cipitated, and forms a mordant for dark colours. ing any styles of work likely to be injured by
Darkening Colour jor Shades. alkalies. Silicate of soda has been used as an
1 gallon gum water, agent for fixing ultramarine blue and other
3 lbs. crystals phosphate of soda. pigment colours; the colour was ground up well
There a good deal of uncertainty and irre-
is with a solution of silicate at about 90° Tw.,
gularity in this style of work unless closely printed without any other thickening, dried soft
attended to. The lime juice method is the best and hung in a cool by passing
place, then fixed
and most regular, but a good quality of lime in solution of muriate of ammonia or common
juice must be employed; if it contains any salt. The results were not generally satisfactory,
notable quantity of saceharine or extractive the colour was difficult to print, uncertain as to
matter, there is no saying how much, or how its fastness, sometimes all coming off in the
little iron it will deposit, or how it will answer fixing liquor, and even when well fixed commu-
the phosphate or arseniate precipitating colour. nicating an unpleasant harshness to the cloth.
SILICON, Silica.— This element is the baste Greys for the printing machine are in some
of sand and many minerals ; it is little known continental establishments passed through sili-

in its free state. Its combination with oxygen cate of soda ; they are said, when thus prepared,
is silicic acid, which exists pure in rock crystal, to give a better impression, to last longer, and
and a few other natural minerals. It has no to absorb less of the colourfrom the white piece.
applications as an acid, being insoluble in water Silicate of soda has been mixed with soap and
in its ordinary state. Silicic acid combines the compound highly commended but it pos- ;

with bases giving silieates, all of which are, in sesses no detergent properties, and can only be
their neutral state, insoluble in water. The looked upon as an adulteration. Silicate of
alkaline silicates of potash or soda are soluble in soda has a very injurious action upon unsoaped
water. Common glass is a neutral or acid madder work.
silicate of potash or soda, containing an excess —
SILK. Silk is the fins, strong, and appa-
of silicic an excess of the alkaline
acid ; if rently solid, thread which several insects wind
material be used a glass is equally produced, but round themselves as a protection while under-
it is soluble in water. Powdered flint or quartz going their metamorphosis. It is originally
is dissolved by a boiling concentrated solution fluid or semi-fluid, and exudes from an opening

of caustic soda, producing a silicate of soda in the lip of the worm, but soon solidifies in the
such a solution was known to the older chemists air. The colour is usually of a golden yellow,
as liquor of flints; a solution of silicate of soda but sometimes quite white; the thread often
is now extensively employed in the cleansing of exceeds 1,300 feet in length, and is consequently
printed goods instead of cow dung, and is known the longest fibre known, the pure silk contained
as one of the dung substitutes. in this length will not weigh more than a couple
Silicate of soda is made on the large scale by of grains, from which fact an idea of its extreme
fusing clean sand with soda ash until a glass is fineness may be formed. Its diameter is about
produced, which is broken into small lumps and 2TjViT of an inch, under the microscope it appears
boiled with water until a solution of the required as a cylindrical fibre, without any twists or
strength is obtained. Silicic acid is one of the evidences of structure. Silk contains, naturally,
feeblest acids, consequently the addition of any a large quantity of gummy substance attached to


it,which must be removed before it can be dyed ing, or common soft soap ; but when the action
it is best removed by boiling the raw silk in is of amixed nature, as upon dyed goods, the
soap and water a loss of weight equivalent to
; soap must be of a mild, neutral character. Soap
one-fourth, or one-third of the weight of the may be bad or defective by being deficient in
silk takes place in boiling off. For the behaviour alkali, or by having it in excess. A good soap
of silk towards the various drugs used in dyeing, for finishing madder work should be slightly
see Fibrous Substances, pages 86 to 93. alkaline; it is more economical than a pure

SOAP. Soap is a combination of a fatty neutral soap, and gives as good or better results.
matter and an oxide, but the name is usually If the soap be too alkaline, it acts harshly upon
applied to the compounds of fatty matters madder colours, impoverishing them, especially
with potash and soda only. Soap is manu- the reds, while the lilacs and purples are turned
factured by heating together some fat or oil to a disagreeable reddish hue. Pinks soaped
with dilute caustic alkali, until they coal- with a too alkaline soap will be flat and dull,
esce into a homogeneous mass. There is without bloom ; catechu drabs and browns will
no real difficulty in making soap, and it might be much deteriorated. Work thus injured may
be frequently made by the consumer to ad- sometimes be improved by passing in water
vantage many printers make their
; own soap, made sour with sulphuric acid, washing and
and where much madder work is done the re-soaping. If a soap is deficient in alkali it
economy is conspicuous. The most valuable takes a greater quantity and longer time to effect
soap is made from tallow and olive oil, but a the clearing of goods; frequently the whites are
cheaper and excellent soap for dyeing and left dull, and a general aspect of flatness per-
clearing purposes is made from palm oil the ; vades over the colours. Such a soap is im-
strong yellow colour of the unbleached palm proved by adding eight or ten ounces of soda
oil is not found to be any disadvantage in its ash to the water before di solving the soap in
use for madder work, or for bleaching woollen it. An alkaline soap, on the contrary, is im-
or delaine goods. For use on print works, a proved by the addition of muriate or oxymuriate
soap may be made by boiling in an iron pan of tin in small quantity to the water. If soap
palm oil and caustic soda at 16° Tw., in the pro- made from a strong smelling oil be used in
portion of about two and a half pounds of caustic madder work, the finished pieces will retain
to one of Combination takes place in two
oil. the smell in a very persistent manner. I made
or three hours; upon cooling the mass sets as a large quantity of soap from linseed oil, which
a soft yellow solid, which is very suitable for answered very well, but was objectionable on
dissolving rapidly in the becks on account of the account of the smell of paint which the pieces
large amount of water it contains. This soap emitted when kept in the warehouse; cod oil
contains all the glycerine of the oil, as also and whale are objectionable on the same

whatever impurities there may exist in either account. As

a rule, any smell which is possessed
the palm oil or the caustic soda. It answers by oil applied to the pieces is retained by them,
very well for all uses on a print works ; but its and especially by delaines and woollens. An
peculiar method of manufacture requires a nice instance came under my notice of an oil intro-
adjustment of the quantity of oil and alkali, and duced as a substitute for Grallipoli; I examined
is not likely to be successfully carried out with- it and reported unfavourably of its qualities it —
out some chemical knowledge. was a product of distillation and contained
Soap is used in bleaching silk, some qualities many bad smelling oils. Its cheapness caused
of woollen, and some fine kind of cotton goods. it to be used, however, and in a few days the

It is used in several cases of dyeing, either to delaines were complained of as having a disa-
soften the water or to modify the shade of colour, greeable smell— they were returned from the
especially in silk dyeing. It is much used in warehouse as unsaleable. There was no clue
madder and very generally employed as a
styles, to the cause of the smell ; the pieces were
final operation to modify dyed colours and to washed, winced, and dashed, without removing
clear white grounds. The detergent action of the odour, and the fault was variously laid upon
soap depends upon its power of dissolving or the gum, the water, the steaming, and the
rendering fatty matters emulsive and removable drying. As soon as the pieces were submitted
by water. Dirt may be defined as dust, with to me, I recognised the odour of one of the oils
some oleaginous matter, which renders it adhe- separated in the course of my analysis of the
sive; the grease or fat being acted upon, the new oil. Upon inquiry it was found that it
dust is removed by water. For simply
easily had been used in the colour mixing Gallipoli ;

detergent purposes very alkaline soaps may be being again used, the cause of complaint disap-
employed, such as the rosin soap used in bleach- peared*
Soft Soap.— Soft soap is mostly made from as the carbonates of potash and soda, ammonia
potash instead of soda; but there are many oils the alkaline borates, silicates, and phosphates,

which give soft soaps with soda the fish oils give bad and worthless results without soap.
particularly. Soft soap is commonly a stronger The only way in which soap can be saved with
and harsher soap than the hard soaps. Inferior advantage to the work is in adding a little soda
oils are mostly consumed in making commercial ash to the water in the beck if the water is
soft soap, but very fine neutral soft soaps can be hard. Sometimes a beckful of water will de-
made if proper care is taken, and sufficiently stroy a pound or more of soap in precipitating
pure materials employed. I analysed a very the lime ; eight or ten ounces of soda ash,
good soft soap made from olive oil. It answered added before the soap goes into the beck, will
very well for delaine bleaching, but was ex- frequently save this.
pensive. There are some cases where a soft Analysis of Soap. —The usual test for soap is
soap might be advantageous, if it were equally to try upon madder work comparatively with

as good as a hard soap. Common soft soap is a good quality With care, gOod results may

used in a few cases of colour mixing; it serves be obtajped upon small quanties of soap say —
to dissolve anotta, and to make some resists. half an ounce— but when a sufficient quantity of
It should not be used in soaping for any delicate material is at disposal the trial should be
on the
colours. It may be employed in moderation large scale. The
following method may be
for brightening indigo colours, as China blue. pursued in the analysis of soap it gives suffi- —
The quality of soft soap is thought to depend in ciently close results for technical purposes,
some measure upon the existence of white does not take much
In all genuine
particles diffused through the mass, producing samples of soaps there will be nothing but
the appearance called " figgy,"— but this is no water, fatty matters, and alkali. The water
real test of its quality first-rate soaps are some-
; can be determined by taking 100 grains of the
times quite uniform, and the figged character soap and heating it in a porcelain dish, with a
can be communicated to an article of an in- gentle heat, until all the water is dissipated:
ferior nature, containing glue and other useless the heat may be pushed as high as 260° F., or
matters. until the dry soap begins to exhale an odour of
Substitutes for Soap. —
Since the excise duty fatty matter this will take place about fifteen

was taken off soap a vast impetus has been minutes, and give more exact results than a
given to the trade, and a great number of water bath or oil bath, which would require as
patents have been taken out for adulterating many hours. For the determination of the
soap with substances more or less hurtful to it. alkali hundred grains may be dis-
The result is the disappearance of soap, pro- solved in about three ounces of water, and an
perly so called, from ordinary use, and the excess of dilute sulphuric acid of a known
substitution of waxy compounds of glue, rosin, strength, added to it ; there should be about
ground bones, earthy matters, and
gelatine, twice as much would be necessary
acid added as
similar substances, having but little soap mixed to wholly decompose the soap. The solution
with them. Such cheap substitutes as the containing the liberated fatty matter must be
printer or dyer is likely to have offered to him kept hot until all milkiness has disappeared,
will be of this nature, and likely to prove more and the oil floats clearly upon the top then : ;

beneficial to the maker than the consumer. So weighed quantity of pure beeswax (about fifty
much damage can be done by the use of bad grains) isadded to the solution, and all kept hot
soap that the printer ought to insist upon being until the wax is completely incorporated with
supplied with a soap which contains nothing the fatty matter; the whole is then allowed to
but water, soda, and fat. Anything else will be cool. Upon cooling, the wax solidifies along
only an addition of weight without value, and with the fatty matter, forming a well-cohering
likely to be hurtful or useless. I have made cake, which may be removed from the liquid,
many experiments upon substances- similar to washed with a little water, and the washings
soap, with a view to substituting them for it, added to the original solution, then carefully
but with no notable success it seems to be
; dried and weighed. The excess of weight above
fatty matter which is wanted, and nothing else that of the beeswax employed is the quantity of
will do; even a small percentage of rosin ap- fatty matter present. A
graduated alkaline
peared to be hurtful. I found that animal black solution then added to the first liquid until

could be made to clear the whites of madder it is neutral it is found how much of the acid

work, but it left the colours very dull and poor, first used was neutralised, and the amount of
and even soaping afterwards would not restore alkali calculated from that.
them to a proper shade. All alkaline substances, SODA AND ITS SALTS.- Caustic soJa is
prepared exactly in the same manner as caustic from soda ash, and are a compound of dry car-
potash, and possesses properties which are very bonate of soda and water. In round numbers,
similar to it. Caustic soda is sold either solid three pounds of crystals contain two pounds of
or in solution ; the manufacture of solid caustic water and one pound of dry carbonate of soda.
soda upon the large scale is of very recent intro- In most cases the carbonate of soda in the crys-
duction. The product sent out hy some of the tals is lesscontaminated with other salts than is
large firms appears perfectly well suited to the the case in soda ash, and it should, consequently,
wants of a dye or print works. Liquid caustic be preferred in all delicate operations. In a
soda is sold in carboys at a strength of about 60° warm dry situation the crystals lose water, be-
Tw. The following table shows the percentage coming white externally they are not chemi-

amount of real dry caustic soda in 100 parts by changed or injured, as is vulgarly supposed,
weight of the liquid at different strengths of Tw. but really improved, because a given weight
contains more of the alkali than previously.
Twaddle. Dry Soda. Twaddle. Dry Soda. Carbonate of potash may be distinguished from
carbonate of soda by the property which the
66 23 40 13
63 22 34 Hi former has of absorbing moisture from the air,
60 20J 29 10 becoming damp crystallised carbonate of soda

56 19 24 8
has the opposite tendency, to give up its water
to the atmosphere.

45 14| 10 °2
Bicarbonate of Soda. —
This salt differs from
simple carbonate of soda by containing twice as
The uses of caustic soda are very numerous, much carbonic acid. It is a milder alkali, and on
being cheaper than potash ; it is used whenever that account receives a few applications in dye-
a strong alkali is required, whether for raising ing,where the more energetic carbonate might
colours, scouring, soap making, neutralising be hurtful. Genuine bicarbonate of soda is a
acids, or dissolving colouring matters. nearly pure salt, and when made red hot, to

Soda Ash. Soda ash, which is extensively expel its water and the extra equivalent of car-
used in bleaching, is an impure carbonate of bonic acid, leaves pure carbonate of soda used
soda. Its whole value rests upon the amount for analytical purposes.
of pure carbonate it contains. It should be Sulphate of Soda. —
This salt, commonly
quite soluble in water, of a good colour when known as Glauber's salts in the crystallised
opened, and not inclined to change by exposure state,and as salt cake in the anhydrous con-
to the air. Soda ash which goes yellow usually employed in calico printing to fix lead
dition, is
contains some sulphuretted compounds. For mordants preparatory to dyeing them orange or
bleaching, an ash of a bluish tint is preferred. yellow. The only impurity likely to be inju-
There isadifference of opinion amongst bleachers rious in sulphate of soda is sulphate of iron,
as to whether a soda ash for bleaching should or which I have known to spoil work. It can be
should not contain soda in the caustic state. It detected by the usual tests for iron. By dis-
is quite certain that even pure caustic soda can solving such impure sulphate of soda in hot
be used safely in bleaching, but at the same water, and adding carbonate of soda, all the
time it seems proved that caustic soda does iron may be precipitated, and a pure sulphate
sometimes weaken cotton in a very remarkable obtained.
manner ; what the conditions of this apparently Nitrate of Soda is sometimes prescribed in
contradictory behaviour of the fibre may be due colour mixing its utility appears to be owing

known, but it is evident that

to is not clearly to its possessing feeble deliquescent properties
caution must be used in employing a caustic by which it is enabled to draw moisture from

kind of soda ash. Some samples of soda ash the air ; and so keep the colour it is mixed with
contain 12 to 15 per cent caustic soda, and must soft.
assuredly behave very differently to soda ash Common Salt, commonly known as chloride
which does not contain any. Soda ash is sold of sodium or muriate of soda, is also sometimes
at different prices according to the percentage of used in colour mixing on account of its de-
real soda contained in it ; soda ash for bleachers liquescent properties.
and printers' purposes should be 48 per cent at SORGHO RED.—A new kind of red to
least; if the strength is lower than this, the which attention has been drawn extracted ;

amount of common salt and sulphate of soda is from the sorghum saccharatum, or Chinese
likely to prove embarrassing in some opera- sugar-cane, said to dye good and durable colours
tions. upon wool and si'k, a tin mordant being used.
Crystals of Soda, — Crystals of soda are made From the nature of the reports available it does


not seem likely to be of any importance in starch, but rather an accidental one, due to a
dyeing. partial decompositionand breaking up of some
SPINEL MORDANT.— A name given to a of the globules, which communicate a gummy
combination of alumina and magnesia, which nature and adhesive character to the remainder,
Wagner recommends as a mordant preferable or to a residue of unremoved glutinous matters.
to alumina alone. He appears to have derived Starch does not dissolve at all in pure water
this ideafrom the analysis of the Indian yellow when cold, it mixes up, but then settles down,
(see Eoxanthic Acid), in which alumina and leaving the liquid clear ; it dissolves in hot
magnesia exist in single atoms, and because water, swelling out to a great extent ; it begins
this is also the composition of the mineral called to dissolve, or the particles to burst, at about
spinel, he gave this name to it. There are no 150° F., but colour cannot be well thickened at
accounts of this compound mordant having must be boiled to get a good result.
this heat, it
been practically employed. Starch boiled with acids or acid liquors thickens
SPIRIT COLOURS, Cmdeurs & Application. at firstbut afterwards becomes thin, owing to
Several spirit colour receipts have been given the destruction of the starch and its conversion
in the preceding pages ; the name is derived into sugar; colours should not, therefore, as a
from the use of the oxy muriate of tin, or tin general rule, be boiled until they begin to grow
spirits, in their composition. They are low-class thin again —
although in special cases this is pre-
colours and possess very little durability; on scribed, and
is an advantage, but it is usually

account of the excessive acidity of the colours unnecessary, and likely to injure the colour.
they will not stand steaming, and the process of A good wheaten starch is white and clear, has
fixing simply consists in hanging the pieces for a sweet taste on the tongue, or at least an absence
three or four days in a cool place, and washing of bad taste, and, before dissolving in the mouth,
out the excess of tin, and thickening by passing shows an adhesiveness to the tongue; when
gently through cold water. mixed with water it should give a white milky
STANNATE, Stannic Acid.— A term derived fluid, without any particles of dirt floating on
from stannum, the Latin name for tin. The the top, and should settle down quickly, forming
only stannate in use, is the stannate of soda, a solid hard mass at the bottom of the fluid. As
extensively used as a prepare for steam colours. a trial for its thickening powers a quantity may
(See Tin and Preparing.) be boiled with water in the usual manner ; two
STARCH.— Starch is a widely-diffused vege- proportions should be taken, one thicker than
table product, it exists in a vast number of is generally required, and another thinner —for
and trees, and seems to be one of
plants, fruits, instance, one trial at one pound to the gallon,
the fundamental bodies of organic life. Ps and another at two pounds per gallon, and both
composition is very similar to that of sugar, boiled with the usual precautions. The manner
being a compound of carbon with hydrogen and in which behaves on boiling, as well as its

oxygen, in the proportions requisite to form appearance when boiled, should be observed. A
water. It is extensively used in printing and good starch will thicken gradually and evenly
finishing, but does not in either case exercise throughout, not in lumps ; it will keep smooth
any actions of a purely chemical nature as a ; all the time with only a moderate amount of
thickening it is only a vehicle for conveying stirring, and when boiled will be of a clear, tran-
the colour or the mordant to the fibre as a ; sparent, gelatinous appearance —not milky and
finish only to give stiffness or fulness to the
it is opaque, nor breaking off short when lifted with
cloth. But its actions in many cases involve a' stick. At two pounds per gallon it ought to
the play of chemical affinities, and should be be pretty stiff while hot, to pour out slowly, and
minutely known. Pure wheaten starch, when for the most part adhere to the sides of a gallon
closely examined under the microscope, is found mug, when this is inverted, for a short time;
to be composed of very small globules. In at one pound per gallon it should flow smooth
commerce it is found in a peculiar state of and oily, without appearance of water or breaks
aggregation, incorrectly said to be crystallised in it. When cold, the thick trial should be very
the quality of the starch is often jmlged and stiff, and feel tough and solid in the hand ; the

determined by the appearance of these columnar skin should be of a tough leathery nature, and
masses called crystals. No other starch but —
no water should be floating about it will not
that from wheat takes the same form in drying. be so clear as when hot, but still should be par-
It is not prudent, however, to depend too much tially transparent: the thinner trial should
upon this as a test ; for I believe the crystalline be also of increased consistence, and not show
character can be communicated to other starches, any water; it should be smooth, and not
and that it is not an essential character of wheaten containing lumps. There are besides these
characters a great number of others, too minute Bice Flour Starch. —
This has been employed
to record, which are combined in forming in finishing and thickening, but not to any con-
the opinion as to the quality of a sample of siderable extent I believe. It is more used in
starch. It is a practical question, and nothing finishing than as a thickener. It is employed
but a number of trials, upon all kinds of starches, in the manufacture of artificial gums.
will enable anyone to form a correct opinion STEAM COLOURS. — Colours which are
upon this matter* developed and fixed by steam. The method of
Starch is sometimes adulterated with mineral fixing colours by steaming seems to have been
substances, as gypsum, sulphate of baryta, or arrived at by slow degrees, so that it is difficult

mineral white, China clay, etc. The existence to name a date at which it was introduced. The
of these substances make a starch boil rough French admit that the first experiments in this
and opaque they can be discovered by burning
; direction were English, but claim for them-
some of the starch in a proper manner if much— selves the practical application of steam colours
earthy matter be left as a residue, it will be a sign as a style. Nothing now seems more natural
of adulteration. It is sometimes understood that than that printers should have tried to apply
starch for finishing contains mineral matters, the dyers' ingredients in a more concentrated
and a proportionable reduction in price is made, state to cloth, and then submitted the colours to
but oftener there is only one party cognisant of heat. In fact, the experiment was often tried,
it ; at any rate, a starch containing added mine- but always, at first, with dry heat the pieces ;

ral matter ought not to be used in mixing were hung up in stoves heated by red hot flues,
colours, however good it may be as a finishing or the printed pieces were passed over hot
starch. Inferior qualities of starch, under the callenders, or even pressed with a kind of
names of seconds, slimes, and hair powder starch, smoothing-iron made hot. The results, of
are extensively used in the trade, and may be course, were unsatisfactory, and it is easy to
economically and easily employed in numerous point out now that the absence of moisture and
cases ; for it is not necessary, in making colours, the inequality of the heat were sufficient causes
that a starch as pure as is required for domestic of failure- Upon seeing the process of steaming
purposes should be used what is required is a
: colours for the first time, everyone who has not
good sound article, free from adulteration, not had occasion to study the matter expresses sur-
injured by acids or fermentation, and, if other- prise that the! pieces are not wet and the colours
wise good, it does not matter whether it be in do not run into one another. There is no doubt
powder or in crystal, perfectly white or a little that if ever occurred to the earlier printers

greyish. Starch is sometimes injured by some to use steam as it is now used, they would be

of the gluten of the flour being left in it. Such deterred from the experiment by the mistaken
a starch does not keep well, soon goes watery, apprehension of the steam wetting the cloth and
or putrefies, emitting bad smells. By scattering causing the running of the colours. As an
a little of this kind of starch upon a-red hot iron and to show that an ingenious ex-
plate the gluten makes itself apparent, by giving some such idea, we may quote
perimentalist had
off a disagreeable animal smell, like burning an experiment recorded by Dr. Bancroft: on
woollen, or leather, or the hoofs of horses This his researches upon quercitron bark, shortly
kind of starch has never a good colour, and, if before the close of the last century, the idea of
in crystals, has a flinty hardness. Good starch fixing the colour by the heat of steam occurred
does not contain more than ten or fifteen per to him, and he printed some calico with a mix-
cent of water ; the "latter is the largest quantity it ture of tin salt, bark liquor, and gum, dried it,
should lose in drying, at moderate temperatures. and having wrapped it up in soft paper so as
There are other kinds of starchy substances to prevent marking off, he put it in a bag made
in occasional use for printing and finishing of stout drill which he had carefully saturated
which deserve a notice, as potato starch or with wax, so that no steam might get into it, and
farina, rice starch and sago flour—which is not tied and waxed it up and then suspended it up
a flour at all, but nearly pure starch. in steam. He was partially successful, but of
Sago JJlour.—When this is purified from chips, course he would have been mueh more success-
leaves, dirt, and colouring matter, it can be ful if he had not taken such excessive pains to

advantageously used in finishing, as a partial keep the steam from touching his printed calico.
substitute for the more expensive wheaten It does not appear that steam colours were
starch. It works up softer as a paste than much worked until about the year 1830.

farina, and I think could be used in colour The steam has no other action than that '

mixing with safety and economy. It serves to which due to its heat and the presence of an

make gum from. atmosphere more or less saturated with mois-

ture; the special systems of steaming which are chemical actions as it possesses. kind of A
in use owe their adoption to differences in styles sugar,known as grape sugar, from having the
or manners of working which it is impossible same composition as the natural sugar existing
to treat in a satisfactory manner, depending as in grapes, is easily formed from vegetable sub-
these differences do upon very minute points of stances by the action of acids ; and it not un-
detail. In some print works it is thought neces- frequently happens that saccharine matters
sary to hang the pieces twenty-four hours in a exist in colours, produced from the prolonged
cool place before steaming ; in others, the pieces, action of acid and heat upon the thickening. A
hard and dry, are taken direct from the printing species of sugar is found in madder roots, and
machine to be steamed. In some places the also in some varieties of artificial gums, par-
steam is used dry, in others it is used very ticularly the light-coloured gums, made by the
damp ; evidently the nature of the thickening action of acids. The presence of sugar is inju-

and the previous state of the cloth as well as rious to the fixing of mordants; saccharine
the quality of the colours must here be taken matter acts, like many soluble organic sub-
into consideration. Again, one house steams stances, as if suspended the chemical proper-

half an hour, takes out, airs and steams again ties of the salts with which it is in contact,
for another half hour, while another establish- especially in metallic salts. I thickened some
ment steams for an hour at once. In one iron liquor with molasses, and different mixtures
works the column alone can be satisfactorily of gumand molasses; the colours printed well,
used, in another the same class of work is found but when hung up to age became sticky and
to be best done in the ordinary kennel. The damp, especially the one which had no other
conditions necessary to success in steaming are, thickening but the molasses ; when dunged and
consequently, not definable without an exact dyed, it was found thai the molasses in the pure
acquaintance with all the connecting circum- state had entirely prevented the fixation of the
stances. Some general principles, however, iron. The outline of the pattern could be just
may be laid down. There must be as much discerned in certain lights ; the others were
free moisture either in the steam or in the cloth bad in proportion as they contained more or less
as will suffice at least to take the hardness out molasses. The influence of saccharine matter
of the cloth ; if the pieces come off the steam in dyeing is not so marked ; it does not produce
decidedly dry there will be irregularity, except any visible effect unless in excessive quantity.
in light work there must be sufficient steam to
The kind of sugar which is made by boiling
keep a good volume passing away ; this is neces- weak sulphuric acid with potato starch, and
sary to remove all free acid vapours, which, if which is known as glucose, or grape sugar,
allowed to collect in the chambers, may injure possesses powerful reducing properties; it has

the lighter colours, or the cloth itself. The been long known that it would dissolve indigo
damper the steam the sooner will the steaming in contact with alkali, as orpiment or proto-
be done, but (not to speak of steam so wet as to salts of tin do, making a kind of pencil blue.
cause the colours to run), steam which is too A patent has been recently taken for a new
damp causes the colours to sink too far into the method of fixing indigo by means of glucose,
cloth, and takes the bloom off them. The more or grape sugar (see Glucose) ; the indigo, finely
quickly the steaming can be fairly accomplished powdered, being mixed with the alkali, and the
the better the result, and this in ratio with the glucose, printed and steamed. An application
dampness of the steam, which should, conse- of the same glucose is mentioned under Copper.
quently, be so regulated as to hit the medium It seems probable that this substance, at present
condition as nearly as possible. almost unknown in printworks, may turn out
SUBSTANTIVE COLOURS.- A term first useful in some cases, when practical men are
employed by Bancroft to indicate those colours more familiar with its properties, and probably
produced by colouring matters which fixed upon serve some useful purpose in the direction ot
fabrics without the necessity of a mordant. indigo colours.
Thus indigo, turmeric, and saffiower, are vege- SULPHUR.— Sulphur is found in the market
table substantive colours, and iron buff and lead which is the
in three states, as flour of brimstone,
puce are mineral substantive colours. purest quality; roll sulphur, the second quality;

SUGAR. Sugar is only sparingly employed and the crude sulphur, as it is imported. The
in printing; as mentioned under chromium, it only use to which sulphur is applied in the arts
is used to reduce the chromic acid in forming we are treating of is in the bleaching of woollen
some chrome shades. But, though it is not goods or delaines; for this purpose the crude
directly employed, it is often present in cases sulphur answers sufficiently well. Sulphur does
where it is not suspected, and exercising such not dissolve in water, but it is dissolved by


slacked lime and water, and by caustic potash colouring matters, especially alizarine, the colour-
and soda, with compounds
boiling, producing ing matter of madder. When sulphuric acid is

called sulphides or sulphurets, which were diluted with water its corrosi veness
suspended is
formerly used in bleaching, but have been for example, cotton cloth may be kept in dilute
long in disuse. Sulphur enters into the compo- acid for a long period without injury to its
sition of wool and some other animal fibres, strength. But if a piece of calico were steeped
producing special phenomena with some colours. in dilute acid, and then exposed to the air, the
In the author's opinion the greater affinity of the water would evaporate until the acid in the
animal fabrics for certain colours is in some way fibres became concentrated enough to disorga-
connected with the presence of sulphur in them, nise them. Concentrated sulphuric acid with-
if they are deprived of their sulphur they are draws moisture from the air, and should there-
usually incapable of receiving good colours. fore be kept in covered vessels.
Various attempts made to incorporate sulphur Brown vitriol, or unrectified sulphuric acid,
artificially in vegetable fabrics have been un- is not so strong as the rectified, and is coloured;
successful, no improvements having been ob- there is no reason why it
should otherwise differ
tained. A
good quality of sulphur is known by from the stronger sulphuric acid, but in manu-
its burning freely, and not leaving much residue factories were both qualities are produced it will
unburnt. The actual test for the quality of usually happen that it is inferior in purity.
sulphur is to burn a certain quantity and observe Brown vitriol is usually sold at 150° Tw., and
the weight of incombustible matter remaining. in point of acidity is about 15 per cent in value
Roll brimstone does not leave one per cent below it is not worth purchas-
rectified vitriol ;

of unburnt matters ; crude brimstone leaves ing unless 20 per cent cheaper than the
it is
more, according to its degree of cleanness that ; latter. For all purposes where great purity or
quality is to be chosen which leaves the least the highest degree of concentration is not an
residue. object, it can be used with advantage. Brown
SULPHURIC ACID or Oil of Vitriol.— vitriol freezes at about the same temperature
There are three varieties of sulphuric acid to as water, while the strongest vitriol requires a
be met with, the Nordhausen or fuming sulphuric much lower temperature, and is hardly ever
acid ; rectified sulphuric acid or ordinary oil of frozen in England. The freezing of brown
vitriol ; and unrectified sulphuric acid, of a dark vitriol is rather common and sometimes produc-
colour, known as brown vitriol. The Nordhau- tive of serious accidents; it does not freeze
sen sulphuric acid is seldom seen in England, it wholly, but at the bottom of the carboy, as if
is prepared by distilling calcined sulphate of it were a crystallisation ; upon tilting up the
iron its manufacture is confined to a few places
; carboy the solidified mass falls against the neck
on the continent. It is the strongest form of and may break it, scattering the still fluid acid
sulphuric acid, fumes in damp air like muriatic around. It this solidification is detected, the
acid, whence it is fuming or smoking oil
called carboys should be placed in a warm situation or
of vitriol. It is said tobe better for making in warm water it is not prudent to pour warm

sulphate of indigo than any of the other acids, water into the carboys. I am informed that a
producing a blue of a rich purplish shade. very little water added to brown vitriol effec-
Whether this is really the case or not is doubt- tually prevents the solidification by cold; if the
ful a couple of samples of Nordhausen acid that
; water present be more than is necessary to
I experimented with did not show any advan- form the deuto-hydrate, no freezing takes place.
tage over concentrated English vitriol. Impurities, Analysis, &c. —
Sulphuric acid may
The rectified sulphuric acid is extensively contain several impurities detrimental to its use
used in bleaching, and also in dyeing and printing; in the arts. It may contain lead and arsenic,
its uses are too familiar to require enumerating. which, though poisonous, are not likely to do
When marks from 169°
at its greatest strength it any injury in its applications in printing or
to 170° Tw./it should not be below 166°. It is dyeing. It may contain some of the gas, bi-
extremely corrosive, disorganising vegetable oxide of nitrogen, which has been known to
textures and organic compounds with great injure colours. This gas, which is used in the
force. This it is supposed to accomplish by manufacture of the acid, can be largely absorbed
means of its great affinity for water, which by it in the concentrated state; if there is

causes it to take the elements oxygen and hy- much present can be detected by mixing a

drogen from compounds containing them. There pint or so of the acid in question with an equal
are some organic substances which resist the bulk of water, when the peculiar smell of nitrous
destructive action of this acid in a remarkable acid will be perceived. A more delicate test is
manner amongst these are many of the pure
; to pour some of the suspected acid upon clean


Crystals of sulphate of iron; a pink colouration, it cannot be removed by washing in cold or
deepening to claret and brown, will take place warm water, it is not expelled by a temperature

if any of the nitrous compound be present. of 212° F., and may remain unchanged in the
Acid containing this compound should not be fibre for the space of six months at least. The
employed in garancine making, it destroys sulpharous acid may be removed by alkalies
colouring matter; such an impure acid has and by sulphuric acid ; it can be changed into
been known to completely discharge a delicate sulphuric acid by the action of bleaching powder
cochineal pink on silk, which was being passed and acids, when it is readily washed out by
in it to brighten it. A solution of ammoniacal water. The
existence of this acid gas in de-
cochineal proposed as a test for this nitrous
is laines unfavourable to the production of good

sulphuric acid, but is not as good as the sulphate colours in woollen dyeing it is found also an

of iron test. Some manufacturers add the con- obstruction, and usually it is only the finer
tents of their nitre pots to the brown vitriol goods, for dyeing in bright light shades, which
so that sulphate of soda may be looked for. In are sulphured.
allordinary cases the hydrometer is a sufficient Sulphurous acid exists in the air of those
test for thegoodness of sulphuric acid. I sub- towns where coal is burned, and the author be-
join an abridgment of Dr. Ure's table of the lieves he traced a frequently recurring accident
strength of sulphuric acid at different densities in dyehouses to its presence. In dyehouses
which are not well ventilated, there is a con-
Strong sul- Strong sul-
Degree Degree phuric acid, stant dropping of condensed water from the
phuric acid,
Twaddle. Twaddle.
per cent. per cent.
beams, roof, etc. ; if these drops fall upon
170° 100 60° 40 mordanted goods before dyeing, they cause the
162° 90 43° 30 appearance of light spots in the pattern, due to
140° 80 28° 20 the removal of a portion of the mordant. The
120° 70 13° 10 drops have a lesser effect upon dyed goods, but
97° 60 5° 4
3° still perceptible; it is upon light lilac grounds
771° 50 2
that the greatest effect is visible, frequently
For exact purposes the sulphuric acid would sufficient to render the piece so damaged un-
be estimated by the amount of alkali it would saleable. This effect was usually attributed to
neutralise, or by the weight of sulphate of baryta acetic acid from the mordants arising with the
produced by a given quantity of it. The com- steam and, becoming condensed, falling down
pounds of sulphuric acid with the metals are again. I obtained a sufficient quantity of the
called sulphates. droppings for analysis, and found hardly a trace
SULPHUROUS ACID. When sulphur— of acetic acid, but instead sulphuric acid, to the
burns in the air produces sulphurous acid gas.
it amount of 11.8 grains of the mono-hydrated
It is this acid gas which is the bleaching agent acid to a quart of the droppings. The extraor-
in all cases where sulphur is used for bleaching dinary and unexpected nature of this result
woollen, silk, or straw. This gas can be pro- caused the analysis to be questioned, but
cured by other means than burning sulphur, but it was confirmed by a second analysis, made
not so economically. When strong sulphuric about a month afterwards. This is, no doubt,
acid is heated along with charcoal it is decom- an unusually bad case the dyehouse was old,

posed, and gives off all itssulphur as sulphurous in the city, and a sulphuring stove was in con-
acid, the charcoal at the same time being stant work within fifty yards of it. There can
oxidised. This gas is soluble in water to a con- be little doubt that the sulphuric acid resulted
siderable extent, and it is possible to bleach from the oxidation of sulphurous acid carried by
goods with such a solution. The bleaching the air; the constant moisture, elevated tem-
action of this gas is not a real decolorising effect, perature, and porousness of the old beams, be-
for the colourwhich it appears to destroy can be ing conditions well calculated to facilitate the
revived by either neutralising or expelling the change. Dr. Angus Smith states that he has
sulphurous acid, which is not the case with fou"d sulphuric acid as well as sulphurous in the
chlorine gas, the active element in ordinary air of towns. Some of the acid may, therefore,
bleaching powder. The effect of sulphuring have been condensed upon the beams as such.
upon woollen goods is not simply that of whiten- The remedy for such a case as this is ventila-
ing, it gives also lustre and brilliancy, and com- tion and frequent washing of the roof and walls
municates an elasticity, accompanied by a degree of the dyehouse. Sulphurous acid combines
of harshness, easily perceptible to the fingers. with bases forming sulphites strong acids

A large quantity of this gas enters into some decompose these compounds, the sulphurous
intimate combination with the woollen fibres; acid being evolved. Sulphites are antiseptic,
; —


and are used to preserve animal matters from comes from Sicily is the most esteemed, and
putrefaction. A small quantity of sulphite of brings the highest price, but several other coun-
soda will preserve a solution of albumen and tries produce an useable article. It has a greenish
cochineal sweet much longer than they would yellow colour, bitter astringent taste, and, when
naturally remain so. good, a smell reminding of tea, or sometimes of
SULPHURETTED HYDROGEN— This new hay. Its quality can be judged of by its
body is frequently found in nature. It is the colour to a considerable extent; it should be
active principle of the medicinal sulphuretted bright and clear; some samples are dull and
waters, and is produced in most cases of putre- have a brown faded look, these are nearly always
faction of animal matters, giving rise to offen- inferior. The difference of shade can only be
sive odours. sometimes found in steam
It is discovered by an experienced eye, or when
boilers, and, rising with the steam, occasions there a good sample to compare with.

accidents to steam colours. Colours contain- Sumac has the same chemical properties as
ing lead or copper are blackened by this galls, containing the same acids, tannic and
gas chrome oranges having lead bases are
; gallic but in addition it has a certain amount

blackened by steam which contains sulphuretted of yellow colouring matter, which, though nearly
hydrogen and the dark metallic reflection upon
; worthless in itself, modifies its effects upon mor-
some colours containing copper is owing to the danted cloth. Sumac being much cheaper than
same cause. Fents dipped in acetate or nitrate galls is extensively used as a substitute, and in
of lead are frequently hung up in the steaming dyeing it answers the purpose very well, but in
chambers to absorb this gas. The addition of printing it as an extract its yellow colour would
sal ammoniac, oil, and turpentine to colours interfere too much with the effects of the tannin
appears to make them less easily acted upon by matter contained in it. Sumac is used as an
it. It is generally in water containing sulphate addition to the ga ran cine dye. It is employed
of lime and organic matter that this inconve- in the production of many shades of colours in
nience is felt. It is worst after the water has dyeing, as drabs, olives, greys, etc. There are
rested for some time, as for example, all night no reliable determinations of the quantity of the
it is only a common precaution to blow off a various principles in sumac. Davy has certainly
good quantity of steam each morning before given some results, but the method he pursued
using it for goods. The water in the boiler was not likely to yield trustworthy numbers;
should also be more frequently blown off when his statement is as follows :

it is in this state.
Sicilian sumac contains... 16. 2 per cent tannin,
The "coppering'' steam colours above
Malaga sumac contains... 10. A per cent tannin,
mentioned cannot in every case be traced to the
presence of sulphuretted hydrogen, because it while he gives gall nuts as containing 27.0 per
has been known to take place when leaded fents cent of tannin, which is below the truth, even
were not blackened. It is very probable that for very inferior qualities.
some organic vapours or gases of a strongly re- The chief consumption of sumac is probably
ducing nature may be the cause. It has been in cotton dyeing, where it is the preliminary
suggested also that the metallic appearance may treatment for nearly all the fancy shades to steep
not be due to the reduced metal at all, nor to the cotton for some hours in decoction of sumac.
its sulphide, but to a peculiar formation of the The astringent matter of the sumac is thus
coloured lake. This idea is based upon the fact firmly combined with the cotton, which can
that most of the organic colouring matters do in now be easily mordanted with either tin or
some well-known form or other acquire a quasi alumina, which form the basis of the colours.
metallic reflection, and in the steaming some Sumac liquors have a strong tendency to be-
unknown causes operate to throw them into this come acid, which must be guarded against in
peculiar condition. those cases where an iron or alumina mordant
SUM AC— This colouring matter is the ground is concerned, since the acidity is sometimes
up leaves and smaller branches of a shrub which strong enough to dissolve out weak iron mor-
grows in many parts of the world. That which dants.


TANNERS' BARK.— This isan astringent The mordanted in a mixture of equal

cloth is
material, of variable nature, it ismentioned as and red liquors, aged, cleansed, and
parts of iron
being used for the production of a grey colour. dyed with about two pounds of tan per piece.
When cleared by a slight soaping, and a subse- sample of acid can be judged of by simple
quent passage on very dilute acetic acid, agree- it is in crystals, but if ground,
inspection if
able shades of grey are obtained. only testing can tell what its quality is. Tar-
TANNIC ACID, Tannin. — The substance once a strong and a mild acid ; it
taric acid is at
called tan is well known for its uses in con- has powerful affinities, but it is not corrosive,
verting skin into leather. There are a great and does not injure the finest fabric to which it
many substances capable of tanning skin, but is applied. Besides its acid properties, tartaric
it is found that they all possess an astringent or acid possesses properties of a singular nature, in
acid body, nearly the same in properties and masking or hiding the characters of metals with
composition, and it is thisbody which is called which it is mixed for example, if caustic potash

tannin, or tannic acid. However, the name is be mixed with the sulphate of copper dissolved
more generally intended to represent the pure in water, it will precipitate or throw out all the
is now an
astringent principle of gall nuts, which copper, but if tartaric acid be previously mixed
article of commerce, and extensively employed with the sulphate of copper, potash will not
by calico printers for fixing the aniline colours. produce any precipitate; many other metals
Tannic acid is prepared from gall nuts by behave with it in just the same manner. Tartaric
digesting them with aqueous ether, which dis- acid is used principally in steam colours for

solves out scarcely anything but the pure tan- blue and green; its effect in steam blue is to
nic acid. Rather more than half the weight of take potash from the yellow prussiate and leave
good galls is obtained. When dry, the tannic its acid, the ferrocyanic, at liberty to react upon
acid has a brownish yellow colour, and an in- the other components and upon itself to produce
tensely astringent taste, but no perceptible the blue; the tartaric acid forms bitartrate of
acidity to the tongue. It is soluble in water, potash, which continues the action, being itself
and gives precipitates with nearly all the metals an acid salt. It is also much employed as a
and colouring matters. Its chief characters, discharge on dipped blues and Turkey red.
with reference to fibrous matters and drugs, Cream of Tartar. —
Tartaric acid combines
will be found in the articles upon Gall Nuts, with potash to form two compounds, known
Astringent Matters, etc. respectively as the tartrate and bitartrate, the
TARTARIC ACID.—This acid is very first containing only half as much acid with

extensively used in calico printing for the class reference to the potash as the other. The
of steam colours ; it is not much used in dyeing simple tartrate very little known in practice,

in the free state, but in combination with potash, it is a neutral and very soluble salt. The bitar-
as tartrate of potash or cream of tartar, it is trate is the form in which the wine deposits the
very largely employed in woollen dyeing. tartar mixed with other substances, and with
Tartaric acid exists in the juice of the grape, the colouring matter of the wine in this state ;

which is the only practical source of it ; it falls it is called either simply tartar, red tartar, or

out of wine in the state of red tartar, impure argols. It can be used in dyeing in this state,
cream of tartar, or bitartrate of potash the pure ; but it is usually purified by dissolving in water,
acid obtained by converting this salt into
is separating the impurities and re-crystallising, in
tartrate of lime, decomposing it with sulphuric which state it is called cream of tartar; it is in
acid, so as to combine all the lime with the crystals of small size, hard and gritty to the
sulphuric acid, and leave the tartaric acid free. teeth, and having a slightly acid taste. A fur-
It crystallises in large clear crystals they are ; ther purification brings it into a white crystal-
very soluble in water, dissolving to a syrup; line powder, and it is thus used in the finer styles
their taste is agreeably acid. As obtained from of printing and dyeing. It is very little soluble
respectable houses tartaric acid is in nearly a in water, and cannot be made to mark more than
pure state, but it is said to be occasionally two degrees Twaddle at natural temperatures.
adulterated with the bisulphate of potash. This It dissolves much more if mixed with potash or
adulteration may be discovered by taking some soda, but then it loses some of its principal pro-
of the pounded crystals and heating them to perties. In calico printing its uses are few, and
low redness if the tartaric acid is reasonably
; mostly such as could be replaced by tartaric
pure there will be nothing but a black coal left, acid, but the cream of tartar is thought to act
which would burn away at an increased heat, more mildly upon some delicate shades, as
and which has no taste ; if there be any bisul- cochineal pink. In dyeing it is used for mor-
phate of potash present it will show as a white danting woollen goods in conjunction with
ash, which have the well known acid taste
will alum and the salts of tin. It is not quite clear
of the bisulphate, and which will not burn away in what the chemical action of the cream of
at any heat, or with any length of time. A tartar consists in this case ; in the first place, it
seems to correct bad waters ; if they are very 5 oz. extract of indigo,
hard, and contain much lime, it appears to pre- 1£ gallon thick gum water.
vent its falling on the cloth to its injury ; if the The above and the following have not much
water contains iron it forms combinations with green in their composition, and might perhaps
it which keep it from injuring the stuffs to be be more correctly called olive drabs.
mordanted, probably by holding the iron in Tea Drab, for Wool.
some condition in which its active properties 1 gallon catechu liquor, at 20°,
are for the time being suspended : it may take \ gallon peachwood liquor, at 12°,
some part in the saturation of the strong acid 3 oz. extract of indigo,
of the alum or muriate of tin, permitting their 6 oz. alum,
bases to pass more easily into the fibre of the 6 oz. oxalic acid,
wool. As an addition to the actual dyeing, 2 quarts thick gum water,
tartar acts,no doubt, in two ways : first, as a 1 pint cochineal, crimson colour.
corrective with regard to lime and iron in THERMOMETER, Heat Glass. The —
the water, and second, as a mild acidifying degree of heat which employed in the opera-

agent; for wool does not take colours well tions of colour mixing and dyeing has so great
unless the bath is slightly acid, and tartaric an influence upon the results, that it is necessary
acid and cream of tartar are the best acids to have some measure of temperature less un-
which can be used for the purpose. certain than its effects upon the senses. Some
TARTARIC ACID SUBSTITUTES.— dyers and colour mixers may be able to accom-
The and the irregularity of
cost of tartaric acid plish their work by ascertaining the temperature
its supply, have lead many
persons to seek for of fluids by the hand, or similar means; but
a substitute. Several have been patented, and those who aim at accuracy and regularity should
others privately offered in the market. Arsenic be familiar with the thermometer or heat-glass.
acid has been proposed, but has not answered, The action of the thermometer in ordinary
and in low class printing the bisulphate of use is based upon the expansibility by heat of
potash is frequently used instead of tartaric the mercury contained in the bulb; when the
acid. medium surrounding it is warmer than usual,
I have had occasion to analyse several of the the expansion of the mass of metal below forces
substitutes offered for sale. The majority of a column of it up the narrow or capillary tube
them were of the most worthless character, con- above ; when the medium is colder than usual,
sisting simply of sulphuric acid with some the contraction of the bulk causes the entry of
common salt, with sometimes addition of oxalic that in the tube into the bulb, and a consequent
acid, alum, muriate of tin, and other similar fall of the column ; and as thisexpansion and
substances. There are, doubtless, many cases contraction are constant for the same variations
in which dyers use tartaric acid or tartar, when of heat, a good measure of actual temperature
nearly any other acid would answer as well. is obtained. On Fahrenheit's thermometer the
In such cases these pretended substitutes might scale runs from 32°, or the freezing point, to

pass, but for most of the uses of tartar these 212°, the boiling point, of water. The only
substitutes could not be employed with safety. precaution required in using the thermometer is
Some other substitutes contained a considerable not to plunge it too suddenly from a hot to a
proportion of tartaric acid in a crude form, and cold liquid— there is a risk of breaking the in-
were worth the price asked for them. strument, or of interrupting the continuance of
TEA COLOUR. — A dull green colour, the column in the hair tube; when this latter
similar to that of dried tea leaves. The chief accident occurs, it may
be remedied by gently
colour, known as tea green, is that obtained tapping the instrument, or by tying a cord
from salts of chromium, according to the securely to the upper part of the instrument and
methods given in page 53. I give here one whirling it round with velocity. The scales of
or two recipes, in which the same shade is thermometers used on the continent differ very
obtained by different means :— much from that of Fahrenheit. The one chiefly
A tea colour for raising in lime may be ob- used, called the Centigrade, has the freezing
tained by making a mixture of nitrate of lead point marked 0°, and the boiling point 100°;
and nitrate of copper, padding or printing the another one, used in the northern and central
piece with the mixture, and raising in chrome. countries of Europe, Reaumur's, has the freez-

Tea Drab Colour Calico or Delaine. ing point at 0°, and the boiling point at 80°. To
1 gallon bark liquor, at 3°, convert the degrees upon the scales of these
1 quart copperas liquor, at 30° Tw., thermometers into the corresponding ones upon
5 oz. nitrate of copper, at 80°, Fahrenheit requires only simple multiplication;
each degree of the Centigrade thermometer is less as they are further removed from the first
equivalent to a degree and four-fifths of a boundaries of the drop. This inclination ot
degree of Fahrenheit's, and each degree of liquids to spread beyond the limits of their first
Reaumur's equal to two degrees and a quarter
is application overcome by the addition ot
of Fahrenheit's ; by multiplying the degree of various matters to them called thickenings, such
either of these thermometers by the proper as gum, starch, etc. These substances act by
numbers, and adding 32° to the product, the themselves, setting up an attraction which dis-
equivalent degree of Fahrenheit will be found. putes more or less successfully the capillary
Receipts and processes frequently arriving in attraction of the fibre, and retains the applied
England from France and Germany, with the mordant within the limits of the design.
temperatures marked in degrees of one of these This is the first use of thickening matters; a
thermometers, a table is here given showing the second is to permit the application of a larger
correspondence between the three instruments quantity of mordant to the cloth than could be
for a sufficient number of degrees the fractional ; managed with thin liquors: this property of
parts of a degree are omitted in the Fahrenheit thickenings sometimes taken advantage of in
column :
dyeing where no design is required.
Table Showing the Corresponding Degrees upon The use of the thickening matters employed
the Centigrade, Beaumur, and Fahrenheit in calico printing simply transitory; while
Thermometers. most of the other substances employed carry
Cent. Reau. Fahr. Cent. Reau. Fahr. some traces of themselves on the finished pro-
duct, the gum, starch, and flour employed as
100 80 212 50 40.0 122 thickenings are only temporary in their applica-
98 78.4 208 48 38.4 118
tion, and have to be all removed before the
96 76.8 205 46 36.8 115
94 75.2 201 '
44 35.2 111 colours are finished. The great expense of the
92 73.6 198 42 33.6 108 thickening matters, and the complete loss of all
90 72.0 194 40 32.0 104 the raw material, should draw the attention of
88 70.4 190 38 30.4 100 printers particularly to this point, to see if it is
86 68.8 187 36 28.8 97
84 67.2 183 34
not possible by mechanical means to dispense
27.2 93
82 65.6 180 32 25.6 90 with the use and waste of such large quantities
80 64.0 176 30 24.0 86 of substances which are for the most part de-
78 62.4 172 28 22.4 82 rived from articles of human food. The Indus-
76 60.8 169 26 20.8 79 trial Society of Mulhouse, always alive to the
74 59.2 165 24 19.2 75
72 57.6 162 22
wants and necessities of printing, have offered
17.6 72
70 56.0 158 20 16.0 68 a prize to any one introducing into the market
68 54.4 154 18 14.4 64 thickening matters capable of replacing those
66 52.8 151 16 12.8 61 now in use and not made from articles used as
64 51.2 147 14 11.2 57 human food. I believeit is possible to go
62 49.6 144 12 9.6 54
60 48.0 140 higher than this, and to ask for some means of
10 8.0 50
58 46.4 138 8 6.4 46 doing without thickenings altogether. I am
56 44.8 133 6 4.8 43 convinced that this is possible and practical, and
54 43.2 129 4 3.2 39 that the skill and ingenuity of mechanical
52 41.6 126 2 1.6 36
science will not be long turned in this direction
THICKENINGS.— In piece or yarn dyeing without reward.
the mordant is applied in a simple fluid state, The art of thickening colours lies at the very
the object being only to impregnate every part root of calico printing; upon it depends so much
of the fibre in an equal manner with the mordant in the way of obtaining good results that it may
or colouring matter. But in printing, it is re- be considered as the most important part of
quired that the mordant shall be applied only to colour mixing, and that a colour mixer will be
certain parts of the cloth, the remaining part good, bad, or indifferent, as he intuitively per-
being either left white or occupied by some ceives the importance of this branch of his art,
other mordant or colouring matter. The capil- and is successful in carrying it out. To give
lary attraction of the fibres is such, that if a receipts and furnish the best materials is nothing
drop of mordant in be applied to a
its fluid state without there exists at the same time an in-
piece of cloth, it spreads in a circular form far telligence to comprehend the action of the
beyond the size of the drop placed on, but not various materials, and an ability to put them
in an equable manner the spot upon which the
; together in such a way that they can produce
drop was first placed holding the greater part of their full effect. Good receipts fail in the hands
the fluid, and the surrounding portions less and of unskilful colour mixers, and the purest and


most expensive drugs are only thrown away; Good starch thickens sufficiently well for most
while an expert hand can produce good colours purposes at twenty ounces per gallon of water,
from inferior articles and at less price. The flour at about the same or a little more, and
difference all lies in the putting together of the gum tragacanth gives a consistent colour with
them with
materials, and the properly blending only one-half this quantity ; on the opposite
the thickening matter most suitable to them side, calcined farina requires eight or nine
and the particular styles they are intended for. pounds to be added to a gallon of water to
It is not possible in a book to enter into all these bring it to a proper state of viscosity. Is it
matters with the minuteness they deserve, nor indifferent whether a colour or a mordant be
to communicate all the knowledge necessary to thickened with starch or calcined farina? It
success; it is so much a practical matter that is not only not indifferent but a matter of

after all hasbeen said that can be upon the sub- the greatest importance. As a general rule,
ject, a great dealmore that is essential will be it may be stated that the smaller the quan-
left unsaid, for no description or formulae can tity of thickening in a colour the darker the
explain what the finger and thumb can feel, or shades produced. If iron liquor at six or
the accustomed eye perceive, in a made-up seven degrees Tw. be thickened with starch or
colour. Such generalities upon thickenings as flour, a good black may be obtained from it in

will lead to the understanding of particular the madder dye ; if the same strength of iron
cases will be given here, and other connected liquor be thickened with calcined farina, it will
matters may be found in the section on gums. not dye up a black but only a shade of purple.
Many mineral matters, such as pipeclay, white To obtain a black from calcined farina thicken-
lead,gypsum, and the like, could prevent the ing would require the iron liquor to be at least
spreading of a fluid mixed up with them ; but double the strength given. The same rule holds
all mineral matters of this nature are heavy, in other colours ; the depth of shade is always
not soluble in the fluids, and consequently fall in some ratio to the amount of thickening
to the bottom, leaving the supernatant liquor matter. The mass of thickening impedes the
thin,and of course producing irregular results. access of the particles of the mordant or colour
Such substances cannot be generally used by to the fibrous substances intended to receive
themselves ; when in combination with some them. It is evident that if the colour was
of the vegetable thickenings they are frequently made of an excessive degree of thickness, none
employed to give density and toughness to the of it would leave the thickening to go to the
and are thus particularly useful in resists.
paste, fibre ; it is only because the thickenings contract
There may be colours of such an excessive upon drying that the fibre receives from them
chemical activity, that the vegetable substances any of the colour or mordant enveloped by them
employed in ordinary circumstances are acted and in proportion as this contraction is greater
upon to the mutual destruction of both the or less in relation to the original bulk of the
thickening and the colour. Such are chromic matter when applied, so is the amount of colour
acid and the permanganate of potash ; if the or mordant communicated to the fibre. Starch
application of these is necessary or useful it swells out when boiled into a bulky vesicular
will have to be through the medium of some mass, which may be looked upon as a sponge
mineral thickening like pipeclay. holding the liquor with which it was boiled;
The vegetable substances used for thickening the drying of the starch on the cloth is equiva-
colours may
be divided into three classes first, : lent to the squeezing of the sponge, the liquor
starches, flour, and thickenings insoluble in cold leaves it because it can be dried up into a small
water secondly, gums proper, whether natural
; compass. Calcined farina, when dissolved, may
or which are soluble in cold water;
artificial, be looked upon as a sponge also, but one of a
and, thirdly, artificially made-up mixtures of denser kind, with less room for liquids and more
the first and second classes, partly soluble and difficult to squeeze dry because of its solidity.
partly insoluble, partly gummy and partly When it dries on the cloth a good share of the
pasty. mordant or colour never touches the fibre,
The thickenings of the first class require a being entangled by the intervening mass of the
much less weight per gallon to give the desired thickening with which it remains in contact
viscosity to a mordant than those of the other until washed away in the cleansing or dunging.
two classes. This is their first and most striking Another and dependent effect may be noticed,
characteristic, and it will be well to consider that is, the penetrating power of the different
here the influence which the weight or mass of thickenings. Printed with rollers of an equal
thickening has upon a colour, without taking depth of engraving, it will be found that the
any of the other properties into consideration, starch or flour thickened colour has penetrated
through the cloth, and shows plainly and and brighter, which may be attributed to their
strongly upon the reverse side of the piece, being more superficial than the paste colours
"while the calcined farina thickened colour has would be. The third class, or mixed thicken-
penetrated much and may not be at all
less, ings,form a very useful class, capable of valu-
perceptible upon the back of the piece. The able application. By a judicious use of them
observation of this, and the knowledge that the the valuable qualities of both paste and gum
colouring matter, which is visible on the wrong may be in a great measure combined, and
side of the piece, costs the printer money with- economy of thickening matters secured, with-
out adding to the effect produced, leads to ques- out waste of dyewood. manufacturers Gum
tions concerning the economy of thickening send such gums or mixtures out into the trade,
matters in a comparative point of view. One some of which are good and some bad. A
pound of starch will cost less than five pounds colour mixer has it in his own power to make
of calcined farina or other gum ; but there is a nearly all useful mixtures of this class from the

possibility of this difference being wholly or bond fide gums, sold by respectable manufac-
partially made up in the quantity of madder turers, and the starch and flour with which he
required. If the watery starch colour permits is supplied. In making mixtures of various
the metallic mordants to penetrate to parts thickening substances, it should be taken as a
where they exhaust the dyeing material with- principle that those will work best together
out adding to the colour, it becomes simply a which have separately the greatest similarity
matter of calculation and trial to ascertain if in properties. It is not well, for example, to
this does not over-balance the difference in the mix starch with calcined farina; they are at
cost of the gum and In madder dyeing
starch. the opposite ends of the scale, and are too
it is not only a question of economy, but of good- widely different in their properties to work
ness of colour, not to let the mordant penetrate smoothly together. The mixture will separate,
too deep into the centre of the fibre for the ; the thick part leave the thin, and work rough
deposition of the colouring matter only takes and curdy in the machine. If a mixture of
place in a perfect manner upon or near the starch and gum is wanted, some gum should be
surface : it is the mordant
there only that chosen whose thickening power is about four
becomes saturated, and its natural colour over- pounds per gallon, and there ought to be more
come by the true lake formed. Below the of it by weight than the starch to form a good
surface an imperfect combination only takes mixture. If it is required to strengthen calcined
place, which, in the case of alumina, results in farina with some substance thickening further
brick-coloured reds, and with iron mordants, in than it, a gum should be chosen thickening at
rusty snuff colours. These form a bad basis from four to fivepounds per gallon. mixtureA
for the real madder colours, and injure their of calcined farina and flour will work well if it
shades. Beyond a very small extent it is, there- contain also a certain quantity of gum whose
fore, injurious to the colours to have them deep actual thickening point is about the same as the
seated in the cloth ; the whiteness of the cotton calculated mean of those two substances. It
is the best ground for them to show upon, and acts as a medium, holding the extremes together.
a colour is better in proportion as it is upon the Two gums which are perfect gums will mix and
surface, or even appearing to stand in relief. unite in any proportion without subsequent sepa-
These remarks apply principally to madder pur- ration, and whatever their respective thickening
plesand pinks, but are equally true of all light powers may be.
In mixtures of various thicken-
dyed colours. For dark shades it is necessary ings be found that flour and starch give
it will
sometimes to penetrate the cloth, or, at least, it —
body and firmness the natural gums give te-
seems necessary but, I believe, with manage-
; nacity, and among these tragacanth is con-
ment, better and cheaper colours could be spicuous —the true artificial gums give solidity
obtained by keeping on the face side only. or density. There is much good to be done
Only two extreme cases of thickness have by method of mixtures it often happens
this ;

been mentioned, but there are many inter- that two or three individual gums of an in-
mediate degrees from which the colour mixer ferior quality will give, by proper mixture, a
can choose, to accommodate his colours to the good useable gum.
necessities of printing. The second class of The adaptation of the thickening to the design
thickenings are those which are best adapted is much a practical matter that it is scarcely
for all light shades of colour. They appear to possible to go into details. The lighter and
be less subject to irregularity
than paste and finer the engraving the smoother and solider
starch colours, and give better furnished and the thickening should be; for fine outlines a
fuller shades, at the same time they are livelier good paste colour is suitable, or else a smooth

TIN. 198 TIN.

dense gum colour; a soft puffy colour would and washed on a filter. It is not necessary to
not answer, although this latter might pass for separate the oxide of tin from the liquor for
open blotch work. For on light
fine covers, most practical purposes, and the necessary quan-
shades, gum but paste
colours are best adapted ; tity of indigo, caustic, and tin solution are mixed
colours, made from finely sieved flour, can be and all heated up together. The peroxide of tin

often used with advantage. has no inclination to take anymore oxygen than it

TIN. Tin is a very important metal to the already possesses, and cannot aid in the solution
dyer and printer from the affinity which it of indigo. Both of these oxides combine with
shows both for fibres and colours, and the bril- acids, and they have different properties, though
liancy of the shades it As a metal, its
gives. both answer nearly equally well as mordants.
expense prevents it being much used in the Chloride of Tin, Muriate of Tin, Crystals of
way of vessels or utensils ; what is commonly Tin. — The crystals of tin are a compound of
called tin, being only iron coated with tin : tin chlorine, tin, and water ; they are made by dis-

vessels are usually distinguished as of block tin. solving by means of heat, in spirits of salts,

It is used, however, in some dye-houses, espe- boiling down and crystallising. They are sup-
ciallywhere scarlets from cochineal or lac dye plied by respectable chemical manufacturers in
are dyed. It is found that copper does very a state of almost chemical purity, but they are
well except where the air comes in contact with said to be sometimes adulterated with zinc. I
the liquor, and I believe the pans are made of doubt this with regard to the crystals. I never
copper at the bottom to stand the fire, and of found any such adulteration, and I think it
block tin on the upper part where the air acts would spoil the appearance of the crystals so
and where the pieces would come in contact much as to make it apparent to any one that
with the bare metal. For experimental pur- something was wrong. The crystals may be
poses of dyeing, and especially for mordanting bad by age and by being too wet, and their
in tin solutions with heat, block-tin vessels are appearance shows this; they should be clean
by far the best. Tin melts at a low heat, and and glistening, slippery and greasy feeling to
consequently vessels made of it must never be the finger, and have no white powder or white
exposed to fierce fires. slime about them. When a couple of ounces
Tin combines with oxygen in two propor- are mixed with a gill of common water the
tions, forming the protoxide, which has one liquor should be clear, but when the same
atom of one atom of oxygen, and the
tin to weight is mixed with a gallon of water, the

bioxide or peroxide, which has two atoms of liquor ought to become white with a white
oxygen to one of tin this last, from its some-
; sediment forming ; this test shows in the first
times acting the part of an acid, is called also case that they are acid enough, and in the
stannic acid, the Latin name for tin being stan- second that they are not too acid.
num. Tin in the metallic state is used in pre- Crystals of tin are largely employed in dye-
paring one colour for printing, that is, a kind of ing and printing ; in dyeing, as a mordant ; in
indigo blue, called "fast blue." The tin for printing, as helping to form colours and to com-
this purpose, and for all purposes of dissolving, municate to them peculiar properties; as, for
is first granulated by pouring it from a height example, mixed with strong red liquor, it en-
when melted, into cold water ; in this case the ables the red mordant to resist light covers of
granulated tin is boiled with caustic soda and chocolate or purple mordants it acts as a dis- ;

the powdered indigo, the metal takes oxygen charge on some colours, as iron buffs, manga-
from the indigo under the influence of the nese browns, etc., and has many other uses.
alkali, and the colouring matter is thus brought Liquid Muriate of Tin. —
This compound is
into solution the same, or an equally good
; chemically the same as the crystals of tin, and
colour, can be prepared in other and better is made in the same manner, except that it is

manners. The protoxide of tin, like many other not boiled down to the crystallising point. It is
protoxides, has an affinity for more oxygen to decidedly more acid in its behaviour than the
change itself into the peroxide, and it will take crystals, and herein lies the only difference, if
this oxygen, under favourable circumstances, the liquid muriate is a genuine article. Weight
from bodies put into contact with it; it is this for weight it is not much more than one half of
property which enables it to dissolve indigo the strength in tin of the crystals. It is liable
when mixed with caustic alkalies. The pro- to be adulterated with several cheaper solutions,
toxide may be made by adding the proper quan- and I do not know any good practical test, ex-
tity of caustic soda to solution of crystals of tin cept trying it in colours against a sample of
too much caustic will re-dissolve the oxide; it known goodness. By chemical analysis it is
falls down as a white pulp, which can be drained easy to ascertain its exact value. It is used
TIN. 199 TIN.

In dyeing for much the same purposes as the dissolved oxide of tin held in suspension. It
crystals, in colour mixing also ; this is the salt can be made from the common muriate of tin,
mostly used for preparing tin pulp or prussiate or from the crystals, by heating them in a mug,
of tin for steam hlues. and adding strong aquafortis by degrees, so long
Sulphate of Tin is hardly at all used in dyeing as red nitrous fumes are given off. It is exten-
as a pure salt, hut there are cases in which a sively used in making spirit colours by calico
mixture of vitriol and crystals of tin is em- printers; it is employed in Turkey red and
ployed, and probably sulphate of tin is formed madder pink dyeing, to reduce the shade to a
here but the process never goes to the extent bluer tone, and in several cases of dyeing.

of driving off the muriatic acid, so it is not cer- Dyers' Spirits. — These are solutions of tin in
tain what the resulting product is, probably a endless variety, and with hundreds of modifica-
sulphate of tin kept in solution by the muriatic tions ; every dyer or maker thinks he has the
acid. Sulphate of tin itself is not easily made, best method of preparing the spirits, and usually
and is too expensive for general use. It can be guards his secret as valuable. They are all of
made by stirring up granulated tin in water them a mixture of protochloride and per-
with sulphate of copper ; the copper falls down, chloride of tin, some with sulphuric acid nitric ;

and the tin takes its plaee with the sulphuric acid almost always enters as a constituent,
acid. There are solutions of tin made by dis- but is doubtless all destroyed in the oxidation
solving the metal in mixtures of vitriol, water, of the tin. Common salt, sal ammoniac, salt-
and common salt, or, instead of common salt, petre, nitrate of soda, and other salts, are used
sal ammoniac, sometimes spirits of salts and in conjunction with the acids, and possibly
vitriol; there is very likely formation of sul- modify the product, so as to make it better
phate of tin in these cases. When strong sul- adapted to the peculiar has to fulfil;
office it
phuric acid acts upon tin with the assistance of more frequently these additions are the effects
heat, various gases are evolved, and a com- of caprice, and the advantages they confer en-
pound of the peroxide is left, which requires a tirely imaginary.
good excess of acid to keep it in solution; I Stannate of Soda (Preparing Salts). This salt —
have found no protoxide salt even when a good iscompounded of the peroxide of tin, mentioned
deal of the metal has been left unacted upon. above, and caustic soda; its value and its appli-
Bichloride of Tin; Double Muriate of Tin. — cations depend upon its giving up the stannie
This differs from common muriate of tin by acid, or peroxide, when an acid is mixed with
having the metal in the higher state of oxida- it. The method of preparing pieces with it,

tion ; it requires a special method of preparing, either for printing or dyeing, is to pad them in
and possesses quite different properties from the a solution of it, and then pass them into sours
muriate. When a few drops of this bichloride the sulphurie acid takes the soda, forming sul-
of tin are mixed with a solution of bichrome, phate of soda, while the stannic acid remains
it ought not to change the red colour to green, attached to the cloth. The value of the pre-
which it will if it is not well made, or if it paring salt depends upon the quantity of tin
contains any of the common muriate. The which it contains, which quantity can only be
bichloride of tin is not largely used either in ascertained by means of analysis. A practical
dyeing or printing. It serves as a prepare for test is toprepare fents with it against other
woollens and delaines to make them take fents prepared with a salt of known quality.
colours better in printing; it is for this purpose The strength of the hydrometer, which a certain
mostly mixed with some of the common muriate, quantity gives to a gallon of water, is little or
and is an ingredient in some colours and in some no test. I had occasion to analyse a sample of
dyes. It can be made by dissolving grain tin preparing salt said to be of double strength
in a mixture of two parts spirits of salts, one it only contained as much tin as the regular

part aquafortis, and one part water, till no more quality, but had about twenty-eight per cent

dissolves. of common it, and was quite dry, whereas

salt in
Oxymuriate of Tin (Proto-per Chloride of Tin). the ordinary good stannate has from twenty-five
This liquor is made in general by dissolving to thirty per cent of water in it, and no common
granulated or block tin by degrees, in a mixture salt the sample, which was of double strength,

of nitric and muriatic acids it is for the most

; and was to be charged considerably higher, had
part a bichloride of tin, but frequently con- been made by driving the water away from the
taining some of the protochloride or common ordinary quality, and putting salt instead one ;

muriate ; it is generally well saturated, that is, pound of it in a gallon of water stood several
with little excess of acid. It is also generally degrees higher than a pound of the common
of a milky appearance, from a quantity of un- —
stannate and this was the test the manufacturer
TIN. 200 TIN.

desired to be applied— but chemical analysis part nitric acid, and one part water ; add granu-
demonstrated that it was not worth any more lated tin to the extent of \\ oz. for each pound
than the stannate with water, and was likely to of the mixed acids.
be worth much less, as so great a quantity of The above quantities are by measure, and are
useless substance might impede the fixation of for the ordinary strength of acids sold under the
the tin upon the cloth. Some very good pre-, above names.
paring salts contain a portion of arsenic, in the The following oxymuriate contains, added sal
state of arsenic acid combined with soda, and ammoniac —
20 lbs. muriatic acid, 20 lbs. nitric

the makers consider it as important in yielding acid, in which has been previously dissolved
good results. It appears to combine with the tin, 5 lbs. sal ammoniac dissolve in 10 lbs. tin. ;

and fix with it upon the cloth. I have made This preparation is suitable for printers' pur-
experiments with preparing salts with and with- poses.
out arsenic in them, and, if the conditions were Oxymuriatefor Cutting Pinks. 16 lbs. crystals —
otherwise equal, I could never find that arsenic of tin, melted in a mug, placed in hot water,
was an improvement. I consider that the good 20 lbs. nitric acid, added by degrees.
quality of these salts is attributable to the care —
Another. 60 lbs. crystals of tin, one quart
exercised in their manufacture, and not in any water, heat in a water bath until melted, then
manner to the arsenic present at the same time add by portions 92 lbs. nitric acid at 60°.

it should be understood that, while in some Woollen Dyers' Spirits. Two gallons water, —
cases a certain ingredient seems unnecessary 15 lbs. nitric acid at 62°, 12 oz. common salt,
and useless, it acts an essential part in other If lb. granulated tin. There should be no
cases, where perhaps the general conditions are effervescence, and the liquor should be per-
not so favourable, or, at any rate, not the same. fectly clear and of a pale yellow colour. Not
Tungsten in the shape of tungstate of soda is safe after a week old, and should be kept cool.
sometimes mixed with stannate, and is thought For Spirit Colours. 11 lbs. muriatic acid at —
by some printers to give improved results. 34°, 5 lbs. nitric acid at 62°, 2 lbs. granulated
Many experiments I made on that point gave tin, added by degrees.
only negative results, no improvement was SulpTio-muriate of Tin Spirits. 2 lbs. sulphuric —
visible. acid, 3 lbs. muriatic acid. Pour the muriatic
I give here a number of receipts for pre- acid upon an excess of granulated tin, and when
paring tin solutions as used in various cases. ithas ceased to act, add the sulphuric acid and
A great deal depends upon the fitness of the tin leave them for a day or two upon the tin with-
solution in producing the best shades of colour, out heat. If heated, the sulpho-muriate may be
but it is not clear in what this fitness itself con- formed in less time, but does not seem to be so
sists ; it is only known that tin solutions are very good or regular in its results.
much changed in their bearings towards cloth —
Tin Salts as Mordants. The affinity of the
by slight alterations in the manner of their pre- oxides of tin for colouring matters, and for tex-
paration. Chemistry teaches us that the oxide tile fibres, is not inferior to that of any other
of tin capable of assuming several widely
is oxide, and in some respects seems superior to

different physical aspects, according to the man- all others. There are, as already stated, two
ner in which it is produced ; but we are not yet and the per-
distinct oxides of tin, the protoxide

informed as to the exact conditions which oxide, the latter containing twice as much oxy-
govern the formation of the different isomeric gen as the former ; and although the protosalts
oxides, and can only therefore exercise a general are generally applied as mordants as the crys- —
precaution against accidents. tals of tin and common liquid muriate of tin it —
Bed Spirits.—Three parts muriatic acid, one seems probable that it is as the higher oxide
part nitric acid, one part water ;
granulated tin, that it acts eventually as the bond between the
to the amount of 2 oz. per pound of the mixed colouring matter and fibre.
acid, added in small portions, so that the liquid Each of the oxides of tin has a general affinity
does not get hot. for all the varieties of fibre, and combines equally

Yellow Spirits. Three parts muriatic acid, well with cotton, wool, and silk ; but the com-
one part sulphuric acid, one part water; add binations are not of the same permanency in
granulated tin as much as it will dissolve, not each case. They are more permanent on wool
allowing the heat to rise above 60°. than on silk and cotton, and more powerful on
Barwood Bed Spirits.— Five parts muriatic the former than the latter. Tin mordants, upon
acid, one part nitric acid ; add granulated tin to cotton, give a class of colours which are called
the extent of 1 oz. metal to 1 lb mixed acids. " spirit colours," from the old name for solu-
Plum Spirits.— Six parts muriatic acid, one tions of tin j they are easily made, look very
well, but are not fast. Tin, upon eotton, should cloth does not seem capable of holding it in
be employed rather as an useful auxiliary than a large quantity; a small quantity it retains
as a sole mordant ; it serves to brighten colours, with a pertinacity which has no analogy in the
but it ought not to be depended upon for giving cases of the other mordants. Similarly, tin has
permanent colours. In dyeing, various salts of no great capacity for colours, or it has no
tin are largely used for producing fancy shades strong retaining hold of them. tin mordant A
upon cotton. The method of application usually can be dyed up and the colour almost soaped
consists in mixing the solution of tin with the out, and the mordant left able to dye again.
colouring matter, and running the piece through Tin most useful, and forms the best colours,

the mixture until it has taken up as much as is when in presence of a large excess of colouring
required. Colours so produced do not possess principle. <

much stability. A better method would be to TOBACCO COLOUE.— Any shade of brown
prepare the cloth first with tin, by means of the resembling the colour of tobacco may be so
stannate of soda, and then run it through the called. In calico printing the name has been
mixture of tin solution and dyewood. The basis used for a brown produced by a double dyeing
of tin being more intimately connected with the in bark and madder. The mordant is a mixture
fibre in this case, the adhesion of the coloured of iron and red liquor, printed, dunged, and
compound is the more perfect. dyed in bark, and then dyed over again in a
Salts of tin cannotbe advantageously used as small quantity of madder. The bark and mad-
mordants in the way that red liquor and iron der may be mixed at once, instead of using
liquor are used in calico printing. They take them separately, but then the results are not so
colours, but not in a satisfactory manner, and certain.
the shades which are produced are very loose TURPENTINE, Spirits of Turpentine.—
indeed, so that they will not even resist the Turpentine is somewhat largely used in calico
clearing operations necessary to obtain good printing, at least it is employed in many colours.
whites. Strong red mordant is often mixed Its action is supposed to be entirely of a physical
with crystals of tin, sometimes with a view of nature, giving smoothness to the paste, pre-
enabling it to resist colours printed over it, venting frothing, etc. In some colours where
sometimes with the intention of brightening the spermaceti or oil of any kind is an ingredient,
colour. Such a mixture is subject to irregu- the use of turpentine is to assist in diffusing the
larities in the dye, depending apparently upon fatty matter through the thickening. In some
the quality of the red liquor used. There are few albumen colours, and in cochi-
cases, as in
cases in which the alumina seems to be nearly neal liquor, turpentine acts as an antiseptic,
all displaced by the tin. The red looks very and preserves the animal matter from putre-
well out of the dye, but is much injured in the faction. The addition of turpentine to steam
soaping and clearing. colours is thought also to prevent the "cop-
Salts of tin are much used in woollen dyeing pering," alluded to page 192. The quantity of
and printing; and, owing probably to the dif- turpentine added to steam colours seldom
ference in structural arrangement of the fibres, exceeds ^ part of their bulk.
produce colours which for permanence leave TU EM ERIC. — This yellowing colouring
little to desire. The stannate of soda cannot be matter is the root of a plant, curcuma longa,
beneficially applied to woollen goods as a pre- growing in the East Indies. Its colouring
pare,on account of its alkalinity, which is detri- matter does not dissolve readily in water, but is
mental to the fibre. It is usual to employ the very soluble in alkaline solutions. It is chiefly
acid solutions of tin, as the oxymuriate, sulpho- used in silk printing and dyeing; it is also
muriate, etc., from which the woollen fibre easily employed in woollen dyeing for dark and full
amount of oxide. The
abstracts the required shades of colour. It is valued for a rich yel-
same remarks apply to silk, which, however, is lowish reflection it communicates to such
very rarely submitted to such a preparatory colours. Upon cotton it dyes without any
mordanting. mordant, but produces one of the most fugi-
The colours produced by tin oxides differ tive and changeable of colours, and is only em-
from those of alumina and iron, bearing more ployed in the extreme fancy styles. Its pure
analogy to those from alumina than to the iron colouring matter is called curcumine.
colours. Solutions of tin decompose with greater TUNGSTEN.— The ore of this metal exists
facility than those of either iron or alumina, and in tolerably large quantities in Cornwall in
the oxide will become attached to cloth under conjunction with tin ore. All through its com-
circumstances in which not a particle of the pounds it has a resemblance to tin. Some years
other oxides could be deposited. But cotton ago tungstate of soda was sent into commerce to
be used as a substitute for stannate of soda, but well known. If this be collected on a filter and
it would not answer, and all attempts to apply it washed it soon loses colour, and in a few hours
as a mordant for colours failed. Some of the will be nearly white. Many attempts which I
compounds of tungsten have good colours, but made to put this blue compound into something
they vanish in trying to fix them. If some like an inactive state, or to produce it upon the
tungstate of soda be put into a vessel, an excess cloth itself, were without any practical result.
of muriatic acid added, and then some slips of It appears from all my trials that tungsten
thin zinc, a fine blue powder will be formed in a would be of no use in dyeing or printing, how-
short time, the composition of which is not very ever cheap or plentiful it might be.

ULTRAMARINE BLUE. — An artificial which, remaining in the liquor, communicates
preparation closely resembling both in hue and to it its soapy or alkaline properties. The
chemical composition the natural and high strong smell of old urine is due to this carbonate
priced ultramarine blue is now extensively of ammonia, which is in composition the same
manufactured. It is a powder quite insoluble as ordinary smelling salts ; and if the smell of
in water or any other known menstruum, with- old lant is not quite so agreeable as these salts,

stands exposure to air and light without any because there are animal matters of another
it is

injury to its brightness; is not altered by nature present in it, which mix their odours
alkalies, but its colour is immediately destroyed with that of the ammonia. Lant is therefore
by acids with evolution of a sulphuretted gas. of an alkaline nature, and its action upon
It is only a fast colour when worked with substances can be partly predicated from that
albumen or lactarine ; for the calico printers' knowledge; it will tend to neutralise and kill
purposes must be in a very fine powder, and
it acids, and generally to act as a weak solution of
when mixed with albumen or lactarine solution, crystals of soda would. It is employed in
it must be well stirred up with it so as to bleaching wool, in several cases of dyeing to
thoroughly incorporate every particle of the modify and change the shade, and to moisten
powder with the thickening. Not being a solu- dyewoods with before using. It is used to
tion, it will, of course, gradually deposit unless develop some colouring matters, as those oi
the mixture is very thick ; it is necessary there- archil, litmus, and cudbear, and is still employed
fore to keep it occasionally stirred when working in the composition of the indigo vat.
either by machine or block. URIC ACID. — This acid may be mentioned
Ultramarine blue has also been employed in in connection with urine, because it is very
finishing, where it gives an agreeable purplish frequently present in but always in small

blue cast to the white pieces. quantities, except in cases of disease. It is not

URINE. Urine is of very ancient use in worth while extracting it from urine, but it can
connection with dyeing, and is yet employed, be obtained in good quantity from the excre-
but not to the same extent as formerly; because ments of birds and serpents. Guano, in a genuine
for many of its uses substitutes are found in state, contains a good deal of uric acid, and the
chemical drugs, which, if not cheaper, are more white excrement of the boa constrictor is a
regular, more easily kept, and pleasanter to nearly pure compound of uric acid and ammonia.
work with. Fresh urine is of no use for the Uric acid has created a high interest within
dyers' purposes; it is only when it has been these few years, on account of a splendid purple
kept for some time, and after fermentation or colour which can be obtained from it, and which
putrefaction has commenced, that it begins to has been applied to some extent upon silk, wool,
possess the properties on account of which it is and cotton. The colouring matter is called
valued. In this state it is called lant. Urine Murexide, which see.
contains a substance known as urea; it is a URANIUM.— This is the name of a metal
crystalline matter neither acid nor alkaline itself, which, up to the present time, has been found
but of a basic nature, combining with acids. It but in small quantities, and is, consequently,
is of a complex composition, and its elements are very expensive. It has some points of re-
so arranged that it takes very little to change semblance to iron, and, like it, is capable of
their order. This is done by the fermentation acting as a mordar.t for colouring matters. It
which naturally commences in urine, and all the seems probable that it would receive some appli-
urea is changed into carbonate of ammonia, cations in dyeing if it were more plentiful.

VALONIA, Valonia Nuts. —These nuts are can be obtained, it will be of some use in
the acorn-cups of a species of oak, quercus printing and dyeing. TheDr. Ure stated
aegilops, which flourishes in the Levant. Under that an ink could be prepared from it of very
the names of Camata and Camatina, the dry superior colour and durability. It is exceedingly
and immature acorns of the same tree are im- rare under any form, and only kept as a chemical
ported, and, with the cups, extensively used in or mineralogical specimen.
tanning. The attempts which have heen made VERMILION.— This brilliant pigment is a
to employ the valonia nuts in dyeing do not compound of sulphur and mercury. It is too
appear to have heen very successful. They dense, and too deficient in covering power, to
contain tannin and astringent matters, and can be employed in calico printing.
be used as substitutes for galls and sumac —
VITRIOL. This is the old name given to
hut, so far as cotton dyeing is concerned, they sulphate of iron or green copperas, and seems
do not answer very well. They are supposed also to have been generally applied to the me-
to he employed with more success in some tallic sulphates, as vitriol of copper, of zinc, etc.
branches of silk dyeing. White Vitriol is sulphate of zinc.
VANADIUM.— This metal is said to have Blue Vitriol is sulphate of copper.
some resemblances in its combinations to the Green Vitriol is sulphate of iron.

compounds of chromium, and hopes are enter- Oil of Vitriol, or Vitriol, is the still common
tained that if ever a plentiful supply of its ore name of sulphuric acid.

WALNUT PEELS.—The rinds or husks of taminating matters into it. If the situation of
fresh walnuts are well known to contain a the print or dye works compels the use of an
colourable matter, for though white when inferior water, great pains should be taken to
freshly opened the air soon causes them to ascertain its composition, the nature of its
turn brown or black ; and if the juice fall upon variations, and the probability of being able to
the skin it speedily dyes it a dark brown colour improve it by chemical treatment. A volume
not easily removed. It does not appear that might be written upon this subject, but its
the British dyers make any general use of applicability would not be general. There are
walnut peels, but on the continent they are some print and dye works so fortunately situated
much employed for saddened shades upon wool. as never to have any difficulty upon this matter,
Berthollet says the peels are gathered when the requiring no lodges, no reservoirs, no filters,
nut is entirely ripe, if taken from unripe nuts and hardly any pipes beyond wooden spouts to
they are still applicable, but do not keep so supply all the needs of the works, There are
long; they are stored in casks, which are filled others who are never for a day without anxiety
with water, and not used until one or two years about the state of their water, and to whom the
old. Woollen requires no mordant for dyeing filtering and purifying of a supply, over the
in the decoction, and is simply wetted out and quality of which they have little or no control,
worked in until the desiredshade is obtained. is a constant source of trouble and expense.

The shades obtained fromwalnut peels are Perfectly pure water does not appear to exist
esteemed on account of their softness, and the in nature; it is artificially prepared by distilling
absence of a harsh feel, which colours saddened ordinary water, with several precautions, in
with green copperas always possess. vessels of silver or platinum. Steam is pure
The root of the walnut tree gives the same water in the gaseous state, and when it is con-
colours, but being less rich in colouring principle densed, the water is obtained pure. Ordinary
a greater quantity has to be employed. steam, or condensed water, is subject to be con-
WATER. — Water the most important
is taminated by several impurities: iron from the
substance which is used by the dyer and printer, pipes is sometimes found ; ammonia, from vege-
it enters into all his processes, and its quality so table or animal matter present in the water; and
much which can be ob-
influences the results very generally a certain volatile oily matter,
tained, that every precaution should be used to probably originating from the tallow or other
procure a good supply in the first instance, and grease used in the boiler, as well as impurities
to provide against the entrance of any con- derived from the packings of the steam pipes.
But when the pipes are well seasoned and the sible so to remove the impurities from water,
original water not very impure, steam water is as to make it in every case equal to a naturally
nearly pure water, and for all practical purposes good supply. In making choice of a source of
may be taken as such. All the natural sources water, not only the quantity but the peculiar
of water are derived from rain, which is pro- nature of the impurities must be taken into
duced by the condensation of vapour originally account. Some impurities are readily removed
rising from the waters of the ocean. This being by filtration and exposure to the air, others are
a great natural distillation, it will be anticipated not affected by such a treatment;- some can be
that rain water is the purest of all kinds of readily purified by lime, others are not in the
water. When carefully collected at a distance leastimproved by it; one class of impurities is
from human habitations, rain water only differs injurious to one style of production, but not to
from the purest distilled water by containing another, and so on. As a general rule it may
minute quantities of organic matter, and certain be laid down that river water, that is, surface
gaseous bodies which it has imbibed from the drainage water, contains the least amount of
atmosphere. But the moment it touches the mineral matters and the largest amount of vege-
earth, its solvent powers are so considerable, table matter, and that spring or well water con-
that it is instantly contaminated with earthy tains the greatest quantity of mineral substance,
matters to a greater or less degree, depending with a minimum of organic matter.
upon the nature of the ground. The impurities Up to the present time the following sub-
of water consist in the mineral or vegetable stances have been detected in natural waters :

matters which it has extracted from the earth Adds. — Carbonic, sulphuric, sulphurous, ni-
over or through which it has passed from its tric, phosphoric, boracic, silicic, and hydro-
first fall. If the ground be composed of hard sulphuric.
insoluble rocks, the water passes over or through Bases.— Soda, potash, lithia, ammonia, lime,
them, taking up very little of their constituents magnesia, strontia, baryta, alumina, pro-
in its passage, even though the contact may toxides of iron and manganese, oxides of
have been a prolonged one; such a water will zinc and copper, tin, lead, silver, antimony,
be a soft and pure water, whether it flow as a arsenic, nickel, and cobalt.
river or rise as a spring. If, on the contrary, Also, Bases, are found chlorine,
Not Being
the ground be composed of substances dissolv- bromine, iodine, flourine, sulphur, and hy-
able by water, the water will soon become drogen.
saturated with the soluble principles; if a cur- Any given sample of water would only con-
rent of pure water meet a bed of rock salt it tain a few of the above substances, but it is
becomes brine; if it pass through or over a possible for any of them to be there. The
strata of limestone or gypsum, it soon becomes mineral substances mostly found in river,
charged with those substances constituting a spring, and well water, are as follows:
bard, limy, or calcareous water. If the land Lime, combined with carbonic acid, and with
from which the water drains be peaty or boggy, sulphuric acid, as bicarbonate and sulphate of
containing much vegetable matter, a small por- lime ; magnesia combined frequently with muri-
tion of this will be dissolved. Though the sometimes with carbonic acid potash
atic acid, ;

quantity of these adventitious matters is small and soda usually in very small quantities iron ;

when compared with the water itself, they in- in the state of a carbonate held in solution by
fluence its quality to a remarkable extent as a carbonic acid, or in some other form ; silicic
medium of communicating colours. Perfectly acid, either in the free state or combined with
pure water would be the best for all manufac- the potash, generally the former. Those which
turing purposes, if it were procurable. The chiefly concern the dyer are the lime, the iron,
preference for any particular source of water is and the magnesia, the remainder are of little
always traceable to the absence of injurious consequence.
components, or to the fortuitous occurrence of Lime in Water. —A practical man knows
some substance which acts as a corrective of a when his water contains lime by several cha-
natural impurity, and not to the existence of the racters, themost striking of which is the way
impurity itself. There are, however, some in which it acts with soap a calcareous or

colours which can be dyed very well in water limy water destroys the soap, throws it up as a
strongly impregnated with mineral matters, and curd, and does not give a lather until as much
it is thought with better results than in pure soap has been put in as takes up all the lime. All
water; but in all known cases it is possible to this soap is wasted, and may even injure cloth
add such chemicals to pure water so as to pro- by the earthy soap produced, not being washed
duce equally good results. But it is not pos- off easily. But the soap test is not precisely a
chemical test for lime, because there are many how much of each requires analytical processes.
other substances which would act in the same If there is no deposit or milkiness in the flask
manner but these substances are not likely to
; after the boiling down, either there is no lime
be present in water, unless it be magnesia, and at all, or ebe it is in the very unusual condition
this not often, so that whenever a water does of muriate, or nitrate of lime.
curd soap, it may be looked upon as a sure indi- With regard to the different actions of these
cation of the presence of lime. The quantity of two is, the carbonate of lime
salts of lime, that
soap which a given bulk of water can destroy, and the sulphate of lime, in dyeing, it may be
is also a good test of the quantity of lime in said that they are both injurious to fine colours,
the water; it may be used roughly to compare but neither of them hurtful to saddened or dark
two different waters, or the same water at dif- colours, unless the water be impregnated to a
ferent times ; an exact method of doing this is very great extent. Carbonate of lime in water
given further on. The reason why soap is is thought to be advantageous in madder dyeing,

destroyed by a hard water is, that being a com- especially with certain kinds of madder, and very
pound of fatty matter with soda, the whole dis- frequently ground chalk is added to the water
solves in pure water, but the fatty matter is before dyeing with it to make up any deficiency.
said to have a stronger desire to go to the lime Sulphate of lime in considerable quantity is in-
than to remain with the soda; and when in con- jurious to madder dyeing, and indeed to all
tact with the lime it combines with it, leaving kinds of dyeing with woods, causing a waste of
the soda, and because the compound of lime and colouring matter and giving inferior results;
fatty matter cannot dissolve in water, it rises as it is hardly possible to dye good bright light

a greasy curd until all the lime is combined shades in such a water.
with the fatty matter. A hard water can be —
Magnesia in Water. If the magnesia be in the
made soft for some purposes by the addition of water in the state of muriate or chloride, and
soda a«h, or soda crystals if the water be : not inclined to become carbonate by boiling
brought to a boil after addition of soda, most (which it does if much carbonate of lime be in
of the lime will rise up as a scum to the surface, the water), it will not be hurtful, the same if it

which must of course be taken off before any exist as sulphate. But if it exist in the water as
goods are entered. The proper chemical test carbonate, or can be transformed to such, it may
for lime in water is the salt called oxalate of prove very detrimental indeed, completely pre-
ammonia when a clear solution of this is
; venting the dyeing of certain colours, and spoil-
poured into a water containing even a very ing others. It appears from my experiments
small quantity of lime, it indicates it by pro- that magnesia is much more injurious in water
ducing a milkiness, which on standing, settles for madder dyeing than lime, and that, in fact,
down as a white sediment, the quantity of this in the state of bicarbonate or carbonate, either
sediment or precipitate will be proportionate to actual or possible, it is more to be feared than

the amount of lime in the water. But neither any other common ingredient of natural water.
this nor the soap test will show what kind of —
Iron in Water. Most waters contain a small
salt of lime is in the water; they show the same quantity of iron ; it usually exists as a bicar-
characters whether it be gypsum (sulphate of bonate of iron; some waters contain so much
lime), chalk, or muriate of lime. Further tests that the stream is quite of a rusty colour, and
are required to ascertain which is really present. the bottom and sides perfectly yellow with the
If about a pint of water, containing lime salts, iron rust which has deposited from the water.
be boiled down in a glass flask until it is reduced It is fortunate that this metal has a great ten-
to half a noggin, it will be seen that the water dency to fall out of water spontaneously, that is,
is turbid, and that the sides of the flask are simply by contact with the air, because many
covered with a white pellicle. This indicates spring waters contain iron and are quite unfit
that either sulphate of lime, or carbonate of for dyeing and bleaching purposes; but by a
lime, or both, are present : to the fluid in the process of filtration and exposure to the air the
flask let a few drops of be added
spirits of salts iron may be completely separated. The best
if there is an effervescence, and the liquid be- test for iron in water is tincture of logwood or
comes quite clear, it shows that all the lime is logwood liquor; when a single drop of strong
present as carbonate of lime ; if there is no logwood liquor is put into a wineglass full of
effervescence and no clearing of the liquid, it water free from iron, it gives either a sherry
may be judged that it is sulphate of lime ; and colour or a claret, depending upon the amount
if, as usually happens, there is an effervescence of lime present but if there be any iron the

and only a partial clearing, it proves that there colour changes to blue, blue black, and finally
is a mixture of both salts of lime to determine : to inky black, depending upon the quantity of
that metal contained in the water. This test moved; at the same time the colour is injured.
must be judged of within a short interval of A good test for this condition of vegetable
time, far if the glasses be left exposed to the air matter in water consists in taking about a pint
the logwood becomes altered, turning darker, of the water and mixing with it about half an
and might be supposed to indicate iron when ounce of clear bleaching powder solution stand-
in reality there was none. In testing a spring ing at 2° Tw. and warming in a glass flask to
water for iron in this way it is necessary that about 160° F.; if it goes yellowish, and in a
the water should be freshly drawn if it be some; short time deposits a buff-coloured deposit, it

days or even hours old, especially if it be car- may be considered certain that it is not fit to
ried far in a bottle, all the iron is thrown out as clear pieces by the old plan; for clearing in the
insoluble oxide, and the change of colour does padding machine and steam box, much less
not take place. The influence of a water holding water being used, it does not matter so much.
iron in solution, upon dyeing, is very marked, Nitrate of silver, chloride of gold, and perman-
it turns pinks into drabs, and reds into dull ganate of potash are also used as tests for the
browns and chocolates; if much iron be present presence of vegetable matter in water.
it prevents dyeing altogether, for the iron in the Purification of Water. — Few works are so for-
water combines with the colouring matters and tunately situated as to be able to use water with-
the cloth receives none, or only a feeble propor- out some purifying process, and none should be
tion. An
exaggerated specimen of a ferruginous without the means of purifying in ca3e of neces-
water may be obtained for experiments from an sity, for the best streams are at times unfit for
iron steampipe where condensed water has stood working with, and unless filters are at hand, the
for a day or two; it and
will be quite clear works must stop until the water becomes clear
bright looking, but an open basin for a
if left in again. The purifying agents to be employed are
few hours the iron rust will be seen to separate, principally those of nature— exposure to air and
or if a bleached fent be dipped in it and hung light, and a straining out of suspended matters by
tip it will soon become of a light buff colour ; in filtration. The methods employed are too well
such a water madder refuses to dye, all colours known to need description in detail. The water
are injured except blacks and saddened shades, from the source is led or pumped into a reservoir
and under no circumstances will it leave the of size proportionate to the wants of the works,
whites of printed cloth clear, or possible to be the larger the better, and preferably long and
cleared, without almost destroying the dyed narrow, so that as much distance as possible
colour. may exist between the water coming in and
Other Substances in Water. —
The potash and that flowing out to the filters. This reservoir
soda salts which often exist in water are usually is meant keep up a stock, and to allow mud,
without any marked effect in dyeing or bleach- etc., to settle out sometimes two are used al-

ing, being present in very small quantities and ternating, to allow the water some hours of
generally of a neutral nature. The silicic acid, quietness. From this depositing reservoir the
which isa frequent constituent of water, but in water goes on to the filters. In many works
small quantities, is likewise without any marked where the stream of water is not clear enough
action in dyeing; from the author's experiments to be used without settling, and yet settles very
it appears that pure hydrated silicic acid is in- clear, filters are not thought necessary. This
jurious in madder dyeing, but not strikingly so. will answer for many kinds of water, but not
The organic matter which is contained in some with all, because even perfectly clear water

waters, and which has received the names of may contain so much iron or organic matter
crenic and apocremc acid, is not without influence as to give very inferior results in the dyehouse.
in dyeing; but it is more in bleaching, and The object of filtration is something more than
especially in clearing printed goods that the toremove visible foreign matters in the water,
presence of organic matter is troublesome. It and if it should turn out that the water, even
prevents the brilliant white finish on bleached when quite clear, is not giving good work,

goods, and often in the chemicldng causes them should be tried. The filter is essentially

to take a yellow cast very difficult to remove. a bed of coarse sand, supported upon pebbles
In clearing madder prints in the beck with solu- and boulders. The filtration being downwards,
tion of bleaching powder, and water charged the water passes through the sand and on to the
with organic matter, the reaction between the works by proper arrangements, as is well under-
chemic and the vegetable matter when the tem- stood. The surface of the filters should be as
perature is raised causes the formation of a large as the space at command will allow, both
yellow or brownish matter which falls upon the because they will then filter more water and
cloth and spoils the whites and is not easily re- filter it better. The sand acts partly as a

strainer tokeep back the mechanically suspended was patented a few years ago, by Mr.
though it

impurities, hut its most important action is of

was practised long previously, some
Clarke, it

another nature— the exposition of the water times by throwing lumps of lime into the pits
sometimes by slacking the lime in a
more completely to the action of the air. Each or lodges,
with a film of tub, and throwing it in, as milk of lime, with a
particle of sand becomes covered
the air can act very com- scope, but it is probable that Mr. Clarke may
water so thin that
pletely upon it, penetrating it as it were through
have been the first to apply it to water for
and through. The vegetable, and some of the domestic purposes. The action of lime upon
changed by the action of water is two-fold in the first place, water which
mineral impurities, are
contains the bicarbonate of lime is deprived
the air; they become insoluble in the water,
and, instead of passing through the filter, they of this substance by the addition of lime,

adhere to the particles of sand, in the form of for, though it may seem paradoxical that lime
a slimy, glairy substance. If the water be should throw out lime, it is nevertheless quite
bad, this slime collects in such quantity as to true, and easily proved, that such a water contains

Stop the action of the filter, either not letting less lime after the addition of a proper quantity
the water pass through at all, or letting it pass of lime than previously, that is, after settling and
through without purifying it. The remedy con- filtration ; the lime added combines with the
sists in scraping the top sand off the deep filter lime in the water, and both together fall down
enough to remove that portion saturated with as a sediment. If any bicarbonate of magnesia

impurities, when the filtration will go on again. be in the water it will also be precipitated.
The depth of sand required to filter well depends The second action of lime is to throw out vege-
a good deal upon its quality or fineness, and the table matters, and whether it accomplishes this

kind of water to be filtered. A

bed twelve by combining with them itself and carrying
inches thick should be sufficient under all them down, or whether it is that the bicarbonate
ordinary circumstances, and it should not be of lime in the water keeps them in solution, and
reduced to less than four inches by scraping. upon its being destroyed they fall out, or whether
When the sand, after being used, is well washed the action is made up of both these is not
with violent agitation, the impurities of the clearly known, but it is a fact that lime tends to
water are in a great measure detached, and it diminish the quantity of organic or vegetable
can be employed over again, but it is best to matter in water. There need be little fear of
leave the washed sand several weeks exposed to applying an excess of lime, or, at any rate, of
the air before spreading it on the filters. When that excess doing any harm. It is not possible

water is highly charged with vegetable im- to say what the quantity is that should be used,
purities the filter does not seem to remove circumstances varying so much; but the author
them, but, by paying attention to a few points, has known seven hundred pounds' weight of
the water may generally be made useable. First, quick lime applied, in ten hours, to about three
as above stated, it is the air which purifies the hundred thousand gallons of water, and with good
water, the sand being the instrument or appa- effect, but as a daily addition one quarter of this

ratus for exposing the water to the air: the quantity should suffice. The lime should be
worse the water, the greater pains must be added to the water in such a state as to ensure its
taken to let the air have access to it ; the filter utmost action, and in such a manner that it may
bed must not be overcharged with water, that be thoroughly mixed, therefore it should not be
is, it must not have several inches of water, thrown in in lumps, but carefully slacked and
floating over the sand, but, on the contrary, the mixed into a kind of cream with water. If practi-
surface of the sand should be exposed to the air, cable, it should be added to the water as it runs
the water only flowing on to it as fast as it in the channel from the source to the first reser-
passes through and, secondly, the water should
; voir, letting the milk of lime flow from a tub into
not be allowed to collect under the sand, but be the water in a regular small stream, then, both
drawn off nearly as fast as it filters; by this running together, they will be well mixed, and
means the foundation of the filter is kept full the lime exercise its full action. The lime
of air, and, after passing through the sand, the should be allowed time to perform its duty, and
water gets a subsequent purification in trickling space enough to settle in before arriving at the
over the pebbles and boulders below. If the filter, or else it will be troublesome, by choking
water is not good after this treatment it must be the filter. As before remarked, it is hardly

bad indeed, and the lime treatment should be possible for an injurious excess of lime to be
tried. added, or to pass through the filter, the air
Purification of Water by Lime. —
Lime has removing an excess very quickly; but if an
been used for a long time to purify water ; and, excess is suspected it can be tested by red


litmus paper, which is turned bine by lime and twenty grains a large quantity. Pure
water, or better, by adding a drop of so ition of water contains no solid matter, and river or
nitrate of silver to a wineglassfull <5f it, when, if spring water is better the less it contains, con-
it gives a brown precipitate, an excess of 'me 1 sequently one containing five grains would be
may be Lime should^
considered as present. preferred to one containing twenty grains per
be used excepting the ordinary means of publi- gallon, but this is only strictly true when the
cation have failed. The great point is to imitate contained matters are similar in chemical com-
nature, as far as possible, in her method of position. If the five grains in the one case
purifying water, and that exposing it to the
is were mixed carbonates of lime and magnesia,
air. The deep and silently flowing rivers are and the twenty grains in the other common salt,
never so brilliant and pure as the shallow stream then the five-grain water would be a bad one,
which runs amongst large boulders, over gravel and the twenty-grain water a good one. In-
and sand, the waters of which are continually stances are common enough of water containing
broken into sheets, and thrown up into contact twelve or fifteen grains of solid matter per
with the air. The power of the atmosphere, gallon being successfully used in printing and
and a physical agent like sand, to remove sub- dyeing, and of other waters not containing five
stances from water is far greater than is generally grains being very inferior. The quantity of
supposed, rendering bodies insoluble and inert solid matter alone is not therefore a good ground
which are suspected of being acted upon
little for comparing two samples of water. But it
by it ; it is, on a large scale, what animal black may be taken as a principle that that solid
is in the laboratory, or even that more power- matter in water which, after having been dried,
ful agent, platinum black, the properties of is again dissoluble by pure water is not a kind

which all students of chemistry are acquainted of matter hurtful in dyeing. Thus, sulphate of
with. soda, carbonate of soda, common salt, muriate
Other Methods of Purifying Water. Several — of lime, sulphate of magnesia, and salts of
methods of purifying water have beeh patented potash, when dissolved in water, may be evapo-
within these few years, but none of them have rated to dryness, but will dissolve again if
been applied on a sufficiently extensive scale to mixed with pure water. On the other hand,
enable us to see if they are real improvements. carbonate of lime, carbonate of magnesia, sul-
The only improvement that seems possible
real phate of lime, oxide of iron, and other bodies
to be introduced, will be some apparatus that may be perfectly dissolved in the water before
shall purify and filter large quantities of water evaporation to dryness, but by the evaporation
in a small space. At present, the filters and have become insoluble, and are no longer
water lodges take up a good deal of ground, capable of forming a clear solution in pure
which could be otherwise employed if any such water.
apparatus was to be introduced. There is not The former materials are not hurtful in dyeing,
much inducement to spend money or time in while the latter are generally very hurtful. An
such a matter as far as regards dyeing, bleach- additional test, therefore, would be to ascertain
ing, etc. ; because the works are usually in how much of the solid matter was again soluble
places where land is cheap, and the present in cold water, and compare the amounts of the
method of filtering requires very little attention insoluble residues but this would not be con-

and expense to keep it in action but a compact ; clusive, because we may have any of the three
and efficacious filtering apparatus would doubt- substances— iron, magnesia, and lime, left inso-
less be a valuable property, and sooner or later luble; if the residue was all iron or all magnesia
be adopted by all who use large quantities of the water could not be good, while, if it were all
water. lime, it might be suitable for many styles of
Testing and Analysis of Water. An accurate — dyeing. The task of distinguishing the quali-
chemical analysis of water requires great care, ties of these matters must be left to the analytical
and can only be undertaken by a skilful chemist chemist, being entirely a laboratory matter. To
who has access to all the appliances of a some information as to the comparative
laboratory; but there are some chemical tests amounts of substances in two or more samples
which may be applied and give useful informa- of water, glasses may be filled, and the following
tion without pretensions to absolute accuracy. tests applied, comparing the effects produced:
The quantity of solid matter in water can be —
Oxalate of Ammonia. A white precipitate in-
ascertainedby evaporating a thousand or ten dicates lime.
thousand grains to dryness, and weighing the titrate of Silver. —A white precipitate, not
residue ; five grains of solid matter per gallon dissolved by pure nitric acid, indicates
of water is thought small, ten grains medium, chlorides.
: —


Nitrate of Baryta. —A
white precipitate, not soap. The quantity
of water used in each case
dissolved by pure nitric acid, indicates was thousand grains, and the numbers indi-

sulphates. cate the measures of soap tincture required to

Lime Water. —A white precipitate indicates pniduce a permanent froth or lather, each mea-
carbonates. Jc^re equalling ten grains water :

Phosphate of Soda, with addition ofAmmonia — * Distilled water 2 to 3

Produces a white crystalline precipitate if River water, Cheshire 8
magnesia be present. Before testing for Corporation supply to Manchester 9 <

magnesia the lime should be all removed. River near Manchester 16

Yellow Prussiate of Potash. —A
blue precipi- Water from the Thames 30
tate indicates iron. A spring water in Manchester 56
Logwood Solution. —A dark purplish black Same water after being treated with
indicates iron; a deep claret indicates car- lime and filtered 32
bonated alkalies^or earths in solution. Mixed spring and drainage water, neigh-
The greater or lefs abundance of the precipi- bourhood of Manchester , 34
tates produced will be in ratio with the quantity The same after treatment with lime .. 17
of substance present. A spring water from a dye works near -
Test for Hardness of Water. —The soap test Manchester 35
for ascertaining the hardness of water is a tinc- Water containing chloride of calcium,
ture of the best curd soap, made by dissolving equal to 16 grains carb. lime per gal... 26
one part of it in 75 parts of warm distilled water, Water which will not froth with less than thirty
and then adding an equal volume of rectified measures of a soap tincture is not well suited for
alcohol. This strength of soap tincture is not general dyeing purposes. I would not recom-
the only one which can be used, but it is con- mend a dependence upon this test altogether,
venient; it does not gelatinise at ordinary tem- and especially independent and separate obser-
peratures, which it would do if made stronger vations are not of much value; it is only useful
or without alcohol it keeps well if there be no
; as a comparative test, and as before stated, in-
acid in the alcohol. On account of the variable dicates not only lime salts, but all other salts of
quality of the soap the precise quantity of lime oxides which form insoluble soaps with fatty
required to curd it must be ascertained by ex- matters.
periment. Take five grains of marble in a It has been stated that such and such sub-
capacious porcelain dish, and dissolve it in pure stances are injurious in a water for dyeing. It
hydrochloric acid, heat to expel the excess of would be very satisfactory to be able to define
acid, and then add forty ounces of distilled water the precise action of these substances in the
this produces an artificial calcareous water re- dyeing, but a great deal must be left to conjec-
presenting in its action upon the soap twenty ture on account of the absence of exact informa-
grains of carbonate of lime per gallon of water; tion.All testimony seems to concur in proving
itshould be again mixed with one or two volumes thatany water, which upon heating or boiling
of distilled water, because the action of the test produces a precipitate, is a bad water for dyeing;
is not clear in waters containing an excessive further than that, water which is conspicuous for
amount of lime. On this account it is often producing incrustations in steam boilers is a bad
advisable to mix a natural water to be tested water, both because it must contain a large pro-
with an equal volume of pure water. The water portion of mineral matter to produce this
to be tested should be put in a phial, which it effect, and it must be of a nature to fall readily
should not fill more than a third, and the soap out of solution. Now, all precipitates formed in
tincture added slowly from a graduated measure, a coloured liquor combine with a greater or less
with occasional stoppages for the purpose of quantity of the colouring matter and render it
violently shaking the mixture ; as soon as the insoluble, forming a species of lake ; and this,
soap bubbles remain permanent on the surface which is a characteristic and conspicuous pro-
of the water the operation is finished. Of a perty of some oxides, as iron, alumina, and tin,
hard water five hundred grains is sufficient to when so precipitated, is true in a less degree
take at once, mixed with an equal volume of not only of all other oxides but also of insoluble
water; of a less hard sample, a thousand
distilled saline compounds. Upon these grounds, I am
grains may be taken without admixture. led to believe that the injurious action of these
A soap tincture made from a good specimen substances in water is owing to their abstracting
of white curd soap, gave the following results the colouring matter from the solution, which
in the author's hands, which may serve for com- they are enabled to do by being thrown into an
parison with those obtained from any other good insoluble and basic state, and not to their
destroying the colouring matten Thus, mag- dissolve in water, and the liquor all filters
nesia and lime in the state of bicarbonate lose through together : to deprive the water of the
carbonic acid upon heating and become pre- blue vitriol would require chemical means dif-
cipitates, combining with the colouring matter ferent in kind from filtration. Water, there-
and impoverishing the bath ; in the same way fore, dissolves some substances and not others.

carbonate of iron acts, similarly also sulphate of Water does not dissolve the same quantity of
lime, which seems capable of forming insoluble all soluble, substances ; of some it can dissolve
compounds with colouring matters, with or its ownweight, and more; of others, a smaller
without decomposition. So I explain why salts portion; and of some, extremely little. Asa
such as sulphate of magnesia and muriate of rule, hot water dissolves more than cold, and
lime do not, under certain circumstances, appear more quickly than cold ; but, upon cooling, the
to be at all injurious: they are not capable of excess mostly falls out as crystals. This point
being rendered insoluble. Beyond this view, deserves notice, for a liquor, which is of right
however, it is evident that colouring matters are strength when a little warm, may be too weak
not so soluble in certain saline solutions as in when it becomes cold; left in a carboy, for
pure water, or in other saline solutions; and example, in a cold place, because the salt
then, consequently, impure waters are often crystallises out this is the case only with those

defective by not dissolving the colouring matter salts that are but sparingly soluble, as chlorate
from the root or wood. of potash, cream of tartar, sulphate of potash,
Some waters may be corrected by chemical etc. This crystallising is sometimes trouble-
means, but there is always a risk in attempting some in steam colours which, right enough when
it, because the remedial agents, if used in excess, freshly made, become filled with small crystals
would prove more injurious than the original on cooling, and work rough in the machine: it
defect. Thus, an extremely calcareous water, is felt in the case of an ageing liquor, which

which contains only bicarbonate of lime, may contains chlorate of potash, as an active agent,
be mixed with sulphuric acid, or oxalic acid, to which, crystallising out, leaves the liquor weak
neutralise the lime, and this is frequently done. and not able to do its work. As an usual thing,
With some qualities of madder a limy water the drugroom upon a printing or dyeing works
dyes very well, because the madder is of a very should be cool, but there are some liquors better
acid nature and neutralises the lime but with ; in a moderately warm place brown vitriol, for

another kind of madder or with garancine, the example, in winter time is apt to go solid in the
same water would yield very bad results. carboys, if kept in an exposed place. In the
Solvent Powers of Water. —
Water is a physical following table will be found most of the sub-
rather than a chemical agent in bleaching and stances used in bleaching, dyeing, and calico
dyeing ; it is the vehicle which carries the che- printing, with useful information as to how they
mical substance to the cloth to be operated behave themselves with water the results are

upon, or which removes the matters necessary from the author's experiments, and exact enough
to be removed from it. When a substance is for practical purposes. The second column
mixed with water, it may either be dissolved by gives, in comparative expressions, the degree of
it, and disappear, as salt does ; or it may remain solubility of the substances; the third, gives the
in suspension, as chalk does. Nothing is con- degree of Twaddle which 16 oz. of the substance
sidered to be actually dissolved in water if it dissolved in a gallon of water stands at and, in ;

can settle out again, or if it will not pass with the fourth column, are remarks proper to the
the water through a filter made of paper or particular substance. By this table one can
calico : thus, to talk of dissolving ground chalk calculate, in a rough practical kind of way, how
in water is incorrect, for if allowed to stand it much of a salt there is in a gallon of water by
would settle out ; or, if the mixture were filtered, knowing its strength ; and, on the other hand,
the water would pass clear while the chalk can tell how much of a drug to use to make a
would remain upon the calico ; but blue vitriol liquor at a certain given strength :—
(sulphate of copper), for example, does really



Strength of
Action of
Substance. a sol. at General Remarks.
Water. 16 oz. per gal.

Tw. Sp.Gr,
Acid, arsenious little sol. Some varieties dissolve easier than others.
„ citric very sol. 6f 1034
1031 Saturated solution.

„ tartaric
Alum (potash)
oxalic soluble,
sol. m

Alum (ammonia).... soluble, 10 1050 Nearly saturated in the cold.
Alumina, sulphate.. very sol. 10 1050
Alhumen very sol. Coagulated by hot water.
Ammonia, muriate. very sol. 5* 1027
„ carb very sol. 8 1042
„ sulph. ... very sol. 10| 1052
„ oxalate.. soluble, 7 1035
„ nitrate... very sol. 1040
„ tartrate.. soluble, 1047
Barium, chloride ... very sol. 13£ 1067
Baryta, nitrate soluble, 12 1060
„ sulphate insoluble. Mineral white, heavy spar.
Bleaching powder . soluble. 11 1055 Does not dissolve clear, always a sediment.
Copper, acetate soluble, Some kinds do not dissolve without acid.
„ chloride.... very sol. 12 1060
„ nitrate very sol. 10 1050 Mostly sold as a liquid.
„ sulphate.... soluble. 11 1055

Dyewoods and /Stuffs: —

Archil soluble, Sold as a liquid.
Alkanet insoluble, Dissolves in turpentine, spirits, oils.
Annatto insoluble. Dissolves in alkali, soda.
Berries soluble. Colouring matter very soluble.
Catechu soluble. Dissolves completely in water.
Cudbear soluble. 1
Camwood soluble.
Cochineal soluble.
Fustic soluble. Ofthese dyeing matters not one dissolves
Litmus soluble. completely in water. Water only ex-
Logwood soluble. tracts cei tain soluble principles, including
Quercitron bark soluble. the actual colouring matter, and leaves
Peachwood soluble. undissolved the great bulk, which is
Gall nuts soluble. fibrous and woody matter.
Madder = soluble.
Sapan wood soluble.
Sumac soluble,
Farina insoluble, Soluble in boiling water.
Flour partly sol. Soluble imperfectly in boiling water.
Glue soluble. Some kinds thick, and some thin, at lib. per
Gums (foreign) soluble, [gallon.
„ (British) sol. &insol. Depends upon method of manufacture.
Iron, acetate soluble, Sold as liquid at from 24° to 28° Tw.
, muriate very sol. Sold as a liquid, at 80° Tw.
, nitrate very sol. Sold as a liquid, at 90" Tw.
, sulphate very sol. 10 1050
Lead, acetate .. very sol. 12 1060 Gives a milky solution with common water.
, nitrate very sol.
om. 17 1084
, sulphate insoluble, Dissolves in some saline solutions.
, red insoluble, Partly dissolved by nitric acid.
, litharge insoluble, Easily dissolved by nitric acid.
Lime, quick little sol. Lime water contains very little lime.
, muriate very sol. 101 1052
, carbonate insoluble, Ground chalk dissolves in acids.

sulphate very lit sol. One part dissolved by 400 parts water.
, acetate soluble, Mostly sold in solution.
Magnesia, sulphate. very sol. 10 1050
WELD. 212 W04D.
Strength of
Action of
a sol. at General Remarks.
16 oz. per gal.

Tw. Sp.Gr,
Manganese, acetate..... very sol. Sold in the liquid state.
„ muriate... soluble. 13 1064 Sold in the liquid state.
„ sulphate... soluble,
„ blk. oxide insoluble, Not dissolved by cold acids.
Mercury, metallic insoluble, Dissolved by acids.
Mercury, bichloride ... little sol. 17 1085 Quite saturated at lib. per gallon.
Murexide soluble,
Potash, hydrate very sol. 15J 1077
„ carbonate.; very sol. 13} 1067
„ bichromate.... soluble, 13* 1068 Solution nearly saturated.
„ yel. chromate. very sol. 15 1075
„ bitartrate little sol. Cannot be made stronger than about two
„ chlorate little sol. 1631 [degrees.
„ nitrate very sol. iii 1057 Very soluble in hot water.
„ red prussiate... very sol. 10 1051
„ yel. prussiate.. soluble, 11 1055
„ sulphate little sol. "Water does not dissolve one-tenth its weight.
„ bisulphate very sol. 13 1065
„ oxalate little sol. Saturated, marks 2J° Twaddle.

„ iodide very sol. 141 1072

,, arseniate. very sol. 12 1060
Soda, ash •.. very sol. Varies in its composition.
„ crystals very sol. 7 1035
„ bicarbonate soluble. 13 1065
„ borate soluble, 9 1045
„ muriate very sol. 13 1065
„ nitrate soluble. 13 1064
„ sulphate soluble. 10 1040
„ stannate soluble. 12 1061 Varies according to its composition.
„ tungstate soluble, 151 1077
„ hyposulphite very sol. 10 1050
„ sulphite very sol. 9 1046
„ phosphate soluble 6* 1032
Tin crystals very sol. 12 1060 Decomposed by much water.
Uranium, nitrate very sol. 13 1065
Zinc, acetate very sol.

Sold generally as a liquid.

„ oxide... insoluble, Dissolved by acids.

WELD, Wold.— This was the chief yellow ployed from the most ancient times, is now
dyeing substance employed in Europe before nearly unknown in this country. It is yet
the introduction of quercitron bark ; it is still cultivated in some parts of Europe, where it
cultivated on the continent and used in dyeing, goes under the name of pastel. The colouring
but it is nearly unknown in England. It is a matter it contains is chemically and practically
reedy plant, and sold in the sheaf like straw the same as indigo ; it is still used in setting the
the whole of the plant except the roots were indigo vats for dyeing woollen, but always in
employed in dyeing, but the greater part of the conjunction with indigo. It appears that the
colour resides in the seeds and upper extremity. woad plant, as sold to the indigo dyer, readily
In dyeing with it, its colouring matter is ex- enters into fermentation, and in that state is
tracted by boiling in water, and the decoction useful in deoxidising or reducing the indigo to
only added to the goods. "With alumina it dyes the soluble condition ; but it contains very little
up a very fine clear yellow colour, tolerably colouring matter itself, so that it was hardly
permanent in soap, but not well resisting air possibly to dye a deep blue with it. The blue
and light. It has not more than one-fourth the colours, however, which it did yield to cloth
power of quercitron bark as a colour, and on were very durable and permanent. Its princi-
this account, as well as the difficulty and cost of pal use was in giving a fast blue basis upon
carriage, it has been driven from the English broad cloth which was to be afterwards dyed
market. Its pure colouring matter is called black. From its name came the term woaded
luteoline, from the botanical name of the plant colours, still in common use for colours which
reseda luteola. are supposed to be dyed upon a basis of woad
WO AD.— This dyeing matter, which was em- blue.
WONGSHY.—-A new colouring matter un- appearance of the cloth and goodness of the
der this name has been reported upon in the colours if the pieces are too roughly used, or
chemical journals. It dyes up shades of yellow allowed to remain loose when in a wet state.
and orange upon woollen and silk, which do not It is on the same account that wool is soaked
appear to be possessed of much stability. In in oil in order to spin it ; the oil appears to fill
some of its reactions it bears a resemblance to up the concentric ridges to a certain extent and
anotta, but in its general properties it is very facilitate the working of the fibre. Eaw wool
distinct. It does not appear to have been put contains a large quantity of fatty matter, which
into practical use. is natural to it ; but this is not the same as that
WOODS. — The term wood is used among which has to be removed from spun or woven
the dyers to indicate the dye stuffs, like log- goods before they can be dyed. The affinity
wood, peachwood, etc., which are hard and which wool exhibits for colouring matters, and
solid ; but many dyers use the term loosely, other substances, is treated of in the article on
and include all the dye stuffs, as cochineal and Fibrous Substances, page 86.
indigo, under this term. The superior affinity which woollen cloth en-
»^OOL. — The fibre of wool is different ia. joys for many colours may cause it to be looked
many respects from that of cotton or silk. Its upon as a natural mordant, but that would be a
quality varies greatly; its length is between loose way of considering its properties. It does
three and eight inches, and the diameter of not apparently contain anything like a mordant,
single fibres is from the thousandth to the any more than cotton does. If it can be looked
fifteen hundredth part of an inch. Under the upon as containing a mordant it must be con-
microscope it appears as a tube, circular and sidered as wholly a mordant, and many have
hollow, and at intervals, of which there are fallen into this error, and have imagined that by
three hundred in an inch, are seen rings or pro- dissolving the wool in alkalies, and impregnat-
jections in regular order, which, in arrange- ing cotton with it, they could indue cotton with
ment, have been compared to the scales of a the stronger affinities of wool. The results have
fish, the skin of a serpent, or as if a number of shown the fallacy of this line of reasoning.
hollow cones were placed one inside of the Cotton may be as reasonably considered a mor-
other. It is as if the growth of wool were not dant because it takes the indigo blue from the
in one even, constant progression, but more lime and copperas vat, as wool because it can
rapid at one time than another, the concentric take blue from sulphate of indigo. The expla-
rings representing a state of rest or inactivity, nation of these differences must be looked for,
which follows on the active period. Several not only in the various chemical constituents of
peculiar properties of wool are attributed to the the fibrous matter, but also in the physical
character of the fibre —the felting or adhering structure of the fibre itself. There recently ap-
together of fibres of wool by simple working peared an account of the possible application of
together, the harshness which is felt by the the newly discovered solvent for wool and silk,
finger or lips when a fibre of wool is drawn in viz., the ammoniuretted solution of oxide of
one direction but not in another; a property copper and nickel. The statement was to the
stronger in hairs than in wool, but the same in effect that the solution of silk or wool could be
character and origin. In working woollen applied to cotton fabrics, to give them the ap-
cloths, they are, as is well known, liable to pearance and properties of silk and wool. This
run up, contract in certain dimensions, becom- is quite false; the appearance and properties of

ing thicker at the fame time. This is what wool do not depend upon the amount of carbon,
takes place purposely in fulling, and acci- hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen which it con-
dentally in too much or too roughly handling tains, so much as upon its physical structure,
woollen goods in washing and dyeing ; such and it would be as true to say that a heap of
runnings up are familiar in domestic economy. sawdust was a piece of timber, as to say that
They are attributable to this construction of dissolved wool was the same as fibrous wool;
the fibre of wool ; each fibre may be looked the chemical elements are there, but the struc-
upon as barbed like an arrow or a fish hook, ture is for ever gone.
easily going in one direction, but not able to That the whole of the affinity of woollen and
return on account of these projections holding silk, and some other animal matters, for colours
it, and generally all kind of motion among the is not due to their physical organisation, is

fibres, as rubbing, beating, or stamping, causes proved by their possessing powers of withdraw-
them to advance in the direction of the small ing colouring matters when all trace of structure
end of the cone, and remain there unless pulled has* been destroyed by acids, alkalies, and sol-
back by force. In woollen goods and muslin vents. I mean all structure which has been
delaines much injury may be done to the general owing to growth and gradual development. But
— ;


in this state of disorganisation they approach in utilised, but they do not adhere in the slightest
properties to many other of the neutral and in- degree when deposited from alkaline solution
soluble bodies. It is possible that if dissolved upon cotton ; as soon as the fluids have dried^
wool or silk had any affinity for fibrous matter the precipitated animal matter can be shaken of
their powers of attracting colour might be brushed off.

YELLOW COLOURS.— Yellow is not an 5 lbs. gum,
important colour in dyeing or printing on ac- 14 oz. crystals of tin.
count of the little demand existing for it: it is Yellow for Wool —
Orange Hue.
obtained by the following processes: 1 gallon berry liquor at 14°,
Yellow Colours on Cotton by Printing. — The 1J lb. starch; boil, and add
colouring matter chiefly used is from Persian 12 oz. alum,
berries and the mordant alum or salt of tin. 8 oz. crystals of tin,
Steam Yellow for Calico. 3 oz. oxalic acid.
2 gallons berry liquor at 6°, Spirit Yellow on Wool.
3 lbs. of starch; boil, and add 1 gallon bark liquor at 30°,
4 oz. crystals of tin, 3 lbs. gum,
1 oz. oxalic acid. 12 oz. alum,
This is to be printed upon prepared cloth : an 12 oz. bichloride of tin at 120°.
excess of tin makes the shade more orange. This colour is very strong and suitable for small
Steam Yellow from Bark. objects, or, as an ingredient in those compound
1 gallon bark liquor at 7°, shades where a yellow part is required.
1 lb. alum, Turkish Yellow for Wool.
1 quart hot water, } 2 quarts bark liquor at 18°,
3 lbs. gum. 8 oz. archil liquor at 10°,
Steam Yelloio from Berries and Alum. 1\ lb. gum,
1 gallon berry liquor at 4°, 3 oz. alum,
1 lb. alum; dissolve, and add 1 oz. tartaric acid,
5 lbs. gum. 1 oz. oxalic acid,
Another Steam Yellow. 3 oz. bichloride of tin at 110°.
1 gallon berry liquor at 11°, The yellow colours upon muslin de laine are
1 quart red liquor at 18°, precisely the same as those for all wool.
3 lbs. gum. Yellow Colours upon Wool by Dyeing, —The
For Chrome yellows, see page 51. chief yellow colouring matter employed in wool
See also a steam yellow from Flavine, p. 93. —
dyeing is fustic for the orange or maize shades
" Yellow Colours on Cotton by Dyeing. — The a tin mordant is employed, but for the lemon
chrome yellows are those principally in demand shades the aluminous mordant is prepared.
(see page 51). Bright, but unstable yellows, are Weld is yet used for dyeing yellows, which
also obtained from quercitron bark. have considerable permanence and durability
Spirit Yellow on Cotton. — Saturate the goods quercitron bark is but little employed for yel-
in sumac liquor by steeping then mordant ; in lows upon wool. Picric acid gives a fine lemon
oxymuriate of tin (yellow spirits) at 2° for thirty yellow, but is hardly used in general dyeing.
minutes dye up in a clear decoction of bark
; For 10 lbs. wool, mordant in 3oz. bichromate
until the proper depth of shade has been ob- and 2oz. alum, and dye in 5 lbs. fustic ; or,
tained; then add a quantity of the yellow spirits Mordant in 8 oz. tartar, 8 oz. alum, and dye in
to raise the colour. a mixture of bark and fustic,- raising with oxy-
More solid, but less brilliant yellows, are ob- muriate of tin.
tained by mordanting in alumina, and dyeing in To dye in weld, 20 lbs. of woollen cloth are
bark. mordanted in 4 lbs. alum and \\ lb. tartar, and
Yellows upon Wool by Printing. The chief — dyed in the decoction made from 15 to 20 lbs.
yellow colours upon wool are from Persian of weld.
berries and tin salts; bark gives orange yellows, In merinoe dyeing young fustic is extensively
which are sometimes used, and more rarely used for shades of golden yellow. The wool is
fustic and turmeric. not subjected to a previous mordanting, but
Yellow for Wool. entered at once into the dyeing bath, which is
1 gallon berry liquor at 10°, made up with tartar, oxymuriate of tin, and the
decoction of young fustic. 12 lbs. of wool Another Yellow for Silk.
require about 15 lbs. of young fustic to dye a 3 pints turmeric liquor,
full and deep shade. 1 pint berry liquor at 5%
Yellow Colours upon Silk by Printing. —Per- 4oz. alum,
sian berries yield the colouring matter which is 4 oz. oxymuriate of tin,
generally used in silk printing; bark liquor may 1| lb. gum.
also be employed, and decoction of turmeric. Yellows on Silk by Dyeing. —For pure and bright
Yellow for Silk. yellows of a golden shade, weld seems the most
1 gallon berry liquor at 11°, suitable colouring matter. The silk is mordanted
8 oz. alum, by working in a solution of alum for about an
8 oz. crystals of tin, hour, and then worked in decoction of weld,
3 lbs. gum. and raised by adding solution of alum. By
Another Yellow for Bilk. substituting bark or fustic, or mixtures of
IJlb. turmeric, the two, and by raising in tin spirits instead
l^lb. Persian berries; of alum, modified shades can be readily ob-
boil these in water and reduce to two quarts, tained.
and add 2 oz. crystals of tin, Picric acid gives very bright lemon yellow
4oz. alum, colours upon silk without mordant.
lib. gum.


ZINC. The metal zinc is but little em- new use of sulphate of zine has been proposed
ployed in dyeing or printing operations. It is by Balard and Sacc, by which, if it turn out
not, like iron, actively injurious to colours or successful, this salt may be employed instead of
mordants, but it is rapidly corroded under the tartaric acid for discharge upon dyed grounds.
influence of acids or alkalies, vessels made of it They have found that if sulphate of zinc be
wearing out in a short time. Zinc combines mixed in certain proportions with solution of
with oxygen to form a white oxide, which is of bleaching powder, it increases its power in about
a brilliant lustre ; it has been used as a pigment the same way as if acid was added; and they
colour in calico printing, being fixed by albumen. have found that if dyed cloth (Turkey red for.
The oxide of zinc, made by burning, is the most example) be printed with sulphate of zinc, and
suitable for this purpose; that which is produced passed into bleaching powder, it discharges the
by precipitation being defective in softness and colour wherever the zinc salt was printed. The
lustre, probably owing to a different molecular applications of this discovery have yet to be
•arrangement. Oxide of zinc is soluble in am- made upon the large scale, and it remains to
monia, and nearly all the acids, yielding colour- be seen whether it will prove economical or
less salts, unless the acid be coloured. The only practicable.
zinc salts used in dyeing or printing are the Chloride of Zinc (Muriate of Zinc). This salt—
sulphate, chloride, and acetate. is easily obtained by dissolving metallic zin3 in
Sulphate of Zinc, or white vitriol, can be pre- spirits of salts. It is not much used either in
pared by dissolving zinc scraps in weak oil of dyeing or printing. It is employed to fix the
vitriol. As zinc mostly contains a small quantity alumina of the alkaline pink mordant, and is
of iron, it should be removed from the solution. added to some colours to keep them moist or
This is done by adding a quantity of a mixture soft, the muriate of zinc having a great tendency

of chemic (chloride of lime) and water to the to attract moisture from the air.
liquor when it is saturated with the metal ; this Nitrate of Zinc has been employed for the
mixture oxidises the iron, and throws it down at same purpose as the muriate of zinc, and especi-
the same time as an ochry powder. Pure sul- ally in the case of red liquor pinks., It is made
phate of zine gives only a white precipitate with by dissolving the metal in weak aquafortis.
yellow prussiate, and when mixed with strong Acetate of Zinc.— This salt is very little used.
ammonia gives a precipitate at first, which dis- It may be made by dissolving the oxide of zinc
solves when sufficient ammonia is added. It is in acetic acid, or from the sulphate of zinc, by
especially when sulphate of zinc is to be used for means of acetate of lead. It gives a beautiful
adding to red liquor mordants, or for mixing with orange yellow on silk and cotton with murexide.
the dung in cleansing or fixing alkaline pinks, Zinc yields no colours except the white from
that it should be free from iron. Sulphate of zinc the oxide it does not form coloured compounds,

serves as a resist in several styles, and is a con- and it has hardly any affinity for either vege-
stituent in what is termed "mild paste." A table or animal fibre.
Page. Page.
Absorbant 1 Alizarine, Commercial 10
Accidental colours 69 quantity in madder 143
Acer rubrum 6 artificial 244
Acetates, Article upon 1 Alkali, Action of, upon chrome colours .... 51
how employed in mordanting .... 91 — Properties of an 10, 11
Acetate of lead 5 Alkalies, Action of, upon cotton, wool, and
of lime liquor for catechu brown... 45 silk 88
— of mercury 153 Alkalies, Existence of, in water 206
— of soda, Application of, in shaded Alkalimetry, or testing of alkalies 10
styles , 182 Alkaline garancine dyes up inferior colours 99
Aceto-nitrate of bismuth 20 pink mordant difficult to use 149
Acetometer 6 solutions of iron as mordants 130
Acid, Acetic *
6 Alkanet root 11
—— Aloetic 11 Alloxan used to dye woollen 159
—— Apocrenic 15 and alloxantine 10
Carbonic 42 Alloy ..1 11
Generalitiesupon 6 Aloes 11
vapours from steam colours 189 Alpigny d', his theory of dyeing considered 81
Acids and acid vapours used to make gum Alterant 11
substitutes 112 Alum 12
Acids, Use of, in acting upon lac lake 131 Action of, upon fibrous substances ... 92

- their actions
Choice of,
upon fibrous matters
in saffiower dying
Various, as resisting agents
... 87
ammonia or potash equal for red liquors
what their action is in making ga- Patent, see alumina sulphate 12
rancine 97 Use of, in red liquor making... 2
Acids found in natural waters 204 Alumina • 12
Acidimetry 7 acetate 2
Acorn cups of quercus aegilops 203 mordants by means .of hyposul-
Adrianople red 7 phites . 118
Adulteration of cochineal 60 Alumina nitrate, uses of 12
Aerugo 7 oxalate *....\ 12
Affinity of oils for cotton illustrated 165 sulphate .. 12
of tin for cotton fibre 201 Aluminate of potash 11
African cochineal (Paille de mil) 64 Amalgams, definition of 153
Agaric 7 Amaranth red on delaine from cochineal... 63
Ageing 7-8 from murexide 159
liquor, Receipt for 8 Amber colours, Processes of obtaining 13
Air, Action upon colours when dyeing
of, 8 Ameline 13
Moisture in, ascertained by the hygro- Ammonia alum, see alum 12
meter 117 liquor 13
Albumen ,„ 9 Action upon extract of indigo 109
Alcohol 9 Action upon wool and silk... 90
Alder bark 10 carbonate in urine, derived from
Algaroba, .... 10 urea 202
11. INDEX.

Page. Page.
Ammonia muriate or sal ammoniac 181 Azure 17
Use of, in extracting colour of style, Resist for 123
cochineal 62
Ammoniacal cochineal, Preparation of. 62 Bablah 17
Ammoniuret of copper 72 Balard and Sacc, proposed new discharge... 215
Amorphus phosphorus 168 Bancroft, introducer of quercitron bark 176
Amylaceous matters 13 Bandanna style 18
Analysis of soap 185 Barasat verte, or green indigo 18
Anchusine 13 Barbary berries 18
Anderson's experiments on morinda citri- gum 18
folia 158 Barilla 18
Aniline colours 13 Bark 18
Methods of fixing 14 Quercitron, used in the scarlet dye ... 61
Animal tissues, Effects of, upon mineral its action in garancine dyeing 102
colours 71 and madder used for cinnamon shades 54
Animalisation 14 yellow and indigo blue combined 107
Anotta 15 of the black oak, quercitron bark 176
as basis for brown colour 39 of cork tree as a dyeing material 73
Apocrenic acid in water 206 of mahogany tree used in dyeing 151
Applications of mordants, in various ways 157 of mangrove tree used in dyeing 152
Apricot colour 15 of oak used in dyeing 161
Aquafortis 16 of pomegranate 170
see nitric acid 160 Barwood spirits 200
Aqua regia 15 Methods of using, etc 18
Arabic gum • HO Baryta 19
Arabine 16 sulphate used to adulterate starch... 188
Archil 16 Base, Definition of 19
Archil chocolate colours on wool 48 Bases which have been found in water 204
Areca nuts 16 Basic acetate of lead 5
Argols 16 Basic salt, Definition of 19
see cream of tartar 193 Bassora 19
Arsenates, or arseniates 16 Bearberry 19
Arsenate of potash as a resist 178 Beaumd's hydrometer 19
Arseniate of iron as a mordant 130 Berries, Persian and Turkey 19
of chromium, standard for green 53 used in conjunction with garancine 101
Arsenic, or arsenious acid 16 Betula alnus, see alder bark 10
used in making stannate of soda... 200 Bicarbonate of soda 186
Arsenite and arsenate of soda as dung sub- Bichloride of tin, Preparation of. 199
stitutes 58 Bichromate of potash 50
Arsenite of copper green, how applied to for discharging indigo
calico 73 blue 76
Arsenites 16 Bichrome 20
Artichoke, Green dye frorn....^ 16 Bilberries 30
Artificial gums, or gum substitutes Ill Bile or gall 20
Ash pink, see alkaline pink mordant 11 Binoxalate of soda, useful in certain colours 75
soda 186 Birch bark 20
Astringent blacks 26 Bismuth as a mordant 20
Astringents, their affinity for fibrous mat- Bisulphate of soda, used to prepare extract
ters 93 of indigo 128
Astringents, Uses of, in dyeing 17 Bisulphate of potash 171
Atoms 17 used in blues for cotton 33
Avignon madder, said to require chalk in Bitartrate of potash, or cream of tartar 193
dyeing 147 Bixine 20
Awlroot 17 see anotta 15
Azaleine 17 Bixa oxellanna 20
Azote 17 Black and white due to light 64
Azuline 17 acetate of lime 5

INDEX, iii

Page. Page.
Black colour, from garancine mordant, for 100 Bronze colours 36
colours, Methods of dyeing 20 Broom 37
colours, for printing on silk. 22 Brown colours, Methods of producing 36 ......
from logwood detected by acids 140 colours for dyeing on garancine 101 ...

Difficulties in dyeing
24 colours from catechu and madder... 150
for darkening chocolate 49 from catechu 43
discharge for Turkey red 78 catechu for garancine and madder
liquor, or iron liquor 4 dyeing 45
cochineal ; its nature and origin 60 grey upon woollen , 106
Blackening of madder by acids, owing to oil of vitriol 190
chlorogenine 98 sugar of lead 5
Bleaching 26 Browning or saddening of colours 39
by chlorine, Theory of 47 Brunette style, or dark garancine colours... 100
Sulphide of calcium used in 190 Bryum stellare 158
Use of resin in 179 Bubuline in cow dung 40
liquor 29 Buccinum Purple colour from
lapillus, 40
powder 28 Buckthorn, dyers', Green colours from 40
powder, Use of, in clearing prints 59 Buffaloes' milk 41
Bleu de Paris . 34 Buffliquors 40
Block printing 29 and orange style 50
tin vessels used in dyeing 198 colours, Methods of producing 40
Blood albumen, see albumen 9 from anotta, see anotta 15
Stains from, in dyeing 29 Butternut tree 41
Uses of, in dyeing 29
Blue colours obtained from red prussiate... 174 Cactin, from cactus spedosus 41
from aniline colours 30,31 Cactus cochenillifer, or cochineal plant 41
colours by means of indigo, see indigo 120 Calcined alum 41
colours, Various names of 33 —farina 41

— colours, Methods of producing ......... 29 as a thickener 196
- colours from Gardenia aculeata
discharge for Turkey red
for finishing, see azure
, 78
Properties of, as a thickener 112

Camata and camatina, see Valonia nuts .... 203


Prepare for, upon delaines 173 Campeachy, see logwood 139

- Prussian, Discharge for 79 Camwood, Colours yielded by 41
archil 16 Cannelle, or cinnamon colours 54
stone 35 Caoutchouc 42
stone, see sulphate of copper 72 Capucine colours 42
vat for wool, prepared from indigo ... 120 Carajura, or crajura, see chica 46
vitriol, see sulphate of copper 72 Carbazotic acid 42
Blues upon wool, Testing of 30 see picric acid 168
Bolley's sulphate of indigo 129 Carbonate, Definition of a 42
Bone size liable to mildew on fustians, etc. 103 ofpotash 171
Borax 35 Carbonic acid 42
Bowking in bleaching 27 present in air ,, 9
Bowling or washing indigo dipped goods... 122 Carmelite colour 42
Bran 35 Carmine, pure colouring matter of cochineal 60
used in clearing dyed prints 59 Various meanings of 42
used in setting indigo vats 121 of indigo, see acetate of indigo ... 4
Brauna wood 35 Carragheen moss 42
Brazil or brasil wood 35 Cartamus or carthamus 42
wood pink on silk 169 Carthamus or safflower 180
Braziletto 36 Cartharaine, colouring matter of safflower. 42
Bresiline, see Brazil wood 36 Caseine, or curd of milk 43
British gum 36 Catechu, Properties of, and methods of
or roasted starch, Properties of 113 using .'
Broken or darkened shades of colour 67 Catechu brown colours for garancine
Bromine 36 dyeing 101
Page. Paoe.
Catechu drab for madder and garancine 79 Chloro-prussiate of potash 174
colours in madder and garancine Chocolate colours 47, 49
dyeing 44 colours of a deep shade cannot
Catechu colours, Resist for 178 be dyed with madder 100
Caustic potash, preparation and properties 170 Chocolate colours, how produced from
Centigrade, or Celsius's thermometer 195 brown 37
Chalk, Use of, in red liquor making 5 Chocolate and dark greens, Prepare for .... 173
see carbonate of lime 137 Garancine red liquor suitable for 3
and other substances used in mad- Chondrus crispus ; 158
der dyeing 147 Chr ornate blacks 26
Chamois colour 45 of lead yielding amber colour ... 13
or buff on delaine 41 Chromates 50
Charbon sulfurique, first name for garan- — of lead, Properties of 134
cine 97 Chrome alum 53
Charcoal 45 colours 51
used for sightening .. 45 colours in dip blue styles 123
Chayaver, or chay root 45 orange, nitrate of alumina for cut-
Cheese used as a vehicle for pigment colours 132 ting 12
Chemic 45 Chrome salts 50
chloride of lime 28 yellow and indigo blue combined
blue 33 for green 107
Chemical black 25 Chrome yellow as basis for brown colours 39
theory of dyeing 82 Chromium, Acetate of, easily decomposed 1
Chestnut bark and wood 45 Various colours from 53
brown on silk and wool — 38 Oxide of, a pigment green 107
colours 45 Chrysammic acid 53
grey upon woollen 106 Cinnamon colours 54
wood used in the black dye 21 Citric acid 54
Chevreul's examination of bablah ....... 17 Value of, as a resist 178
theory of dyeing 85 Citron colour 56
system of naming colours 66 Clarke's process of purifying water by lime 207
Chica 46 Cleansing or dunging 56
Chicory 46 Effects of, upon gum
China blue 33,46, 124 thickenings 115
China blue colour from indigo 124 Clearing affected by organic matters in
Receipts for 125 water 206
Chinese blue 33 Clearing of dyed prints 58
green 46 Uses of bran in 58
Chintz colours, pasted or reserved 178 Coagulation of albumen by heat, etc 9
Chlorate of potash 46 of colours prevented by acetic
used in steam reds ...... 177 acid 6
used in ageing liquor ... 9 Coagulation of red liquor by heat 3
Chlorides, General properties of 47 Cobalt acts as a mordant 160
Chloride of lime, Use of, in preparing de- Coccus polonicus, or Polish berries 59
laines and woollens 173 Cochineal and extract of indigo for grey
Chloride of lime, how employed in clearing colours 106
prints 59 Cochineal, Article upon 59
•Chloride of lime, bleaching powder 28 colours on wool 63
of tin, or tin crystals 198 Effect of mordants upon 60
Chlorine gas , 47 liquor, dissolving effect upon
bleaching, Theory of 47 mordants 62

- Action of, upon vegetable and Cochineal, pink on silk 62
animal fibres 88 substitutes from lacdye 132
Chlorine colours some bodies , 47 scarlet, crimson, and pink 60
Chlorogenine causes the dark colour of Cocoa nut tree as a dyeing matter 59
garancine 98 Coez, prepared lakes for calico printers ... 133
Chlorophyll 47 Colours adjective, see adjective colours ... 7



Page. Page.
Colours, Drying of, must be carefully per- Crocetine, a yellow colouring principle .... 74
formed ,.... 81 Crocine, a yellow colouring matter 74
Colours derived from madder 145 Crum's applications of the gluten of flour 104
have not equal stability upon all method of testing bleaching liquor 28
fabrics 71 theory of dyeing 83
Colours, how influenced by the nature of Crystals of soda 74
the thickening 196 see carbonate of soda 186
Colours, Physical nature of 64 Crystals of tin, or chloride of tin 198
Influence of, upon one another .... 69 Crystallisation from warm solutions 216
by garancine and garan-
yielded Cudbear, similar to archil 74
ceux, as compared with madder 99 used to dye ruby colours on silk 180
Colouring matter of cow dung, Supposed Curcuma longa, Root of, see turmeric 201
utility of 57 Curcumine, colouring principle of turmeric 74
Common salt, chloride of sodium 186 Cutting or reducing of madder pinks 149
Cpmplimentary colours 69 Cyanine blue 33
Compound blacks 25 Cyanogen 74
Contrasts of colour, Laws of 69
Copiaba pubiflora, or purple wood 176 Dahlia colours, Eeceipts for 75
Copper acetate 4 Dam ajavag from chestnut wood 45
acetate used in red liquor making 3 Damp steam for steaming 189
Article upon 71,72 Dead cotton does not receive colours 73.
Influence of, upon cochineal colours 64 Decomposition of salts by fibrous matters 90 .

salts, Uses of, in iron liquor 5 Deep scarlet on wool by printing 63

— Prussiate of, used as a colour 54 Delaines, Bleaching of 28
salts and sal ammoniac, Uses of ... 182 Delaine or muslin de laine 75
salts very injurious to madder dye- dyed crimson 74
ing 73 Greens upon, require care to pre-
Copper salts, Use of, in catechu colours
43 ... vent threadiness 109
soaps used as colours 73 Deliquescent bodies absorb moisture 76
soap used as a resist in indigo styles 178 Delph colour same as China blue 76
sulphate used as a prepare for Dextrine, a gum substitute 76, 113
indigo dipping 122 Diastase 76
Copperas, see sulphate of iron 129 Dichromate of lead 50
calcined 41 Dip blue 33, 76
green, blue, and white 73 by means of dissolved indigo 122
Coppering of steam colours 192 Dipping of China blue colours 124
Cork tree bark 73 Discharge whites and colours, Eeceipts for 76
Corrosive sublimate, see bichloride of mer- Distilled blue used in dyeing green on silk 110
cury 153 see blue 33
Cotton, Comparison of Egyptian, Indian, Divi-divi, an astringent substance 76
and American, as to capacity for receiv- Drab colours by dyeing and printing, Ee-
ing colours 73 ceipts for 79
Cotton, how affected by acids and other Drab colours from catechu and iron for
agents 87 garancine dyeing 101
Cotton and wool in delaine fabrics, how Drab on wool from Catechu, etc 44
treated 76 colours are generally shades of grey. . 105
Cow dung . 74 Drying oil, attempts to obtain one for
upon what its efficiency rests .... 57 printing with 163
used in clearing 59 Drying oils distinguished from rancid oils.. 162
Cream of tartar 74 Drying of printed and dyed goods 80
or bitartrate of potash ....... 193 Dry steam steaming prints
in 189
Crenic acid, an organic substance in water 206 Dumas, his theory of dyeing >.... 85
Crimson on wool from cochineal 63 Dung of various animals used in dyeing ... 81
on delaine from cochineal 64 substitutes 57
colours from red woods 74 its use in clearing mordanted goods 56
standard for dahlia, etc 75 Dunging » 81
upon silk from cochineal 62 see cleansing 56

Page. Paoe.
Dye stains due
sulphurous acid
to 191 Ferro and ferridcyanide of potassium 86
Dyeing of garancine colours, General re- Ferruginous water, Tests for 206
marks upon 101 Fibres do not all equally attract mordants 157
Dyeing, General and theoretical remarks of cotton, Various properties of. 73
upon 81 Fibrous matters dissolved in cupreous solu-
Dyeing, Importance of the operation of tions 92
dunging in 58 Fibrous substances, General observations
Dyeing, Uses of tartar in 193, 194 upon , 86
Dyers' buckthorn, Green colour from 40 Fibrous matters said to be injured by
spirits 85 oxalic acid 167
or tin solutions 199 Filtering of water 206
Dyers' weed, name for weld 85 Fineness to which madder is ground 141
Dyes, Injurious action of magnesia upon ... 151 Finishing blue 34
Fish albumen, see albumen 9
East India gum
used by calico printers Ill Fixing of colours and mordants by am-
Ebony wood used in compound shades 85 monia 13
Efflorescence, or spontaneous drying of salts 85 of mordants, Objection to the term 56
Egg, White of, see albumen 9 agent for alkaline pink mordant ... 11
Elder berries 30. Flavine, a preparation of quercitron bark... 93
Emeraldine, a new green colouring matter 85 Flesh colours, how obtained 94
.Emulsion, formed by different kinds of oil.. 163 Flour, Properties and uses of, in calico
Epsom salts 151 printing 94
or sulphate of magnesia 85 Flowers of madder, Nature of 141
Equivalent weights, Applications of, to or refined madder 95
practice 85 Foreign gums used for thickening mordants
Erica or heath, used in dyeing 86 and colours Ill
Erythrozym, a fermenting principle in Freezing of brown oil of vitriol 190
madder 144 French purple, or solid purple 176
European cochineal, coccus polonicus 59 red liquors, Receipts for 2
Euxanthic acid, a yellow colouring matter 86 Froth in gum colours, Cause and preven-
Exposure on grass to clear the whites of tion of 113
dyed prints 59 Fuchsine, one of the aniline colours 95
Extract blue upon silk 30 Fulling or thickening of woollen fabrics ... 213
of indigo 128 Fuming oil of vitriol 190
Extraction of madder not yet accomplished 142 Fustic, General properties of 95
much used in woollen dyeing for
Fading of colours through the action of greens 109
light 136 Fustic lake for brown colours 133
Fahrenheit's thermometer 194 used in dyeing cochineal scarlet ... 61
Farina when calcined gives a substitute for yellow combined with indigo blue
gum 112 for green 107
Farina, or potato flour, used in finishing ... 86
Fast colours, how defined and tested 70 Gall nuts 95
blue 34 Tannic acid obtained from 193
blue, a colour so callefl. from indigo ... 127 Gallic acid 96
Fat oils distinguished from essential oils ... 162 Gallipolioil 96
Fatty compounds of copper as colours 75 an inferior kind of olive oil ... 162
Fawn colour, how obtained by dyeing 86 Galls, Grey colour from, for calico 106
from catechu 44 Black dye on silk from 21
Felting of animal fibres what owing to
; ... 213 Garanceux or garancine made from spent
Fenugreek, formerly used in dyeing 86 madder 98
Fermentation of gum water from artificial Garancine, Manufacture and properties of 96
gums H5 its peculiar advantages as a dye
Fernambuc wood, one of the red woods ... 86 stuff 100
Ferric acid 130 Garancine work, how the whites are cleared 59
Ferridcyanide of potassium 174 for dyeing purples, see alizarine 10
Ferrocyanide of potassium 174 Red liquor for 2

Paob. Page.
Gardenia; a genus of plants yielding colour- Gum, Barbary 18
ing matters 102 Bassora, see Bassora 19
Gardenia grandiflof a yields a yellow colour-
ing matter o 74
— — Inferior kinds of, see Barbary gum..
substitutes, method of manufacture

Gas blue or pencil blue applied in an atmo- and properties , 112

sphere of gas 126 Gum thus, used in bleaching 115, 180
Geneva black, Method of dyeing 23 Use of, in albumen thickening 9
Kemarks upon 22, chocolate for delaine 48
German vat for indigo blue dyeing 121 Gums as thickeners 197
Gilding of thread and cloth by mechanical Gypsum as a thickener 196
means 104
Glaubers'salts, see sulphate of soda 103 Hachrout, a dye stuff similar to madder... 116
Glucose applied to the application of indigo Hanging or sto ving, see ageing 7
by printing 127 Half dischare for indigo blue 77
Glucose possesses powerful reducing pro- Hardness of water, Estimation of 209
perties : 103 Hard water caused by lime 204
Glue applied to the fixation of pigment Harmaline colouring matter, so called ...... 116
colours 103 Hartshorn, a name for ammonia 116
Gluten in flour 94 Spirits of, see ammonia 13
Properties and attempted applica- Hat black 21
tions of 103 Hausmann upon the supposed necessity of
Glycerine, Properties of 104 chalk in madder dyeing 147
Gobelin blacks 21 Heat glass, see thermometer 195
Gold or amber colour, Receipt for 13 Heat used as a dyeing material 86
Methods of applying, to textile fabrics 104 Hellebore, Three-leaved, contains yellow
Golden rod, a yellow colouring matter 105 colouring matter 116
Grained or engrained colours, origin of the Helleborus trifolius 116
term 131 Hellot, his theory of the cause of dyeing ... 81
Grape sugar used in deoxydising indigo ... 126 Hematine, colouring principle of logwood. . 116
Green from artichokes and thistles 16 Hematosine, colouring principle of blood... 116
pigment colour from chromium 53 Hematoxyline, colouring principle of log-
vitriol, see sulphate of iron 129 wood 116
Chinese 46 Hemlock spruce used for dyeing <. 116
sulphate of indigo 109 Henna, as a dyeing material 134
colour upon woollen from flavine ... 94 Hiccory for producing yellow and green
colours upon various fabrics ... 107,110 colours 116
copperas, see sulphate of iron 129 Hindoos used acetate of alumina 2
dove colour from madder and chro- Hot vat for dyeing blue on woollen 120
mium 53 Hydrate, a chemical term for watery sub-
Green and bluish colours produced in mad stances 116
der liquors e 98 Hydrochloric acid, Various properties 116 of...
Green colour from grass, see chlorophyll... 47 Hydrometer, Beaume's 19
Grey acetate of lime 5 not a proper test for gum water 114
colours upon various fabrics 105 or Twaddle, Real uses of 117
argols 16 Hygrometer for ascertaining dryness or
Greyness in greens corrected by cochineal 109 dampness of air 117
Grinding of indigo must be very complete 120 Hyposulphites used as mordants 118
Grisons green sulphate of indigo 109 Hypochlorite of lime, a name for bleaching
Grit or sand in flour, How to detect and powder 118
estimate 94
Grit or sand in gum water 114 Ice as a preservative of lactarine 132
Ground chalk used in madder dyeing 138 Iceland moss 42
Growse's or London pink, see bran 35 Improvers for iron liquor 5
Grurael's patent for dyeing black 23 Incrusting water bad for dyeing 209
Guignet's green 52 India rubber 42
Gum, Properties and uses of, in calico Indian yellow, Nature of 86
printing 110 Indigo acetate 4
viii. INDEX.
Page. Page.
Indigo, Article upon 119 Lemon juice 55,135
blue and chrome yellow combined... 107 Lemon yellow on calico 32
blue on wool, Testing of. 30 on wool 56
blue, Discharges for 76 Libi-davi or divi-davi 135
Discharge of, by means of red prus- Lichens as yielding dyeing matters 135
siate and alkali 174 Light, Decomposition of, by the prism 64
Indigo, Green, see barasat verte 18 How colours are produced by 65
Inferior indigo gives good results in the vat 122 Various actions of, upon colours... 135
Insolubility a necessary condition in a mor- Lightfoot's patent for use of glue in fixing
dant 156 colours 103
Iodine ,
128 Lignine, basis of vegetable fibrous matters 86
Irish moss 42 Ligustrum Vulgare, Berries of the, used in
Iron acetate or iron liquor 4 dyeing 173
as a constituent in water 203
'., Lilac, Chocolate and wood colours prepared
buff, Discharge for 79 for 173
buff liquor and colours 40 Lilac colours from madder 145
— existing in alum, Tests for 12 colours from logwood, cochineal, etc. 136
liquor, Manufacture of. 4 dark, for dahlia and compound shades 75
liquor, Testing of. 5 from alkanet 11
mordants, Action of caustic soda upon 57 standard for brown colours 39
mold removed by acids 129 Lima wood 137
Per-acetate of, decomposed
easily 1 Lime acetate, see acetate of lime 5
To from
free zinc salts 215 Acetate of, used in red liquor making 2
vessels, how prepared and cleaned for Action of, upon cotton and other fibres 89
dyeingin 129 Article upon 137
Isatis tinctoria 130 and copperas vat for indigo dyeing on
Isopurpuricacid 130 wool, 120; on cotton , 121
Ivory black 130 Lime, Application of, in purifying water... 207

Jamaica wood 130 — Chloride of, bleaching powder

- juice
juice as a resist for mordants 178
Kermes, an ancient red colouring matter... 131 Milk of, used to neutralise garancine 10
Knoppern, a tannin substance 131 PI ombate of, for chrome orange 52
Koechlin, Daniel, upon use of alkalies in salts, Action of, in dyeing 205
madder dyeing 147 in water, Characters of 204
Koechlin, M. D., red liquors 2 water used to raise chrome orange ... 51
Koechlin's discharge upon Turkey red 77 Liming in bleaching 26
Koechlin, Camille, experiments upon mad- Linseed oil, Uses of, actual and possible .... 163
der 143 to prevent frothing of gum
colours 114
Lac-dye or lac-lake 131 Litmus 138
Lactarine used for pigment colours... 132 Litre, the French measure of liquids 138
Lakes, Generalities upon 132 Logwood, Article upon 139
Lant, see urine 202 A grey colour from 106
Lavender colours, hOw produced 134 blacks 26
Lawsonia inermis, or Henna 133 blue upon silk 30
Lead acetate, see acetate of lead , 5 blue upon wool 31
Acetate of, use in red liquor making 2 lake with copper and bichromate 133
and its compounds 134 prohibited for blue dyeing 31
chromate 50 Use of, in purple colours 175
nitrate, used for chrome orange 51 Lustres, or Cruvelli lustres 140
Sugar of, see acetate of lead 5 Luteoline 140
sub-acetate for chrome orange 52 colouring matter of weld 140
sulphate used in resists for indigo
dipping 123 Madder, Article upon 140
Lead used to adulterate cochineal 60 and bark used for cinnamon shades 54
Leiocomeagum substitute. 135 Catechu browns for 45


Page. Page.
Madder colours, Action of soap upon.... 184 Mineral colours upon animal fabrics......... 71
colours, Discharges for 77 — thickening matters 196
dyeing, Bleach for 26 Mixed fabrics methods of dyeing single

Method of converting, into garan- and double colours .-.. 153

cine 97 Moisture in air essential in ageing.,, 8
Madder, Bed liquors for 3 — increases the brightness of colours 81
some roots of a similar nature 145 Monteith's process of discharging on Tur-
— Treatment of, by various acids .... 98 key Bed * 77
used in setting indigo vats 121 Mordant, Oil acting as a 164
whether improved by age or not... 141 Oxide of lead as 135
Magenta 151 Spinel 187
see aniline . 13 Wool considered as 213
Magnesia and its salts , 151 Albumen acting as, see animali-
as a constituent of water 205 sation 14
Mahogany colour , 151 Mordants, Article upon ., 155
Maize colour 151 Active and inactive, see shaded
Mallow, mallows, or mauve colour 151 styles 183
Mallows red or crimson upon silk and chalis 63 Mordants, Alum and tin, with cochineal ... 63
Manchester black 24 Colours yielded to, by cochineal 62
Manganese, Acetate of 6 employed for madder purples ... 146
and its compounds 151 Injurious action of sugar upon... 189
bronze 36 made with hyposulphite of soda 118
bronze colours, Discbarge for.. 79 Precautions in dyeing of 80
Manganic acid 152 Preparation and thickening of,
Mangrove tree bark used in dyeing 152 for garancine colours 100
Manjit or mungeet 158 Mordants, Tin salts considered as 200
Maple, Scarlet flowering of American 6 Morinda citrifolia, a substance similar to
Maroon colours, see chestnut 45 madder 157
Mason's hygrometer 117 Morine 157 .,

Mastering or ageing of logwood 139 Moss, Iceland, Irish, or Carragheen 42

Mathered blacks 21, 26 Mosses yielding colouring matters 158
Mauve colour ."
13 Mourning grey on delaine, Beceipt for 105
Perkins's patent 152 on wool, Beceipt for 107
Mazarine blue , 152 Mulberries 30
Mechanical theory of dyeing 82 Munjeet similar to madder 145
Mercer's discharge upon indigo blue 77 does not lose much weight by
method of treating calico with being made into garancine 97
caustic 89 Murexide or Boman purple.... 158
Mercer and Greenwood's patents for treat- Muriate of alumina used as a mordant 118
ing oils 164 of chrome standard 53
Mercerised cloth, patent, Concerning 152 of copper, Uses of 72
Mercurial salts employed in the preparation of iron liquor 130
of murexide red 159 of manganese or bronze liquor ... 152
Mercury and its salts * 153 oftin 198
Merino, Black for 23 Muriatic acid 116
Metals in leaves applied to cloth, muslin, - Action of, upon cotton, wool,
etc 104 and silk 87
Metallic colours 153 Muriatic acid may be used to make garan-
produced by means of hy- cine 98
posulphites 118 Muslin or mousseline de laine 75
Methylated spirits 10, 153 Myrabolans 160
Michel his attempts to obtain a natural

green 46 Names of colours 65

Mild paste 7 Nankeen colours from iron, anotta, etc. ... 160
Mildew preventible by carbolic acid 103 colours from cork tree bark 73
Milk, Buffaloes', used in dyeing 41 Napthaline 160
oflime 137 Navy blue, Besist for 123
Page. Page.
Neb-nab 17 Oxides of tin 198
Nenuphar, or Whitewater lily 160 Oxidising action of copper salts 72
Neutral paste 7 agents necessary for red woods... 177
Neutralisation of garancine, a most impor- Oxygen < 167
tant point 99 Quantity of, in air 9
Nicaragua wood .. 160 Oxymuriate of tin 199
Nickel » 160 for cutting pinks 149
Nitrate of alumina for chocolate 49 Ozone, Properties of. 167
of copper, Uses of 72
of iron, Making and properties of... 130 Palm oil, Properties find uses of 164
of soda 186 Paluds madder requires no chalk in dyeing 149
Nitric acid, Strength and properties of 160 Parisian blue 34
Action of, upon cotton, wool, Pastel or woad 168
and silk 87 Pastes or reserves 178
Nitric acid can be used to make garancine 98 Paste blue 34
Nitric oxide and nitrous acid 161 brown chocolate for delaine 49
Nitro-cuminic acid 161 Pastiness and thickening of solutions of
Nitro-picric acid, see picric acid 168 gum , 113
Nitrogen in air, see air 9 Patent for garanceux proved invalids 97
Nitrogenous matters, Definition of 161 Pattison's lactarine 132
Nitrous acid in tin solutions for cochineal Payen's gum substitute 112
scarlet 61 Peachwood 168
Nitrous gases in vitriol injurious 191 the manner in which it in-
Nona • 161 fluences garancine colours 102
Nopal, the cochineal tree 59 Pearl ash „ 168
Nordhausen vitriol used for extract of Pearl grey colours, Eeceipts for 105
indigo , 190 Pectic acid in madder 142
Nuts, Areca 16 Peels of walnuts used in woollen dyeing ... 203
Nynipkoea alba, or white water lily 160 Peganum harmala, Seeds of, contain a
colouring matter 116
Objects, Colour of, defined by Chevreul's Pencil blue 34
system 68 colour from indigo 125
Odour of bad soap or oils adheres to cloth... 184 Penetrating powers of thickeners 196
Oils and fatty matters, Article upon 161 Perkins and Gray's patent for fixing aniline
Oil, Use of, in spinning wool 213 by lead mordants 135
Oil of vitriol, see sulphuric acid 190 Permanganic acid 152
Old fustic 95 Persalts of iron 129
Olive colours 166 Persian berries 19
Olive oil, called Gallipoli oil 162 Persoz; his theory of dyeing 83
Opaline blue 34 Phosphates, Properties of 168
Orange, antimony 15 Phosphate of lime as a mordant 138
colour in garancine styles 6 of soda, Application of, to pre-
colours 166 cipitate^mordants 182
colours from chrome 51 Phosphorus 168
mordant for garancine dyeing 101 Phosphuretted hydrogen used to precipitate
paste for indigo dipping 123 metals , 104
Orelline, see anotta 15 Photographic impressions upon calico 136
Organic matters in water 206 Picric acid, Article upon 168
Orleans, see anotta 15 as the yellow part in greens ... 109
Orpiment, or red arsenic . 166 Pigment colours, Albumen used to fix 9
used in making pencil blue colour 125 fixed by silicate of soda... 183
Oxalic acid and oxalate of potash 166 — principles of their appli-
Ox-gall 20 cation 168
Oxidation during ageing but slight 8 Pincoff's commercial alizarine 10
Oxides of copper as mordants and colours . . 72 Pink colours from cochineal 61
of iron, Properties of 129 colours from madder 149
of lead as mordants for colours 135 — — colours from safilower 181

Page. Page.
Pink colours, Receipts
— for
- crystals, double chloride of tin and
169 Purification of water for dyeing purposes... 206
Purple colours from garancine, Mordants for 100
ammonia 74 colours from madder 145
Pink from cochineal upon silk ., 62 colours, Receipts for general 175
mordant, Alkaline 11 Dark, for dahlia, etc 75
Oxymuriate of tin for 200 gum used in madder styles 146
Eed liquors proper for 3 heart wood 176
salts, muriate of tin and ammonia ... 170 mallows, supposed to be used in
standard for dahlia and other colours 75 dyeing 152
Pipeclay as a thickener 196 Purple, Pale, standard for dahlia and other
Uses of, in calico printing 170 shades 75
Plaster of Paris or sulphate of lime 138 Purpuric acid, a constituent of murexide red 158
Plomhate of soda yellow on calico 52 Purpurine, a principle contained in madder 145
Plum colour and plum spirits 170 Purreic acid, a yellow colouring matter .... 86
spirits 200 Putrefaction of cochineal extracts 60
Polychroite, colouring matter of safflower. .181 Pyrophosphate of iron as a mordant 130
Polygonum tinctorium 170 Pyroxilised cotton 176
Pomegranate hark 170 Pyroxilising of cotton by nitric acid 88
Poppy reds by means of safflower 181
Pores in fibrous matters, Speculations upon 82 Quercitron bark 176
Potash and its compounds 170 how it influences garancine
Action of, upon cotton, wool, and colours 102
silk 88, 90 Quinoline blue 35
Potash alum, see alum 12
aluminate...... 11 Raising of colours, see alterant 12
Bitartrate of 193 Rancid and drying oils 162
caustic used to extract cochineal Raymond's solution 29
colour 63 Realgar 177
Potash chlorate , 46 Reaumur's thermometer 195
chlorate, Use ageing liquor...
of, in 9 Red, Adrianople 7
chromate, and bichromate of 50 archil 16
Citrate of, acts as a resist 54 argols 16
sulphate, Supposed advantage of, in arsenic 16
madder dyeing 148 chocolate on wool 48
Potash used to adulterate lime j uice 55 chocolate on calico 50
Precipitated blue from indigo fixed by chrome 50
alkalies 127 colours, Receipts for 177
Preparation of cotton for Prussian blue .... 32 colours from chica 46
of lac for dyeing ]32 colours from garancine, Mordants for 100
for indigo dipping 122 colours from lac dye 132
Prepared rosin for bleachers ,. 179 colour from madder 150
Preparing for steam colours, Article upon. 171 . colours of Malabar and Coromandel
Printed pieces, Methods of discharging or from chayaver 45
bleaching 79 Red from barwood '. 18
Privet berries 30 from cochineal for delaine 63
used as dye stuffs 173 from murexide, Process of. 159
Proteine for pigment colours 173 lead 135
Protosalts of iron 129 liquor, see acetate of alumina 2
Prussian blue, Various receipts for 34 mordant, see acetate of alumina 2
Discharge for 79 prussiate of potash 174
combined with fustic to pro- saunders wood, see santal wood 182
duce green 107 spirits 200
Prussian blues, Dyeing of, upon silk 29 tartar, see cream of tartar 193
Prussiate of potash ..- 174 woods 178
Puce colour, or flea colour 175 Reds, steam, Oxalate of ammonia used in 12
Puce-coloured oxide of lead 135 Refined indigo nearly pure indigo 119
Pulp of tin, see prussiate of tin 175 Reseda luteola or weld plant ..«.., 212

Page. Page.
Resinate of soda, see rosin soap 179 Saw wort, a yellow colouring matter 182
Resinous gums distinguished from other Saxony blue 35
gums 110 Scarlet from cochineal, Use of yellow
Resists or reserves, Article upon 178 colouring matters in qi
Resist or catechu brown for madder dying 151 Scarlet on wool from cochineal 60
: for China blue 125 Schlumberger upon iron liquor 5
for indigo styles 123 Schlumberger's estimate of colouring mat-
red, Red liquor for ...... 2 ter in madder 143
red for garancine colours 100 Schisckkar and Calvert's patent for pro-
Resistant, Citric acid as a 54 ducing metallic colours
Retention of mordants; how explained 157 Schunck, Dr., his researches upon madder 144
Rice flour starch 188 Sedimentary matter in lime juice 55
Richardson's patent for dyeing black 23 Senegal gum used by calico printers Ill
Rhamnine, see berries 19 Shaded styles by precipitation 182
Rhus cotinus or young fustic 95 Sightening, Berries used for 19 ,

Rock or roach alum, see alum 12 Ground charcoal used for 45

Roman alum, see alum 12 Silk as a fibre 183
purple dyed with alloxan 10 Bleaching of 28
Root, Awl 17 how affected by acids and other agents 87
Roseaniline or Magenta 180 weighted by tannic matter of gall nuts 96
Rosin and rosin soap 179 Silica or silicate of soda 183
Rosolic acid 180 Silicate of soda as a dyeing substitute 58
Rotting or tendering of cloth by resist Silver or white cochineal, its origin 60
spots '.
129 grey for wool, Receipt for 107
Rot steep in bleaching 26 Single and double dyeing on mixed fabrics 154
Roussin's artificial alizarine 144 Size or glue, its influence in garancine
Royal blue 35 Eyeing 102
on wool 31 Size or glue, General properties of 103
on delaines 32 Sky blues upon silk .; 30
Rubian, an important principle in madder 144 Skyeing by means of indigo 122
Ruby colours 180 Slate colour, Standard for making 105
Slimes, an inferior kind of starch 188
Sacc and Schlumberger upon uric acid Soap, Article upon 184
colours 158 from linseed and other oils 163
Saddening or browning of colours 39 of copper used as a resist 178
Safflower, Article upon 180 Soft, used as a resist for indigo dipping 123
and Prussian blue for lavender test for hardness of water 299
colours 134 Soaping of madder colours 148
Saffron yellow 181 Soaps of copper as colours 148
Sago flour 188 Soda, Acetate of q
Sal ammoniac 181 Action of, upon fibrous matters 88
Use of, in catechu colours ... 43 and its compounds 185
Salmon colour 182 arsenite, arsenate, and silicate, as
Saltpetre an hygroscopic agent . 171 dung substitutes 58
Salt of Saturn, see acetate of lead 5 Soda black 25
Common, used in red liquor making 3 Carbonate, used to neutralise acid in
Action of, upon fibrous substances... 90
Salts, garancine 99
Chemical, tried as additions in mad- Soda caustic to Mercerise cloth 153
der dyeing 148 , chromate , 50
Sand, Use of, in filtering water 206 crystals, Use of, in making red liquors 2
Santal or sandal wood 182 Silicate of 183
Santa Martha wood 182 Soft soap, Preparation and properties of.... 185
Sapan wood 182 Solidago canadensis, or American golden rod 105
extract in red colours 177 Solidifying of calcined farina gum water ... 113
lake or pulp 133 Soluble blue 35
pink 169 gum substitute prepared by means
Saunders or santal wood 182 of acids 113
INDEX. Xlll,

Page. Page.
Solution of tin of spirit colours 200 Sugar, Article upon 189
Solvent for fibrous matters, ammoniuret of — existing in some gum substitutes ... 115
copper 73 of lead, see acetate of lead.... 5
Solvent powers of water ;...... 210 Sulphate of alumina, see alumina sulphate 12
Solvents, Action of, upon madder 141 of baryta, see baryta 19
Sooranjee, a species of madder 157 of chromium standard 53
Sorgho red 186 of copper 72
Sorghum saccharatum 186 of indigo 127
Souring in bleaching 27 of indigo, Purification of, see blue
Importance of, in preparing from distilled 33
stannate 172 Sulphate of iron 129
Souring used to clear madder colours 149 of lead as mordant for chrome
Specific gravity, numbers converted into orange 52
degrees of Twaddle 117 Sulphate of manganese as a resist in indigo
Spent madder contains colouring matter ... 143 dyeing 152
indigo vats, Extraction of indigo from 122 Sulphate of soda 186
Sperm oil 162 of tin 199
Spermaceti 164 Sulphide of antimony, Uses of 15
black 25 Sulphindylic acid, see acetate of indigo 4
Spinel mordant , 187 Sulphites 191
Spirit brown 39 Sulphite of soda used to preserve albumen 9
chocolate for calico 49 - of lime as anti-chlore 15
colours 187 Sulpho-muriate of tin spirits 200
yellow on cotton 214 Sulphur or brimstone 189
Spirits of hartshorn, a name for ammonia 116 Sulphuretted hydrogen gas in steaming 192
of salts 116 Sulphuric acid, Article upon 190
of tin, Eeceipts for various 200 Action of, upon cotton, wool,
of wine 10 and silk 87
Methylated 10 Sulphuric acid to Mercerise cloth 153
Standards, Use of, in colour mixing 105 Action of, upon oils 164
Stannates 187 Sulphuring of woollen goods 191
Stannate of soda 199 Sulphurous acid 191
Preparing cloth with 172 Sumac, Article upon 192
Starch, Article upon 187 how it influences garancine colours
and flour as thickeners 196 in dyeing 102
Steam black 25 Surat cotton as capable of being dyed and
Steam colours, Article upon 188 printed 73
Coppering of 192
Oxalic acid used in 167 Talc, or French chalk, used to adulterate
Preparation of cloth for..... 172 cochineal 60
Use of acetic acid in 6 Tallow 162
Use of bichromate for raising 50 Tannate of gelatine, Supposed production
Steaming colours, Observations upon 189 of, in dyeing 102
of madder and acid in garancine Tanner's bark 192
making 99 Tannic acid from gall nuts 193
Steam water, Possible impurities in 203 quantity present in gall nuts... 96
Stick-lac 131 used in fixing aniline colours 14
Stil de grain 20 Tarry matters, Utility of, in iron liquors... 4
Stoving, see ageing 7 Tartar, how employed in mordanting 92
Strong vat for indigo blue dyeing on cotton 121 Tartaric acid, Article upon 193
Styles of work derived from Indigo dip-
Detection of, in citric acid.... 54
ping, etc 122 Tea colours 194
Sub-acetate of lead for chrome orange 52 — from chromium salts 52 JT
Substantive colours, Definition of 189 Tea drab colour from catechu, etc., on wool 44
Substitutes for cow dung in dyeing 81 Temperature to be used in garancine dyeing 101

for soap 185 Terra japonica, or catechu 43
- for tartaric acid , 194 Tests for quality of water 208

Page. Page.
Testing of indigo uncertain and difficult ... 119 Valonia nuts used in dyeing 203

Theories of dyeing Hellot, d'Alpigny, and Vanadium 204
others 81 Varnishes applied to fix pigment colours... 169
Theory of garancine making in an imperfect Velveteens, Dyeing of, black 24
state 97 Venice sumac or young fustic 95
Thermometers, Article upon 194 Verdignis, see acetate of copper 4
Thickenings, Article upon 195 Vermilion 153, 203
how affected in cleansing and Verte-Barasat 18
dunging 58 Victoria green from chromium salts 53
Thickening properties of natural gums 110 Vinegar, see acetic acid 6
Thistle, Green dye from 16 Viscometer, instrument for testing thick-
Thompson's discharge upon indigo blue 76 ness of gum water 114
green from indigo and yellow- Vitriol, old name for sulphates 203
woods 108 Volatile alkali, see ammonia 13
Threadiness an effect perceived in mixed
fabrics , 76 Walnut peels 203
Tin, Acetate of 6 Ward's patent for printing and fixing indigo 127
Acetate of, easily decomposed 1 Washing between and after dungings 58
Tin and salts of, used in preparing 173 of garancine 96
— and compounds, Article upon..... 198 Water, Article upon 203
— Granulated, used in deoxydising indigo 126 great influence of its qualities in
— pulp or prussiate of tin 175 scarlet dyeing 61
— rapidly absorbed by fibrous substances 92 Wax 164
— chloride as alterant 11 Weighting, Barytes used for 19
— Muriate of, as a resisting agent 178 Weld or wold 212
— soap, Supposed utility of 149 Wet and dry bulb hygrometer 117
— solution for dyeing scarlet on wool ... 61 Wheaten starch 187
Tinctorial power of garancine, garanceux Whinberries ; 30
and madder 99 White acetate of lime 5
Tobacco colour 201 arsenic 16
Tragacanth gum, Preparation of, for thick- of egg, see albumen ,. 9
ening Ill discharges on indigo blue 76, 77
Tungsten, Attempted applications of. 201 -!T indigo or deoxydised indigo 120
used in making stannate of soda 200 — mineral, see Baryta 19
Turbans dyed with kermes 131 resist for chromed styles in indigo
Turkey berries 19 dipping 123
gum variable in quality Ill White sugar of lead 5
red colour 150 tartar, see cream of tartar 193
red, Imitation from barwood 18 topical from oxide of zinc 215
Turkey red, White and coloured discharges water lily 160
for 78 Wittstein's examination of cochineal plant,
Turmeric, Root of, curcuma longa 201 see cactin 41
used for greens on woollen 101 Woad 212
used in cotton dyeing 154 Woaded cloth 23
used in the scarlet dye on wool. . 61 Wongshy, a new colouring matter 213
Turpentine, Uses of, in colour mixing 201 Wood acid, see acetic acid 6
Twaddle's hydrometer, Real value of, in brown for calico 39
testing 71,117 brown on wool 38
Tyrian purple, see buccinum lapillus 40 colour on delaine from catechu, etc. 44
Woodcroft's patent for applying indigo 126
Ultramarine blue 35, 202 Woods, Definition of 213
Uniform, French, blue 182 ~ — used in conjunction with garancine 102
Union velvets, Dyeing of black 21 Wool and cotton, Mixed lake different
Uranium 202 colours in printing 76
Urea, substance contained in urine 202 Wool and cotton, Dyeing of, in mixed
Uric acid, source of murexide purple 202 fabrics 154
Urine, Uses of, in dyeing and scouring 202 Wool, Article upon 213

Page. Page.
Wool, how affected by acids and other Yellow, Indian composition of 86
agents 87 prussiate of potash........ 174
Wool, Methods of dyeing black 22 spirits 200
improved for colours by treating wood or fustic 95
with chlorine 88 colours combined with indigo to
Woollen dyeing, Action of taitar in 193 produce green 107
-dyeing, Use of bichromate in 57 Yellow colour from murexide and acetate
— dyers' spirits : 200 of zinc 159
goods, Bleaching of 27 Yolk of egg makes oils emulsive 163
Wrought and cast iron vessels in dyeing... 128 Young fustic or fustet 95
fustic used in yellow dye 214
Yellow added to red to make scarlet 61
chrome 50 Zinc and its compounds 215
colour from flavine 93 chloride used to Mercerise cloth ....... 153
colours from the chromates 52 nitrate, Use of, in red liquor making 3
colours, Various receipts for 214 sulphate used as a resist for indigo ... 123
discharge for Turkey red 78 used to adulterate muriate of tin 19$
greys upon woollen 106

A. Ireland and Co., Printers, Pall Mall Court, Market Street, Manchester.

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