Important Questions Sem V

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Important Questions for Sem V Written Exam.

These questions
have appeared many times in previous question papers

Interpretation of Statutes .................................................................................................................. 2
Civil Procedure Code and Limitation Act ............................................................................................ 3
Criminal Procedure Code, Juvenile Justice Act 2000 and Probation of offender’s Act. ........................ 4
Public International Law and Human Rights ....................................................................................... 5
Interpretation of Statutes
1. Define Interpretation of Statutes
2. “Statute must be read as a whole”, Discuss
3. What is the purpose of Interpretation of Statutes?
4. What is Sententia Legis ?
5. What is the role of legislative intention of the interpretation of a statute ?
6. Write a short note on Perpetual and Temporary Statutes ?
7. What is Mandatory statute ?
8. What is Codifying Statute ?
9. What is remedial Statute ?
10. What is disabling Statute ?
11. What is Penal Statute ?
12. Explain “Operation of Statutes” ?
13. What is Retrospective Operation of a Statute ?
14. What is Penal Statute ?
15. Different types of Repeal of Statutes ?
16. What is Express Repeal ?
17. What is Consequences of Repeal ?
18. Write an essay on What are the internal aids to interpretation of Statutes ?
19. Explain the short title as Internal Aid of Statutory interpretation ?
20. Write a short note on : Role of Long Title and Preamble as Internal Aid”.
21. What do you mean by “Headings” in a Statute?
22. What are importance of Marginal Notes and Punctation in Interpretation ?
23. What is “Definitions” or “Interpretation Clauses” ?
24. Write a Short Note on Proviso ?
25. State the importance of Explanations in a statute?
26. Write a short notes on : Non-Obstante Clause ?
27. Write an essay on “What are the external aid to interpretation of statutes ?
28. Write a short notes on : Textbooks as External Aids to construction of Statutes ?
29. Write a short notes on Foreign Judgements ?
30. Explain the importance of Historical Backgrounds an aid to construction ?
31. State an explain the rule of Literal Construction ?
32. State and explain the Golden Rule of Construction?
33. Explain Heydon’s Rule or Mischief Rule of Construction ?
34. What is Harmonies construction ?
35. What are the Subsidiary rules of Interpretation ?
36. Write an essay on – What is ejusdem generis and noscitur a soccis ?
37. What is Causus Omissus ?
38. Write a short note on : Role of International Agreements and conventions in construction of
domestic Acts ?
39. Explain the concept of Presumption of constitutionality of a Statute ?
40. What is the Rule of Anomaly and term absurdity ?
41. Explain the maxim “Delegates Non Potest Delegare”
42. What is Strict Construction of Taxing Statutes ?
43. Explain the ouster or exclusion of jurisdiction ?
44. What is Doctrine of Pith and Substance ?
45. What is Doctrine of Eclipse ?
46. Doctrine of Occupied Field and Doctrine of Repugnancy ?
47. What is Delegated Legislation ?
48. Explain the “father” and Financial year” according to the General Clauses Act ?
49. Explain the term “Swear”, Year”, “vessel” under General Clauses Act?
50. Define “Immovable Property” as laid down in General Clauses Act ?

Civil Procedure Code and Limitation Act

1. Write a short note on “Decree, types of decrees, and execution of decrees ?
2. Definition of “Judge”, Judgement” and Judgement-Debtor” ?
3. What is meant by Mesne Profit ?
4. What is an Order?
5. How is suit instituted ?
6. What are pleadings ?
7. What are evasive denials ?
8. What is the letter of request ?
9. What are issues ?
10. What is a garnishee ?
11. What is abatement of suit ?
12. What is Jurisdiction and its types ?
13. What is Stay of Suits ?
14. What is Res Judicata ?
15. What is Foreign Judgement ?
16. Discuss Issue and Service of writ of summons ?
17. Discuss Written statement, set-off and counter claims ?
18. What is a “Commission” ?
19. Write a short note on : Properties attachable and non-attachable in execution of a decree ?
20. Discuss Arrest and Attachment before judgement ?
21. What is temporary injunctions ?
22. What happens when the plaintiff dies when his suit is pending ?
23. Discuss suits against Government ?
24. Suits against corporations ?
25. Suit by or against Minors or persons of unsound mind ? Who is the next friend of a minor ?
26. Write a short note on “Interpleader suit “ ?
27. Discuss Summary Suits ?
28. Provisions in CPC relating to settlement of disputes outside the court ?
29. Appeals against decrees and orders ? Appeals to the supreme courts ?
30. Discuss Reference, review and revision under the code of Civil Procedure ?
31. Write a note on Caveat ?
32. Write a note on Inherent powers of a civil court ?
33. Write a short note on Letters of request ?
34. Write a short note on Counter claim and set off ?
35. Explain the provisions relating to production , impounding and return of documents ?
36. What is adjournments of a hearing ?
37. What is meant by interrogatories ?
38. What is meant by costs in a suit ?
39. What is misjoinder of plaintiffs? What is non joinder of parties to a suit ?
40. Write a short note in Amendment of Pleadings ?
41. What is a written statement ?
42. What is Limitation?
43. Limitation bars only the remedy and does not extinguish the title “ Discuss with exceptions if
44. Bar of Limitation – Discuss
45. Write a short note on Extension of Limitation ?
46. Explain Legal Disability ?
47. Explain with reference to Limitation Act – Effect of fraud or mistake.?
48. What is effect of acknowledgement in writing ?
49. What is effect of acknowledgement of liability and part payment of a debt under the Indian
Limitation Act?
50. Write an essay type answer on : Acquisition of rights by prescription under Limitation Act

Criminal Procedure Code, Juvenile Justice Act 2000 and Probation of

offender’s Act.
1. Who can give bail in bailable offence ?
2. What is bailable and a non-bailable offence ?
3. What is meant by “charge” ?
4. What are cognizable and non-cognizable offence?
5. What is complaint ?
6. What is meant by inquiry” ?
7. Difference between “inquiry” and “trail” ?
8. Difference between “investigation” and “inquiry”?
9. What does “judicial Proceedings” include ?
10. Define metropolitan areas?
11. Define offence ?
12. Who is a public prosecutor ?
13. What is summons case and warrant case ?
14. Classify the various criminal courts and state the powers of such of the courts under CrPC?
15. Arrest without warrant ?
16. Rights of an arrested person ?
17. Explain processes to compel appearances and consequences of non-appearance ?
18. When can a search warrant be issued?
19. Discuss : Security for good behaviour from suspected persons and habitual offenders?
20. Discuss the provisions of the crPC relating to maintenance of wife and children ?
21. What do you mean by FIR? Elaborate its evidentiary value.
22. Procedure of investigation
23. Write a short note: Examination of witnesses by the police.
24. Write a short note on Police Diary?
25. Explain : Complaints to Magistrates ?
26. Explain the procedure of commencement of proceedings before Magistrate?
27. What is the meaning of “dispensing with personal attendance”
28. What is a Charge?
29. Define conviction and acquittal?
30. Write a short note on Summary Trails
31. What is Plea Bargaining ?
32. Write a short note on Accomplice ?
33. Explain the procedure of trying an accused who is unsound mind in a criminal court?
34. Appeal from conviction ?
35. Provisions relating to bail?
36. What is Juvenile Delinquency and an offence by an adult?
37. Define Children’s home ?
38. What is observation home ?
39. write a short note on “Juvenile Justice Board “ ?
40. Write a short note on : Child in need of care and protection ?
41. What is Child Welfare Committee?
42. What is adoption ?
43. Explain the salient features of the Probation of offenders Act 1958?
44. Write a short note on Probation Officer ?
45. Write a note on Release of offenders on probation ?
46. State the powers of court to release certain offenders on probation for good conduct?
47. Comment on Variation of conditions of probation ?
48. Removal of disqualification attaching to conviction?
49. Are probation officers appointed in pursuance of P.O. Act ?
50. Write a short note on : Protection of action taken in good faith ?

Public International Law and Human Rights

1. What is International Law ?

2. Discuss if International Law is true law ?
3. Sources of International Law ?
4. Principle of Jus Cogens ?
5. Discuss how an individual is the subject of International Law ?
6. Write a short note on : Municipal law and International Law?
7. What is non-intervention ?
8. Write a short note on : Sovereign equality of States ?
9. What is meant by : Recognition “ and explain its theories ?
10. What is a State Territory ?
11. Discuss the law relating to territorial sea ? What is the convention on law of the sea ?
12. Write a short note on : Continental Shelf ?
13. Write a short note on Exclusive Economic Zone ?
14. Explain the principle of freedom of high seas ? Describe its usefulness . What are the
exceptions to this principle ?
15. Write a short note on Rights of aliens ?
16. What is Asylum ?
17. What do you mean by a “treaty” ? Define its types ?
18. Explain the various stages in the formation of an international treaty ?
19. What is meant by “rebus sic stantibus ?
20. What is Pacta Sunt Servanda ?
21. What do you mean by “Mediation ? What is meant by Arbitration ?
22. Name any two objectives of the UN Charter and Principal organs of the United Nations?
23. What do you understand by VETO POWER of the Permanent members of the security
council ?
24. Write a short note on International Labour organization ?
25. Write a short note on UNESCO?
26. Write a short note on International Court of Justice ?
27. Write a short note on the Corfu Channel case?
28. Write two issues of Lotus case ?
29. Define Human Rights ? What are the kinds of Human Rights ?
30. Write a short note on Right to healthy environment ?
31. What is the meaning of right to development ?
32. Write a note on Right to Information?
33. Name any four personal freedoms given by Art 19 of the Indian Constitution ?
34. Write a short note on “Directive Principles of State Policy and Human Rights ?
35. What is meant by Judicial Activism ?
36. Discuss in Details the role of Supreme Court in the protection of human rights in India ?
37. Write a short note on : National Human Rights Commission ? NHRC
38. Write a short note on Universal Declaration of Human Rights ? UDHR
39. What is ICCPR and ICESCR ?
40. Write a short note on : American Convention on Human Rights ? ACHR
41. Write a short note on : European convention on Human Rights ? ECHR
42. What is the “Center for Human Rights “ ?
43. What is meant by Agenda 21 ?
44. Write a short note on “UNESCO” and “UNICEF”?
45. Write an essay on Human rights and Women ? What is CEDAW ?
46. Write a short note on :Convention on the Rights of the Child ?
47. Explain the rights of convicts and prisoners ?
48. Write a short note on Minorities commission ?
49. Role of NGOs in the Protection of Human Rights ?
50. Write a short note on Amnesty International ?

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