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Life in the sugarcane industry is not always sweet but small players and stakeholders in

iloilo persevere as it has been "the most favorable crop" that has sustained the province even

through this pandemic.(Lena,2022) The sugarcane industry is almost a PHP 10-billion Industry

in iloilo taking into account the fuel,l fertilizer, truck parts, equipment, and labor, among others

that involved in the production chain, according iloilo Board Member Matt Pallabrica on Friday.

Pallabrica has been championing the cause of farmers including that of sugarcane planters in the

Sangguniang Panlalawigan. During the pandemic, the money that circulated in iloilo under the

sugarcane industry alone reached almost PHP10 billion, according to information Palabrica

gathered from previous big planters. "It even be more now because it is the only industry

together with rice that survived the pandemic," Palabrica noted. Sugarcane plantation situated in

the third, fourth, and fifth districts of ioilo province cover 20, 875 hectares. "On average, a

hectare can produce 60 metric tons (MT) or if the plantation is good can reach 80 to 100 MT (of

sugarcane talks)," he said. As of 2021, there were 4,890 planters and around 10,000 farm

laborers in the three districts.(Guillermo, 2021) "For our family, it is now our life. I think it is the

same with others because life in Bagawen (3rd district) and other areas there is no irrigation, the

soil that you are tilling, the most favorable crop that you will plant is sugarcane, "Guillermo said.

"One of my crusades is for the provincial government to give due important to sugarcane

farming,"Palabrica said, noting that like other agricultural sectors, sugarcane tillers also need

support and attention as they are composed mainly of small farmers and not owners of vast

plantations.(Guillermo, 2021) The provincial board member is optimistic that under the

administration administration of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. the "glory days" of the industry
in the 70s will be revived. Sinakob-Making Factories Sinakop is a famous dessert in Pangasinan

sometimes panotcha or molasses. The Patupat of Pozorrubio (Pangasinan) cooked from

Dadapilan, the sugar cane mill now motor-driven; Kawa(Taliasi) (Cauldron) Bagasse

(Philippines) is used as firewood to cook the Sinakob Buneg, Pozorrubio, Pangasinan Buneg

DILG Access Road Sugarcane plantations in Pozorrubio, Pangasinan Paddy fields in Pozorrubio,

Pangasinan Category: Sitions and puroks of the Philippines Subdivisions of the Philippines List

of barangays in Pangasinan, Barangays of Pangasinan, Barangays Buneg, Pozorrubio,

Pangasinan 16.1272, 120.5611 Pozorrubio, PangasinanProvince from MacArthur Highway

(Pozorrubio, Pangasinan section) MacArthur Highway (Note: Judge Florentine Flori, the owner,

to repeat, Donor Florentino Floro of all these photos hereby donate gratuitously, freely and

unconditionally all these photos to and for Wikipedia Commons, exclusively, for public use of

the public domain, and again without any condition whatsoever).Judgefloro(2019)


This study is aimed to determined the Status of Sugarcane Industry in the Philippines.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the sugarcane farmers the term of:

a) age

b) sex

c) civil status

2. What are the problems faced by sugarcane cultivators?

3. Does their methods of production are modern and efficient?

a) Modernized/hightech
b) Traditional or old ways

c) Both modernized and traditional

4. What are the problems that have relevance to the sugarcane production?

a) Interest rates

b) Climate change

c) Labor shortage

d) Low market price

5. Does the supply of sugarcane enough to sustain the demand of their consumers?

a) Yes

b) No

c) Could be

d) Can't say


There are various factors affecting the industry of sugarcane and sugarcane production.

Significance of the Study

Municipal mayor:

Municipal Tourism Officer:

Municipal Agriculture Officer:

Sugarcane Owners:

Sugarcane Workers:

Future Researcher:
Definition of Terms

The following terms were defined in accordance with their conceptual and operational

meaning to have a better understanding on how these terms were operationally defined as it used

in the study.

Bogasse.This refers to the dry pulpy fibrous material that remains after crushing sugarcane

or sorghum stalks to extract their juice.(Wikipedia)

Molasses.This refers to the resulting from refining sugarcane.

Sucrose. A pure chemical compound C12H22011 known as white sugar,generally

measured by polarization in pure solution or by GC or HPLC in impure solution.

Sugarcane.This refers of a perennial grass of the Family Poaceae, primarily cultivated for

it's juice from which sugar is processed.



Review of Related Literature and Studies

In this chapter, the researcher presents the studies published locally and abroad.

Related Literature
Sugarcane Production

In the Philippines, the amount of sugarcane production is at 5th in the crops(PSA, 2018).

Therefore, sugarcane is one of the major crops for the Philippines agriculture sector. Moreover,

the agriculture sector has a share of 24.3% in the country's total employment (PSA, 2019).

Agriculture itself is an essential sector in the philippines. The sugarcane sector in the Philippines

comprises around 78276 farmers, and as many as 81.46% of sugarcane farmers have less than 5

ha of farmland, which means most sugarcane farmers are smallholder farmers (Sugarcane

Regulatory Administration (SRA), 2015). In addition to this current situation, gross value added

(GVA) of sugarcane declined continuously from 2011 to 2015, except in 2014, when it exhibited

a rise of nearly 2%(Pantoja et Al, 2019). Considering the importance of the sugarcane industry,

Sugarcane Industry Roadmap was launched by SRA in 2010, and it aims: to massively increase

the use of technologies to increase farm productivity and sugarcane yield: promote biothanol

from sugarcane and molasses (SRA, 2010). As part of this, SRA began to implement Sugarcane

Block Farming(SBF) in 2012 (SRA, 2013). The main goal of SBF is to improve the productivity

of small-scale sugarcane farmers. Following Sugarcane Industry Roadmap, Sugarcane Roadmap

2020 was released by SRA with the support and guidance of the Department of Agriculture (DA)

and Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) in 2015. The objectives of the roadmap how to

develop a sustainable and multi-product sugarcane industry which continues to contribute to the

national economy (SRA, 2015).

Related Study

At present, sugar statistics shows that there are more than 80,000 farmers who are

tilling the 424,199 hectares (out of the total land area of 30 million hectares), (SRA Bulletin,

March 04, 2018) of sugarcane fields all over the country with an average production of 59 tons
per hectare and LKg/TC of 1.98 (CY 2016-17). The targeted production for 2019-20 is 70 tons

per hectare and an LKg/TC of 2.00 (SRA Sugarcane Roadmap 2010). Of the total number of

sugarcane farmers mentioned-above majority of them are considered small (farms are 5 hectares

or below). In Crop Year 2015-16: 79% are small farmers, 17% are cultivating 5.01 to 50.00

hectares and only 4% have 50.01 hectares and above (Overview of the Sugarcane Industry,

updated October 2017). The total number of agricultural and industrial workers directly

employed in the industry is about 700,000. Furthermore, under the industry are 27 operating

sugar mills, 13 operating sugar refineries, 10 operating bio-ethanol fuel distilleries and 6

biomass-generating plants as of Crop Year 2015-16 (Executive Summary, DRRM Plan for the

Sugarcane Industry 2017-2022). Sugarcane payment schemes The method for calculating

payment for sugarcane varies, although in many countries cane payment is based on the quality

of the sugarcane (Lejars et al., 2010). In other countries including China, Pakistan and parts of

India growers receive a fixed price per tonne (Todd, Forber and Digges, 2004). In some countries

such as Australia, Jamaica, Mauritius and South Africa there is compensation for yield and

quality if cane is delivered at the beginning or end of the season to encourage growers to extend

their harvesting period to extend the milling season. In other countries such as Brazil, the millers

process their own cane in these off-peak periods (Todd, Forber and Digges, 2004). Bagasse

Bagasse is the fibrous portion of sugarcane that remains after the juice has been removed. It is

estimated that 240-280 kg of bagasse is produced for each tonne of sugarcane processed

(Cheavegatti-Gianotto et al., 2011). Bagasse is burnt for heat to produce steam as a source of

power to run the sugar mills, with excess energy directed to the electricity grid in a number of

mills, including those in Australia (Mackintosh, 2000), Brazil (Cheavegatti-Gianotto et al., 2011)

and Mauritius (Deepchaud, 2005). Scale of cultivation World average productivity of sugarcane
is 61 t cane per ha, which produces an average of 5.82 t sugar per ha (Hussain et al., 2004b).

According to the FAO statistical database, the world average productivity in 2014 was of 57.9 t

cane per ha (FAOSTAT, 2014), however, with important differences among countries. Table 2.2

shows the range and diversity of yield reported for the top 12 producing countries in 2014. In

1999, Australia had the highest productivity at 88.97 t cane per ha (Baldani et al., 2002). In the

period 1990-95, the highest average sucrose yield for the Queensland (Australia) sugarcane

industry was 12 t sucrose per ha, with the highest maximum sucrose yield of the Burdekin region

in Queensland, at 17.4 t sucrose per ha (Berding, Hogarth and Cox, 2004).

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