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As the name of the cement denotes, hydro means water and phobic means
against. Hydrophobic cement is obtained by grinding Portland cement clinker wich a film-
forming substance such as oleic acid in order to reduce the rate of deterioration when the
cement is stored under unfavourable conditions. It is also known as Hydrographic cement

In this article we discuss about the manufacture, properties, uses, advantages, disadvantages
and safety precautions of hydrophobic cement

Fig I: Water resistant concrete made of Hydrophobic cement

Manufacture of Hydrophobic Cement

The process of manufacture of this special cement is same as that of portland cement. The
clinkers formed in the manufacture of cement are grinded with water repellent film substance
Acid or form a on the particle and
such as
Oleic Stearic Acid. These chemicals layer cement
does not allow water to mix and start hydration process in the transportation or storage
stage. Anyhow during the mixing praocess, due to great agitation, this layer of water repellent
break and allows the hydration to take place.

Properties of Hydrophobic Cement

Table I: Properties and their values of Hydrophobic cement.

Properties Value
Fineness 350 m/kg
Lechatelier (mm) 10mm
Autoclave 0.8%
Setting Tinme
Initial Setting 30min
Final Setting 600min
Compressive Strength

Prepared by ajesh Khanna

3days 16 MPa
7days 22 MPa
28days 30 MPa
Water Absorption 0.3 I %

Uses of Hydrophobic Cement

.Uses in longer storage periods and extremely wet climatic conditions.

2 Majorly used in the Tunnel construction as the underground repairs are difficult and
3. These cements are used in construction of dams, spillways, under water constructions.
4. Used in the structures that are exposed to rain or rain puddling, such as green roofs,
ocher kinds of roofs, parking strucures, and plazas
5. Used in drainage system works and manholes.
6. Used in water treatment plants, dams and retaining walls.
7. It can fix leaky pipes and basements without having to stop the leaking

Advantages of Hydrophobic Cement

The major advantages of hydrophobic cement are,

I. Provide durable repairs that will last for long period of times.
2 Strength is same as that of ordinary cement
3. Sets and hardens fast, normally three minutes after being mixed with water.
4. Setting time is fast, hardens fast, thus it can be painted within one hour of it being

Disadvantages of Hydrophobic Cement

The major disacvantages of hydrophobie cement are

I. Does not work on frozen surfaces.

2 Cannot be used when the temperature is below 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
3. This cement solves the problem of leaking, but does not sove the problems which are
due to conden sation.
Needs skilled labour and favourable climatic conditions to use this type of cement.
5. Cost is high as it is very expensive.

Health and Safety Precautions of Hydrophobic Cement

I. Avoid breathing the dust.

2 Avoid any contact with eyes or skin.
3. Silica inhaling may cause lung problems, alchough there is no real evidence silica is a
4. The use of protective clothing: gloves or mask is recommended.

Prepared by: Rajesh Khanna

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