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~ -organiga¥ional oppmoach which focuses my Sccomplishment a} _manketing __abjech: Ss my NGA tsation __guech__a__achiews customex__aatietach on ws Pe eurling —_higle gale and__pxofi tc. “Thenefore ut — Mankehng it agement __1_the __pmecesg of, __planring and, executing _the __concephen__paiiéing _prometien and —__ MF cuctibution af dens, goede —and—geraces clo create : by J 66 OF MARKETING MANAGE me wr + hat __yot can shady ugtos tntenactons and buying — | pattems tn leon _mosz__ aout youn ‘idea _eurthomen —and— hos npc __thein _tintenegk __1n__youn _praducks ot genvices, | Ags _q __megult . st _helpe __you __create _brnnd__awaneness— |_and _inereqad vigibiiby far yous —_bouygime _— Of the _congumene _[ Ji cut to customeng 4b wall _enahe you, to fing neva. _cugtomens and, tan tn usment _eneg. Thyra aul bast: yous 2a and ineregae _yevenue. ang also helps in _sneduce cost and __expenger 01 ‘ f Unhonmed because sithout ik. yous business till _ghuggle to handle PR “ido “gion > fi Management __meang thot you wil! have an _eycellent marketing team Hak hag__insighte into __conaumex hehonoy _, buying pattems, and — -the _lodest _maonkeling ‘vende. ‘Thin helps _yoy_make _bettea _decieiens rate Phot. and the Aong nun, Gach tiene. _you as faced with a _diilemmo or locking — —for_woye_to__impiave youn _geade and _genvices OY __even__con dering making dine nerd big move oun __ busines, geu_manketing Management plan wilt so suaays -have yours __back sass es * SS . s) Helps compete with big_cemparies => you ane a eral f i i vik 4S you need to level up to biggex iH | TE behavior and Competiter tnende and heleg ‘Widenulitied— fef-—othext companies arcing someting urique—and—4icteh. Ais —a_neaull youn business con ~ Stand cut and emerge as _@ _golid competitor in. your indushy—or even __@ueipage them fn certain cages ee idl g I VARIOUS _Concepr oF MARKETING. A froducton Concepk 2. Prnduct Concept -2._ Selling Concept 4. Manketing Concept : ace tay Mankeding Concept A Produchon Concept +> Thix the _behavjor_* prevacling in -hme when _customene oli Nol ___have ~much choice if tat a _£eund _appmach.~__ ~The —docus of _managere,_genenally haang backeeundi -tn_marufacturting and _enginecsiing tone to _concentrade —On__achteving IN Creag Ngly highest 19 __ production _ lower, production costs and more intensive. Ludi huh on When the magaer |ork foy cheapen product ard —dlemand _fas, _exceede fanducticn fa a Gvample > Jn India, The National Trctile Cor pi poxahon (te) —thak _coneumens will favor __thoge _p' : . dike quali mance And _othert innavative | Auperior _producks | uld__nok _penesive Ane bene of _Subsequentty aa the cyatorneng became ai 2) Selling Concept +The gett * Congume: uit no} con pt hold: ath. _ uni enough of the lange ~ acale ideq — buy Sicen’g product ting and p—terel_the company preduce_ rather _, the_rnankel wante. af t -Such__an,_ Aggressive _gelling _pragram Canes veqy high —otske. dn Belling — concep} the __— marketer, _aggumer thot custome, _unti__tbe coaxed — into__byying Ane — product tail duke sid ag Abs) dori ~-Lke i} hey, tail _posaikly forge) then _clizappoindmerh— ond buy tk _ggctin hacker. ‘Ths ugually veny poor and costly _agsumphon.__‘Typrcally the gelling concept 4B —Prachced uth ungought goods. _Ungoug hi _gosde— arie bro ouyens de not __nowanalfy Hain, of. upg uch ah _nsunance cr __bl and _donotions _ os Example Amoet al comparites_nventuolly fal foko this — _ concept + “ Mountain Dein” aids one hard _to ends. 4 —— peeple— Jule mo udytas devo not thak ua _clebhatable 4) Monkeling Concept The _mankekng _corcept hold e— | Tacuevang, —organiaationo| goal: _clepende_en_Ianawoing | the needg _qnd wants _of _damget _morthet and _ | delrveding the desired _gatisfachens —_betten__+han_ compe ttorg dor - - Hene marketing _management jakes _q_' customen fre Approach. Under —_Yhe. monketing concep}. customer —_ focus and value ane the _vtouter_4o achieve sales Andprefifs The _markefing concept _i2_a__cualamen » eh —'aenee and __onegponde” __philogophy + The “job us -ok do find the ight customers for _youn product but__4o_find youn _eugtomen’ right —_praducts Mankebng _cencept 12 ___baged om —_-four._maasin_ plane QD marikek focus GQ _cuskemen _ovientation Co-ordinated most Keetiny Oy_prohlability Regtayrants and _ateoitupe dof 4ng__cancept. ‘They ty to undenetand 4 and__detiven ~ the best “ bette fr the _competihen, rkeding Concept = Phould —_dleti value 4p customers maintain ov improves both Lhe Rocety tell being, The gocieta Ehonkebng pauls human _welf. before profile and _sahelying dhe AY calle upon, —_mankelens ~o Congidenations in Acting Cornpany,—parhita, _congumen Public —_inkene.2} wants, balance __}nee their _manketing policies! woant _gatigfacton and hike _lasge cmpaies—Somehnet launch — Prog rams products that benefit soci hand. 4o__find_a__company that it. Ne can gee adidas doing great a hey | conkinve. te feiss age! Kae penrick “despite —_preaauste —frana— in potas ag big push ov green -eneyy sot electac cang and gelan roof — panelg [ tiles. ~ {FUNCTION MARKETING MANAGEMENT] [Orgarneng J stating) *\ouechng J [mobwation VGnbelting| 5 —Seayen_and Promotion| —(evaluahoo J ; Ahe hort ~term or lor) phe —_+he__plan_,_implementation ~is__important. But before implementation, many — things — J nee} sto and ogarige|_. Yn. orden to ~Achieve {ine __defined _obyectives_44__invalvea _gewena) ~fanchiens__o _cujperent —levele ok the — orgariigation— news _manikets providing _guitcance Ing: E valon and __2upernsrzion tn +he employees in orden j— head dine cnain task on Ahe coordination _behoeen, departments __amd_srostroua _aetivatyer Qagociakey —rankehng. z nthe _rnodean _manketing op pimach. A _anccessful __ team \eaden “tat one who ‘ig able +n mokvele _ ON) —ixa__em ployer _ and ___keep thes __mantole high __ —— hhe|ps the __ employees —_to' wreck oh fy entty —yowonde the __attninment of __businese __shyechwes, __ Gee aedece | | | | | | eee =~ nt___o} __ebardende performance mg 2 vSluathiorn —_ond__Aaking corrective _ackions = = 5 mg 2 Healy sia _and__fvaluahion => In __maxkeling manayemenh, wg —tt}—_4A__neteaeory ong to __analyge and evaluate tne wg Peformance ond productivity of the empleycos, nat on__employee tn achieve tine businese akjectven. 1d) Regearch and Developmen! = Lilith ane changing basher, HOnd preferences — of Ane __conaumens. Monlkietens snust Weep _q__track en the 4 dbdendig of Lhe — Monkel Therefie e _un__ the _tepponeibsbily of Hart kets __onanagens “fo conduct _regeanch dnd _develapmas, ———___ MARKETING: myx __AND 11’s__AppLicArion __} The marketing minx ala known _ag__the foun P's of. _ Mankeling . .nefeng to the _faur__leeys elements of a = —monkeling — Bhategy Product, Pace Place and _Promebion, Py —paying btenthon sto __the _fallenineg foun Components of the mosikelng riix a _huginess car _Mawunitge ike chances of a (oduct being ‘recognized and _ => The item or __gemrce _heing 20d musk _eahiely A __Cengumer’g need __ awe degre. asa eihalecaecasecaebiaiaemncm trice => Ain ahem ghould be gold af he right price . fer__congumen _expectahors, nether tye oso nor yagn : ped lenet Promotion The public needg _4o _be Informed abou! the _preduck and the featunes to _urndexetand Iya it fie Aboein, needs ae _de: Place 2 The —locathen _shene the _preduck can he _pumchaed 1 vortal ophriizing goles, 4) Pnduct > fraducke one commoditier and _aomces Mot g—20hve_probleme__and___gakiefy the needg of —_conaumens.. —A__produck canbe tangible guch qe vehile or a piece_| ©} _clething cr intangible _guch aga cwiige or house — cleaving —_gemnce. _A__guccegsful produc eithen fille awed a _penporkard:_ ~__4p el a pice that __meflecke th -_dFyenda __and__jz__ a Jerdabi - game Hime ig profitable Jor the business “Bangle pace pet — play —a_—_satal_>ale_in _mmaliing— A—— ch fuccegaful foe example uh a product ig ovanpncel pte eda oe gaara Cea ae v 4heyoungen my Geoesahons —_woculd gow mere _atfenton sf prey were mag PrP moked on __omline and om Secial media platforms <—— ~— z 7 wg 4) from hon 2s Pomelion —sefex2e to reaching Ade 4 gel Audience poy the _ Aight _meeeageg ad the xighf time. 44 _gele the reach cut and ig an _ efrectve. . 4244 +p conduct a _galee promotion and _conneat wp th —conaumeya ane corn S Suample > the fislhast Seazen clung luhich pi2zq lela ‘ —deals ase _-tarigeted Gusung _gamer- “Tho entices, @ -conaumenc__to ty ne farducts they may ne} hove @—SDyeyeat att: 3. 2 2 , - ) - } = MICRO ENVIRONMENT FactoRE P_toyying — hy product call playa jorge role oo -_aupproach, 4s wmaxikehng co} youn _producte and. a ___genvrcer bo Heng 7 ~ ~ = competion = “Those : whe gold the _game _oyr wy ition __pinducts __and___eenviceA__as—you_oganigahen — my your market competion 1 _and_ the 294 — they sell Wy Publie__ana ness Hey ae = ap = . ay oo a » MACRO ENVIRONMENT FACTORS - “# Demographic Fixer + Different _masike} _gegments ane megounces —_uch_o2 — _one algo —_notunal _non~xenewoble. also _trnpact the — ail. coal. minestole ote. halt __may, _ organi zohon's __produchon. — - | Technatagical Factors 2 The — skills _and__tnowled ge. _oppdied 4a the —_produchon_, andg__the __4echnolegy —_and_—_+he— nateruols — needed for the —produchon___of products __and__gemaces—, | can algo Impact the __ameola _sauinving 0 Ane ——— business —_and__mnuet he _congihenod, —___________——— => Sound __mankeling _cleci gions — {nto__account political are] jer egal A sielating to ‘tn rgasuzation and ike “Seer and Cubhunal Forces => The impacto} the products ond pervices yout _orgarizahons. batng —_to__monket have , |_on _gocie+y mut be considered. Any elements of the _ production _proce’& or — oY product | genvicer that ane: _ Aho) | hammnjul _to__foctehy — be _eliminoted +a _ghowo ypu, _ogariagahon— va taking Ascial enesponsibliy, Mero and __Macrp__environmentg___nave__a, atgrificant Ampact onthe. _guiccesg. of _movitseling _activahes_._and_ -tn___clepth — in the proces __of creaking a inte “manke-ting -Plan.__Congidenting _thege factore wily improve _4ne _euccege — of your ovganigations mantel campaign and the me putotion — et tthe brand ‘in the tong — tem wre) ARKET SEGIMENTATION ket _Segmenjation canbe _ de fined as, of __dtividing _q__ mantel in eng __uSith commen _neate ——and ching ox__more__segments to distinct _ manket Angin defines vtatbien al shading __a_hehenageneous __manket ———hemegenous _gub unite, Levelg of _Mankek _ Segmentation 3 he numbe Begments tat il) 2 chaic and _behowoung that chose _decgiona Typically. vartous con _meault trom a! segmentation kande analyers Congumens ane Segment, Hone engages in the rrase promotion one mass disba bub produc! forall __byyers Agence oj _thla__ghafeay iat _gummal uy enhe pene Wong fark, the —offenad the Mauch Qutomebsle—to the public “m_any crlaunn they wanted a ask _war__black! would gq —_logical__shrategy wene alike jording _heit_neede with game —backyreynd_, eduction __and advantage IA that __.it__coste _es Auvsasi fied ——_masike} th hakgy doce 4 _ulboontely —_mankee ten segmental —rostet (3. Segment A__segme 2eqmente Hhoygh styling buhion io) Niche _Mankeling Nowadays —smanketers— ane uuaing highly focused ronkehng programmes __grnalf _cangumen niche Sith products and _ brat pik their and Life — atyle Nic ‘Ag gomehmet —<¢ called — micro-monkehng, Maat “identify riches 44 —_cuvidang —_a_2¢gr “The __customens the niche have needs and they ane alse _oteady —_te__px prema Jaros _Ahok best disfie, theo. need niche "18 nok Likely to atbrack —_competitism Jann _atint_rmaniel Ekample— Ferrans _gete a __high piace for Ingal__buyene eel no _obhnea __autornahile —sr__o}feaing the puck. _2emace membership Joumdle tok _piregrnenm wants | hbeunhoods nya, Nakional Bank mixes of _bankang anches depending om x sieboil custornen 9 individual most when the snespond deee lengned ook , soon ak as market. Health and _exencige __maniketens__prode —exarnple —o}—_custornir ed ___mavieetirag. They ome __ne_penzonall Jymuneng she develop 4 __custorsized, —_ exencige —_pregrammnes Lr evn _chente and _exencige. with bans, Prom 070 “Indisadued BASES FOR SP @MENTATION he _ficat __ghep tg ___dlevolopa select the __rnogt 4) Greographic _Segmentshon => ‘in _ geographic _2eqmentahen, _manket _ig___divided__by location. ._The thee yt __beh Hi, ghakegy 12 thot people —_tsha “lave _n _anea shone _gome__ A milan _ne and, p_thege needs and and __twands__dafjen }_peophe Juang in other __ameng. Gor example — _Centarn fond froducls —_gell__beten Han an othe. Some _mankeing —_Ahensate and, _practitionsn: believe {nol _wor lowe _aateltrte }_ronanid gion ___and, giebal Conmyn cation. the gare soants and that From_—_thase of ielevig nehoorks have Srasea -oll__negional — houndaes _Gnd___henefue, hale Geographic Segmentation 4 ig dajperences segments can aa useful —_shrategy fix. __nany cnosikebens. nelotively eoty bo find 3e rophicalty ba mony —_preducte._n__addition easily be sea ched ee geegra phic Hhoregh he Media, including Hrroyga local nase papers, TV_and snggional __eclitiong __of radio, _adventize ment magazines 2) Demographic Segmentation > Demagraphic—_chos Buch ag ge——manital _atatye and ed one__m { Zegenentation, meas Unable. Demographics help to us pychological help describe how Bex, income Utec| ax marke} they fool. Derogra phic Accessible and “cogbelfect: mankek. 4ndeed daoka__ome. ane svaxuabs, nozt___feconcosyy data expreseed in Demagin segmentation Included in because they demographic _} meag Ahan, ane. Woouahly —cultunal _chudses findings. Arends Buch 0 distnbuliong, Ara erm other payshagy add meaning Demmagraphic : Abul in__¢ 2ignal —_butiness Vontakle neve opportunities. -8) Paychological Segmentation > Pay ehological _chanactenugticn —melea__eo the _innen_oy itv quatshes of — the Mdivndual consumer, __Congumen._zegmentotion —_ ghrokegier ane olen _tbagerk__on__apecific. _paychologicol vaxisables, For _rnalana Congumeng_may be geqmental ‘in ferma of thei needs Gnd __ motivations —_, personally, percephong. , learning. bevel_o invobement __and__ abides. Foc_example- Golgate Palmodine , AT and 1 servicer, Kentuc key fred Chicken and Neacafe Coffee. Marketers conduct paychograghic __megeancl to __caplune_ingighle and __creale. —profiles__o} __the _congumens, Moey ih __-to_-Langek 4) Secio = Cudkunal Segmentation 5 Sociology and _anthrnpolegical —Nosiables_—__tnol _i8__2ocie._culltunal__vastiables__proade. | fusiknen, _boses__-for_ monet _2egmentokion. _fae_eyample — Congumen_mankets “have been _aucces fully Bulddixaded __iinko__aeqmentg —__omn___the __bagig ot tt 2 he fami ibe cycle , Social class core cw svaluck wah emak sion and __Cmge~_cultusnal, afpbotien.. Somily Life Cycle +> Faruly life cycle aegmentatio 12 based on Ahe —premige hak _many familie __pane through, £imilan, -phages__{n___Ynein -fecmakion grat ard final) _divaluhon. Al, each phase Ye —_farrliy —_unit__newda __dajfenen}__producl* and _gomaces. Fomnily slibe cycle _4A_a composite variable based explicitly on marital and family _latur_,_ burt tmpdicily {cluding — enelative age income. and employment ptakus, pe Sociol _Clasa S Social Clage 12 a _potenhholl Begmentation | ey hamoe. 4b ye traditionally “imeaguned” by a weighted inex cf _geveral demographic vesudbler. auch ar education —Sccupatien and income. ‘The concept 0} -gecial clans “impiet__q_hemanchy 'n__sahich individuals inthe clare —geneally have _the _game degree cf. ——twhile __membens a} offen __claxse: have _eithen _ | -highen or __ lowe ahatus, Culune Sabcultune and Cine# Cultune > Some mankelere howe Sound it useful to segment th = mankete Gn the hace of clued nembene ___o __the __game __cultusie trend) fo _ghame the game = Nolues _ beliefe and customs. _Mariketena cho ure cut bass _—segmendation _etrete _gperific _ widely held _culfunet values ith _tobitch _ttngy hae —conaumens ofl) idenbly Culbunal gmentahion __‘\a_pankiculanty _guccegsful ‘in _‘nkermatienal amonkeling but in __aueh __inatancer ~4_ala__Impartant Jay 4toe__manteten to __undenetand July the _beliefe values avd y-Suskongs —sf- tte counties _Tq_ushich the reduc (S) Auge =seloted Segmentation > Pin_erbemely popular; amd fective, fawn of segmentation _categeies _cangumeng_in tena, of —preduct _gewiee ar brand usage _chamacteniehice auch at p 20ge sake __ainameneit _¢akus and degree co} fom loyal Rate of usage _gegmenta ion diffementiates meng heave — —liseris_, medi itera . ight urens and nen user of 1 — _ppecific produck Bernice oy a _ brand. _Mariketers ofa _SIRATEDEES To position —_ PRODUCTS Many tsoye exiiat for _posthioring _a__prnduck av _getvice lor _an__organigabion), The folloasing LWustrote —_gome of ~ thege approaches, . a Position on product feodunes_ => The product may be _poéttioned onthe baste of product _feotusies._Finr_example__an odvelntigernent may —_abtempt to ___poiftian ne __panducl hy Y mefenence to s_gpeciic _feahunes All Hrougla ui _mos he a successful way _to_‘ndicate product superiority. Congument__ane___genenally _more _‘intereabed ‘in uohol ai q feature, rnean to _-them that 14 hho. they Can benefit toy tne product iy Podthon oh Benefits => Tha “oppmacls “1a__clozely —snelated to athe. _prevnous. method, Tecth paste Cdvenang often _featanes— the benefit _apprmach _, me the example of prevention) Close up Caex appeal Hough —_tofisl ‘omonts) — 7 _— Pogibrer Sn “usage Thin dechnig ei _.nelated to _bere ab _ a positing ean prnducks one geld com tne _bagig of _theit J congumen usage _Zilualian. Comparues have _gomelimes _Zovght "to rmoden news bande _aatociahon with Hae pariiculat tfc Often guccern 1 @__Company iovmlves__Jooting for _iueale _psantg ‘yn _the __pagihions of Se en ae ee against reak _ paints a IA__aperna ne mosleeken eng oy iy ke apariglon —taidh compoling fundacts or exam pl the famous Uncolq _camParn guccestfully positioned up a4 _an__altermative tas ke. Peps and then celas. \Aaneeaae i ‘ i —mang diferent |] © foctoxs A manelen should ty __4to_undenatand the —_| ws fachou Anak finfttuence consume _ behavior, _Hene ane ae agar factoye thot Antluence. engumer _ behavisy, 4 Paycholog: vical Bactore. ad Social Factorg “F2. Cullual factors 4. Penzonal Cachorn adie ea a) : ot, h__congumen behavior . These factors ane mo if fult to mente — tok ane passed enough to _2 ‘influence a bug decigion =p é Gy Pence phon diyAllitude 4, Rolvefe yeeaged: | F j bagic needs, ebe and Zecusaty needs Pee re at ¢ (Gin Penception a> Congumen —pencephen ga rnyor —fachae tha psace pte 123 — _fnfiuencer _congumer behave, _Caittomen, Sinfermadisn —adoou OL custome —_collecks ho make process _uehene a. product and _icker-prete tho _{ nf smaahon, —mneariing ful moge ofa ponticstar. Product. When a_cushomen _geee _advabrkivgernente __ promotion, media. facebanfe eke: _relahing _sto_a_prnduch they _develop an __mpreesiom __aloout the __ product. Hence Congumen __per.cephon __hecares_a_grea} _{nfluence— buying —deciman congumens, . 7 Lo.crod Lili) _Leaneiang > [athena __pengon buys a j—geka to —_leann gometning more about _Leanning cores oven _o_Perttod of» fannie thong seponieny A_congurnesy's Y pende om, elie hdhile ght conn _he A Y pracce | can be. ocyutel any tina —espantonce. praducl he |! the product. (iv) Athtudes amd Bobefs = > Conaumena have __centain attitudes, | ond __belielg__tohuch_tnftuence the __buying _clecteionia of 9 | _congumey. Razed on thi _akfvude the —_cangumny \n__o__pantroulay _way _fowords a _ redirect Tho ally plays _o__sugrifi carn} _miole__tin_dertg Ape orand_iriage ;—a__producl. Hence _mantelens yy _hord to undergbang he _atitute of a, confumet kn _cletygn thers aoteirg a — + SOCIAL FActoR¢ 2 Humana ane __gocial__felong@ ancl they _ ——-Lnve_asscuind many people ts Yafluence —fhebt buying ——belavior. Humans thy 40 tintin, _o next __ humans ad wih to __be ~ socially accepted —_tin__the _gociely. nce _thei buying pelnavity ia __1pfluenced by _otnem —Srcurd them. ‘These _fackorg __ane _congidened as factor, Some of the oct factoye axe (familly > Famuly plays a __gignificant sole in sha pang — the _ touying he havio¢ _ol___a_—_pengon.__f prefenences rom {nix __chuldhend lay __sratchiing _prnducts and __cennuea to byy the Same _producke peagon develops Uno &__greup_cf _peaptle J whom _a__penson _artociates —Bim self. —Cnenenaliy, all the people tn the ference group have _commman bung lnehavwr and tin fluence each abnen: : Gi Roles and Sodus 0 pesgan, “it fnfluenced by the nal 2 holds in the _gociely. $f o pengon uk in 4 hugh postfiag his buying _behavror wut! be Snfluenced — Josigely by Wis ghakus | ui se a i (8. CULTURAL FACTORS A gmup a} people autoastel_uh —o__sok__o} —vmlues o1od___ideslagier tha ___balang 40 4 — _-panticalaxt —_commouridy, hen _q pensar —_Comast fron —4— | —panhieulasy _cornmunihy _Inis/neq__loehavieor 1 igh seo Flue —by— the culture _.r¢labmg to _-tha __pantroulast comnnauntidy: | Some a} the _cultunoll —_fiqchora ase 0) Cuthune 5 Cultunal factors havea song, Centume _‘eehavior , _Culbunol factory __nclude 44 mluet , needa. wane pmcferencet eacephen and ; behaviors —Hal Osie __bgenwed amd __Jetyned __by | _Cemaumen rem Hew _neay: {our membeyé and __s then zen ee anoun4d —_-them, a hs FG) Subeuttune =>_hitun a _culbnal “group these ex 4 eeapy | —tubcullunes. “Thege aubcuttural eu shane the game sek” af | bebe} and valet, _Sabeultuner can _c. ahah ed sting fet and matic There _gubbcultgnes bu steel} pron 9__Culttomen ge, 5 Seneca = £ach and __eveay socials acinge the nel al — | Aocia_ clay. the gocal uth deteamined by the Yncome but _fackore _gych ai the occupation, fanalu |_—educahen __ond___meridence —_\acotion. ’ —Sre10 cla ingattna_ —to__predich the Congame, bearen eGgad' | These. personal 7 _ mm. pengor— __-+0 _-penason—,theneloy __ me Psssucing cporen} peacephane cond __conaumey_—_bebauer,_ = paoducte "9,3 =>4nco abali 4 baying —behomor_of a___pergon_Highex Income gives’ helonor old highdy. ofluenced Crngumes, Wy —-Wwhen 9 congumen __has_Vighest gi nim mere __confidence tn bay —luretunty — . nig Yea ‘onsumeq decided fp __@ave _mere_, tren | on__bu ying __xeducet __ WN VV A J. Reap “fil maen—abantage— ty “Jeanning, hese bo enki niche of —epparbusruty —___ a —— 5. Realize —youm brand cls _navo “ened “comnpeling. agouns aM ethen — meds, Hou to Stenhfy a Niche 2 Ls + By_thinking —of segment of 4 thet byead, —gengch_ cae _ - fecug on___a_—_pecrfie_ geographical location —__— a fe Make —snlurbon fer _uriique —prnblemge Lasker yout cuuttona ey — fp —exggh Punpage of — Niche teamed ai gouna from ‘the _apecialized pease as. fromthe shore _rnarkets ushich ia _melabvely anal) __, gmneny : i “Hence ne gma __compehtorg _usilf _ chinecHy cane eka comps _agaunst the __niche —_marikelens but _ mostly small__businose ia ~_nol__ritche _omaketers 7 “Pind the — firm long term __auccere leperds_ typon the ala ~_e__omd focus. ushich 1s __‘tHno._ceirheal_cormponent af He. Seon _dewlap oven _a_peniod “a 1 dheng ~_gani_velahon ith tein ey customent ‘£0 protect thergehe ena any —oubade —Areahe = = oot te jn__performance... 6 + They _ane___able to — improve. _thein — position 11. he compet smanliet: i. ~~ md 7 ; —_withouk azting time. in_ Aecking new opportunities tn | O¢6 UN1T-3 levels -o} _@ _ product goes ey ~A—_physical object or q genvace. He. = the model _congidere thad —preducts one ¢ meane to Gerd cto _rneet__the voriioue neede thene neg tuinement | ~4ec_q__product— or ___. Core Bene ht Cremevic product expecta predact Pugmented producr Potential Product A. Ge Reneht >The care benefit 1a the fundamental aheher when —_needg or _twante that the customen Hy hy te _produch Fix example — the cere _benefit Somewhene xeah nome. 2 Grenemc Product 2 The genesuc pmduct is_a basic only those. wengien of the product made up of —featunes necescany fr it to __fanchan. oun _lnofel _exorn ple _, thig__could _mean @__bothrwem a miner and _q__wandrelbe a__hed, towels 3. Expected Produc => lhe expected product ‘12 Ale sek of _fentunes rat “the cuetomene expect tshen they buy the product. {Wiig tould _rnclude clean sheets wn “hotel example — Hig clean _loathnoom, | _gorne clean _-uurele _ Wi-h and a y+ Fugmented Produc The augmented product On — product vasiahans exha feahuner or hel p differentiate the preduct from Yn_thotel example thie could be the voclusion a} concierge _genvice ora fre map of the tion in weduct _vncludez all “tthe —_praducl igh £imple laqguage . thie Aunpinge. tnd deligys Product must he augmented. a_hotel_example — thug could mean a dierent gift placed in the voor each time aq __customnen, Akaye. x, wen ple — uth _ceuld be _gome _checolates e occasion ond some luxury uote or another, Advantages of. Prnduct Levels, SeReas = The meat _Advantnge a} tho rnede) ‘1s tha} it enables an _orgarization to _idey 7 needa and _urante — 0} customens. The _ovgarraahan cam then! “$e Motch tre Leatumer 4 o_tahot the __-hemaelves from _-Hhetn__competitorg 19 _a__usay_Hat ~ CLASSIFICATION oF _PROpUCTS_ lallaot__"la__produck clazaificahon 2 " Product clagai ficahen mettra to the organzahon Of the shi-erent dyes of producta that _conzumery —byy. Know ing these clagérficahone can help mo: aa ——Create advert gzemente —_-for__-Hneun company's _gend2 and | ;Seamiceg « _Finduct —_clageificahon can __hdp pro fezzionals — Yn___al) levels of __buaineet a2 ut can alc Wel —_dcbermine product _deraand_, pamany —_demog which Arangek uit, _thein __monketing ]-dupperent product _clataheahun —Th roduck__c' ra eae cn__cansumen obits, co The foun ooduch Eee ile envemence prmducke 32 Comervence produce tat tne cueknmerg _ purichage base Sith lite Mnstight. 1 brande for fo -—_avatabiliby . for Sua ple cis products i thot they _ceingumena can bys L tre geanch _or__enakung 2. tnfarmed Punchasee > 4nformed —_pumchages alge —_Lenaian a. JBhapping gmde nefere 4 the _prnducks and genvicen tak _cengumeng ang usually —perrfaxm * 4ypeh—_o}. _pinduckt can —, |_swange yam nore __ expensive items Such a1 heute or cam, oc_more_megulan purchase. uch at par _of -_ghoek—_ Congumen: typically take mv ty sto ___make inferred unichages. shich can change the Lagy —rraitketeng ___ duentize them, cially Heme 2 Specially heme axe —unigue.—prnducts monketers _¢ Qdventise to 2ttain__demogim phic uiithout worrying about thei —canapef hes 2_$nclude “innovative __goude hak ane, onthe __manke} oc band. name. _raduckse tel, fanbase. hile these _utemye _mnay be _rnore_ ctheng, _Ceneumerte nee) _leag of. oc__segeanch thet __decisim fa smankebins —teann fr _q_ use = known lures f brand without wouldrst need to create adventigoment. that come vorin clothes to othe, _tmanje aes chide | details, informaticn. ‘melea, the brand's name and alone can encounage _congumeng +n purchase thei produ hese __Compamies can __-focue more sm building ang rraintd wu Custoenen _syelahonehipe and —_bran4__receg nithoy tran _dishnguishing themeches fim nent _cemapanten niahors — purchases Mandate 2 krrcum | pAh—ungnught _pende ane grodiche bak -Consumens_| ouk—_of, —Recessiby _natnen than degre. Typically. these — | predicts ane Loureheld or___gafety akeme that cucomen| gdontt__feel excited cho by. such oe batterie gmebe | detectors ain filters and cleaning pmaduche . _Samehmes p~Soumerie_mgy buy these _skeme euk of fear oe oxy | obligate response such a4 buying Hive exdrngirehen, | --%%__G@__can maintenance —membenship_ When deciding —ushuch products —4o__praduce a _ Company — might —congiden—_grodick— classifcuhens Because | Abe _mankeling —elfercts foreach type} —_prreduck —ranies_ }_Q___com pany. _auinn __to__2peciolire tm me __tyee of | qaventigernent whic —damits —uilach —_prmducl they noale, The _dernand of 0 pn duct tubich hor stale ta I how _ pre fet sun ola _oreake __producl__clasgificahons cay | alse _inflilence __a_Cem pany decigym megaridivy Phe I nvewhoa— ol = reduc. ae oleae, Product life Cycle ( Pl.c)— Product fe "Cycle “ig the journey of from ike launch 40 ite end of ip From _Yhe_rmanteep, Thin product _Lb}e fiee__shages. product ib Development : Ci) Sohoduchen Gity Groot Cy) Maturisy 44 Decline z ‘The _mankebng team alligna ihe ¢JJente ana sbalegtes 4 kisghlght the changing _chanaclerushes of te preduch {n__each —sloge. Larfesipg “at the product bide cycle | Pesepechve _helpe _udentify how and g teeugh—o__mnariebns toleol should be —_comamuricated ab each _gloge, _ 3 5 Stage: Produc Life (yole (PLO) Led! yn—tto _undenflard the five Bloges of product | Aye—cycle_and__what _wnanketing Sradeges a businen Shsuld —adop4 —4o__Auswie. amd _hangihon fren one. phage to anethen : i Sale tf Men Racin pecth —Mchay —Dechne lotta heme : : “is__the _veqy fire and _—_-Hne not -—Aenarhve __ghage tn __the _pmductle ue _cyole._J}-_mncludler Sweeping from 1 deahen__4o__seteanch _, product developret Hab —derte to _cesigning Hae imal _praduck J _Hhais. lage you _neeel__fo_—_evluale 2reny Hig _onelated _te_your, —producl__.tke__cangumens _monket _gcope , campehtors eke. ta Hair shage you can nat expect 4 Hnoonkeling con _selale orcahe game Hough 20¢1e)_ medig Networks, bilboonds and mere. Such thrakemes }—Can__hebp —genenote __cumiousty and —encolinage —_congurnen | _Fir_example- i} yey are planning to launch gaape }tn__the __clevelopment —2hage yey need to focus on. man kel __aegearich to _udenhhy yous Compefboa, —_Conaumen evpectedient _masfeed G2p—thak feur—product _can fillet sot sea ieee rahe 1g__lounched foc __tho Janet fine on the. smavikel, jin thir _glage . manketers need to facur an Creating —Wravimura_ausaneney —__obeuk the _produye , yinhreduce ig _te potenhal —_buyens and, aera toe} oe —Cengiden the product _ushile _byimg, oh Awe “alage 2 do haul enough gqwarencn thal _congumen —_ghoutd ot _leagp recognize the __preduch i Se . ~gou__competitoys __mankel, Yau want Jo _| pOcque then _cerelament and became a la preferred” brand, The —_monketiny — campagn at _thit_ 5 F242 need fo foci am maxumarzing — markel Ahan. oof nate eae ~oipen kage | Yolny ni es veri, arad__ lengua Ond Ace} and Decline 27 Into. ghage_. the galer te glare 1 Jr Hai Ainge thene 1& fc r0ankebrg, — you phould focus Apendirg _crad focw.__ og. rvtllang [he tyou rove _ereahed. Auer 0 foge you need te decide tre product > Laidyd.rod Hee \vot decide. \a\ee L100! Mou can ukilvee leyadty aeer ng m4 ghd Aha. a poind you don't wa. te youn ory ue vahuradole glant much Scope, pee profits. nel ened Ucing brand Abal haves! the |te mane. olacady, exighy do do conbhdl ra deci gin om YEROUN ces —New Product Development —______ _ Neto product developmen} — wnefers tothe. —pince2s teat geet into Sy new ___preduct—_te —__manket from brains on. ‘deg 4 undenslanding uf ik fide into the _mankef, prntotyping ct» __inal__commencializahon, Wworingg ih out +o 4. Aea_Genenaken 3 Bereancla 4. frototy ping S Behng &. Preduck Develaprnent different gaged nadved tin —_neus —_produck development we Meat yoy —— each. Finegan sis nh “Monel Regeanch Ta _undengkanh aps vndushry— and i] __Hnene__anie__ay— _f) {nfo ___and__ here _s Compehtor Analyeia =2 To undengtand i} “cuslemens Hain ‘A___pimcucte _ay _Senvacen _ 2 Planning 5 the Aluhd stage ie — Planning where —_you_fermulal] -0__fimal product idea / definihon based on youn __imitial Ydea__amd_nereanch ana __ begin canning up with youn » Plans___te bring it __4o__ life, Ahen eu define youn fava A peact : 4. Prototyping >The prototyping, phage je shen you yup tort et te aduck Haak 12 _@__mechup 0 oO. reffered cto a4 AOA A mp ick 4 Q baer aT of final _praduct Hak o! ble _preduck (Mve} Al] zim your too] youn sl ele yet—jeh_o forse of noun _ik Fas chine cahing Before launching — Your produck you need wk do engine it wolf worl | ghane youn _profolyper voit, fae __achonable deed baci. on Escentially {you —tsant___geins product srrnilan +p shat hak know thuadions. ane Se you wworkea __qnd exactly metulis youn and make changer — burners Yotin development fr orgramming tearm eal finalize Whi chevey pun _procen ig dens how gor Joins, plannisgs helped — yea produch to wnicad = worta hd as audiences Aanget re _preduch he suged 17 aze___Cas ishat deen vate al wlikely ahag.c Aevelopment coil) 5 kGromenckatiz ation > The final —Parduct developmen} __precets 1a ___commencialyzahen _, ushe anreduce yous _preducts te ___manke}. Thue ie _Hee _braingtoraning , nereorch ,therahon ertance of. _moduct _positionting — ms eel ae nina ea ee ea ~mareikely to be _punchagel. 2 eee r hye and, tent product _positio —_ ae v eetan fem __the elisa _ thal the protect does and has’ lease _galeg and QOL by —_atrachng more _curtomneng tho _ae1e _twuling to pay -q__prermiurn _pnice__ forthe praduck # Reducer custome _acpuirsition cos by mating ut _eagion for_customexge do __find__the __preduck, + Buil4s brand equity and customer loyalty 'e Help2 the bugis get_an eck oven the competition launch profile and enhances _rnax Product —Pesthoniing — Sh 8 pabegic business can _eithen “plan to position -—anelative to _-Hae__Compebtion or yy sto Bence Sn the _mankeb, pike ton type of prnduck posihoning ane ")Relabive fg 3 When a busines g —posthans ke product relaliv toe__comeetition ak 42 _goid tn _have_ade pled_g, competitive positioning stradeg.y. 4n__+hia___cave, _ businerses Bitucey thei __competitnr’e _preducke and __tanget curtoment ta develop a_USfe__that __malvoe then __product beter than the cam peb han _For_exaraple — Pipple'’e \phone _toas posvhned 93a premiuna_ Prnoniphone tort _a__bebfer_deagn and UL than ike comeehboa. 2 Absolute Positioning >> Urique — pozihanung f buunens hres occupy a Apace iM by ony SpaceXa falon onugable _vockel mateualized honing 2 focus sv Emeton- Bosed fostioniny 27 de bagincses Any evoke to {ied — produck® erg An example of —ernetion. bazed gene seul on band Use - Razed Pos\hant Joc byased — poritio businecee — freur on than product's 2p appdicahon ab mow. appeal Usen- based Posihonung > In __uger type alu yaod at ener Example Samsurg'r _Gualany —_grnanitphencs example of valu based whe product 12 ompebtors Pace -Onented Poaittonng = Price onented He —_pnce of han pt tuct do make ah te _urttomev. A cempang mraght — positer ey 1 “s. The_ odthin q—_pinduct — me ud he * a ele, Trig _iincluder__c cheng ability => Thi__gasihoning — of o_preduck —ghauld be | believable. Othensise curtomens att] net _Arual Hoe product _Jine oducts _tha} one sirvuloos canbe closely srelobey! +—and__gold _ Ahrough gwen mannen groupe masikeled fol uiitnin custornes Lol price tang? Kellen empragizes a fee be dicuse below" uct etanple _Pepgico ha» includes Pepsi yore, _ ere _preducte pecific grup of pesple tobich Same. Gugomen Goreupa 37 fran 4 —paduct —catexo 4 —tangel_| Ake game _Customen group, ‘far __ingkance , UP. Pepai_ Masinda _tanget yours, peegle —teltsle Cnatorate ino. Pepsico brant anak Hengele —atheledce Similanly _ Quateen | Oot ‘1 ansthen Pepsi brand tha} pests\ Sacugen n_heh\ita, 4o__achieve. _gpe cific _geals.—ornd—at ts do track __galeo _and_—_ ‘inventory for eal. —preduck dine ang lonk__efer__the —_olller ncnora_\r the product __line_gtralegy if __need ed —— PRODUCT _LUINE DECISIONS — Whe following —_+pypex_ of _praducke Lune als —selated__4to” the _preduct line _ghale gies planned __cichvvhes__a- _adcng __@nj_deletho —Ranhculart product __frora_the tine. Line Stretching _Deciaima = Produc lane —4p__lexgthen the —_cunnent—praduct ls Abree _lumengumye _decxernd,_horonuranch (wage 7 —Dawnwand_Shet ching 4 means adding a neo —the_cunnen} Line but a __leagen__prices -Upwsond_Shretching 27 means adding nea —preducts bat ob ——hyghta_gincess Comparer ghretch upioond because the ne _preshge,_gmuth-rale or high: pofk mangine : Tio w9y Shetek weans adding ness _praducke Eero chug 27 means adding nes _prnducke tin _toathe adding mein —_praducks fo use _evcest capacity ” Lyne {Wang Deemune Sp means profik_and keep yo the ~ ge _meduck Yonge even Compehbore __aday, ne Pruning Decision => _Meang_te—_r<4u pha a_preduck line by remeving unprofitable —p2 ducts from Ane _exighng Produck Line __Sxample_ — Nike Pinduct Riko Inc. 1g an __Fimen Mul bnahanal Corn pany Psohweans . apparel — Hhak deaign_,mnanu and__acceaKoy 4 webdile it hoa _davded Accosrling tothe _cernpanyre yo times onion __Cakeaon Shoe > Lifecbyle, Running, Saaketball Jordan —.4 he Gyr ,_(anlf eke. “Clakhng 3 Tope f parte Pant. Crm © ths ,Hoodier and ead akinte_| xy Jackek2 2 Verte Yaga eke. 44 —undenua! Vida The vole lads category 1s bated nage amd ne aap. 2oye cand _oirig”—_Shact , Gaye f Crore Taner od) — : Product mix. — tes known a2 peduck— _azzortmen} or product portfolio unefert tn —_Hne complete ek ofp ‘products —effeyed by _a_firmn A —pratduack _ratx consi ah —_pmducl line, ushidh one _anteciaed item beat Cenaumene ‘tend toute —_tagetnen rc Pink _af- a8 —Aiccilon products ay __genincet. Ls Dimenaiene of a ___preduck onli »tuidth > bidth _alro knee bread Ha, _nreert to the, ‘niyenbbens —o} product _Jinex _o} ered yy __a._Cemnpany« 2. Length 5 Length _.nefeva e__ total _numlben of pmducts Sa fron! __produck —_rnix, 3. Depth > Depth —neferg tn __the _number of Aran ahene _within a _preduct shines = et tL, A, Configlency > Congisiengy nelerg to nai alogely related grnduct lines __ame iin each clhen. tk vin_roference “Ae thet use productan ard _dixkatouhon channel = ~_Stiushls phon ef _—_Preduch May. c Go 3 3—$<— . Bostuek Une 4 ___Treduch tine 2. rine aida give — = = Snme a Product froduc\ mn —— freduck terg. — Coca, Cola —Proatied wide ———* — Banding equity, \a__q__ combination of _ tangible __and in a drademank , wich. sf Influence and _—__genenotes._value. Grands ama meane rm ra a 2 _compary producke— 5 ond —senraces fmm Hoge of. ibe pas Org, Spenepred weducen (alse called sono _or_{nteanchenal) such ax __Fimul rodrey Tata ete The _dishhbutor oy _szetniilen could alto ure ite ron brary "shy Hae — aishabubors ar__nesellene bother te _apongor_thein own brand ? 4o_seek.. They nave to orden far ange quanthen te voll of ditcouds ond —maintaun lange -imendones, AlL_theze__have__become __4kinge of. the _negeller__stantivg __thein oven brand. get Ane advantage of _ubntiging Alein own advantage, The _meagon ig not __fan theo Decision > bh be me: KUL Liquid? inbraducer__addutienal unden the game brand tnbduced te Regular 5 avde While _nowlb -£ up — Han rane at segment, providing maximum 3) Brond Repositioning Decigion 2 fl ce anew nd__cloge to the ene _caswue Array neod posthanyr product would become rx For_evornple- Bosra was eantien tang to chalay wad later _me- positioned to odhract and include alonguiitl, she influence, dhe child anathen example came ty Ligh when Pole, a cuse or neodache and 4 direlaced as Vicks Abporub — frr cold, song Brand Equity 25 Brand equity stefens4o the Value. of a id. _Aannd _equify 1 bated om the extent te _uahuch} brand hat hig brand logo ty» name quwarenest, quality “and ghong product az2zcenhens. Girard “othen "iptangible” ayebe _2uch o4.__gakerds and __chanrel___melahhoaghi ps ToT TES x Pricing fackoye The_pricing de 7 * c escigtoms__fy_@_ product ane afeckea ‘in! al hey emg Saat _and external Factors, ~~, em, - Anternal_ factor 5D Gost > While Fraung the prices of a product , Should __congiden the product. Whig cot ined are tp he Agr cost __tinvelve tn producing the. Lnlve. includes both the varialle amd S_Thur thie ring Dre prices, +e 4 coven both the vasable and fred _coste dig 3Prcleternined_Olyectves 4 While fixing the prices_of = the marketen _ Yd_congiden fre ebyechrer of + Sngtonce i} tne _chyective of afin The pacing) of Hee _poeduck “12a Hc} rected by tre credit __periesd offered, by the company» mgea—_the credit penta __ hnughen may bere __ pice and Sladen the credit _pentierl._louen_engy be the price of —the reduc. ©) Promoharal _Achvity 2 The premahonal act Undentaken -finn__olio _detenvames the price. 14 toe —heavy _adwentiging and __gales__prornchen the __phang product __gholl ke a ectively face the _Cornpethen and A} —cemgebthen 18 ‘lua, dhe pricet maybe kept high 2) Congumeng >The _maneten _ghoud _congiden _vasuour > Factore thule _faung tre _pncee_The factors trod mutt be _canidened —_sinsluder the _pnee_genchvity a} the _bugen__plinchating _powen and __20_on. Congumen Congumeng 3) Government Cobol 5>Gravemmnen! must be _considened products Hnen efore ruler woke firing Hae government _mnqy _anneunce Ane _monketer hor to cConsiden Buch neg water le fining the pice ood _.negulahen prices._dn odmriziered centain pricea_ond Congiden the economic while fixing — Hne. congumen Condition — prices Al the may hove lea may neduce grevauling Jemnve. wnsingy manketen y Ye prices Pre buy! 5) Channel imtenmedianes > The mankelen mutt cengiden a ‘numien of channel __tnbenmedionses Whe lenge, the __chain of urould be the emd ynkeamedanses the _gonde +hein expec the hig her priceg Prcing Objective, F{_buginees Jam —_uaril{ hose _&__aumber | —pnang olyectyes, Some them axe _primany ,2eme_o} hens them ame Jang. erm while oben phany —chijechver emanate and __mankehng —_akyectnvea of the commen oti busines: centain nate of enetunn on —_Invegiment 1 4re actual pace —_palig “worked cu) 4p ean tho oni of neha, {intent of —snehuna cf _innvechment. -2) Pricing for _Monkel_Penebrahen_=_lJlen —compariies —relatixely oe _pince_om Ahein new product | #kages_ —he ping, jo__attack __q_lange _‘nurn'ben. “ongd__iin a lange —numben of mane} thane, ih wt _colted — neha _preang policy, They aae__nnoxe Concerta boul _gxout, in. 2oler than tin profits. 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When nee \g__meviged_, the new price wl be allowed tobe memain for _.2uffrcientty along pesttond «Wau. proeng Poliay \a__adopted_, fin example by. sneisspaperr__and__magareiner ©) Competitor — Onented._Pircing, 3 Unden Avs roethe is__£ pay with cempehtor <__pnicing oneducet__the _pncer_. the frre Gates the Wet Pendmgly —oneducet pie He _pnce_. tho firm nul heep the pyce. Moximzatieon Pacing + e_mose Common _ pric Snat inghymen| (Bicigg Siegal wnefere do the _processet ana _methodolay to gek__pnicen_for _thevt saces. i} _pmcing ik haw _ much oun Products then _pmd.uct Product pricing —ghrate ew you determine that Hak arr amount There —One__di}perent pricing ahmtegies —gome cf tho move. __Cammen 4) Nalue- Baged Pacing > With get__yeun_pncea “_accordang \g wort value bazed — 2)Compebtive Preing > When you ure a Ptrokegy Yau re getting youn prices ‘he _Cerapehhen _La_changing. “Thur frokegy ‘In _the _njght __circumgtances finest “just _ekonting oud bud a__Jet _of __nonrn foe Cempes bared on to Can be gene C4 gerd such ax sit doesn’t ginuth. 3) Pace Shumiming => 4f you gel youn whe mnonkek toil Aolerate, pacer ax high ar And Thon Leung the Wae_goat “1g __to _ ghia tho the lowen _prnces tr reach \ousen thom Price __2kimmuing daly step off the manket everyone _elze, overtime. uil|__be | 4) Cont Pus Qncing This ie one. -of the simplest —privcing strate gier__ ‘lau __ust ale the —_produck — Hpinduchen cok and __add__. centain___pencbntoge to 5) Penevahon Pacing 5 da ‘haghly —cempebtire _rnankets—ak Can be hand Jor news companies to get a fects x Some Companies _alemp}- to pula —ne |__pricer trod ane _mnuacla los &) Economy Paemg This stray 1k popular emnmmoduty Goods. ec hi goul_is_4 product _cheapen __4ean Cee compehtion a money —_oa.c}, tote _ncreaged __volum |) Dynarniic Pa dn __gome induchrer_._you Ou with _cenglanty changing ___youun _piices makdn the —_cunment — demand for ~ the item. Th _doetn’t work well ar Subsenphm and _Saa_buainecs | because _customen expect _Consistend __momnthly ov _yeanly | ex penser. nanyclfjerent pricing glategier bul Pricing Cost = Plus _Priciay , Markup Proms Demand Pricing ane __feun common method's butiners _ cwenen to Use. mein the _burafnese —Sreadalys oducts _ Hen pricing 2—gimilan “te youn compete can beam. : od__idea ta _chichrguich —foutines: gomething thea than a cempehtnd fo_Care ge can t _mavntain the volume 9 spike —gudden|y.— 2) Cost Plus Pricing > In term Pn (e — often used mn ns -of a product alto _selle at _meboif. Cosh adding ths oterial Loboun ond overhead wg — 22k profit _mongin do _cletrmaine tne fina or Antal cack of the “producl Markup pacing cam be _congidened 4 _| ~on__compebive pricing. This method an 2ek__penceninge the “monup 1 added dn | wwholegale _paduct net, 4} “Mg. Vary bet pred utch Demand Prrcing 2 Demand _pricigy _14__4_meae waky and __cemp)icated —_methed gometine, —_ knouon cL. = _Cusiomen - bared _prcfng- jn this _tnetred a _sakaslen, ve using hin or __hen ___novoledge af congumen * d Creake the nour, _demand “ and_peacetved value __to price __Hnak _Romeone night —_be wit Ling ta __ p94 — .._LPROMOTION mix AL_pramotion, mx amet incl ding Qnd__dane ct —Mankebing =e | i = mma = = = | — — —_ — Vat

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