Angular, Springboot

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angular is a javascript binding framework wich binds the html ui and javascript

model this helps you to reduce your effort on writing those lenghty lines of code
for binding
adding to it it also helps you to build spa by using the concept of routing it also
has lot of other features like http , DI input output because of which you do not
need other frameworks
angularjs: using javascript as a language also is a controller architecture
angular(new): using typescript as a language also is a component architercture
what are directives in Angular ?
directives helps you to attach behaviour to your html (angular syntaxes)
structural directive change the structure of the html (change the dom layout by
adding and removing elements)
attribute directive change the appearance and behaviour of html elements
component directive directives with templates it's like a user control
npm is a package manager which makes installation of javascript framework easy
(node package manager)
node modules is the folder where all the packages are installed
package.json it has all the javascript references needed for a project so rather
than installing one package at a time we can install all packages in one go
typescript is javascript for any scale exetends javascriptby adding types to the
language typescript superset of javascript.
as an example we can use in js file
var x =0;
and javascript does not compiling and it's not err because javascript is not a type
var x=number=0;
but we cannot put it in a ts file so we use is it to add types to javascript and it
gives a nice object-oriented programming environment which transpiles /convert to

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