Oathkeepers 2

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2660-SL-2442211 Serial 43 -1 of 1- és > Orviss Benoa F302 (Rev, $410) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Dateotenry _ 04/23/2015 bé on 12/12/2018, [7 received a tazge envetepe tron ™, the OATH KEEPERS organization via mall. The envelope contained the a following items: a disc labeled with the OATH KEEPERS emblem; a CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES; a member certificate; an OATH KEEPERS member identification card; an OATH KEEPERS card with orders they will not obey; a welcome letter; an OATH KEEPERS pamphlet; a sheet containing information for content, contact points, merchandise, and forums; and three ORTH KEEPER stickers. Items or copies of items will be enclosed in a 1A envelope for inclusion in the case file. Copies will be maintained for original items that may be needed in operations. vestgationon 11/12/2014 q St. Louis, Missouri, United States (In Person) Figs 2660-SL~3442211 Datedrafied 21/17/2024 | bé prc ‘This document contains either ecommendations nor conclusions of he FBI Its th property ofthe FB ans loaned to your agency: i ands contents are not bre to be distributed outside your agency DEERE ty co v9; MBER CERT EC 5 at 2 ‘The person named below is a member in good standing of Oath Keepers and has faker an oath to suppor Constitution of the United States of America. 6 prc Official Member since Sep ‘As an Oath Keeper, the member has pledged NOT to obey the ten specific unlawful orders listed in our “Declaration of Orders We Will NOT Obey.” — And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we affirm our oaths and mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor. Oath Keepers Iai OATH KEFPERS epers.of2, Apache Re NV 89148 Welcome to Oath Ree! and thank you for your support! is oF her oat ~ is already an Oath Keeper. Nevertheless, it is our ember of Oath Keepers, We congratslate and commend you for stepping up by formally joining our organization and taking @ direct role in our vital mission: Reaching cut to our brothers and sisters in the military, police, firefighters and veterans of these services, and reminding them that, “Our Oath is fo the Constitution.” As you kipw, anyone who keg honor to dunt you as an official m We encoursie you to take part by joining your local state group through ear national forum network at hitp:/ioathkeepers.net/forem where you can network with members im your area, In addition, please visit our “resources” page at hitpx/eathkeepers.orgionth/resources/ and vet tree downloa of the same brochures and push cards included in this membership package (with more outreach meterials coming soon). You can print them on your home computer oF at your local printers ‘Take the initiative when promoting Oath Keepers, just as many of our fellow members have ~ you can set up booths oF pass out materials at your local gun shows, Tea Party rallies, 9-12 rallies, ete ‘Don't forget to coordinate with the foruat moderater of your state yroup seo they can beip promote your event by posting it online, their oaths to prevent the out with your help, We ly with any questions, comments or We may have to rely on the military, police, and firefighter dostuction of this Republic. Although time WILL save our Republic! Feel free to contact suggestions at rhodestegalwriting@zmail.cont For the Republic, Stewart Rho oe Keepers Principles of Our Republic We Are Swora to Defend As cur Declaration of Independence states: instituted semen ights, Governaven ust powers fan the 4. Whenever aay forin of Government becomes destructive of these e of the te abolish it, and to institute new shed should noi be spotisra 1s their doy, to threw off Eoch feared lessons,» ‘rensind yourself of those hard row vou understanding of the rican libesty, and bow those principles we reflected in the Constitution aad Bit] of Right ‘ea ontb to defend a 8 ~s Not or our watch! Wey cuseepers.org Remember Your Oath If you are in military service or area peace officer eosemnber your oaths, We hape fers retomn 16 the ‘Constitutional Republic thee from fear and hatred, We hate only tyranny. You may sommes the last bulovark against that tyranny, tay Find yourselves as Weare not advocating or promoting violence of acts of aggression towards any person, greup oF organization ot ‘any government, whether focal, site or national, We public servants to hie up to their oath 0, “support and defend the Constitution.” as itis suites ply wat Atal Oath Keeper gatherings, we provide an ‘opportunity for those who have taken the oath to ren their cath, and for those who have never swomn the att 10 do so for ihe fest tne, all standing together and ‘repeating the following, io solemnly swear (rat tat i defend! the Conssnation © United States of America, agains all enemies, foreign sid domes, tha Til bea tue faith and ale the same, and that I take this of lion Freely, withour any menial reservation or purpose of evasion, pledgins ‘ny Tif, my Forte, aad iy sacred enor So help me God What can you do to help? JOIN AND SUPPORT OATH KEEPERS 0 are sn oficial memibor of Oath Keepors hip is optiodal atl ot requised to pasicpate in fur actives * Join oir notional forum and vou state's official Ox Kospes group and get ative leat. fori to ou foe emai aos, ‘sDownioad fie PDF Format Hers, usiness catds, Drachtres. and nor entosek materials «Suits fetimoial on whet your oath means ie 0 1 Donato to apport our eos You have the option to remsiv anansinous for all oF ae above app ar SSN lors our Censtiationat Reyobbe Membership Sorm rink cove Name: Address: * 1 year ibeputscwni in cle ane) Membership - $40 #2 Year Membership - $80 * Lifetime Member - $ 1000, * Lifetime w/Spouse ~ $ 150 Monthly and Sustaining memberships available online, Membership Type (Circe at sat sppiy) * Military: Ac * Peace Officer = * Fire - Aetive / Retired / Vohintect ve / Votorau Retired ive / Veteran / Retived * Citizen Never served in Olfieiat Capacity * Other First Respouders (Pivase Exptsiay Braneh / Unit / Rank: Additional Det: Date Oath Amount enclosed: Todays Date: Mail this form and eheck to: S100 1st Taken Oath Keepers “rt Apache Rd, Ste, 215 Las Vegas, NV 89158 10 ORDERS WILL NOT OBEY stey ondets to conduct warrantless wi state ty J subiupate any We will NOT of to blockade American tons Cap. We nit ony pretext We will SOT 6! fore 1 cero 1 assist or support the use of US. sod against the American peep We sill NOY obey 2 ‘oles t0 confiscate the of the Amite ineluding, food and essential supe Oath Keepers National Leadership ies 7 Stewart Rhodes / Stewart is the founder and President of Oath Ke secved asa US, Amy paratrooper ati disbled io a rough tetas paracluuing accident dr DY ie ore member of Rep. Roo Paul's D fice-fighter in Montana fcwarms instrvotos, fot staff, and was a vedo Stewart graduated from Yate Law Schoo in paper won Yale He assisied tox Yale Research shires “ombatant States” the Pazale of Erery 3 Maller prize for bast pa Stewart has writen the e Gates ccohusna for S$. WAT Mogszine; for The swartioy, the journal of Gerry Spence’s Te Lawyer's College for wvivwmoreliberty:ony; and fur PEO, - ‘Oath Keepers Board Members Sat: Rand Cardwell, U.S.M.C. veteran (Desert Storm} TN State Chapter President. Franklis Shook. US.M.C. veietso (Vietnom Chapter President, Editor for Oath Keepers, Ma}, Rex H. MeTycire (Ret), US. Army Special Forces, ‘SC Chapter President, VP for Easter U.S. Richard Mack, Fonner Sherilf of Grahazn County Arizona David J. Rivers, USMC. veiensn (V eral Counsel, National Li MT Siate etna), Oot, ison to the Marine Syt. Houston Police Dept, Texas CI President, National Liaison to Peave Officers. Jay Stang, USM.C. (Vet) - Texas Chapter Vice President. SSG James Hanna (Ret), US Army, Yeas 2nd VP. CDR Joba C, Mackey, USNR (Ret), kdaho Dist + Director Oath Keepers is currently serving military, reserves, National Guard, veterans, Peace Offivers, and Fire Fighters who will fulfill the oath we swore, with the support of like minded citizens who take ae onth to stand with us, to support and defend the Constitution against foreign and domestic, so lelp us 0 association of eae a. Our oath is 10 the Constitution, not to the politicians, and not to any polities party. to the long-standing tradition of the U.S. wwe are apolitical. We don’ care if antawtial rders come from # Demoerat or Republica, or if the violatiun is bi-partisan. We vill not obey unconstitutional (and thus wolaw ful} and immoral orders, such as orders fo disarm the American peuple or to place them ander tnartial kaw, We won't * ust follow orders.” Oar motte is “NOT ON OUR WATCH” www.oathkeepers.org oblem with any ef the ‘ough the online . Hart Apacke Ra NV 89148 jons aboat merchandise email merchandise@oathkeepers oathkeepers.net/foruny and register. Allow 2 with email ready in the forum as a “Special Guest” notif a have dif subkeepers.net b silikeepers.net to change your status to “Member the system Vict ou ate wets National their wardians of the Republic Honor Your Oath, / wy ; OATHKEEPERS.ORG Hud Suid HHLUG OF THE a 2 ime E Z cI Ge (Brea ay gy) arily Reepers, the people. i igton Sle ee

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