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Anthony Scibelli

Ian Teeter
Monday 6pm-7pm
Spring 2022

To the Parent or Guardian of Ian,

I would like to thank you for giving me the pleasure of working with Ian during the

SUNY Cortland sport and splash program. Ian is a fine young man who is highly cooperative,

engaged, and enthusiastic about challenging himself and striving to grow continuously

physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. Ian understands the positive culture I embraced

on him and followed every step with optimal participation. Before, during, and after every

activity, Ian will clean up his space and is very organized. Once we finish an activity, we clean

up the previously completed one before moving on to the next. Ian is also an excellent listener as

he follows the directions, rules, and etiquette I present upon him to achieve.

From the beginning of the spring sport and splash program when I started working with

Ian at the beginning of February to now at the end of April, he has come to great lengths in

developing and achieving the goals I created. Early on from working with Ian, I realized he

excels cognitively, so I used it to help develop some of his motor skills. Every time I were to

give Ian a cue, which is a reminder to help perform a particular skill, he would remember all of

them, and by him recognizing all the cues, it allows him to break down skills, which enables him

to use proper form.

At the beginning of our time working together, I first assessed Ian on his motor skills and

movement concepts. This assessment helped me develop short and long-term goals for Ian to

complete by the end of the semester. The goals I created for Ian reflected developmentally

appropriate and age-appropriate psychomotor, affective, and cognitive goals. Ian’s psychomotor
domain goal was by the end of the spring 2022 semester, Ian will demonstrate and enhancement

in his locomotor, non-locomotor, and manipulative skills using proper cues 4/5 times in the

gymnasium as assessed by teacher observations and verbal assessments with 80% success with

aid from the teacher candidate. Ian’s affective domain goal was by the end of the spring 2022

semester, Ian will apply safety and demonstrate rule etiquette in the gymnasium as measured by

teacher observations 80% of the time during lab with aid from the teacher candidate. Ian’s

cognitive domain goals were that by the end of the spring 2022 semester, Ian will demonstrate a

better knowledge and understanding of simple to complex movement concepts, tactics, and

strategies in the gymnasium as measured through visual aids and teacher check with 80% success

with assistance from the teacher candidate.

In the upcoming fall, I believe Ian will benefit from possibly doing even just two or three

simple partner days with one other participant who is as mature as himself over the course of the

program in the fall. These activities can be fundamental such as doing a meditation or basic

warm-up with someone else; it doesn’t have to be a large group. I am writing a letter to the next

teacher candidate in the fall and will make sure to add some things Ian especially liked, such as

meditations, brain breaks, yoga, cup stack, etc. Lastly, I thank you for giving me this opportunity

to work with Ian. He is very determined to challenge himself and get better at everything he

attempts. I will be back in the fall as a lab assistant in the gym 6-7 pm and will undoubtedly

make sure to keep an eye out for him. Thank you again!


Anthony Scibelli

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