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Practical N0 - 05

Practical N0 - 06

TC_ID TC_name Steps Input Expected Actual Result Status

Data Result
TC_01 User Name Enter the username in “abc123” It should accept It Is accepted Pass
alphanumeric the username username
alphabets A-Z,
Number 0-9
TC_02 Password Enter the password in “abc123” It should accept It Is accepted Pass
alphanumeric the password password
alphabets A-Z,
Number 0-9
TC_03 Submit 1.After valid username It should goes to It is going to Pass
and password next page next page
2.Click on submit
TC_04 Cancel Click on cancel button It should remain It shows login Pass
in login page page with blank
with blank fields fields
Test Req. Ref Page/ Scope Expected result
status Area
Ready 1838-1 Homepage- Scenario : User views and clicks - Verify content/design
- desktop on header links. - main nav and dropdown links
Actions : take
1. Click on log. User to those sections.
2. Click on main nav (navigation - register link takesnuser to
links) links and dropdowns.. registration page.
3. Click on Register link. - search takes user to
4. Click on magnifying glass search/results page.
5. Enter a search term and
Ready 1838-2 Homepage- Scenario : User views carousel - verify content /design.
desktop hero’s. - carousel auto-rotates.
Test Conditions : - user can manually rotate by
1. View autorotation. selecting arrow (page needs
2. Click on arrows to manually to be refreshed to go back to
rotate. autorotation).
3. Click on links witjin each - carousel marker (black bar
slide. under side moves location to
the right to represent each
- verify all links.

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