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7/10/2020 3 Ways to Keep Calm During Stressful Times | TIME



3 Ways to Keep Calm During Stressful Times

JULY 8, 2020 3:29 PM EDT

Stress has a way of hijacking attention, destroying focus, dragging down mood and
weakening the motivation it takes to make healthy choices. It’s an understandable
and natural response to bad situations, but too much stress doesn’t serve you well.
Even when you can’t change your circumstances, you can make steps toward
shifting your mindset.

Mindfulness can help. Goldie Hawn, actress and founder of MindUP, a mindfulness
program for kids, and Amishi Jha, associate professor of psychology and director of
contemplative neuroscience at the University of Miami (and Hawn’s mindfulness
teacher) joined TIME for Health Talks to share how mindfulness can help people
during difficult times.

“It’s about paying attention in the present moment non-judgmentally,” says Jha.
“The fact that we don’t default to this way of being is what makes training the
mind in this way so important. The mind has a mind of its own.”

Here are their tips for how to use mindfulness to create calm when life gets

Quiet the “barking dog”

The goal of practicing mindfulness is simple, but to do it effectively, it helps to

have a basic understanding of the brain. “Every child has one, and we don’t tell
them how it works,” Hawn says. When kids (and adults) learn about the emotional 1/7
7/10/2020 3 Ways to Keep Calm During Stressful Times | TIME

system of the brain and how to calm it down, “they can think better, they can learn
better, they can make better choices.” Over time, “if we do this regularly, then
eventually our brain will slowly default to a better state of mind.”

In MindUP, kids learn nicknames for key parts of the brain involved in regulating
emotions. “The amygdala is like a barking dog, and when he barks, the wise old owl
in the prefrontal cortex can’t think, and can’t remember, and can’t do anything,”
Hawn says. “It’s hijacking the energy and the ability of the prefrontal cortex to
stay awake, for the lightbulb to go off.” Thinking of the brain in this way helps kids
understand that to calm down, all they have to do is “quiet the dog down in the
doghouse for a while.” One way to do this is to take a “brain break”—Hawn’s kid-
friendly term for a quick meditation.

Change your focus

Jha’s research has found that mindfulness training tools strengthen attention in
people under high-stress circumstances—even for active-duty military service
members. Attention is important because “we need it for everything: focusing,
noticing, making decisions, regulating our emotions,” Jha says. Practices that can
strengthen attention can be as simple as tracking sensations of the breath,
fostering kindness and connection with other people, or imagining a flashlight
scanning the entire body and focusing where the light hits. “We can pick up these
practices at any moment, and it takes as little as 15 minutes a day to see benefits,”
Jha says.

Changing your focus can be powerful. Early in her career, after Hawn started
experiencing anxiety and panic attacks, she took meditation classes. “There was
incense, flowers, the wind was coming through the curtains in this room, and I
started to use my mantra and meditate,” she says. “Something happened to me. It
was as if this feeling of joy, my happiness, had been buried, and I was reconnecting
to the seat of joy that in some way I believe we are born with…I just started to
giggle. I had found a piece of me that I thought I lost.” With time, meditation
helped Hawn sharpen her priorities. “I was really able to individuate from my
‘stardom’, or visibility as a celebrity,” Hawn says. “I was able to focus on the things
that always mattered most, and that was happiness, having a family, being a
mother.” 2/7
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Sneak mindfulness into unexpected places

Enduring stressful stretches of time—like the coronavirus pandemic—isn’t easy for

anyone, and neither is perfectly adhering to healthy practices during them. “I’m
experiencing depletion, worry, uncertainty,” Jha says. “My orientation at this point
is to really lower the bar: to not have any aspirations to crush it.” The more you
demand of yourself during difficult periods, the greater the stress.

One easy way to sneak in mindfulness without devoting any extra time to it is to
infuse it into everyday activities, like brushing your teeth, Jha says. “Usually you
don’t even remember brushing your teeth,” but if you focus on each step—holding
the toothbrush, applying toothpaste, noticing the sensations that arise as you
guide it around your mouth—you’re practicing mindfulness. “Remember,
mindfulness is always here for us,” Jha says. “It didn’t take me any more moments
in my day to do it, but it just gave me a little sense of I’m still here, I’m still
experiencing the unfolding of my life. Though there is a lot to worry about and a
lot of uncertainty, I can still return to this sense of steadiness, and trust myself
that I can get through it.”


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