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Unit 8 Test

Group A

I Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs and phrases below.

Get through to cut off It looks enable recharge It’s hard switch off

1. I’ve been trying to call you the whole day, but my phone signal keeps getting __________
2. When you’re not connected to Wi –Fi, you’ll have to have your data roaming ____________ to access the Internet.
3. During the test your mobile device will have to be ______________.
4. ___________ as if he was going too fast and fell off his bike.
5. My battery has run out. Will I be able to _____________ it here?
6. I don’t know what happened. I tried phoning the school yesterday, but I couldn’t ___________.
7. ______________ to say, but I think they are arguing.


II Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences.

1. Even though I wanted to treat my mum for a lunch, she _________ on paying for it.
A insisted
B proposed
2. She __________ me to bring her her chemistry book.
A mentioned
B reminded
3. Each time we’re free and it is a sunny day, he ___________ having a barbecue.
A begged
B suggested
4. Did you _____________ to Robert and tell him we are coming for dinner?
A speak up
B get back
5. I always tell him to keep _________ and that he will eventually get better.
A to try
B trying

III Rewrite the sentences and questions

1. He said, "I will be there by noon."

He said that__________________________________________________________________
2. The twins said, "We are five years old."
The twins said that ____________________________________________________________
3. Mum said, "You will have to get up early for the trip tomorrow."
Mum said that_________________________________________________________________
4. The teacher told her, "You speak English very well."
The teacher told her___________________________________________________________
5. She told me, "We are going to spend the weekend in Barcelona."
She told me that______________________________________________________________
6. My aunt said, "I am leaving early on Friday morning.”
My aunt said that __________________________________________________________
7. They inquired:”Have they ever been to America?”
They inquired_______________________________________________________________
8. Sarah asked:”Do I have to sweep the floor after work?”
Sarah asked________________________________________________________________
9. The flight attendant asked:”Can you fasten your seat belts, please?”
The flight attendant asked____________________________________________________
10. She wanted to know:” Is he staying with his family now?”
She wanted to know ________________________________________________________
11. The doctor wanted to know:”Have you had the symptoms for a long time?”
The doctor wanted to know __________________________________________________
12. She wanted to know:”Will we get there on time, John?”
She wanted to know ________________________________________________________

IV Complete the email using reported speech

Hi Rob,

Lisa phoned earlier, so I thought I’d send you an email. She said 1 ____________________ (I’ve come back) from Manchester. She asked me 2
____________________ (are you and Rob going to the concert?), and I said yes. She said 3 ____________________ (we’ll have a great time)
there, and she asked 4 ____________________ (how are you getting there?) So I said 5 ____________________ (my dad is taking us), and I told
Lisa 6 ____________________ (he can stop at your place) on the way. There’s lots of room in Dad’s company minibus, so you don’t mind, do
you? Lisa also asked 7 ____________________ (how much do the tickets cost?) I said they weren’t expensive. I also told her that 8
____________________ (I can buy the tickets for everyone) on the internet. So don’t get a ticket yourself, Rob − you can all pay me back later.

Bye for now.

Carolyn /8

V Translate the sentences into English.

1. Moram da uplatim kredit na telefonu.

2. Karlos je rekao da je bio video Mariju prethodnog dana.
3. Maks mi je obećao da će nazvati kasnije.
4. Nazvaću te kasnije, trenutno sam u autobusu.


VI Read the text. Are the statements TRUE or FALSE.

Lost in the translation

In 1977, American president Jimmy Carter visited Poland and tried to say something in Polish. But his translator
hadn’t done a good job. He said something rude, and everyone began to laugh! It wasn’t a good start to his trip.
Translation is a difficult business. Nobody knows that better than 23-year-old Melike Kara, a translator in
Istanbul. Melike is Turkish, but she grew up in Germany and speaks perfect German and English. Because of her
language skills, she gets a lot of translation work. When I asked her what the most difficult thing to translate was,
she said ‘poetry’. This is because you can’t translate a poem word-by-word. It has to sound nice in the other
language, too. Melike has also translated film scripts. ‘Serious films are OK,’ she says ‘but comedies are really
difficult. A joke in one language simply isn’t funny in another language. So you have to think of something else.’
Melike told me that there was no writing on the screen in Turkish cinemas. Instead, she said that actors recorded
new Turkish dialogue for foreign films. The translated dialogue must be exactly as long as the original words − so
the on-screen actors’ mouths don’t move when there’s no sound. This takes ages to write. ‘I have to watch the
film again and again,’ Melike told me, ‘until the dialogue is exactly right. But when you do your job well, it
really looks like the actors are speaking Turkish.’
Nowhere is translation more important than at the United Nations in New York. There I met Masoud Abadi, who
works as a translator in United Nations meetings. ‘It’s a very difficult job,’ Masoud told me, ‘because I have to
listen to the conversation, and translate it at the same time. People don’t speak slowly, or stop and wait for you to
translate. And you mustn’t miss what anyone says.’
Every day, people at the United Nations translate hundreds of important documents. These can be anything from
business agreements to important political discussions. The translators use computer translation programs, but
they also have to check everything themselves. And all translators at the United Nations have to speak three
languages perfectly. Masoud told me he could speak four: Arabic, French, English and Farsi.
Translating documents correctly can be very important. In 1840, the British and the Maori people signed a peace
agreement in New Zealand. But there were big differences between the British and the Maori translations of the
agreement. Both sides were very happy when they signed the agreement. But today, the Maoris and the New
Zealand government are still arguing about what it says!

1. People always have patience and are considerate and speak slowly so you have time to translate everything. __
2. Despite using translation programs, translator still have to check everything themselves. __
3. Melike grew up in Turkey and speaks perfect German and English. __
4. Even if you are good at your job it is still visible that the actors on screen are speaking English.__
5. Masoud speaks more languages than the United Nations requires of their translators. __

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