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Report on Designing a
Sustainable Marketing
Submitted by:
Annamol Sibi - 19212407 Chestha
Gera – 19212489
Drishya Raghu – 19212416
Sakshi Lohumi – 19212488

to: Sachin
1.About Chosen Industry
2.About Chosen Company
3.Suitability at Tech Mahindra
4.Sustainable Marketing Model
4.1 STP Marketing Model
4.2 7P’s Model
About the Industry
We have chosen IT industry for this report. IT industry is amongst those which are growing as the days pass by.
It is changing the shape of Indian Business standards in such a way that there are evidences from 1991, the
time of liberalization in India. This industry includes various sub sectors such as software development,
consultancies, software management, online services and business process outsourcing. Currently, India is
emerging as a hub for Digital Skills and is the second largest tech startup hub globally. Few other statistical
information are mentioned below:

About the Company

Tech Mahindra Limited is a global provider of information technology, networking technology solutions and
outsourcing of business processes in India. It is headquartered at Pune and has its registered office in Mumbai.
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Tech Mahindra has a presence in over 90 countries, with 1, 15,200+ professionals helping it. It has helped over
903 global clients which includes Fortune 500 companies The digital and design experience, creative tools and
greusable assets of Tech Mahindra put together a range of innovations to offer their customers tangible

business value and great experience. The three main pillars of their philosophy are:

1. Accepting no limits.
2. Alternative thinking and
3. Driving positive change

Sustainability at Tech Mahindra

At Tech Mahindra, sustainability management is an integral part of their organisation and goes beyond
economic, legal or regulatory motives. Tech Mahindra knows the social and environmental effects of their
business. By introducing the triple bottom line as part of the overall performance management practices of
their company, their business works towards becoming a responsible global organisation. This policy outlines
Tech Mahindra's Sustainability Structure and offers a governing platform for sustainable workflows to produce
longlasting value for industry, the environment and society. Tech Mahindra encourages sustainability through:
Building enduring businesses by rejuvenating the environment and enabling stakeholders to rise.
Sustainable Marketing Model \
STP Marketing Model
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Segmentation refers to the process of segmenting heterogeneous segments into homogenous distinct
Different types of market segmentation are:
On basis of framework that we are studying in this report Tech Mahindra have chosen geographic
This type of market segmentation is done on basis of country, religion, state, city or neighbourhood.

Targeting involves selection of segments to be addressed based on market attractiveness and organization’s
distinctive features. The targeting of the market is divided into the following four categories of sub division:

For tech Mahindra, the targeting strategies that it adopted are of the two types:-

Undifferentiated Marketing:
Tech Mahindra prefers to go ahead with the undifferentiated marketing strategy because the company
is now as usual trying to appeal as many as clients they can by taking up strategic methods. One of the
basic strategy which is used to target a large number of clients is advertising.
Differentiated Marketing:
The chosen company has taken into consideration this type of targeting strategy as it deals with
various market segment such BSFI, energy and utilities, etc., as for which it has its own strategy to
accomplish the task as set i.e., in short taking strategies to achieve pre-determined goals of the

Tech Mahindra Group is inclined to prefer eco-friendly environment and are willing to pay more to
obtain them. This group is not just confined to limited states and regions for attaining the goal of
sustainability rather it wishes to reach out globally to as many geographic segments it can. Specifically
for the framework that we are study in this report, the targeting audience are as follows along with the
main objective of rejuvenating the environment:
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Promote  Various states of Andhra Pradesh , Uttarakhand, Telangana, Chandigarh, Madhya
Pradesh were targeted.

biodiversity  The main aim was reduction in dust levels, flouring biodiversity, extensive
reforestation, distribution of 1950
pots to serve as houses to sparrows & taking different
measures to improve biodiversity index score
This is basically done to create an image of the company to its customers or clients. Here, we have chosen tech
Mahindra which has taken up the following mentioned initiatives in order to create an ideal image:

 The targeting audience is offered digital experience so that the world can connect easily.
 The main focus is on customers i.e., Tech Mahindra offers innovative as well as customer centric
services to attract as many audience it can.
 Those solutions are provided which easily integrates with business operated across various channels

All the initiatives help in overall growth of the economy i.e., not just the company itself but other sectors of
the economy too. Tech Mahindra is establishing itself as a leading innovator by concentrating more on the
sustainability aspects such as reducing carbon emission, efficient energy utilization, focusing on renewable
resource, etc.
7 P’s Marketing Model

1.Product strategy
Tech Mahindra is one of the main innovation firms based out of India. Tech Mahindra offers a
variety of administrations to its clients spread across different enterprises like Automotive,
Banking and Financials, Manufacturing, Health care, Media and Entertainment, Public Services,
retail and travel and coordinations. These administrations offered by Tech Mahindra can be
sorted into three expansive ranges – Services& Solutions, Platforms and Outsourcing. All these
are the item and administration technique in its showcasing blend. Redistributing is brought
out through Business administration bunches who offer many benefit added administrations
to clients. Tech Mahindra's Services and arrangements division gives the host following
administrations – Next Gen Solutions like Cloud and Big Data; Consulting; Enterprise design;
DevOps; Infrastructure Management; Integrated Engineering arrangements; Mobility
arrangements and Network administrations. Also, its Platforms division offers numerous
stages for customers to convey their activity and these stages incorporate – Socio, PRISM,
CareXa, Managed Data Service, request the board administrations and Epselon.
2.Pricing strategy
Tech Mahindra, similar to any IT organization, has a different contribution and estimating is
subject to different variables. Cost is fascinating boundary to talk about with regards to IT/IS
organizations. The estimating methodology in its showcasing blend is as examined. A valid
example Tech Mahindra likewise utilizes diverse evaluating instruments for its plenty of
customers that are available over different businesses. Yet, what is regular over all the
estimating choices taken by Tech Mahindra is the adaptability it gives to its clients. Tech
Mahindra approaches customers when they request proposition and give their introductions
on capacities, nature of administration and other USP's alongside value they need to charge
for that specific task. For the most part, it depends on various elements like intricacy,
innovation utilized, people required and time required. For this it follows a serious evaluating
model the greater part of the occasions to get more customer base. Additionally the principle
purpose behind Tech Mahindra achievement is its Pay – as – you – go valuing model which
furnishes the clients with preferred position of limiting danger as there is no prerequisite for
onetime installment for the venture. They can pay as the task continues in various phases of its
turn of events.
3.Promotion and advertising strategy
Tech Mahindra does advancement of different sorts in its advertising blend in with a target
expanding its image mindfulness among businesses and forthcoming customers. Tech
Mahindra does social obligation exercises wherein it works in three picked fields of school
instruction, employability and specialized training. These exercises are advanced by the
advertising group. Likewise the advertising group gives the press briefings and the honors and
acknowledgments got by the organization to all the news and magazines.

4.Place and distribution strategy

Tech Mahindra offers types of assistance from almost 50 nations to customers over the globe
in different time regions with no glitches made conceivable by current innovation and best
practices set up. Tech Mahindra's major geographic areas incorporate India – Bangalore,
Hyderabad, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Pune; In Asia Pacific locale coming up next are
significant areas – China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Singapore, South Korea; As far as Americas is
concerned Tech Mahindra is situated in north and south America like – USA, Canada, Brazil; In
the Australia division the areas incorporate - Australia and New Zealand; Europe – Belgium,
Germany, France, Italy, Sweden; Africa – South Africa, Kenya, Ghana; Middle East – Saudi
Arabia, Oman, Kuwait.
Tech Mahindra created foundation and HR at all these spots to offer types of assistance to
neighborhood customers just as unfamiliar ones.
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