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Photonic Network Communications


RSS: a relay‑based schedule scheme for optical data center network

Shangqi Ma1 · Huaxi Gu1 · Hao Lan1 · Xiaoshan Yu1 · Kun Wang2

Received: 2 January 2019 / Accepted: 24 October 2019

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019

The ever-increasing communication requirements have led to the introduction of optical circuit switch (OCS) to data center,
which is capable of providing more flexible bandwidth allocation compared to the electrical packet switching. However,
the challenge still arises due to non-negligible reconfiguration delay of commercially available MEMS-based optical cir-
cuit switching technology, even though it provides high bandwidth with low per-bit cost and power. Additionally, existing
scheduling schemes amortize long switch delay by means of reconfiguring OCS every a few 100 s of milliseconds, not only
causing the degradation of the latency performance, but also incurring the low utilization of optical links. In this paper, we
propose an OCS-based scheduling scheme called relay-based schedule scheme (RSS), which can leverage idle optical paths
to forward traffic from remote nodes only with straightforward software modifications on controller. We evaluate the perfor-
mance of the proposed scheme via OMNET++ simulator, and the results demonstrate that our proposal delivers significant
benefits, including reducing the average mice flow FCTs (flow complete time) by up to 80% and reducing the end-to-end
packet delay by 50% compared to non-RSS schemes.

Keywords  Data center networks · Scheduling scheme · Optical circuit switching

1 Introduction The emerging optical interconnect technology has attracted

more and more attention from academia and industry by
Electrical packet switching (EPS) has been the corner- virtue of capacities of supporting high link bandwidths at
stone of datacenter network (DCN) for many years. How- low per-bit cost and power.
ever, as the transmission speed increases sharply in future The past few years have seen the emergence of optical
DCN, the great power dissipation brought by the electrical circuit switching (OCS) technology, which is a promising
switch will limit the boost of link bandwidth. Moreover, candidate to the traditional EPS [1]. Researchers have pro-
the cabling complexity and the cost of non-oversubscribed posed network architectures based on OCS [2–8]. Micro-
network remain significant challenges to EPS-based DCN. electromechanical system (MEMS) switches have been
widely adopted in OCS-based networks due to their mature
technology and relatively low prices [5, 9]. Compared to
* Huaxi Gu traditional EPS-based DCN, OCS-based DCN features scal-
able bandwidth, efficient energy and high flexibility. Addi-
Shangqi Ma tionally, with the help of wavelength-division multiplexing
(WDM) technology, multiple high-speed data streams can be
Hao Lan transmitted in a single fiber cable [10, 11], further improving
the bandwidth density and reducing cabling complexity and
Xiaoshan Yu costs in optical interconnection.
Traditional network statically provides full bandwidth
Kun Wang between arbitrary Top-of-Rack (ToR) pairs, which can
cover the worst-case communication patterns [12]. However,
State Key Laboratory of ISN, Xidian University, a fully provisioned topology consumes significant wiring
Xi’an 710071, People’s Republic of China overhead and energy consumption, and thus, it is impractica-
School of Computer Science, Xidian University, ble to deploy this topology, especially when topology scale
Xi’an 710071, People’s Republic of China

Photonic Network Communications

expands. Reconfigurable topology technology has aroused Taking Helios for example, the centralized controller
widespread concern [13, 14], which utilizes OCS to dynami- supervises and periodically collects traffic demands between
cally change link capacities, and allows for changing the different racks and then accordingly allocates optical links
network topology to match the interconnection demands of to ToRs pairs with high communication demands. However,
each application. the traffic demands information periodically collected by
Even though OCS is capable of delivering significant the controllers are based on the instantaneous buffer queue
benefits, it inevitably incurs a non-negligible reconfiguration lengths of ToRs, leading to a mismatch between the real-
penalty [15, 16], which can be up to tens of milliseconds in a time traffic demands and current configuration. Besides,
MEMS-based OCS network. On the contrary, the processing existing proposed methods set the reconfiguration cycle as
time of EPS is only several nanoseconds. Therefore, hybrid dozens of times of reconfiguration delay, so that the inter-
optical/electrical architectures [2, 3, 7, 17] are emerging val between reconfigurations can amortize the time spent
as an alternative to DPS-only networks, where EPS han- on demand collection, configuration calculation and OCS
dles dynamically changing traffic and OCS handles static switching [19].
and long-lived traffic. However, network downtime due to Assuming the reconfiguration delay is 0.1 ms and the
reconfiguration still happens whenever the interconnect state reconfiguration cycle is ten times of it, we simulate the above
changes [18], during which optical links are incapable of scheduling scheme in OMNeT++ simulator and record the
transmitting data. Night and Day represent the time interval throughput during each cycle. As observed in Fig. 1, once
when the network is being reconfigured and the time inter- high-speed optical links are set up, most packets finish trans-
val when it can transmit data, respectively. To amortize the mitting within a short time slot at the beginning of Day,
inevitably long reconfiguring reconfiguration delay, existing while only a few packets keep transmitting through opti-
approaches generally set Day up to a few hundred millisec- cal links in the remaining of reconfiguration cycle. Under
onds or even several seconds (far longer than Night), thereby such circumstances, optical recourses are wasted since many
lengthening the reconfiguration cycle and diminishing the optical links are occupied in vain while there still are many
impact of reconfiguration delays [19]. Nevertheless, most packets in ToR switches that cannot get allocated optical
packets can arrive at destination ToRs through optical links links until next cycle, resulting in unacceptable performance
in short slots. In that case, longer-term Day means more degradation in both throughput and latency.
optical resources will be wasted since many optical links are Another kind of strategy is replacing MEMS-based
occupied in vain in the rest of Day. switches with faster optical devices, such as RotorNet [6]
Aiming to improve the utilization of optical links in and Mordia [4]. Those proposals are no longer subject to
MEMS-based OCS network, a relay-based schedule scheme slow reconfiguration speed. However, they either rely on
(RSS) is proposed in this paper. RSS leverages idle opti- costly custom-designed OCSes, which is hard to imple-
cal links to forward traffic through relay ToR, alleviating ment in current data networks, or otherwise restrict to small
the negative effects of long reconfiguration cycles in OCS network scale. Therefore, we expect to reduce impacts of
networks. In order to obtain the link state, we accordingly reconfiguration only through straightforward software modi-
propose an advertisement scheme. Furthermore, we also fications and guarantee the latency performance as well as
propose a PFC-like scheme as an enhancement of RSS to reduce the average FCTs.
avoid bufferbloat.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In Sect. 2,
we discuss the existing reconfigurable networks and explore
the problem of existing scheduling schemes. In Sect. 3, we
present the details of RSS and provide a modified scheme
to address bufferbloat issue. Section 4 evaluates the perfor-
mance of RSS by conducting extensive simulations. At last,
we conclude this paper in Sect. 5.

2 Related works

In this section, we introduce efforts that have been made

on reducing impacts of topology reconfiguration in OCS-
based architectures and further show how existing schedul- Fig. 1  Utilization of optical link cannot stay high all the time during
ing schemes fail to utilize optical links efficiently. one reconfiguration cycle

Photonic Network Communications

3 Relay‑based schedule scheme Based on the collected traffic demands, the controller
determines OCS configuration that provides optical links
In this section, we present a relay-based schedule scheme between input ToRs and output ToRs in every reconfigura-
(RSS) for OCS-based DCN, which can be easily imple- tion cycle. All of the OCS switches reconfigure synchro-
mented in hybrid electrical/optical architectures. RSS nously, during which no packet can be transmitted through
provides better connectivity of the optical network with- the optical link, resulting in a large number of queuing
out increasing the number of MEMS switches as it offers delays and then degrading network latency performance.
each ToR the opportunity to communicate with multiple Besides, long and constant Day interval in one reconfigura-
indirectly connected ToRs. In our design, RSS is also com- tion cycle leads to low efficiency of optical links since traffic
bined with an idle link notification scheme as well as a cannot saturate the whole Day, while variable Day interval
bufferbloat avoidance scheme. will inevitably result in a sophisticated configuration scheme
with high computational complexity.
Therefore, RSS still adopts constant Day interval in one
3.1 Overview reconfiguration cycle, but adds relay mechanism to leverage
the optical links in idle state during the Day, which fully
We attempt to address these issues mentioned in section II utilizes the “wasted” bandwidth and improves the network
from two aspects: (1) the measurement and collection of latency performance. When informed that optical links are
traffic demands; (2) the OCS configuration. idle, source ToR can communicate with destination ToR
In respect of the measurement and collection of traffic which is not directly connected, by transmitting to a relay
demands, there have been considerable efforts in develop- ToR directly connecting to destination ToR first.
ing efficient traffic scheduling schemes, which leverage Figure 2 shows OCS-based network adopting RRS and
centralized controllers to performance optical links alloca- how relay works. After finishing reconfiguration, ToR 1
tion according to the periodically collected traffic informa- is connected to ToR 3 and ToR 3 is connected to ToR 2
tion. However, the traffic changes dynamically over time through optical links during this configuration cycle. If
so that there will be delay between traffic collection and adopting existing schemes, once data from ToR 1 to ToR 3
the real-time traffic, which will significantly degrade the or data from ToR 3 to ToR 2 drain out, optical links between
efficiency of scheduling schemes. them will be in idle state during the rest time of this Day.
And even if ToR 1 needs to communicate with ToR 2, it



ToR 3 ToR 2 ToR 1




Fig. 2  ToR 1 transmits packet to ToR 2 through relay ToR 3 when optical links are idle

Photonic Network Communications

can only wait for optical links allocation in the next cycle. Controller Relay Advertisement Process
However, when adopting RSS, ToR 1 can send data to ToR Input : The relay ToR R The destination ToR D
2 via relay ToR 3 when traffic between ToR 1 and ToR 3 The source ToR S
finishes transmitting, rather than waiting for allocation of begin
optical links until the next Day. for ( ToR S in all ToRs)
Despite the existence of two-hop seems to be a kind of if ( ToR S has optical link to ToR R)
bandwidth waste, such trade-off is acceptable consider- if ( ToR R is ToR D )
ing that without RSS the second-hop bandwidth will be /*no need for relaying */
unexploited anyway in remaining time of a Day. Therefore, else
adopting relay actually reuses the optical resources and pro- Notify ToR S send traffic to ToR D via ToR R
vides connection for mice flows and bursty communications. endif
3.2 Relay advertisement end

Typically, in OCS-based data center control plane, a cen- Fig. 3  Pseudocode of controller

tralized controller periodically collects network-wide traffic
demands, so that it can compute topology and allocate opti-
cal links basing on traffic information. The configuration of downlink ports and electrical ports remains unchanged
results of the optical links will be sent to both OCS switches throughout the configuration, and we merely focus on how
and ToR switches so that they can perform transmission. to allocate optical ports in each cycle.
In our proposal, for the purpose of making full utilization For convenience in the following illustration, we define
of idle optical links, source ToRs are allowed to send their traffic that comes from current ToR to a directly connected
traffic to relay ToRs, which will then take charge of relaying ToR in optical network as direct traffic (DTra), and traffic
the traffic to destination ToRs. In that case, the ToRs and destined to a remote ToR as relay traffic (RTra). Note that
centralized controller need to be subtly modified so that idle the RTra from source ToR is recognized as DTra when
link information can be generated and spread to the whole arriving at relay ToR since there remains only one hop to
network. its destination. We set two classes of priority to optical
The centralized controller not only aggregates traffic ports in order to distinguish DTra from RTra, and RTra
demands from all ToRs and allocates optical links accord- has lower priority since it consumes bandwidth twice as
ingly, but also forwards the idle link information collected much as DTra does.
from relay ToRs to the other ToRs. Any ToRs which are During Night interval, all optical links are in the stage of
directly connected with source ToRs through optical links reconfiguration so that inter-rack traffic transmits through
can be considered as relay. Whenever an optical link turns electrical network and the routing tables in optical ports
into the idle state, the relay ToR will inform the centralized keep vacant. Taking ToR 1 in Fig. 2 for example, when
controller of the idle link information. Then, the centralized receiving the link establishment information from the con-
controller forwards information to source ToRs and allows troller, ToR 1 changes the output port into corresponding
them to leverage the idle optical link via the relay ToR. The optical port with the highest priority of in the routing table
whole procedure is what we call Relay Advertisement. when optical link between ToR 1 and destination ToR is
It is worthy of noting that only the source ToRs which are allocated, as shown in Table 1. When receiving the relay
directly connected to relay ToR can leverage the idle opti- advertisement, source ToR estimates whether the optical link
cal link when informed of link information. Figure 3 shows to destination exists or not (regardless of directly connected
the pseudocode of centralized controller. When there exists link or indirectly connected link). If it already has an optical
direct optical link between source and destination ToR, there link to the destination ToR, the source ToR will ignore the
is no need for relay. Otherwise, the centralized controller advertisement. Otherwise, the source ToR will change the
will determine which ToRs are qualified to leverage the idle output port to optical port with lower priority (relay) in the
links according to the existing optical circuit.

3.3 The internal routing process of ToR

Table 1  Routing table of ToR 1 Forward table
after establishment
In each ToR switch, there are three types of ports, includ- Destination Output port
ing downlink ports (i.e., ports that are connected to serv-
Rack 3 Optical port 3
ers within the same rack), electrical ports connected to
Rack 2 Electrical port
EPS and optical ports connected to OCS. Connectivity

Photonic Network Communications

routing table according to the destination rack, as shown in

Table 2. The routing process of ToR after receiving the relay
advertisement is shown in Fig. 4.
During the Day, ToR will forward all arrived packets
according to the routing table until it receives a tearing-down
packet. Once the OCS is reconfiguring, ToRs will reset all
entries in routing tables.

3.4 Bufferbloat

Traffic transmitted from different ToRs to the same destina-

tion tends to compete for the same optical link as well as
relay ToR [20], which may result in packets accumulating
in the buffer of relay ToR. With the expansion of network
scale, bufferbloat is certain to arise since more packets are
transmitted simultaneously to same relay ToR. When there Fig. 4  Routing process of ToR
exists bufferbloat, excess buffering inside relay ToR causes
high latency and unpredictable packet transmission delay,
further reducing the overall network throughput. high throughput at substantially lower cost, rather than
To avoid the bufferbloat problem, we propose a PFC-like improve topology connectivity. Referring to n as the number
mechanism as a supplementary to the relay scheme, shown in of MEMS switches in OCS-based network, the number of
Fig. 5. The mechanism controls the buffer occupancy of each ToRs which each ToR can communicate with is at most n.
relay ToR by setting a threshold for the buffer. Once the buffer While RSS provides the opportunity for each ToR to com-
occupancy is larger/smaller than max/min threshold, the relay municate with ToRs through relay and improves the topol-
ToR will send a PAUSE/RESUME frame to the controller, ogy connectivity without increasing the MEMS switches in
respectively. As it does in relay advertisement, the centralized DCNs. Ideally, each ToR can communicate with n*(n − 1)
controller forwards the PAUSE/RESUME frame to the corre- other ToRs simultaneously in one cycle. As shown in Fig. 6,
sponding ToRs, so that these ToRs can stop/continue transmit- we evaluate the actual connectivity in MEMS-based net-
ting to the relay ToR. Besides the threshold in buffer occupy, works with different scale, which is lower than ideal con-
we also set a time threshold, before which all the ToRs will stop nectivity. However, the connectivity in RRS-based network
sending packets to the relay ToR. Time threshold can ensure
that most of these packets in the buffer can be consumed and
transmitted to the destination before Night approaches.

4 Evaluation

In this section, we evaluate the connectivity of OCS-based

DCN employing RSS. We also evaluate the performance of
RSS through extensive simulations in OMNET++ simulator.

4.1 Connectivity

Normally, the introduction of reconfigurable optical circuit

switches is to handle massive traffic and potentially provide

Table 2  Routing table of ToR 1 after relay advertisement

Forward table
Destination Output port

Rack 3 Optical port 3

Rack 2 Optical port 3 (relay)
Fig. 5  Bufferbloat avoidance mechanism

Photonic Network Communications

destination of a flow is generated randomly. The Night

duration includes delay of traffic demands collection,
optical links allocation calculation, communication with
ToRs and OCSes and OCS switching, which is set to 1 ms
in the simulation. And we set packets of controller mes-
sages during Day, including relay information, Pause and
Resume message, to 32 bits. The controller messages are
forwarded through 10 Gbps electrical links, so that the
transmission delay of them is 3.2 ns. We consider two
performances metrics: flow completion time (FCT) and
end-to-end (ETE) delay experienced by a packet.
Adopting RSS actually provides extra connection
between mice flows and bursty communications, so that
Fig. 6  Connectivity in different network sizes the FCT of mice flows can be significantly reduced. This
can be illustrated in Fig. 7a, which shows that the average
mice flow FCT in non-RSS Helios is from 1 to 15 ms,
is still higher than that in non-RSS network, since the link while that in RSS-based Helios is from 0.9 to 2 ms, pro-
in RRS-based network equals the direct link combined with viding a reduction by up to 80%. This is mainly due to the
relay link. characteristics of mice flows: small bandwidth demands
but sporadic destinations. In non-RSS Helios, mice flows
4.2 Performance evaluation get to their destinations only if they are allocated with
optical paths in current configuration cycles. Those failed
Using OMNeT++ simulator to evaluate the performance to get allocated have to compete for the electrical ports or
of RSS, we conduct extensive packet-level simulations. We wait another cycle for the optical network to be reconfig-
consider a 100-server Helios as our baseline OCS architec- ured. RSS provides high network connectivity and enables
ture, and traffic aggregating from multiple servers forms at the mice flows to be forwarded via idle optical paths in
ten 10 GigE ToRs. There are 10 servers in each rack, with current cycle. Therefore, in RSS-based Helios a portion
10 GigE links connected to the ToR switch. There are one of mice flows reach their destinations ahead of time and
10 GigE packet switch and three MEMS-based optical cir- lower average FCT is achieved. In Fig. 7b, we observe that
cuit switches in the core layer. And each ToR switch uses 40 average elephant flow FCT of non-RSS Helios and that
GigE optical fibers and 10 GigE electrical links to connect of RSS-based Helios increase at approximate rate, while
OCS switches and EPS, respectively, in the core layer. non-RSS Helios ranges from 8 to 23 ms and RSS Helios
The flow-based synthetic communication patterns are ranges from 6 to 22 ms as packets in network increase. The
applied for traffic generation. The traffic flow is generated reason is that elephant flows need large and dense band-
based on a Poisson process where 80% of the flows are width, and they can be incredibly likely to obtain the allo-
smaller than 10 kB and other flows vary from 100 kB to cated optical paths due to Edmonds algorithm adopted in
tens of MB, according to [21]. Each server generates flows the controller. And when ToRs getting optical links finish
following a Poisson process with varying mean arrival transmitting pretty early, a few elephant flows may get idle
rates to mimic different offered loads to the network. The links rather than wait for next reconfiguration cycle. The

Fig. 7  RSS FCT performance with different offered loads

Photonic Network Communications

of 0.6, since increasing packets make most of the optical

paths highly utilized and more packets wait in relay ToR
buffer, and thus, the opportunity to transmit through delay is
decreased. Fortunately, the delay performance of RSS-based
Helios still precedes that of non-RSS due to the adoption of
bufferbloat avoidance mechanism.

5 Conclusion

Optical circuit switch has been introduced to data center

due to its capacity of providing reconfigurable topology, as
well as potentially achieving high bandwidth requirements
at low per-bit overhead. Although OCS delivers variety of
Fig. 8  CDF of mice flow FCTs with and without RSS attractive properties, challenge still arises since it inevitably
incurs non-negligible reconfiguration delay. Typically, exist-
ing schemes amortize the long switching time by reconfig-
uring the OCS at intervals of a few 100 s of milliseconds
or even several seconds, which fails to utilize optical links
efficiently, thus incurring the degradation of network per-
formance. We present a novel scheduling scheme named
RSS for OCS-based networks, which offers each ToR the
opportunity to communicate with multiple indirectly con-
nected ToRs through relay ToR. RSS fully unitizes idle opti-
cal links and delivers significant benefits for network con-
nectivity without increasing the number of OCS switches.
Furthermore, we also design a PFC-like mechanism as a
supplementary to RSS, in charge of controlling the buffer
occupancy of relay ToR thus avoiding bufferbloat. The
extensive experimental results show that RSS delivers sig-
nificant performance improvement in mice flow FCTs and
Fig. 9  ETE packet delay with and without RSS benefits slightly on elephant flow FCTs.

Acknowledgements  This work was supported in part by the National

Science Foundation of China under Grant 61634004, the Fundamen-
overall average FCT results lie in the range of 1.3–4.4 ms tal Research Funds for the Central Universities under Grant Nos.
for RSS-based Helios, which is much better compared to JB190105 and JB180309, the Key Research and Development Plan of
the range of 1.8–14.5 ms for non-RSS Helios. Shaanxi province under Grant 2017ZDCXL-GY-05-01, china postdoc-
Figure 8 shows the CDF(cumulative distribution func- toral science foundation No. 2018M633465.
tion) of mice flows for 5 k measurements. As is shown, in
non-RSS Helios, only 45% of the mice flows see FCT below
1 ms, and up to 10% of the mice flow FCTs lie in the range References
of 7–15 ms. By contrast, in RSS-based Helios, 75% of the
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