Assignment How A Bill Becomes A Law

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Reading Assignment: How a Bill Becomes a Law

You will read pages 392-400 of your textbook. This reading explains how the primary
function of Congress - passing laws - works.

Your goal in this assignment is to create a graphic organizer in which you detail the bill-
to-law process.

You may want to use the graphic organizer on page 394 of your textbook as a guide.

Your graphic should include the following terminology:

● simple resolution
● concurrent resolution
● bill
● closed rule
● modified rule
● open rule
● markup
● hold
● pocket veto
● veto
● Committee of the Whole
● discharge petition
● filibuster
● conference committee
● supermajority
● unanimous consent agreement
● joint resolution
● House Rules Committee

Your graphic should emphasize how the process differs in each chamber. This is a major
theme of this topic!

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