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№4/ EDUCATION and SCIENCE without borders

/ volume 2


Aizhan T. Tleuberdinova, Dana. М.Ussenova
Academician E.A.Buketov Karaganda State University
28, Universitetskaya st., Karaganda, Kazakhstan, 100028

The hospitality industry is one of the most profitable and fastest growing industries in the world economy,
which has stronger multiply effect than most other economic sectors. Perspective and the dynamics of hospital-
ity industry explains the urgency of this matter, as tourism now plays a huge role in the global economy and is
one of the most lucrative businesses. The article “Modern trends in the global hospitality industry” is consid-
ered the main directions of development of hospitality industry across regions of the world.

Currently, tourism has taken a giant leap to become Table 1. The leaders-countries of inbound tourism in
one of the largest and most profitable sectors of the global 2020
economy. Predicted income Predicted market
The increase of total tourists’ number has had a signif- million share
icant impact on the development of tourism infrastructure China 137.1 8.6
and its main component – the hospitality industry, seeking USA 102.4 6.4
to get their share of business and tries to persuade custom- France 93.3 5.8
ers to purchase their hotel services provided. In interna- Spain 71.0 4.4
tional practice hospitality industry is one of the most prof- Hong Kong 58.3 3.7
itable. According to experts, the annual increase in tourism Italy 52.9 3.3
will be 4.2% [1]. Вritain 52.8 3.3
Меxico 48.9 3.1
In recent years there has been rapid growth of tourism
Russian 47.1 2.9
in regions such as Africa, Middle East, East Asia and Pa-
Czech Republic 44.0 2.7
cific region, with relatively low growth rates in Europe.
Total 707.8
This trend of tourism development creates objective
conditions for the so-called inter-regional competition, In today’s hospitality industry has developed four
which every year it becomes more noticeable: new resorts main forms of agriculture: independent hotel, hotel for
with inflated standards of service that makes the old tour- management, franchising and hotel chain [2].
ism regions to improve their quality of service, as well as A new type of vacation has appeared on hotel service
look for new ways of quality competition. market – it’s a club rest, otherwise it is called a timeshare.
Long-term prospects for tourism development are pre- Global reach has global computer network of reserva-
sented optimisticly by experts. According to WTO fore- tion, which combined the external communication system
casting projections, by 2020 the world will travel annually with a set of airline computer network of hotels, travel
to 1.5 billion, and revenues from tourism can make about agencies, car rental firms, etc. The most famous computer
$ 2 trillion. $. The results of studies looking at 10 countries reservation systems and reservation information which di-
– the leaders of tourism in 2020 are presented in Table 1. vide in formation market among themselves, are the Sabre;
WTO, on its annual report highlights shows hotel in- Amadeus; Worldspan and Galileo.
dustry in a special section that allows evaluating its role The growth of international tourism market puts great-
and follows the dynamics of changes in quantitative indi- er demands on service providers in tourism. The research
cators. of hotel industry has shown that:
Today, hospitality industry is a powerful system of – Hotels will continue to lag behind the air transport and
country’s economy and an important component of tour- other sectors of tourism industry in terms of compu-
ism industry. Hospitality industry consists of various ac- terization and use of modern technologies in booking
commodation facilities: hotels, motels, youth hostels and tours;
dormitory, tourist farms, as well as the private sector in- – Hotel tax burden will increase, and the share of tour-
volved in tourism accommodation. ism in total tax will increase over the past 10 years;
In the field of accommodation and catering it has been – hotel industry is changing the way of counting their
formed a giant hotel and restaurant chains, travel agencies profits, from income to one number - the income from
have identified a number of tour operators that have estab- one client;
lished control over the main markets for tourism product – The hospitality industry is accelerating the process of
and market of air traffic had been divided among the lead- merger, there is an increase in the number of contracts
ing airlines in the world. and franchises of foreign investment.
The foundation of hotel chains plays a role, it allows Table 2 shows the major hotel corporations.
to distribute to international market of high standards of
hotel services, also contributes to support of hotel serving
for tourists.


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