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Comparative efficacy of essential oil nanoemulsions and bioproducts as

alternative strategies against root-knot nematode, and its impact on the
growth and yield of Capsicum annuum L.
Eman A. Hammad, Atef M. El-Sagheer ⇑
Nematode Diseases Research, Plant Pathology Research Institute, Agricultural, Research Center (ARC), Giza, Egypt
Agricultural Zoology and Nematology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Azhar, University, Assiut, Egypt

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In a study to compare the effectiveness of some essential oil nanoemulsion and bioproducts as an alter-
Received 2 November 2021 native to chemical nematicide in control of root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita parasitizing on
Revised 25 May 2022 chili pepper, Capsicum annuum L. plants, in parallel with the plant growth and yield under two varying
Accepted 9 June 2022
conditions; in vitro, greenhouse and plastic house (intended for commercial production). In an in vitro
Available online xxxx
study, basil and mint essential oil nanoemulsions (at a rate of 5%) achieved the best effects on morality
reduction percentage (100%) at droplet sizes of 48.10 nm and 97.3 nm, respectively, compared with the
non-treated control. In the greenhouse, Basil and Mint essential oil nanoemulsions (at 5%) (82.59% and
Essential oil nanoemulsion
Root-knot nematode
81.52%) and at 3% (77.6% and 72.15%), respectively, ranked second on population reduction, with approx-
Bio-agnates imately the effect of Bio-arc (at 2.5 g/L) (74.81%), after Nemaphose (92.7%). A similar pattern was found in
Chili pepper a plastic house with a noted positive effect on the increase in yield, where Basil and Mint essential oil
Capsicum annuum L. nanoemulsions (at 5%) achieved 113.42 and 108.23, respectively.
Ó 2022 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University. This is an
open access article under the CC BY license (

1. Introduction 2014). Therefore, the combat strategy is of great importance in

the light of the global challenges of food production (Hassan
Among a wide range of plant pathogens, plant-parasitic nema- et al., 2013; Atolani and Fabiyi, 2020). Chemical control of RKN is
todes (PPNs) are one of the most important obligate parasitic mul- the most effective treatment (Ralmi et al., 2016). Typically, nemati-
ticellular pathogens belonging to the animal kingdom and rank cides are applied before transplanting to suppress RKN in pepper
second after fungi as plant pathogens(Quist et al., 2015). Globally, soil (Oka et al., 2012). But, besides effectiveness, there are some
over 4,100 species of plant-parasitic nematodes have been identi- troubling aspects; high costs, unsustainable, other than the nega-
fied, including the root-knot nematodes (RKN) (Meloidogyne sp.) tive consequences for humans and their domesticated animals,
occupy an advanced rank with crop losses of about 80$US billion groundwater, and the environment (Renn et al., 2020). Therefore,
annually in various crops, especially vegetables (Sikora and it has become imperative to shift towards alternative strategies
Fernandez, 2005; Nicol et al., 2011). RKN species, Meloidogyne that adopt a comprehensive and sustainable vision that guarantees
incognita (Kofoid and White, 1919) Chitwood (1949), reported that the reduction of nematode damage while adhering to avoiding all
one of the dominant species of the Meloidogyne genus parasitizes the previous negatives (Singh and Mathur, 2010). Lately, it has
on the pepper crop at most production locations (Aguiar et al., become clear that holistic pest management is a promising alterna-
tive, by adopting multiple applications of biological control, not
only for PPNs but for all plant pests (Noling, 2014; Barrera,
⇑ Corresponding author. 2019). In some previous studies, essential oils such as basil and
E-mail addresses: (E.A. Hammad), atefelsagheer@- mint in normal particle size have appeared to have some effective- (A.M. El-Sagheer).
ness against some species of PPNs as an alternative control strategy
Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.
(Oka, 2001; Pérez et al., 2003; Mamusa et al., 2021). However, this
form may be expensive and consume large quantities, Therefore,
the hypothesis of using essential oils as nanoemulsion forms,
which enables them to take advantage of physical properties such
Production and hosting by Elsevier
as the ability to spread in the water of irrigation, rapidly adhesion
1658-077X/Ó 2022 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (

Please cite this article as: E.A. Hammad and A.M. El-Sagheer, Comparative efficacy of essential oil nanoemulsions and bioproducts as alternative strategies
against root-knot nematode, and its impact on the growth and yield of Capsicum annuum L., Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences, https://
E.A. Hammad and A.M. El-Sagheer Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

and penetration of roots, and stay in the soil for a long time, 2.4. Droplet size by Transmission electron microscopy (TEM):
besides its ability to suppress PPNs (Walia et al., 2017; Mokrini
and Bouharroud, 2019; Yang et al., 2021). In contrast to Trifolium For both Basil and Mint, 20 ll of diluted samples were depos-
incarnatum L. (crimson clover or carnation), which has not received ited on a film-coated 200-mesh copper specimen grid for 10 min,
sufficient studies, despite its proven effectiveness against some and the excess fluid was filtered out using filter paper using
plant pests or as an organic fertilizer (Michael Jackson and TEM. The grid was then stained with a drop of 3% phosphotungstic
Harrison Jr, 2008; Ralmi et al., 2016). acid and allowed to dry for three minutes. The coated grid was
Therefore, the current study aims to compare some alternative examined under a TEM after drying (Tecnai G20, Super twin, dou-
strategies to suppress RKN, M. incognita infection in chili pepper ble tilt, FEI, The Netherlands). At a voltage of 200 kV, the samples
plants by two essential oils (nanoemulsions and normal particle were evaluated (as shown in Fig. 2a and b).
size) and two bio agnates as commercial bio products nematicides,
and to estimate its reflection on growth and crop production under
2.5. Tested bioproducts
greenhouse and commercial plastic house conditions.
– Bio-arc: a commercial formulation of phosphorus soluble bacte-
2. Materials and methods ria, Bacillus megaterium (25  106 cfu/g) at recommended rate of
4L./fed. (2.5 g/L of water).
2.1. Propagation of tested materials – Bio-Nematon (1.15% WP) a commercial formulation of filamen-
tous fungi, Paecilomyces lilacinus containing 108 units/cm3 at
2.1.1. Preparation of essential oils recommended rate of 2L./fed.
Leaves of Mint (Mentha spcata L), Basil (Ocimum basilicum L) and
flowers of carnation (Trifolium incarnatum) were collected from 2.6. Chemical nematicide
experimental farms, Plant Pathology Research Institute, Agricul-
tural Research (Giza, Egypt), during 2021 and authenticated by A commercial product Nemaphos(organophosphate) with
the Ornamental, Medicinal, and Aromatic Plant Disease Depart- active ingredient Fenamiphos at recommended rate of 6 ml/100L
ment, Agricultural Research Center, Egypt. After collecting and water/ acre.
identifying, the leaves were air-dried in a dark room (26 ± 5).
500 g of the leaves were powdered, wetted by 1 L of ethanol and
2.7. In vitro experiments
water solution (70:30) (v: v). Then, using percolation equipment,
a full extraction was performed for 48 h. According to Sadraei
The inhibitory effect of the normal particle size of Mint and
et al. (2003) protocol, the extract was shaken and filtered, then
Basil essential oil nanoemulsions was determined using five rates
using a rotary evaporator, the extract was evaporated under
(0.25%, 0.50%, 1%, 3%, and 5% v/v) against the second stage juveniles
reduced pressure until a semiliquid extract was obtained.
(J2) of M. incognita. Hand-picked egg-masses from galled pepper
roots were incubated in sterile distilled water at room temperature
2.2. Generate of essential oil nanoemulsions (26 + 2 °C) for 48 h, second stage juveniles were extracted, counted,
and concentrated in suspension until they reached a content of
The generation of essential oil as nanoemulsion has been done 1 ml of distilled water, approximately 100 J2 according to the pro-
in the laboratories of the Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research tocol described by Demeure and Freckman (1981). 1 ml of juve-
Department, Horticulture Research Institute, Agricultural Research niles suspension (100 J2) poured in screw-capped test tubes
Center, Egypt. 5 ml of both basil and mint essential oils, non-ionic which contained 5 ml of different rates of tested materials timely
surfactant, tween 80 (5 ml) were slowly added. Until a uniform prepared and incubated in room conditions at 26 ± 2 °C for 4 days
mixture was formed under gentle stirring, 85 ml of water was and the numbers of active and inactive juveniles were counted at
added. added to bring the final mixture to 100 ml, to aid in the dis- 24,48 and 72 h, using nematode counting slide (Hussey, 1973).
tribution and completeness of the combination. After that, a mag- Each treatment was replicated three times. Distilled water served
netic stirrer was used to integrate both Basil and Mint essential oils as a control. The corrected mortality percentages were calculated
for 30 min. An ultrasonicator was used to sonicate the mixture, according to the following formula (Schneider, and Orelli, 1947).
which was separated into two halves. For 15 and 60 min at 700 W.

Number of dead juveniles in treatment  Number of jdead juveniles in control
Mortality inhibition % ¼  100
100  mortality percentage in the negative controlÞ  100 Number ofdead juveniles in control

2.3. Measurement of nanoemulsion droplet size: 2.8. Greenhouse experiments

At room temperature, a dynamic light scattering analysis (Zeta- The nematicidal characteristics of Mint and Basil essential oil
NanoZS, Malvern Instrs, UK) was used to determine the size of nanoemulsions at 3% and 5% v/v rates and bioproducts (Bionema-
nanoemulsion droplets. At 25 °C, 30 L of nanoemulsion was diluted ton and BioArc), essential oil of Carnation at a rate of 11% (v/v)
with 3 ml of water before testing. The mean of the Z-average of against the root-knot nematode, M. incognita, and the influence
three different batches of nanoemulsions (Basil and Mint) was on plant growth parameters of chili pepper plants under green-
used to calculate particle size (Fig. 1a and b). This stage was carried house conditions during the spring season 2019. One seedling of
out in the Nanotechnology Laboratory, Regional Center for Food green pepper cv. Serrano chile (20 days old) was planted in pots
and Feed, ARC, Giza, Egypt. diam. 20  40 cm, containing a mixture of clay and sandy soil

E.A. Hammad and A.M. El-Sagheer Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

Fig. 1. Mean droplet size (nm) of essential oil nanoemulsions. (a) Basil, (b) Mint.

Fig. 2. Transmission electron micrographs of tested essential oils nanoemulsion, where shows the Droplet size of Basil (at 48.10 nm) and Mint (at 97.3 nm).

(1:1 w/w) (soil organic matter 1.61%). The pepper seedlings were soil drench. Five inoculated pots were left without adding any
infected with 1000 newly hatched juveniles of M. incognita for materials as a negative control, in addition to another five repli-
each plant after one week. Each application was repeated five cated healthy seedlings without inoculation with nematodes as a
times, with the application of each Mint and Basil essential oil positive control. All pots were arranged in the greenhouse at
nanoemulsion concentrations and essential oil of Carnation being 27 ± 5 °C in a randomized block design. After fifty days of inocula-
applied three times after inoculation (first, third, and fifth weeks), tion, the plants were harvested. Juveniles of M. incognita were
essential oil of Carnation, as well as the same applications of Bione- extracted from soil by sieving and the modified Baeman technique
maton and BioArc, being applied three times, with nematicides (Seinhorst, 1962). Roots were stained by acid fuchsin (Bybd et al.,
Nemaphose (6 ml/100L.watre). All treatments were applied as a 1983) and examined under a stereomicroscope for counting devel-

E.A. Hammad and A.M. El-Sagheer Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

opmental stages, females, galls, and egg-masses. Root galling or 3. Results

egg masses were rated on a scale of 0–5, with 0 indicating no galls
or egg masses, 1 indicating 1–2 galls or egg masses, 2 indicating 3– 3.1. Evaluation of basil and mint essential oil nanoemulsion on the
10 galls or egg masses, 3 indicating 11–30 galls or egg masses, 4 mortality of second- stage juveniles of M. incognita in vitro
indicating 31–100 galls or egg masses, and 5 indicating more than
100 galls or egg masses per root system. (Taylor and Sasser, 1978). Data in Table 1 and Fig. 3, represented the effect of Mint and
Basil essential oil nanoemulsion solutions at five rates (0.25%,
0.50%, 1%, 3%, and 5%) on the mortality of M. incognita juveniles.
2.9. Productive plastic houses experiment All the tested treatments were found to cause significant inhibition
in juvenile mortality percentage to various extents compared to
The nematicidal characteristics of Mint and Basil essential oil the non-inoculated control.
nanoemulsions at 3% and 5% v/v rates and bioproducts (Bionema- Generally, the effect of the studied essential oil nanoemulsion
ton and BioArc), essential oil of Carnation at a rate of 11% (v/v). varies depending on the concentrations and the period of exposure.
The influence on plant growth parameters of chili pepper plants Where all treatments were characterized by a stable line in terms
under greenhouse conditions was evaluated under greenhouse of the effect of the relationship between concentration and expo-
infested soil by the root-knot nematode, M. incognita, during the sure time as a steady relationship, as this provided a stable vision
spring season of 2019. of the effective value, especially in higher concentrations.
The findings revealed that the higher rates (5%) of Basil and
Mint essential oil nanoemulsions achieved the best results in the
2.10. Experimental design reduction percentage of morality (100 and 100%) at the end of
the 72-hour test. But considering the medium effect of the lowest
In the plastic house (18  40 m3), located in Qelin in Kafr El- rates (0.25%), which was the opposite of what was expected as a
Sheikh governorate. It is described as a newly reclaimed land and biomaterial, it achieved a reduction percentage of morality up to
a dry semi-desert region (sandy soil and 30 ± 5 °C) with heavily 67.94 and 69.96 respectively.
infested chili pepper plants by M. incognita.
Before the test began, the number of M. incognita in soil and
roots was estimated as the initial population independently for
each treatment according to methods described by Christie & Table 1
Evaluation of basil and mint essential oil nanoemulsion solutions on the mortality
Perry (1951), and Southey (1970). Before planting, all treatments
percentage of second stage juveniles of M. incognita at different exposure periods
were set up as a split-plot. The chemical control (Nemaphose) in vitro.
was applied at the recommended rate, and two rows of plants were
Treatments Conc.% Mortality%
lifted without being treated as a negative control. After seedling
planting, each treatment was applied three times as a soil drench m/L 24 h. 48 h. 72 h.
at two-week intervals. From seedling to the end of the plant’s eco- Basil 0.25 34.55f 55.18de 67.94i
nomic production period (95–100 days), the treatment was 0.5 45.73de 65.85cd 75.16g
1 50.20d 62.45cd 86.31e
repeated three times with both essential oil nanoemulsions and
3 75.00b 82.11b 96.60c
bio-agents. 5 100a 100a 100.0a
The number of juveniles in soil, developmental stages, galls, and
Mint 0.25 35.07f 48.63e 69.96h
egg-masses per root was counted. Eggs often randomly selected 0.5 40.46ef 60.20cd 76.66f
egg masses of each root system were also counted. The rate of 1 65.56c 60.50cd 87.30d
nematode build-up and percentages of reduction in nematode final 3 74.89b 82.00b 98.33b
population (PF) were calculated by the following formula: 5 100a 100a 100.0a
Control – 2.33i 2.60j 3.13j

Pf ¼ no: Egg  masses per root  no: Eggs per Egg  masses Each value presented the mean of three replicates.
Mean values followed by the same letter(s) did not significantly different at the 5%
þ ½ Developmental stage=root þ ½Juveniles in soil
level by DMRT.
þ ½ Adult females=root:

Pf in control  Pf in treatment
Reduction % ¼  100
Pf in control

Nematode build  up ¼
Fruits progressively produced on five chili pepper plants were
picked and weighted to calculate the final yield per plant for yield

2.11. Data analysis

The data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA)

(Gomez and Gomez, 1984) and Duncan’s multiple range tests in Fig. 3. Effect of progress exposure time in five tested rates of basil and mint
the form of probability (P  0.05) (Duncan, 1955) using Costas essential oil nanoemulsion solutions on juveniles of M. incognita at different
software. exposure periods in vitro.

E.A. Hammad and A.M. El-Sagheer Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

3.2. Efficacy comparison of essential oils (nanoemulsion and normal cal nematicide (Nemaphose) ranked the highest growth parame-
drop size), bioproducts and chemical nematicide, with estimation of ters. As expected, the chemical nematicide (Nemaphose) ranked
their reflection on growth parameters of chili pepper infested by M. highest in effect on growth parameters compared with infested
incognita under greenhouse and plastic house conditions. and non-treated control.
However, the results of the essential oil nanoemulsions test
3.2.1. Greenhouse assay were promising (Table 3). Based on increasing percentages in
This study was conducted in the normal growing season (2019) growth parameters; shoot and root (length and weight), statisti-
to evaluate the effect of the tested materials (Basil and Mint at 5% cally significant differences were noted between Basil and Mint
and 3% Carnation, Bio-nematon, bio-arc, and Nemaphose) on the essential oil nanoemulsion rates in all plant growth parameters.
population of M. incognita infesting chili pepper plants. The highest increase in shoot dry weight was achieved through
Generally, the current work showed that all tested treatments the use of 5% of basil and mint (172.28% and 228.22%), respectively.
caused a significant reduction in the root-knot nematode criteria; Nevertheless, the lower rate of Basil and Mint essential oil
numbers of root galls, build-up, and nematode reduction at varying nanoemulsions (3%) achieved a better reflection on plant growth
levels compared to control and chemical nematicide. Data pre- parameters (68.81% and 119.8%) compared to Bio-nematon and
sented in Tables 2 and 3 showed that all treatments resulted in a bio-arc (63.86% and 76.73%), respectively.
considerable reduction in the total number of root-knot juvenile
nematodes in the soil and on the roots of chili pepper plants, with 3.2.2. Plastic house (production) assay
nematode build-up rates ranging from 0.24% for Nemaphose to Table 4 compares the effectiveness of essential oil nanoemul-
1.12% for Bio-nematon. However, some notable disparities sions (5%), carnation essential oil, bio-agates, and Nemaphose on
between applications have emerged, Nemaphose provided the RKN population density and yield of chilli pepper plants grown
greatest reduction in the nematode population (92.7%). Followed in plastic houses. Nemaphose had the greatest nematode popula-
by Basil and Mint essential oil nanoemulsions at concentration tion reduction (89.73%), followed by Basil and Mint essential oil
5% (82.59 and 81.52), Basil (77.6%) essential oil nanoemulsions at nanoemulsions at 5% (80.7 and 78.56%), with the rate of nematode
contraction 3%, carnation (75.12%), Mint essential oil nanoemul- build-up being the slowest (0.87 & 1.01%). On the other side, BioArc
sions at rate 0.20, and Bio-arc (72.15 and 74.81%) in the second and Bionematon had the highest rates of least value loss (70.90 and
and third rank, respectively. On the other hand, Bio-nematon, 65.21%), as well as the highest rate of nematode build-up (1.33%
had the lowest nematode population levels, with a reduction of and 1.56%). In terms of the root-gall index, all sprays significantly
67.18%. A similar pattern of treatments showed in the root gall reduced the quantity of M. incognita galls on chili pepper plants
index of M. incognita infested chili pepper roots (Table 2). as compared to untreated plants (control). Table 3 shows that
On the other side, data shown in Table 2 revealed that all of the the tested essential oil nanoemulsions, bio-agents, and essential
used treatments recorded significant increases in plant growth oils have substantial differences in chilli pepper yield (Kg/plant).
(P < 0.05) compared with infected plants. As expected, the chemi- Nemaphose essential oil nanoemulsions (131.18%) had the highest

Table 2
Efficacy comparative of essential oils nanoemulsions solutions, bioproducts and chemical nematicide on M. incognita infesting chilli pepper roots under greenhouse conditions.

Treatments R.G.I J2 in soil In root Build-up Reduction%

DS Females
3.0c 615.3 Basil (3%) 68.4 77.3 0.76 77.6
2.0d 492.3 Basil (5%) 49.3 50.2 0.59 82.59
3.2bc 782.4 Mint (3%) 76.8 87.3 0.95 72.15
2.3d 513.2 Mint (5%) 52.4 62.4 0.63 81.52
3.7abc 965.1 Bio-nematon 82.3 67.9 1.12 67.18
4.5ab 736.2 Bio-Arc 62.4 57.3 0.86 74.81
4.9a 746.2 Carnation 82.3 67.9 0.85 75.12
2.3e 193.7b Nemaphose 21.5b 32.9b 0.24 92.7
5.0a 3127.3a Control 192.50a 78.4 a 3.39 –

Each value presented the mean of three replicates.

Mean values followed by the same letter(s) did not significantly different at the 5% level by DMRT.

Table 3
Efficacy comparative of essential oils nanoemulsions solutions, bioproducts and chemical nematicide on growth parameters of chili pepper infested with M. incognita infesting
under greenhouse conditions.

Treatment Plant growth parameters

Length (cm) Plant fresh wt.(g) Shoot Dry wt. Increase%
Shoot Increase% Root Increase% Shoot Increase% Root Increase% (g)
Basil 3% 65.10e 24.42 12.95e 94.86 35.48c 99.33 8.64de 118.2 3.41d 68.81
Basil 5% 72.10c 46.54 13.72d 106.95 34.95cd 96.35 10.10b 122.8 5.5b 172.28
Mint 3% 62.2g 26.42 14.6c 120.54 33.21de 86.57 11.20a 119.63 4.44bc 119.8
Mint 5% 77.75a 58.03 16.1a 143.2 36.70b 106.18 9.6c 128.98 6.63ab 228.22
Bionematon 69.91d 42.1 12.40e 87.3 34.2d 92.13 8.91d 113.2 3.31d 63.86
Bio-Arc 73.6b 49.6 13.5d 103.93 36.31b 103.99 9.36cd 125.82 3.57c 76.73
Carnation 63.12f 28.29 15.5b 134.14 38.85a 118.26 10.38b 143.47 4.92bc 143.56
Nemaphose 69.5d 41.26 13.4d 102.42 32.67e 83.54 10.98b 115.88 7.37a 264.85
Control 49.2h – 6.62f – 17.8f 2.42e – 2.02e –

Each value presented the mean of three replicates.

Mean values followed by the same letter(s) did not significantly different at the 5% level by DMRT.

E.A. Hammad and A.M. El-Sagheer Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

Table 4
Efficacy comparative of essential oils nanoemulsions solutions, bioproducts and chemical nematicide on M. incognita infesting chili pepper roots under plastic house (production)

Treatment Initial popul. Final popul. Reprod. Red. R.G.I Yields Icreas. In yield%
(Pi) (Pf) (Pf/Pi) % (kg./plant)
Basil (5%) 462.34a 399.95f 0.87 80.7 1.0d 329.3b 113.42
Mint (5%) 440.89d 444.29e 1.01 78.56 2.0c 321.3c 108.23
Bio-nematon 462.34a 720.94b 1.56 65.21 3.0b 227.1f 47.18
Bio- Arc 450.32c 603.04c 1.33 70.9 3.0b 264.3e 71.29
Carnation 438.89e 517.03d 1.18 75.05 2.0c 288.7d 87.1
Nemaphose 450.32c 212.82g 0.47 89.73 1.0d 356.7a 131.18
Control 453.45b 2072.27a 4.57 – 5.0a 154.3g –

Each value presented the mean of three replicates.

Mean values followed by the same letter(s) did not significantly different at the 5% level by DMRT.

percentage growth, followed by Basil and Mint essential oil suppressing nematodes (Abdulrazaq, 2018; Oka et al., 2000). On
nanoemulsions at 5% (113.42 and 108.23%). Carnation and Bio- the other hand, the carnation in normal particle size reduced
arc essential oils exhibited considerable yield improvements nematode population because it included some of the volatile
(87.10%), whereas Bio-nematon essential oil produced the lowest compounds with some of the permeability such as (z)-3-
yield increases (47.18%). hexenyl acetates, (z)-3-hexane-1–01, and (E)-and (z)-ocinenes
(Lichtenstein et al., 1962).
On the other hand, in the view of comparing essential oil
4. Discussion nanoemulsion with bio-agent products (Bio-nemato and Bio-
Arc) and considering that they are easier in manufacture, our
In Vitro and in Vivo investigations, the results showed that all study showed a convergence of their reduction effect on RKN as
treatments, including Basil and Mint essential oil nanoemulsions, a considerable reduction in root gall index was detected on the
essential oils Carnation, and bioproducts Bionematon and Bio- roots of plants infected with root-knot nematodes treated with
Arc, have a positive effect on RKN. The use of 5% Basil and Mint bio-agents. But in a variety of modes of action mechanisms,
essential oil nanoemulsions, as well as T. incarnatum and Carnation where nematostatic effects of Bio-nemato (Purpureocillium lilaci-
essential oil, resulted in a greater reduction in the number of nus) against RKN could be attributed to the direct penetration
nematode juveniles in the soil. of fungal hypha into eggs, juveniles, and females (Abd-Elgawad,
The major difference between emulsion and nanoemulsion is 2021). Because of this, penetration of the eggs by hypha is facil-
the size of the nanoemulsion particles. When the size of the oil par- itated by mechanical and/or enzymatic activity, which causes
ticles is reduced, the emulsion’s stability improves dramatically embryos death in a relatively short period of time (Leong et al.,
(Zedan et al., 1994; Anton and Vandamme, 2011). Generally, essen- 2021). Moreover, it could produce leucion toxin and other
tial oils (which have low water solubility) cannot easily interact nematicidal components, which have been interpreted in a vari-
with cell membranes because of their greater size than nanoemul- ety of ways (Walia and Devakumar, 2012). While Bio-Arc as a
sion particles. However, nanoemulsion particles can deliver essen- bio-product of nematophagous bacteria (B. megaterium) reported
tial oils to the surface of nematode cell membranes. This could be in some of the literature reviews with many different ways of
related to the ability of smaller particles to kill or hinder the nema- affection on RKN through all stages of life (Niu et al., 2012;
tode at any stage of its life cycle (Pérez et al., 2003; Barbosa et al., Eissa and Abd-Elgawad, 2015), some of the most important;
2010). maybe B. megaterium extracts crude extracellular protein from
However, the efficiency mechanisms of those essential oils as bacteria culture as a method of action against RKN (Zhou et al.,
nanoemulsions or essential oils as natural nematicides are varied 2021); production some of the nematicidal materials, like a paras-
(Park et al., 2005; Laquale et al., 2015). According to Zambonelli poral crystal toxin, have been demonstrated to infect larvae and
et al. (1996), the responsibility for its antifungal activity could eggs of plant-parasitic nematodes (Wei et al., 2003); also, as a
be caused by chitin penetration of the cell wall, which disrupts molecular mechanism of nematophagous bacteria, it was sug-
the lipoprotein cytoplasmic membrane, allowing cytoplasm to gested that hydrolytic enzymes participate in several steps of
escape. Or, as Mendes et al., (2018) indicated, maybe antibacterial nematode infection (Huang et al., 2004).
activity of the nanoemulsion was boosted while cytotoxicity was
reduced. The nanoemulsion with Mint essential oil extract in the
5. Conclusions
presence of chitosan displayed nematicidal action against root-
knot nematodes with low cytotoxicity in a human cell line in this
From this study, it was clear that essential oil nanoemulsions
investigation (Kumar et al., 2019). Because the ideal sample had
inhibited nematode increase, and the success of treatments with
Mint essential oil nanoemulsion extract that contained chitosan,
basil and mint essential oil nanoemulsions compared with bio
it is possible to speculate that the presence of chitosan can regu-
and chemical compounds resulted in increased chili pepper growth
late the size, nucleation, and nematicidal activity of the
and yields, indicating a promising usage as an eco-friendly strategy
nanoemulsion. (Feizi and Kazemi, 2019). Also, the concentration
for nematode control.
of sabinene, myrcene, and trans-caryophyllene in basil essential
oil nanoemulsions, which is a group of terpenoid chemicals, sabi-
nene plays a role in nematicidal action (Santana et al., 2014; Declaration of Competing Interest
Bahmani et al., 2020; Sarkar, 2020). Referring to the chemical
composition of basil essential oil nanoemulsion, it is noted that The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
the main compounds include sabinene, myrcene trans- cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
caryophyllene, which could be responsible for its properties in to influence the work reported in this paper.
E.A. Hammad and A.M. El-Sagheer Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences xxx (xxxx) xxx

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