5 Reasons Why Travel Should Be An Essential Part of Building Your Business

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Bachelor's Degree in Cybersecurity

Activity 1

5 Reasons Why Travel Should Be an Essential Part of Building Your



Gregg Alessandro Caballero D

ID 8-983-208


Aralys Alvarez

III Quarter

November 7th 2022

Today being an entrepreneur is not easy, it requires time, dedication and above all
passion. Because spending hours and hours on the computer can be harmful to
productivity and even to health. This is why inspiration is needed and travel is
needed since there are more entrepreneurs who become digital nomads, who
travel the world while carrying out their projects.

In other words, if you're not ready to take that step yet, there are still very good
reasons to get out there and see the world without leaving your job. One of them is
learning new things.

In this globalized world, you must be aware of what is happening outside of your
geographical area. Traveling and getting to know different cultures and new ways
of working will open your mind, you will meet new people and allow you to think of
solutions that perhaps locked in your office you would not have thought of.

Many believe that traveling is too expensive and the reality is that it is not because
there are destinations where rent is cheaper than being in your own country, even
food and places to go where you stay. Therefore, you have the availability to meet
new partners and investors where you can cultivate good relationships and take
advantage of them as learning from their business successes.

It is good to know the way of thinking, the perspective, the way of approaching and
solving problems from other places and experiencing it first hand is something that
you must do.

In this article I learned that to be an entrepreneur you can be anywhere without

having to be in one place, since everything is handled by technology and more so
in my profession, which has a lot to do with the digital world.

There are five reasons which would benefit me. One of them is that if I find myself
out of my comfort zone, it opens up more ways to exploit my ideas, as well as
focus and inspire me in my online projects.

Within another consideration to my profession of digital nomad in cybersecurity that

offers me the opportunity to choose the destination where I want to be with a
comfortable price since there are many destinations that maintain low prices in
monthly stays and even the food is cheaper which will allow you to take vacation
and at the same time be enjoying knowing another culture to sample.

In addition, by exploring many activities that are carried out in a culture, I have the
opportunity to enjoy a different environment outdoors and practice new sports while
benefiting from a healthier life.

Finally, there is access to meet other types of people who can be possible future
partners, even investment partners in new projects, so it never hurts to take
advantage and go out to discover an unknown world that can open more doors
than we least expected.

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