Thomas Edison VR 3

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Moustapha El Ftouh

Haytham Ben Allal

THOMAS Sami Hachoum


Thomas Alva Edison was
born on February 11, 1847 He was homeschooled and self
in Milan, Ohio; the taught
seventh and last child of He was deaf from an age
He held over 1093 patents in the
Samuel and Nancy
US alone
Edison. When Edison
His net wourth was around 170
was seven his family million dollars
moved to Port Huron,
Michigan. Edison lived
here until he struck out INVENTIONS :
on his own at the age of
sixteen. Edison had very Phonograph
little formal education
as a child, attending Electrographic Vote-recorder
school only for a few
months. He was taught Lightbulb
reading, writing, and
arithmetic by his
mother, but was always BIGGEST ACCOMSPLISHMENTS :
a very curious child and
taught himself much by Edison was the quintessential American
inventor in the era of Yankee ingenuity. He
reading on his own. This began his career in 1863, in the adolescence
belief in self- of the telegraph industry, when virtually the
improvement remained only source of electricity was primitive
batteries putting out a low-voltage current.
throughout his life. Before he died, in 1931, he had played a
critical role in introducing the modern age
of electricity. From his laboratories and
workshops emanated the phonograph, the
carbon-button transmitter for the telephone
speaker and microphone, the incandescent
lamp, a revolutionary generator of
unprecedented efficiency, the first
commercial electric light and power system,
an experimental electric railroad, and key
elements of motion-picture apparatus, as
well as a host of other inventions.

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