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TAJA EC 2020-2021 Special Meeting Wednesday Sep 23 2020

8:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Attendees: Paparao Gummadapu, Lakshmi Satishkumar, Shankara
Kuppa, Vasundhara Srikakulapu, Suresh Gudimetla, Suresh
Absent: Anil Yarlagadda

TAJA Secretary called for a Special Meeting to discuss TAJA New Account Status, Transition
Status and Next Steps.

● As per TAJA EC Emergency meeting from Thursday September 17th 2020, President
and Treasurer went ahead and opened a new TAJA Bank Checking Account at Bank of
America on Friday, September 18th, 2020. Deposited 3 sponsors checks and will
continue to deposit all sponsor checks as soon as possible.
● TAJA Financial Audit Chair from AB sent the Audit Report Draft on Sunday, September
20th 2020. Sincere thanks to the Audit Committee for completing the audit within 3
weeks from the first meeting date Sunday, August 30th 2020.
● There was a discussion about the reasons for Financial Transition still being pending
and why there was a need to link completion of Audit for Transition. President Elect also
reminded the history of the past committees in his experience with 4 audit committees in
different roles, where Transition and Audit are two separate things and Transition did not
wait for Audit to be completed.
● President and Treasurer explained to EC members about past committee Treasurer
insistence that he will Transition only after the Audit is complete and past committee
President who wants to adhere to the same timeline like every year in spite of repeated
requests to expedite the process from the current committee.
● EC members recommended the Secretary to send the current timelines and minutes to
the TAJA Bylaws committee to make sure they explicitly provide clarity on the Transition
and Audit processes for future committees. Secretary to collect all communications from
the Email and Audit WhatsApp groups related to the Transition process that took place
since AGM in June 2020, and be ready to provide to AB or Bylaws Committee if they
need additional information.
● Current committee spent more than $4,500 personally for the events so far, and haven't
been reimbursed because of the delays in the current Transition. EC recommendation
was to start the reimbursement process from the New TAJA Checking account opened
by the current TAJA Committee.
● Please note that many amounts collected by the current committee including
membership dues, COVID19 donations, Annamayya Workshop etc., has been deposited
to the old TAJA Checking Account to which the current committee has no transactional
● Past Committee President mentioned a bank appointment for Transition on Saturday,
September 26th 2020 12:00 PM on University Blvd branch. Current Committee President
and Treasurer confirmed their availability and that they are ready to come to any branch
to make the transition happen.
● List of items still to be transitioned:
○ Bank accounts transfer (Checking, Savings and Emergency Savings)
○ PayPal account credentials
○ Quickbooks account credentials
○ TAJA Google Drive credentials

Bathukamma and Dasara events are scheduled for the third week of October. Any additional
reimbursement of personal expenses from the Current Committee will need tapping into the
funds in the existing TAJA Checking account. Current Committee is expecting the ​Transition to
be complete by ​Saturday, September 26, 2020​ as mentioned by the Past Committee to proceed
with the upcoming events. If this Transition cannot be completed by the aforementioned date,
the Secretary will schedule an Emergency meeting with EC and AB to find alternatives to
complete Transition and next steps.

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