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UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, JAMAICA COLLEGE/ FACULTY: Faculty of Engineering and Computing SCHOOL/ DEPARTMENT: School of Engineering Semester 3 “Module Name: Fluid Mechanics Module Code: MEE3003 Date: June 11, 2013, “Theory! Practical: Theory Groups: BENG 3M, BENG 3M (NA), BENG 3 (CIVIL), BENG M1, C5-PD Duration: 2 % Hours Instructions: 1. Answer ANY FOUR questions. 2. Bach question caries 25 marks 3. Start each question on a new page and put all sections of a question together 4 State cleay all assumptions and boundary conditions. Page 1 of 11 DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO ‘Question #1 8) The pressure difference, Ap, across a partial block in an artery (called stenosis) is approximated by the equation ap=k tv on] fev D A ‘where V is the blood velocity, 1. the blood viscosity (FL? T), p the blood density (ML), D the artery diameter, Ao the area ofthe unobstructed artery, and A the area ofthe stenosis, Determine the dimension ofthe constants ky and k, (all ‘workings must be shown). (S marks) As shown in Figure 1, water flows fom a faucet on the first floor of the building, ‘with a maximum velocity of 6.1m/s. For steady inviseid flow, determine: {) the maximum water velocity from the basement faucet, | (S marks) ii). the maximum water velocity from the faucet on the second floor (5 marks) 6) Allayer of fuid lows down a fixed incline surface as shown in Figure 2 with the ye ne velocity profile F IU = 2in/s, h=0.1 m and y= 0.00112 Ns/m, determine: the magnitude and direction ofthe shearing stress thatthe water exerts on the fixed surface (marks) ii) the magnitude ofthe shearing stress at y=h. (marks) Page? of 1 Question #2 1) Write short notes on any ofthe following; i) Centrifugal pumps (13 marks) thant Now pumps 3 mars) iy tmpse Tries 3 mart inp Renation Turbines (3 mark) Your answer sould include clssifeaon, principle of peaionseffiknles snd specie sped 3) The velocity fel ofa flow is given by Vox racy jE vere x andy ae in meters and tis in second, Determine: ’) the acceleration field (8 marks) i) the location of ny stagnation pont in he ow (mn) vest 13 Waerar iS Cows fom the basement tthe second oor ough a 0.02 m diameter ‘copper tube (a drawn tube) at arate of 7.6 x 10 m/s and exit through a faucet of | diameter 0.013 m as showm in Figure 3. Determine the pressure at point (1) considering all major and minor losses, (25 marks) 2 based on pipe velocity Pale” 013m diameter 0.02m diameter copper pipe > dy Threaded =— 90° elbows: Figue3 Page3 of 1 under the obstacle shown in Figure 4 puts a vertical force F, on the obstacle. This force is assumed to be the function ofthe flowrate, Q, the density ofthe water, p, the acceleration due to gravity, g, and the Iength, J that characterizes the size of the obstacle. A 1/20 scale model is to be used to predict the vertical force on the prototype. 8) Determine a suitable set of pi terms for the problems (10 marks) 1) IP the prototype flow rate is 28,3 ms, determine the water flowrate for the mode! ifthe flows are to be similar (T marks) ©) Ifthe model force is measured as (Fy)a = 89 N, predict the corresponding force on the prototype, (8 marks) Question #5 ‘The flow ofa viscous, incompressible fluid is laminar, steady and uniform between the ‘vo infinite, vertical, parallel plates shown in Figure S. Using the Navier-Stokes ‘an expression forthe velocity profile (12 marks) by the flow rate per unit width inthe z-direction (S marks) ©) the mean velocity (4 marks) 4) pressure gradient in the direction of flow in terms of the ‘mean velocity (marks) Direction of flow A benebenel Figure 5 Page 4 of 4) The differential U-tube monometer shown in Figure 6 is connected to pipe A ‘containing water, and pipe B also containing water. The manometer fluid has a specific gravity of 3.46. Determine the new differential reading ifthe pressure in pipe A is decreased by 9 kPa and the pressure in pipe B remains the same. (U2 marks) Water Gage hid“ wso= 3.48) Figure 6 b) A homogeneous, 4 m wide, 8 m long rectangular gate weighing 800 N is held in place by a horizontal flexible cable as shown in Figure 7. Water aets against the gate which is hinged at point A. Neglecting friction in the hinge, determine: 1). the magnitude ofthe resultant force (marks) ii) the location of the resultant force (4 marks) il) the tension in the eable marks) Figure 7 END OF PAPER***#** Page 5 of 11 Pots = Pose + Potm Formulae Sheet Fy = Ay, sin Fp= tha ype na Joe zy, Lay + 5p" + 72=constan Ve Pe ee PSH = Wogy = POU V1 - cos) V,, —V_, =(U ~V,Ml-cos 8) (U) +(W, cos 8) isothermal process) (isentcopic process) Page 6 of 11 Continuity Equation Sf ates [ prvads=0 Ef atv ef. pir tt =0 Ef Fiat + [Pp t= SF ya 2 +P yates | OFT.) dd =D Po a al! [ “ Wp hada SF, 7 Dy EE Gx Phoovs], (ex Pp d= Silex Poser Page 7 of mate i Pop fe amen ii ete ee ee en ee ee TABLE 1.8 owt, eg, Weed, re Sa gin ame) en) an sae) Page 8 of 11 Geometric properties of some common shape Equivalent Roughness for New Pips (Ref, 7) and Colebrook (Ref. 8)] Equivalent Roughness, © [From Moody Pipe Feet Millimeters Riveted steel 0.003-0.03 0.9-9.0 Concrete 0.001-0.01 0.3-3.0 Wood stave 0.0006-0.008 0.18-0.9 Cast iron 0.00085 0.26 Galvanized iron 0.0005 0.15 Commercial steel ‘or wrought iron 0.00015 0.045 Drawn tubing 0.000005 0.0015 Plastic, glass 0.0 (smooth) 0.0 (smooth) Page 9 of UL Loe Case trie Campus (1, = 2) oat om a 2 Re oF “Ih Baie by ‘Smee os) 2) “Eee, ef wadh Page 10 of 11

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