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Date 5 9 22

03 DoesBhali eujoy hu Arst day at schoot

Quuhons ond Ancwe N0, Boli doel uat enoyw pr da
0 SMDo beLaue whih heaclhes askY ho
OIWhy w Bhel aten Lwome about h.? AY nane ShL Stamral and bean D UY
Lad a S h do, alL u thu qinls laught
Bholii oathen w24 Luomed about wr becauge
w0sa QuAone wOula maku
dltreMÍ pon
Blholi wih jna ook and na elgence QuDoe she nd he teachu
eitue IA peple at home

QZFoY whatunwrial asDn is Bholi sent to YeA, Sh ind

Schoel Deppe at eme us w4 because whn hu-
facheg alked n ,S ul ked
n Swch a
a way
Ln Mellaz ho hamlad lined, a Seft h d So othing LwG hgd euu
priman sdheo or 2rl u
ll tekLday sahib -td h k
ODOning Ceremoy Heasked Rimlal te OS wy_do pholis panend accept Bishamter marr1Qge
exaynp le and Md hic daugatey pre posal
o school Ram talS wife w i n demidd.
She hanuent sending aAK aughheost Bholis _paNLuk aCceptdBIshambex amiag prepo
Scseohatant that notody ngulHd mar albecause w had Q bi shop,a houte a
hAeno ht Ramlal wo4 ot readu t i s swn nd C Se ral thouAand in hse
disobe lais hign p So has ifecm banki MooVen w net 0Akia or Q
e CDncusÝoh Tha if faAy Seut douw wwweC
Biooli tp Scuool m teakNI dbuld tu ke
C Ahd 04 Shha iHHe (06|Ww dot nL mayriapenet take place
in mamed.
m aycia doea net take place be caust
upoa(ooki at Bholi's ueBisham ber
N Page No.
Saath Date
dtmandsdowury kinowing that Ramla 09 why did Bhb/at Brst Qgnet to an unequal
BALdnet nenue hchLnragtA_
would net
mhthuWu dhd sho Laker ieut ha mamape
nd Sa declaoA fhat She What does ths tel about wa
mam Such naAn Cmeedu and
Coneaphble COwaad A Ant Bholi aarees fo an wneaya! match
becank Sh wans o maintzin pante
O7 Bkoi hod ma apprhegision about oina i22at( respe Sep yeienk ugam a lake
school. whatmado wr eel hat s because Bishonbe dewand dow upan loOkr
w goina a 6ekferplace hah hO gt PholTis rells_wthat Bubr hu eo
honk Bholi ho managed Qin self Dnhdon
eundSef respe
Bluoi laad ma Qpprehensipu aDud ina m_
Scao bu phen Sh wa a Posa OBluoli's ea na is Sulekha We ne hld
CeAn lotaeso weas Qnd e l wa hms ngw a fu besmnirg Bu nly in h
ruhbe D hon dru apttedhaiy slhe last but n paragrh e uSoy isBholi
be gn hel1 slu OA Qoina hb Calles Sulpkha agdin Why do youhank She
place a ue_adne 1S called Sulekhk at n t point in fu
RHewHow did Bholisheachenplay an jmprtaut
vole n Changin 1 COuse hfee{ Bholi's neal _nam is Sulekha but 4hJAn
nsh he 08 holi, which madnt a
Bholi'shutha layed simpleton fink that Blheli is Called Sulekhe
in chAnaina w CDuie he life by a taat pein in fu Story becase she is
ahowina w kindnR,naahvating heh routaen Sh is a
And poviding he with attenhionqnd Clhanaedesion sielP.Ou daat i
wisdbm Ban's aclat tugt ua). Japuw o ADne Confd.ent 0 Lsel
end and wne and educoltad e3 0 14AE
Buoli could beC independeGwDman
Page No. Page No.
Saath Saath)
Date Date

aposter 4n Beh than Beti Paduas QIR

Des1N Blaoli'
s teachen helped hen etwrcom Social bande
emcDuraPmA nd nuptivatip he Houw do you
hWink yo oa Contnbuke towas ohangirg h
Sodk Hi tudes illuwhated in tuis orZ
Hirst and frena@t fuL nabit efunos Ophon
S eat wonan wwfh f het NADn,eual

Supricinaansguht sd peopde dontu epeU

woksonn SinapLy bezai4e Sh awomain
Secondy,_we chn alwau LenspttpChanya
fa uAndLet SuLA nao -mihded peDpE
Ahhouah_a dihCwlt ask Wi waking e
DeAsonunk and ft dufferently sar
achieenen it wn


Saathi Saath
3 Date

JHE REES netd o_braK 0uk

u Arst stanza u poet descob
Suma heve fe tres o wovin fom inide into fu a
Th foreat ue embiyll fstdaus No birds
pOEA Tiees ha heen 1wnTten Could Sit 64 iw Yordes r O i e t coudd
b_oiEan ch ulho wy bonn 1h Baltimon i s in hs bank becse t t wee uo e he
Mau land,USA in 1399. he 3 hse auhaDr obshruchrg rg hu Sun
anly hwPubA valsla perm an T rest tat wos E all fisehii L
has ieonCalleda ensinist ahd
T Vboh works onh nigu
U 0u hwo paralel we n tu Sepeahe fueneluy m hu Crock h u
Doom paain i s where h îr eicohda Albor leaue Agki an
Baolic ot lwman b s who o beund go mwonds la gAa Smal uies
b tue Condnhcins hu soe tt, especialy ita a eot brea Kire rte
Lwbmen Wonen ertrol Ond brwndhe huat wee órauped iddoos
r ond Tequlahio t Sotie he he y So loins 0 Shuiig n 9oGubide
EyLpezhed h bPhau in a Cetoin wy 0hi copaud eidly dischenrd
poem poet dedb pohk Who lbok half-dazedluale qon
hew Hu hrees bresk free Cund to tu climic dok. wwan tet 1
ort 2umbnisirg ero wOmen sheuld break hot eby reak rue fom b conhrmun
fal eo tu Coruhaink a huuur I a and G h Sociey
aprt sd hw ung and Spo in iu open
podk sih innide and wntes lonaleie
Sh handlu uauhon hu depozhuY s A hrd
w SeLpnd hum 1S 0bout tu froA ha he Synmbalic how SontinuA
Conait lshoetn0an and hahu Plawr and Lwe heMd o igne to importaat iuuu ia
h 01 ue inteior derorohm in ahe A fe ecuht a4 mbazb 0r eca
we 0hiSCantd e ha ConceQ,aente. u hismt
Page Ho Page No
Saathi Gaath
Date Date

LlnDLehA00 thieA
1S sh_and
e ho re licuenCrutu pattke o bushe aousth on
ih an opem sKA hee hunny /bare round med b SoCiati
CanSwelL e leaws ue
lh poP Voice iu Ot un4uy and alga.
ts ike
Lichin hnat ea cle
Poeio Deuices
poePs naind 1s hul e
h all kind a : Tue hees 1nside Cu oviVa out inp
about IAL
dhoughi, douhk uncertainihy ooLL 1h Aat
Auy he orest, e uoon is bnk e hllear
ot Hhe hots. SleKues hat fu next day_al CaR
e doubk will 40 uwa Cnd ho2 ANG wi
eCom calha e breps ane new in pesoncanon e bels inide
Shanahliin OAK oot wDK he leaud Shain, Smal
em ough tu Cauopy MAHALOE twigs Shff boua Shun ndes D nef
na0On Ppeas n be lhea bmkLn naor Su huryk a t iu Shadou, bre ae Shumb
winds ush neek_fwm
n be Out
In epen h San whPAnLDA hrovaa naphora hat was_enmp ty l se
beieespezicll wonen, hae a t to liu
reedwih sef HuperE anddiokiA Repehhon 0, MO

nlossan Siwilelike uuly discheracd pobeat, ike

h disengag hemselwa: Separae temsehue

MHrahon: Sky stll faret pam, lorg letm
Shrain Make ort o w bogtd, Atallest
bouh brdnoe

Suh ovi epeattdly poa emposihon n

Owo haOn
Page N
Page No.
Gaath) Date

Xwhons and Ansuerd Q wIhout doe he poe Congor Heir banchia

hnd, in u_hnt Shn2a, hne fhinyi fhat

a elhm
Connet happen n L po Conapah iair branthts o hu
dsdkanged Paheas hadl cdaaed and y i
hom hu we athi hed
Stanza dwands I doo 4hAL dinic hz
Tihout hes w will be4o spoLe De DYanchu Aoe iúir way wordi u
inseeh i d e Ma branChilar ha
i n d s n Si nA Anad uo S
hade for c
QHow does haepoet describe fu oon
a) 0t fL bepahnmg f Nal Haird Sania and
(2) JUlat pichn do twe words Ceat in_pur a t i k emd What cauae hais Changt?
mind: Cun huy ih e t in shodeu Whot
a t hu hegindng 4 h fan Ze hat
COul.d poet wpn bu Cun's fet aaird
i r d anza Da
poem desdriUha
ke h
deadikes nanon as Ally Vfbat an
Lpon endirs fs wpada Loink ae Conplee ly wiiblewhile bwabdi e ed Shl
bi unliost peRhn MDOn AAales a bYnkem
in wiranhis chonge is Cased whenDal
Sus buet hena SyabblkehtSunfsaf eAle.cun o Shread uiy bouugln fu
beinnigaNataY fpeedom hy aad heir
3wu at boesin_ poemwhet
d uir moh hei lEas gnd fuir wha Could vdlss spred Haan bpal
(0S) nest do ypu lnink happonto m houkt
Caphuo ngide

ank hat wlaan Da bellJaanue out af

khu oue, it ise in a diskeaeled Stabe
odas Ond halsa 9Sh ds t fal IWhen Dal retA en atmptiy qet out
hay broke arng aor r
Page No.
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Date Saathi
1hnugh it5 windau with alL NAir_eefon
An keAAADT Londahonlv

4 why do you hinh poet _does hf menh

depdhan Aoutýom Dau howe i
hink DoW dogANet_naALA`On
tas bekae Slw wam l Puth
placeLwihout Lina auMpue as i
Pvahe nt mph deil uw
1Simporay h fML pufhoy d irveleut

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