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Dear House GOP Colleague,

We did it. Nancy Pelosi is no longer in power, and our party is in a great position to hold the Biden administration
accountable and operate on behalf of We The People. As we embark on this pivotal opportunity, our party must
demonstrate our ability to govern and present a valid alternative to the dysfunction and disastrous leadership of the
Democratic Party.

As we enter the 118th Congress, our party needs fresh ideas and perspectives when outlining our commitment to the
American people. Over the past two years, it's been abundantly clear that families across the nation are dissatisfied
with the political climate and are desperate for change. Our party has the chance to answer this call, which is why I
humbly ask for your support as I endeavor to become Chair of the House GOP Conference. I will lead our
Conference with efficiency, efficacy, and energy that will attract more Americans to our movement. As your next
Conference Chair, we must zero in on a few critical objectives.

1. Win the Political Culture War - 2022 taught our party many lessons, one being that our message isn't
resonating with several demographic groups that have proved to be engaged and enthusiastic to participate
in the democratic process. Voters aren't going to come to us. We need to go to them. As your Conference
Chair, I'll lead an Aggressive Communications Strategy that empowers members to maintain an offensive
position when confronting news of the day and the widespread hyperpartisan activist journalism plaguing
the nation. So often, the media is more focused on their narrative than the needs of the people, and we must
bring the message back to serving our constituents, not clickbait. The press isn't going to do our bidding—it
is incumbent upon our members to drive the party's message across all communication mediums and
defend our agenda at every turn. The House GOP Conference Office will encourage feedback and
interaction from every member and use every lever at our disposal to reach constituents throughout

2. Regionalize Our Message - As Conference Chair, I'll lead a Regional Communications approach that
brings the House GOP message to Main Street, USA. Part of this plan will strategically utilize the
expertise, geographic representation, and passions to reinforce the conservative message in five regions.
This regional communications team will meet once a week when we are in session to go over relevant news
and communications strategies. National media cannot be our sole means of reaching voters. Millions of
our constituents trust their local newspaper, radio, and cable news outlets, and this regional plan will embed
our message into the nation's urban, suburban, and rural areas. Additionally, most Americans get their news
from social media. We have to ramp up our efforts to connect with the people via all forms of social media,
such as Twitter, Gettr, Facebook, Rumble, YouTube, and Instagram, as well as various podcasts and niche

3. Knowledge Is Power - As Conference Chair, I will utilize the entire team and the breadth of policy
knowledge across the Conference. I'll bring back rapid-response groups and organize a tactical
communications approach that spearheads members as subject matter experts and enables various
recommendations and policy prescriptions that will generate a stark contrast in solutions between each
party. When news breaks or specific topics rise to prominence, specialists in that arena will deploy to
communicate our message to other Members, the press, and our constituents.

4. Member-Focused Conference Meetings - Members are eager to contribute ideas and debate policy which
requires an open forum for the opinions of our Conference, which is what I’ll aim to do as Conference
Chair. Currently, these meetings are top-down heavy and only allow some Members to engage in the path
forward for the party.

Thank you for taking the time to read through my ideas. I hope you will consider electing me the next Chair of the
House GOP Conference and I look forward to working with you in the 118th Congress.


Congressman Byron Donalds (FL-19)

VIDEO: Championing Conservative Principles and Ushering In a New Republican Perspective to GOP
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