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Flux Industries Observation Ketch

Medium transport
Speed 6; Maneuverability average (turn 2)
AC 13; TL 13
HP 70; DT —; CT 14
Shields  basic 40 (orward 10, port 10, starboard 10, at 10)
Attack (Forward) gyrolaser (1d8; 5 hexes), twin laser (5d8; 20 hexes)
Attack (At) light plasma torpedo launcher (3d8; 20 hexes)
Attack (Turret) laser net (2d6; 5 hexes)
Power Core Arcus Heavy (130 PCU); Drit Engine none; Systems  basic mid-range sensors, crew quarters (common), mk 2 duonode
computer, mk 3 armor, mk 3 deenses; Expansion Bays cargo hold, escape pods, guest quarters (2, luxurious), recreation suite (HAC)
Modifers  +2 to any 2 checks per round, +2 Computers (sensors only), +1 Piloting; Complement 1–6

Built high above Suskillon at the high-tech Flux Industries Spaceyards, the Observation Ketch is the ideal conveyance or intrasystem travel.
Designed with comort, luxury, and security in mind, the Observation Ketch comes with two dozen transparent aluminum scenic view ports
perect or observing the stars and other astronomical phenomena, as well as—when the ship descends into a planet’s atmosphere—terrestrial
sights such as distant packs o wildlie and towering geographical eatures. During long travel times, guests can relax in their luxurious
quarters or make use o the ship’s HAC. A single cargo hold provides adequate room or passengers’ luggage and a small amount o goods an
enterprising crew might wish to transport.
Though the Observation Ketch is not a particularly large vessel, its many chambers are split between two decks—one dedicated to
passenger comort and one meant or the crew. A lit provides transportation between the decks, and a set o stairs connects the engineering
section and the cargo hold. However, don’t think that the Ketch’s lower deck is devoid o amenities. The captain receives their own quarters,
while the rest o the crew share a spacious barracks. They are all served by shared lavatory acilities and can relax in the ully stocked galley
in between shits.
An Observation Ketch also boasts enough weaponry to protect itsel rom hostile entities while in dangerous territory. The vessel is armed
with state-o-the-art twin lasers, a deadly light plasma torpedo launcher, a versatile gyrolaser, and a laser net capable o stopping most
targeted missiles in their tracks. Should these deenses (and the vessel’s basic shields) prove inadequate, the Observation Ketch is equipped
with several emergency escape pods.
This luxurious starship can be crewed by one to six people (though the standard crew size is our), and any size o crew is aided by the
vessel’s on-board computer and mid-range sensors. Some owners outft their Observation Ketches with Drit engines ater a ew years o
operation as they grow bored with the experiences their home system has to oer and wish to travel to other systems and see new things,
but Ketches generally come o the production line without such capability, relying solely on their conventional thrusters.

Ptrick Brennn

 Jmes Cse, Adrin N, nd Lcy Pellzr

 Json Keeley
Keeley nd Chris S. Sims

Amirli Attr Olyee, Judy Buer, Jmes Cse, Leo Glss,
Lyz Liddell, Adrin N, Lcy Pellzr, nd Json Tondro

Setiwn Fjrek
Michele Giori, Nthnel Jmes, Alyss McCrthy
Pixoloid Studios, nd Tom Ventre


Grey Erb

Dmien Mmmoliti


Adm Vick
Campaign Outline 2

CREATIVE DIRECTOR Fate of the Fifth 4

Robert G. McCrery by Patrick Brennan
Amnd Hmon Battling the Swarm 38
by Patrick Brennan
Owen K.C. Stephens
A Plague of Locust
s 46
PROJECT MANAGER by Lacy Pellazar 
Gbriel Wluconis

PUBLISHER Alien Archives 54

Erik Mon by Patrick Brennan, James Case, and Adrian Ng 

Codex of Worlds: suskillon 62

by Patrick Brennan

Starship: Terminus
Te rminus Wild Inside
by Patrick Brennan

This book reers to two other Strnder products usin the ollowin bbreviti
ons, yet these dditionl supplements re not required to mke
use o this book. Reders interested in reerences to Strnder hrdcovers cn nd the complete rules o these books vilble online or ree

 Armory AR  Pact Worlds PW

On the Cver

Artist Setiwn Fjrek portrys n onsluht o

terriyin Swrm dreders, s well s Xelnon, the
Pizo Inc. FA T E OF shirren priest o Hylx who needs to be rescued rom

7120 185th Ave NE, Ste 120 BY PATRICK BRENNAN  doomed plnet.
Redmond, WA 98052-0577


Spoiler Alert!
he exct oriins On this pe you’ll nd the bckround nd outline or the Attck o Thouh tht ttckin
the Swrm! Adventure Pth. I you intend to ply in this cmpin,

o the Swrm be wrned! This pe spoils the plot or the upcomin dventures s subcolony ws deeted,
re unknown the Swrm continued to
thorouhly s possible.
to most. Beore it becme rve other systems.
 monolithic hive-mind bent In 318 ag, the Swrm
on consumin everythin discovered nd destroyed 
in its wy, members o the Swrm were oriinlly clled thrivin shirren world in the Vst. In doin so, the Swrm
kuchrns, n insectile species tht worshipped Hylx. A ew lerned  little bout wht cused the shirren to deect
shirren reliious scholrs hve posited tht the Forever Queen in the rst plce. The Swrm hive mind then ormed 
ws oriinlly  kuchrn who scended to odhood, but there semiutonomous subcolony to retrce the pth o the
is little proo o this theory. As the centuries pssed, kuchrns shirren exodus, theorizin tht i it could bsorb more o this
evolved to orm  series o hives, ech with its own collective inormtion, it could in even reter power—perhps even
consciousness. The kuchrn popultion ben to explode s the  orm o odhood. It hs creted  unique Swrm entity
hives competed or their plnet’s resources. clled the God-Host to be the vessel or this omnipotence
These clshes eventully turned into ull wrs with bttles on until such time s it could return to the hive mind nd
lnd, in the ses, nd in the sky, until one hive developed the disseminte tht power throuhout the entire Swrm.
bility to subsume the intellience o those hives it deeted. Erlier this yer, the Swrm ben its ssult on the
Soon, this hive overwhelmed ll others, nd in its unendin Suskillon system, the next step in the shirren exodus. The
huner stripped its home plnet o ll resources. With this plnet Suskillon, the min inhbited world o the system, is
evolution, Hylx turned wy rom the species, dislikin the pth bout to ll.
o its development while reminin unwillin to interere with it.
This miht hve been the end or the Swrm, i  combintion o FTE OF THE FIFTH
evolutionry trits bsorbed rom severl dierent hives hdn’t By Patrick Brennan
led the species to develop  orm o spceiht. By cretin livin Starfnder Adventure Path #19, Levels 1–2
strships, the Swrm ws ble to tke to the strs nd devour The rmed orces o the Suskillon system in the Vst hve
world ter world, levin devsttion in its wke. been htin bck inst  Swrm invsion or severl
The Swrm’s constnt modictions led to n unusul months. The PCs join the Suskillon Deense Force nd re
muttion durin the Gp:  subcolony o the Swrm broke ssined to the 5th Bttlion,  unit tht ws devstted
wy rom the hive mind nd reined its individulity. This when the Swrm touched down on the plnet. Durin n
becme the pece-lovin species now known s shirrens. As overniht ptrol o n re round the city o Brinno, the

both species “woke” rom the Gp, the shirrens ed rom the plnet’s cpitl, the Swrm strikes in in orce, throwin
conused Swrm. Momentrily stoppin t  comet to ther the plnet into chos. When their commndin ofcer is
resources or uel, the shirrens were reeted by n ime killed in the ttck, the PCs must bein  dy-lon trek on
o Hylx, who welcomed the lost members o her ock nd oot to the nerest SDF cmp, their route crossin  bride
helped strenthen their minds inst the constnt psychic slted or demolitio
pull o the Swrm. Severl shirrens styed behind on the Once t the cmp, the PCs meet the re’s only survivin
comet, erectin  scred site clled the Forever Reliqury ofcer, Commnder Hdiy Njiri, who is tsked with brinin
nd urdin it or enertions to come. Continuin on their the soldiers nd rescued civilins to n evcution point in
exodus, shirrens pssed throuh the Suskillon system (where Reos City. Ater restin up nd delin with some unruly
they minled with the locl populce) nd wht they nmed civilins, the PCs trvel with the convoy nd re eventully
the Chuuv system (estblishin  colony there). Other iven one nl mission to retrieve Xelonn,  shirren priest
shirrens continued on, eventully rechin the Pct Worlds in o Hylx who miht hve inormtion bout the Swrm.
83 ag, brinin the ith o Hylx with them nd spredin its They trvel north to the mountins, help  ew desperte
messe o pece throuh the system. But the shirrens lso individuls lon the wy, nd eventully rech  temple o
brouht wrnins o the Swrm. Hylx under siee by the Swrm. Returnin with the priest to
In the centuries tht ollowed, the Swrm hs been Reos City, the PCs nd they (nd  hndul
hn dul o other evcuees)
spotted in vrious res o the lxy, most notbly in 291 hve been let behind, nd they must nd n unused strship
ag, when it ttcked the Pct Worlds nd the Veskrium. to ee the plnet beore the Swrm completely overwhelm it.



THE LAST REFUGE nd nd only n re o empty spce. Investition discovers
By Mara Lynn Butler  wrecked strship serchin or the sme ol nd  strne
Starfnder Adventure Path #20, Levels 3–4 enery sinture to ollow. Ater htin their wy pst
With  hndul o reuees nd  commndeered strship, deep-spce dners, the PCs rech n icy comet hurtlin
the PCs trvel to the nerby colony world o Utrneus, throuh the Vst tht must be their destintion.
where the system’s inhbitnts hve retreted in the ce Hidden under the comet’s surce is  monstery
o the Swrm invsion. Ater thwrtin  smll mutiny on dedicted to Hylx, protected by  sect o peceul monks

bord nd delin with problems let behind by the strship’s led by  trox nmed Tuvh. To in the monks’ id, the
previous owner, the PCs lnd t the metropolis o New PCs must undero  series o trils ocusin on diplomcy,
Grkk, where tensions re hih. Members o  movement rst contct, nd protectin the innocent. Once they re
who believe the Swrm presence is  punishment or the successul, Tuvh wrds the PCs with the Crown of Hylax, FIFTH
system’s sins re disruptin the militry’s eorts to tke in n rtict tht will sever the Swrm subcolony ttckin
reuees. Commnder Njiri sends the PCs out to peceully Suskillon rom the Swrm hive mind. The only ctch is tht
quell unrest within the city, which leds the PCs to seek the rtict cn be used only in the psychic lndscpe tht
out the ntics’ leder, n ndroid con rtist turned lse represents the reter Swrm hive mind. While the monks
prophet, Sister Sprk, nd put n end to her mchintions. enct  ritul to send the PCs to this mindscpe, the comet
From inormtion thered by Sister Sprk nd her is ttcked by wves o Swrm cretures, nd the PCs must PART 1:

dissidents, the PCs lern o  series o cves under New collpse the tunnels ledin to the monstery to protect the THE

Grkk tht contin old sins o use. Xelonn conrms tht monks lon enouh to nish. BATTLE
centuries o, shirrens pssed throuh this re durin their
iht rom the Swrm, nd while some settled on Suskillon,  HIVE OF MINDS
smll sect o monks miht hve built  shrine in these tunnels. By Thurston Hillman PART 2:

The PCs re sked to explore the re to see i they miht Starfnder Adventure Path #23, Levels 9–10 THE

provide shelter in cse the Swrm ttcks Utrneus, s well The PCs journey into the psychic projection o the Swrm’s SCOURING
s to discover their sinicnce to shirren history. hive mind,  weird nd hostile lndscpe. As they lern
the new powers they cn wield here, they mke contct
HUSKWORLD with n echo o the event tht cused the shirrens to in PART 3:

By Lyz Liddell independence nd the reections o mous shirrens who re THE

Starfnder Adventure Path #21, Levels 5–6 hunkered down in  besieed stronhold. From there, the PCs FALL OF
Clues within the tunnels under New Grkk reerence cn strike out into the mindscpe, serchin or  wy to use
somethin clled “The Forever Reliqury.” Xelonn hs herd the Crown of Hylax nd discover the nture
n ture o the God-Host’s
the phrse rom other Hylx-wo
rshippin shirrens in the pst, plns to in omnipotence or the Swrm. Eventully, they BATTLING

but believed it described  stte o bein rther thn  physicl conront  mniesttion o the subcolony’s connection to THE SWARM

plce. Unortuntely, the Swrm hs recently ttcked the the hive mind nd use the rtict to destroy it, sendin
system where the ledin resercher into the shirren exodus themselves bck to the Forever Reliqury
nd Hylx mytholoy lived. The SDF sends the PCs to the OF LOCUSTS

ArrivinIlemchuuv in tht
in orbit, they ndsystem to discover
tht the Swrm re wht
stillthey cn.
present THE GOD-HOST
there in orce, drinin the plnet o every lst resource. By Ron Lundeen ALIEN
However,, the PCs nd the Swrm ren’t the only ones on the
However Starfnder Adventure Path #24, Levels 11–12
plnet. A roup o ormer residents clled the Clde Compny Returnin to the Suskillon system nd Commnder Njiri, the
resist the Swrm occuption nd cn id the PCs, so lon s PCs discover the Swrm subcolony is in disrry. However, CODEX OF

the PCs help them in return. To slow down the depletion o the the God-Host is still on the vere o completin its plns, so WORLDS

world’s resources, the PCs re sked to strike inst  titnic the heroes must return to Suskillon—but now they hve the
extrctor drone… rom the inside! Once they hve succeeded, miht o n entire militry behind them! The commnder
the PCs nd the Clde Compny cn inltrte the remins o  llows the PCs to id in certin strteic decisions s the SDF
university to nd the nswers
ns wers they re lookin or. ttempts to retke their ormer home. The PCs must del with
 counterinvsion nd the thret o corporte intererence
THE FOREVER beore returnin to Xelonn’s temple o Hylx, where the
RLIQUARY God-Host hs tken up residence. The temple is  twisted
By Kate Baker mockery o its ormer lory nd overrun with the Swrm.
Starfnder Adventure Path #22, Levels 7–8 Only by nlly deetin the mssive God-Host cn the PCs
With  now-decesed proessor’s reserch into the Forever brek the will o the Swrm subcolony nd brin pece bck
Reliqury in hnd, the PCs trvel to the indicted coordintes to Suskillon!





As members o the Suskillon Deense Force’s Fith Bttlion, the heroes ce o TRACK

inst  ull Swrm invsion nd must retret cross dnerous terrin crwlin
with enemies. “Fte o the Fith” is
desined or our chrcters.

The PCs bein this
PART 2: THE SCOURING OF SAHTOR 20   dventure t 1st level.
Ater escpin rom the Swrm cross  mjor river, the heroes receive orders to
evcute the plnet, but irst they must sve ny civilins they cn ind, includin  2
shirren priest who miht hve inormtion bout the Swrm ttck. The PCs should rech
2nd level on their journey
to the temple o Hylx.

PART 3: THE FALL OF SUSKILLON  30  The PCs should be
Hvin missed the lst vessel o Suskillon, the heroes—lonside  ew reuees— 3rd level by the end
must bttle their wy pst the encrochin Swrm rmy to ind  strship nd escpe o the dventure.
to sety.



While the deth toll in the wr inst the Swrm let
n indelible mrk on the Veskrium nd the Pct Worlds,
ADVENTURE the Swrm ws lso ected by its only deet in recorded
BACKGROUND history. The hive mind lerned o the shirrens’ presence within
the Pct Worlds, nd thouh until this point the Swrm held
no more rerd or its missin “children” thn  humn would
miss  sinle skin cell, the hive mind ben to remember the

Swrm, becomin
n insectilethe
rceinterstellr mence
clled kuchrns known
existed s s the
series kuchrns’
towrd theconnection to Hylx.
Forever Queen A tiny
or her mote o resentment
bndonment ben to
o hives, ech with its own collective consciousness. While ester, nd in 318 ag, the Swrm ttcked the Chuuv system, FTE OF
the colonies competed with one nother or resources on where the shirrens hd built  colony durin their exodus. THE
their home world, mny peceully worshipped Hylx. Bein  peceul plnet, Ilemchuuv ws conquered quickly,
Some believe tht deity ws once  kuchrn who scended nd with the deths o thousnds o shirrens, the Swrm hive
to odhood, thouh no rel evidence o this theory hs mind cuht  limpse o the shirrens’ trvels immeditely CAMPAGIN  

been discovered. ter the Gp. The Swrm then ormed  subcolony to trce OUTLINIE

The Swrm ws eectively born when  kuchrn colony this exodus in the hopes o discoverin importnt sites holy
developed the bility to consume the intellience nd enetic to Hylx nd climin some o her divine power or its own.
mteril o others, cretin cretures tht were more thn the The “leder” o this subcolony is known s the God-Host— THE
sum o their prts. In  mtter o yers, this new collective towerin creture bred to led the Swrm in the next phse o BATTLE

becme the plnet’s dominnt species, eventully developin its evolution into divinity. The God-Host recently brouht the OF BRINNOA

the powers o spceiht nd levin its world to nd others Swrm to the Suskillon system, invdin its most inhbited
to destroy nd devour. Sddened by this development, Hylx plnet, where the shirrens cominled with the humn ntives
bndoned her ormer children nd turned her ttention to centuries o. For severl months, the Suskillon militry hs THE
other sentient species in the lxy. bttled inst the Swrm, ttemptin to keep it t by, but SCOURING

As the Swrm spred cross the cosmos, it conquered when  Swrm scoutin prty discovered the psychic power OF SAHTOR

countless other species nd let only ded worlds in its wke. o the temple o Hylx in the Jurdos Mountins, the God-Host
It seemed nothin could stop it, s the hive twisted nd initited  nl push. The people o the plnet Suskillon hve
mutted its own enetic mteril, dptin to ny chllene no ide tht  world-shkin monster is bout to led n THE
set beore it. Ech o these chnes creted powerul ttck tht will overwhelm their plnet—perhps or ood. FALL OF

specilized wepons o wr, which the Swrm used to SUSKILLON

continue its cmpin o devsttion. Driven by its instible

huner nd instinct to expnd, the Swrm hs no desire to PART 1: BATTLING
neotite terms o peceul surrender with those it overruns.
Durin the Gp,  seeminly rndom muttion with the
kuchrn enome creted n independent subcolony species
whose components could think or themselves: the rst
shirrens. Thnks to the conusion sowed when tht period o
orotten history ended, the shirrens were ble to ee rom It hs been 6 months since the Swrm rst touched down
the Swrm cross the strs. As they did so, shirrens cme on Suskillon in  bloody conict nmed the Bttle t Stone ALIEN

to terms with their existence nd their love o ree will nd Se. Ater the Swrm punched throuh the plnet’s eril nd ARCHIVES

choice. They were lso discovered by Hylx, who welcomed orbitl deenses, its components lnded ner the Stone Se, 
them into her divine embrce nd ve them the spiritul lre reshwter lke surroundin  dormnt volcno. The Fith
tools to survive their exodus. Bttlion o the Suskillon Deense Force (SDF) ws closest to the WORLDS
As the shirren mirted, they minled with other spient site o contct nd held the Swrm bck lon enouh or the SDF
species, settled worlds o their own, nd built monuments to to mobilize other bttlions to the re. Stories o the bttle hve
the Forever Queen, includin  monstery on n icy comet lredy reched ner-mythicl heihts, s most members o the
nd  temple built upon  site tht resonted with psychic Fith Bttlion were killed in lorious, terrible combt.
enery. The shirrens eventully reched the Pct Worlds in Since then, the SDF hs ouht  losin bttle inst
83 ag, entretin the system or se hrbor nd wrnin o the Swrm. Thouh Suskillon is  riendly trdin prtner
the dners o the Swrm. These words o cution would not with the Pct Worlds, the plnet’s overnment hs yet to
be relized until lmost 2 centuries lter, when the Swrm oicilly request id, with mny rid tht the Pct Worlds
rrived in  bloody ttck on both the Pct Worlds nd the will clim their plnet s  protectorte in “pyment” or
Veskrium tht ws stopped only once the two joined orces such help. However, tht hsn’t stopped volunteers nd
in 291 ag. mercenries rom other systems (inclu din the Pct Worlds


o wr. Some o these rumors re true, while others re simply
EQUIPPING THE FIFTH secondhnd ccounts o thins tht didn’t hppen.
Durin “Fte o the Fith,” there will be ew periods RUMORS ABOUT THE SWARM INVASION
o rest or the PCs, s their duntless enemy btters D8 Rumor
them rom every nle nd the rves o wr mke 1 The SDF hs tcticlly withdrwn its orces in 90%
once-se plces dnerous. You should inorm your o the bttles it hs conducted with the Swrm,
plyers when they crete their chrcters tht there with most bttles resultin in SDF ttrition rtes
will be stretches o time durin which they miht not o t lest 10% . (True, thouh most o the SDF top
hve ccess to vendors to buy equipment or the time brss would be reluctnt to  dmit it.)
to crt items. 2 Hnduls o soldiers hve been tken live by
More inormtion bout cretin chrcters nd Swrm cretures, nd it is sid tht the Swrm
purchsin strtin equipment cn be ound in “Bttlin hs  wy to suck the brins out o  soldier
the Swrm” on pes 38–45 o this book. You should nd ind out the SDF’s tctics nd troop sizes.
eel ree to shre those pes with your plyers, s (Prtilly true; Swrm mindrepers [ Starinder
they contin no spoilers or the Attck o the Swrm! Archi ve 2  122] hve the bility to extrct
 Alie n Archive
Adventure Pth. nd nlyze brin mtter, but they don’t need
the victims to be live.)
3 The Swrm re ttckin Suskillon becuse o 
rre minerl in the soil tht they need to survive.
nd the Veskrium) rom journeyin to Suskillon to join in (Flse; the Swrm cn extrct nourishment rom
the iht inst the invsion. The Swrm is relentless, nerly ny mteril.)
thouh, nd it hs lredy overrn nd tken nerly hl 4 Some Swrm components hve been ctin
o the plnet. strnely, nd some soldiers think it is becuse o
The dventure beins in the middle o one o the plnet’s some kind o psychic enery on Suskillon tht is
Ded Winters,  time o extended extreme cold wether in throwin o their hive-mind commnd structure.
the plnet’s southern hemisphere. Over the pst ew weeks, (Prtilly true; this psychic enery exists, but
Suskillon hs enjoyed somethin o  respite, s the Swrm it isn’t intererin with the hive mind, nd the
ppers to hve cesed its ner-dily ttcks. Some believe Swrm re ctively seekin it out.)
the Swrm’s numbers re dwindlin, nd tht the tide o the 5 The mjority o the Suskillon overnment nd
wr will soon turn. In relity, the Swrm is reroupin (nd SDF commnd hve lredy moved opertions
witin or dditionl Swrm components to rrive rom r) o-plnet becuse they estimte tht the plnet
or  mjor push to overtke the plnet’s most populted will ll under complete Swrm control in 3
continent, includin the cpitl city o Brinno nd the months. (Prtilly true, thouh the projected
mountin-bound temple o Hylx tht is so importnt to its timeline is incorrect.)
plns to chieve divinity. 6 The Swrm is controlled by n extrplnr
In n eort to replenish the rnks o the Fith Bttlion, colition o demons who wnt to destroy s much
the SDF hs recruited mercenries nd oworlders, mde o the lxy  s possible. (Flse.)
dels with prisoners nd pirtes, nd ccepted nerly every 7 I Brinno lls, SDF commnd hs plns to shower
volunteer who cn hold  un. These new soldiers—which the continent with nucler bombs, even i civilins
include the PCs—re bein trined nd outtted t Cmp nd soldiers re cuht in the blsts. (Flse.)
Cvlier,  smll encmpment just outside o Brinno. 8 Some hve seen  mssive, multiheded creture
they sy controls the Swrm invsion orce. It is
SLDIER SCUTTLEBUTT the size o  skyscrper nd cn kill nythin within
With n inux o new recruits to the Fith Bttlion,  mile o it usin only its mind. (Prtilly true; the
misinormtion nd ossip is bound to snke throuh the God-Host is intic, but its psychic powers,
rnks. Even bttle-hrdened creer soldiers ren’t bove thouh extensive, hve been exerted.)
spredin rumors when they hve nothin else to do. With
 successul DC 15 Diplomcy check to ther inormtion or WLCOME TO MIDNIGHT
 successul DC 12 Proession (soldier) check,  PC cn lern SQUAD
one o the rumors rom the Rumors bout the Swrm Invsion Beore the dventure beins, ech plyer chrcter should
tble below. At your discretion, PCs my simply overher ny come up with their own reson or joinin up with the SDF
o these rumors s they wlk throuh Cmp Cvlier beore to ht the Swrm on Suskillon. Some suestions or
the cmpin beins, in order to set the ste o the relities motivtions bsed on theme cn be ound in the “Bttlin the



Swrm” rticle strtin on pe 38, but  plyer cn invent  20+ When Mjor Jldmrrk joined the SDF t the
dierent motive i they wish. The PCs don’t necessrily need beinnin o the Swrm invsion, he insisted on
to know one nother, s they will soon bond over their shred bein iven the rnk o privte nd hs worked
experiences, but it is possible tht some o them re lredy his wy up to his current position in  short period
cquinted rom previous skirmishes or encounters. o time. He hs been herd to sy tht ihtin
The “Bttlin the Swrm” rticle lso explins the current inst the Swrm is his true purpose in lie.
stte o the wr, but you should reiterte the terrible price
the SDF nd other Suskillon citizens hve pid over The PCs meet Mjor Jldmrrk in his redy room.
the pst 6 months. Every credit expended, ech  Jldmrrk
 Jldmr rk is  vesk vetern o severl bttles
drop o swet, nd ll the bloodshed hs been with the Swrm in both the Veskrium nd the FTE OF
prt o the worldwide ttempt to repel the lien Pct Worlds. The vesk’s scles re drk reen, nd THE
invders. The mood cross the plnet is rim, the spikes on his jw point orwrd to orm  sort FIFTH
thouh limmers o hope hve beun to shine o berd. He sports  lre cybernetic eye. As
throuh t the news o the Swrm’s the PCs le into the chmber, he inspects
seemin slowdown. them nd their kit or  moment nd OUTLINE
The PCs hve been ssined then beins to lecture them.
to the Fith Bttlion nd sent
to Cmp Cvlier, where they “I m your new commndin PART 1:
will er up nd meet the oicer, Jldmrrk, nd
commndin ocer who I ws killin Swrm OF BRINNOA
will ive them their duty beore you were
rosters. I you re plyin clutchin your mother’s
with new plyers, you tils. I know more bout PART 2:
miht wnt to explin the JALDAMARRAK this enemy thn every
bsic mechnics o the sot-skin enerl in this OF SAHTOR
Strnder Roleplyin Gme system, nd I know or 
(ttck rolls, skill checks, svin ct we re losin this wr.
throws, Hit Points, Stmin Points, nd so on) in  boot cmp You’ve probbly herd tht over the lst seven dys, the PART 3:
settin, where their chrcters et  tste o the riors o Swrm hs retreted  rom three smller cities to the est
militry lie. A stern but crin drill instructor cn tech them o Brinno, nd the medi nd the SDF like re cllin SUSKILLON
bout wepon opertion nd the proper cre nd use o their this  turnin point or the wr, but I know better. Those
rmor in  wy tht doesn’t physiclly hurt them but ives vexers re up to somethin, nd I’m not lettin the Fith
them  strenuous workout. Bttlion et cuht with their spcesuits round their BATTLING
When the plyers re redy to bein, they re summoned nkles. You’re now prt o wht I’m cllin the Midniht
s  roup to spek with their commndin ocer. A PC Squd. For your irst ssinment, you’ll ptrol the Delt
cn ttempt  Culture or Proession (soldier) check to recll Escrpment  ew miles west o Cmp Cvlier rom A PLAGUE

knowlede bout this individul, Mjor Jldmrrk. They sundown to sun-up nd report bck with ny unusul OF LOCUSTS

lern ll the inormtion with  DC equl to or less thn the ctivity. Any questions?”
result o their check.
Some potentil questions the PCs miht sk Jldmrrk ARCHIVES
Result Inormation nd his responses re below.
10+ The vesk oicer is one o the most stlwr t What do you expect we will nd out there?   “Hopeully,
nd ered commnders in the SDF. He is over nothin. But i you spot ny evidence o cretures not ntive CODEX OF
60 yers old nd hs hd  storied creer. He to Suskillon, report bck immeditely
hs worked or the Veskrium militry, the Can you tell us a little bit about the Swarm, sir?   “I’ve
Stewrds, nd s  privte militry consultnt in ouht the Swrm on  hndul o ronts, nd every time,
the Pct Worlds. they were dierent. But even here on Suskillon, there’s
15+ Jldmrrk ws one o  ew vesk iven the somethin... more cunnin bout these critters. Like they’ve
Strstone Medl—one o the Pc t Worlds’ hihest ot  purpose other thn just killin everythin in their
militry decortions—or ihtin the Swrm eld o view. We’re seein  number o new vritions
durin its ttck on the Pct Worlds nd the in their rnks, includin the expendble scouts we’re
Veskrium. Credible rumors sy tht he turned cllin ‘dreders.’ ”
down n oer to join the Knihts o Golrion ter What exactly are Swarm dredgers?  “Nsty little critters,
the hostilities ended. bout the size o  khek, but they burrow riht under you.





They’ve ot brbed jws tht ltch onto you nd tke you down environmentl protections o their rmor should lst the
in  mtter o moments. But just like ny Swrm component, niht), nd perhps somethin to help keep them wke (see
they die i you put enouh rounds into them. My kill count is 112 Wke-Up Ptch on pe 45 or n exmple). Unortuntely,
since joinin the wr, but there re lwys seem to be two more due to the strined resources o the SDF durin the wr, the
redy to tke  ded one’s plce.” PCs will need to py or ny o these items.
Is Suskillon really going to lose this war?  Jldmrrk
sucks some ir throuh his teeth. “The sins ren’t ood. NIGHT PTRL
But tht doesn’t men we’re nished. I you complete your The PCs should muster up beore the sun sets. At lest one
ptrols nd report ny nd ll pertinent intellience bck to PC must succeed t  DC 10 Survivl check to ollow the ly
me, I will mke sure hih commnd knows wht us troopers o the lnd nd, within bout 2 hours, rech the re tht
re cin here on the round.” A PC who succeeds t  DC 12  Jldmrrk requested they ptrol. Filin the Survivl check
Sense Motive check cn tell tht Jldmrrk is holdin dds n hour to this time s the PCs end up mrchin in 
somethin bck. I  PC succeeds t  DC 15 Diplomcy circle beore ndin the Delt Escrpment. The sun hs ully
check to sk him wht he relly thinks bout Suskillon’s set when the PCs rech the escrpment, but the strs bove
chnces, the vesk shkes his hed nd sys, “I’ve been in  provide dim liht or the reminder o the niht.
lot o bttles in my time, nd I’ve seen wht the Swrm cn Once the PCs bein their niht wtch in the hilly reion
do. It’s not  mtter o i this plnet is oin to ll, but how surroundin the metropolis o Brinno, they hve mple time
mny Swrm we cn kill beore they et us live. Do you to tlk to one nother. They cn relte their bckstories, shre
understnd me, soldier?” rumors they hve herd rom the Rumors bout the Swrm
When the PCs hve sked their questions, Jldmrrk Invsion tble on pe 6, or speculte bout the uture o the
dismisses them to et some rest beore their evenin ptrol. wr. The rst ew hours pss quietly with little to no ction. A
He lso suests they visit the cmp’s qurtermster to PC who succeeds t  DC 14 Survivl
Su rvivl check nds the trcks o

mke sure they hve everythin they need or 13 hours  Suskillon brush stlker,  lre endnered predtor ntive
o ptrol duty:  liht source i they need one, clothin to this reion. The trcks re  ew hours old; the best is
to withstnd the cold wether (thouh he points out the lon one.



Severl hours lter, s the end o their shit ners nd  B. HIGHWAY 12 (CR 3)
int trce o the risin sun’s liht cn be seen on the horizon, It tkes n hour or the PCs to rech Inter-Reion Hihwy 12
red or prphrse the ollowin. nd nd the re where the SDF troops re therin. The sun
su n
hs ully risen, nd hundreds o eril nd round vehicles
A loud tonl lrm is ollowed with n ll-points re eein Brinno both on nd bove the rod in the erly
emerency brodcst over your comm units. A hurried mornin liht. The sounds o wepons re cn be herd in the
emle voice sys, “Attention ll Suskillon round orces, distnce, drowned out only by the screechin o the rmjet
this is Spcedock Prime-1. We re under hevy ttck! A enines o SDF hter plnes pssin overhed to join the
Swrm rmd hs entered in low orbit nd hs beun bttle bove the city. Even rom this distnce, Brinno looks
to—” the trnsmission ends s bruptly s it ben in  like  disturbed hornet’s nest, with Swrm vessels enin FTE OF
burst o er-splittin sttic. Up in the sky hih bove with the ircrt o the First Bttlion. THE
Brinno, hundreds o smll lihts lsh—the telltle sin Severl SDF soldiers stnd by the rod, wvin vehicles FIFTH
o strship combt. orwrd in  slow procession, curtly nswerin questions
rom evcutin citizens nd repetin tht civilins should
Ask the plyers wht they would like to do t this point. proceed to Reos City, severl dozen miles to the south. OUTLINE
They miht wnt to move towrd the bttle or retret bck Moments ter the PCs rrive, they re spotted by Mjor
to Cmp Cvlier. They cn’t yet rech SDF centrl commnd  Jldmrrk, who reets them rufy.
(or nyone else) on their comm units, s intererence rom PART 1:
the nerby overhed bttle is disruptin the sinl. No “Gld you could join us, Midniht Squd! No time or rest, et
mtter wht direction the plyers decide to move, or even your rers in er nd double-time it to the ront! The Swrm OF BRINNOA
i they mintin their position, they re soon discovered by is bout to tke Brinno, nd we’re ivin these evcuees s
 Swrm ptrol. much time s we cn beore the critters come oodin out
o the city.”
At this point, the sun hs still not yet risen, nd the int I ny o the PCs re reluctnt to hed into bttle, OF SAHTOR
low on the horizon is occsionlly wshed out by the liht  Jldmrrk pulls out his tcticl doshko nd thretens them
o explosions rom Brinno. This encounter tkes plce ner with bodily hrm, syin, “Nobody under my commnd is
some snow-covered hill bnks. The reminder o the terrin is turnin til! Move out, or you’ll meet your te  lot sooner PART 3:
the milir red-tined dirt o the reion. Use the mp on pe thn you think!”
8 or this encounter.  Jldmrr
 Jld mrrkk direc
ts the PCs to hed north nd tke up SUSKILLON
Creatures: As the PCs re movin or pusin to weih their  deensive position r enouh wy rom the hihwy
options,  smll scoutin prty consistin o  pir o Swrm tht stry unire won’t endner civilins. It tkes bout
dreders hs noted their position nd closes in on them. Ech 30 minutes to rech n pproprite re (see the mp on BATTLING
PC who succeeds t  DC 14 Perception check senses the pe 8), where lre crters nd hstily du trenches mr
cretures pprochin cross the nerby hills nd cn ct in the lndscpe. The sounds o bttle re much louder here,
the surprise round. closer to the city, nd the PCs cn see severl lre Swrm A PLAGUE

vessels enter the irspce round the city nd bein to OF LOCUSTS

SWARM DREDGERS (2) CR 1/2 lnd on the outskirts.

XP 200 each Moments lter, s the PCs mke deensive preprtions (or
HP 13 ech (see pe 59) simply hunker down in  crter), they her nd see explosions ARCHIVES

TACTICS to the north, s  lre Brinnon skyscrper is enuled in

During Combat Ech dreder ttempts to t tch itsel to  mes nd beins to topple over. Shortly terwrd,  shdow
dierent rndom PC nd then ocus its clw ttcks on moves cross the lndscpe s  mssive structure streks CODEX OF
tht PC. cross the sky bove, billowin  tril o smoke. A PC who
Morale The dreders ht to the deth. succeeds t  DC 12 Culture check or  DC 15 Enineerin
check cn tell tht this is one o Suskillon’s spcedocks,
Development: Ater the PCs del with the Swrm scouts, crshin down rom orbit.
their comm units suddenly crckle to lie nd they her The hue sttion strikes the hills to the north o Brinno.
 Jldmrrk’s voice syin, “—I repet, ll squdrons orm up There is  mssive sh o white liht ollowed  ew seconds
on Inter-Reion Hihwy 12. Brinno is bein ully evcuted, lter by n er-splittin explosion. A cloud o dust envelops
nd we hve to deend the civilins while—,” beore the the reion or miles in  mtter o minutes. Ech PC must

trnsmission cuts out. The sme intererence rom erlier succeed t  DC 12 Will sve or in the shken condition or
prevents the PCs rom conrmin these orders or otherwise the next 1d4 hours s they cope with the mss devsttion
spekin to SDF centrl commnd. nd loss o lie. This is  mind-ectin er eect.


The dust lso obscures vision. A creture more thn 5 eet With  rimce, Jldmrrk strps the doshko to his bck
wy but less thn 50 eet rom its ttcker hs concelment. nd sys, “You ll ll bck. I’ll provide coverin re.” He
A creture 50 eet or more rom its ttcker hs totl drws his pistol nd checks the clip. “I im to brek two
concelment. Use the mp on pe 8 or this encounter. hundred conrmed kills beore I die!” His eyes become
Creatures: Minutes ter the spcedock’s crsh,  qurtet steely. “Tht’s n order, soldiers! Cross the river beore they
o Swrm dreders tunnels under the PCs’ position. They drop the brides, nd I’ll see you on the other side!”
hve been sent to disrupt the SDF’s deensive lines beore
the lrer Swrm ssult orce dvnces rom Brinno. A I the PCs oer to hel Jldmrrk or try to ive him their
PC who succeeds t  DC 25 Perception check cn eel the mmunition or uns, he rufy sys their id isn’t necessry.
cretures burrowin beneth their eet nd cn ct in the He then chuckles to himsel beore syin, “You’re well-
surprise round s the dreders burst orth both in ront o trined, soldier. You’ll mke the SDF proud.” With tht he
nd behind them. tkes  medllion o his rmor nd pins it to  PC’s rmor
beore pushin them wy violently. He steps wy into the
SWARM DREDGERS (4) CR 1/2 dust cloud, brekin into  Veskrium bttle son t ull
XP 200 each volume, drwin the chitterin ttention o the Swrm. The
HP 13 ech (see pe 59) lst the PCs her o Jldmrrk is severl un shots nd the
TACTICS crunchin sound o Swrm chitin.
During Combat The dreders try to surround the PCs in  Treasure: The medllion tht Jldmrrk ives the PCs is 
pincer mneuver, mkin escpe dicult. glory medallion (see pe 45).
Morale The dreders ht to the deth.
Development:  Ater the ht, the PCs’ comm units crckle The distnce rom the PCs’ deensive site ner the hihwy

to lie with reports o thousnds o Swrm cretures exitin

exitin to Fort Gllnt is 24 miles. The PCs will hve to trvel to
the city in ll directions. Jldmrrk’s voice cuts in: “All SDF Fort Gllnt on oot; the nerby hihwy is too choked with
orces, this is  ull retret. Fll bck beyond the Dethomr wrecked or bndoned vehicles to mke ood proress in
River nd reroup t Fort Gllnt.” His orders re ollowed  vehicle, nd the PCs don’t hve time to repir (or even
by the sound o close-rne re rom  semi-uto pistol brek into) one o these vehicles nd keep hed o the
beore the sinl cuts out. Thouh communicti
ons seem to Swrm. The Swrm will overtke them i they dwdle too
be bck to norml, the PCs cn’t rise Jldmrrk in. A lon, but i they keep movin t  stedy pce, they stnd 
PC who reches out to SDF centrl commnd cn conrm chnce o styin hed o the Swrm’s relentless dvnce.
the vesk’s orders. Consult the overlnd movement rules on pe 258 o the
Starfnder Core Rulebook to determine how lon it will tke
FULL RETRET the PCs to trverse tht distnce, bsed on the slowest PC’s
A PC who succeeds t  DC 12 Culture check or checks speed. The PCs’ comm units crckle to lie with  recorded
in with SDF centrl commnd knows tht Fort Gllnt is messe every ew hours.
pproximtely 24 miles to the west o their current loction.
The roup is probbly not eer to remin where they re, An unidentied emle voice sys, “This is n emerency
but to emphsize the utility o styin nd htin, you trnsmission. A ull evcution is in eect or the Brinno
could hve the cloud o dust prt momentrily to revel reion. Civilins est o the Dethomr River must immedit
 column o crwlin nd yin Swrm cretures in the relocte west o the river, s the brides crossin the river
distnce but closin in on the PCs’ loction. I this doesn’t will shortly be demolished to hlt the Swrm dvnc e. SDF
spur them on,  Swrm vorphom’s brb cn come yin orces nd civilins re to report to Fort Gllnt or urther
out o the dust rom bove; mke  rned ttck inst orders. This is n emerency trnsmission...” The messe
 rndom PC (be sure to tke into ccount the concelment then repets.
rom the dust cloud). The wepon dels 1d6+1 piercin
dme on  hit. An hour ter they leve Jldmrrk, the PCs escpe the
Ater n hour o pickin their wy throuh the dust, the dust cloud coverin the Brinno reion. They cn see empty,
PCs stumble cross  eld o dozens o Swrm corpses. Ner dry brushlnds with smll plteus nd hillocks stretchin
the center stnds Mjor Jldmrrk, pullin his doshko round them in ll directions. The temperture remins just
rom the wrilin crpce o  recently killed dreder. below reezin, thouh the sky is cloudless nd the briht
When he turns to reet the PCs, they cn see tht his rmor sun bets down. By this time, iven the overniht ptrol nd

hs been slshed open t his torso nd he hs tken wht the ceseless ctivity since dwn, the PCs hve lredy been
ppers to be  mortl wound;  strnd o his innrds hns wlkin or 8 hours. As they certinly hve severl hours’ o
limply over his belt. wlkin hed o them, constitutin  orced mrch, the PCs



will need to strt ttemptin Constitution checks ech hour more inormtion bout Suskillon’s orbit. While the PCs
to void tiue. will hve to del with below-reezin tempertures, the
In ddition, i the mrch to Fort Gllnt tkes the PCs 10 ollowin eects cn crop up t your discretion to provide
hours or loner, they run the risk o bein ected by sleep extr diculty to encounters nd explortion throuhout
deprivtion ( Core
Core Rulebook 404) nd hvin the environmentl the reminder o this dventure.
protections o their rmor run out, exposin them to the cold Biting Wind: Powerul winds tht cn sometimes knock 
wether ( Core
Core Rulebook 400);  dy on Suskillon is 26 hours person down blow cross the Suskillon’s plins in the winter.
lon (see pe 62). Use the rules or stron winds ( Core
Core Rulebook 400).
Durin this mrch, i the prty ttempts to rest or Paralyzing Cold: The outside temperture durin “Fte o
loner thn 10 minutes,  lre roup o Swrm cretures the Fith” hovers round 25° F, but it cn dip to below 0° F or FTE OF
closes in on their position. A low ror ccompnied by int brie periods (no more thn 1 hour t  time). Use the rules or THE
tremors turns into the ccophonous sound o thousnds cold dners ( Core
Core Rulebook 400). Thouh the environmentl FIFTH
o cltterin insect les s the Swrm pproches. A protections o rmor cn help PCs inore these dners, they
quick lnce to the est revels  column o hundreds o could prove extremely dnerous i their rmors’ protections
Swrm dreders stmpedin cross the hinterlnds. This re depleted. OUTLINE
is clerly too mny enemies to iht t once, nd i the Snowstorms: Gret storms Suskillon residents cll “white
PCs sty where they re, they will likely be torn to pieces. hwks” cn drop hevy snowll on  reion in  short mount
A PC who succeeds t  DC 12 Perception check relizes o time. Use the rules or hevy snow nd snowstorms ( CoreCore PART 1:
tht the Swrm is blnketin the countryside; ttemptin Rulebook pes 398–399).
to hide would be impossible. The PCs cn hustle or n OF BRINNOA
hour to et r enouh hed o the Swrm to return to C. STALKED IN THE HILLS (CR 2)
 norml wlkin pce. Remember tht i the PCs hustle This encounter should occur t some point durin the PCs’
or dditionl hours in between sleep cycles, they tke lon mrch towrd the Dethomr River s the PCs move THE
nonlethl dme nd become tiued. throuh n re o low hills. Use the mp on pe 8 or
Alterntively, you cn use Stlked in the Hills (re C ) ii this encounter. OF SAHTOR
the PCs ttempt to rest or loner thn 10 minutes; other As the PCs mke their wy down  hill, they esily spot
ttempts to tke lon rests should be discoured with the corpse o  humn mn on the round out in the open.
ppernces o the Swrm s noted bove. A PC who succeeds t  DC 12 Medicine check or DC 15 PART 3:
The PCs will eventully et Survivl check cn determine tht this mn ws recently
to rest when they rech the SUSKILLON
sety o the Kerozn Bride
(re D ), but until then it
should be pprent tht they BATTLING
could be devoured by the Swrm
t ny moment. This intentionl
hrshness is ment to reect A PLAGUE

the rimness o survivin durin OF LOCUSTS

n unwinnble wr.
Since they were mon the lst
to leve the outskirts o Brinno, the ARCHIVES
PCs don’t spot ny other survivors
(militry or civilin) eein the
Swrm, thouh they miht spot the CODEX OF
occsionl body or two (such s in Stlked in the Hills below).
The isoltion nd the cold, unorivin lndscpe miht lso
be used to heihten the eelin o utility or the chrcters.


Durin “Fte o the Fith,” the PCs ce nerly insu
odds inst the Swrm invsion, but Suskillon’s dnerous
wether cn provide dditionl chllenes to the PCs s

they mke their wy cross the lndscpe. Suskillon is in

the rip o one o its “Ded Winters,”—n extended cold BRUSH STALKER
seson tht occurs once every ew yers; see pe 62 or


killed by  wild niml;  PC who succeeds t the check by Below, the Dethomr River runs rom north to south,
5 or more notes the telltle clw mrks o  brush stlker, thousnds o eet cross t its widest point. It is spnned
 predtor ntive to this reion. by  hue suspension bride,  et o enineerin known s
Creature:  The PCs hve stumbled on the site o  brush the Kerozn Bride. Dozens o b ndoned vehicles clo the
stlker’s recent kill. The best hs one weeks without  hihwy crossin the bride, nd the only sound tht cn be
ull mel, s the Swrm invsion drove o its nturl prey, herd is the ice crckin nd brekin in the slow-movin
nd in its nerly strved stte, it ttcked nd killed  lone river below.
evcuee. The best is still nerby nd is protective o its mel.
It wtches rom behind  snow bnk nd cn be spotted with The Kerozn Bride is the only mens o crossin the
 successul Perception check opposed by its Stelth check. Dethomr River or over 40 miles in either direction. At its
I the PCs investite the body, the brush stlker leps out center, it is 100 eet bove the prtilly rozen river below.
nd ttcks, but i they leve the re, the best ollows the To slow the dvnce o Swrm round units, the SDF hs
prty nd ttcks the PC t the rer o the roup, lookin or decided to soon demolish the bride. You cn reinorce
nother est. the urency or the PCs to cross the bride sooner rther
The brush stlker is  our-leed creture with lre thn lter by sendin out nother one-wy emerency
pdded eet nd plumes o ethers round its hed, lon its nnouncement over their comm units just s the SDF
til, nd down its ront les. It hs  bt-like ce nd
n d ers, nd nishes plntin the necessry explosives, this time rom
its body is covered in drk, reenish-brown scles mottled  demolitions tem positioned somewhere on the western
with white to ord it some cmoue in the snow. This bnk o the river.
prticulr brush stlker is unt rom huner, its ribs visible Crossin the rst hl o the bride is irly
under its skin. strihtorwrd, but the PCs will need to nvite  mze
o bndoned crs tht clo the our lnes o the hihwy.

XP 600 STALKER CR 2 These vehicles provide cover or ny creture tht hunkers
down behind one, but  PC cn scrmble onto the roo o 
Plins Medium predtor ( Starfnder
Starfnder Alien Archive 2 140, 102) cr or truck by usin n extr 5 eet o movement to enter
N Medium niml tht squre. Use the mp on pe 8 or this encounter
Init +4; Senses low-liht vision; Perception +7 Creatures: Hours erlier,  pck o lyin Swrm
DEFENSE HP 25 cretures ws relesed in the skies bove the river by
EAC  13; KAC  15 ornic Swrm trnsports to terrorize the populce. They
Fort +6; Re +6; Will +1 descended onto the bride nd cused  dnerous pile-
OFFENSE up, nd the pnicked psseners led their vehicles on
Speed 50 t. oot. Mny civilins were killed in the ry, nd the Swrm
Melee clw +10 (1d6+4 S) cretures lun the bodies o the side o the bride nd
TACTICS deprted. However, two Swrm vorphoms remin behind
During Combat The brush stlker ttcks the nerest PC to lie in wit or more victims.
with  vicious erocity born rom huner. As the PCs pproch the site o this Swrm mbush
Morale Strvin, the bes t hts until it is killed. pproximtely hlwy cross the bride, they cn ttempt
STATISTICS  DC 18 Perception check to notice smll pools o con eled
Str +2; Dex +4; Con  +1; Int –4; Wis +0; Cha –2 blood beneth some o the vehicles. A PC who succeeds t
Skills Acrobtics +7, Athletics +7, Stelth +12 (+16 in plins)  DC 20 Survivl check spots deep oues in the sphlt
Other Abilities trckin (scent) nd in some o the nerby vehicles. I no PC succeeds t
either o these checks, the vorphoms sprin rom their
Treasure:   When the evcuee died, he ell on his trvel hidin plces behind the crs nd ttck durin  surprise
b. With  successul DC 12 Perception check or by closely round when the PCs pproch within 30 eet.
exminin the body, the PCs nd this continer. Inside is 
tcticl semi-uto pistol nd 9 smll rm rounds in the clip, SWARM VORPHOMA
 bsic medkit, two doses o tier 1 stimulnts ( Starfnder
Starfnder XP 400 each
 Armory 133), our wke-up ptches (see pe 45), three R2Es, HP 16 ech (see pe 61)
nd two mk 1 serums o healing. TACTICS
During Combat One vorphom res its rm brbs t
D. KEROZAN BRIDGE (CR 3) the wekest-lookin PC, while the other ttempts to

At the endwter.
o rushin o the As
lon hike,
they thePCs
crest  nlbein
nl to her
hill, red the sound
or prphrse debilitte
like e the stronest-lookin PCs with its spell-
the ollowin. Morale The vorphoms ht to the deth.



Treasure:  A PC who succeeds t  DC 12 Perception Second Obstacle:  Bombrdment rom irborne Swrm
check notices  illed Starinder backpack  (  Armory   vessels hs wekened the bride
br ide in spots. To nd  se route
116) hnin out rom  hl-opened rer door o one throuh, ech PC cn ttempt  DC 20 Enineerin check to
o the nerby vehicles. Inside the bckpck is  set o ssess the stbility o the rod or  DC 20 Survivl check to
environmentl clothin (cold climtes),  er clmp,  nd the trcks o other evcuees. I t lest one PC succeeds
holoshroud (  Armory  104), nd two tubes o wrmin blm t this check, the PCs ern  number o Escpe Points equl
(see pe 45). Two mss-produced tents re strpped to to the number o PCs.
the top o the bckpck. Third Obstacle:  A lre trnsport vehicle, jckknied nd
Development: Ater the bttle, the PCs cn tke  10-minute overturned, lies cross both lnes o the hihwy. Ech PC
rest. As soon s they decide to continue cross the bride, cn ttempt  DC 15 Athletics check to scrmble over the FTE OF
 klxon lrm in the distnce beins to blre. Their comm wrecke or  DC 15 Acrobtics check to squeeze between THE
units sprk up in with  member o the SDF demolitions the trnsport’s cb nd triler. A PC who succeeds t either FIFTH
tem syin, “Swrm rmy pprochin. Proceedin with check by 5 or more cn rnt  +2 circumstnce bonus to
destruction o the Kerozn Bride. All civilins cler the re!” n lly’s check usin the sme skill. Ech success erns one
I the PCs contct SDF centrl commnd to sk them or time Escpe Point. OUTLINE
to et o the bride, they re told, “We’ll ive you s lon s On the other side o the overturned truck, the ede o
we cn, but i we don’t blow this bride soon, none o us re the bride is visible, nd the PCs cn sprint towrd sety.
oin to survive!” As they do, they cn her  nl countdown blstin rom PART 1:
loudspekers in the distnce, which is nerly drowned
EVENT 1: BRIDGE ESCAPE! (CR 1) out by the screech o hundreds o Swrm cretures s OF BRINNOA
The PCs hve only  ew moments beore explosives plnted they bein to cross the bride. The countdown ends nd 
on the bride’s support columns re detonted, sendin the mssive explosion rips throuh the bride’s superstructure,

structure into deth

point mens the reezin
t the river below. o
mndibles Turnin bck trmy
the Swrm this enuln the Swrm
the intensity horde.
o which A shock wve
is determined by rolls over the
the totl PCs,
pprochin cross the hills to the est. A PC who could o Escpe Points they chieved; see the tble below. Ech OF SAHTOR
survive the lep o the bride nd the 100-oot ll into the PC cn ttempt  Reex svin throw to tke hl the
ice-choked river would likely be crushed by the debris rom listed dme.
the bride’s demolition. The sest option or the PCs is to PART 3:
mke their wy to the western side o the bride beore the Total Escape Points Damage Reex Save
explosion occurs. Escpin the bride’s destruction will tke 4 or ewer 3d6 B DC 16 SUSKILLON
speed, strenth, nd temwork. 5–9 2d6 B DC 14
Durin the escpe, the PCs ce  series o obstcles, 10 or more 1d6 B DC 12
ech o which requires ech PC to ttempt  skill check s BATTLING
 stndrd ction. PCs who succeed t the required checks Development:  Ater the explosion, the PCs cn mke their
ern  number o Escpe Points, s detiled in ech obstcle. wy throuh the resultin debris to rech the bulwrks
A PC cn decide to tke  dierent stndrd ction when behind which the Third Bttlion demolitions squd A PLAGUE

ced with n obstcle (such s cstin  spell) but doin so monitored the opertion. A squd o SDF soldiers reets OF LOCUSTS

erns no Escpe Points unless, t your discretion, the PC’s them nd oers to ive the PCs  ride bck to Fort Gllnt in
clever use o spells or other bilities bypsses the need or their nerby vehicles.
certin skill checks; count such ctions s hvin succeeded Treasure:   Shortly ter the PCs rrive t Fort Gllnt ARCHIVES
t the requisite skill checks or the purpose o ernin (possibly beore they visit the qurtermster),  member
Escpe Points. o the Third Bttlion demolitions squd nds the PCs to
At the end o this scene, the demolitions explode nd compliment them on their escpe rom the Swrm nd the CODEX OF
the PCs will need to ttempt Reex sves inst the blst. explosion. She notes tht her squd hs some letover
The number o Escpe Points they ern durin the escpe supplies nd hnds the prty  smll ootlocker continin
determines the intensity o the blst wve tht hits them nd  detontor,  motion trier (see pe 45), three mk 1 r
the DC o the Reex sve (see the tble below). rendes, nd one mk 1 incendiry rende. With  wink she
First Obstacle: A pile-up o lnd vehicles presents  mze sys, “Blst some vexers or me.”
o twisted metl. Ech PC should ttempt  DC 15 Perception Story Award: For rechin the western end o the bride,
check to nvite this tnle. I t lest hl o the prty wrd the PCs 400 XP.
(rounded down) succeeds t this check, the PCs ern  number
o Escpe Points equl to the number o PCs. Otherwise, the FORT GALLANT
PCs ern only 1 Escpe Point or ech PC who succeeded t Severl miles to the west o the Dethomr River nd the Kerozn
the Perception check. Bride is  smll SDF trinin cility clled Fort Gllnt.


Some concrete brriers, chin-link ences, nd  ew concrete their work, I’d like to her bout how you mde it out o
emplcements continin hevy wepon turrets re the only Brinno live.”
ortictions this encmpment hs to oer.
As they enter the re, the PCs wlk by bout  hundred Commnder Hdiy Njiri sks bout the PCs’ previous
civilins nd  r smller number o wery-lookin commndin ocer, their encounters with the Swrm, nd
soldiers millin round some hstily erected tents. A nythin else they’ve encountered since they let Cmp
humn soldier pproches the PCs nd introduces Cvlier.. While they tlk, the medics t her with
himsel s Lieutennt Gorhm. He dispenses with  militry-rde prosthetic le, nd ny PC
the ormlities o n enlisted soldier nd sys, cn oer to help i they re trined in
“You ll mde it out o Brinno live? Not Medicine. Ater the PCs ive their report,
mny members o the Fith Bttlion were she llows them to sk ny questions
s lucky s you. Commnder Njiri hs sked they my hve or her. Commnder
to receive sitution reports directly rom ll Njiri is brutlly honest nd doesn’t
new rrivls immeditely. Let me tke you to surcot nythin or those under her
her now.” commnd. Below re some possible questions
Lieutennt Gorhm leds the PCs to tht the PCs miht pose, nd her responses.
one o the ew two-story structures in What’s going on with the war?  
the cmp nd ushers them up  smll “Communictions re spotty. Intel suests
externl metl stircse. The door t the the Swrm knocked out our stellites beore
top hs  plcrd outside tht reds, touchin down in three min lndin sites,
“Commnder-Generl Drquin.” As the to the north in Nli Sn, to the south
PCs step inside, they re hit with the in Clso Ortho, nd, o course, in Brinno.
unmistkble smells o ntiseptic We’re still witin on csulty reports to
nd blood. The oce inside is  clculte how bd the dme is, but
mess, with  lre wooden desk it’s lookin like  nihtmre scenrio
in the center nd piles o dtpds riht now...  ull Swrm ir nd round
nd electronic mps pushed o invsion orce, millions stron.”
onto the oor. A humn womn in  lon militry cot lies What is our next move? Where do we go rom here?  
on the tble, bein tended to by  pir o SDF medics. A “Now tht we’ve tken down ll the brides cross the
nmet on her shoulder reds “H. Njiri.” Her let le is Dethomr River, we should hve some time to reroup nd
bdly hurt: most o the muscle nd esh hs been ripped to rest, mybe even  dy or two. For now, we sit tiht until
shreds nd the underlyin bone is visible. The wound looks we et dditionl orders nd protect those civilins under
irly recent, but the sins o inection re lredy pprent. our roo.”
She bites down on the lether hndle o  survivl knie s What is the Swarm going to do next?  “From ll reports, this
one o the medics nishes cuttin throuh her emur with seems like  new invsion orce. Given the tctics the Swrm
 lser sclpel. The destroyed le lls to the round with  hs used in the pst on other plnets, this seems to be n
sickenin thud nd the womn sties  screm s she jbs oensive strtey where it moves s quickly s possible rom
hersel with  serum o healing. loction to loction in order to overrun deensive orces beore
When she notices the PCs, she ocuses her ttention nyone cn muster  counterttck vi orbitl bombrdment.
on them s the medics continue to ttend to her. Red or But who knows how much o Spce Corps commnd is even
prphrse the ollowin. still intct... so ir support miht never come.”
While the PCs nish skin questions, the medics complete
“You ll just cross the Dethomr? Welcome to Fort the instlltion o the commnder’s prosthetic. She nods in
Gllnt. The Commnder-Generl is ded, his second died pprovl s she tests the umenttion, exin her new le t
o his wounds  ew hours o, nd I’m wht’s let o the the knee. She dismisses the PCs with  commendtion. “Well
commnd structure here. The nme’s Commnder Hdiy ouht, soldiers. Now et some shut-eye. You’ve erned it. Oh,
Njiri. I poloize or the blood. Just ot bck  ew hours but wit.” She clls Lieutennt Gorhm bck into the room.
o rom htin o the Swrm to the south—one o the “Yo
“Youu miht wnt to tlk with Qurtermster Jnxer rst i you
little buers snuck up on me while I ws pullin the pin need new equipment, so she cn hve  ew hours to bricte
 bricte
rom  rende nd nerly took my le o. Our eld medic er we don’t hve on hnd. The lieutennt will set you up
didn’t survive the mbush nd the trek here didn’t do the with n llownce o UPBs. Mke them count. I don’t know
wound ny vors. Insted o hobblin round or the rest when we cn ord to requisition more.”
o the wr, I opted or  cybernetic replcement. I you Treasure:  Lieutennt Gorhm hnds ech o the PCs 
don’t mind bein debrieed while the ood doctors here do metllic order orm enrved with n llownce o 1,000 UPBs.



The PCs cn spend these to cquire new equipment (see Fort cn hve this credstick nd whtever it hs on it.” Thouh she
Qurtermster on pe 16) s thouh they were credits. doesn’t tell the PCs, Anci stole the credstick rom nother
evcuee erlier nd doesn’t know how mny credits re on it.
EVENT 2: THIEF IN THE NIGHT (CR 1) I sked, she sys its “enouh.”
As they leve the commnder’s oce, Lieutennt Gorhm I they ttck her, she ttempts to lee s soon s she
points the PCs towrd the qurtermster’s sttion nd cn, levin the ort ltoether. Ater 2 rounds, the ort’s
 brrcks where they cn et some rest. In the ort’s security oicers rrive to brek up the iht. Commnder
courtyrd, however,  youn civilin womn with sticky Njiri isn’t plesed to see her soldiers ttckin  civilin
ners trets the PCs s possible mrks nd moves to but issues only  stron reprimnd ter he rin the detils
intercept them. o the sitution. FTE OF
Creature: Anci Render is the scion o the Brinno-bsed THE
Render crime mily, rised by her now-decesed ther to be ANACIA RENDER CR 1 FIFTH
n dept con rtist, pickpocket, nd secrcker. Ater losin XP 400
her mily nd her crew in the ttcks on Brinno, she hs Femle humn opertive
been preyin upon the distrcted nd tired evcuees nd CN Medium humnoid (humn) OUTLINE
soldiers, pilerin wht she cn. Anci is  short, slender Init +5; Perception +8
humn womn with blue-blck hir nd  eined look
o innocence under her thick eyebrows. She wers once- PART 1:
shionble clothes tht hve seen better dys, concelin 
skin-tiht suit o rmor. OF BRINNOA
Anci sizes up the roup rom cross the courtyrd nd
chooses to piler n item o 1 bulk or less rom  rndom PC,
ocusin on  pistol, serum o healing, or other esily ccessible PART 2:
vluble. She wlks up to her chosen mrk, pperin rom
 nerby cluster o civilins nd sys, “Thnk you or your OF SAHTOR
service to Suskillon. I just wnt to let you know I will keep
you in my pryers to Iomede ech niht.” A suspicious PC
cn ttempt  Sense Motive check inst Anci’s Blu PART 3:
check to sense tht she isn’t truly sincere. A PC who succeeds
t this check receives  +2 circumstnce bonus to spot her SUSKILLON
pickpocket ttempt.
Anci then moves to pt tht PC on the bck while
slippin her hnd down towrd the PC’s belt or b. She BATTLING
ttempts  DC 20 Sleiht o Hnd check to pickpocket her
chosen item. Whether she succeeds or ils, ech PC cn
ttempt  Perception check opposed by the result o her A PLAGUE

Sleiht o Hnd check. I no one notices Anci’s thet t the OF LOCUSTS

moment, the treted PC will probbly notice the missin

item s they check throuh their er t the qurtermster
or s they et redy to rest. I they connect the thet to ARCHIVES
Anci, they cn nd her mon the civilin tents with 
successul DC 16 Diplomcy check to ther inormtion or
 successul DC 20 Perception check. CODEX OF
I the PCs conront Anci (either when she ttempts
the thet or lter), she shrus with  smirk nd sys, “It’s
hrd times out there, soldier, nd somethin like this will
be worth triple in  ew dys. Or whtever price I decide to
set. Look, you cn’t blme n spirin businesswomn like
me or tryin, cn you?” She then ives the stolen item bck
to the PCs.
I the PCs threten Anci with physicl violence or the
involvement o the ort’s security, she tries to bribe them. She
sys, “Listen, I’m strpped or UPBs t the moment, but I hve
credits tht spend just s well oworld. I you let me o, you


DEFENSE HP 17 UPB llownce by now.” Jnxer estures t  ew plstic
EAC  11; KAC  12 continers in the vehicle behind her. “I’ve ot most o the
Fort +1; Re +6; Will +4 stndrd-issue equipment, but i you wnt somethin
OFFENSE specilly mde, it’ll tke me  couple o hours to print it up. I
Speed 30 t. cn probbly do bout two custom items or you. Also, I cn
Melee tcticl switchblde +6 (1d4+1 S) sl nythin you don’t wnt!”
bilities trick ttck 1d4
Ofensive A bilities
TACTICS The UPB llownce iven to ech PC by
During Combat Anci tries to ee t the rst Lieutennt Gorhm should llow them to
sin o combt, but i cornered she ocuses replenish their mmunition nd perhps
her trick ttcks on  sinle opponent. purchse  new wepon or suit o rmor.
Morale I brouht below hl her Hit Points,  Jnxer’s exct inventory is up to you, but
Anci surrenders, throwin down her ssume she hs ll 1st- nd 2nd-level bsic
blde nd puttin her hnds in the ir. melee wepons, smll rms, lonrms,
STATISTICS nd suits o rmor on hnd, nd she cn
Str +0; Dex +4; Con  +0; Int +2; Wis +1; Cha +1 crt most technoloicl items, wepons,
Skills Acrobtics +11, Blu +11, Enineerin nd rmor up to 3rd level. However, the
+8, Sense Motive +8, Sleiht o Hnd +11, ort’s mtter printer cn’t produce micl
Stelth +11 or hybrid items. The PCs cn chre ll their
Feats Mobility btteries nd environmentl protections
Languages Common, or ree s they rest,
Shirren, Vesk nd Jnxer cn recycle
Other Abilities  unwnted items to 10% o
opertive their vlue in UPBs, which
specilizti on (thie) ZANTOS the PCs cn use to trde
Gear second LOACHWURT with Jnxer or to crt their
skin, tcticl own items i they wish. The
switchblde , AR
PCs don’t hve to spend ll
consumer bckpck, environmentl clothin (cold their UPBs t this moment nd will be ble to return here
climtes), shliht ter they receive their new orders.
 Jnxer lso explins tht the PCs shouldn’t worry bout
Treasure:  I the PCs ccept Anci’s bribe, they nd tht the medicl supplies. A medic will ptch up ny wounds they
credstick she hnds them holds 500 credits. I ort security currently hve nd rnt them supplies should they be sent
tkes Anci into custody, she drops the credstick s she is out in.
bein tken wy. The PCs cn do with it s they wish.
Development: I the PCs turn over Anci to Fort Gllnt A NIGHT’S REST
security, she stres coldly t the prty s the uthorities The brrcks is  lre, open buildin lled with bunk beds.
rrive to collect her. The wy in which the PCs del with The PCs cn rest here or the next 8 to 9 hours, removin
Anci determines her ttitude towrd the PCs in Prt 3. ny exhusted or tiued condition they miht hve. The
Story Award:  I the PCs conront Anci nd void beds ren’t comortble, bein stndrd militry issue, but
ihtin with her, wrd them XP s i they hd deeted t this point, it most likely doesn’t mtter. SDF medics lso
her in combt, rerdless o whether or not they turn her tret ny wounds the PCs miht hve, usin both stndrd
over to security or ccept her bribe. medicine nd serums o healing  to et the PCs bck to
ull helth.
FORT QUARTERMASTER The next mornin when the PCs wke, they re reeted by
Fort Gllnt’s qurtermster is  spry ysoki enineer nmed Lieutennt Gorhm, who sys, “Commnder Njiri would like
 Jnxer. She opertes out o  mobile tech sttion in the bck to spek to you in.” He leds them bck to her oce, but
o  hl-trck SDF vehicle. When the PCs pproch, they lon the wy, the PCs miht et involved with n lterction
her the sounds o  mtter printer hummin wy s Jnxer in the courtyrd.
smooths down  piece o metl with  belt snder. She looks
up to reet the PCs with  toothy rin. CROWD CONTRL
Outside the brrcks,  crowd is thered round  centrl
“You must be the roup tht just mde it cr oss the bride! ure stndin on  wooden crte tht elevtes him  ew
Greetins! Hopeully, the commnder set you up with  eet bove everyone else— humn mn with thinnin hir









werin  dirty lb cot. Attched to one o the cot’s ront Quellin the unrest in the cmp is not n esy tsk , but it PART 3:
pockets is  security ID rom his plce o employment, Bronze cn be mned in  couple o wys. A PC cn step up nd
Bem Reserch Consortium, with his picture nd nme printed ive  clmin speech with  successul DC 18 Diplomcy SUSKILLON
underneth: “Lochwurt, Z.” check. Alterntively,  PC cn shout or the crowd to
He ppers to be in the middle o  speech when the PCs disperse with  successul DC 18 Intimidte check. At
pss by. your discretion, other skills cn be pplied to this tsk— BATTLING
such s Blu to pss the civilins some lse inormtion
“The SDF orces here hve no ide wht is ctully or Proession (soldier) to conuse the civilins with
hppenin! I worked with militry intellience in Brinno bureucrtic double-tlk—usin the sme DC. Ater one A PLAGUE

or the lst six months nd the mount they discovered iled ttempt, the PCs cn try  dierent tctic, thouh OF LOCUSTS

bout the Swrm in tht time couldn’t ill  child’s dtpd. the DC increses by 2.
The psychic connection we observed in Swrm subjects Another wy to brek up the crowd is to humilite the
is stroner here on Suskillon thn nywhere else in the scientist who riled them up in the rst plce. I the PCs sk ARCHIVES
Vst. The Swrm hs ortiied its components’ minds, who he is, he sys, “My nme is Zntos Lochwurt, membe
bolstered its numbers, nd tken the cpitl nd probbly o Bronze Bem Reserch Consortium, nd perhps the
two-thirds o the entire plnet. We re outunned here, oremost expert on the Swrm this plnet hs let to oer.” CODEX OF
nd the only option we hve is to run or die. I you think I the PCs question his credentils, he snis, “Do you relly
the hundred or so soldiers here will protect you, you think tht you cn mtch me in knowlede bout the enemy,
re sorely mistken. I they wnted, the Swrm could soldier?” A PC who succeeds t  DC 20 Lie Science check
storm these ortiictions nd dr every one o us out cn recll n obscure ct bout the Swrm tht they either
in our sleep!” lerned by studyin the liens or rom hvin direct contct
with them. Lochwurt looks  bit ustered when presented
The crowd erupts in cries o er nd ner. Some o them with such knowlede, mumblin, “Yes, o course. I suppose—
bein to push one nother, nd  ew nerby soldiers rip perhps—you hve ‘some ’ ide o wht you’re tlkin bout.”
their ries tihtly in nticiption o  riot. A smll hndul With tht, he steps o his crte nd scuttles wy. This
o civilins brek o rom the roup nd block the PCs’ wy, detes the crowd’s ittion, nd the civilins slowly o
demndin inormtion or ction. bck to their tents.


Development:  I the PCs ren’t successul t ny o the Shortly ter the PCs tke their positions, the convoy
bove skill checks,  brie ht breks out between  soldier beins the journey west on rods nd hihwys tht hve
nd  civilin. Lieutennt Gorhm then res his rie in the been clered o vehicles. The border o the Shtor Reion
ir nd clls or  lockdown o civilin ctivity, sendin is 2 hours rom Fort Gllnt. As the encmpment lls into
everyone rumblin bck to their tents. the distnce, the PCs see  controlled explosion enuln
However, i the PCs help disperse the crowd without the ort— stndrd procedure to keep the structures out o
cusin  scule, the mood is less crimonious. A youn enemy hnds. Unortuntely, the explosion nd the tril o
emle humn—one o the medics who helped ttch smoke tht cn be seen or mny miles ets the ttention o
Commnder Njiri’s prosthetic le the previous dy—  pssin Swrm eetury (see pe 60),  livin strship.
pproches the PCs, thnkin them or clmin the
citizens. “Dr. Lochwurt hs been stirrin up trouble since EVENT 3: GUNSHIP SHOWDOWN (CR 2)
he ot here. Lst time,  hndul o people ended up with An hour ter the convoy ets u nderwy
nderwy,, red or prphrse
blck eyes nd broken noses. Since we won’t need them the ollowin.
this time, why don’t you tke these serums o helin?”
She hnds the prty  smll stchel. A distnt buzzin sound rows louder nd louder, s
Treasure:  The stchel contins three mk 1 serums  smll Swrm strship crests  rozen hillside nd
o healing. pproches the convoy. As it ets closer, the vessel
lunches  pulsin reen torpedo. The wepon explodes
NEW ORDERS only  ew dozen eet wy, enulin the cbin o the
Returnin to Commnder Njiri’s new oce, the PCs nd her rer Mobile Striker in  out o cid. The driver screms
prcticin  ew o-blnce side kicks, while stndin on in pin nd slumps inst the steerin yoke, cusin the
her prosthetic le. The chmber hs been tidied  bit, nd  vehicle to list to one side.
holorphic mp o the surroundin reion is projected onto
one wll. A PC who succeeds t  DC 18 Perception check The PCs hve only moments or one o them to jump into
or  DC 15 Proession (soldier) check cn see tht the mp the vehicle’s cbin nd rein control o the vehicle. The
shows tht the Swrm is winnin this wr. driver is unconscious but still livin, thouh the let side
Commnder Njiri oers the prty smll tin cups lled o his ce is covered in cid burns tht will need medicl
with hot coee nd speks. ttention very soon.
Vehicle Chase:   This encounter uses a modified version
“Erlier this mornin, I received  cll rom President of the vehicle chase rules starting on page 282 of the
Dln. Suskillon is lost.” She estures t the mp. “In  Core Rulebook. As the PCs are traveling across a fairly flat
ew dys, this is ll oin to be Swrm country. But we expanse of terrain and the Swarm fleetfury moves much
still hve  lot o work to do beore we let them hve it. faster than the Mobile Striker, the PCs can’t escape the
Get suited up, becuse we’re scuttlin the ort in n hour starship. Fortunately for the PCs, the vessel can fire only
to mke our wy west vi convoy into the Shtor Reion four more torpedoes before it runs out of ammunition.
to ssist with the plnetry evcution. It’s the end o the Ech round o the vehicle chse, durin the pilot ctions
world, soldiers.” phse, the PC in the cbin should roll  Pilotin check s

 move ction. The size nd weiht o the Mobile Striker

Commnder Njiri dismisses the PCs without ivin them imprts  –2 penlty to this Pilotin check. One other
time or urther questions, explinin tht she hs to ive PC cn ttempt  Pilotin check s  move ction to id
orders to the rest o the cmp nd notiy the civilins. The nother beore the driver rolls their check; doin so mens
PCs cn then return to Qurtermster Jnxer to receive ny the idin PC tkes  –1 penlty on ny ttck rolls they
new equipment they ordered nd, i they wish, volunteer mke durin the combt phse. The result o the driver’s
to help the civilins pck up into lre, rmored personnel Pilotin check is the DC or the Swrm leetury’s unnery
crriers. The mood is rim. check durin the combt phse (see below). I the driver
When the convoy is redy to leve Fort Gllnt, chooses not to spend the move ction to ttempt  Pilotin
Lieutennt Gorhm ssins the PCs to be prt o the check, this unnery check DC is only 5.
rer urd, nd tsks them with opertin the mounted Ech PC hs  ull round’s worth o ctions (minus ny
wepons on n SDF Mobile Striker, one o the hevily ctions tken durin the pilot ctions phse) durin the
rmored ssult vehicles tht hve seen much use durin combt phse to perorm ny o the ollowin ctivities. In
the wr. The Striker lredy hs  driver— tired-lookin ddition,  PC cn cst  spell or use  clss eture i they
humn soldier—nd hs  pir o mchine uns nd  pir o hve enouh ctions vilble. Since the Swrm leetury
lk cnnons mounted on it. The PCs cn choose whichever cts t the end o the round, the PCs cn determine mon
wepons they wish. themselves the exct order they ct in ech round.





  D  E   
G O   
• F R     

• E







Change Position: As  move ction,  PC cn move rom Supercharge Engines:  As  stndrd ction,  PC cn
opertin  mounted un to tkin control o the vehicle or ttempt  DC 18 Enineerin check to tinker with the Mobile SUSKILLON
vice vers. Alterntively,  PC cn move between opertin  Striker’s uel lines, intke mniolds, or other enine prts. I
 lk cnnon nd  mchine un (i one is vilble). successul, the driver ins  +2 circumstnce bonus to their
Evade: As  move ction,  PC in control o the vehicle cn Pilotin check durin the next pilot ctions phse. The driver BATTLING
ttempt  DC 20 Pilotin check to steer cler o the brunt o cn in this bonus only once per round.
the eetury’s torpedo strikes. I successul, ech PC ins  Take Cover: As  ull ction,  PC cn hunker down in the
+1 circumstnce bonus to the Reex svin throw to void vehicle, inin  +4 circumstnce bonus to the Reex svin A PLAGUE

tkin dme rom the eetury’s torpedo blsts. throw to void tkin dme rom the eetury’s cidic OF LOCUSTS

Fire Flak Cannon: As  stndrd ction,  PC opertin  torpedo blsts.

k cnnon cn re t the eetury, mkin  rned ttck At the end o the combt phse ech round, the Swrm
inst n AC o 15. The movement o the Mobile Striker eetury ttempts  unnery check (with  totl +5 modier) ARCHIVES
imprts  –1 penlty to this ttck. A hit obscures one o the opposed by the result o the driver’s Pilotin check. On  success,
Swrm vessel’s sensors with smoke, imprtin  –2 penlty to n cid torpedo strikes the round very close to the PCs’ vehicle,
the eetury’s unnery check until the beinnin o the next nd the resultin explosion dels 2d8 cid dme to ech PC CODEX OF
round. Ech o the Mobile Striker’s two k cnnons cn be (Reex DC 13 hl). On  miss, the explosion is urther wy but
red only once per round. still dnerous. Ech PC tkes only 1d4 cid dme nd cn
Fire Machine Gun: As  stndrd ction,  PC opertin nete the dme entirely with  successul DC 13 1 3 Reex sve.
 mchine un cn ire  hil o bullets t the leetury, At the beinnin o the third round o the chse (beore
mkin  rned ttck inst n AC o 15. The movement ny o the phses), the PCs spy the burned-out husk o 
o the Mobile Striker imprts  –2 penlty to this ttck. lre, overturned vehicle in the middle o the hihwy. The
A hit dmes the leetury’s torpedo luncher, reducin driver must ttempt  DC 16 Pilotin check to void the
the dme delt by n ttck rom the leetury by 2 derelict vehicle. Filure mens tht the Mobile Striker is nerly
(minimum 0) until the beinnin o the next round. Ech overturned s it scrpes by the wrecke, nd ech PC must
o the Mobile Striker’s two mchine uns cn be ired only succeed t  DC 13 Will sve or be shken or 1 round; this is 
once per round. mind-ectin er eect.


Ater rin its nl torpedo t the end o the ourth round, “Midniht Squd, muster up. I’ve been in touch with SDF
the Swrm eetury breks o rom its ttck run. A pir o commnd here in Reos City. Evcution is underwy, but
SDF hter jets pper rom the west to pursue the livin there’s still  lot o work to be done. They recently sent 
strship, eventully shootin it down somewhere ner the squd up to  temple o Hylx north o the city but hven’t
Dethomr River. A ccophony o cheers cn be herd comin herd bck rom them yet. I wnt you to mke your wy
rom mny o the soldiers in the convoy s the scttered up there vi the min hihwy. A shirren priest nmed
remnnts o the eetury ll towrd the surce. Xelonn runs the temple. See i he hs ny inormtion
Development:  The reminder o the journey to the bout the lost squd nd brin him bck here to sety.

Shtor Reion border is uneventul, ivin the PCs the I you see ny civilins lon the wy, mke sure they’re
opportunity to rest or 10 minutes to rein Stmin Points movin to the evcution zone here. Any questions beore
i they wish. An SDF medic ttends to the wounded driver, you move out, soldiers?”
nd  replcement driver is secured i necessry.
Story Award: For endurin the eril bombrdment, wrd The PCs should be encoured to sk questions bout
the PCs 600 XP.
XP. their new mission. Some likely questions nd Njiri’s
responses ollow.
How ar away is the temple? “It’s bout 180 miles to the
city o Lynmri in the oothills o the Jurdos Mountins.
From there, the temple is nother dozen miles up some
mountinous rods. You’ll be issued  stndrd troop
trnsport in cse you need to pick up ny civilins.
How much time do we have to get there and back?   “It
seems like hvin to cross the Dethomr River miht slow the
The Shtor Reion consists primrily o mssive riculturl Swrm dvnce  bit, but not orever. Mechnized divisions
processin centers mid miles o utomted rmlnds. re oin to hold them o s lon s possible, but I still think
It is bounded by the Jurdos Mountins to the north, the we hve only two or mybe three dys beore they in 
Dethomr River to the northest, nd the Eskue Ocen to oothold in the Shtor Reion nd come west to nish the job.
the west nd southwest. The cpitl o the Shtor Reion is Brrin ny mjor complictions, thouh, tht should still ive
Reos City, locted on the western cost. you plenty o time.”
The distnce between Fort Gllnt nd Reos City is What can you tell us about the lost squad?   “They’re
pproximtely 400 miles lon severl hihwys, nd the  our-soldier unit out o the Second Bttlion, under
convoy will not rech the metropolis until 8 hours ter the Commnder Quvenzh. He reportedly lost communictions
eetury’s ttck. Alon the wy, the convoy psses throuh with them yesterdy when they reched Lynmri. Quvenzh
 ew smll towns with lre, neon-yellow
n eon-yellow evcution notices tells me they’re ood soldiers, so somethin must hve one
plstered on every door nd window. All o these res re terribly wron.”
completely bndoned. The convoy mkes brie stops or What’s so special about this priest o Hylax? “Seems
bioloicl needs, but no one is llowed to leve siht o the like he ot in touch with SDF commnd climin to hve
convoy unccompnied. ‘vitl intellience’ bout the Swrm, so they mrked him or

Shortly beore nihtll, the convoy rolls over  hill nd priority extrction.
extrction. So, nd him nd et him bck here to the
into the outskirts o  city overowin with evcuees. evc site s soon s you cn, ot it?”
Dozens o strships cn be seen lndin nd tkin o rom What kind o Swarm presence can we expect in the
 spceport to the north o the city. The convoy stops  mile Sahtor Region? “It’s mostly cler rmlnds between here
rom the city limits, where the rod is blocked by  tnle nd the mountins, nd thouh the Swrm hs tken out
o bndoned crs. Commnder Njiri ives the order to  bunch o our stellites, we still hve  ew eyes in the
bndon the vehicles nd wlk. As the civilins move hed, sky. However, those dreders re hrd to trck when they
Njiri meets with ech squd to hnd out urther orders, burrow underround, so don’t let your urd down. I you
ccompnied by Qurtermster Jnxer, who hnds out R2Es come cross Swrm components nd cn’t ht them, it’s
or the niht’s dinner. better to evde or sty hidden. Remember, your priority now
is protectin civilins nd helpin them evcute.”
RESCUE MISSION Wrppin up the mission brien, Commnder Njiri clps
When Commnder Njiri, still slihtly unstble on her new  ew o the PCs on their shoulders beore syin, “Keep your
rtiicil le, mkes her wy to the PCs, she ives them comms open, nd let us know wht you nd up there. Good
their next orders. Dependin on the prty’s perormnce luck, Midniht Squd.” Qurtermster Jnxer then leds the
inst the Swrm leetury erlier, she commends the PCs PCs to some tents where they cn et  niht’s rest beore
or their heroics irst. embrkin once in.



JOURNEY TO THE to deth, you ott help him!” He repets his ples in response
JURDOS MOUNTAINS to ny questions.
At dwn the next dy, Lieutennt Gorhm wkes the PCs These two escped inmtes were members o  prison
nd tkes them throuh the outskirts o Reos City in  smll n nd were deemed unt to serve in the SDF s they
hovercr to n SDF checkpoint on the hihwy ledin north were mon the prisoners who incited the Eskue Correctionl
out o the city. He pulls up lonside  bttered SDF Troop Penitentiry riot. They lredy secured rmor nd wepons
Hrdtop nd tells them, “It’s ll ueled up nd redy to o. durin the prison brek, nd lst niht, they broke into 
Try not to let it et destroyed...” He urrows his brow or  nerby rmhouse, killed the inhbitnts, nd stole some o

moment nd then smirks. “Thouh chnces re we won’t be the mily’s clothes. Two more escped prisoners lie in wit
tkin it with us o the plnet.” The lieutennt trnsmits  behind n overturned vehicle on the other side o the rod. FTE OF
mp o the Shtor Reion (see pe 19) to the PCs’ comm units The inmtes hope they cn cquire some militry credentils THE
nd wishes them luck on their mission. by mbushin the PCs, which they hope to use to enter Reos FIFTH
An SDF Troop Hrdtop is  lre multi-wheeled vehicle City nd ee Suskillon.
with  boxy cbin nd  t bed covered with  hrd, plstic
cover. Four Medium cretures cn t in the truck’s cbin OUTLINE
(with one chrcter drivin), nd up to 10 Medium cretures
cn sit on the two wooden benches in the bed. The Troop
Hrdtop hs  top speed o 50 mph, but the occsionl PART 1:
bndoned vehicle or other hzrd on the hihwy mens
the PCs won’t be ble to constntly mintin tht speed. The OF BRINNOA
distnce rom Reos City to Lynmri is 180 miles, which will
tke  minimum o 3-1/2 hours, but the PCs will likely run into
trouble lon the wy
wy.. PART 2:

The PCs cn tke their time on this journey, thouh i THE
they tke more thn 3 dys to trvel to the temple o Hylx OF SAHTOR
nd bck, the Swrm hs  very ood chnce o overtkin
them completely. No mtter how lon the PCs tke, they
re destined to miss the lst ocil trnsport o the plnet PART 3:
nd will need to secure their own strship (see Prt 3). The
covered bed o the truck is lre enouh to serve s  tent i SUSKILLON
the PCs decide to rest or 8 hours lon the hihwy.


The Eskue Correctionl
Correction l Penitentiry, known s “the Scorpion”
to mny sentenced there, is  smll, medium-security prison
lon the cost, northwest o Reos City. At the outset o A PLAGUE

the wr, it ws nerly emptied s prisoners were llowed OF LOCUSTS

to volunteer
Bttlion. orurds
The the SDF to ll
were the recently
reduced decimted
to  skeleton Fith
crew s
people quit or lso joined the militry. Fewer thn  hundred ARCHIVES
prisoners nd only ve urds remined behind. The prison
ws ble to operte while the reionl overnment worked
on the stn decit, but when the cility received word CODEX OF
o Brinno’s ll, there ws  riot. The urds were ble to
ee to sety, but the prisoners escped durin the chos.
Now, mny o them re tryin to nd  wy o the plnet
without bein rrested in. Use the mp on pe 19 or
this encounter.
Creatures:  Approximtely 60 miles north o Reos City,
the PCs re ed down by one o these escped prisoners
in disuise. He ppers desperte, wvin nd pointin to
nother prisoner lyin by the side o the rod in bloody SCORPION INMTE
clothes. I the PCs stop, he beins shoutin, “My riend ot
ttcked by one o those dmned bu thins! He’s bleedin


The escped prisoners wit until ll o the PCs leve the 500 credits secured in  hidden pocket. The prisoners ound
truck nd move close to the inmte einin injury beore this credstick in the rmhouse they rnscked erlier nd
sprinin their mbush. However, the PCs miht be ble plnned on usin the credits to bribe their wy o the plnet.
to spot the hidin inmtes with  successul Perception
check opposed by their Stelth checks. In ddition,  PC F. FUELING STATION (CR 2)
miht sense the prisoner’s ill intent by succeedin t  Most but not ll o the people o the Shtor Reion hve
Sense Motive check opposed by the spekin inmte’s Blu lredy evcuted to Reos City. The PCs will meet  lre
check. Finlly,  PC who ets close enouh nd succeeds t roup o these holdouts in Lynmri (see re H ), but beore

DC 20out
rom check
one ocn
the identiy  crude
shirtsscorpion tttoo they rech mily,
tht town,
prisoner’s nd knows the the Newles whothey
rewhve the opportunity
rustrted to rescue
with the sitution in
desin mrks them s someone who hs been repetedly Lynmri nd let erlier this mornin.
incrcerted in Eskue Correction
Correctionl.l. I conronted, the inmte Approximtely 140 miles north o Reos City, the PCs turn
stmmers out n unconvincin explntion beore the  bend in the hihwy nd see  uelin sttion nd shoppin
others lep out to ttck. plz o to the north (see the mp on pe 19). A sinle lnd
vehicle is prked ner the pumps, its tires slshed nd its
SCORPION INMATES (4) CR 1/2 chssis covered in oues. Three humns— mrried couple
XP 200 each nd their child—re trpped inside. When the driver sees the
CE Medium humnoid (humn) PCs’ vehicle, she ctivtes the vehicle’s externl uditory
Init +1; Perception +5 lrms. Use the mp on pe 19 or this encounter.
DEFENSE HP 13 EACH Creatures: A scoutin prty o three Swrm dreders hs
EAC  10; KAC  12 ventured this r into the Shtor Reion. When the Newles
Fort +4; Re +2; Will +0 mily hppened to spot one o the cretures s they ueled
OFFENSE their vehicle t this rest stop, the dreders ttempted to
Speed 30 t. eliminte the witnesses. Thouh the humns were ble to lock
Melee tcticl bton +6 (1d4+3 B) themselves in their vehicle, the dreders destroyed the tires
TACTICS nd hve spent the lst hour tryin to ter open the doors.
During Combat The inmtes drw tcticl btons brnded One dreder is close to crckin the windshield when the PCs
with the Eskue Correctionl Penitentiry loo nd try to rrive. The dreders don’t py ttention to the PCs until one
nk the PCs. o the PCs ets within 30 eet o the vehicle or the dreders
Morale I two o the inmtes hve been reduced to 0 Hit themselves re ttcked.
Points or ll o them hve been reduced to 3 Hit Points or
ewer, the inmtes try to ee. SWARM DREDGERS (3) CR 1/2
Str +3; Dex +1; Con +2; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +0 HP 13 ech (see pe 59)
Skills Athletics +10, Blu +5, Stelth +10 TACTICS
Feats Step Up During Combat Ech dreder chooses  dierent PC t
Languages Common rndom to ttck.

Gear iht suit sttionwer, tcticl bton, environmentl Morale The dreders ht to the deth.
clothin (cold climtes)
Treasure: The PCs cn uncover our hih-cpcity btteries,
Development:  I the PCs tke ny o the ormer inmtes  zipstick (  Armory 109), nd  roll o ion tpe (  Armory
 Armory 105)
prisoner,  PC who succeeds t  DC 15 Intimidte check cn
prisoner, let behind t the uelin sttion.
elicit  promise tht they won’t do ny more hrm s lon s Development:  When the PCs disptch the dreders, the
the PCs ree to tke them to Reos City nd et them o the cornered mily—Cottr,
mily—Cottr, Myrriol, nd their duhter Zebek—
plnet. I the PCs brin the inmtes with them to Lynmri, exits the vehicle nd thnks the PCs or svin their lives.
the ormer prisoners don’t prticipte in ny encounters I sked why they hven’t evcuted yet, they explin tht
the PCs hve lon the wy nd cn be sent lon with the they re rom Lynmri nd tht the mner o their ood
Lynmrins ter the PCs del with the town’s troubles (see processin plnt hs orbidden the citizens rom levin,
re H ). Alterntively,
Alt erntively, i the
t he PCs don’t wn
wntt to hve to del consctin ll their vehicles’ uel. The Newleses ound just
with ny survivin inmtes, they cn be sent wy on oot, enouh uel to et to this wy sttion nd ed in secret.
tellin them tht i they hurry south, they still miht be ble With n hour’s worth o work,  PC trined in Enineerin
to mke the evcution. cn replce the tires on their vehicle; i none o the PCs re
Treasure: A PC who serches the inmtes nd succeeds trined,  member o the Newles mily is ble to do so. I the
t  DC 20 Perception check nds  credstick continin PCs re escortin the escped inmtes (see re E ) nd wnt



to send them lon with the Newleses,  PC must succeed ot closer to the mountins. Susreth hd lwys been more
t  DC 18 Diplomcy check to convince the members o empthic thn most other lshunts, nd s Xelonn ben to
the mily to llow the inmtes to ccompny them. The mpliy the psychic emntions within the temple o Hylx to
Newleses cn t up to two prisoners in their vehicle. protect himsel (see re I ),
 ), they ben to ect Susreth, eeven
t this distnce. The recruit strted
str ted seein psychic projections
G. GREATER SAHTOR WATERWORKS (CR 1) o Swrm enemies ll round him nd ed. The others wrote
him o s  deserter nd continued on to Lynmri.
The hihwy here runs lonside  rozen river. A lre It is plin to see tht Susreth is in distress, thouh it

industril site,
sky, is built onits
r bnksmokestcks stretchin
behind  stretch into the
o chin-link miht
hs thenotconused
be obvious wht is wron
condition with him.
nd ttcks the He
i they FTE OF
ence. Sins on the ence mrk this s the Greter Shtor ttck him. Otherwise, roll rndomly or his ctions ech THE
Wterworks. Up hed,  smll bride brnches rom the round s usul or the condition. I the result is either FIFTH
hihwy nd crosses the river t  te in the ence. A smll “ct normlly” or “ttck nerest creture,” he ires his
urd buildin stnds in r ont o the te. The lser pistol t unseen oes, with  50% chnce to
ice nd snow ly hevy on the round next ccidentlly tret  PC. OUTLINE
to the rod. The PCs cn clm Susreth with two successul DC
15 Diplomcy checks or et him to stnd down with
The wterworks is pproximtely 10 miles south two successul DC 15 Intimidte checks; ttemptin PART 1:
o Lynmri. This prticulr wterwy is known s both Diplomcy nd Intimidte checks in the
the Trne River, one o the mny tributries runnin sme round only conuses the lshunt urther, OF BRINNOA
down rom the Jurdos Mountins into the mihty nd ny successes cncel ech other out.
Dethomr River to the est. Use the mp on pe 19 Alterntively, the PCs cn try to subdue
or this encounter. Susreth with nonlethl dme. PART 2:

Creature:   As the PCs pproch the turno,  THE

lser blst suddenly hits their vehicle. It isn’t SUSRETH SUSARO CR 1 OF SAHTOR
powerul enouh to penetrte the Troop XP 400
Hrdtop’s hrdness, but the driver must Mle dmy lshunt soldier
succeed t  DC 16 Pilotin check or drive the NG Medium humnoid PART 3:
truck into  nerby snowbnk in surprise. (lshunt)
Over the next ew seconds, severl more Init +2; Perception +5 SUSKILLON
lser blsts re red hrmlessly t DEFENSE HP 18
the PCs’ vehicle. A PC who succeeds EAC  11; KAC  13
t  DC 12 Perception check cn Fort +3; Re +5; Will +1 BATTLING
see tht they re comin rom the OFFENSE
urd buildin on the other side Speed 30 t.
o the river. Melee survivl knie +5 (1d4 S) A PLAGUE

I the PCs stop lon enouh to Ranged zimuth lser pistol +8 OF LOCUSTS

investite (or to di their vehicle (1d4 F; criticl burn 1d4)

out o the snowbnk), red or Lashunta Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st)
prphrse the ollowin. 1/dy—detect thoughts (DC 10) ARCHIVES
At will— daze (DC 9),  psychokinetic hand
h and
A mle lshunt werin n SDF uniorm TACTICS
emeres rom the urd buildin. His eyes re During Combat Susreth cts s described. CODEX OF
wild, his hir is disheveled, nd he is wvin Morale Susreth hts until he is k nocked
his lser pistol over his hed. “You there, wht out or clmed down.
re you stndin round or? Help me kill them! STATISTICS
They’re everywhere! We’re bein overrun here, Str +0; Dex +2; Con  +1; Int +4; Wis +0;
we ott push them bck!” He then beins to re Cha +1
his pistol errticlly. Skills Medicine +10, Proession (soldier) +5,
Sense Motive +5
The lshunt is Susreth Susro, Languages Common, S hirren; limited
 youn SDF recruit nd medic. He telepthy
ws prt o the now-missin Second Gear estex suit I,  zimuth lser pistol
Bttlion squd but deected s they with 1 bttery (20 chres), tcticl


knie, bsic medkit, derml stplerAR , medptches (2), mk Ariculturl Allince.” The crowd seems upset, their
1 serum o healing, recovery aegisAR ner nd conusion directed towrd  humn womn in 
business suit stndin in ront o the doors, nked by two
Development:  I still conscious, Susreth identies himsel security ocers wieldin lser ries. She rises her hnds
nd nmes his squd; otherwise, the PCs cn lern this in n ttempt to quiet the townsolk. “Friends, plese. I her
inormtion by scnnin his IDENT (see pe 44). When nd understnd your concerns, nd so does Lonship. Rest
he is clm or returns to consciousness, he poloizes or his ssured, we re here to help. Corporte hs uthorized 
ctions, explinin tht he hs beun seein Swrm cretures privte evcution or the citizens o Lynmri. The ships will
everywhere. He believes tht the Swrm is usin some kind o be rrivin shortly. Plese, return to your homes.”
psychic wrre nd wrns the PCs to protect their minds. He A mn steps orwrd rom the crowd, “Privte evcution?
shkes his hed s i tryin to cler his ers nd notes tht he The reionl overnor hs told everyone to et to Reos City!
cn still her the Swrm whisperin to him. He sys they re Why won’t you let us leve?”
repetin three words—”Hylx will know”—over nd over in. The womn smiles thinly. “Mr. Gorse, the rods
While Susreth doesn’t know wht hppened to the rest o between here nd Reos re very dnerous. Lonship
his squd, he rees to ccompny the PCs to Lynmri. He is merely lookin out or your sety. Now, plese
cn continue on with the roup t your discretion, but ter disperse. I won’t sk you  second time.”
his ordel he seems primrily interested in ettin o the
plnet. He is too distrcted to help the PCs investite A PC who wnts to investite cn pproch the
the strneness t Lynmri, but he is hppy to o with scene. No one seems either relieved or surprised to
the townsolk on their journey to Reos City to evcute, see n SDF squd (s one just pssed throuh the
should the PCs solve the town’s problems. town  short time o), but i the PCs sk, one o
Treasure:  Susro oers the PCs the townsolk explins tht the womn—Red
his helin supplies:  derml stpler Cooper, the mner o the cility here—hs
(  Armory   100),  medkit, two medptches, conscted ll o the town’s uel, mkin it
nd  serum o healing, s well s his next to impossible or them to trvel to Reos
recovery aegis (  Armory  115). This pendnt City or the evcution. Everyone is on ede,
is shped like the holy symbol o Srenre nd it seems like  simple sprk could inite
with  red jewel t its center. this tinderbox.
Story Award:  I the PCs clm Susreth A PC cn clm the crowd with  ew
nd help him et control o his mind, comortin words by succeedin t  DC 15
wrd them XP s i they hd deeted Diplomcy check, or they cn demnd the
him in combt. thron disperse with  successul DC 17
Intimidte check. Alterntively, the PCs cn
H. LYNMARI (CR 3) try to convince Red Cooper to hnd over the
Nestled in the oothills o the Jurdos town’s uel, bu
butt she sttes simply, “Lonship
Mountins, the smll town o Ariculturl Allince is workin in close
Lynmri consists o  ew dozen conjunction with the SDF to et these people
buildins constructed djcent to to sety, soldiers. I would pprecite it i
the hedqurters o the Lonship you rerined rom intererin.” A PC who
Ariculturl Allince,  compny tht owns succeeds t  DC 20 Sense Motive check cn
the surroundin rmlnd. The mjority o the tell tht she is hidin somethin, but i pressed
citizens work or Lonship, while the rest re in she dismisses their sttements nd questions;
the service industry, employed by the hndul she then retrets into the buildin.
o shops nd resturnts in town. The two security urds remin outside to
When the PCs pproch the outskirts o the mke sure the townsolk don’t try to brek in.
town, they her  sinle lser blst. As they They re tiht-lipped unless  PC succeeds t
move towrd the sound o the disturbnce,  DC 18 Diplomcy check to et them tlkin.
red or prphrse the ollowin. The urds coness tht they ren’t hppy with
their orders but re dmnt tht Lonship will
A hndul o townsolk re thered in rescue them. One o the urds dmits tht Red
ront o  boxy buildin tht looks hs been ctin strnely since she received
like  modest ood processin word o the privte evcution. The urds
plnt. A sin bove  pir o REDA COOPER cn’t be persuded to llow the PCs to enter
metl doors reds, “Lonship the cility.








The PCs cn lso sk round bout the missin squd rom undelivered produce. She is bent over nd violently spewin PART 3:
the Second Bttlion. One citizen notes, “Three SDF soldiers  mss o reen oo rom every orice in her hed. She lls
pssed throuh here just  couple o dys o. They went up unconscious terwrd, nd the bodysntcher slime ttcks SUSKILLON
to the temple in the mountins, but I hven’t seen ’em since.” the PCs, lookin or  new host.
Creature:  A ew dys o, Red Cooper ws inested
by  bodysntcher slime,  smll ooze tht crwls inside BODYSNATCHER
 victim nd controls their ctions. This slime rrived on XP 800
Suskillon durin the inux o recruits rom other systems t HP 33 ( Starfnder
Starfnder Alien Archive 2 18)
the beinnin o the Swrm invsion nd hs hopped rom TACTICS A PLAGUE
body to body cusin hvoc tht most hve ttributed to the During Combat The bodysntcher slime rbs onto the OF LOCUSTS

tiue nd conusion o wr. Hvin experienced thouhts rst PC it cn nd tries to inest them. I succ essul,
nd er bout the Swrm throuh its hosts, it is eer to try it uses tht PC’s wepons nd bilities inst their
to inest  Swrm creture but hsn’t been ble to et close ormer llies. ARCHIVES
enouh to the ront lines s soldiers tend to die too quickly. Morale  The bodysntcher slime hts to the deth.
The slime hs htched  pln to scrice the town o Lynmri
to the Swrm, keepin the citizens round in cse its current Treasure: I relieved o the bodysntcher slime, Red Cooper CODEX OF
host rejects it. ives the PCs two brown nnite hypopens (  Armory  106) to
The PCs cn snek into the processin plnt i ech o them show pprecition or their eorts.
succeeds t  DC 18 Stelth check; brekin in t niht rnts Development:  The PCs miht decide to void ny conict
 +2 circumstnce bonus to this check. I even one o them in Lynmri nd move on; they cn continue on  mountin
ils, Red hers them comin nd hides somewhere within rod up into the Jurdos Mountins towrd the temple o
the cility, where the bodysntcher slime vctes her body Hylx by ollowin posted sins. More likely, thouh, they
so it cn creep up on  PC nd inest them. A PC who succeeds will et to the bottom o Red Cooper’s odd behvior nd
n d sly
t  Perception check opposed by the slime’s Stelth check the bodysntcher slime. Red is rteul to be reed rom its
spots the creture comin. inuence nd oers  hertelt poloy to the townsolk or
I they successully snek into the cility, the PCs spot lyin to them. She then releses the stored uel nd, lon
Red in the middle o  wrehouse pcked with crtes o with the rest o the town, mkes quick preprtions to







immeditely leve or Reos City. There re plenty o vehicles Hrdtop or ctivtin the environmentl protections o rmor
to trnsport the entire citizenry south. The PCs cn send seurds the PCs inst most o these eects.
ny o the NPCs they hve cptured or rescued with the
Lynmrins i they wish. I. TEMPLE OF HYLAX
I the PCs helped the town, one o the citizens is willin to This temple o Hylx is one o mny cross Suskillon tht
trde with them. The merchnt sells technoloicl items up dtes bck to the shirrens’ rrivl in the system. It is severl
to 3rd level, s well s btteries nd other mmunition. The centuries old but hs been well mintined over the yers
merchnt ccepts credits or UPBs. The PCs cn lso rechre despite the hrsh wether tht oten visits the ride. Shirren
ny btteries they hve or ree, s well s the environmentl monks were drwn to Clutchstone Ride nd were rnted
protections o their rmor, i they wish. visions by the Forever Queen tht led to the cretion o
the Crown o Hylax,  powerul rtict tht the PCs will
THE JURDOS MOUNTAINS lern bout in Starfnder Adventure Path #22: The Forever
A windin mountin rod leds rom Lynmri into the Jurdos Reliquary. This event let  permnent psychic impression
Mountins lon n re known s Clutchstone Ride. This on the stone, which the monks used to build the temple. The
rod twists nd turns s it ins ltitude, nd is coted in God-Host hs been seekin enery like this s prt o its pln
plces with ice nd snow,
sn ow, orcin the PCs to drive their vehicle or Swrm omnipotence, nd its scouts hve only recently
t less thn ull speed. Levin Lynmri, it tkes n hour o discovered it.
drivin to rech the hihest point o Clutchstone Ride, where Any chrcter with telepthy or limited telepthy who
the temple o Hylx stnds. pproches within 50 eet o the temple eels  sense o
At this ltitude, the environment hs the sme eects s pece, nd i they concentrte or  moment, they cn her
 thin tmosphere nd the temperture plunes to severe whispers o  entle, eminine voice t the ede o their
cold. Gusts o stron wind kick up smll whorls o snow perception. The exct words re impossible to mke out, but
rom the round, briey obscurin vision. You cn use ny listenin to them puts  person’s mind t ese.

o the environmentl eects mentioned in The Ded Winter The interior o the temple is protected rom outside
(see pe 11) t your discretion. Bein inside the SDF Troop environmentl conditions (except the hih-ltitude



dners) nd is illuminted by norml liht. The ceilin seem to be in  trnce o some sort. This sort o behvior hs
rises to  heiht o 30 eet in the min chmber but only never beore been observed in Swrm components.
10 eet in the inner snctum. The mp on pe 26 depicts The vorphoms hve the scinted condition due to the
the temple’s lyout. psychic emntions rom the temple interior (see re I3 ).
This scintion is broken i ny o the PCs mke ny obvious
I1. Temple CourTyard (Cr 3) threts to the Swrm cretures (such s imin wepons
t them) or i ny o the PCs pproch the temple’s doors.
At the top o the ride, smll ptches o white, brren When the vorphoms return to wreness, they ttck.
trees surround crumblin stone pillrs nd prtilly
intct wlls outside o  lre structure. The buildin SWARM VORPHOMA
is constructed o unusul blck stone tht ives n XP 400 each THE
oplescent sheen s liht rercts o its surce. The HP 16 ech (see pe 61) FIFTH
exterior resembles  lre insect’s hed, with ront doors TACTICS
urded by stone mndibles nd circulr windows or During Combat One vorphom uses its spell-like bilities to
eyes. An ovoid, eodesic, crystlline rock bout ten eet tret the PC who ppers to hve the lest willpower, OUTLINE
wide stnds t the top o the temple’s centrl spire. The while the other res its rm brbs t  ny obvious
corpses o severl Swrm cretures re scttered cross rned ttcker.
the courtyrd. Morale  The vorphoms ht to the deth. PART 1:
Another SDF Troop Hrdtop, this one lihtly dusted with Treasure:  I the PCs tke the time to investite the OF BRINNOA
snow, is prked t the end o the rod. It ws used by the corpses o the llen SDF troopers, they ind n zimuth
missin Second Bttlion squd to rech the temple but hs rtillery lser with two ully chred btteries,  bombrd
st bndoned since the soldiers were killed htin the shellun (  Armory   14) with 10 shells,  dimnetic storm PART 2:
Swrm here. Two humn bodies lie in the rer o the truck, hmmer (  Armory   12) with one ully chred bttery,  SCOURING
while  third is sprwled ner the cbin; ech is werin series-21 plsm uide sniper rile (  Armory   24) with  OF SAHTOR
the insini o the Second Bttlion. A PC who succeeds t sinle bttery with 10 chres let, two sets o reebooter
 DC 15 Medicine check cn see tht their tl wounds re rmor I, nd  suit o thinplte with inrred sensors
consistent with those inicted by Swrm nturl wepons. instlled. An industril bckpck in the cbin contins two PART 3:
It ppers s thouh they crwled bck to the vehicle ter mk 1 r rendes. Finlly, Serent Cebrce wers  holy
sustinin mortl wounds. Their IDENTs (see pe 44) symbol o Iomede on  chin round her neck, clutchin SUSKILLON
identiy the two soldiers in the bed o the truck s recruits it in one hnd.
Ell Rodmetch nd Keitlnd Pinney. The womn ded on the
round is Serent Tni Cebrce. I2. Temple InTerIor (Cr 3) BATTLING
The entrnce to the temple is  pir o convex metllic
doors beneth the int mndibles. The stone wll round Wooden rters mde o locl white timbers line the blck
the door is crved in severl plces with the Shirren words stone wlls nd ceilin o this temple, producin the illusion A PLAGUE
or “diplomcy,” “riendship,” “pece,” nd similr words;  o stndin within the skeleton o  int best . The ceilin OF LOCUSTS

PC who cn red Shirren nd succeeds t  DC 12 Culture rises to  centrl pinncle set with n ovl crys tlline dome,
or Mysticism check reconizes those words s Hylx’s throuh which rys o reen nd purple liht lter to bthe
mny res o concern. The doors re shut, nd  system o the chmber’s stone pedestls nd benches. A hevy, ARCHIVES
weihts nd pulleys within the buildin ensures they remin wooden double door leds deeper into the temple to the
so inst the windy wether. A PC who succeeds t  DC 15 northest, nd  metl double door exits southwest.
Strenth check cn pry the doors open lon enouh or the CODEX OF
prty to squeeze inside. Alterntively,  PC who exmines Locted hih on  remote, snowy ride, this prticulr
the doors nd succeeds t  DC 18 Enineerin check temple o Hylx didn’t hve  reulr conretion, thouh
discovers tht the mechnism cn be controlled by pressin it received the occsionl pilrim. Xelonn, the temple’s
the word or “riendship,” which cuses the doors to swin only priest nd cretker, inrequently held services here,
open utomticlly. but most o his dys were spent in medittion. The stone
Creatures:   A pir o Swrm vorphoms stnd in the pedestls eture imery o Hylx uidin shirrens throuh
courtyrd, strin rptly t the int insectile ce o the trils nd tribultions.
temple cde. They re chitterin intly, which cn be Traps:  When Xelonn herd bout the ll o Brinno, he
herd when the winds briey die down s the PCs pproch. estblished  deensive perimeter in the temple’s interior to

The vorphoms don’t seem to notice the prty, nd  PC end o the Swrm s he communed with Hylx. Usin scrps
who succeeds t  DC 15 Mysticism check cn tell tht they o metl rom round the temple, the shirren mystic hstily


constructed  pir o trps, desined to look like oor Beore the PCs cn nswer his questions, Xelonn
decortions. When  creture steps into one o the squres poloizes or his rudeness nd introduces himsel.
mrked on the mp, spiked metllic brs close onto tht
creture’s le. Any creture dmed by the spikes ins “My nme is Xelonn, priest o the Forever Queen nd this
the entnled condition until it tkes  stndrd ction to temple. Thnk you or comin here nd helpin me. I hve
extricte itsel. been hvin odd visions o lte. I hve seen the Swrm
cmpin cross the surce o Suskillon, nd s it mrches
SPIKED BAR TRAPS (2) CR 1 orwrd, I hve seen the lndscpe trnsormed. I believe
XP 400 each tht Hylx is wrnin me o wht is to come, sdly. I hve
Type nlo; Perception DC 21; Disable  Enineerin DC 16 sked or uidnce on how to stop this in nd  in, but
(remove sprins) to no vil. With your rrivl here, my oddess is tellin me
Trigger loction; Reset mnul somethin, but wht?”
Efect metl spikes (3d6 P plus entnled); Reex DC 12 voids
The PCs cn tlk with Xelonn nd sk ny questions tht
Treasure:  A PC who succeeds t  DC 18 Perception check they miht hve bout him nd his temple.
nds  set o mk 1 planar runeplates  (  Armory 115) dedicted to Who is Hylax? “Hylx is the Forever Queen, the oddess
Hylx behind one o the pedestls;  PC who worships Hylx o riendship nd pece. Some sy she ws once the mortl
(or  PC with  lwul ood linment) is drwn towrd the queen o those tht cme beore the Swrm, nd she scended
runepltes, rntin  +4 circumstnce bonus to the check to odhood to protect her proeny or ll eternity. But when
to nd them. her kind turned wy rom individulity nd hrmony to
become the Swrm, she insted turned her eyes to other
I3. Inner SanCTum sentient insectile species.”
s pecies.”
Steppin throuh the wooden doors ledin to the inner What is this place?   “This temple hs stood here since

snctum, the PCs her  low chntin nd see dozens o the time o the shirrens’ rrivl on Suskillon. It ws crved
hostly Swrm cretures whirlin throuhout the chmber
chmber.. rom the rock o Clutchstone Ride by  roup o monks
This phenomenon is centered on n older mle shirren, ter Hylx ppered to direct them in the cretion o 
who ots  oot bove the oor, his eyes emntin wispy holy rtict. The nme nd loction o tht item hs been
reen smoke. This is the priest Xelonn, nd he is repetedly lost, but i you hve the it o telepthy, you cn still her
murmurin  phrse in Shirren: “The Connection undone the echoes o tht dy. I hve been the cretker here or
by holy liht.” A PC who succeeds t  DC 15 Mysticism mny yers, but it ws only in the pst ew dys tht I hve
check cn tell tht Xelonn’s chntin is the cuse o the received visions directly rom the oddess.”
scintion eect they witnessed in the courtyrd. Do you know what is happening with the Swarm here?  
“Hylx hs been tryin to wrn me tht the Swrm is
This recessed stone chmber is sprsely decorted, thouh comin to tke this temple, nd thouh she hs not sid
 cot olded up inst the wll nd  desk with  computer why, I believe it is ble to sense the divine impression within
terminl revel tht it hs been recently inhbited. Wooden the stone rom when the scred rtict ws crted. Mny
doors exit to the southwest. scholrs believe the Swrm worshipped Hylx beore it
becme the evil orce it is now, nd perhps tht dormnt
Creature:  As the PCs enter, the swirlin Swrm spirits connection clls it here. I told SDF commnd bout this
bein to de nd Xelonn’s eyes return to norml s he dner dys o, hopin they miht be ble to ure out
ots ently to the round. The priest sters  bit s why. Thnks to the blessin o the Forever Queen, I hve
he reins his composure nd sys, “So the SDF ot my been ble to mpliy her psychic emntions to mke ny
messes, then? You’ve come to protect the temple inst pprochin Swrm components docile, but I er I cnnot
the Swrm?” keep it up orever.”
Since the ll o Brinno, Xelonn hs been communin What were you saying beore?  “I I sid somethin erlier,
with Hylx in the hopes o lernin some wy to stop the I don’t recll. I sw mny thins while in the trnce I entered
Swrm rom enuln the entire plnet. The oddess to protect the temple—thins tht hve lredy hppened
hsn’t been orthcomin with nswers but hs wrned the nd others tht I believe hve yet to come to pss. I hd
priest tht the Swrm is serchin or somethin nd tht hoped tht I miht be ble to discuss these visions with 
the plnet will ll. Unortuntely, these visions hve lso knowledeble expert t  librry or university, but tht
lerted the Swrm, ironiclly ledin it to the very thin it is seems out o the question now.”
seekin. When the Swrm strted to pproch the temple, Xelonn hs his own questions nd sks the PCs bout the

Hylx rnted Xelonn the power to temporrily keep it stte o the wr nd wht exctly is hppenin in the plins
t by. below. I the PCs tell him they re here to brin him to Reos


City nd help him et o the plnet, Xelonn sys, “We cnnot temple interior s  Swrm creture squeezes throuh the
leve the temple! I er tht i the Swrm ront door. I the PCs convinced Xelonn
is ble to tke this site, then ll will be to leve the temple, he ssists them
lost! Hylx hs shown me tht this in the ollowin encounter by cstin
plce is o ret importnce.” helin spells s needed.
A PC cn ttempt  DC 15
Diplomcy check or  DC 17 EVENT 4: BATTLE WITHIN
Intimidte check to convince THE TEMPLE (CR 4)
Xelonn tht the plnet is lost nd This encounter tkes plce in the interior o
tht styin behind is tntmount the min temple (re I2 ). I the PCs didn’t FTE OF
to suicide. I successul, the shirren disble the two trps in this re, they THE
sihs nd sys, “I we must. Perhps miht be ble to use the spiked brs to FIFTH
it is Hylx’s will.” Otherwise, he their dvnte (or they miht et cuht
stubbornly plnts himsel on his cot in the trps i they ren’t creul).
nd sys, “I it is ll the sme to you, Creatures:  Without Xelonn OUTLINE
my duty to my ith is more importnt mpliyin the temple’s psychic
thn my lie. I thnk you or comin, power to scinte nerby
but I must insist tht you leve Swrm cretures,  ew re PART 1:
me here to my medittions. I will ble to brech the entrnce. A
serch or more inormtion bout Swrm convecyte is  lre OF BRINNOA
the Swrm to help the wr eort, trnsport creture tht
even rom behind enemy lines.” oten crries smller Swrm
However, the shirren chnes his components into bttle PART 2:

mind ter the ttck o Event 4. XLONAN under its crpce. One SCOURING
o these mssive bests— OF SAHTOR
XELONAN CR 3 currently crryin three
XP 800 dreders—pushes its wy throuh the
Mle shirren mystic metl doors beore combt beins. The bulky creture moves PART 3:
NG Medium humnoid (shirren) into ttck s soon s it spots the PCs.
Init +0; Senses blindsense (vibrtion) 30 t.; Perception +13 SUSKILLON


EAC  13; KAC  14 XP 200 each
Fort +2; Re +2; Will +6 HP 13 ech (see p e 59) BATTLING
Speed 30 t. During Combat The dreders dely until the convecyte
Mystic Spell-Like Abilities (CL 3rd) expels them into the room. Ech dreder thn chooses  A PLAGUE

At will— mindlink rndom PC to ttck mon those tht re closest. OF LOCUSTS

Mystic Spells Known (CL 3rd; rned +7) Morale  The dreders ht until they re des troyed.
1st (3/dy)— detect thoughts (DC 16), mystic cure
0 (t will)— grave words, stabilize SWARM CONVECYTE CR 2 ARCHIVES
Connection empth XP 600
STATISTICS HP 30 (see pe 58)
Str +0; Dex +0; Con +2; Int +0; Wis +4; Cha +1 CODEX OF
Skills Culture +8, Diplomcy +8, Medicine +13, Mysticism +13, During Combat The convecyte lumbers up to the nerest
Sense Motive +8 enemy nd dischres its psseners. It then slms
Languages Common, Shirren; limited telepthy 30 t. inst tht oe, tryin to t ke them down.
Other Abilities communlism, empthy, reter mindlink Morale  When it is reduced to 5 Hit Points or ewer, the
Gear second skin,  psychic booster convecyte moves close to the PCs to ctch s mny o
them in its cid burst deth throes s possible.
Treasure: I Xelonn notices tht  PC who intercts with
him hs telepthy, he oers them the use o his  psychic Development:  Ater the iht, i Xelonn ws not yet
booster or comin ll this wy
wy.. convinced to leve the temple, he reconsiders his position

Development:  No mtter how their converstion with on styin nd sys, “They will just keep comin until
Xelonn proceeds, the PCs her  loud metllic bn rom the they et wht they re serchin or, won’t they? I should



J1 J2

J1 1



J4 J9 J10


J4 J2


J4 J7 J8

hve known better thn to hve you ll risk your lives to try PCs tke the hihwy south out o Lynmri, beinnin the
nd sve me. I will honor the pin nd suerin tht you ll 180-mile return trip to Reos City. Even t top speed, this
hve endured to et here, s well s the scrices o the other  journey tkes the PCs lmost 4 hour
hourss to complete. This tr
SDF soldiers, nd I will return with you to the evcution zone. should be uneventul, but i you wnt to slow the PCs down
Thouh the Swrm will tke this temple, perhps—by the rce  bit or i they re llin behind nd you wnt rnt them
o Hylx—its ultimte ol cn still somehow be thwrted.” some extr XP, you cn hve them encounter rntic wildlie
The PCs cn tke  ull niht’s rest in the temple i they or smll ptrols o Swrm scouts tht unction similrly to
wish, but they miht wnt to trvel bck to Reos City s st previous encounters. Alterntively, i you skipped ny o
s possible insted. I they ttempt to contct Commnder the encounters in Prt 2 ledin up to Lynmri, you cn use
Njiri ter securin Xelonn, they receive only  rbled those encounters on the wy bck; this miht men the PCs
messe in return: “Finl evcution trnsports re nerly t pick up  ew extr evcuees. I so, remember to reduce the
cpcity. I you hve not reched the evcution zone by...” number o strnded evcuees the PCs encounter when they
The udio cuts out bruptly, nd the PCs cn’t rise SDF rech Reos City.
centrl commnd in until they et closer to Reos City. When the PCs rech the northern outskirts o Reos City,
the snow is llin hrd. The city is eerily quiet, with no
sins o ships yin bove. However,  ew res re burnin
on the metropolis’s western side, their smoke brely visible
throuh the snowll. Due to the conestion, the PCs hve
to bndon their vehicle nd mke their wy throuh the
city on oot. When they ully enter the city, their comm
units crckle to lie. Commnder Njiri contcts them with 
one-wy trnsmission.
It tkes n hour or the PCs to drive bck down the

mountin rod evcuted

hs been ully rom the temple
by now.oSnow
to Lynmri, which
to ll s the “Midniht
niht whenSqud, do you
commnd red
hd to me? Evcution
cll bck ir support lst


over Reos. Are you just ettin to the evcution zone? s the escped Scorpion inmtes, members o the Newles
Your sinl is very wek, but i you’re herin this, et mily, or other Lynmri residents. Rerdless o the roup’s
to the spceport nd ind some wy o Suskillon. There composition, their morle is very low, nd they look to the PCs
is  mssive Swrm rmy to the south tht is mkin to rescue them rom certin deth.
its wy towrd you, nd the only wy you’ll Beore they cn bein serchin the spceport
be ble to outrun it is in  strship. Sve or trnsporttion o the plnet, the PCs’ comm
whoever you cn nd et out o there units chirp with n incomin trnsmission s 
now! Rendezvous on Utrneus.” tiny spcecrt ies overhed. Answerin the
cll, the PCs see the ce o Anci Render—
The PCs hve only  ew more the thie rom Fort Gllnt (see Event 2 on FTE OF
hours let beore the Shtor Reion— pe 15)—illuminted by the displys in the THE
the only se re reminin on the cockpit o  vessel she “commndeered.” FIFTH
plnet Suskillon—is completely overrun
with thousnds upon thousnds o Anci smirks. “I sw you ll were in 
Swrm cretures! bit o trouble down there. Unortuntely, OUTLINE
this ship hs room or only three
SAHTOR people: me, mysel, nd I. But I do
REGIONAL hve  led on nother vessel PART 1:
SPACEPORT tht never mde it out
As the PCs trude throuh the o its hnr here t OF BRINNOA
bndoned, snow-covered city, the spceport...”
they cn see tht the smoke
billowin to the west is wtin I the PCs t ook Anci’s PART 2:


rom the itspceport. When SCOURING

Event 2 , or
they mke to the spceport’s looked the other OF SAHTOR
perimeter, red or prphrse wy when they cuht
the ollowin. her stelin (or i they never noticed her sticky iners),
then she reely oers up the loction o Privte Hnr 7 PART 3:
Hue columns o blck smoke rise into the sky, nd the smell (see re  J ),
 ), notin
notin the re’s tiht secu
rity. I they were
o burnin thsteron-bsed uel hns in the ir. Dozens o ntonistic towrd Anci or i they turned her over to SUSKILLON
destroyed ships lie scttered cross the spceport’s vrious the ort’s security, then she is  bit curt with them, s
lndin pds, their rmes broken nd melted. Some o the ollows.
control towers nd privte hnrs s till stnd, thouh most BATTLING
hve succumbed to the mes. “Since you put the pinch on me bck in Fort Gllnt, I hd
 bit o  rouh time mkin my wy to Reos City. But now
The PCs lso spot  smll roup o evcuees, bttered tht I hve my own trnsport, I’m in  more orivin mood. A PLAGUE

nd bruised, shufin lon the periphery o the spceport. Trnser 500 credits to me, nd I’ll tell you where you cn OF LOCUSTS

Ledin them is n older humn womn, who reets the PCs nd tht ship. Or I uess you could tke your chnces with
in  wery nd rihtened tone. the vexers...” ALIEN
“My nme is Kilor Gishi. I’m on the city council here in The PCs cn rue with Anci, bertin her by
Reos. These others nd I were heded or the lst trnsport ttemptin  DC 19 Intimidte check, or they cn pled with
o the plnet when  win o Swrm strships descended her nd ttempt  DC 17 Diplomcy check. While the creer CODEX OF
on the spceport nd destroyed every vessel in siht. We criminl is normlly unmoved by emotionl displys, PCs
were blown bck by the explosions, nd when we cme to, who mention they hve multiple other evcuees with them
the SDF hd lredy let nd we couldn’t contct them to in  +4 circumstnce bonus to this check. I they succeed
let them know we survived. We’ve been serchin or n t either o these checks or ive her the credits she requests,
undmed strship since then, but we hven’t been ble to Anci trnsmits the coordintes to  privte underround
nd nythin.” bunker, mentionin tht the utomted security there miht
be tiht.
The roup o evcuees is smll—no more thn eiht people. I the PCs re unble to swy Anci nd reuse to py
The PCs nd some milir ces mon them, includin her, she ives them  very brusque rewell nd wishes
the scientist Zntos Lochwurt rom bck t Fort Gllnt. I them ood luck with the Swrm. However, the PCs re not
you like, you cn lso include other NPCs rom Prt 2, such completely out o luck, s they cn mke  hurried serch


o the spceport rounds. A PC who succeeds t  DC 20 This strship,  Flux Industries Observtion Ketch, is
Perception check spots the smll, mostly undmed buildin nmed Terminus Wild, ter n spect o one o Gr’s vorite
tht serves s the privte hnr’s entrnce. I they il this mblin mes. In order to et the vessel redy or iht, the
check, they cn try in with  cumultive +2 bonus ech PCs will need to reboot the hnr’s power core, et the uel
time they serch. Ech PC who ils this check must ttempt  pump runnin, nd conduct the uelin process.
DC 12 Fortitude svin throw to void become tiued when The underround hnr is unlit until the power core in
they nlly nd the entrnce, s the hurried pce o combin re  J6 is rebooted, t which time the re is lit with norml
throuh the snow bnks tkes its toll. liht. In ddition, the hetin system is dependent upon the
power core, nd the temperture in the hnr is cold. Except

J. PRIVATE HANGAR 7 where noted, the ceilins here re 12 eet hih. A mp o this
Shtor Reionl Spceport oers privte, underround re ppers on pe 30.
hnrs or welthy compnies nd individuls. Ech Smll, nondescript cement buildins mrk the entrnces
hnr is  secure spce where  strship owner cn keep, to ech underround hnr. Normlly locked, the door
repir, nd reuel their vessel, nd includes cro store to Privte Hnr 7 hs been blown o its hines by the
cilities (or secluded meetin rooms, should the owner wish ttck on the spceport, but the interior— set o metl
to use them in tht shion). Privte Hnr 7 ws owned by stirs ledin down into the erth—seems unscthed. Beore
Gr Mlero,  criminl lly o Anci Render’s ther. Gr the PCs hed down, Xelonn steps orwrd rom the roup
used the hnr to smule illel oods into the city nd o evcuees nd sys, “You should hed on without us or
pid hety bribes to the spceport ocils to keep his illicit now; who knows wht dners miht lurk down there? The
ctivities quiet nd unnoticed by reionl lw enorcement. survivors nd I will hide here t the top o the stirs. I you
Unortuntely, Gr ws killed by  rivl shortly beore the nd  vessel nd re redy or us to leve, contct me nd
ll o Brinno, nd the strship he let here or emerency we will mke our wy to you. My the Forever Queen wtch
escpes hs st unnoticed. over you.”

J1. STaIrwell BoTTom (Cr 1)
A set o metl stirs leds down 100 eet to  simple steel
door. An obvious security cmer looks down towrd the
door, thouh since the hnr currently hs no power, it
isn’t opertionl.
The door hs  simple numeric keypd on the wll next to
it controllin the lock, but without power, the door cn’t be
unlocked even by enterin the correct code. A PC cn disble
the lock with  successul DC 17 Enineerin
check. Alterntively,  PC cn hook up
 bttery to the keypd nd hck
the electronic lock with  successul
DC 17 Computers check; ech o these
ttempts consumes 1 chre rom the
bttery. A PC cn lso bsh down the door with  successul
DC 20 Strenth check.
Trap:  Thouh the door hs only  rudimentry lock, the
hnr’s owner instlled his own security in the orm o 
dicult-to-detect lrm system with  sel-contined power
source. I the PCs open the door beore disblin this system,
 150-decibel pulse oods the stirwell, possibly rupturin
erdrums nd lertin ny security within the hnr.

XP 400
Type technoloicl; Perception DC 21;
Disable Enineerin DC 16 (cut udio
Trigger touch; Reset 1 minute
SECURITY ROBT Efect blst o sound (2d6 So


plus deened or 1d4 hours); Fortitude DC 12 hl n d they cn use these eeds to snek pst them, rntin 
netes the deened condition; multip
le trets (ll +4 circumstnce bonus to their Stelth checks. A PC who
trets in re  J1 ) succeeds t  DC 20 Perception check while lookin t the
eeds cn spot somethin movin mon the crtes within
J2. Bunker HallwayS (Cr 3) the hnr. Notiyin the others bout this rnts ech PC 
The bre hllwys o the underround bunker re unpinted +2 circumstnce bonus to their inititive check i they ht
cement with power conduits nd hetin pipes runnin the cerebric unus in re  J11.
lon the ceilin. The cement oor is scued in plces. The computer here controls the hnr’s robotic security.
Creatures:  A pir o observer-clss security robots, prt The system is  tier 3 computer, requirin  successul DC 25
o Gr’s own security, ptrols the hllwys. They hve  Computers check to hck. The security keycrd ound in re FTE OF
smll dtbse o uthorized employees, nd the PCs ren’t  J8 rnts  +4 circumstnce bonus to this check. With ccess THE
on tht list. The robots hve seprte ptrol routes, but i to this computer, the PCs cn lern the specs o the security FIFTH
the PCs triered the lrm in re  J1, the two robots hed robots in res  J2  nd  J10  (s i the PCs hd successully
directly to the stirwell door. Otherwise, i the PCs enter identied the cretures with n Enineerin skill check). The
combt with  robot, the second robot joins the ht 1d3 PCs cn lso shut down the security robots by ccessin the OUTLINE
rounds lter. robot’s commnd subroutines, which re behind  rewll
tht requires  successul DC 27 Computers check to brek
OBSERVER-CLASS SECURITY ROBOTS (2) CR 1 throuh;  lockout countermesure reezes the system or 1 PART 1:
XP 400 each hour ter two iled ttempts to hck throuh the rewll.
HP 17 ech ( Starfnder
Starfnder Alien Archive 94) With ccess to the commnd subroutines, the PCs cn OF BRINNOA

TACTICS power down the robots to prevent them rom ttckin the
During Combat The robots bein combt by lunchin their intrudin PCs.
stickybomb rendes nd then rin their pulsecster Story Award: I the PCs power down the security robots PART 2:
pistols t  sinle tret t  time until tht tret beore htin them, wrd them XP s i they hd deeted
is neutrlized. the security robots in combt. OF SAHTOR
Morale Due to their prormmin, the security robots ht
until they re destroyed. J4. STorage
The three rooms mrked  J4  re identicl store res, PART 3:

J3. SeCurITy STaTIon pcked with mostly empty crtes nd cbinets. Gr moved
most o his illicit oods oworld durin the erly dys o the SUSKILLON
This smll room seems to be  security sttion or the hnr. Swrm invsion, nd nythin let ws tken by his security
A couple o metl chirs sit beore  computer terminl nd tem durin the evcution. Only useless pckin mteril
severl monitors hn bove it on the wll. A door exits to nd other rbe remins. BATTLING
the est. However,  PC who succeeds t  DC 15 Perception check
while exminin the southernmost room nds  physicl mnul
mnu l
Beore the evcution,  pir o Gr’s lckeys used the titled Starship Maintenance and Launch Procedures tucked A PLAGUE

terminl to monitor the eeds o the hnr’s mny security wy in  cbinet. Amon other technicl detils, the uide OF LOCUSTS

cmers nd could ctivte nd dectivte the security robots points out (in Common) techniques or reuelin  strship’s
usin the console when necessry. Until the power core in conventionl thrusters, which rnts  +2 circumstnce bonus ALIEN
re  J6 is rebooted, however, these monitors remin o nd to the Enineerin checks ttempted in both res J7 nd J11 to ARCHIVES
the computer doesn’t turn on. et the Terminus Wild ueled nd opertionl.
I the PCs return to this room ter they restore power to Treasure:   A PC who succeeds t  DC 17 Perception
the hnr, they cn scroll throuh the mny cmer eeds. check while serchin the middle store room discovers  CODEX OF
There re cmers t the bottom o the stirwell in re cmoue membrne (see pe 45) nd  pir o btteries
 J1, nled t the reiht elevtor in re  J5, pointed t the under n overturned crdbord box.
power core in re  J6, in  secluded corner o uel control in
re J7, bove the lockers in re  J8, bove the computers in J5. FreIgHT elevaTor
re  J9, nd bove the hnr entrnce in  J10 (showin the
security robot there). Two more cmers provide covere The min eture o this room is  lre elevtor pltorm
or the entire hnr (re  J11 ) nd nother two re in set into  mssive metl htch in the oor. Above, two
the hllwys, one pointin north rom the southernmost metllic doors cover  drk sht tht exits the chmber t 
point o the western corridor nd one pointin south rom orty-ve-deree nle. A security cmer is pointed t the
the northernmost point o the estern corridor. I the PCs pltorm. Empty crtes nd pckin mteril line the wlls.
hve yet to encounter the security robots in the hllwys, The room stinks intly o xle rese.


The reiht elevtor is unpowered until the power the uel-injection system must be reset to the proper
core in re  J6   is rebooted. Even then, the doors t the prmeters to reuel the Terminus Wild  in re  J11 ; this
top o the sht re covered with rubble nd debris rom requires  successul DC 16 Enineerin check, nd thouh
the ttck on the spceport, nd so the elevtor’s sety ech ttempt tkes 5 minutes, the PCs cn retry the check
mesures don’t llow the elevtor to be operted. One o s oten s they like.
the lrer crtes is lbeled “Return to Sender”; inside is
 Drit enine, obviously in  stte o disrepir. It would J8. STaFF area
tke t lest  week (nd  ully stocked tech workshop)
to repir this Drit enine, but i the PCs wnt to tke it This smll brek re hs  reriertor unit,  bevere
with them, they cn dr it to the Terminus Wild i t lest dispenser, comortble setin, nd  round tble. A row
three people, ech with  Strenth score o 16 or hiher, o lockers is set into the estern wll, beneth  security
work toether. cmer nd  holorphic counter mrked “Dys Since 
Treasure:  A ully chred cro
c ro liter suit o powered rmor Workplce Sety Incident.”
hns on the southern wll. While this isn’t sucient to move
the Drit enine on its own, it does count s two people i used Like the lihts, the holorphic counter is nonunctionl
to move the crte. until power is restored to the hnr. When it is, the coun ter
lshes the number 0 bove the text until someone resets
J6. power managemenT it by pressin  smll button on the side; unortun tely, the
counter is just out o rech or  Medium creture.
The center o this room is occupied by  power core tht One o Gr’s security st let  keycrd on the tble tht
stretches rom oor to ceilin. Cbles ttched to the core rnts  +4 circumstnce bonus to ttempts to hck the
stretch in ll directions overhed. A security cmer is security computers in re  J3.
pointed t the power core, nd  computer terminl djcent Treasure: I the PCs tke  minute to serch the lockers,
to the core emits dim liht. they nd  sttic rc pistol with  ully chred bttery let
behind in the rush to evcute the plnet.
The power core here hs been knocked ofine by the
ttck on the surce. The computer terminl is unctionin J9. FlIgHT ConTrol
on emerency bckup power nd cn be used to reboot
the core. This requires  successul DC 15 Computers or A row o computer consoles is set into the northern wll
Enineerin check, nd it tkes  ull 10 minutes or the beneth  security cmer nd  trnsprent luminum
power core to return to ull unctionlity ter  successul window throuh which the hnr cn be seen. Exits led
check. When the power core completes its reboot cycle, to the south nd est.
lihts turn on throuhout the cility
cility,, bthin the rooms nd
hllwys in norml liht. In ddition, the computers in the This room is where the hnr’s systems, includin
other rooms switch on. inormtion bout the strship within, re controlled. Until
Treasure:  A smll cbinet nerly ush with the wll is the cility’s power hs been restored, the computers re
tucked into the northest corner o the room. Inside is n drk. The Terminus Wild cn be seen throuh the window
enineerin toolkit,  ully chred becon portble liht, (unless the hnr is still drk nd the PCs don’t hve 
nd  spre bttery. liht source or drkvision). The 1-inch thick window hs 
hrdness o 10 nd 15 Hit Points.
J7. Fuel ConTrol Once the power core hs been rebooted, the computers
bein displyin inormtion bout the Terminus Wild.
The smell o combustible uel hns in the ir. Severl A PC who succeeds t  DC 12 Enineerin check while
pipes run cross the ceilin nd down the southern wll, ll exminin the redouts cn see tht the ship is clerly
connected to complex uel-mixin devices nd monitorin in workin order, but its conventionl thrusters need
computers. The oor, ceilin, nd wlls re bre cement, nd reuelin. A successul DC 15 Computers check is required
 door exits to the north. to ctivte the reuelin process, but the PCs need to do
two thins irst: repir the uel hose clmp in the hnr
The equipment here is used to mix the chemicls (or hold the hose in plce themselves) nd reset the
held in lre underround tnks round the spceport uel-injection system prmeters in re  J7. The computer
to crete conventionl strship uel. A security cmer lerts them to these issues i they try to initite the
hs been mounted in  secluded corner o the room. The reuelin process.
monitorin computers re powered down until the hn r’s Development:  When the PCs strt the reuelin process,
power core is rebooted. Once power hs been restored, Event 5 beins.


J10. Hangar enTranCe (Cr 1) hs broken. A PC cn notice this dme with  successul
This room seprtes iht control rom the hnr by. A DC 14 Enineerin check or DC 18 Percepti
on check (i they
couple o smll chirs sit in one corner ner  row o hooks hven’t lredy lerned o the issue rom the computer in
rom which some mechnics’ coverlls hn. There is  re  J9 ). The clmp cn be repired with  success
ul DC
sturdy door just below  metl rte in the northern wll. 20 Enineerin check; ech ttempt tkes 10 minutes.
This door is locked but cn be opened with  successul Alterntively,  PC cn move the uel hose into plce nd
DC 20 Enineerin check. Alterntively, the rte cn be hold it durin the reuelin process (see Event 5 ). Doin
D oin so
removed with  successul DC 16 Strenth check, llowin requires the use o two hnds, nd tht PC cnnot move
 Smll or Medium creture to squeeze into the hnr. until the reuelin is complete; i they do, the process stops
A security cmer is mounted just bove the entrnce to nd must be reinitited rom re  J9. A PC who holds the FTE OF
the hnr. uel hose in plce by hnd must succeed t  DC 15 Fortitude THE
Creature: A third observer-clss security robot urds the sve when the process is over or become tiued rom the FIFTH
hnr entrnce nd, i power hs been restored, is directly in eort involved.
view o the mounted security cmer. It doesn’t reconize the Creature: Months o, prior to the invsion, Gr lnded
PCs s uthorized employees nd ttcks. the Terminus Wild or the lst time, brinin in  hndul o OUTLINE
crtes o illel oods rom outside the Suskillon system—s
OBSERVER-CLASS SECURITY ROBOT CR 1 well s  stowwy. An immture, less intellient species
XP 400 o cerebric unus— crnivorous plnt creture—ttched PART 1:
HP 17 ( Starfnder
Starfnder Alien Archive 94) itsel to one o the crtes beore the Terminus Wild let or
TACTICS Suskillon nd hs remined hidden in the hnr by since OF BRINNOA
During Combat The security robot res its pulsecster pistol then, eedin o vermin. The cerebric unus chieved the
t the closest PC, tryin
tr yin to stun them into unconsciousness. ullness o its powers only  ew dys beore the evcution
Morale The security robot hts until it is destroyed. order ws iven, but it is now trpped within the cility. PART 2:
Anry nd eer to prove its superiority to other cretures,
J11. Hangar (Cr 3) the cerebric unus crwls onto  crte nd ttcks the PCs OF SAHTOR
when they enter.
A set o mssive jet-blst deectors occupy the mjority
o the oor underneth the strship tht lls this hnr CEREBRIC FUNGUS CR 3 PART 3:
by. The room mesures over two hundred eet lon, nd XP 800
bout hl tht distnce wide nd tll. The re round HP 26 ( Starfnder
Starfnder Alien Archive 2  26) SUSKILLON
the vessel is crowded with hevy-duty equipment nd  TACTICS
ew wheeled tool cbinets. A pile o pllets nd crtes is During Combat The cerebric unus trets rndom PCs
stcked in the southest corner. A service door exits to the with daze, ear, nd lesser conusion until the PCs et too BATTLING
south,  ew eet rom  lre luminum-steel window tht close, ter which it beins lshin out with its tentcles.
looks into the iht control room. A pir o ceilin-mounted Morale  With nowhere else to o nd s ensin the upcomin
security cmers hve been mounted t opposite ends o erdiction o the plnet, the cerebric unus hts to A PLAGUE

the hnr. the deth. OF LOCUSTS

The strship here hs the nme Terminus Wild  pinted Treasure:   Most o the crtes here contin mteril nd ALIEN
cross it in bi, rish letters. It is  Medium trnsport equipment or repirin strships. I they tke  ew minutes, ARCHIVES
rme with  sleek proile, built by the Suskillon-bsed the PCs cn slve 6,000 UPBs rom the hnr by.
Flux Industries. Severl sttely observtion windows run
lon its usele, s well s lon the t nd orwrd EVENT 5: FINAL ASSAULT (CR 5) CODEX OF
lower decks. Gr Mlero, the ship’s criminl owner, hs As the PCs bein the reuelin process, the underround
iven it his own personl touch, pintin it  blckish-blue pumps kick in, producin  loud mechnicl thrum tht
with orne nd yellow hihlihts, s n ostenttious show echoes throuhout the hnr nd beyond.
o welth. The PCs cn bord the ship nd look throuh I the PCs hve yet to brin Xelonn nd the rest o the
its luxurious decor (see the mp on the inside bck cover), evcuees into the hnr, the shirren priest contcts the PCs
but it must be reueled beore they cn use it to leve the vi their comm units nd sys, “We re mkin our wy down
plnet. More detils bout the vessel pper on the inside to you now. There re hundreds o Swrm cretures combin
ront cover. the spceport, nd I think they miht be comin our wy!” I
Normlly, reuelin  strship is n utomted process, need be, Zntos Lochwurt cn bypss the lrm t the bottom
with  robotic rm ttchin  uel hose to the vessel’s o the steps to in entry to the cility. As the evcuees hurry
enines, but here the clmp tht holds the hose in plce throuh the compound nd into the hnr nd the ship, wht


is let o the spceport’s utomted security systems detects the rmp to the Terminus Wild’s irlock. When the PCs close
the Swrm bove nd sends n lert to the hnr. the outer irlock door, the combt is eectively over, thouh
the PCs cn see throuh the strship’s observtion ports nd
Alrms bein blrin throuhout the hnr. Nerby sensors s dozens more Swrm components spill into the
computer terminls show imes o hundreds o Swrm hnr by. Fortuntely, these components don’t hve the
components converin onto the spceport bove. A hue cpbility to hrm the vessel s the Terminus Wild’s thrusters
shdow lls cross the eld s some pssin unseen strt up ( process tht tkes  hrrowin 3 minutes).
rntun creture blocks the sun. The sounds o hundreds The PCs cn remotely open the hnr doors, cusin
o clwed les on the hnr’s lunch doors echo throuhout dozens more Swrm cretures nd pounds o ccumulted
the cility. snow to tumble down on top o the ship. As the Terminus
Wild blsts o into the tmosphere, the PCs should choose
Creatures: Hundreds o Swrm cretures pour cross the their roles bord the strship, s it is clerly oin to tke
spceport, serchin or livin thins to erdicte. Severl  ht to ully escpe rom the Swrm. At your discretion,
enter Hnr 7 nd mke their wy towrd the strship. Zntos Lochwurt cn step in to id the PCs, s his totl
Shortly ter the lst evcuee bords the Terminus Wild, two +9 modier to Computers checks qulies him s  cpble
Swrm dreders,  Swrm vorphom, nd  Swrm corrovox science ocer. However, llowin Zntos to do so miht mke
enter re  J9  nd spot the PCs throuh the window. They him ll the more insuerble in the next dventure, “The Lst
rush into the hnr by, throuh the door i the PCs let it Reue”; the scientist’s ull stts pper in tht dventure.
jr. Otherwise, the dreders crwl throuh the metl rte
in re  J10, while the corrovox lunches blsts o cid t EVENT 6: ESCAPE THE PLANET (CR 2)
the window. The powerul Swrm cid inores the window’s As the Terminus Wild tkes o, PCs cn et  ood view o the
hrdness. The PCs need to hold o these Swrm components spceport. Thousnds o Swrm cretures o  mnitude tht
or 5 rounds until the reuelin process is complete. the PCs hve not seen since Brinno, cover nerly every inch
o the surce. There is  hue creture t the center o this
SWARM DREDGERS (2) CR 1/2 horde, one tht none o the PCs hve seen beore:  hydr-like
XP 200 each best with multiple heds tht towers bove the other Swrm
HP 13 ech (see pe 59) components. It bellows resoundinly towrd the Terminus Wild 
TACTICS nd  psychic shock o enery rocks the vessel, cusin ll
During Combat The dreders throw themselves t the bord to eel unesy or  brie moment. The Terminus Wild 
nerest PCs. enters orbit bout n hour lter with no urther intererence.
Morale The dreders ht to the deth.
Brekin ree o Suskillon’s rvity well provides  sense
SWARM VORPHOMA CR 1 o relie. The evcuees bord let out cheers o joy mixed
XP 400 with stressul sobs s the Terminus Wild ’s rticil rvity
HP 16 (see pe 61) kicks in nd the unltered liht o the sun lls the vessel’s
TACTICS observtion windows. The ship psses throuh  debris eld
During Combat As soon s it cn, the vorphom uses in low orbit, hundreds o smll impcts bouncin o the
its spell-like bilities
bilities inst the PCs to oment  er shields. The mood bord the ship turns dour
dour,, s it becomes

nd conusion. pprent tht the Terminus Wild  is pssin throuh the
Morale The vorphom hts to the deth. remins o hundreds o other ships tht were destroyed in
the bttles tht red bove the plnet.
XP 800 Starship Combat:  The PCs’ respite rom htin is short
HP 40 ( Starfnder
Starfnder Alien Archive 110) lived. The chrcter in the science ocer role (or ny PC, i
TACTICS tht role isn’t lled) should ttempt  DC 15 Computers check
During Combat The corrovox tkes cover (either in re to detect two enemy strships in hot pursuit on the ship’s
 J9 ter it melts throuh the window or behind one o sensors. On  successul check, the strship combt beins
the crtes in re  J11 ) nd res
re s its cid c nnon t tthe
he with the opposin orces 14 hexes prt. Filin this check
stronest-lookin PC. mens the strship combt beins with the hostile strships
Morale The corrovox hts to the deth. only 8 hexes wy rom the PCs’ vessel (when the Terminus
Wild’s sensors wrn the PCs utomticlly).
Development:  At the end o the th round, the uel hose Two Swrm eeturies hve chsed the Terminus Wild into
detches itsel rom the ship (or the PC holdin it sees tht orbit. The eeturies bein only  ew hexes rom one nother,
the process is complete), nd the PCs re ree to retret up but they quickly split prt to nk the PCs’ ship until the PCs








lose shields in one rc; they then try to ocus their re on tht   PART 3:
rc o the ship to disble the Terminus Wild. A eetury hts
until it is destroyed or until it runs out o its mmunition, t CONCLUDING THE SUSKILLON
which point it breks o rom the combt nd returns to one ADVENTURE
o the crrier ships on the surce o Suskillon.


HP 35 ech (see pe 60) The PCs hve mned to survive wht ew others hve—
n ll-out Swrm invsion orce. Hvin ced o inst A PLAGUE

Development: I the Terminus Wild is reduced to 0 or ewer Swrm components tht hve rrely been seen outside o OF LOCUSTS

Hull Points in the bttle, the eeturies re ny reminin the Suskillon system, the PCs cn nlly tke  brie rest.

torpedoes they hve, possibly cusin severl o the PCs’ The SDF nd the rest o Suskillon’s survivin popultion ALIEN
ship’s systems to in the mlunctionin ccondition
ondition or worse. hve retreted to the colony world o Utrneus, nd ARCHIVES
The Swrm eeturies then retret bck to the plnet, while without  Drit-cpble strship, this should lso be the PCs’
sendin psychic messes to the rest o the Swrm eet to next destintion.
come nd nish o the PCs. The PCs hve just enouh time It will tke 1d6+2 dys or the PCs to rech Utrneus usin CODEX OF
to repir the worst o the dme nd ee the scene. A PC conventionl thrusters. The PCs cn tke the rst couple o
who succeeds t  DC 20 Enineerin check cn et the hours explorin the Terminus Wild, perhps enjoyin some
Terminus Wild in sucient workin order to bein the trip to o the menities the plesure crt hs to oer nd even
Utrneus (see below). However, i they il, the journey tkes ettin  ull niht’s rest.
n dditionl 2 dys. However, the PCs shouldn’t completely let down their
I the PCs re s uccessul in the strship combt, they cn urd. The journey to Utrneus is ruht with its own
quickly ee Suskillon’s orbit nd hed to the colony world diculties (includin dnerous unmrked cro nd the
o Utrneus. scientist Zntos Lochwurt’s ttempt to incite  mutiny),
Story Award: I the PCs deet the eeturies or persist ll o which re detiled in the next dventure, “The Lst
until the eeturies run out o mmunition, wrd them Reue.” How quickly you move into those events is up
600 XP. to you!


“We’re cut o from central command, and reinforcements
aren’t coming, so the 5th Battalion is on its own now. I’m
not one for speeches, but it’s time that we check weapons
w eapons
and pray to whatever gods still hold us in
i n their good graces,

because this right here—this is the end of the world. The

only way that we see another day is if we square up,
shoulder to shoulder,
shoulder, and we look the Swarm out there in
its bug eyes and in one voice shout, ‘This is not the day
that we die!’ Anyone who stands with
wit h me on the front line
and stares death in the face, I promise you, the rest of
your life will be bathed in the glory the likes of which this
world has never seen before. So, who’s with me?”

—Captain Hiriko Ji, speaking to the 5th Battalion at the

Battle at Stone Sea


W elcome, soldiers, to the 5th Battalion o
the Suskillon Deense Force! The SDF is
a unied military or the entire Suskillon
system, whose mission is the deense o our home world o
Suskillon and any outlying regions, by means o deterrence
Six months prior to the start o the rst
arrived in the Suskillon system,
rs t adventure, the Swarm
sys tem, smashed through the planet’s
orbital deenses, and landed in Alappu Minor at a massive
and direct conict when necessary. You have chosen an reshwater lake known as the Stone Sea, which surrounds
exciting and dangerous time to join the SDF, as Suskillon a dormant volcano. The lake, which gets its name rom the
needs every capable hand to drive back the ravening hunger billions o pieces o pumice stone that oat on its surace,
o the Swarm. became the sight o a terrible, bloody battle. The closest SDF
THE SUSKILLON division at the time, the 5th Battalion, ought back against the
Swarm as best it could. The conict, which has become known THE

SYSTEM as the Battle at Stone Sea, raged or days, giving the rest o

The Suskillon system is an independent six-planet system in the SDF time to mobilize or a deense o the entire planet.
the Vast that has riendly commercial ties to the Pact Worlds Many o the 5th Battalion lost their lives on that day, and CAMPAIGN  

but has its own government and military orces. The system though some reer to the division as “the Foolhardy Fith” or OUTLINE

is named ater its main inhabited world, Suskillon, the th its reckless stand against all odds, the majority o Suskilloners
planet rom a bright, yellow sun. The scientists o Suskillon understand and appreciate the sacrice that was made.
have developed spaceight and established a colony on Since the Battle at Stone Sea, the Swarm has made slow THE
Utraneus—the system’s third world—and research acilities on advances across Suskillon. The SDF has ought valiantly, but BATTLE

the various moons o other planets, as well as pair o space like on so many worlds beore, the Swarm’s relentless nature OF BRINNOA

docks in orbit around Suskillon. eventually breaks even the strongest o ront lines. The
Suskillon eatures a diverse range o biomes and Swarm has taken just about all o Alappu Minor, and reports
plentiul resources on its two major continents in opposing and rumors say that they are getting ready to strike
s trike at Alappu THE
hemispheres—Alappu Major and Alappu Minor. Thousands o Major. Many Suskilloners have been evacuated o world or to SCOURING

mostly uninhabited rocky archipelagos with volcanic origins undamaged cities, straining resources and the ability or the OF SAHTOR

dot the oceans. Due to its unusual orbit, Suskillon experiences SDF to both handle reugees and ght the war.
a ew months o extreme temperatures each year, known as As the Attack o the Swarm! Adventure Path begins, the
“Dry Summers” and “Dead Winters.” When the Attack o the PCs have joined the SDF to aid in the deense o Suskillon. THE
Swarm! Adventure Path begins, the planet is in the icy grip o They have been assigned to the 5th Battalion to ll its ranks. FALL OF

a Dead Winter. SUSKILLON

Humans make up the largest percentage o Suskillon’s ASSEMBLING THE

population, with shirrens being the next largest. The insectile BTTALION BATTLING
shirrens arrived on the planet centuries ago during their ight A player character has a wide variety o possible reasons THE SWARM
rom the Swarm. Thanks to Drit travel and riendly relations or being on Suskillon and joining the SDF. The 5th Battalion
with the Pact Worlds and the Veskarium, some citizens have consists primarily o noncareer soldiers, as over the course
migrated into the system, increasing Suskillon’
Sus killon’s diversity over o the invasion, the group has suered over 60 percent
the past ew decades. casualties, with most occurring in the Battle at Stone Sea.
All Suskilloners are citizens o a worldwide democracy that Over the last ew months, the 5th Battalion has been

bodyormed at some
consisting o a point during
president, the Gap,
a orum o with a governing
magistrates who pulled romrecruits
train new the ront lines in battle-weary
alongside order to replenish its ranks
veterans. and

interpret major legal decisions, and regional governors Cavalier, the 5th began to take in troop transers, dratees,
who meet on a yearly basis to discuss policy. The seat o prisoner conscripts, and volunteers rom all over Suskillon
this government is in the capital city o Brinnoa on Alappu and beyond. It was here that the battalion became a melting WORLDS
Major. The remainder o Suskillon is divided into a ew large pot o soldiers rom every corner o the galaxy.
megaplex cities, agrarian arming regions, mining acilities, The ollowing are possible reasons or a character to join
and the occasional spaceport. The Suskillon Deense Force, up with the 5th Battalion based on their chosen theme. These
or SDF, is a single military orce with air, land, sea, and can be used as written or as inspiration to help acclimate you
space divisions. to the storyline that sees your character ghting or the ate
Each o the other planets in the Suskillon system (which o Suskillon. Most o these themes are rom the Starfnder
include, rom closest to the sun to arthest, the stony Echidea, Core Rulebook, but a ew are rom Starfnder Pact Worlds (as
the magic-drenched Chonax, the gas giant Vharrine, and the noted with an appropriate superscript) or pages 42–43 o this
rozen Ashypso) will each be detailed in the Codex o Worlds book (as noted with an asterisk [*]).
section o a dierent volume o the Attack o the Swarm! Ace Pilot: You
Pilot: You may have learned to y in the skies above
Adventure Path. Suskillon or worked in one o the mining operations in the


Suskillon system a year beore the invasion began and await
SDF JARGON a great cataclysm. This psychic vision has now spurred you to
The ollowing are some examples o slang and terms  join the 5th Battalion and get close to the Swarm.
that members o the SDF have coined during the war Icon:   Whether seeking to accurately document the
with the Swarm. invasion as a journalist or sensationalize the tragedy or your
BBBS or Triple-B S: An
S: An abbreviation used on military inosphere audience, you are becoming amous on Suskillon
maps to denote where the SDF has tactically retreated; or your coverage o the hostilities. As part o your rise to
it stands or “Beaten Back by Swarm.” ame or in order to get the best access to ootage on the
Burner: Short
Burner:  Short or aterburner, this is a common name ront lines, you joined the SDF and were assigned to the 5th

or an SDF pilot. Battalion to boost

Mercenary: the decimated
  Hired unit’s morale.
through private military orces, you
Duster: A
Duster:  A duster is a soldier who ghts with the SDF
ground orces. entered the ray on Suskillon guarding corporate interests or
Eat Acid: To
Acid: To die at the hands o a Swarm enemy. the wealthy socialites o Brinnoa’s upper echelons. As a soldier
Exterm: A
Exterm:  A verb used to denote the killing o a Swarm o ortune, you have participated in only brie engagements
creature (e.g., “I extermed it with a pistol round”). with the Swarm since the invasion. As your contracts began
Tip-Top: The
Tip-Top:  The lower ranks o the SDF sometimes use to dry up, though, you took one o the ew remaining meal
this term to reer to those in charge o the war to deride tickets on the planet and joined the 5th Battalion reservists.
their stature and distance rom the battle in the orbital Outlaw:   While working or one o the organized crime
stations above the planet. amilies in Brinnoa, a deal went bad and you were picked up
Vexer: Another
Vexer:  Another name or some o the smaller Swarm by the city’s police orces just beore the Swarm invasion. You
creatures that have taken over much o Suskillon.
Sus killon. were then approached by an SDF commander who gave you
White Hawk: 
Hawk:  Name or the sudden and dangerous the option to rot in your cell or to enlist in the 5th Battalion.
winter storms on Suskillon caused by polar ice vortices. You and many o your ellow prisoners opted to ght or
Suskillon, not only to help protect the planet, but to earn a
ull pardon or your various crimes ater the war ends.
Priest: As
Priest: As a member o a local church on Suskillon, you elt
system, but either way you believe yoursel to be one o the the call to administer to the spiritual needs o the soldiers that
best pilots or several light years in any direction. You joined took up arms against the Swarm. Since the 5th Battalion’s
the 5th Battalion’s ground orces until you could be assigned sacrices at the Battle at Stone Sea, the battered outt has had
a ship to pilot yoursel. several soldiers suer rom battle atigue and crises o aith as
Battle Medic*: 
Medic*:  You have trained your entire career in the Swarm enemy continues its campaign. You stepped into a
high-stress environments to heal those in need. Whether chaplain role in the battalion to protect not only the bodies o
as a military doctor or a civilian medical technician, you are your ellow comrades, but their mortal souls.
practiced at providing care on the battleeld while ghting Scholar:   Educated in one o the universities o Brinnoa or
the Swarm. You joined the 5th Battalion because it was the corporate research academies in the outlying regions, you
severely lacking in trained medical sta ater the deeat at have dedicated the last 6 months to discovering a weakness
the Battle at Stone Sea. in the Swarm’s deenses. As a student o either the arcane
Bounty Hunter: A
Hunter: A skilled survivalist and investigator, you or traditional sciences, you joined the 5th Battalion as an

systembeen operating
or years. onthe
Since Suskillon and out,
war broke in the
have been academic attaché,
Space Pirate PWadding your intellect to the squad o soldiers.
: Without ofcial access to Pact Worlds or
working to reunite separated amily members displaced by Veskarium support, Suskillon has opened its nancial reserves
the enemy, as well as track down soldiers who have deserted and paid pirates, raiders, and corsairs to join the ght against
in the ace o the Swarm. You were hired to the 5th Battalion the Swarm. Either you were dropped o by your crewmates
to track the enemy’s movements. (who wanted no part in the seemingly hopeless endeavor) or
Career Trooper*: 
Trooper*:  Having trained as a soldier or years, you your ship was damaged in a battle with Swarm vessels above
thought that you were ready or anything… and then the Swarm the planet, and you have decided to join the ground orces o
invaded. As a member o the SDF’s elite orces, you have ought the 5th Battalion until a better opportunity comes along.
or the entire campaign and barely survived; the last battle saw Spacefarer:   Many individuals such as yoursel answered
your previous company o soldiers decimated. The remaining the pleas o Suskilloners ater the Swarm invaded. You could
squads have been absorbed into other battalions, including the be a trader, a privateer, or a lone wanderer who was drawn to
5th. You are ready to impart your experience and know-how to the conict and volunteered to ght on behal o the planet.
your new ellow squad mates. Alternatively you are a traveler originally rom Suskillon who
Dream Prophet PW: As part o a waking dream transmitted returned to your home once the invasion began, ready to pick
to you by an entity on Liavara, you were told to make or the up arms and deend your home planet.



Wild WardenPW: You had recently let the cities o Suskillon exact gear you need as you level up, so consider taking ranks
behind or a multiple-year journey through the planet’s wilder in Engineering or Mysticism to be able to crat the items you
lands when you spotted the Swarm invasion crat landing want, and remember to take advantage o any lull in the
to the north. You spent some time trying to avoid the war, ghting to work on these projects.
but the Swarm scouts that roamed your woodlands made Combat is, o course, a large part o this Adventure Path.
that impossible. When you joined the SDF, the military See SDF Gear on pages 44–45 or suggestions on how to
immediately made use o your knowledge o the area and outt your character, as well as a handul o new tools and
had you reconnoitering or entire companies. Your latest items that will aid you in your campaign against the Swarm.
assignment is with the 5th Battalion.

Xenoarchaeologist :  You have studied FTE OF

remains o the planets and civilizations that thereports o let
Swarm has the THE
behind in its wake. You eel that learning about those planets’ FIFTH

peoples, species, and ecosystems will help you in understand

the Swarm’s victories there. When the invasion o your home CAMPAIGN  
planet o Suskillon began, you joined a cadre o scientists OUTLINE

attempting to leverage the collected knowledge o the Swarm

to develop an edge in the war. You see joining the 5th Battalion
as an opportunity to examine your theories in the eld.
Xenoseeker: While many don’t care to learn about the BATTLE
enemy, some like yoursel nd the collective killing machine OF BRINNOA

that is the Swarm ascinating. You joined the SDF in order to

get a rsthand look at the adversary that nearly brought the
Pact Worlds and the Veskarium to ruin a ew decades ago.
You hope to eventually learn enough about the enemy during SCOURING

your time in the 5th Battalion to end conicts like this with OF SAHTOR

less bloodshed and collateral damage.

Themeless (or Other Theme): Beore
Theme):  Beore the Swarm invasion
o Suskillon, you led a airly unadventurous lie. When
your home planet was threatened, however, you realized it FALL OF
would take the commitment o every person on the planet SUSKILLON

to withstand the enemy hordes. You quit your job, said

your goodbyes, and showed up at a recruitment camp the
next day ready to become a member o the ghting elite
that would orm the thin line between your home world’s
survival and its all.


As the 5th Battalion consists mainly o ground orces, your

group doesn’t start this Adventure Path with a starship.
However, starship combat will play an important role in these ARCHIVES

adventures, so consider what starship role you might want to

ll. Discuss your skill choices with your ellow players to ensure
that most o the starship roles can be covered by someone,
especially the crucial roles o engineer, gunner, and pilot. This is
especially true i you are playing a class that doesn’t naturally
excel at starship combat skills—or instance, i you are playing a
mystic or solarian, you might want to check with your group to
see i there are any gaps in starship roles you could ll and take
at least a ew ranks in the appropriate skills.

As much as possible, you should equip your character or war.
Be prepared or extended periods outdoors and the occasional
long march. You will have ew opportunities to purchase the


You have been trained to treat combat wounds on and o the battleeld.
Having operated in high-intensity situations in remote rural locales, on
city streets, and amid the din o combat, you have honed your ability
to remain calm and collected under duress and heal those around you.
Your peers see you as an incredibly valuable member o the team, and
because o this, they deend you with their lives.

THEME KNOWLEDGE (1ST) research on unusual—even mystical—aspects o biology and

chemistry,, and now almost nothing in those elds surprises
Having studied and even occasionally treated inrmities and you. Reduce the DC o any Lie Science or Mysticism check
illnesses across the galaxy, you can detect and diagnose a to recall knowledge about a disease or poison by 5. Medicine
wide array o maladies in both your own species as well as is a class skill or you, though i it is a class skill rom the
in beings rom all walks o lie. You have also done extensive class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to
Medicine checks. In addition, you gain an ability adjustment
o +1 to Intelligence at character creation.


Because o your time spent administering long-term care to

inrm and quarantined patients, your immune system has
been greatly boosted. While these repeated exposures have
raised concerns about your health in the past, you have
rebounded rom them stronger and healthier than ever. You
gain a +1 bonus to Fortitude saving throws against poisons
and diseases.


You are known or the quality o healing that

tha t you can provide
to a patient even under imperect circumstance
circumstances. s. When you
successully ensure a creature’s long-term stability with
the Medicine skill, you grant the unconscious creature
a +4 bonus to their Constitution check (instead o +2). In
addition, when you successully provide long-term care with
the Medicine skill, you need to exceed the DC by only 5 to
have the patient recover Hit Points and ability score damage
(as well as recovering rom poison states) at three times the
normal rate.


Your reputation as a battle medic hinges on your ability

to keep your patients alive even in the most dire o
circumstances, so when the chips are down, you rise to the
challenge. Up to twice per day
day,, when you s uccessully treat
deadly wounds with the Medicine skill, you regain 1 Resolve
Point. I the patient had 1 Hit Point or ewer remaining, you
instead regain 2 Resolve Points, but can’t regain Resolve
Points with this ability again until you have rested or
8 hours.




You are a career member o a military and have been embroiled in conficts
and military bureaucracy or many years. During your enlisted time, you
have trained with top ground troops, participated in war games that
have turned deadly, and been privy to military intelligence given only to
commanders. You are prepared or almost anything on the battleeld
that your own commanders or your enemies able to throw at you.

THEME KNOWLEDGE (1ST) at maximum capacity. Up to twice per day, you can spend FIFTH

10 minutes examining and maintaining your equipment to

You are adept at telling act rom ction when it comes to regain 1 Resolve Point; this doesn’t count as resting to regain CAMPAIGN  
determining enemy movements and assessing rumors. Reduce Stamina Points. OUTLINE

the DC o any Culture or Diplomacy check to gather or recall

inormation about enemy troop sizes and tactics by 5. Piloting
is a class skill or you, though i it is a class skill rom the class
you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to Piloting BATTLE
checks. In addition, you gain an ability adjustment o +1 to OF BRINNOA

Constitution at character creation.


You know the importance o being prepared or various OF SAHTOR

environmental conditions. I you study reports and
inormation about an area or at least 10 minutes (or i you
spend at least 1 hour in that area learning the lay o the land),
you can adapt your equipment. In a process that takes an FALL OF
additional 10 minutes, you can modiy your armor to gain SUSKILLON

the benets o one set o environmental clothing that is

appropriate to the area’s climate. In addition, any suit o armor
you adapt reduces its armor check penalty by 1 or 24 hours.
Only you can wear this adapted armor, and you can adapt
your armor only once per week.
You are trained to push yoursel to your ARCHIVES

limits and are extremely hard to put down. Once

per day as a move action, you can regain a
number o Stamina Points equal to your level
plus your Constitution modier.


Due to your many brushes with death,

you know that your success in battle is
directly related to the quality o your
equipment. You always strive to keep
your weapons cleaned, your armor
polished, and your other gear unctioning


The Suskillon Deense Force has contracted dozens o CAMOUFLAGE MEMBRANE
dierent corporations and think tanks to develop new TECHNOLOGICAL ITEM PRICE 100  BULK L
weapons o war to give deenders a ghting chance against This ne webbing is coated with reactive dyes that can be
the Swarm. Some o this equipment has been tested against altered through minor electrical charges. It can be slipped
living Swarm creatures in laboratory settings while other over clothing or armor and adjusted to reect the patterns o
types were invented in the heat o battle. the local terrain to provide some camouage, in a process that
Due to the chaos o the war, the SDF no longer has a single takes 10 minutes. When you wear a camouage membrane,
standard military outt and kit. Armor varies wildly rom you gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Stealth checks while
unit to unit, and soldiers are encouraged to wear whatever in the particular biome to which the membrane has been
gives them the most mobility and reedom o movement. The adjusted. You can take another 10 minutes to change the
majority o SDF ground orces are equipped with an azimuth biome or which the item provides its bonus.
laser weapon or even a simpler analog gun. Most weapons that A camouage membrane uses a battery and consumes 1
deal acid damage have been broken down or parts, since they charge per day o use (or raction thereo).
rarely work on Swarm enemies.
Regardless o their specic equipment, soldiers are FORMATION
encouraged to adorn their armor with a disruptive pattern TECHNOLOGICAL ITEM PRICE 100  BULK L
o red and green woodland colorization in the summer and Fairly standard issue to the Suskillon Deense Forces and sold
white and red in the winter. The vast majority o soil on to military organizations in other systems, these pressure-
Suskillon is a deep crimson, so those patterns help to conceal sensitive gel boots t beneath normal armor and can also be
movement rom the Swarm enemy rom both aar and above. worn separately. It takes 2 hours o walking in them beore the
In addition, every member o the 5th Battalion is given an wearer gains their benet, but ater that time, they conorm to
IDENT insignia to place on their shoulder to mark them as the wearer’s eet and provide a +2 bonus to Constitution saves
part o the SDF; this emblem also acts as a tier 1 computer to avoid taking damage rom a orced march.
with two miniaturization upgrades (so it has negligible bulk) LEVEL 3
that holds the soldier’s vital records, health inormation, and GUN EMPLACEMENT
rank. A soldier’s IDENT cannot be sold. TECHNOLOGICAL ITEM PRICE 1,350  BULK 3
This sturdy, metallic tripod can turn almost any gun into a
TECHNLOGICAL ITEMS semi-mobile turret, allowing soldiers to guard areas without
As an industrial planet, Suskillon
Su skillon relies heavily on technology, putting themselves in harm’s way. It takes 10 minutes to
and its military benets rom technological developments. attach or detach a non-analog longarm or heavy weapon
to the emplacement; when attached to an emplacement,
BUG SNARE the gun can’t be wielded normally and can be red only
TECHNOLOGICAL ITEM PRICE  740  BULK 2 using the included wireless remote control that unctions
A reusable battleeld trap that SDF soldiers deploy to secure as a tier 1 computer with a control module ( Starfnder
Starfnder Core
locations and encampments against wild animals and smaller Rulebook  215). As long as the remote control is within 100
Swarm oes, a bug snare is our large metallic claws that extend eet o the gun emplacement, you can use it to see through
outward rom a central point and snap shut when disturbed. the emplacement’s camera (which has darkvision with a
As a ull action, you can set a bug snare at an intersection to range o 30 eet) and operate the attached gun, either using
cover a 5-oot radius. The next creature that steps into that your own ranged attack bonus with the attached weapon or
radius sets o the trap and must succeed at a DC 13 Reex save allowing the computer to make the attack roll; the computer
or take 1d4 piercing damage and gain the entangled condition has a ranged attack bonus o +1 and prociency with the
until it (or an adjacent ally) can extricate itsel with a successul attached weapon. Any weapon special properties and critical
DC 14 Strength check as a standard action. An included hit eects apply. When a gun emplacement gains the broken
wireless remote control can be used to disarm the trap rom condition, you can no longer re the attached gun.
15 eet away as a move action. You can attempt to hide a bug A gun emplacement uses a battery and consumes 1 charge
snare rom view with a Stealth check (this check is opposed by per hour o use (or raction thereo).
the Perception check o a potential target). You can attach a
bug snare to a xed object (such as a nearby tree) with a length PULSE RAY
o cable line, rendering a trapped creature immobile, but this TECHNOLOGICAL ITEM PRICE 600  BULK L
grants any creature attempting to spot a hidden bug snare a +2 This small electronic device emits a high-requency tone that
circumstance bonus to its Perception check. can temporarily shock the nervous system o a creature that
A bug snare requires two hands to hold and set. It uses a has telepathy or limited telepathy. Suskillon scientists use

battery and consumes 1 charge each time it is set. these devices to aid in capturing Swarm enemies alive in order



to study them. Aiming and activating this handheld unit is a This medallion is awarded to soldiers who have been severely
standard action, and you can target a single creature within wounded in battle and recover to ght again. Once per day as
30 eet o you. The target must succeed at a DC 14 Will saving a standard action, you can activate a valor medallion to regain
throw or be staggered or 1 round; a creature with limited 2d8 Hit Points.
telepathy gains a +1 circumstance bonus to this save.
A pulse ray requires only one hand to operate; it uses a PERSONAL ITEMS
battery, and each use consumes 2 charges. Many SDF soldiers stock up on these consumable items to aid
them in the war, both deensively
d eensively and oensively.
Suskillon Deense Force medals are service awards given to MOTION TRIGGER FTE OF
pilots, soldiers, and commanders who go above and beyond PERSONAL ITEM PRICE  80  BULK L THE
the normal call o duty. These medallions are oten worn as This single-use device resembles a small cone and is attached FIFTH

badges, rmly afxed to the outside o a suit o armor upon to a specic package o explosives (explosives have the same
the chest or shoulders, though some preer to keep them on price, eect, and weight as grenades). When the motion CAMPAIGN  
ribbons worn around the neck. These medals are magical trigger is set (a process that takes 1 minute) and the OUTLINE

in nature, and when they are created are imbued package o explosives is placed in a 5-oot
with the spirit o courage that was exemplied square, the motion trigger sets o
by the recipient in the eld. Occasionally, the explosives the next time
unscrupulous black marketeers will sell a creature enters that 5-oot BATTLE
ill-gotten medallions, though most square. A motion trigger can be OF BRINNOA

members o the SDF looks down on any disabled as a standard action by

civilian who deigns to wear one o these someone in an adjacent square
medallions without earning it. with a successul Engineering
check (the DC o this check is SCOURING
MEDALLION   equal to 10 + 1-1/2 × the item level
o the attached explosives); ailure by

MAGIC ITEM (WORN) PRICE 225 5 or more sets o the explosives.

Awarded to squadron leaders, captains,  WAKE-UP PATCH FALL OF
and those who excel at commanding PERSONAL ITEM PRICE 100  BULK L SUSKILLON

others, this brass medallion allows you This patch delivers a cocktail o stimulants
to increase the bonus provided by a COURAGE when applied to an appendage or torso
successul aid another action to +4 MEDALLION as a standard action. Ater 1 minute, the
once per day; this takes no additional person who received the patch gains a +2
action. circumstance bonus to saving throws against
eects that cause the asleep condition and to Fortitude saves A PLAGUE

COURAGE MEDALLION LEVEL 1 rom sleep deprivation or 24 hours. I you use three wake- OF LOCUSTS

MAGIC ITEM (WORN) PRICE 100  BULK L up patches in a week, you immediately gain the exhausted
Enchanted to pulse with a bluish glow, a courage medallion  condition when the eects o the third patch wear o. ALIEN
is awarded to those who risked their own lives to protect ARCHIVES
the innocent and their ellow companions. Once per day as a WARMING BALM
standard action, you can activate the item to summon a ery PERSONAL ITEM PRICE 150  BULK L
orb, granting you the benets o wisp ally  until the end o It takes approximately 10 minutes to apply a tube o this
your next turn. clear gel to the inside o a suit o armor. For the next 8
hours, the balm’s chemical reactions warm the skin o the
GLORY MEDALLION armor’s wearer. During that time, the wearer gains a +2
MAGIC ITEM (WORN) PRICE 400  BULK L circumstance bonus to Fortitude saving throws to avoid
Awarded to only the most skilled combatants, a glory medallion  taking damage rom cold environments; this bonus stacks
allows you to capitalize on the hectic nature o battle. Once per with that provided by cold weather environmental clothing.
day, as a reaction ater you reduce an enemy to 0 Hit Points, A tube o warming gel can also be applied directly to your
you can immediately take an additional move action. exposed skin (or the epidermis o an adjacent creature) to
stave o the negative eects o rostbite and hypothermia.
VALOR MEDALLION This takes 10 minutes and heals 2d8 nonlethal cold damage

MAGIC ITEM (WORN) PRICE 1,000  BULK L dealt by a cold environment.



“You might feel invincible after trainin’

t rainin’,, but this is real
r eal life
now, and
and it ain’t nothin’ like your precious little
l ittle simulations.
Ain’t no test scores here, and ain’t no do-overs. If those
monsters bring you down, chances are you won’t be gettin’
back up. They might look like nothing more than
t han big bugs—
Hells, they might even act like it—but they’re not. No way.
No more’n I am. They might not be smarter than you, or
faster than you, or even stronger than you, but by Hylax,
they are meaner than you! Don’t think twice about killin’
’em. You can bet your nethers they’re not thinkin’ twice
about killin’ you.”

—Zinka Tan, SDF drill instructor



hreat o a Swarm invasion is a distant but always biotechnology. As they outgrew their planet, kucharns took to
looming worry on the minds o most sapient spaceight and began dismantling other worlds in their native
T species throughout the galaxy. It has been only
a little more than 2 decades since a Swarm invasion orced
system. Those resources dwindled as well, but the voracious
kucharn set their sights on the stars and the countless lush
the Veskarium and the Pact Worlds into an alliance. Two worlds among them.
major powers made peace in an ongoing war to push back the Limited speeds in astrogation isolated kucharns in their
onslaught, proving the Swarm is not to be taken lightly. It is corner o the galaxy. Although living kucharn starships
an insatiable, evergrowing orce that can evolve and adapt could hibernate over centuries, carrying other kucharn in
to nearly every situation. Cynics believe deeating the Swarm suspended animation to nearby systems, the larger galaxy
once and or all is impossible, and that other species must be was out o reach. Then came the Signal. A generation o FTE OF
content with holding the Swarm back or as long as possible. kucharn was born to the dream o the Drit. Among these, THE
To such atalists, the consumption and assimilation o the some were engineered as symbiotic Drit engines that could
entire galaxy is merely a matter o time or the unstoppable incorporate themselves into existing kucharn starships.
scourge that is the Swarm. In such living carriers, kucharns leaped across the void CAMPAIGN  

to consume and assimilate. With Drit beacons appearing OUTLINE

ORIGIN and being constructed all over, the galaxy became more and
The ravenous, locustlike Swarm began in the distant past as more open to kucharn dominance. Species that ran aoul o
a species known as kucharns—a simple, lowtech society o kucharns dubbed them “the Swarm” or both their insectile THE
intelligent insectile creatures who occupied a small planetoid appearance and their overwhelming onslaughts. BATTLE
in the Vast. This kucharn home world was the ourth planet Liecontaining planets, which the Swarm calls “eeder OF BRINNOA

rom its star and the only one harboring lie in the system. worlds,” are primary targets as the Swarm moves rom
On this world were a number o distinct hive societies, each system to system. When the Swarm arrives, it attacks any
with a distinct unied consciousness, culture, and societal sites o potential resistance rst. Then, conquest assured, THE
hierarchy.. The hives skirmished with one another over limited
hierarchy the Swarm consumes everything it can use, wasting nothing SCOURING

territory and waning resources on their tiny planet, but no and storing what isn’t immediately needed. When the Swarm OF SAHTOR
one hive ever overtook and exterminated another. leaves a system, only husks resembling planets are let. The
Despite millennia o war culling their numbers, the kucharn devastation is oten complete, leaving nothing useul or
population continued to grow, and their home world neared animate behind. THE
the limit o its ability to sustain them. Then, everything The Swarm and its hive mind continue to evolve. Its ability FALL OF
changed: one hive developed the ability to assimilate the to incorporate new DNA as it consumes various ora and SUSKILLON

knowledge and DNA o those it consumed. It’s still unknown auna allows the Swarm to continually optimize. It develops
to anyone, perhaps even to the Swarm, rom where this new individuals—components, as they are named among the
capability sprang. Some scholars theorize kucharns have Swarm—or specialized roles. As it erases more and more lie THE SWARM
always undergone rapid evolution in competition with one rom existence, the Swarm continually grows in size, diversity,
another, and that this new adaptation was a new phase o and power.
the species’ biological arms race. Many scientists believe one A PLAGUE
hive made a leap in systematic genetic manipulation. Fringe ECLOGY
intellectuals and pessimistic mystics suspect intererence Similar in physiology to insects and other arthropods, Swarm
rom a powerul (and likely evil) extraplanar being, such as components have chitinous exoskeletons and segmented ALIEN

a demon lord. bodies. Most have multijointed digitigrade limbs, although ARCHIVES

Whatever the cause o the alteration, this newound some components have adapted these body parts into
aptitude gave the augmented hive the power to overwhelm specialized orms. Beyond these undamentals, the Swarm
the others. It destroyed and consumed its enemies, optimizing species is only vaguely homogeneous. Within the species WORLDS
its individual members as they inherited new, enhanced are thousands o evolutionary branches, most engineered to
capabilities rom the DNA o their prey. This hive eventually serve specic purposes. Forms vary widely depending on a
tipped the power structure in its own avor, wresting component’s role in the hive. The most numerous components
control o the entire planet. In short order, it had completely are humanoid in shape, with multiple limbs used as arms or
eradicated rival hives. legs, or both. These insectile aliens come in orms as varied
The new kucharn had an insatiable appetite or prey and as the squat, beetlelike generator drone to the erocious,
resources. Despite their newly enorced unity, they quickly winged thresher lord ( Starfnder
Starfnder Alien Archive  110), up to
consumed their home world’s resources. With the knowledge
k nowledge starshipsized components.
and experiences o millions o individuals now working in Few species in the galaxy can hold a candle to the Swarm’s
tandem in a single hive mind, the species evolved rapidly. uncanny ability to adapt. The Swarm does more than

Unied ocus allowed kucharns to master a unique version o acclimate or modiy or success—it has the ascinating and

terriying ability to isolate the DNA o anything it consumes convey messages that are more complex, such as directions to
and integrate various aspects into the Swarm genome. This a location. Multiaceted communication requires more eort
talent is similar to that o Castrovel s ksarik (  Alien
 Alien Archive  and most oten relies on telepathic contact. It is through the
70), but the Swarm’s assimilation is more complete and longer combination o these orms o communication that a hive
lasting. The Swarm also nds applications or harvested mind is ormed. This communal mind can allow thousands
genes, in combination with preexisting arrangements, that o components to operate in a synchronous, wavelike
lead to entirely new components. manner as they each respond to the same stimuli in a chain
This assimilative genetic ability isn’t limited to only o communication.
intelligent or complex prey. The Swarm can just as easily The Swarm doesn’t experience emotions in the same
incorporate a plant’s ability to photosynthesize ood and a manner that most other species do. One component has no
sh’s ability to breathe underwater. When a Swarm component afnity or another—each is merely an appendage o a greater
subsumes any prey’s DNA, the genome is taken back to the whole. Swarm warriors eel no hatred or anger toward their
hive to be analyzed. Components known as programmers oes, only earsome determination. Components ear neither
access and isolate various aspects o the DNA, learning to pain nor death. Each component knows and seeks to ulll its
activate or deactivate sections as desired. Programmed purpose, with each component working toward the Swarm’s
Swarm larvae then mature into orms that employ a mix o overarching goal to consume and assimilate. Although many
traits the Swarm nds useul. It’s this ability that led to the components are sapient and capable o communication with
multiarious varieties o Swarm components and their living other species, the Swarm views other beings only in terms o
biotech. Using this biotechnology, the Swarm has genetically its goals. It’s rare or any objective to require cooperation rom
modied its components to provide any and all o the hive’s nonSwarm species. Most components can’t be bargained
needs. Further, the Swarm maintains genetic records to allow with, and an alliance can be ormed only when the Swarm’s
recombination into new orms as its needs
n eeds evolve. aims align well with a given proposal. However, anyone who
Even though the Swarm has a spoken language, which allies with the Swarm can be certain they’ll be betrayed as
shirrens also speak, components rarely speak aloud. Among soon as the Swarm’s needs or goals change. The Swarm seems

one another, components communicate via a mix o body as unconcerned with its reputation as it is with losing millions
language, pheromones, and telepathy. Some components o individuals to a conict. Ultimately, the Swarm always does
use pheromones to communicate simple concepts, the most what’s best or the Swarm, including consuming its own dead.
common being a warning o danger, while others can use Some think this callousness makes Swarm components
pheromones against other species, deploying chemicals to little better than mindless monsters. However, these
instill alse emotions, such as terror. Body language is used to creatures orm a complex commune concerned with only its
own survival and ascension,
and as such they act neither
cruelly nor needlessly. (Those
who have survived a Swarm
attack might disagree with both
claims.) The Swarm simply operates
without morality or concern or anyone
or anything outside its hierarchy and
resource needs.
The Swarm also exists, seemingly, to grow. Scientists
say the Swarm expands its number in a variety o ways.
Certainly, evidenced by programmer components and
vast instances o chromosomal manipulation,
the Swarm uses genetic engineering.
Some components reproduce through
cloning, while others are known, through
vivisection and postmortem dissection, to
have the ability to reproduce sexually
or asexually. Some can change sex to
ertilize their own eggs. Popular among
nonacademics is the possibility o the Swarm
having “queen” components that exist to lay
eggs and expand the species, but no rsthand accounts

exist o these theoretical queens. In any case, most Swarm



components exhibit no distinct sex or gender, externally

or internally.
Swarm programmers are vital to the reproduction and
Swarm components have
have no need to reer to each other
development o other Swarm components. Whenever nests by specic names, and they don’t care what specic
o Swarm eggs and larvae have been discovered,
disc overed, programmer components are called. Swarm creatures might be
components have been present. Programmers not only care named by those who rst encounter them, resulting
or and protect the growing larvae, but they also edit their in monikers that describe what those components do,
genomes, each using its syringelike proboscis to activate sometimes in orid terms, such as mindreaper and
and deactivate genes, ensuring larvae develop into a desired thresher lord.
component. Components that act as genetic repositories FTE OF
work in partnership with programmers, essentially THE
serving as curated banks o DNA rom subjects the Swarm FIFTH

has consumed. Species that ght back against the Swarm rarely
Swarm larvae develop substantially aster than the succeed. No one believes success, such as the Pact Worlds CAMPAIGN  
young o most other species, reaching ull maturity within and Veskarium recently enjoyed, indicates the Swarm is OUTLINE
as little as 60 hours. Once its genome is edited, the larva truly deeated. The Swarm’s numbers are always growing,
rapidly transitions into a brie pupal stage. During this time, and the creatures’ ability to quickly adapt to any situation
the larva’s body completely liquees within its cocoon, means the Swarm inevitably evolves in ways that allow it to
reorganizing into a ully matured component. When larger outmaneuver oes. Military leaders in the Pact Worlds and the BATTLE
conglomerations o components are needed, such as to orm Veskarium trust the Swarm is only regrouping, evaluating its OF BRINNOA
a living starship, entire groups o larvae are programmed deeat at the alliance’s hands and rebuilding or another, more
together, each maturing or the role it needs to take. In some overwhelming oensive.
cases, the transormation causes the larva to lose anything Although a unied species, the entire Swarm doesn’t
resembling individuality and mobility, becoming more like a remain together in one region o space. Instead, units o SCOURING

Pact o a living
Worlds labsmachine or device
have ound than anallowed
that larvae individual being.
to mature the Swarm,
targets. called
In the subcolonies,
Pact Worlds andseparate to travelwar
Veskarium’s to various
without genetic editing eventually become programmers. the Swarm, the initial battles occurred in both nations at
Exactly how the Swarm decides to program larvae is nearly the same time as separate subcolonies attacked each
also unknown. However, the hive mind allows a given arm region. Authorities have assumed that the loss o too many FALL OF
o the Swarm to understand its needs with great speed and individuals rom each o these subcolonies is what caused the SUSKILLON

efciency. In times o war, which means almost always, Swarm to retreat. However, even the most optimistic military
scouts—especially mindreapers ( Starfnder
Starfnder Alien Archive 2 leaders do not doubt the Swarm has replenished its losses
122) and similar components—return with genetic material rom the war and is now biding its time, waiting or the next
and inormation directly rom the minds o potential oes. The opportunity to attack.
Swarm uses this collected intelligence to inorm its needs in One reason or the Swarm’s rapaciousness is its unbridled
the upcoming conict. growth. It uses all its resources to expand both the quantity A PLAGUE

and diversity o its components. All Swarm machines are a re such OF LOCUSTS

SOCIETY components as well—the Swarm travels in living starships and

The Swarm is o one mind and one purpose, and its society’s invades eeder worlds in such vessels or rom larger crat ALIEN

hierarchy is based on purpose and efciency rather than via living dropships. Specialized components serve other ARCHIVES

politics or status. Every component is optimized or its role and roles in invasions. One example o a utility component is the
duty in the Swarm’s primary drive to conquer and consume. mining unit known as an extraction drone. An enormous, tick
The Swarm views every other species—plant, animal, monster, like creature, the drone latches onto a planet and removes
or person—as a target or consumption. Its society centers on its mineral resources, storing material within its body or
the principle o deeating resistance, devouring resources, later use. Another example is the smaller generator drone.
and harvesting DNA. This stored genetic
gen etic material is, in a way
way,, This round, beetlelike component uses insulated glands
the only record the Swarm keeps o its conquests. throughout its innards to absorb environmental energy rom
Only advanced civilizations have a chance against the a multitude o sources: light, heat, electricity, and so on. That
Swarm’s biotech and adaptive abilities. Few living beings can energy is then converted into emanations that other Swarm
eectively resist the species, much less pose a substantial components can use or nourishment instead o consuming
threat to it. Despite this, the Swarm is ruthless in its biological material. Generator drones are used mainly to eed
application o overwhelming orce. The Swarm hits hard and Swarm components during extended periods o space travel
ast, and then acts to accomplish its shortterm goals with or to power larger Swarm machines that couldn’t otherwise
brutal efciency. receive enough nutrients through normal eeding.


The Swarm has no need or manuactured weapons, as only because it has yet to accomplish its intent in an area—
Swarm programmers simply create weaponized components. something remains that the Swarm wants. Once the Swarm
Either a component intended or war is born with martial has gathered all the resources in a star system, including the
capabilities, or symbiotic components join together to orm genetic material there, it leaves, and little o value remains.
a ghting unit that acts as one body and mind. In some Soon ater, the Swarm attacks another target.
cases, specialized components act as doctors, surgeons, Its nomadic nature, coupled with its high adaptability,
or engineers. These specialists acilitate the symbiosis that means the Swarm can be ound virtually anywhere in
allows the Swarm to create conglomerate components, rom the galaxy. Though it rarely settles as a whole, the Swarm
assault vehicles to starships. has been known to use stripped eeder worlds or nesting,
Weapons can range as much in size and variety as do the especially or extensive componentbuilding projects, such
various subspecies o the Swarm. A corrovox’s (  Alien Archive  as new starships. The species preers cold, rocky planets or
110) acidspewing arm cannon is a separate Swarm component this purpose, and it usually nests underground or in deep
grated onto the corrovox. Conversely, a mindreaper’s arm craters, canyons, or sinkholes. Those components required to
spike is an inborn weapon. Some components can be modied program and care or the eggs and larvae remain. Ater the
to unction as equipment or other species. Craty and brave larvae transorm into desired components, the whole group
(or oolhardy) salvagers sometimes ollow the Swarm to leaves to rejoin the hive.
harvest organic weapons rom active conict zones beore Since no arm o the Swarm holds any permanent domain,
the Swarm can consume its dead. An extensive gray market it’s hard to tell how ar the species has spread. Given its
exists or Swarm biotech, although this tech is illegal (and coldblooded efciency, the Swarm might have established
thus blackmarket material) in some places. ootholds across the entire galaxy, but no denitive data exist
to make a determination on this speculation. Any civilization
LAIRS sophisticated enough to have a means o tracking the Swarm
The Swarm is nomadic, each subcolony concerning itsel only rarely survives contact with the creatures long enough to
with its own targets, moving rom world to world and system disseminate any meaningul inormation to others.
to system. I the Swarm seems to be holding territory, that’s However, it is a wellknown act that the Swarm avoids
a specic star system in the Vast that has also proven
dangerous to other visitors. Named
Yebeon, this system consists
o seven planets, our o which
harbor simple lie. The resourcerich
system is a perect target or the Swarm,
and several subcolonies have targeted
nearby systems in the same star cluster.
More than a ew explorers have traveled
to Yebeon to learn why the Swarm
has circumvented it, most hoping to
discover something there that can
be used to deter Swarm attacks, i not
deeat it entirely. None have returned. Garbled
comm signals rom Yebeon are the only evidence
that anyone has ever reached the system or the
planets there.

The Swarm exhibits no obvious actions or
castes. Each component serves as a cog
in the central machine—and a welloiled
machine it is. For all its violence, the
Swarm suers no internal bickering or
strie. Each component is optimized or its
GENERTOR  task and exists or a specic purpose in the Swarm’s
DRONE seemingly simple scheme. The species is, however, split
into distinct branches o components grouped together to
ulll a unied purpose.



Scouting orces consist o quick, stealthy, and tactically scrappy, daring scavengers and the ingenuity o the tinkerers
minded components. These orces travel the galaxy in search they sell parts to, the eld o repurposed Swarm biotech
o eeder worlds, bringing back gathered intelligence to the continues to expand. This gear is rare and sometimes
main subcolony. Oten encountered in groups without other illegal, but it s available to those who dare to traverse the
military components, Swarm scouts serve as a dire omen. underground market to seek it. It is sometimes more readily
People who nd such orerunners on a planet do well to available in societies connected to the Swarm, such as those
ensure the creatures ail to return home, but even then, it actively at war with the insectile devourers or the extremely
might be too late—the ate o the world is likely to be already rare ew who have survived the Swarm.
decided. When inhabitants o a world nd only evidence o
Swarm components that have already let the planet, a larger WEAPONS FTE OF
Swarm invasion is inevitable. Weapons based on Swarm anatomy are vicious, built or THE
The Swarm’s military components serve as invasion troops. efcient killing. The chitinblade ( Starfnder
Starfnder Armory  9) and FIFTH

Heavily armed and armored orces take major targets and similar melee weapons are an unliving likeness o Swarm limb
overwhelm local deenses, while weaker components work blades, but many replicas o Swarm technology are indeed CAMPAIGN  
in numbers to paciy soter targets and mop up ater major alive, having the living special property (  Armory 29). OUTLINE

assaults. Engineer components solidiy supply lines and These weapons exist in varieties related to the
establish bases, working with the military units to cordon o polymorphism o related Swarm components. All are insectile
areas or resource harvesting. Major military components are in appearance, with limblike extensions, eyelike parts, and
oten large and rightening. Thresher lords are, or example, elements like stingers and mandibles. For rearms, the mouth BATTLE
shock troops meant not only to ay oes but also to demoralize and throat oten orm the barrel o the weapon. Micrergate OF BRINNOA

them. Tanklike dissolvers spray ery acid, inicting horriying model weapons are simplest in orm, with insectlike aspects
burns. Corrovoxes and similar Swarm components make up becoming more pronounced and even exaggerated as the
the rankandle units o the invasion legions. model ascends rom micrergate to macrergate and dinergate.
The Swarm also has a branch o utility components. Living The most extravagant eatures appear on ergatoid models, SCOURING
starships that serve the Swarm all into this category, as which might have bright colors and seemingly decorative OF SAHTOR

do its nesting components, including programmers, which growths, such as vestigial gossamer wings. In addition,
control population. These components orm a “working class” rarer models have biotech augmentations that replicate the
that consists o those meant to provide services or their kin. damagedealing capacity and resilience o modern composites.
Such components can be like automatons or machines. Those FALL OF
components in this class that can’t ght back against attackers WEAPON SPECIAL SUSKILLON

also don’t attempt to ee rom danger, and biologists debate PROPERTY
whether these components are even sentient. Some weapons in this section use the ollowing weapon
As the Swarm continues to ravage the galaxy and integrate special property.
aspects o its victims, there’s no telling where its constant Swarm:  A weapon with this special property is virtually
evolution might take the species next. However, it seems indistinguishable rom Swarm technology and requires a
that the Swarm’s harvesting o genetic material or orced special Swarm battery to use efciently. The weapon can use A PLAGUE

evolution isn’t always benecial to its purpose. It’s possible other batteries, but usage doubles when doing so. OF LOCUSTS

that such aberrant assimilation led to the shirrens’ split rom In addition to the energy drawback, a Swarm weapon
the Swarm. Notorious deectors rom the hive, these Swarm attracts the attention o nearby Swarm creatures. They can ALIEN

variants mysteriously gained their own sense o individualism sense such a weapon as i using blindsense with a range o ARCHIVES

and, upon realizing the horror o their species’ voracity, ed 30 eet. Swarm components have been observed xating on
to cultivate harmony with other species. Some malunction in wielders o this technology during battle, with little else to
the Swarm’s next alteration might spawn another distinctive explain such a violent ocus. I the Swarm wins the conict,
branch that wishes to deect, or worse, decides to break the the surviving components destroy these weapons.
hive mind or even destroy the Swarm. I any creatures might
be able to hold their own against the Swarm, it’s those rom DISINTEGRTOR
within the hive itsel. Some o the Swarm’s oes hope or such WEAPONS
a new aberration, as it might be the only hope o an ultimate Firearms based on Swarm biology are oten designed to deal
end to the Swarm’s threat. maximum damage to biological targets.


Most Swarm equipment that’s available or purchase is Despite its name, derived rom Swarm conventions and
bioengineered rom material salvaged directly rom sites suggesting a heavier armament, the lightweight acid cannon
where battles against the Swarm took place. Thanks to is a derivation o the Swarm corrovox’s armmounted weapon


modied to be a standalone pistolsized rearm. The weapon 5+ Hits:  The weapon gains an enhancement bonus to
uses small amounts o power to produce caustic uid. The damage equal to hal the item level.
trigger administers a jolt o electricity to the device, causing a 7+ Hits: The target is atooted against attacks made with
reexive constriction that orces blobs o this acid out o the this weapon.
weapon’s throatlike barrel.
DISSOLVER Magic use in the Swarm is most oten accomplished on an
Inspired by the horric spewing capability o its namesake instinctual or reexive level, the product o evolution and
Swarm component, and much like the acid cannon, the adaptation rather than a practice learned and then perected
dissolver has two biological glands that use power to with study. Still, other species can and do reverse-engineer
produce a couple o highly reactive chemicals. These two the Swarm’s bizarre magical capabilities and organic
chemicals are stable when separate. However, as with the creations. The ollowing hybrid items were manuactured due
corrovox’s weapon, when an electric jolt causes the dissolver to such derivations.
to constrict and release these chemicals, they converge just
outside the weapon’s maw, creating an acidic ash re in a ADAPTIVE SWARM MASK LEVEL 11

broad arc. HYBRID ITEM (WORN) PRICE  24,500  BULK L

An adaptive Swarm mask is made rom the exoskeleton plates
UNCTEGORIZED   rom the head o a Swarm component. The mask counts as
MLEE WEAPONS a worn magic item unless you install it in armor, taking up
Like the chitinblade, melee weapons based on Swarm one upgrade slot. When you take damage o
anatomy are rare. any type while wearing the mask, it reduces
the damage by 5. It then ceases to provide
MINDSPIKE that benet, instead providing damage
The impact o this insectilelooking spike can cause pain or reduction or energy resistance 5 against the
otherwise addle the target’s nervous system. same damage type or 1 minute. The mask remains
adapted to the same damage type even i you take a
THRESHERBLADE dierent type o damage. Ater the duration elapses, the
Modeled on the arm blades o the brutal mask becomes unadapted and can adjust
thresher lord, the thresherblade has an to a new damage type. This mask attracts
organic basket hilt that can be closed around MINDSPIKE the attention o Swarm components in
a orelimb or extra support, making it easier the same way weapons with the Swarm
or a trained user to hold and wield the weapon weapon special property do.
in one hand despite the blade’s size.


The ollowing weapon usion is biotech that, like When weapon designers couldn’t achieve an acceptable
many Swarmcreated items, combines magic and power output with their Swarmbased armaments, they
technology, so it is a hybrid item. Weapon usion created the Swarm battery, a new type o living power cell.
prices are based on weapons’ item levels. See Table Similar to the insulated gland o a generator drone, a Swarm
7–13 on page 192 o the Starfnder Core Rulebook  battery consists o stillliving tissue that reexively adapts to
or more inormation. power any item, including nonSwarm varieties, unctioning
as a highcapacity battery with 40 charges. A Swarm battery 
can adapt to be recharged at any charging station. It also
An weapon tted with an adaptive usion adjusts to any target recharges on its own at the rate o 1 charge per hour, provided
it hits repeatedly. The usion’s benets can be granted against it remains within 60 eet o ambient nearby electricity, such
only one target at a time. Once the weapon hits a new target, as power conduits in a city, a starship’s power core, consistent
it resets and starts building up momentum against that target, static electricity, or even the small amount o electricity
losing the benets it might have had or any previous target. running through a living body.
An adaptive weapon gains the ollowing benets depending
on how many hits it has scored against a given target. The SWARM PROGRAMMER PILL LEVEL 10

eects are cumulative. HYBRID ITEM PRICE 2,800  BULK —

3+ Hits:  The weapon ignores an amount o the target’s A Swarm programmer pill is a compact lozenge that contains
energy resistance or damage resistance equal to hal the a paperthin sliver o a Swarm programmer’s brain. As a ull
weapon’s item level. action, you swallow the tablet and it alters your biology,



allowing you to choose one o the ollowing eects. I you use your armor, unctioning as with the wings o alate orm. I
another Swarm programmer pill within 24 hours, you become you’re climbing when the eect ends, you can still attempt to
atigued. Attempting to use a Swarm programmer pill while you climb by other means.
are exhausted does little other than consume the pill. While Bravery:  You become inured to ear. For 24 hours, whenever
under the pill’s eects, you attract the attention o Swarm you attempt a saving throw against a ear eect, treat any
components in the same way weapons that have the Swarm number you roll on the d20 lower than 8 as 8. In addition, i
weapon special property do. you ail a saving throw against a ear eect, you can reroll that
Acidic Ejection: You gain acid resistance 5 and can launch saving throw once. I you still ail the saving throw, you suer
acid as i part o your body (oten the mouth) were a macrergate
macrerg ate the ear eect or only hal its duration, rounded down to a
acid cannon, with which you are considered
cons idered to be procient. You minimum o 0 rounds. FTE OF

are immune to your own acid. These adaptations last 4 hours. Swiftness: For 12 hours, you gain a 20oot enhancement THE
Alate Form:  You grow a set o diaphanous insectile wings bonus to speed in all movement types you have. FIFTH

that allow you to y at a speed 10 eet slower than your land Telepathy: You gain limited telepathy with a range o 30
speed. Your ight is an extraordinary ability with average eet, like that o a lashunta or shirren. I you already have CAMPAIGN  
maneuverability. The adaptation also grants you a +5 bonus to limited telepathy, the adaptation grants you true telepathy. OUTLINE

Acrobatics checks to y. The wings unction or 2 hours. I you Either adaptation lasts 12 hours. During this time, you can also
are alot when the eect ends, you oat downward 60 eet per cast the 1stlevel version o mind thrust as a spelllike ability up
round or 3 rounds. I you ail to land or attain another means to three times.
to y by then, you all as the wings detach. This detachment is Weaponized Arm: One o your hands grows a macrergate BATTLE
uncomortable but deals you no damage. mindspike or macrergate thresherblade, with which you are OF BRINNOA

I necessary, the wings can integrate with your armor. Once considered to be procient. I necessary, the weapon integrates
they have, removing your armor ends the eect by causing the with your armor, unctioning as with the wings o alate orm.
wings to detach as above. You can’t use the aected hand or other purposes, but neither
Arolia:  You grow special limb pads that grant you a climb can you be disarmed o the weapon. This adaptation lasts 4 SCOURING
speed 10 eet slower than your land speed. You retain this hours, or until you detach the weapon as a standard action, OF SAHTOR
speed or 12 hours. I necessary, the pads can integrate with then the weapon disintegrates.


Thresherblade, tactical 5 3,200 1d10 S Bleed 1d6 1 Analog

Mindspike, tactical 6 4,400 1d8 P Staggered L Analog
Thresherblade, microserrated 9 13,800 2d10 S Bleed 1d8 1 Analog
Mindspike, microserrated 10 18,450 3d8 P Staggered L Analog
Thresherblade, nanoserrated 13 50,300 4d10 S Bleed 2d8 1 Analog
Mindspike, nanoserrated 14 77,800 7d8 P Staggered L Analog
Thresherblade, ultraserrated 17 268,650 8d10 S Bleed 4d8 1 Analog
Mindspike, ultraserrated 18 392,100 11d8 P Staggered L Analog

Acid cannon, micrergate 3 1,500 1d4 A 40 t. Corrode 1d4 40 charges 2 L Living, Swarm
Acid cannon, macrergate 7 7,000 2d6 A 40 t. Corrode 2d4 40 charges 4 L Living, Swarm
Acid cannon, dinergate 12 36,000 3d8 A 40 t. Corrode 3d4 40 charges 4 L Living, Swarm
Acid cannon, ergatoid 17 256,000 4d10 A 40 t. Corrode 4d4 40 charges 5 L Living, Swarm


Dissolver, macrergate 8 10,000 2d8 A & F 40 t. Corrode 2d4 40 charges 4 L Blast, living, Swarm, unwieldy
Dissolver, dinergate 13 50,000 4d8 A & F 40 t. Corrode 4d4 40 charges 5 L Blast, living, Swarm, unwieldy
Dissolver, ergatoid 18 380,000 9d8 A & F 40 t. Corrode 9d4 40 charges 5 L Blast, living, Swarm, unwieldy



”Fascinating creatures, kaions. The rst time I saw one,

we were searching a debris zone near the River Between
for a lost shuttle. Navasi suspected pirates, and I hoped for
grays, but no other reports in the region conrmed such
contact. When we scanned the area, sensor data showed
wreckage near a large, iron-rich asteroid, so we parked
the Sunrise Maiden on the sunward side and made for an
impact crater that looked promising. A kaion pod, made up
of several young specimens, came over the crater edge at
high speed. It was no use running—they could outy
out y us on
that metallic rock—so we had to stand
st and and defend ourselves.
Any way,, their remains made good study samples.”

—Altronus, kasatha scholar and solarian



  CR   XP
2  600
N Small animal Sclerite (Ex) A
(Ex) A kaion can re a sclerite with a range
Init +4;
 +4; Senses
Senses blindsense
 blindsense (electromagnetism) 60 t., low- increment o 60 eet. The sclerite lodges in or sticks to the
light vision; Perception
Perception +7
 +7 target on a hit, causing the target to become entangled as
HP 25 long as the sclerite remains. An entangled creature can
EAC 12; KAC 16
 16 remove a sclerite as a move action by succeeding at a DC
Fort +5;
Fort  +5; Re +7;
Re +7; Will
Will +1
 +1 13 Athletics or Acrobatics check. FTE OF
Deensive Abilities void
Abilities void adaptation FIFTH
OFFENSE Well-known pests o the seas o Nisis, the River Between,
Speed 10 t., y 60 t. (Ex, perect)
Speed 10 and the Diaspora, kaions oat in space and water in search
Melee radula
Melee radula +7 (1d6+3 S) or o minerals and esh. These creatures house chemosynthetic CAMPAIGN  

slam +7 (1d4+3 B plus grab)

gra b) bacteria within their chambered shells, which produce energy OUTLINE

Ranged sclerite
Ranged  sclerite +10 (1d6+2 P plus entangled) rom various inorganic minerals the kaion scrapes up with
Space 5
Space 5 t.; Reach
Reach 5
 5 t. (10 t. with slam) its radula and then excrete metallic impurities as a metabolic
Oensive Abilities polarity pulse byproduct. The alloys accumulate in the kaion’s shell as well THE

STATISTICS as in the numerous metallic sclerites that cover the kaion’s BATTLE

Str +1;
 +1; Dex
Dex +4;
 +4; Con
Con +2;
 +2; Int
Int –4;
 –4; Wis
Wis +0;
 +0; Cha
Cha –2
 –2 many tentacles and two long arms. Not only do these deposits OF BRINNOA

Skills Athletics
Skills Athletics +7, Acrobatics +7 (+15 to y) protect the kaion’s sot tissues, but they also produce powerul
Other Abilities magnetic
Abilities magnetic levitation magnetic elds that respond to the kaion’s bioelectric impulses,
ECOLOGY oten visible in the expanding and contracting eld lines o THE
Environment mountains, urban, or vacuum (Diaspora)
Environment mountains, metallic dust adhering to the creature’s shell. SCOURING

Organization solitary,
Organization  solitary, pair, or pod (3–6) Though their symbiotes provide much o a kaion’s energy OF SAHTOR

SPECIAL ABILITIES needs, kaions require organic proteins in order to mature and to
Magnetic Levitation (Ex) A
(Ex) A kaion can y in a vacuum. produce gametes. They obtain this resource rom live prey using
However, this ight is limited
limited to within 60 eet o a planet a characteristic hunting technique. By creating a magnetic THE
or asteroid’s surace or a nearby metallic structure, such gradient down its arms, a kaion can detach and accelerate FALL OF

as a steel railing or a starship’s hull. one o its sclerites to railgun speeds. These projectiles lodge SUSKILLON

Polarity Pulse (Ex) As

(Ex) As a standard action, a kaion can release in targets, where they can subsequently be reeled back via
a magnetic pulse in a 60-oot-radius spread. Each creature magnetic attraction, bringing prey with them. Pods o kaions
in that area wielding metallic weapons, wearing metallic cooperate to bring down larger prey, with younger kaions ring THE SWARM
armor, or entangled by a kaion’s sclerites must succeed sclerites and older, higher-status individuals reeling the prey
at a DC 13 Reex save or be pulled up to 30 eet toward in to eed on.
the kaion, or double that on a ailure by 5 or more. I a Though kaions are native to the Diaspora, they have since
creature is aected only because o an object it holds, it spread to other worlds as stowaways on ice haulers and other
can drop the object as a ree action to cease being pulled. starships. They can now be ound grinding away on mines and
Unsecured metallic objects in the area are automatically construction sites rom Akiton to Triaxus. ALIEN

pulled 60 eet toward the kaion. Being pulled toward a ARCHIVES

kaion doesn’t provoke attacks o opportunity.



  CR   XP
N Fine construct (swarm, technological) A given registered object can weigh no more than 2 bulk.
Init +4;
Init +4; Senses
Senses darkvision
 darkvision 60 t., low-light vision; As a ull action, the mimic can arrange itsel into one item
Perception +5
Perception  +5 it has registered, taking on the appearance o that item
HP 40 but not its unction. While in this orm, the nanobot mimic
EAC 15; KAC 15
 15 loses its swarm deenses and swarm immunities, has EAC
Fort +3;
Fort +3; Re +3;
Re +3; Will
Will +0
 +0 and KAC 10, gains a +10 bonus to Disguise checks, and has

Deensive Abilities swarm
Abilities swarm deenses hardness equal to 5 + its CR. A mimic in object orm can
Immunities construct
Immunities construct immunities, swarm immunities assume its swarm orm as a move action or a reaction to
OFFENSE taking damage.
Speed 30 t., y 30 t. (Ex, perect)
Speed 30
Melee swarm
Melee swarm attack (1d4+5 P) Rumored to be the invention o a malicious roboticist, nanobot
Space 10
Space 10 t.; Reach 0 t. mimics take the appearance o technological objects, using the
Oensive Abilities distraction
Abilities distraction (DC 12), metal morass deception to launch surprise attacks. Each mimic is a swarm o
STATISTICS nanobots that interlock to imitate an item. When a would-be
Str +2;
Str +2; Dex
Dex +4;
 +4; Con —;
Con —; Int
Int +0;
 +0; Wis
Wis +1;
 +1; Cha
Cha –1
 –1 looter picks up the nanobot mimic, the construct dissolves into
Skills Acrobatics
Skills Acrobatics +10 (+
18 to y), Disg
uise +5 (+15 to mimic an a dark and silvery cloud o its component nanobots. These then
object), Stealth +5 swarm the victim, hindering and attempting to disassemble it.
Other Abilities mimic
Abilities mimic object Nanobot mimics are oten quasi-legal. They see some licensed
ECOLOGY use as security. However, criminals use these constructs ar
Environment any
Environment any more oten, since they serve as ne traps or investigators.
Organization solitary,
Organization  solitary, pair, or team (3–9) Clever scoaws make mimics look like illegal objects to draw
SPECIAL ABILITIES attention. When a detective noses into an area and nds the
Metal Morass (Ex) A
(Ex) A nanobot mimic surrounds oes it mimic, the creature not only attacks and makes the target more
shares a space with, making it hard or them to escape. vulnerable to other attacks, but can also dispose o the body.
A creature that starts its turn in the same space as a The constructs have a penchant or escaping connement,
nanobot mimic must succeed at a DC 12 Reex save or though, especially ater they take signicant damage, causing
become entangled or 1 round. their programming to become aulty. When ree o the control o
Mimic Object (Ex) A
(Ex) A nanobot mimic can observe and another being, such mimics still ollow their (possibly impaired)
register into internal memory a directives. Intermittently, the mimic takes the shape o various
number o technological objects it sees other creatures using. It then, without real
items equal to its CR. intent, attacks anyone who picks up the alse object. A number
o bizarre “murders” on Absalom Station turned out to
be the doings o an escaped nanobot mimic.



  CR   XP
STATIKETE  15 51,200

N Gargantuan magical beast They can attach to passing starships, and they pose a grave
Init +9;
 +9; Senses
Senses blindsense
 blindsense (electromagnetism) 60 t., danger to crews.
darkvision 60 t., low-light vision; Perception
Perception +26
 +26 A typical statikete is about 20 eet long. Its body, which
HP 275 RP 6 has heavy crystalline and metallic elements, weighs about
EAC  29; KAC
EAC 29; KAC 31
 31 15 tons.
Fort +17;
Fort +17; Re +19;
Re +19; Will
Will +15
 +15 Although a statikete doesn’t unction as a starship, its FTE OF
Deensive Abilities electricity
Abilities electricity absorption, void adaptation; body and skeleton can be tted to ser ve as a s tarship rame. FIFTH
Immunities electricity
Immunities  electricity
Weaknesses electrical eeder STATIKETE FRAME

Speed 40 t., y 120 t. (Su, perect)

Speed 40 Maneuverability perect
Maneuverability  perect (+2 Piloting, turn 0) OUTLINE

Melee bite
Melee  bite +26 (8d6+20 E & P; critical energy discharge) HP 25
HP 25 (increment 5); DT
DT —;
 —; CT 5
CT 5
Ranged shock blast +29 (5d8+15 E; critical stunned) Mounts orward
Mounts  orward arc (1 light)
Space 20
Space 20 t.; Reach
Reach 15
 15 t. Expansion  Bays
Expansion Bays —
 — THE

STATISTICS Minimum  Crew
Minimum Crew 1;
 1; Maximum
Maximum  Crew
Crew 1

Str +5;
Str +5; Dex
Dex +9;
 +9; Con
Con +7;
 +7; Int –3;
Int –3; Wis
Wis +0;
 +0; Cha
Cha –2
 –2 Cost 5

Skills Acrobatics
Skills Acrobatics +31 (+39 to y), Athletics +26 SPECIAL ABILITIES
ECOLOGY EMP Dispersal (Ex) When
(Ex) When a starship built with a statikete
Environment any
Environment any rame is hit with an EMP weapon, it reduces the duration THE
Organization solitary
Organization  solitary or pair o that weapon’s eect by hal, rounded down to a SCOURING

Other Abilities spaceight
Abilities spaceight minimum o 0 rounds. OF SAHTOR

Electricity Absorption (Ex) Whenever a statikete's
electricity immunity prevents it rom taking damage, it THE
regains 1 Resolve Point. FALL OF
Electrical Feeder (Ex) A statikete SUSKILLON

reduced to 0 Resolve Points loses

access to its shock blast attack, and its
bite attack deals hal damage and THE SWARM
deals only piercing damage.
Energy Discharge (Ex) When a
statikete scores a critical hit with A PLAGUE
its bite attack, the target and all
technological objects the target
holds or carries are aected as i ALIEN
as by the discharge
target is aected by spell. I any
this eect,
the statikete regains 1 Resolve
Shock Blast (Ex) A
(Ex) A statikete can
spend 1 Resolve Point to re its
shock blast as an at tack with a range
increment o 120 eet.

Lurking in the shadows o

space, especially among
debris such as the asteroids o the
Diaspora, statiketes are lamprey-
like creatures that drain electricity
and use it to re powerul shock blasts at oes.


  CR   XP

CE Large monstrous humanoid SPECIAL ABILITIES

Init +1;
Init +1; Senses
Senses blindsense
 blindsense (vibration) 30 t., darkvision Acid Burst (Ex) When a convecyte dies, its protective
60 t.; Perception
Perception +7
 +7 plates crack and explode, showering an area with their
DEFENSE HP 30 acidic contents. Every creature within a 20-oot burst
EAC  13; KAC
EAC 13; KAC 15 15 (including
(including those within the convecy te) takes 2d4+4 acid
Fort +6;
Fort  +6; Re +4;
Re  +4; Will
Will +3
 +3 damage (Reex DC 11 hal).

Deensive Abilities Swarm mind; Immunities acid,

ear eects Swarm Carrier
creatures (Ex)its
(Ex) A
under  A chitinous
can carry a number
giving o
each creature
OFFENSE DR 10/— and ull cover rom attacks while they rest
Speed 30 t.
Speed 30 inside, though such creatures can’t act while insi
de a
Melee slam
Melee  slam +11 (1d6+4 B) convecyte. A convecyte can carry our Small or two
Space 10
Space  10 t.; Reach
Reach 5
 5 t. Medium creatures this way and can deposit them in
Oensive Abilities acid burst (2d4+4 A, DC 11) adjacent squares as a swit ac tion.
STATISTICS Swarm Mind (Ex) Members
(Ex) Members o the Swarm are bound
Str +2;
Str  +2; Dex
Dex +1;
 +1; Con
Con +4;
 +4; Int
Int +0;
 +0; Wis
Wis +0;
 +0; Cha
Cha +0
 +0 together into a singular hive mind by a blend o
Skills Acrobatics
Skills  Acrobatics +7, Athletics +12, Survival +7 exuded pheromones, imperceptible movements o
Languages Shirren;
Languages  Shirren; telepathy 100 t. antennae and limbs, electrostatic elds, and telepathic
Other Abilities Swarm
Abilities Swarm carrier communication. All Swarm creatures with 30 eet o
ECOLOGY each other are in constant communication; i one is
Environment any
Environment any aware o a threat, all are. (Such awareness can spread
Organization solitary
Organization solitary or troop (2–5 plus 2 Medium-sized along a “chain” o Swarm creatures under appropriate
Swarm creatures or each convecyte) circumstances, potentially alerting distant Swarm
creatures). In addition, once per round when within 30
eet o another Swarm creature, a Swarm creature can
roll twice and take the better result on a saving throw
against a mind-aecting eect.

A swarm convecyte has several interlocking plates

o rigid chitin that run along its back and sides.
Underneath these plates are hollow cavities that a
convecyte can use to hide and transport smaller
creatures. An acidic uid runs through its plates,
providing a last-minute bit o deense in the
event that the convecyte is killed in battle,
though it could be considered a liability
i the creatures it is protecting aren’t also
immune to acid.
The remainder o a convecyte’s body is
dedicated to generating enough energy or the
creature to be able to het these plates around
and carry passengers. As such, a convecyte
needs to consume twice as many calories per
day as another creature o its size, making
its body warm to the touch and elevating the
temperature within its body cavities to nearly
90° F. The Swarm use convecytes to transport
other Swarm creatures into battle, but only on
planets where the terrain isn’t too difcult.
A Swarm convecyte is about 12 eet long and
stands about 8 eet at its shoulder.



SWARM DREDGER   1/2  200

CE Small monstrous humanoid visual organs at the base o its “neck” protected by ridges
Init +2;
 +2; Senses
Senses blindsense
 blindsense (vibration) 60 t., darkvision in its carapace. It can see in the dark with these eyes and
60 t.; Perception
Perception +4
 +4 it bristles with hundreds o tiny, nearly invisible setae that
DEFENSE HP 13 sense vibrations in the nearby air.
EAC  10; KAC
EAC 10; KAC 12
 12 The Swarm uses dredgers like mobile tools, digging
Fort +2;
Fort  +2; Re +4;
Re  +4; Will
Will +2
 +2 trenches to divert rivers and streams, creating shats FTE OF
Deensive Abilities Swarm mind; Immunities
Abilities Swarm Immunities acid,
 acid, to important resources FIFTH
ear eects burrowing behind enemycollected
lines to by other
cause Swarm,
chaos and
or larger
OFFENSE Swarm components to take advantage o. Swarm dredgers
Speed 30 t., burrow 20 t.
Speed 30 never act alone, and a large enough pack o them can CAMPAIGN  

Melee attach
Melee attach +7 or quickly alter the terrain o a battleeld, orming urrows OUTLINE

claw +7 (1d6+3) and dugouts to hinder anyone attempting to use land-based

STATISTICS vehicles against the Swarm.
Str +3;
 +3; Dex
Dex +2;
 +2; Con
Con +1;
 +1; Int
Int +1;
 +1; Wis
Wis +0;
 +0; Cha
Cha +0
 +0 A typical Swarm dredger is approximately 3 eet long and THE
Skills Acrobatics
Skills  Acrobatics +9, Athletics +4, Stealth +4 has a black, red, and orange carapace. BATTLE

Languages Shirren
Languages  Shirren (can’t speak); telepathy 100 t. OF BRINNOA

Environment any
Environment any
Organization pair or pack (3–12) THE


Swarm Mind (Ex) Members

(Ex) Members o the Swarm are bound OF SAHTOR

together into a singular hive mind by a blend o

exuded pheromones, imperceptible movements o
antennae and limbs, electrostatic elds, and telepathic THE
communication. All Swarm creatures with 30 eet o FALL OF
each other are in constant communication; i one is SUSKILLON

aware o a threat, all are. (Such awareness can spread

along a “chain” o Swarm creatures under
appropriate circumstances, potentially THE SWARM
alerting distant Swarm
creatures). In addition,
once per round when within A PLAGUE
30 eet o another Swarm
creature, a Swarm creature can
roll twice and take the better ALIEN
result on a saving throw against a ARCHIVES

mind-aecti ng eect.

Among the more insectile Swarm WORLDS
components, these creatures each
have a swept-back, segmented
carapace and a set o
three mandibles covered
in hooked barbs. A Swarm
dredger uses these barbs to
rmly attach itsel to its oe and
then cuts into the prey’s esh with one o its
claws. It can also use these claws to burrow through
clay, dirt, or mud. Though a Swarm dredger’s head is
dierent rom its Swarm brethren, it does have segmented



CE Tiny starship monstrous humanoid (and thus engages in only starship combat). A network
Speed 12; Maneuverability
Speed 12; Maneuverability good
 good (turn 1) o connected brains commands these bioengineered
AC 15;
 15; TL
TL 15
 15 Swarm components that act as a unied organism. This
HP 35;
HP 35; DT —;
DT —; CT 7
CT 7 network allows the eetury to take crew actions using
Shields none
Shields  none the skill bonuses, ranks, and level listed in Crew Actions
Attack (Forward) light
(Forward) light torpedo launcher (2d8) above. Modiers or the eetury’s size, speed, and
Power Core Micron
Core Micron Light (50 PCU); Drit Engine none;
Engine none; maneuverability are already actored into its statistics.
Systems basic
Systems  basic short-range sensors, basic computer, mk 2 Critical damage to lie support instead damages this
armor, mk 2 deenses; Expansion Bays none
Bays none network o brains, with the critical e ect applying
Modifers +2
Modifers  +2 Computers (sensors only) to gunnery checks, in addition to any penalties rom
Other Abilities eet
Abilities eet mind, living sta rship, void adaptation weapons array critical damage. Cr itical damage to crew
CREW ACTIONS has no eect on a eetury, due to the adaptability o its
Pilot Computers +7 (1 rank), Piloting +8 (1 rank)
Pilot Computers components.
Gunner gunnery +5 (1st level)
ECOLOGY Swarm eeturies are composed o several living
Environment any vacuum bioengineered components
components crated into the shape o a small,
Organization pair or wing (3–6) maneuverable starship. Like the members o the Swarm,
SPECIAL ABILITIES eeturies have the ability to telepathically communicate
Fleet Mind (Ex) Like
(Ex) Like the individual Swarm c omponents, with all other Swarm starships, acting with a single purpose
Swarm starships are bound together into a singular without the need or a central command ship. Fleeturies
hive mind through a blend o r adio, quantum, and are oten used as weapons o terror, deployed in massive
telepathic communication. All Swarm star ships within
telepathic numbers separated into individual wings to overwhelm and
10 hexes o each other are in consta nt communication; demoralize enemies.
i one is aware o a threat, all are. (Such awareness An individual eetury isn’t particularly well equipped or
can spread along a “chain” o Swarm starships under well armored or an extended battle. Its only weapon is an
appropriate circumstances, potentially alerting distant organic torpedo launcher, which a eetury can re only ve
Swarm vessels.) Swarm vessels ca n also communicate times beore it loses its oensive capabilities. At that point,
telepathi cally with all Swarm c reatures within 10 hexes. a eetury usually abandons combat, as another group o
Living Starship (Ex) A
(Ex) A eetury is a vessels closes in. A Swarm armada usually launches wave
collection o symbiotic creatures so ater wave o eeturies at the start o massive space battles,
large that it unctions as a starship knowing that most o them will be destroyed in the racas,
though at great cost to their oes.




CE Medium monstrous humanoid multi-segmented bodies o dark mottled chitin, vorphomas

Init +4;
 +4; Senses
Senses darkvision
 darkvision 60 t.; Perception
Perception +5
 +5 are innately stealthy.
HP 16 A vorphoma oten operates alone, in pairs, or in small
EAC  10; KAC
EAC 10; KAC 11
 11 packs o ve or ewer. They are usually sent behind enemy
Fort +3;
Fort  +3; Re +3;
Re  +3; Will
Will +4
 +4 lines to terrorize and soten up the Swarm’s oes beore
Deensive Abilities Swarm
Abilities Swarm mind; Immunities
Immunities acid,
 acid, larger units begin their assault. A vorphoma instinctively FTE OF
ear eects targets the weakest-looking enemies with its spell-like THE

abilities rom the shadows or rom heights that are difcult FIFTH
Speed 30 t., y 30 t. (Ex, average)
Speed 30 to reach. I it is spotted, it then begins inging its arm
Melee bite
Melee  bite +3 (1d4+2 P) or barbs at its prey. It resorts to melee combat only when it CAMPAIGN  

claw +3 (1d6+2 S) runs out o ammunition, descending rom the skies to bite OUTLINE

Ranged arm
Ranged  arm barb +5 (1d4+1 P plus venom) ravenously or claw at its chosen enemies.
Spell-Like Abilities (CL
Abilities (CL 1st) A typical Swarm vorphoma is approximately 5-1/2 eet
1/day—fear (1st level, DC 14), lesser confusion  tall, though its lanky orm and its wings oten make it THE
(DC 14) seem taller. BATTLE

0 (at will)— daze (DC 13), ghost sound (DC 13) OF BRINNOA

Environment any
Environment any
Organization solitary,
Organization solitary, pair, or pack (3–5) THE


Arm Barb (Ex) As a ranged attack, a vorphoma can OF SAHTOR

shoot a nger-sized barb rom one o its arms with

a range increment o 60 eet. A vorphoma can shoot
a total o 8 barbs beore it must take 10 minutes to THE
regrow them. FALL OF
Swarm Mind (Ex) Members
(Ex) Members o the Swarm are bound SUSKILLON

together into a singular hive mind by a blend o exuded

pheromones, imperceptible movements o antennae
and limbs, electrostatic elds, and telepathic THE SWARM
communication. All Swarm creatures with 30 eet
o each other are in constant communication; i
one is aware o a threat, all are. (Such awareness A PLAGUE
can spread along a “chain” o Swarm creatures
under appropriate circumstances, potentially
alerting distant Swarm creatures). In addition, ALIEN
once per round when within 30 eet o another ARCHIVES

Swarm creature, a Swarm creature can roll twice

and take the better result on a saving throw
against a mind-aecting eect. WORLDS
Venom (Ex) A living creature that takes damage
rom an arm barb must succ eed at a DC 12
Fortitude save or be sickened or 1d3 rounds.

Swarm vorphomas resemble humanoid stick insects with

piercing mandibles. They can eject the spines growing
rom their arms as dangerous ranged projectiles. These
barbs are coated with a numbing enzyme that slows
a living creature’s reactions. Vorphomas also have
the ability to y and can mentally sow ear and
conusion in the minds o their enemies. With


SUSKILLON Mjor re  lre semirid desert, while the rest o the mssive
Remote World o Industry and Farmland continent etures plins, rollin hills, nd mountin rnes.
Dtr: ×1; M: ×1-1/4 The most notble eorphicl eture o Alppu Minor is
Grvty:  ×1  mssive reshwter lke known s the Stone Se, which
Loto: The Vst surrounds  dormnt volcno. The lke ets its nme rom
Atohr: Norml the billions o pieces o pumice stone tht ot on its surce.
Dy: 26 hours; Yr: 298 Dys Due to the tilt on Suskillon’s xis nd the ecliptic orbit it
  ollows round its sun, every ew yers the plnet experiences
The th plnet rom its system’s sun, Suskillon etures  rdicl wether ptterns. Known loclly s “Dry Summers”
diverse rne o biomes nd plentiul resources. Two mjor nd “Ded Winters,” these two sesons lst  couple o extr
continents in opposin hemispheres, known s Alppu Mjor months nd present more extreme tempertures. The plnet
nd Alppu Minor, mke up the mjority o the plnet’s is home to  diverse ecosystem, rom the scvenin Aluppn
lnd. Ocens ccount or the rest o the plnet’s surce, drt wesel to the dedly brush stlker. Much like rsses on
with thousnds o bslt rocky islnd rchipelos speckled other worlds, Suskillon trees hve thick trunk-like stlks nd
between the minlnds. The northern reches o Alppu inner cvities tht collect rin wter.
Spient lie evolved on Suskillon millenni o nd hs
lon since dpted to the plnet’s unusul wether ptterns.
Humns mke up the vst percente o the popultion nd
hve spred cross the entirety o the plnet. All re citizens
o  worldwide democrcy tht ws ormed t some point
durin the Gp, with  overnin body consistin o 
president,  orum o mistrtes tht interpret mjor lel
decisions, nd reionl overnors who meet on  yerly bsis
to discuss policy. The set o this overnment is in the cpitl
city o Brinno on Alppu Mjor. The reminder o Suskillon
is divided into  ew lre meplex cities, rrin rmin
reions, minin cilities, nd the occsionl spceport.
Shortly ter the Gp, severl thousnd members o the
shirren rce were welcomed on Suskillon durin their iht
rom the Swrm, brinin the worship o Hylx with them to
the reion. While the rest o the shirren
s hirren continued with their
exodus, the immirnts who settled on Suskillon quickly
interted into the plnet’s society nd hve rown to
mke up bout 18 percent o the current populce. In 87 ag,
explorers rom the Pct Worlds, directed by descendnts
o the shirrens who pssed throuh tht system, mde
peceul contct with Suskillon. To this dy they remin
trdin prtners with stron diplomtic ties, nd some
citizens o the Pct Worlds nd the Veskrium hve since
mirted to Suskillon (nd vice vers). However, they hve
yet to enter  orml llince.
Over the pst 2 centuries, Suskillon’s civiliztion hs
beun to expnd urther into the system, colonizin the
system’s third plnet Utrneus nd settin up scientic
reserch cilities on vrious moons. To combt the
threts o pirtes nd other interstellr dners, the
once-terrestril Suskillon Deense Force, or SDF, hs
since brnched out into spce. The SDF’s Spce Corps
hs been tsked with the responsibility o deendin
the plnet nd its outlyin interests nd is the most
prestiious postin o Suskillon’s militry



By Mara Lynn Butler By Tracy Barnett
With  hndul o survivors rom Suskillon, the heroes trvel The Swrm isn’t the only roup with biomechnicl or prtilly
to to Utrneus,  nerby colony world, nd its cpitl o New livin strships. Discover how others, includin plnt species
Grkk,  lre metropolis strinin to tke in thousnds o nd the Xenowrdens, use their specilized vessels to explore
reuees. The PCs must del with  doomsdy cult nd cler the vst reches o spce.
out  series o cverns beneth the city tht could provide
shelter nd protection i the Swrm ttck this plnet. SUBSCRIBE TO STARFINDER FTE OF
THE SHIRREN EXODUS The Attck o the Swrm! Adventure Pth continues! FIFTH
By Lacy Pellazar Don’t miss out on  sinle excitin volume—hed over to
Once  prt o the monolithic Swrm, the shirren species ined zo.o/trdr nd subscribe tody to hve Strnder CAMPAIGN  
its reedom in the dys ter the Gp. Lern how the shirrens Roleplyin Gme, Strnder Adventure Pth, nd Strnder OUTLINE

escped nd eventully mde it to the Pct Worlds. Accessories products delivered to your door!

Open Game License Vro 1.0 PAIZO INC. PART 1:

Crtv Drtor • Jmes Jcobs, Robert G. McCrery, nd Srh E. Robinson
Copyriht 2000 Wizrds o the Cost, Inc. (“Wizrds”). All Rihts Reserved. THE
1. Denitions: () “Contributors” mens the copyriht nd/or trdemrk owners who hve Drtor o G Dg  • Json Bulmhn
contributed Open Gme Content; (b) “Derivtive Mteril” mens copyrihted mteril Mgg Dvlor • Adm Dile nd Amnd Hmon BATTLE
includin derivtive works nd trnsltions (includin into other computer lnues), Orgzd Ply Ld Dvlor • John Compton
pottion, modiction, correction, ddition, extension, uprde, improvement, compiltion, OF BRINNOA
bridment or other orm in which n existin work my be recst, trnsormed or dpted; Dvlor • Elenor Ferron, Json Keeley, Luis Loz, Ron Lundeen, Joe Psini,
(c) “Distribute” mens to reproduce, license, rent, lese, sell, brodcst, publicly disply, Ptrick Renie, Michel Syre, Chris S. Sims, nd Lind Zys-Plmer
trnsmit or otherwise distribute; (d) “Open Gme Content” mens the me mechnic nd Strdr Dg Ld • Owen K.C. Stephens
includes the methods, procedures, processes nd routines to the extent such content does Strdr Soty Dvlor • Thurston Hillmn
not embody the Product Identity nd is n enhncement over the prior rt nd ny dditionl
content clerly identied s Open Gme Content by the Contributor, nd mens ny work Sor Dgr • Stephen Rdney-McFrlnd
Rdney-McFrlnd PART 2:
covered by this License, includin trnsltions nd derivtive works under copyriht lw, but Dgr • Lon Bonner nd Mrk Seiter
speciclly excludes Product Identity. (e) “Product Identity” mens product nd product line THE
Mgg Edtor • Judy Buer
nmes, loos nd identiyin mrks includin trde dress; rticts, cretures, chrcters, Sor Edtor • Lyz Liddell SCOURING
stories, storylines, plots, themtic elements, diloue, incidents, lnue, rtwork, symbols,
desins, depictions, likenesses, ormts, poses, concepts, themes nd rphic, photorphic Edtor • Jmes Cse, Leo Glss, Adrin N, Lcy Pellzr, nd Json Tondro
nd other visul or udio representtions; nmes nd descriptions o chrcters, spells, Art Drtor • Sonj Morris
enchntments, personlities, tems, persons, likenesses nd specil bilities; plces,
loctions, environments, cretures, equipment, micl or supernturl bilities or eects, Sor Grh
Produto Dgr
Artt  • Emily Crowell nd Adm Vick
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loos, symbols, or rphic desins; nd ny other trdemrk or reistered trdemrk clerly
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6. Notice o License Copyriht: You must updte the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion o this Orgzd Ply Mgr • Tony Woldride A PLAGUE
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O G L v 1.0 © 2000, Wizrds o the Cost, Inc.
Syt Rr Dout © 2000, Wizrds o the Cost, Inc.; Authors: Jonthn Tweet, Starfnder Adventure Path #19: Fate o the Fith © 2019, Pizo Inc. All Rihts Reserved. Pizo, the Pizo
Monte Cook, Skip Willims, bsed on mteril by E. Gry Gyx nd Dve Arneson. olem loo, Pthnder, the Pthnder loo, Pthnder Society, Strnder, nd the Strnder loo re
Starfnder Core Rulebook  ©  © 2017, Pizo Inc.; Authors: Lon Bonner, Json Bulmhn, Amnd reistered trdemrks o Pizo Inc.; Attck o the Swrm!, Pthnder Accessories, Pthnder Adventure
Hmon Kunz, Json Keeley, Robert G. McCrery, Stephen Rdney-McFrlnd, Mrk Seiter, Crd Gme, Adventure Crd Society, Pthnder Adventure Pth, Pthnder Adventures, Pthnder
Owen K.C. Stephens, nd Jmes L. Sutter, with Alexnder Auuns, Judy Buer, John Compton, Bttles, Pthnder Cmpin Settin, Pthnder Crds, Pthnder Combt Pd, Pthnder Flip-Mt,
Pthnder Flip-Tiles, Pthnder Leends, Pthnder Mp Pck, Pthnder Module, Pthnder Pwns,
Adm Dile, Crystl Frsier, Liss Guillet, Thurston Hillmn, Erik Mon, Mrk Morelnd, Jessic Pthnder Plyer Compnion, Pthnder Roleplyin Gme, Pthnder Tles, Strnder Adventure
Price, F. Wesley Schneider, Amber E. Scott, nd Josh Vot. Pth, Strnder Combt Pd, Strnder Flip-Mt, Strnder Pwns, Strnder Roleplyin Gme, nd
Adventure Path #19: Fate o the Fith  © 2019, Pizo Inc.; Authors: Ptrick Brennn,
Starfnder Adventure Strnder Society re trdemrks o Pizo Inc.
with Jmes Cse, Adrin N, nd Lcy Pellzr.
Printed in Chin.



a b
d d
2 2

3 4

11 11

5 6


TO 13 TO 7


1. Bridge 6. Captain’s quarters
  a. Pilot’s station 7. Engineering
  b. Science ofcer’
ofcer’ss 8. Power core
station 9. Observation deck
14 15 14
  c. Captain’s chair 10. Airlock
  d. Gunnery stations 11. Guest quarters
2. Lit 12. HAC
3. Galley 13. Cargo bay
4. Crew quarters 14. Escape pods
5. Crew lavato
ry 15. Cargo airlock


As the ever-ravenous threat o the insectile Swarm surges across another system in the Vast, the
heroes are part o the deense eort. They must fght back against waves o oes and rescue
civilians, including a shirren priest o Hylax whose temple seems to be o particular interest
to the invaders. By relying on their wits—and each other—the heroes just might survive the
Swarm onslaught.
This volume o Starfnder Adventure Path begins the Attack o the Swarm! Adventure Path
and includes:

• “Fate o the Fith,” a Starfnder adv

enture or 1st-level characters, by
Patrick Brennan.

• A guide or play

ers o this Adventur
Adventuree Path, including two military themes and a
selection o helpul gear, by Patrick Brennan.

• An examination o the nig

h-unstoppable orce kno
wn as the Swarm, by Lacy
Lacy Pellazar.

• An archive o aalien
lien creatures, includ
ing a shapechang
ing swarm o nano
bots and sev
Swarm creatures, by Patrick Brennan, James Case, and Adrian Ng.

• Statistics and d
eck plans or a luxury obs
ervation vehic
le, plus a glimpse at
the bucolic world o Suskillon beore it is invaded, by Patrick Brennan.
Printed in China. PZO7219

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