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SocSci Self and Peer Evaluation

On the ideation of the advocacy paper, we first started by doing rounds with what we are
most passionate about; what our heart desires. Aly and John were inclined towards agriculture
and food security. Reese was invested in labor laws and workers welfare. I was passionate about
nutrition during the formative years of Filipino children and how it will affect their future and
intellect. Sam was the one who presented Mobility and Car-centrisim.

After everything, we coincided with the idea where 100% is invested in and its on Social
Mobility and car centrism. We had the following rationales:

1. Everyone is affected by mobility, hence there is a deeper understanding on the

subject matter.
2. Me and John are drivers hence we get the perspective of car drivers.
3. Furthermore, I grew up most of my life commuting, hence I also present the
perspective of commuters.
4. Sam had connections to Move as One Coalition for Resource and people

With this, we have the necessary datapoints and framework needed for our advocacy.
We are 100% passionate about this topic and we have the necessary resources.

Own Contribution:
In the group, I primarily wore the thinking hat. I consistently voiced out ideas that I
think the direction of the group should do. Spearheaded the crafting of solutions, specifically
solution 2. What I primarily bring to the table is the perspective of the masses. As a scholar
and as someone who grew up commuting, I was able to properly communicate the
painpoints and struggles of the Filipino masse.

As for Sam, she gave the framework of the overall outline. She clearly defined what
our problem is and gave our group a concrete model to work with.

I’d consider Reese to be the gel of the team. She provides the stability by leading the
conversation and the guiding persona.

John was the leading team member by providing insights and doing a lot of the
technical work.

Alyssa facilitated the Capacity Checklist that provided the necessary information. She
was not afraid to ask and provide insights.

Overall, there was not any clear divisions on how we made the advocacy paper. We
worked on each element of the project together. The only divisions that we had was the
video presentation project. Everyone was present on all of the meetings and it was a really
harmonious group.

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