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Name: Do Phi Hung
Student ID: QS170163
Subjects: MKT101

Quy Nhon, October 24, 2022

TOPIC: Describe the environmental forces that affect the company's ability to
serve its customers and give specific examples.

1. What are environmental forces?
2. Microenvironment
3. Macro-environment


1. What are things affects to the company?

1.1 Group of factors influencing outside the business

1.1.1 Economic environment

1.1.2 Political and legal environment

1.1.3 Technological factors

1.2 Group of influencing factors inside the business.

1.2.1 Marketing Activities

1.2.2 Finance and accounting activities

1.2.3 Human Resources

2. What are the things that affects to the company’s ability to serve its consumers?

2.1 Infrastructure.

2.2 Quality of staff

2.3. Process serving

3 In addition, there are some equally important effects:

3.1 Competitors

3.2 Receive and resolve complaints and comments from customers

4. Some examples about environmental forces affect to the company’s ability

4.1 Example 1: Give customers the tools to serve themselves

4.2 Example 2: Trusting customers to try products before they buy - Amazon


1. What are environmental forces?
Environmental forces are the factors in the business' environment that influence its operations.
External environmental factors affecting business can include the economic climate, local
politics, consumer income and the education of the labour force. The environmental forces
divide into two which are the microenvironment and macroenvironment. Microenvironment is
the actors close to the company that affect its ability serves its customers. It divides into six
parties which are the company, suppliers, marketing intermediaries, competitors, publics and

2. Microenvironment
The company’s microenvironment consists of actors close to the company that combine to form
its value delivery network. It includes the company’s internal environment, which influences the
marketing decision. 

•The Company: All departments in the company share the responsibility of understanding the
needs of the customer and creating value for them

•Suppliers: Supplies form an important link in the overall customers’ values creation cycle.
Supply shortage, labor strike, increased cost of supplier goods and other factors can impact sales
in short run and influence customer satisfaction in the long run

•Marketing intermediaries: They help the company promote, sell and distribute goods to the
end consumers. Partnering with the right intermediary and supporting them in making sale is
critical for success of the business

•Competitors: to be successful, your product should provide greater satisfaction to the consumer
than your competitors’

•Publics: A group that has an actual or potential interest in or impact on an organization’s ability
to achieve its objectives. These can be classified as financial, government, media, citizen-action,
local, general and internal. Marketing plans can be designed focusing on these major publics and
its customer markets.

•Customers: Customers are the most important actors in the marketing environment. The
customer market could be any/all of the following - consumer, business, reseller, government or
international. Each market type has a specific use case which the seller must research well3.

The macro-environment consists of larger societal forces that affect the entire microenvironment.
The PESTLE analysis in a framework used to scan the organization’s external business
•Political: They refer to the political environment and its stability. It accounts for various
government policies and its involvement in the trading agreement.

•Economic: The economic environment like the growth rate, employment rations, inflation,
exchange rate, cost of living etc. can impact the organization and its consumers

•Socio-cultural: The impact your product has on the market needs to be understood. Anything
harmful to the society must be eliminated to show that your company is socially responsible.

•Technological: With the changes in information and mobile technology the organization should
adapt and welcome the new inventions.

•Legal: Legal factors such as national employment laws, international trade regulations and
restrictions, monopolies and mergers’ rules, and consumer protection need to be followed while

•Environmental: These factors include limited natural resources, waste disposal, adverse impact
of production on environment etc. Some other things need to mention:

- Suppliers provide the resources needed by the company to produce its goods and services.
Supplier problems like supply shortages or delays, labor strikes and price trends of key inputs
seriously affect marketing.

-Marketing intermediaries like resellers, physical distribution firms, marketing services and
financial intermediaries help the company to promote, sell, and distribute its product final

-Next, Marketers must gain strategic advantage by positioning products strongly against
competitor. No single strategy is best for all companies.

-Publics that show any group such as financial, media, government, citizen action, local, general,
internal have an actual or potential interest in or impact on an organization’s ability to achieve its

-And last, customers are the most important actors in the company’s microenvironment. The aim
of the entire value delivery system is to serve target customers and create strong relationships
with them.


1. What are the things that affects to the company?

1.1 Group of factors influencing outside the business

1.1.1 Economic environment

Economic factors have a strong impact on businesses. The developments of the economic
environment always contain opportunities and challenges for each enterprise in different
industries and have potential influence on the strategies of enterprises. Economic environmental
factors include:

- The growth rate of the economy.

- Interest rates and trends of interest rates in the economy.

- Monetary policy and exchange rate.

- Inflationary.

- Tax system and tax rates.

1.1.2 Political and legal environment

- The political-legal environment includes political institutions, government stability, the system
of legal documents, policies, laws, codes and regulations and implementation guidelines of each

- Businesses participating in any business should focus on carefully studying the legal system
and policies of that country to develop an appropriate business plan.

- Political stability is identified as one of the important prerequisites for business activities of
enterprises. The change of the political environment may favorably affect one group of
enterprises but inhibit the development of another group of enterprises or vice versa.

- A complete, unbiased legal system is one of the non-economic preconditions of business.

- The level of perfection, change and law enforcement in the economy have a great influence on
the planning and organization of the implementation of business strategies of enterprises.

- It can be said that the political - legal environment has a great influence on improving the
business efficiency of enterprises by directly or indirectly affecting the activities of enterprises
through a system of legal tools., macro tools.

1.1.3 Technological factors

- Technology creates opportunities for new businesses to help new businesses compete with slow
old ones.

- Today technology changes rapidly, so businesses also need to approach, research and apply it
to their business fields to improve business efficiency.

1.2 Group of influencing factors inside the business.

1.2.1 Marketing Activities

-Probably an important factor that helps bring businesses closer to customers. Marketing policies
of enterprises with 4 issues: products, pricing issues, distribution issues and trade promotion

1.2.2 Finance and accounting activities

-This activity helps managers as well as external objects who need to be interested in the
business to know the status of the business. Therefore, this department needs to accurately and
honestly reflect the financial information of the business.

1.2.3 Human Resources

- Human resources are those directly involved in the production and business activities of the

- An important issue and a regular impact on the staff are the employment and management
policies of the enterprise. It includes policies on recruitment, training, salary, bonus and
performance evaluation.

- Therefore, businesses also need to pay attention to many different aspects to have the right
direction with the market in each specific time and period.

2. What are the things that affects to the company’s ability to serve its

2.1 Infrastructure.

- This is one of the equally important factors in serving customers. When there is a good facility
in the company or business, from which the employees can easily approach customers, and
customers also feel comfortable with their service.

2.2 Quality of staff

-Staff with a high level of knowledge and understanding of customers is very important in
controlling the process of serving customers perfectly and can satisfy more customers, thereby
building more moit61 customer relations for the company.

2.3. Process serving

- Regarding the way as well as the process of serving customers, the company must not create a
specific process, not do it the wrong way. D (Sometimes it can be changed to suit different types
of customers, but still have to plan to establish a specific process.

3 In addition, there are some equally important effects:

3.1 Competitors

- In today's market, it is inevitable to have to compete with many competitors. And competitors
in the economy can offer better customer service benefits to entice customers to their side.

3.2 Receive and resolve complaints and comments from customers

- Customers have many different types, so each person's opinions and thoughts are different, so
sometimes our process and service method are not suitable for some people. And that is why
weneed to listen and receive comments or complaints from different customers to change the
way we serve to satisfy them.

4. Some examples about environmental forces affect to the company’s ability

to serve its consumers.

4.1 Example 1: Give customers the tools to serve themselves

- McDonalds is the first restaurant chain to focus on letting

customers self-service when coming here. Specifically,
McDonalds has removed the cashier counters so that customers
do not need to contact the cashier to pay for food.

- This not only saves labor costs for the business, but also gives
customers an experience of what a cashier's job is like every
day. And even customers enjoy coming to this restaurant chain.

- Because it is a business associated with fast food products, self-service is completely

reasonable. In the face of the danger that humans have to be afraid when facing robots,
McDonalds has given customers the opportunity to experience and serve themselves.

4.2 Example 2: Trusting customers to try products before they buy - Amazon

- Amazon is an example of a typical product-trying
customer experience. Amazon is a large sales site and has
a wide audience all over the world. During many years of
operation in this field, the company has brought a lot of
experiences to customers. However, recently, Amazon
has launched a trial service before buying for customers.

- This service is very important to the source of

customers especially retail customers. Unlike other sales
sites, you only need to preview and have to pay a certain
fee. But Amazon does a lot bigger, accepting losses to let
customers have an initial impression of the product, if they are really satisfied, they will buy.

- This makes customer service easier and better helping customers to favor and support more and

-Lastly, customers are the most important actors in the company’s microenvironment. The aim of
the entire value delivery system is to serve target customers and create strong relationships with

-In order to serve customers effectively and reasonably, businesses and companies always have
to face a lot of difficulties in the service process from simple to very difficult to solve. But
thanks to that, the business or company can change the way it serves and things about the process
of managing customer needs more effectively. Since then, the company will become more and
more transformed and developed.


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