Ideal Gas Laws Lab Report

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Research Questions:

What is the relationship between pressure and volume on a gas.

Determine the relationship between pressure and volume using gizmos

Learning Objectives
This experiment should help the learner exhibit the following skills:
Perform data analysis, charting, and manipulation in a spreadsheet application.
Second, explain how the pressure of a gas with a fixed mass and volume responds to a change in
Please explain how the pressure of a gas remains constant despite changes in volume and mass.
Explain how the pressure of a gas at a certain volume and temperature varies when its mass (in moles)
Construct the Ideal Gas Law from real-world data.

The term "law" in the scientific community refers to a short verbal or mathematical
description of a connection that holds true under controlled conditions. The existence of a
connection is stated by a law, but not the reason for its existence. Both the law of gravity and
the rule of action and response are standard fare for anybody studying physics. There are
physical rules in chemistry as well; in this experiment, you should be familiar with the gas
laws and the law of conservation of mass as it applies to chemical processes. In this
experiment, we'll break out the effects of gas volume (V), mass (m), and temperature (T) on
pressure (P). We will investigate these impacts one at a time by manipulating a single
variable in our tests. This is the standard procedure in the so-called "scientific method," and it
mirrors the way in which Boyle, Charles, Avogadro, discovered the separate gas laws. For
example, one approach examines the influence of temperature on pressure. For simplicity's
sake, we'll assume the mass and volume of the gas are both fixed. Once all the individual
impacts have been evaluated, the combined effects of these three variables on the pressure of
the gas may then be stated in a single mathematical connection known as the Ideal Gas Law.
The constant of combined proportionality is the kinetic energy of a gas, denoted by the
universal gas constant, R.

Dependent: Pressure Independent: Volume

Material and Method:

- Syringe
- Pressure Sensor
- Gas
- Notebook and pen

A gas's volume reduces as its pressure rises because its constituent particles are compressed.
When the pressure on a gas is lowered, the gas expands because its constituent particles may
now move farther apart, yielding a larger volume. Rising through the atmosphere to lower
pressure regions causes a weather balloon's gas volume to expand, making the balloon larger.
This happens because the atmospheric gas exerts less pressure on the balloon's surface,
causing the interior gas to expand until the internal and external pressures are equal.



In order to reduce pressure, the surge volume must be raised to 40 ml.

P 1V 1=P 2 V 2
120.43 x 12=P 2 x 40
kPa P 2=36.12

Bringing the syringe down to 2.50ml would raise the pressure significantly.

P 1V 1=P 2 V 2
12.43 x 12=P 2 x 2.50
120.43 x 12
P 2=2.50

Despite the limitations imposed by human error in data collection, as I argue throughout the
lab report, the results are consistent with Boyle's rule. Still, I was able to track out the
solution to my first inquiry (Is there a relationship between the pressure and volume of a
confined gas.) And the answer is that the pressure and volume of a confined gas are inversely
proportional to one another. This was validated by both the computation and the data.
Changes in volume have a greater effect on the pressure of a gas than changes in temperature
do, therefore if the temperature remains constant, decreasing the volume of the gas will raise
the pressure while increasing the volume would decrease the pressure. The lack of true values
in this experiment precludes any meaningful comparisons of results.


Errors can be caused by a variety of factors, including equipment, the environment, procedures, and
people. All these mistakes, depending on how they influence the findings, might be classified as
random or systematic. Inaccurate results might be attributed to instrumentation errors when tools like
broken scales are utilized. However, we had fun conducting the experience.

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