Lopes Et Al. - 2019 - Energy Potential Using Landfill Biogas and Solar Photovoltaic System A Case Study in Brazil-Annotated

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Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management (2019) 21:1587–1601



Energy potential using landfill biogas and solar photovoltaic system:

a case study in Brazil
Matheus Martins Lopes1 · Vladimir Rafael Melián Cobas2 · Regina Mambeli Barros3   · Electo Eduardo Silva Lora2 ·
Ivan Felipe Silva dos Santos3

Received: 18 March 2019 / Accepted: 4 August 2019 / Published online: 17 August 2019
© Springer Japan KK, part of Springer Nature 2019

This study aims to evaluate the potential of energy use by in MSW landfill sites by considering the use of landfill gas and
solar photovoltaic system, through a case study. In the case of photovoltaic solar energy, it is considered that the system
would be installed on the top deck of the landfill. For a Brazilian case study in a landfill consortium in Itajubá, south of
the Minas Gerais’ State, the landfill gas generation was calculated using the ­LandGem® software. The optimum power and
generator number for thermal power plant were obtained by a staggered method. The energy potential of a solar photovoltaic
plant at this landfill was calculated using the ­PVSyst® software. During the considered periods, the analyses show that the
two systems presented economic viability. There are positive effects when they are benefited as mini- and micro-distributed
generation systems as preconized by the Brazilian National Electric Energy Resolution no. 482/2012 updated by the Reso-
lution no. 687/2015. The biogas system could generate a total of 162.1 GWh for 30 years, and the solar system 15.1 GWh
for 25 years of operation.

Keywords  Landfill gas · Solar photovoltaic energy · Renewable energy · Micro-distributed energy generation


There are growing concerns about issues caused by human

actions on the environment. In this context, face to the con-
stant and increased production of solid waste and effluents,
this includes the search for their appropriated treatment
* Regina Mambeli Barros and disposal procedures. Likewise, the global energy issue,
there is nowadays much effort to increasingly develop the
Matheus Martins Lopes so-called renewable energies sources.
According to Peters et al. [1], capitalizing on the solar
Vladimir Rafael Melián Cobas resource available in sunbelt countries, as Brazil, is cru-
cial to efficiently deploy large-scale solar technologies.
Electo Eduardo Silva Lora González-González et al. [2] presented an integrated solu-
tion to an energy and environmental problem of the compa-
Ivan Felipe Silva dos Santos nies that produce wastes as biomass, by the hybridization
of biogas. Anaerobic digestion of these wastes could gener-
Excellence Group in Thermal Power and Distributed ate this biogas. In addition, this renewable energy could be
Generation (NEST), Federal University of Itajubá, Itajubá, hybridized with photovoltaic solar energy. Szabó et al. [3]
Brazil evaluated the concept of solar photovoltaic system installa-
Excellence Group in Thermal Power and Distributed tion in closed landfills. These authors demonstrated that 450
Generation (NEST), Mechanical Engineering Institute–IEM, MWp of solar could be deployed in the Hungarian closed
Federal University of Itajubá (UNIFEI), Itajubá, Brazil
landfills, and at European Union level projections, it could
Natural Resources Institute, Federal University of Itajubá, be obtained estimations for a potential of about 13 GWp.
Itajubá, Brazil


1588 Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management (2019) 21:1587–1601

In Brazil, regarding the solid-waste issue, by sanction of projects, by the Brazilian ANEEL Resolution 482/2012 [11]
the National Policy on Solid Waste (NPSW) in 2010, which and its reviewing, the Normative Resolution no. 687/2015
was instituted by Law 12.305/2010 [4] and regulated by [12], regarding energy from renewable sources (hydrau-
Decree 7404/2010 [5], it was established a more modern lic, solar, wind, biomass, or qualified cogeneration energy
law and directed to its management. According to NPSW, bases). These resolutions set out the compensation system
the right management and disposal of Municipal Solid Waste as an arrangement in which the active power injected by the
(MSW) are mandatory, after exhausting the possibilities of consuming unit with micro- or mini-distributed generation
MSW reduction, reuse, recycling, and energy recovery. is sold to the local distributor. Then, if there is an excess,
Landfills have always been one of the most common ways it can be compensated by the consumption of electrical
to dispose of the MSW [6–8]. In Brazil, the sanitary landfill energy, which activates for those same consumer units or
is also the predominant technique of MSW treatment and other consumer units of the same ownership. The Resolution
final disposal. Table 1 presents data related to MSW man- no. 687/2015 ([12] extends the benefits to enterprises such
agement in Brazil. It generates an opportunity on these sites as biogas for up to 5 MW.
related to energy use from landfill gas (LFG) produced by In this sense, this study aims to evaluate the feasibility of
the predominant anaerobic degradation of organic matter LFG use from its conversion into electricity, and the instal-
present in the MSW mass. lation of an SPVS on the sanitary landfill of Itajubá, Minas
There is also the opportunity to use these landfill areas for Gerais, Brazil, under the Brazilian compensation mechanism
installation of other systems of renewable energy generation, of energy.
as is the case of photovoltaic solar energy. As preconized
by Townsend et al. [10], sanitary landfills typically have
large areas where photovoltaic panels can be installed. In Theory
addition, closed landfills are often connected to the electric
energy grid in which they were electrified for their operating Solar landfill
years. If this existing grid infrastructure can transfer large
quantities of produced electricity, then the grid is accessible There is in Brazil a growing interest in the LFG use for its
for the solar photovoltaic system (SPVS) development with conversion into electricity. Barros et al. [13] evaluated the
minimal intervention and cost [3]. possibility of increasing the amount of energy generated
Around the world, in countries like Germany, France, from renewable resources from LFG using thermal biogas
Japan, Portugal, Italy, Taiwan, and the United States of plants (TPP). It was estimated that Brazil could produce
America (USA), solar installations in these areas already about 660 MW of electricity from landfills (considering a
exist or are planned. Szabó et al. [3] mentioned that USA 30% energy conversion efficiency) [14]. Santos [15, 16] and
is more advanced in the use of solar landfill projects, where Silva et al. [17] intended to define, characterize, and evalu-
some examples include: 276 kWp project in Paulsboro, ate in each particular study, a methodology aimed to obtain
NJ;15 landfill SPVS projects were operating with total power the maximum economic benefit. The method developed by
capacity of 17.5 MWp in New Jersey; and an additional 27.5 Santos [15, 16] is based on the escalation of powers given
MWp was located in other states of USA. The advantage through the addition of generating units over the lifetime
from solar landfill is because the exploitation of these areas of the exploitation for planning the energy use from LFG.
for renewable energy generation can create many environ- According to the results from staggered method developed
mental and economic benefits. A new use then may replace and obtained by Santos [15] for a case study, a venture’s
these sites under-usage, by producing energy from clean feasibility was matched when N = 2, and generator groups
energy sources. should be used [15].
The present study considered also the compensation In addition to this possibility, MSW landfill site, besides
mechanism of energy (net metering) in Brazil for both other areas used for waste disposal, such as industrial solid-
waste landfills, construction, and demolition landfills, are
candidates’ sites to receive SPVS installations. For instance,
Table 1  Data of MSW management in Brazil [9]
in USA, are encountered most of these projects, with incen-
Parameter Value tives through the program called “RE-Powering America’s
Land Initiative”. By this program, it was examined more
MSW generation 79.9 million tons
than 11,000 contaminated areas and MSW landfills (cov-
Collected MSW 72.5 million tons
ering approximately 6.1 million acres) to verify the fea-
Collection efficiency 90.8%
sibility of installing renewable energy projects, includ-
MSW disposal in landfills 42.6 million tons
ing from the solar source [18]. In addition to the United
Percentage of collected MSW sent to landfill 58.7%
States, other countries also contain, in minor proportion,

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management (2019) 21:1587–1601 1589

solar installations in areas of waste disposal, as in Germany, subgroups B1 (residential), B2 (rural), B3 (other classes, for
France, Japan, Portugal, Italy, and Taiwan. example, public power), and B4 (public lighting). The Group
Some advantages to solar installations in MSW landfills A is subdivided according to the voltage of attendance
include the fact that they are usually located near the critical in: subgroups A1 (for voltage level of equal or more than
infrastructures such as transmission lines and roads, and are 230 kW), A2 (88–138 kV), A3 (69 kV), A3a (30–44 kV),
places near to areas with high energy demands (such as large A4 (2.3–25 kV), and the AS (for the underground system).
urban areas). In addition, they are built usually with large In this case, the few public buildings classified in Group A,
areas of small slope, they offer low costs of land acquisition in general, are in subgroup A4 [20]. The tariffs of the Group
when compared to other open areas, and to these projects A are constituted in three modalities of supply: conventional
can use the energy compensation systems (net metering) tariff structure, green hourly seasonal tariff structure, and
[18]. The photovoltaic panels can be installed on both the top blue hourly seasonal tariff structure. In all three cases, there
and the slopes of the landfill [18]. In sites where the weight is a requirement of a specific contract with the electricity
of the solar system is a concern of engineering operation concessionaire [20].
and projects, solar cells of thin film flexible can be the best At the green hourly seasonal tariff structure, the con-
material to be chosen. sumer’s demand is also covenanted, regardless of the time
of day, whether peak or off-peak. In this case, the energy bill
The energy compensation system is composed of the sum of the parcels referring to the con-
sumption (at the peak or off-peak, separately), demand, and
As above mentioned, with these systems installed and con- exceedance. Finally, at the blue hourly seasonal tariff struc-
nected to the grid, it is possible that the compensation mech- ture, it should be agreed upon both the value of the desired
anisms of power benefit them. In Brazil, these systems were demand by consumers at the peak hours, as the desired value
included in the regulation of the ANEEL, by the Normative in off-peak hours. The bill of electricity is composed of the
Resolution no. 482/2012 [11], and amended by Normative sum of the parcels relating to consumption and demand
Resolution no. 687/2015 [12]. (and exceedance, if it existed), and there is differentiation
The compensation system of power allows that the between peak and off-peak hours in all parcels [20]. The
surplus energy, if any, generated by consuming unit with peak hour corresponds to the period of three consecutive
micro-generation (< 75 kW) or mini-generation (> 75 kW hours between the range of 17:00–22:00 h, to be defined
and = 5 MW) is injected into the distribution grid, storing by each distributor of energy, according to the record of the
this surplus until the moment that the consuming unit needs greatest consumption [21].
energy from the distributor. Thus, the excess electric energy
generated by this consuming unit is ceded to the local dis-
tributor and then compensated within a maximum time of
60 months with the electricity consumption of the same Methodology
consuming unit [19]. These credits can also be used in other
consumer units previously indexed within the same identi- Landfill energy calculations
fier document.
In Brazil, the consumer units are classified into two group The sanitary landfill case study of CIMASAS (Intermunici-
tariffs: Group A and Group B. Group B usually belong the pal Consortium of Municipalities of the Microregion of the
houses, shops, banks, small workshops, residential build- High Sapucaí for Sanitary Landfill) is in the municipality of
ings, a large part of residential buildings, and most of the Itajubá, south of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Currently, it includes
public buildings, since they are mostly attended in the ten- 11 municipalities in the region [15].
sions of 127 V or 220 V. And in Group A, are consumers The landfill project will use an area of 29.95 ha from an
attended in high voltage, as industries, shopping malls, and available total of 56.93 ha. The remaining area (26.97 ha)
some commercial buildings [20]. The two groups present was defined as a special reserve for future expansion area of
subdivisions. The Group B is subdivided according to the the landfill [22].
activity of the consumer in subgroups B1 (residential), B2 In this case study, the useful lifetime of operation of the
(rural), B3 (other classes, for example, public power), and sanitary landfill is considered to be for 20 years, with settle-
B4 (public lighting). The Group A is subdivided according ment period of 10 years after its closure. Whereas all analy-
to the voltage of attendance. In this case, the few public sis and technical precautions to be taken, the photovoltaic
buildings classified in Group A, in general, are in subgroup system would be installed after this period on the top deck
A4 (2.3–25 kV) [20]. of the landfill. This photovoltaic system is planned to oper-
The two groups present subdivisions. The Group B is ate for 25 years, to be installed using preferably ballasted
subdivided according to the activity of the consumer in mounting system as a foundation. These are both long-term


1590 Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management (2019) 21:1587–1601

projects, which can bring benefits to the landfill operator, ­LandGem® versions for the values of k. The input param-
even after its closure. eters k and L0 considered were the default values used by the
The population projections were built with data from program: k = 0.05 year−1 and L0 = 170 m3/ton, considering
The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistic (IBGE) the methane percentage in LFG of 50%.
of 1991, 2000 population census, and demographic census of Therefore, it was possible to estimate the potential of
2010 [23]. For this purpose, it was used the methodology of electric power generation from the LFG use, and to find the
Qasim [24] also presented inVon Sperling [25]: population power and energy values that could be generated, according
growth with decreasing growth rate, according to Eqs. 1–3, to Eqs. 5 and 6, modified from CETESB [28]:
aiming to predict the MSW generation of the cities from
Pavailable = QLFG × PC × 𝜂 × Ec × 1000∕365 × 24 × 3600,
Pt = P0 + (Ps − P0 ) ⋅ [1 − e−Kd ⋅(t−t0 ) ], (1)
E = Pavailable × 8760, (6)
2 ⋅ P0 ⋅ P1 ⋅ P2 − P21 ⋅ (P0 + P2 ) where Pavailable = annual available power (kW); QLFG = annual
Ps = , (2) LFG discharge ­(m3/year); PC = LFG low calorific value (MJ/
P0 ⋅ P2 − P21 m3); η = conversion efficiency yield (%); Ec = LFG collection
efficiency (%); and E = annual available energy (kWh).
− ln[(Ps − P2 )∕(Ps − P0 )] Equation 3 was used considering these following values:
Kd = , (3) LFG calorific value of 16.8 MJ/m3; Otto cycle engine with
t2 − t0
efficiency of 33%; LFG collection efficiency of 65%, as
where Pt = estimated population in the year t (inhabitants); preconized by Broun and Sattler [29] for the conventional
Ps = population of saturation (inhabitants); P 0, P1, and landfill, of 69% and 75%, as recommended by USEPA [27].
P2 = population in years t0, t1, and t2 (inhabitants). Equidis- Nevertheless, it must be chosen an optimum power
tant values use is needed, if it was not based on the regres- value for the generators, which, at the same time, results
sion analysis; and Kd = coefficient (obtaining the coefficients in increased production of energy and economically viable.
by regression analysis is preferable, since the full range of At this point, the staggered method proposed by Santos
existing data can be used and not only P0, P1, and P2). [16] was used to calculate the LFG energy, considering the
The solid-waste generation was calculated based on data engines being installed over the years, as LFG discharge
from Brazil [26], of the National Information System on values change. This method is based on the application of
Sanitation (SNIS), the National Secretariat for Environmen- generators operating at full load [15, 16].
tal Sanitation (SNSA), and the respective population in year In the staggered method, the choice of the first genera-
2013. The division between these values results in the index tor power corresponds to that power which combines with
of solid waste per capita generation. It was considered an the availability of LFG discharge to supply this generator,
annual increasing in this index of 1%, as suggested by Bar- results in maximum efficiency production (PME). The avail-
ros [6], for a prognosis between the years 2015 and 2035. ability time, Δt, can be obtained by intersecting each power
With the projection of solid wastes, calculate the LFG value with the available LFG power curve, in which the best
generation using software ­LandGem® from USEPA [27], equation that fit can be obtained using ­Microsoft® ­Excel®
as shown in Eq. 4: regression function. From this first group generator, addi-
n 1 tional generators can be chosen as being those that promote
M the greatest energy increasing to TPP by LFG, as shown in
∑ ∑
QCH4 = k ⋅ L0 ⋅ ( 10i )e−ktij , (4)
i=1 j=0.1 Fig. 1 [16].
The calculation of the energy increment (ΔE1) which
where QCH4: annual methane generation in the year of the would be provided by the deployment of over a module that
calculation ­(m3/year); i: 1-year time increment; n = (year of generates power, P, calculated by Eqs. 7 and 8, must be
the calculation) − (initial year of waste acceptance); j: 0.1- chosen for deployment of the second-generator group (P2:
year time increment; k = methane generation rate (1/year); Eq. 9). Therefore, the same logic can be applied in the deter-
L0: potential methane generation capacity (­ m3/ton); Mi: mass mination of power and increase of energy due to the imple-
of waste accepted in the ith year (ton); tij: age of the jth sec- mentation of the other generation modules [16]:
tion of waste mass Mi accepted in the ith year (decimal years,
If P < Pi , ΔE = P ⋅ (ti1 − ti + tf − tf1 )
e.g., 3.2 years). (7)
The revised equation L ­ andGem® v. 3.02 [27] incorporates = P ⋅ (Δt − Δt1 ),
the methane generation over a time increment of 0.1 year,
generating emission estimates a little lower than the previous If P < Pi , ΔE = (P − Pi ) ⋅ Δt, (8)

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management (2019) 21:1587–1601 1591

Fig. 1  Generator sets in the staggered method: a definition of optimum power-generation efficiency P1; b implementation of these power values
in the LFG generation curve; and c intermediate powers (P2 and P3) Source: Santos [15]

Table 2  Equipment considered for a TPP by LFG installation and Solar photovoltaic landfill
related costs Source: updated values from CETESB [28]

Components Cost The Photovoltaic Software ­PVSyst® [31], from Switzerland,

was used for the photovoltaic system calculations. It is a
Otto cycle engine US$546.85/kW
commercial program, that allows its use in a testing period
Flare US$109,384 per unit
for 30 days, which period it was used to perform the analyses
Compression US$273.46/m3/h
in this study.
LFG collection tubulation US$137.63/m
The landfill upper cover area should be 7540.55 m2. In
The costs values were updated based on the IGP-M using the citizen this area, 13 devices (LFG drains and monitoring wells) are
calculator of the Central Bank of Brazil [49]. According to Central planned to be built. Around each one of these points, a cir-
Bank of Brazil [48], the currency conversion was R$ 3.33/US$ 1.00, cumference with 3 m of radio is planned to be kept free.
on 23 June 2017
In addition, a safety distance of 3 m was considered to be
maintained from the top slope of the landfill, to allow the
maintenance and cleaning activities, for example. Therefore,
P2 = P → MaxΔE1 . (9)
by discounting these safety areas, it was considered an avail-
With the generator sets increasing, there will be growing able area for SPVS after landfill closure of 6050 m2, based
in the energy production, but also in these groups’ invest- on above-mentioned data presented by Monteiro and Costa
ment, and costs of operation and maintenance (O&M). This [32]. This value was estimated as the landfill area that can
fact indicates the existence of an optimal power value, in potentially accommodate the SPVS [3], and with the mini-
which the revenue by the energy increasing due to new gen- mum intervention with the infrastructure of LFG collection.
erators shall not exceed the incremental cost. The solar energy power plant is typically built using an area
For the economic analysis, the system components and utilization factor area between 35 and 45% [33].
their costs presented in Table 2 were considered according The inverter sizing factor (ISF) was used for choosing the
to data presented by the software Biogas from the Environ- power of inverters. ISF represents the relationship between
mental Company of the State of São Paulo [28]. the nominal power in alternating current of the inverter
The costs relating to the LFG purification were con- ( PNac ) and the peak power of the photovoltaic generator
sidered and adopted by CETESB [28] and updated to the ( PPV ) [34]. However, a conservative way allows to consider
current period according to the Central Bank of Brazil: the the inverter power value equal to the nominal power PPV of
moisture, the H ­ 2S/siloxane, and carbon dioxide, consider- the photovoltaic generator [34], as adopted in this case study.
ing the costs of $ 0.006/m3 (R$ 3.33/US$ 1). The initial It was considered the use of an inverter from the manu-
investment for the project was calculated as the sum of the facturer ­Ingeteam®, model Ingecon Sun 400TL M320 DCAC
components required for installation and O&M of the TPP Outdoor, and the polycrystalline module Canadian S ­ olar®
at the landfill site. The O&M costs of the LFG collection CS6 K 260P (Table 3). It was mentioned by Szabó et al. [3]
system were adopted as 5% of initial investment. In addition, that sites with conventional waste compacting process are
other values considered included piping length of 500 m and appropriate to install conventional mounting structures of
a discount rate of 12% per year. Regarding the O&M costs crystalline silicon SPVS.
of the Internal Combustion Engines (ICE), it was considered Regarding the positioning of the modules, it was con-
the biggest cost shown by Goldstein et al. (2003) [30], of sidered that they must be oriented towards the north (azi-
US$ 0.018/kWh. muth = 0), with slope equal to the latitude of Itajubá-MG


1592 Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management (2019) 21:1587–1601

­ VSyst® [31]
Table 3  Characteristics of photovoltaic module Source: P Regarding the energy generated, the obtained value
Model CS6K 260P considers losses due to many factors. These included:
near shadings (− 2.3%); the incidence angle modifier, IAM
Type Polycrystalline factor (− 2.0%); losses by the irradiance level (− 0.6%)
Maximum power 260 W and temperature (− 9.6%); module array mismatch loss
Efficiency 16.18% (− 1.0%);ohmic wiring loss (− 1.1%); inverter loss during
Voltage of the maximum power (VMPP) 30.40 V operation efficiency (− 1.8%).
Current of the maximum power (IMPP) 8.56 A In addition to the modules and inverters, an SPVS needs
Voltage of the opened circuit (VOC) 37.50 V balance of system components (BoS). These components
Short-circuit current (ISC) 9.12 A include: the supporting structures, electrical cables, con-
Length  1.650 m trolling equipment, the safety, security, and monitoring
Width 0.992 m system [18], additionally to the costs related to engineer-
Area of the module 1.637 m2 ing projects, licensing, and project installation [38].
Weight  18.2 kg This value was adopted as the sum of the modules and
inverters costs, as proposed by ABINEE [38], resulting in
US$ 0.70/W, being is close to the values presented by the
added to 5º. The photovoltaic modules typically have guar- International Renewable Energy (IRENA) [40], in which
antees to operate for 25 years with at least 80% of their nom- these costs are estimated at an average of $ 0.80/W in
inal power at the ending of this time. In addition, sometimes, China and $0.84/W in Germany.
this guarantee reaches 30 years at 70% of their nominal The O&M system costs were considered equal to 1% of
power [35]. Therefore, the degradation rate of 0.5%/year was the total cost of the investment. This value was the average
adopted, based on a study of Jordan and Kurtz [36]. Equa- between the enterprises that marketed solar energy in the
tion 10 was used for the calculation of photovoltaic system 2nd energy auction reserve 2015 and was similar to those
efficiency during the years (ηs(t)), considering this degrada- verified in auctions that already occurred for the photovol-
tion rate [37]. As considered for the inverters, these must be taic energy source (MME/EPE) [41].
exchanged for shorter periods, usually every 10 years. This Regarding the analysis of the economic feasibility of
term was adopted in this case study: this study, the cash flow by the Net Present Value (NPV)
was estimated by considering economic parameters con-
𝜂s (t) = 𝜂s0 ⋅ (1 − deg )n , (10) sulted in the Central Bank of Brazil website [42].
where ηs0 = efficiency of solar panel in the first year (see
Table  3), d eg = annually degradation rate of PV sys-
tem = 0.5% [36], and n = time in years. The levelized cost of energy
The major part of total investment in an SPVS consists of
the modules and inverter costs. The respective cost values The levelized cost of energy (LCOE) is essentially a break-
were based on the method of calculations proposed in the even value, which a power producer would need to obtain
study by the Brazilian Association of Electrical and Elec- per energy (kilowatt-hour, kWh) as sales revenue to jus-
tronics Industry (ABINEE) [38], considering the use of tify an investment in a particular power-generation facility
equipment imported to Brazil. The international price val- [43]. The analysis on LCOE for the presented case study
ues were adopted for the inverter (€0.11/W) and the mod- was also carried out. To carry out the LCOE calculate,
ules (€0.59/W), according to Photon [39]. Over the final capital and running costs are divided by the total electrical
price, some costs were charged. These costs included: taxes energy generated in the lifetime of a generator [44]. Equa-
and costs with freight and international insurance (5%); the tion 11 allows the calculation of LCOE [45]:
importation tax-II (12% for modules and 14% for inverters);
industrialized products tax-IPI, as in Portuguese (15% for
Ct ∕(1 + r)t
inverters); a program of social integration tax, PIS, as in LCOE = ∑t=0
, (11)
Et ∕(1 + r)t
Portuguese (1.65%); contributing to the financing of social t=0

security (COFINS, as in Portuguese) taxes (7.5%); tax on

where Ct = costs in each year and Et = annually energy.
goods and services circulation, ICMS, as in Portuguese
In both systems, it was found the variation of the NPV
(18%); and various rates (12% on total taxes and contribu-
considering the price per unit of energy used at ANEEL
tions). The aliquot of the IPI on photovoltaic modules was
auction, and if applied the price or the rate of utility for con-
considered as of 0%, according to the table of tax on indus-
sumers included in Group B-subgroup B3 and Group A-Sub-
trialized products incidence (NCM 8541.40.32) approved by
group A4 with the green hourly seasonal tariff structure.
the Brazilian Decree no. Decree no. 8950/16 [26].

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management (2019) 21:1587–1601 1593

Results and discussion also decrease. Nevertheless, the selected values of power

or an optimum power value must be those presents the
LFG energy system largest energy production, and, at the same time, are eco-
nomically viable. The energy that could be generated by
Figure 2 shows the population growth considering all the each power value was analyzed. In Fig. 4, it is possible to
municipalities that are members of the CIMASAS, Itajubá, observe that the availability time of each power is variable
Minas Gerais, Brazil. In addition, with population projec- because of variation of LFG generation. In addition, it is
tion prognosis values, it was possible to estimate MSW observed that the power which would result in increased
generation for the period 2015–2035. production efficiency (PME) is 570 kW. Thus, it would be
With the values of waste production, and using the possible to obtain this power value for 30 years, as can be
software ­LandGem® [27], the projection of the LFG gen- verified by the line drawn in the center of Fig. 4.
eration over the years was possible, and subsequently to After the power was analyzed, the energy incrementally
obtain a power curve (Fig. 3). Figure 3 also presents the production due to the other generator’s implementation. Fig-
regression equations for the first 20 years and after this ure 5 shows the energetic increment generated by each addi-
period. tional generator set power. It is observed that the increase
The adjusted curves for the estimated powers vary of energy decreasingly rises the generator number and that
according to the LFG production. After the MSW landfill there is a trend of stabilization from three generators. There-
closure, the LFG generation decreases with a tendency to fore, a maximum of three generator sets was considered for
stabilize over time. Therefore, the available powers will the economic feasibility assessments.

Fig. 2  Population and MSW

generation projection for the
CIMASAS consortium

Fig. 3  Graph of the available

powers over the year’s variation
at the landfill site


1594 Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management (2019) 21:1587–1601

Initially, it was considered the use of a generator, which considering the use of three generator sets, the first generator
would start its operation in the 8th year, with a power of (230 kW) would operate from the 3rd year, the second gen-
570  kW (Fig.  6). In the case of the use of two genera- erator (340 kW) from the 8th year, and the third (360 kW)
tor groups, the first one, with power equal to 230  kW, from the 14th year (Fig. 8).
would start its operation in the 3rd year, and the second The economic viability for all three cases was ana-
with 340 kW, in the 8th year, as shown in Fig. 7. Finally, lyzed, with modifications in the number of generators, i.e.,

Fig. 4  Relation between pow-

ers, availability time and energy

Fig. 5  Energy increments due

to the addition of additional

Fig. 6  Design for the LFG use

using one generator

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management (2019) 21:1587–1601 1595

considering the use of one, two, and three generators. The additional generators, there is an increase in the costs as
LCOE for operation during the 30 years resulted in the fol- compared to the initial investment, O&M, and treatment
lowing values: US$ 63.41/MWh for one generating set, US$ costs. In addition, the value of US$ 65.47/MWh has just not
61.95 for two generators, and US$ 57.84 for three generators. brought greater benefits from an economical point of view,
Initially, the value considered for selling the energy was than to the use of additional generators.
US$ 65.47/MWh, corresponding to the auction price at the Another scenario was also assessed considering the sys-
A-3/2015 by ANEEL [46]. Figure 9 shows that energy pro- tem as a distributed generation system, in case mini-genera-
duction over the years with three generators would be greater tion, with energy compensation system based on the ANEEL
than the other cases. Resolution 482/2012 [11] modified by ANEEL Resolution
However, it can be observed in Fig. 10 that the more eco- 687/2015 [12]. For instance, the energy could be used to
nomically viable scenario is with the use of one generator supplying of public buildings in the city of Itajubá-MG.
set. This behavior can be explained by the fact that with In this situation, the amount paid before installation of the

Fig. 7  Design for the LFG use 1400

using two generators
Power (kW)

600 P available (kW)
400 P installed (kW)
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29
Time (years)

Fig. 8  Design for the LFG use 1400

using three generators
Power (kW)

600 P available (kW)
400 P installed (kW)

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31
Time (years)

Fig. 9  Generated energy (GWh)

considering three, two, and one
generator sets


1596 Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management (2019) 21:1587–1601

Fig. 10  Results of economic
analysis by NPV considering
three, two, and one generators

system, discounting availability, or demand costs, which Given the variation in the NPV value in each case, Fig. 12
could be considered as if it was a revenue once this enter- is drawn up to analyze the options of using one, two, or three
prise would generate their energy. generators, according to the energy tariff. It can be observed
For this reason, to verify how the NPV values would that the projects would present economic viability from a
behave, tariffs applied to subgroup B3, by the electricity value about US$ 63/MWh for all options. The possibility of
distribution company in June/2017(without taxes) of the city using three generators becomes the most interesting from
of Itajubá-MG, CEMIG, were considered (of US$ 168.53/ a value around US$ 74/MWh. In addition, from this same
MWh; [47]). This value is similar to those applied to the level, the use of only one generator group becomes the more
subgroup B1. The currency conversion adopted in this case disadvantageous.
study, for conversion from the Real to dollars, was taken on If the consumer is included in the Group A-Subgroup A4
June 23, 2017, of R$ 3.33/US$ 1.00 [48]. green hourly seasonal tariff structure, as the Administrative
It can be observed in Fig. 11 a significant increase in the Center of the City Hall of Itajubá, the system would continue
NPV value, resulting in the preference for the use of three presenting positive NPV value. In this case, it must be used
generator sets. It is positive result to the consumer when it the applied tariffs on the consumption according to the val-
is considered the net metering mechanism, provided by the ues related to June 2017 [21]:
above-mentioned ANEEL resolutions. It appears that the
tariff value, even without considering taxes, would outcome • off-peak:US$ 106.70/MWh (excluding taxes) and US$
in quite a positive result. By adding the Brazilian taxes as 136.45/MWh (with taxes);
PASEP/Cofins and ICMS, it could be reached a value of the • during peak, of US$ 375.86/MWh (excluding taxes) and
US$ 215.54/MWh for this tariff. In this case, the results with US$ 480.71/MWh (with taxes); and
the use of three generators would be even more attractive to • tariff applied to the demand of US$ 2.72/kW (excluding
the consumer. taxes) and US$ 3.49/MWh (with taxes).

Fig. 11  Results of the economic

analysis considering the energy
prices of ANEEL auction and
power utility

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management (2019) 21:1587–1601 1597

Fig. 12  Relation between the

variation in the tariff of energy
and the NPV

Considering that 90% of consumption occurs in off-peak Table 4  Characteristics of the SPVS proposed
hours, as it is the case at the Administrative Center of the Variables Value Variables Value (kW)
City Hall of Itajubá, and using the tariff values without
taxes, the NPV values would result as follows: US$ 1.88 Number of modules 1575 Modules nominal 410
million for three generators, US$ 1.59 million for two gen- power
Modules in series 21 Inverter power 408
erators, and US$ 1.26 million for one generator. As most of
consumption is in off-peak hours, the biggest influence is Connections in paral- 75
upon the tariff assigned to this period.
In this subgroup A4, with green hourly seasonal tariff
structure, where the off-peak hours’ tariff usually corre-
sponds to about 30% of the peak hour tariff, the NPV results Table 5  Results of energy
generation of photovoltaic Generation (MWh) 641
also reduce, although it continues being positive. When is
system in the first year of Specific production 1565
verified the NPV variation in relation to the tariff values (kWh/kWp/year)
variation, in this case, it is noticed the same behavior, as Performance rate 83.1%
shown in Fig. 12. In other words, from a particular tariff
value, even below the current values, the use of three gen-
erators always shows the more economically attractive NPV Therefore, it was chosen the power of an inverter 408 kW
results. In this case, this fact would occur with values of US$ (Table 4). Regarding the production of energy from the
204/MWh for consumption at the peak hour and US$ 58/ photovoltaic system, Table 5 shows the results for its first
MWh for off-peak hours. year of operation.
The results show that this first proposed system for the The performance ratio of the system, defined as the ratio
TPP by LFG of CIMASAS Consortium in Itajubá-MG between the actual system performance over the theoretical
would be economically viable. The next item consists of maximum possible performance, presented a satisfactory
evaluating the economic feasibility of installing an SPVS value of 83.1%. According to International Energy Agency
after this landfill closure. [35], some well-dimensioned systems reach an average per-
formance value between 80 and 90% over the year.
SPVS The obtained value of energy generated is 641 MWh.
Whereas the SPVS was designed to operate for 25 years,
Over the plateau area of the landfill of Itajubá-MG, Brazil, Fig. 13 shows what would be the results for each year of
a total of 1575 photovoltaic modules could be installed, production of energy for an annual degradation rate of the
which would be equivalent to a nominal power of 410 kW, modules of 0.5%.
resulting in an area factor use equal to 45%. This value Table 6 presents values for each component of the pho-
is similar to the estimates mentioned by Szabó et al. [3], tovoltaic system that contributes to the total cost of the pro-
in which 1 MWp of crystalline SPVS requires in average posed project.
1.5 ha. In this case, the area (6050 m2 or 0.61 ha) could Fraunhofer ISE [50] preconized that in Germany, the
generate 0.4067 MWp (or 406.7 kWp) by the crystalline modules represented 55% of the system costs of projects
SPVS. According to the choice of the inverter power, and greater than 1 MW. Inverters contribute with 11% and the
for the simulations of energy production, the Inverter BoS costs with 34%. According to IRENA [40], the average
Sizing Factor (ISF) value close to 1 was considered. estimate of total costs of an installed system was around US$


1598 Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management (2019) 21:1587–1601

Fig. 13  Energy production for

25 years of photovoltaic system

Table 6  The photovoltaic system costs between US$ 119/MWh-US$318/MWh; the Fraunhofer

Items Costs (US$/W) Percentage of
Institute, between US$ 100 and US$ 178, in 2013; and in
the total cost China, in 2013, these values were US$ 79/MWh–US$ 145/
(%) MWh [35].
Results from the impact of the ANEEL Resolutions [11,
Module 1.05 51
12] on net metering mechanism analyzed for this photovol-
Inverter 0.23 11
taic system are presented in Fig. 14. Thus, in a first moment,
Balance of system 0.78 38
(BoS) as considered in the biogas system, there was viability for
Cost 2.06 100.0 the system when using the same prices paid to the distribu-
tor of energy considering the consumer included in Group
B, i.e., US$ 168.53/MWh (excluding tax) and US$ 215.54/
2.00/W in 2014. To the South and Central America, these MWh (with taxes). In this scenario, the economic viability
values were between US$ 1.35/W and US$ 5.00/W. of the system is achieved, with positive NPV of US$ 73,000,
It was initially considered that all energy generated by with the tariff value of US$ 215.54/MWh. As it is shown in
the photovoltaic system would be sold at a price of $ 89.41/ Fig. 14, the system was estimated to be economically viable
MWh. This value is the average photovoltaic energy tariff from tariff values about US$ 200/MWh.
of the 2ndANEEL Energy Reserve Auction of 2015 [46]. In The economic viability of the system is related to several
this scenario, the analyses carried out showed that the sys- factors, being affected by one or a combination of them, as
tem would not be economically viable, presenting an NPV the equipment costs, such as the modules and inverters and
value of −US$ 0.53 million. The investment of the proposed the energy tariff. In Fig. 15, it is possible to observe the
photovoltaic system would be US$ 847.296. relation between the estimated NPV with SPVS cost and
The LCOE value would result in US$ 196.71/MWh. the tariff.
MME/EPE (2014) mentioned some international references From Fig. 15, it is possible to observe that when the tariff
values in the price of photovoltaic energy, which are rela- is about US$ 90/MWh, the economic viability is achieved
tively close to that found in this case study. The International only when, for example, the SPVS costs are well below to
Energy Agency established in 2014 the LCOE at a price approximately US$ 0.90/W. At the same time, increasing

Fig. 14  Variation in the NPV

value in function of tariff paid
per MWh

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management (2019) 21:1587–1601 1599

Fig. 15  NPV values with vari-

ation in the total system price
(US$/W) and amount paid per
unit of energy produced (US$/

the tariff values, the viability is achieved even with bigger for 25 years, by the installation of a photovoltaic power
system prices. As in the case of tariff of US$ 215.54/MWh, plant.
in that the NPV would not present negative value even with
SPVS price of about US$ 2.25/W.
It was applied also the subgroup A4 tariffs, with the Conclusions
green hourly seasonal tariff structure, whereas the energy
produced by the SPVS would be totally used at off-peak The present study analyzed the potential of energy use in a
hours. Therefore, considering the energy tariff of June 2017 sanitary landfill from a TPP by LFG during its useful life-
with taxes, of US$ 136.45/MWh [21], the NPV would result time, and after 10 years of its closure, from an SPVS over the
negative (−US$ 300,000), when considering the same initial landfill’s platform. This technique has recently been applied
SPVS cost as US$ 2.06/W. At this value, the relations with by some countries, as there is a great potential to use con-
variation of energy tariff present similar behavior (linear), taminated areas, such as MSW landfills, civil construction,
as shown in Fig. 15, and NPV would reach positive values or even industrial landfills. Such use may become important
when the photovoltaic system cost reaches values close to in the Brazilian scenario future, since the use of landfills is
US$ 1.38/W. increasing in the country.
However, regarding the modules and inverters costs, From the results of this case study, there is economic
which correspond to approximately 60% of the total sys- viability both, of TPP by LFG and, of an SPVS on the closed
tem costs, there is a trend to reduction, mainly related to sanitary landfill. The best results of economic viability were
the photovoltaic modules, which already showed signifi- obtained by considering the energy tariff from the distribu-
cant costs reduction in recent years worldwide. Even face tor, i.e., by the benefits from the Brazilian ANEEL Resolu-
smaller energy tariff values, this decrease in the photovoltaic tion no. 482/2012 [11] updated by Resolution 687/2015 [12]
system costs could result in favorable economically values for renewable sources of energy up to 5 MW. In this case,
to the entrepreneurship. For instance, Fraunhofer ISE [50] from an economic point of view, the expenses before the
verified from data of photovoltaic system costs, future sce- energy use by these generation proposed systems could be
narios for modules costs between US$ 0.14/Wp and US$ considered as revenue.
0.36/Wp in 2050. Concerning inverters, Fraunhofer ISE [50] The studies have shown that the CIMASAS landfill con-
preconized that these costs could be between US$0.021 and sortium could generate, during the period of MSW receipt-
US$ 0.042/W depending on the scenario. In fact, when con- ing and after its closure, a considerable amount of energy
sidering the highest modules and inverters values from the from these two renewable sources of energy. In addition, it
scenarios of [50], and the energy tariff value of US$ 136.45/ was demonstrated the impact of benefits given by the Bra-
MWh, the NPV value would become positive (US$ 91,000). zilian ANEEL Resolutions regarding the micro- and mini-
The tendency of the photovoltaic technology is becoming distributed energy generation. These impacts were observed,
increasingly favorable. From the analyses of the case study especially in the cases of medium and small-scale landfill
carried out, there is a great potential for energy exploita- consortium and SPVS over small underutilized areas. These
tion of the landfill area for energy production by renewable benefits would be able to become economically viable an
sources. It would be possible to generate approximately SPVS system that otherwise would not be financially attrac-
162.1 GWh from the LFG use for 30 years and 15.1 GWh, tive by the currently auctions tariffs.


1600 Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management (2019) 21:1587–1601

Acknowledgments  The authors are grateful to the Brazilian National microgeneration and minigeneration distributed to the electrical
Council for Scientific and Technological Development (Conselho power distribution systems, the compensation system of electri-
Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, Cnpq; in Por- cal power, and takes other measures. Brasilia: Official Gazette
tuguese), for granting to Matheus Martins Lopes the Master of Science of the Union, April 19, 2012
scholarship, and a research scholarship to Prof. Regina Mambeli Barros 12. The Brazilian National Electric Energy Agency—ANEEL
(PQ2, Process number: 303805/2018-8 and 301986/2015-0) and Prof. (2015a) Normative Resolution no. 687 of 24 November 2015.
Electo Eduardo Silva Lora (1B). The authors also want to thank the Changes the Normative Resolution No. 482 of 17 April 2012,
Brazilian Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Per- and Modules 1 and 3 Distribution Procedures—PRODIST. Bra-
sonnel (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Supe- silia: Official Gazette of the Union, 02 December 2015
rior, Capes; in Portuguese) for granting the Master of Science scholar- 13. Barros RM, Tiago Filho GL, da Silva TR (2014) The electric
ship and the Doctorate scholarship to Ivan Felipe da Silva dos Santos. energy potential of landfill biogas in Brazil. Energy Policy
65:150164. https​://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol​.2013.10.028
14. Salomon KR, Lora EES (2009) Estimate of the electric energy
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