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Full 8-Phase Protocol Summary

(for Therapists)
Phase 1: History Taking
Taking the client’s personal and family history. Purpose: to develop a comprehensive
understanding of the client’s history in order to start therapy

Phase 2: Preparation
Creating a container and safe / calm place. Purpose: to ensure client is ready and
prepared to successfully process traumatic memories

Phase 3: Assessment (beginning the protocol)

Identifying the target memory in order to begin processing. Purpose: to know what
memory we need to access in order to alleviate symptoms and reverse the negative

Phase 4: Desensitization
Begin bilateral stimulation. Purpose: to reprocess the traumatic memory and reverse
the negative cognition / alleviate symptoms ('healing" process)

Phase 5: Installation (positive cognition)

Going back to the original memory and re-writing or checking the positive cognition.
Purpose: to ensure that we are reversing the negative belief about oneself

Phase 6: Body Scan

Checking if the memory has processed by scanning the body. Purpose: to see if the
trauma is fully processed, and the positive cognition internalized

Phase 7: Closure
Using container and safe / calm place exercise to close the session.
Purpose: to stabilize one's emotions to feel good after EMDR session

Phase 8: Reevaluation
Re-checking the original memory to see if it still has emotional charge, and rating the
SUD. Purpose: to ensure that the memory was fully processed, and that the treatment
gains are permanent

Vivian Kulaga | Self-EMDR Training Intensive | |

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