Messages To Young People CHP 1-4 Quiz Questions

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1. I have deep interest in the youth, and I greatly desire to see them …… to ………..
2. (striving; perfect Christian characters)
3. I long to see them helping one another to reach a …….(higher plane of Christian experience)
4. The youth need to keep ever before them the course that ….. (Christ followed)
5. Christ did not come to the earth as a king to rule the nations. He came as a humble man to be
tempted and to ……….. (overcome temptation) to follow on, as we must, to know the Lord.
6. And we shall learn that however great our trials may be, they cannot ………..(exceed what Christ
7. By a life of ……..(conformity to his example) we are to show our appreciation of His sacrifice in our
8. He bore all the (insult and mockery) that wicked men could heap upon Him.
9. Consider His sufferings on the cross, the nails driven into His hands and feet, the ……… (derision and
abuse) from those He came to save
10. Ever remember that Jesus is your…..(helper). No one understands as well as He your ……….
(peculiarities of character)
11. Let the youth remember that they are to build …….characters for eternity and that God requires them
to do their …
12. Let those older in experience watch over the younger ones; and when they see them tempted, take
them aside, …………..pray with them and for them.
13. In order that the work may go forward in all its branches, God call for ……. Youthful vigor, zeal and
courage. He has chosen the youth to aid in the advancement of ……..His cause
14. To plan with clear mind and execute with courageous hand demands …… fresh uncrippled energies.
Young men and women are invited to give God the ……strength of their youth


1. God call for young men with ……… hearts uncorrupted, strong and brave, and determined
to fight manfully in the struggle before them, that they may glorify God and bless humanity.
2. If the youth would but make ….Bible their study, would but calm their …….impetuous
desires and listen to the voice of their Creator and Redeemer, they would not only be at
peace with God, but would find themselves ….. ennobled and elevated
3. I entreat you to be wise and consider what will be the result of leading a … wild life
uncontrolled by the Spirit of God.
4. Begin your work with high and holy purpose, and be determined that through the power of
God you will not diverge from the path of …..rectitude
5. How many youth have wasted their God-given strength in ……… folly and …..dissipation!!
6. Sin is alarmingly ….. prevalent among the youth of today, but let it be your purpose to do
what you can to rescue souls from the power of ….. Satan
7. Carry light wherever you go; show that you have …… strength of purpose, that you are not a
person of …… indecision, easily swayed by the ….. persuasions of evil associates.
8. You are to be men who will walk humbly with God, who will stand before Him in your God
given manhood, free from … impurity free from all … contamination from the sensuality
that is corrupting this age.
9. You must be men who will despise all falsity and wickedness who will dare to be true and
brave , holding aloft the blood-stained banner of Prince.
10. Will not our young men respond to the invitation of Christ, and answer ….. “Here am I; send

1. If the convicting power of God is with us, we shall be enabled to lead souls that are in …. Sin
to conversion
2. Our …… simplicity will accomplish much in this work
3. We are to work with the intelligence that God has given us, placing ourselves in the channel
of light, that the grace of God can come upon us to ….. mold and fashion us to the …. Divine


1. The fear of …………………the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

2. Many of our youth do not feel the ….. necessity of bringing their powers into …. Vigorous
exercise to do their best at all times and under all circumstances.
3. They do not have the fear of God before their … eyes and their ……. Thoughts are not pure
and elevated.
4. Your actions may be unseen by your …. associates but they are all open to the inspection of
….. angels.
5. The power of little acts of …… evil of small … inconsistencies to mold character, are not
estimated as they should be.
6. In the history of ……… Joseph and ….. Daniel, and his fellows, we see how the golden chain
of ….. truth may bind the youth to the throne of God.
7. They could not be tempted to turn aside from their course of integrity. They valued the ….
favor of God above the favor and …… phraises of princes and god loved them and spread
His shield over them.
8. By your choice words and a consistent course of action, by your ….. propriety your earnest
peity, make a telling confession of your faith, determined the Chrit shall occupy the ……..
throne in the soul temple and lay your talents without reserve at His feet to be employed in
His service.
9. Many are not wholly committed to the cause of god, and their position of …. Wavering is a
source of weakness in itself and a ……. Stone of stumbling to others.
10. With ….. principles unsettled, unconsecrated as they are, the ……. waves of temptation
sweep them away from what they know to be right and they do not make holy endeavor to
overcome every wrong, and through the imputed righteousness of Christ, perfect a
righteous ……. character.
11. He who is a living embodiment of …….. firm, decided righteous principles, will be a living
power upon his associates; and he will influence other by his Christianity.
12. Make it the law of your life from which no temptation or side interest shall cause you to
turn, to honor God, because He “ so loved ……… the world that He gave his only-begotten
Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life”
13. Be no longer under the …. Thralldom of sin, but as a loyal subject to the King of Kings, prove
your loyalty to God.
14. As …. Soldiers of Christ we must ……. deliberately and intelligently accept His terms of
Salvation under every circumstance, cherish right principles, and act upon them.
15. Be true to yourselves, be true to your God. Everything that can be shaken will be shaken;
but …… rooted and grounded in the truth you will abide with those things that cannot be
16. Through the gift of the … Holy Spirit moral power will be given you, and not only will you
have your former intrusted talents for the service of God, but their …. efficiency will be
greatly multiplied.
17. The surrender of ….. all our powers to god greatly simplifies the problem of life.
18. But there are young men who will make a filure because they have not determined to ……
overcome natural inclinations, and will not listen to the voice of God in His word. They have
not …… barricaded their souls against temptation and determined to do their duty at all
19. If you choose, you may have associates who. ……… by their influence, will …….. cheapen
your thoughts, your words, and your morals
20. O, that the youth would search the Scriptures, and do as they think ……….. Christ would
have done under similar circumstances! The bright beams of heaven’s light are shining
upon your pathway, dear youth, and I pray you make the most of ……. your opportunities.


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